#poly erasermic smut
myspacedoll · 2 years
What we are lacking as a society is Erasermic content
DUDE I could not agree more. These men have me in a chokehold and I’m not complaining
(Slight nsfw)
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There isn’t a single boring moment with these two. If there’s any aspect you’ve ever wanted in a relationship, one (if not both) of them have it covered. Aizawa tends to be the more serious and traditionally romantic one in the relationship. He’s the one planning candlelit dinners, sending you both roses after a date night, taking you both out dancing. (As much As he dislikes socializing, he actually really loves going out dancing. Shoutout to the panel of young Aizawa tap dancing.) Hizashi is the more spontaneous of the two men. He’s the one who wants to plan spur-of-the-moment weekend trips, have impromptu karaoke nights, drags both of you out into the pouring rain to dance then accepting the responsibility of taking care of anyone who ends up sick from doing so. They tend to be complete opposites who compliment each other so perfectly. They’re both usually totally cool with letting the other (or you, of course) plan the date night- but when they team up to do it together? Oh boy. Everything they do is so perfectly overwhelming and there isn’t a single aspect you’d want to change. It’s like they surround you entirely and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
One of their favorite times to team up is when things get a bit more heated. Hizashi tends to be more soft and generous while Aizawa is more strict and stern; you’re never quite sure where or who to focus on. They don’t always agree on how things should go however, which quickly leads for the two of them fighting for control of the situation. The main focus might be off of you for those few moments but the sight of the two of them together is hot enough more than enough to keep you satisfied regardless.
I have so many erasermic thoughts can you tell
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My hours have been cut back at work so I suddenly have more time to rp and I've been ghosted by most of the people who started rps from the last time I posted!
As usual, I'm looking for bnha rps!
I'm 26 so I'd prefer to rp with other adults.
These are the ships I want this time! (Hoping that adding more might get more rps?):
-MonoKami (can play either but prefer Denki)
-MonoShin (Monoma)
-ShinKami (Denki)
-TodoDeku (can play either)
**BakuDeku (Deku)
-TodoBaku (Todoroki)
-SeroRoki (Can play either but prefer Todoroki)
-IidaYama (Aoyama)
**BakuYama (Aoyama) (I've got a fantasy plot for these two that I really want to use!)
-TodoKami (can play either)
**ShigaZawa (Can play either but would prefer Shigaraki)
-ShigaDabi (Shigaraki)
**ShigaHawks (can play either)
-EraserHawks (Can play either but would prefer Hawks)
**DabiHawks (Hawks) (I've got a pirate plot for these two that I really want to use (its also flexible enough to include other ships))
-EraserMic (Mic)
(Character in brackets is who I'd like to play)
**ships I want most
I'm very open to other MxM ships (especially pairs with the characters above) and poly ships (honestly I'd love to do TodoBakuDeku or ShigaDabiHawks) ! I'm also open to rping multiple ships in one rp (I love writing multiple characters and world building, especially for fantasy aus)
I'm mostly looking for fantasy or supernatural aus since I get bored of canonverse rps easily, but I'm open pretty much anything.
The only thing I won't rp is smut (leading up to it is fine but a timeskip is necessary)
I write third person, semi lit-lit (depending the plot/scene). I'm not picky when it comes to reply length or slow replies. I'll also send you random plot ideas, memes and ship art once I'm comfortable with you (kind of like a cat bringing dead mice tbh)
RP will take place on here (I don't have discord and don't want it.)
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findroleplay · 2 years
Heyo, I'm sure y'all of tired of seeing me but here we go again!
26 y/o looking for bnha rps again! Adding a couple of different ships this time!
-MonoKami (I'll stop asking fot this ship when I stop getting ghosted.) (Denki)
-ShinKami (Denki)
-MonoShin (Monoma)
-ShigaZawa (Can play either but would prefer Shigaraki)
-EraserHawks (Can play either but would prefer Hawks)
-DabiHawks (Hawks)
(Character in brackets is who I'd like to play)
-EraserMic (Mic)
I'm very open to other MxM ships and poly ships! I'm also open to rping multiple ships in one rp!
I prefer fantasy or supernatural aus (and have many plots) but I'm open to anything. The only thing I won't rp is smut (leading up to it is fine but a timeskip is necessary)
I write third person, semi lit-lit (depending the plot/scene). I'm not picky when it comes to reply length or slow replies. I'll also send you random plot ideas, memes and ship art once I'm comfortable with you (kind of like a cat bringing dead mice tbh)
RP will take place on here (I don't have discord and don't want it.)
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roleplay-today · 1 year
My hours have been cut back at work so I suddenly have more time to rp and I've been ghosted by most of the people who started rps from the last time I posted!
As usual, I'm looking for bnha rps!
I'm 26 so I'd prefer to rp with other adults.
These are the ships I want this time! (Hoping that adding more might get more rps?):
-MonoKami (can play either but prefer Denki)
-MonoShin (Monoma)
-ShinKami (Denki)
-TodoDeku (can play either)
**BakuDeku (Deku)
-TodoBaku (Todoroki)
-SeroRoki (Can play either but prefer Todoroki)
-IidaYama (Aoyama)
**BakuYama (Aoyama) (I've got a fantasy plot for these two that I really want to use!)
-TodoKami (can play either)
**ShigaZawa (Can play either but would prefer Shigaraki)
-ShigaDabi (Shigaraki)
**ShigaHawks (can play either)
-EraserHawks (Can play either but would prefer Hawks)
**DabiHawks (Hawks) (I've got a pirate plot for these two that I really want to use (its also flexible enough to include other ships))
-EraserMic (Mic)
(Character in brackets is who I'd like to play)
**ships I want most
I'm very open to other MxM ships (especially pairs with the characters above) and poly ships (honestly I'd love to do TodoBakuDeku or ShigaDabiHawks) ! I'm also open to rping multiple ships in one rp (I love writing multiple characters and world building, especially for fantasy aus)
I'm mostly looking for fantasy or supernatural aus since I get bored of canonverse rps easily, but I'm open pretty much anything.
The only thing I won't rp is smut (leading up to it is fine but a timeskip is necessary)
I write third person, semi lit-lit (depending the plot/scene). I'm not picky when it comes to reply length or slow replies. I'll also send you random plot ideas, memes and ship art once I'm comfortable with you (kind of like a cat bringing dead mice tbh)
RP will take place on here (I don't have discord and don't want it.)
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Made For Each Other [Part 1]
~4500 words (I may have gone a little overboard I just really love poly erasermic)
Yandere erasermic x reader / soulmate au 
| NSFW warnings: noncon, threesome, vague threats of violence
I’m gonna be putting this into parts (I’m thinking around 3?)
The first few weeks had been especially bad. Waking up with a chain connecting you to the floor in a bed that wasn’t yours in clothes that weren’t yours had been terrifying. You’d been scared of your captor, Shota Aizawa, to the point of tears at first, but now you were sitting on a barstool in his kitchen watching him make dinner.
“Hizashi is coming back tomorrow. You’ll have to get used to him being around, too,” he said, capturing your attention away from the book he’d given you, “He’s loud and excited to see you, but I’ll try to keep him calm.” You nodded when he looked at you, turning back to adjust something on the stove. You weren’t allowed all the way in the kitchen yet, but he said if you behaved you’d be able to soon.
“Wait, Present Mic? Why is he coming here?” You asked when he didn’t elaborate.
“He’s my husband,” he answered flatly. You furrowed your brow, but didn’t question it out of politeness. You nearly laughed at yourself aloud, worrying about being polite to someone who literally kidnapped you.
It had been on your way home from work. You got off the train at your usual station but much later than usual, having to stay late that day. Walking home didn’t seem too dangerous since you lived in a safe area, but that had been a terrible decision. Before you could process what was happening someone had come up behind you, dragged you into an alley while you kicked and attempted to scream, and been shoved to the pavement.
You’d taken some hard hits from your assailant when Eraserhead saved you, tying the guy who attacked you to the dumpster and scooping you up just as you lost consciousness. The newspaper you’d seen the other day said you were missing and there were no leads. There was a separate article about how a vigilante had tied some petty criminal to a dumpster but he still died from his injuries. How convenient.
Realizing you’d been staring at the same page for several minutes, you sighed and closed your book. You set it on the counter and leaned back, boredly swinging your legs and listening to the music Shota had put on. You didn’t recognize it, but every now and then he would hum along for a second.
He set a plate in front of you and handed you a glass of water, watching you carry both to the couch and taking his own to join you. It had become a routine in the last week that you’d both sit on the couch together and he’d put on something to watch while you ate. It was an unspoken agreement that you’d talk to him if he wanted and he wouldn’t touch you or stare you down.
You glanced at him, settling into the cushions and trying to relax. He still made you nervous, but he hadn’t done anything to hurt you, just threatened to chain you up again if you tried to get away, which you hadn’t. He scared you way too much to try before you knew you could get away with absolute certainty.
He settled on some sit-com you knew he didn’t care about, signaling he’d want to talk today. You moved your food around with a spoon (he wasn’t allowing forks or knives yet but also used a spoon in solidarity), waiting for him to say something. He didn’t.
“It’s good,” you said softly, fidgeting a bit awkwardly. His intimidating presence chilled you, making you want to subdue anger he probably didn’t even have. You quickly added, “Thank you.” He grunted in response, shuffling slightly closer to you.
“Y/n, eat all of that and drink all your water. I’ve been lenient until now but you’re going to have to eat more and stay hydrated now. You’re going to have rules now,” he said sternly, sliding your glass a little closer to you. Obediently you took a sip and another bite of your food, letting him continue as you chewed,
“You’re sleeping in my bed from now on,” he took a sip of his drink nonchalantly as you looked away, feeling blood rush into your face. The most he’d touched you was to pat your head a few days ago and that had made you jump. He continued, unaffected by your flustered disposition,
“I wanted to give you more time first so I won’t get mad if you slip up, but ‘Zashi coming home sooner than planned changes things,” he explained softly, bringing his hand up to stroke your hair. Your breathing sped up and you resisted the urge to get up and run.
“Why…” you breathed, finally looking at him with tear-filled eyes. One spilled down your cheek and his finger gently caught it, wiping it away.
“You can’t see it, but I’ve got a red string on my wrist attached to you and Hizashi. And he had our names on his arm. Didn’t you notice yours before now?” He arched a brow at you, watching as your eyes widened almost comically.
“I…” you thought back to when you first could see colors. You’d been young, only 12 when you’d been saved by Present Mic, but in all the chaos of the villain attack you couldn’t tell who was the cause and you were too young for it to matter. Your second mark was on the back of your neck, a timer counting down to when you’d meet your other soulmate. Since you couldn’t see it and had been preoccupied the past several weeks, you’d forgotten how close it was to hitting zero.
“We’re all made for each other, kitten,” his face had been slowly approaching yours as you’d had your epiphany, now centimeters away. More tears fell down your face, too shocked to move as he kissed them away. You couldn’t deny the pull you felt toward him, unconsciously leaning into his touch. He placed another kiss to the very edge of your lips and a final one to your forehead before leaning back, taking the plate you were very close to dropping and setting it on the coffee table.
“B-but then why-” your voice trembled and caught in your throat. You choked back a sob, clenching your hands in your lap. You felt sick, the dinner your soulmate had made threatening to come back up. Your head felt fuzzy, like you’d been drinking.
“We had to, sweetheart,” he cooed, wrapping an arm gently around your tense form, “you thought it was a good idea to walk home alone at night, your job was stressing you out, and you wrecked your car not too long ago. You need us to take care of you and getting attacked was the perfect opportunity,” he pushed some of your hair out of your face.
You crumbled, sobbing and letting him hold you, so desperate for comfort that you actually clung to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and crying into his neck. You couldn’t see it, of course, but he was smiling as he swiped his fingers soothingly along the timer on the back of your neck that would be at 00:00 forever.
When you calmed down he handed you your water, rubbing your back as you finished it and leaving you on the couch to take the dishes away. You sniffled and let him pick you up, carrying you into the bathroom and getting ready for bed together in a daze. You even let him change your clothes, settling into bed pliantly as you figured out that he probably put sedatives in the food.
The next morning you woke to Shota’s warmth pressed against your back, an arm slung around your waist. You sat up, nearly falling over again groggily. You turned to look at him and saw his eyes open, locking onto you instantly.
“Hey there,” he husked, his morning voice catching you off guard. You pursed your lips, scooting away from him slightly,
“Did you drug me, Aizawa?” You crossed your arms, moving to sit on top of the covers and create some distance. He groaned softly, sitting up,
“Don’t call me Aizawa.” His reminder made your face heat up. He’d let you get by with awkward “hey”s and tapping his shoulder, but you had a feeling he wouldn’t be doing that anymore.
“Did you?” You press, voice a little softer in an attempt to accommodate him. He blinked at you, waiting. You relented, “...Shota?” His expression softened.
“I couldn’t have you running off. Besides, you needed a good night’s sleep. I know you’ve been tossing and turning,” he shrugged, stretching and standing up. You took his hand when he extended it to you, still a little “softened” by whatever he’d dosed you with.
He lead you into the bathroom he’d been having you use, completely idiot-proofed with no way to hurt yourself or anyone else or an escape route. And with all that he still made you keep the door open, doing stuff on his phone while you did whatever you had to do. You saw him pull up a messaging app as you entered, running the shower and stripping, shyly glancing at him often to reassure yourself he wasn’t watching.
When you got out he gave you something new to wear, an actual dress instead of one of their shirts. You didn’t question where he’d gotten it, simply thanking him quietly and putting it on when he turned around to give you the illusion of privacy. He hadn’t given you anything to wear under it, though.
“Um, Shota?” You called, looking everywhere but directly at him. He turned around, looking you over and giving your head a pat. You shuffled your bare feet awkwardly, “Can I have something to wear under it?” His hand rested on your waist lightly, eyes roaming your figure leisurely.
“I’ll have to go out and buy you some. Hizashi bought this a while ago when we figured out your identity,” he smiled, probably recalling a fond memory with his husband. Your other soulmate. You really didn’t want to admit it, but it felt nice that someone had been so excited to meet you that they’d gotten you a gift.
He made breakfast, insisting for the first time that you sit on his lap to eat. The day was mostly uneventful, you read and Shota let you make tea while he supervised. By six you were sitting at the bar in front of the kitchen, watching him chop vegetables.
You almost jumped out of your skin when you heard the door open, Shota eyeing you to make sure you wouldn’t try to run.
“Babe?” You heard Hizashi call, recognizing his voice easily from all the times you’d listened to him since you’d been there and even before.
“In here,” Shota called back, still tending to dinner. You looked at him for direction but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care to give it. Footsteps sounded behind you and you spun in your stool, facing your other soulmate for the first time since he’d saved you as a child. He dropped his bags, keys, and a water bottle he’d been holding, jaw dropping as he stared at you.
“Sho you didn’t,” he breathed, and for the briefest of moments you thought he’d be against this and rescue you again, but that was not the case.
“Happy anniversary,” Shota appeared, pulling the blonde in for a kiss. Hizashi tore his eyes from you and cupped the other man’s face as he repeated the expression. They really looked in love.
“She’s even more beautiful in person!” He beamed, closing the distance between you so fast if you’d blinked it would have seemed like he teleported. He immediately pressed his lips to yours, holding you tightly as you weakly struggled, tugging his sleeves and making muffled protests against his mouth.
“’Zashi, calm down, I haven’t trained her and I’ve barely touched her,” Shota placed a hand on his shoulder and he pulled away, leaving you panting and slightly panicked in his grasp.
“Aw, come on, Sho,” he whined, continuing to hold you against him, “She seems like a good girl she probably barely needs any training,” his hand stroked your hair and he pressed his cheek against the top of your head. You gave Shota a wide eyed look,
“Trained?” You asked nervously, squirming a little in Hizashi’s arms. Shota’s tired expression morphed into something more devious, the corner of his lips twitching up,
“We need to be sure you’re not gonna run off on us, kitty,” he cooed, “We need to…” he paused, searching for the right word, “house train you, so to speak.” His tone made you nervous, shrinking into the arms holding you.
Shota pecked your cheek and returned to the stove, giving the food a stir and asking about Hizashi’s trip so casually you’d think he hadn’t just implied something sinister. Hizashi picked you up, sitting in your stool and pulling you into his lap as he chatted with his husband. You fiddled with the hem of your dress and vaguely wondered if they intended on getting a special license to add you into the marriage as they did for people with multiple soulmates. You really hoped things wouldn’t get that far.
A hand trailed along your thigh, massaging the soft flesh and making your dress ride up a bit. You shifted, pressing your knees tightly together and making sure it didn’t go too high as another settled on your waist, gently rubbing up and down, dangerously close to your breast. You were suddenly very aware of your lack of underwear, nipples pebbling and sticking out against the fabric. You shuddered.
“I picked this out for you, doll,” he said quietly, breath tickling your ear before he stooped and planted several light kisses on your neck, “Do you like it?” You writhed slightly, but stopped immediately when you heard his breath hitch and felt something stir under you.
“Please…” you whispered, trying to plead with him the way you had Shota, whose head snapped around to send you a look that had tears instantly welling in your eyes.
“Y’n,” he said, staring you down. You sniffled, brows knitting together as you fought a sob.
“It’s fine, Sho,” Hizashi said calmly, stroking your shoulder and kissing the top of your head, “sweet little girl just needs some guidance, isn’t that right?” his voice dripped condescension and he pinched your cheeks, chuckling lightly as his had whetted with tears.
Shota sighed, “Tell ‘Zashi you liked the dress,” he started plating the food, leaving Hizashi to comfort you. He seemed to enjoy the task, wiping your face and kissing your temple. You told him you liked the dress.
You let him dote on you, clamming up when his hands wandered to uninvited places. You were seated in his lap again in the dining room as you all ate, the two men making light conversation and Shota telling his husband how he’d kidnapped you and your progress from terrified mute to scared yet willing to seek comfort from your captors.
“She’s done well, overall. I think once we solidify things it’ll go even faster. We could probably start making wedding preparations by October,” Shota discussed you casually, like he was telling Hizashi about the weather. Like you weren’t there.
“Wedding...preparations?” You asked nervously, picking at your food with a fork for the first time since you’d been stripped of freedom.
“Of course,” he continued, giving you a slight smile, “you’re our soulmate.” They discussed plans to get you more clothes, making you tense as taking your measurements was discussed. When you finished dinner, Shota cleared the table and tended to the dishes, leaving you alone with Hizashi for some bonding time.
“And if you want, we could do a destination honeymoon,” he rambled, ignoring your borderline catatonic state as you stared off into space, sinking further and further into a mental space you didn’t understand. Wedding? Honeymoon? How long would it be before you’d be able to escape?
“You’re gonna overwhelm her,” Shota’s soothing voice came from behind. He patted your head when you turned to look at him, taking note of the way your eyes looked a little glossier than usual, “Come on, we should head to bed. You must be tired.”
Hizashi grabbed his bags, following as Shota took your hand and lead you back into the bedroom. You sat on the bed, yawning as you realized constantly being made to go to bed so early had you tired already. You expected them to toss you another big t shirt and a pair of sweats too tall for you, but instead Shota pulled you up so you were standing in front of them.
“Are we going to bed?” You eyed the dresser, unsure if they wanted you to choose or something. Hizashi snorted, working the buttons of his shirt open as Shota turned you around to unzip the back of your dress. He ran his hand down the bare skin of your back, sliding the fabric forward off your shoulders.
Your hands shot up, pinning the covering to your chest as your breathing sped up,
“Shota?” you looked back at him over your shoulder as he rubbed along your skin. He didn’t answer, pressing his lips to your shoulder and gently coaxing the dress down until it bunched around your ankles on the floor. Your lip trembled as you tried to cover yourself with your hands, arms crossing your chest.
“So pretty,” he murmured against your shoulder, sliding his hands up your sides and gently tugging at your arms. Tears spilled onto your cheeks as Hizashi joined, stripped to his boxer briefs, dropping to his knees in front of you. He kissed the center of your chest just below your breasts, hands settling on your hips. You shook your head,
“Please don’t,” you whimpered, “d-don’t look,” you crossed your legs, arms locked against your chest as Shota rubbed them, attempting to get you to drop them yourself.
“But you’re so beautiful, angel,” Hizashi spoke softly, trailing kisses down your stomach while Shota wiped your tears away and pulled you gently into a kiss. It was the first time you’d kissed him properly, and the sense of fulfillment that settled into your chest made you both gasp against each other, making you melt a little.
Hizashi’s lips trailed along your hips, not wanting to distract you from kissing Shota. When your mouths parted you felt warm, nearly sinking into his adoring gaze before remembering how he’d kept you chained, cold and alone as you screamed and cried in that room. He must have sensed your conflict, kissing you again before trailing down your neck and giving Hizashi’s jaw a little tap.
Lips departed your hips as the blonde stood, leaning down to kiss both your tear-stained cheeks and then your lips, the jolt from him significantly less intense thanks to him pouncing on you earlier. It still felt good, though, as much as you hated to admit it. His hands cupped your face and without thinking you placed yours over them. You felt Shota move lower, caressing your hips and kissing along your back, lingering where it dipped at your waist.
You squeaked, flinching away from Hizashi as you felt Shota’s hands kneading your ass, spreading and squeezing your cheeks. Your arms wrapped around Hizashi’s neck as you tried to wriggle out of the other man’s grasp. He chuckled, holding your hips still for his partner rather than helping. You whined, burying your face in his neck as fresh tears fell onto his skin. He rubbed a hand soothingly along your back as Shota continued, kissing and then biting the flesh.
You sniffled, breathing shakily and hard into Hizashi’s neck, fingers tangling in his loose hair. He shushed you like a child, hugging you close and nearly groaning at your breasts being pressed flush against his chest.
“Maybe we should’ve given her wine at dinner, Sho,” he said softly, brows furrowed as you sobbed softly on him, “She’s nervous, aren’t you love?” Gently, he pried your arms from around him, leaning back to look at you.
“She’ll be fine, taking both of us so close together will probably help a lot,” Shota stood, sweeping your legs and making you fall into his arms. He deposited you onto the bed, licking his lips and kissing you heatedly, lapping at the inside of your mouth. You groaned against him, holding onto his shoulders in an attempt to ground yourself.
Hizashi tugged at Shota’s shirt, making him break your kiss to let him remove it. He straddled you, pressing his bare chest to yours and resuming his tongue’s exploration of your mouth. You whimpered, feeling him shifting atop you as Hizashi rid him of his clothes, placing a playful smack to his ass once it was bare. You felt his cock, hot and heavy, tap against your thighs, making you clench them together and sob against Shota’s lips.
He leaned back, wiping the trail of saliva that followed away, and crawled off of you. Settling behind you, he pulled you up into a sitting position so you rested against his chest, instantly grabbing and pinning your arms as you tried to cover yourself. He kissed your head, murmuring little praises as his husband pried your legs apart, settling between them to take in the view as close as possible. You writhed, Hizashi pinning your legs as you struggled, openly sobbing,
“Please don’t do this,” his face as he gazed at your twitching, wet pussy looked euphoric. He inhaled deeply, eyes rolling back at your scent.
“Sho, she smells good enough to eat. And she’s wet,” he smirked, swiping his finger along your slit and holding up the glistening digit for his accomplice. Shota groaned in your ear, trapping both your wrists in one hand and kneading at your breast with the other.
“Eat her, then,” he growled, husky voice making your back arched a little involuntarily.
Your soulmate obliged, not needing to be told twice as he closed the distance, flattening his tongue and smearing your juices up to your clit. You cried out, trying to wriggle away as he circled his tongue around the little bud. It was like he already knew how to make you tick, flicking his wet appendage along every spot that made you squirm and hitting your sweet spot the second his fingers penetrated you. In seconds you were moaning, tears drying on your face as you bucked your hips against him.
Shota flicked and toyed with your nipples, leaving your hands free. You reached up, tangling your fingers in his hair and tugging it as the pleasure continued to build. You groaned his name and then Hizashi’s, occasionally still babbling for them to stop. Your orgasm sent waves of the most intense pleasure you’d ever felt jolting through your body, making you writhe and cry out as your soulmate lapped up your fluids.
You started to cry again as he continued past the point of pleasure and into painful territory, fingers leaving black locks to pull at blonde ones. He groaned, pumping his fingers faster and harder into your throbbing heat and flicking his tongue harshly against your overstimulated nub. You came again, muttering incoherently as he slowed to a stop, leaning back and wiping his face with a satisfied grin.
“She’s so cute,” his hand trailed up your thigh, “You should try,” he told Shota, watching your cunt twitch and chest heave.
“Later,” you looked up to see him licking his lips and watching you heatedly. You shuddered, sniffling as he wiped away a stray tear. Noticing Hizashi watching, you closed your legs, sitting up and bringing your knees to your chest.
“Are we done?” Your voice came out quiet and coarse, a little shaky as your eyes continued to flood. You bit your lip, looking between the men.
“Not quite, kitten,” Shota’s lips pressed to your back, working up between your shoulder blades and sucking when he reached your neck. He left several bites and hickeys as his husband cupped your face, kissing you softly and slipping his tongue past your lips. You whimpered against him as Shota abused the sweet spot on your collarbone, one hand on your thigh and the other in Hizashi’s hair.
He broke the kiss, planting another soft one on your forehead, “How did you hold back so long, Sho?” he breathed, nuzzling his face against your hair and sighing happily as Shota pecked his lips.
“Wanted to let you go first,” he murmured, kissing him again before readjusting you to the same position as before, resting against his chest with your wrists in his hands, “go ahead.”
Hizashi pulled your hips forward a touch, spreading your legs with his knee and spreading his pre against your weeping slit. His tip against your clit made you twitch, back arching as he toyed with the sensitive nerves. When he’d finished he lined up with your entrance, pressing in slowly to avoid overwhelming you.
Your mouth opened and your eyes clenched shut, head falling back against Shota as he pushed in, inch by inch sliding in until he was buried to the hilt and his hair pressed against you. He groaned sinfully, humping shallowly as you got used to his size. A choked sob left your throat as he started thrusting, pulling out nearly all the way and sliding back in as gently as he could manage when your cries made you pulse around him.
“You feel so good,” he panted, “Good girl,” his thrusts got rougher as he leaned forward, tongue slipping into your open mouth and swallowing your half-pained half-pleasurable moans. Shota let go of your wrists, stroking your hair as well as Hizashi’s as he took in the sight. With your arms free you desperately clung to the man pounding you into his husband, crying against his lips and swirling your tongue against his in a bizarre attempt at seeking comfort from him.
Shota’s fingers intruded on your kiss, collecting saliva from both of you and making it drip down your chins before moving the slicked digits to roll circles into your puffy clit. You gasped at the contact, eyes opening and rolling back into your head as the blonde broke the kiss, licking up the tears lingering on your cheeks. His hips sputtered, lewd squelching noises reverberating through the room as Shota continued his assault on your abused bead.
You came first, back arching, tongue flopped out of your mouth, eyes half-lidded and rolled up into your skull, head braced back against Shota’s chest as you spasmed, clenching around Hizashi’s cock and milking him for all he was worth. He released deep inside, cumming directly against your cervix and rolling his hips to hump against you, riding out both your orgasms. As it subsided, you fell limply against your dark-haired soulmate, completely spent and feeling as though you were floating, disconnected from reality. You felt hands caressing your thighs, hips, and gently pushing sweaty strands of hair from your face.
“...re so good for us,” you focused enough to take in their praises, still shaking as your cunt twitched and drooled Hizashi’s seed. You blinked a couple of times and saw him staring at it, reaching down to collect what was dripping and push it back in, making you whimper weakly. He licked his fingers clean and crawled over you to kiss Shota, both men shifting and gently readjusting you until you were pressed back against Hizashi’s chest. Shota settled between your legs, thumbs spreading your pussy apart for his inspection.
You felt fresh tears stinging your eyes, “Please… please no more,” you croaked, weakly squirming. He leaned down, kissing your inner thigh and inching closer to your fucked out hole.
“Shhh, kitten,” he gently licked up your folds, smearing Hizashi’s cum across your skin and making you flinch when the muscle flicked your overstimulated clit, “You can handle a little more for daddy, right?”
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shorkbrian · 3 years
I love your yan Hizashi and Aizawa teamup fic so much! I love how shy the reader is and how daddy Aizawa is, and then Hizashi comes home - damn! Thinking about that shower ending 🥰🥰🥰
shower sex just hit different bro.
(What to expect - shower sex lol, NSFW, no penetration, just some clit rubbing and hand jobs. Noncon, dubcon, soft domestic stuff too lol)
Like just Aizawa dragging you into the bathroom, Hizashi already in the shower, completely unaware of your presence as he whistles out a jaunty tune.
Aizawa strips you down, pushes you towards the shower before taking off his own clothes. He guides you inside, and you flinch when the water starts hitting your skin, far hotter than what you were used to.
“Oh shit, didn’t know we were gonna have a party!” Hizashi sings as he turns around, eyes twinkling as he looks you up and down.
You’re tempted to hide your body with your hands, the blond’s eyes sweeping shamelessly over your skin, the man grinning when he makes eye contact with you again.
But Aizawa doesn’t give you that option, softly gripping your elbows and pushing you forward a bit more so he can step in completely, shutting the foggy shower door behind him.
“Be gentle ‘Zashi, I haven’t done anything with her yet.”
You assumed the dark-haired man meant “done anything sexual”. He’d touched you quite a few times, hands stroking through your hair, quickly scrubbing you down in the shower, sitting close in bed as he read a book, one hand around your shoulders as he kept you from bolting.
“Oh.... Sho, how could you resist? She’s so beautiful.” Hizashi breathed, hands fluttering up to your face, stroking over your cheeks as the water burned your skin raw.
“I wanted to wait until you got home.” Shouta shrugged, although the tone in his voice indicated that he would rather have not.
His self control was admirable.
Hizashi had less control, hands immediately dropping to grope at your chest, squeezing gently, pulling.
“God, you’re amazing Sho, I wouldn’ta been able to hold back. Look at her, all sweet and ripe.”
Shouta merely hummed, pressing himself firm to your back to stop you from backing away from his husbands’s fondling. His chest was warm against your back, and you could feel his length quickly chubbing up against your ass, excited by the meek little noises of protest falling from your lips.
A pinch to your nipple had you cry out, hands flying to Hizashi’s wrists, pulling them away from your chest.
“Ah, sorry honey, was just feeling’ ya.”
“I told you to be gentle.” Shouta admonishes, wrapping his arms loosely around your shoulders, pulling you protectively towards his body, until there was no room between the two of you.
Hizashi pouted, backing into the spray of water to rinse out his hair, blonde tresses cascading like silk down his back. He was pretty, while the man behind you had rugged looks.
Shouta seemed to share the same thought, because he began slowly rubbing up and down your sides, pressing a kiss underneath your ear that made you shiver before murmuring “Doesn’t he look nice? He’s so beautiful, long hair, long legs....”
He trailed off as he pressed more kisses to your neck, slowly traveling down. One of his hands crept across your stomach, and you keened in discomfort, trying to move away from his touch, but his other hand grabbed hold of your hip, keeping you still.
“You aren’t so bad yourself, mr. mountain man.” Hizashi winked at his lover, before turning around to scrub at his face, hiding his bobbing erection from view.
The man behind you huffed out a low laugh, and then his fingers were slipping between your folds, making you squeal and buck your hips.
Having someone else touch you was entirely different from doing it yourself. You didn’t know the rhythm of his hands, where he’d touch you next, how much force he’d use, if he’d rub, or pinch, or tap.
The heat built up in your stomach so fast that you almost fainted. You came seconds later, knees buckling beneath you with a provocative moan.
“Holy shit, she’s sensitive.” Aizawa kept you standing, leaning you back against his sturdy body as your thoughts swirled loosely in your mind.
It was so intense, you missed Hizashi turning back to the two of you quickly, eyes widening. “Did she just cum? Just from your fingers?”
“I didn’t even get them inside.”
“Holy shit.” Hizashi echoed his husband’s earlier statement, stepping towards the both of you.
At the feel of his long, slender fingers taking the place of Aizawa’s shorter, stubby digits, you cried out, squirming desperately to escape the sensation of too much.
Thankfully, the blond relented. He reached around your body, gripping his husband’s thick length with a kiss over your shoulder with Aizawa, rubbing him slowly.
As you made sense of the world again, you could feel his wrist, how it jostled against the small of your back as he jerked Shouta off, making the dark haired man moan in your ear before capturing Hizashi’s lips in another passionate kiss.
You felt out of place, inserted between the two men, interrupting their private life, such an intimate moment.
Hizashi seemed to notice your discomfort, drawing back slightly so he could find one of your hands in his own.
“Doing so nice honey, bet Shouta made you feel so good. Wanna make me feel good too?”
You really didn’t, but you didn’t know what else to do except let his hand guide your around his cock, jumping when the blond hissed.
“Oh fuck, her hands’r so much smaller than yours.” He told his husband, reaching for another kiss.
“Mm, wonder what it’d feel like to have both of of you strokin’ me off.”
“Don’t be greedy-” Aizawa huffed, easily rocking his hips forward, signaling to his husband that he wanted more attention on his cock, a tighter grip, a faster pace.
Hizashi grinned lazily, letting out a drunken chuckle before speeding up his movements, Aizawa groaning at the stimulation and dropping his head forward onto your shoulder.
The blond’s hand was still on your own, gripping it tightly as he guided it up and down his shaft, the angle awkward and stiff.
But apparently it was doing something for him, because he was moaning breathily. The sound set Shouta off, because he began bucking against his husband’s hand, and subsequently your ass, grunting quietly as he neared his end.
“A bit faster ‘Zashi... ah, there we go. Making him feel good down there?” He directed the question towards you, breath puffing against your shoulder blades as you were jostled from the force of his thrusts into his husband’s hand.
“She’s doing real good, gonna-gonna cum soon.” Hizashi sounded strained, also reaching his climax as he humped against your hand.
And then they were done, cum sprayed over your lower back, dripping steadily down towards your ass, sliding grossly between your cheeks. There was cum on your front too, coating your hand, wet against your stomach.
Hizashi panted for a second, before moving to the side, letting the spray from the showered wash away the evidence of his pleasure, releasing your hand.
“Jesus, you’re amazing hon’, can’t wait to see what else you can do.” A wink was thrown your way, and Aizawa snorted from behind you as he regained his bearings.
“Calm down ‘Zashi, she’s overwhelmed.” And you were, struggling not to let your breath run away, quicken and choke you until you couldn’t draw air into your lungs. This was all happening so fast, and you couldn’t stop it, didn’t know how.
“You’re alright (Y/N).” Aizawa’s voice was soothing, deep and melodic as he shuffled away from your back, moving to your side so he could reach for the soap and a loofah.
“Okay, okay-” Hizashi held up his hands, grabbing the soap for Aizawa while the dark-haired man grabbed the loofah. “-just gettin’ excited, can’t believe our girl is actually here.”
They washed you together, wiping you down gently, careful of oversensitive skin and the tears beginning to brim in your eyes. Hizashi’s hands were quick to get distracted, trying to slip between your legs before Aizawa quickly slapped them away, giving his husband a warning look. Hizashi responded by playfully sticking out his tongue.
“I just can’t help it, she’s just so cute! And I didn’t get to see her when she came, Sho, you shoulda told me it was happening!” The man whined, putting the soap back on the shelf as they finished washing you up.
Aizawa snorted, rolling his eyes as he helped you rinse off. “You’re just an insatiable bastard, we can fool around after we get her taken care of.”
The blond grinned, checking to make sure everyone was thoroughly clean before he switched off the water, hurrying to grab towels. “Fuckin’ sweet! Here, catch-”
A towel was thrown your way as Aizawa helped you step out of the shower, but it was caught by the man behind you before you could blink. He immediately wrapped it around your body, before catching another towel Hizashi threw his way, slinging it around his hips.
“You gonna tell us about America? How did your stomach handle the food?”
Their conversation turned into a gentle drone of background noise as you were dried off, Hizashi’s hands taking over from your own to rub you down while he chatted with his husband.
You were guided into soft shorts, Hizashi holding them for you while you stepped in, Aizawa pulling an oversized shirt over your head.
They set you on the bed while they similarly dressed, and you sat there quietly, lost in your head, dazed, confused, too stressed and scared to do much but stare blankly at the floor.
It was warm when they tucked you into bed, nestled between them. They were still talking, voices soft and fading to whispers as you closed your eyes, silent and overwhelmed. 
Maybe some sleep would help you feel better, and less like the ground was crumbling from beneath your feet.
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pumpkin-pi-e · 3 years
This isn’t a story, just an RP starter I did.
Summary: Lovesick Hizashi breaks into his darling’s home.
Warnings: breeding, breast/nipple worship, somnophilia, c*ck worship, acarophilia, intercrural, collaring, oral.
His heart was so full. He was absolutely suffocating on the love flooding his chest. He could just barf sunshine and rainbows. Hizashi vibrated with unrestrained exuberance, he’d never felt so alive. The feeling was indescribable—incredible; it was better than any orgasm, more electrifying than any concert, any kiss. More intoxicating than any drug he’d ever done and twice as addictive. His senses were intensified, his emotions amplified, and it seemed as if he were moving in a dream as he caressed her picture frames as he passed by. God, he wanted to explore everything study everything. He wished to run into her kitchen and raid her fridge, to get a glimpse of what kind of food she liked, to get an idea of what types of meals he’d be preparing in the near, oh so near, but not soon enough future. Go to her closet just so he could breathe her in smell her skin. Gosh, he craved to dive in and drown himself in it, needed to shoot it straight into his veins. He wanted to root through her fucking garbage. It wasn’t rubbish to him.
One man’s trash and all that...
Those green eyes lit up at the absolute treasure poking out of the waste bin, and he was licking up the remains of her discarded dinner in seconds flat. Worshipful hands plucked the junked lollipop from atop the pile, and he groaned around the candy, sucking at the confection like he wanted to savor her lingering taste—the sleaziest moan filling the quiet of the night.
That voice was derision and scorn; disgust personified as it held him in contempt.
He snorted.
It was just jealous it wasn’t the one swirling her taste on its tongue.
He’d just about dashed for her bathroom. And he would’ve if not for the gentle reproof stilling his actions.
“Stay focused. There will be time for that later.” Came that calm voice, always grounding and keeping him on track.
He was in such an exalted state; one the psychedelics and party favors he partook in could never hope to achieve. He could just cum on the spot. The fucking rush he got just standing in her apartment. He was high on her scent; it was everywhere and all around him; it was staggering, left him weak in the knees, and the smell of his love's essence led him up the stairs. Encouraging words whispered in the halls as the voice tugged him along; how they’d soon have their darling all to themselves, how he could taste her firsthand and lap her essence from the source.
All the more rapturous,
And a much greater pleasure to be had than whatever meager taste he’d managed to glean from the treat clenched between his teeth.
How he needed to keep quiet. It was a surprise, but surely, she’d expected them.
Decorations littered the house, and they left trails of roses in their wake.
Yamada’s heart picked up-tempo as he neared her bedroom; it beat faster than a snare drum; butterflies swarmed his chest, fluttering excitedly. God, he felt fifteen again. But he wasn’t nervous; no, he was buzzing with enthusiasm. He knew its location from the cameras positioned around the modest space. Hidden in plain view. No, he thought as he pushed her door open, noiseless as not to disturb her slumber. He’d never felt this exhilarated.
He didn’t feel worthy.
And he treads as if it were holy ground.
He stood in her bedroom in reverential awe; he was born-again basking in her presence. Choking on flowers as he took her in—ardor flowing through his chest, which had a pleasant warmth bubbling from within him, beginning in his tummy, slowly but surely spreading its way to the rest of his body until it overcame and consumed him. A feeling that he soon came to identify as adoration. A feeling that was spilling out and overflowing in an outward manifestation of a steadily mounting heartfelt beam—a muffled hum of 'awww' that resonated in his throat. And an overly exaggerated mushy expression painted his face as he asphyxiated on his infatuation; it burned him from the inside out in a raging inferno that left no atom of his being scorched. He was bursting at the seams.
He buzzed about her room, zooming back and forth, obsessively soaking up every detail: the plushies accumulated through childhood, what colors were favored, which appeared the most, poring over each book, every poster, and the smell—oh god, the smell. He lost himself in her pheromones. They enticed him to her bedside, and he dropped humbly to his knees. He wanted to worship at the altar of her thighs.
Ever so carefully did he crawl into her bed and onto her sleeping body. He was gushing as he merely admired her beauty, his chin resting on his palm as he gazed lovingly down at her snoozing face.
He sighed dreamily, “Ain’t she a killer, Shou?”
“Such a fuckin’ heartbreaker.” And god, did she steal theirs.
“She won’t be breaking hearts soon or ever again now that we’ve claimed hers.”
“Damn straight. This is as long as her chain of fools is gonna get.”
Eager to begin, Hizashi steals a few kisses from her lips, delighting in their softness before working his way down her slumbering form; it’s supine and oh so divine. Those affectionate presses grow hasty and sloppy, increasing in urgency the lower he trails, a detail that rouses quiet laughter from his husband.
“There’s no need to rush; we’ve got all night to show kitten our love.”
“I’ve waited so fucking long. We can slow this jam after I’ve made her cum on my tongue and after I’ve rubbed one.”
With that he hooks a finger in her bottoms, tugging them past her ankles; exposing her to the cool night air and baring her most intimate of places for her admirers to ogle. “Would ya look at that, babe?” Hizashi gushes, sparing a glance beside him where the erasure hero was appreciating the sight just as much as himself. An easy smile on his face as his gaze returns. “She’s so cute. Look at that pretty peach.” He outstretches a ringed finger to caress her softness, and another enamored sigh leaves him when she shivers under his touch.
“She’s so fucking gorgeous. She’s gonna be the death of me.”
His statement is without riposte, prompting the emcee to peer at his spouse. And the sheer voracity in his eyes as he beheld their darling has lust pooling in his gut. His emerald orbs flit back and forth between his prince and his sleeping princess, a lecherous smirk curling his lip. “Give ‘er a kiss.” He coaxed, practically fizzling, when Aizawa does just that, leaning forward and planting a loving smooch to the puff of her mons. His following words are wrapped in excitement as they rush from his lips.
“Lick her.”
The erasure hero locks eyes with him as he licks a stipe up her slit, causing the blonde to shudder. His dark eyes seeming to ask, ‘happy now?’ as he pulled away.
“God yes, that was so fuckin’ hot.”
Impatient and wanting a taste of his own, Hizashi spreads her lips and dives in, sucking and lapping at her heat, a pleasured groan vibrating against her at the taste on his tongue.
“Gentle with her Zashi. Kitten doesn’t have much experience; we need to ease her into it.”
His partner gives what could only be interpreted as an acknowledgment, muffled and incomprehensible, as he mouths her like a glutton, hungry for more of her flavor. He’s issued a reprimand not to talk with his mouth full as the dark-haired male lifts her shirt and pushes up her bra to lave her chest in love, tender kisses, and gentle sucks as he squeezed and teased her nipples into beading, latching on when they pebble, nursing energetically and giving occasional nips with his teeth.
Second Part: https://radical-lackadaisical.tumblr.com/post/647766594063400960/rp-continued-both-men-look-up-from-their
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weirdthinkingdragon · 4 years
Silken Binds
You know what? Screw it, I’m going to try writing smut for the first time for my birthday. I’ve had something festering in my mind for a while that I've wanted to try getting down. Has swearing as well. NSFW and has bondage, slight voyeurism?, threesome, unprotected sex, and I'm pretty sure of some horrendous cheesiness. Tried my best to keep the reader gender neutral.
Almost a 4k word fic, tf was I doing?
Erasermic x reader
There was a rather odd-looking box at our door one morning. I had my cup of coffee with me and went to get the mail. Hizashi and Shouta have already left for work. The box was bought under Hizashi’s name, so it’s definitely his. Just what has that mischievous man bought this time? 
It was rather heavy so I ended up putting down my coffee and bringing it in. I’m not one for snooping, so I ended up putting it on the table in the kitchen. Hizashi can take care of it when he gets back home. 
Sitting next to the box and sipping my coffee, I couldn’t help but wonder what it might be. It’s Hizashi though, it could be next to anything. I decided not to dwell on it much and wonder what to do with my day of not working. I’m surprisingly feeling like going out in the public today. The cat cafe is a no-go without Shouta though. He got surprisingly upset last time I went without him and Hizashi. I shiver at remembering the unnecessary lecture. Hmm, there’s the bakery. I haven’t had a good snack from there in a while. Shopping? Ugh, that’s a little too much. Staying home and cleaning? The house doesn’t need it. The forest not too far away? Most likely not safe as well with all the attacks recently. Is anywhere technically safe around here? Not really. 
I eventually decided to hang out with a few friends that were free for the day. Two out of the three of them brought their boyfriends. It twinges my heart a little bit at them being together. Of course, I love the ones I’m with, but they’re often busy so we don’t get to be together much. These guys get that time a lot more from not being heroes. I knew this would happen and try to not let it get to me. My other friend who had absolutely no interest in being in a relationship picked up on my mood. She slings her arm over my shoulders. “Hey! What should we do guys? If you guys don’t stop I’ll make ya all dance with my lasers and dance on your graves when I hit ya!” 
That got them to stop. Everyone knows she’s not afraid to use her laser quirk that can cut through steel to harm others if they piss her off. One of them seems to be in thought for a minute. “How about the mall? We haven’t been there in a surprising amount of time!” I thought I wasn’t going shopping today! The others agree without question, except for my friend with her arm still slung around my shoulders. She hates shopping just as much as I do. She groans in annoyance, but we’re outnumbered four to two. 
Arriving at the mall, it didn’t take long for the day to quickly tick by. Going into the candy store was fun, except buying way too much candy. That’s expected though, and my friend bought twice as much as I did. She has such a sweet tooth it should be illegal. The more we went around, the more I couldn’t get the thought of two specific me out of my head. Like a cool blue leather jacket that Hizashi would rock with no problem, or a tank top with an animated cat holding a steaming coffee cup with a frown on its face Shouta would wear with no objections. The cat was even fluffy and black. Fuck, I really should have figured out their clothing sizes. 
The two girls look at me suddenly. “Hey Y/N, when are you getting a boyfriend? Don’t say you're not interested. You wouldn’t shut up about dreaming about having one before.” That made me really nervous. I’ve never told about my relationship. It can be rather… hated by many for a poly relationship. 
“Uh…” I kinda already do. They’re just busy often." The girl that was much closer to my height grabbed my shoulders and started aggressively shaking me. "HOW COULD YOU KEEP THAT FROM US!? WHO IS IT!? DO WE-" 
My laser friend smacks her hand over their mouth. "Geez, chill, would ya? Maybe they've got a good reason."  
"Have the two of you had sex?" Suddenly pipes up the other female. I awkwardly rub the back of my neck. "A few times… they've been busy like I've said lately." 
The other girl grabbed my wrist. "We HAVE to get you ready for a sexy surprise for him next time! C'mon!" My eyes widen greatly in fear. Hizashi's teasing is already nearly constant. I'd never hear the end of it if I tried what I think they're going to make me do. 
My laser friend knew what they were doing. She quickly grabs my other wrist and manages to get me free from the other. She fakes a yawn. "Oh, man, would you look at the time! We should get going!" 
"Aw, alright. Be sure to tell us the juicy details! Next time!" The shorter girl yells to me as my laser friend and I quickly left.  She let out a sigh of relief when we get a far ways away from the mall. It was already getting dark. 
“Thanks for that. I’d never hear the end of it.” 
She nods. “No problem. Can I hang at your place for a bit? Kinda want to catch up more.”
“Of course!” They wouldn’t be home for a while, so a little company wouldn’t hurt. It didn’t take long to get to my- uh… our home. Still have to get used to saying that, living with them and all.  
She and I sat in the living room. She looks around as she’s never been to the new place I live. She eventually turns back to look at me. “I know this isn’t my place, but could I ask who you’re dating? I’m really curious why you’d keep it a secret.”
I debated whether or not to tell her. Eventually, I relented and decided to tell her. “This is awkward, but uh… Do you know the heroes Present Mic and Eraserhead?” Her widened eyes show she understood quickly. “No way... No fucking way!” She gently punches my shoulder. “No wonder why you haven’t told anyone!” 
“Yeah, the target that would be put on my back wouldn’t be pretty either.” Her movement abruptly stops. “I didn’t think of that. Well, it’s safe with me.” 
I rolled my eyes. “Obviously, or I wouldn’t have told you.” 
And speak of the devil, a certain blond sauntered in. I was surprised. He’s home early. “Hey Songbi- oh, hey! Ya brought company! He quickly plops onto the other side of the couch to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. My friend grew her signature “grossed out” face at us, which made me roll my eyes. 
“What are you doing home so early? Don’t you have a radio show tonight?” 
He grew a giant smile on his face. “Nope! Sho also got off of work tonight. We decided we haven’t been around much, and want to change that tonight.” 
He looks over at my friend who has grown a giant smirk on her face. “You don’t have to tell me twice, dear friend. I just wish you told me your “other” is my closest friend!” 
What? They know each other? Hizashi laughs boisterously. “Ha! Well now ya know, just keep it between the group of us, yeah? We don’t need to worry about our dear other more than we already do.” 
“Like I told Y/N, can do,” She stands up. “Hope you have fun with that gift my friend and I worked so hard on.” Hizashi’s smile grew bigger. “We sure will!” My friend quickly leaves after. 
I looked at Hizashi questioningly. “What did she mean by that?” 
Hizashi grew a very concerning wide smile. "Oh, just something we're testin' on dear Sho tonight. We already talked about it earlier. He's willing to try it."
"Why does that sound concerning? Don't you think I should be informed of this too?" 
Hizashi laughs. "I kinda expected ya to open the box by now to figure it out," he beckoned to come towards our bedroom. "C'mon, take a look for yourself!" 
I entered to see black silk rope strewn around the bed. It was rather long, and definitely quite sturdy looking. It clicked in my mind of what he meant. I look at Hizashi incredulously. "There's no way you got him to agree to what I think you did."
That damn smirk proved otherwise. There was a sudden heavy sigh behind me. "He did." 
I turn to see Shouta. He looks like he's had a really rough day. Worry went through me. With how extra exhausted he seems tonight, maybe we should wait for a different night. 
I go up and hug him. He gives one in return. "Maybe we should do this a different night. You need more rest." I informed him as Hizashi came up and gave Shouta a bear hug. He pretended to hate it, but he obviously enjoyed it by slightly relaxing in his embrace. 
"... I can handle it. Just let me shower first." Was his only reply as he trudged to the bathroom. It didn't take long for the shower to be turned on. 
Hizashi grabs another smaller silk rope from the mess of it on the bed. Most likely a blindfold. I'm not going to lie, a bit of excitement courses through me at the thought of not being the one bound this time. 
Of course Hizashi goes through the extra time to get rope for this. Then again, Shouta could most likely easily break through the ropes they use on me. They're thinner and lighter than these. 
"Songbird! Be a dear and grab the lube from the dresser near ya would ya?" He asked as he started to unbutton his red button up t-shirt. I grab it from the dresser and toss it on the bed, going back to staring at the hot man in front of me giving off a delectable show. Every button coming undone revealing just a bit more of his chest. He stops at the final button that still needs to be undone and looks at me. 
"Well, ya sure seem interested. I must be doing a good job for your attention, huh?" He winks as he slowly undoes the last button and strips off the shirt. 
I eye his whole torso with absolutely no embarrassment. "How can I not? You sure know how to captivate an audience~" 
"Why, thank you! I try my best! But with you, I don't think I even have to try." 
I playfully glare at him. "Is that supposed to mean something?" 
"Other than your love for me is more than enough? Maybe. Just kidding!" He quickly hugs me. "That's not near enough! I could never have enough of your attention!" 
I roll my eyes at his cheesiness. "Alright, alright. Now let me get undressed." He let go. "Gonna give me a show in return, Songbird?"
"Pfft, please. As if I could ever come even close to putting on such a show." 
"Aw, ya don't even have to try! You've always got my attention when your hot self walks into any room with me!”
“You can be so fucking cheesy.” I reply and take off my top clothes. “You know you love it.” 
“Mhm, sure.” He eyes my body as we also take off our pants. He eyes me and lets out a whistle. “Damn Songbird, ya sure you ain’t a model?” My face heats up at his compliment. 
“Good thing they’re not. I’d rather not share them with the world.” Piped up Shouta from behind me. He was done with his shower already? He only has a towel wrapped around his waist. Hizashi and I share a smirk in appreciation of Shouta’s body. He leans close to me. “Go behind, I’m going to bind him.” I nodded while Shouta raised a brow. Hizashi grabs Shouta’s hand and drags him to sit on the bed. 
Shouta ends up sitting in the center of the bed with the rope piled to his left side. I quickly take my place behind him while Hizashi sits in front. He takes off the towel and grabs the rope, quickly starting to bind Shouta. 
“Damn Hizashi, when did you learn to bind so well?” I joke. In the process of tying Shouta, he gives me two smaller ropes and winks. “From the best around, who else?” 
“Would you two quit it?” 
I soothingly rub his sides, feeling the difference of the silk and his skin. The rope being just tight enough to not do any harm, but can still hold him still. “C’mon babe, let me enjoy this a little. Please? It’s not often I’m not the one bound.” I reply to him. His only reply was a grunt of annoyed disapproval, making Hizashi chuckle. 
He wraps the silk around the back of Shouta’s neck, finalizing it by tying it somewhere in the front. I guess now it’s my turn. I wrap the slightly longer one around Shouta’s wrists. Arousal and excitement quickly pooling in the bottom of my stomach for what is to come.  I reach over him to show the blindfold. My chest was pushed against his back to have it farther from his face for the go-ahead to do so. 
It also gave me the view of Shouta’s legs being kept wider apart by the rope being tied at the ends of the bed and his quickly growing erection. “What are ya waitin’ for, Songbird?” 
“... You can put it on,” Shouta says, ignoring Hizashi temporarily. “At least someone makes sure it’s okay first.” He finishes slightly condescendingly. I tie it around his eyes, trying my best to make sure it wouldn’t come loose, but it’s not tight enough to cause problems. Hizashi rolls his eyes. “Whatever ya say, Sho. It’s easy to tell you’re enjoying it.” Shouta replies with silence. 
He chuckles again and kisses Shouta while starting to play with Shouta’s chest  and runs his hands down his stomach, slowly and teasingly going lower. I decided to start by having his tied hands pinned between his body and mine, them being dangerously close to my underwear.  I kiss the side of his neck while gently running my hands over his scars. All of them make him look even better. 
Shouta’s breathing suddenly becomes shaky as he lurches forward with a grunt. That brought a smirk to my face as I kissed the giant scar on his elbow. “Geez Zashi, already? Give the poor man a bit more time first!” Hizashi laughs again. “No can do, Songbird! Not with such a lovely view in front of me!~” 
Shouta grunts again. “Is tha- that all you two got?” I sat farther up on my legs to look more over Shouta’s shoulder and used him to hold some of my weight leaned on him. Looking down, it was easy to tell Hizashi was taking more and more of Shouta’s dick down his throat. He reaches up and starts to toy with Shouta’s nipples with both his hands. I nibble his ear. “For now, yeah. But it’s going to get a lot better later. You won’t know what’s up or down.”
My body was close enough to feel his body shiver with pleasure. “Is that a- ngh- a promise or a threat?” I teasingly nip his neck. “Whichever you want it to be.” I continue to watch Hizashi start to bob his head while starting to suck on Shouta’s neck. 
His breathing was rapidly becoming more shaky as he undeniably was getting closer to an orgasm with the minutes ticking by. Watching the rhythmic motion of Hizashi’s mouth on Shouta’s cock set a deeper fire in my stomach of wanting to feel his dick in me myself. 
Hizashi moved one of his hands to wrap around the rest of Shouta’s dick. I took that as an invitation to continue playing with one of his nipples myself. I stuck my middle finger a bit down my throat and brought it in front to start rubbing on it. “You two are- definitely persistent.” He hissed. 
I laugh and rub a little harder. “Do you even know the two of us by now, Sho? You can’t be forgetting about little old us now!” 
"I seem to for- forget."
"That's a dangerous thing to do~" 
He finally comes undone with a final pinch to his nipple and Hizashi most likely aided with fondling his balls. He jolts back, almost making me fall backwards from the shifted weight. 
Hizashi sits up and wipes the trail of drool off his face, locking eyes with me with a smirk. It's like we could read each other's minds as we nodded to each other and moved off the bed. In the small amount of time he was standing, it was easy to tell his dick was strained against his boxers. That didn't last long though as he quickly stripped them off and sat behind Shouta. 
I quickly peel mine off as well and toss them to the floor. Hizashi definitely isn't wrong with the view though. The deep flush on his face just making me want to tease him more. I know how bad of an idea that would be though. He'd get me back tenfold next time. 
Hizashi opens the bottle of lube and squirts a rather generous amount on his hand. "C'mon Songbird, get another outta Sho. This'll take a bit!" 
"Zashi, what do you thi- ink you're doing? I'm coming for you next time." 
"Oh, I'm SO scared! Just kiddin', can't wait for it. For now, I'm enjoyin' the hell outta this!" Shouta lurches forward again. It doesn't take a genius to know why. 
To avoid Shouta's no doubt unrelenting punishment for next time, I focus more on deeply kissing him. He tilts his head and is all for it. His scruffy facial hair borders between tickling and being a comfort for how close he is. His hips keep shaking, trying to move away, so Hizashi wraps an arm around to at least keep them slightly more still.
"Damn Sho, ya must be more into this than I thought! I've barely done anything and two are slippin' in easily! 
He only replies with a muffled growl from still making out with me. It didn't go unnoticed though. Hizashi doesn't say anything about it and moves Shouta's hair to suck on the unmarked side of his neck.  
I stopped kissing Shouta to notice he was getting hard again. He was breathing heavily and it was easy to tell sweat was starting to form. "Hey, Zashi, how's it going now?" 
"Workin' on the third! Should I come up there and work ya open too when I'm done?" 
"No, I'll be fine. Just pass the lube, will ya?" He does and goes back to what he was doing. I open it and put it on my hands. Closing it, I slowly trail it across his dick. His hips start to jerk again, undecided which way to go, towards my hands or Hizashi's. I recoil a bit at the still slightly slimy feeling of Hizashi's saliva, but I get over it with the help of the lube. 
"Damn it you t-two, get on with it." 
"Oooh, is dear Sho being the impatient one for once!?" 
"Don't… push it." 
"Alright babe, just this time!" He grabs the bottle of lube again and squirts more in his hands. While he gets ready for that, I decided to get ready myself. I straddle his and slowly start to sink myself on his dick. The stretch hurts a bit from not fully preparing myself first. It's not nearly as painful as it's been before though, and it didn't take long for the pain to become pure pleasure. It didn’t take long for Hizashi to join either. Shouta shows he’s slightly uncomfortable, but refuses to say it out loud. 
We wait an extra minute just to settle things out. Hizashi then tests a thrust out, pushing Shouta deeper into me. Him and I both slip out a moan. “Damn, got ya both singin’!” He jokes, and slightly picks up the pace. He grabs my calves and lifts them in a way Shouta’s dick hits harder with every thrust by pulling me onto him. He may not be nearly as strong as Shouta, but he’s definitely not something to sneeze at. Right now would be proof of that. 
Every thrust brought the sparks of pleasure tingling through my body. But what was better was the extra lack of composure I’ve never seen on the man in front of me. I can’t tell what his eyes look like, but his mouth isn’t in a straight line like usual. Hizashi’s thrusts grew harder.  
For better support, I wrap my arms around the back of Shouta’s neck. He has no problem leaning up a bit for the three of us to be even closer together. His legs kept trying to jolt up, but the binds stopped him. 
“Damn Zashi, you’re re-really not holding back!” I manage to say through my quickly increasing heavy breathing. They weren’t doing too much better. Every hit into my body brought that deep tightening feeling to get even more tight. “When do I not, So-Songbird?” He jokes questioningly. There’s no denying that.  
I test things by making my body squeeze Shouta’s dick more tightly. That really seems to help do the trick as he tends to get much closer to reaching his end. It ended up with me cumming first. Like a chain reaction, Shouta ended up next. I felt the heat of his cum shooting into me. “Damn S-Sho! You’re really clenchin’ down on me!” 
It only took a few more thrusts for him to cum as well. The three of us sat there for a minute trying to catch our breaths. I take off the blindfold to see his eyes with a caring intensity I’ve never seen. I get off of Shouta and untie the ropes from the bed. Hizashi does the same with untying his arms. Shouta wasted no time in grabbing me and hugging me tightly against his chest. He barely lets go for me to turn around to face him. “Clean up later. Cuddle now.” Hizashi hugs Shouta from behind. “Well, didn’t know THE Shouta was able to be a cuddle monster!” 
Shouta replies by pinching Hizashi’s thigh. “Ouch! Okay, no ruining the moment. I get it!”  
So… I tried. It seems too fast paced or missing something. Welp, it is my first time writing something like this, so it’s bound to be bad. 
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One day I will have a satisfying amount of rps, that day is not today!
As usual, I'm looking for bnha rps!
Open to rping with all ages but please keep in mind that I'm an adult (26).
These are the ships I want this time! (Hoping that adding more might get more rps?):
-MonoKami (can play either but prefer Denki)
-MonoShin (Monoma)
-ShinKami (Denki)
-TodoDeku (can play either)
-BakuDeku (Deku)
-TodoBaku (Todoroki)
-SeroRoki (Can play either but prefer Todoroki)
-IidaYama (Aoyama)
-BakuYama (Aoyama)
-TodoKami (can play either)
-ShigaZawa (Can play either but would prefer Shigaraki)
-EraserHawks (Can play either but would prefer Hawks)
-DabiHawks (Hawks)
-EraserMic (Mic)
(Character in brackets is who I'd like to play)
I'm very open to other MxM ships (especially pairs with the characters above) and poly ships! I'm also open to rping multiple ships in one rp (I love writing multiple characters and world building, especially for fantasy aus)
I'm mostly looking for fantasy or supernatural aus since I get bored of canonverse rps easily, but I'm open pretty much anything.
The only thing I won't rp is smut (leading up to it is fine but a timeskip is necessary)
I write third person, semi lit-lit (depending the plot/scene). I'm not picky when it comes to reply length or slow replies. I'll also send you random plot ideas, memes and ship art once I'm comfortable with you (kind of like a cat bringing dead mice tbh)
RP will take place on here (I don't have discord and don't want it.)
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bathtubbdreams-blog · 5 years
✨Bookstores and new faces✨
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Part 1 of my Yandere? Poly! Erasermic x reader
I hope this goes well! My first yandere fic, all though I've been reading them for a long time ;')
"I love you!"
"Love you too,,, buh-bye."
You turn your phone off. You just ended a call with your boyfriend. Is he your boyfriend, even? I mean, he seems to care sometimes, but he never really wants to talk to you. It's always you calling him, it just seems like that spark you two had over a year ago faded into a dull need to keep this relationship going, in fear that you two will be left alone if no one is by your side. It could be due to the fact that you just moved across the world.
Is this what love is? Maybe.
You turn over in your comfy bed, Filled to the brim with soft plushies you got from various stores around your home town. Your heart beats fast as you're reminded you start a new job tomorrow.
How great.
You've just landed yourself a job at a local book store. To be frank, you're quite nervous, but also excited. Imagine all the books you'll get to read in your free time at work? It's gonna be great! Reading a book is like getting lost in your own little world, where you could live out your life being a dragon tamer, or a cool warrior 50 years in the future, or even a damsel in distress, waiting for her prince to save her from the hardships of life.
All these thoughts slowly drift you off into sleep. You can feel yourself falling into that hypnotic abyss once again.
You throw yourself out of bed at the sound of your alarm. You slip yourself into a mustard turtleneck and some high-wasted black, wide-leg slacks with three golden buttons going up the front. You carry through with your typical morning routine, and start walking down the street towards the bus stop.
As your waiting for the bus, you place your headphones in your ears, and put on your favourite song.
The bus pulls up and you yank your earbuds out and put your phone away.
You step in, and put in some coins into the little slot at the front of the bus, and quickly find a seat.
You come to realize there are no seats available, except for one, next to a tall man, dressed in all black, with a grey scarf wrapped around his neck. He has yellow goggles places on top of his head, which is covered in long, black locks of hair. His eyes look tired, as he looks at his phone, typing to someone unknown.
You move your way to the seat, but before you do, you turn to the man and ask him a question.
"Um, is this seat taken?" You ask meekly.
He slowly brings his eyes up to meet yours. He stares at you for a second before he answers.
You smile a bit and sit down right next to him. Quickly pulling out your phone, to avoid anymore awkward interaction.
About 15 minutes pass by, shouldn't you be at your stop by now? You start to look out the window at your surroundings, unsure of where you even are. You start to panic a little as the thought of 'did I take the wrong bus?' Pops into your head. You try to dismiss it, but it only grows louder and louder the more minutes pass by and the less familiar you get with your surroundings.
'Shit shit SHIT' you think to yourself as you look down at the floor.
You feel a tap on your shoulder.
You whip your head to your left, only to be met with a familiar face.
Goggles man.
"Are you okay?" He ask you.
You pause for a moment before you give a reply.
"Which bus am I on?" You ask.
"The 36."
"Crap. I am on the wrong bus."
"Where are you trying to go?"
"Kingston's books and Knick-knacks"
"Oh, yeah you are on the wrong bus. You need to take 46."
A rock sinks to your gut. You're going to be late to your first day of work.
"I get off in two stops," the man says
"I'm picking up my car from a friends house, do you want to come with me? I don't mind giving you a ride."
"No I'm fine! I uh, I don't really want a complete stranger going out their way to help me!"
"Are you sure? The book store is right across from my usual coffee spot, I was planning on going there in a few anyway, so it really wouldn't be an issue."
You think for a moment. Your [mom/dad/guardian] always taught you not to get in a car with a stranger, because of how dangerous is could be. All the thoughts buzzing in your head are starting to distract you, you can't think of what to say or do, you suddenly in a panic say it.
"Yeah, sure. Why not."
You instantly regret what you just said.
"Oh yeah, my names Shouta by the way." He offers you a hand as he stands up.
You grab his calloused hand.
"Mine's [Y/N]"
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 years
Hi hi
Here’s Erasermic poly smut that no one asked for but I’ve been meaning to write as a sequel to this
Warnings: smut, 18+, oral (fem and male receiving), overstimulation, light restraint, nipple play, biting, spanking, voice/quirk play, one or two daddy calling, masturbation.
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Anyways here we go~
After their declarations of love to you, full of lingering and sensual touches, you were taken to your room. Hands and lips continued to touch and caress you all the way there, making it difficult to walk straight or normally.
You feel stubble graze the side of your neck as Aizawa places his lips over the area he had licked earlier and harshly sucks on the skin. Your knees start to buckle but you’re held up by firm hands on your waist, feeling how hard, achingly so, Hizashi is. He moans in your ear at the contact and that sound alone was enough to make you cum. 
“Don’t tell me little listener,” Hizashi croons into your ear. He had felt you shudder but was becoming more aware of the affect he had on you. “My moans made you wet, didn’t it?” He grazes his teeth on the shell of your ear, breathing into it before letting out a low moan as he grinds into you from behind. Knowing that Aizawa is in front of you, still licking and sucking at your neck, Hizashi taps his shoulder.
“Babe, check if she’s wet,” he licks your ear before sucking on the earlobe. “She totally got wet just from me moaning.”
You want to whine from the warmth leaving your front but it’s only for a moment. Your eyes meet Shouta’s as he trails his hand into your pants and rubbing at your slit through your panties. He hisses, removing his finger from your clothed core and putting it in his mouth already wanting a taste of you. His lust filled eyes look at you but also past you to catch bright and eager green ones. “She’s drenched.”
Without hesitation, both men nod in silent agreement. Aizawa moves out of the way so Hizashi can push you forward toward your bed. The black haired man is making himself comfortable on the bed as he waits for you two to join him. “’Zashi there’s a bed here for a reason.”
The two of you hadn’t made it to the bed yet, but your shirt had been removed. In the time Aizawa was moving to the bed, Hizashi was getting more intentional with you. His hands swam up under your shirt to play and tease your breasts and nipples. Your breathing was low and shallow as the blond removed your top to free your body for them to see. His skillful fingers unhooked your bra and flicked it across the room. “Baby girl, your breasts are divine,” he whispers. His eyebrow had piqued at hearing his lover and chuckles. “Shouta she’s just so, heavenly.” He paused to catch Aizawa’s deadpan but horny stare and gives. “Alright, alright,” he breathes then smacks your ass, “why don’t you go over there and straddle him, yeah?”
You can only nod your head and strut toward a pantsless and shirtless Aizawa. He bites his lips at your free chest spreads his legs, patting his lap. You then place yourself on his lap and his hands grope your ass, giving them a harsh slap. You whine out and unconsciously grind your hips into him. His grip on you hardens for a moment before he puts his hands on hips, letting you feel his erection through his boxers and your bottoms. With one hand on your hips and one now tweaking and pulling at your nipple, he growls out, “I’m going to wreck you kitten.”
“F-fuck,” you groan out. It wasn’t just from this man’s words but he had wrapped his lips around your pert bud, lavishing it. You realized you had barely uttered a word since leaving the living room and entering your room. These two men around you had a way of making you speechless but able to tell epics all at once. It was intoxicating in the best way. 
A gasp escapes you as you feel a pair of hands come from behind you, warm and calculating. Hizashi runs his hands down your back and settles them on the hem of your bottoms and whispers into your back. “Let’s take these off, yeah? Shouta why haven’t you taken them off of her?”
The man in question hums into your breast and bites down harder in retaliation. He lets up so the excited blond can remove your pants and underwear. Now being fully exposed to the two of them, a new sense of vulnerability comes over you. You want to hide and cover up but you know better. Standing in front of them like this is a new experience for you, the three of you really. 
Aizawa looks up to you, understanding your expression all too well. “There’s no need to hide yourself from us,” he calmly states. He holds out his hand and beckons you toward him and Hizashi. The stubbled man speaks first, “hold out your hands for me.” You do as he says and place your arms in front of yourself. Once he gets closer, that when you notice the object in his other hand.
“Is that my scarf?” You question Aizawa and he just gives you a cheeky smile, akin to the blond next to him. He merely nods and wraps the scarf around your wrists, tugging it to make sure its comfortable. 
“Now kitten,” Aizawa commands, “go lay on the bed, hands up by the headboard.” 
You bite your lip in anticipation and trot toward the bed. You place yourself in the middle of the bed, placing yourself exactly as Aizawa said. You lay there under their gaze; something about how dominating their auras were went straight to your core, making you rub your thighs together. “Are you just gonna stare at me? I thought you wanted to show me how much you love me?”
The deep chuckles the two men give were intimidating but you were living for it. You noticed both of their cocks twitch at your words; the feeling of victory and vindication evident. They stalk toward the bed, Aizawa coming to the side and Hizashi crawling toward you on the bed. “Princess I need ya to open up your legs. I wanna see how wet you are for us.”
He puts his hands on your knees and pulls them apart. He can’t help but groan at the sight of your wet cunt, already clenching around nothing. He then plants himself on his stomach and elbow, face right at your core. You can feel his hot breath fan at your outer lips and you let out a lewd moan. Beside you, you feel Aizawa’s looming presence as he traces a hand up your arms, holding your confined hands in his one hand; his other hand on your cheek as he pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. He bites down on your bottom lip, licking it with his tongue before plunging it into your mouth. Your moans from the kiss are muffled the sloppier it gets. 
If Hizashi could get any more turned on from seeing the two loves of his life locked in a heated kiss, then he would find a way. But right now, he’s too eager to figure out how you taste. It’s been many years since he’s gone down on a woman, but he’s been waiting to do this for far too long. He doesn’t even tease you with lingering touches, just immediately licks a stripe up your slit. The way your hips stutter give him a sick satisfaction. He wants to have you screaming his name, body spent and twitching all because of him. 
So he gets to work
Your kiss with Aizawa is stopped when you feel Hizashi’s tongue delve deep into your folds, causing you to cry out, “Oh! Hi-Hizashi!” You had imagined what this would be like, but never knew it would be this good. He’s eating you out like a man starved. The way he’s exploring your body, fingers opening your folds or drawing patterns on your inner thighs, is sending you. Your whimpers and cries only get louder, leaving Aizawa turned on but disgruntled. 
He wants to make you scream his name too.
As much as he wants to please Hizashi, scruffy man wants to please you more to make up for lost time. Aizawa repositions himself to be closer to your pert nipples, before putting one in his mouth and sucking hard; messing and flicking the other one. Your body is now alight in pleasure as both men take their time with you. All you can do is whine and curse out each of their names. Your eyes widen when you feel Hizashi’s tongue on your clit as he inserts a finger into your cunt. Using his quirk, he softly hums into you causing your body and pussy to vibrate from his voice. 
“Oh, oh shit! Hah, hah oh my god ‘Zashi. I’m gonna cum!”
At your words, he inserts another finger and sucks harder on your clit, toes curling and hips thrashing about. Aizawa moans at your reaction and sucks on your nipple harder. He releases with a pop before lightly smacking the cooling bud. Your voice gave a high pitched shout at the new sensation. 
“Fuck, Shouta!”
His fingers tweak at the cool and wet mound before licking and sucking at the other one vigorously. He didn’t think you were capable of sounding so lewd, but he wanted it to happen again. And so he does. And you scream just like what he wanted.
“Fuck man, you weren’t supposed to make her cum first!”
You were too blissed out to realize you had just came for the first time that evening. Hizashi had stopped his movements when he felt you clench around his fingers and leak out more than usual. That wasn’t fair to him. And besides he didn’t think you were loud enough. He sees you start to come down and slow your breathing and he thinks this is the perfect time to insert his tongue again along with his fingers. 
A strangled cry leaves your lips as your swollen bud is messed with again.
“‘Zashi, wait it’s still sensitive - Ah!”
He pops up briefly to meet yours and Aizawa’s eyes. “No, you didn’t scream for me. I want you to scream, baby girl.” He ends his declaration with a mischievous grin. His fingers scissor you with renewed vigor as he swirls his tongue around your swollen clit. Your hips stutter more than before being extra sensitive.
Shouta smirks at his lover. Jealousy was never a good look for the blond. He was always taking out his little and petty jealousy in the bedroom; and now he wanted to use it against him. Aizawa straddles your chest, cock free and aching in front your euphoric expression. He can tell how much you want to reach out and touch but it’s so much better seeing you a whimpering and whiny mess. 
He aligns his hard cock with your lips, tracing the tip along your swollen and wet lips. “Suck it, kitten. Suck daddy’s cock.”
You open your mouth and let him in, the taste of his pre the first thing on your tongue. It’s so warm and big in your mouth, going back to your throat. Aizawa groans at feeling your mouth on his dick and has to control himself from fucking your face. You’re already at their mercy, it wouldn’t be fair. 
A low moan escapes him when you moan extra loud around his cock from Hizashi putting a third finger inside and still messing with your clit. Tears form at the creases of your eyes from the pleasure you’re getting. You hollow your cheeks and keep sucking and licking Shouta’s length as you feel yourself come close to another orgasm. 
Aizawa can feel you try to say something, but doesn’t want to give you or Hizashi the satisfaction. Even though he was holding back, he groans louder as he begins to fuck your face oddly in time with Hizashi’s fingers and tongue. The way your voice vibrates on his aching cock along with your throat and tongue working him like crazy he can’t help but gasp out. “Oh I’m gonna cum baby. Fuck you feel so good.” He thrusts against your face harder as he reaches closer to orgasm. “Take all of daddy’s cum or you’ll never touch us, understood?”
You nod and he fucks your face harder. You feel and hear him coming close when his rhythm is erratic and his grunts more frantic. You also feel your second one coming soon as the man in between your legs doesn’t let up on you. Hizashi hits a particular spot in you that has you seeing stars, and you scream over Shouta’s cock as he spills into your throat.
Your lower half suddenly feels empty as the blond leaves his spot and sits back on his knees. A look of exasperation is clear on his face, as well as your release. “Oh c’mon! I wanted to hear her scream for me! Now I gotta try again!”
Aizawa chuckles sardonically as he pulls out of your mouth. He takes your jaw in his hands, rubbing his thumb over your lips to check if you obeyed his command. You show that you swallowed it all and he grins and compliments, “that’s a good girl. Now take another orgasm from ‘Zashi. You can do that can’t you?”
It’s impossible to say no to these men, so you dumbly nod. Aizawa removes himself from your chest and stands up. He moves toward Hizashi and forces their lips to mash in a messy kiss. The way the blond moans into the kiss gets you all hot and bothered all over again. Aizawa bites at his lower lip before pulling away. “She tastes amazing, darling. Make her scream.”
He walks away, seemingly toward the bathroom, leaving you with the blond. “Now there’s nothing holdin me back baby girl. I want you screaming and squirmin for me.”
You whimper the moment his tongue enters you again, truly ravishing you. Still sensitive from your last two recent orgasm, the coil is deeply wound up in you that you could unhinge at any moment. And when he licks at your clit, it’s all over. Your legs are shaking harder than ever, your voice has jumped another octave and your hips are gyrating out of time. Hizashi can feel how close you are, and uses his voice on you again. Your insides vibrate and your mind is completely blank.
Green eyes never leave your visage, enjoying seeing you in the throws of ecstasy and being overstimulated. He teasingly begs and commands for you to scream and cum all over his face through your pussy. There was no way he wasn’t turned on, which is why the blond had been slowly jerking himself off the whole time, waiitng for you to scream. And now he can find his release with you as he pumps his stiff cock harder, moaning into you. 
“Fuck! Hizashi I’m- fuck it’s so much,” you stumble out, “I’m- Haah fuck!”
The screams and whimpers you let out were music to his ears. He controls his quirk as he cums all over himself. Both of his hands are covered in cum and he’s loving it. His fingers inside you slowly pump you through your orgasm as your breathing goes from erratic to controlled. By then, Aizawa had returned from the bathroom, a warm towel slung on his forearm and two glasses of water.
The blond sits back and deeply breaths. There you are, overstimulated and blissed out just for them. Your sweat covered body glistens under the room lighting. 
You were beautiful.
Your’e brought back to reality when Hizashi gently wipes you down with the warm towel. Aizawa sits next to you with your glass of water and unties your hands. “How are you?”
“Was that good for you?”
You’re shocked at their kind words and questions. You nod your head as you reach for the water. You feel Shouta caress your cheek and place a light kiss on it. “I know ‘Zashi can get intense, but are you really okay? Was any of that not okay?”
The concern etched in his face worries you. You lean into his touch and smile. “It was with the two of you, so it was perfect.” You reassure him, and also Hizashi who’s started to put his briefs back on. The blond joins you on the bed, rubbing caring circles on your thigh.
“Do you believe us now when we say we love you (Y/n)? We’ve loved you for so long, ‘n now it all feels final. It feels complete, ya know?”
Shouta agrees and intertwines his fingers with his over your leg. You lay in between them on the bed; although a tight fit it worked out. Your breathing slows as a wave of exhaustion hits you. You have your two best friends by your side always and forever. 
Sleep comes to you easily, the last thing you hear before you lose consciousness is the two of them whispering I love you’s and Happy New Years to you.
@spizawazashi @stratuspoof
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roleplay-today · 2 years
One day I will have a satisfying amount of rps, that day is not today!
As usual, I'm looking for bnha rps!
Open to rping with all ages but please keep in mind that I'm an adult (26).
These are the ships I want this time! (Hoping that adding more might get more rps?):
-MonoKami (can play either but prefer Denki)
-MonoShin (Monoma)
-ShinKami (Denki)
-TodoDeku (can play either)
-BakuDeku (Deku)
-TodoBaku (Todoroki)
-SeroRoki (Can play either but prefer Todoroki)
-IidaYama (Aoyama)
-BakuYama (Aoyama)
-TodoKami (can play either)
-ShigaZawa (Can play either but would prefer Shigaraki)
-EraserHawks (Can play either but would prefer Hawks)
-DabiHawks (Hawks)
-EraserMic (Mic)
(Character in brackets is who I'd like to play)
I'm very open to other MxM ships (especially pairs with the characters above) and poly ships! I'm also open to rping multiple ships in one rp (I love writing multiple characters and world building, especially for fantasy aus)
I'm mostly looking for fantasy or supernatural aus since I get bored of canonverse rps easily, but I'm open pretty much anything.
The only thing I won't rp is smut (leading up to it is fine but a timeskip is necessary)
I write third person, semi lit-lit (depending the plot/scene). I'm not picky when it comes to reply length or slow replies. I'll also send you random plot ideas, memes and ship art once I'm comfortable with you (kind of like a cat bringing dead mice tbh)
RP will take place on here (I don't have discord and don't want it.)
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astraphel · 3 years
WIP Roll Call | 7.10.21
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I’ve gotten a few new followers after @httptamaki​ shared my fic, so I want to give a list and brief descriptions of some of the fics I’m working on right now! I can’t promise a timeline or word count, all of these will be as long as they need to be.
Also, all of these stories are subject to change. The pairings will stay the same, but the ways to get there might change :)
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Attack on Titan
Levi x GN!Reader
I forgot about this one! I have five full pages of notes for a vast overarching story involving Levi meeting someone during the four years they're investigating Marley. Honestly, I'm excited to revisit it!! I wouldn't say this is imminent by any means, but it's my most fleshed-out long fic idea at the moment. All I will say is that the Reader will be a bookstore owner in Marley. I will include smut, but the story won't revolve around it.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender
Hama Fic (Unnamed)
So, in my opinion, the way they wrote Hama as a villain did her dirty. So, I'm writing a fic where she gets brought home to live her twilight years in the place she was taken from, that she gave up everything to protect. This story will take a lot to write because I want her progression to be realistic. I'm indigenous and have elders who survived residential schools. I'm also looking at Holocaust survivors who sought indiscriminate vengeance after the war ended. It'll be a very angsty story because fanfic lets folks explore the more gritty things that studios like Nickelodeon can't. Hama's story is a part of that, for me.
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Demon Slayer
Haganezuka Hotaru x GN!Reader
Notes I have for this one have a scenario where you live in the swordsmith village but earn your keep by making pottery for people to use and sell. Since you and Haganezuka are both busy with your crafts, you have a more spontaneous arrangement.
Uzui Tengen x Wives x GN!Reader
Another shameless self-insert. I love fics that include Tengen's wives! You get caught in a storm and need to take refuge at their estate, which was the nearest safe place you could find. The storm will be devastating, requiring you to stay longer than you anticipated. Shenanigans unfold as you slowly realize they have a lifestyle that you've never seen before...but are intrigued by.
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Legend of Korra
Sozin's Comet's Return
I've been thinking about and planning this fic for like two years. It's set 30 years after the end of Korra, making her about 40 when the comet returns. It'll be a gen fic about an event with some intrigue, but mostly I want to have fun with worldbuilding and think about how things have changed 30 years after the portals opened. One point of inspiration I'm taking for this is that I was a small child when we got the internet at home, and now in my 30's, it's in every aspect of our daily lives. So, I'm considering ways to show how the portal being open has changed the region decades after.
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Mob Psycho 100
Serizawa Katsuya x GN!Reader
There aren't many Mob Psycho 100 characters I want to write for, but Serizawa makes the cut! I am trying out Plottr with this one, using their mystery outline to see how it feels to use tools like that for writing. I want to have a romance plot with the Reader and Serizawa, but it won't be the only point of interest. There's not a lot hashed out yet, but I know I want Serizawa to lose his virginity to the Reader.
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My Hero Academia
Aizawa x Trans!Hizashi x GN!Reader
A steamy one-shot with Erasermic. I've been thinking of what I want to do with these two. Y'all realize your feelings, and things progress from there. I might do some poly dynamic vibes or introduce the idea. Depending on how much fun I have with it, it might either be a long fic or multi-chapter. No promises!
Chimera Eros: Chapter 3
(Amajiki Tamaki x GN!Reader)
The next iteration of the Chimera Eros series, I just finished the outline for the chapter, and it's gonna be a fun one :) More soft sweet praise from the Reader and cute subby Amajiki, as usual.
Sub!Hawks x GN!Reader
I've posted about this before, and I have a complete outline for it. You and Hawks have a scene you like to play out when you find the time. The Reader has a somnophilia kink, so you challenge Hawks' stealth skills to creampie you in your sleep. If he wakes you up, there will be punishment - and you're a light sleeper.
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Outlaw Star
Aisha Clan-Clan x Sub!GN!Reader
A dom/sub scenario where Aisha controls who you sleep with and makes special requests of you while you do it (such as bringing her creampies when she finds a suitable human). Aisha is the namesake of this blog, so I want to do her justice in anything I write for her!
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Yu Yu Hakusho
Botan x Keiko x Yusuke
I have a whole page of filthy notes for this one, and I honestly forgot about it until today, LOL. Botan and Keiko have some fun while Yusuke is away, and both feel guilty and confess. After some contemplation, he presents an idea for them to make it up to him. This will be ABSOLUTE FILTH.
Jin x Toya x AFAB!Reader
This one is also a one-shot idea. These are a couple of my favorite good boys from Yu Yu Hakusho, so I want to give them some love!! I would like for the Reader to get DP'd by them, so I'll go with F or AFAB rather than GN for this.
Kurama Horror Fic (Unnamed)
This is one I've posted about on here before. Still, I want to write a horror story involving Kurama's relationship with his mother. Excerpts from other posts about it:
"My concept is...what if Kurama wasn't supposed to save his mom? We know with Yusuke there's a sense of "you're not supposed to be dead yet," in Spirit World, which leads to the series starting. Everyone has their time to go."
I want things to get to a point where Shiori finds out about who Kurama is in a way that he can't control, and they both struggle with the realization. It's a horror, so I'm not going to lean into the way she was characterized in the show, tbh. Not in the sense of it being a crackfic, but just...considering realistic reactions to learning something so abstract about your own child.
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seraphicghost · 2 years
Fluffy yamada/reader and aizawa/reader, got it. Most in the tags have some smut or are poly yamada/reader/aizawa, want those too or not? /gen
poly is a yessss omg i love erasermic x reader sm
smut is ok! blushes hheehee but like only safe stuff plz <3 im not too keen on 'darker' things if u catch my drift
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hellion-writes · 3 years
Rules for Requesting [Requests Closed]
First of all, thank you so much for sending in a request! Though I do have a few boundaries regarding it:
Nothing bad regarding animals (excessive details of gore/death)
No emergency requests, they really stress me out
No romance for the minors, even if they’re aged up
For smut, no piss, scat, or vore kinks please and thank you
Please don’t send me requests that other writers have written (like word for word), I do not want to copy a concept from others
Do not spam a request in my inbox. If you do, I’m blocking you
If you do not specify pronouns, I will be using they/them and the reader will be gender neutral
What I will write:
Platonic (mainly)
Major angst (character death, grief, torture, etc)
Fluff (though I’m not great at it)
Smut (FOR OF AGE CHARACTERS ONLY, minors dni with these)
Mlm or wlw
Trans reader
Anything if it doesn’t pass my boundaries : )
Who I will write for:
Anyone from Class 1-A (platonic only)
Dekusquad (platonic only)
Bakusquad (platonic only)
Big Three (poly or separate, romantic and platonic)
Aizawa (parental and romantic)
Present Mic (parental and romantic)
EraserMic (parental and romantic, I will be adding in Shinso and Eri as sibling figures if parental though)
Midnight (romantic, but can be parental)
All Might (romantic and parental)
Fatgum (romantic and parental)
Hawks (platonic only)
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rose-lord-of-simps · 3 years
My Hero Masterlist
This will be irregularly added to. Please read my rules before requesting something from a My Hero Academia Character. If you do not see a character you want to read on this list, that’s because I probably haven’t written for them yet. But leave a request and they will be added to here! I have a list of characters I write for but with My Hero, it’s mostly all of them but I don’t write for the LoV at all. Enjoy!
Updated on: 5/29/21
Fem! Hawks Seeing You Dressed Up for Friends HC!
Female Hawks! GN Reader! Fluff! Head cannons!
Keiko comes home to see you getting dressed up to go out with your friends, and how can she not love it?
Fem Hawks Head Cannons!
Female Hawks! GN Reader! Head cannons!
Random head cannons I have about female Hawks because I love her
Hold My Hand While We Dream
Female Hawks! Gender neutral reader! drabble! X reader!
Hawks can’t sleep without your touch.
Aizawa’s Felxible?
Just a fun writing piece.
Aizawa is too tired to deal with students but too awake to sleep. So how does he get their attention?
Tamaki Amajiki
Miritama x Reader cuddle cannons!
Fluff! Poly cuddles! Trigger warning: breif mention of anxiety
Cuddle head cannons of cuddling Mirio and Tamaki together!
Miritama x Read Head Cannons!
Fluff! Polyamorous! Trigger warning: mentions of anxiety
Head cannons of what being in a relationship with Mirio and Tamaki together would be like!
Angst? But not sad ending? Interpretative. Song fic! X reader! Implied female reader in song lyrics.
I wrote a song fic and it honestly has very little plot but I thought it fit Amajiki.
Mirio Togata
Miritama x Reader cuddle cannons!
Fluff! Polyam cuddles! Trigger warning: brief mention of anxiety
Cuddle head cannons of cuddling mirio and tamaki together!
Miritama x Reader Head Cannons!
Fluff! Polyamorous! Trigger warning: mentions of anxiety
Head cannons of what dating Miritama would be like!
Denki Kaminari💛
Skates at 5AM
Fluff! Gender neutral reader! X reader!
You and Kaminari go roller skating at 5 am after being up all night and suddenly you can’t hold back.
Loving Denki Is..
Gender neutral reader! Fluff! Head cannons!
Head cannons of being in love with denki!
My links haven’t been working and if this one is not, please let me know immediately so I can try to fix it!
Iida Tenya
Into you
Adult Pro-Hero Iida x Adult Villain Reader! NSFW themes but not explicit smut. Gender Neutral Reader!
Song fic inspired by Intk you by Ariana Grande
This is what happens when you leave me with time to procrastinate and Ariana Grande music.
Game Night
SeroIida! Sero Hanta x Iida Tenya! Fluff! Normal universe!
Iida just wants to cuddle his boyfriend at the bakusquad game night.
Kirishima Ejiro
Safe Place
Kiribaku fluff! No warnings apply!
Kirishima is tired and all he wants is his best friend.
Bakugo Katsuki
Safe Place
Kiribaku fluff! No warnings apply’
Kirishima is tired and all he wants is his best friend.
Mina Ashido
I Love You
X GN reader! Warning: mentions of cheating (not on you) and self deprecation
Mina isn’t good for you.
She Isn’t and Angel.
Nsfw not explicit buuuut… Villain Adult Mina x reader.
Warning: mentions of cape and shotgun kisses
Sero Hanta
Game Night
SeroIida! Sero Hanta x Iida Tenya! Fluff! Normal universe!
Iida just wants to cuddle his boyfriend at the bakusquad game night
Loving Sero is…
Sero x GN Reader! Mostly fluff, a little spicy but not much, SFW.
Happy birthday Sero! Just some headcannons of what loving Sero would be like.
Todoroki Shoto
X reader! Gender neutral reader! Can be read as platonic! Fluff!
Todoroki has never felt freer.
X Reader Head Cannons
Fluff! Sfw!
General head cannons about being with Todoroki in honor of his birthday
General My Hero Thoughts
Shinkami isn’t EraserMic
I am 100% open to expanding on this debate but I think Shinkami isn’t as much like Erasermic as others do
Quirk Thoughts and Questions 1
Today’s subject: Kirishima Eijirou
Come theorize with me about how Kirishima’s quirk works! I love hearing from others in the comments and what would happen if we hit Kiri’s hair with a really big rock?
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