#quotes from playing w legos
stellarwaffles · 2 years
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Part 6 of funny moments from when me + some kids played w legos
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readytospock · 1 year
I was looking through old posts would you be able to elaborate on the parallels between The Lego Movie and Fahrenheit 451
ahhhh i only just saw this so i'm sorry to respond so late!
disclaimer: this was a shallow and somewhat comedic comparison that I made on the fly in a class once - I only brought it up on here cause I'm still mad everyone acted like I was crazy for seeing similarities lmao
The simplest similarity between the Lego Movie and Fahrenheit 451 is the relationship each media's societies have with forms of media. In Fahrenheit 451, books are a threat as they provide readers with knowledge and the skills to make their own decisions and question their reality, while visual and digital (i.e. screen) media like continuous audio feeds and virtual plays with user participation are used to brainwash and distract citizens from the harsh reality of their lives. Conversely, the books of written instructions in the lego movie are tantamount to maintaining lego city's conformist society. The instructions dictate how every lego citizen should live their lives. 'Not following the instructions' and operating creatively is condemned, while brainless entertainment like 'Where Are My Pants' keeps citizens occupied and distracted. (random but I stil quote 'where are my pants' when I can't find mine lmao)
Emmet and Guy Montag also have similar character arcs. Initially, both of them inhabit roles that are critical to controlling their society (Emmet as a builder who always follows the instructions, and Montag as a fireman who always burns the books). After they both have an interaction w a strange, non-conforming woman (Clarisse and Wyldstyle/Lucy), they both begin to question what they have been told about books/the instructions and embark on a journey to discovering knowledge and their creative, authentic selves.
Unfortunately Fahrenheit 451 doesn't have an awesome song to go with it, so those are the main comparisons i'll make lol :)
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kotayamauchi · 1 year
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デンマーク、コペンハーゲンの鍵盤奏者、Rasmus Kjær(ラスマス・ケアー)のソロプロジェクト、Turist。(※Touristのデンマーク語表記)
そのTuristがついにやってくることになりました! そして昨年、山内弘太と共に制作リリースした作品がデンマークジャズアワード2022にノミネートされた、Anders Bachも一緒に!
”未確認観光物体 2023 ”
Turist & Anders Bach with 山内弘太 Japan Tour
4/10 (月) at 神戸・旧グッゲンハイム邸
 Anders Bach + 山内弘太 
19:00open 19:30start 予約/当日 2500円
4/12 (水) at 京都・UrBANGUILD
 Anders Bach + 山内弘太 + Toshio Bing Kajiwara
Visual: 仙石彬人 
Dj:未来少年ワタル ( 未来少年ブラジル+Wataru(W) )
19:00open 19:30start 予約2500円/当日3000円(+1d)
4/14 (金) at 名古屋・ブラジルコーヒー
 Anders Bach + 山内弘太 
19:00open 19:30start 予約/当日 2500円(+1d500円)
4/15 (土) at 東京・SPREAD
出演:Turist + 井上理緒奈 
Anders Bach + 山内弘太 + 中山晃子 
18:00open 18:30start 予約2500円/当日3000円(+1d)
TICKET: https://t.livepocket.jp/e/e1qro ※ Limited to 40 people (前売り着席)
- 再入場可 *再入場毎にドリンク代頂きます / A drink ticket fee charged at every re-entry
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デンマーク、コペンハーゲンの鍵盤奏者、Rasmus Kjær(ラスマス・ケアー)のソロプロジェクト、Turist。(※Touristのデンマーク語表記)
大量のカシオのキーボードや芸者の歌唱、 ゲームや温泉の音楽をミックスし、さらに 80 年代のチャーター バケーションのポラロイド写真を加えれば、TURIST の音楽のレシピを手に入れられます。簡単にジャンルに絞り込めませんが、 ピアニストであり作曲家でもあるラスムス・ケアーのシンセサイザーの音は魅惑的な輝きを放ちます。 ラスムス は 2019 年にシンセ アルバム Turist をリリースし、それ以来、 TURIST名義でライブ活動中。このアルバムは、米国の伝説的なオンラインマガジン・パーフェクト サウンド フォーエバー  のVinyl of the Year として賞を受賞し、 それに伴いデンマークとポーランド周辺のフェスティバルで演奏しました。 経験豊富なミュージシャンであるラスムス・ケアーは、有名なバンド Under Byen、 Klimaforandringer 、 SVIN としてアメリカとヨーロッパをツアーしました。 それだけでなく、即興アルバム、Broken Bow  (with Kresten Osgood & Jonas Westergaard )と オルガンソロアルバム、Orgelimprovisationerをリリース。この2 つのアコースティック アルバムは絶賛されました。 これらすべてにより、彼は繊細でリスクを冒すピアニストであるという評判が得られました。  TURISTは、ピアノから電子音楽・シンセへの、彼の移行を示しています。それをクラウト・サイケ、シンセ・インプロヴィゼーション、または「安価なシンセサイザーで演奏されたジャズ!」(ポーランドの雑誌 JazzPRESS が述べたように) と呼ぶかどうかに関係なく、探求したいという衝動が常にあります。本物の観光客(TURIST)がやるべきことと同じように。。2023 年に TURIST は、ロボットと人間の愛をテーマにしたエロティック ファンク アルバムをリリース予定。ちなみにTURISTは 人間ですので、お楽しみに! TURIST に関するその他のプレスの引用: 「コンセントにつないで、レゴのサウンドを!」 Hi-Fi World (英国) 「何が音楽で、何が音楽ではないかについての新しい仮説を紹介しています。」 Parttimeaudiophile.com 「陽気で皮肉だが、常に洞察に満ちた物語」ソルトピーナッツ
Mix a bunch of Casio keyboards with Geisha singing, video game scores and SPA music, add polaroid pictures from 80’s charter vacations, and you have the recipe for TURIST's music. Though not easily squeezed into genres, the sounds from pianist and composer Rasmus Kjær’s synthesizers have an alluring radiance. Kjær released the synth album Turist in 2019 and he has since been performing live under the stage name TURIST. The album won the award as Vinyl of the Year in the magazine Perfect Sound Forever (a legendary online magazine in the US) and Kjær played festivals around Denmark and Poland. An experienced musician, Rasmus Kjær has toured US and Europe with renowned band Under Byen as well as Klimaforandringer and SVIN and has released two critically acclaimed acoustic improvisational albums (Broken Bow recorded with Kresten Osgood and Jonas Westergaard and the organ solo Orgelimprovisationer). All this gave him a reputation of being a delicately sensitive and risk-taking pianist. TURIST marks his shift into electronic music and synths. Whether you call it kraut psych, synth improvisations or ‘Jazz played on...cheap synthesizers!’ (as the Polish magazine JazzPRESS put it), there is a constant urge to explore – just as a real tourist should do. In 2023 TURIST is due to release a new erotic funk album exploring love between robots and humans, so stay tuned! Other press quotes about TURIST: ‘How lego sounds, plugged into the mains!’ Hi-Fi World (UK) ‘introducing new hypotheses about what is and isn’t music.’ Parttimeaudiophile.com ‘an upbeat, ironic but always insightful story’ Salt-Peanuts
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↑アルバム ”Turist” https://rasmuskjaeryes.bandcamp.com/album/turist
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●Anders Bach x 山内弘太
デンマーク・コペンハーゲンの音楽家Anders Bachと京都のギタリスト山内弘太による、モジュラーシンセ / パーカッションとエレキギターのインプロデュオ。2018年に京都で出会い、以降も交流を続けライブや作品のリリースを不定期に行う。2022年に108曲収録された実験的作品2本組カセット”108”をリリースし、デンマークジャズアワード2022にノミネートされた。
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↑ ”108” https://kotayamauchiandersbach.bandcamp.com/album/108
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●Anders Bach (DK) 
Anders Bachはデンマークのコペンハーゲンを拠点とするドラマー、即興音楽家、作曲家。ドラムとエレクトロニクスの共生を追求する演奏スタイルで、ソロを始め多くのグループで活躍。2019年、Musician of the Year at the Danish Music Critics Choice Awards (Steppeulven) / デンマークの年間最優秀ミュージシャンに選出される。不規則に脈打つパルス信号ーその質感をシンセにより多彩に変化させ、彼の美学である速さと遅さが共存する世界を創り上げる。
演奏と作曲とは別に、アングラレーベルWetwearの共同設立者であり、また学者の一面としてはリズミック音楽院とコペンハーゲンIT大学の学位を持つ。2016年からアメリカ・中国・ドイツ・韓国で、即興、美学、人工知能に関する研究を発表し、2019年にはニューヨークで開催されたInternational Computer Music Festivalのレビュアーおよびプレゼンターとして参加した。 https://andersbach.cargo.site/abouthttps://wetwear.bandcamp.com/
Anders Bach is a musician and a writer. He explores acoustic intimacy and digital mania in his music. Through malleable synthetic textures and a throbbing, unruly pulse, Anders’ aesthetic is both slow in motion and hyperactive. With a symbiosis of drums and electronics at the center of his career, he has been an active figure in the Danish music scene the past eight years both as a solo-performer and as a member of many influential groups. As a result he was nominated as Musician of the Year at the Danish Music Critics Choice Awards (Steppeulven) in 2019.  In his solo-work, Anders bridges his love for deconstructed ambience and frenetic melodies. In ensembles, Anders is primarily known for his work as a composer in and founder of bands like Ice Cream Cathedral, Erna and H E X and as a musician and creative force with acts like Bisse, Luster, Sleep Party People and Danielle Dahl, touring most of Europe and numerous states and countries in North America and Asia. Furthermore, Anders is co-founder of the Danish underground label Wetwear: an intuitive platform for releasing music, a listener-invite to participate in an alternative archiving of the artistic process.  Anders is a published scholar and holds undergrad and graduate degrees respectively from the Rhythmic Music Conservatory (Bmus) and the IT University (cand.it) in Copenhagen, DK. Anders has presented his research on improvisation, aesthetics and artificial intelligence since 2016 in USA, China, Germany and South Korea and was among the reviewers and presenters at the International Computer Music Festival in 2019 in NYC.
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● 山内弘太 | Kota Yamauchi
1986年生まれ。京都、堀川団地在住。ギタリスト。歌もの、即興、映像、ダンスとの共演など国内外問わず様々な形態、環境で活動。演奏ではギターから出るあらゆる音をその場で加工し積み重ね配置して音像を作り上げる。ソロ活動をベースに折坂悠太(重奏)、quaeru、LUCA + There is a fox、川本真琴、 若松ヨウジン、YeYe、 Sy lokkなどのバンドに参加。咖喱山水とのプロジェクト "Sound Meals" や、堀川会議室での音楽イベント主催など活動は多岐に渡る。
Kota Yamauchi is an experimental guitarist based in Kyoto, Japan.  His improvised performances use guitar as the sound source, incorporating pedal effects and found objects. These elements are used to build intricate multi-layered soundscapes which evolve, taking the listener on a journey.
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●BING  (Hitozoku Record/ANTIBODIES Collective) 
 90年代初頭にターンテーブルやテープを駆使した独自の即興パフォーマンスを始める。現在は京都を拠点にANTIBODIES Collectiveを主宰、ダンサーや美術家等と共に演出と音楽に関わる探求を続けている。NYの老舗中古レコード店に13年間に渡り勤務しながら、音楽ジャーナリスト、レーベルやイベント•オーガナイザーとしても活動した。16年には中古アナログ専門店「ヒト族レコード」を開店、世界中から訪れるマニア達が情報を交わす場を提供。現在では同ビルの地下、地上階ともに音楽の場所として開かれており、ビル全体が京都の名所となりつつある。 @hitozoku_record
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2004年より「時間に絵を描く」をテーマに、リキッドライティングの技法を用いたライヴ・ヴィジュアル・パフォーマンス “TIME PAINTING”をはじめる。 楽器を演奏するかのように3台のOHPを同時に操りながら紡がれる光の絵は、絶えず変化し続け2度と同じにはならないその場限りの物語を描く。LIVEという表現方法にこだわり、あらゆるジャンルのミュージシャンやダンサー、アーティストとのコラボレートワークを活動の場としている。 2020年からは、カメラマンや映像ディレクターとともにヴィジュアルアートワークを収録し、MVや映像配信といった様々なメディアに展開させるプロジェクト「光響事業」をスタート。映像や写真メディアにおける光の表現も探求している。
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 Coconuts disk ekoda元土曜番。 Esoteric Soundtrack Series "PARAMITA"主宰。 曲解に曲解を重ねた倒錯的性情により、唯一無二の世界を表現。 囚われる事のない理解の外側に向かって日々精進中。
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● 堀嵜菜那と山脈
はっきりと輪郭を持ちながらも捉え難い堀嵜の楽曲に、亀山佳津雄(TEASI) による生き物の生態を目的を持ってザッピングしてるようなドラムが動を、杉山明弘(DOIMOI、ログメン)の奇跡的な偶発に思えるようなシンセが静を司るように連なる。ねずみ花火の動きと灯りの残像を連想します。
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画家。色彩と流動の持つエネルギーを用い、様々な素材を反応させることで生きている絵を出現させる。絶えず変容していく「Alive Painting」シリーズや、その排液を濾過させるプロセスを可視化し定着させる「Still Life」シリーズなど、パフォーマティブな要素の強い絵画は常に生成され続ける。様々なメディウムや色彩が渾然となり、生き生きと変化していく作品は、即興的な詩のようでもある。鑑賞者はこの詩的な風景に、自己や生物、自然などを投影させながら導かれ入り込んでいく。近年では TEDxHaneda、Ars Electronica Fes(オーストリア)、MUTEK モントリオール等に出演。 
Born in 1988, is a painter who depict a beauty of convey energy metamorphosis through several media such as installation, photos and performance. Combining the energy of movement and the vibrance of colors, Akiko Nakayama brings pictures to life.Called “Alive Painting”, Akiko depicts the resonance between shapes and textures by using different types of liquids, each with a unique characteristic. In recent years, She is energetically engaged giving her performance “Alive Painting” SOLO & Collaborations in various countries. New ARS ELECTORONICA opening performance  (2019) Austria Linz, LAB30 FESTIVAL (2018) US Augsburg, Biennale Nemo (2018) Paris, MUTEK Montreal (2019), Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Closing Ceremony.  
≪Akiko Nakayama Website≫ http://akiko.co.jp
≪Twitter≫ https://twitter.com/akikonkym
≪Instagram≫ https://www.instagram.com/akikonkym/
≪facebook≫ https://www.facebook.com/akikonakayamaweb/Akiko Nakayama
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映像作家 、ミュージシャン、タロット占い師
バンドTHE ROMANSのボーカル、河内宙夢&A few friendsのキーボーディスト
映像を使ったVisual Liveでは、音楽とともに、カメラやターンテーブルを使ったリアルタイムの映像をプロジェクターで投影する。
2023年から拠点を東京に移し、今回約2年ぶりのVisual Liveとなる。
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0 notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
Omg not Dispatch interfering... also I wonder if someone is behind the moves of the AI, maybe the real guy in a motion cap suit cause the moves are good I'm not sure if they'd achieve it digitally 🤔
Yoooo don't even dare saying we can get a pic of Seonghwa and Soohyuk 🔫 DO NOT EVENNNNNNN! Even them in the same room??? BOOOM POOOOF I'M EVAPORATING. Assuming Hwa would get a license in the future and get a car what kind of car would you assign to him? Not a dad van pls 😭 one of these I reckon
I don't know why but I'm suddenly thinking of SH!chauffeur AU 👁👄👁 and that made me think of butler Hwa again. To quote the icon Diamond "i'M gOinG cRaZYyYyyy"
I hate waking up then falling asleep after an hour or two, because it fucks me up, but sometimes I can't help it. I never nap during the day, even though I feel very sleepy most of the time. Yesterday I woke up at 5am and felt like death, thankfully I went back to sleep quickly, but then I woke up after 8am and couldn't sleep anymore, everything hurt, my head, my shoulders... old age era is so annoying 💀
That Jeddah festival is just a money grab and an attempt to make Saudi Arabia look welcoming... it's really sad, also they'll go there for a second then come back. KQ how much money do you need, seriously 😬 748373 merch drops aren't enough? Having bad flashbacks from the Riyadh one
You could've just made things easy for all of us and release your full WIP list how about that? 🤗
Hwa's emoji spam was so endearing and dramatic kshdkshdkdjdhs but yeah boomer <3 and ofc universe decided to notify me about that for a change
I know AND I DIDN'T EVEN FEEL BAD FOR NOT PAYING I was like "ok" though I'm lowkey mad at TY, he promised we'll go to another place next time but WHEN, he didn't show up the past 2 nights :/ I knooooooow I wanna remember who that was real bad but I can't I remember I gasped when I saw the face, but BRAIN IS BLANK
You as Badtz-Maru idk why this made me laugh but the description is relatable, I wish I was actually HK, but I'm BM deep down lol
Bestieeeee I almost melted at pride, but it was fuuuuuun, I looked a w f u l afterwards, but whatever <3 also my phone died heh, fuck my life
MILFFFFF in that photo, but also DILF...
I got Taehyung, lol I was in my JK era, but now everytime I do a BTS quiz it's HIM. Also looking at Taehyung's insta stories is an experience
Omg I was looking at Lego and instantly got this in my recommended makes me think of that Atiny who made the bouquet for Hwa 😭😭😭
God I totally forgot bad boy Hwa from ateezmakesmeweep is coming, but when y'all mention Hardin my face dropped 🙉🙊🙈 whyyyyyy. Imagine Hwa being like: FOOOOKIN TREVAAAAH - such a turn off 😭 can you believe the actor played young Voldemort like... this makes so much sense. Also I know he's Br'i'sh, but posh so his attempt at Northern(?) accent is so bad, I cannot take him seriously at all 🤡 - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Omg not Dispatch interfering... also I wonder if someone is behind the moves of the AI, maybe the real guy in a motion cap suit cause the moves are good I'm not sure if they'd achieve it digitally 🤔
YEAAHHH that be so cool if they show us a behind the scenes of how they do the AI part and if its an actual guy 😭😭😭 or just a choreographer
Yoooo don't even dare saying we can get a pic of Seonghwa and Soohyuk 🔫 DO NOT EVENNNNNNN! Even them in the same room??? BOOOM POOOOF I'M EVAPORATING. Assuming Hwa would get a license in the future and get a car what kind of car would you assign to him? Not a dad van pls 😭 one of these I reckon
NO BC MY MIND EMPTEE?????? THE POSSIBILITY OF THEM BEING IN THE SAME ROOM??????? IM????? ANON WE GONE???? this is the only acceptable car he should own in the future
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I don't know why but I'm suddenly thinking of SH!chauffeur AU 👁👄👁 and that made me think of butler Hwa again. To quote the icon Diamond "i'M gOinG cRaZYyYyyy"
CHAUFFEUR AU FBFMWBDKE celebrity reader who’s tired of her lifestyle asks her chauffeur to drive her somewhere @ 2 in the morning and they actually end up being good friends LMFAOOOO
I hate waking up then falling asleep after an hour or two, because it fucks me up, but sometimes I can't help it. I never nap during the day, even though I feel very sleepy most of the time. Yesterday I woke up at 5am and felt like death, thankfully I went back to sleep quickly, but then I woke up after 8am and couldn't sleep anymore, everything hurt, my head, my shoulders... old age era is so annoying 💀
IT RLY DOES 😭😭 the whole sleep gets confused and u never get the actual good one bc in ur mind ur awake fbwndbdj NAURRRR LMFAOOOO OLDAGE ERA FHWJDBWKDJWK
That Jeddah festival is just a money grab and an attempt to make Saudi Arabia look welcoming... it's really sad, also they'll go there for a second then come back. KQ how much money do you need, seriously 😬 748373 merch drops aren't enough? Having bad flashbacks from the Riyadh one
SO TRUE 😭😭😭 !!!! kq bankrupt era??? performing for a second and going back i respect fbwbdb DBWKDHWK THE RIYADH ONE WAS SO CHAOTIC AND WAS HALF OF IT EVEN TRUE???? i just know ppl saying it wasnt true no one was droging
You could've just made things easy for all of us and release your full WIP list how about that? 🤗
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Hwa's emoji spam was so endearing and dramatic kshdkshdkdjdhs but yeah boomer <3 and ofc universe decided to notify me about that for a change
LMFAOOOO DRAMATIC BOOMER 😭😭 he’s that annoying boyfriend who’d spam and when u respond he just says “hi”
I know AND I DIDN'T EVEN FEEL BAD FOR NOT PAYING I was like "ok" though I'm lowkey mad at TY, he promised we'll go to another place next time but WHEN, he didn't show up the past 2 nights :/ I knooooooow I wanna remember who that was real bad but I can't I remember I gasped when I saw the face, but BRAIN IS BLANK
You as Badtz-Maru idk why this made me laugh but the description is relatable, I wish I was actually HK, but I'm BM deep down lol
LMFAOOOO I JUST FIND HIS NAME SO CUTE BADTZ MARU FBFB 😭😭😭 made my friends do the quiz too and nO ONE got hk maybe gurlie rare
Bestieeeee I almost melted at pride, but it was fuuuuuun, I looked a w f u l afterwards, but whatever <3 also my phone died heh, fuck my life
JFVWKDBWK HOPE U HAD FUN !!!! if u were a mess after a event u know u enjoyed it to the fullest 🤌🏼
MILFFFFF in that photo, but also DILF... I got Taehyung, lol I was in my JK era, but now everytime I do a BTS quiz it's HIM. Also looking at Taehyung's insta stories is an experience
i GOT TAEHYUNG TOO !!! esp after his celine shit in paris,,,, that playing the bball in a tux is very arrange marriage au etl <3 VDKWHDWK YEAH YEAH SOMEOME TAKE THE STORY THING AWAH FROM HIM BANNED GET HIM OUT AND JIN?????? WHAT THE FUCK HE DOING
Omg I was looking at Lego and instantly got this in my recommended makes me think of that Atiny who made the bouquet for Hwa 😭😭😭
ATP ANYTHING LEGO OR FLOWERS IS HWA FOR ME i see a weed flower it is hwa for me <3 that atiny deserves free albums with pc’s
God I totally forgot bad boy Hwa from ateezmakesmeweep is coming, but when y'all mention Hardin my face dropped 🙉🙊🙈 whyyyyyy. Imagine Hwa being like: FOOOOKIN TREVAAAAH - such a turn off 😭 can you believe the actor played young Voldemort like... this makes so much sense. Also I know he's Br'i'sh, but posh so his attempt at Northern(?) accent is so bad, I cannot take him seriously at all 🤡 - DV 💖
Ah I forgot to attach these important links I think, if I did then ignore khdjsjsjnsnsjd Anyways bodyguard bodyguard he cannot fight but he has the spirit <3333
LMFAOOOO HES FRAGILE but in bodyguard his qualifications ????? 😳🤚🏼 sire.
Also I had no idea about this??? Finally a ranking that isn't about Hwa's looks.
This was sent to me, was that supposed to be a read? I see both as an absolute win wdym... - DV 💖
my everyday motto. yes. a win.
0 notes
hood-ex · 3 years
I was wanting to ask that for a really long time and the prev anon already opened this trend so, what's your opinion on the YJ Robin(the cartoon) and the Lego Batman Robin(from the 2017 movie)
Tbh, one of the best things about YJ Robin was his laugh. I have a hc that Dick has a hyena laugh, and YJ Robin definitely had a creepy cackle that's not necessarily on the same track as a hyena laugh, but was still, like, an unusual laugh.
One thing people really liked about YJ Robin was his wordplay. Asterous. Heavy on the dis. Yada yada. But his iconic, "why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" quote was essentially the same quote from the movie 10 Things I Hate About You. So boooo on not being all that original.
I think they totally should have given Cass the wordplay thing since that's something I've seen her do in the comics. Obviously, Cass wasn't in that season and the writers wouldn't have even thought of bringing her in back then, but looking back on it, I wish she had that quirk instead. I just think it would have been more fun to see Cass questioning words and being like fuck these prefixes/suffixes.
Anywho. My favorite YJ episode was the one where the Red Tornado "siblings" captured the team and were torturing/killing them. Dick's character was so nicely balanced in it. He was playful and had some jokes as shown when he started doing the whole spelling bee thing with Artemis.
Dick: "C O O L. Did she W I N?"
Artemis: "N O."
Dick: "D R A G."
Also, stuff like this:
Artemis: "So now what?! Red Tornado is one of the powerhouses of the League! How are we supposed to take down two of him?!"
Dick: "They do seem pretty user-unfriendly."
What can I say? The kid had jokes, and I was pretty fond of them. But to balance the jokes, he also had skills. Like when the building got flooded, he whipped out his respirator (ahem... something Dick should've done with his rebreather in the animated Batman: Hush movie during the graveyard scene...). And he took care of his teammate by passing his respirator off to Artemis. When a Red Tornado came after them, Dick used the items available to him (one of Artemis's arrows) as a weapon, and he successfully got him and Artemis out of the water.
"Well get traught or get dead."
Like ayyye Dick knew how to handle high-pressure situations because, as he said in this episode, "I've been doing this since I was nine."
Then we got some more of Dick's skills with him trying to create an EMP, and he also had some kinda plan about pretending to drown, but then he passed out asldkja.
SO. I like that YJ Robin could take the lead, keep a level head, give out orders, make gadgets, use resources available to him, and also hack when he had to.
One thing about YJ Robin that was brought up was the fact that he kept going off on his own because he was used to working with Batman. This was interesting to me because there's something kinda funny about Bruce and Dick being so in sync with each other that they forget other people outside of their bubble can't anticipate their needs.
It was definitely meant to be a character development thing for Dick which clearly came to fruition via him becoming the leader as Nightwing. Because of this, I'm not super bothered by Kaldur being the leader instead of Dick in S1. Now do I normally like Dick as the leader? Yeah. But he was only 13 in YJ so I'm not too upset about someone older like Kaldur taking the lead while Dick observed the best way to lead/work with others.
Tbh, it's been so long since I've watched YJ S1 that I honestly don't remember if there were other things I really liked or found irritating about Dick's characterization in it. So, yeah, that's all I got.
As for The Lego Batman Movie (TLBM) Robin... well. Listen. I fuckin love TLBM! I thought it was hilarious and I've even got it on DVD. The attempt at Bruce/Babs was obviously No Thanks but everything else... ha.
TLBM Robin had Dick's name, some acrobatics, and a bit of his backstory, but other than that, there wasn't a whole lot that made him super distinguishable as Dick Grayson. I think I once saw someone compare him to an exaggerated Burt Ward Robin. I guess that seems most fitting. It's hard to really discuss since both Dick and Bruce were played up a lot for comedic effect.
Even though TLBM Robin wasn't the most Dick Grayson to ever Dick Grayson, I still found Robin in that movie to be super enjoyable. The whole universe was something fun that I didn't even care to compare to the comics.
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Incorrect Sanscent Quotes 2
Ink: There is no good reason why we can’t sit down and have a conversation!
Error: I have a reason.
Ink: Which is?
Error: I. Dont. Like. You! 
Ink: Really?! You cant say one thing you like about me!?
Error: ...
Error: I like it when your sad.
Random Person: Wow I’m surprised that those idiots haven’t gotten hurt yet.
Nightmare: ...Idiots? 
Nightmare: *turns around*
Nightmare: wait....
Nightmare: *sees that his crew is doing idiotic shit*
Geno, to the the others: Imagine that someone gives you a box with something in it that you lost during your life.  
Ink: Wow! My mental stability, where did you find it?  
Dream: My sanity! I haven't seen this in years!  
Blue: I knew I'd lost that happiness somewhere!  
Geno: ...
Geno: I swear one of these days I will grab your neck with both of my hands and break it.
Reaper: How? You cant even reach it.
Error: I cant believe we are stuck in this room together!
Ink swallowing the key: Yes truly unfortunate.
Dream: Im sorry, what are you supposed to be again?
Ink: Im going as me...
Ink: But sexier.
Dream: Im not mad, I just want to know why you guys would need a fake ID.
Ink: *incoherent mumbling*
Dream: what?
Blue: You need to be over 18 to hold the pets at PetCo...
Ink: Attention crew, this is your captain speaking, we’re about to be experiencing some heavy turbulence shortly so please strap in. Blue just betted that i couldn’t do a 360 barrel roll in this thing and let’s just say that i’m about to be 20 bucks richer real soon.
Cross: Did you bring the sun boy?
Killer: What?
Cross: You know, the star sans that makes you giggle all the time.
Blue: What are you 5?
Ink: Yeah, five heads taller than you!
Ink: Im sorry please dont kill me—
Nightmare: What are we doing?
Cross: Wasting our lives.
Nightmare: I meant for lunch.
Dust: He died of natural causes.
Horror: You pushed him off the roof...
Killer: Gravity is natural.
Nightmare: At least im going to die doing something that I love.
Error: And that is?
Nightmare: Dying.
Blue: How long are we going to stand here and let him keep doing that?
Dream: Just give him a minute.
Ink: *pushing on a door that clearly says pull*
Dust: Everyone knows the four steps of being apart of the Bad Sanses.
Dust: 1. Make a plan
Dust: 2. Execute the plan
Dust: 3. Expect the plan to go horribly wrong
Dust: 4. Wing the hell out of it.
Ink: Okay guys who painted the Mona Lisa?
Killer and Blue: Mona Lisa...?
Ink: No it was DaVinci....
Killer and Blue: DA VINKY....?!
*playing truth or dare*
Horror: Okay...uh, Killer? Truth or Dare?
Killer: Dare. 
Horror: I dare you to call Classic Sans’s, Papyrus. 
Killer: Thats easy. 
Killer: Siri call Pappy. 
Siri: Calling “Daddy”....
Killer: WAIT NO- NO- NO!!
*Dreams phone rings*
Everyone: ....
Dust: I didnt get that drunk last night.
Killer: Dude you literally started flirting with Blue.
Dust: So what? He’s my boyfriend.
Horror: You asked if he was single...
Cross: And cried when he said he wasnt. 
Dust: I-
Blue: I smacked a mosquito that tried to bite me, and I killed it.
Blue: Then i thought, “Its just trying to get its food.” 
Blue: What if I tried to get food from the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck....
Blue: How would I feel?
Lust: Are you okay...?
Nightmare: *spins around in a chair ominously* I’ve been expecting y—
Nightmare: *chair continues spinning* shit-
Nightmare: *tries to stop spinning* shit!
Nightmare: *tries to grab something to stop spinning* sHIT!
Nightmare: *falls out of chair* SHIT
Lust under his breath: Future husband say what-
Horror: What?
Lust: [internal screams of joy]
Horror: Wow Boss you’re smiling a lot did something good happen?
Nightmare: Can’t I just smile because I’m happy?
Cross sighing: Killer fell down the stairs.
Ink: Okay, I have a plan but I need some help.
Dream: *spins a wheel with everyones names on it* Sci, its your turn.
Sci: Damn it.
Blue: Would you slap Ink for 2 million dollars?
Error: I would roundhouse kick him in the face for free.
Dream: Same. 
Blue: Guys-
Killer: Hey Dream do you have two tongues in your mouth?
Dream: What? No.
Killer: Do you want to?
Dream: W-what-
Ink: What?
Blue: What?
Horror: What?
Dust: What?
Nightmare: WHAT.
Killer: wHaT- wHo sAiD tHaT?! 
Horror about to murder Dust for breaking his lego death star: I know what you are going to say... he’s my friend and I should try to get along with him-
Killer who helped build the lego death star: Oh no he’s crazy and needs to go down.
Horror: I put the laughter in manslaughter.
Error: I put the fun in funeral 
Blueberry: I put the D in Dust. 
Killer: *chokes*
Dream: What-
Dust: You smooth little fuck. 
Ink (rolling unsteadily on heelys): JESUS TAKE THE WHEELYS—
Blue: INK NO-
Cross: If Nightmare kills us, Im going to get Horror’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the accordion so my ghost can annoy the hell out of your ghost.
Dust: I’ll just get Killers ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.
Killer: My ghost wont associate with your ghost.
Horror: I did a bad thing...
Dust: Does it effect me?
Horror: No-
Dust: Than suffer in silence.
Killer: Wait- so I could have just told Dream I was in love with him?!
Blue: I mean yeah.
Ink: What did you say instead?
Killer: I told him I was straight!
Dust: Killer, no ones going to believe that.
Killer: Oh thank god!
Ink: No one except Dream.
Killer: Shit.
Nightmare: I feel only one emotion and that is anger
Killer: You drunk texted everyone of us a thousand heart emojis...
Nightmare: Out of anger.
Horror: I need to get something off my chest-
Lust whispering to himself with crossed fingers: please say its your shirt- please say your shirt...
Horror: *choking*
Dust: iM tRyiNg tO cALL 911! But the 9 isn’t working!
Killer: Just flip your phone upside down and use the number 6!!
Horror stopping his choking for a second: what the f-
Killer: Have you been yelled at by Nightmare yet?
Cross: I’m not scared of him.
Killer: So thats a no-
Geno: Wait. Are you flirting with me?
Reaper: Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.
Nightmare: Do any of you know how to drive?
Dust: Does it look like we had our lives together enough to learn how to drive?
Cross: I mean- I played Grand Theft Auto before...
Nightmare: Alright that works, Killer got us a van. Lets get going.
Nightmare: *Locks Dust in the car.* Act like a child, get treated like a child.
Dust: What? Isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?
 Nightmare: *Answers phone.* Hello?
Cross: It's Cross.
Nightmare: What did he do this time?
Cross: No, it's me, Cross. It's actually me.
Nightmare: What did you do this time?
Nightmare: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Nightmare, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
 *Sci and Fell are in Paris.*
Sci: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny?
Fell: But...
Sci: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and...
Fell: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception?
Sci: Yeah.
Fell: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe.
Sci: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION.
Fell: Okay, alright.
 Error, about Ink: He's speaking some kind of French.
Cross: Let me handle it. I speak Spanish. It's the same thing.
 Blue: How do tall people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?
Dust: Blue, it's four o'clock in the morning.
Blue: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
 Dust: Damn, Sci, are you secretly cool?
Sci: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool.
Dust: I do not.
 Error: Are you trying to seduce me?
Ink: Why, are you seducible
Killer: Who the fuck--
Cross: Language!
Killer: Whom the fuck--
Cross: No.
 Killer(or Cross): We both look very handsome tonight.
Dream (or Nightmare): You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Killer (or Cross): I couldn't take that chance.
Dram: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Ink: And you came to me?
Blue: Between Error, Killer, Cross, and Ink -- if you had to -- who would you punch?
Dream: No one! They are my friends. I wouldn't punch any of them.
Blue: Ink?
Dream: Yeah. 
Fell: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Sci: Aren't you forgetting something?
Fell: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Sci's forehead before running out.*
Sci (blushing a bit): No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Horror: So what do you have planned for the future?
Horror: No, like long term.
Killer: Oh...um, dinner?
 Random Person who just met Killer: What's wrong with you?
Killer: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Killer: When you have lived with the Bad Sanses as long as I’ve had you develop thick skin.
Ink: Blue is not your color. 
Dream: You’re stupid. 
Ink laughing: Is that all?!
Dream: Oh dont worry, give it time. It’ll eat at you.
Ink: Am I stupid?
Blue: Just a little.
Ink: Damn him.
Killer: Horror, just remember just because it can fit in your mouth. Doesn’t mean its food.
Horror: *spits out wrench*
Blue: Oh my god, guys...Santa...he wont be able to reach us this year!
Ink: Um Blue-
Dream: Ink, I know what you are going to say, and im gonna stop you right there.
Cross: Nightmare can you call the Bad Sanses over, they arent listening. 
Nightmare: Why? I’m not their mother.
Cross: Just do it. 
Nightmare: Ugh, fine whatever.
Nightmare: GUYS! Get over here!
The Bad Sanses: *immediately runs over to Nightmare and are lined up like ducklings following their mother.*
Nightmare: I-
Nightmare: Wait- no! I-im not! Listen... LISTEN! Im not their-
Lust: Name three things that would ruin a first date.
Ink: I- uhm, Shitting my pants-
Geno: saying I love you.
Dust: Killing them. 
Lust: Did this happen?
Nightmare: You know, when I said yes to the Truce this is not what I expected to happen.
Dream: You and me both brother.
Blue and Dust: *almost burning down the kitchen*
Ink and Error: *having a contest on who can eat the most sweets before throwing up*
Lust and Horror: *watching the chaos and doing some wholesome flirting*
Sci, and Fell: *their experiments blowing up half the time*
Cross and Killer: *screaming on the railing of the second floor*
Geno: *passed out on the couch*
Reaper: *floating over Geno*
Nightmare and Dream: ....
Nightmare: Is it too late to return them all?
Reaper, covering the phone to talk to Geno (or Lust take your pick): I'm talking to my credit card company. I tried to get an online subscription to the New Yorker and they declined me. Apparently, based on my previous purchases, they assumed it was fraud. That's crazy. I'm fancy. One time I had coffee-flavored ice cream.
Nightmare: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?!
Horror: It's kind of complicated, but Kill-
Nightmare: Got it. Forget I asked.
 Ink, who is not named Kyle: So I said to myself: Kyle-
Blue: Wait, Kyle?
Ink: That's what I call myself.
 Sci: Lust, where have you been? You left your cell phone in your desk and I assumed you were dead.
Lust: Uh, I would clearly be buried with my phone.
 *Watching a horror movie.*
Fell: Are you scared?
Sci: In this economy who wouldn't be.
 Blue: I have edge.
Dust: You really don't. You are literally the most wide-eyed person I've ever seen. You have the face of a cartoon lamb.
Dream: Just be yourself, say something nice.
Ink: Which one? I can't do both.
Horror: There's nothing that can dent our impenetrable bond.
Dust: I have a secret boyfriend.
Horror: You're dead to me.
Fell: Classic, I think you should play the role of my father.
Classic: I don't want to be your father.
Fell: That's perfect. You already know your lines.
 Killer: Did you notice how hot your brother has gotten?
Nightmare: *Glares.*
Killer: Because I have not!
 Sci: Everyone know what they're doing?
Lust: In general or the plan?
Sci: The plan, Lust.
Lust: *Sigh of relief.*
 Killer, Fell, Dust, Error, or Nightmare: How do people not swear??? Like where does their anger go?? How do they show their enthusiasm??? What if they stub their toe??? Like saying golly gosh isn't really going to cut it Barbara.
 Ink: *Playing out of tune guitar.*
Error: Hey, you take requests?
Ink: Sure.
Error: Please stop.
 Fell: What's your biggest fear.
Classic: Being forgotten.
Fell: Damn that's deep.
Fell: Mine is the Kool-Aid man but I feel kinda stupid about it now.
 Reaper: *Texts Geno about what kind of teddy grahams they want.*
Geno: Honey.
Reaper: Yea wassup.
Geno: Just realized u was saying the flavor you wanted. Not addressing me endearingly.
 *In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run.*
Cross: *Minding my own business, looking for tortilla chips.*
Cross: *Finds tortilla chips.*
Dream, to Ink: See, he knows what he's here for. He knows what he's doing. Be more like him. MAKE A DECISION, INK.
 Killer: Is 4 a lot?
Horror: Depends on the context. Berries? No. Murders? Still no. Ex’es? Yes.
Fell: Be careful.
Classic: I always am.
Blue: I respectfully disagree.
Horror: I don't think any of us are.
Sci: I wasn’t sure what kind of chocolates you liked so I got them all.
Fell: Sci... there are like 300 boxes here.
Sci: I panicked, okay?!?! Valentine’s can be very stressful.
Blue: Alright I need you to swear-
Ink: Fuck!
Killer: So, I'm going to grab a healthy breakfast.
Dust: Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?
Killer: Breakfast burrito, but yeah.
Dust: I pity your dentist.
Killer: Joke's on you. I don't have a dentist.
Dream: Oh, babe. I didn't want whipped cream.
Killer: Well let me fix it for you, babe.
Ink: And this isn't soy.
Error: Sucks to be you.
Nightmare: [Pointing at the broken coffee machine.] So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Dream: ...I did. I broke it.
Nightmare: No. No you didn't. Dust?
Dust: Don't look at me. Look at Horror.
Horror: What?! I didn't break it.
Dust: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Horror: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Dust: Suspicious.
Horror: No it's not!
Reaper: If it matters, probably not, but Lust was the last one to use it.
Lust: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Reaper: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Lust: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Reaper!
Dream: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Nightmare.
Nightmare: No! Who broke it!?
Horror: Nightmare...Geno's been awfully quiet.
Geno: REALLY?!
[Everyone starts arguing.]
Nightmare: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Ink: How much could I possibly owe you? Fifty/sixty bucks?
Nightmare: Two thousand, four hundred and thirty seven dollars.
Ink: Dollars?! Wait, of course dollars. Why was that the part I was surprised by?
Ink: I guess that's your new best friend now, Dream. Emphasis on "Iago," backstabber.
Dream: I'm surprised you've read Othello.
Ink: What the hell's Othello? I'm calling you the parrot from Aladdin.
 Lust: Reaper, don't take this the wrong way, but, you're insane.
Geno: That may well be, but the fact is, it wouldn't kill us to meet some new people.
Reaper: For the record, it could kill us to meet new people. They could be murderers or the carriers of unusual pathogens. And I'm not insane, my mother had me tested.
Lust: Reaper you’ve never had a mother-
Lust: Why are you crying?
Some random person: Because I'm stupid.
Sci: That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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pikapals16 · 3 years
Broadway Daycare AU!
hiiii @insanity-times-10 and i came up with this and decided to share with you all! musicals included are Hamilton, Six, Mean Girls, Heathers, and Dear Evan Hansen (and technically TGWDLM). PS, not in any particular order, my notes from this are a mess
Paul and Emma watch over the kids and are absolutely done and pretty much hate it.
Jane hoards the kitchen set and is VERY protective of the dolls. She likes to play by herself and when others try to play with her, she hisses at them.
Anne is the little baby gay who has baby crushes on the girls
Kit and Peggy are only 8 months old, they can walk and are absolutely best friends.
Catalina and Eliza are the absolute neat freaks and Eliza is Lina’s neat freak protégée
Heathers start things with the Plastics and there's definitely a Monster High vs Barbie thing going on (respectively)
Plastics try and get Jane to play with them because of said hissy thing earlier
Heathers TRY to play croquet but they're really bad. Also, it's inside, so Paul and Emma are pissed and absolutely done
Zoe plays her little guitar and Maggie will fight with Zoe over said guitar
Connor and JD play with nerf guns, need I say more?
Angelica is the cool older girl, she's in kindergarten but stays in the daycare after school because her parents don't come until later. Kinda hangs with Lina sometimes.
Kurt and Ram through things across the room, nuff said.
Hamilton hogs all the legos. He also built a big fort with those really big legos and he with Laurens, Lafayette, and Hercules accidentally summon a demon
Anna is the one who replaces the r with w so no one can take her seriously (ex. "You better wun I'm gonna cats wuu!") She always wants to help take care of the babies and always plays with the lonely kids.
Quote from @insanity-times-10 , "Burr is constantly in the corner having a breakdown", my addition: Aaron is next to him trying to calm him down
Jared is definitely the prankster of them all and Anne helps him with basically all of them.
Janis hides the art supplies, Damian and Alana are her accomplices. Joan, Bessie, and Maria are alway mad at them for doing so, so they hide the play-doh.
Cathy is autistic so she doesn't like the absolute chaos that is the main room. She likes to "read" in the hallway (no surprise there). Anna frequents playing with her and is now deemed Cathy's little sister
Ronnie is the ringleader for her friends Martha and Evan. Sometimes she'll hang with Cathy, and Cathy will read to her (and subsequently, Martha and Evan). They all think Cathy's actually reading, but she's really making up words based on the pictures.
Martha and Evan only hang out with Cathy because Ronnie does, but they all eventually become friends! :)
feel free to add things (or ask questions lol)
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jessicaroy · 4 years
7 Unknown Facts You Have Never Heard About Your Tires
As per the Statista research department, “the global auto industry expects to sell 59.5 million automobiles in the year 2020”. This number has been suggested considering the effect of the Corona pandemic.  So, the projection also includes a 20% drop in sales.
If that's the case imagine the mind boggling quantity of tires which will be sold in the same year. But I wonder how many riders give a hood to the car tires until they run flat!  
Tires are an important part of any vehicle. Understanding their importance, I decided to give this important component of our vehicle a deserving write-up. And what could be better than summing up some fun facts about tires?
So here it goes
The bumpy history of commercial tires
Initially, the rubber which is used to make the car tire was not seen as a commercially viable plant since it lost its shape rapidly with the rise of temperature. We need to thank Charles Goodyear for inventing the vulcanization process in 1839 which used sulfur to make rubber more durable and bendable to produce tires. Without Charles Goodyear, we would have been ridding iron wheels even now!
Unfortunately, Charles Goodyear died after going bankrupt. His invention was much ahead of his time and nobody knew how to use these rubber tubes in the vehicles. But his technique of using sulfur to increase the durability of rubber had already caught the imagination of others.
Then came Robert W. Thomson, a Scottish engineer. He was the first person to patent air-filled tires.  It was John Boyd Dunlop who introduced pneumatic tires in the market. These light-weight tires got a better response from consumers. By, 1888, commercial tires as we know them were gaining popularity among consumers due to the invention of bicycles.
What goes into the making of your car tires?
An estimate described that modern car tires contain over two hundred different materials. As already stated, sulfur is added during the vulcanization process. Also, since rubber is a white substance carbon black is added for making the tire durable and reducing hot spots. But that is not all, commercial tires also contain Kevlar, Steel, Nylon which are used during its manufacturing stage. In modern commercial tires, metal like Titanium is also used to help the compound attach to its rim. The list also includes Cobalt, silica, saline, and citrus oil. This is just the tip of the iceberg as the list is extensive. All these materials make tires durable, enhance its performance, and impacts its decelerating ability.
The fact that so much is put into the making of a single tire, it has recently triggered the whole concern about the environment cost and reusability of these tires. Next time when you decide to buy tires online, don't just browse for discount tires, but also look for creative ways to reuse the discarded ones.
The largest wheel
When it comes to creativity and imagination, trust me the tire manufacturers are not far behind in the race. Believe it or not, we do have a list of biggest, smallest, and the most expensive tires ever made. Currently, the biggest tire in the world is placed on display at Motor Town, on the Interstate I-94 Highway which is in Detroit. It is a giant wheel that is 80 feet tall and weighs 12 tons. It was originally built as Uniroyal’s promotion icon for the New York World Fair in the year 1964-65.
The smallest tires
The smallest tires were manufactured by a company that also holds the record of manufacturing the largest number of tires in the world. The name of the company is Lego. Yes, you read this right, I am talking about the Danish toy manufacturing company. In 1969, Lego built the smallest tires for its car and that my friend is no child’s play if you consider the fact that its largest Lego tires have a diameter of only 4.213 inches.
The most expensive tires
The most expensive tires come from Dubai which also holds the record in the Guinness Book. It was designed by Z tyre, a company based in Dubai and manufactured in China. The price quoted by the company was $600,000. The tires are decorated with 24-carat gold leaf and embellished with diamonds which is the reason for its exorbitant price. I doubt with so much of embellishment this wheel will ever touch the surface of our not so exclusive roads. But if you enjoy owning little bling than you should check them out when you decide to buy tires online.
The unusual tire experiments
Goodyear, the USA based tire manufacturing company during the 1960s decided to introduce illuminated commercial tires in the market. It was done by keeping the tire tube transparent and mounting light in the inner rim of the tires. Unfortunately, the whole idea got shelled because the tires look kinda odd during the day as the glow was visible only at the night. Then again, the dust, covered the tire to hide any luminosity that bulbs produced. The  idea hit another roadblock because of the expensive price of the rubber used to manufacture these tires.
That’s not the only unusual experiment that we have heard about. There are claims that the tire giant Michelin is developing an airless tire named ‘Tweel”, which will never go flat. We know that modern commercial tires have a staggering ability to run flat up to 50 miles at 50mph. So, it may not be very unusual to believe that French tire manufacturing company may soon be launching the tire in the market. It is made of recyclable organic material. It is said that Tweel will also be able to collect information about the vehicle and diagnose it.  
These were the seven amazing facts about tires. But before I end this article let me give you some more interesting information about the tire industry around the world. America’s Goodyear is one of the largest tire manufacturing companies, but it comes only in third place after Japan and France. While Japan has the largest tire manufacturing company named Bridgestone, Micheline tires of France is the second. Also, China is the biggest consumer of tires in the world.
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solemncadaver · 5 years
Friendsim Trolls According to my Girlfriend who hasn’t played Friendsim
Ardata (Cobalt): w... who took bites out of her horns? Can and will kill you in your sleep. Plotting evil plans 23/7 (the 24th hour is for drinking coffee with LOTS of milk and sugar)
Diemen (Rust): Always eating food (why is that hot dog bun GREEN-), will never call you by your name, only nicknames like bro, dude, man etc, probably owns a skateboard but can't drive it
Cirava (Gold): Oo funky! Has a horrible backstory and doesn't talk about it EVER, is chill all the time, likes 70s-80s fashion and actually wears it with style! Is as extra as the fact they've got 4 horns
Amisia (Indigo): definitely an artist! The "weird kid", has not slept in 5 days because she just HAD to finish that one painting, cuts her own hair with scissors not meant for cutting hair yet it looks amazingly good! Probably either super pure and nice or will kill you if you breathe in her direction
Bronya (Jade): The cool big sister, helps you do your makeup and dye your hair, if you hurt one of her friends those boots will land in your face, probably has a tumblr with aesthetic images
Skylla (Bronze): Yeehaw howdy pardner! Isn't only from a ranch, she OWNS one! Can and will punch you for no reason, makes you do her chores if you wanna stay at her place, has never seen a hairbrush in her life
Tagora (Teal): Tries his best to be edgy and frightening, sometimes almost fails at that, could be in one of those "barber: say no more fam" memes, thinks he's an evil overlord but is actually just a delinquent, probably doesn't get a redemption arc and only like 2 people are mad about that
Vikare (Bronze): Wants to be a pilot/is a pilot but DON'T TRUST THEM WITH AN AIRPLANE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, pretends wearing that pilot hat is a fashion choice when in reality they can't take it off again with those horns, nobody has ever seen them sleep and people are concerned
Polypa (Olive): The most feral being (or she fell down the stairs and is mad about it), problems balancing with only one eye able to see, could claw out your heart and not bat an eye, the hole in her horn is from when someone tried to take her out, nobody has ever seen that person afterwards
Zebruh (Indigo): Looks like an ASSHOLE. What are his horns doing they're not pointed that's not how horns should work, very smug! Has a shitty job and is pretentious about it to people w/o a job, looks like the cryptic bartender in a stereotypical drama thriller that the detective has to interview to know who killed the rich guy's wife
Elwurd (Cobalt): Look at those extra af horns! Def owns a motorcycle, flirty but has never received actual affection, has a mental breakdown every 2 days but pretends EVERYTHING'S FINE, makes 5 puns a minute
Folykl & Kuprum (Gold): What a goal: Carry your bud around in your giant ass backpack! I......don't know who is who tbh but! They both have cool spider looking horns! The best evidence for 'opposites attract', the only friends they have are each other, secretly planning to overthrow the government
Remele (Cobalt): The x on her left eye symbolizes that she has found her next victim. It's you. Run. Could probably use her horn as a climbing hook, v passive aggressive, makes her own clothes, works out a lot and is stronger than she looks
Konyyl (Olive): My fight, flight or flirt instincts have been activated. Could snap you in half by looking at you yet can be super soft if she wants to (you gotta be REAL close to her though), likes matcha ice cream and yells at it when it melts, is NOT tidy
Chixie (Bronze): Shy babey. Will probably be interrupted 3 times when trying to speak because she's just so quiet, has been left on her own and now has no idea how to survive yet is too shy to ask for the way. Someone come help her please.
Tyzias (Teal): Bored college student. Will NOT help you in an emergency so don't even ask. Secretly likes cryptids, is Done (tm), nobody has ever seen her outside of campus, roasts people in the most monotone voice ever
Chahut (Purple): F-... fear ':)? Eh, that's probably just paint! Right? Right???... Is probably being forced to do horrible things, can't remember their childhood, looks scary but only unintentionally, I'd still smooch tbh
Azdaja (Gold): Reminds me of that ching prince from FMA:B tbh, has a weird aesthetic going on, has the upper hand everywhere without trying, probably has 3 fake names, is always cool but can slip up and make goofy remarks
Zebede (Gold): Smol round boi! Probably played soccer in 5th grade, now makes v interesting and functional machines from Lego, probably owned a pet hamster at some point, has no sense of danger
Tegiri (Teal): Is that a KATANA-.... Still not out of his weeb phase, is VERY devoted to his aesthetic, talks either in one word sentences or dramatic quotes from a show nobody has seen, shop owner who sells you weapons
Mallek (Cobalt): Oh look it your hubby! He looks like a trickster tbh yet all the fanart looks sweet and pure!? (Also how do you pierce horns-) how many piercings has he though? Is there fanart- 👀... anyways he kinda looks like the popular kid and the emo kid combined, but like in a good way!?! Probably has a secret key for the whole town that he shouldn't have, can store everything in that hoodie pocket (it's like Hermione's bag :3!)
Lynera (Jade): Looks like the weird art/music teacher, v nice though! Has a lot of weird hobbies that her friends politely decline to join, likes to bake for everyone, likes children or absolutely loathes them
Galekh (Indigo): Is this Roman from Sanders Sides? Jdhdkd he looks like the strict angry teacher, will absolutely refuse giving help and does not allow any flaws (both in you and in himself) can spot someone doing illegal things from a mile away, is not afraid to call people out
Tirona (Teal): Look at that spider hair! Looks good 👉👉, is probs v shy and awkward but tries to talk to everyone anyways, has some exotic pets that she doesn't tell anyone about bc someone once said it's weird, just wants to be accepted, clumsy af
Boldir (Olive): Hiding ..... something ...., private but not stealthy investigator, is distracted way too easily, is the detective I mentioned back at Zebruh's, v loyal, will absolutely get you arrested if you're *in the way*
Stelsa (Teal): Looks like a cool but bitchy mom, probably gets a manicure every week, she looks just like my mom which is scary wth, will not hesitate to roast Karen at the school bake sale, those lemon bars are horrible KAREN, why didn't you let your third husband help K A R E N
Karako (Purple): What- ?
I-.... I'm confused! But okay!
Never makes sense, nobody has ever seen them eat or sleep, appears in your room at 2 am when you have sleep paralysis
Marsti (Rust): Probably is like the classic mechanic, can weld 👌👏👉👉👍, is done with everyone's bullshit but will still try to help (occasionally), drinks too many energy drinks and not enough water, everyone asks her for favors and she is having none of it
Charun (Olive): Peaceful gardener, don't stand in their sun and they won't bother whatever you do, just wants a little farm house near a small town with his pet cat, don't walk on their vegetables or they'll chase you with a rake
Wanshi (Jade): Just a nice person. A total sweetheart. Just wants to have fun, very optimistic, the most functional person you'll ever meet, drinks a lot of green tea and hot chocolate
Fozzer (Rust): Nice person but not very bright, doesn't know how electronics work, has a flip phone from like 2006 and that's enough for him, has a lot of houseplants but can't really keep them alive
Marvus (Purple): 👀👀👀 You know how I think about him (😭🍀😏😎🍀💖🌾❤ 11/10 best ti🅱🅱y window would allow him to stab me)
Daraya (Jade): Smol but will fight you. Is super done and will not help you, but also won't stop you. Probably has 2-4 knifes somewhere on her body at all time.
Nihkee (Indigo): Looks like a pirate captain + professional wrestler in one, like! Probably drinks their coffee black just so people respect them more, will show off every trophy they have (a lot) if someone decides to listen to them
Lanque (Jade): 👀👀👀👍 the most dramatic and salty being alive, v stylish, takes 2 hours a day just to get ready, probably has 16 meetings a day, could work as a model, will cut anyone and everyone that says he should change something about him
Soleil (Purple): Ah yes, the obligatory twins. Probably cursed by a spiteful witch at birth, have never been seen seperate, occasionally like to scare people by pretending to be the twins from shining
I’m crying
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spytap · 5 years
A Eulogy For My Mother
“I love you madly.”
Those weren’t the last words my mother spoke to me, but it was how she ended the call where I found out about her cancer. It was what she wanted me to remember.
And it worked. I really only remember about half of that call, but that particular phrase stuck with me. It wasn’t one she’d ever said before, but it somehow felt familiar. I knew then, that no matter how long the treatment would last, or how optimistic she would pretend to be when we spoke, that was the moment she said goodbye. That was how she wanted me to remember her. She loved me madly.
My mother was a wonderful study in contradictions. She reveled in surprising people and subverting expectations. Witty and independent and opinionated and kind, she was 5 foot one half inch of firecrackers and feminism, equal parts wild horse breaking country girl, and subdued suburban matriarch, trying so desperately to raise her rambunctious sons with some amount of decor and grace.
When I think of my mother, I think of her love of words. While Shakespeare always had a special place in her heart, words were sacred and storytelling was a gift from the gods. We were taught to read early, and our house always had thousands of books. And if we were really really good, we could go to the library later and get some more.
But I also have a very distinct memory of her gleefully singing along to Eric Clapton’s song “Cocaine” as we drove to church. She told me this was perfectly okay because it was - and I’ll quote her - “good music” - as if that settled the manner, and was the only question a nine year old could have about that particular situation.
My mother had the soul of an artist and the heart of a rebel, and I’m pretty sure she would have loved that I told that story at church because she reveled in counterpointing punk and proper - which is as appropriate a metaphor for Sandy as I can think of.
My mother was born and immediately given up, an aspect of her life that would defy her attempts to understand, reconcile, and identify it, even as she sought to never let it define her. Her adoptive parents considered the topic off-limits for discussion, so much of her life would be lived with a question mark overshadowing her experiences. Who am I and where did I come from? Are these interests and choices mine, or part of my mysterious biology? Why won’t anyone tell me? Most of her life would be spent in the search for her biological family, for answers to questions that could never be answered in absentia, and for a place in the world that was more than just existence. For a family. And a place. And a past.
Her childhood in rural Oregon was spent in contradiction as well - with a prim and proper southern mother and a grease-monkey father whose reputation was built on being fair and honest to everyone, regardless of their race, gender, or religion - an uncommon trait at the time, but one that she chose to absorb and uphold her entire life, proudly talking at length about his reputation for fairness even just a few months ago.
Her mother’s dream was for Sandy to grow up to be … a secretary. I’ll hold for wild uproarious laughter from those who knew her. Much to her mother’s chagrin, Sandy’s nature was drawn to wilder and more independent pursuits than her mother’s nurture. In grade school she tested at a genius level, and was school president by fourth grade. By twelve she was helping her father run his service station. In high school she was the only girl in chess club. In college she challenged her professors, and drove a bright yellow convertible named Chiquita Bug, and lived alone with her dog, and for a very brief period of time, was a bouncer in a British pub.
Throughout it all there were horses. Wild horses that no one else could ride; broken horses that no one else could fix. The occasional untrainable horse that she secretly trained out behind the barn for six months before her father found out. And Saber the pony - who she described, with a slowly widening grin, as “a very naughty pony.” Because when they brought him home, Saber immediately got into the horse’s feed, ate everything, and then broke out of the yard entirely to wander off and have his own adventure, which immediately put him in Mom’s good graces.
You see, my mother also loved naughty things.
After college, she and David married, and they moved to San Francisco. She described the time fondly, speaking of working in finance, being surrounded by artists and musicians, wearing fabulous platform shoes, and dancing in the streets. But the city wore on that part of her that missed a more country life. So they moved to Sacramento - the city she would call home for the largest part of her life - in search of something more.
What she found was something she never expected: kids. I remember a conversation I had with my mom as an adult, when I told her that I didn’t think that Beth and I would have children. It just wasn’t what we wanted, and I hoped she would understand. She took a long sip of wine, and told me “I understand.” And then a long pause before a small, mischievous grin and “Yeah, your father really had to talk me into that one.”
But our childhood was full of learning and science and creativity and love. We got lost in the woods until dark, and spread a thousand legos out on the carpet, and played soccer on the weekends (with mom yelling at the referees or the coach from time to time) and built things in the garage. We read and wrote and sung and danced. We learned independence and broke rules and occasionally raised hell exactly like she did when she was growing up.
And she loved us madly.
In her thirties, sick of being overlooked and under appreciated in the private sector, Mom got involved in nonprofits - something she would continue for the rest of her life. From politics, to women’s groups, to the arts, she wore her beliefs on her sleeve, and was happy making a difference one person at a time.
Sandy was a strong, smart, confident woman before those were compliments - wearing proudly the scars from battles of what women should and should not do, say, or think - and she remained so her entire life - an example to all of us. My mother was also fiercely intelligent and curious, and challenged us to be the same. She never stopped learning, always collecting new hobbies and passion projects, and her stacks of interests and intentions always made our house feel like it was a mad scientist’s laboratory full of undiscovered treasure, uncompleted projects, and academic wonders.
She also collected people. From Portland to San Francisco, to Sacramento, she built her own family. From friends. From my father. From children. From the countless other surrogate children who were taken up under her wing and offered food, protection, culture, and knowledge.
As I became a teenager, friends of mine became new children of hers; treated no differently from me, and given both love and chores when around the house. Then there were exchange students, first a trickle, then a flood. Age wasn’t a factor either, as friends of hers often became new family to us. When someone she knew needed a home, or advice, or just a kind ear, she offered up hers without question, judgment, or reservation. And our home was always full of art, and love, and dancing, and wine, as needed. Somehow, her nature encouraged those around her to trust her, to confide in her, and to welcome her sometimes pointed opinions, suggestions, and advice.
The woman who was talked into children ended up with dozens, spread all across the world, all of whom loved her dearly. The woman who grew up without a family, built her own. All of whom, she loved madly.
And then, in her late fifties, and after decades of searching, Sandy finally found her biological family. She found her mother first - who was petite, opinionated, smart, and adventurous. A few years later, she found her father - a pilot and a professor. And through him, she found dozens of new relatives. Visiting this family and getting to know them was one of the joys of her life. She finally had an answer to so many of her questions, and she found those answers within, as she once wrote, “a bunch of creatives and storytellers.”
High praise indeed, because my mother believed in the power of art and creativity above almost all else. Her knowledge was deep and her tastes were eclectic. She loved The Beach Boys and Queen and David Bowie and The Doors … but also Metallica, and the occasional dubstep mashup. She loved old Katherine Hepburn films and modern indie movies … but also had a genuine love for dumb comedies such as her perennial favorite, Dodgeball. And as a brief sidebar - if you ever watched Monty Python’s Flying Circus on Sacramento’s PBS station, you have Sandy to thank for that - she loved it so much in San Francisco that she forced David to make PBS bring it here.
Growing up, Mom taught us early the power of stories, and art, and culture. And having left her mark on both of us, the second half of her life was also marked by her work with arts and theatre programs. She spent several decades performing with Junior League Children’s Theater, and working with various other programs to bring arts and culture into the classroom. But in the last seven years, appalled that no one else was taking on the task, Sandy took a more direct approach and began teaching and directing Shakespeare at local grade and high schools. She would spend months planning, weeks scouring local thrift stores for props and costumes, and talk for hours about the amazing transformations her kids had undertaken.
She loved them madly.
I miss my mother with all of my heart. I miss the way she laughed freely and often. I miss the way that she somehow, throughout her entire life, always found new ways to surprise me with scandalous tales or unexpected interests - often responding to my shock with a glint in her eye and “You know dear, I was a real person before I was your mother.” I miss the way she would get excited about something and hop up and down just a little bit, as if her vigor was literally bursting out of her from head to toe. I miss her voice, and her smile, and her presence every day.
Sandy valued intelligence, creativity, kindness, and hard work, and all of her friends exhibited at least one of these traits - often several. She was proudly rebellious. She was resolutely fair in a firmly unfair world. She was a fierce promotor for second chances and for finding the good in people. She was a champion for curiosity, and an advocate of the idea that art could change the world.
My mother loved horses, Shakespeare, champagne, and Lake Tahoe. She loved sports cars, Paris, and fashion. She made us put napkins in our laps at McDonalds, but owned a purple baseball cap that read “Got Wine?” - and wore it frequently. She considered leopard print a neutral color. Movies were always too loud, but “good music” could always be turned up “just a hair.” She talked about Oregon as if it was a heavenly place, and her dogs as if they were people. She hated surprises, but loved surprising others. She treated strangers like friends, and friends like family.
Sandy touched a thousand lives. Perhaps tens of thousands. Young and old. Near and far. And I expect every single one of them would say that in her own special way, she loved them madly.
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stellarwaffles · 2 years
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Part 7 of funny moments from when me + some kids played w legos
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sciencelings-writes · 6 years
Heart of Gold-Titanium Alloy: Chapter 1: The Curse of Peter Parker
find more chapters on here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16127408
Peter had always had terrible luck. He assumed that it was just a curse after Uncle Ben died and now he was sure of it. He wasn’t sure how, but he had managed to go through four parents in less than sixteen years.
There wasn’t anything that he could’ve done. Aunt May was just on her way to work while he was on his way to school. They were miles apart but Peter felt like he should have been there. At least so she wouldn’t have been alone. But now she was gone. Just like Uncle Ben and his parents. So yeah, he was definitely cursed.
It had been hell to get the call while he was at school. He left the high school without telling anyone as being tardy to class was the least of his worries. He had taken the subway to the hospital that May had been rushed to. She was gone before he even arrived.
It was a blur from there. There was crying and an agent from some child related government service or something. Peter couldn’t make himself listen. All he heard was something about being young enough for foster care, not having any living relatives and an empty apology.
It was deja vu of Uncle Ben all over again. He had the same reaction of an explosion of emotion including unbearable anger and sadness followed quickly by numbness. It took a little while longer to get to the acceptance part of grief.
Despite being young and there being several years to get over it, Peter was still tormented by his parents deaths. Then there was the loss of Ben and he was back in the cycle. It was barely a year and a half to deal with Ben’s death before May joined him.
Peter was not known for his healthy coping mechanisms. He ditched his foster home as often as he could, he went out Spiderman-ing for hours longer than he usually did. Eventually he just decided to run away from his foster home. He was successfully homeless for a week before someone called CPS on him and he was back in the system. That was the cycle. It repeated itself four times until he met Harley.
Harley was his age and was the only one that treated him like he wasn’t made of glass. Harley’s mother died after they had moved to New York from Tennessee for a business opportunity. His little sister got adopted a years before Peter even met him. He didn’t take any of Peter’s shit when they were put in the same foster home. Of course, they became friends.  
Peter found out Harley was incredibly smart and had even helped Mr. Stark during the whole Mandarin thing. That was pretty cool. Harley was sarcastic and dry witted and was as much of a nerd as he was. Harley was also more confident than Peter could ever be. It was nice having more than one friend.
It took a month of lying to Mr. Stark and hoping that the billionaire didn’t care. After the whole vulture thing, Mr. Stark decided to not have Happy in between their communications. Thankfully, the guy was surprisingly easy to lie to. As long as they weren’t face to face. Then it was infinitely harder. Peter was honestly surprised that he was able to last so long.
He was out with Harley, avoiding their foster family, when he got the call. He looked at his phone and raised his eyebrows when he saw the caller ID that popped up. It was Mr.Stark. The caller picture that took up the screen was a rare picture of the billionaire looking ridiculous. He looked at Harley and showed his pseudo-sibling his phone.
“What the fuck? Does Tony just… call you?” Harley’s eyes went wide and he looked at the phone. “Well, answer him! You better tell me what he says. I thought your internship was terminated or whatever…” Peter rolled his eyes and answered the phone.
“H-hey Mr. Stark… what’s up?” Peter tried to sound casual but his voice broke and he stuttered so that didn’t work out so much.
“Hey kid, you okay? You sound nervous. Please don’t tell me you’re going after another animal themed super-villain behind my back…” Mr.Stark immediately sounded suspicious but Peter was kind of confident in his ability to keep big secrets. Not little ones, but the whole being Spider-Man one was relatively still a secret.
“I’m fine, everything’s fine…” Peter said too quickly before he covered the phones microphone and looked at Harley. “I’ll tell you what he says but can you give me a minute? You can get yourself a coffee or something…” He hissed as Harley rolled his eyes.
“Only if you’re paying.” Harley nodded and held out his hand for money. Peter sighed and managed to get his wallet and give Harley a five-dollar bill. Harley grinned and strolled into a nearby coffee shop. Peter put his attention back to his call.
“You are really bad at lying Mr.Parker. Tell me what’s up.” Mr.Stark ordered.
“I mean, it’s fine, it’s not a Spider-Man thing or anything…” Peter muttered.
“Spit it out. Come on, my time is precious. Did you get a girlfriend or something?” Peter could hear Mr.Stark smirking and he winced.
“No… I learned my lesson after homecoming. No girl deserves my flaking and all that. I’m not particularly desirable anyway. Uh, It’s not that. It’s not… anything like that. Don’t worry.” He rambled.
“When you say ‘don’t worry,’ I automatically worry. Just tell me.” Mr.Stark insisted.
“I swear that it’s nothing. I’m not dying or anything.” Peter winced at his own words. He may not be dying but it would’ve hurt less if he did instead.
“You better not be. Whatever, maybe if you ask your aunt if you can do an overnight thing for the internship, we can work on your suit in the compound. It’ll be fun.” Peter winced.
“Yeah… will do. I gotta go, I’m with a friend and I don’t want to keep him waiting.” Peter rushed his words because the last thing he wanted to do was tell Mr.Stark what was actually going on.
“I’ll find out what you’re hiding kid. I know that something is up. But i guess it’s good that you’re hanging out with your friend. Don’t do drugs, we don’t know how your body will react to heroin anyway, don’t take the tracker out of your suit and tell me if you get dramatically injured.” Mr.Stark ordered.
“Yeah yeah, of course. I’m not doing any drugs if NyQuil gets me sick. Maybe I should figure that out… I don’t want to get gravely injured and have no painkillers that will work. It’s too bad that Doctor Banner is off of the grid, he would be one of the best people to talk to, you know? If anyone knows about weird DNA, it’s the Hulk.” Peter rambled to try to convince Mr. Stark that he was fine and normal.
“Yeah that’s a good idea. There’s a woman in Korea that could be good at that kind of stuff, we could discuss it so you don’t have to worry about it. Anyway, bye kid, play with your legos or whatever.” Peter chuckled as he hung up and walked to the coffee shop where Harley was waiting with two lattes.
“So… what did he say? Why is your superhero boss calling you?” Harley took a danty sip out of his latte as he handed Peter the one that he got for him. Harley got Peter one of those brightly colored ones but he didn’t mind. The joke was on Harley as Peter loved unicorn themed foods.
“He was just checking up on me I guess. I was his personal intern so he could be worried about me? I’m not sure. That wasn’t it, apparently he wants me to work on him with some things up at the compound. At the moment, It’s nothing too cool. I’ll tell you when I get to work on rocket boots or something.” Peter shrugged and indulged in his overly sweet drink. “I think we’re going to be working with someone in Korea to work on medical stuff. I guess it would be helpful to use Starktech in the medical field.” Peter smiled as he thought about it.
“I mean yeah, didn’t Tony make those prosthesis for his friend? It would make sense that they would integrate the tech for other medical things. Imagine the kind of prosthesis he could make for people without limbs. Like dude, He could make an arm with more features than a smartphone.” Harley shrugged.
“I mean, imagine a robotic leg with a camera on the toes or something. Just do yoga and you could take a selfie. Someone could just have one rocket boot.” Peter grinned. It was a silly image.
“It would be hard to steal shit from you if it’s actually stored in your body. You could keep your tunes literally in your armpit.” Harley matched his grin. “I would have a compartment just for skittles.”
“What about rocket powered roller skates as default transportation? That would be fun…” Peter imagined Iron Man with roller skates instead of hoverboots. He would have to talk to Mr.Stark about it.
“Not quite practical but other than that… It’s a cool idea. Like extreme heelys.” This made Peter laugh a little.
“If I ever get a hold of an Iron Man suit, I am definitely adding retractable wheels that are motorized. Then when Mr. Stark is fighting aliens or whatever, he can roll away from attacks.” Peter made a little motion with his hand to demonstrate the greatness of wheely rocket shoes for a superhero.
“You better. If you do, you have to send me Tony’s reaction. I could see it being a perfect reaction image.”
“I’ll do my best. Mr. Stark does have some stellar facial expressions.”
“Why do you call him that. I mean, sure, he’s your boss kinda, but literally everyone calls him by his full name. I mean Tony Stark is a super iconic name.” Harley raised his eyebrow.
“I was kinda conditioned to call ‘adults’ by their titles out of respect.” Peter made air quotes when it was appropriate. “It kinda stuck. Mr. Stark teases me a little for it but it’s not like it’s that bad of a habit to have.” He shrugged and realized with disappointment that he was nearly done with his colorful latte.
“I’m not attacking you for it, I was just wondering. I mean it’s part of your whole goody-two-shoes polite kid thing right? You act all sweet and perfect but you run away from foster homes and get in fights at school.” Harley scoffed.
“I don’t get into fights.” Peter rolled his eyes. “Or at least I don’t start them… or continue them… Dude have you seen me? I’m a wimp.”
“Sure sure. Just because I’m six inches taller than you doesn’t mean that you’re a wimp. That just makes you tiny.”
“I’m not… tiny…” Peter muttered. Harley looked completely unimpressed. “Okay, I’m kinda small but tiny is going too far.” He admitted to Harleys delight. Harley liked being right and Peter had no problem admitting his faults. Even MJ practically towered over him. He had accepted that his maximum height would not exceed 5’6”.
His internal conflict about his lack of height was interrupted by his phone buzzing.
“You’re popular today Pete…” Harley was only surprised because Peter rarely got calls, so two in the same hour was not normal for him.
“It’s probably Mr. Stark again. I haven’t told him what happened and he doesn’t like not knowing everything. I guess I must have been suspicious enough for him to look into it. I guess I’ll face the music or whatever the term is.” Peter's heart fluttered with anxiety as he answered his phone. “Hey, Mr. Stark, that was quick…”
This time Peter couldn’t make Harley leave so he was going to try to be discrete with the whole Spider-man stuff. If he had to. The problem wasn’t with Spider-Man though, It was with Peter. He was the one with the problems. Spider-Man was relatively unaffected. And that’s all that Mr. Stark cared about. Right?
“Kid.” Mr. Stark’s voice was soft through the phone’s receiver. “What… what happened.”
“I think you already know… Don’t tell be that you didn’t do some research in the last twenty minutes…” Peter’s voice was a little quieter than before.
“I just want to hear you say it. I want to know what happened.” Mr. Stark’s voice was uncharacteristically reserved and it left no doubt in Peter’s mind that the billionaire knew exactly what happened.
“Uh, A month ago, May was… she was in a car accident. I was at school so there was nothing I could do besides rush to the hospital. She was gone before I even got there. I don’t have any family so I got put in foster care. I ran away a few times… but I’m fine now. I have an almost brother and everything.” Peter really tried to sound convincing that he was fine even though he really wasn’t. Who would be?
“Peter…” Mr. Stark sighed. Oh no, he brought out the real names, this must be serious. Peter had been almost exclusively called some nickname by him so when the real names came out, it was not to just be ignored. “Why didn’t you say anything… I could’ve done something.”
“You’re my boss. I didn’t want to… I didn’t want to force you to deal with my problems. If I’m honest, I haven’t even called Ned or anything. I’m still processing it myself…” Peter muttered as Harley awkwardly left to buy a pastry or something. Peter wanted to apologize but Harley had left earshot quickly enough not to take notice. He’ll say sorry when he comes back.  
“This isn’t like not telling me about your homework kid, this is… this is big. I wouldn’t want you to go through that alone. Been there, done that, you know?” For once, Mr. Stark sounded awkward but Peter assumed that it was because of the billionaires emotional constipation. He wasn’t used to trying to comfort people. Peter appreciate the attempt nonetheless.
“Yeah… thanks but, I don’t know. I’m just probably going to be in a temporary family until I can get my inheritance. Then I can buy an apartment or something. Apparently it’s not easy to get adopted as old as I am. And I’m not sure that I want to be thrown into a family for the rest of eternity. I just… I don’t know. Everything changed so fast and I have no idea what to do.” Peter found himself frantically rambling and stuttering out his ideas.
“Well it’s a good thing I don’t have a family then.” Mr. Stark commented quickly.
“Uh, what do you mean?” Peter said slowly.
“Peter, you don’t deserve any of this. I’m not just going to stand by and watch while there’s something that I can do. That’s kind of our motto right? Reckless superheroes and all.” Mr. Stark rushed his words but still managed to sound casual while he was changing Peter’s life. He seemed to do that a lot lately…
“Mr. Stark… I don’t… oh my god, are you serious? You would…” Peter could barely manage sentences as tears welled up in his eyes. While his mentor was emotionally constipated, Peter was the complete opposite. He’s an emotional mess but he didn’t feel bad over getting emotional now. This time he had a valid reason.
“I’m as serious as a terminal illness kid. I can get all of the paperwork done in no time and poof, no more foster care.” Mr. Stark promised. “My only requirement is that you call me Tony instead of the whole mister Stark crap.”
“I’ll try- I just-” Peter sniffled and wiped his tears away, obviously embarrassed. “I’d feel bad for leaving Harley, he’s my foster sibling kinda, we were paired in the same foster house. Apparently he met you during the whole extremis thing. Small world right?” Peter rambled because, holy shit, Tony Stark was serious about adopting him.
“Wait… Harley? Like Harley Keener? Potato gun kid? He’s not only in New York but also in the same foster care system as you?” Mr. Stark sounded surprised.
“Yeah, He said that you guys are connected. His mom uh, actually he can tell you himself. We’re avoiding our foster family and getting highly caffeinated.” Peter waved at Harley and motioned for him to come over. He rolled his eyes and took his time in strolling over.
“You know I’ll have to talk to Pepper but I think that she will agree with me on this whole thing. I think that she would be fine with having children that aren’t in diapers. You met her right?”
“Yeah, she’s pretty badass. I’m surprised that she’s not a superhero herself.” Peter tried to pull himself together before Harley came close enough to see the tears in his eyes. “So Harley just came over, wanna talk to him?” Peter was kind of anxious to let himself internalize what the hell was going on. And he wanted to see Harley react to talking to Tony. Peter still thought it was weird to call Mr. Stark by his first name but he would have to get used to it someday.
“Yeah, hand me to the other kid. I haven’t heard from him since he was like eleven.” Mr. Stark chuckled as Peter handed Harley the phone. Harley looked a little confused as he put his ear to the speaker.
“Hey Tony. What’s up.” Harley handed Peter the muffin that he had bought. Peter was not going to complain, he needed a lot of calories but he usually told Harley that it was because he had a normally high metabolism rather than a superhuman metabolism.
“I know, It’s because we’re connected.” Harley smirked at the phone. Peter tried not to use his super-hearing to intrude on their conversation, but it wasn’t that easy.
“Yeah, my mom died a few years ago. My little sister got adopted a while ago. I haven’t seen her in awhile. Actually I do still have that watch… come on, Pete looks like he just cried, what were you guys talking about?” Harley started out smiling but his expressions changed quickly.  First he looked shocked. Then he put his hand over his face as he started to tear up. He whispered to the receiver of Peters cellphone.
“Really? Tony, Jesus Christ… no. I’m not disappointed, you asshole. Don’t apologize, you didn’t know… shut up, I’m not crying… fine, not as much as Peter is though.” Harley smirked a little at Peter while trying and more successfully hiding his eyes well up.
“Shut up…” Peter muttered as he wiped his eyes again. He honestly didn’t think that he would have a family again. That anyone would actually want him. Then his childhood hero wants to adopt him as soon as he finds out what happened. It was, almost overwhelming. No, It definitely was overwhelming.
“Thank’s Tony… I guess you’ll see us soon. I think that we have to go soon anyway, it’s getting dark. Yeah, I’ll make Peter text you all that stuff. Now go call Pepper!” Harley weakly put down the phone and grinned at Peter.
“What the fuck just happened dude.” Peter’s comment made Harley laugh. Peter realized that this was the happiest he had been since Aunt May had died.
It felt pretty good.
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Nobuhiko Okamoto - Compilation Post (kind of)
This all started when I started considering watching Sangatsu no Lion again, and since I was on the topic of one of my favourite voice actors (who is known for playing shogi), I decided to dig a little deeper. I wanted to share my findings here. I will list sources, and I will share the highlights of what I found.
“Okamoto-san competing shogi and he beat a pro! >w<
Look like his opponent is a pro (he’s talking about pro but I’m not sure he is a pro or not ^^;) and look like those two get along with each other really well^0^ They talk about the anime nobukun cast in too and they laugh a lot :D”
Niconico video
(Original Tumblr Post)
Unfortunately, the video is not subbed and is a little long.
I found some other interesting facts online. There are quite a few different sources. I’ll try to list them right here: - This AWESOME POST (I put that in caps because I don’t know how I didn’t find it or the account behind it before, and now I will probably have to take sometime later to go through their whole ) - Wikipedia 
All cited quotations are from the “awesome post” which is linked right above. Most of the following facts are from that post too.
After graduating from secondary school, he entered some voice acting training courses associated with his agency (Pro-Fit) to pursue his dream as a seiyuu.
To be able to pay for his training, he worked at a 7-Eleven and a post office.
His family is very strict and conservative.
He was into video games when he was younger, but his parents were against letting him play video games and ended up limiting him to a one-hour per day time limit (THIS POOR BOI)
[Regarding his gaming] his parents told him, “If you want to play games, you can play shogi.” This ended up being the reason he started playing shogi.
He is a practicing Catholic (ironic since one of his most iconic roles is playing the son of Satan; I should add that the Wikipedia’s source is not available)
He’s a 3rd dan ranked shogi player, and he once aimed to be a professional shogi player.
He has a huge love for sweets. I follow his blog, and a lot of his posts involve sweets.
“his favorite [candy bar] would be Black Thunder chocolate bars (same as Kamiya Hiroshi and Ono Daisuke), and at one point, he always ends up buying Black Thunder by the box, stocking up on it, and eating up to 10 bars in one day, that his agency decided to restrict him into eating just one bar a day.” (let the poor guy eat his chocolate)
He is easily bullied by other seiyuu (check out the original post which has gifs of his mishaps)
“[While recording] ...he ran away from the mic, forgetting that he was wearing headphones connected to the mic and ended up messing up the recording room, and the staff had to rearrange everything.”
He’s a big fan of Pokemon (someone needs to get him to voice a Pokemon)
Here’s another cool post about him. I’ll be sourcing that for the next little round of facts. I’ll be putting it in quotes because I’m directly quoting from the post.
“As a student, he used to fall asleep on the train and miss his destinations sometimes. He thinks that it’s really comfortable to take a nap there.” (Yeah, you say that until you somehow end up in the middle of nowhere and wonder where you are and why you even exist.)
"He suffers from hay fever in the spring. Said that the symptoms kill him.” (you and me both except mine are year-round and gradually getting worse.)
“He played with Lego bricks when he was a kid.” (If he’s the type of person who left out the bricks and made people experience pain because of it, I will personally leave Lego bricks outside his door. Those things hurt when they’re unexpected.)
“He loves the indoor life.” (don’t we all...)
“He read the Harry Potter series.” (I did too! Not that I remember any of it.)
“His cute, foreign Furby only speaks English. Noburin stated, “English is very hard.”” (HOW DO PEOPLE SLEEP KNOWING THEY OWN ONE OF THOSE? I WOULD BURN IT IF I GOT ONE.)
“In elementary school, the girl he liked gave him chocolate on Valentine’s Day. He said he felt like crying from the shock.” (I haven’t experienced that. Was he happy because it was that girl who gave him chocolate or because he got free chocolate?)
“He was hospitalized before when he was a child due to a bad cold (or maybe the flu).” (Well, that diet sure doesn’t help, and I doubt screaming all the time is good for you. Weirdly, I can’t say anything more than that because I do both too except I scream internally while he does it as his profession.)
He was in the badminton club during secondary school.
Here are some other interesting links I found too while searching for more facts.
http://seiyuuslittleforest.tumblr.com/search/nobuhiko+okamoto - This account doesn’t want their content reposted, and I assume that means citing their facts as well. I’m going to respect their wishes. All the facts that they made involving Nobu can be found at that link. It’s basically just searching his name in the search bar. There are many interesting facts there involving his love of sweets and his relationships with fellow seiyuu.
These ones are for me to read later when I get the time to. His interview for “Tiger and Bunny” His interview for 3-gatsu no Lion
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aberrantchaser-blog · 7 years
Movie!Lloyd Garmadon’s conflicts an analysis has spoilers
key anything after a 2 is me, as is anything with no Quote in front of it.
 Man vs man sort of Lloyd vs Lord Garmadon, it describes part of their conflict, especially at the start, but then the conflict is negated when they patch up their relationship at the end.  
Quote from Garmacondrai 156848130145/more-snippets-from-the-lego-ninjago-movie.  Well really from usatoday /story/life/movies/2017/02/05/sneak-peek-lego-ninjago-movie-first-look-exclusive/97405104/
It’s about a son having to live with this father who’s a threat to Lego-manity (but) more about the son’s journey of forgiving him and learning to accept him for who he is," Theroux says.
Quote from Garmacondrai 159608298652/me-remembers-that-garmadon-canonically-doesnt#notes Me: *remembers that Garmadon canonically doesn’t care about Lloyd in the Ninjago movie and that we’ll finally get to see Lloyd actually deal emotionally with these issues, but also that the movie is about redemption and acceptance.*
2 Lloyd definitely forgives his dad in the film, as for accepting him for who he is, & being redeemed, the film made that unclear.
I’m not sure what Lloyd accepted his dad as, was it: 1 his dad wasn’t going to change, & was going to stay an evil warlord, his dad’s unchanging nature?  Considering the exchange between them before Lord Garmadon took off with the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon with Lloyd wanting his dad to return to Ninjago City to as father/son to save it from Meowthra & become a hero in the process, while Lord Garmadon disagrees & wants Lloyd to become his General #1 to help him conquer Ninjago City.
But then 1 heartfelt conversation later after Garamadon’s been (is there a term for holding something in one’s mouth but not chewing or swallowing?) well this by the cat, after which Lloyd says he forgives his dad.  
Or 2 Lloyd accepts Lord Garmadon has changed after said heartfelt speech where Garmadon was in a cat’s mouth?
The film is trying to lead me somewhere, but I don’t know where it’s leading me, & the place I can see it leading me has an unconvincing path leading to it.  
I personally don’t feel Lord Garmadon redeemed himself, or does he redeem himself by being a more present father to Lloyd?  Well that’s up to you to decide. 
Did the Lloyd having to earn back his friends’s trust bit ever go anywhere? Granted I can see why team felt more betrayed/angry at Lloyd & buddied up to Lord Garamdon even though Lord Garmadon was ultimately the one who directed Meowthra to destroy their mechs. Fighting with Lord Garamdon isn’t personal for rest of the ninja like it is for Lloyd, but Lloyd “betraying” them, hello [Cartesian Karma] despite being a very unintended consequence is.  
Man vs nature feel like this could have applied to the ninja team as a whole, somewhat.  Granted the ninjas aren’t supposed to survive nature, but learn from it, as they’re city kids & don’t quite know how to survive outside the comforts/luxuries of the city.
Or not quite vs nature, not quite vs machine. More like don’t rely so much on machines/mechs, get back in touch w nature/your natural ie elemental abilities, & use your mind.
Mechs could be seen as really pretty crutches from this light. Hindering the Ninjas development of their natural abilities, thus necessitating their destruction/temporary/permanent removal.
Man vs self Lloyd clearly has some internal conflicts going on. Lloyd is likely ashamed of Lord Garmadon being his dad at the start, as everyone ostracizes him for being the son of Lord Garmadon.  quote “Honestly, I would happily give up being the Green Ninja if it meant I didn’t have to be the son of Garmadon.” Ie “I would give up the identity that people love me in to no longer be hated.” Or “I don’t want to fight my dad anymore.” But he also craves Lord Garmadon’s acknowledgement, wants him in his life.
Quote Garmacondrai 156990220210/ok-ok-but-like-ive-watched-this-trailer-like-10#notes. If a kid is abandoned by their parent, you’re gonna swing either way. You will either hate them and want nothing to do with them ever again no matter what they do to try to mend the bond, or you will miss them and want them back, and blame yourself for them leaving. I feel like Lloyd favours the latter.  
2 I agree except for Lloyd blaming himself for Lord Garmadon leaving. Really Koko why didn’t you tell Lloyd you’re the one who left to give Lloyd a better future?!
Quote spacecocosaurus 165604053883/next-point-i-want-to-talk-aboutlloyds-growth-in, You can’t choose where you come from, but you can choose to accept and embrace it.
Quote Found My Place - Oh, Hush! feat. Jeff Lewis (Official Lyric Video) PFQs2iHi3Ew.  With our main man Lloyd. (* that’s me) double l-o-y-d. my dad is bad but ya we still family,
2 I suppose the ending could be read as Lloyd accepting Lord Garamdon as his father, & no longer being ashamed of it like Koko hinted at in her confrontation with Garmadon on the tower. I’m just confused on what Lloyd accepted about Lord Garmadon himself. 
Maybe someone will count how many times & where Lloyd refers to Lord Garmadon by either Dad or his surname to denote his change in feelings towards him. 
Man vs society part of this explains why Lloyd has mixed feelings on his dad. Everyone hates him for being Garmadon’s son, likely seeing him as a scapegoat for all the feelings they can’t express to Lord Garmadon. So Lloyd can’t say intimidate the people who bother him into not bothering him, because it’d just justify their misguided preconceptions about him: his dad is bad & so is he, that & there’s too many people to intimidate.
This could have played into a try hard attitude as the Green Ninja, with Lloyd daydreaming being able to reveal himself & get accepted that way.  Using 1 identity to wash away the “sins“ of the other. But nothing like that happens in the film.  Unless the film was trying to imply this attitude/mindset when Lloyd took the Ultimate Weapon, but which I read as an act born of desperation.
bonus Found My Place - Oh, Hush! feat. Jeff Lewis (Official Lyric Video) PFQs2iHi3Ew critique/questions. .
I knew I was strong, 2 did they, especially Lloyd or the team?
With our main man Lloyd. (* that’s me) double l-o-y-d.  ….  Just me & my clique. & our mechs look sick.
2 They don’t when they’re totaled by meowthra.
Lloyd the legend of the ninja lives, well it’s just too bad that his dad is garmadon. Yeah he’s evil but he loves his kids, ya he’s so savage.
2 If Garmadon actually has more than 1 neglected kid, I’m flipping.
Koko big shouts to the mama that can make it on her own with a legendary son at home.
2 Who is Lloyd being considered Legendary by?
We the best & you know we ain’t braggin! 
2 I guess when you’re considered best by default.
… Now I found my place with lord garmadon, now I fit in, I’m comfortable in my skin, I’m throwing caution to the wind. 
2 I suppose you did that Lloyd when you revealed your alter ego/secret identity as the Green Ninja.
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lpfreakification · 5 years
Thought of the Morning
"You have a willingness to learn, critique, + improve..."
This positive comment from one of my kickboxing instructors has been in my head since Thursday. I like it. I wont improve unless i actually invest time + actually do so. There's so many ways to get from Point A to Point B. Everyone has their own way. I like figuring out what works (+ what doesn't work) for me :) its like changing, adding, +/or subtracting variables to a math problem or it's like building your own Lego spaceship :D I always want to try + try again.
Me: "Darn. That didnt work. I wanna try again."
Idk how many of u guys have seen The Haunted Mansion with Eddie Murphy but there's always this one scene that i take to heart [despite all the funny quotes we say to each other].
Tumblr media
"The only true failure is when you stop trying."
^^^ That. That is what gets to me.
It's funny. When i was in still i hated learning because it was being forced upon us for a grade XP of course, there were only a few teachers + courses i genuinely enjoyed :) now that im out of school + basically on my own, i have to navigate thru the world of adulting with actual adults i can trust + Google.
Speaking of adults, the parents (specifically the mom) are not supposed to be the number one adult to ask for help +/or wisdom. The majority of the adults aren't willing to learn, see, +/or listen. Yeah sure, technology advanced so rapidly but they should get to know the new world because they're still living in it! There are so clueless, especially with smartphones. Do you know how many older adults i see at work that still use flip phones? I get some cant afford it financially but can they still afford the time to invest playing around the settings? Play + play around until you're satisfied w/ the settings + personalization of the smartphone.
Going back to the parents, especially the mom, she is not willing to learn, at all. She always throws her smartphone at us + demands us to put it an address in Google Maps, erase pictures, shop on Amazon for her. Her settings are still factory setting fcol! That's proof she's not willing to play around + learn about her smartphone. No matter how many times we take the time to teach her, she still throws the smartphone at us. Nowadays we groan in frustration whenever she asks for help about her smartphone >X( no willingness to learn whatsoever >:(
Yeah sure we grew up with the rapidly advanced tech but we actually took that time to play around + learn about it.
If i dont like it, i try again. If i actually want to know something, ask. If i need assistance, get some help.
I like to learn now that i'm an adult nearing a quarter-life crisis.
Though i'm never alone, i feel like i'm on my own...
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rangergirl3 · 7 years
Round 2 of Alphabet Game
I enjoyed seeing people’s answers to the first round so much, I figured, hey! How about another round with different questions this time?! :D :D
A - A random fact about yourself: I am deathly allergic to codeine and hydrocodone, and cats. Yes. Cats can kill me. *sigh* 
b - Best movie you’ve seen this year: The Lego Batman Movie.
c - coffee that you order on default: Dark Chocolate Mocha.
d - drink that you might order at a bar: Strawberry Margherita
e - Every-day item you keep near you: My crafting box and my laptop. Will I craft? Will I write? I DON’T KNOW.  :D
f - favorite color to wear: Black. Not only is it flattering, it makes me feel like a ninja - which is useful in social situations where I wish I could blend into the shadows and/or sneak away. :-)
g - Every day, you’ve ‘got to’: Read stories posted by my favorite authors and/or write at least several paragraphs.
h - what makes you happy: Going for a run with my favorite music when it’s windy outside.
i - what pushes your ‘insanity’ button: People taking out their frustrations and anger on someone who was just unlucky enough to look like an easy target. I /hate/ bullies.
j - just finished: Cleaning. My apartment is frickin’ spotless. I am pleased.
k -something you know a lot about: Mythology and stories in general. I love books and movies and shows because of the way you can see how actions and deeds can say a lot about a person.
l - something you love: Quoting all things nerd with people I’m close to.
m - things you treasure most: My family and friends. Things are nice, but people are irreplaceable. 
n - Number of schools you've attended: Uh...I had a very strange childhood. Technically, I went to eight schools by the time I finished high school. I only went to one college (more out of a sense of duty then out of desire), and after that, I was so happy with being finished with formal ‘book’ education. I love learning, but it’s not all about books and tests. As much as I love the stability a structured a lesson plan can give, I feel like the real world is a lot more like ‘hm, okay, I think I can do this...oh, right, well, I’ll try that differently next time.”
o - one thing you would change about your past: Honestly? I’d go back in time and tell my younger self it’s okay to be a nerd, and that other people can be complete jackasses for no good reason. Then I’d turn around and kick a few people where it hurts, just because I’d be tall enough to do it, lol.
p - person you identify most in fiction: Oh, geez, just one? Generally speaking, I’d have to go with the genre ‘Person who is protective but also has a sense of fun.’ One my best friends called me ‘Naruto’, which makes me really happy. :D
q - question you are asked the most often: ‘Are you sure that’s a good idea?’ Answer: How the hell should I know? I’m just making shit up as I go. It won’t kill me. Probably.
r - real life phobia: Claustrophobia. Might have come from being locked in a tiny shed by some neighbor kids when I was five, but long story short: I will get out, and I will kick your ass. Lesson to take away: Don't be a jackass. 
s - your theme song: I have two, because just one doesn’t do it justice. :-) One: ‘Safe and Sound’ as done by Alex Goot. Two: Titanium as done by ‘Voices in Your Head’. 
t - one thing you’d say to your younger self: ‘Go. Be great.’ 
u - Unusual experiences: Well, I’ve nearly died in freak/stupid accidents several times, and I’m starting to wonder if there’s a conspiracy. (Not really, I just laugh off near-death experiences because it’s that or never leave my house). Then again, last year I nearly got electrocuted in my laundry room...so maybe it’s just something I better get used to. Ever seen ‘Milo Murphy’? Yeah, that’s pretty much me. “Sticks and Stones may break your bones, so always wear your body armor!”
v - ever wanted to be/been valedictorian? Oh, hell no. I just wanted to do my best, graduate, and get on with my life. School’s never been my strong point. Again, I loved learning - just not the fact that kids could be real assholes without consequence in the schools I went to. Again, strange childhood - glad it’s over. Adulthood’s better, if only because now I know I can call someone on their bullshit - but you - with humor. :D :D Like starting to whistle ‘Toxic’ in the checkout line if someone’s chewing out the cashier for not going fast enough, lol. :-)
w - what superpower would you want: Maybe waterbending/healing. That, or breathing underwater. :-)
x - Which X-Men would you be? Oh, that’s a hard one. Maybe Storm? I mean, DANG. She can hit you with lightning AND fly. Hard to beat that. 
y - you interact with your best friend most like: Karrin Murphy and Harry Dresden from ‘The Dresden Files. 
z- what is your zany level?: Off. The. Charts. Life’s way more fun that way. :-) 
I’m tagging @bosstoaster @butteredonions @maychorian @teenage-mutant-angsty-zukos @havetoomanyfandoms @cinnamonrollshiro and anyone else who wants to play - but don’t feel you have to! This is just for fun! :-) :-) 
Happy Friday, everybody!
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