#qprs go brrr
Y'alls I'm reposting my work here because why not (please don't do so yourself though 🫶)
Link to the series I started: here
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"Leonardo Da Hamato!" I shouted from the living room. A clang sounded from the kitchen, followed by a fearful, "Yea?"
"Oo, Leo's in trouble." Mikey teased him as he emerged warily.
"What's up, Y/N?" Leo tilted his head as he walked closer to the couch I was on. "Come here."
He walked closer, suspicious. I made grabby hands at him and Leo held up his arms, now standing in front of me. "I haven't gotten a Leo hug in too long," I said simply, rising to my feet and grabbing his arms in a hug.
Leo paused before wrapping his hands around my back. "Geez, Y/N, you gave me a heart attack hollering like that." I chuckled into his plastron. "'s funny."
A few moments passed in silence, before- "Better than Raph's?"
I scoffed, before replying, "Different. Definitely number four on the list of things you're amazing at." I felt Leo's breath stutter in his chest at that before continuing. "Yea, you're great at hugs, but you're also hilarious, and charming, and a fucking badass in battles."
I pulled away long enough to glance at his face, which was gloriously flushed. "I could keep going?"
"No- no- no, um, I- uh, I already knew that," he stuttered, burying his face in my shoulder.
Should I be evil? Yes, obviously, me, duh. "I don't think you do, Blue," I began, slowly drumming my fingers on his shell. I smiled as he audibly gulped. He didn't need to know that I looked up red-eared slider facts, and learned that sliders flutter their fingers on other sliders as a sign of affection.
"Anyway, yea, you know, you're a crazy BAMF, and your jokes really light up the lair, and your sense of style is ON FLEEK," I intoned, getting a slightly wet chuckle in response.
"Plus, your leadership skills are getting really good. You know, I don't remember when I noticed it, but you've always been pretty good at analyzing situations and coming up with solutions that end favorably for us. It's really impressive to witness. That part might tie with the badassery," I continued. Leo's legs seemed to be shaking slightly, so I sat down slowly, letting go of the turtle to get comfortable. Leo turned, grabbing a pillow to hide his face in, practically a ball on the couch.
I smirked at him. "Shall I continue?"
He looked up slightly, glaring at me with the ferocity of a kitten. "Screw you," he mumbled, pillow muffling the words a bit.
"I'll take that as a yes-"
Leo whined loudly from the pillow, curling up even more around the pillow.
"Yea, you're just really cool, and when you wield your ōdachi you just look so surreal. It's amazing-" I was cut off with a pillow thrown at my face. I tossed it back laughing, but Leo dodged, pouting from the pillow he was hiding behind.
"Shame on you. Where'd all this confidence come from?"
"Oh darling, you don't understand. I have very little shame to begin with," I put on a posh English accent. It worked, Leo's eyes crinkling, though the smile was still hidden behind the pillow. I snapped my fingers. "Confidence! Confidence looks amazing on you as well!"
Leo groaned and dove back into the pillow. I could see the blush spreading past his cheeks. Mission success. As much as I enjoyed it, Mikey was probably finishing up with dinner.
Leo looked up again. "Y/N, why-"
"Because, Blue. You deserve the world. You all do, equally. Especially you, Leo. And I love you guys. I wanna make sure you know that, Leo. I-" I dropped my voice, locking eyes with him. "I know you have nightmares. You've been through a lot, and you've decided to and been forced to shoulder a lot. So if you even need to be reminded, you just have to ask."
Leo's eyes had widened, and were now searching mine for any, any signs of deception. I knew he would find none, and I smiled gently. His bottom lip trembled before tears began streaming down his face. The turtle looked down quickly, unable to maintain eye contact, but I didn't mind.
"Come 'ere, Baby Blue," I murmured softly, scooting closer. The sobs grew louder at the name as he clung to my shirt. I held him until they quieted with his grip softening.
"'s ok, Leo. It's ok to be vulnerable. I'm honored to be entrusted with that right now. I'd be honored to be someone, if not the one, you come to to get something off your chest. If not, that's fine. Emotions should never be a burden for one, Blue," I said softly, fluttering my fingers on the edge of his shell again as though it would drill it in. A few more minutes of silence passed as the shakiness in each of Leo's breaths disappeared. The turtle shifted and looked up at me again. "There's the Baby Blue," I cooed, cupping his face and fluttering my fingers. The blush dusting his face darkened again, and Leo looked away. "'m too tired for another breakdown," he yawned, pulling away to sit up. I chuckled.
"Mikey's probably close to being done with dinner," I said, standing. Leo followed slowly, but I stopped him. "I can and will keep reminding you. You deserve the world, champ," I added softly, poking him between the eyes. He looked down, embarrassed, and I grabbed his hand to lead him to the kitchen.
He paused at the entrance, and Mikey and I looked up at him. "I gotta- go to the bathroom!" he said loudly, before quickly walking off. "Don't fall in!" I hollered with a grin.
"Wouldn't dream of it!"
Mikey looked between the empty entrance and the spot I'd taken up. "SO... what was that?"
I shook my head slightly, smiling. "Just reminding Leo of his worth."
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what-aboutno · 10 months
I'm having more trouble than I thought I would with this fic 😔
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rotating QPRs in my mind rn
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Hello and happy Friday to you all! Midway through May now and this week we have mighty list for you all; twenty-one fics that feature a variety of different and unique AUs! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 💕
The Changeling by maybetwice (5,899 words, Teen) Pairing: Queerplatonic Fearne Calloway/Orym Warnings: None
Orym is given to the feywild as a child, and grows up as a changeling in the service of Morrigan, companion to Fearne. Its so funnn, the speculative feywild and its politics (pre canon-Morri), Orym's desparate grip on his identity, and how things change and shift, Fearne trying to help but not quite understanding
Reccer Says: The characterization *chefs kiss, the world building, its very fun. Atmospheric, fairy tail esque? The sworn oaths and loyalty *chefs kiss chefs kiss, you love to see it every time. And! It's part of a series!!! So there's more >:D
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your touch's so sweet (throw me in the water) by quinn_of_aebradore (1,872 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord)
Evil AU polyam, Bren visits Fjord for the night and they discuss things (and also have a fun night)
Reccer Says: Sexy evil au brain go brrrrrrrr
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steady lodged between beast and god by Junkyard_Rose (6,737 words, Mature) Pairing: Lucien Tavelle/Essek Thelyss (Luciessek) Warnings: Suicidal ideation (first half)
After cognouza, Lucien is the one who comes back. The M9 leave him with Essek, who convinces Lucien to (take a second chance) work as his bodyguard. They sort of start to figure things out
Reccer Says: Its kind of a little Lucien's worst nightmare, but also a soft third(?) beginning? Essek trying to be the mirror that Caleb was, and extending the hand, and Lucien is taking it, extremely brrrrrrrr
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Shame on a martyr claiming friends by thought (1,641 words, Teen) Pairing: Dorian Storm/Verin Thelyss Warnings: None
Crack played straight, arranged marriage between two second sons who have older, overshadowing brothers, and a desire to carve out a place outside their family's expectations (heheh)
Reccer Says: Its just fun! And honestly, yeah? Yeah! They have a lot of common ground on siblings and their desires to prove themselves to their family's legacies. Also sharing the wish to sidle out of a very awkward room lol
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first bloom by flappingduster (3,484 words, Teen) Pairing: Queerplatonic Beauregard Lionett/Essek Thelyss Warnings: None
Essek and Beau are together (romantic) but then they figure things out at separate, but are still close friends (qpr). Essek has complicated feelings when Beau asks for dating advice for a girl she's met
Reccer Says: Complicated Relationship and Feelings brrr
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a home where my heart is by DesertLily (1,252 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Jester sends Beau a text asking her out. Beau over analyzes it and goes to Fjord for advice.
Reccer Says: Very cute!!! Beau is a disaster and I love her.
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this is a promise (with a catch) by Anonymous (42,357 words, Explicit) Pairing: Orym/Dorian Storm/Will (Dorymwill) Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Orym and Will are together in an alpha/alpha relationship. It’s perfect, except that Orym’s ruts are difficult and he can’t stand to be around Will during them. And then, set up by Fearne, Orym mets Dorian, an omega in need of a heat partner, and things spiral out from there.
Reccer Says: The sex is hot, the relationships are so wonderful and sweet, the world feels so real around them, and the twist at the end is incredible.
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burn, scourger, burn by Anonymous (1,362 words, Teen) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss (Shadowmauk) Warnings: None
Witcher AU, Essek is Yennefer, Molly is Jaskier, and they both have been cast aside by Caleb as Geralt. Allied with Astrid and Wulf, Essek seeks out allies and finds himself watching one of Molly’s performances.
Reccer Says: It’s such a brilliant AU in so few words, the history built perfectly in that small space. The emotion, the layers of it, are so delicious.
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warm, unalone (come settle down) by Meridas (20,811 words, Teen) Pairing: Queerplatonic Mollymauk Tealeaf/Yasha Nydoorin Warnings: None
A modern AU in which queerplatonic partners Molly and Yasha move to Zadash to start a soft, domestic life.
Reccer Says: Truly one of the sweetest, fluffiest series out there. QPP Circus Kids are soooo important to me and this series is a large reason for that. You can FEEL the love between Molly and Yasha, the depth to which they care about and for each other. It’s just. So so tender. Also! Baby the Cat beloved. And a very nice side of Widomauk fluff!!!
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Something Happened On The Way To Heaven by SweetSilentSteps (24,014 words, Explicit) Pairing: Orym/Dorian Storm/Will (Dorymwill) Warnings: Minor Depictions of Violence
A retelling of Ladyhawke (1985), featuring Orym/Will as the cursed couple and Dorian as the jail escapee.
Reccer Says: Absolutely amazing character voices! It's such a fun read! I enjoy this more than the original movie.
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(sing another) song for the lost ones by elanoides (21,453 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: None
Fjord crashes in a small seaside town, meets The Mighty Nein, and finds he isn't lonely anymore.
Reccer Says: This is such a cozy comfort read for me. 10/10.
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Advanced Book (And Heart) Stealing by Attila (2,776 words, Teen) Pairing: Kima/Allura Vysoren (Kimallura) Warnings: None
The first time Allura checks out a book Kima needs for her thesis is an accident. The second, not so much.
Reccer Says: This is a hilarious story with fantastic character voices and several laugh out loud moments! Also very cute.
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a hundred years still in my pocket by burningafterdark (3,360 words, Explicit) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: None
Fjord and Caleb have sex in Caleb's office.
Reccer Says: I love the post-canon vibes, I love how the established background Polynein colors their conversation, I love how comfortable the two feel together. It's also just well written sex!
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Shut Up And Take My Money by Attila (14,024 words, Teen) Pairing: Jarrett Howarth/Vex'ahlia Warnings: Descriptions of blood, off-screen violence, off-screen healing of a gun shot wound
Vex needs to hire someone for the (money laundering) coffee shop. Jarett is a perfect fit - and attractive to boot. The question remains: is he a fed?
Reccer Says: This fic is hilarious! It feels like Vox Machina!
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Spitfire by kitthekazoo (1,352 words, General) Pairing: Scanlan Shorthalt/Vax'ildan (Vaxlan) Warnings: None
Vax meets Kaylie, Scanlan's 8 year old daughter.
Reccer Says: Lovely!
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teakettle love (i'd do anything) by redhoods (6,360 words, Explicit) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: None
Fjord takes care of Caleb when Caleb forgets to take care of himself.
Reccer Says: It's so soft........ such lovely character voices!
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houses, homes by Ffwydriad (2,414 words, Teen) Pairing: Yeza Brenatto/Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast Warnings: Implied off-screen transphobia, homelessness
Caleb and Veth are on the streets together, and then move in with Yeza.
Reccer Says: I really enjoy trans!Veth and how the Caleb/Veth/Yeza relationship builds!
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and coffee the morning after by impossibletruths (2,546 words, General) Pairing: Keyleth/Pike Trickfoot (Pikeleth) Warnings: Blood*
Keyleth and Pike meet in their apartment building's laundry room. Their relationship builds from there.
Reccer Says: It's so cute! It just feels lovely!
*Keyleth meets Pike when Pike's scrubs have blood on them.
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it starts with an earthquake by impossibletruths (13,520 words, Teen) Pairings: Percy de Rolo/Pike Trickfoot/Vex'ahlia, Kima/Allura Vysoren (Kimallura) Warnings: None
Vox Machina's Conclave Arc, but make it post-apocalyptic.
Reccer Says: Absolutely amazing character studies, great plot, and a wonderful way of making things feel hopeful even in the apocalypse.
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Free as the birds that fly with weightless souls by impossibletruths (5,643 words, Teen) Pairing: Keyleth/Kashaw Vesh (Kashleth) Warnings: Prominent themes of grief and mourning
Keyleth and Kashaw fall in love during their art collaboration.
Reccer Says: Beautiful.
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End Racism in the OTW; you and me and some l-o-v-e (all good things come in threes) by mischiefseven (8,594 words, Teen) Pairing: Shaun Gilmore/Keyleth/Vax'ildan (Vaxlethmore) Warnings: Off-screen violence, aftermath of violence
Vax finds Gilmore's Glorious Goods and finds himself in love with both Keyleth and Gilmore.
Reccer Says: This is one of my favorite fics of all time. I highly recommend it!
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 💕 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 💕
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Hurt/Comfort. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is PC x NPC and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Proposals & Marriages and Oneshots! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💕
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hyperfocuscentre · 2 years
just imagine aroace leo valdez if he had an even closer bond with piper + jason, they’d probably have movie marathons and cuddle on the couch. jason would probably shit himself multiple times if they were horrors and leo would laugh about it. LEO AND PIPER WOULD DEFINITELY SHARE BEDS WHEN THEY HAVE NIGHTMARES, IDC. also qpr valgrace makes my heart go brrr. leo would be there for both piper and jason when they broke up after realising they were lesbian and gay respectively!!
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i wonder if the submissions going more brrr than they did for qpr competition is because bishounens are more popular or because i built a network
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rui for the ask game
sexuality headcanon: generally queer :) i lean more on the mlm side! mostly bc those are just the rui ships i prefer
gender headcanon: nonbinary cat go brrr. transmasc/transneutral is a vibe i enjoy but i flip between that and amab but nonbinary. either or though! a ship i have with said character: we all know ruikasa is a big ship for me however i am a big akirui fan <3 THE enemies to lovers couple of proseka. also qpr mizurui <3
a BROTP i have with said character: i loav.. dad kaito.. me when found family
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a NOTP i have with said character: i don't really have one..? past the obvious no incest/pedo shit. like romantic ruinene and emurui isnt really my thing but im not THAT opposed to it
a random headcanon: i've written this in my fics but one i have that i'm a fan of is him and mizuki having self-care/makeover days where they hang out at each other's houses and do each other's hair and makeup
general opinion over said character: my favorite pjsekai character..... my beloved
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fceriestcrdst · 2 years
over the last few days i have noticed something---something i've never been able to do for at least, i don't know, ten years.
i have multiple special interests that all weave together---they even weave with spins I've most of my life. I've been sort of opening my brain like a jar & going "huh, how did we do that?" & i realized why. i have people who give a damn about my interests, people who send me posts even if i don't rb them, people who will let me gush & not make me feel bad bc i infodump a lot. i have qpr partners who love pressing my garble buttons so i just go on tangents as they stare loving at their screens until I've calmed down enough for them to speak.
i still struggle with some irls who have strong opinions about characters i like or characters im like somewhat selfshipped with. it could be called having a comfortable talking phase. its happening---primarily--with ben s*lo. one day i'll bring it up & try to fix it but for now i'm just accepting that i can talk about star wars without someone wanting to tell me why it's bad because i do not fucking care. i give zero fucks about how much you dislike the thing i love, truthfully i would rather you shut up the fuck instead of going "well i--" did i ask?
i'm also getting used to the fact that i have irls that want to genuinely listen to my infodump & spin & go brrr.
i've also been doing better because i've set boundaries, i broke lots of mutuals, i ended three friendships that i needed out of. could i have ended them better, maybe, but was i mean during the ending of any of them? no to really.
it's odd how i both care & don't care about how people perceive me. if you think i'm a bitch, cool! if you think i'm super nice, cool! i prefer to be seen as friendly, but i don't really care all that much if you think i'm a dick because ei set a boundary or just wasn't interested in what you were trying to see me.
i don't owe anyone anything, yanno? no one owes anyone a singular thing.
despite my brain imploding over & over bc of processing trauma--i've been pretty okay. i'm happy in my new spins, selfships, friendships, and qpr, i just feel like me. i do still psycho analyze but then i remember i am autistic, i have a fatigue disorder, i get overwhelmed easily---if i just don't want to talk at the time. i'm not obligated to & if i do i am not obligated to seem super thrilled about it, yanno? not to say i always seem that way i am just....getting better at only chatting when i feel up to it
this may all be a part of my journey to unmask & be myself even if that means I'm grumpy & overstimulated & sleepy & needy. i'm allowed to be those things, i'm allowed to have multiple spins, i'm allowed to have multiple selfships, i'm allowed to talk too much & not enough, i'm allowed to be me
2022 is still very weird for me but a good kind of weird. also if this makes no fucking sense i haven't slept & am sitting ay my pc going 'oh no--' as the hamster in my brain takes a snooze. mayhaps i will see this later & go "i had a solid plan...then i derailed--" or i'll just go "ah, i was havin' a moment-" who knows tho.
if you see me still awake just know i have plans today & didn't get actively tired until just recently. now i'm built to suffer (i'm 24..i'm too old & autistic for this--)
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im sorta scared to ask this but what are ppl calling squidinknoodle on twitter no need to answer im just really frikin curious
eh it's just like stuff with "bacon" and "pork" in it or something. it just makes me uncomfortable cause like... using dead pig that we eat in a ship name for a pig demon guy doesn't sit right with me? there are so many better options out there
like I'm cool with figuring out a new ship name if squidinknoodles is a mouthful but like... come on, we can do better than that
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celestianstar · 3 years
qpr SMPE and DSMP phil nd techno make my head go BRRR
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oriocookie · 4 years
my writing masterpost
short fics:
it ends as it began
l’manburg is gone
the death of tubbo
dnf airport
long fics:
michael underscore-beloved and his friend the warrior
smp falls (gravity falls au)
the underworld is a lonely place ao3 link
Marked (ao3 link)
Even Kings Wear Disguises
babyblade go brrr
not mcyt fics:
the lmanburg anthem (song, sung by @jade-jupiter)
drew plays minecraft (not mcyt)
Sanders Sides
i love you. i love you. it’s disgusting, prompted by notveryglittery
Lullaby prompted by an anon
Right Before Your Eyes, prompted by surohsopsisofclouds
untitled rolosleep stargayzing fic, prompted by an anon
untitled roceit fic, prompted by 12u3ie
untitled qpr intrulosleep fic, prompted by surohsopsisofclouds
i’ve never written logince and that’s a sin
A Witch and His Cat
a (very, very small) roceit drabble
A Plea To The Universe
I’m Back
can’t stop me now
In a World Of Pure Imagination
Under The Sea and Under The Stars
this isn’t even a drabble
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determinedowl23 · 2 years
Little rant below the cut- it’s not a vent but I do want to talk about this somewhere. It’s a little bit more personal i guess.
So for a while i’ve wanted to be in a qpr with one kid we’ll call P. But the main problem here is that he was cishet. Recently though, despite what he tells everyone, I’ve realized there is absolutely no way that he’s straight.
Today I learned that one kid that I used to like (we’ll call him K) is actually demisexual, and now that my romantic attraction is active again (greyaro go brrr) I thought I liked him again, but I’m pretty sure it’s queerplatonic attraction. So I do kinda want to be in a qpr with him as well.
There’s a big issue, though: P hates K with a burning passion, and I don’t think K is too big a fan of P as well. So… yeah I feel like I may get on the bad side on one or them (probably just P)
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How to Get Red Son Son to Take a Break (A Guide By Mei) 
trap him with legs 
(Didn’t really draw this with ship in mind but like, bff’s and QPR’s go brrr so hGKAMWOFE)
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