#pre dream smp
copepods · 1 year
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more of this au... i kind of like it actually
[id: sketches of dsmp!wilbur and qsmp!wilbur in a comic. q!wilbur is sitting in a chair, watching tallulah sleep. behind him, leaning against the wall, his dsmp self says, “i tried, you know. changing things. making my world ‘better.’ you want to know how that worked out?” and he replies “not particularly.” dsmp!wilbur approaches him, and says “hey, i won’t stop you. you can play at peace for as long as you like. maybe some of those friends of yours will even join you.” he leans close to wilbur’s face, smiling, and says “but sooner or later... something’s got to give.” end id]
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Dream SMP Sixteenth Day Event: Pre-Canon Month!
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This is a monthly event celebrating the Dream SMP's iconic 16th day of the month, this time under the theme of pre-canon!
How to participate:
There are no sign-ups this time! Just use one of the nine prompts listed above to create a piece of art, writing, or something else—whatever you like! Please keep in mind that this is an event focused on the Dream SMP story and characters, although AUs are also welcomed. Since this month's event focuses on pre-canon—that's the time period in the characters' lives before the lore streams take place—you'll have to rely especially heavily on hints and headcanons!
On June 16th, post your work! Remember to @ this blog and use the tag #sixteenthdayevent so I can reblog anything you create!
Plain text prompts:
Growing up too fast
Learning from the best
Friends for life
Up in the skies
Down in the depths
Out at sea
The scholar
The adventurer
The thief
Good luck!
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bleue-flora · 3 months
So um, in light of my last post I was inspired to look into other dsmp people's ages because I feel like we don’t really think about it too often and oh does it make things interesting…
Just for reference and consideration, here are some United States Legal Age Minimums:
Drive: 16-18
Adult: 18-21
Vote: 18
Drink Alcohol: 21
Political Office: 25 (Representative) 30 (Senator) 35 (President)
Military: 17-18
Also Note: On average the brain is scientifically not fully developed until age 25 - and oh wouldn't you know it 90% of the server fall under that, meaning no wonder we have a bunch of wars their prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed and wouldn't you know it that part of the brain is responsible for regulating attention, behavior, and emotion as well as the processing that Actions Have Consequences... huh whelp that makes sense.
Anyways… age data is below (I didn't do everyone nor every event - nobody got time for that ;D... I didn't have time for this to begin with lol...) But I specifically want to highlight that not only was Dream 21 from Jan-Aug of his Imprisonment, but Sam was also 21 till Jun, and Quackity was literally 20 while he was daily torturing Dream... 20?! They were roughly a year apart, all of them so close. Like can you imagine, treating your peer like that? Sam is like a couple months older than Dream and that's it. Quackity can't even drink legally in the United States. That's insane...
(* to signify canonical Immortality)
Ok, so the full list of members and ages is at the bottom, but first, here are so key events I picked just to highlight their ages at the time.
Server Creation - April 24, 2020
GeorgeNotFound - 23 Callahan - 23 Dream - 20 Sapnap - 19
L'Manberg War - August 2, 2020
BadBoyHalo - 25 WilburSoot - 23 GeorgeNotFound - 23 Callahan - 23 Punz - 23 Eret - 21 Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 20 Fundy - 20 Skeppy - 20 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 19 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 17 Purpled - 16 Tubbo - 16 Tommy - 16
Pogtopia vs Manberg War - November 16th, 2020
Philza - 32* BadBoyHalo - 25 HBomb - 26 WilburSoot - 24 GeorgeNotFound - 24 Callahan - 23 Punz - 23 Karl Jacobs -22 Antfrost - 22 CaptainPuffy - 22 Eret - 21 Technoblade - 21* Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21 Connor - 21 Schlatt - 21 Fundy - 21 Skeppy - 20 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 19 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 18 Purpled - 17 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 16 Tommy - 16
Exile - December 4, 2020
Ghostbur - 24 Technoblade - 21* Dream - 21 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 16 Tommy - 16
Doomsday - January 6, 2021
Philza - 32* HBomb - 27 Callahan - 23 Punz - 23 CaptainPuffy - 22 Eret - 21 Technoblade - 21* Dream - 21 Fundy - 21 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 20 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 18 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 17 Tommy - 16
Disc Confrontation - January 20, 2021
HBomb - 27 BadBoyHalo - 25 Callahan - 24 Punz - 23 Antfrost - 22 CaptainPuffy - 22 Eret - 22 Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21 Ponk - 20 Quackity - 20 Sapnap - 19 Niki Nihachu - 19 Jack Manifold - 18 Ranboo - 17 Tubbo - 17 Tommy - 16
Quackity’s First Prison Visit - March 16, 2021
Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21 Quackity - 20
Techno's Visit- June 6, 2021
Technoblade - 22* Awesamdude - 21 Dream - 21
Jailbreak - November 28, 2021
Philza - 33* HBomb - 27 BadBoyHalo - 26 George - 25 Callahan - 24 Punz - 24 Karl Jacobs - 23 Antfrost - 23 CaptainPuffy - 23 Foolish Gamers - 22 Eret - 22 Technoblade - 22* Awesamdude - 22 Dream - 22 Connor - 22 Fundy - 22 Skeppy - 21 Hannahxxrose - 21 Ponk - 21 Quackity - 20 Sapnap - 20 Niki Nihachu - 20 Jack Manifold - 19 Purpled - 18 Ranboo - 18 Tubbo - 17 Tommy - 17
Comprehensive List From Oldest to Youngest: Name - Date of Birth (Current Age) - [Join Date] Age when Joined
Philza- March 1, 1988 (36) – [Nov 16, 2020]  32 *Immortal*
HBomb- Jan 4, 1994 (30) – [Sept 22, 2020]  26
BadBoyHalo- April 2, 1995 (28) – [May 19, 2020]  25
Wilbur- Sept 14, 1996 (27) – [July 12, 2020] 23
GeorgeNotFound- Nov 1, 1996 (27) – [April 24, 2020]  23
Callahan- Jan 19, 1997 (27) – [April 24, 2020]  23 
Punz- Jan 31, 1997 (27) – [July 7, 2020]  23  
Karl Jacobs- July 19, 1998 (25) – [Aug 26, 2020]  22 
Antfrost- Aug 27, 1998 (25) – [Sep 5, 2020]  22 
Captain Puffy- Sept 18, 1998 (25) – [Nov 16, 2020]  22
Foolish Gamers- Dec 18, 1998 (25) – [Jan 16, 2021]  22 *Immortal*
Eret- Jan 9, 1999 (25) – [July 19, 2020]  21
Technoblade- June 1, 1999 (23) – [Sept 22, 2020]  21 *Immortal*
Awesamdude - June 8, 1999 (24) – [April 28, 2020]  20 
Dream - Aug 12, 1999 (24) – [April 24, 2020]  20
Connor- Aug 26, 1999 (24) – [Nov 16, 2020]  21
Schlatt- Sept 10, 1999 (24) – [Sept 20, 2020]  21 
Fundy- Oct 10, 1999 (24) – [July 7, 2020]  20 
Skeppy- Jan 17, 2000 (24) – [July 18, 2020]  20 
Ponk- April 18, 2000 (23) – [May 7, 2020]  20 
Quackity- Dec 28, 2000 (23) – [Aug 11, 2020]  19 
Sapnap- March 1, 2001 (23) – [April 24, 2020]  19 
Niki Nihachu- Nov 3, 2001 (22) – [Aug 6, 2020]  18 
Jack Manifold- Aug 14, 2002 (21) – [Aug 3, 2020]  17 
Purpled- Oct 24, 2003 (20) – [July 9, 2020]  16
Ranboo- Nov 2, 2003 (20) – [Nov 17, 2020]  17 
Tubbo- Dec 23, 2003 (20) – [July 7, 2020]  16 
Tommy- April 9, 2004 (19) – [July 4, 2020]  16 
They are all babies confirmed... things make so much more sense... brain development guys it's important ;)
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piningpebbles · 11 months
the dream smp journey: attempting to make the lore of the dream smp more accessible.
so back when i first wanted to get into the dream smp i had absolutely no idea where to start. i asked some people and they told me pretty much “look up dream smp + [insert youtuber name] and start there” and so i did, but i quickly came to realize how much i was missing from the story by not seeing all the different points of view.
so i decided to make my own playlist.
it was just for myself at first, but as i got more obsessed with the story, i also gave the link to some friends of mine so they could have the full experience, and they loved it. so i kept updating it.
my goal was to try and make a capsule of the entirety of the lore on the dream smp across almost every single POV, because while i do appreciate those who make recap videos, they always miss something and it’s usually with peoples’ POV who aren’t considered to be “main characters” which sucks because one of my favorite things about the dream smp was how everyone was their own main character with their own individual storyline you could get invested in.
i’ve seen every single video in the playlist, and did my absolute best to discern what should be included and what didn’t need to be. 
for instance, while i personally enjoyed streams where they’d just goof off, this is a lore-centric playist so i didn’t include all of them unless one of the jokes or such gets mentioned/becomes important later on. or if there is a lore event happening but two people have almost identical streams to one another then i decided between the two of them which one to keep. or if the cc themself made an edited version of their experience, i would decide whether to go with that or keep the original vod
it’s far from perfect. i tried to keep up with it as long as i could I STILL HAVE VIDEOS IN MY WATCH LATER THAT I PLANNED TO ADD but simply put while the dream smp storyline got longer and longer it became harder to keep up with. i watched pretty much all the streams when they happened but failed to update the playlist accordingly so right now it has almost everything up until ”Hitting on 16.”
i always wanted to finish it before i posted it, but i’ve been seeing people talk about how they miss the experience of watching the dream smp and while i obviously can’t provide the full interactive experience that the dream smp offered as it came out, i knew i couldn’t just keep this in my back pocket and thought i could at least offer a good chunk of the experience for you guys to still be able to keep!
here’s the playlist, spanning over 300 videos.
there’s also a semi-canon playlist (not nearly as thorough) for events that get mentioned by the cc’s a lot or are just cool to have and i wanted to include them somewhere so here it is also!!
to go along with it i also made a masterpost (can you tell i love making lists) which is what every single video on the playlist is supposed to be (and was last i checked, but videos get taken down every so often so there might be a couple missing here and there).
i hope to update this one day and have it fully finished, but with my schedule (full-time college student babyyyy) and simply the hundreds of hours of content i’d need to sift through it just seems impossible (and frankly just really intimidating) to challenge alone right now. so i also wanted to give this to the community to maybe be able to do what i couldn’t!
my hope with this is that if someone in a year or two (or whenever really) is interested in the dream smp they won’t have to sit through recap videos and instead can watch the real thing in a single playlist connected to the doc. my dream is for the masterpost and the playlist to go hand-in-hand, being like a guide people can follow that would also link to other moments and lore that is saved but just not avaliable on youtube, so we don’t have all these moments just lost to time.
i want to make this collaborative, i’m hoping this will maybe spark others to share what videos/moments they have saved and stored with each other for the dream smp and maybe together we could complete this thing somehow!! make the playlist and masterpost i dreamed of (the one right now is scuffed, but at least it’s something). the dream smp is one of my absolute favorite pieces of media out there and i want to share this with people but (as you can probably tell) i have no idea what i’m doing!! any step to help make the story more readily accessible is a good one, though!
i know i’ve missed things but i’ve done my best. and while not the perfectly polished thing i hoped it would be when i sent it out to the world maybe it could be a good building block for the community to use. so please share this!! reblog it!! all that jazz!! i want this to be for everyone!!
anyways, this is a long post. but the whole reason i got into the dream smp in the first place was because of the awesome fan content i saw and this crazy and creative community and i want to be able to give back, if i can.
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wilbursims · 1 month
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I decided to draw myself when I was younger just for fun.
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flyingwea · 1 year
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Apparently I forgot to post this one 🤨 soooo here. eat it
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to all the wilburians and the loreheads nervously refreshing tumblr every 5 minutes because they can't focus on anything except the upcoming lore: hi
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cgnfs · 1 month
"cGeorge is a boring character"
"cGeorge doesn't have lore"
"cGeorge doesn't like cDream"
"cDnf never had feelings for eachother"
"cDnf barely interacted"
blah blah blah
Why do all of the people I talk to about cGeorge/cDnf have 0 media literacy 😭 Everytime cTommy isn't the main character in someones lore they act like it doesn't exist. Ponk for example its like,,, watch something. anything. PLEASE. Turn on a single vod. People make it so obvious when they only consume the lore from one pov(Tommy's) and only watched tiktok edits and animatics when dsmp was big.
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Oh look a cow and a sheep hybrid just enjoying life before they both get subjected to the horrors c:
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eonslice · 2 years
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new light
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shopmoonymoss · 20 days
pre-order is now up !!
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and i ordered a test batch of them !! so as soon as they arrive ill show you them irl !!
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still find it so funny that ppl think that memoryless c!prime aren’t just recreating exile 2 bc like. literally the start of planned lore (as bits at the time but it developed into the lore we have today) was c!dream deciding wow my friend is cool but y’know what would be cooler if I had complete control over his actions and held something he loved hostage like c!prime cannot be healthy friends and turning them into blank slates doesn’t fix that bc c!dreams literal first act as a character was needing an unhealthy amount of control over c!tommy because he was a bit of a bitch to him. these characters could have whatever the fuck memories and that’s not gonna change the fact a control freak who hates change and an impulsive rebel who hates stagnancy are fundamentally incompatible in like any sort of actually healthy friendship!
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raineyraven · 2 years
do you think c!eret right after the betrayal, if he ever met his future self, wouldn't understand her? do you think the man who said "who needs friends when you have power" would be confused by the depths of guilt and regret his future self possesses? do you think the man who laughed alongside lmanburg's enemies as his once-friends suffered defeat would scoff at the idea of spending years and years trying for forgiveness, when he knows anyone in his position would've done the same.
i understand why the eret of the present said she doesnt recognize the person she was two years ago.
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nympippi · 2 years
rivalsduo please 🥺
POV: your looking at Technos Instagram story on Doomsday.
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These guys really have the audacity to build like, seventeen-thousand fucking houses, but they don't build a single furnace.
Purpled, Dream SMP
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