#quak quak and so on
tigrrliily · 5 months
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They exist in every universe 🦆
@emjayeingray brought the Idea to mind and I couldn’t resist to bring them to live
So enjoy looking at Dirius and Demus the freshest ducks in the pond being greeted by Darry and Dames
Look at the proud Papa 🥹🦆
@steveahoi (I couldn’t resist sorry😂)
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moral of the story: dont mention percys mom and lukes dad while youre about to fight/fighting them
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moonlayl · 1 year
Please can you publish trustworthy links for donating to Syria so it helps reach the less supported people?
There are 3 main ones I know of (I have family in Syria that are directly affected)
1. Molham
I've included a link to where people can donate and here is a link to their twitter page where they're giving regular updates. Here's a third link to donate in Euros
Molham, to those who don't know, are specifically a non profit, non government team that have been providing relief for displaced & refugee Syrians. They're now helping out with the Earth Quake.
2. The White Helmets 
Currently searching  for survivors and pull ing the dead from collapsed buildings
3. Islamic Relief (this link should work for all countries donating)
Has for a very long time been extremely reliable. I usually donate through them and they tend to help out people all cross the world. They currently have a team in Syria, last I've heard.
here's a link if you're donating specifically in Canada, UK, America,
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please PLEASE donate.
Even one dollar, one pound, can go a long way.
And if you can't, PLEASE reblog!!
Syria needs help too! Syria matters too! They're not receiving aid for a variety of political reasons and they desperately need it!!!
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d0llfaac3 · 3 months
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No guillotine could stop the head I’m gonna give him
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adeleba · 1 month
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In today's news, the master of ice misses washing the dishes and thus, volunteers to do it for as long as he can!
Meanwhile, local frog man overthinks an interaction with resident nindroid and proceeds to make plush version of himself to not so subtly ask the same nindroid if he secretly does not like him
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oddquake · 2 months
the fact that so many ship names (especially for anime pairings and pairings from hyv games) correlate to whether people believe that certain characters top or bottom genuinely bothers me.
it really makes zero sense when the context of whatever post is sfw—whatever their sexual dynamic is is completely irrelevant, so why do ship names have to insinuate one way or the other???
just feels like totally unnecessary sexualization, and i don’t think it’s a coincidence that this is particularly the case for queer asian characters (and in some cases, real people).
personally, whatever ship names i use are based on either popularity or whichever one i heard first (and there’s no right one or wrong one)—NOT whatever i believe their bedroom dynamic to be. i think that’s really fucking weird.
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juicyyyboxxx · 1 year
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whatever could he be giving you~? uwu
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I have a few ideas
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backgroundagent3 · 11 months
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apamates · 4 months
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Each one of these is an evacuation alert, main roads are blocked by debris and thousands of people have spent the night on the street.
Firefighters have been at it since yesterday but winds are so strong the fire just keeps on spreading. It's horrible.
There are awful wildfires going on in different regions Chile right now. Official numbers are still being reported but houses have been lost in the thousands, there are over 200 missing people and at least 19 people have died since yesterday.
This is the biggest wildfire crisis I've ever witnessed and since so many people were told to evacuate, the few shelters available are collapsed.
Areas most impacted by the fires are those where people were already in vulnerable conditions to begin with, and hearing about them losing everything is just heartbreaking.
I know tumblr might not be the best platform for this but if any of you want to stay updated with news and potentially help out, I'm leaving some links below.
The Wildfires in Western Valparaíso Region, Chile - Live Crisis Response
TECHO Chile (Roofs for Chile) - Their Instagram where you can find donation info.
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violetvulpini · 1 day
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Whipped up a cover for this oneshot!
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nyashykyunnie · 2 months
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bird-inacage · 9 months
Only Friends: What Led to Ray's Explosive Tirade (Playing 'The Bad Guy')
I have to admit that this was not how I expected this scene to play out. I was just as flabbergasted as everyone else at first. However I think there's one clear thing that Ray's outburst reminded me off: no matter whether you reveal the truth or keep it to yourself - either way, you are the bad guy.
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I'm NOT the Villain
As Boston very derisively claims, if Ray reveals the truth of the affair, he'll be the one unleashing the damage. A similar parallel to what Boston did last episode (with very different intentions may I add, but damage is damage nonetheless).
Mew is incredibly important to Ray. If we talk simply outside of Ray's love for him, Ray wants to treat him well, repay him for his kindness and support over the years. Therefore, once Ray was in possession of this information, he felt very strongly that Mew needed to know. He knew telling Mew was the right thing to do. He does genuinely care about Mew as a person.
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Does he warn Mew and ruin his present happiness (which is based on a lie)? Or does he hold his tongue and potentially watch his friend get hurt from other mistreatments by Top further down the line?
Ray doesn't want to hurt Mew in any way. He doesn't want to be the bringer of bad news. Why should it have to fall to him to reveal this awful act of betrayal to someone he cares for so much? And when Mew supposedly doesn't react in the way he expects to this information, Ray goes ballistic with frustration, concern and anger. Why is he the bad guy for trying to help his friend, when Top can seemingly get away with it, and be in everyone's good graces even when he's completely undeserving? Why can no one else see Top's true colours?
I'm NOT the Worst
Something else that occurred to me throughout this episode, is how often Ray's friends belittle and overlook him. And it's so routine they hardly even notice.
Boston has never tried to hide his snide little back-handed comments at Ray. Since their fight at Sand's, he's become even more callous when throwing quips in plain sight. Namcheum makes an observation about all of them being partnered up, and it's only after a few beats that April points out Ray is still single. It's as if they forgot he was even there. Namcheum doesn't tend to pick up on any of the animosity or tension within this group. She's generally not the most tactful or best at reading people.
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Then when Ray speaks to Mew in the bathroom, Mew immediately assumes Ray's been taking drugs. Ray looks clearly stunned by this. Yes, he's always coined as the 'drunk' but that's not his one and only personality trait. That's not all he does and is as a person.
It dawns on Ray that even his closest friends seem to always assume the very worst of him. He had a bad feeling about Top from the offset but no one cared or listened. Rather, Ray never gets given the benefit of the doubt, when he's not committed anything as problematic as the heinous crimes amongst their group. Particularly when compared to Top, someone who gets all the praise and adoration when Ray knows he's a certified piece of shit, is desperately unfair. And most of all Top gets the respect of the best friend he loves.
I think what really sent the situation hurtling south was Ray watching everyone play happy families, when he knows there is a web of dishonesty and resentment lurking beneath. It's all a farce. And Ray couldn't stomach it for another moment longer. He had enough.
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Become the Very Thing You Loathe
In Episode 4, Ray displays a classic example of self-loathing and self punishment when he goads Sand to scold him. In doing so, it's as if he's deriving some warped form of satisfaction in owning these criticisms. Because he's told these things so often, he starts to believe it, so why not own it too? I actually mentioned this in my Episode 1 meta (regarding Ray's self-actualisation of becoming a burden). Sometimes embracing the very thing you hate being know for, at least validates the presence of that criticism. 'If people keep calling me an asshole, then fine, I'll become an asshole. At least then being called an asshole makes sense.'
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So Ray brought it on himself to air out everyone's dirty laundry. 'Fuck it, if you really all think I'm the worst, then fine, I'll do what needs to be done, I'll be the worst. You all happy now?'
Even though Ray adopts the persona forced onto him, he's not happy about it at all. He wants to be identified with more substance, with more credit, as more than just what everyone claims him to be.
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light-bender · 9 months
Rereading Rhythm of War and listening to how Gavilar talks to one of the most driven, talented, amazing women in Alethkar like:
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I want to haul up this man's soulcast statue and bring him back to life just so She can be the one who gets to kill him this time.
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 8 months
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Agents of Shield text posts part 8!
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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snow-lavender · 1 month
woman who goes feral for any kind of fourth wall break or meta-narrative: hey guys i think c!rina might be my favourite sherb
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