productiveporcupine · 4 years
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Super tired today so I’ve been trying to motivate myself with lots of coffee and self-care. I’m currently working on topic ideas for a lit review that I’m going to be working on this semester and over the summer! My research at the moment is primarily focusing on the neurodegenerative properties of phenylalanine.
🦊 Have you done research? What was your favorite thing about it?
My favorite thing is getting to do hands-on work to answer questions that I have about the world! I don't have to wait for somebody to answer those questions for me, or hope I learn about them in lecture, I can work to figure out the answers myself. :)
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productiveporcupine · 4 years
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Got my physics notes, my trusty gel pen, my 60+ hour studying playlist, and a new pomodoro app! And it’s gorgeous outside! In these crazy times ya gotta be grateful for the little things :)
🐰What veterinary experience have you had that you’re most grateful for?
For me I got to see an entropion repair on a snow leopard, which was probably one of the coolest and most life-affirming things I’ve ever seen!
Btw for non-vetblr people please feel free to change these questions to whatever field you’re interested in! I just wanted to come up with vetblr specific questions for fun :)
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productiveporcupine · 4 years
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I’ve been sick the past couple days (not corona dw) so so much for doing the 30 days all in a row lol. Buuut I have a physics exam tomorrow so now it’s the real studyblr hours oops
🐷 what course have you taken that you think will help you out the most in vet school?
for me the most helpful class I’ve taken so far is probably molecular genetics, but I’m taking biochemistry now which I also love! For anyone signing up for courses soon, I’ve also heard that animal histology is one of the most helpful classes to take before vet school, I’m taking it next semester! :)
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productiveporcupine · 4 years
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I’m going to try out the 30 days of productivity challenge because having classes online really makes it tricky to stay in the groove of things. I’m going to put fun vet related questions at the bottom each day too, so hopefully some vetblrs will join in! :) Yesterday I got a ton of schoolwork done, so today I did a little less coursework today and spent most of the day studying for the GRE. I use PrepScholar and would highly recommend it!
🐻 How do/did/will you study for the GRE?
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productiveporcupine · 4 years
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✨With most schools, colleges and unis closed around the globe and most studyblr students now having school at home I thought I would create a challenge to help everyone stay focused and productive and also to connect with people so even though most people are self-isolating, we don’t feel lonely✨
Because no one really knows when we’re going to be able to go back to schools and I know it will depend very much on where you live, I’m going to do a month of daily ‘challenges’ starting on Monday 23rd March 2020 but if the quarantine keeps going I’ll try to add as the weeks/months go on
I want to see what y’all are posting so please use the tag #2020 quarantine challenge and I’ll track this tag and reboot as much as possible!
On this note, I will reblog basically everything even if you don’t think it is ‘aesthetic’ cause I love seeing how everyone does their notes and stuff so please get involved 💕
✨Week 1 - Questions✨
Mon - Have you made a study schedule to help you study at home?
Tue - How are you being taught your lessons? (google classroom, teams etc.)
Wed - What’s your favourite study snack?
Thu - How are you keeping active?
Fri - What is your favourite subject/topic to study at the moment?
Sat - Where in your house is your favourite place to study?
Sun - What are you doing to relax?
✨Week 2 - Pictures✨
Mon - Take a picture of your desk/study space
Tue - Take a picture of the book you are currently reading
Wed - Take a picture of your most colourful notes
Thu - Take a picture of the pens/highlighters that you could not live without
Fri - Take a picture of the view outside your window
Sat - Take a picture of a meal you’ve cooked or something you’ve baked
Sun - Take a picture of some of your art or doodles
✨Week 3 - Questions✨
Mon - What is your favourite food to cook or prepare?
Tue - If you could go anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go?
Wed - What is your biggest goal for this year? Have you done anything so far to achieve this?
Thu - What is the song that makes you happy no matter what?
Fri - What is your favourite TV programme at the moment (on Netflix etc)?
Sat - Where is your favourite place in the world (eg a city you’ve been to, a restaurant, or a particular hiking spot)?
Sun - What is your favourite joke?
✨Week 4 - Tips advice ✨
Mon - What is your biggest tip for staying focused?
Tue - What is your biggest tip for not getting cabin fever?
Wed - What would be your advice to you from five years ago?
Thu - What is the best advice you’ve ever been given (e.g. from a teacher of friend)?
Fri - What is your biggest tip for organising your study space/study materials?
Sat - What is your best tip on how to relax?
Sun - What is you biggest tip to someone starting to learn your major/favourite subject/degree?
✨This is the first month but I might add to this later as the quarantine continues. Let’s all support each other through this difficult time✨
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productiveporcupine · 4 years
Hi guys!
Long time no post! I think I’m going to change up what this blog is doing a bit, I think I’m going to make this like a log of my journey to and through vet school! The deeper I’m getting into the process of applying to vet school (yikes!) I’m realizing there’s not a lot of resources out there for baby pre-vets and I want to help fix that. If anyone has any post ideas or things they would like to know more about feel free to let me know! I’m debating on changing my blog name too but we’ll see . . . ;P
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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Study Session Planner Free Printable
Whilst sitting in class I came up with an all in one study planner (you can tell my mind wonders hah!). I thought to combine a schedule, top priorities, a pomodoro time tracker and notable distractions would make a very simple to use but motivating printable! Happy studying!
Download link here
I hope you enjoy using and customising these printables! If you upload a photo featuring it, I’d love to see. Please tag me on Tumblr with #emmastudies or on Instagram with @emmastudiess. You can see other people using my printables by visiting the #esprintables tag on my blog! Please remember, these printables are for personal use only and should not be redistributed as your own.
If you want to find more organisational printable and support me, please check out my Etsy shop with lots of downloads dedicated to students. You can use ‘student10′ to get 10% off any purchase! :-)
Other posts | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Etsy Shop
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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Exam revision printable pack
Exams are one of the toughest parts of life so why not make it just that tiny bit easier with some printables! I picked out some of the things that seem most necessary for studying including a definitions and formula sheet, topics for revision checklist, essay and project planner, and a weekly schedule!
All the six pages come in a single download in six colours: pink, blue, peach, grey, green and purple. You can download the file in a colour of your choice from the Google Drive link below:
Folder of printable pack download
I hope you enjoy using these and if so, I’d love to see them in action! Feel free to tag me on Tumblr with #emmastudies or on Instagram with my username @emmastudiess in any photos you upload. If there are any problems or errors, please let me know via my inbox.
Disclaimer: This printable is for personal use only. You may edit it yourself if you like, but please do not redistribute without my permission. Thank you!  
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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July 22, 2018
Small update: I’m all done with my summer courses, YEEY! Flying off to Paris in a couple of days, WOOHOO! 
Hope you all are having a great day!  
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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evening routine
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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『07.20.18』 Hi there! I hope all is having a productive start. I’m off to visit some cats today and I’m ready to smother them with my love 💖💗💝💞💕✨💓 What are your plans during the summer? (My summer is ending pretty soon tho! qwq) . 「Quick tip: Comprehension of concepts is at a much higher level than memorization of facts. 」
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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12.06.18 // 🎧: Nara - alt-J
some of my last ever comp sci notes and some cherry blossom from a while ago~ my exams are over in three days and i am SO READY !!!! good luck to everyone else finishing off exams, especially those who have to get through another week of them >.< summer is so close, we got this!!
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
Pre-Vet Discord?
Hey guys! I was thinking of making a pre-vet discord but I wasn’t sure if that was something people would use or not? What do you guys think?
Also sorry for spamming you guys I just want to tag a bunch of people who are pre-vet so I can get a sense of who’s interested, so I tagged everyone from my vet and vet tech lists. If you aren’t interested feel free to ignore this!
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
Foolproof Guide to School Success!
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Hi! I just finished my first year of college and I definitely have to credit the studyblr community for all the useful information and tips! I currently closed the year with a 4.0 and don’t plan on stopping!
 In high school I was an ok student but I decided to change all that when I started college. So, whether you’re in high school or college, it’s never late to change and attain academic excellence! So here are my tips! 
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Try to get an early start on your day and sit closest to the front as possible. Studies show that sitting in the front of class will improve your grades and knowledge! 
A study showed that those who sat in the front achieved an average of 80% while those in the middle achieved an average of 71.6% on their exams. And guess who did even worse.. unfortunately those in the back scored an average of 68.1%
Distractions are decreased because there’s no one sitting in front of you, just the lecture which basically forces you to pay attention.
This increases the likelihood of your professor getting to know you. Why is that important? Well, in an accounting course I once took, I sat in the front, attended extra tutoring sessions hosted by that instructor, and generally put in extra effort in the class. By the end of the semester everyone was really struggling, over 20 students flunked out, and even my tips weren’t getting me to that A I wanted. Well, because I had established who I was and that I was serious about the class, my instructor bumped my final course grade from an 88% to 93%! She said she noticed the effort I put in so she gave me the grade she thought I deserved
Seriously, sit in the front!! 
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Ok, now that you have a good spot in the class, make sure you take great notes! The Cornell notes system is great but do whatever works best for you. 
Abbreviate often
Date your notes at the top so you can order them chronologically. This will make studying a breeze later on. 
Find a color coding system that works for you. Highlight main ideas and vocab. 
Find a notebook that works for you. I was lucky enough to score 20 moleskines at my local thrift store at 1 dollar a piece so I’ve been using those. 
If you prefer loose leaf paper, buy a bunch and stick it into a flexible binder so you can organize and reorganize your paper. 
Use post-its and sticky tabs to add extra info that you might have left out during class. Use sticky tabs to find certain notes faster. 
These are some of my favorite note taking supplies:
These Pilot G-Tec pens are some of my favorite pens ever! They are super smooth and the lines are really fine. This 5 pack costs around $11 which is pretty affordable!
Mead notebooks are a classic staple. Seriously these are super durable!
These sticky post-it tab hybrids work really well for marking a page and highlighting important info. 
Mildliners are really nice and the colors are not to bright. A pack runs around $7 and a 3 pack is $15 on Amazon. 
If you want to go the extra mile, retyping up your notes is a great idea. That way your in class notes can be messy and it won’t matter since you’re going to type them up anyway. One Note is awesome for notes. 
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I developed my own system for deciding on how I will study and how often I will study. It goes something like this:
Rank your classes in order of difficulty into three sections:
Easy, medium, and hard….
Easy classes get one point
Medium classes get two points
Hard classes get three points 
Is the class math related? ….. add 2 points
Is it science related? …… add 2 points
Is the class a subject that you struggle with? ….. add 3 points
is the class AP? ……… 3 points 
Add up the points for each class. 
Classes with 1-3 points: 
these classes are generally easy and have an easy instructor, contain info you already know, etc. 
These classes get 45 minutes a day in your schedule and minimal studying on weekends. 
Classes with 4-8 points:
These classes might need some more effort so try to…
Set aside an hour a day and 30 minutes on weekends. 
Classes with 9 points and up:
These classes are usually more intense, have daily assignments, have a strict instructor, etc. 
Set 2 hours a day and an hour or more on weekends. Consider going to free tutoring provided by your school, join a study group, or go to your instructor’s office hours. 
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Plan your months, weeks, and days in advance! Keep a planner, calendar, or bullet journal. I personally use a bullet journal and keep a calendar printable in each binder I have for my classes. 
Include due dates, exam dates, when your rentals are due, etc. 
Look at it everyday!!! That way you won’t forget important events. 
If you want to, make it pretty! Decorate it with stickers, pictures, polaroids, etc. to make it more personal.
If you prefer minimalism, keep a simple planner or bullet journal system.
If an electronic system works better for you, go for it! But I’ve noticed that writing it on paper works best! 
Here are some great planners or journals to use:
Moleskines are always a great choice! 
This hardcover Yoobi journal is comparable to the Moleskine and comes in pretty colors! The price is awesome, each one runs at $6! 
Bando makes super pretty and trendy planners. They run from $20 and can get pricey though. It’s definitely worth it though!
This Sugar Paper gold polka dot planner is really cute and super affordable!
The AT-A-GLANCE planner has a monthly view and daily sections with plenty of room for writing in important dates and decorating with cute stuff! 
Kikki K has amazing planners. If you want to splurge consider their stuff. I’ve always wanted one but it’s around the price of a textbook :( 
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While Studyblr has so many resources and tips, in case you haven’t noticed, a lot of the pretty pictures use muji pens, staedtler fineliners, and those cute lil’ backpacks. Remember that you have to use supplies that work with you. Here are the essentials to carry with you:
Notebooks and binders
A sturdy and comfy backpack. I use the Borealis backpack by The North Face on discount. Make sure it has comfortable straps, back support, enough room for all your stuff, and compartments for your food and water bottle. 
A phone charger. Keep it in your backpack. My phone has died on me so many times and it sucks, especially if you have to take the bus. Invest in a portable charger.
Earbuds are a must, especially if you take public transportation. Also great for when you’re at the library, gym, etc.
As previously mentioned, a water bottle and FOOD! Pack a lunch but also have backup snacks like granola bars or nuts. You need food and water for energy.  
Keep extra change. You never know when you need it!! 
Your planner. 
Pens, pencils, etc. Especially a stapler if you have homework that you regularly turn in!! Its really awk when someone doesn’t have a stapler and everyone in the class doesn’t either..
A laptop, seriously a must! Chromebooks are affordable! 
Hope that’s helpful! Looking forward to another year in college and staying in the Studyblr community,
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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7.20.18 - 1/30
❀ studied resonance structures for orgo
❀ started time blocking my schedule for next semester (it’s like an especially nasty game of tetris 😭)
❀ studied for the GRE (I use Prepscholar, I highly recommend it! ^w^ )
❀ finished up this week’s GRE lessons so I can take a practice exam  tomorrow! Owo
I want to start the 100 days of productivity but I’m thinking I’ll start with 30 days and see how that goes first. I’m more of a bite-size goal person 😊👍
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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Studying orgo with my air plant, Ferb. Anyone else taking orgo next semester? I’m a little scared but optimistic! 💪
🎶Molecules by Hayley Kiyoko (get it? cuz orgo? hahahaha don’t block me pls)
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productiveporcupine · 6 years
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