#quackity/alex x reader
lianaloverr · 7 months
Your safe with me
Paring: Sam Golbach x Fem!reader
Summary: your boyfriend just broke up with you after admitting to cheating on you, and you had to break the news to Sam.
Warnings: fluffy, some cussing, softy sam
Hey y’all!! Told u a fic was coming this weekend and I delivered! I hope u all enjoy this as much as I loved writing it! Not proofread. Just to say, Sam and Kat are NOT dating!!
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Proudly my gif!
“Y/n it’s gonna be okay.” Kat says, as she and Colby try to comfort you. “Yea, don’t cry about him, he was a dick anyways.” Colby says while patting your shoulder.
“But not only did he break up with me, he cheated on me too!” You say while balling your eyes out. “I know, I know” Kat says and Colby nods.
Your boyfriend now ex broke up with you and had the audacity to cheat on you too, you were pissed and sad. You gave that man everything, you let him stay with you, you bought him stuff, you even let him shut out a bunch of your friends because he “didn’t like them and their attitude”.
“Have you told Sam?” Kat asks as you snap out of your thoughts. “No.” You say with your stuffed nose visibly heard. “I think you should tell him, he needs to know.” Colby says.
“Yea, I should huh?” You say to Kat and Colby as you start to grab your keys.
You pull up to Sam’s house ready to tell him everything that went down, you come up in the driveway and sigh. “Here we go.”
You knock on the door, waiting for him to answer. Suddenly, the door opens and you see your best friend of 12 years standing in your face, probably watching you go through your 100th break up.
“Hey y/n, why are you crying? Are you okay?” Sam says worried. “He broke up with me and cheated too.” You tell him. And you see his face instantly soften up. “Oh my god y/n come in” he says
“ what happened?” He says. “Well he texted me out for the blue, saying that he cheated on me and that he wanted to break up.” You say as he listens to every word.
“What the fuck dude?” You hear Sam say as he is pasting around the room. “Okay but, are you okay?” He asks. “Yea, now that I’m with you.” You say honestly.
You feel a sudden warmth of your best friend hugging you like the world was ending. “Listen, I will never let anyone hurt you. If you want me to beat someone’s ass, I’ll do it. I just want you to know, I love you so so much.” Sam tells you. “I love you too.” You say. “How about we get some ice cream and watch a movie huh?” Sam says and you nod.
As you and Sam are watching a movie, you can’t help but to think back to when he said he loves you. You and him always said you loved each other, but this time felt different.
You had always had feelings for Sam, but since you guys were best friends you never tried to get with him and tried to distract yourself with boyfriends and one night-stands.
“Sam, I’m tired do you mind if I crash here?” You ask. “Yes of course, you know I’m not gonna say no.” He says with a chuckle. “Okay, thank you..” you say as you drift of to sleep.
As you close your eyes, you hear Sam say one more thing.
“Don’t worry y/n, you’re safe with me.”
Heyy guys! I hoped you enjoyed reading this! Sorry it’s so short lol. But thank you for reading, I appreciate your support and everything. Lmk if you want anything else for Sam or anyone else on my masterlist!! Love u all and see you on the next fic!
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From Pinterest
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alexsfavgirl · 1 year
➪ pairing : quackity x reader
➪ sypnosis : in which alex starts getting mushy when he talks about you on his stream
➪ other notes : ahhh first post on this acc, we’ll see how this goes, it might take a while for me to get a gist on writing irl fics, non edited
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you were watching your boyfriend’s stream, surprisingly this was a chill stream where he was just chatting with his viewers. you often put on his streams for background noise when you’re doing your college work, except this time something caught your attention. “look at the house we made chat,” you hear your boyfriend say, proudly showing off the house you and him made in your own minecraft world. “chat they are real!” the contrast from the previous moments before is evident, quackity getting jokingly offensive when his audience still refuses to believe you exist despite you having showed up on stream times before.
you quietly giggle to yourself as you see alex scramble to prove you’re his significant other. he then pulls up old pictures of you and him on his pc, both of you hugging each other and smiling widely. you can see alex trying to hold back his smile but failing miserably as he reminisces on old memories. “i know this sounds corny but i can’t imagine any other life without them, they just understand me,” he says, a wide smile and light blush sitting on his face, as he speaks so fondly of you. that quickly changes when his chat starts spamming “simp” mixed with “awe’s”. “chat i am not a simp! and even if i was they’re my partner so it basically cancels out !”
this goes on for a while before it cools off as he continues to tour your world. a few hours pass before he ends the stream before calling you to ask if he could come over to your apartment. obviously accepting, you finish up your work before starting to make a simple dinner for the both of you. when alex finally arrives to your apartment, his persona shifts from chaotic idiot to soft lover. it’s not often that he shows himself this way to his fans, but with you, he can feel himself relax. once both of you eat dinner, you both settle down for a movie.
you lay on top of him with him massaging your scalp and rubbing your back. you chuckle to yourself remembering this was the same man claiming he wasn’t all smitten over you. “what are you laughing at,” your boyfriend turns to you with a toothy grin. “it’s okay to admit you’re a simp for me,” you say leaning up to give him a peck on the lips. “hey you’re bullying me like chat did,” he exclaims with giggles following at the end. “well it isn’t bullying if they’re telling the truth,” you say and he dramatically gasps in offense. “my own lover turning against me,” he says with a pout on his face. the night continues on with the occasional teasing and the continuous love. it’s these moments you wish could last forever.
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shakirawastaken · 1 year
dsmp if... you were a romance trope
i got inspiration (sapnap, dream, george, karl, quackiy, wilbur) 
sapnap (hockey x figure skater): - im in the middle of heartbreaker rn and SHUT UP - i LOVE THIS TROPE - IM NOT EVEN A FIGURE SKATER I DO TAEKWONDO BUT I STILL FROTH OVER THIS SHIT - and then in addition to that one tommyinnit is a figure skater and everyone else is on a hockey team “ice these hurts” or smt h like that - i love this trope. - anyway i think that this trope comes hand in hand with enemies to lovers - his hockey team and ur figure skating group are at the same winter sports competiton - and you have to share a rink - booooo - so everyday you end practice with the sight of a bunch of hockey buffs roughhousing in the stands, waiting for you to finish - and everyday a certain brunette one sneers and smirks at you as you walk off the ice - “had a nice practice ice queen/king?” he asks you teasingly - “shut up, yeti” you mutter back gratingly as you bump your shoulder into his build as you pass him - and he comes up with a new one everyday - and you quip right back at him, unphased - one day, he comes into practice early just to spite you - what he wasn’t expecting is to see how good you actually were on the ice - he sat there like “ :O” and just watche dyou glide across the ice with what seemed like barely any effort - and he watched how passionate you were in your craft and the dance - and bro was whipped right then and there - so that day as you were leaving he said “you were amazing out there” and it took u jumpscared - you were like “no insult today?” - and he was like “dang, didnt know u liked them that much ;) but not today, not for something as beautiful as that” - and i think you can guess where it went from there... :)
 dream (ceo and employee romance):  - AKAIAKAKAHAKH TELL ME YOU SEE THE VISION - i mean hes a ceo alr so its like one step in the door you know - anyway hes a ceo - bro wears those fancy ass suits everyday and has like a wine cellar mini fridge shit thing in his office  - any way you pull up to his headquarters one day for like an interview and you were so fucking nervous  - you ran into him in the elevator (and no clue who he was) - and you basically vented to him for the 30 second elevator ride before scurrying off to your interview - bro didnt even get dreams name or anything - he kinda just smiled and wished you well as you ran away  - he thought you were so cute  - and you thought dude was hot as fuck  - anyway you got the JOB!! LETS GOO - the next day, your supervisor is like taking u around showing u the works - ....and you meet the ceo - its dream - and youre like :0 and he’s like  *smirk wink* ;) “hey” - and youre like “well fuck hes the ceo i cant be in love with him” - and you avoid him - but he makes it his life’s mission to get on ur radar - in the break room, in ur cubicle, in the cafeteria, in the parking lot man is ON YOU LIKE A MOTH TO A LIGHT - eventually he convinces you to go to fancy dinner - and WOW hes paying?? so that shit was FIREEEE - fancy wagyu steak and 102379182 year old wine i mean cmon - it was good ok - he asks you out after dinner and assures u ur job wont be at risk and everything - ba da bing ba da boom  - now youre dating happily and he spoils the FUCK outta you  - lmk if you want this one as a big fic with dialogue
george (neighbors): - tell me why whenever i have my delulu daydreams with george he’s always a neighbor - very much boy next door vibes - omg HES YOUR COLLEGE ROOMMATE NEXT DOOR - stoppppp - on move in day he pulls up with his family and u with urs and youre like - “hi ! nice to meet you im so exicted to move in!” and bros like “same!” - sometimes hes loud bc hes talking to his friends but you dont mind - hes a cs major and ur  whatever u want major - one day you decided to start singing  rlly loud while cleaning - ur singing taylor swift - and then george could hear you from the room next door to yours - so he writes up a little post it note that was like “loved the concert! when’s the next one?” and stuck in on your door - you found it and started mad blushign - you had a crush on him since day one awwww - anyways you two started communicating via post it notes and songs played loudly through the walls <3 - till one day you hear boyfriend by big time rush - and then you play girlfriend by avril lavigne back - and then he slips you a post it note under the door and you open the door before you could read it  - and its an unspoken like thing that you start dating - its so romantic how you can saw you guys starting dating because of taylor swift !!
quackity (academic rivals): - DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THIS TROPE IT BRINGS ME LIFE ALRIGHT - alright - two law school students FIGHTING IT OUT ACADEMICALLY - you guys met in ur freshman year english class or some shit - clashed together in a discussion group - and its been game on since then - your texts with each other are flaunting texts - “hey alex, guess who got a 97 on the last midterm?” - “guess who got a 99 ;)” - over time, the texts started getting more and more hostile - people started to thing you two actually hated one another’s guts  - but in reality it was more for the thrill - but this continued throughout your law school careers - and you both become successful lawyers in the end!! - and when the headmaster calls you both into his office and says - “youre both valedictorian! congrats! you have to give a speech together” - well its like all the hatred faded away - you grinned and cheezed at each other before giving each other the biggest hug ever - so you both wrote a speech together - and soon the day of graduation came - and q goes at the end “i wouldn’t be here without the person who motivated me through it all, so thank you (y/n)” and youre like “hey man *sob* wtf *sob” - and you kiss him on the cheek and cheer to all the graduates  - after the ceremony he catches up to you in the parking lot, grabbing your wrist before you could go off with ur family - and blurts out word soup - and ur like what - and hes like “i really like you, and law school wouldn’t have been the same without you. can we be more than friends?” - and youre like “duhhh” and kiss him right there karl (best friends to lovers): - YOU ARE IN LOVE BY TAYLOR SWIFT  - that is the song for this SCENARIO - you two met when you were little kids in like first grade - your friends werent there on that day so you hung out with each other - hooked to the other since then and there - it was always “karl and you” and “you and karl” - you came as a packaged deal - through ups and downs you were there together - you graduated high school together and were going to the same college together now - while karl barely got into any romantic relationships, you seemed to be going through a few of them  - you were desperate for a love connection and honestly i aint blaming u - one day after a horrible date he came over to your dorm and u had an impromptu sleepover - you were in karls old shirt and some pajama pants and he was in his pajamas - and you two were just watching a movie together - before he turns to you abruptly, and you turn to look at him - and he’s like “you’re my best friend”  - and you saw a switch flip in him - since then, the dynamic between you two changed (for the better) - you became more flirty more touchy  - you started to act like you were a couple more and more - one day you saw him open his wallet to pull out his card  - and u saw that he has a picture of the two of you in his wallet - and then you knew that he was it for you - you ask him out that night - and hes so happy hes picking you up and spinning you around - <3 wilbur (musician x fan trope): - okay this is inspired by those tik toks that are like “did you see the way he looked at me” and its harry styles staring and eyeing down a fan in the audience like YES - and he’s a musician so it fits! - imagine lovejoy is like a HUGE HUGE Band so maybe this is in the future - anyways you and ur friend go to a lovejoy concert - for the sake of the story, youre not that big a fan of lovejoy just familiar with hits like sex sells and one day - the whole time ur friend is like “theyre so good hes so good its all so good” - you two end up a few rows from barricade  - and you and ur friend start screaming it up as you should - youre not oblivious to the way the lead singer keeps looking over in your direction, winking and smiling - imagine a sweaty, singing wilbur glancing over at you during sex sells and giving you a smile as he rasps out “you know sex sells i know that” - brb ascending to heaven - anyway a time comes when he stops to speak to the audience - he wastes no time - he struts over to your side of the stage and points at you  - “what’s your name?” - and you scream it at him - “what a lovely name!” - the crowd cheers - “ahre you single?” he asks with a grin on his face - the grin grows when u nod at him - “give me ur number!?” he asks and you nod at him as ur friend is dying next to you - he gestures u and ur friend to the front of the stage by the barricade  - and he passes you a marker and make syou WRITE YOUR NUMBER ON HIS GUITAR OR HIS SHIRT OR SOMETHING - oh yeahh go you go you thank yoU! let me know if you want any of these to become a bigger story/imagine and LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT A PART 2 WITH OTHER PEOPLE :D reblogs appreciated
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hi could you please write smth about accidentally revealing your relationship with quackity? preferably with cc!reader <3
of course!! thanks for the request 🫶 ; ik I did a preference about accidentally revealing relationships but doing a little different thing and going in depth w it was fun!
QUACKITY ; softlaunch ❌ hardlaunch ✅
summary ; you and Alex accidentally reveal your relationship
warnings ; language, little bit of buzzed ranting, use of pet names (babe)
genre ; fluff
word count ; 1k
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You and Alex have been together for about ten-ish months, keeping it on the low since you'd been traveling around for QSMP meetups, events, and the Streamer Awards for a little bit.
You'd finally gotten home, your shared apartment with Alex, with Cellbit and Roeir tagging along. The three were planning to make a 'trying mexican candies' video in the morning while you were planning to edit and maybe stream til you felt tired enough to quit and sleep. The three guys sit out in the living room, watching some TV show as they sprawl out on the couch, buzzed from the aftermath of award winning.
You were more than proud for your boyfriend, but it being so late now, and your need for comfort after being overstimulated for hours on end, called for a little alone time. You sit in your office, the clock reading 1:30am as you hit the Go Live button on your stream.
You decided to chill out behind the closed door, just chatting with whatever viewers were still awake at this hour, or were just beginning their day, depending on timezones. After five minutes, you greet your chat, snacking on some cookies you'd picked up from the store before returning home earlier, a glass of milk sitting on your desk next to the plastic box.
You sit in your very comfortable chair with a QuackityHQ hoodie, with the signature duck in the corner and design on the back, and some long, patterned pj pants, colored dark blue and black with a floral design. They were thin enough to wear in the warm heat, which was perfect for you. You looked tired but didn't really feel that way, like your eyes were sewn open from adrenaline and happiness.
"Good morning, everyone" You chuckle, "Alex just won an award, feeling good! He, Cellbit and Roier got some drinks and have been watching TV on the couch, so sorry if you can hear them. I closed the door just in case but don't mind any shouting or music"
Your chat explodes with messages, congratulating you, even though you lost in your category, and spamming hearts and heart hands emojis. Someone sends in a small donation, asking for clarification why they were at your house.
"Oh, Alex didn't wanna drive all the way back to his place and he had his car parked here from earlier. He drove the other two and we all left together. They're staying the night" You nod, clarifying with a little bit of lying, not wanting to slip up.
You'd known for a while that Alex was just a secretive person over the smallest things, and he didn't know why. You were totally fine being open about your relationship with friends, but made sure to respect boundaries for him. He reassured you in his own panic that he wasn't embarrassed to be with you and didn't want to hide his love for you often.
He explained it in simplest terms as he was weirdly secretive and he didn't want his weirdo stans attacking you or only watching you for him, he didn't want to ruin your fanbase that you built from the ground up. You'd been friends since forever, a good percentage (if not all, then most) of your fans also watched Quackity's content, which kind of made sense to you, but you didn't question it.
"But yeah, it was fun, just like... there were so many people, and so much was happening all at once and shit. I'm just trying to calm down and get tired." You lightly smile, taking a bite of one of your cookies. "I'm so proud of everyone who won and everyone who was nominated, good night for everyone"
You sit and talk to your chat for a while, occasionally listening to the trio's laughter outside your office. Before you can even snap your head around to inform whoever entered that you were live, they were already speaking, slightly laughing, and stumbling.
"Babe, oh my God, I'm so sorry! I accidentally dropped one of your plates in the kitchen and it fucking shattered everywhere, I'm so sorry. I cleaned it up, I just wanted to tell you than wait for you to notice and make you mad, I'm sorry, Y/n/n"
Your jaw hangs slightly agape, and you stare with a silent expression. You slowly turn back to your stream, the chat absolutely exploding with messages. You saw probably a hundred first time chatters even making an expression about it.
"Lex, I'm live" You speak between your teeth, muting your mic. "Ah- uh, it's, it's fine"
He quickly regains his composure, staring over at you, then looking over to your PC, showing that you were a thousand percent live and five thousand people heard him say that. By the morning, it'd be all over Twitter and YouTube Shorts and TikTok, people were already clipping it.
"Alex, holy shit"
The two of you sit in silence for a minute, trying to rationalize what to do. Cell and Roier bust into the office as well, seeing both of you silent before asking, where you both talk over each other very loudly to try and explain.
They both look over to your monitors, confirming you were live. They both laugh in a light hearted way, looking to Quackity.
"You're cooked, dude"
"Rest in peace"
"You say that like I'm embarrassed to be with them, I mean, it's not like that... I think. Y/n, are you embarrassed to be with me? I'm not embarrassed to be with you, I wanna post pictures of us on adventures and experiencing shit so people can see us for us and what we are-"
"My brother in Christ" You sigh with a chuckle, rubbing your temples. "It's said and done, it's fine. And no, I'm not embarrassed to be with you" You turn back to your stream, unmuting yourself under the red LED lights and lamp on your desk.
You sigh and shrug before speaking, throwing your hands up halfway in defense.
"Y/s/n real"
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vaythehint · 6 months
how protective do you think alex would be over his girl
I’m a firm believer that he’d be extremely protective, BUT in a quiet type of way, ya know? He’d never be overbearing or controlling, but he’d go out of his way to make you safe/feel safe.
I think he’d defend you in literally any situation, even if you were wrong 😭 or if your friends were teasing or picking on you to much to the point where he could tell it was hurting your feelings, he would step in and tell them to stop immediately. I don’t think he’d have any problem hurting someone’s feelings if they hurt yours. He’s known to be a super peaceful person, but if anyone messes with you, he’d disrupt the peace REAL FAST.
I also think he wouldn’t be a super jealous person because he’s so secure in your relationship with him, but he would definitely step in if a guy was trying to be romantic with you. He’d probably just insert himself in the conversation and not make it awkward for anyone.
Overall he truly believes that YOU always come first (🤭) over everything, so naturally, he’s super protective of you, but at the same time he respects the fuck out of you so it’s a good balance.
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stonermujer · 2 months
Imagine fucking like 18/19 year old Alex in his room and yall have to be sneaky so his parents don’t hear but he’s fucking into you so hard the bed frame sounds like it’s about to break with each roll of his hips.
Like his dick is absolutely pulsating as he paws at your tits. Leaking cock head pressing against your g-spot till your legs shake and tears roll down your cheeks.
All of your noises being muffled with your teeth sunk in his neck and he occasionally lets out a grunt or pants but he looks weak when you meet eyes.
And the only reason you have your legs spread is because you were teasing him so so “innocently” when you two were hanging out. But he’s so horny he can feel his heart thumping against his chest and his cock straining his pants each time he pictured fucking you like a rabbit.
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This is so self indulgent I’m sorry 😭
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kayschariot · 1 month
2019 quackity X reader
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“Can we try something?”
smut warning
Alex had invited you over to his house for the first time as you two had just started dating. He was giddy as he waited for you. His mom told him you where at the door and a wave of nervousness hit him. he let you in and introduced you to a few people in the household.
After that you to went upstairs. “Sorry if the beds uncomfortable or anything.” He somewhat mumbled under his breath, “It’s okay, I don’t care.” You smiled kissing his cheek. He felt like he absolutely lost it when you did that. He was a blushing mess as he sat on the bed with you turning on some TV.
you two slowly but surely started getting more comfortable and started cuddling, at this point anything playing on the TV was ignored.
As you draped a leg over Alex and he held your waist you couldn’t help yourself from feeling more aroused and he did to. He looked at you leaning in.
“Can i kiss you?” He asked and you nodded somewhat eagerly as you pressed your lips on his cupping his face as he placed a hand on your thigh.
“Your lips are soft.” He whispered through the kiss, you giggled softly to yourself. “You taste nice” You’d admit, and he’d kiss you more.
it quickly led to a make out session. Heavy breathing, hand placement and small grinding motions on each other. “C-Can we try something?” He asked panting. You’d nod and he’d unbuckle your belt and slide it off along with your jeans. He would slide your panties off slowly and look at your went pussy.
“Jesus christ..” He mumbled before rubbing your clit making you whimper in pleasure. “C-Can I…let me just..” He spoke sticking a finger inside of you making you moan softly.
“Don’t get to loud my parents are down stairs and this bed is..creaking,” he spoke softly and turned up the TV. He stuck two fingers inside of you and moved vastly.
you held back moans, “Is this right? do you like it?” He asked, his erection forming in his pants. “Yes! Yes your doing so good..!” you whimpered arching your back and grinding on his fingers.
You had to put a pillow over your mouth to cover the moaning noises. He leaned down and slowly starting eating you out along with fingering you.
with each stroke of his tongue you felt like you were going absolutely dumb. “A-Alex!” I moaned leaning my head back and placing a hand on his head gripping his hair.
you felt yourself getting closer to a climax, your legs shaking and gripping onto his head and the pillow as a attempt to be quiet but the bed was shaking like crazy.
As you finished it felt like heaven, “Mmm..Alexxx~~!! Jesus- your so good with your tongue..~” I spoke and he giggled softly before continuing to eat me out.
he took his fingers out of my as my body relaxed, “Could you maybe help me out?” He mumbled pointing to his boner, You’d nod.
“One more thing,” He spoke “Do it with your shirt off please..it’s so much hotter,” He’d admit as your took your bra and shirt off.
“Jesus fuck..” he’d stare “Can I?”
you nod and he’d cup on and squeeze your nipple making a soft moan leave your mouth. Your moans and whimpers were like heaven to him, they were like addiction.
He’d take his shirt off and slip his boxers and jeans down. “I’ve never really done this before..” you’d admit watching pre come leak from his hard cock as he used it as a type of lube.
“Yeah that was my first time doing anything with a women..uh..just..here.” He’d grab your hand and position you as he let out a sigh of relief. “Up and down.” He’d say as you started stroking him.
“Like this?” You’d as curiously, he’d lean his head back on the wall and moan, “Yes..ohmygod..faster..”
“Your doing so good..” he’d say, “God damn, faster..” He’d whimper.
you would go faster and watch as he bucked his hips into your hand, “Rub your thumb over my tip.” He’d moan as you follow his order “Good girl just like that.”
“Am I doing good?” You’d ask. “So good..god it feels better when you do it” He spoke. He’d cover his mouth and lean his head back as he finished. His come covering your hand. he was panting and catching his breath, “I need you to suck my dick..i need you to,” He whispered and you’d nod getting on your knees. You’d put his tip in your mouth, you’ve never done this before.
soft moans left his mouth, you’d lick on his tip somewhat scared you had to shove all that down your throat. “sorry.” He’d say and you where confused until he grabbed you by the hair and pushed you head down, a loud moan escaped his lips and he’d roll his eyes back. He’d grip your hair helping you.
tears dripped down your face as you’d whimper on his cock. “God damn you look so hot crying over my cock.” He’d say face fucking you.
You’ve never seen this side of Alex before and you weren’t gunna lie it was making you turned on all over again. He once again finished and you hummed on his cock to help, “Swallow it, all of it..” He demanded and you did.
he’d help you clean up and clean himself up as well, you too would cuddle all night until you fell asleep on him.
in the morning his mom probably made fun of him cause she definitely heard you two.
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multipassion · 8 months
Some fluffy nsfw headcanons with quackity? Nothing kinky just pure love, I understand if it's crossing your boundaries!!
Of course! Sorry for not doing requests in a while btw, busy and stuff
NSFW Fluff Quackity Headcanons
Quackity X Reader
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16+ Below the Cut
Super sweet during foreplay and the moment itself
Always makes sure that you’re ready to do it, also making sure that you want to do it at all
You were his first time, so slowly guiding him through the process
If he was also your first time, you two would still take it slow and learn more together
Sleepy sex together <33
Always praising you, but he also loves being praised
Loves to call you “baby” and “good girl”
He leaves soft marks along your neck when he’s on top of you
Always talking or just saying something
“Does it feel good, mi amor?”
Only being able to stutter out soft and pleased moans
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thenewausten · 2 months
2019 Quackity Imagine: One bed.
TW: smut 🔞
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You and Alex were best friends since you both were twelve years old, your both moms were "besties for life" according to a post of your mom on Facebook and even your fathers could get along in a conversation with each other in a company of a beer. You loved Alexis, he's handsome, smart, gentle, respectful and very funny, and as your mum says, he's the best boy-friend you could have (she also posted it on Facebook). Of course Alexis also loves you, the most beautiful girl in the world, so funny, intelligent, cute, gentle... Oh, he's obsessed with you (in a good way, obviously).
So, with all this love for each other's family, Alex's mom decides to make a trip with your family. In the middle of nowhere.
"I can't believe we don't have internet here." Alex complains and you laugh. "Shut up, dude. It's cool, we can camp and swim." You say. "We'll sleep together, okay? I already said it to my mom and she just said "of course!"."
"Your mom loves me, Y/N. Tell me if one day she breaks up with your dad, uh?!" He says and you slap his arm. "Ay, it hurts." He says and you shrug. "I don't care, you deserved it."
"Sorryyy." You roll your eyes and Alex hugs you from behind. "What?! Are you jealous?"
"Of course not, Alexis." You say, the boy kisses your cheek and laughs. "You're very cute, you know?!"
"Whatever." You say and turn your face around to see him, your lips almost touch his and Alex smiles. "What? Want to kiss me, Y/N?!"
"Ew, no!" You answer, Alex rolls his eyes and smiles. "Yeah, gonna pretend I believe in you, princess." He mocks you and pulls you away from his arms. "Fuck you, Alex!" You say and he laughs. "I'm kidding, Y/N."
At night, your family went to a restaurant, you had so much fun with them, and of course, specially with Alexis. He always makes you laugh. You both walk with your family, his fingers intertwined with yours as the both of you make your way to the small bedroom you'd share. "There's just one bed?!" You ask as soon as you open it, Alex sighs and nods. "I bet it was my mom's scheme..." Alexis starts and you shrug. "Well, it's okay." You say to your best friend, he nods and gets his pajama. "Can I shower first?!" You nod and watch him go to the bathroom.
When you leave the bathroom after your shower, Alexis is already on the bed, staring at the fuckin' ceiling since there's not even Wi-Fi around the place. His eyes moves to your body and widen as he sees your little babydoll. Also, his heart beats very fast in his chest and he's very aware of his puberty right now. "Uh... Are you, you'll sleep with this...?" He asks. "Yeah." You say and turn on the air conditioning, Alex feels so nervous with your presence as soon as you lay down on bed next to him, his fuckin' virgin body makes his cheeks burn in a slightly red. "Why are you acting so weird, 'Lex?!" You ask him, it's dark, the little yellow light next to him is the only thing that lightens the both of you. "I'm not. I'm just tired, Y/N." He whispers and you approach your best friend, one of his hands caresses your waist. "Can you spoon me, Alex?!" You ask him and he nods. "S-Sure." He whispers and watch your ass as you turn around. "Why is this so fuckin' short?" He whispers to himself and covers your ass with the blanket. "What's wrong? It's hot." You say and take off the blanket from your body. "I can't spoon you if you don't cover yourself with the blanket."
"Why?" You ask him, confused. "Because I can see your ass." You sigh, tired. "Alex, I was using a bikini today in front of you."
"Yeah, today your ass wasn't on my crotch." He whispers and you laugh. "Are you scared of a random erection?! It's okay, I won't be mad."
"Yeah, it'll not be random, Y/N." He says, embarrassed. You pull your ass on his crotch as you approach him, Alex sighs and feels your ass against his almost hardened cock. "Jesus, I hate you." He whispers and you laugh, Alex holds your belly and hides his face on your neck. "Good night, 'Lex."
"G-Good night." He whispers. Oh, he won't be sleeping tonight. You hold the hand that was on your belly and move your ass against his body to be more comfortable, smiling as you hear the boy sighs in your neck. "Can you stop?!" He asks. "What? I wasn't doing anything, 'Lex." You say, making the boy rolls his eyes. "Just... Don't move, okay?" He asks and you nod.
You try to sleep, but as soon as you feel Alex's hardened cock against your ass you can't even close your eyes anymore. His deep breathing in your ear doesn't help and his hand roams through your chest to your belly. "I can't sleep." You whisper to him. "I can see it." He whispers and you turn your head to Alex. "Do you have condoms?!"
"W-What? No, I don't." He says, you laugh with his embarrassment. "Can I confess you something?!" You ask and he nods. "I'd fuck with you." He stares at you for a moment and grabs your chin, connecting your lips in a desperate and intense kiss. God, he's such a great kisser.
You start to turn around and Alex stops you, the boy holds you against his crotch and you whimper between the kiss.
"Fuck." He whispers when you both pull out to breathe, Alex smiles to you and you laugh. "That's funny." You whisper and he laughs. "Not for me. It hurts, you know?!" He says and you smile to him, making him rolls his eyes. "How can I help you?!"
"It's okay, Y/N." He whispers and you turn around to face your best friend. "I want to." You whisper and kiss his lips, Alex groans when he feels your hand on his dick. "Shit." He whispers and you laugh. "I barely touched you, dude."
"Shut up, Y/N." He says and you laugh, your hand around his dick makes Alex closes his eyes. "So... I don't, uh... I'm just as virgin as you." You say, a little embarrassed, and he takes his short down with his underwear and puts his hand on yours. "F-Fuck." He whispers as he moves his hand and your hand on his dick. "Okay." You whisper, Alex takes his hand away from yours and you start to pump his dick. "Uh, is it right?!" You ask. "Y-Yes." He whimpers, you watch Alex's face and kiss his lips. "Can you move a little faster?" He asks and you obey, the boy moans in your lips and you kiss him. "Shi-, shit!" He whines and you start to give a lot of pecks in his neck. "You're so hot." You whisper in his ear, your lips on his sensitive spot makes Alex loses his mind. "F-Fuck, Y/N." He whimpers. "It's so..." You bite his lobe and the boy whines. "Is it what?!" You ask. "G-Good." You smile and approach his dick, Alex touches your ass when you turn around. "Beautiful." He whispers. "Thank you, 'Lex." You say, your mouth touches his dick, slowly sucking his tip, Alex moans and grabs your hair. "Let me..." He moves your head against his cock, your throat takes all of his length as the boy moves his hips onto your mouth. "Fu-, oh. Fuck!" He moans and takes your mouth off his dick, cumming in his stomach. "Shit." He whispers and you smile to him. "Are you better?!" You ask him and he laughs. "Yeah, I'm." He says and you lay down next to him. "I'll be back soon." He says and gets up, you watch him leave to the bathroom.
"Hey." Alex lays down next to you and kisses your cheek, you turn around to see him, the boy smiles to you. "It's my turn, you know?!" One of his hands touches your waist and you smile. "Oh, is it?!" You ask him and the boy kisses you, his hands travels through your body, touching your boobs, waist, thigh and ass. "You're so perfect." He whispers as he breaks the kiss. "You know that I'm obsessed with you, right?!" He asks and kisses your neck. "Really?" You ask and Alex nods. "Yes, princess." He kisses your face, one of his hands goes to your laced panties. "Can I touch you?" He asks and you nod, his fingers caresses your pussy and you whimper. "Tell me if I do something wrong, okay?" He asks and you nod, Alex takes your panties off and touches you again, it's funny because he seems to be a bit curious. He rubs your clit, making you squirm a little with the feeling, you try not to moan because of your both parents. "Oh, c'mon, Y/N. I want to hear you." He whispers and you smile to him. "Make me moan, then." You whisper and Alex smiles and rolls his eyes. "Alright." He rubs your clit again and you moan. "Am I doing it right?!" The boy asks and you nod, a smirk on his face as he makes you moan again. "You're so wet." He whispers. "Is it all for me, uh?"
"Uhh, no?!" You mock and he laughs. The boy leans in towards you to kiss your lips, two of his fingers plays with your entrance. "Can I?" He asks. "Yes, please." You whisper, his fingers slowly enters your hole, Alex watches you close your eyes with pleasure and thrusts his fingers on your pussy. "Alex, oh my-" You moan loudly and the boy covers your mouth with his hand. "Not that loud, Y/N." He whispers and kisses your neck, the essence of your perfume on your skin makes Alex sucks your sensitive flesh. You protest against his hand, that's still on your mouth. "Shh." He whispers in your ear, your moans and whines fill the bedroom, even with his hand on your mouth, and the wet sounds of his fingers on your pussy makes everything even more dirty and hot to the boy. "I can't wait to fuck you." He whispers in your ear, his fingers finding that spot inside of you when he decides to push deeper on your cunt. You bite his hand to don't let a loud moan escape, your worst nightmare 'd be wake up your both parents right now. "Fuck, Y/N." Alex groans, his fingers fucking you harder and deeper, making your whole body squirm. "Are you close?!" He asks, you nod, watching your best friend put his face between your legs, his mouth attacking your sensitive clit as soon as he finds it. You put your hands on your own mouth to stop yourself from moaning loudly, Alex sucks you at the same time he's fucking you with his fingers, your legs start to shake and involuntarily close. You can't even control your whines and moans anymore, coming in Alex fingers with tears in your eyes. "Holy shit, 'Lex." You whisper, the boy kisses your pussy and inner thigh before approaching your face, you feel his hardened cock against you. "It sucks you don't have a condom." You whisper and he nods. "So much." He kisses your lips. "But, it's also good, right?! Our parents can sleep now." He mocks you and you roll your eyes, Alex kisses your neck and then, your lips. "I love you, Y/N." He whispers and you smile. "I love you too, Alex." You get up to go to the bathroom and when you come back, Alex pulls you into a hug. "Do you really think they heard us, 'Lex?!" You ask, a little worried and embarrassed. "Yeah, your mom just made a post on Facebook. "Can't sleep... It's hard to have a teenager daughter with a best friend."" He says and you laugh. "Unbelievable." You whisper and hug him tighter, he laughs and nods.
"Good night, princess." He whispers.
"Good night, 'Lexie."
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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catch1ngmoths · 2 months
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renranram · 2 months
black cat high schooler quackity and orange cat reader hcs!!
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a/n ; been busy with school im only feeding you guys once 2day
• he'd try to act mysterious but then immediately melted when you started interacting with him
• would give you his lunch food if you dont have any
• rarely talks but is great at listening
• would make you paper crafts:3
• he'd always let you lean on his shoulder
• very gentle w/ you
• would always stare at u with affection, like huge heart eyes whenever you do something
• you talk he listens
• blunt towards u when needed but will always say sorry
• the amount of gifts he gives you went to 90%
• at first he thought he was just confused then realized he genuinely, like genuinely likes you
• would spoil you
• he would let you do anything to him, hugs, pokes, pinches, teasing, anything
• slowly opening himself up more to you, he'd actually add on the topic you two were talking about
• has a playlist dedicated 4 u
• hugs, kisses, holding hands, everyday, everywhere 24/7 baby
• possessive, possessive as hell
• ' baby, honey, amor '
• now a bit talkative, fully comfortable
• his gifts got more and more expensive
• would go broke just for u tbh
• he'd sing and play songs just for you
• he's afraid to do anything intimate with you because he treasures you too much
• would randomly say i love you
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toxic3mmy · 15 days
Quackity catching you watching edits of him. 😭
eeeeeek im always watching edits, also this is a super short drabble
prompt: alex finds you not so sneakily watching edits of him
no warnings!!
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you were supposed to be doing some studying but the second you grabbed your phone, you were distracted. before you knew it, you were almost an hour into watching edits of your boyfriend.
you couldn’t help it! he was just so hot and people seriously made some really good edits of him.
you were laying faced down on your bed with your feet in the air, kicking back and forth. you felt like a giddy school girl the way you would giggle and start to blush the more you watched these edits.
“y/n! im home… what are you doing?” he asked as he stood in the doorway
“oh uh, nothing. hi… im so glad you’re home” you said, trying to sneakily hide your phone away
“are you sure? it looks like you’re trying to hide your phone..” he chuckled softly
“i was just watching a video and i got a bit distracted, ya know, surfing the web… looking at memes” you say nonchalantly
“well.. i could use a little laugh, show me some” he offered
“i don’t think you’ll find them funny… how was work?” you say quickly, trying to change the subject
“oh come on, dont be silly. of course ill find whatever you’re looking at funny. let me see” he pouted and started walking closer to you
“lexie!” you yelped as he tried to quickly snatch your phone
the two of you playfully wrestled each other, trying to take hold of your phone. at some point, the phone had slipped from your grip and alex was looking at the screen. he looked up at you with a smirk
“memes huh? y/n, it looks like you’re watching edits of me”
“n-no i wasn’t… it’s this weird virus everyone has been getting lately” you facepalmed, realizing how stupid that sounded
he clicked play and a spanish song began to play as snippets of alex merged together on your phone screen
“that is just a terrible, terrible excuse, princesa” he said,
“so tell me, what’s your favorite edit of me?” he purred into your ear
“well since you asked so nicely… probably this one with an audio of you saying you have your house empty until 9pm..” you say shyly
“ohh… so you want to be alone with me huh? well guess what?”
“what” you answered
“i don’t see anyone else here with us… why don’t you stop watching those edits and instead, i give you a private show hm?”
“o-okay” you stuttered as he crawled over you slowly
“i thought you’d like that idea, sweetheart” he said as he reached forward to kiss you
he definitely gave you a show way better than the edits you enjoyed watching.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
hiii can i ask for hcs of quackity and his s/o being it couple? like other ccs are constantly bringing them up and hyping them bcs they're giving couple goals, or just fans getting them to trend on social media all the time idkk sorry if weird
oooo okay!! ; and dw this wasn't weird at all! it's fine lol ; thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy 🫶
QUACKITY ; it couple
summary ; you and quackity, through your shared fanbases and friends, have become the online it couple of the month
warnings ; language
word count ; 379
y/s/n = your ship name
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the hype and popularity spiked again once the qsmp had a random popularity spike after korea was introduced into the smp
then quackity started trending on tik tok and then you did once you posted a new video with him on your channel
getting the jake webber / tara yummy / johnnie guilbert treatment 💀💀 tik toks couple of the month
"Hey, Alex, I think we're trending again!"
"We are, cause you're so beautiful, Y/n/n."
"Shut your goofy ass up"
anyways, your friends loveeee sending you both edits and fanart
especially ones that make you look so hot together and shit
the tik tok edits go crazy
a solid hour of tubbos tubbathon is just reacting to y/s/n edits
they also love hyping you two up
from fit checks to cute couple moments, they're always hyping you up 💯💯
"ayeeee go! go! shake that ass! QUACKITY SHAKE THAT ASS" ; from roier and foolish
niki, foolish and tommy are probably your biggest hype men, in comments or on stream LMAO
god forbid one of you mentions having a favorite song or shared song you like /pos
the edits AGAIN lmao
you dressed as aesthetics of music you listened to for a video but never addressed it on stream so again, the edits LMAO
so many of you to emo/punk music and so many of him to rap/hip-hop (take this with a grain of salt ok...)
anyways, insta posts and stories together>>>
Twitter white boy of the month? more like Twitter it couple of the month. fuck them
dude streamer awards 😨😨😨 /pos
yall looked so good. head to toe, you fucking KILLED. IT.
the fanfic writers have been inspired. the people who paused their fics are all back solely for a streamer awards chap bc yall were being a little wink wonk the whole time /ns
you were just being adorable in general
nevermind the vids u posted of karaoke in the car afterwards
so many edits of you and alex making like thirst traps LMFAOOOO
anything for the fans 🙏🙏🙏
then you publicize a playlist titled "hot stuff w Alex 💯💯" and the world BREAKS.
don't care don't care
mostly like hot girl motivation + banger songs from the 2000s
like rihanna, jay-z, plus some newer kinda stuff like victoria monet and 21 savage LMAO
anyways that's all I got idk I'm sick and have 0 braincells
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vaythehint · 6 months
quackity x gf that can’t drive!! you’re his passenger princess he’s ur chauffeur and he LOVES it
quackity x passenger princess gf!!
a/n: I literally know for a fact Q would be OBSESSED with being a chauffeur, like bro would be so down bad.
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Quackity LOVES driving and finds it so comforting so ofc he loves to drive you around everywhere
At first when he found out you couldn’t drive, he teased you about it, and even offered to teach you but you insisted that learning to drive was not on your priority list 
before you guys even started dating he drove you to places you needed to go
You’d text him like “hey can u come pick me up I need to go get food” and he’d be rushing over IMMEDIATELY 
And when you guys started dating, the car dates went crazy
Sometimes you guys would just drive around in silence, or go to a beach and make a picnic area in the trunk 
He ALWAYS lets you have the aux. no questions asked. He’d let you control the air the car, the music, whether you wanted the windows up or down. It’s your world he’s just living in it tbh.
No matter what he’s always touching you in some way, like holding your hand, forearms touching, or his hand on your thigh. Mans CANNOT go 3 seconds without physical touch.
If YOU are ever stressed in any way, you can bet he’d immediately stop what he’s doing to make you feel comfortable, and a lot of the time that would be taking you on drives. 
It’s the same for him to tho. If he’s stressed he will go on a drive with you.
It’d be right after a test for his college or maybe just a stressful day. He’d be sitting at his desk with his eyebrows pulled together, aggressively typing away. You’d walk in and immediately know that he needed a break.
“You okay?” “Yeah, works just stressful.” 
You’d offer going on a drive and after some heavy convincing he’d give in, secretly thankful that you dragged him away.
All in all he’d be obsessed with taking you on drives, and it’d almost become a joke to you guys to the point where he would just up front call you his passenger princess and randomly refer to you as that. <333
(p.s also make out sessions in the car 😵‍💫. That’s all I’ll say 🤭😗)
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stonermujer · 3 months
Omgg, what about Quackity cumming inside of you for the first time?
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You most likely started the pill and he saw an opportunity 🙏🏼🙏🏼
He totally would pull out and cum on or back or stomach but as soon as you said it was okay to be inside he lost it.
Definitely started with heavy petting on the couch to being on your back in missionary as the curve of his cock pounds your sensitive spot.
Alex would definitely be pussy drunk sloppy uneven but harsh thrusts as he chases his climax.
He’d whimper before spilling his load inside you his brows furrow and jaw slack as his cock twitched inside you. Dropping on top of you when you were done milking him for what he was worth.
His loads were thick, warm, and certainly filled you full.
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this idea was inspired by Cillian Murphys golden globes cute lipstick on his nose moment. also congrats to him he’s a wonderful actor!
warnings: kissing, female pronouns, fluff!
Non-Transfer lipstick 💋
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I was my boyfriend alex’s plus one to the streamy awards! he had been nominated for best Minecraft Streamer of the year award. currently i was in our hotel bathroom getting ready for the event.
when i saw a figure come in the room, and feel arms wrap around your upper torso. a soothing smile came onto my lips leaning my head onto his shoulder. he mumbled quietly
“you look so beautiful mi vida..”
as he leaves a small kiss onto the side of my head.
I smile turning around kissing him rather passionately, as my hand lays on the side of his neck. I let go and leave him in a lovey state of absolute shock.
”what was that for?”
he laughs softly but no less than rather cutely.
“well when I put my lipstick on I won’t be able to kiss you.”
I murmur kissing him gently again. he nods understandingly leaving the bathroom to get changed, as I put my lipstick on. I come out of the bathroom looking at him with pure love.I put his bucket hat on and he kisses my cheek.
”just because you can’t kiss me doesn’t mean I can’t kiss you”
I smile softly rolling my eyes.
me and alex are sitting in the audience, as I hold his knee knowing he’s a little anxious. the award he’s gotten nominated for is about to come. I sigh and tap his shoulder,
“hey look at me.”
he looks over at me smiling a little, a anxious fake smile.
“this year you’ve done a lot. all of your friends are so proud, and I am so proud ok?”
I sympathize smiling a little. I feel his tightened face turn into a soft peaceful look. he kisses the corner of my mouth, sitting back feeling more relaxed.
“and the award of the best Minecraft streamer this year is..”
I feel him tightening his grip on my hand…
I smile brightly hearing my amazing hardworking boyfriends name! my boyfriends name! we both stand up, I hug him tightly hearing his laugh from my impact.
I put his face in my hands admiring his cute face, but then leaving a kiss on his cheek, with him scrunchg his nose slightly while he smiles. I sit in my chair watching him while he stands up to accept his award. as he gets up there I say in my head
“oh fuck.”
I see the light red kiss mark I left on him, I immediately want to crawl in a hole filled with my own embarrassment. I cover my mouth with my hand when he starts talking,
”ok before I say anything I just wanna say I’m aware of the kiss mark on my face”
he laughs softly along with the audience. i was thankful he remembered that I wasn’t wearing non transferable lipstick.
“I just want to thank everyone for their support, this award is insane to me to think I just have to make jokes to get it. you guys deserve so much love and thank everyone. also thank you to my girl friend for not leaving me when I forget to come to dinner because I’m too busy playing games.”
I laugh softly smiling. god he was cute.
“but also I then my girlfriend for just being there for me. she’s absolutely amazing.”
he says giving me eye contact while smiling, I hear a lot of people in the audience awe which makes me laugh a little.
we get home very tired as the whole night we were just sitting down, which is kind of hard not to fall asleep to. I get out of the uncomfortable nice clothing, and get into alex’s hoodie plus my shorts. he lays down next to me one arm going over my waist, the other to his side and our legs tangled together. I caress the side of his face with my thumb.
“your speech was sweet, i’m really proud of you.”
he smiles gently and leans over to be able to reach me better. i lean in to the kiss, and he suddenly pulls away.
“maybe next time, wear lipstick that doesn’t leave a mark?”
i roll my eyes at him, trying to hide my smile. idiot.
thank you sm for reading! hope your day is good! feel free to request 💌💌
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