#properly tagged now lol
lennjamin-o7 · 1 year
🌯🗡️ anon here! I just finished my 5th reread of the chap and let me tell you it was absolutely delicious. I do love me some dadza and techno interaction and this chap was so FULL of it! God I don't know where to start, dadza being all cunning while leading Tech into the realisation that like he knows about chat before giving him a hug. I love how he's like all calm and like being all devious while doing it but i can just imagine the absolute crab rave going on in his head about getting a hug from his new sonboy! Phil: hugging techno all sneaky while chat is rioting Tech: wraps an arm further around Phil so chat calms down more / subconsciously seeking comfort Phil mentally: !!!! SON!!!! YESS!!!!!! Phil outwards: Ah yes just as I planned Oh and also the talks about royalty they had with each other Techno: "Yea I don't really like the whole vibes of royalty" Phil: slowly sliding away a crown he had made for his new baby Phil: "That's nice m8" (Can you tell i love their dynamic yet lmao) Oh also that scene with Tommy and Techno bickering about braiding the hair was so good! I love that like this is all part of Phil's plan if you get what I mean, let Wil and Tommy continue to be a bit overbearing so that Techno is kinda forced to take refuge with him but you can also see how like there's very clearly gonna be a war eventually about who becomes Techno's favourite in the family! Purely gonna be Wil and Tommy going for each others throats meanwhile Phil has stolen Tech away in the scuffle and is now having some very nice bonding time talking about war strategies or something! Oh also! The carriage!! Techno is not gonna do well in such close proximity to his two goblin brothers for god knows how long I wouldn't blame him if he just starts trying to wreck shit. Like a family road trip with a bit of bonding time between Techno going absolutely feral and just being a complete demon for them the whole trip. Phil and Tommy at like a checkpoint talking to the guards for whatever reason while leaving Wil to watch Tech in the car Guard: "Uhh I'm sorry but is he gonna be ok?" Phil: looks at the carriage and see's Techno absolutely mauling Wil Phil: "Yea he probably did something to deserve it" Tommy: all jealous because Wil got to hang out with Tech or for whatever reason all the royals have to leave Tech unattended in the carriage for a bit Wil: "Dad how do you think Tech's doing in the carriage, you sure he's not gonna escape again" Phil: "M8 he's been watching us from the window this whole time" Techno: 👁️👁️ Tommy: "Why is he watching us instead of trying to escape, that's what he usually does" Phil: locked Tech in the carriage Phil: "He's probably finally settling in :)" or alternatively after a bit of family bonding time Tommy: "Why is he watching us instead of trying to escape, that's what he usually does" Techno: Talking to chat "Istg if these guys get hurt somehow while they're out there while I'm trapped in here I'm gonna kill them" Anyway that's enough of my brainrot for one update there's only so much one person can take, as always I'm sorry if I overstepped and I hope you have a nice day :-)
You scare me with the amount you reread these chapters (affectionate)
Like, I wrote them, I know its a lot of words. It's really nice to hear someone enjoyed them enough to reread like that.
I didn't get to write Philza for the first, like, 9 chapters. I'm making up for lost time, now. Needed some Em Duo, STAT!
Oh yeah, Philza is scheming. He's steepling his fingers, petting a cat in his lap as he turns around in his swivel chair. He's making STRATEGIES. He keeps telling his kids to be smart about their new brother, but they aren't listening. And, like, he's not exactly ENCOURAGING Tommy and Wil to continue to be little shits with no boundaries, but he's going to take that advantage while he can.
To be fair to Wil and Tommy, they don't really know how to NOT be clingy. Tommy just had to get used to Philza. And Wilbur's induction to the family was a little more...urgent so there wasn't the awkward dragging him back home. Also, both of them were just Clingy as humans. They might know the definition of Touch Averse, but they don't really get what that means.
I had a lot of fun with Techno making digs at the notion of royalty. It made me cackle, considering the irony of those statements.
I'm sure there will be no brotherly issues on this road trip. :)
Also, I lost my shit at Techno going 👁👁. That's so hilarious. The concept of them locking him in the carriage and him staring out the window like a dog left in a car in walmart.
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Thank you for sharing your brainrot. It made my morning.
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favoure · 10 months
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i drew ll!scar for a bday banner collab on twitter ! GO LOOK
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codgod-moved · 1 year
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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myth of the bare palm
Our kind used to be hulking things of feathers and claws,
more gods than animals, roaming the snowed planes endless,
until we found each others
and in jubilant relief reached out
claws retracting,
feathers shedding,
so the moment of contact branded heat against bare skin.
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ganondoodle · 9 months
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you know when you keep thinking of a scene and cant move on until you at least hastily scribble it? yeah.
(technically skyward sword comic (destiny) concept art but i dont expect anyone to make sense of this mess lol .. its a scene from the third and last part of the story, blue thing is a horribly rough version of hylias true form)
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linterteatime · 1 year
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Some ref sheets of two of my oc's! 🎃🤖
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shima-draws · 4 months
I haven't watched more than like, 8 episodes of once piece, but i just want to say that i'm loving your live(?) blogging of the episodes as you go. especially all the sanji x luffy, it's all very cute in general but also how excited you get about it is fantastic.
that's all! i just love seeing people passionately enjoy things.
AAGFGHGHF THANK YOU OMG........I feel like I've been REALLY annoying talking about Sanlu nonstop but I'm glad at least somebody is enjoying it lmao. But if there's one place where I SHOULD have no filter and feel free to talk about my ships constantly, it should be my own blog right. LOL
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literalite · 2 years
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@magbay eyeliners so good they make me stay up to 4am flipping thru different looks
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azileuk-after-dark · 5 months
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what did he mean by this
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catastrophic-dreamer · 3 months
he’s there, always. when sanji’s searching for evidence in the aftermath of a gathering; when they receive a tip of an incoming drop off. when fucking joker is on the move and sanji chases after him—he’s there. as a detective, sanji really ought to be more wary. but there’s just something about the guy…
wrote a piece for Allsan Gift Exchange 2024! it's a lawsan crime AU ft. sanji as a detective, law as a.... criminal....?? && maybe, if you squint, just a spark of unrequited zosan✨ ft. a bit of mystery, noir vibes, as well as some delectable tension between our two favourite sad op boys very much like this gif actually
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ye-yamen · 9 months
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Seeing the ai voice reveal on twitter has literally risen me from the dead lol
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varilien · 1 year
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ough this one's been in my drafts forever i'm glad to wrap it up :) go listen to the kokoto village theme and maybe you'll calm down
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joelsdagger · 26 days
get to know me game
i'm so late to this but thank you babes @wintrwinchestr @janaispunk @reedrchards & @strang3lov3 for tagging me <3
rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
favorite color: red
last song: so long london - taylor swift (yes i still have ttpd on repeat)
currently reading: lately i've been trying to catch up on my tbr so i've only been reading fics, but i just finished to the light by @metaphoricgibberish and i'm absolutely obsessed with it!
currently watching: in preparation for szn 2 i've been rewatching house of the dragon (also i'm already rewatching szn 3 of bridgerton)
currently craving: fries (when am i not)
coffee or tea: coffee. always. specifically iced coffee
np tags: i saw a bunch of ppl do this already so anyone who hasn't done it yet !
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
current editing moodboard, please send help
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buglaur · 2 years
inside the sealed envelope with the application form were a collection of sticky notes and printed photographs. they had scribbled handwriting all over them..
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daithí murray for @rainymoodlet​​’s daniel | bio under cut
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name: daithí murray
age: 46
traits: lazy | party animal | bro
height: 5′8
applying for role as a contestant
daithí is a single dad living in henford with his teenage daughter felicity. they’ve got a quaint house on a quiet road with an open garden.
things had always been rocky with his long term girlfriend. hoping that things would get better between them when felicity came along, they soon realised that things just weren't going to work. they split up not long after felicity turned four, and daithí decided it was best for her to stay with him because her mother travels for work. nowadays they co-parent with felicity staying with him on the weekdays.
daithí is a veteran daniel stan. he’s been following daniel’s career since before his big popularity boom. he has very proudly collected every single episode of ‘your dad’s garage’ and has them neatly arranged in order of their release date. he bought a very pricey signed poster on e-bay that probably isn’t even legit and he has a little backyard space dedicated to crafting items made on the show. he’s not great but he tries! he doesn’t really watch them for the carpentry tips anyways, there are more interesting things to look at in the show.. 👀 he also made some bootleg merch from a t-shirt printing store that says “#1 daniel fan” 
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up until last year daithí worked as a caretaker for the library across the road. he had no problem with the job but decided to give it up to pursue his hobby as a career. he’s always had a passion for drink making, and now runs his own craft beer business from his backyard. he sells it on to local pubs and its been pretty successful!
seeing as he works from his garden and he’s in the house alone on the weekends, he decided to partner up with the nearby vet shelter to take some dogs off their hands. he fosters puppies and tries his best to house train them alongside his own four dogs. the place is usually pretty hectic with dogs doing zoomies throughout the whole house but it’s something he’ll never regret getting himself into.
daithí has absolutely no idea any of this is happening. he doesn’t know what ‘kiss me in komorebi’ is, nor does he understand the concept of a bachelor challenge. felicity’s decided not to tell him about the application unless he secures a place, fearing that he might get his hopes up too much. 
some fun facts:
everyone always asks him what the meaning behind his face tattoo is. he tells them that it’s a very personal and meaningful reason that he’d rather not share, when in reality he just got it on a drunken night out as a teenager.
he’s the calloway twin’s uncle on their mom’s side. cillian thinks he’s cool but cathal is scared of him. he thinks he’s too loud 😭
he has the strongest accent in the family, and it’s really bad. like it’s difficult to understand what he’s even saying if you don’t know him.
felicity really wanted a septum piercing for her birthday one year, but she was too scared to get it done. daithí made a promise to her that he’d get it done with her so she wouldn’t be as nervous. so now they’ve got matching piercings!
if he does get a part in the show, it’s going to be very difficult to get him to do any of the ‘outdoor enthusiast’ challenges that the producers might have in store. he absolutely hates the cold and is very much a comfort zone kinda guy when it comes to danger.
he’s a big grump in the mornings, but a cup of tea will usually fix that.
also dear lovely shan i hope you don’t mind i used your pic for the poster and tshirt! ❤️ but this was so much fun to make. i’m looking forward to kmik even if daithí doesn’t make it!!! it’s gonna be so good i can already feel it. everything abt it is just mmmwah, not to mention daniel.. what a hottie
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zenith-at · 7 months
thank you tsukumizu
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