#pre season three
non-cannon · 5 months
Anyone else remember that time before season three came out, but after we knew that the character who would be replacing Nina would be named KT? And all of us already heartbroken Fabina shippers started panicking, thinking that they were going to make Fabian and this KT get together. And then the season happened and we learned that she was actually the thorn in Peddie's side?
I swear I remember seeing a KTxFabian fanfic, or at least a fanfic where they were named an established couple before we knew anything about KT beyond the fact that she was going to replace Nina when the season started.
Like post season three starting, I don't think I saw a single person shipping KTxFabian, or so much as suggesting that as a possibility, but in those few months between learning her name/about her existence, and before the season started I definitely remember that being a legitimate fear/theory.
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theoneforwriting · 1 year
When you still want time
Summary: Ava had wanted to start smoking.
“Ava?”   It was a slow night, they were on Earth in what looked like the middle of nowhere. Which meant there was a middle of nowhere gas station that had cigarettes. Ava had gone outside to sit in one of the parking lot’s dark corners, amplifying the temporary stillness the night produced.   “Gloria?” She parroted back, she flicked her cigarette and the ashes landed on her bare feet. Gloria ignored her and sat next to Ava on the large parking block.   “Why did you start smoking?”   “Does anyone really start smoking,” she waved her hand about leaving behind a smoke trail only seen by the distant lights shining from the diner “or does it just happen?”   “Well for you, yes, it’s one of the first things you ever said to me.”   “Mmm, you sure have some elephant brain up there.” Ava responded, knocking the side of Gloria’s head.   “And you sure are dodging the question.” Gloria said, she raised an eyebrow. Ava put her hand to her chest in mock offense. “I am wounded you would-ow?!” Gloria cut Ava off as she clambered over her. Ava’s dramatics had given Gloria enough time to steal a cigarette.     “Hey!” Ava yelled. Gloria stuck her tongue out and then put the cigarette in her mouth. She gave an expectant look. Ava sighed, leaning forward with her cigarette in her mouth she lit Gloria’s with hers. Now there were two dim ends of cigarettes that were only bright enough to illuminate their fingertips.   “Something wrong with your lighter?”  Gloria asked as she leaned back into her own space.   “It’s finicky as all hell.” Gloria hummed in understanding. A few minutes passed in silence before Ava groaned, sounding frustrated.     “What?” Gloria asked, bemused.   “Fine, you have forced my hand Gloria, but you are one of the only two people I would ever tell this to, so you better keep your mouth shut.” Gloria mimicked zipping her mouth shut, locking it, and then throwing away the key.   “I am sealed.” Ava rolled her eyes at it but nodded in satisfaction. Ava layed down with her bottom still on the parking curb and head on the concrete, she looked like a strange bridge for tiny people.    “I was giving myself an out.” Gloria tilted her head.    “An out?”    “Cigarettes are, no duh, not the best for your human body, but they’re also not as horrible for it as some alien shit we’ve seen.” Ava smushed her cigarette in the concrete next to her head.   “But these things” she pointed to the dimming cigarette without looking “are slower, if it did something to me it would be a while before it did.” Gloria remained quiet.     “I was, do not ever tell Caspar this, at my wits end with the diner, at that point I was messing around with everything else other than the diner.” She swung herself back up into a sitting position.   “But then you came and knocked over the radio.” Although Gloria couldn’t see it she could tell Ava had a sly grin on her face.   “Now I don’t need my out anymore,” she picked up the box and rattled it “but damn these things are good.” There was a heavy silence, then Gloria laughed. Her laughter sounded genuine but mostly hysterical. But it was enough to get Ava laughing too. Soon they were both struggling to get air and leaning on each other for support. They were wheezing and rocking back and forth. It was as if the cloudy sky opened up in response to the mirth between the two. The crescent moon was bright enough to show the tear stained face of Gloria. But Ava wouldn’t say anything about it, as long as Gloria didn’t say anything about her own glossy eyes.
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redvelvetbunny · 3 months
what do you reckon Louis’ hair looked like when he was around clems age in s1?
here’s the little man, louis! (…and his friends. ^_^)
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yeahiguess3232 · 11 months
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First time drawing the season 1 kids! They were forced into a group/family picture^^
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
(my gmail is used but im on friend's account right now) hey Macaque, what do u think of Shadowpeach? me personally, i do not think u would be attracted to Wukong and nor would he be attracted to u, because he killed u once (really sorry about that :( have a plushie and some malai tea :) ) and u tried to harm him and MK too once (that was pretty mean not going to lie, but i get why u did it so don't worry! :) )
(also, i have a character in my mind too; she is named 'Lola' and is a waitress at a cafe, and is a white bunny born mute and with no mouth but can control light like Macaque can control shadows, and Lola thinks Macaque is really super duper cool so she peeks out the window to see him so she can try to befriend him with giving him flowers and seeing him smile! she is shy so she only peeks a little, but, she is really sweet, so i hope Macaque gets to meet Lola (i want him to have someone sweet in his life, he seems like he deserves it, and very sorry if i come off as weird) )
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thirstforhelmets · 1 year
Vlad: *Stares*
Reader/Lisa'sbff/Q: *crosses arms over chest and stares back*
Lisa: Q.
Lisa: You're being rude.
Q: Can't I look at the pretty man?
Lisa: *eyes widen in realization* Oh!
Vlad: *Eyes widen for a moment before he smiles wistfully* I see why Lisa likes you.
Q: *Relaxes and smiles* Thanks!
Q: She has good taste in people.
Q: Friends too, I think.
Lisa: *Elbows Q in the side*
Q: Oof!
Vlad: *Chuckles*
Vlad: Indeed.
Vlad: Welcome to our home, Ms. Q.
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senzasord · 6 months
The second half of this week's episode of Within the Wires was basically just:
"Brian, you're such a pushover, look at you, you pathetic little man, you're so pathetic people just give you what you want. What a sneaky snake lol ;) now go surreptitiously read some dossiers on your coworkers. I don't give a fuck what you had for breakfast. Who am I, your life coach? Oh wait. Love you, mwah."
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raayllum · 2 years
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If i had a nickel for every time Rayla almost drowned and was saved by a loved one in a supplementary TDP graphic novel, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
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senatortedcruz · 11 months
Whiplash is my favorite movie ever I remember sitting in the theater thinking holy shit I never want this to end. It could have also very well have been about gymnastics/figure skating coaches and their promising athletes but no one would want to see a movie of an adult screaming at a child and calling them slurs and giving them an eating disorder
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lunarspiral1127 · 1 year
Y'know, since we're going through Elder Wand rules on the darksaber, I had to look up on other technicalities that happened throughout the Star Wars lore.
Paz is a descendent of Pre Vizsla, former leader of Death Watch and previous wielder of the darksaber. He fought against Obi-Wan Kenobi and didn't defeat him. In fact, Obi-Wan disarmed him, so technically, the darksaber belonged to him. And, since Darth Vader killed Obi-Wan, the darksaber belonged to him next. Then, he got defeated by his own son, Luke, so he's the next owner. However, I'm wondering if Palpatine is the next owner since he came close to killing Luke, but Vader interfered, so I don't think that counts?
So, in conclusion, the darksaber never belonged to Din nor Bo-Katan, nor Paz Vizsla....IT BELONGS TO LUKE SKYWALKER! 😆 Honestly, duel wielding Jedi Master/Mand'alor with a lightsaber and the darksaber would be hella dope.
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lecliss · 9 months
Why tye fuck am I crying over ninja clash in the land of snow???? I fucking love this movie so much. It's sooooo fucking good. It's definitely my favorite and it was only the first ever Naruto movie. Can you believe they peaked at the first fucking one??? Why is it so good??? Fuck man aaaaaa
#i admit ive only seen three shippuden movies. but not counting the last or road to ninja (cuz they seem so good but i still havent seen them#sadge i know) but for real i wanna say they peaked at the first one. and i say that as a BIG fan of the lost tower#which is admittedly kinda rushed so like yeah of course ninja clash in the land of snow is better. im just very biased about the lost tower#granted i am certainly biased about all the part 1 movies. i guess im biased about the movies in general tho#since they count as filler and im always defensive of filler#also its SO funny to me that the land of snow has steam trains and blimps and the movie says movies exist#when all that stuff doesnt get invented in canon until post shippuden#theres a full on novel where kakashi and guy go on a mission in a. blimp?? hot air plane or something#and like half the point of the plot is that ITS A NEW INVENTION.#and i think the nerd kid's dad from boruto (IM SORRY I CANT REMEMBER HIS NAME RN) like. invented trains i think??? or he invested in their#invention. and that like#mega related to his character as a rich tech guy's kid.#and i KNOW the land of snow is technologically advanced and also not canon. BUT LISTEN.#its just so funny to think that kakashi literally saw a fucking blimp like 8 years prior and then proceeded to be impressed when#going on a mission to protect like some rich lady on her trip to the take off of the world first blimp or hot air plane#whatever the plot of that novel was.#like. its just fucking funny.#i dont even remember if regular television is confirmed to exist pre-boruto. outside like#cctv for the kages that we saw like. once? in fucking. season 1 or something.#personal
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7official7moose7 · 2 years
You know what. Nawr man in the next toh episode I want Hunter to just start sobbing. I'm not talking about sobbing like when Luz told him he's family, I mean like uncontrollable-ugly-loud-scream-sobbing. Because he fucking deserves to.
Poor guy finally, finally got to be who he wanted to be. He got a haircut, he found his own fashion sense, he even SAID SO HIMSELF that he liked who he was. And then fucking Belos just had to ruin that. He grew Hunter's hair out again, he gave Hunter all those new scars (and the one on his face!!) that he can't cover up or cut off or get rid of in any way. And then the whole thing with Flapjack. You just KNOW Hunter is gonna be blaming himself for that shit.
No, fuck that. Hunter has been through wayyy too much for him NOT to just start screaming and crying because istg if it were me I would be full on having a mental breakdown no joke. He was finally in a good place and then that happens.
Like ok I get that it's disney so we probably won't get this kind of scene but god Hunter is so fucking traumatized at this point that if it were real I don't know HOW he hasn't absolutely lost it ONCE. please for titans sake just let him get all of that pent up fear and anger and sadness out because he was sO. FUCKING. CLOSE. SO CLOSE to actually being somewhat okay.
TL;DR Hunter should be allowed to have a good cry sesh tbh
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agentbluefox · 2 years
old shows/movies will present you with the funkiest dude ever. the comic relief. the goofy foil to the main character. and then they will casually drop the most devastating backstory you can imagine for them and you’re just supposed to Deal with That.
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raayllum · 1 year
so something just struck me.
do you think we'll be getting some macro scenes? there's something about his character that intrigues me, is he and soren going to be buddies as well? will he have a run-in with rayla when she arrives at katolis? i remember last seeing him with an elf named seba.
So we do see Marcos very briefly - it seems he did decide (perhaps because of the battle experience / Rayla / the friendly Sunfire elf, Sabah) to be one of the humans helping to manage things at the old Sun ruins!
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
work and life has been crazy but for anyone following stick season I plan on updating on Friday and finish the fic off by Sunday! 💞
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sinkthoseshipspoll · 1 year
Hi! Literally found out about this tournament 30 mins after submissions closed 😭😭😭 I don't understand what is meant by "season 2 of the brackets", does this mean submissions will open again or are they closed permanently?
So I’ll run this bracket again with all new ships once the first bracket has concluded.
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