#railroad of the dead AU
thebunnylord · 4 months
In my ttte railroad of the dead AU, I headcanon that Rusty is actually a messenger type god sent to Sodor by Lady.
Rusty isn’t his actual name, his engine form is actually a disguise and is capable of moving by himself, but he allows a driver to operate him as not to raise any suspicion.
When he’s on the magic railroad (which is the equivalent of the afterlife for engines and shining time station being the equivalent of Mount Olympus or Asgard in my AU) he has the power to form tracks wherever he goes and adjust the tracks gauge at will allowing him to travel on any gauge of tracks) his job on the magic railroad is maintaining the tracks because even magic railroads need to have well maintained tracks. He can also deliver messages to the mortal world and guard other engines. In short, he is the primary connection between the magic railroad and our world.
Proteus in this AU, is more of a trickster/shapeshifter god. He has sharp wits and is near impossible to catch. Usually, if an engine wants to catch him and use his lucky lamp, they have to rely on their wits to outsmart him, even if an engine is lucky enough to catch him, proteus is not quick to hand his lamp over and will challenge the engine to a game of wits to see if they are truly worthy of the lamp, if the engine looses, they will face dire consequences. Only two known engines are known to have successfully outwitted proteus: Duke, and Thomas.
Duke’s discovery was no accident, Proteus got bored one day and decided to give Duke a chance of having his wish granted. Proteus challenged Duke to a battle of wits to which Duke won and his wish of being found was granted.
Thomas’s story is a bit more shaky as it’s constantly being changed and embellished. But it is safe to assume that Thomas’s cheeky tendencies were able to outsmart proteus.
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deathspremonition · 8 months
after a month i have xkit here. yippie
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
Dance of Time 1
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D A N C E   O F   T I M E
“A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover.” -Bukowski
Summary: You were finally back in the hometown you left right after graduation, researching the mysterious manor that laid outside of the town limits. Your family was acting weird, and the owner of the manor seemed to know more about you than he should. Everything changed when you entered the manor, and you weren’t sure your dance with time was going to last very long.
Pairing: Vampire BTS x Human Reincarnated Reader
Status: Ongoing (random updates)
Genre: soulmate au, reincarnation, yandere themes, possessive boys, angst, fluff, poly au, vampire au, 
Warnings: smut, violence, tempers, mentions of death, murder, some explicit descriptions of violence, blood,
Chapter Warnings: stalking, small town legends, death, violence, mentions of stabbing and blood, slight yandere behavior, 
Masterlist // Chapter 2
Taglist: @psychosupernatural​ @carolinexkpop​ @strxwbloody​ @strawberry-moonpies​​ @dustyinkpages​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @anaspectoflife​​ @btsw1fe​​ @yoongisgirl69​ @toughbook​ @yoongibabs​
Albert Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Following the same routine and believing things would change, would move how you wanted them to.
Through studying history, you found this phenomenon to be accurate. So many events in history could have been prevented if they only looked back and did something different. Followed a different course. Chose a different path.
You were reminded of this every day, as you stared at your research, wondering why nothing was changing in your life. You were coming up on 27, the past six years of your life spent doing research and visiting historical sites. You were a historian, your passion for learning turned into a love for digging deeper into different events.
Your last project saw you crawling through underground tunnels in Edinburgh, writing about the day to day lives of the people living there when they were built. Your specialty, however, was the small-town ghost stories that seemed legend. You loved trying to find facts over rumors with regards to each town’s Boo Radley. And now, it seemed like it was time to discover the truth about your very own Boo Radley.
You had been missing home lately, and had been planning a visit to the small town you had grown up in. You left as soon as you graduated high school, wanting to get away from the people who had made your life mundane, all whilst making something of your life. You had decided, during your trip home, that you would do a story on the Weeping Manor, the large home that stood on the outskirts of your hometown.
It was, according to the older generation, originally a boarding house for miners that would travel to the area. Sometimes railroad workers would stay there, but it was mostly people looking to get rich quick on the gold nuggets found within the area.
Everyone had grown up with the stories, how the original owners had come home to find their lover dead at the bottom of the grand staircase, or how they killed her themselves when she could not choose between them. Your personal favorite, the one your grandmother told you, was that they were demons who had thrown their life away to be with their love, and how the angels had killed her in retaliation.
As a child, your romantic heart had loved the story of forbidden lovers and had requested the tale every night you stayed with your grandmother. She would always smile at you, a twinkle to her eye as she spoke. She would speak with such conviction that you never would have realized the story wasn’t true if you didn’t share tales with the other kids at school.
“All stories hold truth, it’s all about whether you are brave enough to find it or not.” Those were the words she always told you when you confronted her about her “lies”. They are also the words you live by, constantly searching for the truth in every story you hear.
You were currently on a plane home to Sacramento, the nearest airport to your hometown at least two hours north of the bustling state capitol. You were lucky enough to get the window seat, and no one else in your aisle. The empty wine glass sat on the table in front of you, your notebook in hand as you tried to write out everything you knew or could remember about the Weeping Manor. You also tried to plan what your next steps would be.
Primary sources would be on the list first, hoping your town’s library still held any firsthand accounts of when it was a boarding house. Then, you would need to find the current owners of the manor and hope they would allow you to tour the building or see any of their handed down documents that might not be already within the library’s records.
It was a long process to endure, but you loved it. You loved doing research and digging into records. It was like having history underneath your own fingertips. It was an honor for you.
“Miss, can I get you another glass?” You were startled out of your thoughts, turning to the curious stewardess as she glanced at your open notebook.
“Oh uh, no thank you.” You smiled politely, not liking when anyone tried to glance over your shoulder. You closed your notebook before she could question anymore and watched as she nodded and continued down the aisle.
You had about three hours left of your flight, and knew your uncle was probably already at the airport waiting for you. Your uncle was the only family left in the state, everyone moving on and away from the small mountain town.
“Better opportunities” they claimed, as if they never wanted to leave in the first place.
It’s not like you were any different though, but you appreciated your uncle and how he stayed to take care of your grandmother. You helped out whenever you could, sending money for food or heat, or even helping to buy your uncle a new car to better help your grandma get around in.
You uncle was a stout man in his late forties, your dad’s younger brother who loved to joke around and helped you play pranks on your family when you were younger. He was known as the ‘fun uncle’ and raised his two children the same. You loved when you got to spend time with them, but now, your cousins had their own families and lived in separate states. Your uncle visits them twice a year, spending a couple weeks with each child when he can.
He was the man you wish your father could have become, had he not passed when you were a baby. You grew up with your single mother, doing her damned best to take care of and raise you. She worked multiple jobs for as long as you could remember, and always did her best to attend every single one of your school’s award ceremonies.
That was what the doctor ultimately decided for her cause of death. You had tried to wake her up, thankful she had finally gotten some rest; she wouldn’t wake up.
It took a long time for you to even think about your mom after she passed, instead pushing yourself into your work to make sure your family would be taken care of and would never have to worry about working again. Even now, your family tried to get you to rest, to take a vacation of sorts, but you just couldn’t.
Your aunts and cousins always asked when you would be having your own children, when they would meet your significant other. You just laughed, knowing it wasn’t going to happen. Your grandmother would always just tell you that your fate was written in the stars, mimicking something your mother told you.
You just never realized the old bat knew the truth. That she knew more than she was letting on.
“Get your ass over here and give me a damn hug!” You didn’t hold back a grin as you watched your frail grandma run down her front steps and practically jump into your arms, ignoring her own words.
You squeezed her as tight as you could without hurting her, pouring all your love for her into the small show of affection. She squeezed you back twice as hard, her hands rubbing up and down your back as she got on her tip toes and kissed you on the cheek. You could feel a slap to your back before she pulled away, a grin on her lips.
“You are getting too old. You need to give me some grandbabies.” She offhandedly states, not waiting for a reply as she walks slowly back into the house. You stare at her wide eyed, not expecting those words to come out of her mouth.
You and your uncle look at each other, a laugh bubbling from your throat as he rolls his eyes and mocks her. “I saw that, William!” Her yell sounds from the kitchen, shocking you both and making you move as quickly as you can to grab your bags and go into the house.
You make your way to the room you grew up in, the walls a light shade of purple with the same fairy lights your mother said would make the monsters stay away hung from the bed frame. She gave you those after your father passed away, claiming they would keep you safe.
“I told you that old bat didn’t change anything.” You uncle’s voice came from behind you, moving around you to put your suitcase on the bed for you to deal with later.
“You were always her favorite. The second I moved out she turned my room into a library.” He scoffed, a hidden laugh under his breath. “When your aunt moved out, she threw a party.” That had you laughing, imagining the look on your aunt’s face as she left.
“Yeah, well aunty Laura was always the one that everyone claimed would send grandma into an early grave.” Your aunt Laura was the baby and was about 7 years younger than your uncles, and about twice as rebellious. She now lives in LA and has her own record label, according to your cousin.
“That’s for sure…” He paused, looking around the room until he landed on the stuffed animals in the center of your pillows. “She’s worried about you, you know. She keeps talking about something coming, that you need to be told.” You narrow your eyebrows at his words, wondering what the heck your grandma was so worried about. 
“The doctors say she is in the beginning stages of dementia, but she swears up and down she is as sane as God. Don’t know how that is supposed to calm me down.” Your uncle rolls his eyes again, before making a swirling motion above his head, causing a large grin to grow on your lips.
“Anyways, I’ll let you get settled. Mama’s in there cooking up some deer meat Peter brought over.” You nodded, your uncle not wasting another second before leaving your room, closing the door behind him.
You turn back around, not wasting a second before sitting on the middle of your bed and pulling your laptop out of your carry on. Now that you were home, you could start writing your research notes. You grabbed your small, leather notebook out of your bag as well, pulling out your to do list as well as the list of things you remember or already know about the manor.
You had two pages already filled out, mainly just what legends you remember along with facts about the manor, like the address and any known affiliates associated with the upkeep of the “historical landmark”. The first name that popped up was a Jim Kelly, the assistant to the owner of the property, who is the main person everyone goes through with regards to the manor.
According to the emails you’ve been sending back and forth, the building and surrounding property is owned by the Kim family and has been under their possession since it was built. It is inherited by the first-born son in each generation, and his current employer is the most recent owner.
You had been trying for a week now to make an appointment to talk to Mr. Kim, but he seems to be almost unreachable to the public. He handles all business through Mr. Kelly, giving the man almost full control of the property.
Scratching that off your list for now, you decide you are going to go to the library first thing in the morning, see what information or records you could find there. Who knows, maybe Mrs. Shay is still the librarian and will let you into the back room where the closed off records are located.
You sit on your bed thinking and planning until your grandma comes knocking on your door, claiming she’ll have your behind if you don’t come and eat dinner right now. Which leads you to where you are now, sitting across from your grandma as you ask her about the legends again.
“Why do you want to hear that story again? You haven’t wanted to hear it in years.” She had her eyes narrowed, your lips turned down as she watches your face, looking for any tell you could give.
“Please grandma. I—” You close your eyes as you are interrupted, your grandmother apparently not done with her scolding.
“Don’t give me that. You haven’t been having any dreams, have you? Don’t you lie to me Y/n.” Your brows knitted in confusion, wondering what she meant by having dreams.
Your grandma froze, your uncle bringing his head to rest in the palms of his hands, a small groan leaving his lips. A slap from your grandma has him straightening, moving to grab your plates and bring them into the kitchen.
“I’m sorry. I don’t remember much about that house. Just that it still exists and that the building is getting slowly renovated.” With that, you watch your grandma stalk back to her room down the hallway, slamming her door as she closes it.
“Did I ask something wrong?” You ask yourself, not knowing what made your grandma so upset that she walked away and slammed her door. She’s never done that, not even when your aunt Laura lived at home. Moving to get up, you are stopped by a hand on your shoulder, your uncle looking at you with a glint of worry and…something else in his eye.
“Sit.” You nod, sitting back down as he moves to sit in the seat your grandma was previously occupying.
“Listen, I don’t know what is truth and what is fiction.” Your uncle started, looking even more worn down than when his youngest moved out of the home.
“Stories about Weepin’ have been goin’ around longer than even mama’s been around. The most common legend is the one mama’ told us and you guys when we were all younger.” You nod, remembering the time you and your cousins all sat around grandma as she sat in her chair and captured our attention with the stories.
“Apparently, seven men moved down here during the miner movement, and fell in love with one of the town’s few single women. A nurse who worked in the tents helping injuries that came from the mines. It was love at first sight, some even called them soulmates. However, not everyone minded. A lot of the men were jealous and the few other women were envious of her for nabbing the seven men.” You don’t remember this from grandma’s story and wonder where he heard this part.
“A couple months into the relationship, the men struck gold, literally, even helping to build most of the older buildings in town. They built Weepin’ Manor with her in mind, tons of rooms and even a library. During this time, unfortunately, a lot of bodies were turning up, some saying drained of blood, others saying their bodies were torn apart. No one really knows. But the blame was put on the seven men.”
“People claimed they were working with the devil, Demons come to take advantage of the sin of gold. Tales of screams heard from inside the manor. Well, one day, someone claimed they saw one of the men feeding from a traveler in the woods behind the mine’s entrance. The town grew outraged,” Your eyes were wide as you listened to the story your uncle was telling. He seemed serious as he spoke, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you.
“When the men left town for the day, some of the townsmen stormed the manor, not thinking they would have left their woman behind. When they returned, she was found dead, her throat slit and her stomach stabbed through into the mattress. The found her with the knife still lodged in her abdomen.” You moved your hand to cover your mouth in shock, hearing this version for the first time. You couldn’t believe the whole town would turn against this family like that. That they could kill one of their own so violently just for being there.
It made you unbelievably angry.
“The seven men were so distraught, they are said to have burnt the entire town to the ground, the only buildings left somewhat unscathed were the library and the old apothecary, buildings which their lover helped build. After the town was burnt, the men are said to have killed themselves, unable to take the grief of their loss.”  You take notes in your mind, trying everything you could to remember the entirety of the story, swearing to yourself you would write it down as soon as you got to your notebook.
“It was dubbed Weepin’ manor by the locals around 1880, some…. Forty years after the town was rebuilt. Folks said they heard people crying in there, even claimed they saw the spirits of the men. But nothing was ever proven.” Your uncle stopped, looking at you with something you didn’t recognize… guilt maybe? It was completely unlike him, so out of character you were becoming increasingly worried.
Before you could ask if he was alright, your uncle was shooting up and out of his seat, exclaiming that he was beat and he was going to bed. He came over and kissed your forehead, before walking down the same hallway your grandmother’s room is on.
Your head was hurting, everything happening so quickly you were now in the dining room alone, stuck with your thoughts. You had never heard that version of the legends before, and with the way your uncle was talking, it seemed as if he knew the truth. Like he actually believed in what he was telling you.
Getting up from your seat, you slowly made your way to your room, despite the urgency you felt, and opened your notebook again to write down everything your uncle told you. It took you over an hour, making sure you wrote down every single detail, no matter how important it seemed. It took over 12 pages in your notebook, and a couple things underlined to look for in the records tomorrow.
You spent the entire night going over the story, trying to pick out anything that seemed off, or didn’t match the research you had already done prior to coming home. Something about the story was pulling at your insides, like it wasn’t the entire story. You could feel your heart clawing at your chest, the pain making you pause in your thoughts.
It was like something was stabbing you, the pain making its way into your back and having you bite your tongue to prevent crying out and possibly waking your family.
You were frantic in trying to close the curtains, praying to the gods that they would leave your family alone. You had done everything you could, helped so many of your neighbors. You tried to move forward to the staircase, but the corner of the door caught the bottom of your dress, making you pause to remove the cloth.
“Come now, Ellie. You will be safe if you come with us.” You heard the mayor, Michael, say through the front door. Your movements became even more frantic, choosing to rip the cloth instead of trying to fight the door.
You raced up the steps and into the guest bedroom, shutting the door behind you right as you heard the front door being broken down. Yelling tore through the bottom floor, glasses being smashed, a particular vase you loved, as it was a gift from…being thrown to the ground, causing a sob to leave your lips.
“Ellie darling. They can’t mind control you any longer.” The footsteps moved up the stairs as you hid under the bed, hand over your mouth to she couldn’t hear you cry. A whimper tore through your lips as the door was thrown open, a laugh sounding throughout the room.
The pain in your chest was gone, your heart beating fast as you tried to breathe through the onslaught of tears. You were overcome with emotions: fear, pain, agony, and love. Like they were your own emotions, but you had no reason to feel this way. The… vision you had was just that, a vision. You were probably so sleep deprived that you had a hallucination of some sort.
The only thing that was weird was that it was like you were there, experiencing everything as if it was going on now. You could still hear the echoes of the things smashing from below you. Could hear the laughter of that man in your ears as the fear filled your lungs. Ellie. You wonder if it was short for something, maybe Elizabeth?
Another note made in your notebook, writing down the description of your hallucination. Another 5 pages written down. You felt that your hallucination was somehow connected to the manor, even if it didn’t make any sense.
Deciding it was a good time to sleep, you put your notebook down. You didn’t want another lifelike hallucination, and if sleeping kept them away, you would sleep. You took your suitcase and bag off your bed, placing them at the edge, and climbed under your covers, before turning your bedside lamp off and trying to sleep.
“She’s finally back.” The man spoke, his body stood in the trees behind the small house. His view was of your sleeping body, rested against your pillows and the stuffed animal he sent your mother when you were little.
A smile was rested on his lips as he watched you sleep; his protective instincts finally being soothed after having you in his sights after so long.
“I was surprised when Jimmy told us she had messaged him, asking about the manor. I wonder if the dreams have started back up again?” The first man turned his head, smirking at the younger who approached from behind, intertwining their hands together.
“They don’t seem to be dreams this time around. She thinks she is hallucinating.” A click to his tongue sounds out as you shift in your sleep, clutching at the teddy bear making his undead heart warm.
“Joon says he is going to have Jimmy email her tomorrow about a meeting. He doesn’t want to waste any time in having her again. That old bat already kept her from us once, he doesn’t want it to happen again.” The older man quirks his head, listening to the bitter tone his younger mate held. The contempt for the old women palpable as he looks at his mate.
“We won’t have to worry about her, or him this time. They know what will happen if she is kept from us again.” Both men’s eyes flash red, their reflection against your window showing the veins creeping up their eyes at the remembrance of you leaving town the first time.
“She won’t be able to hide from us again.” Turning around and back into the tree line, the younger steals once last glance at your sleeping form before letting himself be dragged into the trees, food being the only thing on his mind once again as he let the feeling of the hunt take over once more.
Next Chapter
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huskynotwolf · 21 days
Convexian Hitman AU
Part 1 I guess
AU by @tibbycaps/ @tibby-art
Written by @thecrazyhusky
(I mixed in dsmp, it’s more fun with those swearing idiots :D )
Mission: Find and destroy target’s weapon supply (target’s name is Tubbo and Jack Manifold)
Cub’s PoV
“I want you to destroy his weapons.” Doc looked at us, dead serious.
We (me and Scar) were in the NHO’s conference room, listening to Bdubs rant about this new case we had to deal with. Scar had already yawned at least two times and I had grabbed every single one of their cans of carbonated drinks or whatever at the table and shook them so hard they looked like ticking bombs. Etho was also eyeing us with much suspicion, and I suspected he was up to something.
“All of them?” I asked.
“All of them.” The goat-creeper confirmed. “He was some sort of former president of a country. He’s got some ass-load of explosives. Specifically, bombs. Lots of those.”
“Ah.” Scar smiled. “Big boom.”
“Really?” I looked at him.
“And here are the conditions, since you three are definitely gonna loophole out of this.” Doc growled.
“You have to get this done by this week, which is three days. No eating anyone, and I mean anyone. You find those explosives, disable them, then leave. Nothing else. I don’t want those Snowchester people come fighting with nukes.”
I raised an eyebrow. “They got nukes?”
Scar sniggered. I kicked him.
Doc glared at my fellow Vex. “And bring Grian. He’ll be of use.”
“Grian? You sure?” I asked.
“Yes.” Doc grunted. “And you better get the job done. Go. Now.” He said.
I nodded, grabbed Scar’s wrist and dragged him out of the conference room, heading down to Grian’s “office”, while hearing Bdubs and Beef screech loudly along to the sounds of soda exploding. I allowed myself a slight smile.
“Dang it. Should’ve rigged ‘em better.” I said.
Scar gave me a look. “Don’t tell me you shook all of them.”
“I did. But I could’ve just fitted them with grenades instead.” I replied, taking a left turn down the hallway.
We found her studying a file about Tubbo.
“Hey.” She greeted us, not looking up.
“Hiya. You ready?” I asked.
Since Grian has her Watcher powers, she could technically see us coming, so I assumed she was already prepared.
“Let’s just go. Tango yelled at me earlier. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.” She stood up, then walked towards us.
“Tango? Why?” Scar asked.
“None of your concern.” She shrugged.
We headed out the door, taking the lift down, then exiting the building. As soon as we stepped out, Grian winced.
“You okay?” I asked her.
“Y-yeah,” she replied. “It’s just…overwhelming.”
“Hmm.” I shot a glance at Scar. “Scar, you got the map? Coords, at least?”
“Ask the all-seeing.” He pointed at Grian. Grian made a low growling sound.
“Wow, I though you prepped.” She muttered under her breath.
“Yes, I have the map. It’s in my head.” She raised her voice.
“Great!” Scar smiled. “Let’s go, then.”
I leaned closer to Grian. “You okay, dude?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine. It’s fine. Everything’s…” she exhaled. “Alright.”
“Good.” I said, then secretly kicked Scar. The man glared at me but I didn’t reply.
“Let’s go.”
“We gonna take a subway. Then a cross-country train. Then another high-speed railroad.” I said, laying down a drawn map.
“Snowchester’s all the way out there, so we probably need to either stop to eat on the way, or we have to bring food.” I rolled up the map and shoved it in my pack.
Scar rolled his eyes. “You’re concerned about eating?”
“Grian needs to eat as well.” I hissed.
I had shoved the three of us into a Seven Eleven’s, where my reason was, “we need substance.”
Grian nudged Scar. “Here’s the thing, bud. We don’t have money. How-“
I waved a five dollar bill I snatched from someone. “Steal.”
“Did you get his whole wallet?” Scar asked, his eyes glinting mischievously.
I gave a low chuckle. “Duh I did.” I held out the stolen wallet. Scar sniggered. “This guy’s got a hundred and fifty.”
Grian gave us a look of annoyance and frustration. “You know it’s illegal to steal, right?”
Scar materialised behind her, making her jump. “Nah. It’s fine.”
Grian narrowed his eyes at him but didn’t snap back a comment.
I handed Scar about thirty dollars worth of bills. “Grian, you can go with Scar to buy food.” She shot me a dirty look, got up and disappeared behind the aisles with the Vex.
I took out twenty and nabbed a sandwich and two bottles of water, in which to avoid getting yelled at by Grian, I payed for it instead of stealing it.
Though I will admit I stole a can of Sprite.
Yeah. Maybe.
Grian bought coffee and milk tea (where did she find that?) and Scar bought a bun and bottled Cola, though I could tell he didn’t intend to drink it, he’s just gonna prank me with it.
As we left that store, I searched for enough money to get us to the subway station. Six dollars to get in, then they needed eighteen. I decided not to give them the coins and bills yet, as Scar had a tendency to lose things.
Very, very often.
We headed to the subway station, while Grian kept cautiously looking around for signs of danger. However, despite this, Scar seemed extremely carefree.
“G, man, there’s nothing to worry ‘bout. It’s not like someone would just suddenly drop down and try and kill us, right?” He said to no one in particular.
“Don’t jinx it.” She huffed. “I see something. Though I can’t pinpoint where it is.”
I approached the subway tunnel, with the two nitwits trailing behind. “Yeah, something’s definitely wrong. I can feel it.”
I stepped down the stair, then halted when something whizzed past me and embedded itself into the wall with a thunk.
“Honestly, Foolish, how bad can your aim be!” I heard a yell. The three of us swivelled our heads towards the noise, and standing on the side of the street, armed with crossbows, were two deranged-looking people. At least that’s what the first word that came to my head when I saw them.
The one who shot the projectile, Foolish, looked suspiciously like a totem of undying, and it made me question whenever he’s an actual totem or not. His friend was a girl who wore dark sunglasses and had long streaks of hair running down both sides of her head. What she wore screamed pirate in every way.
Grian sighed. “Scar, you jinxed it.”
Scar glared at her. “No I didn’t!”
I slapped Scar before he could argue any further and hissed, “don’t make the situation worse, dumbass!” and marched towards the pair with crossbows. Scar gave me an offended look but I knew he was playing around for fun.
“What do you want?” I demanded.
Foolish looked at me. “You don’t have the authority to order me around.” He said.
“You just tried to kill me. Are you hitmen?” I snapped.
His friend glared at me. “You were trying to destroy our military.”
Grian and Scar came up from behind. “What do you know about that?” Grian challenged.
“I know for a fact that you were sent to destroy our nukes. We’re from Snowchester, mind you.” The girl growled.
Grian suddenly looked like he was lost in thought. Scar stared at her, then shook her to try snap her out of her trance, but did nothing except from earning a well-deserved smack in the face by her.
“Well, we don’t really care about who sent you. This is about our country’s safety. You back off, or we’ll make you.” Sunglasses Girl said, raising her crossbow.
I processed her words, then turned to Scar. “Wait, if we die, is our contract technically broken?”
He paused. “Wait…you know what? You’re right! We can just let ‘em kill us!”
“But do we like, reincarnate or something? What do you think we’d be-“
Sunglasses Girl facepalmed. “No-that’s not what I meant! I don’t want anyone dead!”
Foolish nudged her. “Whatever, Puffy. They’re not part of our nation.”
Grian shook her head. “You have your own problems. Deal with whoever the fuck Dream is first, then come back and kill us. Besides, Tubbo is a literal threat to society.” She said. “You shouldn’t be listening to that menace.”
Puffy, aka Sunglasses Girl, looked promptly taken aback by Grian’s comment. “How do you know about Dream?”
“Can we take this conversation somewhere else? We’re attracting quite a lot of unwanted attention.” Grian interrupted. “One dude who passed by thought you were a terrorist.”
Foolish and Puffy took a while to discuss, and as soon as they took their eyes off the us and Grian, I took out the stolen can of Sprite, shook it hard, opened it (but barely) then yeeted it at Foolish. It landed on the ground and the entire can burst like a grenade, spewing soda everywhere.
We bolted for it, making a beeline for the subway station, with Scar mainly being dragged all the way. By the time the pair from Snowchester realised what’s happening, we were already down the subway and had managed to get into the train already.
“Ok, that was…awkward.” Grian panted, slightly out of breath.
I grunted. “Whatever. You shouldn’t have told them about your powers.”
She shook her head. “I…sorry.” She muttered.
“Eh. We could go back and kill them both.” I shrugged.
Scar nodded. “Actually, yeah. I would love to do that.”
Grian paled. “No you don’t!” She cried. “Why must you always kill people left and right?”
Both of us Vexes turned their piercing gaze at her. She immediately shut up and sank into the seat.
“Can I kill Tubbo?” Scar asked.
“No,” Grian and I said almost simultaneously. I gave her a look but she said nothing.
“Aww.” He huffed. “I’m bored.”
“You won’t be when we reach the border.” Grian said.
“What?” I asked. “Are you talking about…the border between the city and Greater Dream SMP or whatever that place is called?”
She nodded. “You know we don’t have our IDs or passports. It’s gonna be a wild chase with the border guards there.”
“Ooo, what do they do?” Scat asked.
Grian groaned. “They would chase you down on horses and they never stop. Literally, they could hunt you continuously for days without stopping.”
“Sounds fun,” Scar said.
Grian bit her lip to prevent herself from snapping back at him.
I looked at her. “Listen, if you know about the border guards, do you think we can get past them?”
She nodded. “You can get past them, but it’s gonna be hard.”
I gave both of them a wide smile. “Alright. We have two hitmen on our trail, we don’t have IDs of any sort and we’re about to be chased down by a few border guards. What’s the worse that could happen?”
To be continued
(I did it on another platform and then tried to paste it on Tumblr but ended up with so much lag I can’t even type properly lol)
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ghostforwhat · 11 months
anyway post fall au where they do survive and Will just keeps trying to kill them anyway but he’s convinced they have to go together or not at all (delusions of immortality) so it’s increasingly stupid scenarios of him trying to like poison the wine and finding out Hannibal has built up immunity to certain poisons ala Dread Pirate Roberts and Will just gets dutifully nursed back to health, he refuses to use a gun because he said with his hands after all but now he’s too hyperaware of touching Hannibal so he hires a hitman who turns out to have phenomenally bad aim and now hes got another through and through in his other shoulder while Hannibal calmly eviscerates the contract killer, and after many many failed attempts he says he wants to go for a walk in the city and Hannibal obliges, Will leads them to a railroad and lays down on the tracks, pulling Hannibal down next to him and when they feel the rumble of a train approaching he looks over at Hannibal expecting him to start getting up but Hannibal’s just looking up at the sky and Will goes “What are you doing, why are letting me do this, why don’t you kill me and leave?” And Hannibal hums, eyes caught on distant stars, Orion staring imperiously down at them, the great dead hunter listening as intently as Will when Hannibal replies serenely, “Where else would i go, Will?”
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honeyedboneset · 3 months
hello! i'm boneset (or bone). thanks for stopping by my super-specific search thread! if interested, please leave a reply or dm me!
a bit about myself: she/her. I'm currently in my late 20's and have been writing/roleplaying in some shape or form for 12+ years. i'm in grad school (and will be for awhile) and work full time in mental healthcare. occasionally, days are wild. 
when it comes to writing, i generally write somewhere between 500-1k words a post. the shorter the post, the faster i can write. i definitely value someone who's writing fits with mine over length or anything like that. i'm also super flexible when it comes to post rate. if it takes a little bit, that's totally fine! especially if we do build a rapport. i want this to stay as something that's fun for both of us. it's a hobby, so it comes after everything else.
doubling. i play a canon for you, you play one for me, and i love every character as my own. OR we both play two ocs who fall in love against their will. Idc.
m!canon x f!oc preferred (or m!oc x f!oc). I know who I am. I have no shame. I’m so super cautious about m// and f// after years of running into folks treating it as a fetish.
ooc chatting. for the rps that have survived my hiatuses, it's been because we made friends, or at least friendly. i like talking, sharing head canons, all that stupid crap. tldr: i need someone to send memes to.
ooc over discord, please, after we’ve graduated to that. DMs first if you don’t mind.
email, discord, gdocs, and tumblr in order of preference for the roleplay but I'm open to any.
i am a sap for romance. less so for super slow burns. sue me. I can barely read slow burn much less write it.
500-1000 words is my sweet spot for responses, but i'm not that fast of a writer, depending on what's going on. see: why i like ooc.
hard limits: be 18+ (21+ preferred) | will not write with people who identify as male (he/him) | incest | fetish stuff | abo | pwp | pedophilia | furries/beastiality | explicitly written sexual assault | abusive relationship dynamics between main characters | heavy substance abuse | main settings being medical | most highschool settings/underage characters | genuine love triangles or infidelity between main characters
pairings and all below the break!
for fandoms, I’m going to list what I’m looking to play the oc in. I am super duper happy to play nearly any canon character for you.
the walking dead:  *i haven't seen the spin-off series. super comfortable going as AU as we want. *looking for: glenn (pls pls pls), daryl *will play: rick, daryl, shane, negan, others probably *some vibes: people who knew each other prior to the zombies meeting each other again after, dead rising vibes, traveling through the wilderness, overgrown and rundown towns and cities, towns that have gone mad, human enemies, natural threats, fluff, megamalls, amusement parks, adventure, horror, fluff, uneasiness in the calm, found family, hesitant allies
resident evil: *i like it all, okay? welcome to racoon city, all the games, the animated films...even the live action netflix put out! it's just FUN. *looking for: leon, piers, carlos *will play: chris, albert, luis, piers, etc. *some vibes: hurt/comfort extreme, international adventures, partners in life and in work, idk absolute insanity. vacation? what's a vacation, there's always zombies, basically the evil of capitalism, embrace the weird of the game universes (i mean really. there's werewolves)
the last of us: *i've played both games and watched the show *looking for: tommy miller, m!oc *will play: joel, ellie, others, m!oc *some vibes: FIX IT JESUS, protecting family, human enemies, natural threats, antagonistic towns, lost in the wild, weird periods of domestic easiness followed by hurt/comfort hell red dead redemption: *i've played rdr and rdr2. kind of familiar with revolver. *looking for: charles smith *will play: arthur, john, dutch, others (but not micah) *some vibes: railroad turmoil, dutch has lots of plans (very little outcomes), high society meets the old west, running from the law, causing problems, adventures in the big city, trying to leave old lives behind, forbidden love, enemies to lovers
fallout: *i've played 1, 2, 3, 4, 76 & NV. mainly looking for nv. *looking for: m!oc *will play: ask for canons, m!oc *some vibes: causing chaos in the wastes, embracing the local cryptid status of the player character, toxic people everywhere, attempting to survive, mercenaries, prostitutes, salt of the earth managing to do some good against their will, traveling to other locations avatar the last airbender *i've seen the show several times, live action, and korra, but haven't read comics. *looking for: adult!sokka *will play: adult!zuko, ask for other canons! *some vibes: post series feeling out their new roles in society, rebuilding following war, uprisings from unhappy sections, earth kingdom is just as big of a mess as firenation please help, 'forbidden' relationships, political drama, festival romance
original(ish) story vibes:
zombies! please zombies. love it. media inspo: l4d, deadrising, resident evil, twd, george romero
fantasy. royalty, pirates, mermaids, adventures, curses, and extra doses of romance. some assassins? hiding from responsibility? childhood friends to lovers and enemies finding common ground. media inspo: ACOTAR, lord of the rings, ever king, damsel, fire emblem, (for modern of these vibes) new protectorate by abigail kelly
urban fantasy vibes. witches and monsters, and romance and weirdness. maybe some monsters. eldritch beings. small town, rural america? media inspo: x-files, teen wolf, supernatural, stay a spell by juliette cross, scooby doo, being human, folk haven by lauren connolly, old gods of appalachia
cowboys! Modern? Traditional? I do not care i love cowboys and the south, just minus all of those….you know, issues. media inspo: red dead redemption, man from snowy river, yellow stone, lyla sage books
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 7 months
do you guys know of any fics where kurt or blaine likes being called pet names a lot? or when they begin to try them out and one admits they like it and want to continue using them?
I know that in most of her fics, @gleefulpoppet uses pet names. Here is one example, but check out the rest.
Pressed against the Glass by @gleefulpoppet
Is it possible that the most extraordinary love story ever told starts on a chilly October morning in New York with an impromptu twirl and an elbow to a stranger’s face? Kurt wouldn’t have thought so, but when it happens, his heart stops. It’s just one touch, but is that all it takes to believe? Should he take a chance and never look back? But what happens when the stranger runs away, even though he finally feels complete and brought to life? Is it just a dream—or will he let his walls come down? Will they live with regrets or find the love that will make them feel young forever?
AKA: The one about soulmates (by choice) and the italicized Oh.
In this one< Blaine calls him "babe" or "Baby" a lot, and at first Kurt isn't sure.
Go your own way by zavacado
Kurt Hummel just wants to get through his Junior Year at McKinley in one piece. But when the new guy from Dalton Academy Reform School for Boys takes an alarming interest in him, he's certain he's going to be in for a wild ride. Badboy!Blaine, Klaine, AU
From a previous ask - check out these:
The Symphony Verse by shandyall
Blaine has spent most of his life feeling like the only thing people notice about him is that he stutters. He’s working hard to overcome his (mostly self created) roadblocks when he meets Kurt in an online class the summer after his freshman year of college.
Glory Series by  Cleverboots (Amberlovesocean)
Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime.
He wakes up to find he’s been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive.
When The Time Is Right by @fictionallylost
Kurt is 25, successful, handsome and sought after by all, but still looking for more, Bar Owner Blaine 10 years his senior is on the exact same journey of looking for love and life. A/U
Westerville Abbey Verse by @hkvoyage
Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
Let us know anymore! ~Jen
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turquoisefleur · 1 month
Haunted Puzzle Mansion AU - "Will" of D
(just idea -- I'm no good at fanfics...)
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(dead characters are alive -- place whenever in the timeline u want)
A mysterious Great Grandfather left in his Will that whoever of his descendants completed his puzzle (on his mansion) would win his treasure, the One Missing Piece.
You, the reader, is one of them, a bunch of weirdos, all gathered at Laughing Tale mansion, but... was the mansion.... HAUNTED?!
You could sleep there, if you wanted, or even DARED, but nevertheless all your friends/detective teams were stationed near by, on a small town at the end of the Grand Line railroad.
Will the government, or evil capitalist cooperatives owners, (such as Doffy, CEO of a Toy and Fruticulture Corp.), be able to prove the Will is illegal and the mansion should be teared down for profit other purposes??
Is up to you and your distant cousins to figure everything out and save the mansion! Or not, visit the near by town, fall in love with NPCs, taste Sanji's cooking, raise a farm and make it into a cozy video game life!
thas the AU. thnk u fo coming to my TedTalk :,)
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eluxcastar · 9 months
So I got all these prompts as part of a BSD bingo event that'll slowly be posted on ao3 but I thought, some of these are fun, why not give them to Tumblr to let you guys play around with them too?
So, send a character and a number to my ask box and I'll do it 🫶 specify if you want them separate though because unless they conflict I'll default to doing them together. Don't worry about repeat characters or repeated prompts with different characters
Responses may be anything from headcanons to longer scenarios just depends what I can do with the prompt. Feel free to add stuff if you'd like too
(Note that I'll get to them when I get to them, this isn't any kind of event on here)
"Can you feel your toes?"
"Go with me?" "Only if you hold my hand."
Opening up for the first time
Prozvonit (Czech): To call someone’s cell phone only to have it ring once so that the other person has to call back - allowing the caller to not spend money on minutes.
"I wasn’t sure which flavour you wanted so I got all of them"
"I would rather die than be the person who climbs into bed with you at the end of the night."
Servant AU
(you’re the) devil in disguise: character discovers something terrible about another
"I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I’ve met."
"I’m going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly."
ya’aburnee: 'you bury me’; a declaration of one’s hope that they’ll die before another person because of how difficult it would be to live without them.
You will procure me these votes.
"No one will keep your name alive. Once you’re gone, everything you once stood for disappears too."
In the beginning sometimes, I left messages in the street.
"Can you feel the blood draining from your body?"
Sharing an umbrella
"You’re very good at what you do."
velleity: A wish or desire to see something done, but not enough will to make it happen or actions meant to pursue it.
dead boy’s poem: write about a time your character felt at their lowest in life, when everything around them seemed to have failed at their hands.
Smiling at each other from across the room
"It’s not your fault."
"Nothing some love and care and a good soup can’t fix."
Bodyguard AU
Cheiloproclitic - Being attracted to someones lips
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lochley · 2 months
thinking about how i accidentally started doing found family stuff with this AU bc b5 didnt rly give me as much of it as i wanted and ended up thinking about like. every character's relation to the fankids. i do this instead of actually writing anything more for it.
bee five not really doing a ton with found family is... maybe perhaps why this AU centralizes a bunch of characters i like around a kid they all have family-like roles to so i can make ppl closer in that way than the show ever let them be.
like generally bee five does allow some good vibes between certain aides and attaches, and a bit with the command staff, but never anything where a general group felt that way? and i'm still honestly only focused on a handful of characters but it rly is something i wish we had more of.
anyway, lyta and g'kar have kids and susan and na'toth are their gay aunts and now i need to figure out who else i can loop into this and whether or not i'd like to bring talia back to life here too or let susan/na'toth continue its current course or both ja;lkdlkjf.
which leads me to! clean little list of how i see characters for this, once things are safe enough for ro and other kiddos to be more known, because i'd rather just do this instead of actually write anything for this AU these days:
susan - gay aunt, got closer to lyta during the telepath war while helping pass along secret earthforce intel to support the cause. lyta also helped her with her emerging latent telepathy which kept them in further contact.
na'toth - of course g'kar would keep her close. she is not in the best mental state during the original lyta/g'kar adventure years when ro is born so she isn't exactly Happy for them. like oh, even g'kar is moving on in life while i'm stuck at home having flashbacks, great. but she eventually does become a loving aunt!! just a bad influence too, as is susan, who she gets to know better because of them both being around for ro.
talia - tbh i always thought she'd stay dead but... the more i think about trying to make this my Ideal B5 Timeline the more i think maybe eventually susan and lyta do bring her back based on stuff they learn during/after the war. but maybe she comes back and needs to focus on herself due to everything she's endured based on how this works, which means no relationship with susan. i do think eventual na'toth/susan/talia could be fun though... i just really like susan/na'toth here.
vir - i do think ro needs to meet him for positive centauri influence reasons. and i think na'toth does stay in touch with him, difficult as it is. so that, or through his own efforts to help rebuild narn or through trying to get messages about londo through to g'kar, he'd meet her. i also have some fankids for him i'd love ro to meet.
stephen - i'm conflicted, because sometimes i think he should've been looped in during lyta's pregnancy because he is an expert on xenobio and could've provided some insight. he also did have some great moments with lyta in the series, same with g'kar. and his teep underground railroad work makes him safe. but i also think he'd be quite clinical about the hybrid kiddos in ways that are uncomfortable to ex-labrat-lyta, so idk how much he actually would be involved if at all! but i guess if na'toth can loop in vir, susan (whose dynamic w stephen i Loved) could loop in stephen, esp because teep resistance stuff probs involved him more closely in those years too.
delenn/sheridan + david - conflicted on this. i think lyta blames sheridan and delenn for byron's death and for the teep war happening at all, which tore her away from her daughter. so having to watch delenn get to raise david on tv while she's left her own kid behind made her hate her even more. (i make lyta too mean to delenn sometimes bc i think she does irrationally blame delenn a lot due to how much she feels delenn out of everyone shouldve been there for her in earlier days.) BUT ALSo. ro needs hybrid friends! and lyta, depending on if she faked her death lmao, would need to probs deal with some political things with delenn and sheridan for teep rights. so eventually they might make things work, but idk how well.
londo - complicated bc drakh stuff. on one hand the drakh don't overpowered telepaths around! on the other, if he does learn about ro he'd worry for her safety as a result of the drakh stuff! ideal world, lyta manages to help save him from the drakh stuff and he can be a problematic uncle. but idk, maybe that doesnt happen here.
zack - too awkward moving on
lennier - either dies in the war or needs to get FAR away from powerful women to devote himself to for a while and work on himself so im banning him from being around lyta or delenn for years
garibaldi - ?????? probably nothing tbh he has enough telepath trauma to only want to be around when he and lyta have Dealings, and honestly knowing what bester did to him would he even be that... safe? to be let into this? idk. he probably would be a good problematic uncle like londo, but i just dont see him in this too much.
marcus - ????? is he dead or out of cryo who knows, maybe ideal world scenario they find a way to bring him out and he hangs around susan and third wheels her na'toth relationship.
ta'lon - never paid attention to him in all honesty but he can probably hang out
lochley - love u girl but no <3 idk if the fam ever passes thru the station but i would love to see her reaction to them, i just dont think... she would mesh well with any of this bc how do kids work and also her only real interaction w lyta was punching her in the face, and... bester stuff.
sinclair - im sad he cant be here for this :(
kosh - he dead BUT... although lyta and g'kar can have kids at all due to vorlon tampering, i think sometimes it'd nice to make it a little less cold hard science and make it a "gift" from kosh due to how much he knew lyta wanted a family and couldn't have that before vorlon tampering. whatever he did just worked TOO well. MOST REALISTICALLY that is not at all it but it's worth a mention.
im running out of characters but i dont want to sleep :(
other notable things: ocs!
theo - lyta's brother she didnt know about bc corps bullshit. yay uncle theo.
vir fankids for ro to have friends through maybe. bee five no kids rule my beloathed.
speaking of. alisa. at the very least an AU of the AU where ro is raised on minbar alisa would help her w her telepathy.
i should sleep now :(
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thebunnylord · 9 months
A few Luke headcanons for my human AU
-Luke was born into an Irish traveler family, after he got a job on the railroad, he found it hard to stay in one place for too long and gets restless from time to time, he was able to adjust to his new lifestyle but still wishes from time to time to go back to living the Irish traveler lifestyle.
-he is socially awkward at times
-one time, Millie invited him to the castle for lunch, and immediately the entire narrow gauge gang took it as “a romantic date”, and “Millie loves Luke”, so they all pitched in to get Luke spiffied up for his “date”, including Duncan, who let him borrow his hair gel (actually, Duncan did up Luke’s hair) all gave him advice on how to act on his “date”, ( “now, you’re gonna want to be yourself, but not, too much of yourself, okay? Just be you without being you”, “make sure you have money in case you guys buy anything, a proper gentleman should always offer pay for his date”, “do you have a nice suit jacket? One that isn’t outdated? What is this suit jacket? Did you steal it off of my dead grandfather? This will never do, here! Borrow mine! And remember to keep your shirt tucked in your pants, collar buttoned up, and suit jacket smooth, no girl will ever want to date a slob”,)
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skvatnavle · 2 years
New in Town
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Rhett Abbott x Abigail Miller
Warnings: pining, mentioning of masturbation (squint and you miss it), flirtatious behavior.
Notes: Yes, I have given reader a name, but no other descriptions of appearance. I just don't wanna use y/n 😅
And this an AU set in 1886. No spoilers for Outer Range.
Thanks to @hederasgarden for beta reading and the rest of the Top Gun girls for encouraging me to do this ❤️
Words: 1.8K
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Days often went by slowly out at the frontier. Life was easier, simpler. Some would say boring, but to people born here, they didn’t mind the stillness. Sitting on his horse, gently swaying in the saddle as the sun shines above, Rhett can’t really picture living anywhere else.
Sure, as a kid he sometimes had dreams about the big city. Perry had been there a few times, with Rebecca being from Laramie, and talked about how magnificent it was. Buildings taller than you could imagine and shops full of things Rhett could never dream of being able to afford. He even heard whispers that they had just opened the doors to Wyoming’s first University.
But Rhett had never felt that pull. He wanted to make his father proud, maybe get a small farmhouse of his own one day with some little ones to carry on his name. But he was slowly giving up on that dream, none of the girls here wanted anything to do with him.
Rhett had a reputation of being a bad seed. Drinking too much, often getting into fights. No man here thought him suitable for their daughters, which had caused him to flee out windows many a night with his Long John’s around his ankles and an angry father waving a weapon. Shifting in his saddle, he can still feel one of the hails from Mr. Johnson’s shotgun that one time he was a little too slow.
Reaching the small town of Wabang, the quiet stillness of the prairie is replaced by the buzzing of the town folk going about their day. The Barber welcoms the first customer of the day and Old Man Davis opening up the trading post.
As they ride past the saloon, Sheriff Smith is escorting Trevor Tillerson away under huge protest. One of the whores’ eye Rhett and waves seductively, trying to lure him in. But he just offers her a soft smile, tipping his hat before catching up with his father and Perry.
Behind him, he hears the exaggerated whine along with his name leaving Daisy’s lips. With every other girl in town out of reach he had turned to Daisy’s services a few times. Not that he was very proud of it, but she was nice and he had gotten the release he needed. A way for him to dull his loneliness for a while.
Near the station, the crowds are gathering, awaiting the train. The railroad was done not a year ago and it had already done wonders for the town. But it was the buzzing that caught Rhett’s ear. The town had lost its teacher a month ago to sickness and now someone new was on their way here.
When they reach the trading post, Perry and Royal greet Davis, exchanging small pleasantries, but Rhett doesn’t care much. He just dismounts his horse and gives her a few pets to her cheeks, turning his gaze towards the train that’s slowly reaching the station.
No one really ever comes to Wabang, so it’s no surprise that only one person exits the train, but the crowd makes it hard for Rhett to see. Curious, he walks closer just to see what type of fella this new teacher could be. Only to stop dead in his tracks.
This certainly was no fella, and you were certainly not from around here. Dressed in a gown fit for a city lady with hair to match, you stand out from the crowd. Rhett can’t help but smile at the way you’re dressed, all fancy and polished.
When you turn, your eyes meet his and for a second, Rhett forgets how to breathe. Your eyes are magnificent, their beauty only challenged by the bright smile on your lips. Swallowing hard, Rhett tries to compose himself. You might just be the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen.
As the chatting continues around you, and some men help to put your luggage onto a small wagon, Rhett finds himself staring at you. Not in a creepy way, or at least he hopes so. But he just can’t tear his eyes away. You’re not like any girls here. He already knew that the second he saw that book under your arm. Hardly anyone here had any real education, let alone would read for fun.
Hell, Rhett himself didn’t even know how to read properly, his father insisting on working on the farm was more important. So he knew he wasn’t smart enough for an educated lady like you. Turning away, already giving up on the idea of talking to you, Rhett hears something hard hit the ground and turns around to you. Some of the suitcases have fallen off the wagon.
“Let me help you with that, Ma’am.” Rhett offers, quickly moving to pick them up. Once done, he is met by your sweet smile, only this time it’s all for him.
“Thank you so much, Mr.?”
“Abbott. Rhett Abbott.” He offers his hand but retracts it when he sees how dirty it is. But you just keep your hand in mid-air with a smile, waiting for him to take it.
“I moved away from the big city, Mr. Abbott. I’m not opposed to getting a little dirty.”
Somehow, Rhett hopes this doesn’t just apply to the dirt on the ground, but he quickly tries to dismiss that thought, knowing full well that he shouldn’t think about you like that. He shakes your hand, yours so small against his, lips pulling up into a sweet smile.
“Sounds promising, cause we often get a little dirty here, Mrs.?”
“Miller. And it’s Miss.”
With that you turn away with a shy smile, making sure you have everything before heading to your new home. Rhett helps you onto the seat, his fingers resting at your hips for a second. Images of his hands digging into your curvy naked form flashes before his eyes, and he feels himself getting flustered as he lets go of you.
“Have a good day, Mr. Abbott. And thank you for your help.”
“Anytime, Miss Miller. Anytime.”
And with that, you drive away, but don’t get very far. The town folk keep stopping you, wanting to say hello to the newcomer. Rhett walks back to Royal and Perry, almost done loading goods into the wagon. They all look towards you and Rhett sighs heavily.
“She’s a pretty little thing.”
A bag of barley hits his chest and makes him stumble backwards, pulling him out his little daydream. When he looks at his father, Royal looks annoyed, his brows pulled into a frown.
“Don’t even think about it, Rhett. She’s a respectable woman.”
Rhett throws the barley onto the wagon, shooting you a quick glance before turning back to his father, trying to seem indifferent.
“Don’t worry, Pa. I wasn’t gonna.”
“Like you’ve ever kept your word when it comes to a woman.” Perry counters, clearly amused. Rhett jabs at Perry’s chest, which only makes Perry laugh louder. He’s telling the truth, but the words hurt nonetheless. Hurt that even his family would think so little of him, how could he ever hope anyone else would think otherwise?
“Shut your mouth, Per.”
Perry just shakes his head as he continues to load the goods onto the wagon. As Rhett picks up the last bag of flour, he looks up to find you looking at him from your seat in the wagon. He hopes to God you didn’t hear any of their banter. You’d hear soon enough about his reputation. But he sure hoped you wouldn’t believe every word. He didn’t stand a chance with a gal like you, but he could always dream.
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A whole two weeks had gone by since Rhett had last seen you. He had tried to push you out of his head, but to no avail. You occupied his thoughts during the day, making the chores easier to get done. You had also occupied his thoughts at night. Shamefully he’d fisted his cock at the thought of you more times than he could count, your bright smile and kind eyes haunting his every waking hour.
He didn’t even know you, yet you were all he could think about. He’d heard girls in town talk about love at first sight and he had always thought they were crazy. But maybe there was something to it?
“Daddy, you gotta take me to school.”
Amy’s voice pulls him out of his thoughts. This is exactly the opportunity he’s been looking for. A way for him to see you again.
“I can take you.”
Shocked, they all look at Rhett. He is by no means a bad uncle for Amy. Actually, he was always going out of his way to make that little girl happy. But he’s never once followed her to school. As he walks her to the door, Royal stops him with a hand on his chest.
“What are you doing, Rhett?”
“Just following Amy to school. Ain’t nothing to worry about, Pa.”
“You know… Whenever you say that you always get into trouble.”
Rhett just offers his dad a sideways smile before heading out the door, Amy in tow. All the way into town, Amy tells about what a great teacher Miss Miller is. Reaching the school and seeing you there, giving all the kids a big, bright smile, he can’t help but agree. You sure are something.
You greet Amy with equal vigour as the others, before your eyes land on Rhett. Maybe he’s just fooling himself, but it sure looks like your smile grew bigger seeing him there.
“Mr. Abbott. To what do I owe the pleasure? It’s usually your sister-in-law following Amy to school.”
“Oh, she…” he pauses, nervously rubbing his neck, “She was busy this morning.”
“It’s just because Uncle Rhett wanted to see you.” Amy says matter of factly, before running to her friends, leaving Rhett embarrassed and you flustered.
“Uhm, I… I just wanted to make sure you’ve settled alright. That you’re okay.”
It’s a poor excuse and he knows a smart girl like you will see right through it. Luckily, you don’t seem to mind. Hell, it even looks like you might be a little flattered.
“Well, I’m honoured, Mr. Abbott. I feel better knowing I have someone like yourself watching over me.”
Another parent is dropping off their son, demanding your attention. You offer Rhett a good day, before turning towards the school. Knowing he shouldn’t, he still takes a step forward and stops you gently, his fingers brushing against your arm. You turn to look at him once more.
“Miss Miller? If there’s ever anything I can do for you, please let me know.”
Everything in him hopes you’ll take him up on his offer. That maybe he can prove to you that he is a good man and that maybe he could be worthy of someone like you.
“I don’t think your wife would take too kindly to you helping out other women.” you say, as you take a step closer to him, fidgeting with the book in your hand.
“I don’t have a wife.” he answers softly with a faint smile, before tipping his hat and leaving. Straddling his horse, he finds you still looking at him with a shy smile.
“Have a good day, Miss Miller. I look forward to seeing you again.”
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Thank you so much for reading <3
Tagging: @loverhymeswith @a-reader-and-a-writer @wildbornsiren @chasingdreamer @milestellussy @lucy-sky @fictionalhaven @andshivroytoo @green-socks @yespolkadotkitty @callsign-phoenix @hederasgarden @crazy-bi-btch @mayhem24-7forever @lorecraft
And tagging a few lewis girls that like Bob, so maybe you'll like Rhett too: @autumnleaves1991-reads @joalsglasses @paintballkid711 @weasleywinchester @tipsykeen @lluckpng @levylovegood @weakling-grace @reveluving
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Hello love! How are you?
May a i ask for another part of the Addams Fam au pretty please 😄 it's so cutee.
Thank you for all of your stories they are amazing, i adore how you write Thena and Gil, you get them so right every time. 🩷🤍
"What a beautiful day."
"What a beautiful day indeed."
Thena and Gil looked at each other before bursting into laughter, sitting on the steps of the gazebo. The heavy rain underscored it, only Theseus on Thena's lap even blinked. Their parents were inside, discussing business of some kind.
"Father has been talking about this meeting for weeks," Thena looked down at Theseus, running her fingers over his back and up his spines delicately. "He is quite excited about the deal they will be making, supposedly."
"Yeah, Pops has been talking about it too," Gilgamesh agreed in not so many words. He looked at her with a grin, though, "keeps saying it'll be a huge drag."
The two shared a light laugh again, maintaining the 'code' of sorts they had concocted upon their first meeting. Their parents' businesses entangling so often had actually come to benefit them. Finally someone with whom to discuss things that weren't business, or investments, or the benefit of all the plastics piling up in the environment (how that was a good thing was beyond both of them).
"I do like the rain, though," Thena added more quietly. "It's much easier to sleep when it's raining. And Theseus enjoys it as well, from the safety of his sun lamp tank."
Gilgamesh chuckled, extending a finger. The growing iguana was warming up to him slowly. He wasn't of petting familiarity yet, but Theseus flicked his tongue a little in the direction of Gil's finger. "You guys must love monsoon season, huh?"
Thena offered a guilty little pinch of her lips. "The last trip on which we accompanied Father, the weather had been dreadful. Mother didn't get to experience the sea at all, and we were essentially shut in the whole time. I quite enjoyed it."
Gilgamesh threw his head back in laughter. She liked how unrestrained he could be in that way. "I probably would've liked that too. I think we're old enough they don't have to drag us around with them anyway, right?"
Thena sighed, hunching over Theseus as a breeze travelled through her around the gazebo pillars. "I wish they agreed. And yet Mother and Father's leash has only gotten shorter, I fear."
They kept insisting that she and Gilgamesh remain within a certain distance of the house when they were visiting. Something about not getting up to any 'funny business'. Thena didn't understand it; nothing about business was ever humorous.
"Hm," he pursed his lips, sliding closer to her. His larger frame actually did block some of the wind that accompanied such lovely rain.
"Have your parents always-" Thena started asking and then stopped dead in her tracks. She was becoming too comfortable with Gilgamesh--comfortable enough to ask rather forward questions. It was untoward, with a guest.
Gilgamesh leaned closer to her, softening his already soft voice, "go on."
Thena's eyes darted between him and Theseus. He was awfully close, now. "Have your parents always been suffocating--like mine?"
"I guess kinda the opposite," Gilgamesh shrugged, now close enough to venture into the realm of touching Theseus' back. The lizard allowed it, his eyes sliding closed as he enjoyed the attention. "Pops used to show me his model trains all the time, teach me about the railroads, all that stuff. Then, one day, he never had any time for me anymore. Now I seem to just be a distraction for him, and Ma."
Thena frowned. Perhaps she did know that feeling. Mother no longer brushed and braided her hair. Father had long ago said that she needed no tutelage in fencing. She recalled a younger Thena even falsifying her own flaws in hopes her father would continue to teach her, but to no avail.
"Hey," he nudged her arm gently. Their parents never let them be too close to each other in their presence, but she had to admit that being close to him had its advantages. "That's why we have each other, right?"
She smiled, completely unwittingly, too. He seemed able to pull a smile from her more and more easily. Unfortunately, her parents were catching on. Every time she smiled at Gil from across the dinner table her mother would nudge her foot to mind herself.
"I'm not as involved in my dad's business," Gilgamesh shrugged, pulling his hand away from Theseus and resting his elbows against his knees. "But your dad still drags you to meetings sometimes, right? Like when my folks first came over?"
Thena merely nodded. "Any time an associate has a son, he asks me to accompany him. I believe he thinks it will be seen as an asset--something to further convince them to agree to his conditions."
She was his perfect little bargaining chip.
"That's gross."
Thena smiled again, although it wasn't quite as free as his. "I suppose it is."
"It must be tough," he sighed and rested his chin in his palm. She tilted her head at him and he grinned at her, "being so pretty."
Thena's jaw clapped shut, too loudly for the rain to cover it. She tried to formulate a response but she couldn't, and Gilgamesh was still looking at her. She turned reticent, utterly embarrassed by such a bold compliment at such close range. Her whole face felt warm. "Hm."
He chuckled, but he didn't say anything else, nor did he prod her after that pitiful excuse for a 'thank you'.
Thena stared down at Theseus, trying and trying to think of something to say. Her flustered energy awoke the reptile, who looked up at her. It did not help her feel more calm.
"Pops doesn't ask me to come to meetings anymore--not even here."
Thena blinked at the sudden admission. She had assumed Gilgamesh joined his parents for their continued meetings with her own because they had insisted so. As far as she knew, Gilgamesh would take over and inherit his father's businesses someday. "He doesn't?"
He grinned at her again, and that funny feeling arose inside her ribs. "I keep asking to come. Hanging out with you here is the only fun thing I ever get to do anymore."
Thena still didn't mange to squeak out a decent reply. But she had to agree. She looked forward to Gilgamesh coming over. She even included in her letters to him what she had overheard Father discussing so as to better encourage Mister Lee to come over again. She would lie awake the night before, be restless all the morning before they arrived.
Gilgamesh left it at that again, but he did pick his head up from his palm as she scooted a little closer to him, until their sides could brush, his stark black suit against her soft white cardigan.
"The same could be said for me," she managed to admit, in far too many words than needed. But 'I like you too' seemed both too simple and...too complicated. But he seemed to accept it, letting her settle next to him in a positively scandalous proximity. But he was much warmer than the chilly rain air.
"You could try and get your dad to come over to our place," Gilgamesh suggested. His face was close again, by sheer proximity of how they were sitting. But she didn't mind it as much. "You can come with him, I can show you around. I'm pretty sure my folks wouldn't really care what we get up to."
Thena fidgeted to admit to him, "I've never been allowed to leave the manor without the presence of Father, or Mother."
Gil shrugged though, and his massive shoulder collided with her smaller one. "They'll be there--kinda. And I'll be a perfect gentleman."
She smiled as he held up a hand for her to rest hers within. It was familiar, even comfortable. "Of that, I have no doubt."
"Great," he whispered, running his thumb over her fingers. "So, next time your dad mentions my dad, tell him that Pops has...documents--or something. His office is full of train stuff. He has maps of every railroad on the continent, I'm pretty sure."
She did know their deal had...something to do with the railroads. She had looked into at first. But since she was able to spend time with Gilgamesh instead of listen to the business dealings, her attention had dwindled, to put it mildly.
Thena tightened her hand in his, and he returned the gentle squeeze. His hand felt nice. "I shall tell him forthwith."
"Well maybe we can enjoy the rain in Ma's sunroom next time, then," he chuckled. He went to drop his hand, and hers, but he blinked as she held on. She thought about snapping her hand back in that second, but he adjusted his grip, still holding her hand perched in his even in his more relaxed posture.
"That sounds," Thena sighed, letting herself lean against him just a little more, "dreadful."
He laughed again, jostling her amidst her relaxing. But she excused it, only because she liked his laugh so much.
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fandomtrumpshate · 1 year
By the Numbers update!!
With just over a day left to sign up as a creator for Fandom Trumps Hate 2023, here's a quick roundup of all of the numbers:
We have 705 offers by 527 creators (I've had to update this three times while writing this post!). Of those, 97 are offering to work in ANY fandom! The rest have signed up offering fanworks in 273 fandoms, including 177 write-in fandoms! (To compare that with roughly the same time last year, as we approached 24 hours left to sign up for FTH2022 we had 680 offers from 525 creators in 257 fandoms including 153 write-ins … meaning we have 23 more offers in 16 more fandoms by the same number of creators for 2023 … SO FAR.)
A look at the offers, broken down by type (with last year's numbers in italics for comparison purposes) -
458 Written fanwork (fic, fan poetry, etc) (457) 107 Fan art (103) 63 Fan labor (beta services, translation, Brit-picking, etc) (70) 59 Podfic (39) 13 Other Digital Fanwork (7) 5 Video (4)
Nearly 65% of creators are opting to let their bidders choose which org to support with their donation. The orgs most often chosen by those who wish to direct donations to a particular nonprofit remain the Transgender Legal and Education Defense Fund, any/all abortion fund, Rainbow Railroad, and the Navajo Water Project. The orgs selected least often are The Appeal, Razom, and Violence Policy Center.
In our listed fandoms Good Omens has increased its lead and its lock on the top spot. MCU caught up with Sherlock and Teen Wolf for a brief 3-way tie for 4th place behind HP and K-pop, but has since gained an additional signup to claim that spot, leaving Sherlock and Teen Wolf tied for fifth ahead of Star Wars, Stranger things, SVSSS, The Untamed, and The Sandman.
A handful of signups could still shake things up here, or over in the unlisted fandoms, where the Young Royals lead has been cut in half … see the full list of all 177 write-in fandoms under the cut. Sign up to create fanworks to push your fandom up in the rankings! Reblog FTH posts so your fandom friends can do the same! Sign ups are open until Sunday Feb 19 at 11:59 PM Pacific.
8 Young Royals 7 Malevolent (Podcast) 5 The Queen's Thief 4 911 Lone Star 4 Homestuck 4 Overwatch 4 Red White & Royal Blue 4 The Owl House 3 Alex Rider 3 Attack on Titan 3 Between Us 3 Chainsaw Man 3 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency 3 Disney's Descendants 3 Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun (The Husky & His White Cat Shizun) 3 Justified 3 Lout of the Count's Family / Trash of the Count's Family 3 Love in the Air 3 Miraculous Ladybug 3 Not Me 3 Pokemon 3 The Legend of Zelda 3 Top Gun Movies 3 Witch Hat Atelier 3 X-men 2 Aphmau MyStreet 2 Bungou Stray Dogs 2 Carmen Sandiego 2 Danganronpa 2 Destiny 2 2 Digimon 2 Escaflowne 2 Gravity Falls 2 Hollow Knight 2 Howl's Moving Castle 2 Kingsman 2 NU: Carnival 2 Professional Wrestling 2 Scholomance 2 Stargate: Atlantis 2 Stephen King's IT 2 Suits 2 Supergirl 2 The Song of Achilles 2 Twilight 2 Video Blogging RPF 2 Warrior Nun (TV Show) 2 What We Do in the Shadows 2 YuYu Hakusho 1 A Series of Unfortunate Events 1 A Voice from Darkness (Podcast) 1 Ace Attorney 1 Alex Stern series - Leigh Bardugo 1 All The Wrong Questions 1 Animorphs 1 Be Kind My Neighbor 1 Bioshock 1&2 (only) 1 Blood of Youth 1 Blue Exorcist 1 Blue Lock 1 Bug Fables 1 Cabin Pressure 1 Call the Midwife 1 Cats the Musical 1 Cherry Magic 1 Citizen Sleeper 1 Cobra Kai 1 Coco Pixar 1 Cosmere (Brandon Sanderson) 1 Crossover Chaos AU (multifandom crossover AU) 1 Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1 Dead by Daylight 1 Dead Poets Society 1 Derry Girls 1 Dice Punks (podcast) 1 Divergent (Movies) 1 DMBJ/Grave Robber's Chronicles 1 Downton Abbey 1 Dr. STONE (anime/manga) 1 Dragon Ball Z 1 Dragonriders of Pern - Anne McCaffrey 1 Dungeons and Daddies 1 Eerie Indiana 1 Elder Scrolls 1 Emma - Jane Austen 1 Fire Country 1 Firefly 1 For All Mankind 1 Glee 1 Grace and Frankie 1 Greys Anatomy 1 Grimm 1 Guardian/Zhen Hun 1 Gundam 1 Half-Life 1 Hello From The Hallowoods 1 Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni / Higurashi When They Cry 1 Hit the floor 1 House of the Dragon 1 Hudson & Rex 1 IDOLiSH7 1 Ikemen Vampire 1 Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie 1 Infinity Train 1 Jane Austen (any novel any pairing) 1 Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse 1 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 1 Jurassic Park 1 King of Scars Duology 1 Les Misérables 1 Los Simuladores 1 Love Between Fairy and Devil 1 Madre Solo Hay Dos 1 Miss Scarlet and The Duke 1 Mob Psycho 100 1 Monochrome Factor 1 Motorcity 1 Obey Me! 1 One Last Stop 1 Outlast 1 Paper Girls (TV) 1 Parasol Protectorate 1 Peacemaker 1 Persuasion - Jane Austen 1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 1 Psych 1 Qi Ye 1 Ranger's Apprentice 1 Ranma 1/2 1 RPF 1 Sable 1 Sanders Sides 1 Scooby Doo 1 Shadow and Bone 1 Shameless (US) 1 Sidemen 1 Silicon Valley (TV) 1 Skins (UK) 1 Tamora Pierce works 1 Tangled the Series 1 Ted Lasso 1 Teen Titans (Animated Series) 1 Temple of the White Rat series by T. Kingfisher 1 The Ancient Magus Bride 1 The Boys 1 The Daevabad Trilogy 1 The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes 1 The Diviners (Libba Bray) 1 The Goblin Emperor - Katherine Addison 1 The King: Eternal Monarch 1 The L Word: Generation Q 1 The Legend of Drizzt 1 The Lion Hunters Series - Elizabeth Wein 1 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) 1 The Man From UNCLE (TV) 1 The Princess Weiyoung (Jinxiu Weiyang) 1 The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards 1 The Terror (TV 2018) 1 The Vampire Diaries (TV) 1 The Wilds (TV 2020) 1 This Way Up 1 Tortall - Tamora Pierce 1 Tower of God 1 Transformers 1 True Blood (TV) 1 Until We Meet Again 1 UuultraC 1 Valorant 1 Velvet Goldmine (1998) 1 Vikings (TV) 1 Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold 1 Warframe 1 White Collar 1 Whiteley Foster's Mansong 1 Xena: Warrior Princess 1 Yellowjackets (TV) 1 Yu-Gi-Oh!
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master-of-the-railway · 5 months
🚂Introductory Post!🚂
Greetings TTTE fandom! You may have seen me around as @electricfied-wolf, but from now on, all of my TTTE related posting/reblogs will be directed here! This is a sideblog, my main account is @itsorcatime, and here's some information about me!
First and foremost, I am a minor (Above 14) so if interacting with someone under 18 makes you uncomfortable, feel free to steer clear of me. I won't take it personally! Boundaries are important after all.
You can call me Wolf! My pronouns are they/them and she/her, but I heavily prefer they/them.
I am fairly new to TTTE, trying to watch it all but my mixed up self has decided I'm just going to watch the episodes in no particular order, so I might get things mixed up here and there. My favorite character atm is Hiro! (If that wasn't obvious enough already lol)
I am not an overtly negative or toxic person. I tend to see the good in a lot of things that most do not, everything can have potential if you dig deep enough. I also believe that people should be allowed to like what they like without people hijacking their posts just to tell them that their interest sucks. That being said-
I am a genuine fan of All Engines Go and will not tolerate hateful behavior about it on my blog. You are allowed to have your own opinions about it and are allowed to hate it, but when you enter my personal space and converse with me, you need to at least keep that hatred to yourself. When you go onto the blog of someone who enjoys something you don't just to tell them how much you hate the thing they love, you're just being an asshole. You have your own blog for a reason, post about how much you dislike it there.
Any queerphobia of any kind is also not tolerated on my blog. If you do not accept trans people/aces or aros, and so on and so forth, just block me so that we never have to see each other.
My hyperfixations switch on a dime at times, I am very heavily obsessed with trains and all media containing them at the moment, but I have no idea how long this interest will last. If I post less or not at all, I'm probably just moving onto another interest! But for now the trains are here to stay.
Tags for my ttte AUs!
Life On Sodor- A model/cgi series au which combines the two a bit more seamlessly (and includes the magic railroad!) as well as expands upon the characters and includes ships I am partial to as well as relationship hcs I enjoy. Basically a canon divergent au, or in other words:
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Children of Sodor- An All Engines Go au that's similar to LOS, but has a little bit more of Mystery as to where the kids came from and if there will ever be more. Explores the idea of the AEG kiddos being the first machine children to exist, lots of cute family dynamics but definitely also includes some angsty content bc I'm a sucker for tragedy.
On The Horizon- A crossover between TTTE (specifically my own version so ig it's more of a crossover using Life On Sodor) and The Owl House. Luz, King, Hunter, and Willow are all transported to Sodor when they're all very young and end up being raised there, unaware of their birthplaces (except Hunter that is) and just having a good time. Meanwhile, Eda has been in turmoil over her adopted son having disappeared, she has an alliance with Raine and Darius in which they are attempting to dismantle the coven system. Eda wants the emperor dead, convinced that he has King.
Beasts of Sodor- Lady the magical steam engine is infected suddenly by a strange sickness that causes her to take on a beastly form. It's untraceable in origin, but she manages to spread it to Gordon and Diesel 10...and slowly, through various (not always intentional) ways, the disease begins to affect all locomotives.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 6 months
Is there any where one of them are really hairy and the other really likes it
Mostly fics are about facial hair, or Blaine's curls. Here's some others. ~Jen
Don't go changing by lostinfiction
Kurt starts noticing some changes about his fiancé and decides to support him in the best way he knows how. *Can someone write a fic in which Blaine decides to get rid of the little tummy and starts exercising like a madman and Kurt’s all supportive and stuff but secretly he’s really upset because he loves the tummy and then Blaine finds out and is totally amused at first until Kurt starts cuddling Blaine’s tummy and talking to it convincing it to stay and Blaine’s like “HEY MY EYES ARE UP HERE!!!” I want to read that. AncientGleek-youngatheart--And can we have him not wax? and cuuurrls sorry, did I say that out loud?*
Serinus by @hazelandglasz
anonymous asked:yay for bikini wax klaine au! XD > i lost a bet and i am a man of my word so here i am about to get a bikini wax for the first time. i knew it was going to be painful but what i wasn’t expecting was that a really hot guy going to do the waxing and now i’m trying failing to not get a hard on au.
Movember by mander3_swish
It's Movember and Kurt and Blaine have a little beard growing rivalry going on, only it's not really a rivalry...more of an excuse for Blaine to fantasize about Kurt and his talented tongue...
Here's a list of fics where one has facial hair, beard fics
The Symphony Verse by shandyall
Blaine has spent most of his life feeling like the only thing people notice about him is that he stutters. He’s working hard to overcome his (mostly self created) roadblocks when he meets Kurt in an online class the summer after his freshman year of college.
Bound For Glory by  Cleverboots (Amberlovesocean)
Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime.
He wakes up to find he’s been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive. 
Note: Part 1 of the Glory series
Room In The Attic by Cleverboots (Amberlovesocean)
While working a summer job with Puck, Kurt finds a pigeon with a message tied to its leg, written in blood. The race is on for the two boys to find and save the victim of a cruel imprisonment and sneak him to safety. The deception doesn’t end there as Kurt finds himself lying to his father to try and save Blaine’s life as help comes from a most unusual source.
Note: Part 1 of Room series.
A Place To Rest My Head by BregoArodShadowfax  
Homeless!Blaine prompt fill for the GKM. Kurt and Blaine never meet, until Kurt’s helping serve Christmas dinner at the homeless shelter during his senior year and encounters a boy who will change his world forever.
The Awakening by LauGS
Kurt Hummel has put his perfect life together carefully, making sure all the pieces fit exactly how he wanted them to. But all it takes is one name from his past to make all his hard work go to waste - Blaine Anderson.
Citizen Erased by @mmerainbows
Kurt’s life isn’t what he expected it would be when was a young Glee club boy at McKinley. It’s dangerous, it’s dark, and it’s the last place he’d expect a sweet reminder of the boy he used to be to show up.
FF.net also has this whole hair section, again mostly about Blaine's curls.
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