#posting this on this blog because honestly i know a lot of gem artists follow me and just. heyyyy idea for you :3
scar: i love the eye, love the eye- did you lose it?
gem: i- yeah, to the portal
did. did gem use her own eye as an eye of ender-
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stubbychaos · 3 years
Grateful For This Fandom And All Of You!
I initially wasn’t going to make a post like this because real life has been hectic as of lately, but 2020 has been one of the emotionally roughest years of my life, and the Mandalorian/Star Wars fandom has seriously lifted me up so much.
I know it sounds ‘cheesy’ or whatever to say a fandom has really saved you and while I’m still dealing with my own mental issues, having y’all to interact with seriously has uplifted me so much and I am so grateful to be able to have you guys in my life!! I want to say I started this blog around January, but didn’t really start posting around February or March because I was too shy, but everyone I’ve encountered has been so sweet and lovely!! Even though Saviin’ika is kind of my baby when it comes to fan fics, I don’t think I’ve written anything over 100k before and knowing that I have at least 100k more drafted out is absolutely insane to me--I’ve never written this much in my life and I’m so excited for what I have in store for y’all. I cannot absolutely wait to see how much it progresses and what new works I decide to work on it 2021!! I have so many fun ideas and the fact that this is one of my longest running fics makes me so excited!!
Anyways, here’s a small list of blogs that have seriously impacted my life this year, even if I haven’t interacted with them as much as I would have liked! *Not all of them are necessarily blogs that post fics!! Some are just super supportive of content creators or extremely talented artists that I admire!*
Because I feel like this is definitely going to get long because there’s so many of you that I love, I’m going to put this under a cut! Not everyone got a long shout out, but please know that I am utterly grateful for each and every one of you and I am always down to talk with every single one of my followers!!
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@datmando WHERE DO I BEGIN CLOWN LMAOO. Christina is honestly a gem and I cannot get over how talented she is when it comes to both art and writing--it’s insane to me!! I think she is actually one of the first people to reach out to me (I think it was actually about my username if I remember correctly??) and I absolutely adore waking up and seeing that I have a message from her because I know she’s about to wreck me with her utter CLOWNERY lmaoo, whether it be something soft or angsty that she shares with me. Not to mention experiencing season 2 of Mandalorian with her was such a highlight of my year. Even though she doesn’t believe in wearing socks to bed, I guess she’s okay and I’ll keep calling her my friend, even if she makes makes fun of me for how I get so cold easily </3 also thanks for starting the Great Sock Debate of 2020 lmaooo🤡🤡
@aerynwrites  Aeryn is the biggest sweetheart ever and is so supportive and encouraging. She is also one of the first people to support my writing and I remember how I nearly cried when she told me that she had made a mood board for Saviin’ika because nobody has ever done anything like that for me before??? Anyways, her Knight!Din story is everything, along with her angsty Cassian fics, so please check her out!! She deserves all the love in the world and I genuinely enjoy talking to her!
@hdlynn Listen, I think Heather and Aeryn tie for the biggest sweetheart award!! Heather is like the queen of giving out such good writing advice and just how encouraging she is to write characters the way we feel like writing them is such a refresher!!! She has no qualms about breaking canon and is always like--nah dude :) you do what makes you happy and it’s like!!! YASSS!! She is absolutely aware that writing and certain characters should have no strict rules and I live for it!!
@maybege Okay, listen y’all!! Maybege is also one of the first people that I became friends with when Paz started becoming a bigger character to write for in the fandom and she quickly became a good friend of mine!! She is also a huge sweetheart and her Paz smut and just overall works are just... *screeching noises* TO DIE FOR!!!! I’m all for a gruff Mandalorian with a soft spot and she always pulls it off so well, yet in always such a sexy way that has me gasping, no matter which Mandalorian it is!!! She’s always catching me off guard with me discovering kinks that I didn’t even know I had before and apparently I’m way more of a freak than I initially thought lol.
@absurdthirst I don’t actually talk to Keri that much personally!! but I follow her and she is so supportive towards other content creators that it’s such a breath of fresh air to see on my dash!! She’s constantly putting out the hottest smut, but also, she gives out such great advice to her followers and anons and she has to be one of the least judgmental creators in this fandom that I have the privilege of knowing! She’s so chill and I absolutely adore her for it! If you need to rant or can’t remember the name of a certain fic, she’s the one to go to!! Also she has a Din x reader x Paz fic that is just--🥵🥵 HAWT
@huliabitch Julia is honestly such a boss ass bitch and if she punched me in the face, I would probably thank her for it!! She always sends me the sweetest messages and encourages chaotic behavior, as well as cliffhangers and I love you for that bb <3 She is beautiful inside and out and I love her!! Also, her moodboards are absolutely stunning!!
@anxiety-riddled-mando Tailor is someone I want to get to know better because she seems like such a sweetheart and is so talented when it comes to both fan art and fic!!! I just read her Urgency fic and I cannot wait to reblog it with comments becAUSE IM A MESS LOL
@clydesducktape The way Thia supports so many fanfics and reblogs them with the sweetest comments and tags is so cool to me!! I love seeing blogs that have absolutely no qualms when it comes to reblogging fics that don’t get the recognition they deserve!! Also, you are such a sweetheart too and even though we don’t personally talk a lot, I adore seeing you on my dash and the posts you have tagged me in in the past!!!
Here are some more blogs that I absolutely adore, regardless of their content: @coredrive @leo-moon @phoenixhalliwell @justrunamok @jango-fettish @acynicalcat @tangledlove27 @auty-ren  @tiffdawg @princessxkenobi @oloreaa @gallowsjoker @saltywintersoldat @keethus-arts @theocatkov @forever-rogue @corrupt-fvcker @haloangel391 @no-droids-allowed @catnip987 @cattfeine @silverfish-kingdom @yes-music-is-my-religion @princessbatears @gallowsjoker @prettylittlegoldfish @parabatai-winchester @aesnawan @blue-writes-a03 @kimbachan @bestintheparsec​ @lackofhonor @mandolovian @teaofpeach @max--phillips @hansoulo @trashedies @giselatropicana @elenamiria
Like I said before, I absolutely adore all of my followers and love interacting with you all!! I cannot wait to meet more people this year!!
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localkatshelter · 4 years
Okame’s Underbelly: Anticipation |1st|
(Shinso x OC)
Katsumi's POV (localvillageidiot#0870) and Shinso's POV (hecker#8339)
 Two people with a common passion meet unexpectedly during one of Shinso's lowest moments. He'd like to forget it ever happened but Katsumi has her own reasons for not letting it go. Through push and pull, they struggle to understand one another, regardless they can't keep away from each other.
| How long have I been staring at myself in the fucking mirror? My eyes look so dead...but don’t they always. I realized the extra lifelessness wasn’t due to my overall apathy or shitty eyeliner; it was due to them being red and puffy. That’s no good. I hurriedly searched through the cabinet for my eye drops. They were usually used for another purpose, but today, they’ll be used to disguise the fact that I had been crying. |
(Katsumi's POV)
My head fell forward for the millionth time as I struggled to stay awake for the last five minutes of my summer remedial science lab. Why does science have to be so boring? This fucking professor always lectures for the full three hours too. How could someone possibly have this much to say about chlorophyll? All I could do was watch the clock tick by until, finally, the class was dismissed. I gathered my things as quickly as possible and headed towards my dorm building. Throwing my things onto the kitchen table, I immediately started to strip and headed towards the bathroom. The silver lining in having to come to campus in the summer for my remedial class? Getting to move in early and having the whole suite to myself. I showered quickly and put on my typical Friday night attire: some broken-in mom jeans that I embroidered and had a friend paint on paired with a comfortable faded band t-shirt I had stolen from a partner I had long forgotten the name of, tucked and held in place with some old belt I fished out of a Good Will bin a few years ago. I hummed as I put on some clear lipgloss and touched up my hair. Perfect. I made sure to set out some dinner for my fat cat who was hiding somewhere in my bedroom, likely in my sheets. For a supposed emotional support animal, I never saw much of her unless she was in the mood to cuddle, which was usually at night.
“Harley, I’m going out. I’ll be back.” I called out.
She meowed from the bed in response. I grabbed my things from the table and tossed them into my bedroom before popping my headphones in and heading out the door. I was on my way to the only place that made my summer Fridays bearable: The Squeaky Wheelhouse.
After a short while, I walked up to a dark and disheveled, yet oddly charming, building. This was my hidden gem, the highlight of my college career, a place where artists gathered to share their work and critique the world around them without fear. Friday nights were open mic nights for spoken word poetry, which I didn’t think I would like until I heard Okame perform. Their words about the plights of the world of heroism and comic book celebrities brought to life really resonated with me. Most of their pieces were critiques on how heroes navigate their jobs and how they are treated by the government, the people, and each other. I admired the way they captured the duality of appreciating heroes for what they are while also not feeling a need to bow to them as if they were gods. It felt so real to me, especially because around the same time I first heard their work, I had started my photojournalism blog on a similar topic. It was really just a love project at first. I would take pictures of heroes in the heat of battle and use them to show how human they really are. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it was me or my quirk that had the idea first. My hyperempathology quirk sometimes had a mind of its own. It was always dragging me into situations that I had no business being in. I always ended up manipulating someone's emotions to make them feel better, which had positive and negative results. On the one hand, I was glad that I could make someone feel better. On the other hand, it made me feel like shit because not only did I manipulate someone’s emotions without permission; I also absorbed the negative emotions I had alleviated. In a strange sense, the blog was my own way of alleviating myself of what I had alleviated. I had never expected it to take off either, but there I was, a month later, still taking pictures of heroes in their most desperate and vulnerable state in an effort to humanize them. I kept at it because, well, they are people after all. They aren’t gods, they have emotions, but the way the media and the government build a hero’s image doesn’t allow for much expression. It’s unfair to them; it's as if they aren't allowed to be people anymore. I had always thought I was alone in that, but apparently, I’m not. My blog has a pretty decent following now, which I am super proud of. Although I’m pretty sure that a lot of people in the hero community despise or at least dislike me for basically being renegade paparazzi.
Oh well. No one knows it’s me who runs the blog. The closest anyone has ever gotten was when someone traced my IP address back to the college campus, but Kyoto University has upwards of 22,000 students enrolled. There’s no way someone would be able to find me out as long as I don’t use my personal electronics to post. Okame had also become a popular performer at the Wheelhouse and had a sort of residency time slot on Friday nights. It was weird, but I was proud of them too. I felt like we were similar, almost connected by our mutual views and creative outlets. On top of that, they used a pseudonym and a ghost performer just like I used a pen name and hid my IP address for my work. All of the aligning characteristics made me think we would get along if we ever met, but that’ll probably never happen.
I walked into the building, waving to the Friday night staff that I had gotten to know over the summer. I took a seat on a comfortable looking armchair near the back corner of the main room that had a decent view of the small performance stage. I opened up a book that I brought with me to read until the performances started. I ordered a large mint tea and settled in, anticipating Okame’s latest insight.
(Shinso's POV)
I had bitten my lips raw at this point. There’s no way it’s actually over. We’ve broken up so many times before, and we’ve always managed to hash it out. But this time felt different. She wasn’t returning my texts with curt responses. She wasn’t posting about me subliminally on her social media to piss me off. She didn’t show up at my house with the gifts I had given her and dramatically throw them at me. No angry voicemails. No tears. No nothing. The strangest part was that her last text wished me well, even though I ended it this time around. All of it almost felt like a real goodbye. But still, there’s no way.
I had to talk to her tonight to make sure. Throughout our whole relationship, despite our arguing, we never missed a Friday at The Squeaky Wheelhouse. That was our way to ease the stress from the strife of the week prior. No matter how mad we were, we would still begrudgingly sit together and enjoy the show. By the end of the night, we would always manage to soften towards each other once again. Even if my piece of the week was bitterly aimed at her, she still respected me enough to put my voice out there and perform it for me. That’s what I loved about her. She knew attention made me squeamish and vulnerability was definitely not my favorite pastime. I shared the document that contained today's piece with her. It was an apology. She could barely squeeze those out of me normally, so she had to know I was deadly serious this time around. I tried not to envision her reaction or dwell on whether or not she would even accept my apology because it made me so anxious that I wanted to jump out of my skin.
How long have I been staring at myself in the fucking mirror? My eyes look so dead...but don’t they always. I realized the extra lifelessness wasn’t due to my overall apathy or shitty eyeliner; it was due to them being red and puffy. That’s no good. I hurriedly searched through the cabinet for my eyedrops. They were usually used for another purpose, but today, they’ll be used to disguise the fact that I had been crying. Save those tears for later, Shinso. She’s seen me cry even less than she’s heard me apologize. Numbness was the best blanket I’ve ever had. But tonight, I’ll avoid covering myself up. I need to show her that I care because I’m known to fucking suck at it. After I applied the drops, I roughly ran my fingers through my torturously messy violet mane, exhaling heavily. I tried to dress up a little this Friday. I know it’s trivial, but I want to be my best for her tonight. My outfit was made up of my typical dark colors, but I dressed it up with a black jean jacket, chelsea boots, and a few bulky rings that she gifted me but were too cumbersome to actually wear. What makes them even more annoying is that I’ve been fiddling with them all evening to distract myself, and let me tell you, it’s not working. I have another hour until I have to leave; I need a better distraction.
I plopped myself down on my bed with my laptop and clicked on my “The Underbelly'' bookmark. I always loved the irony of this blog served as an escape but also as a merciless glimpse into reality for me. My leg bounced as the page loaded—no new posts. Shit...well, it has only been a couple of days. I thoroughly looked forward to the new content because the author and I are eerily like-minded as far as hero ideology. Sometimes I felt as if I wrote a few of the entries myself. They’re the only person that I felt connected to on a philosophical level, and finally having that was comforting, to say the least. It was a bit taboo to criticize heroes so harshly because it was easy to be labeled as ungrateful. I’ve personally always felt like a great way to show appreciation is to continuously try to improve a system that everyone relies on. I guess people just don’t like to make sense. Hero work is honestly one of the few things I actually cared about, and to see people be so dismissive really pissed me off. Then again, people don’t really know I feel this way. I try not to let people get into my head too much. That’s why I created my Okame persona. I wanted to get my views out there without making it about myself at all. I felt it didn’t really hold true to the purpose of my message, with the whole not making hero’s these god-like figureheads simply for doing what’s right. That and...I hate when people look at me for more than a few seconds. My searing glare usually fixed that right quick. Quickly getting over the minor disappointment, I closed my laptop. Well, I didn’t have another alternative distraction, so I decided to say fuck it and head to the kitchen for some liquid courage.
I downed about two shots of rum. I was taking the bus there anyway, so it’s not like it mattered. I checked my watch, 30 more minutes. I wracked my brain for something to alleviate the unbearable anticipation as I blankly stared at the bottle of rum. Oh! I could pick up her favorite soju. It’s super strong, so we usually reserve it for a day where we don’t plan to do shit else but enjoy each other's company. But I feel like if we’re gonna hash all the bullshit out, we might need to be generously buzzed. Liquor store it is. I adjusted my collar before I headed out the door.
I decided on four bottles of the grapefruit soju because she really likes tart flavors. She always made fun of me for liking the sweeter sojus, but I’ll let her think she has the better taste tonight. The drinks were hidden away in a plastic bag tucked under my feet. I tried to settle in my seat towards the back as I checked my watch again for the fifteenth time. It was now 5 minutes after the starting time. Guess both the show and my girlfriend(?) are running late. My hands automatically began scratching at the already chipped polish on my nails. She’s been uncharacteristically calm during this fight; I wonder if she’ll stay that way once she sees me.
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enigmatic-elegance · 5 years
Mas’ Must Follow MASterpost
[In no particular order]
@risrielthron One of the best. You will feel as if you are talking with your lifelong friend. Sweet, friendly, and generous. A true example of who we should all try to be more like.
@theodorebennas Daddy Beans. Chill dude. Knows he can be a bit of a meme and owns it. Actually extremely smart and has a ton of good sense. Crusade!
@tanzrielle Super chill in the most not chill way. Will talk your ear off about their awesome characters and want to hear all about your own too. Great person to know and bounce ideas off of.
@thebattlesheep @a-sheep-does-art Sweet thing. Loves to meet new people. Does not RP much but when they do they kill it.
@possum Loser. (Seriously such a humorous, sweet, and all around amazing person.)
@wiedaashcroft Really great character, and the person who plays them is extremely laid back and chill.
@the-petalpaw-family They don’t RP as much right now, but their stories and characters are next level. No lie, they take things like plot and character lineage to places you rarely see. Amazing places.
@kat-hawke ICly very interesting and intense character. OOCly a more grounded individual. Blunt, but never cruel.
@darthscharactervault Someone who does not give themselves nearly enough credit for how creative they are with their ideas and characters.
@gwenya Often NSFW but she’s a gem of a person. Amazing, chill, down for whatever. She’s the raunchy friend you never knew you wanted.
@the-real-arcanist-val Smart person, fantastic writer, extremely sensible and rational. All around someone you want to know.
@vaard Never personally interacted with him, but he’s an iconic figure among the community. Everyone should follow. (Does not take commissions but is an amazing artist, too.)
@harvee-sarah-zena One of my closest RP partners. Might not post as much as they SHOULD but if you can catch them their RP is some amazing work. And their characters are all so unique.
@thegreatnyehehe Likely not returning to WoW any time soon, but still one of the best characters ever. To this day, worth reading through their posts.
@kinzorscarstorm Chill dude with a cool character. Have not interacted much IC, but respect them OOC for their char and methods.
@open-world-azeroth Not really a ‘person’ but a great resource for some fantastic RP spots.
@mediocre-bladeleaf Very cool aesthetic, and from what I see of their writings they have some awesome characters.
@draenei-tales Shout out to a fellow active and really cool looking Draenei RPer. All I see from them is extremely interesting.
@leora-strauss Don’t know much about the character but their aesthetic is so amazingly cool.
@serelia-evensong Active and interesting RPer. Will fill your dash up with fun to read posts of all kinds.
@susan-gampre Hoe. But she knows it. And she’s good at it. The character and RPer both are sassy and take no shit, and I love them for it.
@storykeeper-wra Spooky character. But not tired and boring spooky. The sort that’s very interesting. Like a good book. Makes sense they are the storykeeper, because their story is very appealing.
@halforc-mercenary Have always wanted to interact with their character but never much got the chance. Still adore their writings on my dash, and they often impress me with their plots and quality.
@rhysgoodwin Cute char, updates often, fantastic writer.
@priestess-nightfury Elf RP/Aesthetic at some of its very best.
@stonestridernerd They will love you and make you feel like the best person ever just be hurling likes at you and complimenting your work. They are just a gem of a person. So, so sweet.
@theshadowborn Shame I’[ve not interacted with their character much, but they are a clearly talented writer.
@durotan-ofthe-frostwolf Lot of OOC silly stuff, but genuinely a cool person and always a pleasure to see on your dash.
@ranekvilmas Just a very talented writer and all around chipper guy. One of those people who always has something interesting on their blog to read.
@penvenomstarkstar A good head on this one’s shoulders. ICly their character is extremely well written with so, so much depth. Endless things to discover here.
@ravenpriest DAMN awesome aesthetic. Really nails the gothica vibe.
@longveil Such a cool aesthetic. I’d follow for that alone, and there is so much more there too.
@kyuusei-shadowleaf Another blog worth the follow for aesthetic alone. So cool to see across your dash.
@k-sunrael Followed for a long time. Their blog can sometimes be a bit NSFW but the content is quality.
@monster-of-master In the vibe of ‘dark’ aesthetic without being overtly in your face. The sort of subtle horror we all secretly crave. Very much enjoy their content.
@summysparklesprocket Such an amazing, kind, and funny person. And the character is next level because they are a Gnome taken seriously. Love them.
@quai-mason @andrew-mason Extremely talented writer and one of the few who posts so, so frequently. You’ll eagerly await their next post, trust me.
@unabashedrebel ICly they are a very cool character with awesome stories. OOCly they are a smart and conscience driven individual with a good moral sense. More than once they’ve shown they are not afraid to stick up for what matters. Lot of respect.
@safrona-shadowsun Killer character aesthetic, great reblogs, and does not ruin their theme with bullshit. Fantastic follow, this one.
@helryder666 All over the place with their posts, but its never unwelcome or uninteresting. They always seem to know what you wanna see, even if you don’t know.
@thewardancer Some of the best troll aesthetic I’ve seen, honestly.
@brandstonethings Just a big bear of a man. I love him, and you will too. He’s so well written he feels alive.
@archmage--khadgar I hesitate with people who RP lore characters. This one managed to be one of my few exceptions. They actually do a really great job with it.
@forhonorandglory Only followed for a short time, but still worth it in my books. Sharp wit, great character.
@covexalexanderkingsley Don’t know if they still RP as much these days but they remain a very fantastic and creative individual.
@eilitheduskbringer Very talented writers. One of the best I’ve seen. And they host to an amazing community I’ve come to respect.
@thepalewolfhowls Great artist too, but I mainly know them for their awesome character and fantastic sense of story and plot.
@the-royal-courier A fantastic source of events and stories. While they don’t host many writings of their own, they still reblog community events. Absolutely advise a follow.
@stormwinduniv Been around about as long as my old arse. Very talented group of writers who put on so many community events and intellectually focused debates.
@the-silver-circle A group of extremely talented writers focused entirely on Kaldorei writing and storylines. Very high levels of respect from me.
@moment-in-time-wra Less a ‘guild’ but still a great service for in game photography. They make your events look fantastic! Run by Risri.
@atc-wra A very talented small group of RPers who know how to make stories pop. You just want to be a part of them, or read what happens next.
@deadsunharbor Very fantastic crew who are open to all manner of amazing RP opportunities. They do criminal/dark correctly and with finesse rarely seen.
@oathswornvanguard Lawful good guild done proper. They have stood the test of time not only with their quality but their kindness and openness to the community.
@wraconnect A great source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@wowrpevents Another fantastic source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@wracentral ANOTHER fantastic source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@whimsicallyart @elaianna Talented, intelligent, observant, and all around a gem of a person. Worth knowing.
@littleliongod One of the best I have worked with. Talented, priced very fair, extremely punctual, very communicative. Can not possibly recommend enough for any commission work.
@artofaokori Worked with them before and would absolutely do so again. Their style is very unique and you’ll recognize it anywhere in a good way.
@vintrove @vinsketchbook Extremely talented. Some next level stuff. Commissioned them twice and both times they blew me away with the end product.
@catbatart @cat-bat Such a shame I’ve only worked with them one time. One day, I must commission them again because they are the sort of artist who will go that extra mile and bring your piece to life.
@ferachidoesart They are Ferachi. They do art. Really well. Great style, super unique, and their commission prices are way more reasonable than you’d expect for their amazing quality.
@auggusst-art @auggusst Really such a kind and talented soul. One of those hidden gems of tumblr. They deserve more notice, so go give it to them!
@blackdogmelancholyooc @blackdogmelancholy Nerd. But actually a really cool dude with a ton of raw talent. They are great to work with.
@anzka Have not posted here in a while, but you should take a peek. Why? Because no one. Draws. Gnomes. Better.
@planktonheretic You like thick ladies? What about buff ones? Then my friend, have I got a treat for you. That treat is Plank. Check out their Twitter too for even more fantastic work!
@kellydidathing Amazing artist. Very busy person, but worth the investment because the art is top notch.
@izzarra Talk about raw talent refined into a craft. This artist is going places, seriously. Amazing stuff.
@thestringking @jane-fitzgerald @ahn-qiraj Extremely talented young lad who I know will go on to kill it in the art industry. Already one of the best out there, no lie.
Self Plug
My blog should be easy to find, right at the top of this post here, or the bottom. If you want to see all my character blogs, please check out RIGHT HERE (under repairs atm so a few of the characters might not work or link improperly) for a complete list. Each character page here contains a link just under their summary that will take you to their individual blog. Check out the ones that interest you!
Also want to plug my own guild, @coldwall-collective, for still being some of the best writers and content creators I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Go check us out!
Not Here?
Don’t be sad! Many reasons could be the cause. Maybe we’ve just not interacted enough. Or maybe I’ve not seen many of your posts. Maybe I overlooked you because I’m silly. Any of these could be a reason. If you don’t see yourself here, it does not mean I don’t appreciate you. I do. You’re a part of what makes this community great and I have all the respect for you.
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retphienix · 4 years
*slamming table louder each time chanting* bad ending get
Bad ending get
@gamesception I have to thank you for the recommendation because while Hollow was on my radar, it wasn’t a game I fully planned on playing purely because, if I haven’t beat the darn horse dead already, it’s not a genre I’d consider a forte of mine.
I’m thankful as all hell to you for that little push, and I apologize in advance for this:
I probably won’t be going all in for bonus content and all the endings despite the world and story having its hooks in me MORE than enough to warrant me attempting to muscle through.
Fact of the matter is- I suck at this genre. Give me a 3d souls game or a shooter or a tactical RPG or most RPGs for that matter and I’ll piledrive through because those are my jam and I can more naturally adapt to increasing difficulty because those are genres I’m acclimated to.
2d action platformers? I’m so trash I can’t beat a sonic without save states and mario is honest to god a hardcore challenge for my hands.
Now I do love the genre and trying my hand at improving- and this was a 11 out of 10 experience for that that genuinely didn’t have a low point despite any gripes I mentioned (even Nosk).
But knowing that the games post-release content aimed for more challenge- knowing that the other endings (after beating it I looked em up because I am pretty decided) require additional bosses and a real final boss- I know enough to know it’ll take ages for me to accomplish that.
And maybe I will at some point, because my god, I’m hooked both on the reward of playing and on the story, but as for the blog’s inclusion I think we’re done here outside of a potential post gushing in friggin 10 years time when I sit down and return to this gem.
I really really ended up loving this, not that I truly doubted that. But I really did have, I don’t know, lesser expectations for how the world would hit me. I’ve just seen a lot of games attempt to replicate the souls world building before and they come off as just desperately copying or otherwise lacking heart- this though? This genuinely holds its own flame.
From exploring the environment to talking with the denizens, to the bosses, to the fully verbalized plot- it’s apt that the characters are bugs because it got its hooks in me for certain.
Reading through the wiki post-credits and watching the alternative endings I’m left even more enthralled on that end.
I mean, they really had the dedication to make this bleak world end truthfully instead of copping out and giving you a glitz and glamour happy true ending possible- huh? And I love that shit.
That’s the kind of stuff that hits your heart upon completion and makes you think about the game for months after you stopped holding the controller.
That’s the stuff that makes you sit back and consider what a happy ending would be, what all the things that are left ambiguous actually turned out to be and potentially inlay those as things that make the post-ending better or worse for those you met along the way.
That’s the shit that shows a story well told, start to finish.
And I’d have just as soon skipped it entirely and thought of this as “That one soulslike that’s 2d and I heard was good” instead of what I will get to hold onto now. Thanks again, sincerely :) Game story means a lot to me, as well as the overall experience a game can lend you and allow you to expand on for yourself- all those pieces that make what you get from a game unique and individual despite the mass product-ibility of the game itself.
That means loads and you let me see a great deal here :)
Enough of that.
Hollow Knight.
This is usually where I ramble about flaws or gems in the game despite how silly I think that can be since every game has both and I almost always emphasize one or the other when I don’t mean to lol.
So Hollow Knight. It shoves some features that don’t feel right in a metroidvania. It has a world that doesn’t ENTIRELY properly mold to the exploration of a metroidvania (too much is unlocked with single upgrades, it more or less becomes an entire map of free reign and near equally difficult areas with single rooms barred off until you get things like the shade dash).
It falters on base game difficulty on occasion because of the ‘we accidentally made the metroidvania map too open too quickly’ thing.
And despite any of that it ended up playing like a wonder all the way through lol.
God, some of those bosses will stick with me just because of how perfectly balanced they felt like the manti or either Hornet fight.
And yet my takeaway will remain the story and world. They really pulled out the stops and went for it and created a world that feels so utterly unique. What an ingenious design decision to make everything insect themed, it gives the world an alien feel that I certainly haven’t felt before. And it’s incredible to me how a game that is more or less gray for the length of the gameplay felt so full of color and artistic expression.
The zones have so much life through the land itself despite the plague-like infection and corpses everywhere. The Fog with its bubbles will definitely stand out there.
I’m wrapping up and doing a terrible job of it and all that’s going through my head is “Those endings, the ambiguity of Hornet’s outcome or even the truth of how the knight persists or entirely dissolves in the flower extended ending since in the others he either becomes the new vessel or perishes. I can’t stop dwelling on that world I’ve explored in those context.”
“I should write fanfiction” followed by “Do not do that you have not explored 100% of the game and you’re obsession with details will kill you in attempting that, stick to writing your darn (as of now) OneShot game fanfiction instead you dolt”
This was good. Very good. I’m sorry to sort of blanket it out with such a simple statement but honestly, I couldn’t do it justice, so I’ll say it plainly. This is a good game and I’m happy to have played it :)
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Oh my gosh Anon, my soul left my body when I opened this ask because there are SO MANY talented people in the erasermic fandom?? We are truly, truly blessed with so much amazing content it’s hard to know where to begin. But for you I will TRY so buckle in!! In no particular order (and keep in mind some of these creators produce mature content):
@ponpox​ is the light of my life and continues to bless us with beautiful and hilarious Mics and cute, buff Aizawas that none of us deserve!! They are a genius!
@corndog-patrol​ fills my heart with love every day with their hilarious comics and soft soft erasermic content. Every one of their soft Aizawas adds a year to my life  (Ao3)
@ladycakepops​ can rip out my heart with their angst sometimes, and then put it back together with something so sweet I ugly cry over it!! (Ao3)
@tiniest-hands-in-all-the-land​ is an incredibly talented artist AND writer, so basically they do it all. All their work is warm and filled with life and detail and I could spend hours going on about it!  (Ao3)
@rob0ti​ draws the most beautiful soft expressions in addition to absolutely hilarious comics that always leave me smiling!!
@blithefool slays me every day by drawing the softest, gentlest scenes while at the same time being an absolute master of smut (Ao3)
@bogglle warms my heart with all their bnha content, though of course my heart will always belong to their erasermic <3
@fermata-blog has such a funny, dry wit and expressive style! Everything they produce is an absolute gem!
@bethhankel​ can really do it all, from hilarious sketches to deeply moving and romantic moments to quality smut!!
@elenimut​ has such a fun style! I love the way they draw Aizawa’s goblin grin! Their take on him in general always makes me laugh!
@duocreatix​ is mostly twitter-based, with so many great AUs and comics that I could look through their stuff all day!!
@ixiblitz​ draws such fun and colorful art!! I’d know their style anywhere and I absolutely love it!
@qed221b​ is producing an AU that has stolen my entire heart, in addition to their other incredible work!!
@happybiteysnake​ creates really fun art that always puts a big smile on my face! I’m a huge fan!
@baneberryart​ posts art that manages to be both sweet and hilarious! I love their expressions!
@pinky-hell​ draws such cute, blushy erasermic content!! I always look forward to their posts!
@justkeeptrekkin has been incredibly generous by blessing the erasemic fandom with her god-tier (literally!) AUs!! I am in awe of their talent.  (Ao3)
@fucking-zawa-sensei needs no introduction! They can make a reader feel any emotion so deeply, and they make it look effortless. I love their take on Aizawa’s perspective, it feels very authentic and human and warm.  (Ao3)
@aizawashovta has written some of my all-time erasermic favorites. In their fics, the connection between Mic and Aizawa is so vibrant and electric that it’s almost tangible.  (Ao3)
@modern-mint​ is an amazing writer who somehow manages to create smut that almost aches with tenderness.  (Ao3)
@sraye96​ writes fics that will melt your heart and make you scream with laughter!  Each of their fics is a gem! (Ao3)
@peachylixir​ has a beautiful, lyrical style and a real gift for dialogue! I love the way they write romance <3 (Ao3)
@namiashiraidou​ hasn’t been around lately, but their body of work is so impressive. If you like smut with a lot of tender romance, this is the one for you! (Ao3)
I also have some public bookmarks on my Ao3 if you’re looking for recs!!
Generally Great Blogs:
@deafmic​ puts out a lot of great aizawa content and consistently excellent headcanons! They’re also an excellent writer and colorist!  (Ao3)
@burrito-aizawa-sensei​ is an excellent writer and god-tier creator of HCs!!  (Ao3)
@theyellmanfan  is such an awesome writer and artist that I didn’t know where to put them on the list! They are consistently able to get a laugh out of me!  (Ao3)
And though it’s not exactly erasermic, if you’re not following @everyaizawa​, you should be!!
These are by NO MEANS the only writers or artists I follow and enjoy!! Honestly this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to quality erasermic content!! Please let ALL content creators know how much you appreciate their work and the time they spend making wonderful stuff for us to enjoy! And thank you for asking! :D
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@panwuthaplan Buckle up, it’s time for a little history lesson from a Greg x Jasper veteran. Making this a seperate post because I don’t wanna derail the other one. Also keeping it under a read more due to some mention of discourse. 
I don’t remember exactly where it started, but I know an artist named @kibbles-bits revealed they shipped it, and it became popular afterwards(pretty sure I discovered the ship thru their art but honestly it was such a long time ago I don’t remember)
I guess it caught on and some people liked the idea of Greg and Jasper. There was plenty of fanart and blogs, and the ship managed to gain a good following(there was even a ship week but I think I missed that). And for a good reason: dynamics. Greg is kind and chill, Jasper is tough and hot tempered. Greg could probably reason with her and help her relax a bit more(also there was plenty of ideas for angst and hurt/comfort). Jasper could help him be a little more assertive. Greg is likable, Jasper is popular, it didn’t take a brain surgeon to understand why people would adore this ship. I wrote maybe five or six fanfics myself? There’s a WIP from years ago in this blog’s drafts I never finished(oops).
But a lot of other people hated it because 2016 was a dark time and some people(a loud group of people, mind you) were really super against the idea of shipping Gems with any male character(it was mostly about ships like Pewey and Gregpearl but Grasper got a lot of shit too) and accused shippers of being homophobic/lesbophobic/sexist/whatever buzzword they felt like throwing(I guess bi/pan Gems don’t exist.) even though many of those said shippers were not straight and the Crewniverse might have even supported such pairings themselves but I don’t remember(I definitely remember a tweet from Kimberly Brooks saying she liked the idea of Grasper). The fandom wank eventually cooled but there’s still a bit of stigma(unfortunately).
However the ship’s popularity died down as well a few years ago(I think around the time Jasper got corrupted, that’s what I remember). Nowadays the Grasper tag in 2019 is mostly dry if you sort by recent posts(top posts will give you years old fanart). I feel like I’m the only one still posting about it and that kinda sucks because I like this ship a lot. I miss it so much. Even with all the newer characters being introduced along with new ships, Grasper still has a place in my heart)
I’m hoping that maybe with Jasper appearing in Steven Universe: Future, she’ll finally meet Greg and hopefully that could spark some sort of Grasper Renaissance? Maybe I’m like Spinel waiting in the garden Grasper tag for Pink Diamond people to start posting about Grasper again. If not, I guess I’ll start making that content myself.
In case you couldn’t tell, I love this ship. 
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ellorgast · 5 years
We keep talking about how important it is to reblog art from the source instead of reposting, but nobody talks about how the system is set up to reward reposters.
Like, every time you make a new post on tumblr, that post goes into the tags and the searches. Which in theory should make only new content go into tags and searches, but in practice treats reposts the same as new content. 
When I go into the tags for my main fandom, they’re dominated by reposters. People who just skim things off twitter and pixiv, with dubious amounts of credit and almost never permission from the artists. They can build a following quickly and easily because they’re always in the tags. 
Meanwhile, I know I don’t have a lot to offer on my fandom side-blog. I’m not an artist, and my edits are mediocre and my meta is sporadic. But what I have tried to offer is a reliable stream of content from across fandom. My queue has almost never emptied out in the past few years. I actively dig through artists’ archives to find art that has few notes. I regularly curate my queue to make sure posts with few notes will get posted during prime hours (note: if there is a few days’ delay in me reblogging your art, that is why! It’s not because I’m not excited for it, it’s because I’m usually trying to get it seen at the best time). 
And... honestly, a few years ago, doing that would have gotten some artist a really solid chunk of notes. I used to pride myself on finding unknown gems and getting them exposure. These days, as tumblr empties out though, I’m seeing fewer and fewer notes from my reblogs. 
Just today, I reblogged something that had almost no notes at the time. I checked the analytics a few hours later when I noticed its notes shot up. And was not surprised to see that the reason its notes shot up is because some of those reposter blogs noticed it. 
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The purple dot is me. I managed to get a chain of four total people following my reblog. The two HUGE dots are reposter blogs. They built their brand on pumping out huge quantities of pixiv and twitter art. Clearly their follower counts must be enormous by comparison.
I don’t have an answer here, but it’s frustrating. That trying to do right by artists and strictly reblog their content doesn’t get you anywhere. That people flock to reposters and don’t really care about where the art comes from. idk, it’s starting to feel a bit pointless to keep going.
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cassianjerons · 5 years
fandom compliment 💕
so since today is the birthday of one of my favorite people on this hellish website and they decided to help host a fandom compliment day in honour of it - because that’s the kind of wonderful and thoughtful human rust is - i am going to attempt to do them justice by sending some kind words to all the wonderful people who shaped my fandom experience over the past two and a half years in all kinds of beautiful, thoughtful, hilarious and amazing ways. 
i never made some overdramatic “i am leaving the fandom” post, because for one that’s not me, but also because i might have been able to quit the show, but i don’t have any interest in quitting on the people. and this feels far more productive anyway. 
oh, and if you hadn’t realised yet, hello again, it’s the artist formerly known as @vicbartons! so let’s do this thing:
(under a cut, because this is going to get really long and quite possibly soppy)
(also go and send rust @rustandruin some love for their birthday while you’re at it, because they deserve it)
@aarobron lucy! my football buddy! seriously, if you happen to have sold your soul to a football club like the two of us have, lucy is the one you want to talk to about it. but aside from the fact that this girl is a wealth of football knowledge, she also happens to be hilarious and smart and passionate, which makes her a freaking joy to talk to at all times. 
@aarondingel haley is an absolute angel of a human who is full of love and support for the people she cares about. she’s thoughtful and kind and there is no one else in this world i would rather vehemently disagree about fiction with than her. bantering, chatting and laughing with her has been one of my favourite things about being part of this fandom and let’s not forget about how she always fills my dashboard with all kinds of gorgeous gifs. 
@aceliv rhia has the kindest soul and the biggest heart and never fails to brighten up my dashboard with her positive energy, which is worth a hole damn lot on an average day, but even more so in a fandom that at times tends to drown in negativity and upset. 
@bartsugsy this fandom and i personally would be so much poorer if it weren’t for lo’s wit and humour and her talent at boiling everything we love about emmerdale and robron into perfect text posts. her blog is always a joy to read and at the end of the day that is down to what a wonderful, thoughtful, kind and caring gem of a human lo is. 
@capseycartwright lorna is honestly an inspiration in about a hundred different ways and seeing her learn and grow and achieve her goals over the past few years from afar has been absolutely wonderful. she’s smart and thoughtful and witty and compassionate. honestly, lorna comes across as the type of person, who you hope to run into when you're sad and drunk in a club bathroom because there is no doubt in my mind that she would have tissues and good advice at hand for you before calling you a taxi. and don’t even get me started on how freaking talented of a writer she is. 
@charitydingle kayleigh is cool and witty and fun and kind and just a joy to follow. also, she loves charity and everyone who does is a goodun in my book.
@dingleminyard so. much. freaking. talent. all of coralie’s gifs and edits are art and we’re lucky to have her around.
@dingletragedy sophie! quite possibly my mutual with the best taste in music? maybe so. chatting with her is always a blast because she’s not only witty and lovely but also incredibly talented and being able to follow along as she started dipping her toes into writing over the past few months has been an absolute joy, especially because of how brilliant she is at it. and not to get too soppy on main, but after seeing her struggle every now and again in the past but also work so damn hard, i just hope that she is at least as proud of herself for graduating uni at the moment as i was when i saw that pic of her and her flipping finished dissertation this past week. 
@escapingreality51 amelia is an inspiration tbh. seeing her struggle with her mental health and bad brain days but always getting back up again, fighting, and turning her feelings and experiences into some of the most emotional, heart-felt, real and beautiful writing i have ever seen is incredible and i hope that she is incredibly proud of herself for all of it. seeing her grow and achieve her goals has been the most gorgeous side product of following her blog, though just having her kind, calm and caring presence on my dashboard would already have been enough. she’s the kind of person i would never hesitate to come to with a problem. she’s also the kind of person to write fanfiction that will make you want to fall in bone-shaking, devastating, can’t keep your heartbeat under control kinda love. 
@forgottenwounds there are few people on this site i have talked to as much over the past two years as erin and i wouldn’t want it any other way. discussing things with her never failed to make fandom more fun to me and because she’s not only fun and a sucker for details, but also incredibly smart and opinionated in the best of ways, i rarely leave our conversations without feeling a little bit smarter than before or having gained a new perspective on things and it’s the absolute best. she also happens to be a badass at work, putting in tons of love and effort and time into making the word a bit of a better place and i respect the hell out of her for it. 
@frecklysugden lauren is kind and funny and caring and i wish she would wake up every morning seeing herself the way i and so many others see her, because she is a ray of sunshine and smarts and wittiness and deserves to take on the world and make it her own. she also happens to be able to write stories that will feel like a punch to your gut in all the best and worst ways and have you crying happy or sad tears into your pillow at two in the morning, because you just couldn’t resist clicking that “next chapter” button just one last time before going to bed. also, sidenote: quality taste in music. that feels a bit tagged on now after all the soppy stuff, but it needed to be said. 
@inloveamateursatbest claudia has great taste in tv. let’s start with that, because that is what has lead me to have some of the best, most thoughtful and most fun conversations on this hellsite with her. just talking to her about stuff often makes me feel a little bit smarter and there is no one i would rather scream about skinny, blonde, nightmarish male characters who are hiding a massive heart under layers and layers of insecurities and issues with than her. that aside, she also happens to be an incredibly kind and thoughtful human, with a heart full of wit and gold. what more could you really ask for?
@inthedreamatorium keri and i have sadly never talked much, but she is just one of those hilarious, warm and wonderful presences on my dashboard that i don’t want to imagine my tumblr experience without. 
@josephtate the first thing i think about when i think of fiona, is how her fics always manage to feel like a hug or cuddling up under the covers with some tea and a good book, all warm and soft and homely. and it’s the most beautiful. she also happens to be way cooler than i could ever hope to be and just a really kind, lovely, talented human with a wicked taste in music and food. 
@justleavemebreathless the gifs! the video edits!! how can a single human be this freaking talented?? and then she also has the biggest heart and is this supportive and positive and lovely?? sounds fake, but it’s not and this fandom is better for having jacqueline in it. 
@lesgayliennesdangereuses kate always feels like one of those really rare “best of both worlds” kinda humans. quick-witted and sharp-tongued, but also incredibly kind and thoughtful. critical and intelligent, but also passionate and hilarious. she doesn’t take shit, but still always shows compassion and heart. basically, she is the kind of person who can go back and forth between shitposts about robert and aaron’s horrible fashion choices and thoughtful, educational posts about social justice issues or sexuality with an ease that’s impressive and wonderful.
@letthe3000rain the blog where sarcasm and not taking shit from dumb anons were born. everyone should have a blue on their dashboard as a palette cleanser from all the insanity of fandom and as a witty voice of reason that reminds you that some things maybe shouldn’t be taken so damn seriously. also to excessively discuss the affair era, because that ish is important. 
@littlelooneyluna nicole is an absolute wizard with words! the emotions she can pull out of you with just a few lines of dialogue is not only astonishing and wonderful but also an inspiration to everyone who’s ever tried their hand at writing themselves. and that’s before you even touch on the fact that she is one of the kindest souls around, never shy to compliment and support anyone who might need it. 
@longlivethefreakinme camille is a funny and supportive angel of a human and i wouldn’t want to imagine my fandom experience without her in it. last but not least, because she shares my love for robert and victoria’s relationship and her blog is always one of the best places to go to for anyone in dire need of a good affair era fix. especially when she stumbles down an emotional rabbit hole again and takes you right down with her in the best way. 
@luststricken hannah is an absolute babe, with a plus taste, who makes my fandom experience better just by existing. she’s a wonderful ray of sunshine who fills your dashboard with quality gifs as well as the perfect mix of positive attitude and banter. that and we all need a friend who supports our irrational hatred of a certain adele song that everyone else is weirdly obsessed with, even though it’s overplayed and she has literally dozens of better ones in her repertoire, you know?
@prettyboysugden lucy knows what she’s about and i respect the hell out of her for it. she stands her ground no matter what, but beyond that, she has an incredibly big heart and a kind soul and if that’s not the perfect mix i don’t know what is. oh, and have we talked about her damn writing yet? because dear god, it’s gorgeous. 
@robertisbisexual malorie is as outspoken and true to herself as i can only hope to be on my very best days and it impresses the hell out of me tbh. smart and witty and a force of nature, she’s the kind of person you want on your dashboard when everything and everyone around you seems to be drifting off into bullshit territory once again. nevertheless, mal never fails to be kind and thoughtful and considerate. oh, and because all of that apparently wasn’t already enough, she’s one hell of a writer as well. (she’s also a demon who loves to torture me personally with pictures of a certain freakish looking taxidermy faux pas, but i love her anyway.)
@robertjacobsugdens i have rarely met someone on here who was as well-spoken and thoughtful and just astonishingly smart as alex is. when alex takes on a topic of discussion, you can be sure that she isn’t going to half-arse things, but that instead she will show you a different perspective or teach you something you didn’t know before or maybe get you to look up a thing or two on wikipedia, because hearing her talk about things and issues she cares about makes you want to know more about them as well. aside of that, she also happens to be incredibly funny and witty and one hell of a writer. like, dear god, you do not want to know the number of times i have reread each and every one of her AUs…
@sapphicsugden siri always inspires me to try and be a better writer. that’s the first thing that comes to my mind when i think of her, because she is just that ridiculously talented. the way her writing takes you on an emotional journey with every carefully chosen word and phrase is mind-blowing and wonderful and deserves to be screamed at from rooftops tbh. but beyond that, siri is one of the most supportive, intelligent and kind-hearted people i have had the pleasure to meet on this website. 
@smittenwithsugden first of all, happiest of birthdays, pauline! i hope it’s an amazing one. now on to the compliments. pauline’s was one of the first emmerdale blogs i stumbled upon and also one of the first fanfic writer’s whose work i read, so i should just take a second to thank her for introducing me to this wonderful mess in the first place. in a lot of ways, she also feels like one of the fandom’s mums. she is the queen of organisation: translating clips, keeping track of directors and writers, planning events left and right and spreading positivity and love while she is at it. her blog is just this wealth of information and support and it’s a gift!
@sugdensquad​ millie is the person in this fandom who got me into reading wips. who had me desperately waiting for a new update the second i had finished her latest chapter of fic. who dragged me deep into her stories with her insane ability to slowly build a narrative and dig deep with characters and the way she takes all the things you love from canon and somehow manages to make them so much more. who had me reading tens of thousands of words in a single evening when it had been months since i’d last managed to actually finish a book. because that’s how talented she is. and on top of that she also happened to be a wonderful bean when i got talking to her much later on. 1000/10. would recommend. 
@thesnowyswan rae has the most supportive and loving energy around. she’s also unafraid to dig deeper and tackle big questions and issues and reading her takes on things, be it through the lens of her fanfic (and goddamnit she is one hell of her writer and reading her work never fails to inspire me) or in her posts always gets me to think more deeply about stuff myself and see things from a new perspective, and i appreciate the hell out of her for that. she’s the kind of person i would always trust to go to for advice, knowing that i would be getting a thoughtful, kind and compassionate answer no matter the issue. 
@wycombewanderer husna feels like a breath of fresh air amidst fandom craziness. the way she always comes across as calm and collected and eloquently speaks on all kinds of issues and topics and never fails to teach me a thing or two on the way is not only impressive but also something i massively appreciate. beyond that, she also just has a genuine, warm and kind energy about her that makes my fandom experience far more enjoyable than it would be without her around.  
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tlbodine · 5 years
A Decade of Horror Recommendations
With 2020 approaching, we’re reaching the end of a decade that has been uncommonly good to the horror genre, especially the last few years. Here’s an overview of some of the stand-out titles and my recommendations. Feel free to ask me about any of the titles on this list and I’ll happily share my more in-depth thoughts on them! 
Note that, of course, I have not seen every movie that’s come out in recent years, so I’ve probably missed some titles -- feel free to jump in with your own recommendations! 
Also this post is really long and has gifs, so I’m putting it under a cut. Sorry for the dash spam, mobile fam. Tell Tumblr to fix their shit. 
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2010: Supernatural Horror Starts Making a Comeback 
Some stand-out films: 
Insidious: An important film for modern horror history, helping to usher in the new wave of paranormal/hauntings/demon films. It lays the tropes for a lot of the films that would get big in upcoming years. I thought it was pretty solidly decent. 
Devil: A clever script about being trapped on an elevator with the devil. It’s a bit too ambitious and doesn’t quite live up to those ambitions, but it’s solidly decent and refreshingly original. A hidden gem for the year. 
Black Swan: Maybe the height of Darren Aronofsky’s career as a household name. Not my favorite of his movies, but a pretty solid psychological suspense. 
Frozen: No, not that one. This is a clever movie that embraces a narrow scope: some teenagers get stuck on a ski lift and have to endure the elements and some hungry wolves below. Not a great movie, but worth watching as a study in what you can do with limited resources. 
Black Death: Quick shout-out for a dark and grisly historical horror involving witchcraft and torture. It’s not a fun movie to watch, but it’s got Sean Bean and Eddie Redmayne, and I feel like both original screenplays and historical horrors are rare enough to warrant support. 
2010 also had its share of predictable franchise tie-ins (a Saw movie, a Resident Evil movie, remakes like I Spit on Your Grave and The Crazies, etc.) The Horror Renaissance was a few years in coming. 
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2011: The Year of the Predictable Remakes 
So many franchises getting flogged to death this year -- tripe like SCRE4M, Final Destination 5, Human Centipede 2, a Hellraiser reboot literally no one watched, and Paranormal Activity 3. Blech. BUT. 2011 also brought us a couple of my favorite movies ever: 
You’re Next: I would credit You’re Next with re-defining the “final girl” in horror. Also it’s a damn good home invasion movie with buckets of gore and a smart script. 
Cabin in the Woods: This one’s a bit divisive -- some folks really hated it I guess -- but it’s such a loving deconstruction of horror, and it’s wholly original even while being comfortingly familiar. Also it’s hilarious. 
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2012: A Few Important Titles
I feel like 2012 was full of movies nobody has actually ever seen or talked about. But some of the good ones that I’d recommend: 
Sinister: Like Insidious in some ways, but maybe better.  Also, “Snakes don’t have feet.” Honestly just a very good, solid demon/haunted kid movie. 
V/H/S: A must-watch for horror buffs. It didn’t invent the found footage genre, but it did refine it and really show off what it could do best. 
Smiley: OK so like. This is not really a great film, but I think about it a lot and recommend it a lot. It’s stuck with me quite a bit somehow, and in some ways it feels very much ahead of its time as a creepy prediction of what internet culture would be like at the end of the decade. “We did it for the lulz.” Seriously, watch this movie today, and remember that it was made eight years ago, and see if it gives you chills too. 
I guess I should also mention Prometheus here, which lots of people liked. I was not one of them, but it was a heavily talked-about film I feel like and of course an Alien franchise tie-in. 
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2013: The Year the World Remembered It Liked Horror 
This was a big turning point year, launching some new franchises instead of just re-treading old ones: 
The Conjuring: I personally hate all of these movies, but they are huge and you can’t swing a dead cat in the modern horror fandom without encountering one of them. The first Conjuring film was at least decent. For extra credit, watch it as a triple feature with Insidious and Sinister and do a compare/contrast. 
The Purge: Not only the start of a successful franchise but also a pop culture phenomenon and a damn good movie to boot. 
Mama: I love this movie. I have this movie on DVD. It’s kind of bittersweet and may not completely follow through on all of its promises, but it’s still quite good and has some lovely performances. 
Warm Bodies: Not really a horror -- kind of a romance -- but it warrants mention here because zombies were a hot item in 2013, and that’s a current special interest of mine on account of having a zombie book of my own coming out that is more than a little influenced by this story. (the film is a pretty good adaptation of the book, although honestly you could just skip the movie and read the book and get a better experience.)  
Willow Creek: I feel like I recommend this movie a lot, but that’s just because I think it’s very good and a very smart use of its own resources. A found footage mockumentary that actually manages to make Bigfoot frightening. Totally worth the watch. 
Mr. Jones: Here’s another hidden gem, also in found footage style (I feel like that was a prevailing theme in the years after V/H/S) but it’s surprisingly fresh. It’s a folk horror piece that doesn’t go at all where you might expect despite its thoroughly well-trodden ‘couple in secluded house’ setup. 
A bucketful of remakes and sequels this year too, including an Evil Dead reboot, V/H/S sequel, Insidious sequel, etc.  I should also probably mention World War Z, which was not actually very good and also had nothing in common with the book of the same name, but does mark an important moment in the mainstreaming of the zombie revival, especially considering it came out the same year as Warm Bodies. 
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2014: Fuck Yeah People Actually Like This Shit Let’s Make More 
I feel like maybe our current horror renaissance started this year. Some recs: 
The Babadook: No surprises to anyone who follows my blog, but I love The Babadook and I will defend it to the bitter end against its detractors. It is one of my favorite horror films of all time and one of the best of the decade. 
It Follows: Ok confession, I actually did not like this movie at all. I thought it was ridiculous and over-hyped. But it makes the list because a lot of other people really, really loved it, and I accept that they saw something in it that I didn’t. Watch it and make up your own mind (and report back with your findings). 
As Above, So Below: This may be the most claustrophobic film ever made, and it deserves to be studied on that merit alone. It’s also pretty creepy and I suspect a lot creepier for folks who are unnerved by Christian horror/mythology (I am not, but I know lots of folks really are). 
Housebound: A hidden gem from New Zealand, this one is worth a watch because it takes a familiar haunted house premise and gives it a surprising and honestly delightful twist. 
Jessabelle: Not a great movie, but deserving of a spot here because it’s a Southern Gothic and features a main character in a wheelchair, which I think is neat. 
13 Sins: I feel like I’ve written about this movie for the blog before, and I recommend it a lot. But it’s clever and is a great early example of the “killing game” genre that has become increasingly prevalent (I mean, aside from the Battle Royale/Hunger Games version). 
It was neat to see so many original horror stories (as opposed to reboots/franchises) coming out, and that’s a trend that would continue (and is something that makes horror one of my preferred genres - there are more original stories in it than in many other types of film). 
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2015: Hell Yeah Let’s Ride This Horror Train 
So many excellent movies this year! Ahh! 
Crimson Peak: Guillermo del Toro’s love letter to the Gothic. What I love about this movie (aside from Tom Hiddleston) is it plays all the tropes straight. It’s not trying to be a new spin or reinvent the genre or break all the tropes. It’s just a gothic horror story, told exactly like what it is, by a guy who makes damn good movies. I felt like that was really brave and surprising at the time. 
The Visit: M. Night Shyamalan had basically made a joke of himself after a string of awful movies, but this movie was enough to earn back a bit of respect in my book. It’s a clever premise and a smart use of found footage. 
The VVitch: Creepy-ass slow-burn supernatural historical horror, sign me up. I actually don’t like this movie as much as a lot of people (see above: religious-themed horror doesn’t push my fear buttons much) but it’s beautifully made, thoughtful, and artistic in a way that makes people sit up and pay attention to just how good the horror genre can be. 
Krampus: This movie is extremely silly and I love it. A holiday favorite I watch every year now. It’s hilarious, and imaginative, with some really creepy visuals and a thoroughly satisfying conclusion. 
The Invitation: For me, some of my favorite horror movies are the ones where the film is uncomfortable to watch before the actual horror stuff starts up. This one has an almost unbearably tense build-up and pays off in an incredibly satisfying and creepy manner. 
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2016: Horror Goes Hella Mainstream
I feel like 2016 was another year of just...lots of kind of fun unique premises tossed out like spaghetti to see what would stick. And I am here for it. 
Don’t Breathe: Home invasion gone wrong is a great trope, and this one gets extra points for having the single most disturbing sequence utilizing a turkey baster I’ve ever seen in film. 
Hush: Speaking of home invasions. This one is pretty standard fare -- homeowner fights back! -- but the deaf main character is a neat twist. 
Lights Out: It’s pretty cheesy at times and the plot sort of falls in on itself, but the opening sequence is genuinely frightening and the movie almost literally killed @comicreliefmorlock so that’s a commendation I guess? 
Train to Busan: An Asian take on the zombie survival story. It’s a really good movie (if horribly bleak) and it does such an excellent job of making you genuinely care for all of the characters. 
The Autopsy of Jane Doe: A really neat premise with some wonderful slow-build horror. The storyline kind of goes off the rails, and it asks a lot of questions it doesn’t answer, but it’s quite good regardless. 
The Forest: I was disappointed with this one -- it just failed to live up to my expectations -- but it’s decent, and it’s a good attempt at capturing the creepiness of Japan’s Suicide Forest. 
Before I Wake: This one was sad more than scary, I thought, but it fits so neatly into a certain aesthetic that I am always a sucker for -- dreams and nightmares bleeding into reality, yes please. 
Split: Say what you will, I thought Split was amazing, and James McAvoy deserves a goddamn Oscar for his performance in this movie. 
The Monster: A hidden gem that’s worth watching to see how well it delivers on its premise: two characters stuck in a car with a monster outside. It’s not amazing, but it’s neat, and sometimes it’s nice to have just a straightforward creature feature with a bit of emotional heft for good measure. 
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2017: Did Somebody Say Blockbuster? 
In hindsight, they’ll probably say 2017 was the start of the horror renaissance, but we’ll all know they’re a few years too late. Still, this was another great year: 
Get Out: Funny, dark, deeply uncomfortable and with some real meat to it -- Jordan Peele knows how to make a great movie. This absolutely deserves all the awards. 
It: Not a perfect movie, but a good adaptation of a difficult-to-adapt book. The kids are great. Pennywise is menacing, but that fucking flute lady is the scariest part. 
It Comes At Night: I didn’t like this one much, but a lot of folks did so it makes the list. See above re: It Follows. 
Gerald’s Game: Everything that’s wrong with this movie (ie, the ending) is wrong in the original story, so where this movie fails it’s a matter of sticking too close to its source material. But the premise is truly, genuinely horrifying, and the degloving scene almost made me vomit. So that’s cool. 
Happy Death Day: Another horror-comedy, with a healthy dose of self-awareness. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, and that’s what allows it to be fun. 
The Babysitter: This movie is hilarious. It’s also super bloody and clever and clearly made by people who love slashers, and the affection shows. 
The Ritual: So-so in the acting and pacing, but the creature design is A+ and the concept is really neat. Seriously just watch this one for the monster, it’s super cool looking. 
I should probably mention Mother here, but I can’t speak for it as I haven’t gotten around to watching it yet. It’s a very divisive film. One of these days I’ll watch it and let you know.
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2018: There’s More Where That Came From 
If 2016 was the year of filmmakers just trying stuff for the hell of it, 2018 was the year of talented filmmakers and studios realizing that, oh shit, you can make really good horror movies with mass appeal. 
A Quiet Place: I’m glad I caught this one in theaters, because it really deserves to be watched in a dark, quiet room where no one dares to make a sound. The ending left a lot to be desired, but it was a clever premise. 
Hereditary: The best horror movie of the year imo. Painfully uncomfortable - I’m not sure I could watch it again - but highly recommended. 
Apostle: Watch this one in a triple-feature with The VVitch and Hereditary. A really good period piece with a character you actually want to root for. 
Bird Box: I didn’t like this movie much, but it was hugely popular. I bought the book recently and suspect it is much better. Still, it’s worth a mention for its impact on mainstream viewers (lots of people who don’t like horror really liked this movie). I won’t budge from my initial opinion that it’s just A Quiet Place meets The Happening, though. 
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What Does 2019 Hold? 
We’re only halfway through the year, so we’ve got some time to see what is coming down the pipe. Lots of things to look forward to! But some solid titles so far this year that I’d heartily recommend: 
Us: Jordan Peele is at it again. It may not be as good as Get Out  -- there’s some plot holes where the internal logic of the world is at odds with the message it’s trying to send -- but it’s thoughtful and gives plenty to chew on. And there are places where it’s just unbearably tense and creepy. 
Brightburn: I had high hopes for this movie and was not disappointed. This is a super (ha, ha) good film. 
The Wind: A Gothic on the American frontier. It accomplishes what I think It Comes At Night was supposed to do, but more effectively (for me anyway). Bonus points for being written and directed by women. Double bonus: Caitlin Gerard, the main actress, is also the lead character in Smiley. 
I have not yet watched Velvet Buzzsaw, Ma or Midsommar this year, but I really want to. I’m also looking forward to the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark film despite having some reservations about the whole concept. 
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imagine-lumpygrab · 5 years
For the thing I ask fooor... 2 3 8 and 10. Let's hope your WiFi pulls through this time...
*inhale* This is the last fricking time I’m doing this, Tumblr has yeeted my posts of this into the void four times before and I am done with its crap.
2. Which sentence or paragraph is your favorite among those in the fics you’ve written? Why is it your favorite?
Hooo boy, a hard question! I’ve written a LOT of fics, but I generally really like the parts where characters dance or hug or are happy. If I had to pick an Adventure Time themed fic (since that IS the theme of this blog, it would be from “Pretty, pretty Lemonman” where different reincarnations of LG wear dresses:
Lemongrab pouted angrily. “Mother Princess! I demand a dress NOW!”
“You think just because you yell I’ll give you everything you want?”
“That’s not how it works, Lem-”
She sighed, opening the closet in which she kept most of her dresses. “Oookay, which one would you like?”
It’s a fave of mine because as someone who spends maybe too much time around yelling kids I know when to give up and this is a #mood for me, and also I really like that scene where someone is like “we’re definitely not doing the thing” but then it cuts to them doing that exact thing.
It’s just endlessly funny to me honestly :D
3. Which of your fics has your favorite opening and which has your favorite ending?
The favorite opening would be that of my songfic “Will everybody please give him a little bit of space” inspired by “This is home”:
Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love
“I don’t think I can do this,” Lemongrab sighed.
I like it because immediately you know something bad is going on. “I cannot fall in love” followed by “I don’t think I can do this” just sets the scene so well for all the drama, especially if you know the song and the melody because that really adds to the atmosphere❤️
Favourite ending.... hm, that’s hard. I like all of them. Because I always write happy endings, and I like happy endings. Also I don’t have that many fics with actual endings because many of them are not actually finished 🤦‍♀️
It would probably be the one also from “Pretty, pretty lemonman” where LG3 wears a dress to some formal event and goes to greet Bubblegum:
Bubblegum seemed to have lost her voice. The sight of him in a dress was so unreal, and she wanted to worry for his reputation, for his dignity, for his well-being, but then Marceline took her hand and she saw Lumpy Space Princess do the same and all of her worries silenced down. He will be fine. He’s himself and that’s who he should be. And so, she smiled kindly and with fondness, saying gently: “I do accept you. You are beautiful and loved, and I’m proud of you, Lemongrab.”
I like this for a lot of reasons. First, Bubblegum doesn’t act like a complete ass, excuse my French. Second, she worries for Lemongrab but then realizes there are people in his life who trust him to be his own person and she should be one of them. So she becomes one of them and trusts him to be his own person. And third, the last sentence of the fic is something that I believe everyone should hear at least once in their life. No matter what they have or have not gone through, regardless of whether they have trouble expressing gender or just got anxious about homework. People should be told someone loves and accepts them.
Hey, you. I do accept you. You are beautiful and loved, and I’m proud of you.
There you go, it’s really easy, kids, try this at home.
8. If you could have an artist create fan art for any of your fics, which would it be and why? 
OH BOY OH BOY since it’s you who’s asked this I really had to think my answer through because if it turns out you planned on drawing it I want it to be something you don’t kill your hands over and I’m managing LG in dresses pretty well, so it’s not going to be “Pretty, pretty lemonman.”
And since there’s not many other fics I’ve finished and posted, I think it would be “Will everybody please give him a little bit of space.” There’s lots of angst prompting scenes – LG tracing over his scars with a scalpel to cut PB’s pink thread, his predecessors’ minds yelling over each other in his head, Bubblegum trying to keep him alive while regretting like ten years of neglecting her son.... yeah it’s a lot of drama.
If I had to pick something happier, than definitely the Lemongrab/LSP fusion from my “Gems AU” one-shot. Or like... their fusion in general.
10. Which of your fics do you wish more people would talk to you/ask questions about and why? Be honest!
Actually if people asked me too many questions about one single fic I would end up telling you all the spoilers. Like I’d just tell you the whole story bit by bit because I tend to ramble and have like five(5) fics so eventually I’d just have nothing else to tell you :D BUT what I’d love to get more asks about are Alternate Universe prompts! Crossovers! Like... An AU where LSP was raised by Bubblegum and LG is from another dimension! Or... he’s a sun god and she’s a star constellation goddess🌟! Or like.... ALL THE SOULMATE AUS. Also if you ever spot any imagine-your-otp prompts that you think fit Lumpygrab, yeet them at me!
Thanks for asking!
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ephemerally--yours · 5 years
O C T O B E R 2 2 , 2 0 1 9
As I mentioned in my last post, my crazy work schedule got in the way of my blogging schedule and instead of catching up like a regular person, I decided to come out of left field with a post about my trip to New York. Hahaha! Well, since I screwed around and missed my regularly scheduled haul last month, I decided to combine my August and September posts. So, without further ado, here is everything I thought I needed in the past two months! 
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If you know me, you know I love a good adventure! So, what’s a better combination of excitement and retail therapy than thrift shopping? I don’t always have time to dig around to find the hidden gems, so I don’t nearly go as much as I would like. However feel like every time I go, I stumble upon the most incredible pieces; these Dior sunnies and Saint Laurent backpack are 100% a testament of that! I found the sunglasses for 90% off the original Technologic’s price tag - a freaking dream come true! This Saint Laurent backpack wasn’t on as big of a discount as the sunglasses, but I’d say that 75% off the original tag is still a win. This backpack was actually a piece I found in San Francisco when I was there for Memorial Day. To my surprise, it was still there months after so I took it as a sign that it was meant to be in my life.
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As if there’s anyone left in my life that doesn’t know about my Saint Laurent OBSESSION, I splurged on my beloved when I found out about the Rive Droite branch of the brand. The thing that initially caught my eye about the collection was the Zoe Kravitz tee shirt. But, when I dug a little deeper, I couldn’t decide if I wanted the Kate Moss or the Zoe Kravitz polaroid, so I went a little (lot) crazy and bought both! The little monogram piece is actually a bookmark that I figured could make a cute addition to my blazers. My final Saint Laurent purchase came from the outlet in New York. I’d had my sights set on Chelsea boots for a minute now, but I’ve never been a fan of the elastic sections. The ribbed leather design on these really caught my eye, and at over 50% off, they were a MUST HAVE!
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If you know me in real life, then you’ll know that this hat is extremely on-brand for me! I’d actually wanted the sweater when it first came out, but I decided against it based on the price alone. I couldn’t justify paying 4-figures for a black hoodie with embroidery and not much of a design (I know you’re probably thinking “WTF? What about all those screen printed tees??” And, you’d be right. I don’t know either). However, at an outlet price point, I knew I would regret not buying this adorable little hat.
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I bought these Toga Archive double western buckle sandals for any day clubbing opportunities that might’ve arose during my Vegas trip. However, with that trip being a bust, these gorgeous sandals made the quick transition to becoming my everyday sandals. If you know my weekend uniform, you know that I love a good pair of slides, and I’ve been obsessed with western buckles recently. My next purchase is definitely going to be a pair of western buckle boots. If anyone knows of any good ones, please let me know!
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After my trip to New York, I told myself I would take a breather, but one of my favorite fashion bloggers released a capsule collection with Jaded London and you know I had to show my support! Hahaha. The collection was breathtaking and the aesthetics were right up my alley. I wanted both iterations of the shirt, but I figured I didn’t need both. However, I did buy both of the barrel bags since I imagined so many different ways to wear them. I also bought a few things that weren’t part of the collection: the socks and the necklace. The alien socks are super cute, but I wouldn’t have bought them if I didn’t need to make the minimum amount for free shipping. The neck-hugging barbed wire necklace on the other hand, DELICIOUS! 
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If you just started following me recently, you might only know me for my stupid ass spending habits; however, my blog started out with equal parts fashion and art. Not only did I showcase my own art and processes, when I was in school, I would write about the various gallery features around San Diego. So, if you’ve been here since the start, you’ll know that these canvases didn’t come out of the blue. The muted piece was actually a find from Ross! I honestly haven’t even hung it up and I have no idea what I want to do with a piece of this size, but I knew I needed her calming vibes. The hand-painted aspect of this piece had me sold; although, I don’t think Ross was selling custom handmade pieces for $40. The next two pieces are from the extremely talented Shane Bowden, an Australian artist, whose galleries I frequented in San Diego. The Birkin and the Dom will go with my Louboutin piece that I got a few years ago. The Chanel is actually a gift for my cousin, but it’s gorgeous so I thought it should be included. I’m a HUGE fan of pop art, and if you don’t think these paintings don’t have my name written all of over them, then you don’t know me at all. Hahaha!
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The last item from this haul is this highly sought-after reusable Starbucks cup. I literally tore through San Jose in search of this bad boy! This cup was only released to licensed stores - meaning inside of Targets, grocery stores, bookstores, etc. I honestly still can’t believe I found the last one in San Jose all because one of the workers left it in the backroom and never put it on the shelf.
Anyway, sorry about how long this post turned out to be. I didn’t realize how hard I was wylin’ out over the past two months. I might actually need to get checked before I wreck myself. Hahaha.
Ephemerally yours,
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franeridart · 6 years
Jack says "ignored YOUR rule". Does that mean it's something Bakugou obligates himself not to have or something non of them can have? I'm actually curious 🤔
It’s actually a rule Bakugou put down for himself for a number of reasons, half related to his own safety and the safety of the person he’s dating, the other half to the fact that Bakugou hates lying, but (again for safety reasons) he can’t just go around telling everyone what he’s doing - he doesn’t want a relationship in which he’d just contantly lie to his partner and ditch them for vigilante work without being able to explain them what’s going on, so he put down the rule as soon as he decided he wanted to do this. Well, he hadn’t been interested in relationships anyway before Kirishima, so it was an easy decision to take at the time - now though...
Ahhhh if only he figured out Kiri and Red are the same person smh that’d make everything so much easier on him
Anon said:When you draw Jiro and Bakugo having platonic hugs and cuddles my bi heart becomes incredibly soft THANK YOUUUUUUU
I’M HAPPY TO HEAR THAT cause honestly that’s as self-indulgent as I go hahaha
Anon said:The vigilante au is so far sad but I could totally see it going in a miraculous ladybug kinda direction. What if they tried putting distance between themselves and suddenly found that they're falling again, for the vigilante forms this time because "oh sh*t he's cute in every way Kirishima is" and "He's just my type too, Bakugou-- *sigh* I could use some moving on from him." Or only Kirishima moves to vigilante!Baku but he remains stuck on kiri..//Or what if like, vigilante! Kiribaku are about to get caught by a hero and Kirishima opens up about his last regret of not getting to see his crush one last time after they set distance between themselves, while Bakugou listens and...
That’s!!!! a lot of ideas you got there hahaha I’m glad you’re having fun with the concept!!!!!!
Anon said:That vigilante au is amazing. You really express emotions well in comics.
AAAAAHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH that!!!! honestly means the world to me *sob*
Anon said:I just want to say you're really cool and I like you art uh- K bye
Thank!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Oh damn. I think i fall in love for your Vigilantes AU. Please don't stop. I really love it❤️
I mean, as long as you guys are okay with it being a bit all over the place and also being just pencil doodles, then I got no problems doing that right now haha thank you for liking it!!
Anon said:I love your vigilantes AU so much 😍😍😍😍
Anon said:LET THEM BE HAPPY !!!!
THAT’S THE PLAN!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:May I ask how you draw bakugous hair so well?? I just can’t seem to get the right amount of poof (or should I say BOOM💥 )
oHO I’m glad you like it cause actually the answer is I spent two years drawing it nearly daily and I finally sorta reached a place when I guess I’m okay with how I draw it lol some time ago I drew a step by step for it? but by now my process is mostly “do whatever and hope for the best”, which incidently is also my process in drawing Kirishima’s hair lmao
Anon said:Im a bit confused with the vigilante kiri, does he have black hair in his civilian form and red in his hero form?
YEH it’s one of the reasons why Bakugou still hasn’t figured out Red is Kiri haha thought if you’re asking for the logistics of that, I can’t say I spent too long thinking about it? We can always call it temporary hair dye spry or something like that, but to be fair it’s not like it matters all that much lmao I just needed Baku to be unable to tell it was him easily haha
Anon said:I love ur gem Au! :D are you gonna make more? Its okay if not :)
As I’ve said literally every single time I’ve answered asks since I posted it, MAYBE yes! The thing about that AU is that I love it and I have fun with it, but posting it ended up being the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, so honestly I don’t know when I’m gonna draw it if I’ll draw it, but the possibility is there
Anon said:Hello! I just wanted to say I have love reading your comics and your art is amazing-- but I especially love your vigilantes AU! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!!
HECK thank you!!!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it ;O;
Anon said:Why must you hurt us? I started crying at that vigilante au comic..
*passes u a blanket* I’ll try not to make it as sad in the future!
Anon said:Hi! I've purchased the take my hand book about a month ago, just wondering how long it takes for it to be delivered??? BTW I live in NZ so I understand if it takes a while~
Heck sorry anon but I’m so not good with dates, you should check the @takemyhandzine blog for that sorta stuff! Thank you so much for buying it tho!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Is Nico a cinnamon roll or a sinnamon roll?
That......... depends a lot on who you ask :0
Anon said:I love bnha more and more with every new character out. All that's left is to ask, which minor character is currently your favorite? (***That isn't from UA because that is a much bigger dilemma)
oUCH it would have been easier picking from UA actually since I’m pretty sure Amajiki is it hahaha well, if I can’t pick from UA...................... you know what, probably Shishikura
Anon said:Bakujiro friendship is something I didn’t know I NEEDED. U do good work bro
Anon said:Your art gives me life!!! Every time you post is just so unique in every way :00000 ❤️ anyway i just wanted to let you know that you’re inspiring in every way and that I absolutely adore your kiribaku art to the moon and back!!!
SOB thank you so much???? You’re so sweet!!!! ;O;
Anon said:fran you could convince me to ship anything with one (1) drawing
Since I got this ask I’ve been trying to find the most outrageous ship just to draw it and test this theory.......... I still haven’t found something outrageous enough but.... soon
Anon said:Hi your art is amazing also beautiful As you probably might know there is a traitor in the show, if you didn't know well then im sorry for spoiling. May I request a traitor kirishima
nnnnnnnggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry anon but the traitor theory arts are stuff I just can’t get behind, mostly so if it’s my fav characters - I don’t find it credible and I don’t find any joy in dwelling in the idea, so I got zero motivation to draw for it orz
Anon said:I can't believe you made me read the phrase "startle and explosion out of baku". (Yay for the vigilantes AU!)
LMAO he’s actually trying to do just that tho, maybe I’ll draw it hahaha
Anon said:Please! I need more BakuKiriKami fan art! I’m gunna die without it!
Anon I’m gonna be very real with you here my first reaction to reading this ask was thinking “then perish”
Anon said:Hello! I don't know if you've gotten this question before but have you ever considered drawing the villains?
I’ve drawn Dabi and Twice in the past! I’m not really much intereste in any other villain atm tho so I doubt I’m gonna be drawing them any time soon ^^’’
Anon said:You are by far my favorite artist. Your Kiribaku gives life to my bleak exsistence. Thank you. I bought some of your things of redbubble to make me happy!
AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello! I'm a big fan of your work and your kiribaku fluff especially, and I've been working on a (not so innocent) fic about Bakugou having burnt marshmallow smelling and tasting sweat, (funny how nitroglycerin is a natural lubricant, tastes and smells like burnt sugar, and is explosive) just wanted to know if you ever thought about it? also wanted to know if you'd like to read my finished fic, should be done real soon and it would mean a lot to know what you think about it!
Anon I’m so sorry but I really can’t say yes to this - especially because you said it means a lot to you, you’re putting me in a spot here where in case I didn’t like it I wouldn’t be able to tell you so anyway (and I generally don’t like talking about fancontent I don’t give a 10/10 to anyway, it’s too rude for me) and I’m sure it’s gonna be a great fic! But by the way you talked about it it’s gonna be a nsfw fic and I really rarely like those fics, so !!! orz I’m sorry, but this is a really uncomfortable request for me ;;;
Anon said:Can I use your art real quick if I hard out credit u? It's alright if I can't
Nope, sorry
Anon said:Could you draw another doodle of Setsuna?. I love how you draw her jfvdkd ;;v;; (Sorry if my English is trash.)
Not right now, but in the future yeah sure, I love her!
Anon said:Your Kirishima is so beautiful i fucking cry omg ;-; thank you for brightening my morning.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; thank you for liking how I draw him !!!!
Anon said:💛💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing your art, it always makes my day
Thank YOU for liking it!!!!!
Anon said:In your SU AU what if a gem offers to replace Kiri with a 'newer, better pearl'? How would Bakugo react?
Actually, Kiri was given to Bakugou specifically because he’s sorta defective, it was punishment for both of them that sorta backfired lmao 
Anon said:hi there! I'm new to your blog and I love your art style immensely! I saw somewhere with your latest seroroki post that you're still finding your main todoship; I hope I dont sound rude or pushy, but can I ask your opinions about todo*aku and/or tod*kir*baku? If not, thank you for your time! Keep up the great work!!
Still not completely sold on romantic tdbk tbh (platonic tho, that’s my jam) but I’ve been real into the ot3 lately!!! It just can’t be my main todo ship bc I still prefer krbk too much over it haha
Anon said:I loveeee your art, especially your kiribaku stuff! But consider! Size difference! What if Kirishima grows a lot but our lil' Baku doesn't? Does he get jealous or does he really like it? There'd be some epic hugs/kisses! What if he secretly loves getting picked up by Kirishima? XD
Oh that’s an hc I see around a lot! Personally I stil prefer them sorta the same size tho ???? with the only difference being Baku being lithe and Kiri being a tank, I think it has to do with the whole “complementary equals” theme they have going on, I like for it to be visually represented too ??? maybe, I had never really thought about the hows or whys of this preference tbh lmao
Anon said:Hey so I'm not up to date with BNHA but in your asks there was a thing about dragon boy having a zombie costume? I had another look at what I think is the right doodle and to me it looks like a Chinese vampire costume! (unless that's not the one you guys were talking about oops)
Nope that’s him, and you’re right!!! Either way my boy still hasn’t done anything worth of note, so I still don’t know why he’s dressed like that orz Hori plssss
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kinda-iconic · 5 years
End of Year Message
So 2018 is nearly over (I honestly can’t tell you how relieved I am!) and we are on the brink of welcoming in the new year. I’m posting this now as we’re all in different time zones and it’s hard to keep track as I’m slap bang in the middle 😂 (it’s a bit difficult to schedule when some in the east are celebrating new year already and the west is still a couple of hours behind... it’s a daily struggle).
As you guys know, I haven’t been on Tumblr for very long - I started this account in June - and I honestly can’t describe how thankful I am to each and every one of you - though I thought that this blog would crash and burn (like my life 😂) it has flourished into something that is unbelievable! I’m now six months in and am just shy of 480 followers like.... wow.
Being a part of this community has made me feel happy and accepted - y’all know I’m strange but you don’t judge me or comment about it all the time 🙃 you’ve all been so welcoming and kind to me and I love each and every one of you so much! You’re all amazing people and you deserve the world!
I have loved writing since I was a child; I used to write stories all of the time! Though it wasn’t until secondary that I took it up as a hobby and it got noticed (my English teacher was very supportive and wrote in my leavers book that she hopes I become an author - apparently my writing was very mature for a 14 year old) though I hope that I do become an author one day I kinda already am - not published obviously but - I cannot thank you enough for reading and responding to my fanfics! I was incredibly nervous writing my first and after I posted it I really wanted to take it down but your response changed that - people were liking and reblogging it - I have had some of the sweetest things said about my writing and believe me when I say that if I tell you I’m crying I really am 😂 I’ve left the room at least 4 times in tears because someone wrote something nice about it @nobounderiesplease your thoughtful submission was one of them! ☺️
For a long time I have always doubted my abilities... I have friends who are so so talented and to me I don’t really have a talent - I never used to like my writing at all...until you guys changed that mindset ♥️
Most of you know by now that I have not had the greatest of years; I’ve had to deal with a lot this year (mainly a family member being sick) and there was one point where I started to believe that this was it. That I was going to lose it all. Believe me when I say that I am more fortunate than others; I have an amazing family who have raised me so well, I have friends that I love dearly and I have been blessed with the education that I have received - though it hasn’t been easy, I wouldn’t swap this life for anything, because I know that, though I may have trusted the wrong person I know that I need to be more careful when placing my trust in people; although I have suffered bereavement more than once and found it difficult to accept I now know that that person is never truly gone as they are always within our hearts... and I think that’s what gets me through it all.
EACH and EVERY ONE of you have helped me through this past year. We may not have interacted, but you just being there and posting when I’m down is enough.
@nk-writes You were my first friend on here (I can’t even remember what we spoke about) but I value you so much in my life! You have been nothing but kind and supportive of me as both a person and a writer and I thank you! x and thank you for the cat gifs
@queerchoicesblog El where do I start? You’re a beautiful person! I love you so so much! You have been amazing and a true godsend! I am so happy that I met you and I am honoured to call you my friend - thank you beanie x
@the-council-of-new-york-vampires We bonded over BB; though I stan Adrian and wasn’t keen on Vega, you accepted me and we have had some truly amazing and hilarious conversations 🙃 you are an incredible person and the work and effort that you put into everything that you do is just... extraordinary. Thank you for your amazing blog - and thank you for being my friend x
@teamtomsato @christopher-powell You have both been incredible! You’ve been so kind and helpful to me and I just can’t thank you enough! I love your blogs and you are both amazing people! x
@rebeccaschoices I know I like to call myself the queen of sass and savagery (and I would hope that I would be at least something when it comes to humour) but, though I value my crowns, the queen of comedy goes to you! We may not speak a lot, but I love ya and everything that you do! You are a gem and I want you to remember that no matter what time of the day, you can always message me if you want to vent ☺️ I’m here to listen and help x
@itlivesbeneath You are amazing, Taylor.. truly! My fellow Adrian Stan and an incredible edit maker! Thank you for making this year amazing and blessing us with your talent! x
Speaking of talent....
@pilitella Can you let me borrow some of that artistic talent?! I need some 😂 you are so so talented I don’t even know what to say 🤭 x
@zigortega4life My fellow Shane Stan! You are one of the kindest people that I have met on here and it’s very rare that I find another shane Stan (I don’t know many!) thank you for sharing in all that I love and thank you for the cats! x
@imafictosexual @akrenich You guys are just amazing and kind people - thank you both for supporting me on this journey x
@give-me-ernest-sinclaire @femmeshep @nobounderiesplease @melodyofgraves Thank you for your ongoing support for me and my work - it means the world to me knowing that people like what I’m doing and actually read my stories x
There are so many of you that I could write about but this would go on forever. But from the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you. Thank you for being there for me and filling my 2018 with happiness and light.
Lots of Love and best wishes for 2019,
Amy xxx
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misas-biggest-fan · 5 years
I wanted to know if you had any suggestions on good blogs to follow because im slightly new. Also I’m in a lot of fandoms so it doesn’t have to be limited to death note or anything:3
AH such a good question!
@theamazingpeterparkerr or @emmettmccartycullen is incredible and amazing, the first is her main and the second is her twilight blog, weve been best friends for years. @antifacowboy or @mellobitch the first is their main and the second is their dn blog, we’ve also been friends for a good long time! @thatoneweirddude21 is a GEM we’re all buddies and im so glad we are! @simplynothuman me and her have also been besties for a rly long time @kaelvas @spiderwebb93 matt is SO good and sweet and funny follow him!! @thatonekawaiigirl13 @se34r5 so friendly!! and ik a little bit abt their future projects ;D and im PSYCHED @toygowther me and her and sentinelai did this playlist project together that was SO fun !! @sentinelai of course, incredible playlists, i love when we chat! @kiranatrix SO funny?!?!?!? has some of the coolest edits and also manages to make my text posts ACTUALLY funny when they add things LOL @the-anon-artist (this isn’t their main and im p sure they use this blog to remain on anon, so idk how much theyre necessarily keeping their eye on their follower count there, BUT i had to include them anyway bc we’re friends and they are so sweet!! we did an art collab once too, way fun!! ) @puropoly AMAZING art SICK content also such a cool and funny person! @luckycharge BEAUTIFUL art i am so jealous!! and so much good content/opinions on the dn drama @thatshadowboy we chat in spanish and i love having buddies to speak spanish abt dn to! he rocks!! @lollipop-lawliet SO so sweet and SUCH funny memes a;lksdjf every time they post something im like in stitches @side-ho-ryuuzaki AH their FICS are so good and cute and they are also so fun to talk to  @lawliet-imagines ALSO good fics!! and way cute art!! 
and you know what chances are im also talking to a zillion other people rn but i am so so tired so if you see this and we chat and i didnt put you here its not that we arent friends its that my brain is working at 1/8th capacity rn LOL
also, youd think id have a ton of captain america blogs to rec too, you know, since that’s my main?? unfortunately not so. :( i have historically not been as outgoing on my main and haven’t made as many friends (which is why I’m trying especially hard to make an effort in the dn fandom to be rly friendly and reach out to people first to make friends). honestly there’s tons and tons of cool people in the marvel fandom and i wish i were closer to some of them. that said, ive been lucky that me and @loldinson have chatted, he’s super cool and has a rly rly good blog (hi, it’s me, aroace-steve-rogers!)
but anyway all these people have been super super good to me and have RAD AWESOME blogs and youll have a super fun dash if you follow them!!
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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random stuff, some facts about me, some sims questions, video requests, hair sneak peaks, umm and other stuff too…. also I am 10 candies from being able to evolve that dumb fish so wig
Anonymous said: Do you have a car?
Anonymous said: Hi wcif the shirts in your coming soon in June update ps I love your cc x
hey! for any WCIFs for that stuff, I am probably going to wait until the posts for the hairs are up because I know that people won’t check when the hairs are posted for my old wcifs.
@angelamariacalle​ said: you could make a WIP the eyes that you use in your post with ice cream?     
i have no idea what you were trying to say ;-; the eyes I used are my default ones which you can download here
@ayoshi-sims​ said: Once you get this SHARE 6 facts about yourself and send it to your 10 favorite blogs ✨
I still play pokemon go (fight me)
I think that pop music was the best in 2007-2011 (One of the Boys, The Fame/The Fame Monster, Circus/Blackout, Animal/Cannibal, The best damn thing)
I am a super middle child! (two older siblings, and two younger ones as well)
I keep all my kpop albums on my dresser, with my Red Velvet one hanging in a red/white flower crown I own :)
My favorite food to snack on is either a tuna kit, or pickles
I am a bottom XD
Anonymous said: When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity!
aaaaah okay um
my kpop girlies i stan
my angel rocky (my old af pug)
my friends (irl and online <3)
the concept of love is always something that makes me happy omg i know that is cheesy but like… imagine finding someone that is perfect for you will always be there when you need and like just GOD I NEED A MAN NOW
charli xcx music umm yeah it’s 5 in the morning
Anonymous said: Hello, I was wondering if you have your sims on the gallery? Thanks for your time. :)       
Yeah! I have a few sims for download on my origin which is SPOTHARRIS I also have them for download on this page
Anonymous said: Hello!! Just wondering wicf the freckles from the discontinued model in your older posts (e.g. momo buns) thank you!!! BTW I love your stuff soo much! :)
Hey! I no longer have that file or even know where I got them from :( Here is an OLD af wcif I answered of them though
Anonymous said: Where are you from?
I am from Virginia, which is on the east coast of the United States :)
Anonymous said: Hi!! I feel like this is such a silly question but oh well I’m a noob. If I use your Quartz eyes V2 will they be inherited in the next generation if my sims have kids? Same with your hair colors as well?
I honestly have no idea how any of that stuff works :( I’m sorry! I assume it should but also maybe not? ;-; again, sorry!
Anonymous said: omg the hair with the flowers in it! *-* i love!! will you also make a version without the flowers? I also wanted to say I’m really happy your life is going well and congrats on the 30k followers
thank you so much!! and I the hair will obvi have no flowers :P the flowers should be accessories if everything works out. There are some clipping issues rn but I think it is fixable :) here is a pic without the flowers. If you guys have any recommendations about then pls send them my way
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Anonymous said: Would you ever consider doing really long curly hair like the singer Sza’s?
I personally don’t like super long hair in TS4, it just doesn’t look well with most clothes and has clipping/weight issues :( I’m sorry!!
Anonymous said: Do you know what happened to SimpleSimmer?
I don’t, no. But I am sure she is fine :) sometimes people just take breaks
Anonymous said: Hi! So, i really love your sim with the dark brown hair (for your hair cc) and i was wondering if you could ever share that sim! Because she has a beautiful face. Also i am wondering which skin overlay (etc) you are using! You can find me in the gallery under the name: xThisGirl (if that is an easier way for you to respond :)
Hey! You can find her download here, along with all my other sims :) I am glad you like her <3
Anonymous said: Hey! I know you probably won’t read this as fast but I wanted to ask, how do you shift the hairline to the side or any of that? Like your daisy hair, briana hair, and that one wip you had in a tutorial video of yours! I really want to do that but I just don’t know how :(
I will maybe record something for this! No promises bc I have to get someone to edit the videos for me and I don’t wanna bug him but I will see if he can edit it for me if I film it :) It is pretty simple to do once you get the hang of it
@sims4storiesandstuff​ said: I just wanted to say, your hairs are the shit! Absolutely stunning. I rarely use the EA hairs anymore! I think you deserve every follower you have.            
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate stuff like this <3 I don’t play the game myself much so it makes me happy knowing that my hairs make other peoples games so much more enjoyable uwu
Anonymous said: hello can you make please a video when you make a hair and upload it?
I would like to! I just do so many random things while doing a hair like showing pictures to friends and getting their advice. So I will have to see, would you guys mind if the video had conversation stuff in it? As I said earlier, someone edits the videos for me so I don’t wanna get him to do more work for it by editing them out :( I will look into it for sure though!
Anonymous said: That hair wip in your lil video tutorial is absolutely beautiful!! Can’t wait until it’s released !! 🧡🧡
thank you so much!! Here are some more pics of it:
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Anonymous said: are you korean? If not, how can you like kpop if you dont understand it?
I am not korean haha, but music is about more than understanding. It is about the feelings it vibes you get from it and the moods it puts you in. People love screamo music even though it is hard to understand, and music like instrumentals and dubstep heavy are just… what the music makes you feel. I listen to ‘normal’ pop, kpop, instrumentals, artists like grimes that mumble their songs a lot with production heavy stuff. I think that as long as the music is something you enjoy, you shouldn’t be judged for liking it. I know you aren’t trying to be rude with this ask so don’t think I am attacking you please! I am just trying to give you some insight into why different music interests people :)
Anonymous said: I’m so happy to see that you’ve made a patreon account! you really make amazing CC and that’s such a gift to the community, I’m happy that now I get to feel like I can give something to you haha :) have a great day/evening!
thank you so much! and thank you for supporting <3
@lesyatim​ said: Hello,  it’s not ask. I only want to say that you make very beautiful hair and  THANK YOU! I Love You💕💕💕💕💕 P.S. I’m from Russia and I don’t now English very well♡)
thank you so much!! Спасибо большое (that is suppose to say thank you in german lmao)
Anonymous said: When did u make a skin?
it is a hidden gem :P It is mainly to fix the collarbones bc I use multiple skin overlays so I that is why is was never posted :)
Anonymous said: Congratulations i hope you have a happy family 😄
@dangerouskindofmind said: I actually don’t have a question! I just wanna say you are one of my favorite sims 4 creators out here. Your hairs; snatched. Your clothes; beautiful. Your sims; amazing. And your personality looks just as good lol. I’ve probably downloaded like 99.9% of your content and I just wanna say thank you for all you do to make my sims 4 experience loads better. I also hope you’re having a great day
thank you so much!!!! I appreciate it a ton, I love that my content makes people love this game more <3
Anonymous said: Just wanted to say that literally all of your CC is beautiful and from what I’ve seen, I absolutely adore your personality. Keep it up my dear, you’ve got crazy talent. Much love <3
thank you, thank you!!! My personality irl is kind of shitty lmao I am really shy and like reserved ;-; and it is just memorizing how to do some editing to hair meshes, not much talent involved <3 thank you so so much again though!! I love getting these kind of messages
Anonymous said: Are you gonna make an outerwear cc pack when the seasons expansion pack releases?
I don’t make much clothing CC so I highly doubt it. I am working on a swimsuit that I might post later this month though! We will see what happens though :D
Anonymous said: thank you very much for a playlist that you shared with One Shot,Two Shot,I’m totally in love ur the best
yesss BoA is such a queen, listen to the full mini album if you can! It is one of her best releases in my opinion.
Anonymous said: aharris00britney awnsered me,cuz I remember my question and it’s on the asks recent post AND i’ll shake this print in all my enemies face thx,I asked about the patreon and I’m doing it right now bby <3            
hehe thank you!! <3 you show them enemies
– just so the eating ass juicy booty ask so yep that is all I have gotten in the past month that I can answer :P
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