#probably gonna be a lil triggering for me
theangrypomeranian · 9 months
the next part of Baby Steps i have to write is just going to be pure pain and I'm afraid 🙃
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eddieblez · 10 months
Think im gonna just start a diary here
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arcadian-vampire · 2 years
[just chilling in bed when I suddenly 'smell' saline solution + those lil sanitizing wipes] huh. is this a fun hallucination, a trauma thing, or Both.
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jupitermoontarot24 · 4 months
💗18+ What Makes Your FS Jealous + Their First Time??👀💗🔥
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Hi Enjoy the reading! THE 18+ part of the reading will be on my Patreon!!!
Pile 1 👀
Intuitive messages.
Your fs hates jealousy; they don't like the emotion at all. it feels exactly like the picture to them yucky. Not only do they not like it, they feel like it doesn't look good on them either. You would never see this person being jealous ever.If your fs felt like you were trying to make them jealous on purpose they would walk away. they wouldn't even hesitate if they knew you were doing it on purpose because they feel it's just so immature to do. they wouldn't want to be with somebody that is emotionally unevolved.This person would drop you like a hot potato, but it's not just you that they would do this to but everyone. it's not personal they love you but they love themselves more to not deal with stuff like that because it's hurtful to them and it's triggering. Making them jealous wouldn't be sexy or as appeasing to them, like how it might be with other people. Some people lean more into jealousy. Don't get me wrong pile 1 they would heavily contemplate staying with you a lot though lol. “Pile one is perfect tho”..”maybe they just made a mistake?”. This person can be a overthinker so they would leave you then feel sad and torture themselves by overthinking if they made the right decision or not. Making this person jealous would just be sad for everyone. They would get over it though and continue on with their life. Lol not many giggles w their jealousy.
The first time your FS  gets jealous it feels foreign but dark. it puts them in this dark energy  I'm seeing Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas, it gets this person in their Shadow side. this person will be there physically but their feelings will be really distant. This could be an air sign or somebody with an air Moon. At some point if they were made jealous they would tell you how they felt have a conversation with you. they would contemplate how to tell you though, they would think, and they would practice it. they might write you a letter and make you a playlist. the first time you make this person jealous they might marry you. like “no single muah ifykyk “. LMAO They could have a breeding kink so marry you and try to get you pregnant that night. Go to the courthouse vibe.Putting your fs in their shadow side leads to stability but also more responsibility. Playing serious games get serious prizes is how this person feels. So the first time your future spouse gets jealous y'all could have sex but they feel a little distant tbh and they're kind of angry. Then after the sex, the next day they'll tell you how they feel, then maybe propose going to the courthouse or just proposing in general.  Check out my paetron to know what the steamy sex will be like this night!!!
Pile 2😍
Intuitive messages
Pile 2 your future spouse gets jealous when they're not invited, or when they're not in the loop. They feel like you guys are best friends so they get jealous if you ever get mad at them or you get too cool with them “too cool for school” is what I heard Lmao and you don't tell them about stuff in general. you don't tell them where you're going, who you are hanging out with. even if it's not on purpose they still get jealous.They just want you to talk to them how you would tell your best friend basically.They really get jealous if you give them the silent treatment though, you could be good at the silent treatment. if you don't tell them what you're gonna wear or your plans seriously, they feel a little jealous Lol. They wanna know about the different phases you go through.They think you are so cool, almost like a lil sibling to a cool big brother/sister. That's probably why I channelled too cool for school lmao. They don’t ever wanna seem lame to you 
The first time your future spouse got jealous could be the first time they ever seen you. maybe you were out and this person saw you but they also saw other people see you and be attracted to you. it's like when this person's first met you they were like I need to be in pile too by the end of night and not even in a sexual way but just like I can't live without them going forward.Yeah this person was jealous because they wanted you and they want to be the only person that has you.They immediately go into that king of wands energy which is very passionate, can be aggressive and can also be possessive especially with Leo energy. they're competitive nature came out the first time they met you so if anybody looked at you, if anybody talked to you they were jealous.This person could have also thought of what you like in bed and what you look like modelling for them or being naked or even being in relationship with them. This person saw you and you guys' future life flashed in front of their eyes,It could have been a whole room full of girls/men but they only saw you. If you got drunk they were jealous of the liquor that got to coat your throat lmao jealous of the glass, jealous of anyone you danced with.They just had a burning desire to be with you they could have watched you for the rest of the night like a hawk even if you didn't notice this person will or did watch you.Seen you and knew you were their wife/husband. This gives love at first sight vibes. So this person was jealous of anyone you've ever been with before they saw you and jealous if anyone else spoke to you this night.You could have had a past life with this person. G eazy-Provide. Check out my paetron to know what the steamy sex will be like this night!!!
Pile 3🤑
Intuitive messages 
If you make music or do something creative ur fs gets jealous if you make songs/paintings  with someone else or you went to the studio by yourself or with someone else. Your fs gets jealous if you have a girls / boys night.If this person gets too jealous they will blank out.They feel like you should be at home under them and they can be making love to you but instead you’re out.They get jealous when other people see your face when they’re not there to see it too. They are just jealous and possessive in general lol they can lean into tho. They get jealous when you go out and party. “I am so much better than a party” is what I heard lol they wanna run you bath water and rub your feet instead.. you could be younger than this person, but they see you as their baby lol  so like “ why is baby outside?”  Who let baby outside? ” Smh baby needs to be in the house”. LMAO Like a worried father! They think you are too sweet for the world. 🙂 No co-workers is what I heard, that makes them jealous. so I don't know if you do this or not but no work buddies, no lunch with them, no breakfast nun or that.They would do anything to keep you around and that's including “put someone in a bodybag” is what I heard.😳They are determined to win so jealousy is only fuel for this fiending addiction to you. They aren’t shy about it either. They can be scary when they're jealous because they have a soft spot for you. But Definitely don't make this person jealous on purpose because someone “could die”. WHEWWW they are like a bear, can be friendly but deadly real fast.Body2body-Acehood
The first time your future spouse gets jealous pile three it could be around other people. maybe y'all are out and you have a conversation with somebody too long or you look at somebody for too long and they get jealous. this person watches you very closely so if you stare at somebody for a long time they would know cuz they're focus is always on you. This person probably could start touching you and showing PDA so everyone knows that you are theirs. kissing you, your forehead rubbing on your legs. this person could knock out the person that's talking to you or something. This person really can black out; they really see red when they get too jealous. they could want to have sex in public like they take you in the bathroom and do it. they might tell the person you talked to that you didn't mean what you said lol like if you said something you look good or we should exchange info something they'll be like “pile 3 didn't mean that.. leave “ even if they didn’t know what you said lol. Yeah I think you guys first time they will definitely take you in the bathroom or take you immediately home and put it on you. this person will be angry but they're just going to take their anger out by having multiple rounds of sex with you and probably buying you something too. Ur fs is okay with you being admired but as long as they're around.They would hate to lose you so they don't even want to risk it. You might even feel some type of way about how they act because I don't think you like how they act when they get jealous because it really is scary and you might end up just feeling some type of way. They give bull vibes.You don't want to make this person too jealous they might get suspicious of yoo. they will stay with you forsure but they will go so detective on you it's crazy, they will track you, know your every move. they would go some crazy lengths to know what you're doing. So be careful!!! Rihanna-unfaitful but they might take someone's else life. Check out my paetron to know what the steamy sex will be like this night!!!
Pile 4💕
Intuitive messages
It makes ur fs jealous when you won't kiss them in public. This person could like PDA so when you don't want to hug them or receive kisses from them in public it makes them feel jealous.They feel jealous when you don't want to coordinate outfits or wear things that they bought you.
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They give this energy lol how cute.Ur fs gets jealous when you don't want to drop everything for them and go on vacation or be spontaneous because of other responsibilities/people. They are jealous if you don't want to take pictures or if you want to take pictures and they aren't in it or they aren't in the background.They get jealous if you get extra dressed up for other ppl but not for them too. Or do your makeup different for someone else. If you call and tell news to others before them. When you dont wanna wear their clothes or scent wink wink ;). If you model your clothes to someone else before them. They adore you and are proud to be a couple/married.
The first time your future spouse got jealous could have been during an intimate moment. maybe they wanted to make love or have a quickie and you had to cut it short due to other responsibilities. like maybe you guys started making love and then you check the time and you're like oh I gotta go I have a lunch with my friend or another obligation with someone else and this person gets jealous.Don't let you put on an outfit they haven't seen you wear before either they're going to be jealous too LOL. This person loves making love to you so they don't like it being cut short at all; they don't even like seeing you get dressed or put on clothes really. They would like you to be home with them all day and be naked. or maybe you guys did have sex and they put in a lot of work. It was a good session but then you get up and you're like I have to go. My friend is waiting for me at the mall.  They would never stop you from leaving but they would just get a little jealous. this person can even be jealous when you go to work instead of hanging out with them, especially if they make enough money to take care of you.They would rather work hard and do everything they can in order for you to be available for them.This person sees you as the Queen of Pentacles. This person's love language might be quality time. Check out my paetron to know what the steamy sex will be like this night!!!
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aliidarling · 2 months
excuse my bad grammar and typos, this is my first time posting official smut! i’ve had accounts there and there but this time i’m fr
i didn’t proofread either cuz i’m lazy so bare w me
sorry if danny is ooc he’s weird to write
he hit me and it felt like a kiss ♡
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DANNY JOHNSON x fem!reader
nsfw content — please scroll if uncomfortable
summary: danny chases u down towards the end of the trial and corners you in lampkin house, decides to have a little fun w u :3
tags: nsfw obvi, p in v, forced entry kinda, blood as lube is suggested, rough fingering at end, degrading, humiliation, mean danny, dubcon, referenced somnophillia but doesn’t happen, danny’s thoughts are triggering, danny himself is a warning
dark content below!!
Your breath was heavy as your feet ran as quickly as possible, the thoughts of all other things leaving your mind very quickly. All you could think was the fact a pyschopath was currently right behind you, knife in air, and coming right at your sorry ass.
“Shit, shit,” You sigh shakily under your breath. Your heart was pounding so fast it felt like it could just jump out of your chest. If it did you hoped it’d punch Ghostie in his stupid face, maybe give him a few bruises to remember you by.
“Stop fuckin’ running! You’re only delayin’ the inevitable, sweetheart!” He yells from behind you, his voice deep. You never took time to admire his voice but for some odd reason, while you were probably five seconds away from death, you couldn’t help but acknowledge how smooth it was.
After his harsh words left his mouth, he was immediately slammed with a pallet, chasing him to let out a loud groan and stumble back.
“Fuckin’ bitch— you’re gonna get gutted for that.” He growls, lifting his palm to rub the soreness on his face before he remembered about the stupid mask he wore. He rolled his eyes at this and quickly got back onto his feet.
After another few minutes, he managed to corner you into the little house on Lampkin Lane, the red and blue lights illuminating onto his shrieking expression.
You felt your heart drop slowly as you realized you had nowhere to go. How could you be so stupid, running into the only room in the god damn house without a window to vault into.
“Can’t we talk about this?” You smile sheepishly, backing up into you pressed against the wall, his tall and looming figure intimidating you shitless.
You could feel the sassy roll of his eyes before he roughly grabs you by your shoulders, throwing you down onto the old worn down mattress. A yelp leaves your throat, your body squirming on the mattress, having landed on your belly.
You open your mouth to protest, “Hey!—“ Only to feel the air knocked out of you as he plops down on your lower back, straddling you. His hips were pressing down into your butt, his knees at each side of your waist.
An attempt to lift your head up was quickly denied as you felt his hand grab the back of your head, his fingers tangling within your hair, and shoving it back down into the scratched cushion.
“No squirmin, or else you’ll get a knife shoved in that pretty lil’ head of yours, got it?” His voice was low as he hissed the words out, his legs tightening their hold on you.
You whimper at the pressure on your lower body. You decide to ignore his words— you were gonna die anyways, so why not go out screaming and kicking?
“Fuck you.” You say with a tone full of hatred, fists clenching in anger as you attempt to knock him off you by shoving your butt into him roughly.
This only causes him to get worse, a sharp inhale coming from him as he feels your butt connect with his groin.
He groans back and presses you further down, his hand starting to raise his knife up.
“I’ve had enough of your stupid whining and fighting, stupid little bitch, how about you shut up and take this god damn knife in your throat?” He snaps, his other hand roughly grabbing you by the back of your neck and squeezing it as he presses it down.
Right as he’s about to slam his blade into the back of your skull, already daydreaming about how good his clothes would look covered in your blood and tears, he feels your tiny body under him shift once again and press tight against his cock.
His breath hitches intensely, and it only gets worse from there as he hears a soft noise leave your lips. He reluctantly lowers his knife, just a little, and pulls his head down to see yours.
You had your face resting face down, your cheek pressed against the mattress with your eyes squeezed shut. You had already prepared yourself for the feeling of his knife deep in your skull. It’s not like worse hasn’t happened, Wesker and some of the other weird ass killers had too much fun with their mori’s.
The squeeze of his fingers around your delicate neck caused you to let out a forced moan, his brows furrowing. You could practically feel the air tense as his heavy breathing from behind you sent shivers down your body and right into your core, feeling so embarrassed to have this murderers body so close to yours.
“Just kill me already, you stupid little— Just get this over with!” You whispered with a high pitched tone, squirming once again and bracing yourself for the slash.
He only rolled his eyes at you in response.
Your attention was drawn away from your fear of dying as you heard the loud sound of steel clattering against the floor.
You looked up in surprise, your lips parting and not having a chance to say anything before you felt his smash right against you, a loud gasp leaving you as he pressed you even further down.
After a second into the kiss, you wondered, how the hell he could kiss you with his mask on? You peeked an eye open and saw he had his mask pulled up halfway.
He had one hand grabbing you by the back of your neck, holding you down into the bed, his other squeezing your pink cheeks. The kiss only got more rough as you attempted to part.
All your attempts at parting miserable failed, considering you were quite literally pinned down with no where to go.
“H-Hey— hey, ghostf—“ You choked out between kisses, your hands which you were surprised weren’t pinned down yet, go to shakily reach towards him to push him away.
“Shut the hell up.” He grits his teeth, resisting the urge to beat the shit out of you and then fuck your unconscious body afterwards. Maybe you wouldn’t struggle so much then, ungrateful bitch.
A whine left you before you felt yourself get shoved down again, your head knocking against the mattress roughly. You squirm more, gasping and shaking your head in the kiss you tried your best not to give into.
“Get off me! Get off me— you god damn psycho!” You screeched.
His hand quickly shot up and slapped your face, causing you to curl away and hide your red face into the bed under him. Almost made him feel bad before he remembered the ruckus you caused him during today’s match. Can’t even remember how many god damn pallets you shoved into my face.
“You gonna cry?” He mocks, a grin tugging at his lips as he presses his hips down into your butt, one his knees shoving its way between your thighs and forcefully parting it.
“No I’m not..” You say quietly and so embarrassed.
“Yeah, I think you are.”
He then pulled away rather harshly from your face, one of his hands pressing into the space between your shoulder blades, not letting you look up or get up.
His other hand yanked his mask back down, but then got to quick work with grabbing the hem of your pants and shoving it down.
“What’s wrong? Embarrassed? Shouldn’t be, baby, you’re so pretty.” His voice was so mocking and condescending by itself that it was probably enough to make you cry.
“S-Shut up,” You whispered, limp under him, not even struggling anymore. You knew there was nowhere to go. And you couldn’t help but feel a flutter in your tummy as he called you pretty.
“..You think I’m pretty?”
He snickers at your small voice, his hand leaving your back and joining his other in pulling your pants down. Once you’re naked from waist down, he gets to work and grab your hips, pulling them up into a position where they are hovering in the air with your knees supporting them.
“Mhm, baby. Prettiest victim I’ve ever had.” His large hand glides over your round butt, giving you firm taps and playful rubs.
You couldn’t help but let a small moan as his hand glided right over your pussy, pinching your clit rather harshly, making you yelp.
Stupid girl didn’t think I’d be nice with her, did she?
I’m going to ruin her.
I’ll start off with that tight pussy of hers.
“Ever had someone in here, hmm?” He hums, his thick finger teasing your small hole and threatening to slip in. Your breath hitches in fear.
His bloody, dirty gloves fingers inside you sounded so dirty, but a part of you craved for it. The way he stimulated your body fed to your cravings.
“I-I mean, yeah, a long time ago, but now I’ve been here for a bit and none of the survivors are really.. worth it.” You admitted hesitantly, feeling embarrassed to be telling Ghostface the last time you had sex was.
“Poor thing.” He mocked lowly, both his hands going to rest next to your folds. He spreads your pussy lips apart and snickers at the sight of your small inner walls and slickness.
“I’ll treat you so nice, baby, you won’t even have the heart to beg me to stop.”
His words sounded so genuine, but how could you believe him? He was the last person to trust, especially in a situation like this. You were surprised he hadn’t forced himself in your ass already, it felt like something his deranged ass would be into.
The sound of his robe wrinkling and moving around caught your attention. You peeked behind you to get a look before you felt his hand collide with your face again, sending you immediately back down into the mattress, hiding and squeezing your eyes shut as you decide to be good for once and just follow his orders.
You didn’t wanna walk out of here with a knife in your ass.
It wasn’t another minute until you felt something large and round press against your pussy opening. Your eyes widened as his hands forcefully spread your thighs, your back arching as his other hand pressing down into it.
“W-Wait— don’t go right into it!” You gasped, trying to pull away.
He completely ignores you and instead grabs your head with one hand, the other holding your hips firmly as he fully slams himself inside you, full on WWE style.
“Take it, sweetheart, it ain’t that hard, c’mon.” He sniggers, his tone heavy in mirth and amusement, his hold in you tightening.
He was so big, completely stretching out your gummy walls and pressing against your cervix with his painfully big cock.
It had to be a good 8 inches, maybe even hitting 9– nothing about him was average, so it didn’t surprise you his dick was painfully big.
“Ghost,” You cry out, your back arching further as his cock immediately pulls back, making you flinch at the friction.
You were wet, yeah, but not enough to withstand his cock. You would have needed a good stretching and a lot of fingering if you wanted to take him without any pain.
And the fucker just slammed himself inside you, no prep at all. Tears were teasing the corners of your eyes, nose scrunched up at the sting.
He rolls his eyes at your noises, “Stop fuckin’ whining, I’m not against killing ya still, y’know?” He huffs with a sassy tone. Both his hand settle around the curve of your hips and waist and start treating you like a complete fleshlight, slamming himself into you over and over again.
Your body shakes at the intensity of the pounding, your hands limp infront of you and weakly scratching at the mattress. Your skin felt so icky, your thighs covered in something but you didn’t know what.
“Good girl, good girl, takin’ my cock like you were fuckin’ born for it.” He giggled into your ear. He bends over slightly to press his back against your chest, pressing your body flat against the bed.
“Please slow down—“ You whine.
He slaps you in response and you weakly apologize.
A few more extra deep thrusts has him groaning from behind you, his eyes threatening to roll back as well at how tight you fit around him, snug like a song.
“Good for nothin’, cheap whore, what a pathetic piece of crap—“ He grumbles lowly, brows furrowing in concentration as his thrusts get more harsh, your body jolting from each slap of his hips.
Wrapping on arm around you and reaching for your tiny clit, he places rough circles onto it and hummed in approval at how your walls started sucking him in more.
“Gonna cum? Huh?”
“Mhm, mmm, please.”
“Yeah?” He chuckles darkly, brutally slamming his cock into you over and over again until he felt your pussy start milking the shit out of him. He let out an *almost* whine, burying himself as deep as he could inside as you as he twitched.
His hands grabbed onto your hips and pulled you flush against his, his dirty robe rubbing all over your body and staining your pretty skin with your friends blood.
“Good girl, yeah, just like that.” He whispered, his eyes fluttering shut as he felt his cock literally explode in you, sending all of his hot cum straight into your womb for you to go and cry about.
Right as he came, he felt your walls tighten further before relaxing and letting out your white cream as well, coating his cock.
With a soft huff, he slowly pulls out, listening to the squelching sounds in amusement. A smirk tugged at his lips as he watched a mixture of yours and his cum drop out of your sloppy hole, with a slight reddish tint on your thighs.
“Oops, made ya’ bleed.” He hums nonchalantly, his hand going and gliding some of the cum onto his fingers before shoving it back into you.
“Augh! Hey—“ You yelped, tensing at the feeling of his thick fingers back into your over-sensitive pussy, thighs spreading uncomfortably.
“Shut up. You ain’t gonna let one drop out, hear me? You’re gonna be a good girl and suck it up.”
After another moment of him shoving the cum deeper into you somehow, he parts and leans back, admiring the view of your ruined body with blood stains from his rough handling earlier and now.
“You’ve never looked prettier.” He snickers before he starts to get back up and pulling his robe on.
“..You’ve.. never looked creepier.” You joke dryly, glancing at his dirty robe. He rolls his eyes and kicks you with his foot as you were still on the floor.
“Shut the hell up and get out of here, the hatch is waiting for your sorry ass.” He grunts, turning away and picking up the knife be dropped to fuck you.
“You’re so sweet.” You say bitterly under your breath, shakily getting up and rubbing the blood away. The sight of your inner walls blood made you cringe, staring down at your thighs. You sigh and quickly pull your pants back up. You felt disgusting.
“C’mon, I don’t got all day.” He narrows his eyes at you, appearing behind you to rudely shove you towards the exit of the room.
“Jeez! Okay, okay!” You whine, quickly walking out in search of the hatch he kindly offered to you. He watched as you left, his dark eyes from under the mask staring down your silhouette as it slowly disappeared into the distance.
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cozy-cinnamon-roll · 3 months
We Interrupt This Broadcast...
(Another two-part-er! Stay tuned for part 2 very shortly!)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Ler!Rosie, Ler!OC, Lee!Alastor (strictly platonic)
Content/Trigger Warnings: tickling, very brief blood mention, medical themes (non-graphic & painless). One comically graphic description of cannibalism (first paragraph). Also, this is set right after Alastor gets his ass handed to him by Adam, so you can expect a lil angst sprinkled in there (don't worry, he gets better).
If there are any trigger warnings you'd like me to add in the future (and/or to this fic), PLEASE let me know! I am always happy to oblige. 💕
This is a ticklefic! If that's not your cup of tea, kindly move along.
Ok... I'm gonna be honest folks, I have no idea if this fic is even coherent. This ain't my Best Work™ - this is literally the coping mechanism I've been relying on to put myself to sleep every night this week because HOLY SHIT my life is stressful at the moment. 😅
But anyway, I've decided I'm just gonna go ahead and post it, because 1) the world needs more lee!alastor, and 2) I'm not here to do my Best Work™, I'm here to write cute self-indulgent little stories about Alastor getting tickled to bits by his platonic wife. I'm here to decompress my hypervigilant ass at the end of long days by imagining my favorite endearingly creepy characters get wrecked by my other favorite endearingly creepy characters.
In summary, I'm here to have a good time, and I certainly did with this fic. So I hope you do too!
Featuring my new oc! (Rosie and Al still take center stage though, don't worry lol)
It's a little-known fact that cannibals make terrific doctors. When you spend every meal tearing the human body apart with your face, you end up with a pretty comprehensive intuition for demonic anatomy.
So Alastor supposed he should consider himself lucky to have Rosie and her loyal posse so close at hand after his battle with Adam.
He was certainly relieved when Rosie had stumbled upon him, barely conscious from blood loss on the floor of his wrecked radio tower - and especially a few hours later when, having been rushed back to Cannibal Town, he was whisked into a warm, familiar parlor and deposited on a comfy couch.
Within minutes Rosie had summoned a woman in a white coat who swooped in, produced a bottle of a strange, foul-smelling gel from her medicine bag, soaked a rag with it, and pressed it firmly against Alastor's wound. The searing pain evaporated almost on contact.
"What is that?" Alastor breathes, visibly relaxing against the arm of the couch he's propped against.
"Anesthetic." She begins preparing a needle and thread.
"Didn't know such a thing existed down here."
"Of course! We're demons, not barbarians," Rosie scoffs, watching from the sidelines.
Cannibals, as a rule, rarely last long enough to need a doctor, but Rosie is no ordinary cannibal. And Dr. Trudy Sawblade - a young surgical resident in life, and Rosie's personal physician in death - is the best of the best. While she hadn't quite completed her medical training before her untimely death, in Rosie's service she's gained more than enough experience to make up for her education cut short.
"That salve is derived from a distant cousin of the poison dart frog. Evidently most of the frogs are assholes, because hell has an downright enormous population of them." Trudy's voice is measured and matter-of-fact, with a soft lilt that is both soothing and vaguely unsettling. "Haven't been discovered on earth yet. Which is good, because one whiff of this would end a mortal life in a matter of seconds."
"Lucky you, you're already dead," Rosie chimes in cheerfully.
"Lucky me," Alastor murmurs, without conviction.
Truthfully, with the pain from his chest wound numbed, the weight of his recent defeat presses even more heavily on Alastor's heart. Someone - probably one of the cannibals who helped transport him from the rubble pile to Rosie's parlor - must have grabbed the broken microphone as they carried him out, because the fractured pieces are sitting on the side table at the other end of the couch. Under normal circumstances the awareness that someone had touched his staff without permission would spark a flash of rage from the Radio Demon, but now he can only stare dismally at what remains of his cane - aware that it's no longer capable of accomplishing much anyway.
It takes only a few minutes for Trudy to stitch Alastor back up and wrap his chest in a stretchy gauze. Meanwhile, Rosie quickly mends the worst of the tears in his clothes - if only to avoid having to watch her friend stare down the couch at his broken staff, with an uncharacteristic half-smile that damn near breaks her heart.
"Alright, sir, that should do it for now. It's a nasty gash, for sure, but the salve should keep it from getting infected."
"Thank you, my dear." He gives an appreciative nod to the surgeon, and Rosie too, as his fellow overlord hands him back his clothes.
"Can't have you going around with a big hole in your chest, can we?" Rosie steps back and scrutinizes her own patch job as he slowly dresses himself again. "It ain't perfect... especially for a classy fellow like you. But I'm sorry to report that I saw my tailor at a Sunday brunch just last week. Inconvenient, but I gotta admit, he made a wonderful casserole."
For the briefest of moments, this aside manages to tweak Alastor's smile into something vaguely genuine. "I'm sure he did."
"One more thing, Mr. Alastor, sir," Trudy jumps in as the radio demon pulls on his coat. "So sorry, I almost forgot. The angel also threw you against a wall, correct?"
At the recollection, Alastor's smile stiffens into something more closely resembling a grimace. His antlers rise between his ears. "Does it matter?"
"You may be at risk for internal injuries." If Trudy is at all fazed by inviting the most powerful overlord in hell's annoyance, it doesn't show. "I really ought to check, just to be safe."
Alastor looks away. As loathe as he is to even acknowledge his own fragility, he truly isn't sure of the extent of his own injuries - given that he's not used to receiving them in the first place. And he'd be damned (well, damned twice) if Adam had ruptured something vital, spelling the radio demon's second death a few hours after the fact.
He grits his teeth. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt."
"Lovely. If you could just lie back, sir..." As he obliges, she kneels beside the couch. "I'm just going to feel for any swelling..." Her hands hover over him-
"Er, wait." Alastor abruptly sits up.
"It's alright, I won't touch your wound!" Trudy soothes. "I'll just be feeling down here..." She gestures to his midsection (which elicits a sharp flinch).
"No, I-" He hesitates. "I'm... not sure this is necessary."
"Oh, Alastor, stop worryin'!" Rosie reassures him with a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Trudy is quite picky about her meals. She'd never go for venison."
"That's... not what..."
Alastor pauses, and evidently decides against trying to explain what he meant. He reluctantly lies back against the cushions again.
"I'm going to place my hands under your shirt, sir. If you feel any pain, please alert me."
"Very well."
As Trudy lifts his shirt, he looks like he is going to say something more - but whatever it is dies on his tongue the moment her hands make contact with his stomach. He brings one knee up sharply.
"Tender there, sir?"
"No! No, your hands are cold." His words have gone uncharacteristically stiff.
Trudy methodically probes one side of his belly, then the other (which in turn causes his other knee to pop up). This time when Trudy asks if he's in pain, he merely shakes his head.
The surgeon furrows her brow, concentrating. Human-animal hybrids like Alastor already take a bit of poking around just to get a sense for each unique configuration of organs. It doesn't help that the man is bracing for every touch...
"Are you sure this doesn't hurt, sir?" she murmurs tentatively. "You're very tense."
"Yes." The word comes out like a hiss. She glances at the radio demon's face. He's wearing his typical showman's smile, but his eyes are fixed on the ceiling with a weird, wide, unwavering stare.
Finally the surgeon sits back. "Well, I don't feel anything concerning. But to be honest, sir, I can't feel much of anything." She turns apologetically to her employer. "His stomach is all clenched up..."
But Rosie is simply standing there pressing a huge grin into her glove. She's known Alastor for decades. She can read his expressions like a magazine.
"Alastor, darling," Rosie drawls casually. "Are you ticklish?"
From the radio demon's reaction, you'd think she'd asked if he was an Exorcist. He scrambles to sit up. "No! Why would-"
"You're ticklish. That's..." She catches herself just before the word precious.
"...What?!" There's an edge of defensiveness to his voice that Rosie very rarely hears from him.
"Why are you embarrassed?"
"I'm not emb- That's not- what-" Oh, she's giving him that look. "I'm just- I wasn't-"
As he speaks, Alastor's voice suddenly goes thin. His gaze turns inward. "I'm stuttering. I don't stutter! I've never stuttered!" He clutches his coat closer around himself. "I am the RADIO DEMON, for heaven's sake, I don't sta-AHH! Haha-!"
Evidently a scribble to the ribs is a very effective way to interrupt a panicking demon. Rosie runs her fingers from his hip up his side to his arm and back a couple times for good measure.
The amount of startled laughter she is able to draw from just this surprise touch delights her - the poor man is so ridiculously sensitive that a five-second one-handed tickle leaves him fully breathless.
"Okay! Okay, okahay! Keheh- Rosie!"
"Sorry dear, couldn't resist." She holds her hands up, still beaming like a stadium light. "I'll stop torturing you."
Alastor clears his throat. "You're not torturing me, dearest." He straightens his bowtie, clearly attempting to salvage his dignity. "You know what I always say, laughter is a powerful sign of-"
He cuts off with a sharp inhale and defensive flinch as Rosie perches on the edge of the sofa beside Trudy. She grins.
"You're right. That's certainly your specialty, isn't it?"
Alastor forces a nervous chuckle. "Never fully dressed without a smile, you know."
"Well don't worry, darling. I understand." She pats his knee. "Just because you've got the scariest evil cackle in hell doesn't mean you appreciate having it tickled out of you."
Rosie had expected this assurance to put him at ease, but if anything, he seems more troubled.
"Why would I mind a little, ah..." Tickling. Tick-ling. He can't bring himself to articulate two syllables. Is this all he's left with without his staff? "...Er, a little bit of levity? Can't let things get too serious, can we?" With another quick cough, the radio demon finally manages to get his voice to fall back into his familiar breezy cadence. He turns to Trudy. "Now, are we... quite finished with that examination?"
"Nothing seems amiss, from what I can feel." Trudy takes a step back. "Which is not much, but I think I've already made you uncomfortable enough..."
"Nonsense! I'm perfectly at ease!" He lies back again and smooths his coat. "Please, finish your little checkup. I insist."
Trudy regards him curiously for a moment. "Right." Her hands hover over his belly again. "But if you want me to stop, sir, just say the word-"
"I assure you that w-won't be necessahary..."
Trudy watches him seize up before her fingers even make contact. This time she presses a little deeper into his belly, trying to feel around his defensiveness.
"You are punching holes in my couch," Rosie remarks dryly, watching the poor demon's claws bury themselves in the cushions.
"I kn... ohow, I'm just-" He squeezes his eyes shut as Trudy hits a particularly bad spot. And then another. And another... hell, his torso one big bad spot.
"What do you think, Trudy?"
The young doctor just shakes her head.
"Alastor. Darling. You have GOT to relax."
"I am!" Alastor's composure is dangling by the thinnest of threads.
"Maybe it would help," Trudy says, with infinite caution, "to just go ahead and laugh, sir."
A beat. And then Rosie bursts into laughter.
"Giving new meaning to the 'deer in the headlights' expression, my friend." She scoots closer. "I thought you just said you don't mind a little 'levity'..."
"I don't!"
"In that case. Carry on, Trudy - Auntie Rosie is gonna help our patient out a bit while you work."
Too late, Alastor realizes what his fellow overlord has in mind. "Wait, wait! Ros-"
A delicate set of nails find the region just under his ribs - and it's all downhill from there.
"Ah! Fuhuck!" Alastor chokes on a curse before he can catch himself. He twists sideways, collapses into muffled giggles, and briefly manages to pull himself together - just barely - with a few hyperventilated breaths. "Rosie, really! This isn't- please- ack! I can't-" There's that damn stutter again. He hadn't even stuttered when Adam slashed him.
And now, Great Alastor the Radio Demon, undone by some scribbles? And a medical exam?!
Meanwhile, Trudy can feel even less now than she could before, her patient's belly now quaking with silent, suppressed mirth. But she takes one look at Rosie's delighted expression... and continues probing anyway, curling a subtle little smirk of her own.
It seems Rosie has picked up on a slightly less tangible injury than anything Trudy can address. But fortunately, they've just stumbled upon a promising potential treatment.
Part 2 is already pretty much finished - my brain is just too mushy at this point to contend with Tumblr's shitty text interface any longer, and this feels like a good stopping point.
Lemme get a good night sleep and another dose of Prozac and I'll have the rest out shortly 😅
💜 - Cozy
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anchoeritic · 1 year
okay so not entirely sure if ur ok writing this, if ur not that is 100% ok 🫶
if you are ok with writing it, what abt like stepdad!jake coincidentally taking you out on a like few days/week long hunting trip, just the two of you, a few days before ur first heat hits?? 🤭
and nobody else suspects anything cause it’s ur first heat so they don’t even know it’s gonna happen but he knows because he’s been picking up on the little tells that show ur getting close to it that others don’t even notice
then one night it finally hits while ur asleep & he’s like tending to the fire or smth n you just wake up all groggy n whiney cause it hurts and you need his help so bad
oh also idk if it’s taken but could i possibly be ur 🦝 anon??
eheehhehdhdhdhdhhdjdhdhdhd stepdad!jake telling mama that he’s just gonna take you on a lil daddy daughter trip and he has something planned for you knowing damn well you’re going to be experiencing your first heat? genius.
imagine the morning of your first heat: trying to find a way to relieve your sexual distress, the ache between your thighs becoming so unbearable that you start shedding tears. you go from jumping against the mossy floors to other kinds of nature, probably hoping eywa wasn’t looking down at you right now. but instead of eywa, it’d be jake staring at you, waiting to pounce. he could smell your arousal from miles away, the smallest drop in your panties would send him in a fucking frenzy.
it’d be a shame if you had to turn to the one and only person around; your stepdad. but that’s exactly what you did. “a-argh, jake..” you call for him painfully, “p-please, help..” it wasn’t exactly the traditional way to tend to your needs. he was not your mate, how could he pleasure you? his resistance could only last so long when you’re laid across the grass naked, begging for him to take care of you. he wants to though. of course, he does. he’s the one that pulled you away from everyone, dragging you to a secluded area.
“i can’t, sweetheart,” he mumbles, wiping away the sweat from your forehead. you couldn’t take no for an answer, not when he was the only one around to help you through your heat. “jake, please,” your voice comes out like a whine, “i want you. i need you. fuck, please help me.”
“it hurts, daddy.” it doesn’t make it better when you’re laying across one of his blankets from home, his scent triggering you even more. “you’re not mine, sweetheart. i can’t touch you.” the tears in your eyes were hard to ignore, immediate sniffles followed shortly after. the guilt sitting in the pit of his stomach exploding. “i’m all yours. take care of me, please…”
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strongheartneteyam · 11 months
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!dreamwalker!reader/female!human!reader
Chapter 4
CW: jealous neteyam, angst, restless neteyam, obsessive and toxic behavior, mentions of violence, neteyam's current mental health is not the best out there (let's put it that way), the word "bloody" being mentioned in someone's thoughts, TRIGGER WARNING for dubious consent and slight NON CON, angry thoughts, melancholic reader, hints of depression on reader, anxious reader, mentions of breeding kink, reader thinking a lot about neteyam, reader finds out she's crushing on neteyam, reader is afraid of neteyam + attracted to him, neteyam stepping over reader's boundaries, creepy yandere vibes, slight nudity, sexual tension, neteyam almost trying to have sex with reader (if you squint)
Not proofread… as always 😂 I'm so sorry PLS don't give up on me, my babies! My readers are my lil rays of sunshine! No false praising here, I'm way too much of an honest, and sometimes blunt bih to do that! Ahaha you guys have changed my life. Having you guys reading my stories, appreciating my art… I'm still speechless. I love y'all until the end! 🥲🥺🫀💕 when I'm sad, you guys cheer me up with your comments, reblogs, asks, likes… I'm forever thankful ✨ I'm sending A BIG KITH to everyone that commented on the other chapters! I didn't have enough time and mental/physical health to answer everyone bc I've been going through some tough things in my personal life lately. Like, REAL tough. But I always do my best to try and show my gratitude to all of you <3 hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave comments below if u wanna I LOOOOVE READING YOUR COMMENTS 🥰💕💕💕
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Chapter 3
Watching me, wanting me
I can feel you pull me down
Fearing you, loving you
I won't let you pull me down
Haunted (Evanescence)
Hours had passed since Neteyam Suli had appeared to you in the window of the kitchen you worked in.
It was late at night already and you should be sleeping but, you just could not stop thinking about what had happened. How weird it had been to see a real na'vi - not an Avatar - real close. How odd he looked in your eyes, massive in size and so, so blue...
You laughed alone in your small room in the back of the laboratory after taking a quarter of a second to realize that the thought you just had was actually really funny.
Neteyam looked like a huge and thick brushstroke of sky blue paint. Still, he was… incredibly beautiful. He was eerie, weird looking compared to the human guys you're used to, but… something about him made his face linger on your mind.
You did not know how it was possible that you were finally having to admit to yourself that you felt attracted to Neteyam Suli, even after he appeared to you only once and, let's not forget, he appeared completely unanticipated, saying he had seen you before, multiple times.
You knew that raised like a billion red flags. Yet still, even though you did not feel safe enough to trust him or let your hair down when he was around, he intrigued you immensely.
You woke up the next morning feeling anxious. You did not know what it was exactly, but, lately, you had not only been depressed, but anxious too. You knew you probably would be diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety if you cared to go to the mental health department of the laboratory, but the thing was… you did not care to. You did not want to. The real reason for your lingering sadness was already so familiar to you: you did not like the life you were living.
You looked to be free like the na'vi. To not have deadly boring obligations everyday, to not have to care so much about so many strict rules of what was socially acceptable and what was not. You thought your own race to be too complicated. Humans don't really say what they mean just so many times. Humans care too much about money and power when, in reality, deep down, we all know that's not what's gonna make us happy, what's gonna keep us warm in a cold night.
But you were never really like that.
Not to pretend you were a golden, precious jewel, so incredibly hard to find, so utterly different from everybody else but, in all honesty, as much as you did care about money and having a comfortable life - to some extent - you were never a greedy for riches kind of person. You had always felt perfectly happy and content to just have a few things to keep you cozy, like your earbuds, a good book, your favorite sweet treat… You liked it simple. Calm. Balanced.
You believed that everything needs to be balanced to work well.
Chaos and light. Pain and happiness.
People need all of it to learn, grow and live a good life, that doesn't get painfully boring and unbearable with time.
But humans lacked balance.
Too much greed, too little contentment. Too much hate, too little compassion. Too much selfishness, too little altruism. That's why your kind was, as unfortunate as it was, doomed to misery. The human race dug their own grave. God, they couldn't even respect and take care of their own planet, their own home, the place that kept them literally safe and steady in the middle of the immense galaxy, let alone being able to take care of each other, to consider other's feelings before their own because, sometimes, we all need to do it.
And that's one of the reasons why you admired the na'vi so much. They were so much more wise than your own race.
How many times you had wished, talking to yourself in the dark of the night, that you could have been born na'vi. Why was fate so cruel to you? You did not even believe in fate. But it is only an expression, anyway.
Neteyam was tossing around on his mat since he went back home from training.
Yesterday he was way too busy to try and go see you or at least watch you from afar.
Sometimes he truly felt exhausted from his hectic routine and just wished he could be like Lo'ak and the other Omatikaya young men and just be able to relax more, to have more free time to engage in hobbies or, Eywa... to have more time to sleep... Sometimes he went back home all sore. He was as athletic as one can be but it did not mean he could not feel jaded after pushing himself too hard.
But Neteyam tried to always keep in mind the noble, sacred reason why he did all that. He was going to be the next leader of his clan, a privileged position, blessed by the Great Mother. A position that so many wished to have and he was lucky enough to be waiting to take on.
He was the current Olo'eyktan's son. It was a gift, he should not be ungrateful. He felt bad for thinking that was exactly what he was being... His father, Jake, was Toruk Makto. He was brave enough to earn that title. Neteyam felt it was his duty to be as brave and fearless as his father, to honor him and all his efforts to defend their tribe from any danger, specially from the Sky People.
Everything was going as usual, if it was not for only one thing: Lo'ak seemed to be suspicious of the fact that Neteyam was out for so many hours, almost everyday (meaning, every time he was free to just do whatever he wanted and not training to become the next Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya) and nobody had a clue of where he was.
His parents seemed to be too busy being the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahìk to notice something seemed off about Neteyam's behavior lately. And it is understandable. It was anything but easy to be the clan leader and the clan healer and spiritual leader. Mo'at was getting old and had passed the position of Tsahìk to Neytiri a while ago. So, Jake and Neytiri already were making such a huge effort to be able to live up to their duties, be parents of a little girl, Tuktirey, three teenagers and still keep their sanity. It was a lot, indeed. But they tried as hard as they could to still be good enough for their clan, their family and for each other, as a mated couple.
Neteyam decided he was way too restless to be able to sleep that night. He could not stop thinking about the way that human male talked to you, looked at you... He wondered if he really was your mate. He was not sure but if what he thought when he saw you two together was true, he knew it would not be a problem. He hated to get violent, his natural self was calm and composed. But he was going to fight for you, and, if it needed to get bloody, then so be it.
He decided to go outside his and his family's home, to breathe some cold, fresh eclipse air. It helped him to calm down a bit but it was not enough. He missed you. Like crazy. Deeply. He craved your scent… your delicious human scent. He did not even believe he was saying that about the way a human smelled. But he would always insist in saying you were different. You had a na'vi heart. Just like his father, back when he was still all pink and small.
He decided he wanted… no, he needed to see you. And it could not wait. It had to be now. He craved you and that craving would not go away like that. It was stronger than his rational brain. You woke up his animal side more than anything else did. He wanted to mate with you as soon as possible. He dreamt about the day he would be able to breed you, have you carrying his offspring on your womb. He would make you so happy, give you everything you've ever wanted, everything you need. And while you were still not permanently living inside your Avatar body, he still wanted to have you, even if it meant having you in your demon form. You were a pretty, lovely demon. His cute, sweet demon girl. His yawntutsyìp. (little loved one)
You just could not believe it was really happening, how the hell you got into those circumstances.
Right before that moment, you were almost sleeping peacefully, finally (you know that state when you're not awake nor asleep?), after having been awake, tossing around on your bed for hours for the most ridiculous reason you could ever think of: you were undeniably crushing on that weird alien boy. Neteyam Suli.
Yes, he acted like a creep when he tapped on your window. You knew it was pathetic but… he just would not leave your mind. He was shamefully living rent free in your brain. All cozy there.
But the worst and craziest part was: you were still afraid of him.
Ok, the na'vi were a peaceful, highly intelligent (arguably much more smart, interesting and wiser than humans) alien race but he was still almost 10 feet tall and was so freaking intimidating. You shivered at the thought that he could ever hurt you, even by accident, one day.
Still, you were now here with him. Outside the laboratory. Because he put his goddamn eerie but cute (the guy is a complete paradox) looking ocean colored fingers through the tiny gap you left open in your bedroom window - a passage you left for air to come in when it was really hot and dry, like it was that night - and that made a strange noise, enough to put you in alert mode.
Damn, what a bad habit… Leaving the window open, even slightly, was not even permitted by the people who took care of the lab's security norms. That could be dangerous. But you had always been a stubborn little thing.
You were now regretting your decisions, though. 
Neteyam approached your window being what he could be like a pro: a crazy stalker.
How you were still attracted to him… even though you were fearful of his na'vi build and strength… that was a question that maybe a mental health professional could answer. It was weird and problematic and you knew it. But you never imagined you would feel like this about Neteyam Suli. You really did not. When you first saw him, he seemed cute and handsome in your eyes, but he was still an alien. You had never considered being attracted to one. But now… nothing made sense anymore, things were getting weird.
Stupidity took over you when you were so sleepy and groggy and you saw it was his huge hand on the wooden window, so, you wanted to ask him why he ran away the last time you two spoke. You know when you're so sleepy, you make the most unimaginably silly mistakes? So… there you go. You dragged your heavy with slumber body out of your bed, grabbed your oxygen mask that was kept inside your closet and opened the window.
But why, though?
In the beginning, you two were having a trivial talk about mundane stuff, like how he learned the English language (his father, of course), he started to ask how and why you got an Avatar etc 
He acted suspicious but still normal-ish, for a na'vi. They always looked mysterious when interacting with humans. But then, when he was telling you about his little sister, Tuktirey, and your eyes were slowly falling shut, your body begging for some hours of sleep… you felt a change in the atmosphere around you.
Your eyes had closed for a while, on their own, and suddenly, you knew Neteyam was really close to you, now. He had been keeping a respectful distance in the beginning. But now… now he was inches away from your body. He had moved closer, his fleshy but toned blue thigh almost rubbing against your leg, as you were sitting sideways on the window frame, your legs hanging in the air, making you feel a bit cold because of the nighttime Pandoran air.
You woke up from your 5 seconds long involuntary nap really startled.
"Hey! Why are you… so close?" You looked at him, dazed and nervous, visibly shaken
"Sorry… Is it too much? You're just… so pretty…" Neteyam says, looking at you like he's looking at a graceful, otherworldly being.
"Yeah. It is." You warn him "Can you… step away a bit, please?" You said, looking into his eyes. Your gaze serious but amiable.
Neteyam respected your request and did what was decent. But you did not expect that he would soon change his demeanor, just like something was taking over him.
You were so distracted with your chat with Neteyam but so utterly sleepy too that you did not notice when your nightgown's thin strap slipped through your right shoulder, leaving your breast exposed, your nipple out for Neteyam to see.
It was like a beast had replaced that nice-but-weird-vibes guy you were previously talking to.
Neteyam had just lifted you off of the window with amazing ease, your feet now touching the ground and he got closer to you again. He had you with your back against the lab's outer wall, keeping you there just by being in front of you, looking at you.
His size was enough to keep you still. You did not want him to maybe get mad at you if you tried to run away. That could become terrifying in a heartbeat. You were brave since a child, but you were also realistic. Your height and body strength was nothing compared to Neteyam's.
He looked at your exposed breast with such desire, you felt like his amber gaze was scorching your sensitive skin.
"Neteyam! What-?"
"You're so… perfect." His breath was labored while he stared down at your nipple, hardened by the cold temperature of the eclipse air "Sevin…" (pretty)
"I'm so afraid of you, Neteyam... You're too big and honestly...scary. I'm so sorry. I'm always trying to pick up signals that may indicate you're gonna hurt me. I don't feel comfortable at all right now. Please, let me go" You said as your cold, anxious hands took your nightgown strap back to where it belonged, covering your boob again, feeling ashamed of the vulnerable way you had just been seen by Neteyam, ashamed of the fact that he, a boy you barely knew, had just seen your naked breast, even if it was only for a brief period of time
"My cute little 'emyu…" (cook, cooker) "You don't need to be afraid of me." He smiles at you in such a sincere way, trying to show you he means no harm whatsoever. 
Though Neteyam felt his heart tightening way too much inside his chest, hurting so much it was like you had crushed it when you said you're afraid of him, he was carefully trying to make you see he would never in a billion years harm you, his precious little yawne (loved one).
He wished so hard, even prayed to Eywa, in a millisecond, inside his mind, that you would soon realize he loved you so much he would kill anyone who ever hurt your precious, frail human body. He could not understand how you could think he himself would do such a horrible thing towards you.
When Neteyam saw you did not show any sign that you were beginning to trust him more, he said:
"Hì'i," (little, small in size) "please... I need you... I love your scent so much. I miss it everytime I'm away from you. I love the way your human skin smells. I do. I dream about you at night... " He gets closer to you slowly and carefully, caging you between the wall and his broad, crazily tall blue body, leaving no way for you to get away from him "C-can I touch you? Touch your skin?" Neteyam breathes, begging for you with his wide eyed gaze "Just for a little while, please..." He kneels down at the ground to be as close as he possibly can to your height "See? I'm not so tall anymore. Am I a little less scary now?" He smiles faintly, trying to cover his pain with a fake demonstration of joy.
Neteyam feels so insecure, without any guarantee that you will eventually let him in. But he will never give up on trying to be worthy of your love.
"You're always gonna be scary to me. Even when I'm in my Avatar, I think." Using a sharp na'vi knife to stab Neteyam's heart repeatedly would have hurt him less than that statement "I'm not as skilled as you are or experienced as you are when it comes to using a bow or anything like that. God, I can't even work a bow right. If you'd ever hurt me, even by accident I-"
"I can teach you." He interrupted "I will teach you everything I know about archery. I'm a great archer, you know? I like to call myself "Mighty Warrior". " He smiles, frowning a bit, trying to make a joke to make the situation a little lighter.
You seemed so afraid he was starting to not know what to do anymore to try to make you see you were safe with him. That he would defend you from any danger without any hesitation and not be the danger himself.
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puppysirie0-0 · 2 months
"You're Really Gonna Make Me Beg?'
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Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy and You are assigned on an assassination assignment together. Billy is cold to You until he learns about you at a bar after the mission. Then the night takes an interesting after leaving the bar.
Warnings: Not a whole lot lol. Smut, Hand Kink, Innocence Kink ig (Reader has never cum before), Exhibitionism Kink (they fuck on the wall of a random building outside), Riding, Blowjob, Cunnilingus, Bathtub Sex, Kinda a Lil Bit Fluffy, Dom!Billy x Sub!Reader, Pet Names Baby and Doll
Minors DNI
“Nice to meet you! The Name is y/n y/l/n!” I say to the man I had just been assigned to do a kill with. I hold out my hand for him to shake before he just eyes it and replies.
“Billy Russo.” He says with the most straight face I’ve ever seen. His lips in a paper thin straight line.
“Well, do you have all your equipment?” I ask, noticing that he obviously doesn’t want to get to know each other. 
“What kind of assassin do you think I am?” He asks, before asking me the same.
“I could ask you the same thing, as soon as I said hi, you seemed to decide that you didn’t like me. So let’s just get this done with so I can get back to my other recreational activities.” I say before picking up my gear and walking away to get into the car.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
We drive to the stake-out location and it’s tense. He is obviously upset about something, but who knows what crawled up his ass and died. You set up on the roof and start assembling your sniper. You preferred snipers, they gave better accuracy and you just needed one shot to take someone down. 
You can feel his eyes boring into you as you finish adjusting your position so you can see out the scope of your rifle. He finally starts setting up his own assault rifle. And you resist the urge to watch the man work. He’s methodical and fluid with his movement and god did you think that was hot. Your mind started to drift off to what else those fingers could do before you stopped yourself, “no, this is strictly professional y/n.”
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
It took a whole 37 hours before your first target arrived. You didn’t ask your boss much about the two assassinations you were meant to carry out. You just memorized their faces and skimmed over the information in the files. You learned that knowing too much about a target makes it harder to pull your trigger. But then the second arrives as well. This was a pleasant surprise, a simple double kill. You tap Billy’s shoulder before you whisper, “It’s both of them, we could probably take the kill with one shot if we got the angle right.”
He listens as you explain where you need to adjust yourself so you can get the perfect shot. “Okay, am I taking the shot or are you?” he replies.
“You will, your rifle has a better scope and this needs to be precise if we’re taking out the two of them with one shot.” You say back. 
You watch as the targets converse, obviously arguing about something. Amidst their argument they finally align just how you had wanted. “Now Billy, take the shot now,” You say.
You watch as Billy silently takes the shot and the bodies fall to the ground. You quickly pack up your equipment as Billy just sits there. You start carrying your equipment down the stairs to clean the area and move their bodies.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
The bodies are buried a couple miles away in a deep grave to make sure they aren’t found any time soon. Once you clean yourself up, you turn to Billy before asking, “I saw a bar a couple miles back near the stake-out area, you want to grab a drink?”
He stares at you for a minute, it feels cold and you swear you shiver, “Why not, I have nothing to go running back to.”
Once you arrive at the bar, you walk in and address the bartender, “Two Whiskeys, Neat, Please,” you say.
You sit down in a booth near the far corner and Billy slides into the seat beside you. You get drinks and start sipping it silently before Billy asks, “Did you see the looks on their faces once they heard the shot?”
You’re surprised that he even talked to you, but you reply nonetheless, “I mean kind of. One of them seemed horrified, 90% sure he legitimately shat himself. But the second, he almost seemed like he wanted it. Like we were about to grant a secret wish that he’d had, y’know?”
He looks at you, as if he didn’t think you’d pay that close attention before, saying,”I didn’t notice anything with the second one. But I do agree with what you said about the first one, he did seem to have shat himself,”he says before chuckling to himself.
You sit in a couple more seconds of awkward silence, while you keep staring at him. “His face, his soft-looking lips, the light stubble of his cheek that you can almost imagine between your thighs- STOP.  Y/n this is not professional, but lord forgive me- ugh,” You think before shaking your head in frustration.
You can feel him watching you, you know he noticed you little stolen glances. But he stays silent before asking, “Is there a specific kill that you remember specifically more than others?”
Again, you’re shocked he’s talking to you but again you answer him, “Yes, actually. There was once this big drug tycoon I was assigned to take out. But then once I had disposed of him, I was told to kill the family as well. And the one I remember is his 4 year-old daughter, Clara. I broke into the home, shot the mom and watched as her child sobbed over her. Then I shot the toddler point blank. Her face haunts me, every time I try to sleep at night. Anytime I try to relax her face pops back up in my head.”
“What did you do after?” He asks you, before taking another sip of his drink.
You feel the tears well up in your eyes with the memory of the child, so you down the rest of your drink before answering him. “I cleaned the house and staged it as a break-in robbery gone wrong. Then I wept over them for maybe 20 minutes. Then I reported back to Rawlins and then headed home. Once I was home, I showered and curled up in a ball on my bed and wept some more. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat or drink. I couldn’t do anything, I was practically dysfunctional for the week after that.”
You signal to the bartender for a refill on your whiskey before Billy asks another question, “Why do you think he asked you to do it, Rawlins that is?”
You sigh before you go collect your drinks. You then walk back over to the booth where Billy is before answering him yet again. “He told me that it was so that quote-on-quote no one would miss him, now that he was gone. And that’s how I tried to justify it, but over the years I now think it was just some fucked-up way to make me prove my loyalty to him. I was young and longing for validation, and I was able to get it from Rawlins, but I don’t enjoy it now. It makes me feel dirty, like every kill is leaving another mark or scar on my soul. And I know that one day I’m going to wear too thin and I’ll shatter like glass hitting the ground.”
“What did you do to try and relieve yourself,” he asks before lightly smirking, realizing how dirty that almost sounded.
I side eye him before continuing, “I actually used to make paper flowers as a sort of ode to the ones I had killed. But after Clara, I wasn’t able to anymore. Any time I try to now, my hands start shaking and I start sobbing.”
“Okay, a few more questions and then you can ask me some,” he says smiling lightly. The smile is pretty and you can’t help admiring him but he pulls you out of your mind as he asks, “How old were you when that happened?”
“I was 20, I had started in the army at 17 and left at 20. Rawlins recruited me not too shortly after and one of my first assignments was to kill Clara and her family.”
“Okay, now I have one more,” he says softly.
“Let em rip, I guess,” I state.
“Okay, final question, What do you think would have happened if you hadn’t followed orders? What do you think would have happened to Clara if you hadn’t killed her and her mother?”
“You take another sip of your whiskey before looking back at him, “That’s technically two questions but okay. I probably would have been killed and she would have grown up to have no father. She seemed like a kind girl with good parents despite what her father did. And she seemed to have a love for bunnies. I feel like she probably ended up being a vet or having her own farm one day to feed her love for animals. Married a man that treated her like a princess. Probably would have grown old watching her grandchildren play in her yard as she grew old with a man that she had loved for the last 65 years.”
“So you would have ended up dead if you had denied Rawlins’ orders. If you could go back, would you and not kill her. Would you trade your life for hers?” Billy asks before sipping his drink.
“I thought the last one was the final question,” I say with a chuckle. ”Well, absolutely. 1000% I would trade my life for hers. She had a great life ahead of her, she would bring more good to the world than her father brought bad. I have been far from treated like a princess my whole life and my poor home life made my experience non-ideal. I have never had or brought anything but pain into the world. She had a wonderful life ahead of her while I still have a tormenting one.”
He seems to listen intently as I answer all of his questions. After a few seconds he says, “I’m gonna grab the next round of drinks and then it’s your turn.”
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
I asked him the same questions he asked me. And I listened as he told me about how he was abandoned as a child making him carry a degree of resentment towards his mother. As he talked about his best friend and army buddy Frank Castle. Noticing the light in his eye as he described Frank as his brother and only family.
While he was talking to you, you continued admiring him. He was deserving of Frank’s nickname for him, Pretty Boy. You kept swapping from looking him in the eye and looking back down to his lips. Hypnotized by the simple action of him licking his lips as he continued speaking. He made you feel safe as you talked. He made you want to be held by him, like he would comfort you sweetly as you pour your heart and soul out for him. Like he would wipe away your tears and make you feel loved for the first time.
 You continued speaking for about 2 more rounds of drinks before he asked something else, “Hey, can I ask you an unusual request?”
“Sure?” you reply, wondering what it might be.
“Okay follow me,” He quickly places some bills on the bar before holding out his to you for you to take.
“Where might we be going exactly,” you ask as you take his hand, but he doesn’t answer.
He doesn't say a word as he leads you out into the darkened street. It's quieter out here and there is no one to be seen except for the two of you. He stops suddenly and turns to look at you. He then steps closer.
You stared into his eyes longingly, trying not to keep glancing down at his lips but you can't help it.
He stares into your eyes for a moment longer, then leans in and pulls you close, his breath warm against your lips.
Your lips meet and you put more passion into the kiss. He slips his tongue into your mouth as you lean in close to him.
You begin to wrap your arms around him. You melt into his embrace, pushing up closer against him as you continue to return his passion. Your hands begin to run through his hair and hold him tighter against you.
His hands drift lower as they reach the top of your shirt, beginning to trace their way beneath.
You feel his hands go under your shirt as you grip him from the roots of his hair and pull him closer by his belt loop.
As you grip him by his pants, you feel his hands running all the way to the edge of your bra. He grips one of your breasts with one hand while the other roams freely over your frame. You feel his hand trail back down to your waist, tracing the edge of your panties with his index finger.
Your hands are shaking slightly as you unfastened his belt. You can feel him shiver lightly as the tension builds between you both.
"Are you gonna fuck me baby? please baby" you whine against his lips as you unzip his pants
“I just might,” he says smiling down at you.
“You’re really gonna make me beg?” You ask
“I kind of want you to, yeah,” He says, slightly laughing.
“Fuck Me Pretty Please Sir, I’ll be a good girl,” You beg, sticking out your lip in a fake, overdramatic pout.
He pulls you closer and with a grin on his lips and leans close to your ear before saying, with a tease in his voice, "Is that an order?"
"Do you want it to be?" you whisper back teasingly.
“No, sir doesn’t take orders. Though I am contemplating carrying it out anyway,” he says grinning.
"Well Sergeant, you may not want to take orders, but can I make a request maybe?" You ask
"I'm listening, soldier," His voice is soft and teasing. It's as if he likes when you call him "Sergeant."
"What if you fucked me right now, right here until I couldn't walk. And then you took me back to your hotel room and fucked me some more. Then you held me in your arms after we were done and we fell asleep together. What if you did that for me...Sergeant?" You say with a sly smile
“I don’t know, if I took requests and orders from subordinates, what kind of sergeant would I be? Although I can’t say I’m not tempted.” He says grinning
“You would be a good one, at least in my opinion. Especially when your subordinates ask you for such a sensitive request.” You say fake pouting at his response.
"I think it's a very specific request," he continues teasing back, his grin growing wider. "I think maybe someone is just trying to get around the rules.”
"How about you follow through with it, Sir. You'd be a good Sergeant if you did…Sir" You slowly unzip his pants as you talk.
His smile is growing wider as you unzip his pants. He watches as you slowly tease him. "And if I do, how would you show your appreciation?"
“Maybe an oral...presentation," you say lowering down to my knees
He watches as you lower yourself onto your knees in front of him. His smile widens even more as he stares down at you. "And what else would you be willing to give?"
"Maybe a taste of dessert and then a multi round event" you say before kissing down his stomach.
"And just how many rounds to this event are we talking about?" he murmurs with a chuckle in his voice. As you keep kissing down his stomach, his hands begin to run through your hair and grip it tighter at the roots.
"As many as you want, Sergeant" you say grinning. You slowly pull down his briefs and grip his cock before stroking it.
You slip it into your mouth as you bob up and down. He groans lowly before gripping your hair tighter, controlling your movements. You slowly take more and more of him into your mouth before you’re deepthroating him. 
His cock was big, like bigger than you’d ever seen. You had only had sex once before, and relied mostly on your toys and porn, but wow he was generously endowed.
He grips your hair guiding your inexperienced mouth to bring him the pleasure you so desired to give him. You choke slightly as he comes down your throat, cursing under his breath before bringing you back up to kiss him.
He can taste himself on your tongue as he kisses you roughly. You moan into the kiss as you feel him slowly pull down your jeans and panties. He traces your cunt with his finger as he says, “Aww, so wet f’me baby. And to pair it with such a tight little cunt is sinful.”
“All for you Billy, all for you,” you say breathless as he starts pumping his ring and index finger into you. 
Your skin prickles with the thought of being out on the street like this. Anybody could see you propped up against this building. Your cunt clenches at the thought as Billy pumps faster in and out, adding his thumb rubbing your clit to the equation. You feel a pit in your stomach, it is unfamiliar to you as you shift at the new feeling. “Billy, my tummy feels funny,” you babble at him.
“What do you mean bunny?” He asks, obviously a little confused at your statement.
“I feel like there’s a pit in there, almost like a knot to be untied,” you say, still not knowing what it was.
“Oh baby,” he coos, “that means you’re gonna cum.” He says softly, smiling down at you.
You look at him dazed, both from what he said and what you now know was your impending orgasm. He brings his mouth to your neck, kissing softly of your collarbone and sucking marks down on the previously “empty” skin. You whimper in his ear as you feel your orgasm start to come crashing down on you.
“Come for me baby, It’s okay, let go baby,” Billy coos into your neck as you continue to whine and whimper.
You finally let go and all you feel is bliss. You’d never felt anything like this before. You feel light as a feather and like your skin prickles. You feel Billy still slowly pumping his fingers in and out of you as he eases you down from your orgasm. You look at him with half-lidded eyes as you feel his hand wrap around your neck to pull you into a kiss.
You whimper a little as he ceases his fingers movements, still sensitive from your orgasm. You feel him rub his tip up and down your slit before sliding into your tight cunt. The stretch blissfully burns once Billy is fully inside you. He experimentally rocks his hips back and forth, eliciting a moan from your mouth. “God this cunt’s like a vice, gripping so good baby,” Billy moans in your ear.
He slowly starts bucking up into you. You can feel the brick of the building behind you scraping the skin of your back but you don’t care. You’ve never had sex like this before, this was borderline, no this WAS euphoric. 
He starts circling your clit as he continues pumping in and out of you. You feel a now familiar knot in your stomach slowly tying itself again. His thrusts become erratic and you feel his cock twitch inside you as his movements on your clit become more hurried. 
You practically scream before Billy slaps a hand over your mouth as you come. “Gotta be quiet baby, you can’t be allerting someone of our current predicament now can we,” he teases at you. But you can’t even focus, there are stars swimming in your vision and your brain feels fuzzy. ‘
“Can I come inside you baby? Please baby I really need to come,” Billy pleads.
“Go ahead Billy, oh please Billy come inside of me,” you moan. You didn’t even care that you had met the man less than 48 hours ago. He was fucking you too good to even care in the first place.
He thrusts into you a few more times before he spills his spend into you. You feel him continue fucking his cum into you before he slows to a stop inside you. “God, that was, that was wow.” Billy says breathlessly.
“Agreed,” you reply, your brain not being able to formulate more than that.
He slowly pulls out of you and sets you on the ground on uneasy legs. You catch yourself on the wall behind you as Billy adjusts himself back into his pants. He pulls you into his arms after fixing your bottoms. He lifts you bridal style and carries you down the street to where your car was. 
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
When you arrive at the hotel, you try to stumble out of the car on your own but you almost fall flat on your ass. Billy thankfully catches you before you hit the pavement and helps you up to your shared room on wobbly legs. Once you’re in the room Billy presses you against the door and kisses you again. 
You pull him closer by the back of his neck, playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck. He lifts you up again and you wrap your legs around his waist before he carries you to the bed. He unceremoniously throws you on the bed before he pulls away from you. 
“Have you never come before this?” He asks as he kisses down your body, reaching under your shirt to lift it over your head. 
“No sir,” you reply sheepishly. You lift your head and he pulls your shirt over it. 
“Aww, baby’s never come. So no one’s ever gone down on you before?” He asks, cooing at you slightly.
“Nuh uh,” you say, shaking your head.
“He slowly kisses down your stomach before unbuttoning your pants again. He taps you on the thigh, signaling you to lift your hips. You slightly raise them before he peels both your bottoms down in a swift movement. He throws them aside in some corner of the room to be found later.
He continues kissing down your stomach, inching closer to your cunt. You can feel it pulsing with arousal. He lowers head to your cunt before looking up at you through hooded eyes before licking a long stripe up your cunt.
Your hands fly to his hair as he continues his actions. Slowly adding his index and middle finger into the mix again. He expertly sucks on your clit as he eats you out. His nose nudges your clit when his mouth joins his fingers. 
You feel another knot building in you as you grips his hair at the roots. Your moans and whimpers bounce off the room, echoing in your ears. The knot bursts once he curls his finger slightly inside you. You swear your soul left your body, you could look back down on yourself.
When you come back to, you hear a bath running and a warm washcloth gently cleaning your legs. You open your eyes and look up to see Billy cleaning you up. You shift a little and Billy looks back up at you and says, “Look who's awake again.”
He chuckles a little as he picks you up and carries you to the bathroom. He sets you in the tub before stripping and settling in behind you. You turn around and straddle him before pulling him into another lengthy kiss. God, you haven’t been this horny for years. You’re so sensitive but my god were you ready for another round.
You grab his cock and slowly guide it back into you. You feel so full but it feels so good too. You rock your hips back and forth as Billy groans against your lips. You pull away from him for a breath and he returns his face to the crook of your neck. You moan breathlessly as he sucks new marks on top of the old ones. 
“Oh you’re such a good girl, baby,” He groans, “I would fuck you all day if I could.”
“Why can’t you,” you ask, ”I mean, I don’t see why we couldn’t continue whatever this is. I would open if you are.”
“I would love that baby,” he says breathlessly against your collarbone.
He grips your hips, guiding you up and down on his cock. You grind down on his hips as he sheathes you on his cock. You feel like you might split in two as he fucks up into you. You ride him slowly as the warm water swishes around you.
You feel delighted as he stares up at you, like you’re a piece of art. Your head rolls back in tandem with your eyes, he was utter bliss. The intimacy of riding him slowly in the bath was so delicate. You felt so fragile in that moment, as if his gaze could shatter if it lingered too long.
He quickened the rolls of your hips, his hands gripping harder at your hips. He grounds you down further so your clit is stimulated as well. “I’m gonna come Billy, please I’ve been a good girl,” you whine as you feel yourself on the precipice of tipping over. 
“Hold on baby, I wanna come at the same time baby,” he groans in your ear as he bucks up into you faster and faster. “Now baby, you can let go now,” he whispers to you as you feel him twitch inside of you.
You feel like you’re floating as you feel yourself collapse onto Billy. He strokes your back lovingly as he stays inside of you, comforting you after your high. God, you felt like you were in heaven.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
You didn’t remember much more after your 6th orgasm, but you wake up feeling Billy’s arm cradling you. “Mornin’ doll,” he says to you when he notices you’re awake.
He gets up and starts getting dressed before signaling for you to do the same. You wobble on your legs before you collapse onto the floor. You wince a little when you hit the floor and Billy comes around the bed to pick you off the floor, “Sorry about that, forgot the effects of last night.”
You chuckle at his comment as you steady yourself using his shoulders, his hands on your waist keeping you up-right. He sets you back in bed before asking if you wanted room service.
He orders pancakes, bacon, and orange juice. When it arrives he crawls into bed with you and helps feed you your breakfast. Once the two of you are finished eating, he helps you redress. Billy helps you back downstairs to your car while you stumble out of the hotel you had stayed in. Now all you had to do was hide this from Rawlins when you checked in with him for the assignment.  
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
“How are we going to distract Rawlins from the fact that my legs don’t work?” You ask Billy as he drives towards your checkpoint, hand on your thigh, lightly squeezing it.
“I suppose you stay close to the car and use it for support? It would be obvious if I was holding you up and you would fall on your ass again if you tried to support yourself,” He tells you simply.
Once you reach the checkpoint, your legs weren’t non-functional, but they were still far from functional. You mostly stayed at the hood of the car as Billy got out and led Rawlins close to the car so the pair of you could complete the check-in. You can feel Rawlins’ eyes on you as you lean on the car for support, however, if he caught on he didn’t say anything.
Once you finish the check in and Rawlins is back in his car driving away, Billy asks, “So, where might your pretty little head live? Or do you want to go back to my penthouse?” 
You chuckle a little before you answer, “I wouldn’t mind seeing your place, although I do think Rawlins figured out what we did. It felt like he shot daggers at me.” 
Billy laughs before, responding with a simple, “probably,” before starting the car. 
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
Hope you guys liked the story! I do have to admit, I have never actually cum before either lol. Would love for someone to change that fact but tragically nobody has. Anyways, Have a great night, my request and messages are always open. Love Y'all, Mwah!
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hijackalx · 7 months
finally we got our lover boy here. its not a secret that he like gets super easily attached. i kind of hate that they patched that out bcz it fit his character so much. but yeah in my mind its canon he gets attached suppperrr easily also kind of the type of guy to love bomb tav. not in the manipulative way tho like he genuinely thinks hes in love.
he gives everything he has in relationships too like tav IS his everything. he can be pretty clingy but thats just cuz he loves them so much ❤️ ok yandere vibes hold on. not really but imagine.
the type of dude to draw pictures of him and tav holding hands in his diary (they are not drawn good) also definitely talks to himself a lot, or maybe to his cat (sometimes abt tav)
hands down the funniest mf at camp like hes the type thats just naturally funny he doesnt even try to be. its hard to take him serious sometimes bcz of it😭😭 he gets mad af about it too. like his funnyness is a blight on his existence he just wants to be taken seriously. also feel like he has the worst luck too like fucked up things always happen to him and thats also hilarious LMAO constantly has the camp in stitches
he has bad spatial awareness so hes always triggering traps and tav gets so mad 😹😹😹
love language:
giving= words of affirmation and quality time
always wants to be with tav. also loves to compliment them but he does it in his corny ass wizard way lol like in the most extra way possible. he cant just say "ur eyes look beautiful today" hes got to say some shit like "ur viewing orbs are looking most ravishing this eventide". i bet he would write poetry abt tav but he wouldnt give it to them bcz hes lowkey embarrassed 😔 like insecure in his ability not embarrassed by the action itself. he just wants to do tav justice and he doesnt think he can.
receiving= quality time
as long as tav wants to be with him too hes happy. he worries abt being too clingy so sometimes he'll distance himself and if tav closes that distance on their own itll make him so happy. like thats the best thing ever to him. to have somebody that wants to be in his presence and listen to him ramble.
i feel like gale is similar in height to astarion so like 5'11/6' hes probably closer to 5'11. like that is the most gale height to me. also hes a little thicker with some muscle. hes def got a lil belly 🤭❤️ his pecs are rlly smthng too like thats where most of his muscle goes. those look heavy let me carry them for u king 🤲🏻😼
A FREAKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS MAN IS A FREAK. WHAT was that shit in the sky ?????? THE FUCK ??? like he is THE MOST kinky mf here he will do almost anything. ONLY with ppl hes comfortable with tho. otherwise hes vanilla af. i honestly feel like hes mostly submissive tho just cuz hes chill like that. equally gives and receives. like straight up tav is his BABY he will do ANYTHING for them. probably introduced to most of his kinks thru tav (and mystra....... unfortunately.....)
loves to give head. like dear god. will beg tav to let him for real. hes very good at it too
incorporates sooo much magic. will make fake!gale fuck tav so he can watch. will use hot and cold magic and all that. electricity. the thunder stuff or whatever its called. literally anything u can think of to spice it up. he has thought of it. will also do freaky shit like using magic to mess with tav in public if u know what i mean
doesnt have a high body count i lowkey feel like mystra was his first. and he hasnt smashed anybody since. until tav.
exhibitionist AND humiliation kink. so these work hand in hand bcz like i said he doesnt do kinky shit with ppl hes not comfortable with so doing it where strangers might see is ultimate humiliation for him. but also likes to humiliate tav with it too.
will say a lot of nasty shit. this i feel he doesnt go super overboard with but its nasty compared to how he usually is. mostly when hes begging.
im gonna say gale has a solid 5 on him. and hes got hair i feel like most of the companions do but it works rlly good on gale lol. like hes got a happy trail and everything 🤤 nice hairy armpits too so u know hes got that manly ass MUSKK 💦💦💦 anyway i think his pp is pretty straight. like a wand lol. its a pretty normal pp.
aftercare with gale is the best yo like he makes sure tav is taken care of first and then cleans up on his own unless tav offers which he usually tells them to rest lol. hes just so sweet.
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devilat-thedoor · 11 months
Hands to Yourself Pt5
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🤍Oh Babes🤍
Only gonna preface this one by saying sorry & pls forgive me💖 P.S. HAPPY FUCKING STARCATCHER DAY🤍🤍🤍🤍
Part 4
Word Count: 11.4k
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Warnings: (TRIGGER WARNING! mentions of SA)18+ Minors DNI, a lot of angst and sadness in this part. some fluff, a lil smut. Unprotected Sex, Fighting(verbal & physical). i don’t know, there’s probably more that i’m missing.
And if I ever catch the ones who hurt you, I’m hoping that God looks away this time…
The overhead light illuminated the kitchen as someone flicked the switch. Sage looked up in horror, yanking her hands from Jake like a kid caught in the cookie jar. Jake was taking several steps from her, trying to speak to you. You stared blankly, Odessa’s voice was ringing in your ears as well, but you couldn’t pick up on any of the words. It felt like you were in a fever dream.
Blinking away the tears, your anger came back in full force. “I’ll fucking end you!” You picked up the wine bottle from the island and set your sights on Sage. Just as you reeled your arm back to throw the bottle, someone behind you snatched it from your hand. “You stupid fucking bitch.” You spat the words at her as you lunged across the kitchen towards her. Balling your hand up, you threw a jab, catching her cheek. She brought her hands up to shield her face from your attack. When you went to land another hit, your knuckles connected with her nose before a pair of arms wrapped around your shoulders, locking your arms at your side. You flailed and kicked, “Let go of me! LET GO!” You screamed at whoever was holding onto you. Josh.
His soft, even voice broke through the cloud of rage, “Y/N, calm down for a second…”
You wriggled out of his grip, turning to face him. “Don’t tell me to fucking calm down!” You shoved Josh’s chest and whipped your attention back around to Sage. She tried to tuck herself behind Sam to hide but when he saw your face, he stepped aside, giving you full access to her. “You’re a fucking snake!” You picked up the closest thing on the island, a glass, and chucked it at her. She ducked away just in time, the cup colliding with the wall and shattering.
She held her hands up, a pleading tone in her voice. “He wanted it! It wasn’t just me, Y/N!”
Your face twisted in disgust as you inched closer to her, “He wanted it?” Your eyes flashed to Jake, his eyes wide as he opened his mouth to speak. You didn’t give him the chance. “I don't know what kind of shit goes on in that convoluted mind of yours…” Your face was mere centimeters from hers as you spit your venom soaked words at her, “You fucking took advantage of him!” Your palm cracked across her face, the sound echoing through the room. Everyone stared in stunned silence as you grabbed her hair, dragging her through the kitchen and into the living room. “Get the fuck out of my house.” Shoving the back of her head, you released her hair. “Sage, I swear to god, if I ever see your face again… Stay away from me and stay the fuck away from Jake.”
She turned to look at you as she walked backwards towards the front hallway, blood dripping from her nose and the corner of her mouth. “It won’t be much longer before he realizes he doesn’t want you…” The threat left her mouth with an evil smirk as she slipped through the front door, closing it behind her.
When you turned back around, you were met with a slew of cautious faces. Nobody made a sound, afraid of what you might do. Your breath was leaving your lungs in angry huffs as you pushed past the crowded doorway and back into the kitchen. “Where is Jake?” You half yelled when he wasn’t in the spot he had previously been in.
Odessa’s hand landed on your shoulder. “Babe, hey. Take a breath for-” You cut her off, ripping your body from her touch.
“If one more of you tell me to fucking relax, I-” You paused, taking a deep breath, “Get the fuck out.” Your finger shot in the direction of the door as you shouted at the group. “All of you get out of my fucking house. Please.” None of them made a move, except for Josh. He came up, placing his hand on your back in what was meant to be a soothing manner, but it only fueled your anger more. You pulled away from him, slamming your fist into the refrigerator door. “FUCK!” You didn’t give anybody else the chance to say anything as you stormed out of the kitchen.
Heading for your bedroom in search of your boyfriend, you stopped when you noticed the bathroom door cracked, a glimmer of light seeping through the small opening. You stepped closer, hearing a quiet sob. Pushing through the door, you found Jake. He was in a heap on the floor in front of the toilet, his body shaking with ragged cries and unsteady breaths. You shut the door behind you and dropped to the floor beside him. “Jake, baby…” You tugged on his arm, pulling him up from the cold tiles. “Honey, look at me, please. Are you okay?” Using your hoodie sleeve, you wiped the vomit from the corner of his mouth.
His bloodshot eyes were full of sorrow, matching the rest of his tear-soaked face. “I’m so- I’m so sorry.” His words choked out through hiccups and cries. You felt your own tears begin to fall at the state he was in. “I didn’t-... You have to-” You cupped his face as he struggled to say what he wanted to, wiping away his tears as they flowed. “Y/N…” Your name ripped from his throat in the form of a sob. It was the most heart wrenching sound you’d ever heard.
“Jake, no…” You pulled him against you, holding him tight to your chest. He tucked his knees into his chest and curled into you, so vulnerable and childlike. You knew the alcohol in his system was amplifying his emotions, but you’d never seen him like this. The pain you felt multiplied with every whimper he made. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Jacob. Do you hear me?” You brushed your hands over his hair, wanting nothing more than to comfort and console him. This was your fault. You let her into your lives. Into your relationship. You fucked up and Jake had paid the price for it. When you heard his breathing start to even out, you spoke in the softest voice, “Baby, can I take you to bed, please?” His eyes were half shut as he looked up at you, giving a nod. You stood up, helping Jake to his feet with you. You kept a grip on his waist as you led him out of the bathroom, surprised to find that everyone had really left upon your request.
Pushing your bedroom door open, you shuffled Jake inside and sat him on the edge of the bed. “Can I take these off of you, Jake?” You gestured to his swim trunks. He mumbled an approval, lifting from the bed and allowing you to pull the swimsuit down his legs. “Just stand here for a second longer, baby.” You went to his dresser to grab a pair of boxers and returned, helping him put them on. “Get into bed, Jakey.” You peeled the duvet back and he slipped in, nestling against the pillows and closing his eyes. You pulled the blanket over him and turned to leave the room and clean up the mess in the kitchen.
Jake’s hand caught your wrist in a loose grasp. “Please don’t leave me.” His voice was so dejected. “I can’t lose you…” He trailed off, quiet snores leaving his mouth as it hung open.
You chewed on your trembling lip, as the tears began streaming down your face. He thinks you’re mad at him? You watched his face as he slept, silently crying to yourself. Crawling into bed behind him, you snuck one arm under his neck and draped the other around his torso, resting your palm flat on his chest. Right over his steadily beating heart. You pressed your lips to his back, letting them linger there for a bit. You knew he was in a deep slumber. Nothing was going to wake him until the morning, but you still whispered to him, “You’ll never lose me, Jake.”
The morning came fast. Unsure of what time you had fallen asleep, you awoke with a slight pounding in your head. Your hand slid over the bed, reaching for your boyfriend out of habit, only to find you were alone. You sat up to check the time on your phone, but it wasn’t in its usual spot on your nightstand. Remembering that it never came to bed with you, the memories from the night before flooded your brain like a tsunami. Your feet were dragging you from the bed and out of the room before your brain could comprehend the movements. Where is he? Stepping into the hallway, you opened your mouth to call his name but closed it as your ears caught the soft notes of the acoustic strings floating through the air. You followed the sound to the spare bedroom where the door sat opened. Lingering in the doorway, you watched Jake, sat in the dark burgundy, tufted leather chair, picking out a somber melody on his guitar.
The floor creaked beneath you, alerting him of your presence. He looked up at you, “Hey…” His tone was low, as though he was scared. You noticed his eyes first, still red, still carrying that same sad look.. He pulled his lips in and looked down at his fingers, resting on the strings. You took a few steps forward, wanting nothing more than to hold him but when his face turned back to you, it halted you in your tracks. His expression was pained as a tear slid down his cheek, dripping from his chin and onto the guitar. “I thought she was you.” He kept his voice quiet, wiping his cheek with the back of his hand. “I was too drunk… I swear I didn’t know. I would’ve never-”
“Jake,” You took the acoustic from his hand and laid it on the floor as you knelt in front of him. “That’s the point. You were drunk. Baby, I am not mad at you… You did nothing wrong.” You held his hands in yours as you spoke. “Do you understand me?”
He dropped his gaze to the floor. “I can’t stop picturing your face when you came into the kitchen. The hurt… Betrayal.” He took a shaky breath, “It made me sick… The thought that I caused it.”
Grabbing his face, you forced his attention back to you. “Baby, look at me. I need you to really hear what I’m about to say.” You waited for his eyes to connect with yours and spoke in a calming voice, “You did not cause me any hurt, Jake. She took advantage of you.” You couldn’t bring yourself to say her name, but you continued, “You were drunk and she used that to her convenience. What she did was assault. Do you understand that?”
Jake leaned into your touch, his eyes falling shut for a moment. “I should’ve known better. I did know better.” His tone was becoming slightly frantic. “It didn’t feel right. I knew something was wrong. If I would’ve just trusted my gut, this wouldn’t have happened.” He pulled away, flopping back into the chair with a huff.
“Jacob enough!” Your outburst startled him and you quickly regained your composure, bringing your voice back down, “Stop blaming yourself. You’re the victim here, Jake..” Grabbing his hand again, you hauled him out of the chair and wrapped your arms around him. “This is my fault. I led her straight into our lives. I let her manipulate me and feed me her bullshit lies. I gave her exactly what she wanted and you wound up being collateral damage. I’m so sorry, baby. I will spend the rest of my life proving to you how sorry I am.”
He let his arms circle your back, holding you to him as he placed a kiss to the top of your head. “There was know way to tell what kind of person she was gonna turn out to be…” You chewed on your lip as he spoke into your hair, “It’s over now. She’s out of our lives and you made sure of that last night from what Josh told me.”
You looked up at him then, your brows knitted together. “You talked to Josh? When?”
“This morning. I went to get a drink of water and saw the shattered glass on the kitchen floor.” His hand rubbed mindlessly up and down your back, “I started to remember a little of everything… Called Josh to fill in the blanks while I cleaned up the glass. He said that you dragged her out of the house by her hair after I went to the bathroom.”
Thinking back on the scene, you remembered her parting words, ‘It won’t be much longer…’ An unsettling feeling arose in your chest as you pictured the sinister smile on her face. You laid your head on his chest, allowing the sound of his heart to soothe your anxiety “I don’t think she’ll let go that easily, Jake…”
It had been a couple weeks since the day of the cookout. Things were starting to feel normal again. The remaining days of your week off were spent mostly alone, in the house, with Jake. Josh popped in once or twice to check on his twin, but neither you or Jake had the energy or patience to be social. When you went back to work, the days seemed shorter. Business was great, but you weren’t as short staffed as you had been and it was a huge relief. It was about 10:30 on a Wednesday morning in mid July and you were on your way to the garage to get the truck and start your work day. As you pulled your car into its spot in the alleyway, your phone pinged with a notification. You shut the engine off and grabbed the phone from the cupholder, seeing the little pink camera icon.
Instagram: New Message Request
Unhooking your seatbelt, you clicked on the notification and waited for it to load. You began gathering your things to get out of the car as the thumbnail for a video appeared on the screen. You looked at the username at the top of the page, not recognizing it, and stepped out, closing the driver side door and hitting the button to lock the car. Tapping on the thumbnail you stood and watched. The video had no sound and it was dark, you couldn’t make out anything aside from shadows. Assuming it was some kind of joke, you made a move to click out of it but something stopped you as your finger went to slide out of the app. There was a flash of something that caught your eye. A face. Your face. You pulled the phone closer to your eyes to watch, searching for a hint of what this was. The pixelation proved that the video was taken from afar and zoomed in to capture the moment. You were asleep, laying on someone. The camera panned over the person beneath you. Jake? The blurry lens played a cruel trick as the camera drifted upwards to show the mess of matted curls. Josh. “What the hell?” You whispered to yourself as whoever was operating the video zoomed out, revealing that they were on the outside of a window looking in at you and Josh. From the new point of view, you could see your limp body draped over Josh’s, your head on his bare chest and a blanket pulled over the two of you. A mirror image of how you and Jake had slept on the couch together just a few weeks ago. Then it was over, the 40 second video restarting and playing on a loop. When you closed the video to reveal the message thread, there was a text. ‘One isn’t enough… You had to have all three? What will Jake say?’ Your thoughts were swimming, trying to process what this was. One isn’t enough? Why did that sound familiar? A chill creeped through your body. You knew this had to be the same person who sent Jake that picture of you and Sam. You were terrified at the thought that there was somebody out there, watching you from a distance. But what scared you even more is that you had no recollection of the night this video had been taken. You didn’t have an innocent story to explain this one to Jake. What will he say?
Closing Instagram, you opened your phone up to find Ally’s contact info. There was no way you would be able to focus on the truck today with this happening. She picked up on the third ring, “Hello? Y/N?”
“Ally, I know it’s your day off, but is there any way you can run the truck today?” She was the only person you trusted enough to handle your business when you were sick or, in this case, had an emergency. “I’ll give you Friday off, I just- Something personal came up that needs my attention.”
You could hear her yawn on her end, “Yeah, that’s no problem. Can you give me like 20 minutes to throw some clothes on and I’ll meet you at the garage?”
“Okay, yeah. Great. Thank you so much, Ally. I’ll see you soon.” You hung up the phone, breathing out a sigh of relief. Small problem handled… You stared down at the phone in your hand, contemplating whether to bite the bullet and call Jake or wait until you got home to talk about it in person. Before you could make a decision, your ringtone sounded, causing you to jump. There was his name, as if just thinking about him had manifested him. You stared at it, anxiety coursing through your body, wondering if he had gotten the same message. If he was calling to tear into you about the video. Your hands shook as you pressed the green button and brought the phone to your ear. “Hello?” Your voice came out almost too quietly and you cleared your throat, repeating the greeting, “Hello? Jake?”
“Hey, love.” His tone was light and sweet, catching you off guard. “I’m sorry I overslept this morning. I didn’t get the chance to kiss you goodbye.” When you didn’t say anything, he continued the one sided conversation. “Uhhh. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for having a fresh pot of coffee ready for me and see if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight?” You were picking at the skin on your lip, too lost in your own head to hear what he was saying. His voice came through louder, “Y/N, Are you there?”
You blinked, giving your head a slight shake to clear it, “Yeah, I’m here. I’m sorry, baby. What were you saying?”
“Uh. I- I was asking if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight…Are you okay?”
“I’m okay. Umm…Actually, I’m gonna be back home in like, a half hour.” Your mouth felt dry as you spoke, “I’m just waiting on Ally to get here.”
You could hear the concern in Jake’s voice, “Are you sick? What’s wrong?”
The situation was starting to make you feel sick. “N-No. I got a- We just need to talk, that’s all.”
“Talk about what, Y/N?”
Ally was pulling in then, putting her car in park beside yours. “Jake, Ally just got here, I’ll see you at home. I love you.” He didn’t get the chance to respond before you hung up the phone. Shoving the device into your back pocket, you greeted Ally, “I’m so sorry for this being last minute, but I appreciate you more than you know.” You fumbled with your keys, struggling to remove the ring that held the keys for the garage and the truck.
She waved you off, “Girl, It’s no problem at all. Is everything okay?”
Finally pulling the loop free, you placed the keys in her palm with a heavy sigh. “I’m not entirely sure, honestly.” You gave a tight smile, “If there are any issues today, just give me a call. I’ll have my phone on me. Just make it an early day and I’ll meet you back here at four to get the keys and lock up, okay?” She gave a nod of understanding. “Thank you so much for this, Ally, really.” You gave a final wave as you got back into your car and pulled out of the space.
Entering the house felt odd. It was eerily quiet. You left your keys on the hook and slipped your shoes off to walk into the living room. Jake was sitting on the edge of the couch, chewing on his fingernails while his legs bounced rapidly. He was on edge. His demeanor, a stark contrast to the sweetness he’d had on the phone with you. Maybe he was just as anxious as you were? But you weren’t sure how his mood would shift once he learned about the message you got. You approached him slowly. “Jake…”
His head shot up, but his body moved faster. He was standing in front of you in a flash, holding your shoulders. “What’s going on? Did something happen to you? Was it her? Did Sa-”
You threw your hands up with a cringe, stopping him from saying her name. “Can we sit down, please. I need to show you something.”
“Yeah, okay.” He pulled you to the couch, allowing you to take a seat before he followed suit. “What is it?”
Studying him for a moment as his foot tapped on the floor, you wondered what had happened between the time you’d gotten off the phone with him to now. You could tell he was growing impatient with your hesitation. “That message that you got a few weeks ago… from the random Instagram account…” Opening up the thread on your phone, you handed it to him, “I got one this morning.” You didn’t elaborate any further, just let him watch for himself.
He clicked the play button and you watched his expressions morph as the video progressed. Confusion. Apprehension. Realization. He watched the loop play over and over for what felt like an eternity. When he finally pushed it out of the way, he saw the message that came with it. “What the fuck is this, Y/N?”
His tone had you nervous as you stammered for something to say. “I don’t know. It’s just- I-“
“You don’t know? Why were you with my brother like that, Y/N?” The growing volume of his voice made you flinch. “Did you sleep with him?”
Your eyes blew wide. How could he think that? “Jacob…” You felt like you were going to pass out.
When you didn’t answer his question, he asked it again. “Did you fuck Josh?!”
“NO JAKE!” You raised your voice right back at him but he wasn’t phased. “Why would you even ask me that?” He trusted you. Didn’t he? “Jake, I didn’t sleep with your brother! With either of them, for fucks sake.”
“Then tell me what’s going on here,” He shoved the phone back into your hands, “Because this is painting a pretty fucking specific picture.”
Unshed tears burned in the corners of your eyes, “I don’t know, Jake. I don’t remember this. I-“
He cut you off, standing up to pace the living room. “You don’t remember? So you don’t even know if you slept with him or not?” You’d never seen him blow up like this. Not at you. He never directed his anger at you, never yelled at you, even when you deserved it.
You felt so small, intimidated by his booming voice and accusations. But still, you stood your ground “I would never, Jake. You know that. You know me!” Your tears were flowing freely now as you stood to meet him. “I would never even dream of cheating on you, I told you that! I don’t want anybody but you!”
The look on his face was one you could’ve gone your whole life without seeing ever again. The same look he had when he was in pieces on the bathroom floor that night. The anger had dissipated from his tone, carrying a heavy sadness now. His next words cut you like a blade. “You don’t want anybody else, but you wanted her… You fucked her. Brought her into our bed…” It was a low blow and he knew it, but he still put the cherry on top, “I’m not enough for you, am I?”
He was already backing away from you, towards the door. “Baby, please…” You were crying hard, chasing after him. “Jake, don’t leave. Please.” You couldn’t get a response out of him, he wouldn’t even look at you as he put his shoes on and pulled the door open. “I love you…” The last three words hung in the air as he slammed the heavy door shut in your face, leaving you to clean up the mess you’d made of your relationship. Why is this happening…
You sunk to the floor, staring at the door. The wall he put up between the two of you. A barrier to protect himself from you. From the hurt that you keep causing him. You buried your head in your hands, sobbing in the cold silence of your home. He just left. He wouldn’t hear you out. You couldn’t blame him, though. This was so much worse than the photo he’d received of you and his little brother. At least you could explain that one. But this? You went back to the couch to get your phone. You sat, watching the video loop play, trying to find any kind of context that may be there. Nothing. You called Jake, ready to beg him to just come back home. Come back to you. He wouldn’t answer, but you kept trying. Call after call, text after text. After an hour, you gave up and called Josh, maybe he would have some kind of insight on the video. No answer. So you texted him.
You 12:42pm: need to talk to you. something happened, Jake left and he won’t answer my calls
His response came almost immediately.
Joshy 12:44pm: He’s here
You 12:45pm: at your house? i’m coming now.
You rushed to put your shoes on and head out the door when another text came through.
Joshy 12:47pm: don’t come. he needs to cool down.
You hit the phone icon at the top of the screen, calling Josh’s number again only to be met with the voicemail. He stopped returning your texts. There was nothing you could do. If you went to Josh’s, you ran the risk of pushing Jake further away from you. The thought was terrifying. You trudged mindlessly through the house, doing little tasks to keep your mind busy, until there was nothing left. So you sat, planted on the couch, staring into space while time ticked by. Only snapping out of your trance when your phone pinged on the cushion beside you. A text from Ally, letting you know she was on her way back to the garage. Almost 4 hours had gone by since Jake walked out the door. You hauled yourself off of the couch to go meet Ally. The only motivation being that he might be here by the time you got back…
7:56pm. He’s not coming home.
You called him when you’d gotten back from the garage. No answer. Called again before your shower at 6pm. Nothing. You sat on the edge of your bed, on Jake’s side, and clicked his contact. Just one more try. You listened as it rang, willing him to answer. To just hear his voice, to know that he’s okay, that he’s safe, that was all you needed. But the voicemail was all there was.
You grabbed Jake’s pillow, hugging it to you as you slid down to the carpeted floor. Pressing your face to the soft fabric, you breathed in, inhaling the lingering scent of him. Hot tears spilled over your lashes and onto the pillow. You were beginning to lose hope that he’d come back to you. Maybe this was a fuck up you couldn’t make up for. Laying on the floor, curled into the fetal position, you cried into the pillow. Your chest was on fire with your ragged breathing, eyes swollen and bloodshot. You let everything out until there was nothing left. Until your body gave in to the dismal exhaustion and you eventually passed out.
“Y/N…” His voice echoed in your head. You could feel his touch, his hand so gentle on your back, in your dream. “Baby, wake up.” The words were so clear, so warm, as if he was here. Like he never left. Your body shook, startling you. Your eyes snapped open to see Jake, kneeling in front of you. It’s not a dream… He’s here. He came home. “Why are you on the floor, love?”
You sat up, throwing your body into his, hugging him, holding him. You needed to be sure this was real, not some sick joke your mind was playing on you. “You came back.” You whispered the words into his shirt, clinging to him as though he’d float away if you let go. And you still weren’t entirely sure that he wouldn’t. “I didn’t think you’d come home… back to me.”
He pressed his lips together, brushing his thumb over your cheek. “Come sit with me, we need to talk.” He stood up, taking your hand in his and led you out into the living room. You didn’t open your mouth to speak, afraid that you might upset him again. He sat you on the couch and retreated to the kitchen. Your nerves were causing your hands to shake and you rubbed them up and down your legs to make it stop. “Here, my love.” Jake’s return startled you, but what caught you even more off guard was his soft tone. The use of your pet name. A complete 180 from the last time he’d spoken to you, just hours ago.
You blinked up at him as he held a glass of wine out to you. You were cautious as you took the glass from his hand, unsure of what was about to unfold. You dropped your eyes to floor, “Jake, I-”
He cut you off, sitting down beside you, “No. Me first.” He took a long drink from his glass. “I acted like an ass this morning. I’m sorry, Y/N, you didn’t deserve that.” You chewed the inside of your cheek, listening to him. “I got freaked out when you said that you were coming home and we needed to talk. I didn’t know what to expect. While I waited for you to get here, I got a weird message and then you came in and showed me that video and I didn’t know what to think.”
You looked at him then, placing your glass on the coffee table. “Jake, I can’t offer an explanation for that video. I may not remember it, but I know in my heart that I did not cheat on you. I didn’t sleep with Josh.” You took a deep, shaky breath, “I know how bad it looks…But If you don’t have trust for me then-“
“No, I do trust you.” He grabbed your hand, pulling you towards him. “And I know you didn’t sleep with him, he told me.” You allowed yourself to lean into his side and hear him out, “I went straight to his place when I left, told him about the video. I described it to him without having the actual thing to show him and he knew exactly what I was talking about.”
“He knew about the video?”
“Not the video, just the night in question.” He rubbed his thumb over your palm as he continued, “It was earlier this year. When you thought the house was haunted.” He said it with a chuckle. You thought back, remembering little details about that night.
Late March. The winter chill was finally gone, letting the light warmth of spring blanket the atmosphere. Jake left early in the morning with Sam. They had flown home for a few days to do an appearance at one of the local radio stations in their hometown. You were used to being home and sleeping alone, as much as Jake was on tour, so the two nights by yourself were nothing. You crawled into bed that night, calling your boyfriend to tell him goodnight, before laying your head on the pillow and passing out. Something had woken you, but you weren’t sure what it was. You leaned over to check the time on your phone. It was after 12am. You decided to get up to use the bathroom before you tried to go back to sleep. On your way back to bed, you passed the spare bedroom, Jake’s study. You stopped when you heard what sounded like papers being shuffled around. Peeking through the crack in the door, you couldn’t make anything out in the darkness. As you gripped the knob to push the door open further, you were startled by the sound of shattering glass, causing you to run back to your room, slamming the door shut and locking it. You picked your phone up and called Jake and tucked yourself in the far corner of the bed, furthest from the door.
“Baby…?” His voice was groggy and sleep ridden. You’d woken him up.
“Jake? Something is happening in the house.”
He was more alert after hearing your frantic tone. “What do you mean? Are you okay?”
“I think our house is haunted, Jake. There’s a ghost!” You stared at the door, realizing how ridiculous you sounded.
You heard him groan through the phone, “Y/N… You woke me up in the middle of the night because you think there’s a ghost in the house?” He paused, waiting for you to respond, but you stayed quiet. “Okay, my love… Why- What happened…” He patiently listened to you tell him what you’d heard. “Do you hear anything else?”
You chewed on your lip for a moment, quietly listening for any sound. “No…” You stood up from the bed and tiptoed to the door, “I’m gonna go look.”
Now Jake’s tone was frantic, “Be careful! Someone could’ve broken in.”
You stopped in your tracks, “Don’t say that, Jake! I’m here by myself!” Your hands were shaking. “I didn’t even think of that… What if there’s someone out there?!”
“Baby, just stay in the room, I’m gonna call Josh to come check on everything.”
You stood in the middle of the room, waiting for him to call you back. A text came instead. ‘On the phone with Josh. he’s on his way.’
Fourteen minutes had gone by. You were chewing on your fingernails when you heard footsteps coming down the hallway.
“Y/N? It’s me.” You pulled the door open to find Josh. “I don’t think there’s anybody here…” He was rubbing his eyes, clearly sleepy, and still on the phone with his twin.
“Did you check the spare bedroom?”
He turned in the direction of the room and started down the hallway. You followed and watched as he pushed the door open and flicked the light on, revealing one of the crystal whiskey glasses, in pieces, on the floor in front of the liquor cabinet that sat below a window. Josh bent down to pick up the chunks of glass, examining them. “It must’ve just been sitting too close to the edge.” He gave a shrug, tossing the pieces into the small trash can by the chair. “There’s nobody here, Y/N. And no ghosts either…” He ushered you out of the room and walked you back to your own bedroom, speaking into the phone. “Yeah, man. There’s nobody here, the doors are locked.”
You looked up at Josh, “I don’t wanna stay here… Not by myself.”
He rubbed his hand over his face, listening to his brother talk on the other end. “Yeah… I can… Okay… See you tomorrow.” You stared at him as he hung up the phone, a questioning look on your face. “Jake wants me to take you back to my place. He’s gonna catch the first flight back in the morning. You nodded in compliance, happy to get out of your creepy home. When you got back to Josh’s, he’d made you a bed on the couch and you fell asleep almost instantly and Jake was there by the time you woke up in the morning.”
“But I slept on the couch by myself, Josh was in his bed all night…” You looked up at Jake then, “You were there in the morning, you know-.”
He held his hand to stop you, “I know, love.” He kissed the top of your head before divulging the story that Josh had told him. “He said he woke up to you in a fit, having some kind of nightmare? I don’t know… But he tried to wake you up and you just clung to him, whispering my name. You thought he was me. So he let you believe it and just stayed with you until you calmed down and fell back asleep. Once he knew you were out, he got up and went back to his room.”
Your face twisted in confusion, “No… It wasn’t a nightmare.” You shook your head, the pieces falling back together. “No, I remember waking up on his couch. I don’t know what woke me up, but I just remember feeling like I was being watched. I don’t know… I- I don’t remember Josh coming out of his room.” You sat up, turning to face your boyfriend. “Jake, somebody was watching me. Someone has been watching me.” You dropped your head into your hands, scratching your nails over your prickling scalp. “You said you got a message…” Recalling his statement from earlier in the conversation, you picked your head up to look at him. “What was it?”
He set his own glass down, fishing his phone out of his pocket. “It came from some text app number, I can only assume it’s the same person sending the Instagram messages.” He held the device out to you. “I wasn’t sure what it meant. But since you got that video, I guess…” He trailed off, as you took the phone.
You looked at his face before turning your attention to the screen. The green text bubble was taunting you as you scanned the message. ‘Don’t let her act innocent. She’s keeping secrets from you.’ You huffed an exasperated sigh, “Secrets? What secrets?”
“Baby…” Jake’s tone was cautious, as though he was afraid to say what he was thinking. “Do you think this is Sage?”
You sat back against the couch, pondering the idea. Why hadn’t you thought of that? “No.” You shook your head, staring at the floor, “We just met her like a month and a half ago, Jake… I wouldn’t put this past her at this point, but it just doesn’t make sense.” Picking your glass up, you downed the whole thing, letting it wash away as much of your anxiety as it could. “That video is from March. How have I not noticed somebody fucking stalking me?” Your breathing started to pick up and Jake could sense the impending panic attack.
He moved to kneel on the floor in front of you, taking your face in his hands. “Look at me.” He kept his voice soft and calm, “We’ll figure this all out, my love. I promise you.” You leaned into his touch, the feeling that you’d been craving since he left you in the front hallway this morning. “I don’t care what kind of pictures or videos or fucking texts we get… My trust in you will not falter. Not again.” You allowed him to pull your lips to his, kissing you gently. You melted into him, sliding off the couch and into his lap. He held you so carefully, like you were made of gold. When he broke away from your lips, he brushed his nose against yours, “I love you more than anything in this life and the next.” He pressed his lips to your forehead and you closed your eyes, holding onto the feeling of him. As though you may never have this again. “You wanna take a hot bath?” You nodded but didn’t make a move to get up. “Go run the water, I’m gonna refill our glasses.” You pecked his lips one last time before following his instruction.
You stood in the guest bathroom, waiting for the tub to fill up. Jake came in with the two glasses, half full, and the bottle tucked under his arm. He set the bottle and both glasses on the floor beside the bathtub. “Come here, pretty girl.” You let him take the bottom hem of your shirt and pull it over your head before sliding your shorts and panties down your legs. “Get in.” He held your hand for balance as you stepped into the steaming water. He waited for you to sit down, removing his own clothes, and climbed in behind you. You settled between his legs, laying back against his chest.
You let the hot water melt away the stress and anxiety from the day. You knew that whatever was happening wasn’t over, but right now, all you wanted was to relax and be with Jake. Your sweet, warm, beautiful boy. “Can I have my wine, please?” He gently pushed you forward so he could lean out of the tub to retrieve the glasses. “Thank you, baby.”
He wrapped his arm around your stomach to pull you back against him. “You’re welcome, love.” He kissed your hair as his hand stayed planted on your abdomen.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a while until the water started to lose some of its warmth. “Jake?” You said his name so quietly, you almost thought he didn’t hear you.
“Yes, my love?” He spoke into your neck, nuzzling his nose against you.
“If you ever leave me like that again…” You paused, fighting back the tears that threatened to fill your eyes. “It’s gonna have to be for good, Jake…” You took a shuddering breath, prompting him to lift his face from your neck, his body tense. “The look you gave me. Like you were disgusted with me.” You cringed thinking back on it, “ The feeling in my chest when you walked out that door… I don’t ever want to feel that again.” Your lip trembled as the first tear slid down your cheek.
Jake shifted behind you, “Y/N, I never had any intention of leaving you…” He turned your body so you were facing him in the water. “I know I said things that I can’t take back, baby. I know that.” He cupped your face, wiping your tears away, “I needed to step away from the situation and calm down. Sure, there was a better way to handle it, but I-.” He paused, his panic evident in the way his breathing picked up. “You have to know that I would never leave you, Y/N. There is nobody else for me.” His eyes searched yours, looking for any sign that you believed him. “Baby, please tell me you know that.”
His pleading eyes softened you and you pulled him into an embrace, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I know, Jake. I just- We’ve never had trouble communicating before, you can’t just walk out on me like that.” He pulled you onto his lap, holding you tightly as he nodded in understanding. “I just want things to go back to how they were before I met her…” You dropped your head as you whispered, a shiver coursing through your body.
“They will, my love. I’ll make sure of it.” He kissed your cheek, “Let’s get you out of here and into something warm.” You stood up and let him wrap a towel around you before leading you down the hall to your bedroom. You dried your body off and let your hair out of its bun. Jake dug through his dresser to find clothes. “Do you want shorts, or just a t-.” When he turned to face you, you were already in bed, tucked beneath the duvet. “Did you even put underwear on?”
You gave him an innocent smile as you shook your head. “Come to bed, Jakey.” He flicked the overhead light off and turned the lamp on his nightstand on. You watched as he pulled the towel from his body and climbed into bed with you. “I just wanna be close to you.” You rolled into him, resting your head on his chest and tangling your legs with his. After a few quiet moments, you felt Jake shift, his erection leaving a prominent tent in the comforter. You let out a quiet giggle and moved your leg, letting your knee nudge his cock. “We can’t just cuddle without interruption?” You raised your eyebrow as you looked at him.
He pushed your body off his, moving to lay on top of you. “Your beautiful naked body is draped over me. What do you expect, love?” You could feel him pressing into your hip and you moved your legs apart, letting him settle between them. Jake placed a warm kiss on your collarbone and you grasped his shoulders..
“Jake…” You waited for him to lift his head to meet your eyes. “Go slow, lover. Let’s just be in the moment together, please.” You pushed his hair behind his ear to get a better view of his face. “It’s been awhile since we really took our time with one another, baby.”
“Anything you want, my sweet girl.” He captured your lips in a kiss full of passion. Your hands circled his neck, fingers weaving into the hair at the nape. His right hand stayed planted on the mattress, holding his weight above you while his left traveled down your body, exploring the terrain. He pulled away from the kiss, “I don’t think there’s ever been a more perfect body than this.” You had your days of doubt and insecurity about your body, but the way Jake worshiped every inch of you, every imperfection, it made all the bad thoughts leave your mind on a one way train. “These soft, plump lips when you pout at me.” He caught your bottom lip between his fingers before giving you a quick peck. “This scar on your shoulder,” He pointed at the small, fading mark, “from when you insisted on riding that mechanical bull…” Another peck to the scar. “Don’t get me started on these…” He moved to your breasts, placing a peck to the swell of one before dragging his tongue over your nipple. You hummed as you watched him work his way down, listing off the things he adored about you. “Your skin is softest here,” The back of his fingers grazed over your tummy, right below your naval. “I could use this spot as a pillow for the rest of my days and every sleep would be fulfilling.” A kiss to your belly. “These legs…” He pulled your leg up, running his fingers down the length of it, “They could make a train stop on a dime.” A trail of kisses down your thigh until he settled between, inches from your core. He reached for your hand and you let your fingers intertwine with his. “Your hands might be my favorite. Only second to your heart.” His lips brushed your fingertips for a moment. “When I come home from a tour, or even just after a bad day, the second your hands wrap around me…” His eyes met yours, “You put them right here,” He pointed to his chest, “Right over my heart. And I can feel every ounce of stress melt away from me. Only your hands have the power to do that, Y/N.” He held your stare for a few more seconds before dropping his eyes to your center. “And this…” He paused, running his finger through your arousal. “God, she gets so wet for me.” His finger passed over your clit so lightly.
“Hmm. Only for you, baby.” Your back arched off of the bed. His hand was still locked with yours and you squeezed it just as his tongue lapped at your pussy. He stuck to your request to go slow, drawing tiny circles over your clit with the tip of his tongue. You rested your head against the pillows, relishing in the feeling. His free hand dipped low, sinking one finger into you and you let out a gasp. Jake looked up at you through his dark lashes, watching as you began to squirm. The sight before him had his dick throbbing. He wanted nothing more than to devour you until you were a dripping mess beneath him, but he also wanted to take his time, savor the moment with you. Because you were right, it had been awhile. And now he was realizing how many of the little details about you he was missing. The way you fought to keep your face relaxed, rolling your head from side to side. He curled his finger, waiting for the inevitable whimper to leave your mouth. There it was. The sound came in the form of his name, drawn out into a pitched whine. He couldn’t help himself from grinding into the mattress. You looked down at him and found his eyes already on your own. Sitting up slightly, you pulled his hand, prompting him to stop and crawl up your body. He laid his chest over yours as you pulled his lips to yours, tasting yourself on them. The kiss was soft. Instead of fighting for dominance, your tongues worked in tune with each other, flowing together in a seamless rhythm. You drew your legs apart, making space for Jake to fit between them and he backed out of the kiss, searching your face. He gave you a look, silently asking for permission and you nodded. “I want it, Jake. Please.” He reconnected your lips, using it as a distraction while he reached between your bodies to grab himself, guiding his cock to your entrance. When he began pushing into you, your mouth dropped open, taking in a deep breath. You stared at the ceiling, feeling him stretch you slowly and he took the opportunity to leave wet kisses over your jaw and down your throat. Once he finally bottomed out, you both sighed in unison. He slid out a bit before he started rolling his hips. There was no rush in the way he moved and you could feel every part of him. Every fine detail of his cock as it filled you over and over. “Oh Jake…” Your moans were quiet, made up of breathy whines and sighs.
“How does it feel, love?” His nose brushed against your cheek and you wrapped your legs around him, giving him the angle to push deeper. “Hmm. I love the way you fit around me. Can’t ever get enough of you, Y/N.” He let his forehead rest on yours, his breath fanning over your face. Your hands went to his back, holding him as though he may float away. Jake found a steady rhythm with his thrusts, each stroke grazing over the most delicious spot inside of you.
Your eyes rolled as your legs tightened around him. “So good, baby. Feels so good when you love me like this.” The tension was building in your stomach, growing with every movement he made. He could feel you clenching him. The way your pussy gripped him, luring him closer to his climax. “We’re almost there, Jakey. I can feel it.” Your nails dug into his shoulders as the threads of your orgasm started to burst. “I love you…” His eyes caught yours as you said it. Those three words uttered from your mouth was it for him. His mouth landed on yours, hungrily eating up your moans as his hips began to falter. A groan roared from deep in his chest and you could feel the vibration of it against your body. The final seam ripped and your orgasm came crashing down around you, flooding your brain and dulling all of your senses. The only thought left in your mind was Jake. You grasped at his skin, drawing him as close as you could get him, but it still wasn’t enough. It would never be close enough.
He buried his face into your neck, hips staggering as he spilled into you, filling you with his warm release. “F-fuck, baby…I fucking love you.” The words were muffled against your skin, but you heard him loud and clear. His body went limp atop of yours, forcing all of his weight onto you. Your hands caressed his back, aiding him in his descent.
When his chest had finally stopped heaving, he made a move to pull out of you, but you kept your legs around him. “Not yet, baby. Just stay for a little longer.” He halted, propping himself on his elbows to look down at you, his gaze full of adoration and the purest of love. You reached up to push the hair from his sweat drenched face and cupped his cheeks. “My beautiful boy.” He turned his head to kiss your palm and you could’ve sworn you felt your heart grow bigger. “My Jake.” You whispered just as his lips brushed yours.
You laid there for a while. Just existing together was enough for you and him both. At some point Jake had finally pulled out of you, but he didn’t move. He stayed sprawled over you, completely spent, his body blanketing yours until he started to doze. You dragged your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp and lulling him to sleep. When you heard his soft snores echoing throughout the room, you kissed the top of his head, and allowed sleep to consume you as well.
You awoke the next morning, still bathed in Jake’s warmth as his limbs tangled with yours. Rubbing your hands over your eyes, you unraveled yourself from your boyfriend to stretch your muscles. Your back arched as your hands reached above your head, smoothing out the tension from your night’s rest. A satisfied hum vibrated from your mouth as you turned on your side to look at Jake. He looked so serene. His face relaxed, lips parted as his breath escaped. You brought your finger to his nose, unable to resist, and traced along the bridge. Starting between his eyebrows, your fingers glided down to the very tip. His tongue shot out to lick his dry lips as his brow furrowed. Suppressing the giggle that threatened to rise from your throat, you did it again, watching him stir. “Jakey, baby…” Your tone was light and sweet, “Wake up, Jake.” You poked his cheek.
He grabbed your hand with a groan, pulling it away from his face without opening his eyes. “What do you need, love?” His raspy morning voice always sent butterflies askew in your stomach.
You sat up and tossed your leg over him, straddling his waist. “Let’s go get breakfast.” He peeled his eyes open, allowing them to adjust to the sunlight streaming through the curtains, and placed his hands on your thighs. “I wanna go to that coffee shop that we met at. The one in the city.”
A smile graced his features, “We haven’t been there in so long.” Jake let his fingers interlock with yours as he stared up at you above him, admiring how beautiful you looked in the mornings. Wild, knotted hair and bright eyes, your skin glowing in the warm sunlight. His eyes traveled down your naked body to where you sat on him, the duvet pooling at your hips, “You better get up now or we won’t be going anywhere today, my love.” He shifted beneath you and you could feel his morning erection press into your ass cheek.
Looking down at him, a smirk tugging at your lip, you scooted backwards. “Maybe we can spare a little time.” You leaned forward to adjust your position before settling back down, his cock nestled between your folds. You began rolling your hips, gliding your wetness over his length. “What do you think, lover?” Your pace quickened for a few seconds, only to slow down again.
“Oh shit.” Jake’s hand went to your hips, trying to make you move faster. “Baby, don’t torture me.” His eyes were pleading for you to let him in.
You just flashed him your smile and pulled his hands from your body, pinning them above his head. “It’s not torture, Jacob.” Your breasts were hovering in his face as you leaned over him. “Don’t touch. Just enjoy the ride, baby.” He lifted his head to press his lips to your hardened nipple and you sat back up, resuming your position on top of him. “Can you do that for me? Keep your hands to yourself and I’ll make it so easy for you.” You resumed your grinding before he could answer. Jake relaxed, letting you take care of him, trusting your words to make it easy. He kept his hands in place, grasping at the pillows as you sped up. Your clit brushed over his tip and you both shivered from the contact. He was so hard, the thick vein protruding from the bottom of his cock adding the sweetest bit of pressure.
His hips jutted, sending a shockwave through your body. It flipped a switch and you planted your hands on his chest, slipping against him at a mind blowing pace. Jake fought with himself, struggling to keep his hands off of you, “Jesus, Y/N.” He was a panting mess, his legs kicking against the mattress behind you. “Please don’t stop…” His words sounded strangled, squeezing through his tight throat. You set your sights on the approaching climax, working hard to make sure you and Jake came together. Just as that familiar burn began to spread in your tummy, you heard a voice echo through your home, calling out to Jake. Your eyes went wide as you started to slow your movements. “Don’t you fucking stop, don’t you dare.” The urgency in his tone matched with the pleading look on his face drove you mad. The same voice called his name again but you tuned it out as you sped up. Your pooling arousal allowed you to slide effortlessly over his length and the bed rocked under your bodies from the rapid movements. Throwing your head back, you placed your hands on his thighs behind you, winding your hips in a circle and Jake was done for. He shuddered beneath you, grunting out a slew of curses as ropes of cum shot out to paint his abdomen. “That’s it, baby. S-So good.” His eyes were screwed shut as he murmured the praise. If you weren’t completely overcome by your own orgasm, you would’ve heard the knocking on your bedroom door. Your legs clamped around him as convulsions ripped through you.
You dropped your hands to either side of Jake’s head, breathing heavily, when the knocks sounded again. “Are you guys fucking done in there?” Josh yelled through the door, a hint of laughter in his tone. You covered your mouth to hide a giggle and rolled off of your boyfriend. Jake grumbled as he got up, using his towel from the night before to wipe himself off, and pulled a pair of boxers on. You yanked the comforter over yourself to hide your naked body just as he pulled the door open, revealing Josh with his shit-eating grin. “I must say, I’m glad to see you’ve made up. Splendid!”
Jake rolled his eyes at his twin, “Why are you here, Josh?”
Josh feigned a look of hurt. “Well, if you’d answer your damn phone.” He lifted his hand, holding a notebook in front of Jake’s face and waved it. “I had some ideas this morning. Lyrics, possible concepts. Wanted you to take a look.” He shoved the book into his brother’s chest, prompting him to grab it.
He forced the book back at Josh, “I can’t right now. We have breakfast plans.” Jake gestured between you and him, his focus never leaving Josh.
You watched as they bickered back and forth, allowing it to go on for a couple minutes until you couldn’t take it anymore. “Okay, children…” They both turned to you in unison and you smiled, loving the moments when they were perfectly in sync. “I will go and get breakfast for all of us. You two can stay here and work out whatever this is.” You didn’t give either of them a chance to say anything, “No go away so I can get dressed.” Jake pushed the door shut in Josh’s face, but you heard him holler a ‘Thanks, mama.’ through the barrier as you rose from the bed.
“I could’ve made him leave, Y/N” He walked over to you, pouting his lip. “I wanted to go to the cafe, just the two of us.” You pulled your panties on, listening to him make his argument, and then went to the closet. He followed you, lingering in the doorway.
You put on a pair of black leggings and pulled a plain white, cropped tee from its hanger, turning to Jake. “I’ll be back in less than an hour, baby.” His hands found your waist, drawing you closer to him. You placed your hand over his chest before giving him a quick peck, “You know Josh doesn’t come to you unless he’s onto something really good.”
His eyes fell shut as he soaked your words up, nodding in understanding. “You don’t always have to be right about everything.” Jake slid his hands over your ass, giving it a playful squeeze. “Okay, but don’t take too long.” He left one more soft kiss to your lips before letting you move past him and out of the bedroom.
You parked your car by the curb, grabbing a few quarters to throw in the meter. Jake had texted you on your drive into the city to let you know that Danny and Sam would be coming to your home as well. When you got out of the car, you sent him a response, asking for a list of everyone’s drink and food orders. After tossing the change into the parking meter, earning you 30 minutes, you walked the half block towards the coffee shop. It was crowded inside the cafe, busier than usual for 10 am on a Thursday. You stepped up to the line, reading over the text that held the order requests before switching apps to occupy your time. When the barista called you up, you read everything off the list, finishing with your own items and giving her your debit card. She took it with a smile, swiping it down the side of the card reader and handed it back to you. You pulled a $20 bill from your wallet and stuffed it into the tip jar as you moved to the other end of the counter to wait for your name to be called. Just as you unlocked your phone to text Jake, letting him know you’d be back soon, something caught your attention. You looked up into the mess of people littering the small area, your eyes landing on a curtain of brown hair, shielding a face that was turned down, staring at a phone screen. You squinted, trying to be sure it was who thought. But when she lifted her head, her eyes instantly landing on you, it wasn’t her face you were looking at. It was her shirt. Jake’s shirt. You would recognize the black, acid washed garment anywhere, it was one of a kind. Slowly your eyes traveled up to her face, a deer in headlights expression plastered there. A barista called your name then, causing you to look away from her and when you turned back, she was weaving through the sea of customers and out the door. You grabbed the cup holder and bags that held your order and rushed out the door, ready to confront her for stealing from your home, from your boyfriend. But when you hit the sidewalk, whipping your head in both directions, she was just gone.
Your palms were sweating with fury the whole drive home. When you tramped through the front door, Jake instantly knew something was off. He came up, taking the loaded cup holder from your hands, “What happened, Y/N?” He followed you into the kitchen, where his brother all stood around the island. “Are you okay?” He placed the drinks down and turned you to face him.
“I fucking saw her.” Your chest was rising and falling rapidly as your temper grew. “That snake bitch stole your shirt Jake! She fucking took it from our bedroom floor and she’s wearing it.” You didn’t need to say her name, he knew who you were referring to.
He rubbed his hand up and down your arms in a soothing manner, willing you to relax. “What do you mean, love? What shirt?” He kept his voice calm despite the sick feeling in his chest. You described the shirt to him.
“I was wearing it that night. When we-” You paused, knowing the guys were listening to your entire conversation. “When I woke up and went into the bedroom the next morning, it was gone. I dug through every piece of clothing in that room.” Taking a deep breath, you huffed the air out of your lungs, “She was in the coffee shop… Wearing it like it fucking belonged to her. She had no fucking right.” You didn’t realize you were shaking until Jake wrapped you in his arms, tucking you against him. He whispered into your hair, little things that he knew would calm you.
When Sammy opened his mouth to speak from behind you, your head snapped to look at him. “She really is obsessed with you…” You waited for him to elaborate but he was completely clueless.
Jake was the one to push, “What are you talking about, Sam?”
His little brother shrugged, “I thought the way she threw herself at you in Atlanta was a little odd, but she’s really coming into stalker territory.”
You looked from Sam to Jake, brows furrowed. Atlanta? He hadn’t been in Atlanta since March? “Jake, what is he talking about?”
He was just as puzzled as you were, trying to put pieces together. “I never met her in Atlanta, Sam. I didn’t know who she was until Odessa introduced her at the bar two months ago?”
“Yes you did.” Now Sam was the one confused, “When we were down there to work with that producer that label tried to pair us with. Odessa drove down to visit Danny and brought Sage with her.” He paused, sipping his coffee. “We were at that western themed bar and she kept trying to buy you drinks and hang on you.” You could see Jake’s gears turning, the memory settling into place. “After she was all over Y/N at the bar and then me at the cookout…I don’t know. I chalked it up to her just enjoying attention… But now…” He trailed off, shaking his head.
“The blonde? At the cowboy bar with Odessa… The blonde girl was Sage?” Jake looked at Danny for confirmation and he gave a gentle nod. “How did I not connect those dots? I can’t even remember seeing her face that night.”
Josh chimed in, “Probably because you were worried about Y/N that whole weekend.” He flicked his eyes to you, an apologetic look on his face.
You looked up at Jake, remembering that time, “I was supposed to make the trip down with Dess, but my dad got sick… I had to drive home.” A sickening feeling started to ripple through your insides. “Jake, she’s-” Your voice shook as you fought back the nausea working its way up your esophagus.
He knew what you were thinking as his brothers all stared at you, trying to draw their own conclusions. “Baby, no. You don’t think-.”
“It’s all been her.”
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cultofdixon · 1 year
I Found Yea, Bunny
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Never did he think he’d find anyone to love him, then when someone did. The world ended • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Canon Violence / PTSD / Anxiety Attacks / Injuries
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“You still moping baby brother?” Merle kicked Daryl’s leg to get him to say anything. “What? Ain’t gonna talk when you’ve convinced me to stay at this pig’s camp? Come on Darylina, you’re killing me here”
“Fuck off Merle. Ain’t you going on that run?”
“Yeah, but the second I come back. No survivors” Merle jokes for the most part as he picks up his hunting rifle. “Seriously. If you’re still moping and being a lil bitch because of Y/N you just gotta get over it. She’s gone”
Hearing that last part for probably the millionth time, only started to trigger him. She can’t be gone kept him standing.
“See that chick over there? The short one”
“I don’t care about your next catch of the week, Merle.” Daryl scoffs taking another sip of his beer when a waiter walks by setting now another set of beers without either of them asking. “Hey wait I ain’t—“
“Curtesy of the two lovely ladies over there” They state before taking Merle’s empty one and heading back behind the bar.
Merle instantly wraps his arm around his brother staring at the two with him seeing obviously the more confident one wave at them as the other was more shy.
“I’ll take the taller one with the nice rack, and you take the shy one” Merle whispers patting his back making Daryl choke on his beer quickly wiping at his face as the two made their way over. “Heya ladies”
“Hey yourself, mind if we join you?” The one Merle was eyeing inches closer to his person making the smirk grow on his face.
“This is going to be a disaster” Daryl whispers to himself only for the other woman to giggle to his words.
“Wanna bet who’s going to ruin it? She’s not the steadiest drunk” She whispers back smiling when one started to crack out on his face.
“Bet it’s my brother and…?”
“I’ll bet on my friend Rachael. But I will most likely win”
“And why is tha—“ Daryl stops talking when Racheal suddenly jumped Merle’s bones right then and there. Knocking off her glass and his beer resulting in the broken glass. “Shit.”
“Nights still young I guess” the woman laughs watching the two roll on the dirty bar ground making one of the bar keeps come over to smack them with the broom to get up. “Didn’t catch your name by the way…didn’t get his either but he’s busy”
“Why did you…not give up? Like the others did…yeah me askin’ shouldn’t matter anymore because..” Carol still couldn’t believe the whole barn situation, let alone what happened to her daughter.
“I’ve lost enough.”
And with that Carol knew more about Daryl than anybody else. He didn’t go into the grand details about it, all that before he and Merle met the quarry group…Daryl was looking for his other half. Not giving a damn of what Merle had to say about it. They hunted, stayed alive, and searched. That was it until something secure came along.
But seeing Rick be with his family, after being separated for months…Daryl wanted that same feeling. That same joy of being reconnected with the one you love.
Now the second good thing after the CDC, the farm was up in flames as Daryl got him and Carol out of there on his bike.
“Hey stranger” Y/N smiles letting Daryl into her studio as he was already looking around the place.
“You took these?” Daryl points to the still of the wildlife on one of the many tables as Y/N walks up beside him smiling.
“Yeah, cool right?”
“How’d yea manage to get them to stay still?”
“You said you hunt right? With your brother?” Y/N tilts her head waiting for Daryl’s confirmation which was a nod and a grunt. “Imagine without your weapon and bright orange vests…a camera and a bit more camouflage”
“You…being careful right?”
“Oh I don’t do this in hunting grounds, or well. Forests that have been reported to have people hunt in them before.” Y/N reassures hun with her always shining smile, letting him continue to go through the photos. “I have been asked to document hunters for a catalog. Going to get a few new hunting rifles and a couple compound bows, if you and your brother are interested”
Daryl thought about it as he couldn’t help the joy bubbling in him to hang out with her again. That night at the bar lead to coffee in the morning while his brother and her best friend were still occupying Daryl’s shitty apartment, and another night for drinks but just the two of them to get to know one another without taking care of somebody other than themselves, which brought them to Y/N’s studio that she was also living in.
“Yeah, why not”
Y/N squeals happily and hugging on Daryl as he instantly wrapped his arm around her. “You’re going to look great”
“Maybe bring Racheal to occupy Merle”
“Oh totally, or nothing will get done”
Daryl lays uncomfortably on the rocks after rolling down it from when the horse bucked him off and from using what little energy he had to try and scale the steep mountain to get back to the farm. He was in and out of consciousness when he perked up hearing her laugh.
“You’ve got yourself in a pickle, baby” Y/N knelt down beside Daryl’s body gently caressing his face. “Did Merle do this?”
“Nah baby….H-Horse…”
“Now you never learn from that one time, and you weren’t even the one bucked off that horse” She laughs and he couldn’t help the painful smile he wore listening to her. He was willing to die just listening. But he couldn’t. “Stay awake D. Once you find that sweet girl, you gotta find me.”
And with that. He did his best. His best got him back to the farm, walker looking and all, next thing you know.
Pain. A whole lot of fucking pain.
Once they questioned Daryl about what he found and Hershel having his priorities confirmed, he was finally left alone to recover in the safety of the house. Letting him get some much needed sleep.
Daryl watches her sleep peacefully beside him listening to her cute little snores and watching her curl up inching closer to his person. He couldn’t help himself by closing the space and gently wrapping his arm around her sleep form feeling her do the same pulling herself into his chest. He smiles listening her satisfied sigh when she finally got comfortable in his embrace.
“Stop watching me and sleep…” Y/N mumbles in a sleepy daze, smiling feeling him shift to cage her in his embrace. “Goodnight baby”
“Sweet dreams bunny”
He couldn’t help the tears that spilled waking up the next morning.
The prison became their home after they lost so much and fought for their safety.
Daryl wishes that the bus of Woodbury folk held his other half in it. But as he came to disappointment once again, he went back to it. Taking daily runs just to search for her and would always come back empty handed on that front. At least he doesn’t have to watch his found family starve or freeze to death given he’s been bringing back everything he could find. Feeling a little bit of joy in their happy faces when his runs were never focused on that to begin with. But just as important.
“Hey Daryl, hold up a sec” Glenn calls out to him right as Carl and Rick were about to open the gates for him.
“Need somethin’?”
“Yes and no…” He sighs. “We need to save up on gas for the run to that mega store. Don’t get me wrong, what you’re doing is helpful. But we really need to be more careful with our limited supplies”
Daryl knew he was using the supply they’ve had to do these runs and it was going to be brought up eventually. Guess his spontaneous runs at any hour, every day, have come to an end.
“Hey pookie” Carol smiles, enjoying the fact that that nickname annoys Daryl, watching him sit down beside her at one of the tables outside. “Couldn’t go on the run?”
“Got told not to. It’s whatever”
“Mmm. Is it though?” Carol nudges Daryl for more of what’s on his mind. More of why he does these runs. “You’ve always been looking for something and every time you come back with much needed supplies…but the look of disappointment rest in your eyes. Daryl what are you looking for out there?”
Carol is one of the few that Daryl trusts with his life and part of him didn’t want to talk about it. Or it brings the thought of loss back in his mind. The same thought that has him laying wide awake at night or waking to the anxiety inducing nightmare that his other half was ripped apart from the undead and or tortured by the monsters of men that litter the new world. But he couldn’t keep it a secret for much longer…
“My girl”
“Hey! You made it” Y/N smiles removing herself from the small group surrounding one of her photos displayed so that Daryl could happily bring her into his embrace. “Surprised Merle released you from whatever devilish act he had planned”
“A six pack did it”
“Figures” Y/N smiles parting from Daryl just enough to take his hand and walk with him through the whole exhibit. It was more than her art on display but Daryl could care less about the rest. Only hers was the best.
Daryl waited for the showcase to be over and he hung back to help take down what wasn’t sold of Y/N’s work. But also for him to have a more intimate moment with her.
“I’ve got somethin’”
“And I don’t wanna scare yea off, or think I’m moving too quick” Daryl sets down the once hanging piece to lean up against the wall before reaching into his pocket to take out a ring. Y/N was about to drop the pieces she was holding if Daryl didn’t explain himself right away. “It ain’t engagement. Even if I’m sure yer it for me, more a promise. Until the real deal”
“D, this isnt like…the blood money from Merle—-“
“Nah I stopped doing his crazy shit a bit ago. Have been doing commission for bikes and got a gig at a garage…you’ve…made me better and just wanted to do somethin’. Showed me love without consequence or pain…I just. Gotta know—-“
“I love you” Y/N cuts him off, setting everything in her hand down so that she could let him put the ring on her finger before taking his face gently in her hands. “You don’t have to say it back immedieatly. Timing is different for everyone…but I love you, and I know I want you in my life for the rest of it. Even after”
Daryl instantly pulled her flush against him feeling her arms find their spot around his neck as his around her waist. Taking in everything about her in that moment.
She was his other half
And he was hers
“Aaron, I don’t think these people will take our offering like it’s nothing. It just randomly appears”
“What do you suggest then?”
“We’re talking suggestions now?”
“Yeah, cuz Deanna saw potential with you in recruitment so thought I’d ask” Aaron whispers to Y/N beside him as the two were tracking a group for some time now.
“Our community isn’t the only one. That’s the feeling I get. These people, we don’t know if they got screwed over or not. They will be hostile and we can’t take that like it’s nothing”
“So…give up or what”
“I didn’t say that. Just if we get caught. Or Eric. Stand your ground but not with your weapon.” She frowns not liking the sound of the commotion coming from this group she couldn’t get a clear look of. “We need these people to trust us. And the element of surprise, is awful in this hell” she takes the binoculars from Aaron to get a look but were caught off guard by a walker approaching that he took care of. “Never was much a fan of surprises in the old world…”
“Didn’t you say your husband surprised you with that ring you’re wearing?”
“Yeah but that’s different”
“How so?”
“He was my other half” Y/N stored the binoculars in her back when the rain started. “We should head back to Eric, and discuss our next course of action”
“I agree with that notion” Aaron covered her back as they made their way to the cars they brought out from their community.
“One of my buyers, thought I got married because of my ring” Y/N fiddles with one of Daryl’s many wrenches from his work station in her garage as he was working on her car.
“What’d yea say?”
“Played along. I like the thought of you as my husband. My big strong protective sweetheart husband” She smiles watching the tips of Daryl’s ears turn a bright red when he said such as he tried to cover them for a moment.
“Told the guys at the garage yer my wife anyway”
“Yeah, so they know if they fuck with yea. I’m knocking their teeth in” Daryl held his hand out for her to place the wrench she was messing with in such.
“But they can get the hint just from girlfriend”
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the idea”
“Is that you asking me Daryl Dixon?”
“Yea want it to be?” He stops working to look at his girl who became a blushing mess at the thought, especially when he smirked at her knowing damn well she’d like that.
“I’d like some display. Nothing too public. Just us still” Y/N smiles spreading her legs from her seat on his bench for him to slot himself perfectly between them. Leaning into her, resting his hands on the table. “What?”
“I’ve got somethin’ but for now, yer my wife to everybody who asks”
“Unless it’s Merle and Racheal”
“Motherfuckers would be like “took yea long enough” let’s be real”
“Very true Dixon” She smiles pressing her lips against his shortly after as he quickly picks her up holding her up by the thighs. “Baby!”
“Think I need a break with my bunny” He smirks kissing her once more before carrying her inside.
“I’m not alone”
“Really now?” Rick glares into Aaron’s soul as he quickly drops everything in his person to avoid getting hurt even further if that was bound to happening. “Who else is with you?”
“My partner and my best friend. Except my friend is closer to this location”
“And y’all didn’t find her?” Rick questions Maggie and Sasha as the two looked at each other confused before watching the retired sheriff take Aaron by the collar. “Where the fuck is she?”
“Her husband was a t-tracker. Hunter—-she knows how to hide. Says it’s what saved her from outbreak day to now” Aaron was close to shaking but what he said perked the attention of the archer who stopped aiming his crossbow at him. “I can call her but you have to let go of me…”
“Rick” Daryl interrupts whatever thought he was having about such as Rick gave him a confused look. “Trust it. Let him. Now.”
The confused look stuck as he lets go of Aaron for him to reach into his bag keeping eye contact with Rick as he took his radio out.
“Dixon, come out.”
The name caused the group to look at Daryl confused but then suddenly ready their weapons to the ceiling of the barn when they heard a loud thud, then a roll, and finally footsteps outside the building. Daryl brought himself past Aaron to the door when they opened to reveal exactly who he’s been looking for.
“I told him he was only going to trigger y’all too—-“ Y/N stops speaking when she locked eyes with Daryl who hesitantly inched closer to her.
Daryl couldn’t help the overwhelming urge to grab her and pull her into his embrace as he brought himself right up to her.
“So, Dixon huh?”
“Like you’d want my last name…” Y/N tried, and failed to keep the tears from falling as she drops everything on her latching onto Daryl feeling his arms tighten firmly around her. “Hey baby”
“I found yea, bunny. I knew I would”
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Dungeon Meshi rewatch ep 9 notes
the ex party member's name is Namari (did not retain that on my first watch but then again, that's what the rewatch is for)
Marcille resents her for "abandoning" the party bc they couldn't pay her
Mr. and Mrs. Tansu are the elderly couple who employed her after she left the party (wow it's only been a week and I feel so much has happened already)
Kaka and Kiki are the twins they adopted (it comes up later in the ep if I'm not mistaken) (actually I think it's from the manga extra @eelo sent us in chat)
they're "personal scholars" so I guess they do research in the dungeon on behalf of someone?
ahhh grumpy old man says Marcille angered the water spirit (Undine) so I guess pouring boiling water in the lake did trigger it, wasn't a coincidence oopsie
they're gnomes ok noted
grumpy mcpants tries to calm down the water spirit (bc gnomes and spirits are homies)
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LOL I forgot he uses Namari as a shield
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AH RIGHT the resurrection thing only works within the dungeon, right? I'm a clown
but Senshi actually does mind the resurrection thing, which same really. it would freak me out a lil I think
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ah so here we get some info on how/why resurrection works in the dungeon: the soul is bound to the body within the dungeon so no matter how damaged the body is, the soul won't leave
grumpy pants says it's not so much the dead coming back to life, as it is death being forbidden in the dungeon - which is a curse
grumpy pants and fam research such ancient curses and he's come to investigate a magical circle in the area (what is a magical circle? is that the thing Marcille does later when she resurrects Falin?)
Namari finds Laois' sword creepy (she thinks it's the same one as before but it's actually gotten creeper lol)
do gnomes dislike Elves too? they sure are unpopular heh why?
Namari seems to be the weapons expert, chastising everyone for not tending to their weapons properly
Kensuke reacts to a nearby monster, good boy Kensuke
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lol the tentacle vine banana stuck in Senshi's hand
okay the Undine is pretty interesting - collection of tiny spirits that only live a week each, pretty cool
a return spell is a thing that can be done ig
I don't dislike Namari but I'm not a fan of her tbh
now it's revealed that Senshi's cooking pot is made out of adamant, a really powerful/resistant material (he's becoming more and more sus bc he knew of the dungeon before everyone else, and now this "family heirloom" shield turned pot that's made out of some epic rare material… I've got my 👀 on you Senshi boy)
why do I feel like there is some important lore there in his backstory… was he supposed to be something but only wanted to live a simple life of cooking monsters so he ran away to the dungeon? are we gonna meet his fam later on? hmmmmm probably not bc nothing in this anime is predictable hahaha
Namari to the rescue! she and Senshi bag the Undine (which Marcille eats to recover her powers)
ah, the final ex member of the party is mentioned: Shuro (who was so in love with Falin he wanted to propose but didn't go with them after she got eaten which ??? raises some questions)
Namari says he's probably still searching for her but like, why not with the rest of them?
random screengrabs:
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poor Kensuke lol
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ballofweirdsunshine · 2 months
Red Tainted Glass.
Megumi Fushiguro x F!Reader
Warning: cursing, blood.
word count: 848 (kinda short)
tried to make as accurate as possible🤭 this is my first fic✨
Summary: While finishing up a mission, your technique takes a large toll on you, making you cough up glass and blood at least 3 times a day. Now, you have to mask your distress from your friends, boyfriend, and just people in general.
Pilot : Hiding.
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Thats what you felt like.
Utter shit.
How were you gonna tell everyone, especially your own boyfriend?
Things are hard and complicated.
As you walked back onto campus, you felt the infamous sharp pain in your neck arrive once again.
You felt the sudden urge to cough.
Yet, you fought it back.
You can’t bear anyone knowing about your problems.
You continued to walk around campus to locate back to your dorm.
You soon find yourself on your bed, staring at the wall in thought.
It wasn’t like you were actually thinking about anything, you just needed to recenter.
Snapping back to reality, you find the urge to see what your peers are up to now.
The sun was setting so they couldn’t be doing a lot during this time.
Getting up from your bed, you suddenly drop to the ground almost immediately.
Your throat aches as you feel the iron taste of crimson blood touch your tongue.
You clench your eyelids tightly before coughing violently.
“How the fuck do I find myself in situations like this?” You thought while dribbles of blood and chunks of glass come piling out of your throat.
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes while you feel your body start to tremble and shake rather quickly.
You try to fight back the drops of salty tears before it spills out of your weary eyes.
You feel a stop to the aching pain in your throat, as you let out a shaky sigh of relief.
You sit up and off of your trembling knees while you decide to quickly clean up your bloody mess before someone checks out all of your coughing commotion.
“What the hell am I gonna do? Even if I do decide to tell someone, who?!” You ask yourself, pacing around the room nervously.
”Maki? No, she’d just stress me out more by urging me to tell everyone. Panda? Nah, he’d accidentally tell someone off the bat.”
“Ugh! Deciding is hard.” You whine, dramatically plopping yourself on your bed.
“What is causing this..?” You mutter under your breath, staring at the floor hopelessly.
“Hey, has anyone seen y/n? Gojo-sensei said that she had gotten back from her mission a couple hours ago.” Yuji asked, walking into the room, rubbing the back of his neck while quickly scanning the room.
“You worried?” Megumi said, not looking up from his book to acknowledge his pink haired friend.
“A lil. She still owes me that dango and I was really looking forward to it!” The pinkette whined dramatically.
“She probably needed a break from you two bozos.” A orange haired girl retorted, pointing at Megumi and Yuji.
“Hey! I’m not a bozo!” Yuji shouted, feeling offended by the sudden negative comment.
“But if you wanna check on her, I’m not stopping you. If anything, she’s most likely sleeping.” She spoke as she lifted up her forearms in defense.
“Sleeping? She’s scary when cranky! You check on her, Fushiguro!” Yuji shrieked, obviously afraid of you when woken up.
“Just don’t wake her up.” Megumi replied dryly, still not even shooting a single glance up from his book.
“I’ll wake her up for sure! Not only because she’s scary. You’re her boyfriend so if anyone could get her to open her door, it’s you.” Yuji shuddered, ignoring his sea urchin haired friend’s suggestions.
“Fine.” Megumi sighed defeatedly, setting down his book and walking towards the dormitories.
While walking, the faint smell of blood lingered in the air.
It wasn’t enough for a human with normal smell to detect but it was still there.
Megumi arrived at your dorm, raising his arm to knock but stopping himself from doing so.
He felt nervous.
He didn’t feel nervous often.
He really didn’t.
Why was he nervous now?
He pushed his confusing thoughts away for later and pulled himself to knock.
“Y/n?” He called out.
No answer.
“Huh, that’s weird.” Megumi thought. “She normally answers the first time..”
He knocked again.
No answer.
Ok, now he was getting worried.
He softly placed his palm on the door handle, slowly wrapping his fingers around the handle.
He opened the door to see the lights completely out, making the room almost impossible to navigate.
Your body wrapped in blankets, back facing Megumi and breathing slowly with slightly unkept strands of h/c colored hair visible.
“She’s asleep, that’s all.” Megumi thought to himself, closing the door and letting out a soft exhale of breath he was unintentionally holding.
“So, is she in there?”
Megumi jumped at the sudden question from his pink haired peer.
“Yeah, she’s just sleeping.” He responds, turning to Yuji as he quickly regained his calm composure.
“Got it.” Yuji answered, shifting his gaze elsewhere.
“Come to mention it, y/n has been a bit more secretive lately..” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You’re at least right about that.” Megumi responded dryly.
“Maybe we should ask Kugisaki about it! She’s a girl.” Yuji suggested, lighting up at his sudden idea.
“No, I don’t think we should bother her.”
“If ya say so.”
Thanks for reading! I might make this a series but I don’t know yet. Depends on how much attention this post gets! Bye!
-Sayori <3
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twilightarc-gm · 3 months
🦈💕🎯 for the ask game!
🥰 An ask for me! Thank you so much I will endeavor to be entertaining!
For this ask game~ Here
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write? //checks works// I have written exactly 5 character perspectives and honestly my beloved Jiang Cheng gives me the hardest time! He's always thinking and thinking and doing cost benefit analysis in his head for every decision, paragraphs will go by before I remember he's supposed to be responding to someone!! Help!! Honestly I think the reason he's a toughy is because I am SOOO invested in representing him in a way that makes sense but is also doesn't bury the plot. Not everyone is into a downward spiral of paranoia and anxiety with sudden spikes of grief. Like I am the first one to say that he has normal days without rocking the scorned woman vibes every moment of it, but also when he's not Cursed Cassandra or triggered by his WWX-centric ptsd, he's just such a normal guy?? He likes people who are good/nice, he likes being good at what he was taught to do, he likes people relying on him, and he likes caring for his people... Like, when the narrative isn't against him he's just doing his thing trying to be enough for anyone willing to give him the time of day which is relatable as heck but also takes up 80% more processing power of the hamster wheel in my brain than it should and it's like... I had a plot here somewhere here but I just want to write him making the most mundane decisions. This is a problem!
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written? OoooooOooooOooooOooo wow yeah good question because I actually have some fics published now so I actually have choices to answer with but also the answer is that my favorite fic isn't even published yet and I have been writing it for years. "Mainfic" my beloved, soon... Of everything that currently available to link, I think the Jiaoren!JC au is the best of my fics but my favorite these days as in fun for me to reread is the lil zoids au that's just WWX thirsting for JC with a mecha sport as backdrop. 😂 It's very indulgent. I put little images in it and everything. Like popping butterscotch candies when rereading and writing it.
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards? Gonna be incredibly boring with this one because I think all my writing milestones I ever had I have already reached. 🙃 The biggest one before was just finishing a chapter fic, you know? I guess the next milestone is to do that but with something LONG and maybe that will be mainfic? Who knows. Ball of nerves on that one. It's probably going to get up to 200k if not more? That'd be my biggest achievement if I got that finished and all posted. 🙏
Aaah I love ask games, thank you so much these were fun to answer! My inbox is always open for anything, don't be a stranger~ 😉
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mamayan · 11 months
I’m writing a Yan!Feitan fic rn and tbh my heart is swaying as I rewatch the show.
I don’t see this man as anything but awkward, deranged (not delusional), and mildly violent/sadistic towards his darling.
I don’t see him wanting to torture them… at least not in a traditional sense of his norm. No, he’s an intelligent individual, albeit stunted in the emotional intellect category. This means he’s not just whole heartedly ignorant of his feelings, and I see him falling for a darling he respects. At least in one way of another. He’d be confused why he’s feeling the urge to be closer to his darling, or maybe even frustrated when he’s not quite grasped his own intentions, but he’d be quick to catch on. He’d realize and then he’d act. I see him coming to a swift conclusion.
He’d take his darling 100% right away no questions asked if they were considered physically weak in his mind (so not as strong as someone in the Troupe, but I could see his darling being a Pro-Hunter or something of the sort, but in his mind they’re soft lil weak baby cuz he’s just a monster).
Though, I don’t see him yeeting them into his torture chamber or even belittling them.
Why you may ask?
I believe Feitan is, and this is sorta canon too, a master in psychology (not his own, he’s a busy man, ain’t no one got time for all that). At least in terms of torture/extracting information/and coercion! He’s not suave like Chrollo, but he’s not unaware of what makes a person tick!
He’d certainly not put up a front like other Yanderes, no, he’d be himself. That is probably what makes him terrifying, because even around the people he considers peers… he’s a scary lil man. He’s quick to make his darling bend to his will, and he’d do it perfectly to fit his daring.
Darling is a little spit fire with a good right hook? He’ll force them to their knees before him with his fingers tangled in their hair/around their neck.
Darling literally cries when someone say’s they’re disappointed in them?Feitan will make them sob as he tells them how their behavior/actions is such a nuisance. He’d trigger them immediately.
He’s not doing these things because he wants to punish his darling for no reason. If he wanted to let off steam, he’s got plenty of access and lack of morals to go get whoever strikes a nerve with him and take their skin off. Why would he even bother on his darling?
I do see him making his darling watch his torture sessions, but not as a deterrent lol.
He 1000% wants praise and admiration from his darling. I can even see him mentally expecting applause or something dramatic as he manages to remove all vital organs from the inside of someone and still keeping them alive.
He’s a creep♡
Feitan also strikes me as cat-like. He’d go after an independent darling and then get upset when he’s given attention when he doesn’t want it… and when darling doesn’t give it suddenly wants it.
He’d strip that independence away immediately (unless his darling is fairly powerful in his eyes, I can see him being flexible in areas depending on darling’s feelings towards him).
He’d just awkwardly stand in front of his darling as they read on the couch- just blocking their view… staring down at them. Not speaking.
Awkward man doesn’t know how to initiate. Hoping darling does? He’s not gonna ask, probably won’t talk either.
Anyway just my ramblings. Fic will come lol
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