#pomegranate lips series
cissyenthusiast010155 · 9 months
Pomegranate Lips Ch 7: Healing Takes Time ~Sub!Larissa Weems xFem Fallen Angel!Reader
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Link to Ch 1, Ch 6
Mommy… Masterlist
Requests & Prompt-List
Warning: death, slow recovery after death, angst, poisoning, little fluff, anxiety, implied anxiety, love confessions, etc.
Enjoy (;
You then picked up the blonde and ran to the infirmary. You ran like your life depended on it. Her life depended on it. And you cared more about hers right now than about yours… As you dropped the headmistress on a cot, you finally felt her spirit return. You let out a chocked sob of relief.
You could sense her again. But she was still far from alright…
You stayed by Larissa’s side constantly. As she sat there unconscious.
The nurse had said it was a miracle that her pulse was still present with the amount of poison in her body. You and frantically asked if she would be alright, and the nurse had said she wasn’t sure, but that she would do everything in her power to heal her.
You slept at the side of the woman’s bed, or on the chair next to her bed. But all your sleep was restless and light… The only thing that calmed you was holding your hand in hers and feeling her heart beat, feeling her spirit.
Weeks past… But you wouldn’t leave her side. Luckily, it was summer, and the students and most of the staff had gone.
The nurse caring for Larissa tried to get you to eat and drink, but you were stubborn. Your focus laid on one thing: The blonde laying unconscious in front of you.
“I’m so sorry, Larissa…” you whispered, rubbing her hand lightly with your own.
“I’m sorry I left, I’m sorry I avoided you, I’m sorry I didn’t explain…” you choked out, “Truth is… I like you. I Really like you. But I’m a coward. I’m afraid. Afraid of being vulnerable… Afraid of commitment… I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you…” you whispered with tears in your eyes.
Suddenly you felt a light tightness against your hand. You looked up in awe and pure happiness towards Larissa’s face. Her head swiveled slowly to your side and she smiled lightly.
“I’m right here…” she croaked.
The tears flooded down your face. But they were happy. Pure happiness.
“I love you, Larissa” you breathed out, “I can’t wait to not tell you any longer…”
Larissa’s eyes welled up with tears as well, and she nodded.
“Love you… too…” she whispered in a hoarse voice.
Larissa winced in pain. Suddenly it hit you even harder.
She’s awake.
“Hello? Nurse…!” You cried out in a strangled voice, “Larissa’s awake!!”
Larissa’s nurse came running in and quickly took over. She moved you aside as she began asking the blonde questions and giving her some more pain meds. But Larissa never let go of your hand. No, she held on tightly.
As soon as Larissa was healthy enough to be released, she was up and at it again. And you were there, by her side, helping her along the way.
But the tall blonde had changed since her death experience. Most days were quiet. Silent. Only filled with hums and nods.
At first, you questioned if she wanted your help… But Larissa had taken your hand and led you to her quarters. She wasn’t ready for any intamacy, but she held onto you as much as she could. You helped her dress and undress. You helped her with her work, preparing for the new school year.
You waited until she was ready to talk.
The summer months went by, and day by day, Larissa got better.
You awoke in your lovers bed, only to find it was empty. You two still remained very limited on physical touch, as Larissa couldn’t handle much more than a hand hold.
You got up and got dressed, having moved some of your clothes to her quarters. You searched her quarters for Larissa, and you finally found her, sitting at her desk, working. You knocked lightly at the connecting door before entering.
“Good Morning” you hummed. Larissa smiled lightly at the sound of your voice and she nodded.
“Morning…” she whispered.
You walked over to her desk, placing your hands on the desk and looking up across at the tall blonde. You spotted a cup of half drunken coffee, which by the looks of the coffee lines, suggested it was her third or fourth cup.
“Couldn’t sleep…?” You softly suggested.Larissa nodded lightly, keeping her eyes on her laptop.
“What are you working on…?” You gently asked.
“Teacher Preparation Week. We only have this weekend, before Teacher Move In Day…” she mumbled, her eyes moving frantically on the screen.
You sighed lightly. You could tell something was bothering her. You reached forward and leaned the laptop closed two thirds of the way. Larissa’s eyes fluttered up to you.
“Wanna talk about it…?” The blonde bit her lip and sighed.
The question you’d been wanting to ask, the question she’d been wanting to share…
She closed her laptop and stood up, moving to gab your hand and guide you to the lovers couch near the fireplace. You sat next to her, holding her hands with yours in reassurance. Her eyes were still frantic and her breathing got shallower.
“I’ve… I have wanted to tell you… for so long…” Larissa confessed in a whisper.
Your head quirked to the side and you smiled, lovingly and comfortingly.
“It’s alright. I will always wait and be here for you.” You gently spoke.
“Thank you…” The woman breathed out.
A few minutes of silence went by. The only sound being shallow breaths.
“Deep breaths for me, ‘Rissa please” you asked.
‘Rissa. It had simply slipped out…
Larissa quirked a light smile and began practicing her deep breathing.
“I like ‘Rissa…” she whispered with a blush.
Now it was your turn to blush.
“I do too” you whispered back.
Larissa nodded and gulped. You looked at the blonde with care and anticipation, waiting until she was ready to talk.
“I saw”
“You saw…?” You asked, slightly confused.
“I saw you save me… I saw you…” Larissa anxiously breathed out.
Chapter 8 in the works ~What Larissa saw and more… 😉
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Pomegranate Lips Tag List: @bimad @gwensfreak @mysticaljauregui28 @gwendolinechristiesnumberonegirl @weemssapphic @ladyzmilf002 @larissalover333 @shyladyfan @milfstefani @dumbasslesbi @philip-15 @1-800-milfdilf @lvinhs @imreadyforgwen @wierdpersonononelikes @principal-weems09 @xx-state-of-mind-xx @sapphicobsesssion @constantanxiety @thoroughly--confused @walkethisway @gaydonutdino @justcallmelittleone @yourfavoriteweirdo19 @larissaweemsgf @enchantressb @magicalprofessorpastacash @ness029 @bxtrfly @keepcalmandlistentoit @dopenightmaretyphoon @a-queen-and-her-throne @wifeymaterialsstuff @simpformommy @willowshadenox @smutuniversesblog @thesamesweetie @sequoirius @fyrecatz @larissaweemsisqueenofw @theonefairygodmother
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vagabond-umlaut · 3 months
hey, where is the pomegranate tree?
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unstoppable force, aka kore, aka gojo, meets immovable object, aka hades, aka you— nothing can ever go wrong from this collision, trust me— n-o-t-h-i-n-g.
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▸ gojo satoru x fem!reader; hades and persephone retelling [with a twist ;))]; 1.2k wc; stubbornly persuasive gojo; the reader is js so tired and annoyed [and tired]; enemies to lovers vibes[??]; talks of marriage and children; gojo thinks you are a fool, he is the real clown here
▸ pls don't glare at me if there is more than one inaccuracy here, haha. anyways, the header is from pinterest, the divider is by @benkeibear and the characters used ain't mine. pls don't plagiarize, translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
▸ update: this fic is now part of a series!!! wreaths of asphodel 😊😊
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"you shall spend the rest of your days in tears."
you're foolish; woefully so, gojo thinks, carefully observing you from his place on the chaise lounge, smiling while you continue seething, "and there will be no one who can save you. neither a hero nor a god. neither demeter nor zeus. no. one."
"but why do you think i will need saving, my rose?" the endearment rolls off his tongue like honey, the taste sweetening at the way your pretty lips dip into a deeper frown, "you're not a monster, are you?"
"no!" the defensive reply comes in less than a beat. though the words following it sound a tad less bold; it seems as if you're trying to make yourself believe and not scare him.
"i'm someone far fiercer— hades. the goddess of the dead. the queen of the underworld— and the cause for your misery should you choose to vex me any further."
"aw, no," gojo cries, decidedly making a show by slapping a hand over his eyes and faking a sniffle, "why must the only woman i want as my wife see me as an annoyance?"
then lets his hand drop down to the cushion, willing his eyes to well over with pitiful moisture. "as the god of life, i've only ever given and given– be it grains or fruits or vegetables or flowers– without asking anything in return— yet the first and only time i ask..."
he doesn't bother finishing his sentence, choosing to sob to add to the tragic atmosphere— though that doesn't mean he doesn't note the war of emotions on your face:
pity, confusion, anger, again confusion— you're so easy to read, to steer. very foolish, really.
"you'll not like living here," you eventually break the silence hanging within the room. your voice is much softer now; the god wonders if you sing. if you do, the muses will certainly be put to shame... "your days will be spent in utter boredom and gloom and tears–"
"– and no one can come to my aid then: yes, thank you," he interrupts you, more than a little tired, "you've driven the points too well into my head– so much so that i'm surprised there isn't a gaping hole in there, oozing blood and my brains. but why must you think i'll need rescue, huh??"
if a smidge of force escapes into his words, gojo decides not to pay it any mind— though only until he notices the small flinch you give– his insides twist and torment, quite inexplicably, thereafter.
"okay, look," he says, getting up from his slouch to move near you, but stops on catching the warning glint in your eyes.
"first of all, i'm not some damsel in distress being whisked away in a chariot here– i came here by own volition. and i'm offering my mind, body, heart, soul– the special package that i am, in fewer words– to you, by my own volition. why shall i want anyone to rescue me then?"
"besides," he proceeds to add, allowing an easy smirk to form on his face, "you're just the cute little goddess of the dead– not at all scary like your brother used to be; though i guess you try to imitate him in your glares, don't you? sukuna was quite notori—"
"don't you dare utter my brother's name, foul olympian," a quiet growl slashes gojo's comment, sending it plummetting to the ground— and making him understand why you, the inconspicuous, sheltered sister of the vicious former holder of the name 'hades', was given the crown, in the aftermath of your brother's banishment– instead of the several more well-known candidates...
"i apologise," gojo offers in the very next instant, making it as genuine as he can, "i never meant to upset or offend you. i'm sorry if i did."
you just stare at him for a beat, gojo watches, before your shoulders lift then fall in a sigh. the fire burning in your aura abates by a pinch.
sighing once more, you finally break your silence, "It's okay, and um– suppose i too should apologise. you might be an olympian but you're not as foul as them, no. please forgive me for calling you so."
"no problem, my rose," the god is quick to accept your words with a wave of his hand and a beam, further widening when he notices the sliver of smile on your countenance, "but does this mean i appeal to your tastes? i mean, you called me 'not as foul as them', didn't you?? did you just accept my hand in marriage, then???"
"no, i didn't..." your subtle smile disappears swifter than it appeared. a half of gojo's floral crown, quite inexplicably, wilts on the table before. he watches your eyes fall to it, then snap up to meet his.
"do you love me?"
not yet, but he thinks he can. you might be an idiot but you certainly aren't an unlovable idiot— and one voice in his mind murmurs, those precious, innocent looks of yours aren't even the main reasons why...
the god shoots back a languid smile. "if you want to see me in love with you, so be it."
"that's neither 'yes' nor 'no'," you point out, frowning, before vaulting your second query of the evening, "if we get married, do you want to have children?"
it won't be very unfavourable, if you both do... with the vivid colour of your eyes, or the adorable shape of your nose, or the radiance of your skin, or the— "if you want, i shall be happy to assist," he ekes out with a meaningful wink, albeit he doubts how much of it reaches you.
you're very foolish, after all... and no– it's not because of the awkward way he says it– no! not in the slightest! he wasn't fumbling at all!
you wrap the shawl tighter around your shoulders but don't move any further away, gojo notes. the same way he does the slight tint in your cheeks when you roll your eyes with a scoff.
"you're unbelievable, kore. truly, terribly unbelievable." you press the pads of your thumbs over your forehead before releasing it, gaze an unprecedented mark of sharp when it settles on his face.
"is there nothing you want from our union, eh? i refuse to believe you wish to marry me without any demands, as if on a mere whim– but if it is so, i ought to warn you, kore: my answer is and will always be one firm 'no'."
your words mustn't ignite this odd restlessness in him. they certainly mustn't— still, gojo finds his chest tight and the air heavy as he grins back and says, "i only want to be your husband, your majesty... but if that is too much for you right now–"
the stretch on his lips simmers down to something smaller. yet truer.
"i want you to call me by my name. my real name. can you do that, my rose?"
you don't say anything in response for a long while. so long, in fact, it makes the god wonder if you are ever going to reply to his request.
perhaps not, he thinks quite a bit down-spirited when you suddenly turn on your heel and with a swish of your long shawl, stride out the rooms– o-oh.
you stop just as abruptly at the threshold. a complicated grin shining on your face as you twist to look at him over your shoulder then say:
"good night, gojo satoru. pray the ghosts prowling these halls don't eat you up ere dawn."
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you're gone not even few feet away from the door, before gojo falls face-first into the bed, the entire room suddenly erupting into thousands of roses in all colors ever seen. [lolol, he is such a loser for you! xD]
▸ masterlist
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astralnymphh · 7 months
╒═✰❝how the shadow shrouds❞
⋆' a smut teaser
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⋆' . subtop/loser!ellie x dom!reader
⋆' content; drabble, blurbs, mature themes, smut, loser ellie, reader has a borderline dominatrix moment(at least in the actual fic), degrading (g), subtop ellie, painslut ellie, hair grabbing (g), voyeurism (e. aware + consenting), edging (g), slight dacryphilia, begging kink
⋆' a/n; this is merely a teaser piece for volume 2 of my tps series, so expect this to be short and not fully detailed. I just couldn't go without writing a teaser specifically for this chapter cuz it's such a hot idea.. this will be much more erotic in the actual fic.
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"u're such a fucking loser, ellie williams."
those words wormed parching on her ear, the tepid cider staining your lips carrying a warm scent into her nose that made everything so woozy in her senses.
her ears parched because now, her boxers were sappy with arousal. pretty pussy pulsing on the couches' padding by your signal.
"am i?"
her reply duels you. pomegranate cheeks dulcified in brown sugar spots, hot to the touch, grazing against your own, limpid of any redness. you found esteem in the newfound control your voice held. ellie's pupils read like a palpable message, 'i want you, that bad.'
that bad. that bad being the way you gathered the short burnished hair of her scalp between your folded knuckles, tossing her down to a kneeling position with one gripe tug, her chin pressing the plush of your belly pouch. glossy pup eyes praying for that fierce grip you bear.
ellie us limited to the floor, and your looming shadow shrouds her.
yet, you would only give her half of what she longs for.
a stammer of her whispers stick a film of hot breath over your womb, "please– please, let me fuck you.." her slobbering lips shine, snailing strings of spit that tether to her tongue.
"what did just I say? hands in ur' fuckin' pants."
her mild adams apple bobs with a hitched swallow, hesitant tears brinking the shoreline of her bottom eyelids.
"yes ma'am," muttered ellie breathily, plopping her head down to observe her large hand undoing her pants.
"ey-" you wrap and pull her jaw up, forcing her to gaze up, sternly adding, "fucking look at me." your fingers dimple her skin and drag with reddening ripples.
now, her flexing hands halfway submerged in her unzipped jeans, rubbing discoid motions under her cotton boxers. the slick pools over her fingers, causing raw wet sounds to slosh from beneath the fabric of her boxers.
you could barely hear that shit, though.
the fingers tangled in the thicket of her rusty locks thrust her head back, stretching that elegant neck of hers even more. a choked 'guh.' bubbles from her chords.
"i wanna hear how wet y'are, show me." your cold request capers your throat and wisps out like a gravelly snarl.
the suffuse of blush clots her facial features, skin fermenting with a heat. like wildfire, her arousal spreads infinitely, spilling a heap of moisture to prune up her fingers more than they already were.
a gruff gulp is heard, "uhuhh~" and her other hand peels the waistband of her boxers forward, sounds of smacking wet folds carrying into your ears so deliciously. fuck.
"love it when' y'uh watch me.. mhhgmm, fuck baby, fuhhckk." moaned ellie, verde rings rolling halfway behind her dreary fucked–out lids, red puppy eyes.
the ravine between your upright stance and her pitiful kneeling one immerse your eyes in a beautiful perspective. balled paw messily stroking her achey, strained clit brings a bang of toe–curling pleasure to lash over her cunt, rising up her body.
she wasn't going to cum. not on your watch.
her heavy eyes puff and shut, scrunching her brows, gently swaying her whole body up on her knees with each long rub to her clit. she doesn't listen to you. she keeps going. mumbling incoherent 'fucks' like an invocation over her purrs. what a greedy fucking loser.
"said' stop, d'ya hear me?"
the mitt in her hair heaves her crown up harshly, shoving her face plumb to your exposed navel, meek hands grip your thighs.
the tugged tenderness elicited in her scalp excited her further, confessedly – lewdly.
"can't come till i tell you to, kay?" your fingers wane from her scalp, caressing a beeline down her face 'till your index and middle nudge her lips, slipping the tips in, "suck, 'n finger yourself."
"baby, i chn't –" her whine pitches up, spitting your fingers out, "please put ur' hands on me – shhit, fuck!"
hard rubber tip of your boot found itself hiked up against her entrance clad in the jeans inseam, rolling your ankle in circular oscillation.
her entire body rattles, trembling at the mercy of your foot. eyes drowned out. mouth slack agape. soaking slit swallowing up the boxer fabric your foot pushed up. back arching convexly, plowing her rapacious clit on the bulbous edge.
"y-yess.. yesyesyes–" chanted ellie, fucking lost from consciousness.
unluckily, you chuck your foot away.
"no- nono, mhhn– i need'ju.." her mouth latches forward and hungrily nips at your thigh, frustrated at the loss of pleasure with salty tears dripping off her jaw, "I'll make you feel good– please.. nghh-"
so fucking hot.
you chuckle, "see? a pretty fucking loser, poor baby."
ellie just nonscensically rambles, ignoring you, "could fuck you s'good – scchlp," she sucks drool from her spluttered lip, "fuck eachother.."
this girl is antsy as fuck.
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that's all y'all get for now 🤣 wait for the rest!!
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wintfleur · 21 days
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au masterlist - everything for the AU is under #📷 ͡ ꒱ GwenCaufield
NAME Gwendolyn Caufield
NICKNAMES Gwen , Wendy , Winnie , Lynn , dolly
BIRTHDAY October 31st 2004
ZODIAC Scorpio
SEXUALITY bisexual
PIERCINGS Her bellybutton , two in each ear , and nose
TATTOOS her chest , lower back
FACE CLAIM ugh_liza
LANGUAGES 100% English , 60% French
PROFESSION Montreal Canadiens Team Photographer
PERSONALITY Gwen is more on the quiet side, more reserved, especially to new people. But when she gets more comfortable, she's a lot like Cole, loud, playful and silly ! She's a very happy, sweet kind girl, it's rare to see her angry.
HABITS lip biting , being fidgety , talking nonstop about things she loves , doodling on anything , getting lost in her own thoughts.
LIKES photography, horror movies, thunderstorms, reading, anything fall or autumn, chapstick, jeans, halloween obviously, steve harrington, the canucks, music, the cinema, napping, sweaters, lockets, stars, her guitars, lollipops.
DISLIKES the heat, driving, fireworks, the smell of grapefruit, wearing socks to bed, stand up comedy, doing the dishes, being compared to her brothers, rude fans.
HOBBIES photography, drawing, pottery, journaling, scrapbooking, ballet, singing, playing the guitar and piano.
FEARS heights, dying alone, being stuck in tight spaces.
FOODS cereal, pasta, muffins, pomegranates, cherries, tomato soup, frozen yogurt, honey!
DRINKS Hot chocolate, cold and hot tea, water
COLORS black, orange, browns, greens
ANIMALS Bears, bunnies & bats
SEASONS Autumn/fall & Winter
HOLIDAYS Halloween & Christmas
BANDS & ARTISTS Fleetwood Mac, Wallows, The Smiths, Florence + the Machine, Lana Del Rey, Hozier, The strokes, Paramore, Avril Lavigne
SHOWS Supernatural, Stranger Things, Survivor, Gilmore Girls, AHS
MOVIES Hocus pocus, The scream series, Halloween series, The fear street series, The amazing spider man series
PERSON her platonic soulmate , Luke Hughes !
Gwen’s Nickname from Cole is WInne the Pooh, she absolutely loves anything honey and bears!
She can play the piano and guitar
She was six when she received her first camera, it was a digital one that she got for her birthday and she never let it out of her sight.
Over the years, her parents noticed that her love for photography only got stronger, and the fact that she was really good helped with them deciding on buying her a canon.
Gwen was part of the newspaper for her school, taking pictures and helping write articles.
Gwen did ballet since she was a little girl, only stopping when she was 17 so she could focus more on photography.
Gwen was always the teachers favorite, something her brothers loved to tease her about
She was going to join luke at umich, but decided against it when she got a job offer in montreal
Her best friend is Luke Hughes, they are inseparable.
Her favorite holiday is Halloween, and it's only right since it's also her birthday!
She's very serious about Halloween, loving to dress up, watching horror movies, eating tons of candy, and pumpkin carving.
She loves watching old horror movies, she's a big nerd about it !!
When she gets overwhelmed she becomes very quiet and a little clingy.
She doesn't go anywhere without her headphones, music is her escape.
Quinn bought her a skateboard for her 16th birthday and she almost cried, she loves it so much!
She has a great relationship with the habs team, they all think of her as a little sister . . . besides Juraj of course.
Cole is her safeplace, she knows that no matter what, her big brother has her back!
Gwen's bisexual awakening was thorn from the hex girls! And taylor momsen
She has such a loud and contagious laugh that you can't help but join in.
She's very popular amongst the fans, and she has no clue why, she likes to keep to herself.
She has 3 million followers on TikTok, and Jack and Trevor like to tease her about her being a content creator, she refuses to call herself that.
Poor girl gets teased by Trevor and Jack a lot, but they do love her! She's their little sister they never asked for.
Out of all of Cole's teammates, she would say she's the closest to arber (besides juraj) they have a great friendship! If she's not sitting next to juraj on the plaine she's sitting next to him.
The love of her life is Steve Harrington . . .
Will forever be upset that she couldn't have her teenage years in the 2000’s
She has a wonderful voice but she's only comfortable singing in front of a few people!
She writes her own songs, but they are hidden in one of her journals.
She wants to get more tattoos but she's scared to give cole and brock another heart attack
a big resident evil girly
Has an internal debate everyday in her head if she should dye her hair, she's never done it!
As the youngest sibling, she's overly protected, by like everyone . . .
She's very soft tempered
She lives with Cole, and her room is her favorite place to be!
She loves going on walks
Gwen has trouble making friends, that's why she's so grateful to have luke in her life, he's really helped her get out of her shell and introduce her to his friends.
She loves art, she's excellent at drawing and painting, mostly with watercolors.
Her favorite flowers are tulips.
Juraj is her first boyfriend, she's only dated one other person besides him and that was her first girlfriend luna.
They dated for 2 years, but Gwen broke up with her in Their senior year when she found out that luna was cheating on her,
Poor Gwen was heartbroken after that, and became very distant from the thought of loving another.
Her baby is her record player, and every year Luke and Cole buy her a new record for her birthday.
Her favorite band is Paramore and she's been to 6 concerts!
She has a collection of a ton of different cameras she's gotten over the years!
She can be very sarcastic when she wants to, mostly when she's really tired or when Jack talks too much . . . so always.
Had the biggest and i mean biggest crush on quinn hughes, the only one who knows about it is luke and he loves to tease her about it.
She's the passenger princess . . . she cried during her drivers test, she hates driving.
Always has a book in her bag.
When she gets shy, her face and ears get all red
she’s secretly such a romantic
She’s a big cuddler
Secretly such a yapper omg
Gwen has two instagrams, her public one is @/Gwendolyn_Caudield and her private one is @/winnethepoohbear
Gwen is a sweet girl who's just more on the quiet side, she's fiercely loyal to the people she loves, and is just a great person to be around!
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( Gwen my love 🫶🏻 I’m actually in love with her , and I really hope you guys grow to love her as well !! Please feel free to send in as many asks as you want , and please let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist )
°. — taglist ( @lovings4turn @toasttt11 @cixrosie )
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maliceofminds · 11 months
Lesbian wolfstar - the expanded version
The list is based on the original rec list by @strwbi-laces (which you can find here) but let’s just get into it:
what’s mine is yours, decaying in your arms and her body is a temple down in the frozen food aisle , a shot of succubus , feast and a dash of fae by @achilleslikespeas (plus these two microfics x x)
don’t panic by redspottywellies
I’ve come home by @strwbi-laces
Cute thing by @padfootsoftly
All of @plecotusauritus microfics: gymnast lesbians x x x x x x x x x x and pretty things
All of @pinklume microfics: x x x x x x
pomegranates (chapter six of ocho kandelikas) by @spindrifters
just a restless feeling by my side by unwholesome_gay
It was all by design by @melodramvs
tough, tried and true blue by @worldenough-and-time
boredom by moonymajor
Sweet talk
You & I (together and apart) by chillsoya
if I could walk away from me by Barry_Manilows_Wardrobe
thirsty by WolfyWordWeaver
Lesbian Wolfstar pretty woman au by @spookymoonie
The whole lesbian wolfstar series by @aspiring-artist-em which includes Make me sweetheart, you’re safe love, Baby you’re okay, Too much Moony , please, I’m begging you, Mother, Remus Lupin and her little bitch, fourteen, you don’t love me you don’t care
Angel of small death and the beautiful lady (without mercy) by @strezzlecki
Fire on Fire by @atlasdoe
religions in your lips (the altar is my hips) by ourmidnights
Baby, you don’t have to rush by iloveuregulus
Song for no one by ninabnormal (@thebunnymen)
Comfort and Promises by TwistedShadows
Chasing after you is like a fairytale series by ManyCats which includes Don’t you wonder when the light begins to fade? , And I got back up (those days are over) and the things we lost in the fire
This microfic by @canyouhearmyfear bruises and water
Midnight girls and it’s companion piece Soul Somethings
Dress by criersw1fey
Summer refreshments and Last Chance by @wxlfstxrisbest
Miss sugar pink and She’s a rainbow by @samdaydreams
With your hair down and soft like summer rain by @lunarlivs
hand me my heart in the palm of your hand while it’s still beating , keep my heart in the freezer so it doesn’t go bad with my love , fate is giving us a hard time but maybe romance isn’t dead and God Blessed/Hell bound by @maliceofminds
Hang me up to dry by EuripidesTrousers(I_DDare_You)
She with the eyes my heart does blind and some part of me came alive the first time you called me baby , not looking for absolution, forgiveness for the things i do, only live to admire your beauty, i want to hold you close (soft breath, beating heart) by @mothlau
Ribs are designed to be crawled into and Always pushing her luck by @sommerregenjuniluft
this is my body by @kaleidoscopexsighs
the first time you called me baby by @a-round-of-robyns
Love and Universal Truths, There‘s Something Wretched About This and Real Love, Baby by @werewolfenthusiast
If I forgot to tag someone just message me and I’ll edit it, I just couldn’t find everyone’s tumblr tbh:). Also everyone feel free to add to this I’m sure I’m forgetting something<3
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jflemings · 7 months
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୨୧ 。 ⟡ ⋆ ࣪. ໒ 🌱 @
- all fics can be found under the tags jflemingswoso & jflemings tillies ! , requests are open
crossed out titles are wips
☆ angst
✿ fluff
❥ nsfw
🀥 personal fav
▼ long blurbs/ficlets
- blurb masterlist
- piper’s world
- oddly specific gf!jessie headcanons ✿ ❥
- mum!jessie headcanons ✿
- jealous!jessie headcanons ✿ ☆
- patiently ✿ ▼
- remember to say goodnight ✿ ☆ 🀥 , tuck you in ✿
- inevitable ☆ , unforgettable, unexplainable ✿ ☆
- dancing shadows ☆ 🀥
- mine ✿ ▼
- out of the woods ☆ 🀥 ▼
- third time’s the charm ✿
- rockstar’s girlfriend ✿ ❥ , pt2
- your nickle ain’t worth my time ✿ ❥ (rockstar’s gf universe)
- birthday wishes ✿
- stay ✿ 🀥 ▼
- fleece ✿ ▼
- flower fairy ✿
- rascal ✿
- visiting hours ✿ 🀥
- viral ✿
- proof of life ✿
- the better option ❥
- you lead and i’ll follow ✿
- pomegranates ☆
- party of two ✿ ☆
- lipstick stain ❥
- lovechild ✿ 🀥
- more than friendly ✿ ❥
- gossip ☆ ✿
- die for ✿
- iris ✿
- let the light in ☆, pt2 ☆, pt3 ☆ ✿ - please read the warnings
- line drawn ☆
- loose lips sink ships ☆ ✿ , pt2 ☆
- in the open singer!reader x kcc smau ✿
- dedicated to you ✿
- like ribbons in your hair / inspired by lacy by olivia rodrigo ✿ 🀥
- my stomach’s all in knots / lacy p2 ✿ ☆
- big sister duties ✿
- run ✿
- our 32 ✿
- safety pin ✿ ☆
- the only exception ✿
- disconnected ✿
- look at us now ☆
- golden girl ✿
- ran the block ✿
- still into you ✿
- trivia ✿
- cruel summer ☆ ✿ ▼
- garden ☆
- clumsy girl ✿ ▼
- oblivious about the obvious ✿
- into your arms ☆
- frangipani flowers ✿
- she knows it ☆
- you could start a cult ✿
- yard sale ☆
- phases ☆ ❥ , - one shot ☆ ✿
- run for the hills ☆
- mine ✿
- all of the girls you loved before ✿
- sous chef ✿ ▼
- baby? ✿ ▼
- in the garden where no one can find us ✿ ☆ 🀥
- lover of mine ☆ ✿
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Master List Part 2
Note: I did not write any of these fics, I just enjoy reading them, and had a shit load of them saved. So, I figured I would put all of the ones I liked on a master list, figuring that its an easy way to keep track of them, and maybe you guys would like them as well. Have a Great Day fellow Nerds! 😁👋
2nd Note: If Someone wants me to take their fic or another fic off, let me know and it will be done. I don't want to offend anyone or make them upset. 
Larrisa Weems: 
Punishment By:suckerforcate
Pomegranate Lips pt.2 By: cissyenthusiast010155
Valentines chaos By: littledollll
You Want Some Cheese On That? By: spoilmesweetieforficssake
Love Notes (Ch. 4) By: queerfanfiction 
Darling By: v3nusxsky
Dirty Dancer By: spicy-picklez 
Winter Getaway By: mandy-asimp
Only Pretending #3 By: Tanith-rhea
A Perfect Fit (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz
Sleeping Beauty By: spicy-picklez 
Beg By: suckerforcate 
Professor Weems By: suckerforcate
A Love Like Yours By: cherrysweetdevine
The Neighbor Lady Ch. 3 By: daydream-cement 
Love Notes (Ch. 3) By: weemsgay
Dreams, You Say pt. 2 By: cissyenthusiast010155
You make me feel safe (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz 
Compatible (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz 
Worthy of my love By: moodreaderlesbian 
Her powerful hands By: cherryapplejuice 
Sleepy head By: cherryapplejuice
Drabble By: widowromanova 
Sweet Corruption By: cissyenthusiast010155
Temptations Tongue By: marvelnatswhore 
Hands By: cherrysweetdevine 
Use Me By: cissyenthusiast010155
Tame the beast By: cherrysweetdevine
Work Distraction By: plaguedoctorino 
Show Me By: ja-reau 
Larissa Weems X Fem Reader By: freakish-ghoul 
Corruption pt. 1 By: cursedbambii
Larissa Weems X Reader Headcanon By: poorwritingstaleoffee
Holding Back From You By: thevillianclub
Snow White Hands By: mithril 
One Bed By: suckerforcate 
The Teacher’s Assistant Part 1 By: thats-my-peach
Take a bite. By: cherrysweetdevine 
Favor for Favor By: plaguedoctorino
Challenge (Part 2) By: widowromanova 
Screw Your roommate, ill show you a good time By: tanith-rhea
From across the room By: widowromanova
Trying Something New In The Bedroom Chap. 3 By: regalbootie
In The Shadows By: thevillainclub 
Magic Kisses By: illegal-heartbreaker 
Ablaze By: thevillainclub
Mine By: bagdaddyb
See Me After Class (NSFW) By: wasjustred
Under The Mistletoe By: plaguedoctorino
A Lesson In Trust By: wasjustred
Relationship Headcannons By: realsapphicwife 
Its Obvious By: illegal-heartbreaker
Comfort Person (SFW) By: wh0re4women
To People Watch One Person: Part 4. By: rippersz
Words Hurt By: v3nusxsky
Here to help By: littledollll
Comfort me to sleep By: v3nusxsky
Guardian Angel By: queerfanfiction
I need you-fluff By:  v3nusxsky
Hot Coco Kisses By: bunniebubbleswrites
Larissa Weems Headcanons By: ladylarissaweems
You’re Not Alone By: Just-your-casual-nerd
What You'll Never Have By: duke-of-poosay
Dinner Mix-Up By: daydream-cement 
All These Years Later By: cherrysweetdevine 
Don't Go Breaking My Heart By: spoilmesweetueforficssake
You’re Rightful Place| NSFW By:  v3nusxsky
Winter Getaway By: mandy-asimp
Dominate Me By: weemssapphic
Stood Up (NSFW) By: milfsloverblog
Her Little Minx By: paulsonwifey
Come Over Tonight (One of my personal Favs) By: moodreaderlesbian 
Heaven’s gate By: fadingdaggerr
Only Pretending #7 (I LOVE this series, so good) By: Tanith-rhea 
Beautiful One By: littledollll
Hidden Meanings (NSFW) By: v3nusxsky
Cara Mia.... (One of my favs) By: kingpreciouswrld
Cara Mia 1.5? By: kingpreciouswrld
Movie Night (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
Sweet Confession By: Billiedeansbitch
After the movies By: pro-weems-places 
Sex and Pancakes (NSFW) By: daydream-cement 
Our forever By: littledollll
258 notes · View notes
twilghtkoo · 2 years
hi!! i wanna request prompts #75 - #88 with fluff!!
love foolish
pairings. haechan x (f) reader
genre. fluff
warnings. not proofread as usual, haechan loves yn’s boobs
prompts: #75 “you can shower with me if you wash my hair” and #88 “you’re driving me crazy here”
prompt list | series masterlist | taglist
you had just stepped in the shower, the warm water cascading down your calves as you reach to close the shower curtains. allowing your shoulders down to get wet under the shower head.
it was a long day for you. you had cleaned your entire apartment, something that needed to be done. then after, you had cooked yourself dinner for yourself and haechan whenever he comes home. and then you had gotten a text from one of your classmates asking if you’ve done the lab that was due a minute before midnight.
panic sets in, because you haven’t done the lab. you’re careless self forgot about it, being occupied with other things and thoughts. so without getting to eat your freshly cooked dinner, you ran to your room to sit yourself on your desk and half ass a lab that was due in five hours. you had managed to finish an hour before twelve, not giving a care in the world about the half ass lab report you had written off topic in the middle of it. it was done. it was turned in. and it’s none of your worries now, well, until it’s graded that is.
“baby?” your sweet, loving, boyfriend’s voice entered the bathroom, seeing his almost invisible silhouette from inside the shower curtain.
you hum in response, standing under the hot water, your hair clinging to your shoulders and back.
“can i join you?”
you peel the curtain back, poking your head out to greet haechan with puckered lips. he was dressed in a simple, white adidas shirt and a pair of black shorts that stopped about four inches above his knees, showcasing his muscular legs that you always appreciate when he has them out. his tired, worn out expression immediately softening when he sees your face. he steps forward to kiss your lips.
you grin, your body back under the shower head. “you can shower with me if you wash my hair.”
you hear him softly laugh, as the sound of clothes rustling around from him undressing excites you. you’re about to poke out your head again to take a peek at your boyfriend but he surprises you first by pushing the curtain away to enter.
“you know i’ll do anything for you.” his hands reaching towards your soft, bare hips. moving you carefully to switch places with him so he’s under the water. you feel his lips touch your neck then your shoulder, before you hear him grab your shampoo bottle. the one that smells like pomegranates and cherry blossoms, a smell he’s grown used to and that has made it’s own home in his heart.
“how was your day, baby boy?” you ask him as he gently massages your scalp, making sure he lathers your whole head.
he tiredly huffs, “it was long. a bunch of meetings and a very long practice. i haven’t eaten all day which led me to find out that i don’t like dancing or singing on an empty stomach.” you frown at his response, concern washing over you at your hard-working boyfriend. it made you worry that haechan wasn’t able to eat anything all day and that he didn’t even have the time to. you’re glad he’s with you, at home, safely. you’re now grateful you had cooked dinner.
“i’m sorry baby, i cooked dinner and i haven’t gotten the chance to eat either so we can eat together after this.” you try to comfort him, and you know it made him feel better because his left hand travels down your sides to wrap itself around your stomach, he leans down to kiss your cheek before rinsing out your hair.
“i’m so glad i’m home right now with you. i missed you.”
as your head is tilted back and your eyes are shut so the soap suds don’t get into your eyes, you blindly reach behind you with your hand to just hold his upper thigh. hoping that your touch will send your love to him.
he’s soon done washing your hair and it’s now his turn. when you turn around he’s already staring at you, towering over you. you take this time to appreciate his beauty. the hair that you love to curl your fingers into, is now drenched and slick, sticking to the sides of his face and forehead. his eyes, a pair that you swear holds the universe, are tender right now, a gentle look that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed around them. and your favorite moles that you kiss daily in a certain order like they’re constellations.
“my turn to take care of you, baby boy.” you break the comforting silence, leaning close to kiss his bare chest before gesturing him to bend down a little so you can reach his hair without your tippy toes.
you both fall into a comfortable silence, him occasionally telling you he loves you and really missed you today. and each time he tells you, you kiss his forehead. each time lingering a little longer.
once your done washing and rinsing his hair, you take the wash cloth you had brought in with you for yourself to scrub him.
“let me do you first.”
you pull your hand back, shaking your head. “no, let me take care of you.” you lightly argue.
he gives up, sighing, shoulders deflating a bit. “can i say something then?”
you look up at him.
“i really love your boobs. my girls.” he cups them in the palm of his hands.
you scoff, shoving his hands away playfully. “way to ruin the moment.”
“baby, they’re just there. i can’t help it. you’re driving me crazy here.” he exclaims, before his hands find their way back to fondle with your chest, this time you don’t push his hands away.
“i think you’re the one driving me crazy.”
taglist @n0hyuck @matchahyuck send an ask or message to be removed! or fill out the google form to be added :D
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Criminal!Joe Series: Flowers - Joe Velasco x Reader (feat: Mike Duarte)
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Tagging:  @mysoulisasunflower @resonmalvo @littleone65   @thesandbeneathmytoes    @mydarkestsecretlol    @evee87   @wooshwastaken  @hearthockey  @justreblogginfics   @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @rosaliedepp @thatesqcrush    @storiesofsvu   @whateversomethingbruh  @burningpeachpuppy  @legit9thlunaticwarrior @kiwiithecrazybird  @spooky-pomegranate @telepathay  @weiwei0210  @spaghettificationandpretzels @plaidbooks  @trublu2u @yezzyyae @thiashazzywriting @khrystalh26 @plaidbooks @misscharlielulu @witches-unruly-heart @magic-multicolored-miracle @cycat4077 @deekaag @cixrosie @upsteadlogic @imaginecrushes @anime-weeb-4-life @alwaysachorusgirl @anaferreira-4 @dancingonthebeachatdawn @nu1freakshow @altsvu
The Wolf - Joe meets his queen in an unexpected place.
Reward - Joe rewards you for your loyalty.
One More (NSFW) - Joe ruins you when you display your devotion. 
Pictures of You (feat: Mike Duarte) - Mike discovers you’re alive.
Bleed - Joe learns the story behind your scars.
Use Me (NSFW) - Joe surrenders to you.
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You look radiant but Mike has always thought that. He watches from the shade of the trees as you amble through the local farmer’s market, smiling and laughing with the vendors, sampling their wares. That part of you hasn’t changed, it’s something you used to do every Sunday when the two of you were together.
When you pause in front of the flower stall he isn’t surprised, horticulture has always been your thing. Your fingertips trail over the petals of a peony and it takes him back eighteen months, to the last time he saw you. You’d been standing in the midst of your rooftop garden, pruning one of the rosebushes while he lingered in the doorway. He was on his way out, running late because he’d spent the morning twisted up in the sheets, making love to you.
He remembers the smile on your face as you tucked a red rose into the breast pocket of his suit, a splash of colour among the grey.
“Stay safe today.” You had told him, your lips brushing over the stubble on his cheek.
Never in a million years had he imagined that he should have been saying the same thing to you.
Your rooftop garden is gone now, every single one of those plants had withered away without your care. He’d wrenched them all out after the last video, he still has the scars on his palms from the thorns.
You’re still smiling when he approaches you, pointing out the flowers you want the florist to wrap into a bouquet. When your hand slides into your purse to pay her, he stops you. His hand comes to rest upon your lower back, his thumb trailing lightly across the base of your spine as he says.
“Let me.”
His voice is rough as he speaks, handing over the bills. The florist gives you the bouquet and you cradle it in the crook of your arm to prevent the flowers from crumpling.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve bought you peonies.” He says softly, those woeful dark eyes of his meeting yours.
There’s a tension in your shoulders, it vibrates through your entire body as you stand before the man you used to call your husband. You don’t speak and he can’t tell if it’s because you don’t want to or it’s the fact you can’t.
It hasn’t escaped his notice that Velasco’s right hand man is lurking in the background. Wherever you go he doubts that Bruno’s far behind. Right now the other man is sitting on a bench, scrolling through his phone, his eyes locked on the two of you. The fact he doesn’t intervene speaks volumes. Bruno wants to see how this all plays out because the truth is he doesn���t trust you. It gives Mike a little hope because maybe that means you aren’t with Velasco willingly, that it’s more about survival than it is about love.
“Mi Vida…” He begins and suddenly you find your voice.
“Don’t.” You say venomously, thrusting the bouquet of flowers into his chest. The crisp brown paper crumples as the petals fall from the peonies. “You do not get to do this to me.”
“Mi Vida…” He tries again but you shake your head, holding up your palm to cut him off.
“You told me you loved me, that you’d do anything for me.” You snarl at him. There’s a fury in your tone that he doesn’t associate with you. You’ve always been sweet, mild mannered. His rose amongst the thorns he used to call you.
Now your eyes are blazing, your brow is creased. That tension he was seeing before, he thought it was anxiety, it’s only now that he sees it for what it is.
Rage, pure unadulterated rage.
“You left me there at the mercy of those animals.” You snarl at him, shoving at his chest. “You have all the money in the god damn world and you couldn’t bring yourself to part with it, not even for your fucking wife. How could you do that to someone you love? How could you do that to me?”
“That is not true. Look at me, look into my eyes.” His voice raw with emotion. His hand fastens on your wrists, preventing you from lashing out at him again as he grips your jaw with his free hand forcing your furious gaze to meet his. “I love you, I would never do anything to hurt you…”
You try tear yourself away but he draws you closer because if he lets go now it’s all over. He needs to make you understand that he fought for you, that every single thing you endured he did too.
“I paid them.” He tells you, his forehead pressing against yours. “Everything they asked for I gave them and everytime I did they sent a video and I had to watch you being violated…”
“How do you think it felt?” You snarl at him, your breathing ragged. “When they raped me? When they dragged a knife down my back? When they sold me?”
The anguish it floods through his system and he’s back in his study, watching that first tape, knowing what’s going to happen, powerless to stop it.
“How do you think it feels Mike?” Your voice breaks as you say his name. He sees the tears rolling down your cheeks and it feels like he’s being fucking eviscerated, his heart, his soul, his grief, all of it is spilling out onto the concrete beneath his feet.  “Tell me how it fucking feels.”
He doesn’t realise he’s crying too, not until he tastes the salt on his lips. His grip on you loosens, falling away and you withdraw, using the back of your hand to brush away the tears from your cheeks as you fix him with a hard stare.  
“Everything they did to me is because of you.” You tell him as you turn away. “And I will never forgive you for that.”
Love Joe? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 10 months
hi! i just read all the parts to pomegranate lips and it is just *chefs kiss*. thank you for blessing us with a wonderful series!
Hi hi hi anon!! The series is slowly wrapping to an end… Only a few more parts left 🤭 Anyways, here’s Chapter 6! This one’s angsty, but I promise there will be a happy ending.
Pomegranate Lips Ch 6: Hope ~Sub!Larissa Weems xFem Fallen Angel!Reader
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Link to Ch 5
Mommy… Master List
Request & Prompt-List
Warnings: ANGST, avoidance behavior, fear, death, acceptance of feelings, crying, anxiety, past implied sex, morning after sex, kissing, cliff hanger, implied happy ending, etc.
Enjoy (;
Larissa spent the entire morning wired and nervous. When she hadn’t found you in bed when she woke up, she looked around her entire place. You were gone. Your belongings were gone. There was not trace left of you.
So, the blonde went to work, to try and calm her nerves. But even the clacking of her keys and endless words on the computer screen couldn’t get her mind off of you. She couldn’t help but wonder if your entire relationship was ruined now… All that playful banter… and teasing remarks… Gone, because of one of the best nights of her life…?
The headmistress didn’t see you all the rest of the weekend. You had vanished… Or at least managed to avoid Larissa…
You woke up before the tall blonde. Memories of the night flooded into your mind. But the usual panic also started to set in.
You were great at the flirting, teasing, and the sex, but you couldn’t ever handle the commitment. And that’s what last night was. Commitment and Vulnerability. You couldn’t have that. You couldn’t lose someone again. So you left. Quietly. And you took all your things with you.
You spent the entire weekend in your classroom, in your private quarters, or outside the school. Point was away from Larissa. You couldn’t handle the confrontation. Not right now.
It broke Larissa more, day but day… You didn’t speak to her, your gaze avoided her, you wouldn’t even give her the time of day.
At staff meetings, you could feel Larissa’s gaze on you, but you kept your eyes anywhere but on her.
In the corridors, your pace was swift and quick to leave her in the dust, rather than walking with her.
At meal times, the blonde couldn’t find you. You had resorted to eating your meals in your classroom or office.
You sat in your classroom, grading, when your stomache turned upside down. Something had happend. Something was wrong. You could feel it. A lurching put in your stomache told you so. And that feeling was screaming at you one thing:
You practically sprinted down the corridors of the school, all the way from your potions classroom in the dark dungeons to Larissa’s office. You knocked on the door. No response. You contemplated leaving, but this feeling that something bad has happened overpowered you. You opened the door in a swift move, only to find an empty office…
Next you ran to her private quarters. Nothing. You searched the school high and low. Nothing. All that was left was the green houses and the forest. You ran down to the main green house, already finding the door open. And there you saw her. Larissa Weems. On the floor. Dying.
You felt your soul exit your body as you couldn’t do anything but stare for a minute. When you snapped back to reality, you immediately ran towards the blonde and collapsed right next to her. Your hands frantically raked her frame, looking for where she was hurt. She attempted to lift her hand yours lightly, in hope to grasp you, but before she could, you could feel she was gone… Dead. Eventually, you found a syringe laying on the ground, empty. Your heart sank.
“No no no no no…” you chanted, not wanting to believe this.
You had so much to tell Larissa still. You had left it all unresolved. You didn’t want to be flaky with her. You wanted to commit. You wanted vulnerability. You were just scared before, and you’d roll were. But she was worth it.
“No!!!” You yelled, slamming your hands on the ground.
You were getting desperate. Your lips brushed against the blonde’s, giving her a peck on her plump red lips, only to feel her cold, dead mouth. A thought occurred to you. A way to possibly get the woman’s soul back in her husk. But her body would still be poisoned… But in an act of desperation, you didn’t care. Your eyes glowed brightly as you chanted the spell, putting your hand into the blonde and digging down deep. You plunged into the underworld, desperately looking for Larissa’s soul. Once you found it, you pulled. Hard. You pulled it all the way back into her body, pulling your hand out of her frame.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so so sorry…” you muttered, tears running down your cheeks.
You then picked up the blonde and ran to the infirmary. You ran like your life depended on it. Her life depended on it. And you cared more about hers right now than about yours… As you dropped the headmistress on a cot, you finally felt her spirit return. You let out a chocked sob of relief.
You could sense her again.
But she was still far from alright…
Chapter 7: Larissa’s Recovery and resolution ~In Progress… ☺️
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Tag list: @bimad @gwensfreak
@weemssapphic @ladyzmilf002
@shyladyfan @larissaslover333
@milfstefani @dumbasslesbi @philip-15
@1-800-milfdilf @lvinhs
@wierdpersonononelikes @principal-weems09 @xx-state-of-mind-xx
@sapphicobsesssion @constantanxiety
@thoroughly--confused @walkethisway
@gaydonutdino @yourfavoriteweirdo19
@justcallmelittleone @larissaweemsgf
@magicalprofessorpastacash @ness029
@keepcalmandlistentoit @bxtrfly
@wifeymaterialsstuff @a-queen-and-her-throne @dopenightmaretyphoon @willowshadenox @simpformommy @smutuniversesblog @thesamesweetie @sequoirius
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ladythornofrivia · 1 year
The Imperfection of Sound
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In a world of sound, reader is deaf. Until she meets Ran Haitani, who shows her that life is more than just hoping for a miracle.
Pair: Ran x Reader
Warnings: Mature Content, Inappropriate Moments and Adult Language. (if you’re under 18, you can’t read this).
Author’s Note: Great news! So I’m going to expand on this series with 2 more chapters! Yay! It’s a very long chapter. I hope you enjoy it.
(Please report if someone decides to steal/plagiarize my story. And notify me. Thank you.)
Chapter 6: I Dream of You
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
He must’ve been dreaming.
Surely he must’ve.
After all, all he had ever done is eat, watch, shower and sleep. And a little bit of seven-minute cleaning the apartment—not counting Rindou’s space and the DJ equipment. Most of the time, throughout the day, he constantly thinking—and dreaming—about you, a kind and gentle soul with an enigmatic aura shrouded with alluring mystery all at once.
His nights were lonesome, but his dreams are filled with vibrancy with you, sprouting like flower on a chilled winter.
The day before Rindou went out, Ran is entirely decent, apart from his internal conflict. Ran kept moping until a moment of idea came to mind. Ran went up, until he earned a cough and a high-aching fever and a sore body from hanging out too much by the wide-range balcony beyond his bedroom. To think a cold wind and a warm daylight would bring him as a new distraction, failure befall upon him.
He wanted to make amends with you. He’d do anything to see you smile once again.
Days before he got sick, his research on the internet from the usage of his laptop is helpful and beyond complexity.
Rather, he’s astonished, immersed at the laptop screen.
Learning sign language. In Japanese, of course. When he was a child, Ran wanted to become a well-known celebrity. And being a well-known celebrity, with its status means having unlimited access to medical and daily affairs and materials with no problem—with fortune and famous, throwing money and well-made name to solve conflict is not an issue. Dreaming of having—hiring—a translator is one of them.
But, at one point, he noticed the pattern of his laziness, despite the his known reputation for the club and his status at the Roppongi’s high-end lifestyle. That is something to say he’s content the way it is. But not without your presence.
And so he practiced, for more than 2 hours, from learning in beginner’s mode, then slowly moving forward to the normal mode. He kept watching videos regarding on sign language. With a fresh mind, it’s easy for Ran. But now he’s sick, he has to tend to himself first.
Regardless of sickness, on a counting days before the battle with Tokyo Manji Gang, he yearned to get well. A little more hope would do the trick. Ran is so occupied, his realization hadn’t dawned upon him when he awoke the next day to find someone on the bed beside him.
Pouted lips formed onto your sleeping visage, soft-angled brows crinkled and breathing relaxed.
If he were to scream, you’d fall from his bedside after his shocking reaction. But thankfully, nothing happened. His eyes taking it all in into your beauty, one thing he couldn’t deny.
You’re here in the flesh.
This wasn’t an illusion.
Or a dream within dreams.
This is real.
The bold and rich make up on your face weren’t smudged or stained onto his pillows and blanket.
Though he didn’t mind. Sheets and pillowcases are meant for washing, not decorating them until neglected. Unless if it’s permanently stained like red wine or pomegranate, it’s something that folks had to pay for him if they tend to stain it on purpose. But since it’s you, he wouldn’t demand or hurt you from scolding from his wrath that he was trying to hide from you. Up until now, he didn’t tell you he’s part of the gang—a new one, in fact.
So separating you—a part of his personal life—from Tenjiku would be best.
But he desired for you to be in his world. And him in yours.
He lay back on his bed beside you as his eyes were taking it all in from your sleeping figure. Before his hand could reach the blankets, he studied your stilled body, clad in nothing but the black dress and long evening gloves. Lines of your collar bone softly outlined as the soft arch on your neck is occupied by choker.
Normally, he’d compliment for the heck of it. He did it, so he could watch girls throw themselves at him, seeing their reactions amuses him. But when it comes to things that took him by surprise, he save compliments for anything special.
Make up or not, the memory of you never faded into his mind.
Gently, his hand roamed over to the side of your waist, lining it down with his gentle caress, along the soft and velvet material of your outfit choice, then trailing to your exposed skin.
Smooth and rejuvenated.
His eyes glanced over to your peaceful visage.
Upon Ran, a reddened shade summoned over his cheeks, recalling of the last dream he had dreamt, and vividly saw (y/n), naked and horny before his eyes.
As much as he wanted to touch you, he couldn’t bear the nature of playful boy get in the way; he didn’t want to put you in harm’s way. You appearing before him meant one thing: the opportunity has given him one last chance before it closes once more—locked forever.
Unsure, Ran let his grasp go from you, and yanked the blankets slowly. As the blanket reached near to his chest, he heard you whimpered in your sleep.
His heart stopped at the sound of your voice.
Trying to remain calm, Ran slept next to you, watching your shifted to a comfortable position as your mouth opened as if you’re talking. But no noise produced.
A little noise you made while stretching your arms up with your eyes closed made Ran’s heart skipped a beat. It was undeniably loud for his ears.
Prolonging his gaze, it’d be a terrible lie if he said that he wants to stop admiring you.
The frantic beat and motion within Ran dissipated, and yet, he wondered what you’re really reckoning, regarding towards himself. Whether it’d be good or bad, he’s ready.
Whether his hands to take a hold of you, he wanted to do so, but frightened he might lose one last chance.
He has to be ready.
“(y/n),” he uttered, whispering as he felt his heart tightened. “You’re here.”
You’re really here.
His heart is jumping for joy yet terror, unknown of what the outcome is going to be if he keeps pressing onward. Going with the flow is the main option.
Your eyes fluttered open, your lips stretched to a wide yawn, arms high up, bones crackling. Eyes still closed as you sat up at the bed frame before opening them, seeing Ran watching her, his movement numbed with anxiety, yet a thrill spread—mingled.
Ran, you thought.
As your mouth opened and your limbs relaxed, Ran tackled you into a lock-tight hug.
His nose sniffed into your fresh-cut hairstyle you’ve adapted to. But his heart wrenched, the tears in his terrorized eyes dispersed into a one leap of relief. He hasn’t been relief this long since Rindou gotten himself injured or in danger.
With his alarming senses controlling, Ran doesn’t know what to do next. Hands shaken as he clutched you. He didn’t want to let go. Not this time.
He wanted to make things right.
He had to see your face.
Pulling himself back, there were tears in your eyes as you met his. This mystical feeling, it all spiraled into madness.
Ran watched you grabbing your new phone and typed and sent the message, then you unblocked him and changed his name back from “Roppongi’s Douchebag” to “Handsome Giant 💜” again.
Ran’s phone buzzed in his pocket and took it out, reading it.
“Stay here. I’ll be right back. :)”
“Where are you going,” he replied on the text.
Then you rushed, off to God knows where. Ran obliged, despite being curious. While waiting for you to be back, Ran turned on the music, classical music, which it has been a while since his music is frequently loud and energetic. He went for a hot shower, first, then dried himself up with new fresh-laundry clothes. His complexion relaxed compare to the days before, as he did steps to his usual self-care on his skin, lips and teeth. He stayed for a while until his nostrils caught a scent of breakfast meal, closer than in the kitchen.
Entering the kitchen, he saw you blowing the hot steam off of the ramen you cooked on the cooking pot. But it wasn’t the only thing he had for breakfast. There’s french toast with melted butter and syrup with tall mug of cold water and chocolate with marshmallows.
Remembering your hearing disability, he flicked the kitchen lights off and on to get your attention. Your head snapped to meet his eyes.
The rapid rate in his heart pounded and endless.
You approached him a smile and a note in your hand, distributing towards him, and watched him read your note.
Come on. Let’s eat.
Shortly, you and Ran ate the ramen. It was delicious, better than the ones he tasted in the restaurant. Ran guessed that the food is better if its homemade. Then drinking the chocolate drink you made, Ran instantly fell in love, and thanked you.
After putting the plates away, you and Ran cleaned the dishes, then went back inside the room. By then you handed him papers in your hand.
I hope you don’t mind me making tons and tons of breakfast meals since it looks like you haven’t eaten anything properly for days, and I’m aware that you’ve been ill, as well. I made you ramen so that the system in your body would flush out its excess. I hope you don’t mind me being here. Rindou isn’t here. He hasn’t been here since last night, told me to do what I like in the apartment, so, I came into your room. I’m sorry I misunderstood you. I’m just afraid that I’ll get in your way. You’re a handsome man, and ladies are lining up left and right for you, I knew I couldn’t stand a chance—that’s why I didn’t bother myself to text you or see you. I was only keeping an arm’s length because you’re too good for me. And when we played the two truths and a lie, when you said that you have your eyes and heart set on someone, I know it’s going to sting—didn’t contact you because I’m not the ideal type for you. But it hurt even more when I saw you and the girl—Rindou already filled me in with your side of the story. That girl shouldn’t have used you as a rebound. Even though I have a hearing disability, I still want to make meaningful memories and accomplishments, so I wouldn’t be a burden, and that I’m more than just a person who is incapable based on my disability. There are times where I see you in my dreams, it felt real, but the reality of dreams just as hurt me as much as it hurts me during awake. I want to know what your voice sounds like, emotions and music—everything. That is my first wish ever since I was born. I want you to know that my heart and mind aches for you, whether awake or sleep; I’m no good at communication, but I’d like to remedy it, for the times we wasted for months, for months that I avoided you. I just want you to know that I love you. And I still do.
Ran looked up from the long letters you gave him, and met your eyes.
But without given his thoughts out, you pulled him into an embrace. Not a word exchange.
Ran then pulled himself away to gaze at your tearful expression. His thumb swiped your tears—and thankfully you’re able to read his lips—still gazing at you with a sad smile.
“I’m not a good person, (y/n), what I am and what I’ve been doing were no good. It wasn’t a lie when I said that I love you since the moment we met. I wanted to get to know you and see you. I fear every time you didn’t come, I knew something was wrong. So I tried to be careful, to not hurt you. I learned sign language, so you don’t feel isolated. In my dreams, I see you, too. When you turned away from me, I knew that I wanted to make things right with you. You don’t have to wait for a miracle, (y/n), I’m here to rescue you, in hopes for you to be excited for everything in life, and I can show you all the things you desire. I can protect you and care for you, even when you don’t ask. I don’t want you to be lonely anymore. I still love you, then, and I still love you now. I’ll be the sound of your life. You’re the miracle of my life, (y/n).”
Tears couldn’t stop in your eyes. And Ran kept wiping them, cooing you, knowing that whispering sweet words to you meant nothing—your hearing disability has deprived you from everything. But with Ran, it seems like everything is possible, that every doors are open for you. After wandering into the dark, the light became brighter and warmer.
His hand snaked at the back of your head. His back bent forward, tips of his nose tapped to yours, as his violet eyes brightened, thanks to your sudden appearance.
“I love you, (y/n).” He kissed your forehead, then your eyelids, then the nose and cheeks. He stopped for a moment to ask, “can I kiss you?”
Before he could wait for your answer, you pulled him in, then your hands moved and entangled behind his neck, with your little hums, he’s awestruck.
Where does your boldness come from?
His hands rested on your waist, holding you.
Do you like me like this? Ran, you only say your confession because you love me looking like this.
Ran’s brows furrowed, pausing. “What’s wrong, my little goddess?”
You typed down your message onto your phone, sending it to him?
With his hand on your waist, he checked your message.
Do you like me like this? Is that why you easily confessed your love to me?
With his phone put a quick shove into his pocket, he embraced you again, then looking into your eyes. “No, I don’t love you because you look like this. I love you when you’re being as your true self. I knew that there’s something special about you,” he answered. “Self-conscious or not, I’m still amazed by you. I’m not going to lie if I said you don’t look beautiful. I hope one day, you can see the way I love you—inside and out. Don’t listen to your doubts, I’ll be here, now and always.”
Your smile slowly curved wider.
“Tell me, my little goddess, what do you want to do to gain your trust?”
“Be yourself,” you messaged. “I want to see your charm and playful side of yourself. Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
“I don’t want to hurt you or make you cry,” Ran said.
“I trust you,” you signed.
“I’ll be as myself,” Ran signed. “Something you’ll see. I hope you see the best side of me, not my worst.”
Your eyes widened at the attempted sign language Ran did, your heart melted at his effort.
“Even at your worst, I still love you,” you replied.
He kissed your cheek lovingly.
“Tell me, little lady, since you’re here at my kingdom, what do you want to do first?” He kept kissing you at every chance he gets after the deprived and absences of your touch.
Being able to somewhat read his words—which you thought it’s a sign of miracle.
You messaged on the phone with a smirk on your face.
Ran took it out, and his phone nearly slipped from his hands when the screen read:
I want you to fuck me.
Taglist: @galactict3a @f1yh1gh @penguinlovestowrite @onyx-blossom @akemiixx01 @colored-tr-panels @goldenbeskar @mrssano04 @sehunnies-hunnie96
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alstroemeriatea · 2 months
Malus Pumila Collection: A Lucilith Origin Story
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hey you!! hyperfixating on lucilith from hazbin hotel?? (the couple with less than one whole minute of screen time :') )
i have just the set of fics for you! the malus pumila collection is a set of six stories that currently read as complete. this collection tells the story of how lucifer and lilith met, fell in love with one another, and rose to power in Hell before having their daughter. there are POVs for both Lilith and Lucifer, as well as a range of different ratings.
if you like references to greek mythology, classic renaissance literature, and abrahamic mythology, then this is the series for you!
series excerpt below:
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Life courses through us; we solidify it in mundane ways. A silver ring, a burning hearth: a vow, a whisper of something yet to come. Between new royalty, they’re known to favor a kiss to the thigh, traced in skeins of white silk. Magic reverberates through their bodies, in their bed, and between their lips.
From a burning descent, new life was made. A palace was built, and a Prince became a King, wings severed from his back. A Regina sprinted from Eden, favoring her chosen in turn. A covenant was made in the name of makerism, adoration, and creation.
[Pomegranate juice stains, you know. It’s far more viscous than blood, the way it travels and trails in rivulets down your wrist. It’s sweet and tart in tandem, and with time may grow bitter on the back of your tongue.]
Actions often compliment the truth. The verity of life can be ugly and harsh in ways that break our integrity.
Their vow was no exception.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 6 months
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Pomegranate Ink: XVI
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Series Synopsis: Unable to heal but willing to fight, with a fiancé in Kyoto and a last name that looms over everything you do, you accept an offer to study at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. What you did not know was that your salvation and your ruination alike would soon join you at the school, neatly wrapped in the form of a boy followed by death.
Chapter Synopsis: Your outing with Gojo is interrupted by the higher ups requesting that you go check in on Megumi Fushiguro, who still hasn’t returned from his mission from the morning.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Yuta Okkotsu × Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 6.7k
Content Warnings: angst, misogyny, naoya zenin, forbidden relationships, canon-typical violence, character death, original characters included
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A/N: i hate writing sukuna because he’s such a little freak in canon that almost any decision i make abt him feels ooc so sorry to my sukuna lovers but this is the way he is in this fic please don’t be too mad. also yeah megumi is probably kinda ooc here too feel free to be annoyed abt that. I ACTUALLY CAN WRITE HIM (# shameless ‘a song for the drowned’ plug) I PROMISE. just not in this chapter apparently.
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“My father resents me for it,” you said. It was the first thing you said to Gojo as you sat down together. He pulled out a napkin from the holder sitting in the middle of the cheap linoleum table and used it to wipe away the crumbs that still littered the surface. “For finding a way around that ultimatum he gave me.”
To heal or to fight. According to your father and the rest of the higher ups, these were the only choices you had, and they were very much so mutually exclusive. You could do one or the other but not both, and the fact was that they were actually correct in saying this. On your own, you could not do it, could not have both, but you were no longer on your own. Not anymore.
“Is that so?” Gojo said, lips quirking up in amusement. “Well, I’ve always wondered how your poor mother married such a man. Isn’t it something, that he has somehow fathered such a prodigy and yet hates her for the mere fact that she is out of his control? Ironic, really. You are exactly what the L/N clan has needed for so many years, and yet now that you are born, you are despised.”
“I am a girl,” you reminded Gojo. “I’m not exactly what they were hoping for in terms of an heir.”
It was a little disquieting when he smiled with his teeth bared. If you did not know him in the way that you did, you’d consider it almost unnatural, even, but as the case was, it just seemed to you as if it were too wide. Too bright, too false. An emotion conveyed that he did not even mean.
“No, I’d wager you’re a great deal better,” he said, reaching out to pat you on the shoulder. “The girl who brought someone back to life and the youngest Grade 1 sorcerer in recent history; you’ve really proven yourself in the past year. I can say that at least I am proud of you, even if your family isn’t.”
“Thanks, I guess,” you said, uncomfortable with the praise. “Anyways, my mother is proud of me, so that makes two of you. As for the rest of my family, I believe that they are unsure. They do not understand what it means for the clan, that I can do both — albeit at Tullia’s expense.”
The past few weeks, you and Tullia had been training intensely with Shoko Ieri, the only Reverse Cursed Technique user not associated with the L/N clan. It had been a slow process at first, trying to figure out how to push your limits without putting Tullia through the same torture that you had inadvertently subjected her to in the process of healing Toge.
You were not always successful. You could not count the amount of times you had had to stop Composition but were not fast enough, were not able to cut it off before she began to bleed again. But it was better now; though nosebleeds were an inevitable side effect, it was a compromise that all parties were somewhat satisfied with. According to her, she barely even felt them.
It was through such tireless practice that you discovered the way to use the contract to your advantage. By pushing the entire responsibility of the cursed energy supplication to Tullia, you were able to ensure that your body was naturally receptive to receiving the repercussions of the Reverse Cursed Technique. An exchange for an exchange, a burden for a burden, but a far more advantageous one than the earlier scenario, because you possessed the body of a L/N, uniquely designed to handle the pain of Composition, and Tullia had that rare cursed technique which meant her reserves were not dependent on her innate self but instead drew from outside sources and could approach infinity if she had sufficient access to poison.
“The healer and the empty glass,” Gojo said, nodding in approval. “Who would’ve thought that things would turn out like this?”
“I suppose that’s the case. Isn’t it strange? I feel like I should be thanking Naoya. It’s only because of his irresponsibility that Tullia and I could even form the contract in the first place,” you said. Gojo choked on the pastry he had ordered.
“There’s never a situation that would justify you thanking him, so you can put that thought out of your mind,” he said.
“I was only half serious. If there’s anyone to thank, it’s Elakshi, for bringing that curse to Japan. By the way, have you heard anything from Iori about her and how she’s settling in?” you said.
“Nope, Utahime is in one of those phases where she won’t respond to my texts or calls,” he said, pouting comically. “I wish she wouldn’t do that! It makes planning faculty get togethers a real pain, you know?”
“I‘ll ask Noritoshi about it, then,” you said. “And I’ll tell him to tell Iori to text you back or whatever.”
“I knew you were my favorite student for a reason,” he said.
“Technically, I’m not your student anymore, I’m Kusakabe’s, so I believe that means Megumi has to be your favorite. By process of elimination — after all, he is the only first year,” you said.
“The other one is coming soon!” Gojo said. “She’s a girl, too. The one who you’re going to try to mentor or whatever. Are you excited to meet her?”
“Naturally. Though I don’t know if the mentoring life is necessarily for me, it would be nice for someone to look up to me and find me cool and occasionally ask me for advice,” you said.
“I always wished I had someone like that. Nanami was my greatest chance, but on the whole he found me mostly irritating,” he said. You smiled, taking a small bite of your own pastry, chewing and swallowing before you spoke.
“Maybe you already have someone like that,” you said. He cocked his head.
“Do you think so?” he said. You shrugged.
“It could be,” you said. Gojo waited for a moment, but when you did not speak further, he sighed.
“Honestly,” he said, and though he was wearing a blindfold, you could feel the weight of his eye roll. “Of course you won’t elaborate. Frustrating child.”
“I learned from the best,” you said. He stuck his tongue out at you, but could not otherwise argue; after all, your logic was irrefutable. In the year that you had become truly close with Gojo, you had found his personality to have rubbed off on yours the slightest bit. It was both a positive and a negative — that is to say, it was a positive for you and a negative for just about everyone else.
“Moving on, have you started thinking about what you’ll do after your graduation?” Gojo said.
“Huh? Become a sorcerer, of course. I’m already a first grade, it only makes sense that I’d continue to fight. I guess I can heal on the side, if Tullia permits it, but the main thing I’ll do is exorcising,” you said.
“I don’t mean for your occupation. When you don’t have your schoolwork to occupy you and you don’t live in the same building as all of your friends, what will you do? For fun. To entertain yourself. That kind of thing,” he said.
“I’m not sure,” you admitted. “I’ll take up something or another. Though, if we’re being realistic, how much free time do you genuinely think I’ll have? There’s not a large amount of sorcerers in the first place, and of that sum total, ones that are as highly ranked as I am barely even number in the double digits. I can worry about entertainment once I’ve retired, and I doubt that that’s going to happen for a very long time.”
“Sorry,” Gojo said. It was unclear what he was apologizing for. That you had inherited such a world? That he had brought up the topic in the first place? That he was so aware of the problem but could not fix it?
Maybe he might’ve explained himself further, but just then, your phone rang. You frowned at the contact flashing on the screen: Yoshinobu Gakuganji. Motioning for Gojo to pay for the desserts you had been eating, you clicked the ‘accept’ button and held the phone up to your ear.
“I didn’t know you could use a phone,” you said critically. “I thought you only communicated by mail, principal.”
“Don’t be daft, girl,” Principal Gakuganji snapped, as if you were saying something entirely unbelievable — as if he did not consistently send you mission instructions through letters instead of emails, as was the commonly accepted practice! “Of course I can use a phone.”
“Why have you called me? I’m a little busy right now,” you said. Gojo mouthed who? at me. You made a face and mimed playing a guitar at him. He pursed his lips, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently.
“Did you know that first-year student Megumi Fushiguro is on a mission to pick up a cursed object at present?” the principal said, his voice heavy and wheezy as always.
“Still? I thought he was sent on that mission in the morning?” you said.
“That is the case. Because of the sensitive nature of the object — it’s one of Sukuna’s fingers, you know — we’ve been trying to get ahold of Satoru Gojo to go and check on his progress and make sure everything is alright. Unfortunately, it seems as though all of the higher ups’ numbers have been blocked on his phone,” he said. You snorted but disguised it as a cough, though judging by Principal Gakuganji’s fed-up exhale, you had not exactly been successful.
“Why didn’t you just email him?” you said.
“We thought it would take too long, so we decided to call you. As a first grade sorcerer, you’re the next best option, and we believed your personal relationship with Fushiguro might incline you to be prompt,” he said.
“Personal relationship?” you said, causing Gojo’s jaw to drop in surprise. Digging your school uniform out of your bag, you stomped towards the bathroom so that you could change. Though you were none-too-pleased about it, it remained that Principal Gakuganji was, in a sense, correct: certainly you would not leave Fushiguro in danger without even trying to help.
“He is your underclassman, so naturally there is a friendship that exists between you two that would not be there if we were to call in one of the older Grade 1s. Even Aoi Todo would not have the same fondness. Unless there is something more to it?” His tone ticked up with suspicion at the last question. You gritted your teeth as you bent over to tie your shoes.
“Don’t be ridiculous. He’s my dear little junior, so I’ll go make sure everything’s alright, but there’s nothing more to it at all,” you said.
“That’s a relief to hear. And if you can, please let that wastrel know that he’s needed as well,” Principal Gakuganji said.
“You’re so rude to Gojo, for being someone that depends on him so greatly,” you said. “I’ll pass along the message.”
With that, you disconnected the call and strode out of the bathroom, not feeling up to discussing anything more with the aged principal, who was nothing like your own Principal Yaga — now that was what a principal ought to behave like, according to you. To be sure, he was a little eccentric, but after so many years as a sorcerer, who wouldn’t be? At the end of it, though, he did care about his students more than the status quo, which spoke more than enough as to the quality of his character, in your opinion.
“We have to go,” you said, returning to Gojo, who was sitting at the now-clean table, his chin in his hands. “The higher ups want us to check in on Megumi’s mission. Apparently he’s not back yet.”
“Oh, is that all? It’s fine, he’s strong enough to take care of whatever’s going on there,” Gojo said. You gave him an incredulous look and tossed a sugar packet at him. It bounced harmlessly off of his Infinity.
“You’re not even a little worried? He was assigned the mission in the morning and he isn’t back yet, so late at night. I’m going to go whether you come or not, but I’d appreciate it if you don’t make me do it by myself,” you said.
“Go ahead and go,” Gojo said, waving you off. “You’ll be fine. I have to pick something up, since we’re in the area and all, so I’ll catch up with you later. I’m telling you, though, everything is definitely fine! Megumi’s no weakling.”
“I’ll see you later, then,” you said, doubting his flippant attitude just a little bit. How could he be so careless with one of his student’s lives?
Sliding into the backseat of Ijichi’s car, you pondered it as you stared out the window at the blurring scenery. Wasn’t this something like Gojo’s method? He would always put his students into the most absurdly dangerous situations, but never too far out of his sight, never anything you all couldn’t handle if you pushed yourselves.
The thought that you might be interfering in this form of training was outweighed only by the thought of the paycheck you’d receive for something that took relatively minimal effort. Checking in on Megumi was essentially glorified babysitting, except the so-called baby was frighteningly mature and self-sufficient, making it the easiest task ever.
Megumi’s mission was, fittingly enough, in a school. Creeping through the hallways reminded you of the first time you had met Yuta, how he had hidden under that desk, with Rika in the closet and the stars hanging high in the sky. He had come so far since then, hadn’t he? From the boy frightened of himself and his own shadow to the special grade sorcerer proper, the one who had faced even death itself and won.
Unlike that night, however, the hallways in this school were destroyed, rubble and glass littering the tiled floor. You stepped around stray shards, not wanting to cut your feet, and allowed your brow to furrow. There were signs of a genuine struggle here, ones hinting that the scope of the mission had been far beyond Megumi, who was still only a Grade 2 sorcerer.
Clicking your tongue, you leapt out onto the roof, finding your target standing there, his back ramrod straight, his hands curled into fists in front of him. It didn’t look like a defensive posture, but there was a certain desperation to his posture that didn’t seem warranted, considering the total lack of curses in the vicinity.
No, that wasn’t right. That pink-haired boy standing across from him…you could only tell because of how advanced your cursed energy perception was, but there was something strange about him. Something emanated from him, something cruel, dark, malevolent. It was at odds with the gentle expression on his face and the wide eyes he was looking around with.
“Say, Megumi,” you said, placing your hand on his shoulder, as much to alert him of your presence as to stop him from doing anything drastic. “What’s going on here?”
He turned to face you in surprise, blood seeping from a wound on his head and dust covering his cheeks. You let out a laugh and quickly whipped out your phone, taking a picture of him and texting it to Gojo first and the second year group chat next.
“What was that for?” he hissed.
“Sorry, it’s just that Maki and Gojo would be terribly disappointed if I didn’t memorialize your sorry state before healing you,” you said, sending another text to Tullia, warning her to take a couple of shots of bleach or something. She responded in the affirmative, allowing you to put your phone away and place your hands on Megumi’s temples, trying to judge the extent of his injuries. “The wound isn’t terrible. Do you mind?”
“We have bigger issues at the moment,” he said. “Namely, that boy.”
“I’m Yuji Itadori!” the boy in question said. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“That wasn’t an opening for you to introduce yourself to her!” Megumi said, exasperated. “I don’t think you understand the magnitude of what you’ve done yet, but you should get on that so that you stop acting so goddamn cheery!”
“It’s nice to meet someone so positive, actually,” you said. “It’s a not a common trait to see in a sorcerer.”
“Oh, I’m not a sorcerer,” Itadori said. You paused and contemplated the development.
“You’re not?” you said.
“He’s not,” Megumi said. You scowled, though it was more out of befuddlement than any real anger that you did so.
“Are you a curse, then? No ordinary person would have as much cursed energy as you do,” you said.
“I ate a curse? I don’t know if that makes me one or not,” Itadori said.
“Huh? What’s that supposed to mean? Is that your technique or something? I haven’t really heard of people that eat curses, but I guess one of my best friends has a technique that’s just ingesting poison, so I can’t really judge,” you said.
“It’s not like that,” Megumi said. “He literally ate a curse. As in, Sukuna’s finger.”
Reflexively, you gagged. “Ew. Don’t be such a boy, Megumi, that’s not a funny joke at all; it’s just gross to think about. I thought you were above such things.”
“He’s not joking,” Itadori said. “I really did eat the finger.”
“Really?” you said.
“Really,” Itadori said solemnly.
“Do you understand the situation now?” Megumi said, pinching the bridge of his nose. You shook your head.
“In truth, I don’t,” you said. “What — in what scenario does there exist a need for one to ingest a rotten, shriveled old finger? Didn’t that taste putrid?”
“A little like soap, actually,” Itadori mused. You gave him a disgusted look. He shrugged. “I don’t know. There was this massive curse about to kill Fushiguro, and because I was just a normal human, I couldn’t do anything to harm it. So I swallowed the finger and gained the cursed energy required to kill the curse! Sukuna manifested and got the job done, and then he started going on and on about all of the evil stuff he wanted to do, so I suppressed him. He’s such a headache, ugh! But that’s the story.”
“You suppressed Sukuna,” you repeated incredulously.
“According to him,” Megumi said suspiciously. “But what if he’s lying? This could be a trick.”
You peered closely at Itadori, who blinked nervously as you inspected him before tapping on his forehead.
“Dissection,” you said. The normal weak spots glowed white on his body, the full proof that he was a person — though, when you unfocused your eyes, you could just make out a hazy green glow that was not really centered on Itadori but somewhere inside of him. His inner domain, or his soul, or some other such related concept; this green, you surmised, was the presence of Sukuna. But if that was the case, then Itadori really wasn’t lying, so you turned to Megumi and nodded in confirmation. “He’s the real deal.”
“You believe me?” Itadori said.
“I believe myself,” you corrected. “For the moment, you are who you say you are. Megumi, I’m going to heal you while we have the chance; if this comes to blows, I’d rather have you on my side.”
“Fine,” he muttered, ducking his head, his cheeks turning pink. “If you could refrain from sending pictures of it to Maki and Gojo, though, I’d appreciate that. They’d never let me live it down.”
“Don’t stress, I won’t do that. Go on, then, get on the ground while that boy is still in control,” you said, watching over Itadori as Megumi lay on the ground. For his part, Itadori just seemed confused about the proceedings. This came as no surprise, though; if he really had been just an ordinary boy until just today, then how would he know anything about Reverse Cursed Techniques and such concepts? “Composition.”
Instead of a knife, it felt like you were being repeatedly punched in the stomach, each successive blow winding you until you felt like doubling over. Your cursed energy remained intact, however; it was Tullia’s that was rushing into you, allowing you to use it at will, the reward you got for taking every ounce of the pain that you were feeling, that Megumi was feeling, that even Tullia herself was feeling.
Coughing, you wiped away the tears that sprang to your eyes and placed your hands on Megumi’s forehead. Focusing Composition on his battered cursed energy reserves and the injuries his head had sustained, you used the positive energy of the cursed energy reversal to heal the wounds and replenish his reserves until he was somewhat close to the state he must have been before engaging in the battle.
“How do you feel?” you said, reaching into your backpack and taking greedy swigs of water from the bottle you had packed just in case. Megumi sat up and glanced at Itadori, who was watching you in awe.
“Fine. Hey, what are you staring at?” he said.
“Woah! Miss, did you just heal him or something?” Itadori said, ignoring Megumi completely.
“Yes, I did. It’s part of my inherited technique, though I assume those words would be on the whole meaningless to you,” you said.
“They are, but it’s still so cool to hear about! I can’t believe there’s like this entire secret world that’s existed and I knew nothing about until now,” Itadori said.
“We do a very good job at hiding our work from normal people. It helps that most can’t see curses,” you said. “Enough talking, though. We have to figure out what to do with you. You said you suppressed Sukuna? Do you think you could un-suppress him?”
“Why would you want that?” Megumi said.
“Gojo’s on his way,” you muttered under your breath. “It’s the perfect chance to see if he has potential as a vessel or if he should just be killed immediately.”
“Do you really think Gojo of all people should be trusted to arrive on time for anything?” Megumi said.
“It’ll be alright. Don’t underestimate me; I’m a Grade 1 sorcerer, aren’t I? He’s only had the one finger, so even once he manifests as Sukuna, it’ll be in a severely weakened form. I promise, even I can deal with him when he’s in such a state,” you said.
“Are you sure?” Megumi said.
“If I’m wrong, then I’ll have you to help me hold him off, at least until Gojo arrives,” you said. “You probably couldn’t do it by yourself, but if the two of us are working together, then we can probably manage at least that much.”
“If you say so,” Megumi said.
“Itadori, please let Sukuna out for a little bit. I’d like to talk to him,” you said.
“Are you guys personally acquainted or something?” Itadori said. “Sure, I can do that, but are you really certain you want to talk to him? He’s not exactly the greatest guy.”
“Hm,” you said, thinking back to a certain story and chuckling under your breath. “I guess you could say that. Don’t worry, it’ll be a quick conversation. Ten seconds is all I need; after that, I want you to take control back, alright? Or else Megumi and I will have to kill you, I’m afraid.”
“Okay!” Itadori said. “Wait, by the way — what’s your name?”
“Y/N,” you said as he closed his eyes before dark markings made of undulating cursed energy crept over his face. “Y/N L/N.”
Eyes as red as pomegranates flew open, staring at you in horror. They were narrower than Itadori’s, and indeed the entire bone structure of his face had changed ever so slightly, matured a little bit, his nose sharper, his chin squarer. Underneath his eyes were two more with the same crimson irises, though these were smaller and seemed less focused on you. There was no doubt about it: this was the King of Curses himself, the one for whom the stories and the songs were written.
He took a step towards you, but you stood your ground, reaching into the small pouch you always carried and grasping a silver needle in between your thumb and index finger.
“Y/N L/N,” he said, his voice deeper than Itadori’s, gravelly and rough instead of warm and bright.
“Ryomen Sukuna,” you said. “The King of Curses.”
“And the woman who sealed him,” he spat. His canines were sharper than any normal human’s had the right to be, his nails more like claws than anything. You looked over at Megumi, who could no more move than a mouse faced with the jaws of a tiger could. “I would kill you if I could.”
“Nothing is stopping you,” you said, fighting to keep your voice level, though you knew it trembled. Even if it was only a shadow of Sukuna’s true self, it remained that the being in front of you was known as the King of Curses for a reason. In terms of curses, just this small fragment could only be beaten in power by Rika herself.
“You would say that,” he said, and then suddenly he was in front of you, those fingers like talons wrapping around your throat, squeezing to the point of discomfort but nothing more. “You would say that, you witch. How fortunate am I! To be born again into this new body, this new world…and yet, I cannot escape you. Y/N L/N. What is this coincidence, that I must find you again, that I must manifest in the same place that you are?”
“I am not the woman who you think I am,” you gasped out, not wanting to fight the body which ultimately was Itadori’s. Not yet, anyways, not while he was still not actively hurting you, only threatening to do so.
“Yet you share her name, and there is some similarity to your features,” he said.
“She was my ancestor. The one who helped seal you. The one you killed — but her husband brought her back to life in the end, so it amounted to nothing,” you said. Maybe taunting Sukuna wasn’t your smartest idea, but you wanted him to know. You wanted him to know that he had been unsuccessful in this one thing, that the original Y/N L/N had lived beyond sealing him.
“You share her blood,” Sukuna said. “It is close enough. In fact, likely it is exactly the same thing; I cannot risk it. That means, no matter how much I want to, I cannot risk your death in the first place.”
Suddenly, abruptly, he threw you away from him, watching with some satisfaction as you barely managed to break your fall and spring to your feet. It was an odd stare which he trained upon you, equal parts concern and pleasure, like he had not wanted you to get hurt but at the same time could conceive no greater joy than the thought of harm coming to you. You could not understand it. You could not understand any of it.
“It’s been ten seconds, Itadori,” you called out carefully, cautiously, still not sure why Sukuna insisted that you could not die but not wanting to test your limits, either, in case that was the breaking point which led to him changing his mind and going after you anyways. Or, worse, he might decide to turn his attention to Megumi, who he presumably held no convictions about as of yet, and that was something you were keen to avoid, since Gojo still hadn’t shown up.
“Oops, sorry, I lost track of time!” The markings and extra eyes had vanished, and the youthfulness had returned as Itadori regained control of his body. He sounded like himself again, all eager and affectionate. “Did your conversation go well?”
“I’m left with more questions than answers, to be fully honest with you,” you admitted. “But nobody got hurt, and you managed to take back control when you needed to, so it’s a net positive. Now we have some solid proof to take to Gojo in the defense of your control as a vessel.”
“Yay!” Itadori said. “But, um, who’s Gojo?”
“That would be me,” a new voice said. The three of you turned as one unit to stare at the newcomer, who was as late as usual and toted two shopping bags, most likely full of souvenirs from wherever he had gone while you were helping Megumi.
“Gojo,” you said. “It’s about time you got here.”
“About time, indeed! What’s all of this talk about vessels and whatnot?” he said.
“That boy is Sukuna’s vessel,” you said.
“I ate a finger,” Itadori supplied helpfully.
“On Megumi’s watch, not mine,” you added. “I’d certainly never let something like that happen. I did confirm that he has control as a vessel, though, with the ability to suppress Sukuna at will.”
“Wait, slow down. So he ate Sukuna’s finger and became his vessel?” Gojo confirmed.
“He did,” you said.
“It’s true,” Megumi said. “I saw it happen. The most idiotic thing I’ve seen in a while.”
“I don’t know, I mean you do see Gojo on the daily, so can you really consider it to be the most idiotic thing?” you said, earning an offended gasp from Gojo and a look from Megumi. “Anyways, I used my signature detection on him, as well as Dissection. He’s the genuine article.”
“But you said he has control?” Gojo said. You nodded.
“Yes, I asked him to let Sukuna out for a total of ten seconds. After that time was up, he managed to regain control without too much of a problem,” you said. Gojo grew even paler than he usually was, which was saying something, as he already had the complexion of a pearl.
“Are you hurt?” he said.
“No, we just talked for that time,” you said, subconsciously rubbing at your neck, which still felt a little odd after Sukuna had grasped it so tightly. “Nothing more.”
“That’s a lie,” Megumi interjected. “He choked her at one point and threw her on the ground afterwards.”
“You shouldn’t have done such an experiment, knowing the dangers,” Gojo said. “You’re sure you’re fine?”
“Yes, positive. He’s being dramatic, anyways; I could’ve handled it, but I chose not to,” you said. Gojo glanced at Megumi for confirmation, but to your relief, Megumi nodded reluctantly.
“She wasn’t exactly overpowered,” he admitted. “It was more like she was letting it happen.”
“Why’d you let yourself get treated like that, then?” Gojo said. “Wait. Don’t tell me you’re into—”
“Shut up!” you said. “No!”
“It’s as fair a guess as any!” he defended.
“No, it is not! I didn’t want to hurt Itadori’s body unless it was absolutely necessary, and to be quite honest with you, I was interested in what Sukuna was saying. You see, he kept talking about how he wanted to kill me but couldn’t. Wouldn’t you be interested if the King of Curses said he couldn’t kill you?” you said.
“Not exactly! If I were you, I’d thank whatever deity intervened on my part and run very far away!” he said. “Now, of course, if it were me, I’d not be surprised. It’s likely he couldn’t kill me, so it wouldn’t be new information.”
“What’s done is done,” you said, deciding there was no point in letting the argument progress any further. “We have to decide what to do with Itadori, and then Megumi and I should probably check in with Ieri. I healed him earlier, but I don’t know if it was enough or not.”
“Good idea. Well, there’s not much deciding that needs to happen; he’ll be executed, that’s all. It’s sad, but that’s how these things go,” Gojo said.
“Wait,” Megumi said as Gojo used an incredibly weakened version of his technique to knock Itadori out in an instant, slinging him over his shoulder and preparing a portal to teleport to jujutsu headquarters. “Can you…can you please save him?”
“It’s strange to have you ask for something from me,” Gojo said. “You think I should save him?”
“Yes,” Megumi said. “Please. He’s the kind of person that deserves to be saved.”
“Do you really think so? Even knowing that he’s Sukuna’s vessel?” Gojo said. You knew him well enough by now to pick up on the fact that he did not doubt Megumi’s words but was rather testing his conviction.
Megumi was silent, casting about for something to say, so you took pity on him and decided to jump in. Besides, it was true that you didn’t want to see Itadori die just yet, either, though your explanation was a little different than Megumi’s was.
“He reminds me of Yuta,” you said. “Not in personality but in circumstance. If there’s a way for you to give him a chance the way you gave Yuta one, I think it could be worthwhile. How often will we meet another person capable of being Sukuna’s vessel? We could use him for our own ends. A mutually beneficial deal, as the case may be.”
“You’re so sentimental,” Gojo cooed. “Did it bring back fond memories for you, being at a high school and going on a dangerous mission like this?”
“It did,” you said shortly. “Not that that’s any of your business, by the way, so stay focused on the task at hand. I hate how involved you are in my personal life!”
“It’s my job!” Gojo whined.
“It distinctly is not!” you said. “Regardless, that’s my opinion on the matter. You may make of it what you will. In the end, I suppose it doesn’t really impact my life all too much if you save him or not, so do what you’d like.”
“My student wants me to save him,” Gojo said, giving Megumi one of those serious looks of his that meant he was being one hundred percent genuine in what he was saying. Megumi shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. “I’ll do my best to that end. Y/N, if you could ensure that Megumi gets back to the school, I’ll bring you with me to Africa the next time I go to check on Yuta’s progress.”
“I’m on it,” you said. You would’ve done it anyways, of course, but the thought of seeing Yuta again gladdened you greatly, so you weren’t about to turn Gojo’s offer down. Even though you talked to Yuta on the phone as much as you could, you wanted to be with him in person, wanted to feel his arms around your body and his lips against your own, even if it was only for a little bit. That little bit would be enough to tide you over until he came back for good. “Let’s go, Megumi.”
“Do you think he’ll be able to save Itadori?” Megumi said as Ijichi drove off in the direction of Tokyo Jujutsu Tech.
“He said he’ll try his best. Coming from Gojo, that’s basically a guarantee that he will,” you said. “Don’t worry about it.”
“If I ask you a personal question, Y/N, would you answer it?” Megumi said. You shifted in your seat so that you were facing him, but he did not do the same, focusing on the moon and how it shimmered through the tinted glass of the car window.
“I used to pretend like the moon was following me so that it could watch over me,” you said.
“That’s not how it works,” Megumi said. “Scientifically.”
“Of course, I learnt that later on, but to a romantic child, it meant all the world that there was that one entity which cared enough to chase after me, no matter where I went,” you said.
“I see,” Megumi said.
“You may ask your question,” you said. “If it offends me, I’ll choose not to answer. That is all. I won’t be angry or anything.”
“You’re the youngest Grade 1 sorcerer in quite some time,” he said. “Was it worth it?”
“That’s heavy,” you said.
“The difference between us is like a chasm. Even though it’s only one level — two if you count Semi-Grade 1 as its own separate thing — you can claim to defeat Sukuna’s manifestation and not sound utterly ridiculous. You made it sound plausible. I could not even manage to fight against the curses that that finger attracted,” he said.
“You’re younger than me, so it’s not some great weakness to be down about,” you said.
“That’s a separate matter. What I really want to know is what it’s like? Being someone so powerful that when they needed a sorcerer to go in Gojo’s place, the higher ups thought of you,” he said.
“Power,” you said. “I don’t think that’s something I can ever lay claim to. Not truly. I know what you must be thinking — I’m a Grade 1 sorcerer, the one that everyone in jujutsu society seems to be talking about at the moment, so naturally I must be powerful. But it’s not like that. I’m no more powerful than you are, Megumi; in fact, I’m likely your inferior in that department by several degrees. I could never go up against the truly strong and win: people like Gojo, Yuta, even Hakari and Todo, all of them would beat me in a fair fight.”
“So then?” Megumi said. “I know you’ve beaten Todo before, so you’re not telling the full story.”
“So I never fight fair. I use people’s weaknesses against them. I strike from the shadows at the places which shine like beacons to me, and people think of me as some great hero for it. Can I really be considered as such, though? I’d like to answer your question, but I can’t. I don’t know what it’s like to be powerful. I don’t know if all of this was worth it,” you said. He was silent for so long that you nearly thought he had fallen asleep, but finally, he deigned to speak once more.
“What should I do?” he said. “Now that I’ve made such a request and asked Gojo to save that boy. What should I do?”
“You do the only thing any of us can do. You keep trying to grow stronger. You hope that in the end, you don’t regret any of it. Might I offer some entirely unsolicited advice?” you said.
“Sure,” he said. He was oddly vulnerable, in this light. You did not think that Megumi would open up to you like this in normal circumstances, but the trauma of the day’s events had probably worn down whatever defenses he might ordinarily have. Besides, it was generally difficult for someone to keep secrets or be stoic around the person who had healed them — it was a phenomenon that you had noticed, that the patients of your family could not help but bare their deepest secrets to them. Who better to do such a thing to than the person who already knew your entire body and soul so intimately, who had risked their own just to save yours?
“Your decision to save Itadori may not go the way you want it to,” you said. “There’s a reason he would ordinarily be executed, after all. I threw my support behind you because I felt pity, for you and for him, but in the end it was your request that did it, not mine. I think you are aware of this, but are you prepared for what that might entail?”
“No, I don’t believe so. Did I make a mistake?” he said.
“Yes,” you said. “You did. But don’t live like that.”
“Huh?” he said. You thought about Yuta, about the many mistakes you had made and he had made, about how many times the two of you had risked everything for one another.
Bringing him back was the one accomplishment you were proud of. It was the one thing you guarded fiercely as your own achievement, one unsullied by self-doubt. You had not let Yuta Okkotsu die. For better or for worse, you had not let him die. It was the one of the things you guarded deep and close to your heart, that you had saved him. Whatever came of it, you would not, could not, feel apologetic for doing that.
“You chose not to let him die,” you said, and then you twisted in your seat again, so that you, too, could stare out at the moon. Even now, it followed you, as it had when you were a child, and you smiled, resting your finger against its reflection. “That was your decision. No matter what the consequences are, you must always, always hold your head high and be proud of it. Don’t you ever dare let anyone tell you otherwise.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Don't you love it when you realize your sibling is not the person you thought they were -Danny Words: 2,218 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Orange Juice' -by Noah Kahan
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XI: Would I Stab My Brother for a Million Dollars? I Would Stab Him for Free
Ara wants to rip Percy's head off.
She'd been looking for him and Annabeth for a whole hour thinking they'd been kidnapped, only to find out they'd fallen asleep in the stables like some star-crossed lovers.
It shouldn't be a big deal, but she hadn't eaten yet, therefore she was pissed. Leo, on the other hand, was cracking up. Now he can't hide his sly smirk when he locks eyes with Ara, pleased that they're sneakier than Annabeth and Percy.
Hazel gets scandalized to an extent that feels exaggerated, but Ara remembers she's only been in the modern world for about eight months, so she decides not to tease her.
"Never in my life!" Coach Hedge hits all he can reach with his bat. "Against the rules! Irresponsible!"
"Coach, it was an accident. We were talking, and we fell asleep."
"Besides, you're starting to sound like Terminus," Percy adds jokingly.
"Is that an insult, Jackson? 'Cause I'll—I'll terminus you, buddy!"
Percy glances at Ara and presses his lips together to avoid laughing. "It won't happen again, Coach. I promise. Now, don't we have other things to discuss?" 
"Fine! But I'm watching you, Jackson. And you, Annabeth Chase, I thought you had more sense—" 
"So grab some food, everybody!" Jason intervenes. "Let's get started."
"You guys are losers," Ara teases her friends as she sits down beside them. "You should've set an alarm to wake up at dawn."
"How was I—wait," Percy kicks her foot lightly. "You've done that before?"
Ara eats a mouthful of her waffles and winks at him. Percy looks at Annabeth with a horrified expression, and the girl sighs. "Just let it go, seaweed brain..."
The boy glares at Leo—seated far from his reach—and scoffs. "Fine."
The next hour ends up being worse than the prior one. Percy tells them about the dream he had, the giant twins are indeed guarding Nico in the bronze jar. He tells them he's still alive thanks to some pomegranate seeds. Hazel sinks on her chair, sick with worry, and Percy tries to ease her.
"We'll rescue him. We have to."
Hazel turns to Ara. "So you weren't wrong... any ideas?"
Leo raises his hand. "Uh... One thing. The giants are expecting us to do this, so we're walking into a trap, right?"
"We have no choice!" Hazel exclaims.
"Don't get me wrong, Hazel. It's just that your brother, Nico... he knew about both camps, right?"
"Well, yes."
"He's been going back and forth, and he didn't tell either side..."
"You're wondering if we can trust the guy," Jason says. "So am I."
Hazel jumps to her feet. "I don't believe this. He's my brother. He brought me back from the Underworld, and you don't want to help him?"
"Nobody's saying that." Frank scowls at Leo. "Nobody had better be saying that."
"No one's gonna throw threats at the people on this table either," Ara scowls. Frank looks at her defiantly, but he stays quiet. "Jason and Leo don't know Nico, their concern is as valid as your worry, Hazel."
"I remember Nico from Camp Jupiter," Jason continues. "Then I find out he also visited Camp Half-Blood—and he doesn't have a good relationship with Ara, the leader of that place. That does strike me as... well, a little shady. Do we really know where his loyalties lie? We just have to be careful."
That is partially true, Ara thinks. Nico doesn't have a good relationship with her, but that has nothing to do with her position. Nico betrayed her brother and tried to play her for a fool, that's a sore spot she's never been able to heal and she's never trusted him fully ever since, but she knows he wouldn't stab them in the back like that.
Despite what everyone back home thinks, she still looks after Nico. Ara was ten years old when her life changed for the better, but Nico's changed for the worse. She feels that she ought to protect him given that she got the better deal out of the two.
Ara tries to de-escalate the argument happening before her. "Listen—" A plate flies across the table and hits the wall, barely missing Jason's head. "Hazel!" She reprimands.
"You..." Hazel only has eyes for Jason, she's fuming, "the great Jason Grace... the praetor I looked up to. You were supposed to be so fair, such a good leader. And now you..." 
The girl pushes her chair back and storms out of the room. Every metal around her vibrates as she passes by, but nothing else goes out flying. Ara looks at Jason with a scowl.
"You're always saying the wrong things."
He gets even more upset. "But you agreed!"
"He's not working for Gaea," she states. "Nico's never been interested in what she's got to offer."
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After we leave Quintus—Daedalus—fighting for his life in the workshop, we head to town and split into two groups. I'm going with Annabeth and Nico.
While Annabeth's paying for the gizmo she bought for an Iris message, Nico approaches me. He's grumpy, but his attitude is less hostile than at other times. "You saved me." 
I cut the chains around his hands and ankles back in the workshop (so he would help us), and killed a giant before it could step on his head (so he didn't die before he could help us).
"You saved all of us," I bow with amusement. "Ghost King, sir."
He makes a face. "You're not funny."
I chuckle and stand straight. "Alright. So... Minos betrayed you, Luke knows you exist now—"
"I'll go with you," he crosses his arms and pouts like a kid—he's eleven, after all. "Just this one time."
I have the theory that the more he uses his power, the more he ages, 'cause now he's as tall as me. I would hug him because I feel like doing so, but at the same time, I'm angry at him for scaring us by leaving camp.
"That'll make Lily happy," I notice the cut on his cheek, so I seize my T-Rex and offer him wipes and a bandaid. "Fix your face."
He grabs the items hastily like he's scared to get burned if his skin touches mine. That makes me realize that all this time, he's always going out of his way so I don't accidentally touch him. He knows about my empath touch, and he doesn't want me to know what he's feeling.
"Do you need help?" I eye him with curiosity.
"No," he turns his back on me.
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"Ah, jeez," Leo pushes his chair away from the table. "We should—"
"You've done enough," Frank snaps at him, but Piper stops him.
"Give her time," she turns to Jason, Leo, and Ara. "You guys, that was pretty cold."
"Cold? I'm just being cautious!" Jason argues.
"Her brother is dying," Piper insists.
Ara sighs heavily. "Nico is part of a prophecy that needs to be treated with care, if we make the wrong move, we'll end up killing him anyway."
"I'll go talk to her," Frank tries to leave again.
"No," Piper pulls him back. "Let her cool down first. Trust me on this. I'll go check on her in a few minutes."
"Here's what we're gonna do," Ara claps once to get everyone's attention. "We'll leave Hazel alone, and later you two will apologize for being mean—"
"You were mean too—"
"I was arbitrary, there's a difference." Ara turns to her right, where Lily used to stand during meetings. She freezes, realizing no one on this ship keeps a to-do list for her. "We uh..."
Their dragon speaks, saving her the embarrassment of having to remember what she was meant to say. 
"That's Festus," Leo announces. "I've got him on autopilot, but we must be nearing Atlanta. I'll have to get up there... uh, assuming we know where to land."
"Right!" Ara remembers what they had planned for the day. "The sea god!"
Everyone looks at Percy, and Jason vaguely points at him. "You're Captain Salt Water. Any ideas from the expert?"
"I'm not sure. Somewhere central, high up so we can get a good view of the city. Maybe a park with some woods? We don't want to land a warship in the middle of downtown. I doubt even the Mist could cover up something that huge."
"On it," Leo replies before leaving.
"When we land, I'll scout around in Atlanta," Percy continues. "Frank, I could use your help."
"You mean turn into a dragon again?" Frank grimaces. "Honestly, Percy, I don't want to spend the whole quest being everyone's flying taxi."
"No. I want you with me because you've got the blood of Poseidon. Maybe you can help me figure out where to find salt water. Besides, you're good in a fight."
"Sure," Frank sighs. "I guess."
"Great. We should take one more. Annabeth—"
"Oh, no!" Hedge barks. "Young lady, you are grounded."
"Excuse me?" Annabeth makes a face.
"You and Jackson are not going anywhere together! I'll go with Frank and Mr. Sneaky Jackson. The rest of you guard the ship and make sure Annabeth doesn't break any more rules!"
"Ara comes with us too," Percy adds quickly. "Aphrodite has a connection to the sea as well, and my sister has her blessing, maybe that'll help."
Ara wants to say "No thanks!" but her brother is staring at her and she can practically hear his thoughts. If I'm being punished for spending the night with my partner, then so are you.
"Fine," she gives in. "Let me get my T-Rex."
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After the nicest lady on earth drops them off at the town's Aquarium, Ara opens her dino bag and pulls out her cloak from it. Percy scowls at it. "You have to take that everywhere?"
"I'm doing what you asked me to," she replies casually.
Percy spots the embroidery at the back and leans a little to see it better. "Those are all the blessings you've gotten?"
"Yeah. Anyway, are we going in like everyone else, or..."
None of them brought money for this, so Ara's already thinking of a way to sneak into the building when a young girl approaches them with a big smile. "Ah, VIP visitors!" 
Ara almost draws out her sword, but that might be the nerves from last night's encounter with the Eidolons. She doesn't appreciate strangers standing this close to her.
"You have your payment, I see—Excellent!"
The girl snatches the few coins Frank pulled out of his pocket and turns on her heel. "Yes, that's fine. Right this way!"
Percy nudges Ara's arm. "A trap?"
"Probably," Frank says as she nods silently.
"She's not mortal," Hedge agrees. "Probably some sort of goat-eating, demigod-destroying fiend from Tartarus."
"No doubt," Percy sighs.
"Awesome." The satyr chuckles. "Let's go."
Ara makes sure Almighty's in her pocket, and while the other girl guides them through the Aquarium, Ara elbows Percy's arm. "Do you know what Hazel and Frank's deal is with Leo?"
The face he makes is answer enough, but he replies out loud too. "Sorta."
"Should I be worried?"
The boy lowers his voice, making sure Frank doesn't hear them. "I don't know. Maybe."
Ara frowns. "Leo didn't do anything, Percy. This has to be a misunderstanding."
"Something tells me it isn't," her brother replies in a way that irritates her.
"So Leo is still the bad guy, is that it?"
"Are you being serious right now?" Percy looks at her with annoyance. "Ara, you don't understand—"
"I understand that you don't trust me," she presses, her attitude abruptly switching from casual to stern.
"It's not my story to tell," he frowns. "And it isn't any of your business either, General. This is between Hazel and Leo. Not an army matter."
Percy's starting to realize just how much Ara has changed in the few months they were apart, and he can see why Lily snapped after all those years of being Ara's most loyal partner. Something is deeply wrong with his sister, and he's afraid they might not figure out what it is before it's too late.
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I know Calypso's myth, but for some reason, I never imagined that she'd still be around.
"Annabeth kissed you." 
It's the first thing that comes out of my mouth. I can't help it, the scarlet explosion has been stuck in my mind for days. Now that he's back from Ogygia, I have to bring it up.
Percy blushes. "Yeah, I remember."
"Calypso kissed you?"
"Okay, don't answer that," I change the subject. "You're going to ask Rachel to join us now?"
"Do you like her?
"Ara," he glares at me.
"It's not like that." 
"Maybe not, but I'm curious," I stick out my tongue.
"I don't like Rachel," he replies, and I believe him because he doesn't light up when he thinks of her.
"But you like Annie," I grin. "I know."
"You're a nightmare," he groans.
"Jeez, looks like you're the real charmer of the family," I tease him.
"One day you'll crush on someone," he mumbles. "Then I'll laugh."
I take a moment to stop giggling, then ask the one thing I truly want to know. "Were you... Happy... in Ogygia?"
He tenses. "That place is meant to feel like a home..."
"Yeah, I guess. And you had no one to talk, except Calypso," I pout. "Imagine being alone for thousands of years, constantly getting your heart broken. I wonder if she still feels at home there."
"I don't know..." Percy shakes his head. His skin dimly lits in its scarlet glow. "But she asked me not to forget her. I don't think I can."
He's not the kid I befriended three summers ago, the boy who saw me as an equal when we were both clumsy and lonely. Now Percy's a young man, and I'm still a little girl.
A wall has been lifted between us, and it's not the kind that I can climb over.
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @asnyox-the-hoarder @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicks
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salemssimblr · 1 year
get to know me tag
I was tagged by @morrigan-sims. Thank you so much for the tag! ♥️
I'll put mine under the cut too cause I'm particularly chatty today
show your wallpaper and the last song you listened to.
For me this requires a photo! As I have my external display and my mac display and they're different. So, have a workspace reveal!
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Last song is Your Love by One True God & Roniit
currently reading?
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff... but barely. I've been moving it from room to room with the intention of curling up with it but then I render or write instead. Oops.
last movie?
Don't laugh (ok you can laugh) but it was the second Austin Powers movie. My husband's never seen them all the way through and they're on Netflix only until June 30th. Don't judge us too hard lmfao
last show?
The Queen's Gambit. I watched it when it was released, but hubby didn't.
The New Orleanian in me is craving this one cocktail served at my favorite restaurant. The restaurant closed down for covid and reopened literally only a few weeks ago but it looks like that cocktail isn't on their menu anymore. Afaik I think it was vodka and raspberry jam??? Phenomenal. It was called the Little Red Dog. We're going to that restaurant tomorrow and I'm praying if I ask for it they can make it but I don't have my hopes up.
what are you wearing right now?
Sweatpant material shorts I stole from my dad one weekend years ago and a shirt from The Strand bookstore in NYC. (Work pajama outfit lmfao)
how tall are you?
My ID says 5'2" but I think that's bullshit. An even 5'. Would've been shorter but I had my scoliosis corrected at 12 (I'm a terminator, baybeee) & I gained 2 inches from the surgery.
2 holes in each lobe, 1 nose ring, and a closed up lip piercing I wish I still had but not enough to get it re-opened. I hope to get several more.
Two so far, a semicolon on the back of my neck (gotten before the semicolon tattoo movement) & a paper crane on my right wrist in memory of my late best friend. I want to get several more and have been actively ignoring the itch because my big wedding ceremony is in October... but after 👀 I think I was a big crow on my back/across one shoulder. And a few other small ones I've been thinking about. I've also always wanted bats behind my ear so maybe that too.
glasses or contacts?
Glasses! I'd love to wear contact but, fun trivia for your Friday, did you know that taking birth control longterm literally changes the shape of your corneas? I didn't either. But I'm pretty sure that happened to me and now I can't wear contacts without extreme discomfort. So, glasses for me.
last thing you ate?
Sliced mango and pomegranate seeds (:
favorite color?
Red, black, dark blues.
current obsession?
My current and forever obsession is Vignettes, the story my bestie and I are writing together. It's wild how this one storyline has become my entire personality, and I'm not at all mad about it.
any pets?
One sweet sweet little fur-son named Loki!
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he squint
favorite fictional character?
This is such a hard question for me to answer cause I have wildly fluctuating obsessions and right now I'm most obsessed with my own fictional characters, but. Kaz Brekker will always have a place in my heart. I loved him from his very first appearance in Six of Crows. Same for Nikolai Lantsov in Shadow & Bone. I loved Alina for the longest time too but I think her depiction in the show soured me on her a bit, idk. I have a lot of strong feelings about the Netflix adaptation I could write a whole dissertation on. I've also held the Abhorsen series (& Sabriel) close to my heart since I read it literally in middle school. I re-bought Sabriel a while ago and need to read it again.
last place you traveled?
I don't remember for sure if our most recent trip was to Houston when we got engaged or to North Carolina for my husband's best friend's wedding. Either way, it's been too long since we traveled and I need to go somewhere stat! haha
I'm tagging @buttertrait, @angelgnomeisdeadrip, @druidberries, @simlishpiadina, @kotpicard, @leafbatraccoon, @raiiny-bay, @chaoticsimlish, @omgkayplays & anyone else who wants to do this! Feel free to say I tagged you!
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sithskywalkerr · 1 month
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the first pomegranate seed given.
Summary: Anakin, a young god with a history of human experience and emotional volatility, is in conflict with the Council over their decision to withhold information about the survival of Sidious. Despite his anger, Anakin promises not to seek out the Sith. Meanwhile, Anakin struggles to understand his role and the Force's expectations of him, while dealing with mistrust from the Council. Padmé, beginning to talk with him, seeks to understand and accept Anakin beyond his anger and past actions. Series: pomegranate. Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Sabé, Yoda Warnings: death mention, padme lives au Ships: Anidala Word Count: 491 A/N: Who knew a new Taylor Swift release would be what I needed to finish, revise, and finally post this chapter. I am so sorry it's taken like seven months. I was having troubles with figuring out the plot, but it's fine now. Anakin is delulu per usual, but so is Padmé. Anyways, here's Wonderwall. read on ao3.
Her heart thumped harshly against her ribcage, and her cheeks warmed more as he straightened back up. She hastily gave a bow in return. “I apologize. There was a book in the library I had never seen before. Naturally, I was curious but didn't think it would lead me here.” She let her eyes slowly lift to his while she straightened up. While it wasn't a complete lie, she couldn't hold eye contact for long as his smile widened. 
Even with her standing before him, there was still wariness to her abrupt arrival. Still, it had been a while since he had one that wasn't Obi-Wan. Bright blue eyes brightened still at the unexpected visit, and with the visitor being Lady Liberty, he couldn't turn her away. Not when he was curious of her just as she was to him. His voice came out low and warm as honey," Angels usually don't wander here." Taking a few steps closer, he folded his hands behind himself and smiled at her as he let his eyes briefly look her over. She was beautiful. Ethereal. She was in the starry crown that adorned her; the dark blue fabric of her gown seemed to twinkle and shimmer like the backdrop of their meeting while she avoided his gaze in her flustered. Perhaps it was a sign.
The rose on her cheeks darkened as chocolate eyes glanced around the soft blues and gateways before returning her gaze to his. Maker, he's handsome—no, focus Padmé. Pushing the thought away, she stepped closer and let her head tilt as she feigned confidence. "Only from a lack of a formal invitation." Observing him, she noticed the scar that ran down over his right eye and how a few dark curls seemed to frame his features just right.
Brows raise briefly while a soft chuckle escapes his lips, momentarily shaking his head. "The Between is not meant to be easy to find - even for the goddess of Justice. Though, yes, a formal meeting has been far overdue," he chuckled softly, giving a deep bow to her. "Forgive me, My Lady. Not many in Coruscant desire to visit here, and I believe you would be the same. Seems I was wrong." Straightening, he watched while she flushed again with a brief smile of disbelief.
"You are. I'm not like the other gods, but I can forgive you," she teased softly, her berry lips spreading into another grin. “You can call me Padmé. There's no need for formalities." She hoped it was good since he didn't ask her to leave. That had to mean something good.
He slowly hummed as he moved closer, giving a brief nod. "Padmé, how can I compensate for the lost times we could have met?" He held his left hand to her, softening his features while tilting his head slightly.
Oh, Maker, help her. Pink warmed her cheeks while she lifted her hand to his, letting her eyes fall to the tanned, calloused skin. The pink darkened more as he leaned down and lifted her hand, softly kissing her knuckles. How could all of Coruscant fear and shun him the way they do? Well, she knew why - vaguely. For the most part, her knowledge came from the various lives she reviewed once they reached the Netherworld. Returning to the present as he pulled back, she finally replied," May I request tea, Anakin?"
Another grin appeared on his features, and he moved closer while holding her hand. "Yes." 
Her eyes brightened, and her grip on his hand tightened with a grin." I would enjoy some tea and see your library - if you have one."
"Oh, are you coming for my drinks and my books?" he teased, grinning as he offered her a robe-covered arm. "Stealing the knowledge I possess, how could you?"
A soft laugh twinkled between them as she took his arm," a person's library is more telling than many know. Yours would be no different. I'm sure of that."
Carefully guiding her along the star-lain path, he looked at her from the corner of his eyes while a small smile formed. "Hopefully, I'll pass your test then. Though, most of it I inherited from my predecessor." The Father's ample collection was expansive, and many books needed translation. Many of the books were in ancient languages, which he still had to decipher. However, that was a concern for later compared to Liberty herself standing in his realm, blushing at his soft teasing. He had to admit, it was a welcomed change to his isolation.
Delicately, Padmé's fingers squeezed onto his bicep, bumping her hip against him playfully as she smiled. "It might be one of the best libraries I've seen. Perhaps even better than my own." 
Looking over at her then, he laughed softly, "Oh? How do you surmise that?"
"First, I do not have any books specifically on the Force, and secondly, the archives of Coruscant are … incomplete. Though I know my knowledge of the Force can be for a good reason, how can I serve fairness if I cannot understand the complex nature of the two sides? How can I serve Her wishes when they're shrouded from me? If I can read some books, I can better attend to my duties."
Looking at Padmé better, his brows raised momentarily. "Surprising that you don't have a book already. Many humans have not believed in the Force since the second Sith Civil War. I could let you see books if you agree not to duplicate them or let anyone else read them." 
Briefly nodding, she moved her eyes to the shifting gateways around them while leaning against his arm," of course, Anakin. I have no reason to. Even now, there are still those that still believe. I assume you focus primarily on them?"
"No," he shook his head, looking over to her then while his brows furrowed while he spoke. "Though I do seem to aid them more, it's because I'm alerted about the need for help in the Force. For non-sensitives, it's more by chance than anything else if I'm around at the time. It's still odd that you don't have books about it yourself. As Justice, you of all in Coruscant should know."
Lifting her eyes, she studied his features briefly, smiling a little with a brief nod. "I believe I should. It would help me in my judgments before passing them onto the afterlife." Turning her eyes away as he led her to a circular door, she tilted her head briefly. "This leads to your home?"
"Yes, to Mortis." Nodding, he guided her through to the stone steps with two large doors in front of them. "The monastery is more or less where I live. I haven't tried to construct anything else other than my living quarters.” Brightly smiling at her, he watched as she stared at the immense structure, eyes wide at the soft light emitting from the top. Giving her arm a soft squeeze, he looked up to the light.
With a blink, her brown eyes widened when they teleported into a long hall with paths changing along the sides at random. Her lips softly parted as her eyes darted briefly before looking back at him with a soft smile. "It's beautiful."
"It's difficult for those unaccompanied to navigate," he softly warned while guiding her along the dark path that seemed softly scattered with blue stars twinkling.
Another flush came over her when she realized she had to walk a smidge faster to keep up with him." Then you'll have to go to my realm when you've got some spare time."
A laugh brightened Anakin's features, eyes alight at her," Oh, I will. You'll probably grow tired of multiple visitations, but if it keeps you from being lost here. Then I could make a trip."
Padmé could feel the heat rising in her cheeks more, lifting her free hand to smack his chest playfully," You're teasing me!" 
A sharp laugh escaped as he grabbed her hand." No, I'm far too frightened to tease Liberty." She could see how his eyes lit up with mischief, his features lighting up while his gloved hand softly squeezed hers. 
She could feel the difference even beneath the black leather—heavier, not organic. She was aware that Anakin had lost the limb when he had briefly been human, but she was surprised at him keeping the loss even as he had become an entire god. A warm grin spread on her features as she shook her head and chuckled softly," A labyrinth, then?" 
"A shifting one. Though, Force-sensitives can navigate through it more easily." 
"How would one know if they are sensitive?" Her head tilted briefly. Looking around the space for various doorways, she was surprised at one leading to Coruscant's golden cityscape. 
"There are various signs. It showed in my reflexes and how I could see things before it happened. Some have sensitivity to empathy with all life forms, human or not. Why?" His head tilted while curiosity lit up his ocean eyes, a brief smile fleeting on his lips as he guided her to the space he had made for himself. Candles in sconces and candelabras abruptly spark to life, lighting up the onyx and obsidian room around them. Even while in the monastery, he had taken the time to adapt the living area to his taste. It was almost dreamy, with some areas softly illuminated by a navy glow. On the large table, his current project was in pieces within the slow repairs for the golden droid. "Just ignore that; I'm in the middle of repairing 3PO," his voice faded as he watched her detach from him in fascination with the mechanics, tilting his head curiously. 
Dark brown eyes widened in awe as she stepped closer to get a better view, careful not to bump into the bench with various parts and bolts scattered on it. "This is incredible, Anakin." Her dress swayed as she leaned down to get a better look at the droid, careful not to touch anything before she looked at him. "As for the Force, I believe I could be sensitive."
Pausing with the praise, he watched while she carefully moved from the table to be closer to him. "It would benefit your role if you did. The Force lives in everything, and everyone can use the abilities if they take the time to understand them."
Perfect opportunity. Padmé smiled softly, moving her arms behind her back. "Then perhaps I should have a mentor." It would make it easier to see him more, but she could see his hesitancy at the prospect while he squared his shoulders.
"I'm still learning and don't hold all the answers. Besides, I'm not the greatest mentor," his shoulders relaxed with a slight hum. He shrugged and grinned at her," But I could teach you."
"You did train Ahsoka well. You are a good teacher when you behave." She teased, grinning brightly at him as she moved closer with another glance at the android.
Letting out a playful scoff, he used humor to deflect while motioning for her to follow him into the kitchen space behind them. "I've never misbehaved in my entire life. Well, maybe on occasion."
"Sure. You've never committed war crimes." 
"Hey, that was one time." Pausing once in the kitchen, he faced her better, his arms crossed over his chest. 
"Over twenty years," lifting her gaze back to him, her voice was gentler. Though, there was something more impressionable in the Force: guilt, self-hatred, and indifference. Hints of his emotions that she could pick up on, even if they were faint. The nature of it was still a mystery to her, and she could only hope that he would share since she had not reviewed his life. His death was odd—overridden by the Force's will, and she had to accept the choice made.
"I still stopped—,” he began before she interrupted. "I know, Anakin," she said, looking around the darkly decorated kitchen. It was still dreamy and ethereal, and the navy light came from beneath the cupboards. The counters were onyx, shiny, and perfectly polished, and various candles around the space suddenly flickered to life. "This is gorgeous. That's all I've been saying, but I mean it."
Accepting the change of subject, he glanced over the kitchen. “It makes cooking at least more enjoyable," he said while making his way across the black tiles to the tea cupboard. Gloved fingers loosely grab onto the silver knob, opening it to show the sizeable selection. 
As if he shook a treat bag, Padmé approached his side to peek at the various packages. Another grin brightened her features, eyes alight at the options. "How am I supposed to choose?"
"Obi-Wan is responsible for the collection. When he doesn't know what tea he wants, I've caught him close his eyes and smack a box."
She laughed softly, nodding as she moved forward to let her eyes scan over the boxes. "If it works, then why not?" Humming softly in thought, she reached up to get a pomegranate tea down, grinning up at him while presenting the box to him. "I'd like to try this one."
"One of my personal favorites." Anakin grinned, adoring the stars in her eyes at the comment. The excitement was tangible in the Force, and he gently took the box from her. Maker, she was cute. Stepping away only to fill the kettle, he rested it in the middle of the sink while turning the water on. "It's also the specialty fruit of this realm."
"I've heard," Padmé smiled, her eyes soft to him as she observed. I've also heard that if eaten, it will trap people here," she teased, leaning comfortably against the counter. 
A brief snort escaped him, and he shook his head. "If that were the case, then I would have an unholy amount of house guests." He grinned when she laughed softly, the sound like a soft, warm melody as she brushed some of her hair back. Shutting the water off, he set the kettle on the stove to heat up. "I wouldn't be able to handle that." 
Another laugh escaped her as she nodded, "I imagine it would be difficult for 3PO to keep up with as well — after you finish your repairs on him."
"He would be an anxious wreck." Briefly nodding, Anakin grabbed two mugs while pulling the tea box closer to scoop the loose tea into steepers. Her eyes followed his hands as he hummed," There is some honey in the same cupboard if you want to sweeten it."
Her features brightened at the mention of honey. She nodded as she stepped away momentarily, only to grab the little glass pot with a grin. "Where do Obi-Wan get all of the tea?" 
"He visits the mortals to stock up."
"Does he venture there often?" Tilting her head, she smiled as she placed the honey pot down. Glancing him over, he gave a slight nod in thanks while getting water poured over the sachets. Others spoke of the 'things he has done' and fear of what he would do, but Anakin was kinder than the whispers while blue eyes briefly looked over to her. 
His voice broke her out of her thoughts," Yes. He lives among the humans rather than dealing with the Divine. With the few stories he's told me, I don't blame him. Mortals are interesting to interact with—sometimes."
"How often do you see them?" Tucking her hair back, she tilted her head, brows softly furrowed. She glanced down at his hand while stirring the honey in, giving a small smile as he took an experimental sip of his own.
A pleased sound escaped his throat while he cleaned up everything first. "Nearly every day." He paused to take another sip, pausing in thought before he nodded to himself. His gaze returned to her, "Do you live in Coruscant? You mentioned your realm earlier but haven't seen you when I go."
Moving closer, she took the offered mug from him with a soft thanks. She gave a slow sip to taste, lighting up at the balanced tartness. “No, I don’t live in Coruscant. I mostly reside in my area within the Netherworld. I do have an apartment in Coruscant where I'll stay if needed while discussing matters regarding mortals, the dark side, or Sidious's attempts to come back." She took a slow breath, shaking her head at thinking of the current climate in Coruscant that was still unexpected such a short time after mortals were finally getting some semblance of peace.
His blood turned cold at the news, and his brows furrowed as he looked at her. "He's alive?"
"Yes, he is. After all, it's not easy to kill gods." The air seemed to chill, and she watched as he stared at the counter for a moment while his features twitched in carefully hidden anger. "I thought you knew, Anakin."
His voice came out clipped, and he glared at her. "No. Obi-Wan told me that he was dead and sent back to Chaos."
"I'm sorry, but you only destroyed his mortal body. Please, Anakin," she moved closer, placing her hand on his forearm as she gave a soft squeeze to the leather-dressed metal," do not go searching for him. Coruscant will take care of this."
He watched her momentarily, unsure, before taking a slow, steady breath while pushing the anger away. "If I'm near him, I will not hold back."
Padme gave his hand a soft squeeze before finally letting go. She softly spoke while gazing at him," I wouldn't blame you for it. I know he was part of what happened, but I don't know the details."
He still knew, eventually, she would. It would be better to tell her himself rather than let her only know the lies from Coruscant. "I was born as a demi-god," he turned his gaze to the counter," I found my mother after leaving to learn with Obi-Wan for years, and when I returned … I found her tortured and on the edge of death. She died shortly after I saw her in the village." His jaw tightened at the resurfacing memory, and he lifted his eyes to her. "No survivors."
The confession hung heavily in the air while she placed the mug on the counter after taking another sip of her tea. "I am sorry for how you had to lose her. You've experienced grief, unlike many others in Coruscant. Does the experience of mortality affect your duties?”
His gaze never waivered from her, a hand reaching up to softly brush his fingers along her arm - attempting to soften the atmosphere. "I believe that it does. I have formed a better relationship with the Force and Her will, and that is what matters the most." Even after it all, he still believed that he hadn't been wrong. The apprehension from the Council only made him question if they had known what they were doing was within the will of the Force. Even now, he doubted that they were.
Her gaze lingered on him even with his intense gaze while she briefly nodded. "That is all that matters. I believe it was anticipated, as She is just as complex as the rest of us. However, we can stop talking about it and enjoy our tea. It is very delicious. Obi-Wan has a good taste for tea." She gave a small smile behind her mug before she took another sip, letting it warm her body.
His ocean-colored eyes softened as he chuckled softly," I have another request to fulfill. The library awaits." With his laugh, the room brightened around them as he thought for a moment. "I've never visited the Netherworld … that's where mortal souls reside, right?"
"Lead the way then, and yes. That is where they go after they die." She brushed her hair back again, dark curls long and cascading over the opened back of her dress.
Motioning her to follow, he led her to the hall while his mind wandered momentarily. Returning to the present, he slowed his gait when he noticed she struggled to keep up with the tea. He paused in the hall, softly illuminated by the candles around them, as he took a slow breath. "I have one last question." He watched her tilt her head momentarily before giving a soft nod for him to continue. "Is Mom okay?"
Her features softened in the warm light. She stepped closer and let her hand softly squeeze Anakin's bicep momentarily. "Yes, she is. She is no longer in pain. I hadn't spoken with her but saw her when she arrived."
"You did?" His eyes widened then, the scar along his brow warping from his brows raising while she gave another brief nod. 
"Yes, I did. Of course, my duties take up most of my time, but I did speak with your mother for a while. She was at peace when she realized she had died, but she was more worried about you and how the loss would affect you." Even in death, she wanted to protect her son.
His eyes fell, lips momentarily pursing as tears threatened his waterline. "Now be brave, and don't look back... don't look back." Forcing the memory away, he slightly nodded while taking a slow, calculated breath. "Good." Lifting his head, he gave a reserved smile before guiding her to the large doors of the library. "After you."
The worry melted into excitement as Padmé moved closer to grasp the silver, ornate handle of the doors. Pushing the door open as she stepped in, her eyes widened in awe at the sight of it being three levels and truly expansive in every sense. "I might never want to leave!" She moved inside as he chuckled, following her inside as candles flickered to life, carefully lighting the ancient texts. 
"I haven't read ten percent of it yet, believe it or not."
"I don't doubt that. Not with duties in the way, but before you help me understand the Force more, I would like to read a few books about the topic." She turned to face him, seeing him leaning against the side of one of the many pillars in the library with a soft smile on his features.
"Of course. As I said, you can't take anything out of the library, but you're more than welcome to stay as long as you need." Lifting his mug, he sipped while watching her nod enthusiastically.
She couldn't help wiggling her hips in excitement, her features brightening as she looked back at him. "I won't. I would appreciate it if I could visit every Taungsday."
"We can do that," he chuckled," but sometimes that's when Obi-Wan visits me."
"That's alright; I can be quiet. Obi-Wan won't know," she grinned, placing her mug down on a large table in the room used for studying. Padmé moved closer to the shelves cautiously, and her eyes widened more as she scanned along the spines. Books of history, religion, art, and nearly anything else she could imagine were now available to learn. She brushed her fingers against some of the spines slowly while her grin softened into silent wonder, a grin permanent on her features.
He softly chuckled as he moved to sit down at the table, settling with his mug as he watched her excitedly move around to look through the history section. "The oldest book is around thirty thousand years old."
She turned, the stars in her dress shimmering, and her eyes widened before coming closer." How is that possible?"
"A spell has been placed on it to keep it from deteriorating. I still rarely look at it. It's on the third level in a glass case." He motioned to an alcove on the top level, taking another sip afterward.
Her gaze followed before she noticed the corkscrew staircase, whizzing her way up while looking around before spotting the small crevice beneath a window. He watched while she hastily moved towards the glass case, pausing to look outside to see the ethereal trees. Her eyes returned to the soft blue book as a soft gasp escaped with eyes widening. "It's beautiful," she brushed her fingers along the edge of the case, looking over the delicate embroidery on the cover and spine, smiling as she moved to the onyx railing to look down at him. Still seated at the table, he had settled comfortably in the chair, eyes still on her. "You said around thirty thousand years? It doesn't look over one thousand."
Anakin gave a slight nod, recalling what the Father had told him. "According to my predecessor, the mystics at the time recognized the power of the Force and sought to record what they could as they began to learn more. It's a minor glimpse into the galaxy within human history, but I don't believe that humans wrote it. As we know, Terra was approximately billions of years old, but humans, as we know, have been around for three hundred thousand years. For evolutionary traits to happen that quickly in a hundred thousand years is unlikely - at least in my opinion."
She lit up as he spoke, leaning on the railing more as she grinned at him. "I don't believe that a human could write it. The author is unknown?"
"Yes. I've tried to figure it out by seeking guidance through the Force, but I have yet to get far. Only know that it has been written and bound by a woman. As far as the divine know, few ancient sentient species could have made it. It's fascinating, though—and well preserved, spell or not. It's still impossible for me to read for the time being. I can only trust that eventually, I will know everything." He watched her return down the staircase, her dress trailing as she listened.
Nodding while she sat beside him, her hands grasped her mug again, and she let her gaze return to him. "Even with the limited information you know, it's still good. Who was your predecessor?"
"He went by the Father, but little is known of him. He was powerful in the Force and had to keep the balance between his children, who represented the dark and light sides. Now, it's Obi-Wan, Sidious, and I."
Curious, her head tilted as she settled on a chair," Did he ever train you formally?"
"No. I refused then. I did not believe the Father when he approached me." He said, finishing his tea while leaning back in his chair. "I prefer to read the texts anyway. Obi-Wan tried to mentor me, but his
duties with the light side caused conflict. Now, I do what I can."
"Winging it?" She laughed softly, eyes bright, while she watched him laugh. 
"Yeah," he nodded," I'm winging it, but nothing has blown up in flames. I think I'm doing alright."
A soft giggle escaped her with a shake of her head," Anakin, that isn't the best way for duties of this importance. I hope that the Force is helping when possible."
"Of course, I'm not entirely helpless," he snorted briefly, sipping his tea. "Younger me would have hated it, but I do a lot of meditation now. Especially with trying to understand more of this library."
She let out a soft laugh, nodding," Good." 
"Maybe, but what about you? Do you have a predecessor?" 
"Yes, I did. Sanandrassa was very kind in my training and told me how complicated things can be. It was enlightening but terrifying to get to the mortal realm finally," she said, taking another sip and settling back more. Padmé was quiet momentarily, smiling as she looked over to him. “Thank you for letting me stay and talk to you.”
"Of course. I don't believe you weren't seeking a way to come." He only grinned wider as she flushed, finishing off her tea.
"I didn't believe it would lead me here." She absently began to brush her fingers through her hair, glancing up as he leaned over the table more with a chuckle.
"Why did you want to come?"
Her flush worsened, and she bit at her lower lip." I wanted to see you. You're the only god I hadn't met before, and it seemed like nothing would bring you to Coruscant. I had to take matters into my own hands."
His brows raised as he spoke then, fighting back another smile wanting to form," Oh, you had to take matters into your hands to meet me? Why did you wish to meet me so urgently, my lady?"
"I've never properly met you, so I was curious," she said while still playing with her hair, suddenly interested in the ends. I wanted to see if you were as handsome as they said."
His grin widened as his head tilted," Do I meet the expectations?"
Padmé’s eyes flicked up to his, glancing over him playfully," perhaps you have, but you won't know. However, I'm afraid I must return before Sabé begins to panic. Next Taungsday, yes?”
Anakin wanted her to stay, talk more, and ignore her duties. Still, he pushed back the thought of convincing her to stay, finishing his tea. Placing the mug down, he nodded, standing to offer his left hand to her again. "Yes. I can come to the Netherworld so you won't be lost."
Taking her hand into his, Padmé grinned brightly," Oh, a personal escort?"
"I can't have you getting lost. The Council won't be happy about that." His brows raised with a grin to her as she laughed, nodding. 
"Yes, especially Windu. He wouldn't like to see if I'm suddenly back in the ancient times by using the wrong portal. You can get me at midday if you're free." 
"Perfect," he gently led her out of the library, giving her hand a soft squeeze. But I will warn you that it might be in our best interest if no one was aware."
Looking up at him, she thought momentarily, knowing how wary the Council was and the rumors circling Coruscant. "For now, I agree." If only this had kept her from hearing protests about being involved with him or in unnecessary drama and gossip.
"I prefer to keep myself distanced from Coruscant, especially regarding my business," he said softly, guiding her back to the World Between Worlds. While he stepped onto the starry bridge, his steps echoed on the surface with soft, blue light, and she carefully stepped back through the portal after him.
"I do not blame you for that, especially with their current isolation for you as if they haven't made mistakes before."
"With Sidious being alive, they have," he grimly murmured, pausing to push the bubbling anger away by forcing a smile on his features with her. But for now, every Taungsday will be yours to learn about the Force." He led her to a circle-shaped gate, the familiar image of the Netherworld's library on it, as he lifted his hand to press another kiss to her hand softly.
"I'll come to this spot near midday," she smiled, watching as he straightened up and let go of her hand with a soft smile.
"I'll be waiting," he watched as she stepped through the gate, pausing to look back at him with a final wave before the portal changed to another point. His smile faded once he couldn't see her again, and his thoughts began to race about the information she had said. His hands balled into fists while his shoulders squared as his gaze fell to the starry bridge.
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Sabé had been searching for Padmé, trying to figure out where she had vanished for an hour without warning, pausing as she saw the gate open within the library. Creeping closer to the large doors, she stayed out of sight while observing her speaking to Anakin. Her brown eyes widened, lingering back when the gate closed to leave Padmé alone in the expansive room. She watched as the goddess grabbed the book on the table, looking over the soft blue glow before closing it with a smile. Opting to make herself known, she entered the library, where Padmé looked at her with widened eyes.
“Hello, Sabé. How long have you been there?” she flushed softly, holding the book to her chest as the handmaiden approached.
She lifted her hand, motioning to the space where the gate had been,” Long enough. I’m curious why you’ve taken a sudden interest in Skywalker.”
“He has always been interesting,” Padmé replied,” but you have nothing to worry about, Sabé. It was only a social visit.”
Sabé stared at her blankly for a moment before closing her eyes with a soft inhale and shaking her head.” Be careful of him, my lady.” Her brows furrowed slightly. “He’s caused a lot of damage on the mortal realm, and who knows what he will do in this one?”
“I trust he’s understood the mistake he made.”
She still knew better than that, knew Padmé better than that. “You’ll see him again, won’t you?” Crossing her arms over her chest, the handmaiden scanned over Padmé’s familiar form as she placed the book back.
“Perhaps. I would enjoy learning more about the Force through someone who knows both sides.” Moving closer to her body double, she murmured,” and I would wish that no one else knows. It’s already challenging to have Coruscant agree with my approach to mortals. Most gods won’t approach their devotees - it’s disheartening.”
“And he approaches his? With all due respect, my lady, I find it hard to believe he could be someone worth being around. He’s arrogant and caused so much damage. Force knows what he would do to you.”
“He shouldn’t be isolated.” Padmé said, facing Sabé more. “He has had the mortal life many of us have not had to experience. He’s faced loss, grief, and trying to make sense of justice from the horrific way his mother died. While it wasn’t right to slaughter the whole village, I can understand why it happened.”
Disbelief coated her features while watching the goddess, “This isn’t being objective, My Lady.” She made sure the door was closed before stepping closer, worry on her features,” he slaughtered the entire village and then further committed atrocities for years after.”
Quiet for a moment, Padmé thought back to when Anakin was alive. There was a sudden influx of death once the Sith gained political control in the mortal realm. It took Ahsoka nearly dying at the hands of the Emperor to cause Anakin to stop. With his sacrifice to keep her alive, to at least stop the horror, he was redeemed. Even after the destruction and the painful repairs, the Force still accepts him into the position. Taking a slow breath, Padmé looked at her with a reserved smile,” I can take care of myself, but do not tell anyone about this, Sabé.”
Fighting back a sigh, she could only nod to the goddess. She was only a handmaiden and couldn’t control Padmé to keep her safe. Her voice was soft as she gave a soft bow of her head. “No one will know. Please, be careful.”
“I will be,” Padmé promised, offering a softer smile before exiting the library. Moving out into the hall, once she was sure she was out of sight, her shoulders fell with a soft sigh. She would have to speak more in-depth with Anakin—once he was willing to. Hopefully, then, she could understand why the extent of the genocide and atrocities had continued. She doubted that it would have continued merely from the loss of his mother.
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The sweltering heat on Tatooine had burned into his scalp and shoulders while Anakin had found the owner who had once held the property rights over his mother and himself. Watto had become wary of the sudden, aggressive inquiries of his former slave, and he tried to stop him as Anakin leaned down to the droid in disrepair. He ignored Watto’s protests, quiet while making a few adjustments before a beep chirped from the droid suddenly. 
Dark eyes narrowed as he took in the taller human, yet familiarity existed. The realization came, but Watto was still wary. “Ani?”
Anakin silently placed the droid back down, letting his eyes lift to the Toydarian while he hovered in the air with leathery wings beating. Looking down at the droid that moved off to fulfill its duties, Watto only stiffened as blue eyes pierced into him again,” Where is my mother?”
It is him. Maybe I shouldn’t have let him win his freedom. Then, nothing would be out of order.   Shaking the thought away, Watto thought for a moment. “I sold her to a moisture farmer. I don’t know where she is.”
Watto searched his memory for a moment, scratching at the scruff on his face, “Eh, a man named Lars.” Shock crossed the junker’s features as Anakin abruptly walked away, not caring to finish the reunion.
It was hours until he located the camp, sneaking into the house that Shmi was hidden in. Horrified at seeing her tortured, he rushed over to her, trying to comfort her. Upon seeing her son, Shmi had begun to let go, happy that her silent pleas to the Force had brought him back to her. Even if, for a moment, she just wanted to see her son one last time. As she whispered her love, she couldn’t finish it from the relief of him holding her in the final breaths. His eyes widened as her head rolled to his chest, her body still as he could feel the shift even in the Force.
His hands began to tremble before he moved her body down carefully, covering her before he made his way outside of the hut, igniting his saber. After the massacre, he had been found by Sidious, which only turned into a long apprenticeship spanning twenty long, cruel years. From his sacrifice, the Force seemed to take matters into Her hands despite the Council’s protesting for redemption.
Now, he faced the Council again, arms crossed over his chest. Obi-Wan made his way to his seat at the last-minute gathering, and Yoda watched Anakin curiously. Windu nodded once everyone was seated, motioning to Anakin,” You’ve gathered us for an inquiry?”
His anger was tangible, refusing to mask it within the Force. His brows furrowed as he glanced over them. “I’ve learned that Sidious is still alive. I deserve an explanation.”
Yoda made a soft sound of slight amusement, brushing his fingers over the wood of his cane absently,” Think you were the only one to return after mortal wounds, did you? No. Sidious lives.”
Mace nodded, not surprised by how blinded Anakin still seemed. While he was the youngest of them, he still struggled to see the larger scheme of things despite his belief that he already could. “While in the mortal plane, if our mortal bodies receive enough damage, we return to our realm. That is what happened with him, and currently, he is weaker.”
Anakin’s gaze moved to Mace, lips pursing a moment,” why was I excluded from this information?”
A heavy silence hung in the air, but the exchanged glances made Obi-Wan speak up,” Your need for revenge. Learning he is alive—“Will not keep people safe. While Sidious is weak, he should be found and destroyed before he’s recovered.”
While Mace agreed, he knew that if he led it, it would be more violent than it needed to be. Pausing, he let out a soft exhale:” Anakin, we understand he must be held accountable, and he will be. This needs to be dealt with carefully in order to keep the balance between the planes. The mortals are still recovering from the Empire’s destruction.”
Staring at him momentarily, Anakin nodded,” Is that what this is about?”
Obi-Wan had to refrain from sighing, glancing at the other members briefly before returning to Anakin,” Yes, we cannot ignore the destruction you caused. You are more powerful than we realized, but your emotions easily blind you.”
Blue eyes melted to yellow, and his gaze soon bore into Obi-Wan while his shoulders squared.” The war was inevitable.”
“For humans to experience, not to have two gods to interfere and worsen the chaos of it. More died at your hand, and we cannot ignore that in our decisions regarding you within your duties.”
His hands gripped his biceps more, and his voice grew louder. “Our duty is to follow the will of the Force, not politics. Sidious is still alive and must be dealt with while weakened.”
Yoda hummed then, watching as the younger god bristled,” if he lives, will of the Force this is? Hmm. Lesson to learn, not yet learned.”
Anakin's yellow eyes moved Yoda, piercing into him while his voice was low. “I’m a slow learner,” he glanced around briefly before looking back to him,” I will take care of this.”
“No,” Yoda said quickly. “Engaging with Sidious, you will not. Foolish to face him, it will be.”
Squaring his shoulders, he lifted his head more, scowling. “As if I would easily believe anything he says knowing what I know now.” However, there was still a belief that he had been correct for how the Empire enacted order, finally bringing censored peace and obedience.
Shakin his head, Mace folded his fingers,” Anakin, there is more for you to learn of the Force beforehand. You’ve been placed into the Father’s position, and while we cannot understand the Force’s decision, we accept it. You must learn the knowledge he wanted to pass onto you.”
“How can I when many aren’t translated? Tell me how to do this when I cannot read the texts.”
“That would be a journey for you to uncover yourself,” Mace said, unfazed by his anger,” the Force will guide you if you listen. With this, your duties will become clear.”
Staring at him for a moment, Anakin looked away, his eyes returning to the familiar sky blue. “I should have been informed. I’m just as much a god as the rest of you.”
Obi-Wan had been observing him, seeing the familiar hot-headed padawan he had tried to train into the ways of the light to keep him on his path. What they had been pushing for may have been wrong. If he were to bring balance, he would have to be able to use both sides accordingly without completely falling — but that was the issue. His passion was too strong, and it blinded him. “Anakin, we accept your return, and you have been aiding with the aftershocks of the Empire. However, we cannot risk another collapse.” 
“It has already begun. The mortals continue to walk away further from the Force and will continue to wage war upon each other.”
Mace straightened while shaking his head. “Had the Empire not done the same? Sidious used politics to secure power, but the Force was left behind. We know the mortals have begun to lose faith in the
Force, but that was because of the Empire’s doing.”
Taking a slow sigh, he shook his head, curls bouncing momentarily in disbelief,” the Empire brought order and peace.” Had they indeed been blind to what he had accomplished?
“It brought fear and oppression, which turned people further away from the Force when all they saw was the dark side. How can you expect them to follow that if no one can guide them to see the light?”
His eyes searched along the ornate tiling of the floor, letting his gaze move between the Council members. “If Sidious is not taken care of, he will return more powerful. Then how can we protect them if he destroys the Divine? Who will stop him then?” Taking a step back, he ignored Obi-Wan as he began to speak, exiting the Council’s room while uncrossing his arms.
Ahsoka had been lingering in the hall further down, straightening up once she noticed he had exited. Grinning brightly at the familiar sight of him, she made her way closer, “Hey.”
He paused a moment when he saw her, giving a reserved smile as he moved closer to the white-adorned togruta.” Lingering?”
“I heard you came to Coruscant. I needed to see for myself.”
Nodding, he gave a small shrug before his features relaxed. His voice was quiet.” Did you know about Sidious?”
Hesitating, Ahsoka nodded, dark lips pursing as she glanced around before looking up at him,” We’re unable to locate him, but you need to promise me that you won’t try to.”  The anger only began to bubble up more as he gave her a nod while stepping back. Obi-Wan would have had her promise not to tell him, intentionally excluded from anything regarding the Sith out of fear of what he would do. A portal opened up behind him as he let his eyes meet hers again.
“Anakin, I mean it. Do not try to find him.”
His hands went up in defense,” I won’t, Ahsoka.” Stepping through the portal, he glanced back as the portal shut and vanished, and she stared at where he had stood. 
Slowly exhaling, she opted to linger for when the rest of the members came out, wanting to hear what Obi-Wan would have to say. “Please, for our sakes, don’t.” She straightened up as she saw the meeting finally come to a close and moved to speak to Obi-Wan immediately. “What does he now know?”
Blue-gray eyes moved to the togruta, worn and tired as he spoke,” what he wants to believe.”
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They still mistrust me after all this time. The anger was still fresh, burning in his chest as he paused in the hall briefly. Though, should he truly be surprised since he simply came back just the same? Before, Sidious had taken the wool off Anakin's eyes, showing him how Coruscant was wary about him and his abilities even as a demi-god. For what? If they had truly worried about that, they had been more skewed than he realized.
Walking through the shifting corridors of the monastery, he made his way to the golden body of 3PO, looking over the loose circuits, boards, and pieces. Taking a slow breath, he got his lightsaber unclipped and placed it on the table, getting seated on the chair. Still, while he worked on the droid, his mind wandered back to Padmé and how she would meet up with him every Taungsday. Still uncertain about her motives, he was sure it was only to learn more about the Force. If he had to admit, it was nice not to be lonely for the entire day with people rather than his Loth cats, hidden away in the monastery.
Getting his sodering tool out, he paused his tinkering to remove his belt and obi, getting the first two layers of his robes off to have just the simple undershirt on while rolling up his sleeves to avoid another small fire. The tanned skin of his left arm was exposed, while the black and gold of his right arm's cybernetic gleamed despite the various scuffs and marks from fighting. Carefully, he began to fix one of the circuit boards, which was entirely wrapped up in it, even when Obi-Wan suddenly stepped into the space.
He watched him momentarily, head slightly tilting to the unwavering focus. "If only you were that focused on your studies," the Jedi remarked absently, ignoring Anakin's look while moving to the tea cupboard. "That was certainly a spectacle at the meeting; care to explain?"
"I should have been aware that Sidious was alive," he said instantly, not even bothering to look up. 
Obi-Wan paused, looking back at him as his brows furrowed. "What would you have done had you known earlier? We could not tell you within good conscience, Anakin. Not with the power you possess." A scoff came, and Anakin paused to look at him. "Everyone believes I'll simply go on another rampage? I am more than the worst of me."
He nodded while cleaning and refilling the kettle's water, glancing over to the younger god." Yes, you are more than your emotions, Anakin. That is what I have been trying to train you to understand—to put those feelings aside to see things objectively, especially within conflicts."
Anakin's expression blanked before returning to the circuit board," It's difficult when the power aids in dueling. Considering the new enlightening news, it's more important when we have to defend ourselves."
"We do not indicate that anything will happen anytime soon." Obi-Wan moved to sit with him at the table, eyes slowly scanning over the repairs already conducted on seventy percent of the droid. "However, I am wary of the decision to wait and see simply. As you've said, Sidious would be better to face while weak."
"It would be, but they don't care about that until it's too late, and since Sidious was starting to get devotees, it would be disastrous for the mortals. They would not be able to survive from that chaos and darkness." Anakin's lips pursed a moment as he thought over the few books he had been able to read," I've had some artifacts of the time when the Sith dominated over the mortal realm. The details aren't entirely translated, but there was enough information about Darth Nihilus, who could absorb energy from beings and objects."
Obi-Wan stopped mid-sip, looking over to him as his brows furrowed," do you believe that Sidious knows how to do that?"
"I wouldn't doubt it. The Dark Side can easily cause bodily harm to others through the Force, and I don't doubt that Sidious would know that power. I'm sure there are archives that the Sith have, just like the Jedi. Probably more hidden than the holocrons." A smile played on his lips briefly as he glanced at Obi-Wan before setting another board into the droid. "No, I will not let you borrow the book either. If he does know the other abilities I've read about, then a worse war will come."
"You wound me. What else do you expect?"
"Sidious would easily know the other Sith from artifacts and be tuned to the dark side. Plus, we know that he will most likely seek out an apprentice again this time. If concealed properly, they could cause hell in both worlds when he makes his move."
Nodding, Obi-Wan thought a moment as he brushed his fingers through his beard, "What did he tell you when you were human?"
"Half-human … Mostly, the Council is wary of my abilities, considering the details of my birth. They would want to hinder my abilities rather than grow them—which they did and still do. The only helpful thing has been this library and the few notes I find that the Father made presumptuously."
Obi-Wan tilted his head slightly to the side, a brow arching up as he glanced down to Anakin, soldering the board in place. "The Council tries to assess the situation from all angles before deciding." While he didn't entirely understand Mortis or the Between, he at least knew that Anakin belonged here. Still, he was curious about one thing. "You aren't able to fully read the books?"
Glancing at him, he gave a slight shrug. "Many are in ancient languages that I don't know. I won't know everything unless I get a magic key from the Force." 
"Or, perhaps you cannot read it because you're not ready. Either way, I agree that this situation must be cautiously approached." Finishing his mug, he stood up to take care of it," Nor do I agree that the Council treated you well. Especially when you were half-human - we hadn't seen a half-god in a long time, especially when Qui-Gon had mentioned that you were the Chosen One at hearing details of your birth."
Another prick of grief panged in Anakin's chest, lips pursing again while he carefully repaired more wires from the chest plate to the band around the droid's hips," I'm not the Chosen One."
"You wouldn't be in this place or the Between if you weren't," he said, taking a soft breath as he looked out the window to the ghostly trees below.
“But how can you be so sure that it’s him?” Obi-Wan followed Qui-Gon into the archives of the Temple in Coruscant, still unsure of the small boy that Qui-Gon had found in the sandy wasteland in the mortal realm. The older god looked back to his apprentice, momentarily amused by how irritated he was becoming.
“You said the circumstances of his birth were strange, and upon speaking with the boy’s mother, I believe that Anakin is. He’s born without a father, and his midi-chlorian count is the largest quantity I’ve seen.”
Obi-Wan paused while looking at his mentor, taking a slow breath before he shook his head,” there needs to be more evidence than that. I can’t just accept this on faith alone.”
“The boy’s abilities should show now, so we’ll stay here, observe, and see what happens.”
Apprehensive, Obi-Wan could only nod,” very well.”
Turning, he faced Anakin again, watching him continue repairs for a moment before he spoke,” It is rare in Coruscant for a god to have a mortal experience. I believe that’s why they may fear you more than they realize. You know about emotions and experiences more than many of us do. Many refuse to go directly to the mortal realm to be more ‘objective’ in their duties, but I’ve seen more hypocrites than I would like to admit. It’s time for things to change in the capitol and the Council.”
Catching Anakin’s attention then, he looked over, pausing his repairs,” Oh? Why the sudden change?”
“Should the Council know my doubts, they would not respond well just as they had with Qui-Gon. I was there when he approached them about you, Anakin. Even though I had doubts about this prophecy, I admit there was something different about you. You are more than what you know and what I can even know.” Moving back to sit with Anakin, he sighed slowly,” I am glad that you have come back.”
“I don’t need to be saved.” He asserted, blue eyes glancing over to him before he took a slow breath. “I don’t…” He remembered his mother, holding her in his arms while she struggled to get her last words out from the bleeding wounds and aching broken bones that enveloped her whole body in steady pain. The blinded rage that consumed him was something darker than he had experienced before, but through the anger came a power that kept him moving and slaughtering every member of the village. Once the anger had cleared, he saw the little blood that did manage to stain his sleeves from more brutal attacks that he had done with his hands. Pride? Strength? Horror? He knew that, above everything else, there was no regret for his actions. Pulling himself back to the present, he shook his head,” I can handle myself.”
Brows furrowed as Obi-Wan watched him, unsure of what to make of the moment of silence. “As of now, perhaps. As for when you were only a demi-god, you needed someone, Anakin. If you let me, I will still be there to help you when I can. For now, I’ll leave you to your work. Hopefully, when I return, I’ll be able to see 3PO up and worry.” 
Snorting, blue eyes glanced at him briefly, “We’ll see about that.” 
He slowly lifted a hand to pat his shoulder while he thought a moment, and his eyes glanced over him. Things would be better if Anakin would listen and not search for Sidious. However, the worry betrayed him within the Force, causing Anakin to turn his head to look at him better.
“I’m alright, Obi-Wan. I won’t search for him.” 
“I know you are, but it still wouldn’t be wise, even if he is weak.” Stepping back, Obi-Wan pulled his hand away, taking a slow breath. “I will visit again soon.”
As he vanished from Anakin’s sight, he slightly shook his head, sensing once the Jedi had returned to Coruscant. He reflected on the day in the new silence, but his thoughts wandered back to Padmé and her unexpected visit. A low hum rumbles in his throat momentarily while placing the tools down, leaning against the chair’s backing. She wanted to learn about the Force and thought he was a good fit. He would have to figure out how to explain if she would learn since it would only go smoother if he could translate more of the library. 
His brows furrowed as he stood, exiting out of the dining area and further into the monastery. Navigating through the hall, he paused once the familiar pittering of paws could be heard approaching. Two Loth cats bounded over to him, their fur shimmering like stars. Watching their approach, he gave the duo a softened smile. “You like to wait until no one else is here.” Shaking his head, he couldn’t help rolling his eyes as a grin formed at their antics.
The white one looked up to him with large crimson eyes, brushing against his boot with a tiny meow in response as the black one soon darted to his other leg, bonking her head against it. “Oh, thank you,” he chuckled, moving up the staircase carefully with a slight hum as he got to the third tier, returning to the embroidered book with a hum. Carefully getting the glass case open, he used the Force to lift and guide the book out, levitating it in front of himself while he absently used it to flip the pages.
The two cats soon joined him once again, curiously investigating the places where Padmé had been. Anakin glanced down at them, smiling a little at seeing them sniff at the pedestal the glass case was on, letting his gaze return to the text. He paused when a page’s text shifted, watching as it suddenly translated into Huttese. His brows raised in surprise momentarily, lifting the book closer as he skimmed the page. Looking over the various diagrams and illustrations of multiple figures utilizing the Force's abilities, his brows furrowed as he read about the earliest records of Force abilities and connection. As far as he could tell, there was nothing he hadn’t already known, but he wasn’t surprised, considering the age of the book. However, perhaps it would be something to look into later. Getting the book carefully back into the case, he locked it before Castor leaped up on it with a pleased purr at himself. 
Anakin arched a brow, watching as the white cat settled into a loaf, pleased with his position, before watching Anakin walk away to look over the books. There had to be more that he could read—anything to help him understand what he was supposed to do. Worrying about the mortals could only take up so much time, and he needed to figure out what the hell the Force wanted him to do. However, he had a feeling that no matter what it was, somehow Padmé would be part of it. 
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Padmé was settled on her balcony, overlooking the sunset within the Netherworld as she watched the mortal souls absently go about their day in paradise. Sipping at her glass of wine, she could only think back to her interaction with Anakin. It was nice to finally talk to someone who wasn’t too involved in politics — to her knowledge. It wasn’t a secret in Coruscant that Anakin came only when necessary. Still, he often was silent in meetings, and she wondered if it was because he already knew that what he said wouldn’t be considered.
It was clear to the goddess that there was hesitation by the Council, even with just letting him sit in during more critical meetings. However, to withhold that Sidious was alive, she couldn’t see a reason to rationalize that decision. The fear that seemed to blind them would perhaps be their downfall, and she was determined to make sure that what they believed about him would immediately be squashed. She only had to know him more, to see what drives him, to see him.
Not his anger or hatred—only Anakin. Then maybe she could understand the reasoning for his redemption. Even if she could only accept it instead of understanding, she wouldn’t mind as long as she knew more about him.
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