productiveporcupine · 4 years
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I’ve been sick the past couple days (not corona dw) so so much for doing the 30 days all in a row lol. Buuut I have a physics exam tomorrow so now it’s the real studyblr hours oops
🐷 what course have you taken that you think will help you out the most in vet school?
for me the most helpful class I’ve taken so far is probably molecular genetics, but I’m taking biochemistry now which I also love! For anyone signing up for courses soon, I’ve also heard that animal histology is one of the most helpful classes to take before vet school, I’m taking it next semester! :)
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productiveporcupine · 4 years
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Super tired today so I’ve been trying to motivate myself with lots of coffee and self-care. I’m currently working on topic ideas for a lit review that I’m going to be working on this semester and over the summer! My research at the moment is primarily focusing on the neurodegenerative properties of phenylalanine.
🦊 Have you done research? What was your favorite thing about it?
My favorite thing is getting to do hands-on work to answer questions that I have about the world! I don't have to wait for somebody to answer those questions for me, or hope I learn about them in lecture, I can work to figure out the answers myself. :)
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productiveporcupine · 4 years
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I’m going to try out the 30 days of productivity challenge because having classes online really makes it tricky to stay in the groove of things. I’m going to put fun vet related questions at the bottom each day too, so hopefully some vetblrs will join in! :) Yesterday I got a ton of schoolwork done, so today I did a little less coursework today and spent most of the day studying for the GRE. I use PrepScholar and would highly recommend it!
🐻 How do/did/will you study for the GRE?
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productiveporcupine · 4 years
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Got my physics notes, my trusty gel pen, my 60+ hour studying playlist, and a new pomodoro app! And it’s gorgeous outside! In these crazy times ya gotta be grateful for the little things :)
🐰What veterinary experience have you had that you’re most grateful for?
For me I got to see an entropion repair on a snow leopard, which was probably one of the coolest and most life-affirming things I’ve ever seen!
Btw for non-vetblr people please feel free to change these questions to whatever field you’re interested in! I just wanted to come up with vetblr specific questions for fun :)
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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7.20.18 - 1/30
❀ studied resonance structures for orgo
❀ started time blocking my schedule for next semester (it’s like an especially nasty game of tetris 😭)
❀ studied for the GRE (I use Prepscholar, I highly recommend it! ^w^ )
❀ finished up this week’s GRE lessons so I can take a practice exam  tomorrow! Owo
I want to start the 100 days of productivity but I’m thinking I’ll start with 30 days and see how that goes first. I’m more of a bite-size goal person 😊👍
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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Studying orgo with my air plant, Ferb. Anyone else taking orgo next semester? I’m a little scared but optimistic! 💪
🎶Molecules by Hayley Kiyoko (get it? cuz orgo? hahahaha don’t block me pls)
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
Pre-Vet Discord?
Hey guys! I was thinking of making a pre-vet discord but I wasn’t sure if that was something people would use or not? What do you guys think?
Also sorry for spamming you guys I just want to tag a bunch of people who are pre-vet so I can get a sense of who’s interested, so I tagged everyone from my vet and vet tech lists. If you aren’t interested feel free to ignore this!
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productiveporcupine · 7 years
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March Study Challenge - favorite study youtube channel
Sorry for not posting the last few days! I’ve had a lot of work to do so I just needed to take a break from posting so I could work uninterrupted and knock some stuff out! 👊
My favorite study youtuber is definitely Ana Mascara. Her tips have really helped me, and I find that she offers a lot of unique advice, and isn’t one of those channels that repeats the same five study tips over and over. I also recently found TheStrive Studies, and I like watching her study vlogs when I don’t feel motivated to study, because watching someone work while you procrastinate is a serious kick in the pants to get to work xD
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productiveporcupine · 7 years
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3.13.2017 March Study Challenge - best school memory
One of my favorite school memories is from first grade. My best friend and I loved to teach each other things, and so we would make little exercise booklets out of construction paper and quiz each other on silly little things, like how to spell the other's name, or how to draw a map to the other's house. I really loved it because it just showed how much we enjoyed learning and teaching things. Eventually though the teachers told us we were using too much construction paper so we had to stop xD I still have all the booklets though ^w^
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productiveporcupine · 7 years
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March Study Challenge - favorite productivity apps
Hey guys! For this day of the challenge I’m going to share with you all the best apps I’ve found for being productive! This will include productivity apps and apps I use for school. To be honest, I think that a lot of times people get caught up in looking for productivity apps as a way to procrastinate (myself included), so just be sure that you actually need these, and you aren’t just trying to put off working too much. ^w^
🎀 Tide: this is a gorgeous pomodoro timer app that allows you to listen to various ambient soundtracks while you work. It also has a feature that will cancel the timer if you exit the app, and there is no pause button, so it can be somewhat like the forest timer. (I usually don’t use this mode, because I don’t like not having a pause button, but it could be nice in certain situations). You can also adjust the length of the sessions, which is great! I love using this app when I can’t seem to focus, as it helps me ease into working.
🎀 Brainscape: this is a flashcard app that syncs with the online website Brainscape. I paid for the full version of Brainscape ($80 one-time payment) because I honestly love it that much more than other flaschard apps. I tried Quizlet, but I didn’t like that it wasn’t SRS, and I tried Anki, but it just didn’t work for me. I love the confidence-based SRS system that Brainscape is built on, and it helps me memorize things easily. I mostly use it for math and science classes, though they also have pre-made decks on there you can download like Chinese, psychology, etc.
🎀 Desmos: I love Desmos more than my right hand. Sometimes I will be doing math homework in a place where I don’t have access to wi-fi, and I use Desmos to help me check my work and understand answers graphically. It is also a lot more intuitive than a regular graphing calculator, so it’s very easy to use! This app will save your life in math classes that have a lot of visualization going on, like trig or calculus.
🎀 Symbolab: Symbolab is an app where you put in a problem, and it solves it for you step-by-step. I don’t like looking up the answer to a problem, but sometimes if I’m really stuck I use Symbolab to see how I get the answer, and really understand the problem for the next time that topic comes up. For the phone app, you do have to pay a couple bucks to unlock the step-by-step feature, but I think it’s definitely worth it, and I’m very stingy with paying for apps. They also have a premium version, but I don’t think it’s necessary.
🎀 LitCharts: I use this app to look up books we will be reading in English class. Right now we are reading Agamemnon, so I use LitCharts to make sure I understand the major themes and characters, and I read the summaries after I get through a section to make sure I got all the major points of that section. I also really like the way LitCharts tracks themes, and I find it helps me learn the content much more thoroughly than some other literary websites.
🎀 Untime: This app is so cool honestly. It’s a timer that lights up rows of dots, and as time goes by the lights go out one by one. This helps me visualize how much time I have left, and to me that is a lot more meaningful that just saying “5 minutes left.”
🎀 Ambient Mixer: This is basically just an app for the website Ambient Mixer. I paid to unlock some extra features on here, but that’s not really necessary. (I swear I don’t pay a lot for apps, it’s just that all the apps I paid for happen to be on this list.) I mostly use this app when I’m reading and want to have a nice ambience, but don’t have access to my computer. I find matching the ambience to the setting of what I’m reading is nice too! For example, I listen to one that is a rainy day at Bag End when I’m reading The Hobbit!
🎀 Elevate: Elevate is a brain-training app that has fun mini-games to help get your brain in shape! I don’t use it as much as I should, but whenever I use it consistently I do notice a difference. I do not pay for the premium version, as I find that the free version works well enough for just waking my brain up here and there, especially in the mornings. :)
🎀 Quora: Ok, Quora is the best resource that no one talks about. It’s basically an online forum, but people really only ask actually good questions, and usually experts or experienced people answer. I also get answers to questions really quickly, so that’s very helpful. I  like to use this to try explaining topics I’m learning about to people who are struggling with them as practice (I also do this on Khan Academy sometimes). It’s hard to explain what exactly is different about Quora, but seriously check it out!
🎀 Science Daily: this is a science news app, not a productivity app, but because I want to go into a scientific field, I find that reading about current events in the field I’m interested in really motivates me. Definitely check it out if you’re aiming for a STEM field, or just want to know more about the world in general! It’s also one of the few apps I’ve found where you can read summaries of science articles for free.
🎀 Chiaki: ok ok, don’t judge, but it’s a timer with an anime girl on it. Sometimes when I really really have trouble getting it together, I find that having a video of a person or something similar makes me feel more accountable (someone needs to explain the psychology of that because it’s a bit weird, but I know I’m not the only one) and helps me get more done. I like Chiaki because it’s cute and simple, and isn’t one of those creepy anime apps (if you know what I mean), and it helps my studying seem more fun.
🎀 Aura: the last app is Aura. I’ve only been using it for a few weeks, but so far it is the best meditation app I’ve found. I absolutely suck at meditating without falling asleep or getting more tired, but the walk-throughs on this app really help me. I also like that is has a feature where you can pick what emotion you’re feeling, and the mediation will change to help you. A lot of meditation apps are waaaaay too expensive for me since I’m just a beginner, so I like that Aura offers enough features to be completely functional for free. It also has an emotion tracker and daily gratitude log, which I initially didn’t expect to help much, but they really do! Aura does have a paid version, but I would only recommend getting it if you are serious about meditation. The only downside to the free version is that you only get one full meditation per day, but you can still use “breaks” throughout the day, which are quite similar. Also, with the free version you only have 3 minute meditations, whereas with the full you can unlock 7 minute ones, but I find that 3 minutes is more than enough for me. ^w^
🎀 Basic apps: Spotify, Notebook, Gmail, Outlook, and YouTube.
I hope some of these apps help you guys, and let me know if there are any apps you think I should check out! I’m always open to finding out about new apps!
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productiveporcupine · 7 years
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March Study Challenge - favorite time of day to study
My favorite time of day to study is the morning, though I am actually terrible at getting up in the morning, and I’m more of a night owl. When I can study in the morning though, I really love the nice lighting! Also, I know this photo is not necessarily Aesthetic™, but I wanted to show that your studyblr pictures don’t have to be perfect! ^w^ 
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productiveporcupine · 7 years
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March Study Challenge - everything in your pencil case, aesthetic or not
Happy St. Patty’s Day everyone! 🍀 Sorry for the terrible photo quality, the lighting in my room isn’t the best, especially at night. Anyways, this is my “essentials” pencil case. I have a few other pencil cases I might use if I need to color code or use sticky notes, but this one is my go-to for most things. I have three pens because I bought a bunch trying to see which one I like best, and now I use them all for different things. The Pilot G-2 is great when you have to write a lot, and the Pilot Juice is good when you need to highlight because it usually doesn’t smudge too badly. It is also fairly comfortable, but not quite as much as the G-2. The Muji pen is great when you just need to jot something down, as the smoothness allows me to write really quickly. It isn’t great for extended periods of time (at least not for my hand) or for highlighting, though, so that’s why I have the other two. Also, as far as how neat my handwriting is with each, I find that my writing is best with the Pilot Juice, so that’s why I use that one for notes more. :) I also have three pencils because one is for writing a lot, one is for basic note-taking, and the other one is for drawing. Then I have an eraser, a ruler, and a lead refill. Oh, and the pencil case I got from Office Depot and it was on sale so it was like $3?! Cheap stationery ftw! ^w^
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productiveporcupine · 7 years
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March Study Challenge - stationery store of choice
Hi guys! I’m so sorry I really thought I uploaded this yesterday?? Anyways, I know that the prompt for today is just asking for my stationery store of choice, but because I am a complete stationery addict, and can’t choose just one, I wanted to go ahead and make a reference list of some of my favorite stationery stores! ^w^
🎀 Paperchase
🎀 Tokyo Pen Shop
🎀 Blippo
🎀 MochiThings
🎀 Muji
🎀 Morning Glory
🎀 The Journal Shop
🎀 Kawaii Pen Shop
🎀 Amazon
🎀 Fox and Star
🎀 Cognitive Surplus
🎀 Fall in Design
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productiveporcupine · 7 years
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March Study Challenge - blue or black ink?
Black ink, definitely! I just don’t like the way blue ink looks for notes. However, I read that blue ink is supposed to be better for memorizing things, so sometimes if I am having trouble remembering a certain formula or something I will jot it down in blue ink before I go to bed. Also, happy Pi Day! This spread feat. some calculus and unicorns! ^w^
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productiveporcupine · 7 years
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March Study Challenge - favorite quote
This quote never fails to motivate me. It’s from Ana Mascara on YouTube (check her out, she has the best study tips and motivation videos I’ve ever seen!), but I’m not sure if she came up with it or got it from somewhere else. Either way, I have this quote on my wall because it forces me to realize that I need discipline, not motivation. It really does make all the difference. ^w^
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productiveporcupine · 7 years
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March Study Challenge - your desk
The lighting in my room isn't the best, but here's a photo of my desk! Hey that rhymed! My wall is still a work in progress, so that's why all the pictures are placed a bit randomly. Featuring: my elder scrolls calendar, tloz study buddies, and miku poster. ^w^ I also have a shaymin plushie and Sherlock bear that sometimes go on my desk. Also, the quote on the far right says "you have to keep moving forward. Like a shark. Or a tranq dart." Ily if u know what that's from.
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