celflags · 9 months
Radqueercel Flag
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Radqueercel: radqueer celibacy/celdom; radical queercel, or rad queer celibate. Also known as radiqueercel, radkweercel, radikweercel, etc.
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vaspider · 5 months
Would it be accurate to call people who are against kink at pride assimilationists?
That would depend on why they are against Kink at Pride.
I really don't want to create new blanket categories in people's heads the way that Tumblr loves to do. People in general (and Tumblr in specific) love to make and take sides.
If someone is against freedom of expression at Pride that they see as "detrimental to the cause" because they think that if cishets see a bear in a pup mask, those nascent allies, who were learning to love us, really they were, would flee back to the suburbs, taking all hope of civil rights expansion or security with them? Yeah, that's an assimilationist position.
If someone is against gay men at Pride wearing the kind of leather harnesses that 17yo girls wear while performing on The Voice because on the 17yo girls, it's a-ok, but on a twink it's obscene, that's not an assimilationist thing, that's just a homophobic double standard.
If someone is against a drag queen walking her puppygirl on a fine June morning because it makes them uncomfortable for Reasons, those underlying reasons might have something to do with a feeling of "we need to blend in Or Else," or it might be some unexamined internalized something or they might just be kind of a prude who needs to realize that taking a puppygirl for walkies isn't doing anything to them, and they should calm down.
The key thing about assimilationism is the thought that the only way we continually advance our civil rights is by being indistinguishable from cishet society. The false premise here lies in the idea that everyone can live freely within that framework. Clearly that isn't true - certainly I can't, as that would require me to give up my gender and presentation as well as one of my partners, right? But to an assimilationist, my multiple pronouns/non-binary identity/polyamory/GNC presentation are A Problem. "You're why the cis don't respect us," goes the assimilationist line of thinking. "If only you would Behave!" (Lest you think I joke or exaggerate, You're Why The Cis Don't Respect Us was, or maybe still is, a deeply serious FB group where people complain about all of the "radikweers" who are destroying their civil rights!!)
So... maybe, depending? It's really important to think about why someone thinks that. They might be an assimilationist. They may also just be a laterally-aggressive twerp.
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bucksboobs · 9 months
I feel sorry for radikweers actually it must already be exhausting to always being looking over your shoulder to make sure you're the most cutting edge identity possible rather than existing as yourself but then also having to police anyone around yourself or online from getting a little too normie? I couldn't do it.
And on top of that defining yourself by how outside the mainstream your identity makes you must make every step forward for your own rights feel like a loss of that Outsider identity and that's just sad.
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girlsmoonsandstars · 2 years
no but like i NEED everyone to understand how ex fundies are re-indoctrinated into radikweer shit through social media because they're still primed for cults while they're deconstructing
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ghost-shipping · 2 years
deffo have seen radiqueer/radikweer as a pejorative term along the same lines as Blue Hair And Pronouns(TM), but i thought it fell out of fashion a few years ago lmao
ah that makes sense! yeah at the time i was just like "who is using the word queer who hates the idea of being radical about it....queerphobes probably" but i hadn't seen it before
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redheadbigshoes · 5 months
Eu acho bem estranho esse termo radqueer sendo usado pra essas besteiradas. Lembra que radfems acusavam nós de sermos radikweers posmodernxs etc
Talvez por um lado pareça que de certa forma radqueers tão alinhados diretamente com as radfems, mas pessoas realmente se autointitulam radqueer e são aquelas que defendem homens (cis e trans) poderem ser chamados de lésbicas, assim como outras pessoas que sentem atração por homens.
Não vejo problema em chamar eles pelo termo que eles mesmo usam para se identificar. Até pra saber de quem estamos falando.
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mogai-ringo · 5 years
Long rant about the aged state of the discourse, please read it till the end and let it sip before you attack or rebuke
Tucute and truscum are both oblivious takes in their own right. I'm a trans depathologizer (as obvious from my url - MOGAI blogs are seen as “extreme tucutes”) but people should do betterthan just trying to rebuke every transmedicalist position by just stating the opposite of what they say because they're evil gatekeepers and whatnot.
Classical transexuality is a thing. More atypical forms of gender identity and gender dysphoria, in every possible combination, also are. Classical transexuality is just the point where those two lines meet and it's also most distant from accepting their assigned gender.
They're probably hard-wired in our brains through some mechanism, but people with more atypical forms of gender dysphoria have an easier time just pretending to live in their assigned gender. Which means that its differentiation from the side of the cis spectrum least comfortable with their assigned gender is almost semantic. Such is not the case for classical transexuality - absence of medical treatment for their dysphoria might be lethal.
Classical transexuality and atypical gender dysphoria require different types of intervention, and probably different types of language. The trans movement would do good by acknowleding gender dysphoria as something nuanced and multifaceted.
All trans people initially manifest themselves about not being cis because of some degree with unhappiness about the gender society assigned them. This does not mean that there is such a thing as a massive transtrender infiltration of the community, with this word being used cis people pretending to be trans out of malice for social capital gains.
What it does mean is that trans people who claim to not have been initially dysphoric just misunderstand what this word entails because it has been defined in confusing or misleading ways. "Gender euphoria" is a consequence of previous gender dysphoria. You can't gain a huge sense of euphoria if your previous state was perfectly adequate to your needs as a person.
It is in the best interests of all of us if classical transexuals have a speed up of their transition process while people with atypical gender dysphoria take counselling on how to improve their quality of life in other ways. This is because our gender dysphoria tends to focus on social responses to us and the parts of our bodies readily visible to outside gendering, but it can be improved if other aspects of our lives also do improve.
We might regret transitioning medically later, with irreversible bodily consequences, even because we can't decide which specific aspects of hormone therapy affect our bodies and which do not, and often surgeries do not come close to offering the solution towards what we really want.
Increasing numbers of detransitioners unhappy with the results of their medical transition join the choir of our detractors, while not offering immediate relief to classical transexuals often leads to self-harm and suicide. The discrepancy is enough to merit dividing us into two main groups.
But this is not about gender identity. There are binary and nonbinary classical transexuals. There are binary and nonbinary people with atypical gender dysphoria. Gender identity is a much more subjective sense of exploring where you fit in relation to other people in society than how you feel about your body.
Truscum perverse understanding of transness by pretending that classical transexuality is a simplistic neurological trait, while, in reality, it is much more unclear; by pretending the trans community is being invaded by disingenuous, malicious cis people; by denying the validity of people's subjective self-narratives, as if we should have central authorities on that; by pretending more gatekeeping would save more classical transexual lives; and by placing the fault of negative opinions about trans people coming from the cis mainstream on our actions as individuals.
Tucute perverse reaching acceptable quality of life goals for trans people by:
1. often pretending transness is not almost intrinsically tied to some level of discrepancy and dissonance between your self-understanding and how you feel about your body and the way it makes others treat you, in a way cis people would never be possible of bridging by projection from their own experiences alone ("but I, too, do not like the female gender role" - it's much deeper and more visceral than that);
2. by often pretending discussion about primary and secondary sex characteristics and dysphoria related to them is in itself a sign of sex essentialism, [internalized] cissexism and [internalized] dyadism; by placing mistrust on the medical establishment, when they are one of the sole sources of a very central element in the quality of life for classical transexuals and most gender dysphoric people in general;
and 3. by not making it clear that the main issue for people of atypical gender identity and gender dysphoria combinations is how your right to gender identity self-designation is only respected by your government, school, employers, doctors and others if you have an official medical authorization to exist (this is a much bigger violence than medical gatekeeping, and what people who try to argue for the rights of "non-dysphoric trans people" should focus on - authoritarianism that takes on such measures is illegitimate regardless of how truscum feel about neurological essentialism, indeed, even cis people with ideological grabs with the concept of gender themselves should ultimately have this right too if they so wish).
I mostly maintain that gender dysphoria and transness are linked because gender abolitionist radfems claiming that cis womanhood is an entirely fictional construct and they're just all oppressed agender people while we fetishize their oppression and weaponize it against them are an incredibly common, ominous discourse, which is easily demonstrated to be illogical based on the fact that... cis women, to the most part, do not actively try to protest and distance themselves from womanhood according to how abusive it is, they are incredibly able to separate their gender from their abuse in their hearts, but DFAB trans people (as any other trans people) would never manage to separate the gender society imposes on them from abuse and authoritarianism, and indeed, they would still wish to be recognized for what they really are even if they didn't go through oppressive experiences (which I realize are amazingly uncommon, but everyone has a different narrative and a different degree of resilience to what they've been through).
Saying transness is nothing but a feeling of being a different gender which you feel very strongly greatly downplays that and makes such disingenuous considerations about our identities seem logical to cis people. I also don't see how throwing others under the bus could apply here because 'non-dysphoric trans people'... naturally couldn't care less about a pragmatic construct of transness since they won't be significantly more miserable if others don't center their existence. I understand transness is diverse enough to accommodate everyone, but we are talking about which discourse we should try to use to try to explain our existence and collective validity.
And please do not talk about tone-policing and appeasing the oppressors, either, we live in a society and we always will, some of that is dealing with the fact that people do not know you, your intentions, your experiences, where you come from, and whether or not they should trust you, if you actively avoid making coexistence and mutual understanding easier, you just have a temper and there's nothing intrinsically radical about it.
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mukhannath · 2 years
anyway ive been unfollowing most of radblr because it’s sort of upsetting that they only seem to care about tranny issues like the rest of the fucking internet does and no one actually wants to talk about the real epidemics of sex trafficking and porn. ive made a rule for myself that if u post a single thing that makes me upset unfollowing so sorry </3 it is for my own mental health too 
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I’m reclaiming the word radikweer, reblog this if you too are a radikweer, support radikweers, or to drop a full-sized standing bass on any and all gatekeepers skulls
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willinghands · 6 years
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it’s perfectly fine and understandable if you prefer that people refrain from calling you “queer” bc you aren’t comfortable reclaiming it or it has negative associations for you but you don’t gotta be Like This. this is obnoxious
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warriorsdebt · 6 years
Watching a bunch of exclusionists get into an incredibly embarrassing juvenile slapfight with all their usual tired memes and petty dismissive "quips" until another exclusionist comes along throwing up their hands about how absurd and pointless it is to "create unnecessary drama for cheap discourse points instead of having a normal conversation" about a legitimate topic would have been the funniest thing I'd seen all week if I believed any of them possessed a shred of self-awareness.
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chiritori · 6 years
im sure all of u are tired of me ranting abt this by now but. when will ~queer~ ppl on ig who a lot of young lgbt ppl probably look up to stop calling themselves (& others who the label doesnt apply to) femmes?
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Yes, you are exactly like the other girls
Okay, firstly, thank you to everyone who followed my previous blog and has come and followed me here.
Moving on: today is more of a rant about stuff in my personal life, although it is related to my gender critical viewpoint. So many young women in my social circle, all in their early twenties, are identifying as “non-binary” now, and they want to go by they/them pronouns. One of them has also shortened her name to a more masculine sounding nickname—even though her name was UNISEX TO BEGIN WITH, and many men have that name. This girl is still gender-conforming in all the important ways—from obsession with make-up and beauty culture to seeking attention via sexual desirability to prioritizing the needs and wants of men in her slacktivism.
The other two “non-binary” women I know are also completely gender-conforming as women. One of them wears a ton of make-up every day and the other works as a fashion model because she is so conventionally attractive according to patriarchal standards. All three identify as queer, even though they are pretty much exclusively heterosexual. They love to advertise their kweer nb identities and blast their pronouns and selfies all over social media.
  I’m going to be really honest here, and I don’t give a shit anymore if this sounds rude. These women need to cut the shit and stop seeking attention and sympathy by putting other women down. Yes, they do put other women down, by implying that some human beings are “binary” and some are not. Because I own my female body and am honest about the sex class I occupy, they consider me and others like me—such as my mother, grandmother and most other women on earth—to be “binary” women, content on our little pink shelves. We “identify with our gender” (not), which means we chose a life of servitude and are responsible for our own oppression. I reject this entirely. It makes me rabidly angry. 
They are also part of the brigade of straight women that are now invading lesbian spaces, faking “pansexuality” and “queerness,” even though they are quite clearly not attracted to anyone but men. One friend, who I saw recently, “came out” as queer a few months ago, yet in our conversations she mentioned several recent hook-ups, all of them with men. We have known each other a long, long time and I can tell you that when this annoying phase is over, she’s going to return to being straight once she feels like settling down with a man. And it’s fine to want that, but the attention-seeking is homophobic to actual lesbians, as well as being completely transparent and annoying to those of us in her life who have to pretend to believe in it.
I am straight, and that’s fine. That’s who I am. I don’t go around asking to be included in lesbian spaces or calling lesbians derogatory names or demanding that all gay and lesbian groups be relabelled as queer groups for green undercuts and labret piercings. 
I’m sick of the pronoun shit, of these women (and some men too) who want to elevate themselves in importance over other women. I’m sick of the way they have betrayed women and feminism, the way they don’t care about actual biological women’s rights, but only about privileged 20-somethings and their microidentities and “microaggressions,” and pretty much any problem that is literally microscopic in size. And if any “nb” Aidan wants to comment on here and say, “You don’t believe in non-binary? Guess I don’t exist then,” then I will pre-emptively tell you to STFU. Obviously you exist and your female body exists in material space; but your trendy identity is stupid and sexist and is completely opposed to feminism.
So that’s my rant for today. Oh, and hi MRA hate-stalkers, nice to see you again.
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just-antithings · 3 years
hello??? you literally fucking said "tell that to the shit ton of radfems using it as a derogatory term towards queer people" which implies that bc radfems use it as a derogatory term towards all queer people, it's ok for ur white friend to use it. that's what YOU fucking said.
they have the phrase "radikweer" in their header. not just kweer. they know kweer is for asian people, they were taking radikweer, which has been used against people like us, and reclaiming it for themself
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