#proto slavic
kutyozh · 5 months
the word "hlad": *exists*
me: what on earth could this mean
dictionary: it means "hunger"
me: ohh right, czech doesnt have "g" (-> h) and also remember liquid metathesis haha so it makes sense that Proto Slavic *goldъ evolved into Russian голод gólod and Czech hlad! :D
2 hours later
the word "hlas": *exists*
me: what on earth could this m-
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lukaszmichal · 1 year
The word for “eye” in Proto-Slavic and its daughter languages:
Proto-Slavic *oko Belarusian: око Ukrainian: око Old Church Slavonic: ⱁⰽⱁ (oko) Bulgarian: око Croatian: oko Slovene: oko Czech: oko Polish: oko Slovak: oko
Polabian: våt’ü
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hirkyy · 1 year
Months in Ukrainian
january - січень (síchen'), related to "сікти" ("to cut"), referring to cutting down trees in preparation of agricultural land
february - лютий (lyútyy), "cruel", "fierce", referring to the fierce, harsh winter weather and cold
march - березень (bérezen'), related to "береза" ("birch tree")
april - квітень (kvíten'), related to "квітка" ("flower")
may - травень (tráven'), related to "трава" ("grass")
june - червень (chérven'), related to "червоний" ("red"), referring to the manufacturing of red dye from insect larvae
july - липень (lýpen'), related to "липа" ("linden tree")
august - серпень (sérpen'), related to "серп" ("sickle"), referring to harvest
september - вересень (véresen'), related to "верес" ("heather flower")
october - жовтень (zhóvten'), related to "жовтий" ("yellow"), referring to yellow autumn foliage
november - листопад (lystopád), "leaf fall"
december - грудень (hrúden'), related to "груда" ("heap"), referring to heaps of frozen soil
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leroibobo · 6 months
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etz hayyim (“tree of life”) synagogue in chania, crete, greece. the building dates to the 14th-15th centuries, and was originally a venetian catholic church. it was acquired by chania's jewish community and converted into a synagogue in the late 17th century. chania's jews were deported due to the holocaust in 1944, after which the building remained abandoned until restoration in the 1990s.
romaniote jews are the oldest jewish community in europe and one of the oldest in the world, thought to have lived in and around present day greece since before 70 ce. they have their own liturgy that is unrelated to the more commonly used european ones (ashkenazic and sephardic).
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yvanspijk · 2 months
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English is part of a large language family that includes French, Welsh, Polish, Persian, Greek, and Albanian. They stem from a common ancestor reconstructed as Proto-Indo-European.  The cardinal numerals from 1 to 10 illustrate their relationship well. Click the image for a selection.
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linguisticdiscovery · 5 months
Words you didn’t know are related: gold, yellow, cholera, arsenic, yolk, and more!
The Proto-Indo-European language (the hypothesized original ancestor language of most modern languages in Europe and South Asia, hereafter abbreviated “PIE”) had a root *ǵʰelh₃- ‘yellow, green’. Aside: How can this word refer to both ‘yellow’ and ‘green’? Historically, color terms in the world’s languages referred to a broader range of colors than they do today, and focused more on the texture…
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frogpaste · 3 months
I may be causing my own descent into insanity by trying to make a conlang based on real languages I don't speak..
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rrcraft-and-lore · 16 days
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renegade-hierophant · 3 months
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Genetic situation in East-Central Europe just prior to ethnogenesis of the Slavs, beginning of the Common Era.
Light Green merging with Orange and Dark Blue would eventually form the Slavs in what is now west Ukraine, south Belarus, and east Poland. Basically the Warsaw-Kyiv-Minsk Triangle is the ancient homeland (Urheimat) of the Slavs.
In the 4th century with the destruction of their Gothic overlords (who called the Slavs Veneti), Slavs allied with the Huns, whose raids would depopulate most of East-Central Europe and open lands for Slavs to settle as farmers.
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readmypaws · 9 months
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World Map 500CE
The Great Migration Project (TGMP)
My linguistic project may have turned into a full-blown worldbuilding project that I am collaborating with my dear friend Aurora. She and I have decided to make two changes to the world.
Firstly, the Germanic tribe in southern Finland has mixed with the finnish culture, leading to a Finno-Germanic culture in the area (creating the Sweans)
Secondly, Aurora has created a Judeo-Slavic culture in Crimea (Yán-Máyim) to tell her aspect of the story of the Jewish during the diaspora (She's Jewish, btw, so pls do not murder us... wait, this is Tumblr, not TikTok/Reddit :D)
I'll share more as we continue to work on the project :)
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kutyozh · 3 months
I was just doing Anki and came across связь (rus; connection, relation) and was like wait that's awfully close to svaz (ces; union) and even has a similar meaning and lo and behold, связь, svaz and союз* all go back to the same proto indo european root, *h₂enǵʰ-. связь and svaz even share the same proto slavic root, *vę̄zàti.
*looked up союз too bc svaz means союз and i once again went wait that's also kinda close
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lukaszmichal · 1 year
I adore the fact that while one of the earliest phonological changes in the Proto-Indo-European language was the elimination of -tk-, -dg-type clusters (because you know, those were unpronounceable even for the users of a language that contained such a banger of a word as *septm̥dḱm̥tós,) some four thousand years later the Croatian language (which had to eliminate the Proto-Slavic -dl-cluster as it was too hard to pronounce) has changed the general Slavic relative pronoun “kto” (who) to “tko” jut for the giggles
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slepzone · 1 month
ughhhhh how do i stop adding palatals everywhere i mean EVERYWHERE
it's not just the approximant anymore, it's on the level of creating such atrocity as an alveolo-palatal fricative trill. fucking /r̝ʲ/ i've got like. 3 conlangs that have at least three palatal sounds that really matter for the language's functioning and i don't think that it's the best habit to have.
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yvanspijk · 1 year
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The words yard, garden and garth all stem from one and the same Germanic word. Yard is the native English form, garden took a detour via Old French, and garth was borrowed from Old Norse. These words are also distantly related to Latin hortus (garden), Russian górod (city) and Irish gort (field). Here's more.
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faire-rosalind · 1 year
It's not my fault vinland came out in the middle of seven exams i have to take now i have to control my obsession plus study plus finally start posting manga panels that match the episodes and talk about them! Life is truly exhausting
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pushkincore · 1 year
Honestly, the russian part of my degree is a lot better than the english part, but I still don't understand, why do we have three separate subjects: first proto-slavic, then old church slavonic, and then the history of the russian language, and not a single subject on the politics of contemporary russia or russian geography or idk... something slightly more useful than doing basically the same subject three times?
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