#rain looked soo good
jaca3rys · 9 months
The way I'd sell my left tit for the mosh pit experience at a Ghost concert,,, I had front row seats but I WANNA BE CLOSER. I NEED TO SEE ALL OF THEM UP CLOSE
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cloud-somersault · 8 months
constellations chapter 3 is SO GOOD idk what the fuck happened there, but go OFF!!!
#i know everyone's in chapter 4 land but 3 is SOO GOOD#bro the stone forest alone....HELP#ugh it was so hard writing wukong's rage form but HOLY SHIT!! reading it after is so hype#do u ever just sit in a pavilion as the rain gently falls...with your ex-husband and mentee....and it's quiet and peaceful but#there's a strong turbulence going on deep inside you :3#the way wukong always dusts MK off and wipes his tears away and makes sure he's clean faced and ready to go#speaks to how much wukong cares about vanity#i mean he also is expressing comfort and compassion but. he also cares about appearances a lot#but anyway -- do you also ever have a conversation with your ex-husband through eye contact alone?#i think they've done that four times in this fic...#mk the entire journey: every day i get a little more homophobic#HE'S SO TIRED!!!!#MK after talking to wukong and macaque at the inn: yeah haha! i seriously wanna go home now! 🙃#MK on the phone: DADSY /PLEASE/ COME PICK ME UP!!!!#macaque seeing Wukong's eyes for the first time and actually stopping everything that he was doing#and just looking at wukong and being like “haha...heeyyy what the fuck?? did they do to you??” chef's kiss#wukong and macaque just talking while macaque captures that random man's shadow...please#as they reminisce about how things used to be...how easily they talk to each other when they're not guided by hate#that's the thing it's how easily they fall into step with one another#that's shadowpeach. they'll be off balance or one will be running and the other walking. they'll get distracted or whatever. but#they'll always fall back into step with one another#and that's why they've got to walk with each other. step by step...so they can stop being afraid 😌
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idyllic-ghost · 1 month
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title: Delicate pairing: idol!hoshi x non idol!reader genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers warnings: just two little goofs finally realizing they like each other, it takes them some time, not proofed synopsis: You've been friends since he could remember, and since that summer night last year it's been different - you can both feel it. So why is it so hard to just say it? wordcount: 2.3k taglist: @enhacolor, @shuabby1994, @junhui-recs, @dkakapizzaboy, @just-here-to-read-01, @loviehan, @userjunhuii, @novalpha, @bubblymoon, @aaniag, @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @seunghancore, @woozixo, @niktwazny303, @lllucere, @uniq-tastic, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz,
rating: PG 13
a/n: inspired by Delicate by Taylor Swift because i currently have it on repeat
join my taglist
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The rain is falling heavy as Soonyoung all but sprints up to the door of your apartment complex. A pair of dark sunglasses pushed up on his nose cover what his hoodie and cap can't, despite the fact that it's dark outside. It's late, but he knows that you're still up because he can see the light coming out of the window of your third-floor apartment.
Soon enough, he's shielded from the rain by the small roof that covers the entrance to your apartment. With shaky hands, he pushes the digits into the keypad; four-one-six-five has become his favorite number combination. A smile plays on his lips as the lock clicks open and lets him push the door open.
Your apartment doesn't have an elevator - and if that isn't enough of a giveaway that it's old, the smell in the stairway makes it even more clear - but Soonyoung doesn't even think about complaining as he jogs up the stairs to the third floor. He's just thinking about you, what you would look like when he finally got up the stairs, what you would say to him, and, more importantly, what he would say to you.
He takes a moment to catch his breath once he gets to the door to your apartment - silently thanking Jihoon for taking him to the gym so much, and the choreographer for working them to the bone until they knew each step perfectly. After he fixes his clothes - pulling at his jeans, fixing his jacket, and taking off his sunglasses - Soonyoung finally knocks on your door.
It takes a few seconds, and he can hear you shuffling around on the other side of the door. You slide open the cover to the peep hole, he can hear the little squeak it always makes, and he waves right at the hole. A soft laugh echoes from the other side of the door, pulling at Soonyoung's heartstrings. The latch comes out of it's place, the lock turns, and then you're there in front of him. You're a vision in one of his "stolen" t-shirts and the heart-print sleep shorts he gave you - a big grin is painted on your face, which is glowing from the skincare you had probably just gotten done with.
"Soonyoungie!" You throw your arms out to him, and he engulfs you in a big hug.
You don't care that he's wet from the rain, or that his "outside clothes" are touching your "inside clothes" right now - as you usually would. You can't think of the last time you had seen him, mostly because you don't want to think about the months you have spent without him. Soonyoung spins you around in the air as he gets inside your apartment, knocking over something on the table you keep in your hallway. But you couldn't care less about your things getting knocked over, pressing a wet kiss to his cheek before he sets you down.
"When did you get back?" you ask, your hands still on his shoulders and unable to fully let him go.
"An hour ago," he says.
"I just needed to see you," he wants to add, but stops himself. It isn't the right time. You invite him to take off his jacket and come inside. While he gets rid of his wet clothes, you pick out a few things of his that he had left from last time he was here. You don't have to tell him that you knew it would be good to leave a few things at your place, he already knows.
Once Soonyoung has changed, he goes into your bedroom where you're lying with your laptop in front of you. When you see him, a giddy smile appears on your smile and you immediately get up to prepare a spot next to you. He would never get tired of seeing your face light up as he walks into the room - for a moment, he can pretend like you're his.
As soon as you move the covers to reveal your comfortable mattress, Soonyoung practically jumps in next to you. You groan and complain - grumbling something about how he spends an awful amount of energy arguing that he's a tiger, when he acts like a kangaroo - but Soonyoung doesn't listen. Your computer almost gets knocked over as he snuggles closer to you.
"Hey, watch it!" You push your computer further into the bed with your foot.
Soonyoung doesn't heed your threatening warning, he doesn't even hear it. His face is buried in the crook of your neck, pressed up against your warm skin, and his arms are wrapped around your torso. Yes, this is home. He notes that you're still using the same scented lotion, but that your laundry detergent may be different. Maybe it's creepy to remember those things - but Soonyoung is clinging to each and every detail of you as if his life depended on it. Once your nagging stops, he finally gets to feel you hug him back. Your arms wrap around him, one of your hands coming up to cradle the back of his head, and Soonyoung finally feels complete.
He can't tell you this, but he's madly in love with you. Everyone else seems to realize but not you - or maybe you're just pretending to not to know. However, Soonyoung can't lie to himself no matter how much he tries. He's been in love with you since last summer - or at least that's when he realized his feelings. His friends told him that they could tell he's liked you for longer, but Soonyoung can't confirm that theory.
Either way, you can't know... is what he used to think. After that time last summer, where he had kissed you in a drunken game of truth or dare, he decided to keep his feels secret. It was only when he wasn't able to see you for months on end that he realized he can't keep it up. He missed your touch, your scent, your voice, your everything. Too many nights were spent complaining about not being able to see you, to the point where Jeonghan had almost called you to tell him of Soonyoung's feelings himself.
Now he's with you again, determined to confess... at some point. This situation was just too delicate.
"Do you want to watch a show with me?" you ask. "I already started it, but I'll catch you up on the details."
"Sure." Soonyoung didn't care what you two did together, as long as he got to be with you.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You're sitting on your bed with your computer on your lap. The episode is at it's end, and you're planning on going to sleep right after it did - unless it ends on a cliffhanger, of course.
When the doorbell rings, you all but jump out of bed. It's late, and you aren't expecting anyone. You know better than to open the door to a stranger, let alone pay any attention to a late night door bell without anyone telling you they're coming over first. However, the annoyingly curious part of you forces you to make your way to the front door. You quickly slide away the cover to the peephole and lean in to look through it.
To your surprise, it's not a scary stranger standing on the other side of your door. It's your Soonyoung. A giddy feeling spreads through your chest as you watch him wave at you through the peephole. With hands shaking from excitement, you fumble with the latch before unlocking the door and swinging it open.
"Soonyoungie!" You hold your arms out to him, and you're quickly swept up in a big, wet hug.
Right, it's raining outside. He lifts you up off the ground and gets both of you inside the apartment. You hear him knock something over, but don't even look to where the noise came from. He was finally home - as of an hour, he tells you. He came to see you immediately, you can't help but think. You try not to think about the fact that you're wearing his shirt and the heart-print pajama shorts he gifted you for a joke. If you didn't think about them, maybe he wouldn't notice. The proud look in his eyes says otherwise.
You end up getting him new clothes before going back to your place on your bed. At this point, your heart is in your throat - pounding so hard that you're scared it's going to come jumping out if you speak. It was your friend's fault - the ones who dared Soonyoung to kiss you. If they had kept to themselves, if they hadn't mocked you by basically showing you what you would never have, then maybe it wouldn't have gotten so difficult to talk to him.
It only got worse when Soonyoung came back. You moved around, making space for him to lay next to you, and he came running to your side. You let out a groan as Soonyoung crashes into you, his body molding so perfectly against yours.
"You know, you talk a lot about being a tiger but you seriously act like a kangaroo." Your comment falls on deaf ears, and it's partially because your voice is so quiet seeing as Soonyoung is suffocating you with his weight.
At Soonyoung's dramatic movements, your laptop almost falls off the edge of the bed. You yelp and reach for it with your foot, seeing as the rest of your body was stuck thanks to the man beside you. His face was in the crook of your neck, and you could feel his warm breath against your sensitive skin. You don't press him harder against you, despite desperately wanting to. Instead, you shuffle around until you're somewhat free and pick up your laptop.
"Do you want to watch a show with me?" you ask. "I already started it, but I'll catch you up on the details."
"Sure," Soonyoung mumbled.
You're not sure if he actually heard you, but you put on the show anyway. Whenever the characters bring something up from a past episode, you mutter an explanation to Soonyoung - who only hums in response. His arms stay wrapped around your middle, although you wish that they wouldn't. Having him hold you like this almost makes you believe that he liked you back. He has been different ever since that summer evening, but you always brush it off as him feeling weird about kissing a close friend.
"Who's that?" Soonyoung pauses the episode to point at a character.
"Oh! That's my favorite character!" You tell him the character's name and the backstory that has been revealed so far.
Soonyoung's eyes stay on the screen, practically glued to the character. At first you think nothing of it but as you keep talking about him, Soonyoung holds you a little tighter. The actor is very attractive, no one can deny that, and so you may or may not start gushing about it.
"Hey," Soonyoung interrupts your rambling and finally looks up at you. "Why don't you talk about me like that?"
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The words pour out of Soonyoung's mouth before he could process them, and he instantly regrets them. "Why don't you talk about me like that?" Who says that? But Soonyoung can't hide now. He can't look away from you when he's said something like that. He keeps his eyes on you, despite wanting nothing more than to look back at the stupid character on the stupid screen.
"What?" Your voice is laced with a suspectfull humor - as if you aren't sure if he's being sarcastic or not.
"I just..." He finally looks away. "It's nothing..."
"Tell me," you whine as you shake his shoulders. "You can't say that and then not explain yourself!"
A part of him wonders if you want him to say it so badly because you already know. Because you're in love with him too. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but Soonyoung is willing to take his chances.
"The way you keep complimenting this random guy..." He motions to the screen with a nonchalant flick of his hand. "It's like you don't even see that I'm laying right next to you."
"You want me to compliment you?"
"I want you to see me."
Soonyoung meets your gaze again. The playful smile on your lips falters as you see the serious look on his face. He's close to you, your lips are right there, and he can feel your breath fan his skin. When you don't respond, Soonyoung grows anxious. He looks back to the screen, ready to make a joke to relieve the tension, when you take his jaw in your hand and force him to face you again.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Your lips smash against his in a messy and passionate kiss, so unlike the shy and timid kiss he had given you that summer evening. This was coming from the cave in your chest, where your heart had been spinning threads of want and need for the past few months since then. You're not just his friend anymore, not after this. You couldn't bring yourself to. The pounding of your pulse was drowning out all noise - so when he pulled away and mumbled something to you, you couldn't hear a word. Your half-lidded eyes lingered on his lips, you could see them move but not a word processed in your brain. That was, until he smiled and his laugh made it through the mental barrier you had put up.
"Answer me."
"What was that for?" he asked, probably for the umpteenth time.
"I just wanted to kiss you again," you admit without thinking.
"Good." He all but beams as his eyes glances at your lips, and shyly asks you, "Could you do it one more time?"
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starsinthesky5 · 2 months
down bad || joe burrow x reader
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description: you and joe go to your best friend’s wedding and it’s very clear that you both are soo down bad for each other ;)
a/n: bye i cannot believe i wrote this in 3.5 days because I was SO excited to write it. it’s just so 🤭 it’s definitely somethingggg 🤭🤭 also am i like one of the only people who thinks headband joe is peak joe. like his hair right now is amazing, but headband joe just makes me melt.
warnings: smut, language, and more smut, you both are perpetually horny
word count: 8.5 k
“Joe!” You moaned as you felt the hot shower water dripping down your body. Joe’s head fell to the crook of your neck, sucking the soft skin which would be sure to leave a purple mark. 
“Shit, don’t stop,” you cried as he pounded into you, your body starting to feel sore since you have had your arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist for a good half hour. He was helping you out by holding you up, but everything about what was happening in the shower made you feel sore, in a good way of course. 
“Y/N…” he groaned. “Fuck, you feel so good,”. 
You felt a familiar sensation in your stomach as he continued to thrust into you, his grip on your waist tightening.“I’m close,” you whisper as you throw your head back against the shower wall.
“Shit, hang on for me baby,” Joe said as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, pushing you up against the wall each time. You whined at the feeling of him pushing himself deeper inside of you, which you thought was impossible. 
“Joe,” you whimpered again. “Right there,”. Joe’s rapid pace and deep thrusts were pushing you closer and closer to your orgasm, his cock grazing your g-spot. 
You move one of your hands into his wet curls and push him closer to your face, capturing him in a sloppy kiss as he continues to thrust into you. One particularly rough thrust causes you to break away. You felt the rubber band in your core snap as were clenching around his cock, “Joe,” you moaned into his ear as you came. 
“Y/N,” he moaned as he felt himself reaching his own pleasure. A few more thrusts later, you felt hot spurts of his cum fill your slick core as his head dropped down to your shoulder again, pressing soft kisses on your collarbone. 
As the water continued to rain down on you both, Joe and You stood in each other's arms, your bodies entwined in the lingering heat of your love. You knew that in that moment, there was no place you would rather be than together, lost in the blissful embrace of the shower.
“I love you,” he pants while pressing a few more kisses on your lips.
“I love you too,” you say back with a smile.
A little while later, you're standing in front of the bathroom mirror in your pink robe as you inspect the new purple marks littered around your neck. 
Joe walks up behind you, cupping the nape of your neck with his hand and rubbing it. “Sorry about that,” he softly says. 
You look back at him and smile, “It’s Okay, I’m used to it by now,”. 
What was supposed to be a quick shared shower before packing for your best friend's wedding in New York this weekend had turned into another one of your many unplanned romps. 
“I should’ve known this would’ve happened if we showered together. Every damn time we say we’ll take a quick shower, I end up with a limp,” you giggle while leaning back into his warm body. 
“Can’t keep my hands off of you. You know that,” he whispers into your ear lightly before lightly kissing the marks on your neck. 
You playfully roll your eyes as you move forward and walk into Joe’s closet. You weren’t living with him just yet, but by the looks of his closet, you basically were. 
You were bringing Joe as your plus 1 to your bestie’s wedding this weekend during the Bengals Bye Week and came over to Joe’s house to pack since he hated packing and needed you to keep him company. You had only been dating for 4 months but were already acting like a married couple according to your friend, and you were starting to see why she said so. 
Flashback to a few weeks ago
“So, you’re bringing Joe?” she asked, a little surprised since you’d only been dating for a few months and you never brought a guy to your friends this early, especially since you lived a little far away from them. 
“Mhm,” you responded while putting the phone on speaker as you were attempting to find your keys to Joe’s house in his driveway while he was away at practice. 
“Already the plus 1? Damn, he has you whipped,” she giggles. 
You roll your eyes and say, “Really funny Sophia,”. 
“Am I on speaker? Your voice is echoing,” she questions.
“Yeah, I'm trying to find my keys,”.
She stays silent for a second before saying “You’re in his driveway aren’t you,” with a big smile she wished you could see. 
“Maaaybee,” you trail. 
“God, get married already. You’re always over at his place, just move in Mrs. Burrow,” she teases. 
You laugh and say, “That’s because it’s most convenient. You know my apartment is a good half hour away from him. Besides, I thought you liked Joe,”
“Oh, I do, even though I've only met him a few times. I’ve never seen you happier, I'm just surprised you’re actually bringing him,” Sophia says. 
“Honestly, me too. But it feels right. And he’s very excited to go with me which makes it even better,” you say as you finally find the keys. 
End of flashback 
Joe joins you in the closet and watches you pack your stuff for this weekend in your suitcase. Along with your basic necessities, you pack several party dresses, heels, your wedding day look, and a bunch of accessories. 
“Damn, I never knew girls needed so much stuff for 3 days,” he laughed. 
You turned around and gave him a look that had him immediately retreating.“Not that it’s a bad thing,” he says while raising his hands to soften the blow. 
You break out into a laugh and say, “Calm down Joey, I’m jussst kidding,” as you walk over to him and kiss him before moving behind him to grab his suitcase. 
“You’re turn,” you say as you drop the bag at his feet. 
“I hate packing,” he frowns.
“That’s why I’m here baby. Here to keep ya company,” you smile before sitting in the comfy armchair in the corner. 
He lets out a defeated sigh as he begins packing his things and you watch him the entire time. He was doing something so simple as packing but looked incredibly delicious while doing so. His wet hair flopping around, his bare chest on display, and his shorts hanging low on his waist and showing off his blonde treasure trail. 
He catches you staring deeply at him and smirks. “Like what you see?”.
“You know I do,” you say as you cross your legs in the chair. 
“You know, we coulddd go back to bed,” he offers.
“Nice try Burrow. Packing comes first.”
“Damn,” he whispers. He finishes packing all of his things for the weekend, similar to you. Basic necessities, some nice shirts, pants, and jackets; also packing his wedding day outfit and a few of his favorite shades. 
“Always with the shades huh?” You tease. 
“If you can bring 20 different kinds of earrings, I can bring my shades,” he deadpans. 
“Alright alright, that’s fair,” you say as you get up and walk over to him to inspect his packing, making sure it’s not a complete mess. Satisfied with the way he packed his things, you move your face closer to his ear and whisper, “Now, if you’re done, is that ‘back to bed’ offer still on the table?”.
Joe immediately puts down his bag and reaches for your legs, picking you up bridal style, and rushes you to his bed. He softly drops you against the silk sheets before untying your robe and moving in between your legs. 
“I guess that’s a yes,” you giggle and you wrap your arms around his neck, pushing him closer to your lips for a sweet kiss. 
“We can’t be too rough though, I’m still a little sore from the shower and we have an early flight to New York tomorrow,”. 
He plants another soft kiss on your lips, “No worries babe, soft and gentle is one of my specialties,”. You watch as he kisses down to your core, closing your eyes in anticipation of what is to come. 
The next day
The ring of your alarm wakes you up early the next morning. You reach over and turn it off before turning to face Joe, who looks incredibly adorable and still asleep. His head was angled towards you, his messy bedhead hair was sprawled out against the pillow, his soft golden skin looked flawless, his lips curled up in a smile, and his bare chest was littered with a few purple marks from last night on display. He looked absolutely gorgeous at 6:00 am and you were jealous since you probably looked like a hot mess. 
You leaned over and kissed the tip of his nose, hoping to wake him up. Lucky for you, it worked.
“Morning sunshine,” you whispered.
He groans, barely opens his eyes, and mumbles “Morning Baby,”. 
You felt your core throb at the sound of his morning voice but immediately gave yourself a mental lashing since you were sore from last night and you guys have a flight at 8:00 to NYC. His morning voice and bare chest combo made you weak in the knees so early in the morning. 
After laying in bed for 10 minutes to give Joe a chance to fully wake up, you both hit the shower again. This time, actually showering with no funny business. Joe loads up the car to head to the airport but makes a quick pit stop at your favorite coffee shop to grab you both some breakfast. 
You guys were on the way to the airport as you were reading off the events and itinerary for the weekend. “Okay, tonight we have the rehearsal dinner and then the party at the club after,” you say as you feel Joe’s hand migrate to your thigh, a familiar spot for it. 
“Sounds like fun,” he says while giving it a gentle squeeze. 
“Then tomorrow we have the wedding and reception. And then the next day she said she planned a brunch for close friends so it’ll just be a small group of people,” you conclude.
He nods his head as he continues to caress your thigh. “So what do you think of Steven?” You ask Joe. Steven is Sophia’s fiancée and Joe has only met him a handful of times. 
“He’s a good guy,” he says. “We actually have a good bit in common and he’s a big football guy,” Joe says, turning the car into the airport entrance. 
“He likes the Eagles right?” You question.
“Yup,” he says.
“That tracks, you know Sophia’s a big Eagles fan,”.
“Oh I know, so are you,” Joe says giving you a look.
You look back at him, a little offended, and say, “Aye, slow down buddy. Were. Were an Eagles fan. My loyalty has changed, and I look better in orange anyway,”
“Oh I know,” he smirks, his mind flashing back to all the times he’s seen you in your adorable little gameday outfits. You and Joe had been dating since a bit before the season started and had been getting to know each other throughout the summer. When the first game of the season rolled around, Joe insisted that you come and watch him play. You were a little hesitant at first since you knew that a lot of people would be there, many of whom would notice a random girl in Joe Burrow’s suite, but ultimately said yes because you wanted to support your boyfriend in any way possible. 
Your first gameday outfit consisted of a black Bengals-themed baseball jersey which had ‘Burrow’ and ‘9’ on the back and ‘Bengals’ on the front. You left the buttons open and had a white crop top on underneath, with your favorite jean shorts. He loved your first gameday outfit, but the accessories made it even better. You had gotten an iced-out ‘9’ necklace and a vintage Bengals baseball cap you had on backward to pull the look together. You had him drooling the entire day and he couldn’t wait to get you alone, and when he did, you could hardly think or walk straight after. 
Flashback to Week 1
You were sitting inside the Burrow suite while the boys were warming up on the field before changing into uniforms. You were scanning the field to hopefully get a glimpse of your boyfriend but couldn’t find him. It's been about an hour since you drove over with his parents and hadn’t gotten a chance to see Joe yet, and you were feeling a little sad because you thought you’d have to wait till the end of the game. 
You heard the suite door open as you were trying to find your lipgloss in your bag and thought it was just his parents coming back from their tailgate. You felt a big pair of hands wrap around your waist and a warm mouth press a kiss on your cheek. 
You let out a shriek and immediately turned around, panicking because you thought it was some random creep, but it was in fact just your boyfriend.
“Woah Y/N. Calm down, it’s just me,” Joe soothes.  
You relax your muscles and let out a sigh, “Whew, I thought some rando creep found their way into the suite,”. 
“Nah, just me,” he laughs. 
You furrow your brows, slightly confused at what he is doing up here, “Wait, why aren’t you down there?” you say as you point to the field.
“I just had to make sure you were doing okay. I know this is all new for you and I want you to feel as safe and relaxed as possible,”. 
Your eyes soften at his response, “Awww that’s so sweet,” you say while wrapping your arms around his neck, a whiff of sweat making you grimace. “Ohhh that lovely football smell,”.
“Sorry about that,” he says while pulling you in for a kiss. 
He pulls away after a few seconds, observing your adorable gameday outfit that he was seeing for the first time. His eyes got stuck on the ‘9’ necklace. “And that is how people will know you’re my girl,” he says while touching the necklace. 
“Glad you like the fit,” you smile. 
“Oh, I love the fit. I could get used to this,” he winks. 
“Me too,” you say as your eyes travel around the room, taking in the feeling that this could very well be a constant thing in your life from now on. 
Joe looks at the time and his face drops, “I gotta go get ready now,”.
“It’s okay, I’ll be fine Joe,” you say while rubbing the back of his neck. 
He lets out a sigh, “Okay, but if you need anything, and I mean anything, ask my parents or come sit down by the locker room if things get overwhelming,”. 
“Okayy,”. “Now go back down there before they accuse me of hogging their star QB,” you tease. 
“Really funny babe,” he says while pulling you in for a hug. He pulls away before giving your forehead a sweet kiss and walking towards the door to head back to the field. “Knock ‘em dead shiesty,” you yell as he gives you a smile before leaving the suite. 
Although you were anxious about being noticed by thousands of people, you were having the time of your life. As time passed, you became more and more engaged in the game, screaming and shouting whenever Joe would throw a dime or a big-time play would happen. You didn’t give a damn about what anyone thought anymore and were not afraid to show people that you were his girl. And Joe noticed. Each time he would look up at the suite, he would see you jumping up and down with his family and looking incredibly focused on him; this was the ultimate motivator for him because he knew his girl was watching. 
End of flashback 
Joe parked the car in the lot while you got all your stuff together before boarding his private jet to New York. 
“Ahh, I can never get tired of this,” you sigh as you slip off your Uggs and lay back onto the cushioned chair. Joe drops down onto the seat across from you and immediately pulls your legs into his lap, massaging your feet. 
“You’re so cute,” he mumbles while giving you a warm smile. 
You brush your hair out of your face before sending him a flying kiss, “You are even cuter,”. 
You both ended up taking a power nap during the short flight to New York and woke up about an hour before you landed. Since you had some time to kill, Joe pulled out his Nintendo Switch and convinced you to play a round of smash-bros with him. 
“Noooo,” you whined as you just lost for the 2nd time in a row. Joe let out another laugh as he watched you struggle to digest that you sucked at Smash-Bros. 
“You’re laughing now, but once it’s time for Mario Kart, it is game over Burrow,” you growl. 
“Maybe, but at least I put up a fight in Mario Kart. You basically gave up halfway,” he laughed as he placed the controller down and grabbed his phone, opening his notes app to add to the win-loss ratio list you had going. You and Joe both had somewhat competitive natures and loved to play silly little games whenever you could, so you suggested you keep a tally of how many times each of you won or lost a game of anything. At the end of the year, the loser has to do whatever the winner wants them to do for a whole day. 
“What’s the tally right now?” You asked.
“34-45. I’m winning,” he smirks. 
“Damn,” you whisper. “It’s okay. I still have all of this month to get myself back on top,”.
“You can be on top whenever you want, just say the word,” he teases while motioning to his dick. 
Your eyes widen at his words as you grab a pillow from behind you and chuck it at his face. “Are you always horny?”.
“Well, when I'm with my drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend, I can’t help it,” he shrugs. 
Drop dead gorgeous? You looked like a sack of potatoes right now, wearing one of his old LSU sweatshirts that was too big on you, black sweats, messy hair in a claw clip, and your glasses on. “Joe, I look like a mess right now,” you say as you pull the hood of his sweatshirt over your head. 
“Well if you’re a mess, you’re the mess I want,” his face immediately scrunching up. “I don’t think that came out the way I thought it would,”.
You smiled, got up from your chair, and moved over to his lap, pressing a soft kiss on his smooth cheek. “I know what you mean,”. 
A few hours later 
After your plane lands, you both head over to Joe’s New York penthouse you’ll be staying for the weekend. You both unpack all your things and start to get ready for the night. 
You’re finishing up your makeup as you watch Joe walk into the bathroom, seemingly looking for his hairbrush. You look at him up and down in the mirror and he looks incredible. He’s wearing his black jeans, a plain white short-sleeve tee which showed off his bulging muscles, and his navy blue jacket in hand. He walks over to the sink and runs his hands through his hair, like usual, to perfect it. 
“Can’t find your brush?” You question while fixing your hair. 
“Nah, but it’s fine. This should do it,” he says as he pushes a few stray strands back. He turns around and feels slightly flushed as he looks you up and down. You were wearing a short baby pink dress that hugged your body in all the right places, strappy white heels, and an ensemble of jewelry which was all gifted to you by Joe. 
“Baby..” he breathes out, struggling to move from where he was standing. You looked absolutely sexy and he felt like he’d just had the wind knocked out of him, much like how he’d feel when that happened out on the field. 
You do a little twirl to show off your outfit, “You think it looks good?”. 
“Good?” He says as he walks over to you. “Looks fucking amazing,” he mumbles as he pulls you in for a kiss, one hand cradling your head and the other migrating to your ass. He gives it a delicate squeeze, making you moan into the kiss. 
You pull away and press your forehead against his, “We gotta behave tonight Joe,” you giggle. 
“Yes ma’am,” he says before giving you another kiss. 
You both finish up and then head out to the wedding venue just outside of the city for the dinner. You and Joe walk into the venue, hand in hand, and you’re in awe of how beautifully everything is decorated. The warm fairy lights that were all around the room made everything glow and highlighted the most captivating elements. 
You looked ahead and caught a glimpse of Sophia and released yourself from Joe’s grasp, immediately running over to her. 
“There’s the bride!” You yell. 
Her face instantly lights up as she sees you. She runs to meet you halfway, tackling you in a tight hug. “I misseddd youuu! Cincy stole you away,” she squeals as she sways you back and forth. 
Joe walks over behind you both, smiling at the cute interaction. 
Sophia opens her eyes and sees Joe standing behind you and lets go of you. “And here is the reason why Cincinnati stole you away,” she teases. 
“Guilty,” Joe says while giving her a salute. 
“Hey Joe,” she says while giving him a friendly hug. 
“Hey Sophia,” he smiles, hugging her back. You have a huge grin on your face as you watch your two favorite people get along, it’s the best feeling in the entire world. 
“What are you smiling at?” Sophia questions as she pulls away to wrap her arm around your shoulder. 
“Just happy that my favorite people get along,” you sing song. 
“Remember, she was mine first Burrow,” Sophia giggles, causing Joe to scoff and gently pull you into him as Sophia’s fiancée walks in behind her. 
“Well, I’m incredibly lucky to have her now, and hopefully forever,” he says as he stares lovingly into your eyes. Your heart feels like it’s about to burst at his words, add to the fact that his strong grip on your waist was making you feel butterflies in all the right places. You felt yourself getting lost in his deep blue eyes as you both were just stuck staring at each other. 
Sophia smiles at the sweet words that came out of Joe’s mouth for you and notices the way he’s looking at you and holding you. It’s like you were the only person in the room, like you were a diamond. “Aye, snap out of it love-birds,” Sophia claps as her fiancée joins you all. 
“Whoops, Sorry about that,” you blush. “Hey Steven!,”. 
“Sup, Steven,” Joe says as he lets go of you to greet your friend's Fiancée. 
You all have a small reunion and spend a few minutes catching up and talking about wedding details before the other guests start to arrive. The rehearsal dinner was great as you got to catch up with your old friends from home and got the chance to finally introduce Joe formally to some of them. 
Currently, You and Joe were sitting together in your own little corner at the table as a few speeches were being delivered, his hand once again on your thigh, and your hands wrapped around his, softly caressing his golden skin. You leaned your head onto his shoulder as you melted into his touch. 
“You alright?” He whispers, noticing the change in your body language. 
“I’m amazing,” you whisper back. 
“Good, we still have a long night ahead of us,” he laughs before planting a few kisses on your forehead. 
About an hour later, the wedding party makes its way back into the city to a club in the Upper East Side. 
Loud music and bright strobe lights fill the room as you take another shot of tequila at the bar with your friends. Joe was across the room with Steven and the rest of the boys, also taking shots but less frequently than you and the girls. You’re slightly buzzed, maybe a little more than slightly actually. 
“Come on, let’s go dance,” Sophia yells as she pulls you into the dance floor. 
You and the girls start dancing in the crowd, having the most fun when you hear the song change, which immediately causes you and Sophia to scream. 
“This is our song!” She screams. The song had just changed to ‘Blow’ by Kesha, a song that you had very fond memories of in high school. 
“Oh yeah,” you yell as you throw your head back and hands in the air. 
Joe watches you carefully from across the room as you dance with your friends, looking incredibly stunning and sexy while doing so. The tent in his pants was a sure sign that he was going to struggle for a few minutes. His eyes never leave you as he sips his drink while still talking to the boys. 
You keep dancing around with your girls as you feel a pair of eyes watching you. You turn around to where Joe was and obviously, it was him. You give him a playful nod and stare right back at him, still dancing like nothing mattered. 
“Damn, Y'all can’t be away from each other even for a little,” Sophia laughs. 
“I think I’m torturing him by being out here, especially dressed like this,” you giggle. 
“Y’all are soo Down bad,” she yells but you barely notice what she said as you hear the song change again. This time, to one of your and Joe’s favorite songs, ‘Feel So Close’ by Calvin Harris. 
You immediately look back at him, motioning him to come over with just a simple look. He smiles at the song change and doesn’t hesitate to get off the barstool, places his drink on the counter, and walks over to the dance floor. You turn around and keep dancing as you suddenly feel a familiar warmth behind you. Joe presses himself into your back as you dance back into him, making his boner even worse than before. 
You both were caught up in the moment as the loud music and flashing lights created a special scene around you both. Although you were in a room filled with people, right now it just felt like you two out there, dancing the night away. Joe placed his hands on you and slid them down your waist as you threw your head back into his chest. 
You felt the tent in his pants on your ass, causing you to let out a giggle, “Got you worked up, didn’t I?”
“You look amazing,” he whispers into your ear before fully wrapping his arms around your waist, turning you so you could face him. You were a little breathless as you closed the space between you both, capturing his mouth in a deep kiss while your hands wrapped around his neck. 
“Let’s get outta here,” he says breathlessly as he pulls away. You nod your head as he lets go of you. You walk over to where Sophia is and let her know that you’re heading out and that you’ll see her tomorrow.
“Me and Joe are going to head out,” you pant. She gives you a smirk and says, “Mhm, called it,”. You’re confused by her words, “Called what?”.
“You both couldn’t even last 2 hours in the club before getting so worked up over each other that you’d have to leave before the party was over,” she giggled. 
You felt a little red as she said that. Damn, she was right. You don’t know what it was about Joe that made you act like this or what about you that made him act like this, but you certainly weren’t complaining. 
“If you want me to stay, I can,” you say as you brush a few stray pieces of hair out of your face. 
“No, it’s alright,” she smiles. “It’s getting pretty late anyways, you guys should go rest,” she says.
“Are you sure?”.
“Positive. He makes you happy Y/N, I can see it. Go have fun, but not too much fun,” she winks.
You pull her in for a hug and tell her that you’d absolutely help her get ready for the big day tomorrow morning. 
You make your way back over to Joe, who has moved closer to the exit. He grabbed your hand and placed it in his, “I called Uber, you ready?”. 
“Yup,” you say while giving him a kiss. 
Both of you were wrapped up together in the backseat of the Uber. Your head once again on his shoulder, and his resting on top of your head. His arm was wrapped around you, and his hand was absentmindedly softly rubbing your arm. Your right leg was wedged in between his as his free hand was rubbing up and down your lower leg. Everything about this was comforting for you both. It felt so peaceful and natural.
Once you’ve arrived at the apartment, Joe helped you out of the Uber since you were a bit too drunk and were wobbling around; he was terrified that you’d fall in the heels you were wearing. 
He slowly helped you into the elevator and you moved to stand behind him. He pressed the number of the floor you were supposed to be on and immediately turned back around to face you as the door closed.
He looks into your eyes for a few heartbeats before leaning in and capturing your lips in a delicate kiss which you both grin into. Once again, your hands find their home wrapped around his neck, and you stay like this until the door opens again. 
A few minutes later, you both are back inside the apartment and are in the process of getting unready. You feel a gush of wetness pool your core as you catch a glimpse of Joe’s bare chest as he just got out of the shower. He looked so desirable and his bare chest always got you worked up.  
You walk over to him, take his hand, and lead him back to the bed. “What are you doing?” He questions.
“What I’ve been wanting to do all night,” you say as you push him back onto the bed, straddling his waist. You capture his lips in a fiery kiss as his hands grip your waist again. You slowly grind on his shorts, making him way more horny than he was before. You push your hand down to his dick and start palming him through his shorts when he suddenly flips you both over so that he’s on top, leaving you a little dizzy. 
“Hm?” You question his sudden change of mind.
“You can do that another time, I wanna make you feel good tonight,” he says. 
You don’t have a chance to argue with him since he starts to peel off your tank top; his lips finding the sweet spot on your neck, making you flutter your eyes as you let out a whimper. 
He moves down and presses a few wet kisses on your belly before getting right to business, sliding off your shorts and underwear. 
“Oh,” you moan as you feel him blow on your core which was already wet from earlier. 
He lets out a laugh before he moves closer to your core, attacking your folds with sloppy kisses. Your hands find themselves in his hair again as you pull on the strands. “Joe,” you whimper. 
“You’re okay,” he whispers as he goes back to lapping at your slick core. He takes one of his fingers and pushes them inside your heat which makes you let out another moan. The combination of his mouth and fingers, along with the alcohol in your system was making you feel like you were levitating. “Fuck,” you whined. 
He continued to pump his finger into your core as his mouth attached itself to your clit, rhythmically sucking on it. He inserts another finger, stretching you out even more which causes you to arch your back. His free hand pushes your belly back down to the bed as he continues to attack your core. 
“Baby,” you moaned while your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You felt a familiar warmth in your lower belly, signaling that you were very close. 
“I’m close,” you whispered, pushing your head further back into the pillow. You continue to pull on his hair which causes him to groan against your core, sending vibrations throughout your body. 
His fingers pick up the pace as his mouth is replaced by his thumb. He rubs circles around your clit while continuing to pump into you, which intensifies the entire experience. A few seconds later, you’re cumming hard and fast. “Joe,” you loudly moaned. He removed his fingers from your core and his mouth begins lapping up your juices.
He helps you come down from your high by pressing delicate kisses around your core and inner thighs. After a few minutes, he walks into the bathroom to get a warm washcloth to clean you up. Also, bringing you Advil and water to get ahead of the morning hangover. You’re too drained to move so he cleans you up and wraps a blanket around you while he makes sure everything is locked up. He joins you back in bed and pulls you closer to him, “You comfy?” he asks.
“Mhm,” you say sleepily. He presses one final kiss to your forehead before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. 
You stay awake for a few moments, thinking about how lucky you were to have someone who cared so much about you and always made sure that you were comfortable. He was perfect for you, and you couldn’t get enough of him. Sure, you two were absolutely insatiable for each other, but you also had a healthy balance between lust and love that kept your relationship steady, strong, and tender. 
The next day
The next morning rolls by fairly quickly. You get up early to go over to Sophia’s hotel to help her get ready for the ceremony and leave Joe to get a few more hours of sleep, assuring him that you’ll be back in time to get ready with him. 
“Babe, have you seen my watch?” Joe asks as he walks into the bathroom, his mouth agape as he sees your completed wedding look. His eyes travel down your body, the slit in the dress showing off your bare leg; the black material of the dress hugged your body in all the right spots, especially your ass. He felt particularly weak when he saw the v-cut neckline which highlighted your perfectly round breasts. 
“I think it was on the entry table,” you say turning to face him as you get your last earring on. Your eyes widen at his completed wedding look; black pants and a silk maroon shirt with his signature shades. 
“You look stunning,” he says while keeping absolutely still. His heart was racing at how gorgeous you looked. Even though he got to see your beauty every day, he would still lose his mind every time. 
“Right back at ya,” you wink causing him to let out a chuckle. 
After putting the finishing touches on your look, you both head over to the venue for the ceremony. 
It was a wonderful ceremony. You and Joe were seated towards the front so you had an amazing view of the whole thing. You both were sitting close to each other, his hand in yours. You were struggling to hold back your tears the entire time since you were watching your best friend since elementary school get married, and when Joe looked over and saw, he melted. You were also tearing up at the thought of imagining yourself getting married. You would have all of this one day and you wondered if it would be with the man sitting next to you, you were praying that it would be with the man next to you.
He raised your hands to his lips, pressing a few soft kisses to them to make sure you were okay. 
“I love you,” you mouthed to him. 
“I love you more,” he mouthed back, not knowing why you were feeling extra emotional all of a sudden.
A few hours later the wedding reception had begun, and you both had found yourself in your own little corner once again. You were absentmindedly rubbing Joe’s thigh while you both were focused on all the wedding speeches, and it was getting him worked up. Once it was time for your speech, Joe had lost it. He watched as you swayed your perfect hips, hips that he loved to grab onto, over to the stage. Your soft skin was glistening in the spotlight and your perfect breasts were mocking him. 
“Now’s not the time,” Joe thought to himself as he felt himself getting hard. 
You wrapped up your special speech for your bestie with a toast to the newlyweds and made your way back to your boyfriend, who looked like he was struggling to sit comfortably. 
“Are you okay?” you giggle. All you get in response is a blank stare.
“What?” you question. 
He lets out a sigh and fixes his posture, “You in this damn dress, is driving me fucking insane,” he blurts out. 
You stare at him for a few moments, thinking about how funny it was that he was going gaga over you right now, just like how you were drooling at his sexy self. “Well, you in this whole look is making me insanely horny,” you whisper into his ear. 
He clears his throat as a way to compose himself. He thinks about if anyone would notice if you both stepped away for a few minutes. “There’s a bathroom around the corner,” he whispers. 
Your eyes widen at his offer. You both rarely had sex in public places like this, usually finding pleasure in your home, car, or anywhere private. But right now, you honestly could care less.
As the wedding reception raged on outside, You and Joe sneaked away to the bathroom for a moment alone. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the candles casting a warm and intimate atmosphere.
Your eyes locked, filled with desire and longing. Without saying a word, Joe closed the distance between your lips, capturing them in a hungry kiss. Your bodies pressed together, his hands roaming freely over your plush skin.
You moaned softly as Joe lifted you up onto the countertop, his hands sliding up your dress to caress the smooth skin of your thighs. You push your hands into his curls as his lips travel down your neck, causing you to let out a moan. “Yeah,” you whimper. 
Your clothes were quickly discarded, leaving you both naked and exposed to each other. You push your lips against him again as you reach down and slide your hand up and down his dick. You guide it to your core and leave the rest to him. You moaned in ecstasy as he buried himself deep inside you. 
Your head falls back against the mirror as your legs hook around his waist. “Shit,” you moan as Joe moves his face into the crook of your neck, pressing wet kisses along your collarbone. His steady pace was doing wonders but you needed him to go deeper and faster. 
“Joe,” you whimpered, causing him to move his face back into your view. “Fuck me harder,”. 
“Are you sure?”.
“Yeah,” you moaned. 
He smiles and captures your lips in a sloppy kiss as he quickens his pace, rapidly thrusting into your slick core. The sounds of skin slapping skin filled the bathroom as you were drowning in pleasure. “Harder,” you whimpered. The sounds coming out of your mouth were driving Joe insane as he thrusted deeper and deeper into your pussy, completely forgetting you were in a public bathroom. 
“Y/N,” he groaned as he gripped your waist tighter, surely leaving a few bruises. 
“Fuck Joe,” you moaned, this time a little louder. Each thrust sends you further back into the mirror and your lower half becomes slicker and slicker by the second. “You feel so good,” you whisper. 
Joe smiles as he plunges into you harder and harder each time. You felt a familiar sensation build in your belly as he pounded into your heat, “I’m so close,” you whispered. 
“Fuck, me too,” he moans as he reaches down and starts to rub circles around your wet clit. You whimper at the sudden contact, eventually setting off your release. Your walls clench around his cock as you let out a series of pornographic moans into his ear. 
He continues to pound into you, harder than before, trying to reach his own pleasure. You whimper at his movements and your hands start to scratch up and down his bare back. 
“Y/N..” he moaned. 
“Mm,” you whined. A few seconds later, you felt his release coat your walls. You both were trying to catch your breaths and regain your senses for a few moments before Joe slid out of you. He cleans you up first and helps you put your clothes back on. Then, you clean him up and help him fix his outfit just like he did for you. You look into the mirror while fixing your hair and smile at how well fucked-out you look, and look back over to your boyfriend, also looking well fucked. 
Before leaving the bathroom, he pulls you in for a hug, whispering a few sweet nothings into your ear and telling you how amazing you were. 
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he whispered, causing you to smile against his chest and hug him tighter. 
You walk back into the reception with a slight limp, pretending as nothing happened, and tell Joe you are going over to Sophia for a bit. Joe nodded and said he’d be grabbing you both something to eat. 
You walk over to her table and slide into the chair next to her, flashing her a giddy smile. 
“How does it feel to be a Wifey,” you questioned. 
She laughs, “Very Fun,” while looking over at you. She looks carefully at you, noticing your smudged lipgloss and slightly messy hair. Your radiant smile and limp told her everything she needed to know.
“Looks like you had a little bit of your own fun,” she winks. “I saw that limp,”. Your face immediately turns red at the fact that she figured it out. How could she not? This girl has known you longer than anyone, of course she could tell when something was up, good or bad. 
You heave a sigh, “I don’t know what about him makes me so-,” you pause as you can’t find the right word to finish the sentence. 
“Down Bad?” Your friend says. 
You stay silent for a few seconds, “Yeah. Down Bad.” You smile as you look over at your boyfriend who was currently balancing two plates of food in his hand for you both.
“I see the way he looks at you, you know. It’s like you’re the only person in the room for him,” she says. “He looks at you like you are the most valuable diamond,”. 
You blush while you think about the countless times you’d find Joe deeply staring at you whenever you were talking. “Yeah, he does do that doesn’t he,”. 
“And I also see the way you look at him,” she adds.
“What do you mean, how do I look at him?”.
“Well other than looking like you want to pounce on him every 5 minutes,” she giggles. “You look at him like he’s the one,”.
You are surprised by what she says. The one? You’d only been officially dating for 4 months, was he really the one? He made you feel things that you haven’t felt in forever and even things you’d never felt before. He made you feel seen and he made you feel loved. You were so lucky to have found something special with him, but was he going to be the one? Did he even want you to be the one?
“Sophia, we’ve been dating for 4 months,” you nervously laugh. 
“And?” She questions. “I know it’s early, but I’ve seen you look happier with Joe in the past few months than I saw you with your ex who you were with for 3 years. He really really really loves you and I can tell that you feel the same way”. 
“He’s the one, Y/N. Trust me, I can feel it,” she adds as you look back over at Joe, who flashes you a warm smile, setting off butterflies in your stomach. 
“Yeah,” you say softly. Maybe he was the one. God, you wanted him to be the one. 
You hear her let out a loud laugh, “See what I mean! Even across the room, look at you two!”. 
You turn over and playfully push her arm. “Y’all are sooo down bad for each other,” she teases. You break out into a fit of laughter as you spend a few more moments talking to her about the wedding and the brunch tomorrow before getting up and joining your boyfriend once again. 
“What was that about?” He questions. 
“Ohhh nothing,” you say. The playful tone in your voice makes Joe slightly suspicious but he decides not to question it. Festive music fills the room as you both sit and eat your delicious meals while watching all the couples fill the dance floor.
Joe hears the song change from upbeat to slow; “Can’t Help Falling In Love,” playing softly in the background. This song was another song that was special for you both. 
He meets your eyes before standing up. You were confused at why he was getting up since you were both comfy the way you were sitting now, and you both certainly were not about to dance. Joe never danced in public as the only time he would slow-dance with you was in private. You didn’t mind though, it felt more natural and intimate that way. The song currently playing was one of your favorites to dance to.
He extends his hand out and says, “Y/N, would you like to dance with me?”. 
You feel like he’s messing with you so you don’t say anything for a few seconds, but he remains in the same position so he means business. 
“I would love to dance with you,” you say as he grabs his hand and leads you to the dance floor.  
His hands wrap around your waist as yours hang from his neck, and your warm bodies find themselves pressed together once again. 
“You look gorgeous,” he says quietly while swaying you to the beat of the song. 
You blush, “You’ve told me that like 50 times today,”. 
“And I’ll do it 50 more,” he says while raising his brows. 
“Only you could be so romantic not even an hour after rearranging my guts,” you whisper as he pulls you closer, if that was even humanly possible. 
“You just have this effect on me Y/N,” he says. “Got me feeling down bad every minute of every day,”.
Your heart skips a beat at his words. “Have you been talking to Sophia?” you question. 
“I mean, Yeah, it is her wedding,” he says while shrugging his shoulders. 
“No, I mean about us?” you ask.
“A little, but not anything in particular. Is something wrong?” he says, his face turning solemn. 
“No, No. Nothings wrong. It’s just she’s been going on the entire weekend about how down bad we are for each other,” you giggle, his grip on your waist becoming tighter. 
“To be fair, she isn’t wrong. You make me do things and feel things that I never knew I could be capable of,” he says, once again staring deeply into your soft eyes. Your heart beating so incredibly fast as it felt like it was just you two dancing on the floor. 
“Joe,” you whisper, your face moving closer to his.
“I’m so lucky to have you Y/N. You have no idea,” he says before pulling you in for a sweet kiss. 
Your lips fit perfectly against his as you stay like that for a few seconds before breaking away, “I can’t help falling in love with you,” you say, reciting the lyrics of the song playing while you two are dancing.
“I love you, so fucking much. If this is what they call down bad, then fuck yes I’m down bad for the love of my life,” he says. 
A huge grin appears on your face, “Love of your life?” you question.
“Mhm,” he says as he pushes your head into his chest. “Take this as a preview of what our first dance will be like at our wedding,” he says. “Same song and everything,”.
You feel tears pool in your eyes as you look back up at him, “Really? You wanna marry me?”. 
He smiles and says, “Down the road, absolutely. You are exactly what I’ve been waiting for in my life. If you think I’m gonna let that go, maybe I need to do a better job of showing it”. 
Your heart felt like it was about to explode. He wanted to be the one just as much as you did. 
“If you were to do more to show your love than you already did, I think I would drop dead,” you tease. 
“Hey, that is not funny,” he deadpans. 
“Oops, Sorry Mr. Serious,” you say as you kiss his cheek. 
“Well, for future reference, I like princess cut,” you smile, causing him to break his serious expression and let out a hearty laugh. Your head finding its way back to his chest as you continued dancing. 
The world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them entwined in a dance that seemed to last for eternity. The room was alive with laughter and chatter, but to them, it was as if they were the only ones in the world.
As the song came to an end, they held each other closer, never wanting to let go. The warmth of their love enveloped them, filling their hearts with a sense of pure bliss and contentment.
And in that magical moment, as they whispered sweet nothings into each other's ears, they knew that their love would always be the music that guided them through life's dance, forever intertwined and inseparable.
–The End–
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iateyourparents · 7 months
Idk if request are open but.. can i request “cant stop kissing you” prank on colby or just you being super clingy? I feel like he would EAT IT UPPPP
(Can i be 🌟 anon?)
so kissable | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x fem!reader
summary: your boyfriend is just soo kissable, so how could you stop yourself?
warnings: pure fluff, suggestive ending(?), bad writing and grammar(I'm sorry, english is not my first language)
an: hi 🌟! this is such a cute idea, thank you! I hope it's good <3
pictures are from pinterest:)
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Today's weather wasn't perfect. It was raining, the wind was blowing as crazy and you're pretty sure you heard the weather girl saying that there is a possibility of a storm.
So obviously none of you were up for going out.
Currently you were sitting with Katrina in her and Sam's room while your boyfriends were watching something downstairs.
"I love her" Kat said showing you some tik tok edit of Taylor Swift with her newest boyfriend. It was so cute.
"I'm kinda bored" you stated after the next few minutes of mindless scrolling through tik tok.
"Me too." Katrina pouted "Should we prank boys?"
You perked at that idea and looked at the girl with a mischievous smirk just to see her sporting the same smirk.
"Do you have something in your mind?" you asked and she nodded vigorously.
"Some time ago I saw it on tik tok. There was this boy who pranked his boyfriend. But was it really a prank? I feel like Sam and Colby would love it..." she wondered.
"Tell me what it was first" you laughed.
"So he 'couldn't stop' kissing his boyfriend. Like literally every time he was next to him, he had to kiss some part of his boy's body and then when they were sitting he was just like a koala and stopping him from playing with kissing." she explained and started looking for said video on her phone.
"How did the boyfriend react?"
"That's the thing, he was annoyed! But I honestly don't think that our boys would be annoyed. They are clingy so I think they would actually love it." you both laughed at her words.
You and Katrina decided to separately prank Sam and Colby in your rooms so it wouldn't be suspicious when you both started kissing them nonstop.
So now you were in your room laying in bed waiting for Colby to come out of the bathroom.
When he finally came out and saw you in bed he didn't waste a minute before jumping on a space next to you.
"Hi love, watcha doing?" he asked and then smiled when you kissed his cheek.
"Nothing much, I'm just bored." you shrugged and he faked a gasp.
"Oh no! Can I help you somehow to stop the boredom?" he asked and you sat on his waist straddling him.
"I just wanna kiss you." you just said while kissing his jaw, and then cheek, then the other one, then his forehead, then nose and then finally his lips. This kiss lasted longer and Colby was more than glad to reciprocate this one.
Then when you stopped kissing, you were back to peppering his face with little kisses and what can you say? Colby wasn't opposed to it.
Colby's love language actually were little things like kisses, touches and cute gestures, so of course this was like a reward for him.
You knew this for sure wouldn't annoy him so you decided that when he will try to do something later, like playing, editing or just chilling on his phone, you would also be there, kissing him.
You laid there for a few more minutes with you kissing every inch of his face, neck and hands when he finally decided he's hungry so you both went to the kitchen.
While you sat on the counter, he started making crepes for you two. And every time he was next to you, to reach for something, you stopped him for a moment to place kisses on his lips, cheek and nose. And every time he only smiled and kissed your forehead.
And basically the rest of that day looked like that and Colby not once was annoyed so you decided to take it to the next level.
When Colby was sitting at his desk to start editing you sat on his lap straddling them and just hugged him while leaving a cute kiss on the side of his neck. Colby again just smiled and with you on his lap he started editing. All this time you were kissing some part of his body. Face, neck, his arms and chest, just everything that was in your reach.
When you were leaving little kisses on his chest he finally addressed you.
"Baby, you know I love it when you kiss me but I can't focus on editing." he said while holding your chin away from his chest.
"Aw but you're so kissable today, just can't help it." you shrugged while pouting a little.
He laughed cutely and kissed your nose "You will be the death of me." he didn't waste a moment to pick you up by your thighs and with you in his arm he went to your bed where this time he was the one straddling you.
Needless to say how it ended.
And well, maybe you should consider this prank as a failure since he wasn't annoyed at all but how could you be disappointed when you ended up like that?
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kirbsecrets · 1 month
yoyo! please could i request jjk character’s (gojos⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄) reaction to yn always sleeping hugging a pillow🙈 because it’s comfy lol
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Authors note: ^-the pillow
♡-Every time Gojo is on a mission you bring out a small petite pillow to cuddle. He however didn’t know this happened. You always felt lonely when he was gone; but the pillow cheered you up somehow so you always kept it. You especially brought it out tonight since it was raining. It didn’t help because it was also thundering very loudly.
“Baby…” Gojo coos into the apartment, looking around for you. He takes off his blindfold, fondling with the edges before throwing it somewhere.
He notices all of the lights are off as he continues to search for you. The lightning illuminating the apartment. He peeks into your shared bedroom getting a small glimpse of your figure.
You’re back towards him as he walks softly to you.
“Baby…” he coos again. Only this time he is responded with a groan of yours. As he inches closer something comes into his view.
He scoffs, huffing and puffing under his breath as he lays in bed. Trying to take the stupid pillow out of your arms that you are desperately holding on to.
He finally ends up getting it out of arms for a whole 5 minutes. He throws it on the ground, as he cuddles up into you. Gojo ends up replacing the pillow.
You gently wake up from a bolt of thunder. You feel someone’s weight is attached to yours. Carefully looking down seeing your loving boyfriend cuddled up to you.
You wondered where the pillow went but those questions went out the window as you see the pillow at the end of the room. You end up falling back asleep by the warmth of your cute boyfriend.
♡- An aroma suddenly wakes you up. The smell of pancakes invading your senses. Your boyfriend coming into view as he opens the bedroom door wider walking towards you.
“Good morning princess, how’d you sleep?”
“Why are you acting so affectionate today?”
“Can’t I be affectionate with my girlfriend?”
“Well you are just more today than usual..”
“I just didn’t want to be replaced…” he mumbled under his breath as he placed the breakfast on the nightstand sitting on the edge of the bed.
You were confused of what he was talking about until the memory of your pillow being across the room specifically on the floor.
“ ‘Toru I won’t ever replace you, I got the pillow before we even started dating.” “You poor baby”
You say as you kiss his cute pout.
“I’m throwing it away,” he says as he vanishes into the other room.
“ ‘Toru I have it for when you’re on mission and I feel lonely…” now it’s your turn to pout.
“You better not replace me..” he states as he comes rushing back to feed you.
“I won’t ever do that to you my love,” you whisper before eating the pancakes Gojo made you.
Authors note: I’m sorry it’s not the best I have been busy so I’ve tried to get this done soo I hope you like it:)
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dollwrites · 26 days
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the brainworms are brainworming soo… let’s talk about how possessive king!Griffith becomes over his queen.
ivory veils crafted from silk. parasols that catch the white rose petals the commoners rain down upon you. headpieces adorned with pure, white wings whose span careens around from the back of your head to spread across the bridge of your nose. your own kingdom’s population have never been allowed to gaze upon your countenance ( and you, in turn, never able to know what your subjects look like as their eyes gleam with awe at the king and his queen ) — only the lowest quarter on rare occasion. your soft lips as they curve to form the syllables of his name in a whisper before he juts his left shoulder into view, concealing you behind the glittering silver of his armor.
not even inside the palace walls are you permitted to be perceived. you are to hold on to one of his hands with both of yours, allow your husband to be your sight and guide you through seemingly endless corridors. each step you take, you count. you know how many it takes to reach each room in your palace, though you rarely see its magnificence for yourself. once inside the destination, your ladies in waiting as well as royal guard must leave the bedchambers before Griffith will run his willowy finger along the shape of your jaw. “Closed?” you know what the inquiry means, and you close your eyes behind their shield, before giving a subtle and obedient nod. the gentle tilt upwards, as his svelte digits slip beneath your eye covering, lifting it slowly, so as not to shock the delicate gems he keeps hidden away in darkness all day. “Slowly now, my pet.” he murmurs, the once rough pad of his fingertip feeling soft and delicate as it traces your temple, over your cheekbone, and down to your lips.
you are eager to see, but you allow your eyelids to flutter for a few beats before you open them. your vision restored, you glance around the familiar environment. the only room in your own home that you’d truly recognized.
“Very good girl. Take a moment to gather your bearings.”
you look around for a moment— take in the atmosphere. dim candles cast a warm, orange glow on the bed of silken sheets and on the man who sits in front of you upon them. “My love,” you utter, your eyes sparkling with curiosity as they flit upwards to catch his visage within them. he was as stunning as ever, with striking icy eyes and hair as soft and silver as the moon’s glow. “Why must I always hide myself?” it seemed almost disproportionate. if anything, it would be Griffith’s unearthly beauty worth concealing.
Griffith watches you with a stoic expression for a moment, his pout etching upwards into the ghost of a smirk that most would’ve missed. “You are mine, sweetling. As are the people of this kingdom. Every stone, every drop of rain, every blade of grass in this domain. But you are far more precious than any of those.” Griffith’s sapphire eyes seem to darken ever slightly, before he traces the shape of your lips, staring at them for a long moment. after a breath, they flicker back up and lock on to yours. “These eyes are priceless gems, finer than any that have ever been mined. And no man, woman, or child shall look upon them except for your king. They will never tear up, they will never glare. These eyes will only ever gaze up at me with desire and devotion. Your king. Your savior.”
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sordezos · 3 months
Farewell promise II
Soo this is the second part! hope you like it!
Word count: 2232
Warnings: bit of angst, happy ending tho
Thanks @wososapologist for the amazing ideas!! x
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You open your eyes a minute after trying to relax yourself. You finally turn the engine off and turn your head to the right, logo big enough to make you realize again what you were doing here.
After Ingrid’s departure, you spent one year more at Wolfsburg, but it wasn’t the same, so when an offer from Chelsea appeared, you accepted without hesitation. It was known that you were rather a private person and not so talkative in public, but you and Guro hit it off instantly, become close friends after a few weeks. Time passed, you won your place at the starting squad along with a few titles and being recognized as one of the best wingers.
Your family used to tell you at every call that you had everything: friends, a good job with a good pay and at the peak of your career. At first, you agreed, not even thinking about that person that was on the back on your mind. So every time they asked when you were going to get a boyfriend you just laughed and waved them off, changing the topic after.
If someone asked Guro about your love life, she wouldn’t know what to say. Yes, she has seen you going on dates arranged by her and Erin, but every time you came back, excitement about a second date was never present, you just said the same thing: “We didn’t connect” or “He was nice, but I don’t think we hit it off” and went to prepare dinner. Usually, after you came back the three of you would have dinner and watch some movies. It was there when Guro noticed the way you would fidget with the bracelet placed on your wrist. But she didn’t push it, if you wanted to talk, she would give you all the time you needed.
The season came to an end and a decision had to be made. After Chelsea won the league, offers started to rain, and after talking with your agent about each one, both of you decided for a change. After signing up the contract you went to your shared apartment and shared the news with Guro.
You could tell that she was sad, but the encouraging comments made you think that you did the correct decision. It wasn’t until you were in your bed that you started to overthink, was it a hasty decision? It's true that it was the highest offer by far, but you weren’t sure about a lot of things. Well, about one thing, were you ready to see her again? Will she be happy or mad? Will things be the same? Before you could think more, exhaustion caught up to you and sleep consumed you until the morning.
After the official announcement was made, you went to a goodbye party organized by your now ex-teammates. While the driver got you to your new house after the flight, you took your phone to see the ton of messages from a few of your new teammates. You would lie if you say that disappointment didn’t cross your face when that teammate didn’t send a message.
So now you’re here, sit in your car and looking at the giant FC Barcelona logo on the building on your right, checking the time in order to not be late. Today you and Ona Battle were about to start your season at Barcelona, both looking for a change from the London weather.
The two of you have played together at national team camp, so you were good friends, and that’s why when she knocked of your window and smiled at you that you smiled back and got out of the car.
“Qué tal guapa? Con ganas de empezar?” (What’s up? Eager to start?) she asks you jumping on your back as soon as you get out, happiness radiating from her, so you can’t help it but laugh and take your training bag out of the car “Claro que si, te vas a bajar?” (Of course, but are you going to get down?) you say while you start walking “No” is all she says as she tightens her grip and laugh.
Upon entering the changing room you are meet by cheering and applause, your national teammates happy that the two of you are finally playing with them and not against them. They all hug Ona, and they all hug you, except one person. You sit in your assigned place next to Claudia and Patri, and they instantly start to talk to you about something and not wanting to think too much about her, you join the conversation, taping your wrist at the same time and head to the pitch a few minutes later with them.
Ingrid on the other side of the room, watches you leave and turns to Frido, already regretting not approaching to you a few minutes before. Her friend looks at her confused, and before she can ask any questions, Ingrid takes her hand get them out of the room, heading to the pitch. On their way there, Ingrid explains to her all, and by the time she has finished they are already at the pitch doing some paired drills. Frido takes her wrist taking a better look to the special bracelet and before Ingrid can ask her, Frido starts to scold her for not talking to you before.
From the other side of the pitch you see as she takes Ingrid’s hand rather confused, have you read things wrong? Where they something before and you haven’t seen it? Thankfully Patri seems to read your mind, because the next thing she does is explain to you about what happened between Mapi and Ingrid and the aftermath of it, telling you about how Ingrid ended things because she said that she feel things for other person, and before she could tell you anything about said person, the whistle blew and the team got prepared for a practice match.
To your luck, you were put in the same team as Ingrid, and both of you stood there, a few meters apart. Not knowing what to say, should you say something about what happened back there? Say that you’re sorry for her breakup? You finally decided on your words, so you turned around to look at her, just to find that she was looking at you. You finally opened your mouth only for the both to talk at the same time. A laugh came out from your mouth and Ingrid could feel the feelings that she has tried to put down for years coming to the surface at once. Before you could ask her why she looked serious the whistle let all of you know that the match was on, so you turned around and gave your best on the grass.
1 goal and two assists is what you get by the time practice has finished. Making your way to the water bottles you receive several congratulations from your teammates, more than one highlighting how you and Ingrid seems to read each other’s mind with your passes.
You finally go back to the changing rooms along Marta and Alexia, talking about strategies for the next match, taking the tape off your wrist and giving your opinion on a few plays. What you didn’t see is how Frido and Ingrid were behind, and Ingrid was listening to her teammate about the plan that she made for her in order to win you again. Ingrid herself building up the courage to talk to you after all the team left the locker room.
Taking your time on the shower, trying to get rid of your already sore muscles you hear the changing room door opening and closing, thinking it was the last teammate leaving, therefore you thought you were the only one left.
As you get dressed up and exit the showers, you're surprised to find Ingrid waiting for you by your locker. You send her a smile, and she smiles back looking more… relaxed?
But there's something different about Ingrid now—she seems more confident, more self-assured. And as you study her face, you can't help but notice the subtle changes that time has wrought. It's clear she's grown since you last saw her, both as a player and as a person.
Meanwhile, Ingrid studies your face and doesn’t fall to notice how now you are a bit taller than her, how you have let your hair grow longer, and how you seem more mature, looking at a small scar that you had since you were little just above your eyebrow.
Ingrid's eyes twinkle mischievously as she catches you staring, and she smirks teasingly. “Like what you see?” she quips, her tone playful.
You roll your eyes, unable to resist teasing her right back. “Please, I've seen better,” you retort, earning a mock offended gasp from Ingrid.
It seems like the right moment, so you decide to offer your condolences about her breakup with Mapi, not wanting to intrude.
Ingrid's expression flickers with a hint of sadness before she offers a small smile. “Yeah, we broke up,” she admits, her voice tinged with regret. “I realized I still had feelings for someone else.”
Your heart skips a beat at her words, a glimmer of hope sparking within you. Could it be...?
You catch the subtle shift in Ingrid's demeanor, the way her eyes search yours for understanding. You don’t know from where the confidence came from, but with a teasing grin, you nudge her playfully. “Oh, so you finally realized you couldn't live without me, huh?”
Ingrid laughs, a sound that you wouldn't mind listening to every day. “Something like that,” she teases back, her eyes dancing with mischief.
As you continue to chat, Ingrid's gaze drifts to the bracelet adorning your wrist—the same bracelet she gave you years ago before she left. Her expression softens, and she reaches out to touch it gently, her fingers tracing the familiar pattern.
“I can't believe you still have this,” she murmurs, her voice filled with affection.
You shrug nonchalantly, trying to hide the warmth that spreads through you at her touch. “What can I say? It's a good luck charm.”
Ingrid smiles, a genuine smile that reaches her eyes. “Well, it certainly seems to be working,” she says softly, her gaze lingering on yours.
Is when she let go of your hand that you notice her bracelet. “And what do we have here?” you ask her now taking her hand in yours.
She just smiles and shrugs “What can I say? I have excellent taste in jewelry.”
Your laughter fills the room, a melodic sound that sends shivers down her spine. “ Well, I can't argue with that, princesa” you quip, your eyes sparkling with affection.
Then, in a bold move that takes you by surprise, Ingrid asks if you'd like her to show you around the city.
As Ingrid's words hang in the air, the tension between you becomes palpable. Your hidden feelings under the surface threatening to scape at any moment.
Without a word, you step closer, your hands finding their way to Ingrid's waist, pulling her gently towards you. Ingrid's eyes widen slightly in surprise at the sudden intimacy, but she doesn't pull away. Instead, her hand finds the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair as she draws you closer.
The kiss is hesitant at first, a tentative exploration of emotions long suppressed. But as the seconds pass, it deepens. Your heart pounds in your chest as you lose yourself in the taste and feel of Ingrid's lips against yours.
When you finally pull back, breathless and exhilarated, Ingrid's eyes are filled with a mixture of wonder and longing. You can see the uncertainty lingering in her gaze, a silent question waiting to be answered.
 “So, is that a yes?” she asks, her voice barely above a whisper, her fingers still tracing patterns on your skin.
“Well, I don't know,” you say, feigning uncertainty. “I've heard you're a bit rusty when it comes to giving tours. Might need a more experienced guide.”
Ingrid rolls her eyes playfully, a smirk playing on her lips. “Oh, please. I practically wrote the guidebook on this city,” she retorts, her tone teasing.
As Ingrid's fingers continue to trace patterns on your skin, you can't help but tease her in return, savoring the playful banter that has always been there between the two of you.
 “Well, in that case,” you say, a mischievous twinkle in your eyes, “I suppose I'll have to take my chances with the self-proclaimed expert guide.”
Ingrid chuckles softly, her smirk widening into a grin. “You won't regret it, elsking” she assures you, her voice laced with amusement.
With a playful grin, you lean in once more, capturing her lips in another sweet kiss. When you finally pull back, you can't help but laugh. “We have a lot of lost time to make up for, don't we cariño?” you remark, a hint of teasing in your voice.
Ingrid's eyes sparkle with amusement as she nods, a playful glint in her gaze. “Oh, definitely,” she replies, her tone filled with promise. “But I have a feeling we'll have no trouble catching up.”
And before you know it, you are hand in hand walking towards your car and talking about the movie you are going to see tonight.
I just hope ya'll liked it, if you have any request feel free to tell me!
Any ideas for the next one?
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sanspuppet · 8 months
sooo... it actually makes more sense a 3some with yungi than sangi... and i saw a lot of people asking for that and IM AM SO EXCITED AT THE THOUGHT- LIKE- YUNHO AND MINGI??? ahnwpifedej 🫠🫠 im melting
so yeah here it is
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PAIRING: softsub!Mingi x roughdom!Yunho x reader
GENRE: smut (18+ MDNI)
W/T: threesome, oral sex (both giving and receiving), handjob (giving), cum eating, unprotected sex, rough and kinda sweet (?) sex
DISCLAIMERS: english is not my first language so excuse any grammar errors or akward wording, this is not meant to represent Mingi or Yunho in any way.
A/O: sorry for all the people that choose another pair, but they'll come soon. OOOHH AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR REACHING 100 FOLLOWERS!!
You and Yunho knew each other for almost 15 years and been best friends since high school, but your relationship was always been... kinda weird? Everytime you saw him, something strange happened to you, and you didn't even realize it. Not until a specific night, were you've been forced to stay at his dorm, because of the weather. And boom! How the fuck did you finish to be on Yunho's lap, with him sucking on your breast, while your clothed cunt was rubbing against his boner?? It was the same question you did to yourself the next morning, so did Yunho. That's how your relationship was now "friends with benefits": you were attracted to the other physically, and when one of you two, was horny, you just had sex.
You were now in his bedroom, outside was raining hard, just like your first time with him. Yunho was sitting on the corner of his bed, his hands squeezing the sheets, while you were sucking him off. The way you were making him feel so good, he couldn't help but keep moaning and whining your name in tiny. It was about 10 minutes that you were moving you head up and down, his tip touching every single time the back of you throat. You let his cock out of your mouth, with a pop, and just like that, he groaned loudly, before he filled your mouth with his cum, still fighting for don't screaming too much, riding his orgasm. Your panties? They were certainly soaking from how wet his dick made you. You kept rubbing his length with your hands, and giggled seeing him desperate.
"You like that Yuyu?" you've always asked after making him reach his climax.
"So damn much, geez y/n-"
You sucked your fingers, wet by his cum, and suddenly sat on his tights. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, and your lips attached under his chin, leaving small kisses and sucking his sensitive skin.
"Ready Yunnie? Gonna make you feel so good." you started to bounce slightly on his cock. You were about to drag your hands down on your ass, ready to take off your panties, when you heard the door opening behind you.
"Yunho, im home, want some street foo- oh fuck" Mingi was standing right there, watching your ass cheeks resting on Yunho's knees.
"Sorry i... didn't knew you were dating-?" he said, confused.
"We're not bro... just some good sex." Yunho replied, didn't caring if Mingi could see him naked. And so, you asked without even thinking:
"Wanna join us?" Suddenly the thought of two dicks inside of you just broke you, no need to deny that you were such a cockslut in those moments. Mingi opened his mouth, ready to deny your proposal, but... who could stop him? He was having the opportunity to fuck a pretty girl like you, and enjoy it with his best friend, shameless.
"Yeah, why not." he closed the door behind him, and headed towards you and Yunho. He sat right next to him, and admired your tits, grabbed by his friend's veiny hands. He moved his eyes on yours then, and took off his sweatshirt, exposing his gorgeous abs.
"So... what did you do to him? He seems so fucked out." Mingi asked you, looking now at Yunho, with a smirk.
"Tell him Yuyu." You said to Yunho, proud of your hard work. You wanted him to explain how Mingi's gonna feel, when your little mouth will be filled up by his cock.
"Fuck, she sucked my dick soo fucking good, such a dick eater, aren't you?" Yunho teased you, even if hearing that only made you hornier. "Yeah honestly i love to taste Yuyu's cock... what about yours Min? Does it taste good?" you got off Yunho's lap, and sat on Mingi's one, with lust in your eyes, so ready to eat his cum, too.
"I don't know, maybe you can answer it yourself." Was he ready? You didn't care, you just wanted to hear his desperate low groans, just by the thought of them you'd fall on your knees, and that exactly what you did: you knelt in front of him, your hands were resting on his inner tights, as you looked at him.
"May I take those off?" you pointed at his pants, looking for approval, before pleasuring him. Yunho was looking at the both of you: Mingi already hard for your sexiness, and you so needy to play with his cock. You noticed that, and looked at him, while unzipping Mingi's jeans.
"Can you please eat me out, too?" you asked him, not able to resist anymore the wetness you could feel inside you underwear. Mingi moved back, laying on the matress, you now on top of him, facing his boxers, Yunho on his knees at your back, ready to take your panties off. As you took Mingi's dick out, and spitted on it, Yunho was already licking the wet off of your cunt. You wanted to moan so bad, but your mouth was already filled up by Mingi's huge length, trying hard to reach the under area of his dick with your tongue. He start to whine softly, with his deep voice, sending you shivers down to your spine (or was it because of Yunho rubbing his tongue against your pussy?).
"Fuck, she's so good at it, bro." Mingi said to Yunho.
"And she just started, can't wait to fill her pussy too."
Oh yeah, you couldn't wait, too. So, you sped up your pace, once you knew how to take Mingi's length completely, almost choking from how big it was, and palmed his balls. The sound of Yunho sucking on your clit was the only thing you could hear beneath Mingi's groans, as he was already feeling his orgasm hitting him.
"Yes! Oh fuck, wish i had a slut like you, cock eater"
His abs were flexing, while his hands were gripping the sheets, just like Yunho did. You could feel he was close, by the amount of precum spreaded by his dick. He was so wet, because of you, and there was nothing that made you proud as much as making a man cum desperately. You popped his dick out of your mouth, and jerked him off with your hand, relentlessly.
"You're close, right? Like how i can make your dick twitch under my touch, yeah?" you asked, trying to ignore the pleasure that Yunho was making you also feel.
"Yeah fuck- imma fill you up with my cum so soon."
You chuckled and moaned at the same time, even Yunho was so good at licking your pussy, making you legs tremble by the pleasure he could make you feel. Mingi shutted his eyes, when you took his cock again in your mouth, ready to make him reach his orgasm. The moment Mingi left a high moan, it was pretty obvious he was going to cum straight inside you throat, making you choke as many swipes of his seed filled every inch of your mouth. You popped out his cock again, and swallowed, giggling: "Oh Min... you taste so fucking good."
Yunho took his tongue out of your pussy, and tried to clean his face with his hand, by your wetness.
"Does he taste better than me?" He asked you.
"Yeah" you smirked, knowing that your answer was making him burn inside: "Oh, yeah? Well i bet, i can fuck you better, wanna see? wanna feel it?"
Mingi in the meantime, was still recovering from his high, when Yunho stood up, not even waiting or saying anything, before pushing himself inside you, a broken moan left your mouth as he immediately started to pound you roughly.
"Fuck! Yu-Yun- ho-" your tits were bouncing forwards and backwards, right in front of Mingi. You couldn't see anything: you shutted your eyes, when Yunho gripped your hair, pulling it. The sound of skin slapping against skin, repeatedly and roughly, was echoing in Yunho's bedroom. You were trying not to be too loud, but sometimes desperate and loud moans left your mouth, followed by low grunts. When Mingi opened his eyes again, the only thing he could see, in facts, was your breast almost slapping on his face, he thought, after you sucked him off, he couldn't get hard another time so easily... well, sorry: just seeing the texture of the skin of your hard nipples, made you feel his tip standing against your clit.
"Fuck, so pretty. Can i lick them?" He asked you, despite you couldn't hear or think at anything, too fucked out to reply.
"Yeah Mingi, don't ask, just use her now." Yunho said, before speeding his pace up even more.
"Okey... if you say so." Mingi immediately attached his lips on your nipples, trying to make your tits stay still, by grabbing them between his hands.
You just loved what was going on, two men making you act like a slut, bet the sight was so fucking hot.
Yunho kept thrusting into your pussy, for barely 4/5 minutes, before you were about to climb your high, too. His dick fitted perfectly you, everytime he slided his cock inside you, it touched every perfect spot. Your walls clenched intensely around his length, as you finally felt your orgasm.
"Come on, pretty baby, cum around my dick." Yunho groaned, too hyped when your folds were squeezing his length. You nodded, biting your lower lip.
"Oh- so fucking tight-" he pounded a few more times, when you released your cum around him, before sliding his cock out of you. Exhausted, he layed on the bed, satisfied of how well he just fucked you.
"I give you- 2 minutes- for recovering- then- you'll ride Mingi, understand?" Yunho said to you, panting for his tiredness.
"Y-yeah" you replied and rested your head on Mingi's chest, trying to get off of your orgasm.
"Take your time" Mingi murmured at your ear, and caressed your soft hair, making you smile.
After a few minutes, when you were ready for round 2, you stood your back up, and smiled at him. You dragged your hips down on his body, till almost reaching his cock.
"Im ready now! Can't wait to feel your dick, too."
Mingi chuckled, and turned his face at Yunho: "I've never thought she would be such a cockslut."
But, actually... you were, 24/7 willing to suck and lick a dick, how you could be so naughty? Even you, you asked yourself. Mingi stood up, and layed his back against the back of the bed, dragging you closer to him. He looked closely at you:
"Damn bro- you're so lucky to have such a pretty friend."
"Don't worry, you'll probably join us again, after this." Yunho replied, before you suddenly sat on Mingi's dick, taking all of it at once: "Fuck! fuck so big- shit."
"It hurts?" Mingi grabbed your hips, ready to lift them up, if you were going to nod.
"Slightly" you replied, trying to get used to the new length. Yunho chuckled: "C'mon girl, i know you can take it, just bounce on it already." provoking you.
"Surely i can, don't know if Min, can take it." you smirked.
Mingi looked at you, pretending to be indignant: "What? Me? Haha- we'll see, now fuck me babe."
You did as he said, and started to pump over his dick, the back of your ass cheeks slapping against his balls, while his hands were wrapped forcefully around your hips. You immediately started to moan repeatedly, everytime you filled your own pussy with Mingi's cock. You couldn't help but clench your walls around it, from how big it was, almost painfully big. He threw his head back, and groaned, he's never felt so good, that you were about to think he was a vergin. Mingi kept praising you, murmuring things like:
"So good" "So pretty" "You're so tight" "God, so sexy" almost like a mantra.
You didn't resist more than 3 minutes, before running the second orgasm. Your legs were trembling, from the pleasure, and the tiredness of bouncing rhythmically for just some minutes. Mingi's fingers were gripping and squeezing your back, as he was going to cum, too.
"Fuck, im close y/n. I need to fill you up, please."
"Do it Min! Fucking do it-" you broke the sentence by moaning, all your muscles were twitching desperately when you finally felt your orgasm hitting you mercilessly. Yunho, meanwhile, was staring at the both of you, enjoying to watch, literally a porn, in front of him. He giggled, applauding:
"Yeah! So hot, you two together, so gorgeous."
Mingi looked at him, smirking: "Modestly, I know we're sexy, aren't we y/n?"
"Damn, yes." you replied, and rested your chin on his shoulder, his dick still inside your pussy, still not wanting to feel yourself empty again.
"So, who fucked you better?" Yunho asked, getting closer to you. His hand caressing gently your ass.
"Don't know, still can't decide. Maybe we need to try one more time." you smirked at him. Yunho looked at Mingi, and laughed together.
"Prepare yourself babe, this is gonna be a long night."
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aezuria · 2 months
okay okay but like could you do hcs about Jason grace x shy/cutesy fem!reader?? It would be so cute omgg everyone looks up to Jason as this intimidating badass leader but his gf is just the cutest, softest, most adorable lil thing ever??
*ੈ✎ he don't bite! (yes he do!)
content: jason grace x reader; hcs
warnings: none?? i made this more camp jupiter based tho sorry
note: THIS REQUEST WAS SOO CUTSEY OMGGG jason is a doberman bf fr
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so like yk how everyone in camp jupiter sees him as this super tough guy???
who wouldnt; he was the former praetor, son of jupiter himself, literally trained for war since he was a toddler
why is a guy like that walking around with YOU??
the most sweetest girl to ever grace the earth
how does that even happen?
jason is quite literally marching around with perfect posture, glaring at everyone (he's really just squinting cause he forgot his glasses... again)
and then he sees you!!
even with shit eyesight he knows the shape of you by heart
and his whole demeanor just?? softens? lights up? relaxes? all of the above
it was just such a rough day for him; he forgets everybody around him and just scoops you into his arms, burying his face into the crook of your neck
a bit of an awkward position with him having to bend down at a weird angle but he doesnt care!!
he just wants to hold you and have you hold him and cuddle :((
meanwhile everyones like WTF WHO ARE YOU AND IS THIS REALLY JASON
literally melts in your arms the second you hug him back
"you wanna go rest?" you whisper into the crook of his neck, to which he nodded against your shoulder. you laughed lightly and pulled away, or at least tried to. "let's go then."
he begrudgingly let you out of his arms, following behind you
everybody else is still reeling in shock btw
you guys were the TALK OF THE TOWN for WEEKS after
one of those things where youd never guess but when you know abt it, it just makes SO much sense
you guys are polar opposites in such a good way (to everybody else at least)
cuddling with you is his best relaxing thing to do
you literally had to get him a life cause the only things he knew to do were work and fight
bro has never had a day off like ever
once you two started dating, he was introduced to the most addicting drug: physical touch
he was probably really shy at first; really really likes it but feels like he doesnt deserve it cause all hes been treated with is harshness
and hes unused to being so gently handled
(someone give him a hug fr)
which is what YOU did!
now he love loves it, especially on days like these when everythings just too much and all he wants to do is unwind
runs to you like a puppy
LOVE LOVES being the little spoon even though hes shy abt it
he can do both but smth abt being held instead of doing the holding for once makes his heart heavy in a bittersweet way
would spend all day in your arms if he could just get out of his workaholic attitude (which is never, but hes doing better with you)
okay, we can all agree jason is scary when hes mad
which is USUALLY unlikely unless someone hurts his friends or smth like that
but sometimes he just looks mad and if you werent close to him, you wouldnt be able to tell the difference
but back to him being MAD mad
like, abt to beat the living (dead?) shit out of a monster mad because there is one RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU EW GET IT OFF
he just, did NOT NEED THAT TODAY HES TIRED AND SAD AND that was his breaking point
unleashes HELL on that poor monster, literally calls down a whole storm
the skies turn dark, clouds heavy with rain and the whole camp just looks up like ??? was this on the weather forecast
then it starts raining LIGHTNING and they all know who it is
and go inside and hide
was it a bit overdramatic? yes, but jason deserves to be dramatic sometimes
once he FINALLY finishes the job, he stomps back into the camp, terminus even taking note and doesnt say anything quippy
youd think he has the plague by the way people make room for him to walk
but then you poke through the crowd and spot him. "jason?"
hed know your voice anywhere, his head immediately turning to the direction he heard it
you were already right next to him, rubbing his arm and giving him your signature sweet smile
the stormy air around him seemed to part for you, like you were sun seeping through the cracks in the clouds
"y/n," he greeted you warmly, linking your arms together
what an odd sight the two of you made, but a cute one nonetheless!
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tpwkwriter · 9 months
Hii can u do one w soft dom harry and y/n having a slow vanilla sex on a rainy night shshsjb 👉👈
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Such an adorable idea omds!!🩷
Warnings: ofc smut/ detailed smut, ABSOLUTE FILTH, mentions of sexual themes, cuss words + super domestic.
————rainy day pillowprincess—————————
Being back home was amazing, family, friends, familiarity it was amazing, however the UK really does have the most biopolar weather and rain constantly wasn’t rare.
Being away was good n all but that meant the couple couldn’t have intimacy as much as they wished, after today Harry and y/n were both free for 2 weeks and Harry especially couldn’t wait.
Y/n knew what she was in for H had been dropping hints all this morning before he left and frankly it excited her.
With rain heavily pattering at the window almost like silver bullets, y/n wanted to make this extra cosy and close.
She dashed into there shared room lowered the light dark enough to emphasise the moonlight and stars shinning down on there shared bed, she even lit some of her favourite candles which heavily set the mood.
Only having minutes left, she quickly slipped into her favourite mini silk night dress which she knew H would appreciate.
“Y/n? Love?”
That familiar voice knocked her from her aroused thoughts, witch a quick mirror check and ruffle of her hair she’s ready.
“M’upstairs Baby” she hummed, sitting on the corner of there queen sized bed.
It wasn’t long before y/n was welcomed to the sight of her boyfriend.
his hair being wet from the rain really did something to y/n it reminded her of how he looked after a shower that they often shared, the thought of it had her legs clenching together.
“Fuck Baby” he gushed, letting his jacket slip off his arms and toeing of his shoes.
“Hey baby” y/n said aimlessly gazing at the gorgeous man in-front of her taking him all in.
Without another word Harry leans across the the bed and doesn’t hesitate to leave a lingering kiss across her glossy lips, it wasn’t king until the kiss progressed into something further.
It didn’t take much before Harry’s hands started wandering across her neck and chest.
“Fuck” y/n lightly moaned.
“Let me love you darling” he said against her lips “let me make you happy baby”
“Mmhmm” y/n hummed not trusting her shaky voice at this moment, despite there 4 year anniversary coming up he still made her breathless.
Shivering at the feel of Harry’s cold rings on her sensitive nipples over the thin silk caused y/n to leave a line of breathy moans, music to his ears Harry thought.
“Fucking hell baby, jumping the guns hmm?” Harry quietly spoke, whilst biting down on his bottom lip and his hands continue to slid her nightdress further up her body, realising she had no panties on.
“Gonna make you feel soo good angel, so good” he continues.
Once the nightdress is completely discarded Harry decided a he can’t wait any longer.
“M’kay baby, m’gonna touch you now okay? Remember your colours?” He said referring to the colour system they created, green being absolutely fine keep going, orange being slow down/try something else and red being stop, it worked for them.
“Mmhmm, touch me” she said fluttering her eyelashes.
He presses his lips messily to hers and make sure to gently move her back onto the soft mattress and gently being on top of her, keeping his lips on hers he slides his hands down her perfect body and gently begins to place his digits into her wet pussy.
“Shit” she moans against him.
“Someones been waiting for this hm?”
“Uh uh” she moans clenching her eyes.
“I want- ah shit” she moans again.
“What baby, what d’ya want” he whispers against her lips
“Gotta use y’words angel”
“Y’tongue, please harry shit” she asks
“S’that right” he smirks, knowing he has her in such a mess already has his ego bursting at the seems.
Removing his fingers from her, her arousal still prominent around his fingers had Harry some way.
“Wanna Taste y’self for me Baby, gonna clean m’fingers off”
“Mmmhmmm” she whined, opening her mouth already to the request.
“My good girl, such a good girl” he says placing his pointer finger and middle finger into her mouth to which she instantly does what she’s told.
“My best girl”
Once satisfied he decided to now give the girl what she requested.
Making sure to give some attentions to her breasts, he makes his way down to her throbbing pussy.
“Fuck harry” she whined, his hot breath on her wet sex was already pleasurable.
“Darling your dripping”
“Harry please”
“This pussy was just made for me, wasn’t it darling”
“Uh huh”
“Please harry” she added
“I will darling, patience baby girl patience”
Without any warning he plunges his tongue into her wet hole, causing her to squirm and moan under his touch.
His hands go under her legs and hold her abdomen in attempt to keep her in his touch.
He continues to lick a stripe up and down her pussy, her clear arousal coating his tongue.
“Fuck” she squealed.
“M’gonna cum already!” She added voice high and slightly shaky
Harry drew circles with his tongue her throbbing clit, loving her reactions and the feel of her hand lightly pulling at his curls edges him even more.
“Fuck, harry please im gonna cum” she moaned, the feel of his mouth around her clit was enough to trigger these feelings in her tummy.
“Cum on m’tongue love” he hummed against her pussy, she almost did there and then with the vibrating feeling of his voice.
Harry worked on her clit with his tongue while freeing his left hand to finger her hole.
Y/n was a shaky, whiny mess, and Harry couldn’t wait to finish her off later.
“Harry” she cried.
“Fuck, fuck im gonna fuck harry I’m cu-“ and with that Harry felt the hot liquid coat his tongue, fuck she was delicious.
“Such a good girl” he breathed, slowly pulling himself up towards the flustered girl.
“I wanna” she began.
“Wanna Take care of you”
“You do?” He asked pressing a kiss to her lips again.
“Mmmhmm, wanna make my Harry happy”’
“Your Harry’s very happy darling” he said quickly pulling up from h the kiss and unbuckling his belt, and y/n was quick to remove his shirt.
“So handsome” y/n uttered.
“Mm fuck, so hard” she continued pressing a palm to his now very exposed erection.
“Only for you darling, you do this to me” he breathed out.
“I wanna taste your cock” she said, flipping him over and kneeling on the floor and resting her hands on his clad thighs.
“Yeah, Yeah Darling, wanna taste m’cock hmm?” He hums lifting his hips and removing the last garment he had on.
Y/n was in awe, his cock practically hit his tummy when he removed his boxers, the sight of the pre cum leaking from the tip absolutely made her drool.
Not wanting to waste more time she swirled her tongue around the tip of his dick.
“Christ” he breathed out, relaxing in her mouth.
Wanting to drag this out longer she swirled her tongue around his thick cock enjoying the taste and weight of it on her tongue.
A sudden speed, began, the sight of her bobbing her pretty head up and down on his cock did it for Harry.
“Baby girl fucking fuck!” He hissed.
“I love your cock harry” she said removing his cock from her mouth a ‘pop’ sound following.
Pressing kisses along his cock and hands trailing around the base, with this he wasn’t gonna last long.
“Baby, Baby” he quickly blurted.
“M’really not gonna last, I need to fuck you and now” he breathed.
Y/n’s eyes lit up at the idea, again she was throbbing.
Not being able to wait any longer, harry gently guides y/n back to the bed.
“Head down, arse up, just how you like it princess”
Y/n was fast to do what he said, her sex still dripping and glossy, this was going to be worth it.
Harry took a second to take in what was happening, a cosy room, the rain hitting there bedroom window making them feel safe and warm from the outside coldness and his beautiful girl in-front of him what a lucky guy.
“What’s your colour lovie?” He said placing both hands on her hips.
“Green, so so green” she sighed happily against her pillow.
Harry props himself against the girl and aligns his hard on, to her pussy.
“Ready beautiful?” He hummed.
“Mmhmm baby”
Once it slides in, both of them enter cloud 9, this what they’ve craved and waited for, and it was worth it.
It wasn’t long and Harry’s thrusts became more frequent and swift.
“Oh shit” y/n moaned, eyes shut and mouth agape and clutching further into her pillow.
“God baby”
“Love you, so much it hurts” he moans keeping his pace.
It wasn’t long until both of them would reach breaking point.
“Cum with me baby girl” he moans, voice shakier and lower then usual.
“Fuck your so tight around me” he breathes
“Baby cum, cum harry cum” y/n whined, thank god for the pillow otherwise the neighbours would’ve been complaining.
And just like that they were moaning shaking messes.
“Shit, fuck, shit” harry groans falling into his girls back.
“I love you” he huffs.
Reluctantly he slowly pulls out, and grabs his girl.
“C’mere pretty thing” he said laying down on his side of the bed and letting her fall ontop of him, we reached down gently and pulled up the duvet to allow it to warm them for a sec.
“I love you Harry, ah shit” she said flailing ontop of him kissing his cheek.
“I love you so much angel girl fuck”
A few moments of comfortable silence were shared, listening to the raindrops hit the glass pane and staring at the silver bright moon which shone through there window.
“We should clean up, I’ll ran y’bath baby” Harry suggested.
“Mmm, just let me hold you for 5 more minutes.
I really did not know where to stop😭 hope this isn’t too much defo the smuttist thing I’ve write hope it’s not cringy 😵‍💫
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inevesgf · 4 months
PERFECT PAIR ⠀,⠀ arthurtv.
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synopsis ✩ what it’s like dating arthurtv!
warnings: mentions of sex, gender neutral!reader.
authors note: went on a little roadtrip this weekend so i spent my time writing some highly requested headcanons for arthur! i have a lot of inspiration to write so hopefully this week i can push out two posts instead of the usual one. xx
• clingy boyfriend energy, but at its finest. just loves to be around you — especially in your arms. hence this, his love language is physical touch with quality time sprinkled in there.
• he loves to watch movies with you. will show you his favorite movies and make you pay attention to every little detail and explain when you miss important things, but you love it anyways.
• loves to take you out on date nights! arthur is one for little adventures so he prefers to do an escape room, go on a hike, etc than stay in or have a fancy dinner.
• is actually the type of person to message you “are you busy this weekend?” and when you say no, he sends you screenshots of plane or train tickets to a weekend getaway as a surprise.
• all about living in the moment — i feel like arthur definitely would take candid photos of you which his camera roll is FULL of. he cherishes these memories more than anything.
• and of course, in return, you also take plenty of a photos of him. i’m sure both of you have folders in your camera roll only dedicated to photos of each other.
• shared playlist that you both cherish soo dearly. definitely filled with songs by the 1975, hozier and lorde — he probably stole most of your music taste from this playlist.
• because of your similar music taste, he also likes to book spontaneous concert tickets once an artist you like is performing near you. he will dance and sing with you in the crowd like you two are the only people on earth.
• he’ll play the playlist loudly in the car with you and you both will sing aloud to every song at the top of your lungs.
• will definitely drive to the beach or stop driving when it’s raining just to crank up the radio and dance in the sand or in the rain with you.
• loves to be near you in anyway. is addicted to you sitting on his lap, minding your own business, while he edits or works on things he needs to.
• big spoon though he doesn’t mind being the little spoon when he hasn’t had the best day. but prefers you to lay your head on his chest and play with your hair.
• loves to hug your from behind while you’re preparing food, etc. he shoves his head into the crook of your neck and sways back and forth as he leaves little kisses on the back of your neck.
• pda does happen between you two, but it’s never anything excessive. arthur will hold your hand while you two are walking and snake his arm around your shoulder or waist when you two are standing around.
• pda does increase when he is drunk though. i imagine you having to pick him up after doing platform roulette with arthur and george — he’s just so exhausted that all he wants to do is lay on you and sleep and pepper your face in hundreds of kisses.
• i have a feeling arthur definitely caught feelings first. maybe you two had mutual friends and you’d see each other at get togethers and parties — everyone would try and convince him to say something but all he could do was look at you in awe because he was so nervous.
• big friends to lovers vibes where he becomes less shy overtime and finally starts to flirt with you — to the best of his ability that is.
• “you’re cute.” “what?” “i said you uhhh look like a fruit.” “that doesn’t make any sense…?”
• eventually, with the help of some liquid courage, he’d confess to you without directly saying that he fancies you.
• “that sounds like you’re flirting with me, mr tv.” “i have been for MONTHS now.” “well you’re not that good at it — but it worked.”
• your first kiss was definitely you trying to make him shut up by interrupting him with one. he would be absolutely shocked, but kisses back because it’s something he’s been wanting for awhile.
• all your friends joke that you wear the pants in the relationship even though you feel like it is mutually shared.
• in the bedroom though, that is, arthur usually likes you to be the more dominant one which you happily oblige too.
• he likes you on top of him, letting your fingers tangle in the back of his hair and pulling on it slightly.
• he allows you to leave hickeys on his neck and collarbones of which he doesn’t cover up. he doesn’t show them off, but likes having them on him as a token of your love.
• talks to his friends about you, especially when he’s drunk and extra in awe of you. he talks about how happy you make him and your little adventures that you go on — it’s sure to make george and chris a little jealous that he is so lucky to have someone like you.
• black cat boyfriend all the way. introverted and intuitive, but lets loose around you and his close friends.
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moonlightndaydreams · 7 months
JISUNG SMUT IDEA! Soo I was Christmas shopping the other day and I went into Sephora and found one of the colognes Han Jisung uses (Dior Sauvage) and I may or may not have bought a bottle for my boyfie for Christmas definitely not because I'm obsessed with Jisung and I need him no that's definitely not it at all LOL HELP and I've come to the conclusion that this scent has made me realize I gave a scent kink and I was wondering if you could write something where reader having a scent kink and jisung finds out about it and teases her about it and fucks her so good and so well cause I'm so fucking delulu for that man it's unhealthy. I love your work sm! Thank you 😫
Love, Hannji ✨️
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Bergamot & Vanilla
Pairing: Han Jisung x fem!reader // AU colleagues to lovers
Synopsis: You and Jisung work together but ever since that day he leant you his scarf and almost kissed you, you've been fantasising about him. When he secretly discovers you still have his scarf and his cologne is still on it, he decides to do something about it.
Word count: 6k approximately
CW below.
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Warnings MINORS DNI - SMUT WARNING: NSFW, scent kink, Han is a perv (sort of but not creepy), Han tastes readers “arousal”, fondling in a public place, panty sniffing, car sex, unprotected piv sex, cumming inside, nipple sucking, vaginal fingering, masturbation, sexual fantasies, angst, creampies, happy ending.
You were almost there. The familiar knot in your stomach ready to snap at any moment. You needed the release. Desperately. You rubbed your clit harder and wrapped Han’s scarf tighter around your face, immersing yourself in that fragrance, the one he had worn when you had only just started working closer together in your new roles, and it had made you wet instantaneously. The one he wore that one time when you swore he was going to kiss you.
You fucked yourself faster with your dildo as you cast your mind back to that moment. You were both in the work car, off to see a client, when you were caught in traffic. You remembered the sound of the rain hitting the windscreen, and the squeaking of the wipers that needed to be replaced as they tried their best to give you a clear view of the road. The entire car had been filled with Han’s cologne. Intoxicating. A mix of bergamot and vanilla.
You chased your orgasm, moaning breathily as you pictured him in the driver’s seat. He had been dressed in a beige jacket and a grey and white scarf. He’d looked at you nervously, and you had felt your stomach flip and cunt throb. Fuck you had wanted him so bad. He’d stared at you, also nervously, swallowing hard and licking his lip anxiously. “Y/n,” he’d whispered, his eyes dropping to your lips. “Jisung?” you’d choked. And then a car beeped from behind, taking you both out of your trance.
But in your fantasy, there was no beeping of horns to interrupt you. In your fantasy, Jisung crashed his lips on yours. He was rough and desperate. His tongue slid into your mouth. “Get in the back.” He demanded, pulling away. “I need you”. Suddenly, you flashed to images of yourself and Jisung in the backseat. Windows foggy, your clothes discarded. “Ride me, please baby”. He panted. You sunk down onto his cock with ease, and bounced on him like a wild woman. You nuzzled into the scarf as you imagined nuzzling into Jisung’s neck. You imagined him saying filthy things to you like “you’re so wet”, “you’re so fucking tight,” and “Come for me, baby”. And then you’re were actually coming. You clenched around your didlo while imagining you were clenching around Jisung’s cock. It was intense. It always was. The scent on the scarf heightening the fantasy, melding reality and fiction together to create an extra potent experience. A euphoria that brought tears to your eyes.
In reality, Jisung never kissed you. Your little moment broken by the impatient drivers behind you. The client wasn’t home when you arrived, and so Jisung suggested to go out for lunch. Well that was torture. He even looked fuckable eating a meal. You sat across from him as he peeled off his jacket to reveal his gorgeous cream sweater that was thin enough to show his toned frame. Fuck you loved knitwear on men. Especially Jisung. Then he removed his scarf, placing it on the chair behind him. Anyone in the restaurant would have thought you were a couple. You were similar age, you got along exceptionally well, like two besties. But your heart was racing a million miles an hour and felt so loud that you were sure the chef would have heard it in the kitchen.
Then when you stepped outside after lunch, the rain and wind had picked up and Jisung wrapped his scarf around your neck. The gesture caused the breath in your throat to hitch and you knew you couldn’t help but stare at him as he stood awfully close while adjusting it. You could have sworn he took longer than necessary to make sure it was just right. But you couldn’t be certain.
That was three months ago. Somehow you never gave him the scarf back. Instead, you used it to indulge in your own sexual pleasure, masturbating as you inhaled the mixture of his cologne and him, and imagining him inside you.
You laid on your bed, catching your breath. Han fucking Jisung. Fuck, you had it bad for him. Your work colleague. You shook the sexual thoughts away and attempted to bring your mind and body firmly back into reality, sitting up and checking the clock. You had plenty of time for a shower before Jisung would be there to pick you up on the way to see a client. Forgetting about putting away your dildo and scarf, you grabbed your outfit for the day and headed up the hall to your bathroom, closing the door behind you, and turning on the shower.
Jisung pulled up in your driveway. He was early, but he hoped you might be ready to maybe grab some breakfast, or at the very least, a coffee. That’s what was great about being mobile lenders for the bank you worked at, you could try out all the different cafes in between clients.
When he realised you weren’t answering the door, he let himself in with the spare key you had given him. It was meant to be a one off thing, the key, and Jisung couldn’t quite remember the reason you gave it to him. But you had never asked for it back, so he kept it. He wasn’t sure why he kept it either. It was kind of creepy if he thought about it. So he simply decided the best thing to do was not think about it.
Once inside the house, Jisung was immediately met with the sound of you singing in the shower down the hall, and he chuckled to himself. It was awful. But you sounded happy and that made him happy too. You were generally a happy person, but he’d caught glimpses of something more from you now he spent more time with you. Something deeper, and Jisung found himself daydreaming about you a lot. In fact, Jisung couldn’t keep his mind off you. You were the first thing he thought about when he woke each morning, and the last thing he thought about each night. He loved that he could spend his days working alongside you. All day, everyday. But he never let on. He tried to not let his eyes linger on your lips, instead he’d stare at your ass whenever you hopped out of the car. Sometimes, he’d pretend he was tired and ask you to drive just so he could steal glances of your face while you concentrated on the road.
Jisung looked around the entry hall of your house, wondering if he should go sit in the living room or wait at the front door? Maybe he should go back out and wait in the car? You might freak out if you just found him in your home while you had been naked in the shower. But then he noticed the door on his right was open. Jisung had been in your house a few times before, but that door had always been closed. He stood in the doorway, leaning on the frame, taking in what must be your bedroom. Your most personal space. Dark teal walls with vintage pictures that hung far too high up than they should be. A big window let in a beautiful amount of natural light. No esnuite, which he had already figured out with your terrible singing voice muffled by the sound of a shower in another part of the house.
His eyes landed on your bed. The place where you slept each night. He imagined you laying there sleeping. Did you always sleep alone, or did you bring men into your boudoir? Han wanted to be one of those men. Did you sleep naked? Han wanted to lay against your naked body. He’d thought about that often. Then he saw it. His scarf. The one from that day. Jisung had wanted to kiss you so bad in the car that day. Fuck, he’d almost kissed you when he wrapped that scarf around you. He’d even noticed how you’d held your breath when his fingers lingered on you when he was securing it around you. He had hoped you hadn’t noticed he was taking his time with it.
Jisung turned his head to look up the hallway towards your bathroom. You were still belting out something he couldn’t quite understand, and his legs took on a mind of their own as he walked into your room and approached your bed. He picked up the scarf and pressed it to his face hoping to smell you. He did smell you. You were mixed with the scent of him and the cologne he’d worn up until that day. Jisung scoffed. He stopped wearing that cologne after that. He wasn’t sure why. He also wasn’t sure why you had his scarf on your bed?
His heart began to beat faster and he brought the scarf back to his nose once more. This time he noticed a scent that made his dick begin to harden, and his eyes closed in what could only be described as arousal. The part of his brain that controlled imagination suddenly fired up and in his mind he found himself between your legs, lapping you up. Jisung’s eyes shot open when he realised exactly what it was he could smell, at the same time his eyes caught a bright purple object on the bed. Your dildo. Jisung knew he shouldn’t touch it. He should be satisfied just knowing that you had been pleasuring yourself, possibly merely minutes before his arrival. He should be content with simply hoping you were pleasuring yourself with thoughts of him, just like he did with thoughts of you.
But Jisung, couldn’t help himself, and he reached down and grasped the toy, holding it in his hand to take a closer look. He knew it’s wrong, an invasion of your privacy, but he was mesmerised by the glistening wetness covering the entire length, and the creaminess that had gathered at the base. He wanted to do so many things simultaneously in that moment. He wanted to run his finger through your juices, gathering it up on his fingers. He wanted to lick the dildo clean and taste you. He wanted to barge into the bathroom and take you in the shower, lifting you against the wall and sinking into you, making you cry out his name.
A little whimper escaped Jisung’s lips, bringing him back to his senses. This is fucked up, you shouldn’t be looking at this. But he allowed himself to just dip his fingertip into the the creamy substance, scooping the tiniest bit from the toy, and then putting both it and scarf back on the bed. You would never know. He looked at his finger, holding it up so the sunlight could catch it, making it glisten on his skin. This is wrong, Jisung. You can’t be doing this. But he brought his finger to his mouth and slipped it inside, tasting you on his tongue. He moaned low. He’d imagined tasting you plenty of times before, but now he knew, really, how you tasted, and he comitted it to memory. He moaned again into the silence. The silence! Jisung’s eyes flew open. The shower. He could no longer hear the water running, and there was no sign of your singing either. Fuck! Jisung rushed back to the front door, praying to the gods you hadn’t seen anything.
You emerged from the bathroom unaware that Jisung was even in your house.
“Fuck, Ji, you scared the shit out of me!” You yelped when you saw him standing at the front door. Inside your house instead of outside.
Jisung chuckled. “I still have that spare key you gave me, remember?” He shrugged. Oh yes, of course, the key. Jisung chuckled again, his eyes flickering towards your bedroom door for a moment before resting somewhere near your feet. Your eyes darted to your bedroom door. Oh fuck! The scarf! His scarf… on your bed… with your dildo...and you door open. You bit your lip panicking internally, and quickly close door.
“H-have you been waiting long?” You stuttered shrilly.
Jisung shook his head quickly. “Nah… just a minute or two.” He cleared his throat. “Thought…um…we could grab a coffee or something.” He adds eyes still fixed to the floor.
“Yeah, coffee sounds good.” You reply but you could sense something was off with him, and you prayed to god he didn’t peek into your bedroom.
Once you and Jisung were on the road, he started to act like his usual self. Kind and silly, and singing randomly to songs. You loved the duality in his personality. At ease with you, and professional with clients. Both versions of him made your heart flutter. You looked over to him, while his eyes were concentrating on the road. He was smirking to himself as though he had a secret he was dying to share but had to keep it to himself. It made you suspicious. You knew you left your bedroom door wide open, and you knew you’d left…evidence … on your bed… and you knew he had the opportunity to see your secret if he had been looking.
Jisung parked at one of your regular coffee shops. “The usual?” he asked as he pulled on the handbrake, and you nodded yes. He opened the car door and gasped the sudden temperature change. “Ooh, it’s a bit windy today,” he said as he stepped outside. “Should have brought a scarf.” He leaned in an winked at you before closing the door.
You felt your face flush a crimson red, and your stomach dropped. What the actual fuck? Did he know? You wanted the seat underneath you to open up and swallow you whole. But Jisung was already entering the coffee shop, and you had no idea if he had meant anything by what he had just said, or if you were just being paranoid.
Three days later you found a seat in the conference room at the bank where you and Jisung worked. It was a training day and you were going to be subjected to two hours of a brain numbing presentation from your Manager, Chris. You preferred to sit up the back in the corner closest to the door. That way no one would see you zone out, and you could make a quick escape when it was over. You put your notepad and pen on the seat next to you. Jisung had already messaged you half an hour before saying he was caught at the department store whilst on his lunch break, and wanted you to save him a seat. “I’ll bring you a coffee.” He promised, followed by a smiley face emoji.
He still hadn’t arrived when the lights were dimmed, and your Manager, Chris, called for everyone’s attention. “Okay, team.” He smiled sheepishly. “I know you all have important work to get on with, but I want to thank you for your time.” He looked around at the thirty or so staff in front of him, and started up his laptop that was connected to the large screen at the front of the room.
That’s when you tuned out. It wasn’t long before your mind was filled with thoughts of Jisung and his harmless comment about the wind and needing a scarf from earlier that week. He hadn’t made any further remarks since that indicated he knew anything of the little activities you have with his clothing. You were on high alert of anything suspicious coming out of his mouth, but he said nothing out of the ordinary. You did, however, feel his eyes on you more than usual. Or was that just because you were hyper-alert? Did he always look at you often? Did he always look like he was swallowing a hard lump in his throat when you were stopped at traffic lights?
You brought your hands to your face and rubbed your eyes, hoping you hadn’t smudged your mascara. When you opened them again, you saw Jisung through the glass wall of the conference room. He was holding two take away coffee cups and he was wearing that same sweater and jacket from that day in the restaurant. The same sweater and jacket from your fantasies. You gulped just as Jisung saw you. His eyes lit up and he smiled his gummy smile, raising his arm in attempt to wave at you.
Jisung quietly tiptoed into the room and sat down beside you. That’s when it hit you. Bergamot and vanilla. He was fucking wearing that cologne. It was fresh and overpowering. So much stronger than the remnants that were still on his scarf. He smiled and raised his eyebrows, and passed you your coffee. You took the cup from him, not taking your eyes off of his. He didn’t break eye contact, just bit his bottom lip subconsciously. He knows. He must know.
You broke eye contact first, snapping your head back to the front of the room. You could feel your body heating up. Your head throbbed as though you could feel your blood pumping around your body faster. Your mouth was dry, so you took a sip of your coffee. But all you could taste was Jisung’s cologne. It was mixed with a slight smell of sweat - him - and it wasn’t just your head that was throbbing. Your body was responding to the scent in the way it did each night. It was an automatic response now. Your core ached in anticipation for your hands or your dildo.
Your mind saw images of fucking him in the car, bouncing on his cock, sucking the skin on his neck. No no no no…. You had to stop. You squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to stop your panties from soaking, and out of the corner of your eye you saw Jisung adjusting his posture, and spreading his legs a little wider, causing his knee to rest against your leg. Fuck. Your free hand gripped the hem of your skirt, both to ground yourself and to try and cover more of your leg. Your knuckles turned white as you tried to maintain your composure.
You could feel his eyes on you, burning into your skin and melting your core. You needed to touch yourself. But you couldn’t. You just had to endure this agonising, but sweet, torture that Jisung was inflicting on you. He knows what he is doing.
Jisung leaned in to whisper in your ear, bringing his hand beside his face up to shield his mouth from view of other people.
You sat frozen still, and that fucking fragrance grew stronger the closer he got. His warm breath teasing your ear and neck as he spoke.
“Can you smell my new cologne, y/n?” he taunted. “It’s a lot stronger that what would be left on my scarf.” He leaned back and winked at you.
You cleared your throat. “I…I have to go to the bathroom.” and you quickly removed yourself from the room and headed to the bathroom. You needed to calm yourself down. The excitement that was pulsing around you felt so overwhelming and so loud, that you were certain everyone could see exactly what was going on inside you. It felt as obvious as having a big flashing sign above your head saying “I’m so horny and ready for Jisung to fuck me”.
Oh dear. You ran your hand up your inner thigh, brushing your fingers over your satin panties and you let out a small whimper as you pressed against your clothed clit. Soaked. As expected. You could fix yourself up right then and there and relieve some of the pressure. It would be quick and easy. But there was part of you that didn’t want to. You loved the feeling of being this turned on while you sat beside Jisung. You enjoyed the longing that you felt for him. You wanted him to be the one to ease the ache inside of you, not your fingers again.
He must’ve felt the same way, otherwise he wouldn’t have been so bold or forward in the conference room, right? You had an idea. You knew how you could make him just as crazy as you felt.
Jisung did know what he was doing to you. He’d deliberately worn this particular outfit, and he intentionally went to the department store to buy a fresh bottle of the cologne he knew drove you wild.
He smirked to himself wondering if you were going to rub one out in the bathroom. His dick twitched at the thought of you touching yourself. His erection was starting to become prominent and so Jisung removed his jacket and draped it strategically on his lap.
When Jisung saw you return a few minutes later, you no longer had a coffee cup with you, but instead you had something balled up in your fist. You resumed your seat still looking flustered, and Jisung felt a sense of satisfaction that he was responsible for your current state. You reached across and placed whatever was in your hand into the pocket of his jacket. Jisung arched an eyebrow. Intrigued, he reached into his jacket pocket, and his heart stopped when his fingers brushed the item you had placed in there. Satin fabric. Wet satin fabric. Fuck! Were these your panties? To be sure Jisung brought his fingertips to his face, pretending to scratch his nose. It was your panties. The scent of your arousal was unmistakable.
Jisung glanced at your legs, his eyes traveling up your thigh to where your mini skirt began. Were you bare under there?
Jisung imagined sliding his hand up your inner thigh to find out. He wanted to feel how wet you were and to gather your juices directly from the source, instead of off your underwear. He had to fight the urge to kneel down in front of you then and there and push your legs apart so he could bury his face against your pussy.
Then he felt your hand. Your fingertips edging their way underneath the jacket on hip lap. Jisung sucked in a breath and suppressed a moan that was threatening to come out of his mouth.
He turned towards you only to find you were watching where your hand was traveling closer to his erection. Then your eyes flickered up to meet his. It was all Jisung needed to see to know you absolutely felt the same way as he did.
You felt Jisung’s thigh tense under your touch as your fingers made their way towards your target. You lifted your gaze to meet his. His expression making you want to ravish him right there. His brow was furrowed in concentration, or was it in an attempt to keep his composure? And his nose scrunched up in a way that could only mean frustration. But you knew he wasn’t frustrated at you. It was obvious what he was feeling. Agony. But to be absolutely certain, you moved your hand further under his jacket to find he was hard. Very hard. You palmed his erection and he squeezed his eyes shut, as though resisting the urge to rut his hips up against you. You took this opportunity to lean into his ear, inhaling his delicious scent, and allowing your warm breath to linger on his skin before speaking.
“Ji,” you whispered. “Need you.”
Jisung released a shaky exhale and you heard the tiniest of whimpers escape his mouth. You squeezed your hand around the length of his clothed cock. “After this, yeah? Need you so bad.” You cooed.
You pulled your hand back from underneath Jisung’s jacket and sat straight in your chair, pretending to concentrate on Chris at the front of the room.
Jisung squirmed a little in his seat, trying to make his erection disappear. You could feel your inner thighs sticking together and you regretted being sans panties. That was until Jisung’s hand dove back into the pocket where your panties were and brought his fingers to his face once more and pretended to scratch his nose. You had never been this turned on in your entire life and you felt like you might just come untouched.
You bit down on your fingers to distract yourself from the sensations coursing through your body, but the action caused Jisung to groan, which in turn made your cunt throb. This was getting out of hand.
Jisung must have thought so too because he was back at your ear, again holding his hand against his face to shield his mouth from view of the others around you.
“You’re so naughty.” He whispered and then took your earlobe in his mouth. A jolt of electricity shot through your nerves, and you couldn’t breath. He sucked, nibbled and tugged gently on your lobe with his teeth before moving down to the skin just below your ear. He kissed that sensitive area softly and your eyes closed.
“You know,” he whispered against your ear. “our next client has canceled. Which means,” he kissed you neck again. “We can find somewhere to be alone.”
Fuck. Your eyes opened and you snapped your head to Jisung, locking eyes with him desperately. His expression mirrored yours for a moment before he turned to the front of the room, not giving you any more attention.
As you both pretended to be paying attention to the presentation, you couldn’t think straight. You couldn't even breathe. You could cut the tension with a knife, sensing that the other was about to implode at any moment. You were both on edge desperate to be alone. Desperate to rip each other’s clothes off. Desperate to be as close as possible. Jisung reached for your hand that was resting on the seat next to your thigh, and squeezed it reassuringly. A warmth spread through your entire body and you felt butterflies on your stomach. This wasn’t just lust or desire. It was something else.
“I’ve got you, okay?” He whispered from where he sat, and you felt like you were about to melt into a puddle.
Jisung held your hand like that for the rest of the presentation. As Chris began to wrap up the session that aching desire resurfaced. Your senses started to intensify and your vagina clenched in anticipation. You and Jisung were going to be alone very soon.
Pretending you were going to see your next client, you both hurried to the car. It was pouring rain outside and the car was parked in the outdoor company parking space, and you couldn’t avoid getting wet.
You both looked wet and disheveled as Jisung started the car up and turned drove out onto the street.
“Where are you taking us?” You asked, taking in the beautiful man at the wheel.
“I know a place no one will find us.” He replied looking at you. Your heart skipped a beat.
“I hope it’s close because I’m not sure how long I can wait.” You whined.
“Baby…I need you to hold on just a little longer for me… we’ll be there real soon. I promise.”
His eyes returned to the road. “Fuck.” He huffed as the traffic ahead came to a standstill.
“Oh, Jisung!” You whimpered and he reached for your hand. He looked at you tentatively, almost pained. “I’ve got you, remember?” He said steady and low.
You were taken back to that first time you were stuck in traffic in the rain. The window wipers screeched as they struggled to give you a clear view of the road. Jisung’s cologne was overpowering your senses. Just like last time.
You looked at each other like you were both about to cry. You needed each other right now. Despite both your neediness and desperation, Jisung moved slowly as he closed the gap between the two of you, resting his forehead against yours and squeezing your hand. Then his lips connected to yours, capturing you in a kiss. Softly at first. Slowly. He pulled away just an inch so he could look at your lips again, before crashing back down on you with a searing kiss. It was the kiss you’d been dreaming about for months. Hot and urgent. You were desperate to taste him more, so you parted your mouth as an invitation for him to slip inside. Jisung took the opportunity, dipping his tongue past your lips to find your tongue.
The kiss intensified as you gasped for air, only pulling away to catch your breath before finding each other again. Still holding Jisung’s hand you placed it on your thigh. Another invitation that he happily accepted. You both moaned into each other’s mouth when his hand moved up your leg and under your skirt and slid through your sopping pussy. You parted your legs to give him more access, and you welcomed his fingers with a choked whimper when he sunk two of them inside of you.
Jisung broke the kiss and looked at you incredulously with lust-filled eyes. His pink, puffy lips were nothing short of delectable.
“Fuck! I need to feel you baby…need to be inside you.” He bit his lip to suppress a growl as he pumped his fingers inside you a few times.
“Hurry, Jisung.” You whispered. You were almost in tears, the tension in your body so intense.
Jisung removed his fingers and brought them to your face and smeared your juices across your trembling lips. “So fucking beautiful.” His voice was barely audible. Then something in him snapped and he was suddenly on high alert, flicking on the indicator and looking over his shoulder and pulling out of the traffic into a turning lane.
“Where are we going?” you panted.
“Somewhere nearby…Can’t wait. Need you.” He replied as he zipped the car into a nearby deserted carpark and pulled the car up to a stop.
You were on him in instantly, throwing yourself against him. He met you with the same enthusiasm, kissing you messily. Your hand reached for the hem of his sweater, indicating you wanted it off. He obliged, peeling it over his head and tossing into the back seat. Your hands immediately began exploring his body. His skin was scorching to the touch, and you could feel his muscles tense as you ran your hand down towards his trousers. Jisung pulled pushed his seat back as far as it would go, and tilted the backrest slightly. You climbed over the centre console hiking your skirt up and straddling him. You were so close to each other now and you ached for him so fucking bad it hurt. Jisung unbuttoned your blouse as you ground against his erection trying to seek friction on your bare pussy. He tossed your blouse into the passenger seat, and unhooked your bra and letting it fall off you. He gasped.
“God, you’re so perfect, baby.” He took in the sight of your breasts. He dipped his head to take a nipple in his mouth, sucking and nibbling. You cried out at the pleasure that shot straight from your breast to your cunt, making you clench around nothing. “Can’t wait, Ji.” You cried.
“Lift up for me, baby.” He instructed. “Yes like that.” He undid his trousers, shimmying both them and his boxers down enough to free his cock. “Look at me, baby.” He said desperately as he rubbed the head of his cock back and forth through your lips. “You ready, yeah?” he smiled. You answered by sinking yourself down on his entire length in one motion. You both let out a pornographic groan as you adjusted to the stretch and felt the relief of finally being filled after hours of teasing, but months of pining.
“Oh fuck, Jisung.” You choked. “If I move I’m gonna come.”
Jisung chuckled. “Lean into me, baby…let go and come for me. We can go for a round two in a minute.”
You nuzzled into his neck, just like in your fantasies. The rain beating down on the car roof and the steamy windows made you feel like you were in your own little world. You breathed in Jisung’s cologne as you rolled your hips over his cock. You both became sticky with sweat almost immediately, but that added to the pleasure.
“You smell so good.” You whisper as you felt yourself ready to snap.
“You really like this cologne huh? Tell me what would happen if I wore it everyday?” he puffed and rolled his hips up to meet you.
“I’d hold you responsible for my actions.” You teased, slamming yourself down hard.
Jisung moaned. “Oh yeah?!” he growled, gazing at you with a fucked out grin plastered on his face.
“Yeah…you should worry for your personal safety if you’re gonna wear it everyday.” You panted.
“Why’s that, hmm?”
“Because…I’ll need you to fuck me.” you said flatly.
“Well I think I’ll take the risk…wanna fuck you everyday…forever.” He pulled your hips down so he sat as deep inside you as possible and rocked you back and forth so that you clit ground against him while his cock rubbed against that spot, making you cry out his name.
“Fuck, your clenching so tight. I’ve got you, baby. Let go for me.”
“I’m coming…. I’m coming…” you cried squeezing around Jisung’s cock in pulsating waves. Jisung let out a long, low groan as he reached his climax too. He took you in another wet and messy kiss as you both waited for your breath to return to normal.
“Baby, you feel so good.” Jisung smiled and held you close. “But I’m still hard.”
You leaned back and looked at him, cupping his cheeks. “I’m not ready to stop yet.” You whispered and bit your lip.
“Get in the back.” He started to help you off of him and you both clambered into the backseat. “Lay on your back this time.”
You did as Jisung asked, laying length-ways on the backseat and spread your legs for him. He cursed under his breath as he knelt between your legs, bending them up so your were almost folded in half. You could feel Jisung’s cum oozing out of you. “Quick Jisung, don’t let it slip out.” You begged.
“Fuck…” he pushed himself back inside you with another moan.
“Fuck me Jisung… fuck me harder…” you cried. Jisung picked up the pace, fucking you hard. “You feel so good, Ji… please don’t ever stop.”
“Never gonna stop…I love you.” He panted, squeezing his eyes closed. You didn’t know if he was aware that those words had slipped out, but you pulled him down on top of you and wrapped your legs around his waist. You wanted his body weight on you and as much sweaty skin to skin contact as possible.
“Only want you, baby. I meant what I said…just now.” He leaned up on his elbows so he could watch your face while he continued to thrust into you. “I’m in love with you.”
He closed his eyes closed again as he chased another climax. “Come with me…plea-”
You walls gripped Jisung like a vice as you came again with an intensity unlike you’d ever felt before. “Come in me again, Jisung…” You begged “I love you too.”
Jisung’s hips stuttered as he released himself deep inside you again. “Fuck….” He cried and collapsed on top of you.
You stayed like that for a while, neither of you wanting to break the bubble of bliss you were basking in. This had been so much better than your fantasies. This was real. This was love.
“Jisung?” You eventually spoke. Jisung propped himself on his elbows again.
“Yeah, baby?” He pushed a strand of hair off your forehead.
“Are you sure you’ll be able to handle the consequences of wearing that cologne everyday?” You smirked.
Jisung grinned. “We’ll have to wait and see, won’t we. I’m willing to take the risk if you are.”
The end.
@its-hannjisung I hope you enjoyed your story 😘 I enjoyed writing it 😍
@channieandhisgoonsquad @lyramundana @chansmanda @2chopsticks2eyes @queen-in-the-shadows @queenmea604 @noellllslut @antoniorhinothethird @bethanysnow @kbitties
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nerdofthecentrey · 6 months
Hi hi! So the lack of Sang-wook (sweet home) ficts on here is insane! So I was thinking if you could write something x GN reader (if possible) maybe something where like, sang-wook finally breaks after putting up that cold facade he always has and reader just comforts him (maybe reader being the only person in between the survivors that doesn't find him weird or scary? (Maybe a confession) take your time and feel free to ignore if you don't like this! (Just answer to it so I know if you don't want to write it I understand!)
I’ll Be There | Sang-wook x GN reader
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Genre: Fluff, A bit of Angst
Summary: Sang-wook’s walls finally collapse and your the only one who understands him.
Warnings: Mentions of Killing, Normal Sweet Home Stuff
Unedited ( Will be editing tomorrow)
Sang-wook was dangerous. There was no denying his hard cold demeanor and his fearlessness to stand up for/ to anyone in the group. Everyone though he was a criminal but you knew that underneath that had to be someone that cared. Everyday you watched as he groaned and grumbled at everyone. You tried your best to make sure he was always taken care of because he was important more to you than anyone. Maybe it was a petty crush or perhaps it came from a place of understanding.
Everyone treated him as an outsider. Yet you would offer him food. He at first reacted like he didn’t care just walking away every time you tried. Slowly things changed. He would answer by shaking his head no sometimes he would take one piece before walking off as he started to warm up to you.
On a rather gloomy day rain fell hard outside, everyone already seemed to be in a terrible mood. But than a monster broke into the first floor. It tore through walls and damn near killed you all, luckily Hyun-Soo was quick on his feet to light it on fire before it could reach where everyone slept.
“ This is ridiculous we aren’t safe! That thing got down here!” Woo-Hyun shouted out. Making practically everyone jump beside Sang-wook who stood next to you.
“ Ya, I mean what if we were sleeping a-and it snuck down here and killed us all!” Gook-hee added pulling her dog closer to her. They had a point, but the way that they bitched about it didn’t help any.
“ Let’s all just take a breath-“ You started trying to regain some form of peace you’d all just lost.
“ Don’t tell me to breathe!” Woo-Hyun said walking up to you. Sang-Wook stepped forward as if he were protecting you. But Do-Hyun spoke before a fight could break lose,
“ The problem has been fixed we’ll have everyone check over certain spots so we can-“ Woo-Hyun cut him off grabbing his collar practically almost ripping Do-hyun’s white t-shirt in the process.
“ Your trying to kill us first you hold food from us and now this you-“
Sang-wook lightly pushing Woo-hyun back. His face turned to pure shock.
“ You dare put your hands on me! You thug!” He yelled pointing at him. “ Why is he even still here he’s a danger to us all! He killed a person!”
Sang-Wook face fell for second before harding back up. He stepped back as Woo-Hyun continued.
“ He’s a murder a psychopath-“
“ Stop it!” You shouted making everyone go silent.
Sang-wook shoved his hands in his pockets while walking away from the scene.
“ Walk away killer!” Woo-Hyun yelled point at him.
“ Would you stop!” You shouted smacking his hand down Woo-Hyun face turned in shock.
“ Did you ever stop to think that maybe he did it for our own good? Maybe that man was out to kill us or take our only things we have left.”
Woo-Hyun looked at you with a slightly deflated expression. “ Whatever nobody cares what you have to say! You don’t even speak half the time..” He muttered before walking away his wife trailing behind.
Everyone else followed their lead going off on their own. You decide to go after Sang-wook you weren’t sure what you’d find. But you saw the look in his eyes almost like someone had poked his heart.
As you turned the corner you heard the sound of breaking concrete and grunts. You saw Sang-wook standing over concrete blocks slamming them with a sledge hammer. Little piece scattering across the floor.
“ Sang-wook?” You said softly.
“ Go.” He muttered as he dropped the hammer on the ground his back towards you.
You start taking slow steps towards him asking, “ Are you okay ?” He didn’t reply instead he stayed silent you noticed his shoulders starting to shake by the time you reached his side you saw tears streaming down his face. It made your heart hurt to see him like this. You felt bad like you were seeing something you weren’t meant too but you weren’t going anywhere you wanted him to know that.
“ It’s okay.” He practically jumped on top of you wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you close gripping your shirt as he sobbed into your neck. His grip was tight like you would disappear if he let go. You wrapped your arms around his smoothing his hair as you whispering.
“ You can cry, it’s okay.” That he did. You practically watched as his walls came down you let him crying till the sun was setting by than you both found yourself sitting on the dirt near the window in a comfortable silence.
“ Thank you..” He muttered. You could help but giggle at his embarrassed tone, He gives you shocked look.
“ It’s okay.” You grinned. “I’m not judging you.”
Sang-wook’s eyes widen a bit at your statement like nobody had ever showed this type of care for him. Maybe you were the first in a while.
“ You don’t have to be strong in front of me.” You reassured him. You just wanted him to be okay to know that even if the whole world judged him you wouldn’t.
“ I don’t know what to say..” His eyes trailing down to the dirt.
“ Then don’t say anything, Just promise me you’ll let me be there for you.”
He nodded his head in acceptance of you and an acceptance of letting someone special in. You made him feel like there was more to this world than constantly having to watch your own back now he could watch what was right in-front of him.
A/N: Hope you enjoy this. I wasn’t sure what kinda of ending I was gonna do. I was thinking about having Sang-wook tell the reader he didn’t kill them for a dumb reason. Or this ending where Sang-wook just tries to leave it in the past and move on with the reader which is this end. Anyways That’s all Much appreciation ❤️💚!!
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s-4pphics · 1 year
let the rain sing. 2 (a.a)
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wc;cw: 4.1k, dadsbestfriend!abby, lawstudent!oc, large age gap (oc is 25, abby is mid 40s), abby is bi <3, SMUT MDNI, nipple play, eating out no bbq, strap ons, fingering, mating press😳, dirty talk, squirting, dumbification, slight dubcon, choking, mult. orgasms, abby’s so pussy drunk soo real, angst :(, mentions of grief and loss, dassit me finks
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You were going to kill somebody. It’s been declared. 
Your latest lecture was, by far, the worst you’ve ever had, and you were feeling vengeful. On your instructor, your classmates, everyone.
You seethed in your seat, smoke nearly wafting off you and suffocating you in the tight space of your car. You prayed that you wouldn’t get a speeding ticket from how hard your foot pressed on the gas pedal. The familiar sluggishness that overtook your form was making you hunch over the steering wheel, your worn eyes burning from tears as you recollected the pure devastation you felt when you saw terms on the screen that you weren’t familiar with yet just an hour before.  
You’d brought the wrong notebook to your last class, making the lecture completely fucking useless because you had nothing to reference. There were so many systems listed that you hadn’t memorized, terminology you didn’t remember from your books. And you were going to fucking… kill somebody. 
You’d been so fucking embarrassed. Nobody around you even knew or cared about your slip up, but you still searched around the room, waiting for someone to ridicule you for fucking up this late in the game. You were about to graduate, and you still were behaving like a fucking rookie. A first year. Maybe you weren’t ready for your fucking degree. 
You’d scrambled to get as many notes down as you could without snapping your hand clean off your wrist, but it wasn’t enough to jog your memory. 
Your vehicle came to a halt when you reached the now all too familiar neighborhood, and you put your car in park in front of the residential mailbox. 
You hadn’t realized that you took the backwoods route that led to Abby’s neighborhood. You were parked right in front of her home, and you thanked god when you saw her car parked in the driveway. You never came to see her without warning, but you were so desperate for a distraction that you hadn’t bothered to text her. You need anything to ease the tension in your body from today, even just for a little bit. 
You exited and locked your car before booking it across the street and up the stairs to her porch, knocking on her front door with urgency; The pounding on the wood made your headache worse. 
It took only a minute for her door to pull open, and you were instantly swallowed up by the smell of flowers, her scent surrounding you and easing the tension in your shoulders. She looked so comfortable, only clad in sweats, a tank top, and slides, her soft hair framing her face. The tension in your shoulders eased a bit.
She smiled at the sight of you, the lines of her eyes creasing, but it dropped when she studied your expression, “Hi, you okay?” 
You shrugged. You don’t think you were. You weren’t sure anymore. 
Your breathing shuddered, your anger from earlier shifting into want when you saw her, “Um… sorry for coming without notice— “
She shook her head gently, “No, no, it’s alright. I was just reading, come in.”
She moved to the side and allowed you entry, shutting and locking the door behind you. 
Her angelic voice came from behind you as you threw your purse on her couch, “Would you like some tea? I just bought this new flavor! It’s mint and chamomile and it’s so good. I usually don’t drink mint things because my teeth are sensi— “
“Abby,” you cringed at the tone you used to cut her off. 
You spun to look at her, “I don’t want tea.” 
“… Oh. Okay.” She looked around awkwardly, her eyes downcast. 
A moment of silence passed before she spoke, “Wanna go upstairs?” 
You're glad she understood. You nodded with persistence. 
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You trapped Abby against her bedroom door, slamming it shut as you shoved your tongue in her mouth. 
The kiss was eager and desperate, your hands grabbing everywhere they could on her body. You attacked her hair, tits, thighs, anywhere you could reach as you pressed up against her. Hers were on you just as much, but much more calculated, tightly grabbing at the plush on your hips, her nails digging through your sweater. She grabbed your ass through your jeans, spreading the cheeks as much as she could through the fabric. 
Your mouths were smacking together, spit coating the outside of your mouths as your teeth clanged together. It was wet and sloppy, and it made you drip in your underwear. Her strong arms came up to wrap around your hips, and she led you both over to her perfectly made bed. 
You detached your mouth from hers to yank her t-shirt off, her arms coming up so you could toss it somewhere. You eyed her bare chest before reconnecting your lips. You brought your hand up to her chest to squeeze her tits, tweaking her nipples with precision. She hummed in your mouth and kissed you deeper, her hands traveling to pull at the hem of your sweater. 
You raised your arms up so she could remove the fabric, but before you could pounce on her again, she pushed you onto her cloud-like mattress, looking down at your laid-out body from where she stood above you. 
But she didn’t move on you like she usually did; she just stared, her eyes wandering over your body. You watched her take in your bra-clad chest, wandering down to your stomach and belly button, only to come back up to eye your chest again. She was digesting you with such patience that it made you insecure, but you didn’t move from your position. Your heart matched the pounding pulse of your cunt. 
She brought her hands up to your torso, right under the hem of your bra, laying her palm flat against the bare skin. Your breath caught in your throat when her nails dug into you, and you arched into her touch; you needed her closer. Her hand slowly dragged down your body until she reached the button of your jeans. 
She didn’t undo them, dragging her hand back up your body until she reached your tits, grabbing at both with one hand before her other hand coming to join her massages. You watched her face shift as she touched you; her eyes were hungry but… fragile as her cheeks glowed in the dimly lit space. 
Her hands slipped under your bra, her fingers immediately playing with your nipples. Your core clenched with every pull she gave them, your body shuddering under her precise attacks. Your back arched into her touch as your eyes fluttered. 
And then you heard the ripping of fabric. 
You looked down in shock as she tore at your bra, completely ripping it to shreds and tossing the flimsy strands behind her and onto the floor. You couldn’t help the smirk that spread across your face at her desperation. She giggled when you shook your head at her. 
She leaned over you, her head ducking down to suck your nipples into her mouth; She moaned into the skin as her tongue swirled around you. You propped yourself up on your elbows to watch her lath at your chest, coating them in her spit as her tongue flicked on your buds.
Your hips twitched under her body, “Fuck me, Abby, please— “ 
“Needa get you wet first, baby,” she hummed around your nipple, her words shaking the sensitive skin. You jerked, your legs twitching next to her hips. 
“I’m so fuckin’ wet already, c’mon, gimme what I want— “
Your words were cut off by her soft lips as they molded against yours. You made a small noise, your eyes slowly fluttering shut at the feel of her pillowy mouth. She kissed you with so much care and affection, and it made you squirm, your thighs squeezing around her waist. 
You were pulled out of your trance when you felt her hand on your cheek, her thumb softly caressing your face. You instantly stiffened; She was so sweet, too fucking gentle, and it your heart pound at an alarming pace, anxiety suddenly swirling in your stomach as you cringed. 
You gently pushed at her shoulders and looked at her, her brows furrowed in confusion. 
“You alright?” She checked in softly. 
You nodded quickly, your pussy squeezing at her tone. “Um… yeah. Just— can we, like— “
She shuffled off you and stood at the side of bed, awkwardly grabbing at the back of her neck as she apologized, “Yeah! Um, I’m sorry. I kinda just— “
“Don’t apologize! I’m just in a,” Lie. Just fucking lie! You looked off to the side, “… kinda in a hurry.” 
You sounded like such an asshole. You had nowhere to fucking be, but you always felt terrible whenever you were forced to shut down her intimate gestures. You had no choice but to be stiff with her; She knew what this was between you two, and it could never go beyond that. 
You watched her back muscles flex as she rummaged through her drawer, pulling out her strap and some lube. She undressed quietly, only clad in her boy shorts as she stepped into and adjusted the thick dick on her waist, securing it before turning around to look at you, returning to her previous space between your legs. 
You shivered with want, moving to unbutton your jeans, but she slapped your hands away to do it herself. She moved hastily, ripping your pants and underwear down your legs, and tossing them to the floor.
Your bare pussy throbbed as you held your legs open so she could ease into your cunt, but she yanked you to the edge of the bed, your ass hanging off it and dropped to her knees. 
She shoved her tongue inside your pussy without warning, her wet muscle wiggling around, massaging your walls as your clit pulsed. Your head dropped onto her sheets as you sighed, her tongue swiping up from your entrance to your twitchy bud. She spat the wetness she collected from inside you onto your clit and you groaned. 
She sucked it into her mouth, and you cried out, your hands flying down to her soft hair to pull at it. 
She was licking into all of your spots with enthusiasm, and your hips bucked into her mouth as your orgasm quickly built in your stomach. She took time to learn your body in a way that no one else did and it always shocked you how fast she made you cum. You could already fucking feel it with every quick flick of her tongue on you. 
You bucked in shock when you felt two of her thick fingers slip past your entrance, curling up to hit that spot inside that made you see white. She was hitting it with obscene accuracy, your pussy practically melting around her fingers with every plunge into you. You were about to see god, she was going to make you squirt—
“Fuckin’—ah fuck!”
Your orgasm was going to be big; you felt it and it was so fucking close—
You need to cum, you need it you need it! “Abby, fuck, s’coming— “
Your hands shamelessly flew behind your knees to hold your legs up, your shouts of your orgasm increasing in pitch. You craned your neck and you forced your eyes open to look down at her, finding that she was already staring up at you, watching you lose it on her tongue. 
“Feels s’good, fuck— “
She grinned on your pussy, “Then cum in m’fucking mouth, baby, needa swallow it— “
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your walls crushed her fingers, your orgasm building and building and building—
You couldn’t even understand your loud babbles as her fingers dug into you, milking your spot and forcing your cum out of you and onto her tongue. Your eyes fell shut as your body wracked in pleasure. You shouted obscenities and her name and demands of fuck me harder! The splashes of your wetness coated your thighs and her blankets and her. 
You could hear her slurping at your cum as it poured out of you, her tongue shoving in alongside the grind of her fingers. She was moaning against your pussy like she was cumming, and it made you cum harder. 
You felt her pull away and out of you, the cap of a bottle opening and sloppy wet sounds filling your ears. You nearly screamed when her dick squeezed in between your still clenching walls. Pure pleasure and shock rushed through you, prolonging the last bits of your orgasm. 
You felt a soft hand grab your chin as she allowed you to recover, your eyes fluttering open to meet her serene ones. 
“Okay, honey?” She cooed at you. 
You blinked dazedly as your walls clenched harder on her, and she chuckled, slowly pushing deeper into you, “Yeah? Missed me, baby?”
Your pussy clenched in approval, and you nodded thoughtlessly. Her nails dug into your jaw as she grinded into you, “Missed this tight fucking pussy. Always thinkin’ about it.”
You brokenly moaned her name. She pulled out and fucked back into you harder, making you squeal. 
She released the soft grip she had on your face, tightly grasping the back of your knees, and pinning them to your chest. You gasped sharply as she slid deeper, hitting where you couldn’t reach, right where you needed her. You could already feel another orgasm building in your toes, your eyes watering from the quick snap of her hips. 
You couldn’t think or talk coherently as she used you, rendering you completely brainless every time her fat tip hit your g-spot. All you could do was grab at her hips, her thighs, her sheets, and wail at the top of your lungs how good it felt. The wet sounds of your pussy drenching her dick made your toes curl. 
You were going to sleep so fucking good. 
“You’re so fucking sexy, holy fuck— “
Your stomach was in tight knots as her skin slapped against yours. 
“Can’t think with this dick inside you? Huh?” She sounded so cocky with every sneer she sent you, your eyes shut tightly. It’s right there, right there right there—
“This is all you want from me? Need me t’take care of this nasty fucking cunt?” She spat at you. 
You hated it when she said things like that aloud, when she made your indifference towards her known; It crushed your heart, but how could you express your grievances when she was this deep in your guts? You were awful and selfish, and she didn’t deserve to be used like this, but you needed it. Needed her to do this for you. It made you feel sane, every thought in your head silenced and replaced with her her her—
You babbled nonsense warnings of how hard you were about to cum, and you felt her large hand clutch your throat. You wheezed out begs, pleading her to keep fucking you there, make you cry. Please, please, please, I need to sleep, Abby, please!
“Shhh, I gotchu, baby. Such a good girl.” 
Your orgasm shocked you and her. You couldn’t hold back the scream you let out when your eyes shut, —even with her choking you out—your brain rattling in your head as your body attempted to jerk away from the intense pleasure she gave you. 
But she held your legs down, keeping you still as she fucked you through it. You heard her moaning over your sobs and keens, only making out so fuckin’ hot and gonna make me cum so fucking good, and it threw you right into another orgasm. 
Your walls squeezed around her with such constriction that she could barely move, but she managed to pull out and you almost cried at the emptiness, your orgasm slowly dying. She grabbed your hips and eased you higher up the bed before climbing up, pressing against and looming over you. 
She hooked your knees into the crevice of her elbow, popping her tip into you with no hands, slowly pushing in so you could feel her. The details of her dick were catching on your walls and the feeling was making you tear up. She eventually sat fully inside you, grinding her entire length in so her tip nudged your spot, and you were about to fucking cum—
You were completely limp under her, relishing the kisses and sucks she gave your neck. She slid out slowly until just her tip was in you before dropping her hips, fucking her cock back into you. You thought you screamed but no noise left you as she pounded your cunt. She was hitting you so good, rotating between moving with her dick fully lodged in your guts and thrusting as pretty moans filled your ear. 
You came so fucking hard, only having strength to pull at her sheets and sob, squealing her name and trembling as she sent you to space. She was somehow louder than you were, and you knew she was cumming. You had no energy to move, to stop her, to do anything. You just laid there and took what she gave as your body melted into the memory foam, relaxing completely as she rode out her pleasure inside you. 
Your walls were still contracting around her dick, hugging like they never wanted her to leave, wanted to cling onto her forever. Her movements eventually came to a stop as she whined in satisfaction into your neck. She plopped against you, your sweaty, heaving chests pressed together. 
The last thing you remember before knocking out was her soft kisses on your skin. 
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You woke up to blinding sunshine. You forgot to shut the fucking blinds again. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, shoving your face into the plush pillow under you. You inhaled deeply and immediately stiffened. 
Flowers. Fucking flowers, what the fuck—
You never left Abby’s last night. 
You quickly sat up as your head rushed, looking over to see the vacant, mussed spot on her bed. You could hear the shower running and quiet hums coming from the master bathroom, and it made your heart race. 
You threw the covers off you and stood quickly, walking over to where your clothes were neatly folded on her dresser. You saw the remaining strands of your bra balled up near her mirror. You hated how your pussy clenched.
You grabbed your clothes and dressed in urgency, nearly tripping over your stubborn pant leg. 
The clattering of your phone falling from your pocket shook you. You bent down to grab it, the bright screen reading 12:34 and showing six missed calls from your parents. Fuck, fuck, fuck—
The running water shut off and you tensed. 
You shoved your phone in your back pocket as your flight senses tingled. You would feel awful if you left her place without warning, and she would probably never talk to you again if you did. You were guarded around her enough as it is, and the last thing you were going to do was embarrass her further. 
You stood by the dresser, awkwardly playing with your fingers until the bathroom door opened.
A dripping Abby walked out, clad in a towel, her wet hair wrapped in another as steam left the bathroom. 
She shut the door gently before turning to face you. She looked bright, but it dimmed when she took in your frazzled appearance. You needed to leave. Now, now, now—
“H-Hey, um… are you leaving?” 
You nodded stiffly, voice monotone, “Yeah. I didn’t wanna leave without telling you, though.” 
Her hand on the doorknob dropped to her side as she sighed in exasperation. She scoffed, “That’s surprising. I thought you would’ve taken any opportunity to leave.”
Your eyes squinted at her suddenly snarky tone. You two never argued: there may be tension or words left unsaid after you leave her, but you never fought about your relationship, “What the hell are you talking about?” 
She looked at you in shock, “Really? You’ve been acting like being around me is a chore this entire time! We… We don’t even speak— “
“What is there to talk about?” Your voice rose to match hers, your arms flailing around. “We both know what we agreed to when we started this!”
“I know we did! But you…” she looked so hurt and her voice was cracking, and it was making you uncomfortable. “You just treat me like I’m— “
You didn’t want to hear this anymore. You interrupted her harshly, “I'm not treating you like anything! We’re behaving exactly how we’re supposed to be! If anyone were to find out about what we’re doing, we’re fucked! That’s… that’s just how it is now!” 
She took her bottom lip between her teeth and sniffled. She nodded and looked down at her bare feet before meeting your eyes again. Hers were teary, and it sent a painful jolt from your chest to your head, your heart filling with remorse. You needed to lay the fuck down. 
Her voice shook as she spoke, but it was stern. 
“Fine. You… you can let yourself out.” 
Your shoulders dropped and your tone softened, “Abby— “
She shook her head, hers spiteful. “You know where the key is. Enjoy the rest of your day.” 
You couldn’t get your apologies out before she pried the bathroom door open, walking inside and slamming it shut behind her. You flinched as it echoed in your skull. 
The ringing of your phone blared through her four walls. You resigned, leaving her bedroom and gently shutting the door. You walked over to her staircase, pulling your device out to answer your mother’s call. 
“Hey,” You leaned against the stair railing, trying to ignore Abby’s quiet sobs coming from her room. Your eyes shut, guiltily picking at the skin on your lip. 
Your mom’s angered tone blasted through the speakers, “What the hell do you mean hey! Where have you been!” 
You descended the stairs, sighing when you reached the bottom, “I… was at my friend's house! We got caught up, my bad.” 
“Yeah, well, when you get caught up, you better tell m— “ 
Your mom’s voice was suddenly cut off by your father’s distant laughter. You heard her shout gimme my phone before your dad’s cheery tone rang through the line. 
“Heyyy, sweetheart. Ignore your mom, when are you comin’ home?” 
You couldn’t help the tears that jerked in your eyes at his voice. 
What the fuck were you doing. 
You cleared your throat before speaking, “I’m, uh… I’m leaving my friend's place now. I’ll be there soon.” 
“Okay, baby! Take your time,” You heard your mom yell out don’t tell her that!
“I love y’all,” You did, you loved them so much. 
“We love you so much more. Drive safe,” You heard your mom’s shout and your father’s laughter, and more tears jerked in your eyes. 
When the line went dead, you propped yourself over the back of Abby’s couch and cried in silence. You tried to keep your small breakdown short; You still had so much editing to do for your thesis. But you couldn’t stop your flowing tears. 
The drops slid down your face and onto her soft lounge pillows. You never cared enough to inspect her living space since she invited you in the first time, but you couldn’t help your wandering eyes as you digested her living room. The area was quaint and serene: there was a small fountain propped on a small table in the corner of the room, crème and black walls littered with framed artwork, decorative tables holding vases filled with fresh roses, her coffee table that still held the half filled, rose-littered mug with a tea bag string hanging out of it, her reading glasses. A framed photo of a smiling Abby carrying her just as happy baby girl on her back in front of a lake. 
And a marked book titled Working Through Grief right next to it. 
It forced a loud sob out of you, your hand flying over your mouth to hush any noise you might’ve made.
You fucked up. You fucked up so bad, and you still had the audacity to be in her safe space. You needed to go; you couldn’t fucking breathe. 
You snatched your purse off the couch and booked it for the front door, almost forgetting to retrieve the key to lock it behind you. You secured it and hid the key in its designated spot before rushing across the street to your car. 
You grabbed your keys from your purse and unlocked it, pulling the driver's door open before flinging yourself inside. You slammed the door and your heavy head dropped onto the steering wheel. You took some deep breaths, trying to calm the nausea that hit you out of nowhere. Sobs wracked through you as you shook in your seat. 
You were so fucking selfish. 
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daaaamn wassup y’all 
writers block tried to get me omg y’all seen that shit😳😳 I FOUGHT BACK THO 
taglist y’all know wassup omg love y’all @saturnsellie @ohlawdthebirds @fibrogirlie @unangelic-thoughts @chrry1ovr @uraesthete @gravygranules @digit4lslut @machetegirl109 @letsreadsomesins-shallwe @macaroni676 @sillygooselit
kissies mwwwwAHHHHH
prologue. part one. part three. interlude. part four.
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644 notes · View notes
kyokutsu-sama · 6 months
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My wife, My everything
"The storm inside him was over, now all that was left was the comfort of being in the arms of his beloved" Tw: Nsfw content, angst/confort Author's note: Soo, I'ts been raining where I live again and it gave me some quitet and a bit of angst vibes. Long live rainy days💙. I written some scenarios like this one and I will post them later (I'm already writing one for Jushiro too).
It was past midnight and you were still in the bedroom waiting for shunsui but he still hadn't arrived and you were starting to get worried about his delay. He didn't usually take that long to come home unless he had gone somewhere but he used to let you know before he left so you wouldn't be worried, but he hadn't that night. You tried to go to the places where he used to go but no one had seen him. Your heart was only relieved when you went to the first division office and found him with his arms crossed on top of the table and his head in the middle of them hiding his face. You looked at him for a moment and you could see that he wasn't well, the empty drink bottles beside the table also cleared your doubts about what had happened.
"Shunsui? Is everything alright with you?"You crouched down next to him passing your hand over his back trying to get some response out of him
"Did you come to see me Y/n-chan ? I'm sorry for making you worry" His voice sounded like a distant and deep whisper
"It's okay, you were taking so long and since you hadn't said anything I came looking for you. What happened here?"
"Don't worry flower, I was just finishing some things but I already was on my way"He lift his head and looked at you with a sleepy face and a melancholy look
"...finishing some things, he say..." you thought after seeing the empty bottles next to him
"Have you been crying?"You put your hands up to his cheeks as you noticed his slightly dry and red eyes
"No, I'm fine. I probably ended up being careless with the drink again. Nanao will kill me if she finds out that I'm drinking at work" He laughed trying to hide it but you weren't convinced
"Come with me, I'll take you home. You don't look well at all "You tried to help him get up from the chair
He had some difficulty standing up straight so he leaned on you so he could walk straight. You opened the door and walked out with him leaning on you until you got home.
Already after you got home, you took him to the bedroom and sat him on the edge of the bed, you sat down next to him looking at his face that looked so haggard and melancholic. His eyes were blank and his face expressionless, you had never seen him like this before.
"Do you want to tell me what happened to you?"
"I don't want you to be sad Y/n-chan"He looked at you and gave you a slight smile
"I won't, I promise. Please tell me what you're feeling?"
"I'm not feeling good, not good at all. I just wish I had some company to drink with again, like old times"You realized at that moment that he was referring to the loss of his loved ones. "You know, I don't like to cry especially when you're around, a woman as beautiful as you shouldn't carry the pains of a man like me"
"Don’t say that, I promised to stay by your side and help you with these heavy burdens. You don't deserve this, you've been very strong all this time and you need someone by your side to support you and I'm that person, I'm your wife, don't forget about me"You said holding his hands
"I know my flower, but I just don't want you to suffer too, this pain is not something easy to bear"
"I know, but you don't have to keep everything to yourself. It destroys you and leaves you like this, and I don't like seeing you with a sad face. Come here"You pulled him into a hug putting his head next to your chest while you ran your fingers through his brown and wavy strands
You felt his body get lighter after a while, he seemed calmer now and the sparkle in his eyes was slowly returning. You couldn't help but give a little smile after seeing that he were feeling better, even though he was still feeling that pain in his chest. You just wanted to see him smile again
"Are you feeling better now ?"
"Yes, much better. Your chest really works miracles”He said in his usual perverted way
"You really don't change, even though you're suffering you don't miss an opportunity to make one of your jokes" You pushed him away from your chest
"But I'm praising you"
"Praising me? Oh shut up"You slap him on the shoulder and he laughed
You calmed the chaos in his heart and it was you he needed at that moment. Even though he lost a lot of people, life put you in his path with a purpose and that purpose was to help him be strong and smile again.
"Oh my, look at your clothes, take them off"
"Are you trying to start something Y/n?"He gave you a mischievous smile
"No, you just smell like booze and your clothes too"You sighed as you waited for him to take them off
"Fine, I'll do it now"He said starting to undress
You saw him taking off piece after piece and you reached out to take them. When you were turning to go put them in the laundry basket, you felt his hand grab you and turn you towards him to bring his lips together with yours. You were taken by surprise because of the sudden movement, your body fell apart in his arms and you ended up dropping his clothes on the floor. You placed your hands on his face and kissed him back slowly and passionately.
You couldn't tell if he was being overcome by drink or something else but when you looked into his eyes you saw more than just simple desire, you saw need and passion.
"I need you so much my flower"He whispered against your lips
"Shunsui I.."
You wanted to speak but he kissed you again making you forget anything else you were going to say at that moment. You ran your hands along his arms and then over his shoulders to steady yourself as you jumped into his lap. His hands held you and led you to the bed.
"I love you so much...you make me feel like this"He said as he brushed his lips over your neck
Your breathing started getting uneven and your body was starting to heat up. He took off the fabric that was covering your naked body and couldn't help but curl his lips in a smile after seeing the way you looked so perfect and the way you look at him as if you were telling him to continue what he was doing. He felt so good to have you and when he was drinking he didn't hold back especially when you were around him and even when you scolding him for drinking so much, he he thought you were perfect. It wasn't the first time the two of you had been in such a scenario, but it was the first time he'd admitted he wasn't well. He always remained calm and rarely spoke of his sorrows, as he did not want others to suffer too. As his wife, you learn how to read in his eyes what he was feeling, it was difficult at first but over the years you managed to better understand what his good days and his bad days were.
He started to trailed his lips down your neck to your collarbone as he lifted his gaze to meet any expression on your face. He continued to taste your skin until his lips reach between your thighs. The little stubble hairs scratched the skin on the inside of your thigh as he kissed your skin and down to your folds, you felt a shivers as he placed a kiss on your little bud. 
He wrapped his arms around your thighs keeping you closer to his face, you moaned when you felt his lips leaving wet kisses on you. You held onto his brown strands as you rubbed your hips lightly against him, your back arched and you rolled your eyes in pleasure. His tongue in you was more than enough for you to feel your body give in to the desire and make you come, your vision was blurry and you could feel small drops of sweat falling down your forehead. Your legs tremble as his touch rushes in and you come moments later.
He leaned over you and kissed you, his lips felt so soft and full of love. You could taste the yourself and the sake he had drunk, you placed your hands on his cheeks as you followed his lips over and over again.
"You make me feel so good"You whispered between the kiss
"No... it's you, it's you that makes me feel good, my dear"He tasted your lips again and again while his hands roamed your body
He moved away from you for a moment so that he could remove the last piece of clothing he had left and he approached you again. He hugged your body close to his to keep you as close as possible so he could feel every corner of you as he filled you slowly. You ran your hands over his back digging your nails in here and there as you moaned his name in his ear and told him not to stop. He kissed your temple and held one of your thighs as he moved in and out of you. He wasn't being too fast or too slow, a balanced and intense pace was what made you arch your back and hold onto his shoulders.
"You are so perfect my dear y/n..."He whispered close to your ear
You felt a little tear poking out of the corner of your eye that was the response to all that emotion and his care for you. He looked at you and wiped it with his thumb and then kissed your forehead.
"I love you so much"You whispered as you felt another tear fall down your eye
He smiled and kissed you, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer. You needed him like he needed you, it was mutual and unbreakable.
You felt your insides tighten and your legs tremble and that's when you felt it coming.
"Come to me love"He said kissing your neck feeling your fluids drain out
You tipped your head back and moaned his name as you felt him come inside you shortly after. Both eyes met and you could see he looked much better now than before, your love colored his gaze.
"Are you feeling better my love?"You asked
"Yes. Thank you for everything Y/n-chan"He said showing his bright smile
"I love seeing that smile of yours, it makes me so happy too. Don't stop smiling my love"You ran your hand over his face
He held your hand and kissed it and then kissed your lips gently.
"Can I lie down on your chest, again?"He asked smiling at you
"You can, but don't you dare make any jokes of yours"You warned and he laughed
"Don't worry, I'm just going to get some sleep. I think I've had enough for today"
"Yeah, you're right"
He laid his head on your chest and you hugged him as you ran your fingers through his hair. You watched him as he fell asleep and soon after you fell asleep too.
"The storm inside him was over, now all that was left was the comfort of being in the arms of his beloved"
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