#rabbit-ear barnacle
inatungulates · 7 months
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North Pacific humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae kuzira
with rabbit-ear barnacle Conchoderma auritum
Observed by tbell_08, CC BY-NC
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bogleech · 10 months
Hey bog, do you know anything about Rabbit eared barnacles (Conchoderma auritum)? They're included on a poster I've had since I was like 8 that gives a basic run down of the major arthropod groups, but basically everything on there is pretty well known except for the rabbit eared barnacle (whose label being swapped with the good barnacle caused me years of confusion) and I'm curious what their deal is, because they look like multiple individuals sharing a shell?
They're soft squishy stalked barnacles that evolved to grow almost solely on other, hard-shelled barnacles!
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They especially tend to grow on whale barnacles, the acorn barnacles that specially adapted to attach to whale skin. It's actually very difficult for most barnacles to do this, so the rabbit eared barnacle is cheating by letting the whale barnacle build the foundation it lives on. They don't harm one another, but it is possible that sometimes the rabbit barnacles overcrowd and smother their neighbors.
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strangestcase · 2 years
on the topic of eating “weird” “exotic” Spanish meat products I honestly have to wonder. Do white Americans ever eat the following:
-blood (as itself or as a sausage/pudding)
-faces (eyes, ears, nose, and tongue included)
-internal organs (any of them)
-eel or lamprey
-snails (both land and sea snails)
And, of course, the Spanish Civil War special
not saying I’ve tried and/or liked all of the stuff on the list (a lot of it I can’t stand) but like. From what I’ve seen in documentaries and reality shows the only interesting meat Americans eat is stuff like bear or squirrel or beaver or stuff, but that’s the ones that live in isolation and rely on hunting. Do city Americans genuinely only ever eat chicken beef or pork and always the same pieces. also I’m specifically talking about white Americans of the city variety because they’re the ones that typically make faces or say weird crap when they are served anything that isn’t the standard cuts of chicken beef or pork. Country people however are normal about meat.
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gagsolineoilrefinery · 6 months
HELLO I am Sludge this is my toontown sideblog
I only play Clash as of right now but I do have interest in everything about those funny little animals and robots
More info tba I am very tired sleepy, tagging system and more under the cut
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Writing down my rudementary tagging system here so I dont forget and also for convenience for nowsies
#sludgetalkz - Original textposts, just like all of my blogs
#recogs - Reblogs tag
#queuesoline post refinery - Queue tag for when I need it
#toons - posts with toons in them, duh
#cogs - catchall tag for regular lil employee cogs
#managers - catchall tag for ttcc managers
#bosses - catchall tag for the cogs bosses
I'll also tag for specific names where i can and also for whatever game the post is about (like which private server or if its about the og tto yknow)
And now obligatory list of my favoritest toons (all corporate clash, for now anyway)
Dr. Presto Razzledazzle - My first and highest laff toon and my favoritest little freak, periwinkle bat with red ears and grey legs and ingame is the owner of The Midnight Crew club
Onycraft - Toon based on my favorite oc ive ever made, long ass brown bat thats also in my club and is still in daffodil gardens
Peanut Brittle Jabbertail - Another one of my favorite lil freaks, a bright teal rabbit toon that I'm almost always multitooning with Presto and also in daffodil
Daring Dynamite Dizzydazzle - Not used as often but I wanna include regardless, dark grey beaver with white ears and legs, always wearing a helmet and goggles, also in the midnight crew, and is in barnacle boatyard iirc(?)
Stinky Slimywhirl - Another one I dont use as much but I still wanna add, neon pink beaver with neon green ears and arms and is in my friend's club Silly Goober Yoga, I forgot what playground she's in im ngl
Weird Pal Kangovik - My highest level alt right now yes his name is exactly what you're thinking it is, big ass blue kangaroo thats always wearing hypno glasses, also usually multitooned with Presto, and is also in Silly Goober Yoga
(I have... a LOT of other toons I could include and might later but yeas)
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c-midori · 10 months
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"Ah, it’s so wonderful to see you again~!" Bianca happily swam down into her brother’s room with her beluga whale tail in tow, giving him a warm hug. "You two look absolutely wonderful like this!"
“I know that myself! I’m just so glad to see you again,” Barnacles happily sighed. He’d never felt so alive in 9 years. The time between then and now felt so lonely, having been without his twin sister for so long. Yet, today, he was FINALLY reunited.
Bianca DID feel a similar way. She WAS happy being in Nunavut with the company of the Polar Scouts, especially Tracker. Yet, with every year passing, not seeing her brother made her feel REALLY bad. To see him again was a dream, now coming true.
Peso himself enjoyed seeing reunions like this. Being one in hundreds in a family, he knew that feeling beyond belief. As he admired the embrace between brother and sister, he noticed something to his left.
"Captain, I believe you have another guest!" Said Peso, watching as Pearl swam into the room, joining in their hug. Bianca had immediately sensed her and broke from the hug for just a moment.
"Oh, right~!" She giggled as she entwined her tail with the otter’s. "Barnacles, I think I should tell you something! You know Pearl~?"
The other bear nodded happily. "Absolutely! I’ve worked with her quite a lot before! You remember Shellington as well, right? That’s her brother… swimming right past behind you."
As Pearl excitedly purred, Barnacles' sister looked to her left and saw him, squirming around with a leopard shark tail almost completely identical to his sister’s.
"THAT's her brother?" Bianca laughed. "That skinny, scrawny little merman? I almost forgot about him! Heck, I could take him down simply with my tail!" Barnacles put a paw on her shoulder in concern.
"Sorry, I went a little far." She blushed a little out of embarrassment. Perhaps that was not the best thing to say when you’ve just visited your distant brother for the first time in nearly a decade. She shook her head and decided to let Pearl continue her announcement.
"Aaaaanyways, Bianca wanted to tell y’all that…" Pearl started giggling a little. "Well, in all the time we’ve been together, us being the first two passengers… we’ve had feelings for each other, and I think she and I are a couple now."
Barnacles’ ears perked up. "Oh! That sounds nice. Apologies for the mess, by the way. Peso and I were just going through everything I left here. Has Natquik said anything?" He asked.
The two other mermaids remembered he was still in the Octoray and blushed a little.
"Not much, but he's definitely drier than all of us, that’s for sure." Bianca sighed. "What do you think, Pearl? Should we go tell him the truth?"
The otter looked at her, smiling in a slightly smug way, and softly answered.
"Nah. Race ya to the nearest reef!" and dashed out of Barnacles' room, faster than an electronic rabbit.
Natquik was pulling at his fur.
He couldn’t believe it. He was in complete shock and denial. He tried to figure out just WHAT happened to those Octo-Agents. Pearl, Bianca, and Min were all gone, just like Paani.
Now it was just him, Koshi, and Yeshi left on the Octoray.
Of course, there were still a few others out there, including Calico Jack who would most certainly have an "understanding" about this thing, but he wasn’t gonna do this anymore. He was just despaired as hell and couldn’t find any reason to go for them, if they were just going to die as well.
Natquik figured out he’d just rot away here. This whole plan failed even more than he could chew. And now, he was left to reflect on it in immense grief.
Yeshi really wanted to speak up. He wanted to comfort the old fox a little. Yet, he had a feeling that would only make matters worse. That guy would maul him to death if he wanted.
If there was one thing he learned in Japan, it’s that you don’t mess with one who is heartbroken. Otherwise, they’ll only get worse.
"So I was looking at these papers, manuals for 'Octo-OS 14', and you know what I see in the distance?" Koshi eagerly told Orson and Ursa. "That’s right! DASHI! My sis! I saw her, she saw me, and she was a MERMAID! I’m not kidding either! I took PHOTOS of this! Full evidence!" She immediately showed them her Octo-Watch's screen. "There she is! She’s a DOLPHIN!"
At least she’s happy, Yeshi thought, as he turned on his laptop. As he went through his newsfeed, he found nothing on the Octopod crashing.
Of course, it was news from another universe, OUR universe, so there was that. No universe was meant to fully care about each other, a rule written in almost every book, in every language, in every font. It never hurts to get a little peek, though.
"Nothing of my interest," Yeshi sighed and closed his laptop. "No macarons. Guess I’ll go do something more… reasonable." He got up.
"Hey, guys. I’m gonna talk to Nat. Want anything?" The dachshund asked, getting a single "no" in response from Ursa. He slowly walked out.
As he entered the hallway, he instantly approached the fox, sulking next to the kelp cake vending machine. He tapped his shoulder, and,
"WHAT, СУКА!?" Natquik yelped at him. "Don’t walk up on people like that, YOU UNDERSTAND?"
The dachshund sighed in shame. Clearly this guy couldn’t be helped. Which made sense, but at the same time, it didn't. He knew he couldn’t just sit here and complain.
"Look. Professor Natquik? If you’re gonna complain over the disappearances of everyone, why don’t we go look for them now?" Asked Yeshi, not tolerating this any further. He reached his paw over to Nat, but the stubbornness clearly took him over.
"Fine. Think about it. Bitch.”
The sausage dog walked away from Natquik, and went into the cockpit. He didn’t take off, however. He just sat in the seat and looked at the windshield.
"I know there has to be a way to go there and NOT get hurt." He told himself. "I just KNOW Dashi is okay."
Yeshi looked over on his Octo-Watch. He figured he’d have to do this himself. Not that he was going alone, no. He just… wanted to prove a point to that poor fox.
And he knew exactly who could help.
Shellington shook his head, closing his vacuum. "It must’ve gone loose. Good thing not much lesirena got out, or… knowing Tweak, you get the idea." He and Kwazii laughed it off and swam out.
Time had been going a little fast, at least that’s what Shellington had thought of. The skies above were already turning yellow, as the clock struck 5:00 PM.
Day 4 of… being like this.
Like Peso, he found it interesting. It’s only been 4 days since the crash and it felt like a month. Perhaps it was because of how much time he spent with Kwazii, but he didn’t know.
To think he was just one of a handful down here… Above were still billions of people, human or not… Well, mostly not. Once again, this was the Meomiverse. All the folks above were going on with their daily lives, most likely.
Meanwhile? Shellington was down here, again and again... well, apart from those 3 past years or something. He didn’t remember too well, but that didn’t matter.
He was better off down HERE anyways.
The kelp forests ahead seemed like a nice place to the couple. Now that they were both half shark, there was no excuse to NOT enjoy themselves. Especially since they finally resolved… all that stuff that happened earlier.
Clearly, that was already in Kwazii's mind, because he was off swimming long before Shellington could snap back to reality.
From a distance, "Ye oughta catch up, Shellie!" The merkitten called out, admiring his surroundings. "It’s too nice to not go in- Yeow!"
The sea otter immediately swooped down in front of him, giggling at his lover's surprise. He knew a little playing around didn’t hurt.
"Don't underestimate my tail, Kwazii!" He swam over to him. "You’re looking at 12 miles an hour, just a little over the top average speed of a REAL leopard shark! Ha ha ha!"
The kitten recovered from his surprise and waved to his merotter. He surely was a fast one, which he liked.
"Did you know that just like me, leopard sharks tend to thrive in these kelp forests? It’s so fitting!" Shellington flopped over and landed on his back in the sand, seemingly beckoning Kwazii to do the same, which made him laugh. "It feels like I’m truly at home! Wouldn’t you agree~?"
And so, the two were on the sea floor, just enjoying themselves in this vast blue. When was the last time they had felt so happy like this? Definitely quite some time ago, if anything. But it was always great to spend time together like this, especially now that legs were a thing of the past… for them, at least.
No one really cared that they were stranded here anymore. After all, it wasn’t like there was anything to worry about. It was best to use this time to just… chill out, as everyone decided.
Unfortunately, the world above stood turbulent, as Yeshi and Natquik sat in their silent quarrel. Both of them were slowly burning on the inside, about to snap at any moment.
The former knew he shouldn’t go ham on anyone. That would destroy the whole purpose of going for others, which was to get more info on how Dashi and the others ended up like.
"This." The dachshund chuckled, looking at the photo Koshi took, bundled with a sketch of how she would probably look above the surface. "This thing? It’s literally all I wanted to see."
You would think Natquik would finally understand if he saw that image. But he kept denying everything, like I once did, and never will do again. It was never healthy for me. It won’t be for him either.
Koshi walked in and looked at both of them. She didn’t risk saying a word, for that would set everything on fire. Being the only Octo-Agent that wasn’t completely broken, transformed, OR somewhere else, she knew the best she could do was fix these two angry folks.
And that’s when an idea came to her mind. Everyone had to be safe; they were mermaids after all.
Not that Koshi wanted to become a mermaid… well, not yet. She was still a bit too young for that, even if her sis was down there. However, she didn’t HAVE to become like her just to go down there. At least, not anymore.
Alpha wouldn’t be sufficient for this idea of hers. The puppy was gonna need a full-fledged GUP. Not a Terra-GUP, a REAL GUP. Something not considered in YEARS.
It was time to take to the sea once again. Finned or not. As long as Koshi could prove something to that professor.
Natquik sat in the resting quarters, waiting for any signals from down there. He put on his headset, quieting out the world outside. Yeshi was gonna make his next move eventually, but the Arctic fox wanted to forget that. That gave him a headache.
As he started to close his eyes, the world around him rumbled, like an earthquake. It was the engines. Yeshi definitely turned them on.
He slammed open the door and briskly walked to see what all this was about. This time, however, he wasn’t gonna go berserk. Neither were. Not this time.
The dachshund immediately felt Natquik's presence and took a deep breath, ready to confess his actions.
"I know it’s hard to get over sudden events like these," he sighed. "And I totally get that… but, like, what if I told you…" He held up the image of Dashi, kinda shoving it in the professor's face. "You see that? Koshi saw the Octonauts. ALIVE. If they’re safe, then the Octo-Agents should be as well."
Natquik already knew that was a good thing, but he knew he couldn’t just go down there, just him and this brother and sister. And everyone being mermaids was, to him, a huge issue. Which also made sense. No one could get anything done if they were stuck below the waves.
They both figured there was no reason to make this another step worse.
"I have calls to make. Fly this thing like there’s no tomorrow, or else there IS no tomorrow." Natquik took a deep breath.
It was time to find a cure.
As Koshi packed all her gear for the trip down, the Octoray started to LEVITATE.
"WHAT?! No, you can’t be serious. Are we REALLY leaving!?" Koshi put her paw to her face. "Forget it… They’re not gonna listen… At least not the big fox. I’ll have to escape! Like I was never there!"
10 feet above the ground, the cargo door opened down, and she leapt off, crashing paw-first into the hot sands of Guadalupe.
The impact was painful, and she could barely get up. But she was not going home until she knew exactly what was going down there.
First thing to do? Find out why Dashi was a mermaid… furthermore, everyone else, if they were also alive.
"A little sprain isn’t stopping anything," Koshi rubbed her left ankle, numbing out the pain from the fall. As she got back up, she noticed Paani on the shore, with his tail fully visible.
"Heeeey! I recognize you!" She scampered over to him. "You look like my sis…"
"Uhhh, yeah," The macaque monkey flopped his fins in awkwardness. "How did you not get turned?" he asked. "And where’s Natquik?"
"Flew off. With my brother," she sighed in annoyance. She knew she should’ve gone up there and ask what they were doing, but she had other things to do right now.
"What? Are you serious… I paddled for hours out of San Diego, had a few mental breakdowns, almost drowned down there, got turned into a mermaid, waited an extra night for him, and now you’re telling me he just LEFT?!" Paani started to freak out. It was like that fox never cared, he thought.
Koshi looked at the manta's Octo-Watch, now haphazardly, but tightly wrapped around his tail. He definitely was something different from Dashi, that was for sure.
"I’m sure he'll be back!" The puppy smiled, calming him down a little. "Is everyone okay down there?" She took out that same photo of Dashi, showing it to Paani like she did to Orson and Ursa.
Needless to say, the mermaid was surprised. Koshi HAD been down there, but unlike everyone else, she didn’t get close. Pearl and Bianca got turned inside the Octopod, Min just a mile away… the macaque himself had no idea where HE was turned, but oh well.
"I suppose your investigative behavior made you dodge a bullet." Paani looked around. "And yes, everyone’s safe, but I wouldn’t go down if I were you… unless you’re okay getting transformed like I was."
The dachshund shook her head. This mermaid had a point, even if there wasn’t THAT much danger down there. She handed over her camera, asking Paani to record everything that had happened. However, he rejected, as he wasn’t good with handling those. "I’ll ask Dashi to record the area herself." He suggested, to which Koshi happily nodded.
"Well, tell her I said hi. This case is FAR from closed. If anything, it’s open 24/7!"
Compared to flying QANTAS, it only took about, like, 2 and a half hours or so to get here from Mexico. Close to the Concorde, if anything. Yet, it was even more dangerous for something like the Octoray.
And someone was clearly unhappy about that.
"Crikey! Are you two serious? You could’ve crashed that thing!" Ryla rambled about the overspeeding that Yeshi did.
The dachshund would’ve also mentioned "kidnapping" Orson, Ursa and Periwinkle but that was gonna be one step too far for this angry, angry wombat. As if she didn’t know that part either.
"R-Ryla, it wasn’t that…" Natquik tried to speak up to no avail. That cave diver kept bumbling on about all of their violations. The Arctic fox totally understood why flight logs were always printed out after landing, but this was just ridiculous.
"I think we should’ve went for the big ranger first. He was WAY closer in the first place," Yeshi sighed, before remembering why he was here. If only Ryla could stop talking for one moment.
Natquik managed to fix that, by firmly holding her arm.
"…right. Now what’s happened? I shoulda listened." The wombat awkwardly shook her head.
Yeshi, being Dashi's brother, who herself was best friends with Ryla, was more than eager to go at this whole thing again, talking about how she and the Octonauts all got into a crash and became mermaids, and that some of the Octo-Agents INCLUDING Paani were also involved and that they got transformed-
"Hang on. Whaddya just say about… Dashi?" The wombat's eyes widened. "I’m a little lost."
After a quick second of internally screaming, the two lead Ryla to the Octoray, completely fine as it turned out. What a relief, everyone sorta thought.
"Simply put, the Octonauts are mermaids. And we’re trying to fix that." Yeshi said.
Fix? The cave diver was doubtful. Not only of fixing this, but that Dashi was part… creature. Ryla knew it just couldn’t be that easy to fix her without some kind of surgery.
It was best not to decline, because this could definitely be worse than what she heard.
Dashi was out there.
As were the others.
Meanwhile, Koshi had been waiting here in the excruciating heat for some time now, without anyone around but herself.
"Well, good thing I DID bring myself a novel. This one’s number 71." She went to page one and tried to look at the words.
Unfortunately, even that wasn’t helping, because all she could see and feel and smell was sand. Burning, salty sand. It felt like a furnace, which didn’t feel good.
Koshi knew Paani didn’t recommend her to go into the water, but he never did specify how deep. She moved over to where over met under, setting her legs into the seawater. Almost immediately did she feel much better. Much colder than the air above.
"Must be nice down there," she sighed. "I'm probably too young for a tail like my sis. Maybe someday…"
Then came complete silence. Except for the waves. Was this okay? Yeah, kind of. Sure, Koshi was completely alone, but she felt alright. There wasn’t really anything to NECESSARILY worry about anymore.
Suddenly, that moment of quiet was broken by a whole new voice.
"Are you… stranded?"
Taking a quick look back revealed who that was. A coyote, dusted with sand. Probably have walked for hours around here.
"No, I’m not. You seem to have gone through some tough things here. I assume YOU'RE stranded." Koshi noted the rarity.
The coyote shook their head and chuckled. "No, no, I LIVE here. I’ve never seen your face here. What’s a little puppy like you doing over on this beach?"
"Crash." She simply replied. That surprised the local, having not known about anything. Sure, Hurricane Selma brushed past Isla Guadalupe and left a bit of a mess, but everyone seemed okay after.
"So, like, you survived one?"
Koshi nope'd. "My sis did. You’ve heard of the Octonauts, right? She’s part of them. The Octopod crashed with everyone inside."
The coyote looked at her in surprise. They HAD known about the Octonauts, but didn’t really care about them until now. Of course, this island was probably one of the only places where fishing in the Meomiverse was actually common. Elsewhere, you were just eating… whatever wasn’t a critter in the ocean, like kelp, obviously.
"Oh, right." They snapped back to reality. "Yeah, I’ve heard of the Octonauts. They’re cool and all, and… damn, they crashed?"
The two looked out at the ocean. No noise, except for the waves in the distance. The sun was setting and the sky was slowly going dark.
"Damn, they crashed."
The dachshund turned her head to face them. "It’s a miracle they’re all alive and reachable," she smiled, thinking particularly of Dashi. "What’s your name, by the way?"
"Yuma." The coyote sighed, looking back at the island. "Get it? Because 'Yu' know everybody, but nobody knows 'Ma'." They laughed a bit at their pun. "No worries, I don’t bite. No reason to."
"Oh. That’s clever. You must be a longtime resident. I’m Koshi. I actually WORK with the Octonauts, on a smaller scale. I’m a junior Octo-Agent." The two shook paws in a slightly awkward way.
You had this island-dwelling introvert who watched reruns of old anime from the 1970s to 1990s all night, and then you had an affiliate with one of the biggest names in the Meomiverse. Not as impressive as meeting the Octonauts themselves, but oh well. Not like they would care about this place. If anything they’d be a little pissed if the locals weren’t catching INVASIVE species, which they WERE. Thankfully, just because fishing was allowed didn’t mean there were no rules.
"Well, good to meet you… Koshi." Yuma said in a slightly embarrassed tone. "I’m gonna head home now, it’s way too hot out-"
"Can I come with you? You don’t bite, right?" Koshi yipped.
"Oh, really? In MY 1999 Daihatsu Atrai?" The coyote leaned on its driver door, looking at the young dachshund. “Absolutely. Get in the front.”
Cars weren’t a super common thing to see in the Meomiverse. You tend to see them in more rural areas or big cities like Vancouver or Tokyo. But in the suburbs you would walk or bike. Which was totally fine, it was. Most folks preferred feet over the engine, so getting a driver's license was relatively easy. You still had to pass the required tests, but it was still a cool breeze. Yuma was one of those lucky ones with a Kei van like this, but nobody in Guadalupe cared. Not like they cared either, as long as their father had enough space inside. He was busy with other things off the island, so Yuma had the van all to themselves tonight.
“It’s a good thing there’s ONE music station on this island that the military leaves running all night.” The coyote turned the dial. “This kind of shit plays on EVERY station in this universe, but dear CLOUD does it go HARD.”
Koshi identified the song as AQUASINE’s StreetPass Millionaire. Indeed, she’d have heard that over in Australia, Chile, and Switzerland… and everywhere else. But like what that new friend of hers said, it DOES sound good.
So now, the two were headed from one coast to the other. Being in this van was a million times better than sitting on hot sand.
Especially now that Yuma knew someone who KNEW THEM back.
Min and Inkling both sat on top of the Octopod, admiring the view from above. As the world went dark for the night, the sea shone in orange, then to a dark blue. All while the other mermaids were exploring their surroundings, or simply resting down here.
“You know, some time after we met, I was working on a replica of this ship.” The professor mentioned, reaching for a book. “Good thing this wasn’t lost. Right, so it was 2008. A few years after working on some simulations of the Octonauts before I actually founded them. Turns out Captain Barnacles and Tweak were on board, as was Professor Natquik. They were younger at the time… and I mean YOUNG, for Barnacles and Tweak.
“Seems like you four go back like we do,” Min replied with a flutter of her wings. “Exactly what happened to that replica?”
“We ended up crashing near Seattle for reasons unknown, most likely the result of an evasive maneuver to avoid other traffic in the area.. It’s a good thing everyone was safe after that one as well… goodness, seems like history really repeats itself.”
The red panda giggled. “Indeed it does, Inky… indeed it does… Sometimes I think of how things would’ve gone if we met the other way around… not like I have to imagine that anymore! Haha!”
Inkling inched closer to the sea angel mermaid, admiring her new form. Min was still feeling weird over it, but it was a good thing she wasn’t fully alone.
It was then, Shellington swam past them in slight worry. He was following Tunip, eagerly guiding him northeast towards Baja California. Because of how sudden this invitation was, the merotter couldn’t even ask what it was about, leaving him in complete mystery.
Although, he did note that Kwazii wasn’t anywhere to be found when he woke up from his slumber in the kelp forest.
The sea otter had a hunch on what was going on, but he couldn’t figure it out just yet.
“Oh, oh no… All of you, stay here. I’m gonna go out there myself.”
As Natquik left the Octoray and approached the bunker next to the emergency post, he let out an annoyed sigh. He could hear the Top Gear theme song playing inside, LOUDLY, which immediately meant that Tracker was up to no good as always.
The Arctic fox started banging on the door to try and get his attention over the loud TV. But that’s when he remembered he had the key to this place.
“Этот медведь…” he groaned as he got inside. “Tracker, I thought you would remember this. Get up.” He turned off the TV and stared down at the polar bear, who was dazed on the couch with a half-eaten Cosmic Brownie on his forehead.
Tracker got up immediately, feeling completely fine, and stuffed what was left of the brownie into his mouth. “Oh hey, Professor Natquik! I missed you! How was it in Mexico?”
Natquik just stared at him as he remembered all that had happened up until now, and teared up a little. He didn’t want to make Tracker feel bad, no, he would never do that to any Polar Scout, especially not one of the best Polar Scouts behind Barnacles.
“…everything went well, Tracker.” He softly said, crouching down to give him a hug. “I’m glad to be back here, that’s all. Has everything been okay for you?”
The polar bear eagerly nodded. “Absolutely! We’ve just been enjoying our small break, so some of the other scouts were in the bunker here. It’s huge, AND connected to other bunkers, so there’s that!”
Of course they’d have been using the underground tunnels, Nat thought. Not that it was bad, but he didn’t want anyone using them for malicious purposes. Not that any of the Polar Scouts would actually do that as there WAS lots of security… well, except for Tim but he already left a month ago so thank cloud for that.
Enough of that, however. What Tracker decided was that it’s still time to kick back and relax, and-
“I’m gonna need you in the Octoray. Important meeting. And since you’re the second best Polar Scout, you could be of some REALLY big help.”
It turns out, for Tracker… that break was about to be over.
Hopefully it was gonna be a quick excursion.
“Oh, Kwaaaazii~? Where are yoooou~?” The sea otter sang out as he swam through the cooler waters, curiously swishing his shark tail. He knew other sharks thrived in these waters, but there was no way he could miss him… with his distinctive upper half.
Shellington had to admit, it was great to swim in another part of the ocean now that he was like this. If Kwazii WAS out here, he had a feeling that kitty felt the same.
It was getting really late now. 8 PM, and the moon was gleaming above. Which felt… nice. Was it a good idea to be so far away from the Octopod at night? Not really, but Shellington didn’t care. Not when Tunip was STILL going.
And just when they were both starting to get tired… "Uüskah mika…?”
Something appeared, RIGHT in front of him. And when he looked up, he started immensely blushing.
It was Kwazii, posing on an undersea ledge, shrouded in the moonlight, taller than the shark he called his. “Ye’ finally made it~! Sorry I scared ya, I just wanted to play a little.” He giggled, making way for Shellington to sit next to him. A bit difficult with the dorsal fins, so the best option was to lounge on their sides, leaning their heads against each other’s.
“Far away from the Octopod, just us three in the middle of nowhere… no getting chewed out by Tweak either. Now THIS is more like it,” the sea otter yawned. “Anything cool happening here? There’s gotta be some underwater cities of other mermaids if we’re like this, right?”
Kwazii shook his head. “Avast. I haven’t seen a single other being down here. Just sharks, sharks, and even more sharks!… like us. Maybe I’m just not searchin’ far enough. What ye’ say we… EXPLORE around here tomorrow? Not like we have anything to worry about~!”
Shellington happily nodded, looking up at the ocean surface. Even below the waves, he could see the sky lit up with millions of stars, maybe more than that. It was so beautiful, it really was. Just like who was sitting next to him.
Something about this whole experience was so… dreamy. Not only was it being with Kwazii, but the whole atmosphere. The vast, vibrant ocean, distant from everybody else, in the middle of the night, just watching it all go by and by… with the kitten who knew and loved him so well.
Shellington gently held the other mermaid’s paw, eyes still locked to the world above. About a week ago, they were up there, with LEGS. And now?
“Gosh, how fast things change.” He softly said, as his vision slowly blurred. “I suppose we should get some rest for real now.”
“Mmmhmmm…” Kwazii murmured. “A little catnap never hurt a pirate… Well, mermaid. TWO mermaids. You and me~!” The seas went fully dark, as he shut his eyes.
“Goodnight, Shellington.”
“Goodnight, Kwazii.”
Yuma’s house: small, built out of a (Meowrsk) Maersk-labeled container, and big enough for them and me. Located just a kilometer north of the main neighborhood on the southwest coast of Guadalupe, and has a pretty good view of the sea. Could probably see my sis from here if she shows up. I hope she does.
Koshi continued to write down the details of this place, sitting on Yuma’s bed while they were on the couch, eating a bag of marshmallows and watching more of that 80s anime as always. One of the only stuff available on this island anyways. Not that it sucked, but the coyote did wish for some variety sometimes.
“So, you got any family?” The dachshund asked. “I assume they’re off this island.”
Yuma nodded. “A little bit. Just mi madre in San Diego, and my dad who works down here.” They put away the marshmallow bag and shut off the TV. “How about you?”
“Well, of course there’s Dashi, my sis, as well as my mum and dad all in Australia.” Koshi took a deep breath. “Then you’ve got Yeshi, my bro who lives in Hokkaido, and then you’ve got my twin brother and sister Fishi and Tushi over in Okinawa… and then there’s me, and also Oyshi, who went into hiding somewhere in Taiwan. Needless to say, we’re all over the place.”
The coyote laughed at that last comment. “Must be some sick family reunions… I suppose being an Octo-Agent gives you the advantage to get everywhere in a few hours-”
Suddenly, out of nowhere, came the WHOOSH of a jet engine, and a few panels started falling from the sky, crashing into the ground across southern Guadalupe and the waters surrounding it. They all missed Yuma and their house, but they could’ve sworn they saw their life flash before their eyes.
“Everything alright? I heard something out there.” Koshi ran outside and noticed the mess everywhere. Other residents were also outside, trying to comprehend what was happening. Planes never really show up down here, but the dachshund immediately knew what was going on.
“Yuma, I oughta go.” Koshi blushed awkwardly.
“Oh, NO. You’re not going alone.”
Yeshi stressingly kept watching Natquik as he landed on the same beach they departed earlier. He could tell that he was only getting worse as time went by, and that it was probably a bad idea to have ever cooperated with that fox.
That banging from below wasn’t a good sign either. Did something just break? Probably so. They were going 700 miles an hour earlier anyways.
Ranger Marsh, on the other hand, was more calm, stayed focused on the main issue, and unlike Natquik he wasn’t putting himself in more pain. If anything, he’d be happy to take over for the sake of that guy’s mental health.
In their minds, everyone was starting to prefer being with Tweak’s pa.
“Just take a few deep breaths, Nat. You’re gonna be okay,” Marsh patted him on the back. “We shouldn’t be sweating this out. I mean, they ARE alive-”
“I KNOW they’re alive, but they’re MERMAIDS,” The fox groaned. “What can the Octonauts get done if they’re like that forever?”
“Listen, Natquik. I’ve known them probably LONGER than any of you guys… well, except for Orson and Ursa.” The bunny sat next to him, looking back at the other Octo-Agents. “Think of it like an advantage. And who knows? Maybe it was best for them.”
Before Natquik could say anything in response, Ryla was already preparing to make a swim for it, so as to get close up on this whole situation. The Octonauts were easily contactable, again, so the Arctic fox decided to give them a call now that he was on stable ground.
Ironically, Pearl picked up right away, shark tail in full view. She was more than delighted to see the Professor, even if he was still quite distant.
“Why, I’m not seeing this correctly. Pearl? You’re alive?” Natquik gasped. “I thought we’d have lost you, Bianca and Min for a whole night!”
“I knew it!” came from a voice behind the fox. Koshi made it back to the Octoray. “Hey, Pearl! How’s my sis?”
“All is well here, Koshi! Anything up there I should know about?” The otter curiously tilted her head, to which the dachshund was about to reply, but then noticed Ryla looming over her.
“Well, there’s stuff that I gotta know about,” the wombat replied. “For example: how exactly you blokes ended up like that. Hence why I’m headed your way now, BYE!” She rushed outside through the cargo bay, coming to a halt right on the shore to link her Octo-Watch with Natquik’s JUST in case, and THEN went into the water.
“Dashi, here I come.” She blurted out, before dunking her head into the sea.
Tracker left the sleeping quarters and walked over to where Natquik was, silently praying to the clouds above. The only time the Professor did that was if a miracle happened, so all seemed well for now.
As Koshi continued to explain to Orson, Ursa, and Periwinkle that their mothers were now actual mermaids, Yeshi and Tracker were waiting for what Natquik would do next. He got quite better, so maybe this was where he finally accepted what happened.
Or, at least up until they all heard a splash outside. It wasn’t Ryla either.
“Finally… ugh, I hate crawling on this sand. At least I get to live in the sea now,” Paani panted as he looked up at the Octoray, Natquik having finally returned and going outside to investigate. “About time you made it as well.”
The Arctic fox, a little miffed, approached the macaque and held both of his arms. “We need to talk. Now.” Like that, he started to haphazardly drag him towards the cargo bay.
“Hey! Let go of me!” Paani shouted. “I just wanted to stop by! What’s this all about?”
Natquik shook his head in regret. “Don’t panic, Paani. I’m not mad. May we just… talk inside?”
The monkey sighed. “Fine, but get me some water while we’re at it! And make it QUICK!”
Around the same time, Ryla excitedly knocked on the outer wall of the HQ. She immediately knew Dashi was inside, and eagerly waited for her response. Her oxygen level was totally full, so there was no worry about staying about an hour here.
Min floated next to her, twitching her sea angel tail. “I could go in there myself and tell her, if you want,” The red panda offered, swimming up to Ryla’s face.
“I appreciate it, but I wanna make this a surprise. To see your old mate and know both of you are doing okay is always so nice, hm~?” The wombat replied, her and Min immediately thinking of Inkling. “I know you know that feeling.” She swam over the window, down where the roof used to be, and landed on the floor, with the slug mermaid carefully following her.
“Crikey, to think I rarely got to see inside of here before now…” Ryla sighed as she climbed down the ladder. “Those agents don’t appreciate you enough, Min.”
Seems like the red panda suddenly vanished. Ryla looked around, making full 360 turns in the main area, before noticing something shiny on her visor.
“Oi! What are ya’ doing hugging my face like that?” She put her paw just an inch away from the sea angel. “What’s up with you being the size of a Tim Tam? You’re asking for THE ONE GRIT.”
Min wasn’t listening. She was just in complete disbelief of what she just did. Did she just shrink to a sixteenth of her size, or was it just a hallucination?
Ryla called her name again, which got her attention. She yelped at the sigh of the wombat’s big face right in front of her.
“I didn’t know I could do THAT!” Min floated around aimlessly, confused. It was a cool quirk, but at the same time, it was terrifying for a moment. “Uh, Ryla, is it okay if you hold me? I’ll have to figure out how this works… plus, I could guide you around.”
Because of how small this red panda was, Ryla did find it a little hard to hear her, but she totally understood and appreciated the help. She got a soft grip on the sea angel mermaid, and resumed her thinking about where Dashi was.
“If she’s not in the HQ, she might be in the launch bay or the laboratory. Be careful, because Tweak’s asleep in the former and I’d rather not wake her up.” Min informed the wombat with a tone of sympathy. “She’s been through some hard times lately.”
Ryla decided to follow her advice, choosing NOT to risk her life, and went straight for the lab. Perhaps there were other folks there as well.
And what did she know? She was right! Pearl, Bianca, AND Dashi were all in there. All waiting for her. And now, all cheering, the moment they saw her face.
Dashi swam right at her, wrapping her arms around the wombat. “Ahh, been too long… I missed you so much! Did you hear what happened? We’re MERMAIDS~!”
Ryla excitedly nodded. “Absolutely, Dashi! Pearl let everybody above know about it! And crikey, ALL of you are SOOO CUUUUTE~! Mate, I’m at a LOSS of words.”
Min could feel herself growing again, wriggling out of the wombat’s paw and swimming off. Not like the cave diver would notice anyways. It was adorable, seeing the whole reunion from behind. It reminded her to go help Inkling with moving the Octopod into an upright position.
Ryla, Dashi, and the mothers kept enjoying themselves in the empty lab. Shellington was away tonight so chilling here was totally fine.
The only objective was to find out what caused these changes, which could wait.
As Natquik laid Paani down on the floor of the Octoray, Yeshi, Tracker, and Koshi all excitedly went up to him.
“Hey, guys!” The mermaid awkwardly giggled. “Seems like I’ve gotten myself in a bit of a situation, but it’s good to see all of you again!” He held up one of his fins, showing off its natural color.
“Eccentric severe tumors, you look great!” said Tracker. “What’d you bring him in for, Natquik?”
The fox embarrassingly turned to face him and drooped his ears.
“…I… I don’t know.”
Everyone facepalmed. Paani did it twice. Didn’t this guy want to talk to him about SOMETHING? Natquik tried to think again, up until the mermaid reminded him.
“You wanted to talk to me.” He looked up at him with a slightly annoyed expression in his eyes. “What was it?”
Tracker stood close to the fox for comfort, as he immediately remembered everything. “Right!” The Professor shrugged. “I just wanted to interview you on what’s going on down there.”
Natquik signaled Tracker to jot everything down, which he did so on his Octo-Watch.
N: What exactly happened, and what got you transformed?
P: Well, simply put, I was in San Diego at the time I made that group call. I left on my paddle board about an hour later and ended up getting lost. So, I tried to get to shore and had to abandon board because it was stressing me out. Needless to say, that was not my brightest idea because I ended up nearly drowning, and so Shellington and Kwazii transformed me themselves.
N: Is there a reason why you never told us your plan, or why you didn’t wait for us?
P: I figured you would’ve found my location yourself. I mean, we all have our Octo-Watch on. Somehow, mine got on my tail. I think Shellington did that.
N: Is the ocean still safe at this point?
P: Absolutely! Tweak helped clean up whatever chemical got all of us turned, and there shouldn’t be such danger anymore. Although, according to you, the damage has already been done.
N: I never said anything about- nevermind.
N: If I did this and not you, how would you react?
P: Honestly? I wouldn’t mind at all. I would even go as far to say that THAT would be SPLASHING. You know what? Why don’t you- OW! Hey, what was that slap in the face for?! You were asking how I would react, so I was being completely honest!
N: PAANI. You’re not taking this seriously at ALL. WHEN will you learn that your actions have consequences?
P: Look, I JUST said I was being completely honest. Take a deep breath and relax, okay?
“Okay, that’s enough, guys.” At that, Tracker had to stop the interview, getting between Natquik and Paani as things started getting heated. “Paani, Yeshi, and I will be in the cargo bay. Don’t mess anything up.”
Koshi stood next to the Arctic fox, giving him the stink eye. Any more of this, she might even leave him to die from embarrassment on this island. He should’ve seen that one coming.
Poor Orson, Ursa and Periwinkle still didn’t understand what all this was about. But at least their mothers were okay. At least that’s what Koshi told them.
It was up to Ryla to tell everything for REAL.
Shellington and Kwazii were in a SUPER deep sleep. Completely disconnected from the world, their dreams linked only between each other by their paws.
As such, they weren’t aware at all of what happened to Tunip. He'd been struck by one of those panels that fell from the Octoray, which knocked him out, leaving him floating to the surface, and pushed by the tide towards Guadalupe.
No one else was aware. Especially not on the surface. Especially not Yuma. They didn’t bother staying at the Octoray where Koshi was. That was pretty useless. Was any of that dilemma worth it? No. They went home to cast a line like they were planning earlier. Nothing like helping your dad, even by a little.
“He won’t be back until next week. I’ve got time.” They smirked, as they swung the pole. For a moment, there was just silence. The distant sound of crickets chirping was all that could be heard. The coyote didn’t mind it, but regardless they put on their headphones. Just for SOME noise.
Atmospheric DnB in ears, eyes staring at the vast sea. Yuma was mesmerized. There wasn’t anything on their mind, not even Koshi.
And that’s when danger comes. The lack of awareness overtook them. They just stood there, not knowing what to do.
And then, the sound of a splish, woke Yuma up. They immediately started reeling up the rod, trying to see if they actually got something. It was a little light, so maybe they were just hallucinating.
Unfortunately, at the very last moment, they realized their catch.
“Oh… SHIT. What the hell is that?”
Yuma had just caught Tunip. By the tail.
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spacefinch · 1 year
Star Trek characters as Octonauts characters AU: an update:
TOS crew:
Kirk: Golden retriever.
Spock: Black cat.
Bones: North American River Otter. An old friend of Ranger Marsh, with whom he shares similar opinions about technology.
Uhura: African Grass Owl.
Scotty: Scottish Wildcat.
Sulu: White-tailed Deer.
Chekov: Eurasian pine marten. I originally had him be a Siberian Lynx (since he’s from Russia) but it didn’t quite work. Chekov needs to be a small lanky boy and that is not what lynxes are. Pine martens, however…
Chapel: Tawny Owl.
TNG crew:
Picard: European River Otter
Riker: Alaskan Malamute dog
Data: Still an android, but in this version, he’s modeled after a short-eared owl. His brother Lore is modeled after a long-eared owl.
Tasha: Black-tailed jackrabbit
Geordi: Serval cat. Born blind, but uses a high-tech visor to see. Best friends with Data.
Beverly and Wesley Crusher: Red foxes. Wes has darker, almost brown fur.
Worf: Fisher. (A type of mustelid.)
Deanna: Spotted Owl
DS9 crew:
Ben and Jake Sisko: Swamp rabbits— same species as Tweak and Marsh. The Siskos have dark brown fur, rather than green.
Jadzia: Red Salamander
Garak: Lizard (doesn’t matter what species)
Major Kira: Gray Fox
Odo: Still a Changeling in this AU. Usually assumes the form of a beige-colored cat.
Ezri: Spotted Salamander.
Bashir: Sea Otter
O’Brien: European Hare
Quark (and all other Ferengi characters): Fruit bats. With gigantic ears.
Voyager Crew:
Janeway: Red Fox
Chakotay: Canada Lynx
Tom Paris: Dog.
Harry Kim: Sea Otter
Neelix: Fishing Cat
Kes: Brush Rabbit
Seven of Nine: Cat, with cybernetic implants.
B’Elanna: Badger.
Tuvok: Spectacled Owl
The Doctor: Hologram, takes the appearance of a penguin. (Which looks a lot like Peso’s species.)
Connections to the Octonauts and Octo Agents:
Scotty is an old friend of Shellington, and even recommended him for the position of the Octopod’s head scientist. Barnacles invited Scotty to be Chief Engineer, but Scotty declined the offer. After all, he’d seen Tweak’s work firsthand. The Octonauts would be in good care with her as its engineer.
Similar to Barnacles, Chekov was an old student of Professor Natquik. He’s always boasting about how everything great was invented in Russia.
Voyager’s Doctor was modeled after one of Peso’s many cousins. Despite being a program of a social species, he does have trouble actually socializing.
Jadzia is one of Dashi’s friends from school.
Ben Sisko and Ranger Marsh have been friends for a long time. And their kids get along quite well! Tweak is older than Jake by quite a bit.
Bashir is one of Shellington’s old classmates. The two of them bonded over their love of science and their sea otter heritage.
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just-kit-ink · 7 months
Imagine Kitty and Poppy's dynamic in the mermaid AU!!! Poppy could be the Flounder to Kitty's Ariel; this adventurous and spunky mermaid with her fretful fish friend who sticks by her side ^^
I can see them exploring a shipwreck like those two too! Maybe Kitty's looking for the water damaged artwork left on the ship, and Poppy of course came along to look after her friend ^^
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YEEEEES! That exactly what I was thinking!
Kitty has this little rabbit fish always at her side or hiding behind one of her ears and they go exploring together! Kitty would totally be the mermaid that explores sunken wrecks to chat to the sharks (which is funny since Ariel and Flounder swik away from one and Kitty just swims up to them to ask how their hunting is going all while Poppy timidly waves from behind her) and maybe browse through any lost items she could keep as a collection. She loves the underwater electronics the most, all faded and worn out, like old televisions, VHS recorders and wires that don't connect to anything and wonders what they must have been used for. She also finds broken pencils, old pens, salt-damaged paintbrushes and barnacle encrusted books. If she's feeling really adventurous she'll explore pirate wrecks to find any unclaimed valueables like jewellery so she can wear them!
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angel-inked · 2 years
Whiteout: origins, Chapter nine "Growing closer" Prt, 2
Happy WIP WIP WIP Wednesday!
Honestly, I feel like the way I write the vegimals is really cute
And yes, I'm writing fanfiction for a British cartoon
I'm such an adult 🙃
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter *if you'd like to be tagged send in an ask*
(Captain's pov)
It's dark, dark like the midnight zone. Every way you look is nothing but void, you can't tell which way is up or down, left or right. Yet, a strange sense of calm can be found amongst the pitch darkness. I turned and saw a lone jellyfish, glowing turquoise in color. As I turned away from the jellyfish, I was suddenly surrounded by them. A loud beeping filled my ears, my eyes blinked open. "Another dream.." I thought, glancing at my obnoxious alarm clock. Suddenly, the screen on my octocompas went static, after a moment the faint outline of a face could  be made out. a cheerful voice came from it "you wanna see my head come off?". Then, I woke up, actually woke... I think.
I stood from my bed and went over to my desk, I pulled a sketchbook Tweak gave me out of a drawer and just started drawing, without putting much thought into it. I'm not sure how much time passed but my ringing alarm clock brought me out of my trance. I glanced at the time and back at my drawing, the unsettling face that had appeared on my octocompas. I sighed, closing the book, noting in the dream my alarm clock beeped even though it's not that kind of clock. I zipped up my uniform and put on my cap, making my way to the HQ.
"Hiaya ca- are you alright?" Tweak asked, as I entered the room, eyeing me knowingly. "I've been better" I sighed, taking a seat next to the rabbit, the raspyness of my morning voice breaking through my words. "I can tell" Tweak mumbled before biting the end off her morning carrot. Tweak turned her gase to the ocean, I stared at the floor in front of me. "Are we awake?" I asked after several minutes of silence. "Yeah.. why?" Tweak replied, confused. "Just checking" I explained, looking towards the octoalert. I stood from my chair and picked up a clipboard from the control panel, taking up my usual post in front of the octoalert.
(Tweak's pov)
Barnacles stood near the octoalert with his back to me, this is... this is concerning.. and confusing.. all at once. What's going through that bear's head? What happened? What's causing him to act like this? I don't know, most likely another nightmare. I sighed, pushing myself up onto my feet.
(Captain's pov)
Mindlessly going through a checklist, mentally and physically. This has become force of habit, making sure everything is in order. Suddenly, a pare of familiar arms wrapped around me from behind. I turned around and wrapped Tweak in a bear hug, as she buried her face in my chest. A thousand words were said, without anything being said at all, without breaking the silence between the two of us. Amazing how just a hug can say so much without saying nothing at all
Tweak pulled away, looking up at me with worry in her eyes. "I'll be alright" I assured her with a soft, if somewhat forced, voice. "That's what you always say" Tweak countered, a soft tone lacing her voice as well. Why? Why does she have to be so right? "What else is there for me to say? When someone asks how are, you're expected to say you're fine" I replied. Tweak stared and shook her head, "you could tell me how you really feel, burying it only makes it worse" she explained. I looked past Tweak, into the deep blue. Weirdly hyper aware of my breathing and the rising and falling of my chest.
A small bump brought me out of my thoughts, the small bump was caused by Tweak. She wrapped her arms around me once more, pinning my right arm to my side. I placed my free paw on Tweak's shoulder, looking down at the floor.
Well, this is quite the way to start a morning, innit?
(Kwazii's pov)
Captain's acting weird today, so I've gone to the one bunny who knows the captain almost better than he knows himself, Tweak! "Hiaya kwazii" she smiled, as I front flipped into the launch bay. "Ahoy matey" I waved, walking up to her. "Let me guess, you wanna take the gup-B out for joyride" Tweak remarked, placing her wrench back in it's loop on her toolbelt. "Actually, I wanted to ask you about the Captain" I explained. "You noticed it too?" She asked, giving me the ol' side eye as she polished the gup-A. "Another nightmare is my guess" she explained, not giving me a chance to answer. "Nightmare?" I exclaimed, balling my paw into a fist and pressing it against my chest. "Yep. I won't go into too much detail but I will say this is unfortunately a fairly frequent occurrence" Tweak replied.
I was silent as Tweak continued to work, nightmares are no fun... and I should know. "Blast ye scurvy foxs" I murmured, staring at the water in the "bay" part of the launch bay. "What?" Tweak asked confused. "Nothing" I replied quickly, putting my paws behind my back. "Hmm" Tweak hummed suspiciously. "I'll uh.. let ya get back to work matey" I explained, backing away slowly before running out of the room.
(Tunip's pov)
Tweak shook her head as Kwazii ran away, me and the other vegimals looked up at her in confusion "Y'all's guess is as good as mine" she explained, taking a much-needed carrot break. Carrots are alright, I prefer fish biscuits. Tweak walked to her workbench and started working on blueprints, I.. waddled? Walked?, I'm not sure what you call balancing on the ends of your fins, oh well! I moved toward Tweak and babbled something to her, hopping she would understand at least parts of what I was saying. "Huh?" Tweak asked, squinting her eyes in confusion. "Hmft" I huffed, I pulled out a picture of Shellington that I always carry with me. "Oh, okay. You can go ahead" she explained, finally understanding. "Vegimals, move outa" I chirped, mimicking Captain Barnacles. The rest of the vegimals saluted me and followed me out ot the launch bay and to the lab, to find Shellington!
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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2nd January 2023: Blog 2 of 2-Warblington and Farlington Marshes
Following on from my previous post, we then repeated another thing we did early last year and went to Warblington to look for Cattle Egrets. With Little Egrets in a sun kissed field we did manage to see a couple of these cute exotic birds, and it was an honour to watch them in the golden sunlight. Another sensational birdwatching experience today and this year. I took the first picture in this photoset of a Cattle Egret. We had the bonus of another year tick in the form of a good one to get under the belt in a year here as we don’t see them too often when we saw a Stock Dove fly into the tree I got the record shot in the third picture in this photoset of it. Stock Dove has become one we’ve seen a lot early in years lately pleasingly. It was also good to see Kestrel I believe flying up near the church and as I did on the journey there a sizable moon out which looked beautiful I took the second picture in this photoset of this.
We saw some brilliant birds at Farlington this afternoon/evening; with Pheasant, Linnet and Meadow Pipit pleasing year ticks. More gloss was added to the day by some smashing White-fronted Geese in the grass and a giant Marsh Harrier soaring over the marshes seeing it at dusk too. Always a top bird to see.
The main purpose at Farlington really was to try and see if we could see the Short-eared Owls again after seeing them nearly a month ago here. They were sighted before we arrived earlier in the day today and after a wait we saw one sat on a mound in the grass. A thrilling and fantastic moment getting cracking views of this regal species, a second special owl species seen today and what a day I have had for birds of prey which I am so pleased with. I was so amazed to see the Short-eared Owl at this brilliant reserve where this bird is one of the stars and it was sweet icing on the cake of a phenomenal second day’s birding of 2023. I am on 76 species seen now for the year my highest ever after two days ahead of what my highest totaled year list overall 2022 was on by four at this stage to be three quarters of the way to 100 in two days is something I am so pleased with.
Gorse in flower, teasel and dock seed heads and gone over rock samphire I believe were floral highlights at Farlington. It was also breathtaking to watch the sun set over the Spinnaker pinnacled Portsmouth skyline, after taking in stunning views of rich reedbed, grass and divine blue water at a muddy and wet reserve here too in gorgeous sunshine this afternoon, with the growing moon present throughout the walk looking crisp and powerful as darkness fell I took the eighth picture in this photoset of the moon. Seeing moonlit and lit by sunset colours on the water was magical. I took the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, ninth and tenth pictures in this photoset of views here today. Being in/around two cities both Southampton and Portsmouth to watch wildlife today was interesting. It was so good to see lots of fellow nature/photography lovers we knew as loads enjoyed the owl. What a day! Part 1 of today’s posts is here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/705366495043158016/2nd-january-2023-blog-1-of-2-woolston-weston 
Wildlife Sightings Summary for Farlington Marshes: My first of two of my favourite birds the Marsh Harrier and Short-eared Owl this year, my first Pheasant, Linnet, Meadow Pipit and White-fronted Goose of the year, my first Rabbits of the year, another of my favourite birds the Brent Goose seen again today, Mallard, Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler, Canada Goose, Barnacle Goose, the white goose here, Moorhen, I seem to recall Grey Heron today and think it was here but it might have been at Titchfield where we were earlier in the day, Herring Gull, Lapwing, Curlew seen well, possible Dunlin late on, Carrion Crow and Magpie including flying late on as it was getting dark which looked nice, probable Robin and an insect.
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m00nchildthings · 3 years
Familliar (revamped with added content)
Authors note: So yall remember the first chapter of familliar? Scrap that hoe this the new one it’s dumb long though 11 pages on Microsoft Word TnT Also @alfmoimagines i remembered to tag you
Content Warnings: Dubious Consent, Virginity Taking, Teratophilia, demon fucking, virgin training? ear fucking(with a tongue i’m not that wild). breeding, creampies, cursing, full nelsons, ruts, and i feel like that is all? Enjoy
Familiars were tricky and malevolent creatures, demons that were so lowly in the castes of hell that they lived life better off in the land of mortals then they would in their own native realm. Not that any of them would be humble enough to admit it though. Most familiars stayed under the care of witches for protection, being incapable of possession made them extremely susceptible to attacks by clergymen. Most lands decreed that any demon living as a witch's charge were free of fear of clergy assault, as long as said witch could manage them. For witches, handling a familiar was a precocious balancing act at best and a near soul threatening experience at the worst, especially during their times of rut. This was when only keeping one familiar in service, which is why so many gave you confused looks when you stated that you kept not one but two under your gifted hand.
 Izuku was your first familiar, a small token gifted to you by your mother the eve before you set off to live yourself as every young witch does when they hit that special age. A small rabbit daemon, one of the easiest to handle, was her gift to you. His eyes were a clear emerald and his pelt a slick black that shone green whenever the moonlight encased him. He was a very helpful familiar as far as they went and you were very appreciative of the fact. After near hermiting yourself away in a decent size hut not too far from a village, you found Izuku to be a very beneficial part of your day to day life. Whenever you were off in the town square buying food and supplies for the week you could always count on Izuku to scamper off and find you roots and herbs for your potion. Or in his human form he would help you around the house cleaning and organizing your books for you. He even seemed interested in your craft, helping you with concocting potions and studying spells.
 Now handling Izuku was fairly easy, at least in comparison to the horror stories you heard, during his roots. All it took was a snug leather collar with a calming charm placed on it to keep him from humping anything within a five-foot radius (including you.) Throw in some romance novels of yours for him to read and staying out late at taverns to give him alone time with his hand and Izuku was fairly decent to stand. You just had to make sure to ignore his eyes on you at night as you slept.
 The second familiar you kept was very different to your snuffly little Zuzu. Katsuki as he went by was an absolute brat that wasn’t grateful for anything you had done for him whatsoever.  It had only been a few months since you had found him after leaving the local butcher to make your way home to Izuku. A group of kids were toying with the poor battered creature, a pure white canine with a clergy trap biting into his ankle blood matting his fur. After shooing away the little bastards you pried open the chat wincing as the teeth of the trap sliced your fingers. He stared up at you with one big red eye before groaning and going limp. You took the poor thing home and cleaned his wounds shoving Izuku away as he came to snuff around the new daemon. For the first few days Katsuki was fine to be around, as his wounds healed, he mostly rested, coming in and out of sleep as he gained back his strength. He was quiet and agreeable letting you bathe him to redress his wounds and even crooning as you held his head to feed him. This calm quiet Katsuki lasted for exactly for the first week he lived in your small home.
 The moment he regained his strength it became apparent what a brute Katsuki was as he uprooted your life from its regular calm feeling. Whenever you went out to gather supplies you returned home to find your Izuku cowering in the corner and Katsuki standing in the middle of your ruined living room, smoke billowing off of your singed furniture. He constantly berated Izuku, cursing and complaining about every little thing he could find. He constantly picked fights with Izuku it wasn’t an uncommon sight to come home to find Katsuki pinning Izuku to the ground as your poor bunny kicked at his tummy trying to worm from your grasp. It got to the point that you would have to keep him chained in the cellar and bring Izuku out with you as your familiar refused to be left alone with Katsuki. As ever docile as he was you found Izuku complaining about keeping him around.
 “Mistress,” he whined walking beside you in the town square “why must we keep him with us he’s rude and aggressive and has only made life harder for us since you took him in.” 
 “Zuzu,” you scolded “you know very well why we can’t just throw him out, the clergy would get to him, besides, he’s probably just defensive being in a new environment after such a traumatic experience, we have to be patient with him.”
 “But he’s so disruptive,” Izuku huffed crossing his arms as you stopped by a fruit vendor “he’s taking up so much of your time, you don’t have time to practice, time for me- “
 “Time for you?” you raised an eyebrow placing a few plums into your satchel, paying the vendor and walking away “perhaps your annoyance comes less from our new friends’ unruly nature and more from a place of, dare I say it, jealousy?”
 “I’m not jealous of him!” Izuku exclaimed red smattering underneath his freckles “I’m worried about you, mistress,”
 “And why is that Zuzu?”
 “Rutting season is coming, and if this is how he acts on the regular, imagine how he’ll be during his time,” he turned to you placing a hand on your arm “you might not be safe mistress,”
 You paused mulling over what your familiar had said eyebrows furrowing, he wasn’t wrong. You had grown comfortable with keeping a familiar with easily suppressed ruts, cat daemons were notoriously known for having aggressive ruts. You had overheard a friend of your mothers as she stopped by from afternoon tea, confiding in your mother that her own cat daemon had been so difficult she had no choice to put aside her pride and pull down her panties to keep peace in her house. It was seen as very taboo for a witch to lay with her familiar, shameful even, to be seduced in the bedroom by such a lowly daemon. You yourself had been worried about what would happen when rut time would come with your new household member to worry over.
 “Don’t worry my fluffy little companion,” you placed a hand on his cheeks smiling as his eyes closed and he nuzzled into your palm “I’ll be fine, you should worry about how you’ll be dealing with your time of the year,”
It had been about nearly a week since you and Izuku had your little conversation, and you had begun to notice the signs of rut season in your daemons. Izuku was becoming much more grating constantly moving around your stuff in your room rubbing against everything and even snapping back at Katsuki when he would try to intimidate him. Katsuki became the exact opposite of his usual self, at least towards you. He would stalk you silently through your own home eyeing you like prey as you sat reading in your armchair. It had gotten to the point where you would step out of your bath to find Katsuki waiting outside your washroom nostrils flared as he stared down at you, pupils slit. You almost felt scared in your own home, almost. You had two daemons about to reach a sexual peak and you were only fairly sure you could keep one of them in check. This especially became apparent to you one day as you were working on charming Izuku’s heat collar.
 “That won’t work on a daemon like me you know,” Katsuki had grunted from across your kitchenette “I’m twice as fucking powerful at that little runt you keep running after you,”
 “Well what do you suggest I do to make this time easier for you Katsuki,” you say not looking up from your work “did you not have a witch before me to help you through these times?”
 “Yes,” he said pacing closer to you as you worked rubbing the salve into the leather.
 “Well what did she do Kats- “you paused at the hot wet feeling of breath on the back of your neck, his toned arms came to rest on either side of you. Your body seized as you felt his nose bury into your hair and take a deep inhale.
 “She was a good little witch and let me fuck her cunt till I was through,” your eyes widened as you turned your head to stare at him. His red eyes bore into yours as a lecherous grin spread across your face.
 “Come on,” he said leaning down to rub his nose against your cheek “little witches like you act like prudes till you got a big fat daemon cock in your face, let’s just skip the theatrics and get to the part where I’m balls deep in that little witch cunt of yours,” he groaned throatily pressing his hips into you. You shuddered feeling his massive print against your back wondering what it would feel like to have it pressed inside your-
 “Mistress” you heard Izuku’s voice cold and unnervingly steady from across the room, your eyes shot over to Izuku who eyes were glued onto you and Katsuki. You immediately regained your composure pushing Katsuki away from you. Izuku kept his eyes trained on Katsuki glaring at him as you made your way over to him collar in hand. He took it from you when you offered it to him, but his eyes didn’t leave his fellow daemon.
 It had been a few days since the incident in the kitchen, spring was coming in and the tension in your household was so palpable you could carve it with a knife. Izuku stuck to you like a barnacle to a ship and Katsuki was never too far behind. It had come to the point that you had begun to hex your door locked, not even allowing your little Zuzu to sleep at the end of your bed. It had been on one of those locked door nights when an interesting discussion occurred between Izuku and Katsuki.
“You know Deku, you’re pretty fucking pathetic, you know that right?” Katsuki said sprawled out over your couch eyes glowing crimson in the moonlight lit room.
 “Shut up Kacchan,” Izuku grumbled, awkwardly curled up in your armchair broad arms hugging his haunches and leather collar tight around his neck, ignoring him Katsuki continued.
 “I mean how long have you been in service to her, how many springs have passed with you jacking into your own fist like a fucking loser, what you think if you’re a good enough pet she’ll let you hump her leg or something?” Katsuki asked picking with his claws at a piece of cotton sticking out of the arm of the suede couch.
 “I don’t know how you and your previous witch worked but y/n and I do not have a relationship like that, she is my mistress and I am her grateful servant, nothing more nothing less,” Izuku huffed tucking into himself even further.
 “Get off your damn high horse, you’re how old now, and never once went through a rut without just your own hand?” Katsuki sucked his teeth and turned to his brethren, red eyes glowing inhuman in the moonlight “you and me together we could probably convince her to give us a hole each,”
 “Kacchan don’t be lewd,” Izuku said sitting up in the chair to glare over his shoulder at Katsuki, who barked out a laugh standing up and uncharacteristically, placed a clawed hand gently on Izuku’s face thumb brushing his cheek.
 “Come on little bunbun,” he rasped a wicked gleam in his eyes “don’t you wanna get your dick wet tonight?”
 It had been fairly quiet that night, a few growled whispers from your living room but overall quiet compared to usual. Though worries of Katsuki’s impending rut had plagued your brain, worrying if the collar you had made for him would stick, you had been resting peacefully for the majority of the night. Until a loud rapping noise pulled you from out of your slumber. Your eyes opened face twisting in worry as your sat up throwing off your bedsheets.
 “Who is it?”
 “Mistress, it’s me,” your body relaxed as you heard your bunny’s’ voice from outside your bedroom door.
 “What is it Zuzu?” you asked standing slowly, nightgown flowing down your legs.
 “I- I can’t sleep, I know my ruts started, but can I just spend one more night with you, please mistress?” your heart lurched for your boy, his ruts as easily managed as they were, were still hard for him.
 “Ok Zuzu,” you chuckled unlatching one of your locks “for you anything my- “
You felt a hand around your throat before you could finish your sentence, you had expected a pair of pure emerald green eyes to meet your, but you were instead met with scarlet. You were quiet as you were pushed back towards your bed by Katsuki refusing to break eye contact with him as you were forced to plop down on your bed. You stared at the both of them, the collars you had spent so long on were removed from their necks, of course, you had never had to worry about putting on a charm to keep Izuku and Katsuki from taking off their own collar, you hadn’t even thought of the two joining forces.
 “Izuku,” you said turning to find him just behind Katsuki nervously staring down at you, biting at his lower lip “what is the meaning of this?”
 “Mistress I-I can explain- “
 “Then explain yourself!” you snapped watching his looming figure begin to shake and quiver at your tone, you figured if you could get one to balk on their advance the other would be soon to follow. Besides, if the two of them would start to ravish you in their lust filled rut induced haze, you wouldn’t want them to stop, and that thought scared you.
 “Hey, don’t take that tone with us shitty witch,” Katsuki said grabbing your jaw and leaning down till you were eye to eye, invading your space “we’re just the two demons who are gonna take out that stick you got shoved so far up your ass, if you let us,”
 “And pray tell, why would I do that?” you ask folding your arms. Katsuki smirked, and stood up to his full height, before shoving Izuku to you. He landed on top of you wide eyed and red face, the moment your hands pressed against his chest you felt his entire demeanor change. His eyelids begin to droop and his breathing became uneven as his body began to sag pressing into you. His rut had come in fully.
 “M-mistress,” he mumbled eyes darting lazily between your lips and your eyes unsure of which to focus on. Choosing to ignore both he instead pressed his nose into your neck nuzzling you and inhaling your smell moaning dreamily. His wet tongue poked out laying small little kitten licks on you quickly turning to open mouth kisses sucking at your neck.
 “Look at him little witch,” grabbing hold of your hair turning your eyes to him as you tried in vain to push off Izuku “you’ve turned him into a needy little bitch hanging off you for the barest scrap of emotion, you must have known how badly he wanted to fuck that cunt of yours,”
 “It’s true mistress,” Izuku said droopily pulling off trying to cover your neck in his saliva “I want you all the time you’re so amazing, so smart, so powerful, I just want to make you feel good ma’am,” he chirruped loudly staring down at you like you put the stars in the sky. He shifted and you can feel his cock hard and throbbing against your leg. Your face heated as he began rutting against you, he moved to give the same treatment he gave your neck to your chin. You couldn’t lie, it felt good you thought as you bit your lip to stifle a moan.
 “T-this is wrong,” you stuttered as Izuku trailed down sucking on your nipples through your nightgown leaving dark wet spots on the pale silk.
“Is it really,” Katsuki snickered grabbing Izuku by the hair. He moaned in distaste as Katsuki pulled him off of you “don’t complain just yet rabbit, you get to do the most important part, hold her from behind,”
 “Izuku please,” you huff as he wraps his burly arms around yours pulling you close so Bakugou can get to your panties easier “you’re better than this bunny” Midoriya pouts staring down at you with those big green eyes.
“Please mistress, I’m always so good for you right, I never try to run away, and I always help you even when you don’t ask” he pauses for a  second to moan as his hips rut into your ass a few times and then move in close to your ear “the least you can do is let me make love to you mistress I promise I’ll make you feel good,”
“HAH,” Bakugou barks out a cruel laugh from his place in front of view finally managing to rip off your panties “a daemon can’t make love to a witch Deku, but we can fuck them senseless,” he grins lecherously as he pushes a finger inside your cunt already moist from their actions “because as high and mighty as witch bitch might be they all turn into slobbering whores the moment you get your dick in them they’ll beg for it you’ll see.’’
Midoriya groaned, now humping at your naked ass seemingly pleased with that visual image Bakugou had given him, thick cock dragging and leaking precum on your skin. He buried his face in your shoulder softly sucking a spot into your skin as his hands trailed down until his fingers found your clit.
“I read in one of your books that this feels good for girls,” he says swiping back in forth lightly tugging against the hood of your clit as if searching “there’s supposed to be a little “pearl” here, right, it’ll make you go feel good right mistress, I wanna make you feel good,” he croons as his fingers succeed in revealing your clit to the cool bedroom air. He lets out a little happy chirp bringing his other hand down to rub small hard circles on it and you choke eyes crossing at your sensitive nub being played with. Bakugou tsks, sucking his teeth as he watches you pay more attention to the damn bunny daemon then him.
“Hey shitty witch,” he grabs your hair and tugs forcing you to look at him through your pleasure induced haze “don’t get too wet over your little rabbit it’s gonna be my fucking dick in you so pay attention,” he leans forward swiping his rough tongue over your shoulder before biting down groaning as the skin broke and the coppery taste of blood began to fill his mouth, dick jumping at your pained squeals.
“Kacchan be nice it’s her first time,” Midoriya scolds moving one of his hands to pat at your head trying to soothe you “you have to be gentle on a girls first time,” Bakugou groans rolling his eyes before letting your shoulder go and lapping at the little pinpricks of red still there.
           “It’s not my fault she’s too prudish to have gotten human dick before we jumped her,” he grumbles and adds another finger to your slick cunt scissoring to loosen you up for them “don’t expect me to be gentle when I get in here either I’m gonna destroy this little cunt of yours shitty witch,” he growls and adds a third finger curling up into a spot that has you seeing stars and chuckles as he watches your hips start to try to ride his hand.
 You try to hold it back but soft pitiful moans leave your lips, eagerly swallowed up by Izuku as he goes to kiss you sloppily shoving his tongue down your throat. Between Katsuki’s rough thick fingers pistoning into you and Izuku playing with your clit while simultaneously sucking your tongue into his mouth it isn’t long before you feel a tug in your abdomen that quickly turns into a pee like sensation as you cum, squirting all over Katsuki’s hand. He groans speeding up to see your squirt spray as Izuku soothes you pulling away from you to gently massage at your breast and kiss along your neck. Katsuki frowned watching the way Izuku fawned over you, taking all your attention. He sucked his teeth before grabbing you and pulling you close.
 “C’mere, be a good little witch and spread those legs for me,” he growled staring into your eyes as you gulped at his words.
 “Katsuki no,” Izuku said grabbing you and pulling you away “it should be me who gets her first you’re too rough,”
 “I’d like to see you try fucking rabbit,” Katsuki grabbed your hips dragging you till your crotch pressed against his and you could feel his print through his trousers “Your virgin ass would probably only last two pumps before you come in her,” There was a palpable moment in which your room seemed to pulse with Katsuki’s challenge as the two daemons stared each other down over you. You knew that it was up to you to pacify the situation.
 “Wait, wait,” you say sitting up as both their eyes immediately dart to you, you place a hand on Katsuki’s chest “you should at least allow me to choose which of you is first,” You see Katsuki smirk and roll your eyes mentally at his arrogance.
 “Ok then little witch,” he grabs your chin in his hand before pulling you into a domineering kiss, much more practiced than Izuku, rolling his tongue with yours before biting and pulling your lip “you pick.”
 You pull back from Katsuki admittedly shaken by his lustful kiss as you kneel between the two daemons trying to figure who you would want to take you first. On one hand you were more comfortable with Izuku, you knew he would be kind and gentle with you as new to all this as you were. But despite Katsuki’s dominating nature he was more experienced, and you have no doubt that he would take the reins if you let him, as you were rather inexperienced in comparison. The air was tangible in the moment of you deciding.
 “I choose Izuku,” you say. Izuku visibly brightens and shuffles closer to you as Bakugou growls scooching over to the headboard. You helped Izuku take off your nightgown fully as his hands shook with eagerness when he tried.
When the offending garment was finally off Izuku stared down at you wide eyed and all smiles taking in your naked body. His hands reached out slowly trailing over your body, over every curve and dip leaving goosebumps in their wake, before resting on your ass. He cupped a cheek in each hand and pulled you up until your rested on his thighs legs wrapping around his waist. You blushed as you felt his cock press against your stomach, thick in ways that made you tremble in fear or anticipation you couldn’t tell.
 “Shh Shh mistress,” he maneuvered you again until you were on your back and he loomed over you as he leaned down “it’s my first time too we’ll be each other’s first.”
 “God are you gonna fuck her or fuck around Deku?” Katsuki growled from his spot next to you by the headboard dick in hand. Midoriya huffed angrily before turning back to you.
He kissed lovingly at the column of your throat stroking your thighs before spreading them practically cooing at the sight of your virgin cunt glistening with your arousal.
           He grabbed one of your legs wrapping it around his waist as he clumsily fumbled with his member until the tip pressed against your twitching hole. Your breath hitched and your face screwed up tight as the head of his cock caught on your clenching entrance, your Zuzus back hunched as he slid just a fraction into your tight heat shuddering breaths fanning your face as he fought the urge to slam into you. It was unpleasant and foreign feeling the stretch of his cock as he slowly pressed into you, a burning sensation that had you clawing at his back and clenching down on the intrusive member spearing into you.
             “P-please y/n, you’re too tight I- I can’t,” his hot breath filled your space as he paused his breach of your too snug pussy. A rough hand grabs at your jaw directing your attention to Katsuki as he glowers down at you.
             “You need to relax dumbass, if you keep clenching down he won’t be able to push it in all the way,”
 “It isn’t in all the way in yet,” you whimpered, squinted one eye open you looked down to see that only half of Izuku’s cock was inside of you, a good portion of it sitting outside of you.
 “Fucking virgins,” Katsuki growled snapping his fingers at Izuku “you gotta get her to relax, kiss her or something touch her other sensitive parts,”
Midoriya nodded sharply before smashing his lips to yours messily moving his lips against your and knocking your teeth together before Katsuki grabbed his neck dragging him away from the sloppy kiss.
           “Jesus do I have to show you how to do everything dumbass,” Katsuki grunted at an irritated Izuku, annoyed at being interrupted.
           “Katsuki stop butting in-“he’s cut off when Katsuki’s lips press against his own, you watch as the cat daemon showed Izuku what a proper kiss was. Their lips moved together Katsuki pulling out little moans from your Zuzu when he bit his lips demanding entrance to his wet mouth before sliding his rough tongue in. Izuku shuddered wide eyed, cock pulsing inside you as Katsuki’s tongue danced with his own until he pulled away a thin trail of saliva breaking of from the corners of their mouths.
           “That’s how you’re supposed to kiss dumbass,” his rough hands cupped Izuku’s jaw jerking his head to you “now kiss her that way,”
           Izuku again bent down to kiss you, but this time with more tact, your lips moved together more gently and his tongue kitten licked at your bottom lip as opened your mouth tongue immediately running over your mouth as if trying to taste you. A pair of rough fingers began to circle your clit, Izuku’s or Katsuki’s you weren’t sure, but the stimulation of your little nub had you groaning into the kiss legs relaxing around Izuku and wrapping around his waist as he slowly slid the rest of his girth into you. It was a burning deep within you now, not the tearing feeling from before, but a satisfying stretching that had you sucking on Izuku’s invasive tongue as the both of you moaned into each other’s mouths. Finally with a small circulation of his hips Izuku sat snugly inside of your of warm wet cunt he breathed heavily breaking away from the kiss to loom over you, eyes lidded with lust he stared down at you debauched expression not knowing how to handle the feeling of being filled to the brim with a throbbing hot daemon cock.
           “You, you feel amazing mistress,” he groaned clumsily circling his hips into you, your breath caught at the foreign feeling as he his hips rabbited into you, quickly little juts that barely made room between where his thighs pressed into your soft bottom. Behind him you heard Katsuki suck his teeth, clearly unimpressed with Izuku’s method of humping into you, you watched as he grabbed Izuku’s hips biting the rabbit daemon’s sensitive ears. He pulled his hips back ignoring Izuku’s moans as he was dragged out of your clenching cunt wanting nothing more than to thrust back in and snuggle fuck into your intoxicating pussy.
           “No tact whatsoever,” Katsuki growled pulling on the lobe he held in his teeth “no idea how to fuck a pussy, and I though little bunnies like you were supposed to be good at fucking, figures I’d have to show you how to do this to,”
           Katsuki slowly guided Izuku’s hips in and out of you dragging his cock nearly all the way out till the tip caught on your drooling entrance and smoothly sliding it back in angling it so that he knew that spot deep within your gummy walls was graciously caressed. Your back arched off the bed as you moaned hands reaching out for either but ultimately catching on Izuku, nails leaving crescent marks on his biceps and back. His head fell to your neck mouthing there as Katsuki slowly released his hips as he found the rhythm Katsuki had shown him, Katsuki’s hand rested instead rested on Izuku’s freckled behind putting him back on track whenever he lost the beat.
           “That’s it rabbit,” he said guiding him to pick up the pace “give that pussy a good fuck and you’ll have that witch on all fours for you,”
           Izuku got the picture as he pulled up leaving purpling marks on your skin and ignoring the way you whined missing the feel of his weight pressing into you. Instead he grabbed your legs pulling out shuddering as your hole clenched desperately trying to keep him inside. He grabbed your waist flipping you over onto your hands and knees before sliding into you with a fluidity that had your upper half sinking into your pillows. He groaned hands grabbing your sides in a tight grip using his handle on your hips to drag you back to him, as the new position had him so deep in you you found yourself trying to crawl away from him. A sharp clawed hand grabbed your hair jerking you still as Katsuki leaned in close.
           “Stop fucking running witch,” behind you you heard Izuku moan at the sight of Katsuki manhandling you as he jackhammered his cock deep into you kissing your gummy cervix with every thrust.
           “So, so guh mishtress,” his words slurred he threw his head back now fully lost in the throws of his rut “squeezing me uuhhn tight fuckin’ pussy ‘round my cock,” he groaned hips picking up pace. Katsuki moved his hand to play with your painfully sensitive clit the attention causing your legs to tense you came around the cock fucking deep into you, spraying your own cum over the bed with each thrust of Izuku’s cock.
           “Holy shit,” Katsuki breathed biting his own lip in anticipation as he watched you get fucked through your squirting orgasm “you better hurry up rabbit I want my turn,”
           “I’m almost, almost-,” Izuku grunted hunching over you as his hips lost their tune humping sporadically into your still spraying cunt “Cuuhhhmmmiinnng,” he pressed in deep one final time head pressed to your cervix opening pumping your womb full of his heady spunk till it spilled out from you. You both shuddered, you at the feeling of being pumped full for the first time and him at the feeling of having a cunt accept his load for the first time.
           “Damn,” Katsuki said, watching Izuku pull out of you his spunk following suit when his soft cock fully slipped out. Izuku bent down immediately licking his spunk back into your trembling cunt as you whined trying to wriggle away from his prodding tongue on your sensitive cunt. Izuku whimpered as Katsuki grabbed a handful of his curly emerald locks pulling him away from your poor tired cunt before scooping you up in his arms positioning you till you both rested against your pillows and headboard. Your pussy, throbbing and puffy from the pounding it just took jumped as Katsuki slapped his cock up against it, the angry red tip dripping pre on your abdomen. You whimpered squirming away from the pleasure that was already too much.
           “Don’t think about trying to run away from me witch,” he slowly pressed into you before his arms came under your limp thighs pulling them up to your chest and locking them in position as his hands slipped behind your head “not like you’ll be able to though,”
           His planted his feet firmly on your mattress gripping the blanket with his toes before thrusting up, you choked, eyes crossing as his cock seemed to press into every oversensitive spot of your walls. You felt his wet lips latch onto your lobe tongue slipping into your ear lathing slow strokes matching the maddening strokes that his cock dug into your pussy. Futilely your hands pressed into his thighs trying to cease his pumping hips, you heard him chuckle hot breath fanning your ear around the tongue that delved deep into it. You couldn’t make a noise, could barely breath as Katsuki seemed to dig out all thought of anything besides his throbbing cock claiming your greedy pussy that desperately latched on to the pleasure that drove your brain stupid.
Midoriya groaned watching your cunt cream around Katsuki’s cock leaving bubbly rings of tantalizing white that had him licking his lips. He leaned down licking a stripe up Katsuki’s cock till his tongue pressed the mixture of all three of your combined messes into your clit. He wrapped his lips around the nub and sucked. You screamed, the first sound your had truly been able to make since Katsuki had entered you, piercing and long like a banshee that had Katsuki leaving your ear alone to laugh at you, laugh at the dumb little witch fucked even more stupid on his cock. Damn, the old crone that had him before wasn’t even this good a fuck he thought as he began to piston his hips into you feeling his own end creeping on him between your cunt seemingly try to strangle his cock and Izuku’s tongue lapping at your joined sexes.
Without any warning you came moaning and thrashing as much as you could in the full nelson Katsuki had you in, squirting again against the tongue that seemed to be molded stuck to your clit. Katsuki cursed as his feet pressed deeper into the bed hips stuttering up into you as he came, your cunt pumped full for the second time that night with daemon spunk, Izuku finally pulled away from you face dripping in your squirt as he bent down to kiss while Katsuki’s thrust slowed to stop. He released you from your position breathing heavily while you fell forward into Izuku’s arms legs shaking and cock drunk.
“There there mistress,” Izuku cooed, you lazily stared up at his and his eyes seemed to glow an almost sinister green in the moonlight “It’s my turn again and I promise to be gentle,”
You gulped backing up only to be met with Katsuki’s already hardening cock glide under your still dripping pussy. Izuku chuckled gleefully as he shuffled forward his own dick nudging at your poor abused clit. Katsuki growled pinning your arms to your sides before licking a long stripe up your still wet ear.
           “I think you mean that it’s both of our turn rabbit,”
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mushroommushy · 3 years
Tw: Freezing, unable to move
This is an alternate ending to the episode, 'Over Under Adventure.' From Octonauts. Hope you enjoy.
Kwazii let out a yowl of delight, riding on top of the seal under him as he smashed another brinicle with the anchor. "Ha! Take that you scurvy salt filled icicle!" He exclaimed, hanging on as Wilma swam up, emerging from the ice hole and letting her take a breath before diving back down.
Tweak lifted up another sea star and handed it to Turnip so he could warm up in the Gup-S. She had built that gup for months, perfecting her skills. She was quite proud of it. But that thought disappeared once she noticed the brinicle heading for the super star she had saw earlier.
Tweak kicked her legs hard, stopping in front of the half frozen sea star. She grabbed her anchor and started hitting the ice. Her thick fur kept her warm. One of the advantages to being part Arctic hare. Of course, no one on the crew knew about that. She hadn't felt the need to tell them. After all, they didn't need to worry about another member overheating all the time. They already had to worry about the Captain and Peso. The salt filled icicle was moving fast. Faster than she could pick at the ice. In her absentmindedness, she didn't feel the ice climbing up her boots after she had touched the icy floor. But the Captain did. "Tweak! Move! Your feet are freezing!" He yelled. He was already moving towards her fast, having pushed off the side of the Gup-S.
Tweak gasped, starting to feel the cold even through her fluffy coat. She pushed up, trying to break free. Unfortunately, the ice had already thickened around her feet and was rising up to her knees. And from above, a brinicle was growing down in her direction quickly. "C-Cap! I can't move!" She cried out.
The Captain stopped beside her, pulling his anchor and slamming it into the ice repeatedly, fear written over his face. "Come on.." Tweak looked up and gasped. The brinicle had reached her ears now, starting to freeze them and trap her in the ice. With her arms, she shoved the Captain out of the way as the ice lowered over her head and around her helmet.
Barnacles teared up with worry over the young rabbit mechanic. "TWEAK!" He was terrified. All of the crew were like his kids. He cared for them as a father would and always tried to take the danger in place of them.
Peso gasped and swam over just as her entire body froze in place, only her head that was locked inside the helmet showing she was alive, her head moving around nervously. "C-Captain? My helmets breaking." She whimpered.
The bear grit his teeth, "KWAZII! TWEAK IS TRAPPED IN ICE. CAN YOU BREAK IT?" The cat looked at him from above. "Aye, I've tried captain! But the ice is too thick for the anchor to break!"
The Captain growled under his breath, moving fast to the Gup-S and starting it up, heating up the ice drill before detaching from the other part of the gup and maneuvering the ski to the brinicle. Tweak's helmet had broken by now and her body was encased in ice. Her eyes were frozen shut and she didn't seem to be breathing. Hopefully she was unconscious and not dead. He drilled into the thick brinicle, growling under his breath. Finally, the ice broke and his 'cub' was free. She was still not moving however. "Peso! Get her out of there before she freezes again!"
The small penguin complied, grabbing his frozen crew mate and pulling her to the warming station. "Come on Tweak..wake up.."
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
As you wish ;)
For anyone in the Derry Girls fandom seeing this: Aviand are winged people apart of my wing AU for various fandoms.
Species: Avem (Goldcrest)
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Her crest feathers are streaked with bright yellow like on the actual bird and are rather short, but bushy when they flare. Her tail feathers are long, but narrow with hints of yellow.
Her wings are quite large, but she maneuvers them well.
Owns a lot of wing accessories and wears them to try and attract boys, but they really just make it hard for her to fly straight.
Has to comb her wings every morning or the feathers will be messy.
Species: Hydra
She has dark purple wings that are speckled with silver like stars. The same goes for the frills behind her ears and on her elbows.
She ALWAYS has her claws manicured. They feel better that way. But they’re still very sharp.
Threatens people with her claws a lot.
Flares the ruff behind her ears when she’s angry or intimidated.
Species: Cimex (Bumblebee)
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Has four arms, like all Cimexs have. She also has bumblebee antennae!!
The more caffeine she drinks, the faster her wings buzz.
Buzzed her wings when she’s focused or trying to think. Which, in the process, distracts everyone else around her because of the noise they make.
Likes flowers :)
Does not like how openly Orla eats bugs in front of her.
Species: Avem (Barnacle goose)
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His crest feathers blend in with his hair. His tail feathers are short and stubby.
His feathers are water proof!! He likes to brag about this a lot because he can fly in the rain with ease because his plumage repels water.
Michelle always tells him, “Honk, bitch”
Species: Hybrid (Atlas moth-little brown bat)
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Along with big bat ears, she also has the feather-shaped antennae. Orange fluff covers her chest and four arms from the elbow down. She has fangs from her Vesper side and she is able to consume blood and eat bugs safely. Which she does, despite being half Cimex.
Her wings are...strange. They’re bat-like, but a lot bigger than they should be. Like, the upper membrane is stretched upwards into the vague shape of moth wings. They’re also colored like the wings of an atlas moth. So they stand out. A lot.
Gets stared at all the time because she’s a hybrid. Even during war she’s gawked at. Usually she doesn’t notice, though.
LOVES bugs. Grasshoppers and beetles are her favorite to eat. They Cronchy. Worms are good, too, though.
Gifts her friends dead bugs because she thinks they’re hungry :) (they usually don’t appreciate her snacks though)
Makes bat noises :) they’re very cute!!
Will drink the blood of literally anything. It’s quite startling how often she’s drinking blood.
Because there’s no Blood Drive (a shop/restaurant that specifically sells purified, safer blood for Vespers) in Derry, she has to go out and kill animals for blood. So sometimes she’ll be in class and then whip out a rabbit and start drinking from its neck while the teacher is trying to teach Latin. And everyone stares in horror.
Yeah, her appetite is still HUGE.
Due to her Vesper side, she feels secure when she’s being held. So she usually clings to Erin most of all.
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unlockthelore · 4 years
whether good or bad
Part 7 of Know-It-All a.k.a the modern AU snippet series that no one asked for. To find other parts of the series, follow the know-it-all tag.
In hindsight, Amane knew that he was worrying for nothing but seeing her profile picture pop up in his DM list made his anxiety spike through the roof. The glow-in-the-dark stars provided a bit of solace but when they started spinning and blurring, he squeezed his eyes shut tight and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes. Asking himself where he went wrong was pointless, he knew the cause of all this —
The damn confession tree.
Day after day, he ran that moment over in his mind but the part that stuck out most was her eyes. Wet with tears rolling down her cheeks, scarlet-red staining her skin and the corners of her eyes as she wept, the unanswered question of why as she looked at him. The satisfaction that he felt shriveled up into dust, non-existent as he was crushed beneath the weight of her sobbing. Each cry grating to his ears, pressing the knife in his chest deeper and twisting as she said she’d go home.
All he wanted to do was help her. There was no reason that she had to go through rumors and laughter behind her back. Yashiro was too good for that. True, she had her faults. But her idea of love was fairly harmless. Someone who returned her affections. Something she told him in confidence and he just —
Amane laid still for a few moments until he groaned and threw down his hands on either side of him. The warmth from where she laid was long gone, honey and strawberries still pressed into the sheet of his pillow. He nestled his cheek against it and closed his eyes, curling his fingers to brush against the palm of his hand. It wasn’t the same but if he imagined enough, it was like she was there with him. In the darkness, he could admit his deepest fears and his good intentions. Hope that she would trace his jaw with the tips of her fingers, wind her arms around him, keep him close to her heart —
Everything that he didn’t deserve.
Yashiro didn’t know and if she did, would she still look at him the same?
Would any of them look at him the same?
His own fingers weren’t like hers. Yashiro knew how to hold his hand just right, make all of his doubts and fears disappear with the squeeze of her fingers, the pressure grounding him to the moment before he slipped into the atmosphere. Her voice, quiet and imploring, reassuring like a lullaby and wrapping around him — a song that he would never grow tired of.
Amane forced his eyes open before he lingered too long in the fantasy. Yashiro wasn’t here and though he knew, he trembled as if a cold chill ran down his spine and the knife twisted deep in his chest to where his heart was aching to snap. He reached for his phone, curling his fingers around it and pressing the cool screen to his palm. It dispelled the heat, made him shiver, but he needed the brush with reality.
Lifting his phone overhead, he frowned at the screen then turned it on, scrolling through his new notifications to find her name.
Why was she still online?
His gaze flicked up to the tiny numbers in the UI.
10:58 reflected back at him and he frowned, glancing at her icon. To his surprise, she still hadn’t changed it. A daikon drawn by Shijima with Yashiro’s trademark hair clips and their school uniform. It was a joke that he played, changing her icon to it and it took her a few days to find out. He smiled to himself, remembering sprinting down the hall as she chased after him with her fists waving in the air.
When she caught him and squished his cheeks, musing up his hair, and he laughed all the while as she threw half-hearted punches at his stomach.
Returning to reality, Amane inhaled deeply. He felt like he took a punch to the stomach even seeing it. Would it mean something if she actually changed it? What would it mean for them?
He tried to tell himself that he wouldn’t get answers like this. That beating himself up wouldn’t bring him any closer to understanding — any closer to her either. Squeezing his eyes shut, he felt along the side before letting his eyes open as he clicked the icon.
nenehime#1113 — direct message with hanako#0724
nenehime no stargazing tonight I guess
nenehime amane
nenehime about earlier can we talk?
nenehime …please
Amane stared at the line of messages. Reading them once, then twice, then a third time for good measure.
“What the hell…” He muttered aloud, bolting upright and shuffling back until his back was pressed against the wall, his knees tucked close to him, and phone cradled in his hands.
She wanted to talk to him?
Why would she want to talk to him after all of this?
And she was worried about stargazing? Wasn’t that what caused this the first time? The two of them watching the sky, falling asleep at one another’s side, waking up and talking — he set it in motion with telling her how he felt.
Even if it was indirectly. And Yashiro — good, sweet, idealistic, silly, nurturing, present Yashiro had simply told him they could. She didn’t run from him then, stayed long enough to eat breakfast and talk with Tsuchigomori before leaving.
The next day at school, all was normal, they laughed and talked. He hung off her like a barnacle, ignoring the way her fingers brushed against his elbow or her head would tip back to rest against his shoulder.
When no one else was around and it was just them, and his hold on here would linger. Wrapping her arms around him and tucking her face against his shoulder, letting him stand as long as he wanted. Quietly reminding with gentle sweeps of his fingers along her back that they had to get to class.
The halls would be fairly empty and no one would notice their hands linked at the pinky. Stealing those tiny moments with her at his side, it felt selfish, as if she were just humoring him because she was Yashiro, and her friends were important to her. She would give all that she had for any of them.
He’d seen her do it time and time again.
So perhaps she was just entertaining him. Trying to do this to make him feel better.
Because she’s pitying me.
Amane shook his head vehemently, pressing the top of his phone against his forehead, as he took deep breaths. Trying to fill his lungs with as much air that his head wouldn’t have time to think those poisonous thoughts. Yashiro didn’t deserve that. She didn’t deserve doubt and skepticism and belligerence and poison.
She doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.
Part of him wanted to put down his phone, ignore that he saw it, dismiss it and hope that she would do the same. Closing his eyes, her own tear-filled ones could be seen at the back of his eyelids and his heart clenched.
He gritted his teeth and curled his hands tighter around his phone. He never wanted to hear her sound like that again. Confused, hurt, practically falling apart at the seams and turning into sea foam right before his eyes when she was just here — and it was all his fault.
Dragging in a deep breath, Amane sighed heavily and his vision was blurry as he tried to squint past the moisture on his eyelashes and the heat pricking at the corner of his eyes.
nenehime#1113 — direct message with hanako#0724
hanako yeah
His phone dropped to the comforter and he buried his fingers in his hair, pressing close in on himself until he was curled in a tight quivering ball. Wasn’t this familiar? Shuddering and shivering in the dark, his nails pressed to the crown of his head, pain sparking through him and barely registered against the torrent of thoughts.
Where did he get off asking for something like this or allowing something like this?
What would she say?
Out of the corner of his eye, a little sunspot showed and he pulled his hands away, dragging his wet palms against the side of his pants. Hesitantly reaching for it and his heart seized at her name, and the part of a message.
nenehime i know that the way i left was kind of weird. well no, it was really weird. do you mind if I call?
Well, at least they were both acknowledging that what happened was odd. Although he couldn’t blame her. If someone sang-said that they loved him, he would’ve been skeptical too.
For entirely different reasons but nonetheless. Did he want to call though? He didn’t trust his voice at the moment or his ability to not laugh it off, potentially hurting her and himself even more. And it was one thing to poison himself but he wasn’t going to poison her too.
Turning his phone over in his hand, he sighed and pressed the back of his head to the wall. Staring up at the constellations, his gaze lingering on Gemini.
The stillness of his room was almost suffocating, the darkness encroaching on him and he’d never felt this alone. Inhaling deeply, he held his breath until his heartbeat was pounding in his ear coupled with a scratching noise. Even as he took a breath, the scratching continued and he frowned, glancing his door.
Brushing his fingers along the darkened phone screen, he shuffled to the edge of his bed and stood up, padding across the cold floor to the door. Opening it, he glanced down at the rabbit staring up at him curiously with a twitching nose and perked up ears.
“Mokke…” Amane sighed, smiling faintly as the rabbit hooked his claws in his pants legs. Thankfully, they weren’t too sharp or it might’ve hurt. Reaching down to gather them up in his arms, Amane brushed his cheek against their fur and sighed. “What’re you doing up here? Did Tsuchigomori go to bed already?”
“Nope,” said a smoky voice from down the hall.
Amane peering around his bedroom doorway at Tsuchigomori leaning against the wall, his unlit pipe between his fingers and resting at his hip. He half wanted to ask what he was needing but Tsuchigomori had a way of silencing him with a glance. Studying him quietly then averting his gaze, bringing his pipe to his lips despite the lack of smoke coming from the opening.
“Mokke’s running low on food,” the wiry bespectacled man said after some time, turning on his heel and starting down the hall. “He’s your responsibility, Amane.”
“I know that,” Amane grumbled, tucking Mokke close to his chest as the rabbit licked at his chin. He couldn’t stay mad at him. Besides, it wasn’t his fault that he relied on Amane for food. Although Tsuchigomori did spoil him now and again, even if he wouldn’t admit it. “It’s late though, so I ca—“
“Nope,” Tsuchigomori interjected, leaning against the banister. “I need you to go to the Bookstacks, Yako left her portfolio and Misaki’ll have her head if she doesn’t bring it in.”
Amane huffed, narrowing his eyes. “Tsuchigomori, I’m —“
Neither of them said a word. Amane’s eyes wide and his vision blurring as he stared at Tsuchigomori. The latter looking back at him impassively, an unreadable look in his eyes as he held Amane’s gaze for a moment then slowly turned away.
“Food for Mokke, Yako’s portfolio,” Tsuchigomori’s voice carried up the staircase, bouncing off the walls and reverberating in Amane’s ears shaking him down to his core. “You know where the spare key is. Take your bike.”
With that, he was gone with only Mokke and the lingering smell of stale smoke to show that he had been there before. Amane’s heart hammered in his chest and his steps were robotic, his body numb as he walked in his room and set Mokke down on his bed.
Flicking on the lamplight on his desk, the dull orange-yellow glow chasing away the shadows across his desk. It was bare. But he remembered all the books that were lying there before and his door opened enough for him to see the hall. See her reaching for the string for the fold-down latter, that look of determination and her tongue poking at the corner of her lips.
He could’ve said something sooner but he just watched. Her determination was always a bit charming even if he felt it was misplaced sometimes. Maybe because where he would give up, she would keep going and he wanted to know how he could do the same.
Tearing his gaze away from the lonely hanging string, Amane looked at Mokke curled up on his bed. Their ears flopping and brushing against the screen of his phone, likely cuddling closer for the warmth.
She’s waiting.
He took a step, then another, his legs feeling like lead and it was times like this that he wished he was in the atmosphere. At least nothing could weigh him down. No past, no present, no future, no emotion, he’d be entirely free to just be.
But none of them would be there. It’d just be him in the vast emptiness of space.
And she wouldn’t be there to bring him back to the ground.
Standing at his bedside, his gaze transfixed on his phone, his fingers twitched and opened then closed tightly in a fist — caught between reaching and staying where he was. Questions of if he deserved if, if this was right, if this was something he could do were forced to the side.
How many times did he have to remind himself that Yashiro didn’t deserve this?
And he had to face up to the music.
Reaching out, he scooped his phone in his hand as carefully as he could without waking Mokke. Opening the direct message thread and staring at the message that she sent, the insertion point blinking at him curiously.
nenehime#1113 — direct message with hanako#0724
hanako meet me at 4pm
He locked his phone and shoved in the pocket of his jeans, searching the floor beside his bed for a long-sleeved shirt and tugging it over his head. Shaking out his hair when it fell in his eyes, his bangs pinched between his index finger and thumb as he lifted it and brushed it away from his eyes.
He’d have to cut his hair again.
Or you could ask her to do it.
Amane pocketed his wallet next. He would trust Yashiro to cut his hair, wouldn’t he? The last time someone tried to cut his hair, he’d been spitting mad, batting away and the whole thing was a shitshow. Would he just sit there for her and let her run her fingers through his hair? Snip away the pieces that grew out too long, comb through what was left, dust off his shoulders then show him his reflection with that little triumphant grin?
He would.
And he smiled at the thought, petting Mokke’s head and leaving his door ajar to let him out when he needed to explore. Pocketing his bike lock key, taking the steps two at a time and peering into the sitting room where Tsuchigomori sat by a lamp light with a book in hand. He didn’t look up but he pointed forward, the line of his finger connecting with the web-shaped bowl on the cabinet by the doorway.
The keys to the 4PM Bookstacks on a keychain with a little medallion shaped like a cup of hot chocolate, its pristine and frozen smiling face making Amane smile in return. Scooping them up and tucking them in his pockets, he pretended to miss the way Tsuchigomori eyed him as he left. From the corner of his eye, he saw the bespectacled man lift his hand in a half-hearted wave but there was nothing but silence between them.
It was comfortable like this. Amane wasn’t used to grand shows of affection and displays of care, and Tsuchigomori was cagey at best. But they understood one another and he knew somewhere that Tsuchigomori cared.
As ornery as the old bastard could be.
Stepping out into the front yard after toeing on his shoes, Amane embraced the cool air as it pricked his lungs with every deep inhale. The door creaking shut behind him and the lock clicking into place before he slipped the keys in his pocket, jogging around the side of the house to find his bike propped up on its back wheel against the gate. It was still locked in place as it’d been before, looking like a rocket preparing to take off with how it pointed toward the sky.
An image of jumping on and pedaling, taking off into the skies and far away from his neighborhood and the world below crossed his mind. But he had somewhere to be, and he wasn’t going anywhere.
Undoing his bike chain, he hid it in the bushes and walked it out onto the street, hopping on and starting his ride through the streets. The streetlamps dotting the roadside both ways lit his path like a runway and he pedaled harder, half-lifting off his seat and tipping his head back, the wind whipping back his hair and for a moment he felt weightless.
As if he were flying, and the sky was all that much closer.
The moon hung heavy in the sky and the stars twinkled overhead, the fluorescent lights engulfing him made it harder to see but the shadows made them brighter. He coasted around the corner, checking about the intersection before crossing, the streets quieter aside from the stray cat or chirping insects. Tires screeching against the pavement, his chains rattling as he stopped halfway down the block and his flight came to an end.
Standing outside the bookstore, piles of dusty old texts piled high to the windows until they were completely entombed, only the faintest glimmers of sunlight would make it through, and she was just a tiny light outside of it. Her hand clasped around her other wrist, rubbing up and down her arm, likely to ease the chill. Her other hand occupied with a shopping bag dangling by her side. Dressed in the same soft white blouse hemmed with pink lace and blue shorts, her sneakers hastily tied instead of double-knotted. Amane smiled, leaning against his handlebars, his arms crossed and chin resting atop them.
He was sure that he was making that face. And was thankful for the lack of a spotlight on him. At least she didn’t see him just yet but —
What was she even —
He pulled out his phone, glancing up at her before checking the screen. A number of messages from both Tsuchigomori and Yashiro herself filled his screen.
He totally forgot to check it. Pocketing his phone, he gripped his handlebars and slowly dismounted, walking it over. Her gaze flicked from one end of the street to the other before she noticed him, her eyes widening.
He froze in mid-step, the rubber digging into the palms of his hands uncomfortably and the burning sensation set in. His knuckles straining with how tightly he held onto them, searching her gaze with his own. She said nothing for a long while, the distance between them felt like an abyss and he swallowed thickly. Unsure if he should step forward or keep it where it was, a stiff breeze nearly threatening to knock him over with how stiff he was.
“Tsuchigomori said that you were going to forget to pick up food for Mokke,” Yashiro said quietly, lifting the shopping bag.
Amane blinked slowly. Was…
This was it.
The olive branch.
Amane’s eyes widened and he lowered his bike to the ground, numbly stepping toward her as he reached out to take the bag. The colorful packaging of Mokke’s usual brand of food catching his eye and his breath hitched in his throat. As the bag slipped past her fingers to his own, he let it fall between them, taking her hand instead. Her eyes widened and he saw it in the low lighting from the nearby street lamps.
Unshed tears glazing ruby eyes, worry and vulnerability coupled with uncertainty, and he wondered if she could see the same in his own. His hand trembled as she grasped it tighter and tugged him forward, his face pillowing against her shoulder.
Breathing in honey and strawberries, along with something earthy, melting as her fingers curled in his hair. Her arm winding around his back and clutching the sleeve of his shirt, pinning his left arm to his side. His right hand resting against her lower back as he hugged her tighter, pressing their bodies together and muttering muffled apologies against the lace of her collar.
“Amane…” Yashiro muttered after sometime, and his name never sounded so sweet and treasured before. Her hand settling on his shoulder as she leant away from him, brushing her fingers against his cheek and the underside of his jaw. Her eyes drooping at the corners and lips pressed together in a frown. Oh no, what’d he do to cause th— Her finger swiped at his eyes and pulled back, the moisture catching on his skin chilling him.
Was he..?
He pulled back his hand hurriedly, scrubbing at his face.
His hand wet as he pulled it away.
He rubbed at his eyes furiously, trying to erase any evidence that they were —
Hands seized his wrists and his heart leapt into his throat as they were guided away, Yashiro staring up at him with a worried look that made his heart drop to the pit of his stomach.
“I…” He was breathless as he spoke, his eyes misting and he lowered his head, tucking his chin. “I’m sorry…”
Yashiro lowered his hands and he could hear her sigh, her hands clasping his own. “Key please?” she prompted, holding out of her hands as she let go of one of his own, keeping the other interlaced with hers.
Amane barely registered the question but Yashiro was patient, holding out her hand mouthing the words until her voice caught up with his brain and he nodded slowly. The key was somewhere in the jumble of his pocket and bumped against the inner lining of his pants, its jagged outline grazing his outer thigh through the cloth before he pulled it free. Gently pressing it into her hand and dropping his gaze to his feet as she turned, the lock to the Bookstacks turning with a loud click and a humming chime as the door opened.
Yashiro returning the key to his pocket and taking his hands in her own, leading him inside. The Bookstacks were daunting in the dim lighting, towers of books surrounding him on either side, placed in large bookcases and stacked along the windowsills blocking anyone from peering through the pane. Even the view from the door’s mosaic glass provided only a sliver of a walkway but Amane knew the path through the veritable maze. Finding several of the makeshift lanterns and lighting them, the jingling of his bike’s chain catching his attention as he peered around one of the bookcases at Yashiro wheeling his bike through the door. The shopping bag in the basket and the door closing and locking behind her with an echoing finality.
When she glanced up, their eyes met and he felt his heart skip a beat. Stepping around the bookcase he’d been peeking from and pressing his back to it, the cobwebs tickling the back of his neck and his heart pounded.
Was she still here?
Did that mean she was going to stay?
Chancing another look around the bookcase, his heart leapt into his throat as he found her looking back at him. Yashiro shrieked, the sound echoing off the walls and his bike nearly falling from her hands before he grabbed it by the handlebars, effectively bringing his face closer to hers. He never really liked when she was afraid. To say that he hated it wouldn’t be an understatement.
Her hands clasped tightly to her chest, eyes searching his face just as much as he was searching her own.
“What are we doing, Amane?” Yashiro asked after some time, breaking the silence between them and posing a question he had no concrete answer to.
What were they doing?
Amane shook his head, unable to voice a reply. His eyelashes felt wet against his cheeks as his eyelids shut tightly, his lips pressed together as he fought not to say the wrong thing. But there was so much that he wanted to know.
What did he do wrong?
How can he fix it?
Did she know how sorry he was?
Would she forgive him?
Did he deserve her forgiveness?
None of that was her fault. It all started with him.
Amane propped up his bike against the bookshelf, opening and closing his hands at his sides before inclining his head further inside. Leading the way to one of the sitting areas where lo and behold, a folder with Yako’s familiar scrawl was sitting on the coffee table between two arm chairs and across from a couch. The couch itself looked like it’d seen better days but it was so comfortable that Tsuchigomori didn’t want to throw it out. And he said that it gave the room character.
What kind of character the dusty old brown thing could give, Amane wasn’t sure, but he never failed to throw himself onto it every time he visited. This time no exception but instead of sinking into the quickly warming fabric, he sat upright. Yashiro’s presence felt close at his side and with a sideways glance, she was sitting beside him, nearly pressed against him with the closeness between them.
There were arm chairs, foot stools, even the table but she chose to sit right beside him. Amane swallowed thickly, emotions bobbing in his throat, and bitterness on his tongue as he focused on the flickering light from the lamps reminding him of flames dancing in the open air.
“When you confessed to me then that day,” Yashiro said with a mixture of bitterness and fondness in her words. “I was happy.”
Amane swallowed, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, her hands clasped tight in her lap, one over the other and squeezing until the pale skin of her knuckles was turning red.
“It was perfect… like a scene from a movie, and you sounded so genuine,” she laughed breathily, blinking rapidly as she tipped her head back. “I wasn’t sure… we’d been friends for awhile and I… I… wasn’t sure if I’d be good for you. To you. You… you always pointed out how I was… about crushes and love. That anyone would do as long as they returned my feelings and that…”
Her voice trailed off and Amane tried to spur her into talking with his mind, staring at her intently, trying to find the words that she was holding back. It was true that he often called her out on it. That she didn’t truly love the people that she claimed to. It was an obsession and sometimes, she caught herself by saying it outlaid. Only to realize after several failed attempts at gaining the affections of Minamoto Teru, Kou’s older brother and their upperclassmen, that the problem therein lied with her.
And as satisfying as it was to see growth in her, the loss of her fairy tale innocence cleaved his heart in two. Hurting her wasn’t his intention. And she’d harm herself if she wasn’t careful. Yashiro’s soul was good, her very being was good — sometimes a little overzealous but at the core, she had good intentions. In love, she could’ve been manipulated to do anything.
The idea of someone taking advantage of that kind heart made Amane’s insides burn. Irony creeping up on him, wrapping around his shoulders in a taut cape, and clinging to him like a second skin. Wasn’t that what he’d done?
When he “confessed” to her that day.
Yashiro lowered her head, shadows darkening her eyes and her hands trembled in her lap. “Not just anyone would do…” she whispered, splintering his heart into pieces as she looked at him fiercely. The unshed tears glazing her eyes with a thin sheen making him forget how to breathe. “And I was happy, Amane. I was happy it was you.”
A dam broke and the tears rolled down her cheeks, her voice echoing off the shelves with her quiet sniffles and he was painfully reminded of that da.
“And then you laughed like it was a joke. Said you were right, that you weren’t my type and that it proved the others wrong…”
Her chin tucked, her tears fell and dotted the couch, the small space between them filled with tension that he felt if he reached for there’d be a wall there. A barrier keeping him from her like always.
But that wasn’t true. It was just his own indecision and the pain twisting in his chest, keeping his arms pinned to his sides, wound tightly with thread made from his guilt.
“It was a joke to you,” Yashiro muttered, the betrayal quieting her voice but he heard her loud and clear. She shuddered and curled her fingers in the hem of her shorts, keeping them there for a moment before unhooking one to pound her fist against the back of the couch. “Ah! I wanted to hate you for it.”
He startled at the burst of anger, the furious look in her eyes quickly dying as she met his gaze. Her eyes drooping at the corners and her face scrunching, crescent fallen as she turned away from him.
“I wanted to…” She murmured, setting her hand over the damp dark spots on the couch as if trying to hide them from view. “I just… I wanted to know why you did that to me.”
A thousand reasons quickly lined up for a chance on Amane’s tongue but they died one by one. None of them were good enough. And whatever excuse he came up with, it wouldn’t heal the damage that he wrought.
“… Then you told me why. People were spreading rumors, talking about me because of what I did for Minamoto-senpai and the other senpai and… and…” Yashiro chuckled weakly, brushing her fingers through her hair and combing it to one side. “You were trying to protect me but…”
He wanted to ask bitterly if he was trying to protect her. The real reason was —
“What hurts the most is that you were trying to protect me from you.”
His eyes widened, the poisonous words corroding and he looked at her with wide eyes. How did she…?”
“It kills me inside…” Yashiro lifted her head, her gaze flicking in his direction and holding, and it was like she was seeing through him. Her eyes creasing at the corners with worry and his lips parted, trembling. No, not that look. “How much you hate yourself. And how far you’d go to protect me even if it means you’re hurting yourself.”
Amane pressed his lips together, the slight twitch in his lips and he wanted to look away. His chest swelling and his heart aching, the burning behind his eyes that he tried to blink away before she saw. But she did see. The distance between them closing as she inched closer.
“Amane…” Yashiro sighed, his name said with such care as if it would break if spoken any differently. As if he would break. Her hand lifting from the damp spots, fingers gliding over the back of his own, not minding the stiffness and reflexively he turned his palm upward to lace his fingers with hers. “When you sang with me, when we woke up together, every day since that day…”
He almost wanted to beg her not to ask. As it was, he wasn’t sure if he could keep it at bay.
“What were you trying to tell me?”
Amane wasn’t sure what expression he was making but her other hand palmed his cheek, and the wetness smeared cross his cheek let him know what it might’ve been. Squeezing his eyes shut would’ve deprived him of the view of her face and only filled him with the one that he saw in his nightmares. The pain that he caused because he cared, and the feelings that she had were put to the side in comparison to protecting her.
He’d been wrong.
He knew that well.
To hear it from her only slammed the last nail in the coffin.
“I didn’t care if anyone else thought it was wrong,” Amane admitted, his voice straining and on the verge of breaking. “I just… I wanted them to stop talking about you because I didn’t want you to hear that and be sad or…” He panted, breathing raggedly, shaking his head minutely.
His chin lowering but her hand kept his head leveled, her lips moving and mouthing for him to keep going. His vision was swimming and he leant into her hand, blinking and the tears tumbled down his cheeks, soaking into the space between her palm and his skin.
“I’m fine with being your friend,” he nodded shakily. “I am.. I am but… I do. I do and I… putting my friendship with you at… I didn’t want to hear you say…” He cleared his throat, grimacing. Her thumb brushed against his cheekbone, catching another stray tear and he squeezed the hand clasped with his own.
“I didn’t want to lose you because I told you the truth and I almost did because I covered it up as if it was a lie…” He spat the last word out with a huff of a laugh, blinking rapidly to try and clear his vision. “And I’m sorry… Yashiro, I’m.. I’m so…”
Her hand fell away from his cheek, resting at his shoulder and guiding him closer. Smoothing over his back like the tide and the tears came anew, his shoulders trembling as he buried his face against her neck. Letting go of her hand to wrap his arms around her and hug her close to him. Her hold him anchoring him to this moment and keeping him on the shore rather than letting him slip below the tide.
The silence was punctuated by his sobs and her soft whispering, her fingers combing through his hair, tangling in it and her lips brushed against his ear as she rocked him to and fro. It was only after he calmed down did he hear the melody being hummed in his ear. His face warming as she sang softly.
“In other words,” she sighed, her breath warming the shell of his ear as she shifted to press a kiss to his temple before pulling away to hold him at arms length. “Please be true…”
He gave another ragged sob as she cupped his face in her hands.
“In other words…” She gave him a watery smile, leaning forward until their foreheads pressed together and their shadows melded into one person. Her eyes locked with his own and there was nowhere else he wanted to look. “I love you.”
He sniffed harshly, dropping his head to her chest and hugging her tightly, shivering as her arms wrapped around him and her hair draped over him. The ashen teal locks tickling his cheek and her presence shielding him.
“Thank you, Nene…. Thank you.”
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sincerelybluevase · 7 years
What about a fic where angela overhears shelagh and patrick in the bedroom?
Of course, anon. Herewe go! I’d like to call this ‘beasts in the bedroom’ ;). There is only impliedsteam, though, so never fear. Sorry it took me a while, but better late than never.
 Angela had the firm belief, like most children of her age, that her roomharboured a vast array of monsters.
Her closet didn’t close properly, and she was sure that she could seebeady eyes regard her on some evenings. The thing that lived in the spacebetween her dresses sometimes clicked its claws, or released a hungry rumble,waiting for the right moment to strike. She had to move past the closet if shewanted to reach her bedroom door. On nights when the glittering eyes regardedher, she would huddle under the sheets with Cuthbert, too afraid to go and gether parents, and too scared to call out for them. The monster was quick, afterall, and would reach her before her parents ever could.
She had taken to placing her chair against the closet so it would stayshut. Her father had told her that all she saw was the shimmer of buttonscaught in the moonlight, but she knew better: the human sight grew worse as itaged, and when children grew into adults, they lost the ability to see thetwisted things that waited with baited breath to snatch human life away.
Taking the chair from her desk had only solved her problems temporarily:the thing in the closet could no longer get out, but now a creature was lurkingunder her desk.
Angela had invited it in when she had moved her chair, she realised. Sheshould have put one of her toys there, because toys could keep a small space ofroom safe from monsters. She’d forgotten, though, and now a strange thinghulked underneath the table. It only moved when it thought she wasn’t payingattention, but she was. She could see it blur from the corner of her eye, butit always stilled when she let her eyes slip sideways to examine it closer.
There was the behemoth that took up the entire space underneath her bed,sometimes kicking against the wood till it shook and moaned. Angela alwaysleapt off the bed when she ran for her parents. The bigger the distance betweenher and the thing there the better; it had huge tendrils that could sneak outand latch around her ankle if she didn’t move away from it as fast as possible.It had eyes that glowed red in the dark, like those of a demon. It had winkedat her once as she looked back, standing on the threshold of her room.
Her legs had given way, and she’d fallen against the doorpost with herhead, crying out in pain and terror. Timothy had reached her first, and she’dclung to him like a barnacle as he rubbed her back. She hadn’t dared tell himor her parents what had caused her to fall, because what if the monster wouldhurt them? Timothy was so big he was practically an adult, and that meant hecouldn’t see it; their parents certainly couldn’t. What if her talking about itinvited the monster into their bedrooms? She was pretty sure that monsters onlywent for children, but it still made her dreams troubled, her sleep fitful.
This only became worse when Teddy arrived. He was such a pretty baby,soft and full of movement whereas her doll was plastic and static. His eyeswere midnight blue. The first time Angela had looked at them, she had fallenutterly in love with him.
The problem was that Teddy was only a little baby who couldn’t even situp without assistance. He could not walk, not even crawl. If a beast came forhim, he was utterly helpless.
Angela had no doubt that her parents could fight monsters off, but whatif they were too late? Their new bedroom was so much larger than the one in theflat, with so many more places for shadows to hide…
That monsters terrorized her was not pleasant, but she could handlethat. The idea that they would move on and frighten Teddy was simplyunbearable.
It won’t do, she’d decided, I will have to fight these monsters. Shehad asked Sister Monica Joan to knit a vest for Cuthbert in grey wool. It wasslightly crooked, but it would serve as a chain mail vest.
Tonight was the night she would defeat the monsters in her room.
After she’d said her prayers and her mother had tucked her in, kissingher forehead and tiptoeing out, Angela slipped from her bed and took her pouchof marbles from underneath her pillow. With Cuthbert around her neck – she hadknotted his rabbit ears, and could slip him over her head as if he was a softnecklace –she quickly made a line of marbles from one side of the desk to theother, trapping the shadow there. It was a good thing it never moved whilst shelooked at it; she didn’t think she’d have the courage to trap it if it hadshifted its shadowy self, not even with Cuthbert dangling from her throat, softfur tickling her face.
The marbles were made of glass, and shone prettily because Angela hadpolished them with a handkerchief. Their swirls of colour were brilliant, andhypnotizing. Angela instinctively knew that the thing under her desk would bemesmerized by the intricate patterns, unable to tear his gaze away from themfor as long as they were there, neatly lined up, just as she’d knowninstinctively that she had allowed the creature to live there because she’dmoved her chair.
The beast under the bed was trickier. She didn’t have enough marbles toencircle her bed, for one thing, and she doubted that the behemoth would beconfused by glass orbs, even though their swirls of colours were entrancing.
Timothy had told her once that fairy creatures could not stand iron, andthat it burned them. He had also given her his train set to play with. It wasan expensive set, not made of wood, but out of metal. She didn’t know if it wasiron, and she didn’t know if the demon was a fairy, or even remotely like one, butshe’d decided to take her chances.
Now, with her heart humming in her chest and her breathing shallow, shestarted to lay the rails around her bed as fast as she could. Her fingerstrembled very badly at first, making it hard to connect the pieces. She recitedher evening’s prayers in her head to calm herself, and after that, it wentbetter.
She nearly cried when she felt something brush her chest, but it wasonly Cuthbert, sliding down from her back.
“Naughty Cuthbert,” she told him, kissing his soft, expressionless face.
She was breathing hard and feeling sweaty by the time she was done, butalso satisfied. Now these bad, bad creatures couldn’t slip away, couldn’t go toher parents’ bedroom, couldn’t…
The thing under the bed snarled.
Angela shrieked and sprinted to the door, flying through the hallway inrecord time, nearly running into her parents’ bedroom door.
She stood frozen in front of it, hands curled into Cuthbert’s grey chainmail vest.
A soft moan came from beyond the door, followed by something thatsounded like a growl, and the rustling of bedsheets.
There’s a beast inthere, Angela thought. Strangely enough, the idea of monsters near Teddy nolonger made her terrified. There was still fear, of course, but mainly grimdetermination. She had not just braved the shadow under her desk and thebehemoth under the bed only for another demon to snatch Teddy away now.
Resolutely, she stood on tiptoes, and pressed the door handle down.
It didn’t budge.
Oh, no, she thought. The thingcould gather Teddy in its arms and fly out of the window, or merge in the shadowssplayed on the wall, or escape through the floor…
“Mommy, daddy!” she cried out, hammering her little fists on the door. “Mommy,daddy, wake up! Wake up wake up wake up…”
The door opened, and she fell inside, into the arms of her mother.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” her mother asked, brushing Angela’s hairout of her face.
“Are you ill?” her father asked, immediately feeling her forehead,checking her pulse.
Her parents looked scared, their breathing shallow and rapid, theirfaces flushed.
Teddy started mewling, little hands curling into fists.
“Oh, dear,” her mother muttered, quickly leaving Angela to her father’sstrong arms so she could scoop the baby up.
Angela felt her body go slack with relief. Teddy was still here, andthere was no monster in this room, not now that her parents were awake. Everyoneknew that monsters feared parents a little, and would huddle in darkness ifadults came in.
“Angela?“ her father asked, forcing her to look at him.
“I thought I heard beasts in the bedroom,” she murmured, slinging herarms around his neck, burying her face against his throat, even though his skinwas rough and scratchy, very unlike that of her mother.
“Beasts in the bedroom?” her father asked, and chuckled softly. His chestrumbled with the sound.
“Only us, dearest,” her mother said, rocking Teddy and shushing him. Hismewling had quieted, and he only whimpered softly, unsatisfied with the rude interruptionof his rest, but already slipping back into the arms of sleep.
“I heard such strange sounds…” Angela said.
“Did you?”
“Yes. It sounded like a wolf, like you always do when you read me fairytales, daddy.”
“Well, there’s no wolf now,” her mother said, unable to keep fromsmiling.
“Good,” Angela whispered, feeling how sleep invaded her body, making herlimbs feel delightfully heavy, her head full of cotton wool.
She had the firm belief, like most children her age, that there weremonsters everywhere. For now, though, she had defeated those under her desk andbed, and those in her parents’ bedroom, too.  
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technotestechnotes · 7 years
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Closets, Wardrobe, Wardrobes, Clothesline, Clotheslines, Clothespin, Clothes Peg, Clothes Pegs, Clothes Pin, Clothes Pins, Clothespins, Clothing, Accoutrement, Accoutrements, Apparel, Apparels, Clothings, Duds, Garment, Garments, Habiliment, Habiliments, Vesture, Vestures, Wear, Wears, Cloudy, Clover, Clovers, Trefoil, Trefoils, Clown, Clowns, Clownfish, Cockatoo, Cockatoos, Cocktail, Aperitif, Aperitifs, Cocktails, Coconut, Coconuts, Coffee, Coffees, Java, Javas, Coffee Bean, Coffee Beans, Coffee Berries, Coffee Berry, Coffee Grinder, Coffee Grinders, Coffee Mill, Coffee Mills, Coffee Table, Cocktail Table, Cocktail Tables, Coffee Tables, Coffeemaker, Coffeemakers, Coffeepot, Coffeepots, Coin, Coins, Cold Cuts, Cold Meat, Cold Meats, Lunch Meat, Lunch Meats, Coleslaw, Coleslaws, Slaw, Slaws, Collie, Collies, Compass, Compasses, Computer, Computers, Computer Monitor, Computer Monitors, Concert, Concerts, Gig, Gigs, Recital, Recitals, Revue, Revues, Conch, Conches, Condiment, Condiments, Confection, Concoction, Concoctions, Confections, Sweet, Sweets, Container, Containers, Receptacle, Receptacles, Vessel, Vessels, Convertible, Convertibles, Ragtop, Ragtops, Conveyance, Conveyances, Cookie, Cookies, Cooking Oil, Cooking Oils, Cookware, Cooking Utensil, Cooking Utensils, Cookwares, Cord, Cords, Corgi, Corgis, Corkscrew, Bottle Screw, Bottle Screws, Corkscrews, Corn, Corns, Maize, Maizes, Cornflower, Bachelor’s Button, Bachelor’s Buttons, Bluebottle, Bluebottles, Cornflowers, Strawflower, Strawflowers, Corsage, Corsages, Corset, Corsets, Girdle, Girdles, Cougar, Cougars, Mountain Lion, Mountain Lions, Panther, Panthers, Puma, Pumas, Coupon, Coupons, Voucher, Vouchers, Courtroom, Court, Courtrooms, Courts, Cow, Cows, Cowboy Hat, Cowboy Hats, Stetson, Stetsons, Ten-Gallon Hat, Ten-Gallon Hats, Coyote, Brush Wolf, Brush Wolves, Coyotes, Prairie Wolf, Prairie Wolves, Crab, Crabs, Crabmeat, Crabmeats, Crag, Crags, Cranberry, Cranberries, Craps, Crate, Crates, Credit Card, Charge Card, Charge Cards, Credit Cards, Plastic, Plastics, Creek, Brook, Brooks, Creeks, Crick, Cricks, Crepe, Crepes, Crib, Cot, Cots, Cribs, Cricket Sport, Cricket Sports, Crocodile, Crocodiles, Croissant, Crescent Roll, Crescent Rolls, Croissants, Crosswalk, Crosswalks, Crowbar, Crowbars, Pries, Pry, Pry Bar, Pry Bars, Crown, Coronet, Coronets, Crowns, Diadem, Diadems, Crucible, Crucibles, Melting Pot, Melting Pots, Cruise Ship, Cruise Liner, Cruise Liners, Cruise Ships, Crutch, Crutches, Cubicle, Booth, Booths, Cube, Cubes, Cubicles, Cucumber, Cucumbers, Cuisine, Cuisines, Cup, Chalice, Chalices, Cups, Goblet, Goblets, Grail, Grails, Teacup, Teacups, Cupcake, Cupcakes, Currency, Currencies, Curry, Curries, Custard, Custards, Cutting Board, Chopping Board, Chopping Boards, Cutting Boards, Cycling, Cyclings, Dachshund, Badger Dog, Badger Dogs, Dachshunds, Dachsie, Daffodil, Daffodils, Dahlia, Dahlias, Daikon, Daikons, Japanese Radish, Japanese Radishes, Daisy, Daisies, Dalmatian, Carriage Dog, Carriage Dogs, Coach Dog, Coach Dogs, Dalmatians, Dam, Dams, Dancing, Dance, Dances, Dancings, Dandelion, Dandelions, Dartboard, Dart Board, Dart Boards, Dartboards, Dashboard, Dashboards, Daytime, Day, Daylight, Daylights, Days, Daytimes, Decanter, Carafe, Carafes, Decanters, Deck, Courtyard, Courtyards, Decks, Decoration, Decorations, Ornament, Ornamentation, Ornamentations, Ornaments, Deejay, DJ, DJs, Deejays, Disc Jockey, Disc Jockeys, Deer, Desert, Deserts, Desk, Desks, Dessert, Afters, Desserts, Sweet, Sweets, Detergent, Cleaner, Cleaners, Detergents, Solvent, Solvents, Dial, Dials, Gauge, Gauges, Indicator, Indicators, Diaper, Diapers, Nappies, Nappy, Dice, Dice, Dices, Die, Dill, Dills, Dining Room, Dining Rooms, Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, Dirt Road, Dirt Roads, Fire Road, Fire Roads, Disco Ball, Disco Balls, Diskette, Diskettes, Floppies, Floppy, Floppy Disk, Floppy Disks, Display, Displays, Ditch, Ditches, Diving, Dive, Dives, Divings, Diya, Doberman, Doberman Pinscher, Doberman Pinschers, Dobermen, Dock, Docks, Wharf, Wharves, Document, Documents, Dog, Doggies, Doggy, Dogs, Pooch, Pooches, Pup, Puppies, Puppy, Pups, Doll, Action Figure, Action Figures, Dolls, Dolphin, Dolphins, Dome, Domes, Domicile, Abode, Abodes, Domiciles, Dwelling, Dwellings, Habitation, Habitations, Home, Homes, Residence, Residences, Domino, Dominoes, Donkey, Burro, Burros, Donkeys, Mule, Mules, Donut, Donuts, Doughnut, Doughnuts, Door, Doors, Dove, Doves, Dragon Parade, Dragon Parades, Dragonfly, Dragonflies, Dress, Apparel, Apparels, Attire, Attires, Clothes, Dresses, Frock, Frocks, Garb, Garbs, Dressage, Dressages, Drink, Beverage, Beverages, Drinks, Potable, Potables, Drinking Glass, Drinking Glasses, Glass, Glasses, Driveway, Drive, Drives, Driveways, Private Road, Private Roads, Drone, Drones, Drum, Drums, Tympan, Tympans, Dryer, Dryers, Dumbbell, Dumbbells, Dumpling, Dumplings, Dumpster, Dumpsters, Durian, Durians, Dustpan, Dustpans, Eagle, Eagles, Earmuffs, Earmuff, Earmuffs, Easel, Easels, Mount, Mounts, Easter Egg, Easter Eggs, Edamame, Egg, Eggs, Eggplant, Aubergine, Aubergines, Brinjal, Brinjals, Eggplants, Electric Fan, Electric Fans, Elephant, Elephants, Elevator, Elevators, Lift, Lifts, Elk, Elks, Embers, Coal, Coals, Ember, Embers, Engraving, Engravings, Etching, Etchings, Entertainer, Entertainers, Equestrian, Equestrians, Horseback Rider, Horseback Riders, Equipment, Equipments, Escalator, Escalators, Eucalyptus Tree, Eucalyptus Trees, Evergreen, Evergreens, Extinguisher, Extinguishers, Fire Extinguisher, Fire Extinguishers, Eyeglasses, Eyeglass, Eyeglasses, Glasses, Monocle, Monocles, Specs, Spectacles, Fairground, Fairgrounds, Fajita, Fajitas, Falafel, Falafels, Farm, Farms, Faucet, Faucets, Spigot, Spigots, Fedora, Fedoras, Felt Hat, Felt Hats, Homburg, Homburgs, Stetson, Stetsons, Trilbies, Trilby, Feline, Felines, Fence, Fences, Fencing Sport, Fencing Sports, Ferns, Fern, Ferns, Ferret, Ferrets, Ferris Wheel, Ferris Wheels, Fiddle, Fiddles, Fig, Figs, Fire, Blaze, Blazes, Fires, Flame, Flames, Flare, Flares, Firearm, Firearms, Firecracker, Banger, Bangers, Cracker, Crackers, Firecrackers, Fireplace, Fireplaces, Hearth, Hearths, Fireworks, Burst, Bursts, Firework, Fireworks, Fish, Fishbowl, Fish Bowl, Fish Bowls, Fishbowls, Goldfish Bowl, Goldfish Bowls, Fishing, Fishings, Sportfishing, Fishtank, Fishtanks, Flag, Flags, Flagpole, Flagpoles, Flagstaff, Flagstaffs, Range Pole, Range Poles, Ranging Pole, Ranging Poles, Flamingo, Flamingoes, Flan, Flans, Flashlight, Flashlights, Searchlight, Searchlights, Flipchart, Flipcharts, Flipper, Fin, Fins, Flippers, Flower, Bloom, Blooms, Flowers, Flower Arrangement, Floral Arrangement, Floral Arrangements, Flower Arrangements, Flute, Flutes, Fondue, Fondues, Food, Chow, Chows, Comestible, Comestibles, Eats, Foods, Grub, Grubs, Meal, Meals, Foosball, Table Football, Table Soccer, Football, Football Game, Football Games, Footballs, Footwear, Footgear, Footwears, Forceps, Forest, Forests, Grove, Groves, Timber, Timberland, Timberlands, Timbers, Woodland, Woodlands, Woods, Fork, Forks, Forklift, Forklifts, Formula One, Formula Ones, Fountain, Fountains, Natural Spring, Natural Springs, Spring, Springs, Fox, Foxes, Frame, Frames, Fried Chicken, Fried Chickens, Fried Egg, Fried Eggs, Fries, Chips, French Fries, French-Fried Potato, French-Fried Potatoes, Frisbee, Frisbees, Frog, Frogs, Frozen, Cold, Freezing, Frigid, Frozen Dessert, Frozen Desserts, Frozen Yogurt, Frozen Yogurts, Fruit, Fruits, Fruitcake, Fruitcakes, Furniture, Furnishing, Furnishings, Furnitures, Gamepad, Gamepads, Games, Game, Games, Garage, Garages, Garden, Flower Garden, Flower Gardens, Gardens, Horticulture, Horticultures, Gargoyle, Gargoyles, Garlic, Garlics, Gas Mask, Gas Masks, Gasoline, Gas, Gases, Gasolines, Petrol, Petrols, Gastropod, Gastropods, Gate, Gates, Gazebo, Gazeboes, Gears, Cogwheel, Cogwheels, Gear, Gears, Gecko, Geckoes, Generator, Generators, Gerbil, Gerbils, German Shepherd, Alsatian, Alsatians, German Shepherds, Geyser, Geysers, Gift Card, Gift Cards, Ginger, Gingers, Gingerbread, Gingerbreads, Ginseng, Ginsengs, Giraffe, Camelopard, Camelopards, Giraffes, Glacier, Glaciers, Gloves, Glove, Gloves, Mitt, Mitts, Go Kart, Go Karts, Goat, Goats, Goggles, Goldfish, Golf, Golf Ball, Golf Balls, Golf Club, Golf Clubs, Golf Course, Golf Courses, Links Course, Links Courses, Gown, Gowns, Graduation, Commencement, Commencements, Graduations, Graffiti, Grain, Grains, Grand Prix, Grands Prix, Grape, Grapes, Grapefruit, Grapefruits, Grassland, Grasslands, Pasture, Pastures, Plain, Plains, Savanna, Savannas, Steppe, Steppes, Grater, Graters, Grave, Graves, Gravestone, Gravestones, Headstone, Headstones, Tomb, Tombs, Tombstone, Tombstones, Green Bean, Green Beans, Green Onion, Green Onions, Scallion, Scallions, Greenhouse, Glasshouse, Glasshouses, Greenhouses, Nurseries, Nursery, Greyhound, Greyhounds, Grill, Grills, Grilled Chicken, Grilled Chickens, Groom, Bridegroom, Bridegrooms, Grooms, Guacamole, Guacamoles, Guava, Guavas, Guitar, Guitars, Gull, Gulls, Sea Gull, Sea Gulls, Seagull, Seagulls, Guppy, Guppies, Gymnastics, Gyoza, Gyozas, Potsticker, Potstickers, Habanero, Habaneros, Hacksaw, Hack Saw, Hack Saws, Hacksaws, Metal Saw, Metal Saws, Halibut, Halibuts, Ham, Hams, Hamburger, Burger, Burgers, Cheeseburger, Cheeseburgers, Hamburgers, Hammer, Hammers, Hammock, Hammocks, Hamster, Hamsters, Handbell, Handbells, Handcart, Handcarts, Pushcart, Pushcarts, Handcuffs, Cuff, Cuffs, Handcuff, Handcuffs, Manacle, Manacles, Hangar, Airdock, Airdocks, Hangars, Hang Glider, Hang Gliders, Hardhat, Hardhats, Harp, Harps, Hat, Chapeau, Chapeaus, Hats, Headgear, Headdress, Headdresses, Headgears, Headphones, Earphone, Earphones, Earpiece, Earpieces, Headphone, Headphones, Headscarf, Headscarves, Health Club, Gymnasium, Gymnasiums, Health Clubs, Health Spa, Health Spas, Spa, Spas, Hedgehog, Hedgehogs, Helicopter, Chopper, Choppers, Helicopters, Whirlybird, Whirlybirds, Helmet, Helmets, Henna, Hennas, Herb, Herbs, Heron, Herons, Herring, Herrings, High Heels, Pumps, Stilettos, Hijab, Hijabs, Hippopotamus, Hippo, Hippopotamuses, Hippos, Hockey, Hockeys, Holiday, Holidays, Observance, Observances, Vacation, Vacations, Holly, Hollies, Holster, Holsters, Honey, Honeys, Honeydew, Honeydews, Hook, Hooks, Hookah, Hookahs, Horse, Horses, Horseradish, Horseradishes, Horseshoe, Horseshoes, Hose, Hoses, Hospital, Hospitals, Infirmaries, Infirmary, Hotdog, Frank, Frankfurter, Frankfurters, Franks, Hot Dog, Hot Dogs, Hotdogs, Hotel, Auberge, Auberges, Hotels, Inn, Inns, Hound, Hounds, Hourglass, Hourglasses, House, Home, Homes, Household, Households, Houses, Houseboat, Houseboats, Housewares, Hubcap, Hubcaps, Hula, Hulas, Hummingbird, Hummingbirds, Hummus, Hummuses, Hunting, Huntings, Hurdle, Hurdles, Husky, Huskies, Hydrant, Fireplug, Fireplugs, Hydrants, Spigot, Spigots, Hyena, Hyenas, Ice, Ices, Ice Cream, Ice Creams, Icecream, Icecreams, Ice Skate, Ice Skates, Ice Skating, Ice Skatings, Igloo, Igloos, Iguana, Iguanas, Illustrations, Drawing, Drawings, Insect, Insects, Interior Room, Indoors, Inside, Insides, Interior Rooms, Island, Islands, Ivy, Ivies, Jack O Lantern, Jack O Lanterns, Jack Russell, Jack Russells, Jacket, Jackets, Jacuzzi, Jacuzzis, Jalapeno, Jalapenos, Jar, Jars, Jeans, Blue Jean, Blue Jeans, Denim, Denims, Dungaree, Dungarees, Jean, Jeans, Jeep, Jeeps, Jello, Gelatin, Gelatins, Jellos, Jelly, Jellies, Jellybean, Jellybeans, Jellyfish, Jerrycan, Jerrycans, Jetski, Jet Ski, Jet Skis, Jetskis, Jewelry, Jewelries, Jigsaw, Jigsaws, Jockey Horse, Jockey Horses, Joystick, Control Stick, Control Sticks, Joysticks, Judo, Judos, Jug, Jugs, Juggling, Juggle, Juggles, Jugglings, Juice, Juices, Juicer, Juicers, Jungle, Jungles, Kale, Kales, Kandura, Kanduras, Kangaroo, Kangaroos, Karaoke, Karaokes, Karate, Karates, Kayak, Kayaks, Kebab, Kabob, Kabobs, Kebabs, Shish Kebab, Shish Kebabs, Keg, Kegs, Ketchup, Catsup, Catsups, Ketchups, Tomato Ketchup, Tomato Ketchups, Kettle, Kettles, Keypad, Keypads, Keys, Key, Keys, Kickboxing, Kielbasa, Kilt, Kilts, Kimchi, Kimchis, Kimono, Kimonos, Kitchen, Canteen, Canteens, Cookeries, Cookery, Galley, Galleys, Kitchens, Sculleries, Scullery, Kite, Kites, Kiteboarding, Kitten, Kittens, Kitties, Kitty, Knife, Knives, Koala, Koalas, Kohlrabi, Kohlrabis, Koi, Carp, Kois, Kung Fu, Lab Coat, Lab Coats, Laboratory Coat, Laboratory Coats, Laboratory, Lab, Laboratories, Labs, Research Lab, Research Laboratories, Research Laboratory, Research Labs, Science Lab, Science Laboratories, Science Laboratory, Science Labs, Ladder, Ladders, Ladle, Ladles, Ladybug, Lady Beetle, Lady Beetles, Ladybeetle, Ladybeetles, Ladybird, Ladybird Beetle, Ladybird Beetles, Ladybirds, Ladybugs, Lake, Lagoon, Lagoons, Lakes, Pond, Ponds, Reservoir, Reservoirs, Lakeshore, Lakeshores, Lakeside, Lakesides, Lamp, Lamps, Lamppost, Lampposts, Land, Lands, Lantern, Lanterns, Lasso, Lassoes, Lathe, Lathes, Lava, Lavas, Leash, Leashes, Tether, Tethers, Leek, Leeks, Scallion, Scallions, Lego, Legos, Lemon, Lemons, Lemonade, Lemonades, Lemongrass, Lemon Grass, Lemon Grasses, Lemongrasses, Lemur, Lemurs, Leopard, Leopards, Leotard, Body Suit, Body Suits, Cat Suit, Cat Suits, Leotards, Unitard, Unitards, Lettuce, Lettuces, Library, Libraries, License Plate, License Plates, Life Jacket, Life Jackets, Lifejacket, Lifejackets, Lifesaver, Life Belt, Life Belts, Life Buoy, Life Buoys, Life Preserver, Life Preservers, Life Ring, Life Rings, Lifesavers, Light, Lights, Luminance, Luminances, Luminosities, Luminosity, Light Bulb, Bulb, Bulbs, Incandescent Lamp, Incandescent Lamps, Light Bulbs, Lightbulb, Lightbulbs, Lighthouse, Beacon, Beacons, Lighthouses, Lightning, Lightnings, Lily, Lilies, Lime, Limes, Limousine, Limo, Limos, Limousines, Lion, Lions, Lionfish, Liquid, Liquids, Liquor, Booze, Boozes, Liquors, Spirits, Living Room, Den, Dens, Family Room, Family Rooms, Front Room, Front Rooms, Living Rooms, Parlor, Parlors, Parlour, Parlours, Sitting Room, Sitting Rooms, Lizard, Lizards, Llama, Llamas, Loafers, Lobster, Lobsters, Lollipop, Lollies, Lollipops, Lolly, Loudspeaker, Loudspeakers, Luggage, Baggage, Baggages, Luggages, Lychee, Lychees, Lynx, Lynxes, Macadamia, Macadamias, Machine, Apparatus, Apparatuses, Contraption, Contraptions, Machines, Mackerel, Magazine, Magazines, Magic, Conjuration, Conjurations, Illusion, Illusions, Legerdemain, Legerdemains, Magics, Thaumaturgies, Thaumaturgy, Magnifying Glass, Magnifying Glasses, Mailbox, Letter Box, Letter Boxes, Mailboxes, Postbox, Postboxes, Malamute, Malamutes, Malinois, Mallet, Mallets, Mammal, Mammals, Mango, Mangoes, Mangosteen, Mangosteens, Mangrove, Mangroves, Manhole, Manholes, Map, Maps, Maple Tree, Maple Trees, Margarita, Margaritas, Marigold, Marigolds, Marshmallow, Marshmallows, Marsupial, Marsupials, Martial Art, Martial Arts, Martini, Martinis, Masquerade, Mask, Masks, Masquerades, Mast, Masts, Mastiff, Mastiffs, Mattress, Mattresses, Matzo, Matzos, Mayonnaise, Mayo, Mayonnaises, Mead, Meads, Measuring Tape, Measuring Tapes, Meat, Meats, Meatball, Meatballs, Meatloaf, Meat Loaf, Meat Loaves, Meatloaves, Media, Medias, Medicine, Medicines, Megalith, Megaliths, Melon, Melons, Menorah, Menorahs, Microphone, Mic, Microphones, Mics, Mike, Mikes, Microscope, Microscopes, Microwave, Microwave Oven, Microwave Ovens, Microwaves, Milk, Milks, Milkshake, Milkshakes, Millipede, Millipedes, Minaret, Minarets, Minnow, Minnows, Mirror, Mirrors, Missile, Missiles, Mistletoe, Mistletoes, Mitten, Mittens, Moccasins, Mojito, Mojitos, Mollusk, Mollusks, Money, Monies, Monitor Lizard, Monitor Lizards, Monorail, Monorails, Monument, Commemoration, Commemorations, Landmark, Landmarks, Memorial, Memorials, Monuments, Moon, Lunar, Lunars, Moonlight, Moonlights, Moons, Moonshine, Moonshines, Moose, Mop, Mops, Swab, Swabs, Swob, Swobs, Moth, Moths, Motorcross, Motorcycle, Bike, Bikes, Motorcycles, Motor Home, Motor Homes, Motorhome, Motorhomes, Motorsport, Motorsports, Mountain, Mount, Mountains, Mounts, Peak, Peaks, Sierra, Sierras, Mousetrap, Mousetraps, Mower, Lawn Mower, Lawn Mowers, Mowers, Mud, Muds, Muffin, Muffins, Mug, Coffee Mug, Coffee Mugs, Flagon, Flagons, Mugs, Tankard, Tankards, Museum, Museums, Mushroom, Mushrooms, Music, Musical Instrument, Musical Instruments, Musket, Muskets, Mussel, Mussels, Mustard, Mustards, Naan, Naans, Nacho, Nachos, Nascar, Necktie, Neckties, Tie, Ties, Nectarine, Nectarines, Nest, Nests, Roost, Roosts, Newspaper, Newspapers, Newsprint, Newsprints, Night, Nights, Nightclub, Club, Clubs, Night Club, Night Clubs, Nightclubs, Nightspot, Nightspots, Nut, Nuts, Oak Tree, Oak, Oak Trees, Oaks, Oar, Oars, Oasis, Haven, Havens, Oases, Oat, Oats, Oatmeal, Oatmeals, Obelisk, Obelisks, Ocean, Oceans, Sea, Seas, Office, Offices, Office Supplies, Oktoberfest, Omelet, Omelets, Omelette, Omelettes, Onion, Onions, Oranges, Orchestra, Orchestras, Orchid, Orchids, Oregano, Marjoram, Marjorams, Oreganos, Origami, Origamis, Ostrich, Ostriches, Otter, Otters, Outdoor, Outdoors, Outside, Outsides, Oven, Kiln, Kilns, Ovens, Overalls, Owl, Owls, Oyster, Oysters, Pacifier, Pacifiers, Teething Ring, Teething Rings, Paella, Paellas, Pagoda, Pagodas, Paintball, Paintballs, Paintbrush, Paintbrushes, Painting, Paintings, Picture, Pictures, Palette, Palettes, Palm Tree, Palm Trees, Pan, Pans, Saucepan, Saucepans, Skillet, Skillets, Pancake, Flapjack, Flapjacks, Griddlecake, Griddlecakes, Hot Cake, Hot Cakes, Hotcake, Hotcakes, Pancakes, Panda, Pandas, Papaya, Papayas, Paper Bag, Paper Bags, Parade, Parades, Parakeet, Parakeets, Parasailing, Paragliding, Park, Commons, Parkland, Parklands, Parks, Recreation Area, Recreation Areas, Park Bench, Park Benches, Parking Lot, Car Park, Car Parks, Parking Area, Parking Areas, Parking Garage, Parking Garages, Parking Lots, Parrot, Parrots, Parsley, Parsleys, Passion Fruit, Passion Fruits, Passionfruit, Passionfruits, Passport, Passports, Pasta, Pastas, Pastry, Pastries, Path, Course, Courses, Paths, Route, Routes, Track, Tracks, Way, Ways, Patio, Patios, Terrace, Terraces, Payphone, Payphones, Pea, Peas, Peach, Peaches, Peacock, Peacocks, Peanut, Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Pear, Pears, Pecan, Pecans, Pelican, Pelicans, Penguin, Penguins, Pepper (Spice), Peppers (Spice), Pepper (Vegetable), Peppers (Vegetable), Pepperoni, Pepperonis, Peregrine, Falcon, Falcons, Peregrines, Performance, Act, Acts, Performances, Production, Productions, Revue, Revues, Pergola, Arbor, Arbors, Bower, Bowers, Pergolas, Persimmon, Persimmons, Petunia, Petunias, Phone, Phones, Photography, Photographies, Picture Taking, Picture Takings, Piano, Pianos, Pickle, Pickles, Pie, Pies, Pie Chart, Pie Charts, Pier, Piers, Wharf, Wharves, Pierogi, Pierogis, Pig, Hog, Hogs, Pigs, Piggy Bank, Piggy Banks, Piggybank, Piggybanks, Pillar, Column, Columns, Mainstay, Mainstays, Pillars, Pine Nut, Pignolia, Pignolias, Pine Nuts, Pinon Nut, Pinon Nuts, Pine Tree, Pine, Pine Trees, Pines, Pineapple, Pineapples, Ping Pong, Table Tennis, Pistachio, Pistachios, Pistol, Handgun, Handguns, Pistols, Pita, Pitas, Pocket Bread, Pocket Breads, Pit Bull, Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls, Pitbull, Pitbulls, Staffordshire, Terrier, Terriers, Pitchfork, Pitchforks, Pizza, Pizzas, Place Mat, Place Mats, Placemat, Placemats, Planetarium, Planetariums, Plant, Flora, Floras, Plants, Plaque, Memorial, Memorials, Plaques, Plate, Plates, Platter, Platters, Playground, Jungle Gym, Jungle Gyms, Playgrounds, Playpen, Playpens, Pliers, Plum, Plums, Plunger, Plungers, Poinsettia, Poinsettias, Poker, Pokers, Pole, Poles, Polka Dot, Polka Dots, Polo, Polos, Pomegranate, Pomegranates, Pomeranian, Pomeranians, Poncho, Ponchos, Poodle, Poodles, Pool, Pools, Popcorn, Popcorns, Poppyseed, Poppyseeds, Popsicle, Popsicles, Porch, Porches, Porcupine, Porcupines, Pork, Porks, Portal, Entrance, Entrances, Gateway, Gateways, Portals, Porthole, Portholes, Poster, Placard, Placards, Posters, Posting, Postings, Pot, Pots, Potato, Potatoes, Spud, Spuds, Tater, Taters, Potato Chip, Chip, Chips, Crisp, Crisps, Potato Chips, Poultry, Fowl, Fowls, Poultries, Power Saw, Power Saws, Saw, Sawing Machine, Sawing Machines, Saws, Prairie Dog, Prairie Dogs, Precipitation, Precipitations, Pretzel, Pretzels, Printer, Printers, Projectile, Projectiles, Projector, Projectors, Puck, Hockey Puck, Hockey Pucks, Pucks, Pudding, Puddings, Puddle, Puddles, Puffer Fish, Puffin, Puffins, Pug, Pugs, Pulley, Block, Blocks, Pulley Block, Pulley Blocks, Pulleys, Pumpkin, Pumpkins, Puppet, Puppets, Purse, Handbag, Handbags, Pocketbook, Pocketbooks, Purses, Putt, Putting, Puttings, Putts, Putter, Putters, Putting Iron, Putting Irons, Puzzle, Puzzler, Puzzlers, Puzzles, Pylon, Power Pylon, Power Pylons, Pylons, Pyramid, Pyramids, Pyrotechnics, Python, Pythons, Quesadilla, Quesadillas, Quinoa, Quinoas, Rabbit, Coney, Coneys, Conies, Cony, Hare, Hares, Lapin, Lapins, Rabbits, Raccoon, Raccoons, Racquet, Racket, Rackets, Racquets, Radish, Radishes, Rafting, Railroad, Railroad Line, Railroad Lines, Railroad Track, Railroad Tracks, Railroads, Railway, Railway Line, Railway Lines, Railway System, Railway Systems, Railways, Rain, Pelting, Peltings, Rainfall, Rainfalls, Rains, Rainwater, Rainwaters, Rainbow, Rainbows, Rainforest, Rain Forest, Rain Forests, Rainforests, Raisin, Raisins, Rake, Rakes, Ramadan Lantern, Ramadan Lanterns, Rambutan, Rambutans, Ramen, Ramens, Rangoli, Rangolis, Raptor, Bird Of Prey, Birds Of Prey, Raptors, Raspberry, Raspberries, Rat, Rats, Ratchet, Ratchets, Rattlesnake, Rattler, Rattlers, Rattlesnakes, Raven, Ravens, Receipt, Receipts, Record, Disc, Discs, Disk, Disks, Phonograph Record, Phonograph Recording, Phonograph Recordings, Phonograph Records, Records, Recreation, Recreations, Red Envelope, Red Envelopes, Red Wine, Red Wines, Refrigerator, Icebox, Iceboxes, Refrigerators, Remote Control, Remote, Remote Controls, Remotes, Reptile, Reptiles, Restaurant, Cafe, Cafes, Cafeteria, Cafeterias, Coffee Shop, Coffee Shops, Diner, Diners, Eateries, Eatery, Restaurants, Retriever, Retrievers, Revolver, Revolvers, Rhinoceros, Rhino, Rhinoceroses, Rhinos, Rhubarb, Rhubarbs, Ribbon, Ribbons, Rice, Rices, Rice Field, Rice Fields, Rickshaw, Rickshaws, Ridgeback, Ridgebacks, Rifle, Rifles, Rink, Rinks, Skating Rink, Skating Rinks, Risotto, Risottos, River, Estuaries, Estuary, Rivers, Stream, Streams, Tributaries, Tributary, Rivershore, Rivershores, Road, Avenue, Avenues, Boulevard, Boulevards, Pathway, Pathways, Roads, Roadway, Roadways, Route, Routes, Robot, Automaton, Automatons, Golem, Golems, Robots, Rock Climbing, Rock Climbings, Rocket, Rockets, Rodent, Rodents, Rodeo, Rodeos, Roundup, Roundups, Roe, Roes, Rollerblades, Rollerblade, Rollerblades, Rollercoaster, Rollercoasters, Roller Skating, Rollerskating, Rolling Pin, Rolling Pins, Rope, Cordage, Cordages, Ropes, Rose, Roses, Rosemary, Rosemaries, Rotisserie, Rotisseries, Rottweiler, Rottweilers, Roulette, Roulettes, Rowboat, Dinghy, Dinghys, Rowboats, Rubber Stamp, Handstamp, Handstamps, Rubber Stamps, Rugby, Rugbys, Rum, Rums, Sack, Carrier Bag, Carrier Bags, Pouch, Pouches, Sacks, Saddle, Saddles, Sailboat, Sailboats, Sailing Boat, Sailing Boats, Salad, Salads, Salami, Salamis, Salmon, Salt, Brine, Brines, Salts, Samba, Sambas, Samosa, Samosas, Sand, Sands, Sand Dune, Dune, Dunes, Sand Dunes, Sandal, Sandals, Sandbag, Sandbags, Sandbox, Sandboxes, Sandpile, Sandpiles, Sandpit, Sandpits, Sandcastle, Sandcastles, Sandpiper, Sandpipers, Sandwich, Sandwiches, Sangria, Sangrias, Santa Claus, Santa Clauses, Sardine, Sardines, Sari, Saris, Satay, Satays, Sauce, Coulis, Gravies, Gravy, Sauces, Sauceboat, Gravy Boat, Gravy Boats, Gravy Holder, Gravy Holders, Sauceboats, Sauerkraut, Sauerkrauts, Sauna, Saunas, Sausage, Sausages, Saxophone, Sax, Saxes, Saxophones, Scaffolding, Scaffoldings, Scallop, Scallops, Scarab, Beetle, Beetles, Scarabs, Scarecrow, Scarecrows, Straw Man, Straw Men, Strawman, Strawmen, Scarf, Scarves, Schnauzer, Schnauzers, School, Schools, Scissors, Pair Of Scissors, Pairs Of Scissors, Scone, Scones, Scooter, Scooters, Scoreboard, Scoreboards, Scorpion, Scorpions, Scrambled Eggs, Scrapbook, Scrapbooks, Screwdriver, Screwdrivers, Scuba, Aqualung, Aqualungs, Scubas, Sea Bass, Seabass, Seabasses, Seafood, Seafoods, Seahorse, Seahorses, Sea Lion, Sea Lions, Sealion, Sealions, Seashell, Seashells, Seasonings, Flavoring, Flavorings, Seasoning, Seasonings, Seat, Seats, Seaweed, Kelp, Kelps, Seaweeds, Sedan, Sedans, Seed, Seeds, Seesaw, Seesaws, Teeter-Totter, Teeter-Totters, Teeterboard, Teeterboards, Semi Truck, Eighteen Wheeler, Eighteen Wheelers, Semi Trucks, Sequoia, Redwood, Redwoods, Sequoias, Serpent, Serpents, Sesame, Sesames, Setter, Setters, Sewing, Sewings, Stitcheries, Stitchery, Stitching, Stitchings, Shark, Sharks, Shawarma, Shawarmas, Shears, Shear, Shears, Shed, Sheds, Sheep, Sheepdog, Sheepdogs, Shellfish, Shellfish (Prepared), Shipyard, Shipyards, Shoe, Shopping Bag, Shopping Bags, Shopping Cart, Shopping Carts, Shore, Coast, Coasts, Shores, Waterfront, Waterfronts, Shotgun, Scattergun, Scatterguns, Shotguns, Shovel, Shovels, Spade, Spades, Shower, Showers, Shrub, Bush, Bushes, Hedge, Hedges, Shrubs, Sidewalk, Sidewalks, Sieve, Colander, Colanders, Sieves, Sign, Signs, Silo, Silos, Singer, Singers, Vocalist, Vocalists, Skateboard, Skateboards, Skateboarding, Skateboardings, Skatepark, Skateparks, Skating, Skatings, Sketch, Drawing, Drawings, Sketches, Ski, Skis, Ski Boot, Ski Boots, Skunk, Skunks, Sky, Skies, Skydiving, Skydivings, Skyscraper, High Rise, High Rises, Skyscrapers, Sled, Sleds, Sleigh, Sleighs, Sledding, Sleddings, Sledgehammer, Sledgehammers, Slide, Slide, Slipper, Slippers, Smokestack, Smokestacks, Smoothie, Smoothies, Snail, Snails, Snake, Snakes, Snapdragon, Snapdragons, Snapper, Snappers, Sneakers, Gym Shoe, Gym Shoes, Sneaker, Sneakers, Tennis Shoe, Tennis Shoes, Snorkeling, Snow, Snows, Snowball, Snowballs, Snowboard, Snowboards, Snowboarding, Snowboardings, Snowman, Snowmen, Snowmobile, Snowmobiles, Snowshoe, Snowshoes, Soccer, Soccers, Sock, Socks, Soda, Pop, Pops, Soda Pop, Soda Pops, Sodas, Sofa, Couch, Couches, Lounge, Lounges, Sofas, Softball, Softball Game, Softball Games, Softballs, Sombrero, Sombreros, Souffle, Souffles, Soup, Goulash, Goulashes, Soups, Stew, Stews, Sour Cream, Sour Creams, Souvlaki, Souvlakis, Soy Sauce, Soy Sauces, Spaniel, Spaniels, Spareribs, Sparerib, Spareribs, Sparkler, Sparklers, Sparkling Wine, Sparkling Wines, Sparrow, Sparrows, Spatula, Spatulas, Speakers, Speedboat, Speedboats, Spice, Spices, Spider, Spiders, Spiderweb, Cobweb, Cobwebs, Spiderwebs, Web, Webs, Spinach, Spinaches, Spoon, Spoons, Sport, Athletics, Sports, Sports Equipment, Athletic Equipment, Sports Car, Sports Cars, Sportscar, Sportscars, Spotlight, Limelight, Limelights, Spotlights, Spring Roll, Spring Rolls, Sprinkler, Sprinklers, Sprout, Sprouts, Squash Sport, Squash Sports, Squirrel, Squirrels, Stadium, Stadiums, Stained Glass, Stained Glasses, Stairs, Stair, Stairs, Step, Steps, Starfish, Sea Star, Sea Stars, Star Fruit, Star Fruits, Starfruit, Starfruits, Starry, Statue, Sculpture, Sculptures, Statues, Steak, Steaks, Steamer, Steamers, Stereo, Stereos, Stethoscope, Stethoscopes, Sticky Note, Post It Note, Post It Notes, Sticky Notes, Stingray, Stingrays, Stir Fry, Stir Fries, Stool, Footrest, Footrests, Footstool, Footstools, Ottoman, Ottomans, Stools, Stopwatch, Stop Watch, Stop Watches, Stopwatches, Storefront, Shopfront, Shopfronts, Storefronts, Stork, Storks, Storm, Storms, Tempest, Tempests, Stove, Cooking Stove, Cooking Stoves, Kitchen Range, Kitchen Ranges, Kitchen Stove, Kitchen Stoves, Range, Ranges, Stoves, Straw, Straws, Straw Hat, Straw Hats, Straw Hay, Straw Hays, Strawberry, Strawberries, Streamer, Banner, Banners, Pennant, Pennants, Streamers, Street, Streets, Street Sign, Street Signs, Streetcar, Streetcars, Tram, Tramcar, Tramcars, Trams, Trolley, Trolley Car, Trolley Cars, Trolleys, Stretcher, Stretchers, String Instrument, String Instruments, Stroller, Baby Buggies, Baby Buggy, Baby Carriage, Baby Carriages, Carriage, Carriages, Strollers, Structure, Construction, Constructions, Structures, Strudel, Danish, Danishes, Strudels, Submarine, Submarines, Submersible, Submersibles, Sugar Cube, Sugar Cubes, Suit, Suits, Suitcase, Suitcases, Sukiyaki, Sukiyakis, Sumo, Sumos, Sun, Suns, Sunbathing, Sundial, Sundials, Sunfish, Sunflower, Sunflowers, Sunflower Seed, Sunflower Seeds, Sunglasses, Dark Glasses, Shades, Sunhat, Sunhats, Sunrise, Break Of Day, Breaks Of Day, Dawn, Dawns, Daybreak, Daybreaks, First Light, First Lights, Morning, Mornings, Sunrises, Sunup, Sunups, Sunset, Dusk, Dusks, Nightfall, Nightfalls, Sundown, Sundowns, Sunsets, Surfboard, Surfboards, Surfing, Surfboarding, Surfings, Surfriding, Surimi, Sushi, Sushis, Sport Utility Vehicle, SUV, SUVs, Sport Utility Vehicles, Swan, Swans, Sweater, Sweaters, Swimming, Swim, Swimmings, Swims, Swimsuit, Swimsuits, Swimwear, Swimwears, Swing Dancing, Swing, Swings, Swivel Chair, Swivel Chairs, Sword, Swords, Swordfish, Sycamore, Sycamores, Syringe, Syringes, Syrup, Syrups, Tabbouleh, Tabboulehs, Table, Tables, Tableware, Tablewares, Tachometer, Tachometers, Taco, Tacos, Taffy, Taffys, Tambourine, Tambourines, Tandoori, Tandooris, Tapas, Tapioca, Tapiocas, Tarantula, Tarantulas, Taro, Taros, Tarragon, Tarragons, Tattoo, Tattoos, Tea, Teapot, Teapots, Teddy, Teddies, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bears, Telephone, Telephones, Telescope, Scope, Scopes, Telescopes, Television, TV, TVs, Televisions, Tempura, Tempuras, Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Tent, Tents, Tequila, Tequilas, Teriyaki, Teriyakis, Termite, Termites, Terrarium, Terrariums, Terrier, Terriers, Textbook, Schoolbook, Schoolbooks, Textbooks, Thanksgiving, Thanksgivings, Theater, Theaters, Theatre, Theatres, Thermometer, Thermometers, Thermos, Flask, Flasks, Thermoses, Thermostat, Thermostats, Throne, Thrones, Thunderstorm, Thunderstorms, Thyme, Thymes, Tiara, Tiaras, Tiger, Tigers, Timepiece, Timekeeper, Timekeepers, Timepieces, Tiramisu, Tiramisus, Tire, Tires, Tyre, Tyres, Toad, Toads, Toaster, Toasters, Tofu, Bean Curd, Bean Curds, Tofus, Tomato, Tomatoes, Tongs, Tool, Tools, Toolbelt, Toolbelts, Toolbox, Tool Cabinet, Tool Cabinets, Tool Case, Tool Cases, Tool Chest, Tool Chests, Toolboxes, Top Hat, Top Hats, Tophat, Tophats, Torch, Torches, Tornado, Cyclone, Cyclones, Funnel Cloud, Funnel Clouds, Tornadoes, Twister, Twisters, Typhoon, Typhoons, Tortilla, Tortillas, Tortoise, Tortoises, Toucan, Toucans, Tower, Spire, Spires, Towers, Toy, Toys, Track And Field, Track And Fields, Track Rail, Track Rails, Tractor, Tractors, Traffic Light, Stoplight, Stoplights, Traffic Lights, Traffic Signal, Traffic Signals, Trail, Trails, Train, Locomotive, Locomotives, Trains, Train Station, Railroad Station, Railroad Stations, Railroad Terminal, Railroad Terminals, Railway Station, Railway Stations, Train Depot, Train Depots, Train Stations, Trampoline, Trampolines, Tramway, Aerial Tramway, Aerial Tramways, Cable Tramway, Cable Tramways, Ropeway, Ropeways, Tram, Tramline, Tramlines, Trams, Tramways, Tray, Trays, Treadmill, Treadmills, Tree, Trees, Trellis, Lattice, Lattices, Trellises, Triathlon, Triathlons, Tricycle, Tricycles, Trike, Trikes, Tripod, Tripods, Trombone, Trombones, Trophy, Award, Awards, Prize, Prizes, Trophies, Trout, Truck, Trucks, Trumpet, Cornet, Cornets, Horn, Horns, Trumpets, Tuba, Bass Horn, Bass Horns, Sousaphone, Sousaphones, Tubas, Tulip, Tulips, Tuna, Tunnel, Burrow, Burrows, Tunnels, Turban, Turbans, Turf, Grass, Grasses, Greensward, Greenswards, Lawn, Lawns, Sward, Swards, Turfs, Turmeric, Turmerics, Turnip, Turnips, Turntable, Turntables, Turtle, Turtles, Tuxedo, Black Tie, Black Ties, Dinner Jacket, Dinner Jackets, Tux, Tuxedos, Tuxes, Typewriter, Typewriters, Ukulele, Ukuleles, Umbrella, Umbrellas, Underwater, Submerged, Undersea, Underseas, Underwaters, Ungulates, Hoofed Mammal, Hoofed Mammals, Ungulate, Ungulates, Urchin, Urchins, Utensil, Utensils, Vacuum, Vacuum Cleaner, Vacuum Cleaners, Vacuums, Van, Vans, Vase, Urn, Urns, Vases, Vegetable, Vegetables, Veggie, Veggies, Vegetation, Botanies, Botany, Flora, Floras, Vegetations, Vehicle, Vehicles, Video Game, Video Games, Videogame, Videogames, Vinegar, Vinegars, Vineyard, Grapevines, Vines, Vineyards, Wineries, Winery, Viola, Violas, Violin, Violins, Violoncello, Violoncellos, Vizsla, Hungarian Pointer, Hungarian Pointers, Vizslas, Vodka, Vodkas, Volcano, Volcanoes, Vulture, Vultures, Waffle, Waffles, Wagon, Wagons, Wakeboarding, Walkway, Walkways, Wallet, Billfold, Billfolds, Notecase, Notecases, Pocketbook, Pocketbooks, Wallets, Warning Sign, Warning Signs, Warship, Battleship, Battleships, Combat Ship, Combat Ships, War Vessel, War Vessels, Warships, Wasabi, Washbasin, Basin, Basins, Handbasin, Handbasins, Lavabo, Lavaboen, Sink, Sinks, Washbasins, Washbowl, Washbowls, Washstand, Washstands, Washing Machine, Washer, Washers, Washing Machines, Watch, Watches, Wristwatch, Wristwatches, Water, H2O, Waters, Watercraft, Watercress, Watercresses, Waterfall, Cascade, Cascades, Falls, Waterfalls, Watering Can, Watering Cans, Watering Pot, Watering Pots, Watermelon, Watermelons, Watermill, Watermills, Waterpolo, Water Polo, Water-Polo, Water-Polos, Watersport, Watersports, Waterways, Wedding, Marriage, Marriages, Matrimonies, Matrimony, Nuptials, Weddings, Wedding Cake, Bridecake, Bridecakes, Wedding Cakes, Wedding Dress, Bridal Gown, Bridal Gowns, Wedding Dresses, Wedding Gown, Wedding Gowns, Weimaraner, Weimaraners, Wetland, Marsh, Marshes, Swamp, Swamps, Wetlands, Wetsuit, Wetsuits, Whale, Whales, Wheat, Wheats, Wheel, Wheels, Wheelbarrow, Barrow, Barrows, Garden Cart, Garden Carts, Lawn Cart, Lawn Carts, Wheelbarrows, Whipped Cream, Whipped Creams, Whisk, Whisks, Whiskey, Whiskeys, Whisky, White Bread, White Breads, White Wine, White Wines, Whiteboard, Whiteboards, Wildfire, Wildfires, Willow, Willows, Winch, Winches, Windmill, Aerogenerator, Aerogenerators, Wind Generator, Wind Generators, Windmills, Window, Windows, Windsurfing, Windsurfings, Wine, Vino, Wines, Wine Bottle, Wine Bottles, Winter Sport, Winter Sports, Wire, Wires, Cable, Cables, Wolf, Wolves, Wolfhound, Wolfhounds, Wonton, Won Ton, Won Tons, Wontons, Wood, Woods, Woodpecker, Woodpeckers, Woodwind, Woodwinds, Workout, Exercise, Exercises, Exertion, Exertions, Workouts, Worm, Worms, Wreath, Chaplet, Chaplets, Coronal, Coronals, Garland, Garlands, Lei, Leis, Wreaths, Wrench, Wrenches, Wrestling, Grappling, Grapplings, Wrestlings, Wushu, Xylophone, Marimba, Marimbas, Xylophones, Yacht, Yachts, Yarn, Yarns, Yogurt, Yoghurt, Yoghurts, Yogurts, Yolk, Egg Yolk, Egg Yolks, Yolks, Zebra, Zebras, Zoo, Menagerie, Menageries, Wildlife Park, Wildlife Parks, Zoological Garden, Zoological Gardens, Zoos, Zucchini, Courgette, Courgettes, Zucchinis.
0 notes
readbookywooks · 7 years
There was a cold wind blowing off the North Star when they got near the world's edge, and the chilly spray of the waterfalls splashed over them. It had been stiffer going on the way back, for old Psamathos' magic was not in such a hurry just then; and they were glad to rest on the Isle of Dogs. But as Roverandom was still his enchanted size, he did not enjoy himself much there. The other dogs were too large and noisy, and too scornful; and the bones of the bone-trees were too large and bony. It was dawn of the day after the day after tomorrow when at last they sighted the black cliffs of Mew's home; and the sun was warm on their backs, and the tips of the sand-hillocks were already pale and dry, by the time they alighted in the cove of Psamathos. Mew gave a little cry, and tapped with his beak on a bit of wood lying on the ground. The bit of wood immediately grew straight up into the air, and turned into Psamathos' left ear, and was joined by another ear, and quickly followed by the rest of the sorcerer's ugly head and neck. 'What do you two want at this time of day?' growled Psamathos. 'It's my favourite time for sleep.' 'We're back! ' said the seagull. 'And you've allowed yourself to be carried back on his back, I see,' Psamathos said, turning to the little dog. 'After dragon-hunting I should have thought you would have found a little flight back home quite easy.' 'But please, sir,' said Roverandom, 'I left my wings behind; they didn't really belong to me. And I should rather like to be an ordinary dog again.' 'O! all right. Still I hope you have enjoyed yourself as "Roverandom". You ought to have done. Now you can he just Rover again, if you really want to be; and you can go home and play with your yellow ball, and sleep on armchairs when you get the chance, and sit on laps, and be a respectable little yap-dog again.' 'What about the little boy?' said Rover. 'But you ran away from him, silly, all the way to the moon, I thought! ' said Psamathos, pretending to be annoyed and surprised, but giving a merry twinkle out of one knowing eye. 'Home I said, and home I meant. Don't splutter and argue!' Poor Rover was spluttering because he was trying to get in a very polite 'Mr P-samathos'. Eventually he did. 'P-P-Please, Mr P-P-P-samathos,' he said, most touchingly. 'P-Please p-pardon me, but I have met him again; and I shouldn't run away now; and really I belong to him, don't I? So I ought to go back to him.' 'Stuff and nonsense! Of course you don't and oughtn't! You belong to the old lady that bought you first, and back you'll have to go to her. You can't buy stolen goods, or bewitched ones either, as you would know, if you knew the Law, you silly little dog. Little boy Two's mother wasted sixpence on you, and that's an end of it. And what's in dream-meetings anyway?' wound up Psamathos with a huge wink. 'I thought some of the Man-in-the-Moon's dreams came true,' said little Rover sadly. 'O! did you! Well that's the Man-in-the-Moon's affair. Any business is to change you back at once into your proper size, and send you back where you belong. Artaxerxes has departed to other spheres of usefulness, so we needn't bother about him any more. Come here! ' He took hold of Rover, and he waved his fat hand over the little dog's head, and hey presto - there was no change at all! He did it all over again, and still there was no change. Then Psamathos got right up out of the sand, and Rover saw for the first time that he had legs like a rabbit. He stamped and ramped, and kicked sand into the air, and trampled on the seashells, and snorted like an angry pug-dog; and still nothing happened at all! 'Done by a seaweed wizard, blister and wart him!' he swore. 'Done by a Persian plum-picker, pot and jam him!' he shouted, and kept on shouting till he was tired. Then he sat down. 'Well, well!' he said at last when he was cooler. 'Live and learn! But Artaxerxes is most peculiar. Who could have guessed that he would remember you amidst all the excitement of his wedding, and go and waste his strongest incantation on a dog before going on his honeymoon - as if his first spell wasn't more than any silly little puppy is worth? If it isn't enough to split one's skin. 'Well! I don't need to think out what is to be done, at any rate,' Psamathos continued. 'There is only one possible thing. You have got to go and find him and beg his pardon. But my word! I'll remember this against him, till the sea is twice as salt and half as wet. Just you two go for a walk, and be back in half an hour when my temper's better! ' Mew and Rover went along the shore and up the cliff, Mew flying slowly and Rover trotting along very sad. They stopped outside the little boys' father's house; and Rover even went in at the gate, and sat in a flower-bed under the boys' window. It was still very early, but he barked and barked hopefully. The little boys were either still fast asleep or away, for nobody came to the window. Or so Rover thought. He had forgotten that things are different on the world from the back-garden of the moon, and that Artaxerxes' bewitchment was still on his size, and the size of his bark. After a little while Mew took him mournfully back to the cove. There an altogether new surprise was waiting for him. Psamathos was talking to a whale! A very large whale, Uin the oldest of the Right Whales. He looked like a mountain to little Rover, lying with his great head in a deep pool near the water's edge. 'Sorry I couldn't get anything smaller at a moment's notice,' said Psamathos. 'But he is very comfortable! ' 'Walk in! ' said the whale. 'Good-bye! Walk in!' said the seagull. 'Walk in!' said Psamathos; 'and be quick about it! And don't bite or scratch about inside; you might give Uin a cough, and that you would find uncomfy.' This was almost as bad as being asked to jump into the hole in the Man-in-the-Moon's cellar, and Rover backed away, so that Mew and Psamathos had to push him in. Push him they did, too, without a coax; and the whale's jaws shut to with a snap. Inside it was very dark indeed, and fishy. There Rover sat and trembled; and as he sat (not daring even to scratch his own ears) he heard, or thought he heard, the swish and beating of the whale's tail in the waters; and he felt, or thought he felt, the whale plunge deeper and downer towards the bottom of the Deep Blue Sea. But when the whale stopped and opened his mouth wide again (delighted to do so: whales prefer going about trawling with their jaws wide open and a good tide of food coming in, but Uin was a considerate animal) and Rover peeped out, it was deep, altogether immeasurably deep, but not at all blue. There was only a pale green light; and Rover walked out to find himself on a white path of sand winding through a dim and fantastic forest. 'Straight along! You haven't far to go," said Uin. Rover went straight along, as straight as the path would allow, and soon before him he saw the gate of a great palace, made it seemed of pink and white stone that shone with a pale light coming through it; and through the many windows lights of green and blue shone clear. All round the walls huge sea-trees grew, taller than the domes of the palace that swelled up vast, gleaming in the dark water. The great indiarubber trunks of the trees bent and swayed like grasses, and the shadow of their endless branches was thronged with goldfish, and silverfish, and redfish, and bluefish, and phosphorescent fish like birds. But the fishes did not sing. The mermaids sang inside the palace. How they sang? And all the sea-fairies sang in chorus, and the music floated out of the windows, hundreds of mer-folk playing on horns and pipes and conches of shell. Sea-goblins were grinning at him out of the darkness under the trees, and Rover hurried along as fast as he could - he found his steps slow and laden deep down under the water. And why didn't he drown? I don't know, but I suppose Psamathos Psamathides had given some thought to it (he knows much more about the sea than most people would think, even though he never sets toe in it, if he can help it), while Rover and Mew had gone for a walk, and he had sat and simmered down and thought of a new plan. Anyway Rover did not drown; but he was already wishing he was somewhere else, even in the whale's wet inside, before he got to the door: such queer shapes and faces peered at him out of the purple bushes and the spongey thickets beside the path that he felt very unsafe indeed. At last he got to the enormous door - a golden archway fringed with coral, and a door of mother-of-pearl studded with sharks' teeth. The knocker was a huge ring encrusted with white barnacles, and all the barnacles' little red streamers were hanging out; but of course Rover could not reach it, nor could he have moved it anyway. So he barked, and to his surprise his bark came quite loud. The music inside stopped at the third bark, and the door opened. Who do you think opened it? Artaxerxes himself, dressed in what looked like plum-coloured velvet, and green silk trousers; and he still had a large pipe in his mouth, only it was blowing beautiful rainbow-coloured bubbles instead of tobacco-smoke; but he had no hat. 'Hullo!' he said. 'So you've turned up! I thought you would get tired of old P-samathos' (how he snorted over that exaggerated P) 'before long. He can't do quite everything. Well, what have you come down here for? We are just having a party, and you're interrupting the music. 'Please, Mr Arterxaxes, I mean Ertaxarxes,' began Rover, rather flustered and trying to be very polite. 'O never mind about getting it right! I don't mind!' said the wizard rather crossly. 'Get on to the explanation, arid make it short; I've no time for long rigmaroles.' He had become rather full of his own importance (with strangers), since his marriage to the rich mer-king's daughter, and his appointment to the post of Pacific and Atlantic Magician (the PAM they called him for short, when he was not present). 'If you want to see me about anything pressing, you had better come in and wait in the hall; I might find a moment after the dance.' He closed the door behind Rover and went off. The little dog found himself in a huge dark space under a dimly-lighted dome. There were pointed archways curtained with seaweed all round, and most of them were dark; but one of them was full of light, and music came loudly through it, music that seemed to go on and on for ever, never repeating and never stopping for a rest. Rover soon got very tired of waiting, so he walked along to the shining doorway and peeped through the curtains. He was looking into a vast ballroom with seven domes and ten thousand coral pillars, lit with purest magic and filled with warm and sparkling water. There all the golden-haired mermaids and the dark-haired sirens were dancing interwoven dances as they sang - not dancing on their tails, but wonderful swim-dancing, up and down, as well as to and fro, in the clear water. Nobody noticed the little dog's nose peeping through the seaweed at the door, so after gazing for a while he crept inside. The door was made of silver sand and pink butterfly shells, all open and happing in the gently swirling water, and he had picked his way carefully among them for some way, keeping close to the wall, before a voice said suddenly above him: 'What a sweet little dog! He's a land-dog, not a sea-dog, I'm sure. How could he have got here - such a tiny mite!' Rover looked up and saw a beautiful mer-lady with a large black comb in her golden hair, sitting on a ledge not far above him; her regrettable tail was dangling down, and she was mending one of Artaxerxes' green socks. She was, of course, the new Mrs Artaxerxes (usually known as Princess Pam; she was rather popular, which was more than you could say for her husband). Artaxerxes was at the moment sitting beside her, and whether he had the time or not for long rigmaroles, he was listening to one of his wife's. Or had been, before Rover turned up. Mrs Artaxerxes put an end to her rigmarole, and to her sock-mending, as soon as she caught sight of him, and floating down picked him up and carried him back to her couch. This was really a window-seat on the first floor (an indoors window} - there are no stairs in sea-houses, and no umbrellas, and for the same reason; and there is not much difference between doors and windows, either. The mer-lady soon settled her beautiful {and rather capacious) self comfortably on her couch again, and put Rover on her lap; and immediately there was an awful growl from under the window-seat. 'Lie down, Rover! Lie down, good dog!' said Mrs Artaxerxes. She was not talking to our Rover, though; she was talking to a white mer-dog who came out now, in spite of what she said, growling and grumbling and beating the water with his little web-feet, and lashing it with his large flat tail, and blowing bubbles out of his sharp nose. 'What a horrible little thing! ' the new dog said. 'Look at his miserable tail! Look at his feet! Look at his silly coat! ' 'Look at yourself,' said Rover from the mer-lady's lap, 'and you won't want to do it again! Who called you Rover? - a cross between a duck and a tadpole pretending to be a dog!' From which you can see that they took rather a fancy to one another at first sight. Indeed, they soon made great friends - not quite such friends, perhaps, as Rover and the moon-dog, if only because Rover's stay under the sea was shorter, and the deeps are not such a jolly place as the moon for little dogs, being full of dark and awful places where light has never been and never will be, because they will never be uncovered till light has all gone out. Horrible things live there, too old for imagining, too strong for spells, too vast for measurement. Artaxerxes had already found that out. The post of PAM is not the most comfortable job in the world. 'Now swim away and amuse yourselves!' said his wife, when the dog-argument had died down and the two animals were merely sniffing at one another. 'Don't worry the fire-fish, don't chew the sea-anemones, don't get caught in the clams; and come back to supper!' 'Please, I can't swim,' said Rover. 'Dear me! What a nuisance!' she said. 'Now Pam!' - she was the only one so far that called him this to his face - 'here is something you can really do, at last! ' 'Certainly, my dear!' said the wizard, very anxious to oblige her, and pleased to be able to show that he really had some magic, and was not an entirely useless official (limpets they call them in sea-language). He took a little wand out of his waistcoat-pocket - it was really his fountain-pen, but it was no longer any use for writing: mer-folk use a queer sticky ink that is absolutely no use in fountain-pens - and he waved it over Rover. Artaxerxes was, in spite of what some people have said, a very good magician in his own way {or Rover. would never have had these adventures) - rather a minor art, but still needing a deal of practice. Anyway after the very first wave Rover's tail began to get fishy and his feet to get webby, and his coat to get more and more like a mackintosh. When the change was over, he soon got used to it; and he found swimming a good deal easier to pick up than flying, very nearly as pleasant, and not so tiring - unless you wanted to go down. The first thing he did, after a trial swim round the ballroom, was to bite at the other dog's tail. In fun, of course; but fun or not, there was nearly a fight on the spot, for the mer-dog was a bit touchy-tempered. Rover only saved himself by making off as fast as possible; nimble and quick he had to be, too. My word! there was a chase in and out of windows, and along dark passages, and round pillars, and out and up and round the domes; till at last the mer-dog himself was exhausted, and his bad temper too, and they sat down together on the top of the highest cupola next to the flag-pole. The mer-king's banner, a seaweed streamer of scarlet and green, spangled with pearls, was floating from it. 'What's your name?' said the mer-dog after a breathless pause. 'Rover?' he said. 'That's my name, so you can't have it. I had it first! ' 'How do you know ?' 'Of course I know! I can see you are only a puppy, and you have not been down here hardly five minutes. I was enchanted ages and ages ago, hundreds of years. I expect I'm the first of all the dog Rovers. 'My first master was a Rover, a real one, a sea-rover who sailed his ship in the northern waters; it was a long ship with red sails, and it was carved like a dragon at the prow, and he called it the Red Worm and loved it. I loved him, though I was only a puppy, and he did not notice me much; for I wasn't big enough to go hunting, and he didn't take dogs to sail with him. One day I went sailing without being asked. He was saying farewell to his wife; the wind was blowing, and the men were thrusting the Red Worm out over the rollers into the sea. The foam was white about the dragon's neck; and I suddenly felt that I should not see him again after that day, if I didn't go too. I sneaked on board somehow, and hid behind a water-barrel; and me were far at sea and the landmarks low in the water before they found me. 'That's when they called me Rover, when they dragged me out by my tail. "Here's a fine sea-rover!" said one. "And a strange fate is on him, that turns never home," said another with queer eyes. And indeed I never did go back home; and I have never grown any bigger, though I have grown much older - and wiser, of course. 'There was a sea-fight on that voyage, and I ran up on the fore-deck while the arrows fell and sword clashed upon shield. But the men of the Black Swan boarded us, and drove my master's men all over the side. He was the last to go. He stood beside the dragon's head, and then he dived into the sea in all his mail; and I dived after him. 'He went to the bottom quicker than I did, and the mermaids caught him; but I told them to carry him swift to land, for many would weep, if he did not come home. They smiled at me, and lifted him up, and bore him away; and now some say they carried him to the shore, and some shake their heads at me. You can't depend on mermaids, except for keeping their own secrets; they're better than oysters at chat. 'I often think they really buried him in the white sand. Far away from here there lies still a part of the Red Worm that the men of the Black Swan sank; or it was there when last I passed. A forest of weed was growing round it and over it, all except the dragon's head; somehow not even barnacles were growing on that, and under it there was a mound of white sand. 'I left those parts long ago. I turned slowly into a sea-dog - the older sea-women used to do a good deal of witchcraft in those days, and one of them was kind to me. It was she that gave me as a present to the mer-king, the reigning one's grandfather, and I have been in and about the palace ever since. That's all about me. It happened hundreds of years ago, and I have seen a good deal of the high seas and the low seas since then, but I have never been back home. Now tell me about you! I suppose you don't come from the North Sea by any chance, do you? - we used to call it England's Sea in those days - or know any of the old places in and about the Orkneys?' Our Rover had to confess that he had never heard before of anything but just 'the sea', and not much of that. 'But I have been to the moon,' he said, and he told his new friend as much about it as he could make him understand. The mer-dog enjoyed Rover's tale immensely, and believed at least half of it. 'A jolly good yarn,' he said, 'and the best I have heard for a long time. I have seen the moon. I go on top occasionally, you know, but I never imagined it was like that. But my word! that sky-pup has got a cheek. Three Rovers! Two's bad enough, but three's impossible! And I don't believe for a moment he is older than I am; if he is a hundred yet, I should be mighty surprised.' He was probably quite right too. The moon-dog, as you noticed, exaggerated a lot. 'And anyway,' went on the mer-dog, 'he only gave himself the name. Mine was given me.' 'And so was mine,' said our little dog. 'And for no reason at all, and before you had begun to earn it any way. I like the Man-in-the-Moon's idea. I shall call you Roverandom, too; and if I were you I should stick to it - you never do seem to know where you are going next! Let's go down to supper!' It was a fishy supper, but Roverandom soon got used to that; it seemed to suit his webby feet. After supper he suddenly remembered why he had come all the way to the bottom of the sea; and off he went to look for Artaxerxes. He found him blowing bubbles, and turning them into real balls to please the little mer-children. 'Please, Mr Artaxerxes, could you be bothered to turn me - ' began Roverandom. 'O! go away!' said the wizard. 'Can't you see I can't be bothered? Not now, I'm busy.' This is what Artaxerxes said all too often to people he did not think were important. He knew well enough what Rover wanted; but he was not in a hurry himself. So Roverandom swam off and went to bed, or rather roosted in a bunch of seaweed growing on a high rock in the garden. There was the old whale resting just underneath; and if anyone tells you that whales don't go down to the bottom or stop there dozing for hours, you need not let that bother you. Old Uin was in every way exceptional. 'Well?' he said. 'How have you got on? I see you are still toy-size. What's the matter with Artaxerxes? Can't he do anything, or won't he?' 'I think he can,' said Roverandom. 'Look at my new shape! But if ever I try to get onto the matter of size, he keeps on saying how busy he is, and he hasn't time for long explanations.' 'Umph! ' said the whale, and knocked a tree sideways with his tail - the swish of it nearly washed Roverandom off his rock. 'I don't think that PAM will be a success in these parts; but I shouldn't worry. You'll be all right sooner or later. In the meanwhile there are lots of new things to see tomorrow. Go to sleep! Good-bye!' And he swam off into the dark. The report that he took back to the cove made old Psamathos very angry all the same. The lights of the palace were all turned off. No moon or star came down through that deep dark water. The green got gloomier and gloomier, until it was all black, and there was not a glimmer, except when big luminous fish went by slowly through the weeds. Yet Roverandom slept soundly that night, and the next night, and several nights after. And the next day, and the day after, he looked for the wizard and couldn't find him anywhere. One morning when he was beginning already to feel quite a sea-dog and to wonder if he had come to stay there for ever, the mer-dog said to him: 'Bother that wizard! Or rather, don't bother him! Give him a miss today. Let's go off for a really long swim! ' On they went, and the long swim turned into an excursion lasting for days. They covered a terrific distance in the time; they were enchanted creatures, you must remember, and there were few ordinary things in the seas that could keep up with them. When they got tired of the cliffs and mountains at the bottom, and of the racing runs in the middle heights, they rose up and up and up, right through the water for a mile and a bit; and when they got to the top, no land was to be seen. The sea all round them was smooth and calm and grey. Then it suddenly ruffled and went dark in patches under a little cold wind, the wind at dawn. Swiftly the sun looked up with a shout over the rim of the sea, red as if he had been drinking hot wine; and swiftly he leaped into the air and went off for his daily journey, turning all the edges of the waves golden and the shadows between them dark green. A ship was sailing on the margin of the sea and the sky, and it sailed right into the sun, so that its masts were black against the fire. 'Where's that going to?' asked Roverandom. 'O! Japan or Honolulu or Manila or Easter Island or Thursday or Vladivostok, or somewhere or other, I suppose,' said the mer-dog, whose geography was a bit vague, in spite of his hundreds of years of boasted prowlings. 'This is the Pacific, I believe; but I don't know which part - a warm part, by the feel of it. It's rather a large piece of water. Let's go and look for something to eat! ' When they got back, some days later, Roverandom at once went to look for the wizard again; he felt he had given him a good long rest. 'Please, Mr. Artaxerxes, could you bother - he began as usual. 'No! I could not!' said Artaxerxes, even more definitely than usual. This time he really was busy, though. The Complaints had come in by post. Of course, as you can imagine, all kinds of things go wrong in the sea, that not even the best PAM in the ocean could prevent, and some of which he is not even supposed to have anything to do with. Wrecks come down plump now and again on the roof of somebody's sea-house; explosions occur in the sea-bed (O yes! they have volcanoes and all that kind of nuisance quite as badly as we have) and blow up somebody's prize flock of goldfish, or prize bed of anemones, or one and only pearl-oyster, or famous rock and coral garden; or savage fish have a fight in the highway and knock mer-children over; or absent-minded sharks swim in at the dining-room window and spoil the dinner; or the deep, dark, unmentionable monsters of the black abysses do horrible and wicked things. The mer-folk have always put up with all this, but not without complaining. They liked complaining. They used of course to write letters to The Weekly Weed, The Mer-mail, and Ocean Notions; but they had a PAM now, and they wrote to him as well, and blamed him for everything, even if they got their tails nipped by their own pet lobsters. They said his magic was inadequate (as it sometimes was) and that his salary ought to be reduced (which was true but rude); and that he was too big for his boots (which was also near the mark: they should have said slippers, he was too lazy to wear boots often); and they said lots besides to worry Artaxerxes every morning, and especially on Mondays. It was always worst (by several hundred envelopes) on Mondays; and this was a Monday, so Artaxerxes threw a lump of rock at Roverandom, and he slipped off like a shrimp from a net. He was jolly glad when he got out into the garden to find that he was still unchanged in shape; and I dare say if he had not removed himself quick the wizard would have changed him into a sea-slug, or sent him to the Back of Beyond (wherever that is), or even to Pot (which is at the bottom of the deepest sea). He was very annoyed, and he went and grumbled to the sea-Rover. 'You'd better give him a rest till Monday is over, at any rate,' advised the mer-dog; 'and I should miss out Mondays altogether, in future, if I were you. Come and have another swim! ' After that Roverandom gave the wizard such a long rest that they almost forgot about one another - not quite: dogs don't forget lumps of rock very quickly. But to all appearances Roverandom had settled down to become a permanent pet of the palace. He was always off somewhere with the mer-dog, and often the mer-children came along as well. They were not as jolly as real, two-legged children in Roverandom's opinion (but then of course Roverandom did not really belong to the sea, and was not a perfect judge), but they kept him happy; and they might have kept him there for ever and have made him forget little boy Two in the end, if it had not been for things that happened later. You can make up your mind whether Psamathos had anything to do with these events, when we come to them. There were plenty of these children to choose from, at any rate. The old mer-king had hundreds of daughters and thousands of grandchildren, and all in the same palace; and they were all fond of the two Rovers, and so was Mrs Artaxerxes. It was a pity that Roverandom never thought of telling her his story; she knew how to manage the PAM in any mood. But in that case, of course, Roverandom would have gone back sooner and missed many of the sights. It was with Mrs Artaxerxes, and some of the mer-children that he visited the Great White Caves, where all the jewels that are lost in the sea, and many that have always been in the sea, and of course pearls upon pearls, are hoarded and hidden. They went too, another time, to visit the smaller sea-fairies in their little glass houses at the bottom of the sea. The sea-fairies seldom swim, but wander singing over the bed of the sea in smooth places, or drive in shell-carriages harnessed to the tiniest fishes; or else they ride astride little green crabs with bridles of fine threads (which of course don't prevent the crabs from going sideways, as they always will); and they have troubles with the sea-goblins that are larger, and ugly and rowdy, and do nothing except fight and hunt fish and gallop about on sea-horses. Those goblins can live out of the water for a long while, and play in the surf at the water's edge in a storm. So can some of the sea-fairies, but they prefer the calm warm nights of summer evenings on lonely shores (and naturally are very seldom seen in consequence). Another day old Uin turned up again and gave the two dogs a ride for a change; it was like riding on a moving mountain. They were away for days and days; and they only turned back from the eastern edge of the world just in time. There the whale rose to the top and blew out a fountain of water so high that a lot of it was thrown right off the world and over the edge. Another time he took them to the other side (or as near as he dared), and that was a still longer and more exciting journey, the most marvellous of all Roverandom's travels, as he realised later, when he was grown to be an older and a wiser dog. It would take the whole of another story, at least, to tell you of all their adventures in Uncharted Waters and of their glimpses of lands unknown to geography, before they passed the Shadowy Seas and reached the great Bay of Fairyland (as we call it) beyond the Magic Isles; and saw far off in the last West the Mountains of Elvenhome and it be light of Faery upon the waves. Roverandom thought he caught a glimpse of the city of the Elves on the green hill beneath the Mountains, a glint of white far away; but Uin dived again so suddenly that he could not be sure. If he was right, he is one of the very few creatures, on two legs or four, who can walk about our own lands and say they have glimpsed that other land, however far away. 'I should catch it, if this was found out!' said Uin. 'No one from the Outer Lands is supposed ever to come here; and few ever do now. Mum's the word! ' What did I say about dogs? They don't forget ill-tempered lumps of rock. Well then, in spite of all these varied sight-seeings and these astonishing journeys, Roverandom kept it in his underneath mind all the time. And it came back into his upper mind, as soon as ever he got back home. His very first thought was: 'Where's that old wizard? What's the use of being polite to him! I'll spoil his trousers again, if I get half a chance.' He was in that frame of mind when, after trying in vain to have a word alone with Artaxerxes, he saw the magician go by, down one of the royal roads leading from the palace. He was of course too proud at his age to grow a tail or fins or learn to swim properly. The only thing he did like a fish was to drink (even in the sea, so he must have been thirsty);he spent a lot of time that might have been employed on official business conjuring up cider into large barrels in his private apartments. When he wanted to get about quickly, he drove. When Roverandom saw him, he was driving in his express - a gigantic shell shaped like a cockle and drawn by seven sharks. People got out of the way quick, for the sharks could bite. 'Let's follow!' said Roverandom to the mer-dog, and follow they did; and the two bad dogs dropped pieces of rock into the carriage whenever it passed under cliffs. They could nip along amazingly fast, as I told you; and they whizzed ahead, hid in weed-bushes and pushed anything loose they could find over the edge. It annoyed the wizard intensely, but they took care that he did not spot them. Artaxerxes was in a very bad temper before he started, and he was in a rage before he had gone far, a rage not unmixed with anxiety. For he was going to investigate the damage done by an unusual whirlpool that had suddenly appeared - and in a part of the sea that he did not like at all; he thought (and he was quite right) that there were nasty things in that direction that were best left alone. I dare say you can guess what was the matter; Artaxerxes did. The ancient Sea-serpent was waking, or half thinking about it. He had been in a sound sleep for years, but now he was turning. When he was uncoiled he would certainly have reached a hundred miles (some people say he would reach from Edge to Edge, but that is an exaggeration); and when he is curled up there is only one cave other than Pot (where he used to live, and many people wish him back there), only one cave in all the oceans that will hold him, and that is very unfortunately not a hundred miles from the mer-king's palace. When he undid a curl or two in his sleep, the water heaved and shook and bent people's houses and spoilt their repose for miles and miles around. But it was very stupid to send the PAM to look into it; for of course the Sea-serpent is much too enormous and strong and old and idiotic for any one to control (primordial, prehistoric, autothalassic, fabulous, mythical, and silly are other adjectives applied to him); and Artaxerxes knew it all only too well. Not even the Man-in-the-Moon working hard for fifty years could have concocted a spell large enough or long enough or strong enough to bind him. Only once had the Man-in-the-Moon tried (when specially requested), and at least one continent fell into the sea as a result. Poor old Artaxerxes drove straight up to the mouth of the Sea-serpent's cave. But he had no sooner got out of his carriage than he saw the tip of the Sea-serpent's tail sticking out of the entrance; larger it was than a row of gigantic water-barrels, and green and slimy. That was quite enough for him. He wanted to go home at once before the Worm turned again - as all worms will at odd and unexpected moments. It was little Roverandom that upset everything! He did not know anything about the Sea-serpent or its tremendousness; all he thought about was baiting the ill-tempered wizard. So when a chance came - Artaxerxes was standing staring stupid-like at the visible end of the serpent, and his steeds were taking no particular notice of anything - he crept up and bit one of the sharks' tails, for fun. For fun! What fun! The shark jumped straight forward, and the carriage jumped forward too; and Artaxerxes, who had just turned too and to get into it, fell on his back. Then the shark bit the only thing it could reach at the moment, which was the shark in front; and that shark bit the next one; and so on, until the last of the seven, seeing nothing else to bite - bless me! the idiot, if he did not go and bite the Sea-serpent's tail! The Sea-serpent gave a new and very unexpected turn! And the next thing the dogs knew was being whirled all over the place in water gone mad, bumping into giddy fishes and spinning sea-trees, scared out of their lives in a cloud of uprooted weeds, sand, shells, slugs, periwinkles, and oddments. And things got worse and worse, and the serpent kept on turning. And there was old Artaxerxes, clinging on to the reins of the sharks, being whirled all over the place too, and saying the most dreadful things to them. To the sharks, I mean. Luckily for this story, he never knew what Roverandom had done. I don't know how the dogs got home. It was a long, long time before they did, at any rate. First of all they were washed up on the shore in one of the terrible tides caused by the Sea-serpent's stirrings; and then they were caught by fishermen on the other side of the sea and jolly nearly sent to an Aquarium (a disgusting fate); and then having escaped that by the skin of their feet they had to get all the way back themselves as best they could through perpetual subterranean commotion. And when at last they got home there was a terrible commotion there too. All the mer-folk were crowded round the palace, all shouting at once: 'Bring out the PAM! ' (Yes! they called him that publicly, and nothing longer or more dignified.) 'BRING OUT THE PAM! BRING OUT THE PAM!' And the PAM was hiding in the cellars. Mrs Artaxerxes found him there at last, and made him come out; and all the mer-folk shouted, when he looked out of an attic-window: 'Stop this nonsense! Stop this nonsense! STOP THIS NONSENSE! ' And they made such a hullabaloo that people at all the seasides all over the world thought the sea was roaring louder than usual. It was! And all the while the Sea-serpent kept on turning, trying absentmindedly to get the tip of his tail in his mouth. But thank heavens! he was not properly and fully awake, or he might have come out and shaken his tail in anger, and then another continent would have been drowned. (Of course whether that would have been really regrettable or not depends on which continent was taken and which you live on.) But the mer-folk did not live on a continent, but in the sea, and right in the thick of it; and very thick it was getting. And they insisted that it was the mer-king's business to make the PAM produce some spell, remedy, or solution to keep the Sea-serpent quiet: they could, not get their hands to their faces to feed themselves or blow their noses, the water shook so; and everybody was bumping into everybody else; and all the fish were sea-sick, the water was so wobbly; and it was so turbid and so full of sand that everyone had coughs; and all the dancing was stopped. Artaxerxes groaned, but he had to do something. go he went to his workshop and shut himself up for a fortnight, during which time there were three earthquakes, two submarine hurricanes, and several riots of the mer-people. Then he came out and let loose a most prodigious spell (accompanied with soothing incantation) at a distance from the cave; and everybody went home and sat in cellars waiting - everybody except Mrs Artaxerxes and her unfortunate husband. The wizard was obliged to stay (at a distance, but not a safe one) and watch the result; and Mrs Artaxerxes was obliged to stay and watch the wizard. All the spell did was to give the Serpent a terrible bad dream: he dreamed that he was covered all over with barnacles (very irritating, and partly true), and also being slowly roasted in a volcano (very painful, and unfortunately quite imaginary). And that woke him! Probably Artaxerxes' magic was better than was supposed. At any rate, the Sea-serpent did not come out - luckily for this story. He put his head where his tail was, and yawned, opened his mouth as wide as the cave, and snorted so loud that everyone in the cellars heard him in all the kingdoms of the sea. And the Sea-serpent said: 'Stop this NONSENSE! ' And he added: 'If this blithering wizard doesn't go away at once, and if he ever so much as paddles in the sea again, I shall COME OUT; and I shall eat him first, and then I shall knock everything to dripping smithereens. That's all. Good night! ' And Mrs Artaxerxes carried the PAM home in a fainting fit. When he had recovered - and that was quick, they saw to that - he took the spell off the Serpent, and packed his bag; and all the people said and shouted: 'Send the PAM away! A good riddance! That's all. Good-bye! ' And the mer-king said: 'We don't want to lose you, but we think you ought to go.' And Artaxerxes felt very small and unimportant altogether (which was goad for him). Even the mer-dog laughed at him. But funnily enough, Roverandom was quite upset. After all, he had his own reasons for knowing that Artaxerxes' magic was not without effect. And he had bitten the shark's tail, too, hadn't he ? And he had started the whole thing with that trouser-bite. And he belonged to the Land himself, and felt it was a bit hard on a poor land-wizard being baited by all these sea-folk. Anyway he came up to the old fellow and said: 'Please, Mr Artaxerxes - ! ' 'Well?' said the wizard, quite kindly (he was so glad not to be called PAM, and he had not heard a 'Mister' for weeks}. 'Well? What is it, little dog? ' 'I beg your pardon, I do really. Awfully sorry, I mean. I never meant to damage your reputation.' Roverandom was thinking of the Sea-serpent and the shark's tail, but (luckily) Artaxerxes thought he was referring to his trousers. 'Come, come!' he said. 'We won't bring up bygones. Least said, soonest mended, or patched. I think we had both better go back home again together.' 'But please, Mr Artaxerxes,' said Roverandom, 'could you bother to turn me back into my proper size?' 'Certainly!' said the wizard, glad to find somebody that still believed he could do anything at all. 'Certainly! But you are best and safest as you are, while you are down here. Let's get away from this first! And I am really and truly busy just now.' And he really and truly was. He went into the workshops and collected all his paraphernalia, insignia, symbols, memoranda, books of recipes, arcana, apparatus, and bags and bottles of miscellaneous spells. He burned all that would burn in his waterproof forge; and the rest he tipped into the back-garden. Extraordinary things took place there afterwards: all the flowers went mad, and the vegetables were monstrous, and the fishes that ate them were turned into sea-worms, sea-cats, sea-cows, sea-lions, sea-tigers, sea-devils, porpoises, dugongs, cephalopods, manatees, and calamities, or merely poisoned; and phantasms, visions, bewilderments, illusions, and hallucinations sprouted so thick that nobody had any peace in the palace at all, and they were obliged to move. In fact they began to respect the memory of that wizard after they had lost him. But that was long afterwards. At the moment they were clamouring for him to depart. When all was ready Artaxerxes said good-bye to the mer-king - rather coldly; and not even the mer-children seemed to mind very much, he had so often been busy, and occasions of the bubbles (like the one I told you about) had been rare. Some of his countless sisters-in-law tried to be polite, especially if Mrs Artaxerxes was there; but really everybody was impatient to see him going out of the gate, so that they could send a humble message to the Sea-serpent: 'The regrettable wizard has departed and will return no more, Your Worship. Pray, go to sleep! ' Of course Mrs Artaxerxes went too. The mer-king had so many daughters that he could afford to lose one without much grief, especially the tenth eldest. He gave her a bag of jewels and a wet kiss on the doorstep and went back to his throne. But everybody else was very sorry, and especially Mrs Artaxerxes' mass of mer-nieces and mer-nephews; and they were also very sorry to lose Roverandom too. The sorriest of all and the most downcast was the mer-dog: 'Just drop me a line whenever you go to the seaside,' he said, 'and I will pop up and have a look at you.' 'I won't forget! ' said Roverandom. And then they went. The oldest whale was waiting. Roverandom sat on Mrs Artaxerxes' lap, and when they were all settled on the whale's back, off they started. And all the people said: 'Good-bye!' very loud, and 'A good riddance of bad rubbish' quietly, but not too quietly; and that was the end of Artaxerxes in the office of Pacific and Atlantic Magician. Who has done their bewitchments for them since, I don't know. Old Psamathos and the Man-in-the-Moon, I should think, have managed it between them; they are perfectly capable of it.
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