#public and private health care
worldhealthday · 2 months
People living with disabilities have the right to ...
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Article 25 – Health
  States Parties recognize that persons with disabilities have the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health without discrimination on the basis of disability. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities to health services that are gender-sensitive, including health-related rehabilitation. In particular, States Parties shall:
a) Provide persons with disabilities with the same range, quality and standard of free or affordable health care and programmes as provided to other persons, including in the area of sexual and reproductive health and population-based public health programmes;
b) Provide those health services needed by persons with disabilities specifically because of their disabilities, including early identification and intervention as appropriate, and services designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including among children and older persons;
c) Provide these health services as close as possible to people’s own communities, including in rural areas;
d) Require health professionals to provide care of the same quality to persons with disabilities as to others, including on the basis of free and informed consent by, inter alia, raising awareness of the human rights, dignity, autonomy and needs of persons with disabilities through training and the promulgation of ethical standards for public and private health care;
e) Prohibit discrimination against persons with disabilities in the provision of health insurance, and life insurance where such insurance is permitted by national law, which shall be provided in a fair and reasonable manner;
f) Prevent discriminatory denial of health care or health services or food and fluids on the basis of disability.
The WHO QualityRights tool kit provides countries with practical information and tools for assessing and improving quality and human rights standards in mental health and social care facilities. The tool kit is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It provides practical guidance on:
the human rights and quality standards that should be respected, protected and fulfilled in both inpatient and outpatient mental health and social care facilities;
preparing for and conducting a comprehensive assessment of facilities; and
reporting findings and making appropriate recommendations on the basis of the assessment.
The tool kit is designed for use in low-, middle- and high-income countries. It can be used by many different stakeholders, including dedicated assessment committees, nongovernmental organizations, national human rights institutions, national health or mental health commissions, health service accreditation bodies and national mechanisms established under international treaties to monitor implementation of human rights standards and others with an interest in promoting the rights of people with disabilities.
The WHO QualityRights tool kit is an essential resource, not only for putting an end to past neglect and abuses but also for ensuring high-quality services in the future.
Assessment toolkit overview document
Interview Tool
Review of documents & Observation Tool
Facility-based Assessment Report
Country-wide Assessment Report
Assessment toolkit overview document
Interview Tool
Review of documents & Observation Tool
Facility-based Assessment Report
Country-wide Assessment Report
Évaluer et améliorer la qualité et les droits de l’homme dans des structures de santé mentale et de soins sociaux
Guide d'entretien
Guide pour la collecte des données et l'observation
Rapport d'évaluation d'une structure
Rapport pour une évaluation nationale
Direito é Qualidade_Roteiro de Implantação
Ferramenta de análise de documentos e observação
Ferramenta de Entrevista
Relatório de Avaliação por serviço
Relatório de Avaliação a nível nacional
Salud mental: Instrumento de Calidad y Derechos de la OMS
Herramienta de entrevista
Herramienta de revisión de documentos y observación
Informe de evaluación de un establecimiento
Informe de evaluación a nivel de país
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politijohn · 7 months
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Estrogen :3
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panicinthestudio · 7 months
Patients are losing Alberta’s public-private medical labs battle, November 1, 2023
Alberta’s medical labs have shifted between public and private delivery for decades, often depending on what party is in government, and now the province’s auditor general is investigating. CBC’s Christine Birak breaks down the medical and political saga that’s cost millions and had a negative impact on patient care. CBC News
@allthecanadianpolitics, @abpoli
I had my own brush with DynaLife three times in the last year, wait times and organization were horrendous at a lab that has always been high volume but was much better managed when they were public.
Their waiting room was not just crammed full, the wait times were so long they were paging people on their cell to return from their cars or from the mall across the way--some simply left without a word. Walk-ins alone were looking at least a hour seated wait time.
The single queue to check in was at least 30 minutes minutes standing, crammed in to the point people had to step out of the way of the doors. It included pregnant people, elderly, and others in need of priority with mobility aids and other conditions. Appointments were not immediately separated out from walk-ins or even simple drop off, the only instruction was for everyone to wait for the one person processing. Even when the line extended outside at the same location because of COVID social distancing it moved more efficiently.
There was clearly no regular process for stopping the line and refusing more patients despite this routinely being the case by the summer. While I was there one poor tech was delegated to end intake for the day early because they simply were overcapacity. After scrambling to make a couple signs to tape to the doors, they were completely ignored.
No one enforced a cutoff, the patients that were told they were the it remained silent or continued to open the door for more people. By the time staff reached what should have been the tail-end there was a a full queue again. I learned later that short of actually closing, policy was to continue to accept everyone in line and there was at least another hour after that to finish work and lock up.
This is one lab and next to one of the largest hospitals in Calgary, hospital internal labs and rural/community tests continued to be run by AHS's Alberta Precision (formerly Public) Labs. Only one instance that was relatively easy was right before the Christmas holiday when the transition to private was still new.
The technicians and phlebotomists were clearly struggling to do their best to keep the patients and their own morale up while understaffed and without the resources to preserve quality of service. I do not envy any of them being thrown the privatization curveball by the UCP and ultimately the people that voted to keep them in power, worse still for people that are depending on these services.
There is an entire history of neglect and privatization of Alberta's lab services under Conservative governments. Efforts by the Albertan NDP to consolidate, update, and expand the province's public lab services were quite literally bulldozed by Jason Kenney. Through the pandemic and now under Danielle Smith, the UCP has continued with plans to dismantle and portion off health care services, workers, and the facilities and now buying back our own labs, equipment, and employees less than a year later.
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THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN FUCKING SAYING!!! The rich, the heads of corporations and media that have been pumping out articles and thinkpieces and guidelines trying to gaslight the general public into thinking everything is fine and we should return to normal — they KNOW it’s all bullshit. They KNOW covid isn’t a cold. They are using top-of-the-line science and tech to protect themselves while they’re content to let the rest of us get infected over and over again until we become disabled or simply drop dead.
[Alt text: Tiktok video by @Imani_Barbarin on twitter.
“If you’re somebody not wearing a mask in public spaces right now, I hate to be the one to break it to you — not really — but you’ve been fucking played. Because these are the images that are coming out of the World Economic Forum [in Davos, Switzerland].
(Showing a screenshot of a tweet from an attendee showing a PCR test) First off, they’re testing you right at the door. You test positive for COVID, your bracelet gets deactivated. You refuse to test, your bracelet gets deactivated.
(Showing a screenshot of a tweet with a picture of WEF attendees sitting in a room, bundled up in winter coats, with a HEPA filter next to their chairs) There are HEPA filters in every room. And people are wearing jackets because they have the windows open.
(Showing a photo from the WEF of a group of people looking at a slideshow. All are wearing what look like KN95 or KF94 masks or similar, and there is a blue light on a pole that looks like a Far UV light, which is another layer of covid protection.) And look at that! Masks!
You all got fucking played. You all are out here talking about hustle culture and intergenerational wealth? There is none for you. There’s none. When you’re disabled, you can’t make money. No, because everything is reliant upon your access to healthcare, which has income limits, you probably can’t even get or stay married, in a lot of cases. And you all are sitting up here talking about ‘we’re gonna set up guillotines for the rich and powerful’. They already set up guillotines and you walked right towards them. This is what collapse looks like. We’re already there.” End alt text.]
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metalcatholic · 1 year
I love those teachers that act all snooty think parents needs to a degree to homeschool their children. As if teaching your children isn’t a key part of being a parent
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hesitationss · 11 months
Joint CUPE Statement on searching the Brady Road and Prairie Green landfill sites
On July 13, CUPE 500, representing municipal staff at the Brady Road Resource Management Facility, including the landfill and 4R Winnipeg Depot, provided a letter of support to the organizers and families who are calling for a search for MMIWG2S at the site. In our July 13 message we expressed that we are deeply concerned with the City and Province’s inability to provide support and closure for families of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQI* members of the community. CUPE believes that the Brady site should be thoroughly searched, and we are willing to work with the City and other authorities to provide support and expertise to any organization conducting a search. We have been and are willing to work with the City on any use or redeployment of current staff at the Brady site for the duration of any search. Any search conducted at the Brady site should be conducted by professionals in the field of searching for missing persons, and searchers must be provided appropriate PPE and training, as outlined in the feasibility study. Premier Stefanson’s remarks that safety concerns prohibit a search are false: there is no reason this cannot be done. CUPE supports the right for demonstrators to peacefully protest at the site, and we urge the City to ensure that no CUPE member is asked to intervene in any demonstrations. CUPE 500 is committed to work with the City to develop a plan to ensure future use of the Brady site accommodates any searches, should they be necessary. This includes greater public control and oversight over how solid waste is collected and deposited (currently garbage collection in Winnipeg is done by private companies), a grid system for deposits, better monitoring of the fleet, and the development of an action plan for the future. CUPE believes that action is more important than words, and we expect to be at the table where we can offer our expertise at the site, as well as contribute to future plans to ensure searches can be done expediently. We thank the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the families of MMIWG2S for receiving our correspondence and acknowledging our support at the July 17 press conference that highlighted the feasibility of the search. As Canada’s largest union, representing over 715,000 workers across the country including more than 37,000 throughout Manitoba, CUPE stands with the AMC and families of MMIWG2S and supports calls to have the Prairie Green Landfill and the Brady site searched immediately. Gord Delbridge, President, CUPE Local 500 Gina McKay, President, CUPE Manitoba Mark Hancock, National President, CUPE
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before leaving this afternoon to see some friends i was gonna make a post on this morning's protest in madrid where more than 1 million people concentrated to fight for public health but then. i saw my friends and now i am too tired. should i do a post about it or not.
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fly-sky-high-09 · 1 year
I got a terrible reminder how much older generations were brainwashed to think that they have to shut down any discomfort to keep working and take pride in that
I was waiting for mom to finish her MRI scan and this old lady prompted a chat with me, clearly distressed and with voice you could tell is on verge of tears. She was shaking from all the anxiety and distress.
she was visibly anxious and worried, the doctors and nurses didn't give her instructions that could help her understand but the nurses at this facility told her to sit and wait before they come back to explain to her along with needed papers
she assumed they basically left her hanging, just like they did on previous medical institutions, as she explained to me
she had terrible luck with both nurses and doctors who kept convincing her she's "fine and should not have come for the doctors appointment" while this woman went through three heart interventions and a hip surgery and is under distress because either her therapy was unclear or the checkups she still has to do
I listened and watched this woman get progressively redder in face from rising blood pressure because she was trying hard not to cry. I sat and calmly shared the general troubles we have with medical institutions nowadays and that, while perfectly valid to be upset, she should not allow them to make her health even worse with their lack of care and that she should look after herself
Then she started explaining how she feels bad bothering nurses and doctors at this point, as if it was her fault that she's ill. I suddenly flashbacked to my grandmother and mother from just few years ago
Like, no! It's their job to care, even if hypothetically she could be fine, it's their job to be there and ask how they can help even if she comes in and visits every single day
She told me she even got fired when she was 50 the firm bankrupted and no one was to hire anyone at her age so she had to push through the pension with works not fit for someone with her health, making it even worse over the years
Her distress and mentality of having to be quiet, take it in and just abide to her obviously mean doctor (who told her "I'm sure you won't die from that") and nurses who didn't want to bother with her made ME distressed. Because I HAVE seen this happen to my mom, I HAVE heard this happen to my family members and I KEEP HEARING that's just a norm now. Frustrating!
Luckily, as the nurse at this facility said, came back with papers, calmly explained to her where to go, what to do, wrote everything down and answered her further questions. She was so overjoyed and thankful she kept giving her thanks to this nurse, left outside, came back and thanked me for a chat and told me how much it meant to her at the moment. I was just waiting and killing time, a chat was welcome on my end as well but I got worried about this woman too.
When she left I just felt mad. I can't believe how much it all sounded like basically any of my older family members who just learned to be quiet and take the problems in, to push through and continue to somehow prove they're still fit to serve the society
I can't believe they still want to push this rhetoric down the throats of recent generations and it's so much easier for them to do because so many are struggling now
But they don't deserve that. Please, remember, you will thank yourself in the future. Don't let them think you're only fit to live in society if you can work and offer something to them...
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criminalhhaze · 2 years
and im oficially bi bi bi
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politijohn · 1 year
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mygentledentistau · 2 months
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sab-teraa · 4 months
Oh! How I wish Vikram Rathore and team existed in real life 🥲
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
there's a new trend of people using lemon juice instead of dishsoap
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panicinthestudio · 7 months
The problems with Alberta's decision to dismantle AHS, November 11, 2023
The Alberta government is dismantling its provincial health-care delivery organization, AHS, which will change the structure and decision-making for the entire health system in the province. Dr. James Talbot, former Alberta chief medical officer of health, tells CBC News that it seems like Alberta Health Services is being blamed for decisions made by the government. CBC
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