#psd by venus!!
surgcns · 4 months
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a private & selective roleplay blog featuring two husbands, that also happen to be kickass surgeons. operated by lauren !
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erosedits · 1 year
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Like a telescope, I will pull you so close 'til no space lies in between. And suddenly, I see you.
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hollywocd · 2 months
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virginia gardner like/reblog 🌟
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ecnmatic · 11 months
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VENUS (2022) dir. Jaume Balagueró.
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lovrwz · 1 year
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愛 — 𝘒𝘢𝘭𝘪 𝘜𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴 — 𔘓 ۫.𖦹
愛 — 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘶 𝘶𝘴𝘦!!
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filmgoop · 2 years
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sailor moon icons 🌙🫧💖
like if you save
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iconscenes · 1 year
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like or reblog if you save/use.
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yappacadaver · 3 months
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do you see it do you see my vision
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kaoharu · 6 months
YEAH. desktop photopea works so slow but the mobile version of the site def does better for me
also that psd has 40 something layers on it and it is so fucked up but i love it
ooh i see i see :0 whst works works after all ‼️‼️ also i love fucked up filters. put as many layers on those babies as possible /silly
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bittwitchy · 2 months
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i'm remarkable at color correcting. i'm actually fantastic and nobody can tell me otherwise. i'm amazing and great and this is not at all my trying to hype myself up bc color correcting takes forever at all
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Navigation:   ੈ♡˳Masterlist✦ੈ♡Ask Rules✦ੈ♡PSD
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Mars conjunct Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests an enthusiastic and optimistic approach to career and public life. You possess a bold and adventurous spirit that fuels your ambitions. There may be a natural talent for leadership, and you're likely to pursue opportunities that allow for growth, expansion, and the exploration of new horizons. Your drive and confidence can propel you to achieve significant success in your chosen field.
Mars conjunct Saturn (ruler of Capricorn Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a strong work ethic, discipline, and a serious approach to your professional life. You have the drive and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve long-term goals. Your ambition is well-grounded and practical, leading you to seek positions of authority and responsibility. Patience and persistence are your allies as you build a solid reputation and strive for lasting achievements.
Mars conjunct Uranus (ruler of Aquarius Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a unique and innovative approach to your career path. You possess a strong desire for independence, freedom, and the ability to express your individuality. Your drive is often unconventional, and you may thrive in fields related to technology, science, or progressive ideas. You're likely to challenge traditional norms and seek out opportunities that allow for personal growth and societal change.
Venus conjunct Saturn (ruler of Capricorn Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a practical and methodical approach to your career and public life. You value stability, responsibility, and long-term achievements. You may excel in fields that require structure, organization, and attention to detail. Your aesthetic sensibilities are refined, and you may have a talent for bringing beauty and harmony to your work environment. Success comes through patience, perseverance, and a dedication to your craft.
Venus conjunct Uranus (ruler of Aquarius Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a unique and unconventional approach to your career path. You value personal freedom, innovation, and originality. You may be drawn to fields that are progressive, forward-thinking, or involve cutting-edge technology. Your artistic expression may have a distinct and experimental flair. Success comes through embracing your individuality, being open to change, and breaking away from traditional norms.
Venus conjunct Neptune (ruler of Pisces Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a deep sense of creativity, imagination, and spirituality in your career and public life. You value compassion, intuition, and the ability to connect with others on an emotional level. You may be drawn to artistic or healing professions, where you can bring beauty, inspiration, and a sense of transcendence to your work. Success comes through tapping into your intuitive gifts, cultivating empathy, and aligning your career with your higher purpose.
Mercury conjunct Uranus (ruler of Aquarius Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a highly inventive, innovative, and unconventional approach to your career path. You possess a quick and agile mind, with a penchant for original thinking and intellectual exploration. You may excel in fields that involve technology, science, or cutting-edge ideas. Your ability to communicate and express yourself may have a unique and progressive flavor. Success comes through embracing change, being adaptable, and thinking outside the box.
Mercury conjunct Neptune (ruler of Pisces Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a highly imaginative and intuitive approach to your career and public life. You possess a deep sensitivity and a knack for perceiving subtleties and underlying emotions. You may be drawn to artistic or spiritual professions, where your communication skills can touch hearts and inspire others. Your words have the power to convey profound meaning and create a sense of magic. Success comes through developing your intuition, tapping into your creative gifts, and finding ways to express your visionary ideas.
Mercury conjunct Mars (ruler of Aries Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a dynamic and assertive approach to your career path. You possess a sharp intellect, strong communication skills, and a competitive drive. You may excel in fields that require quick thinking, assertiveness, and leadership qualities. Your words have impact and can inspire action in others. Success comes through being proactive, confident, and assertive in expressing your ideas and pursuing your goals.
Moon conjunct Neptune (ruler of Pisces Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a highly sensitive and empathic approach to your career path. You possess deep emotional intuition and a natural ability to connect with others on an emotional level. You may be drawn to creative or healing professions, where your nurturing qualities can shine. Your work may involve elements of imagination, spirituality, or serving others in a compassionate way. Success comes through trusting your intuition, embracing your empathic gifts, and cultivating a sense of flow and transcendence in your career.
Moon conjunct Mars (ruler of Aries Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a passionate and ambitious approach to your career and public life. You possess a strong drive, emotional resilience, and a competitive spirit. You may excel in fields that require assertiveness, leadership, or the ability to take initiative. Your nurturing qualities are expressed through your assertive actions. Success comes through embracing challenges, finding healthy outlets for your emotions, and harnessing your passion to achieve your goals.
Moon conjunct Venus (ruler of Taurus Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a harmonious and nurturing approach to your career path. You possess a strong sense of aesthetics, creativity, and a desire for stability and security. You may be drawn to fields that involve beauty, art, or working with people in supportive ways. Your nurturing qualities are expressed through creating a harmonious and pleasing environment. Success comes through cultivating balance, nurturing relationships, and utilizing your artistic or diplomatic skills to create a fulfilling and stable career.
Sun conjunct Mars (ruler of Aries Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a dynamic and energetic approach to your career path. You possess strong leadership qualities, ambition, and a desire to make a significant impact. You may excel in fields that require courage, assertiveness, and the ability to take charge. Your creative expression is fiery and passionate. Success comes through harnessing your energy, focusing your willpower, and fearlessly pursuing your goals.
Sun conjunct Venus (ruler of Taurus Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a magnetic and charismatic approach to your career and public life. You possess a natural charm, a love for aesthetics, and a desire for harmony. You may be drawn to fields that involve beauty, art, or working with people in a diplomatic and cooperative way. Your creative expression is elegant and pleasing. Success comes through cultivating your personal style, nurturing relationships, and utilizing your artistic or diplomatic skills to create a fulfilling and harmonious career.
Sun conjunct Mercury (ruler of Gemini Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a communicative and intellectually driven approach to your career path. You possess a sharp mind, quick thinking, and a gift for self-expression. You may excel in fields that involve writing, speaking, teaching, or working with information and ideas. Your creative expression is articulate and versatile. Success comes through effective communication, embracing lifelong learning, and utilizing your intellectual gifts to make an impact in your chosen field.
Mercury conjunct Venus (ruler of Taurus Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a harmonious and balanced approach to your career path. You possess excellent communication skills, a keen eye for detail, and a love for aesthetics. You may excel in fields that involve beauty, art, finance, or working with people in a cooperative and diplomatic manner. Your analytical mind is coupled with a graceful and charming expression. Success comes through combining intellect and creativity, nurturing relationships, and utilizing your ability to bring harmony and balance to your work.
Sorry Gemini Midheaven...
Mercury conjunct Moon (ruler of Cancer Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a sensitive and intuitive approach to your career and public life. You possess a sharp intellect coupled with emotional intelligence. You may be drawn to fields that involve nurturing, counseling, or working with the public in a caring and supportive way. Your analytical skills are enhanced by your deep emotional insight. Success comes through integrating your emotions with your intellect, trusting your intuition, and utilizing your ability to connect with others on an empathetic level.
Venus conjunct Mercury (ruler of Gemini Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a highly communicative and diplomatic approach to your career path. You possess excellent interpersonal skills, charm, and the ability to bring people together. You may excel in fields that involve negotiation, mediation, or working with ideas and information. Your creative expression is expressed through effective communication. Success comes through utilizing your diplomatic talents, forming harmonious connections, and utilizing your ability to convey your ideas in a persuasive and engaging manner.
Venus conjunct Moon (ruler of Cancer Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a nurturing and empathic approach to your career and public life. You possess a strong intuition, emotional intelligence, and a desire to create a nurturing environment for yourself and others. You may be drawn to fields that involve caregiving, counseling, or working with the public in a supportive and empathetic manner. Your creative expression is expressed through creating emotional connections. Success comes through utilizing your nurturing qualities, connecting with others on an emotional level, and creating a harmonious and supportive work environment.
Venus conjunct Sun (ruler of Leo Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a highly creative and expressive approach to your career path. You possess a natural flair for the dramatic, leadership qualities, and a desire to shine in your chosen field. You may excel in fields that involve the arts, entertainment, or positions of authority. Your creative expression is radiant and captivating. Success comes through embracing your individuality, showcasing your unique talents, and utilizing your charisma and charm to make a lasting impact in your career.
Pluto conjunct Moon (ruler of Cancer Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a deeply transformative and emotionally intense approach to your career path. You possess a strong desire for emotional growth, personal evolution, and a need for authenticity. You may excel in fields that involve nurturing, healing, psychology, or working with the public in a transformative manner. Your creative expression is fueled by your emotional depth and ability to connect with others on a profound level. Success comes through embracing your emotional intensity, allowing for transformation and healing, and utilizing your empathic abilities to make a lasting impact in your career.
Pluto conjunct Sun (ruler of Leo Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a powerful and transformative approach to your career and public life. You possess a strong sense of self, leadership qualities, and a desire for personal growth and empowerment. You may be drawn to fields that involve positions of authority, self-expression, or working with influence and power. Your creative expression is intense and carries a sense of purpose. Success comes through embracing your personal power, allowing for transformation and rebirth, and utilizing your ability to shine your authentic light in your chosen career path.
Pluto conjunct Mercury (ruler of Virgo Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a profound and transformative approach to your career path. You possess a sharp intellect, analytical skills, and a desire for deep understanding and knowledge. You may excel in fields that involve research, investigation, or working with information and communication. Your creative expression is powerful and carries a transformative message. Success comes through embracing your intellectual intensity, allowing for deep transformation and growth, and utilizing your ability to communicate profound ideas and insights in your chosen career path.
Jupiter conjunct Sun (ruler of Leo Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a confident and expansive approach to your career path. You possess a strong sense of self, leadership qualities, and a desire for growth and exploration. You may excel in fields that involve leadership positions, entrepreneurship, or creative pursuits. Your creative expression is bold and radiant. Success comes through embracing your confidence, taking risks, and utilizing your natural charisma and enthusiasm to make a positive impact in your chosen career path.
Jupiter conjunct Mercury (ruler of Virgo Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates an expansive and optimistic approach to your career and public life. You possess a keen intellect, a thirst for knowledge, and a desire for growth and improvement. You may be drawn to fields that involve communication, teaching, or working with information and ideas. Your creative expression is expressed through your ability to communicate and share knowledge. Success comes through embracing lifelong learning, expanding your horizons, and utilizing your ability to communicate and inspire others through your words and ideas.
Jupiter conjunct Venus (ruler of Libra Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests an expansive and harmonious approach to your career path. You possess a love for beauty, a desire for balance and harmony, and a natural charm. You may excel in fields that involve art, aesthetics, diplomacy, or working with people in a cooperative and harmonious manner. Your creative expression is expressed through your ability to create beauty and harmony. Success comes through embracing your social skills, nurturing relationships, and utilizing your ability to create a sense of balance and beauty in your chosen career path.
Saturn conjunct Mercury (ruler of Virgo Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a serious and disciplined approach to your career path. You possess a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and a desire for practicality and efficiency. You may excel in fields that involve organization, analysis, or working with information and communication. Your creative expression is grounded and methodical. Success comes through embracing structure, perseverance, and utilizing your ability to think critically and strategically in your chosen career path.
Saturn conjunct Venus (ruler of Libra Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a responsible and practical approach to your career and public life. You possess a strong sense of fairness, diplomacy, and a desire for balance and harmony. You may be drawn to fields that involve negotiation, counseling, or working with people in a cooperative and harmonious manner. Your creative expression is expressed through creating beauty and balance. Success comes through embracing your diplomatic skills, building strong relationships, and utilizing your ability to create harmony and fairness in your chosen career path.
Saturn conjunct Pluto (ruler of Scorpio Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a determined and transformative approach to your career path. You possess a strong drive for success, a desire for power and control, and a need for personal transformation. You may excel in fields that involve research, investigation, or working with intense and transformative energies. Your creative expression is intense and carries a sense of depth and purpose. Success comes through embracing change, harnessing your personal power, and utilizing your ability to navigate intense situations and transformative experiences in your chosen career path.
Uranus conjunct Venus (ruler of Libra Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a unique and unconventional approach to your career path. You possess a strong desire for freedom, individuality, and a need for originality. You may excel in fields that involve art, technology, or working with people in a progressive and unconventional manner. Your creative expression is unique and carries a sense of innovation. Success comes through embracing your eccentricity, embracing change, and utilizing your ability to bring fresh and inventive ideas to your chosen career path.
Uranus conjunct Pluto (ruler of Scorpio Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates a transformative and revolutionary approach to your career and public life. You possess a deep desire for personal growth, societal change, and a need to challenge the status quo. You may be drawn to fields that involve research, psychology, or working with transformative energies. Your creative expression is intense and carries a sense of purpose and change. Success comes through embracing your ability to bring about transformation, embracing innovation, and utilizing your ability to challenge existing structures and bring about societal change in your chosen career path.
Uranus conjunct Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests an expansive and visionary approach to your career path. You possess a thirst for knowledge, a desire for growth and exploration, and a need for independence. You may excel in fields that involve education, travel, or working with ideas and philosophies. Your creative expression is broad and carries a sense of optimism and possibility. Success comes through embracing your adventurous spirit, embracing change, and utilizing your ability to think big and envision new possibilities in your chosen career path.
Neptune conjunct Pluto (ruler of Scorpio Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a profound and transformative approach to your career path. You possess a deep connection to the subconscious, a strong intuition, and a desire for spiritual growth. You may excel in fields that involve psychology, healing, or working with hidden or esoteric knowledge. Your creative expression is intense and carries a sense of depth and mystery. Success comes through embracing your spiritual nature, accessing your intuitive abilities, and utilizing your ability to navigate and transform challenging situations in your chosen career path.
Neptune conjunct Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius Midheaven):
This conjunction indicates an expansive and visionary approach to your career and public life. You possess a thirst for knowledge, a desire for growth and exploration, and a deep sense of spirituality. You may be drawn to fields that involve teaching, philosophy, or working with higher concepts and beliefs. Your creative expression is inspired and carries a sense of idealism. Success comes through embracing your spiritual beliefs, expanding your horizons, and utilizing your ability to inspire and uplift others through your chosen career path.
Neptune conjunct Saturn (ruler of Capricorn Midheaven):
This conjunction suggests a blending of structure and intuition in your career path. You possess a strong sense of responsibility, a desire for stability, and a deep connection to your intuition. You may excel in fields that involve organization, leadership, or working with practical spirituality. Your creative expression is grounded and carries a sense of purpose. Success comes through embracing your intuition, balancing practicality with spirituality, and utilizing your ability to bring a sense of compassion and empathy into your chosen career path.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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naritaren · 5 days
I'm not going to do fancy color comparisons for these, but I zipped up all the PSDs I use for NJPW these days for you guys to use. These files are best used for PoC, especially for Asian people, but they also work on other skin tones. There are 6 in there for different types of lighting. One for house shows where the lights are bright, one for the darker venues, one for Korakuen Hall, one for Tokyo Dome, one for Strong, and another one that can be used for just some random venues. I suggest tweaking that one some more. These also can work for AEW. I suggest using the Tokyo Dome one for AEW. I recently used that one in my Swerve set, and it kept his skin tone accurate. You can download them here.
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sweetbeagaming · 10 months
A collection of my "most used!" This is a WIP, but if you can't find something here that you're hoping for, feel free to send me a wcif <3
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Visual Mods
lighting mods: Sunblind by softerhaze, NorthernSiberianWinds Better In-Game Lighting (average saturated dark rooms), cubemap remover, shadows for days by amoebae, GraphicsRules Override by Simp4Sims
Fluffy Clouds by miikocc
K-Hippie terrain replacement
custom map replacements by 20th Century Plumbob
Dark Mode UI
Colorful Build/Buy UI
HelvetiHand/Life Is Strange Font Replacement Mod by moonwoodmillz
More Columns in CAS
Gameplay Mods
TOOL + BetterBuildBuy
MC Command Center
UI Cheats Extension
Kuttoe's Home Regions & Townie Demographics
No Empty Venues When Arriving, Visitors Not Spawning In Front of Venues, Improved Autonomy During Loading Screens
High School More Classmates
Auto-Employees by LittleMsSam
Lithium by gunthermunch
Raíces by folkbreeze
Tawhay by windslar
Personal, unreleased preset
Dash resolution sizing - downloadable PSDs here
Oakwood PSD
Buglaur's Legacy Post Editing Masterlist
A personally modified version of Kashisun's editing tutorial for editing CAS shots/HQ shots
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mmoutfitters · 2 years
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This was supposed to be my Simblreen gift, but life happens, so I’m releasing it a month late. Woo! 
This set includes:
11 CAS Items: - Day 1: Vampire Chic  - Day 2: Witches Night Out - Day 3: Gothic Love - Day 4: Alchemist’s Assistant - Day 5: Skully Skater - Day 6: Victorian Doll
- Witching Hour: Prom Lot + Recolors (HSY required for recolors) - Halloween Palette
Please let me know if there are any issues! 
Details + more pics under the cut
CAS ITEMS - All BGC, Female T-E, Tagged Correctly, All LODs
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(in order from left to right)
Day 1: Vampire Chic - 1 Long Dress, Bloodbag Earrings
Day 2: Witches Night Out - 1 Short Dress, 1 Witches Hat
Day 3: Gothic Love - 1 Short Gloved Dress, 1 Lace Mask
Day 4: Alchemist’s Assistant - 1 Knee Length Dress, 1 Rimmed Hat
Day 5: Skully Skater - 1 Short Fishnet Dress with Gloves
Day 6: Victorian Doll - 1 Long Dress, 1 Cracked Doll Facepaint
Witching Hour: Prom Lot + Recolors
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Prom Lot - 30x20 - Generic - Formal Dance Auditorium - bb.moveobjects on - Packs needed for lot: High School Years, Cottage Living, Vampires, Spooky Stuff, Get Together, Get to Work and Moschino Stuff. 
How to place: Add the tray files to your Sims 4 folder or download from the gallery at mmoutfitters. Go to the auditorium lot and enter build/buy mode. Click on the ‘Formal Dance’ sub-venue. Place lot from library/gallery. Ta da!
Recolors Require High School Years Pack - 7 Items Recolors: Balloon Arch, Bulletin Board, Prom Chair, Prom Picture Backdrop, Prom Speakers, Prom Star Banner, Prom Table. 
Halloween Palette
Includes: PNG, PSD Swatches and S4Studio Swatches. 
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So sorry for these being late! I ended up not being able to do the 2nd weekend of Simblreen, because my mom was finally able to have her lobectomy to remove the tumor from her lung. Things have finally calmed down a bit, and I’m so excited to get back to my blog!
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i4sunarin · 1 year
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venus, planet of love was destroyed by global warming, did its people want too much, too?
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⠀ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏  ͏ ͏ ͏ ⠀⠀ ͏ ⠀ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏  ͏ ͏ ͏ ⠀⠀ ͏ ⠀ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏  ͏ ͏ psd.@petitpsds
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astystole · 2 years
what are ur fave psd colorings/ps actions when u edit? i love love love ur editing style and sims <3
;_; thank u so much anon!!! uhhh i use a lot of things depending on my mood!! i also started using gshade recently as a base and then add a PSD on top of that!
catfish (nach0sims) simple colors (gerbithats) happy pills (nookstones/magicbats) keep dark sims dark (glitchysims) twikkii psd collection simmerstesia psd pack venus (cerubean) araw-gabi (surprisepeach) wooldawn's actions clean and clear (kaleekalo) avonlea actions sqea's photoshop actions
summer haze (caacti) eris, venus (cerubean) luminescent (hazelminesims) sunset & vinyl v2 (nesurii) riverside (novvac) gia (kindlespice) sforzshade2 (anvilesi) sumahama (wilderbees) + reshade/gshade tag at my cc finds
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