celflags · 9 months
Radqueercel Flag
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Radqueercel: radqueer celibacy/celdom; radical queercel, or rad queer celibate. Also known as radiqueercel, radkweercel, radikweercel, etc.
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ladyofthestarlight · 3 months
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Starring Komari Vosa & Iram Radique
-my art
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danielalanusse · 1 month
Cuando el amor se desvanece
En el fondo de un corazón herido y cansado, está la sombra de lo que una vez fue un amor brillante y apasionado. Ahora, me encuentro tratando de entender lo que ya no tiene sentido comprender.
Dices que estás desesperado por entender, pero ¿qué hay realmente para entender cuando un amor se desvanece con el tiempo? ¿Qué secretos quedan por descubrir en un sentimiento que ha perdido su chispa?
Cada pregunta se siente como un golpe, recordándome lo que alguna vez pensé que sería para siempre. Pero la realidad me golpea como una tormenta, llevándose las ilusiones que construimos juntos.
Ya no hay respuestas que valgan la pena buscar, solo el vacío de lo que alguna vez fue nuestra conexión. Las palabras desaparecen en el aire, dejando un silencio pesado que ahoga cualquier esperanza.
Aceptar la verdad duele, pero es un dolor necesario para sanar. Acepto que lo que creímos indestructible se desmorona entre mis manos, como arena escapando de un reloj roto.
Entonces, mientras tú intentas entender lo que ya no tiene sentido, yo me doy cuenta de que algunas cosas simplemente no tienen explicación. Y en medio de este dolor, la verdadera comprensión tal vez radique en dejar ir lo que ya no merece nuestra atención.
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carsonjonesfiance · 1 month
Ideologically I dislike Alejandra Carabello (@esqueer on Twitter) for having the kind of radiqueer politics that I find deeply counterproductive (e.g. calling for a federal protection of same sex civil unions to “die” because the language didn’t include marriage) BUT getting her account suspended for doxxing neonazi webcomic artist stonetoss, telling X Support that Antifa framed her so it got reinstated, then immediately getting suspended again after changing her Twitter name to “Hans Kristian Graebner is Stonetoss”…… kinda based.
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... Desde niña me sentí el "patito feo" era gorda fea y escurridiza. Evangélina mi madre no cesaba de compararme con mi hermana que era hermosa. Sufrí mucho su rechazo. En Atenas fui a mis clases de canto con los zapatos rotos y con frío porque solo tenia un abrigo para el viento. Pero siempre era la primera en llegar y la última en irse. Me aprendía hasta las arias de los tenores. Cantar se volvió una obsesión. Fui una niña triste, sin infancia. Tal vez ahí radique la razón de mi raro y enrevesado carácter. Para mi nada fue fácil.
Maria Callas
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milfglupshitto · 1 year
please answer with more regard to instinct than accuracy, and reblog to increase the sample size!
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antiradqueer · 5 months
I'm thinking on making an anti-radiqueer aligusher (my own little species NOT CLOSED) and I'm curious on which flag you think belongs (They're just candy based reptiles)
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the hazardqueer (left) and anti-rq inclus (right) flags give me the most candy reptile vibes
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mariacallous · 8 months
How to be trad in a radiqueer-honoring way
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autogyne-redacted · 1 year
One of the ways researchers (mostly the BEM sex role inventory) define masculinity and femininity is as instrumentality and expressivity.
Men do, women feel/are.
Camab ppl as capable of welding power and thus capable of abuse, cafab ppl as capable of being hurt and thus as victims.
And radiqueer spaces that are committed to an aesthetic rejection of gender hold to this hard, more often than not.
We talk about a lot of this but the fact that the shit ppl refuse to let go of lines up perfectly with how ppl have analysis traditional gender is so telling
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a-new-weirdo · 1 year
Primeras veces, descripción de mayo hasta el momento:
Pienso enumerarlas para no olvidar la fecha más adelante:
1. Organice la radicación de un permiso de aprovechamiento forestal (espero que si lo otorguen :0)
2. Viajé completamente sola sin conocer a nadie al destino de la radicación
3. Radique mi primer permiso de aprovechamiento en la Corporación
4. Visite una frontera:0 y recorrí bastante de arauca, me tome unas pocas con personas que conocí ese mismo día y me sentí muy bien. Cansadimisima pero muy bien
5 Conocí el río arauca, inmenso, majestuoso, se olvidan un poco las problemáticas fronterizas ♡
6. Me pusieron los bracketsssss
7. Me floreció mi cactus, una cosa preciosaaa
8. Conocí la macarena UD, con mi amorcito
9. Tome changua y ahora me gusta :)
10. Vi rayos muy cerca del avión en el que estaba 😱
No sé si la lista siga, pero me encanta vivir todo esto :) espero que sean miles de primeras veces más jeje
07 de mayo de 2023 ♡
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girlsmoonsandstars · 2 years
on the one hand i won't miss kiwi farms obvi but on the other i am deeply profoundly suspicious of left wing media presenting it as a right wing hate group even though they just swatted mtg. "their tactics include making it look like people are pedophiles by collecting years of online data" or they compile receipts of pedophilic tendencies by online freaks? it's hard not to be despaired when they're they only ones talking about jonathan yaniv by name. like are our only options the alt right christo fascist white nationalist conservative republicans or the alt left radiqueer antifa white smugness woke twitter misogynists?? are those the only options? can i buy a vowel??????
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sol4riss · 1 year
Entre paredes de papel, papel de pantalla y tinta de teclas se me van a ir las horas y quién sabe si también la cabalidad
¿Dónde se deposita lo que enmaraña el alma? ¿Dónde se vomita? ¿Dónde se vacía? Porque no puede ser posible que no pueda esto quitarse, que no pueda uno despojarse y arrancárselo del estómago.
Lo cierto es que, entre tiempo y tiempo, no puedo (no he podido, al menos) y en cada paso hacia lo construíble, todo parece verse con menos aliento, con mucha tiniebla.
Como si el estar tan triste, tan enojada, tan conformista, tan ansiosa, se fuera medicando con un trabajo y esfuerzo, que a la larga, se vuelve inútil, inservible ante este horror que ya ha crecido más que lo bueno. Como una súper bacteria que logra superar el medicamento.
Sólo que yo no tomo medicamento, porque me parece triste meter químicos a mi organismo que en realidad no ayudan más que a generar dependencias. Ni siquiera a sentirse plena e indudablemente feliz. Sólo te ayudan a no sentir
Y no sé… Pienso ya que detestaría no sentir, aunque no sé si mi problema en realidad radique en que siento demasiado y sólo soy necia y tonta hasta cierto punto.
No hay poesía en ello, es sólo mi sentir. Quería que fuera poético.
Tampoco me gusta la manera tan desordenada y amontonada en que mi cerebro acondiciona las cosas.
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tengomilpalabrasparati · 10 months
Me siento deprimida porque siento que ya no soy lo suficientemente interesante para mis amigas, cada que nos juntamos yo no tengo nada interesante para contar, nada sobre novios o estudio o trabajo, mi vida está en declive y siento que para ellas ya no soy tan importante para vernos ya que ella se las pasan hablando de sus cosas y yo aporto algo pero ya ni siquiera es relevante porque no tengo experiencia en nada de nada. También para mi es tedioso porque quiero hablar también sobre mi pero hasta yo me doy cuenta que no soy interesante. Y tampoco sé cómo salir de esta
Tengo el texto de una Exposición que hice hace meses en un Instituto de Bachillerato sobre lo que tu expones ... en realidad, muchos jóvenes en cierta etapa de sus vidas se sienten como tu en cuanto a las amistades, sienten que los amig@s de siempre se alejan y se auto inculpan por resultar poco interesantes, pero la realidad no es esa ...
Siento una profunda tristeza al pensar que ya no soy lo suficientemente interesante para mis amigas. Durante mucho tiempo, disfrutamos de momentos divertidos y compartimos experiencias inolvidables juntas. Éramos un grupo unido, siempre dispuestos a explorar el mundo y reírnos sin cesar. Sin embargo, últimamente, siento que algo ha cambiado. Mis amigas parecen estar más interesadas en otras personas y actividades, dejándome a un lado. Me encuentro luchando por mantener su atención, tratando de ser más interesante y relevante en sus vidas. A veces me pregunto qué salió mal. ¿Fui yo quien perdió su chispa? ¿Me he vuelto aburrido o predecible? Me atormentan las dudas y la sensación de que he dejado de ser alguien emocionante para ellas. Quizás el problema no radique en mí, sino en la evolución natural de las relaciones. Todos cambiamos y crecemos con el tiempo, y es posible que nuestras vidas estén tomando caminos diferentes. Tal vez mis amigas estén explorando nuevas pasiones y conociendo a otras personas, lo cual es completamente normal y comprensible. Es posible que estén enfrentando sus propias luchas y desafíos, y eso ha afectado nuestra dinámica de amistad. Todos tenemos altibajos en la vida, ya veces eso significa distanciarnos de las personas que antes eran cercanas. Aunque me duela, debo recordar que mi valía no depende de la opinión de mis amigas ni de cuán interesante pueda parecerles en este momento. Soy una persona única y valiosa, con mis propias cualidades y experiencias que aportar al mundo. Quizás sea hora de buscar nuevas amistades o dedicar más tiempo a desarrollarme como individuo. No puedo aferrarme a una situación que ya no me hace feliz o que me hace sentir inadecuado. Es importante que me rodee de personas que valoren y aprecien todo lo que soy, tanto en mis momentos más emocionantes como en los más mundanos. Aunque sienta esta pérdida y me duela ver que nuestra amistad se desvanece, tengo la esperanza de que siempre encontraré personas que me acepten y valoren por lo que soy. Mi interés y mi valía no tienen fecha de caducidad. Estoy en constante crecimiento y evolución, y confío en que las personas adecuadas llegarán a mi vida en el momento oportuno. Mientras tanto, me esforzaré por cultivar mi propia felicidad, buscar nuevas experiencias y amistades que compartan mis intereses y me inspiren a ser una mejor versión de mí mismo. La vida es un viaje lleno de cambios, y estoy decidido a seguir adelante con la confianza de que soy suficiente y merezco amistades que me nutran y me hagan sentir valorado.
Si deseas mantener tu interés para tus amigas, hay algunas cosas que puedes hacer para fortalecer la conexión y mantener viva la chispa en la amistad. Aquí hay algunas sugerencias:
Cultiva tus pasiones: Sigue desarrollando tus intereses y busca nuevas actividades que te apasionen. Cuando estás entusiasmado con algo, irradias energía positiva y eso puede ser contagioso. Comparte tus nuevos descubrimientos y experiencias con tus amigas, invitándolas a unirse a ti en estas actividades o simplemente hablando entusiasmado sobre ellas.
Escucha activamente: Presta atención genuina a tus amigas cuando te hablan y muestra interés en lo que tienen que decir. Haz preguntas, profundiza en sus historias y muestra empatía. La capacidad de escuchar atentamente y comprender a los demás es una cualidad valiosa que fomenta una conexión más profunda.
Organiza actividades divertidas: Propón actividades y salidas que sean emocionantes y atractivas para todos. Puedes organizar noches de juegos, salidas a lugares interesantes, viajes cortos o incluso talleres o clases en grupo. Al crear oportunidades para compartir momentos especiales juntos, puedes fortalecer los lazos de amistad y mantener el interés mutuo.
Sé auténtico: No trates de ser alguien que no eres solo para agradar a tus amigas. La autenticidad es atractiva y genuina. Muestra tu verdadero yo y comparte tus pensamientos y sentimientos de manera honesta. La sinceridad y la transparencia en las relaciones fomentan una mayor conexión y confianza.
Mantén la comunicación: No dejes que la distancia o la falta de tiempo disminuyan la comunicación con tus amigas. Mantén el contacto regularmente, ya sea a través de mensajes, llamadas o reuniones. Comparte detalles de tu vida y muestra interés por la vida de ellas. La comunicación constante es vital para mantener una conexión duradera.
Recuerda que la amistad es un viaje bidireccional y requiere esfuerzo de ambas partes. No puedes controlar la reacción o el interés de tus amigas, pero puedes hacer tu parte para mantener viva la amistad y seguir siendo interesante. Lo más importante es ser tú mismo y valorar la amistad por lo que es, más allá de la expectativa de ser siempre "interesante".
Un fuerte abrazo 😘
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grunge-feelings · 2 years
Considero que sobre mí estabas en lo correcto, lo negué, reí y preferí pasar a otros temas con menor relevancia, que en quién soy. Tal vez radique en un conjunto de vaivenes, risas y lágrimas. Tendremos tiempo en el que podremos definirnos, por ahora dejaré pasar algunos trenes que coinciden con mi destino. Sé que siempre hablo de viajes; de los que realmente no tienen un punto de llegada. Puedes sentarte a mi lado si gustas, creo que la perspectiva es increíble desde este compartimiento
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argosazathot · 1 year
Ha sido un año extrañamente nuevo y con muchos maticez, desde irá, enojo, decepción, felicidad, superación, depresion, angustia y soledad.
Principalmente soledad.
Cambie mis posibilidades, puesto, idioma, personas a las que frecuento ha sido todo un paso vertiginoso en la vida.
He sido solamente estático, no he sido muy constante pero he echo el trabajo.
He experimentado cosas que había olvidado y otras que no conocía, nada increíble pero resoluciones distintas a la espectativa.
Solo he hablado con diecinueve personas nuevas este año.
No he tenido contacto físico con nadie en más de once meses.
He ido a cuatro fiestas.
Me he drogado setenta y dos veces.
He leído noventa y tres libros diferentes.
He dibujado ciento cuatro piezas.
He escrito más de ocho mil palabras en textos que no serán vistos.
He fumado quinientos veintidós cigarrillos este año.
He llorado dos veces.
Y me han abrazado tres veces.
La construcción de el tiempo se ha dislocado y empeze a sólo dejarme llevar en vez de abdicar a la ansiedad, tiro una moneda y realizó las cosas empezar cosas distintas para sentir que la inerte masa amorfa de carne que soy se mueva y aunque sea se radique en distintas experiencias.
Ya estoy muerto y estoy orgulloso de ello, en el fondo tal vez necesitaba esto.
No hay lugar donde correr ni nadie a quien acudir, no hay ayuda o auxilio, no hay prólogo ni instructivo.
Solo una lápida de carne.
Que cambia de estación.
Que cambia de posición.
Que se desintegra cada día.
Cada hora.
Cada minuto.
Cada segundo.
Nueva época para los cadáveres en el ático.
Menos días para los cafés baratos.
Tiempo solo tiempo.
Aún queda mucho.
Pará un simple muerto.
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Genesis P-Orridge’s introduction to The Salivation Army Black Book – Freedom ov Salivation:
[reprinted in Thee Psychick Bible:] “This text was originally written for Scott Treleaven, as the introduction to his compendium 'THIS IS THE SALIVATION ARMY BLACK BOOK'. This book is/was an anthology of every issue of his tremendously influential and effective radical queer/occulture fanzine....We are re-printing the piece, in its introductory form, as we feel a it deals with a lot of important issues and strategies that remain central to the mission of both this site, our process of Breaking Sex and demystified, functional and practical methods for maximising potential within ones L-if-E. A Next New Way On...”
This radiqueer publication demands an unusual, but pleasing perspective of its readership. The anthology archives that you are now entering, “This Is The Salivation Army”, assembled in print with teeth and claws (and BIG LOVE) by Scott Treleaven from 1996-1999; and in video form as “The Salivation Army” in 2001, requires a level of trust and intimacy unequaled and feared (with good reason) by the lowest common denominator, ultra- commodified, faux-culture, within which you are usually immersed. Naturally, and I choose that word with care-aforethought, this is not just a good suspension of collusion (by which I suggest your everyday submissive acceptance of so called consensus reality), but it is also a psychic purge, and a revelation, beneficial to your potential identification of, and with, your own private and unique concealed SELF.
What you have, right NOW! In your hands, is more than a book, I.T. is a direct attack upon gender oppression and chance biological circumstance. It is an howling, screaming, blood curdling denunciation of every past, present and future bigotry, real or imagined tearing at our throats and hearts with it ruthless honesty and vitriolic integrity. I.T. is a call to arms for all those wandering, idealistic, nomadic souls wounded by inherited dogmas, primitive moralities and mindless fundamentalist ignorance of any and all persuasions anywhere, at any T.I.M.E, across this entire, wonder-full, vandalized, and unjustly suffering planet. This is a definitive subculture rallying cry for all occultural warriors represented herein by the metaphor and righteous madness that is, and all-ways will be THE SALIVATION ARMY!
Let there be no mistake, we have reached a place in our popular culture that requires us to face, (giving) head-on, this new intimacy, this knowing and sophisticated privatization of desire and fetish. Our survival as (eventually) intelligent sentient beings and our (optimistic) capability of achieving self-esteem as a species programmed to evolve, depends upon courageous individuals proposing inspirational new metaphors and 21st century behavioral maps as soon as possible, without recourse to any previous or current status quo. The greatest leaps of faith, comprehension and metaphysics are driven by an irresistible compulsion to execute the inevitable against all odds. Usually this is accompanied by persecution in advance of acceptance after the fact. So are martyrs born and lone wolves hunted which explains the drive to locate like-minded others for the added safety of a temporarily anomalous “pack”. What we are voluntarily seduced into by the assembled texts by is a contemporary, and timely, heresy. A compulsive explosion of dreams made flesh, meticulously designed to catalyze an apocryphal social, deviant sexual, unorthodox magickal and unapologetic “queer” unfolding of the central issues of mortality, mystery and creativity. These are core drives of the engine that is SELF, the process of building a SOUL, and address the newly redundant concepts of gender and authorship, authority and authenticity. Scott Treleaven has aspired to build in public his perfecting reality, sharing, without extreme prejudice, his most cherished and occasionally painful discoveries within the context of his chosen people, an often overlooked; misguidedly ostracized (by both “straight” and “gay” establishment) yet most surprisingly common; media-invisible; disarmingly familiar and charming, radical “queer” and proto-pagan alternative community. His tribe, your tribe, a chosen family rather than a confluence of familial disjunction laced with the institutionalized bigotry of betrayal.
A singular message is revealed by implication, omission, collision and unity of intent, proposing convincingly that for the first T.I.M.E. in Human Astory we have enough information at our global disposal to allow us the privilege of a real choice to deny the biological unfolding bequeathed to us; to refute the genetic program of a “GOD” (an/the original author) and enabling us to choose to rewrite his DNA (AND) book of (so called) L-if-E. For the first T.I.M.E. (Time Is Measured Energy) each of us actually has the power to deny the inherited body type and birth-given gender pressed unilaterally upon us by nature. We have entered the dawning of the age of the “cut-up” in all its forms; cosmetic surgery, genetic engineering, sampling of audio-visual data, omni-lateral access to the world wide web (or global neuro-system) and to all other methods and processes that include the demystification and deconstruction of linearity. We, as magickal, creative, soul builders are inherently empowered to truly decide which physical, sexual, or inspirationally creative components to include or discard in order to build whatever identity or biological container we chose, no matter how bizarre or physically unlikely, or how socially uncomfortable or disliked. An era of maximized SELF control is upon us. The dematerialization of identity is the last taboo.
Need evidence? Look no furthur. Our endless curiosity has generated the first age of the genuine co- authorship of reality and with it we have given our SELF the absolute right and the ability to co-author all information ourselves, defeating predestination by cutting it up and owning the narrative, the original material.Science tends to conclude that the past begets the present. The past being what is recorded and what is stored in memory. The present is experienced as a sensory intersection, taking place within the immediate consciousness of any individual. Each person, is in that very particular sense, the epicenter of their own, private universe. Change the way to perceive and change all memory. Once the tyranny of linear rationality was disrupted by the various methods of cutting-up, reality was revealed as a constant state of flux, a malleable and infinitely fluid construct, practical for primitive larval stage humans content with satisfying basic neo-animalistic needs. But dangerously constricting and misleading for sentient creatures aspiring to unlimited physical evolution, expanded consciousness and moral greatness.
In the 20th century emotionally grounded artists who actually were involved in humanE feeling and experience being integrated with aesthetic process became disconnected/alienated from the product in and of itself...in this new way on we are pushed by events to manipulate and rebuild with self determined elements alone the information society thrusts upon us that have become, surprisingly a new form of solidity and inertia. In order to be anything one might label as free and liberated, anarchic and chaotic in a fundamentally positive sense, one has, as an artist and writer, to accept LOVINGLY the state of constant flux as a more viable description of personal reality, as validated more and more by the more intelligent application of particle physics and advanced mathematics.... Once the atom was split, and consciousness
was split by psychedelics, and literature and painting were radicalized by the process of the “cut-up”, and behavior was made malleable by contemporary, functional and intuitive new magickal ritual by collectives like T.O.P.Y. all preconceptions had to be suspended once and for all in favor of an immersion in possibility and individual refuting of the despotism of all forms of conceptual and media ideologies of linearity. Once Burroughs and Gysin split the cultural atom in a meticulous and methodical manner, all models of reality were up for grabs. Linearity is defunct, long live particularity. This Is The Salivation army is both prophetic and practical. A manual of discontent, built from the individually validated and selected building blocks of consensus stagnation in order to co-opt and author language and SELF, both as a protest against bigotry and creative denial, and as an example to all. What we are totally engaged in right NOW! is a battle over authorship of our own story. “Over narrative” itself, as my dear friend Douglas Rushkoff puts it. Existence, experience is no longer a fixed and linear program. We can re-engineer the genetic text, adjust absolutely our inherited behavior, and attack the very foundations of pre-modern culture and stasis. We have become capable of, and responsible for, asking the correct questions. At last...we are given the impeccable revelation of infinite malleability of incontrovertible subjective reality as an experiential validation. Everything is true, and everything is permitted.
In this new way on, that has democratized every aspect of what world we might chose to build with our reactions to, and critique of, the great mystery of L-if-E, certain techniques are necessarily applicable for the “queer” (for “queer” please read, mark and earn ANOMALOUS in every possible, witch, way, especially sexually, AND PROUD OF I.T.). I think that the “queer” core, that one will absorb as an immediate message during reading these texts, demands of us all a discipline of vision and a quality of fantastic but validated dreaming into autonomous existence new forms and varieties of diversity. This is not just wishful thinking (although thinking a wish in order to see what happens IS a great place to begin) but, rather, the following series of suggestions for creative brains everywhere, who are aspiring to adjust the atrophied data presets of our pre-apocalyptic times, are techniques and motivational drives concerned with both our survival as a larval species AND the optimistic faith that this same young species might flourish and grow without (separate from) destruction and ignorance as its over-riding principle of action. AT LAST...
With your kind indulgence may I preface these thoughts with a, “Dear Scott, forgive me if I am wrong...but I feel these are some of the reasons This Is The Salivation Army was brought into rabidly intense being.”
1. Never forget (and this is hard, especially during adolescence) that you are most certainly NOT alone, you merely have to signal and find each other. A good place to look is wherever the enforcers of education that decries the learning of how to process thinking by using bogus authority and slight of mind to misdirect you. For me, discovering the BEATS was the first time I knew in my gut that it WAS possible to live a wildly eccentric, outsider, experimental and bohemian L-if-E (life if evolution...love if energy) no matter what I had been told, indoctrinated, or programmed with by the status quo. Not only did I have an epiphany that a L-if-E built upon, and with, creativity enhanced by travel was viable, but I was compelled simultaneously to believe, as a metaphysical by-product in ART as an Holy calling, a mission, or quest, that once recognized could never be discarded or abandoned, no matter what the consequences. You cannot forget once you have felt this, and it becomes your duty to serve with honor this campaign as you survive and interact with others of your “army”, “tribe” and rogue genetic kind.
2. Next, go looking for these unorthodox, like-minded individuals, have undying faith that they exist and are probably looking for you too. Offer stimulation, speculation, exchange ideas, collaborate, co-ordinate, share information and theories, recommend sources and names of activators you admire who have come to your attention via media, myth or synchronicity. Nothing is stronger in its anarchic potency and cultural resonance than a pack of previously “lone” wolves. Be prepared to do mundane, tedious, and dull tasks to demonstrate to your SELF and those co-operating with you both your understanding that you are in voluntarily bonded service to a higher calling, ART, and that your ego and public recognition are not your motive, nor can they will to seduce you. Nothing is uglier than a person who actually wants to be rich and famous and thinks those “qualities”; those all-consuming contemporary norms have any actual meaning or value in terms of human evolution measured against divinity, infinity, or the creation of a soul.
3. Then, aware that you have chosen a thankless, endless task (by consensus reality standards), due to madness, bad training, neurotic trauma, gender confusion, or your parents, or peer group (or both) don’t EVER kid your SELF about why you chose to be an artist, writer or otherwise creatively driven being. You
have become part of the metaphor not part of the problem, no matter how under siege I.T. (Imaginary T.I.M.E.) might feel! Having already worked so hard to intersect with, and collaborate with, your contemporaries and any worthy icons you have unearthed that you still respect after initial contact, all ways keep in mind that no one person, in this post-tech society, can have, or supply, as much inspiration as the sum total of an interacting group, even if that group is primarily a loose knit ad hoc collective unable to work together on a daily basis. Just as sampling and cutting-up reality gives us a randomized picture, that nevertheless shows us more accurately than is apparent, what sense based material existence looks like; so too, the interconnecting of two minds will produce as its sum a “THIRD MIND”* that, by avoiding singular, individuated solo strategies and agendas, preconceptions and blind-spots, is far greater in total, and more relevant in effect in our era than any solitary brain can achieve, no matter how visionary. In order to combat the conceptual and economic programming of conglomerate global alliances, it is an absolute necessity of declaring and consolidating liberation as each one of us conceives it by shamelessly sharing energy and mutual communication systems (yes, even Xeroxed zines). Know thine enemy. Steal their tactics, raid their resources and turn their weapons of mass media destruction and biological and neurological tyranny back on them.
4. Finally, in terms of thematic content, decide what really OBSESSES you, YOU. What really turns you on, your deepest (possibly most secret) fetish (sexual, paradoxical, philosophical, political, literal, mechanical, it really doesn’t matter), and make that central to your work either directly or obliquely, regardless of medium, accepted traditions of talent, or any other practical considerations. If you analyze your SELF effectively, with brutal honesty, this core integrity will charge your work with REAL individuality, charisma, influence and longevity of power. Surrender to a greater group does not erase self-esteem, ironically, and magickally, it accelerates a flow of matchless integrity into a consciously constructed personality. (By the way the most effective tool I can recommend for discovering and directing “true will” with minimum deviation or self- delusion is the ritual “SIGIL” process described in this r-evolutionary manual). Tell your SELF that you will make the entire world agree with YOU, rather than compromise by trying to figure out what the world will like and agree with I.T. in order to please and be pleased. The process is the product and regardless of how long it takes, one day the clarity of intent permeating your work WILL be recognized and your L-if-E will have purpose. Always and ONLY create based upon the assumption and sincere recognition that you may be so old that you really don’t care if they ever “get it”, and that it doesn’t matter because the worst thing that can happen is that your physical body dies of starvation or neglect in the meantime.
Genesis P-Orridge, New York City 2002
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