#rad school
fieldsofbone · 6 months
in the last six days i’ve graded 77 term papers, entered grades online, alphabetized them to pass back to students, and graded 55 research papers for another class…………………….. someone pls clap
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hiael · 1 year
MC: I always wondered what hell would be like, i always imagined fire, explosions, screams of torture and stuff like that
Diavolo: oh....
MC: But now that i'm attending the RAD i realized that my mentality was very innocent compared to that of demons
MC: Maybe the real eternal torture is having to go to school for the rest of your life with homework every day, classmates, teachers who want you to fail, no vacation, no graduation, no future guarantee, no dreams, no hope, no nothing
MC: This, this is demonic
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nonexistuser · 21 days
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twt trend i redrew as rad weekend
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bedlamhospital · 1 month
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if I had a nickel for every time a staff member at greendale community college accidentally confessed to first degree murder in an emotional outburst about something related to their reasoning for committing said crime, I’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
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retroness-is-fabulous · 11 months
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the-lady-hestia · 8 months
I finally climbed the mountain that is The Stormlight Archive (up to this point, Stormlight 5 please come out soon)
On to Mistborn!!!!
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icy-sapphic · 9 months
The amount of misogynistic shit i have to go through in Law School is absurd.
Just on my first semester there, I had to witness 3 men "debating" about how femicide should not be considered a different crime and should be only "homicide."
I was able to participate and go against them and thank god the teacher, who was a woman, and another girl stood up against them with me. But the audacity they had to even come up with a "debate" like this was insane to me.
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gifti3 · 9 months
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based on the time i made water come out of my friends nose
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hauntingrabbits · 4 months
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fieldsofbone · 1 year
i’m done with year four of my phd!!!!!! 🥳
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musingsunderstarlight · 3 months
TRAs when you say a woman is an adult human female, therefore most women deal with common issues related to their biology:
“Oh my God! You’re reducing women to their body parts!”
Also TRAs: “Uterus haver, menstruator, vagina owner, boob owner, birthing person…”
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radskull-69 · 1 month
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Andy! The ant cowboy I made at school today (he was originally supposed to be a dnd oc but I went too hard with it-)
he came from a colony he lived in happily with a loving wife and children, one day he strayed away from his colony to fetch his wife some red berried he knew she loved so much. But when he returned he found out his entire ant nest had been drowned in a flash flood by humans, since bugs and humans never mixed.
now he roams the scorching deserts with a vengeful soul, meeting wacko creatures along the way.
in this world bugs and humans are both intelligent species, though bugs are discriminated and often get their nests/homes destroyed by humans.
Most bugs don’t talk and neither does Andy! Instead I thought it’d be funnier (and cute) if they all talked/had a language in chirps and chitters, so you see this hunk of an ant yet he lets out the cutest sounds!
Andy is based off a ant bully, I’ll draw a proper sheet of him later but his right eye had a burn scar over it (got jumped by fire ants once) and his right arm ripped off by a beetle.
idk a lot about bugs or ants so if you have any cool fun facts that I could use for his character I’d appreciate it!
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simulation-machine · 5 months
Controversial opinion: Being sick is not a good time
Hey y'all! Haven't really been around too much. I've been sick for the past week-and-change, (probably the 'VID or a sinus infection) (I didn't bother getting tested because I go literally nowhere and my partner, who does go places, tested negative).
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Basically, I imagined Teen Lou and Esme cheering me on whenever I did Olympic-level feats like showering or making myself tea.
If for some reason you wanna know more, here's a cut because I suck at being pithy.
My body's response to getting sick is basically 1) whine so, so much and 2) sleep for 17 hours a day until conditions improve. Fortunately, my partner is very much a caretaker at heart and ensured I was fed and that the dogs were looked after. Oh, did I mention school started this past Monday? So yeah I haven't been online much.
On top of all that, my mom was hospitalized. I was on the phone with her wife every day and long story short, it was a combination of getting bronchitis and pneumonia at once, a blood clot in her liver KIDNEY, being on too high of a dose of 'beetus meds, and also being allergic to one of the antibiotics they put her on. Oh, and she has Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, which means they had to pay extra attention to her heart so she wouldn't have to get a 3rd ablation.
So, when I was online, it was on FB to let people know what was going on with my mom. FB is basically the equivalent of a mass text to everyone I know and I otherwise don't really get on it. ANYWAYS.
The #1 fear in my life, that I have had since I was a wee little kid, is my mother's untimely demise. She's been sick a lot throughout my life despite being a tough ol' broad who is the real-life inspiration for Destiny Child's "Survivor."
Which is to say that on top of being physically worn down, I have been endlessly emotionally exhausted as well. Like every update from my step-mom/mom's wife about her hospital stay would end in me crying and freaking out, having super vivid dreams about having to plan my mom's funeral (THANKS BUT NO THANKS NYQUIL, YOU NASTY YET SUCCESSFULLY CONGESTION-KILLING BITCH).
I have been playing Sims 4 still, but not the Orson's because I cannot be trusted when goofed up on cold meds. I've been playing a very casual game that sort of started off as a 100 Baby Challenge with Wicked Whims turned waaaaay up, but is now the story of 7 sisters who have the same mom but different dads.
I might show some pictures from that because some of those kids turned out hella cute and interesting. Plus I was needing a bit of a break from the Orsons anyways.
That's all! I'm feeling like 75% human these days so I'll likely be on a bit more, but mainly just wanted people to know that I didn't die or rage quit or anything.
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luminari-mc · 1 year
So has anyone noticed how weird the timeline seems to be when taking the story scenario and the Devilgrams into account?
While we are absolutely in the past, and at a time where RAD hasn't been built yet, some of the Devilgram stories definitely have the school existing, either in the background or as part of the story. The brothers also have their casual clothes on in some of the stories, and in others, their RAD uniforms.
Yet despite it all, they still call us their attendant here and there in the Devilgrams. Levi only mentions Henry and not Henry 2.0. Satan acts so calm and composed, like our Satan would be acting. No trace or clue of the demons from our present time, else they surely wouldn't call us their attendant if we had been brought back, right?
And not only that, but it seems that the Wanderer's Whereabouts app is telling us that we might indeed go back to living in the House of Lamentation in the future!
Take these two pictures here: the first one is from the loading screen of the app, the other is the current layout of the House as we currently know it.
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So this might just be that as the brothers' official attendant in Nightbringer (as of yet), they will allow us to live with them in the House of Lamentation at some point in the story. Or could it be just the screen we'll get once we get back in the future, and back at the House of Lamentation we know and love? We can't know for sure when that'll happen though.
Overall, I am a bit confused about the chronology of Nightbringer so far. 😮‍💨
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