#poison path fauna
banefolk · 7 months
Wild rabbits eat belladonna on purpose as self-defense to poison predators. Wild rabbits who live in the same areas as belladonna’s natural growing range are immune to belladonna’s deadly alkaloids because they produce an enzyme called atropinesterase that breaks down the atropine in the belladonna they ingest. The darker the rabbit’s fur, the more poisonous it may be.
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starversresource · 1 year
“we’re horribly lost in the woods and it’s dangerous” roleplay prompts.
“oh—i never thought i’d see someone out here! i’m relieved, i thought i was going to go mad!”
“i’m glad we crossed paths. see, i’m in a lot of trouble right now…”
“i saw you fall into that spiky bush. are you hurt?”
“oh no, they’re coming. what do we do?”
“did you seriously trip over a dead tree?”
“what kind of wildlife do you think lives here?”
“hah! i hope you get eaten alive.”
“you’re not going to last a day here.”
“follow me. now.”
“do you know what plants are safe to eat?”
“AH! who are you?”
“i guess we should work together. but only temporarily!”
“don’t get close to it. it’s far more dangerous than it looks.”
“can you help me? i’m lost.”
“i—i think i’m about to pass out.”
“wait, don’t touch that plant!”
“does the forest hate us or something?”
“nature sucks.”
“hey, chill out! i just saw the smoke from your fire and was curious.”
“things around here are more scared of us than we are of them, right?”
“let’s cooperate. what do you need help with?”
“how long have you been out here?”
“the only people i saw around here were… you know.”
“i don’t like that sound.”
“we’re eating well tonight.”
“waking up to the sound of birds and wildlife… isn’t it great?”
“hey. what do you think of that star over there? the one by the moon.”
“it’s getting cold… i hope it won’t get us sick.”
[ GRAB. ] sender grabs receiver’s shoulder and pulls them back.
[ AMBUSH. ] sender leaps out from behind cover and tackles receiver.
[ RAID. ] sender goes through receiver’s supplies, unaware that receiver is watching.
[ COLLAPSE. ] sender stumbles into receiver’s camp, out of breath, and falls to their knees and palms.
[ ASSISTANCE ] sender extends a hand to receiver to help them stand up or support them.
[ INTERVENE ] sender puts themself between receiver and a threat.
[ FLORA ] sender hands receiver a harmless plant—a flower, edible berries, etc.
[ FAUNA ] sender suddenly stops, carefully motioning in the direction of an animal.
[ DISENGAGE ] sender raises their hands and shakes their head, assuring they are not a threat to receiver.
[ PLEAD ] sender grabs receiver’s arm/leg, desperately trying to drag receiver somewhere.
[ HOSTILE ] sender grits their teeth and points their weapon at receiver.
[ POISON ] sender hands receiver a plant that would be harmful to ingest.
[ HUG ] sender wraps their arms around receiver and presses against them for warmth.
[ FINE ] sender waves at receiver dismissively, trying to dismiss receiver’s worry.
[ REFUSE ] sender shakes their head at receiver, backing away.
[ YOU FIRST ] sender pushes receiver ahead of them, making sure to linger a few paces behind receiver.
[ ME FIRST ] sender shoves receiver aside, pointedly walking in front of receiver.
[ HELPFUL ] sender picks up a helpful resource, tapping receiver’s arm to get their attention on the object.
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grey-sorcery · 6 months
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Title: Nature Vs. Natue
Suggested Reading
! - Highly Recommended
Researching Witchcraft Herbology ! Introduction to Gnosis ! Fundamentals of Energy Work The Path of Least Resistance ! Finding Balance ! Spell Design ! Spell Dictation Spellcasting Basics
Witchcraft, often understood as a practice interwoven with the natural world, exhibits a profound connection to various definitions of "nature." Two predominant conceptualizations of "nature" come to the fore when analyzing this intricate bond: one rooted in the tangible external environment, replete with diverse fauna and flora, and the other abstractly referring to the overarching laws governing the cosmos.
Nature as Fauna and Flora
In many cultural traditions, nature, delineated as the external world filled with myriad species of land, sky, plants, and animals, plays an integral role in the practice of witchcraft. This view accentuates the symbiotic relationship between the practitioner and their environment. Indigenous practices, for instance, often emphasize the importance of respecting the land, understanding the medicinal properties of herbs, and acknowledging the spirits of animals. From this perspective, nature is not a mere backdrop but an active participant, facilitating the rituals and spells that constitute witchcraft.
Moreover, the reciprocity between humans and the natural world underscores the idea that every action has a consequence, a fundamental tenet in various witchcraft traditions. Plants, for example, might be harvested for their medicinal or magical properties, but there's an implicit understanding of the necessity of sustainable harvesting and giving back to the land; or conversely, consuming a plant that is poisonous.
Nature as Cosmic Laws
A more precise understanding of "nature" pertains to the laws that regulate the aggregate being of the universe. These are known as the inviolable principles governing the operations of the cosmos. In the context of witchcraft, recognizing and aligning oneself with these universal principles is paramount. By doing so, a practitioner might better navigate the complexities of existence, deriving insights and gaining an enhanced ability to influence their circumstances within the boundaries set by these cosmic laws.
Nature's Significance in Witchcraft
The dual interpretations of "nature" elucidate the depth of their connection to witchcraft. On one hand, the palpable surroundings with its environments untouched by man, provides both the tools and the context for the craft, emphasizing symbiosis and respect. On the other, the more abstract understanding invites practitioners to delve deeper, contemplating the foundational principles that weave the fabric of reality itself. Together, these conceptions of nature serve as pillars that uphold the conceptualization of witchcraft, anchoring it in both the tangible world and the vast expanse of the universe.
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Nature in Witchcraft: Exploring the External Natural World
Witchcraft, an umbrella term for diverse practices commonly rooted in the rhythms of the natural world, encapsulates varying traditions that venerate the Earth and its abundant life forms. By examining Green Witchcraft and Animism, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the profound nexus between witchcraft and nature. Green Witchcraft does not perceive nature as a mere assemblage of resources to be used and discarded. Instead, nature is deemed a living, breathing entity that sustains life and fosters interconnectedness. Practitioners of this craft often align their practices with the cycles of the moon, the changing seasons, and the transitions of day and night. They understand that nature pulses with life, and by attuning themselves to these rhythms, they harmonize their actions and beliefs with the world around them. This alignment provides a framework for them to develop rituals, spells, and practices that respect and honor the Earth's vitality.
Reverence for Plants, Animals, and Landscapes
Green witches hold an intrinsic appreciation for the myriad life forms with which they share the planet. Plants, whether towering trees or humble herbs, are viewed as powerful allies with distinct properties that can be harnessed for both medicinal and magical purposes. Animals, too, play a pivotal role, with many Green witches recognizing the significance of animal guides, familiars, icons, or totems in their practice. Various landscapes, be they serene woodlands, expensive deserts, or rugged coastlines, are also revered for their unique energies and contributions to the global ecosystem. For Green witches, every component of nature, animate or inanimate, deserves respect and is approached with a sense of humility and gratitude.
Animism, while not exclusive to witchcraft, offers invaluable insights into the profound spiritual connections between humans and the natural world. At its core, animism posits that all things, whether organic or inorganic, possess a spirit and intrinsic worth. This syncretic belief system holds that everything, from the grandest mountain to the smallest pebble, has a spirit or energy. Such a perspective invites a profound sense of wonder and reverence for the world, as one recognizes the multitude of spirits and energies that coexist alongside humanity. Animistic beliefs underscore the interconnectedness of all things and challenge the anthropocentric view that humans hold dominion over nature.
Recognition of the Divine Presence in Nature
Animism also postulates the ubiquity of the divine in the natural world. This doesn't merely refer to lofty deities overseeing creation from a distance; it's about the imminent divinity in the rustling leaves, the flowing rivers, and the chirping birds. By acknowledging this divine essence, practitioners can cultivate a deeper, more meaningful relationship with their surroundings, treating every interaction with nature as a sacred encounter.
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Nature as the Laws of the Universe
The universe is woven with threads of both observable phenomena and more elusive principles. These fundamental laws, which transcend much physical observation, provide a blueprint for understanding existence. When viewing witchcraft through this lens, it becomes apparent that these universal tenets are paramount to a practitioner's understanding and execution of their craft. By juxtaposing these principles with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), we uncover a harmonious fusion, bridging mystical practices with modern knowledge.
Understanding Metaphysical Principles
Metaphysics, a branch of philosophy, grapples with questions about existence, reality, and the nature of the universe that often elude empirical observation. These principles serve as the bedrock for many spiritual and mystical traditions, including witchcraft. By acknowledging these universal laws, a practitioner can align their craft with the rhythm of existence. It's akin to understanding the ebb and flow of the tides; by recognizing the currents, one can navigate more effectively. In essence, these metaphysical perspectives guide how energy, transformation, and change could operate in the universe.
Gnosis, derived from the Greek word for "knowledge," is typically a term meaning mystical understanding and personal revelation. It's not mere bookish knowledge but an experiential comprehension of universal truths.
At its core, gnosis seeks a profound connection with the universe, transcending the limitations of conventional perception. Through introspection, meditation, and various other practices, individuals endeavor to attain a heightened state of awareness, shedding layers of superficial understanding to grasp the profound depths of reality within a desired scope of reference.
It is through a state of gnosis that the foundational concepts of various applications of STEM are truly utilized. When entering the headspace for a working, if the conceptual understandings of related physical laws are present in your mind- the efficacy of the spell increases dramatically.
Gaining Insight into the Laws and Workings of the Universe
The pursuit of gnosis is not merely for personal edification; it can also be a tool in a quest to comprehend the intricacies of the universe. By employing this tool, practitioners can align their actions and practices with these cosmic principles, ensuring that their craft resonates harmoniously with the natural order. Achieving a state of gnosis often requires transcending the bounds of normalized daily consciousness. Through practices like meditation, rhythmic drumming, or even dance or walking, an individual might enter a trance state, allowing for complete focus on a specific concept, which can gradually be used in unlocking deeper layers of understanding and facilitating a more direct connection with the universe's laws.
Application of STEM Concepts in Witchcraft
While witchcraft taps into metaphysical principles and energies, it doesn't operate in a vacuum. The physical laws of the universe, modeled by the disciplines of STEM, still apply. For instance, a spell might facilitate healing or protection, but it cannot violate conservation of energy or other fundamental scientific tenets.
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Combining Concepts of Nature & Nature
By melding the tangible aspects of nature, such as plants and animals, with the abstract laws of the universe, a holistic understanding of witchcraft emerges. This synthesis bridges the gap between witchcraft and STEM, showing that they're not at odds but rather two facets of the same gem. For instance, understanding the chemical properties of a herb, its ecological role, and its metaphysical significance or energetic properties can enrich a ritual or spell, making it more potent and efficient.
Utilizing STEM to Find the Path of Least Resistance and Means of Manifestation for Spellwork
STEM offers tools and methodologies to streamline and enhance witchcraft practices. By understanding physical laws, practitioners can identify the most efficient and effective ways to channel energies. For instance, if one were to craft a salve, understanding the chemical reactions involved, the energetic properties of the ingredients, and the optimal conditions for emulsion could potentiate the concoction's effectiveness. This integration ensures that spellwork is not only spiritually resonant but also optimized within the boundaries set by science.
This nexus between nature's tangible expressions and its underlying laws provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and practicing witchcraft. By integrating metaphysical insights with STEM knowledge, a harmonious and potent fusion emerges, positioning witchcraft not as an antiquated relic but as a dynamic practice intertwined with both ancient wisdom and modern understanding.
Integration and Practice
A nuanced approach to witchcraft embraces both the tangible resources our Earth generously offers and the intricate principles that govern the universe. By harmoniously integrating these facets, practitioners can cultivate a potent and authentic practice. This interplay is distinctly evident when examining Green Witchcraft, Kitchen Magic, and the alignment with universal laws.
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Green Witchcraft and Kitchen Magic
At the forefront of Green Witchcraft and Kitchen Magic is the utilization of natural elements. Here, the emphasis is not on classical elements like fire or air, but rather on tangible materials, including herbs, stones, and water. For instance, a Green Witch might incorporate rosemary, known for its protective qualities, in a spell, while someone practicing Kitchen Magic might bake a loaf of bread, infusing it with specific energies through each kneading motion. This palpable connection to the environment ensures that the rituals and spells remain grounded and potent.
Going Beyond Correspondences in Green & Kitchen Magic
While it's common to associate specific attributes to various natural elements, Green Witchcraft and Kitchen Magic should transcend mere symbolic associations. Instead of merely linking, say, lavender with peace because of a traditional correspondence, a practitioner might delve deeper, researching its energetic properties, botanical properties, ecological roles, and historical uses. This encompassing approach enhances the depth and efficacy of the spellwork, rooting it not just in symbolic representation but in genuine understanding and connection, which allows for more than a psychological or physiological effect.
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Aligning with the Laws of the Universe
To view the vast expanse of existence and harness its potential, it's imperative to align one's practices with the fundamental laws of the universe. This doesn't merely pertain to abiding by these principles, but actively synergizing with them. It's about recognizing the ebb and flow of energy and entropy and discerning the most opportune moments to conduct rituals or cast spells.
Designing Spells that Work Within the Confines of Natural Laws
Creating a spell is akin to formulating a hypothesis in science. It requires precision, understanding, and respect for the boundaries set by nature. To ensure that a spell is efficacious, it must be designed to operate within the confines of natural laws. This might mean acknowledging the limitations of what can be achieved, but it also ensures that the energies harnessed are potent and resonant. For example, instead of attempting to counteract a natural phenomenon, one might seek to harmonize with it, creating a balance that benefits both the practitioner and the environment.
This post contains all of my articles!
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snow-jade · 8 months
Things I've Found From The "Guide to A Dragon World" Scholastic Teaser:
A Seawing Scroll by Coral called "How The Seawings Ended The Great War and Saved The World!"
A letter from Anemone to Tamarin talking about her personal opinions on the Seawings approach to intertribal relations and her own fears and thoughts on becoming Queen. She also mentions dreaming of a town like Possibility but it's built on the SeaMudRain border. She signs the letter off with "Love, Anemone"
Not much is known of the Rainforest. Knowledge on Flora and fauna is extremely limited since the Rainwings are an isolated tribe
There is a letter from a Rainwing named Python during Anaconda's rule. The letter talks about how the Rainwings are falling from grace and power
Rainwings were amazing assassins during Anaconda's rule.
Queen Vigilance was a scholar and created the island temple dedicated to the first librarians of the Nightwing tribe
(Unfortunately) there is a section on scavengers
List of Icewing Animus Gifts with annotations from Snowfall
A scroll written by Caribou of the Icewings called "In The Village-of-The-Plentiful-Seals"
A Skywing National event called "Clash of Claws". There are seven challenges each day. The event is to determine who is the fastest, strongest, and smartest of the tribe. Winners get seats at the Queens advisor table.
Silkwing school curriculum
Rules set by the Hives for Silkwings
Hivewings school curriculum
Silkwings learn on the job and get basic education
Hivewings choose a general course of study, then when they attend university they choose a more specialized path.
Hivewings are expected to choose their future careers while their young
Luna's Honeydrop recipe
An official guide/overview of the Hives
Artwork of Clearsight's Book
Prophecies written in Clearsight's Book
Poison Jungle survival guide
Exchanged Letters between Belladonna and Sequoia
List of Leafwing Books
Artwork of the size differences between a full adult human female (Rose) and a full adult dragon male (Smolder)
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zoeykallus · 2 years
My dear the headcannon of reader falling to the dark side? DEVASTATING, but in a beautiful way. It gave me an idea for another, what if they meet on opposite sides on the battle field? I know your super busy so if you don't want to do it then that is totally fine! Much love, take care of yourself first!
Thanks! Well, wait until you read this one... I tried to take care but these days I don't have much time for either, writing nor taking time for anything else. But I'm trying. Devastation seems to be getting one of my trademarks... very ouch, very tired
The Bad Batch x Dark Side (Former Jedi) Fem!Reader - A Red Light In The Dark
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Warnings: Angst/Hurt/Tension/Death/ Violence !!No Happy Ending, much ouch!!
Umbara is a dark place. Eternal night prevails. Flora and fauna are alien and hostile, just like the locals. Hard battles are already behind the boys of Clone Force 99, but the hardest is yet to come. Stirred up debris and smoke mix with the ground fog. The guys temporarily lose sight of each other. None of them suspects what awaits them in that fog. Just then, the hum of a lightsaber is heard. But the billowing light in the mist is not what they are used to from the Jedi. Fiery red, dips the environment in ominous light. But out of the shadows in the mist, a well-known figure steps toward them. You.
He always wondered since that night, when you told him you would leave to achieve more, Where you've been all that time. Seeing you now, wielding a red lightsaber, is unsettling to say the least. He doesn't know too much about the Sith, but he knows, red is their color.
Is that what you wanted to achieve? Is this really the path you chose? Hunter lets his blaster sink. He does it automatically. You've been friends, much more than that, actually. He loved you, still does. Part of him knows that he should consider and treat you as a threat, not only that, but as an enemy. But he can't let go of that little glimmer of hope.
"I was wondering where you have been", he says softly.
You look different. Your skin is different, as are your eyes. Hunter knows the signs. The sickly look of a being succumbed to the dark side of the force. He wonders how far you are gone.
Hunter's heart beats up to his throat, as he says, "I've missed you, love"
You smile, but that smile does not reach your eyes, they stay cold and empty, yet determined.
"You could follow my lead again, like you once did"
Hunter swallows.
"You know I can't. I am committed to the Republic."
He sees your smile freeze and vanish.
You ask harshly, "And what about your commitment to me? You once said you loved me"
Hunter gulps and says barely above a whisper, "Still do"
"You have to decide, which commitment is more important to you"
"Don't say that", Hunter begs you softly.
You don't feel like you once did. Drunk by the power of the dark side, you are cold towards his pleading. Your heart is not entirely empty, but what is left is stained and poisoned. There is not enough left to prevent what's happening next.
You jump at him, with a force jump so fast, he is not really prepared. Hunter doesn't get to lift his Blaster, before your blade burns right through his chest.
Your mouth comes close to his ear as you snarl, "I don't have time for this soppy nonsense. I still have to find your brothers."
The last thing he feels, as life leaves his body, is devastation and sorrow. He is dead before his body hits the ground.
You know how cruel it was. There is a sting in your chest, for a brief moment. A remnant of a time when you loved the man you just killed. You look down at him, but a noise is distracting you. Echo's voice.
"Hunter? Hunter, are you anywhere close? I can ping your com"
You turn off the lightsaber, to hide in the mists again and sneak up on your next victim.
He is tense. Echo is not at all sure he really sees what he is seeing, suspecting a Sith mind trick. But how would any Sith know who to pick to unsettle him this much?
"Y/N? Is that you?"
You indicate a bow and say, "The one and only".
Echo takes a step back as you approach. He can see that you are different. The corruption of the dark side is clearly visible in you, especially in your eyes. He can hardly believe it himself, but he is afraid of you. He knows what you were able to do as a Jedi, he fears what you were capable of as a Sith.
"Oh Cyare, why did you walk down this path? When you told me that you had to leave to change your priorities... I never thought you'd end up like this"
"Like what?", you ask mockingly, "More powerful than ever? Stronger? Feared? Determined?"
"Dark", he spits out the word like it was bile in his mouth.
You smile, a sinister smile that creeps under his skin and makes his hairs stand on end.
"Fool. You just fear what you can't control, what you don't understand. All of you clones do. Obedient little dogs. I guess there is no point in trying to make you follow me. You are still the republic's little lapdog, aren't you, Echo?"
He thinks about drawing his blaster, but he knows he won't be fast enough. And there is still a little part of him, that doesn't want to turn on you, feeling guilty even thinking about it.
"You know I once loved you.... and I thought you loved me too"
You nod, you feel the memory, the echo of said love, somewhere buried deep under all the darkness.
"I did. Back when I was weak"
Echo sigh and says softly, "You were never weak, but kind and loving."
"It's the same thing, just pronounced differently"
He knows he won't get through to you, and he knows what's coming, yet still, he flinches as your lightsaber strikes and takes his life.
You don't have time to contemplate.
"Echo? Where are ya, buddy?"
The red light of the saber is so eerily, so alien, almost like the rest of this hostile planet. But he knows your face, you are not alien to him, and yet in a way you are.
Wrecker can see the difference, you don't seem like yourself, in more than one way. He can feel and sense, the way you are approaching him is the one of a predator, circling its prey. He is confused, although he knows you are not the same, as you left him.
His heart gets heavy, there is a queasy feeling in his stomach, as he watches you approach.
"Mesh'la?", he asks quietly.
"Hello, Wrecker", you reply, almost softly.
He knows the answer and still he asks with a little leftover glimmer of hope, "Are you coming back to me, Cyare?"
You softly shake your head. There is something that might be pity in you, but it's faint.
"No Wrecker"
His heart gets even heavier as he asks, "We are enemies now, aren't we?"
You see his eyes water and bite your tongue. For a little moment, just a very little one, you want to lift your lightsaber but hesitate. For a second, your arms feel like lead and won't rise.
But then, finally, they rise, fast and fierce. The blade cuts off his head. Wrecker's head hit's the ground a second or two before his body does. It's surreal, that short moment, when his body still stands, as if stubbornly protesting.
Your heart beats fast in your chest. It wasn't as easy as you had hoped it would be, but it is done. Your most difficult test so far. But you are not done yet. You know his brothers must be somewhere close by.
As you turn off your lightsaber, you can hear Tech.
"Wrecker?! Where are you? You were supposed to stay close to me!"
As he hears the hum of the lightsaber and sees the red light, he draws his blasters, dropping his holopad on the spot. He knows a red lightsaber is a threat not to be taken lightly.
But as he sees you emerge from the mist with said lightsaber in hand, he slowly sinks his blasters. Tech can't believe who he sees.
The question is quiet, softly. Is there something in the mist? Is he hallucinating?
It's your voice he hears, and yet he is still undecided if this is real or not. You've been gone for so long, he thought he'd never see you again. He had longed for you and even at some point mourned you. But now here of all places he meets you again.
His blasters are not fully risen, nor are they fully sunken. His hands are shaking slightly.
"Is that really you?", he wants to know, hope and fear swinging in his tone.
"What are you so scared of?", you ask him, because you can feel clearly that he is afraid.
Tech says sadly, "I'm afraid of what you might have become"
"Stronger, is what I have become"
"Are you here to kill me, my love?", he asks, his voice brittle and barely above a whisper.
You sigh, "That depends, my sweet genius. Are you with me or against me? Will you follow me and leave the Republic behind?"
Tech gulps and says, "You know I can't do that. I have a duty. And I won't turn my back on my brothers. I can't, not even for you"
He senses the change in your posture, he knows you get ready to strike. Tech raises his blaster and fires at you. You deflect the shots with your blade and throw them right back at him. One bolt hits his shoulder, the other his chestplate.
Tech goes down, losing his blasters. The pain is terrible, he can barely breathe. The shot that hit his chest burned through his armor. He's coughing. His hands are blindly groping for his blasters. Then you appear right above him, your left foot stomping on his chest, pinning him down and making him cough once more.
"You really shouldn't have done that. I might have let you live... maybe", you mock him.
"I'm sorry... I loved who you were, but not who you are now", he presses out, his eyes watering.
How could this lovely being he fell in love with, be the one standing above him now, about to take his life?
"I see. Pity."
Tech sees the blade coming toward him, but he doesn't feel the blade anymore, beheading him.
He could not really believe his eyes. At least not at first, especially since you looked so different.
"Hey Kitten, you've looked better".
"Still a big mouth. A big mouth hiding an insecure little boy behind it. I guess some things never change"
Crosshair snorted, "Other things do. What happened to you? Heard you got a new stud. Maul?"
You smile darkly at him.
"What do you care? I thought you weren't planning on committing?"
Crosshair sighed, he knew you left then because of him. He had loved you, very much, but he never admitted it. He broke your heart. You were so love needy and clingy and he didn't know how to handle it, even though he felt the same way he kept you at a distance until you couldn't take the pain anymore and left.
"Is that why you left and ended up in the arms of a Sith?"
Surprisingly, the question doesn't sound mocking, but strangely vulnerable.
"Maybe, maybe not. It doesn't matter now."
"It does to me"
You raise your eyebrows and ask, "You really want to know?"
Crosshair nods.
"Yes. It's your fault. Does that make you feel better?" you ask mockingly, "You fucked me as long as you felt like it, then I got too close and you shut me out. I was hurt. I had broken my code, was ready to leave the Order for you, but you acted like it was all just a game. A little affair, nothing more. So I left and I found someone who revealed my potential to me and passionately desired me."
"I'm sorry," he says meekly, lowering his blaster, "I wasn't mature enough, not ready to really admit my own feelings. But you were more than a fling from the start, even if I never showed it. When you left, I mourned, even to this day."
You turn off your lightsaber and say, "Don't worry, your mourning ends here today."
He hears the hum of a lightsaber behind him, but he doesn't have time to turn around. The pain is overwhelming as the blade bores into his back and through his chest, and bathes the scene in red light.
Maul leans close to Crosshair's ear and whispers, "There are very few things more terrifying than a woman's broken heart."
Crosshair is dead before he hits the ground. Maul extinguishes his lightsaber, walks right up to you and takes your chin in his hand, lifting your head slightly.
"You did a very good job here. They're all dead. That was your toughest test, my dear. And you passed it, I'm very proud of you," he says before his lips touch yours.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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john-frog · 10 months
Some lore on my (supposed to be) main worldbuilding/spec evo project Batrachiterra.
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In the not-so-distant future, humans have technologically advanced quite a bit, principally in terms of space travel. Humans can terraform Earth-sized planets and moons at their will, using their new homes to live, mine metals, farm animals, plants, and study certain substances, components, fauna, diseases, and even weapons in a controlled ambient environment. Such an environment is the planet Frog world. Frog World, frog's world, Frog world, many names are used to refer to the planet Heqet, in a close solar system where humans settled in to study frogs. But why study frogs? The enterprise that did this process of terraformation, called Batrachotechnologies, began the project in order to study, breed, and preserve frog species that became endangered on Earth. They aimed not only to preserve frogs but also study their poison, the batrachotoxin, in order to make vaccines, medicines and antidotes against diseases and poisons respectively. They brought to the planet the following frog species: The genus Dendrobates commonly known as poison dart frogs, the Cane toad Rhinella marina, Giant leaf frog Phyllomedusa bicolor, the Common toad Bufo bufo, and the Colorado river toad Incilius alvarius.
The terraformation was done trough some decades, the process started when the first spacial stations settled in the solar system. The atmosphere of the planet was very similar to Earth's one, but it still needed to be changed, massive machines called 437H3-R were sent to produce gases such as oxygen in high quantities. Later on, more machines were sent, now the L1L1-P0D's, who bred phyto-plankton such as algae, an important component in order to stay with the oxygen levels alright. But L1L1-P0D's also bred Zoo-plankton needed to keep the numbers of algae in check. Then it was time for "greater" life get in, drones nicknamed 533D-3R launched spores of mosses, lichens, ferns and fungi in the continents, "pioneer species" who helped to break down nutrients from rocks, a necessary thing in order to get trees in the planet later on. But in the seas life seeded was more diverse, aquatic plants and animals were seeded to kind of establish the ecosystems of the oceans. Why "kind of"? Detritivores and primary consumers were added, but, for unknown reasons, no fish species was added, so, the ecosystems were kind of incomplete.
Then the last part of the seeding process started, once the pioneer species did their job the long term species came in. Trees, vines, grasses and bromeliads were seeded, and following them invertebrates too, such as pollinators and their predators.
The terraformation thus proceeded, and humans and frogs could now settle in to start research and breeding respectively.
However, the plans to peacefully research the poisons were suddenly changed, the enterprise was purchased by an ex-military who aimed to use the research to make bio-weapons and sell them to violent organizations suchs as mafias and terrorists, the GCL: Galactic Council of Life, discovered the plans of the new owner and proceeded to interrupt the enterprise, locking their access to the solar system, evacuating the planet and leaving the new inhabitants of the planet to their own luck, in order to adapt, evolve, and thrive, on the planet of frogs.
Batrachiterra will follow the path of evolution in this terraformed world and see what wonders will emerge in the natural history of the planet Heqet after the new residents establish themselves in a competition-free ecosystem and adapt to fill its various empty niches.
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valsvastemporium · 2 years
Energy 101
Energy exists everywhere, all around and inside us. That holds true both spiritually and scientifically as everything consists of matter. Matter is energy, and we are energy sources. When we talk about energy in witchcraft, we usually speak about magic energy. Magic is one of the energies we as people emit and can manipulate. It is our conduit for outside energies. We use it to access what we cant give off. Magic is incredibly versatile that when you're advanced enough, it can pass off as external energy without much trouble. Magic, including other energies in, on, and around us, make up our energetic field and how it forms makes up our energy signature. Think of the signature as an actual signature on paper and the field is what the ink and paper are made out of. Every person's energy signature is unique, slowly cultivated from birth to their current breath. No two will be the same though some could appear to be to an untrained eye. Becoming familiar with internal and external energies can help you progress on any part of your path.
External energy sources are any that you are not. Most frequent are celestial bodies, celestial events, flora, fauna, divinity, death, colors, elemental, etc. The properties of each can be cultural or personal. Learning to categorize energy types and their properties in a way you understand is essential for successful results in spirituality. It's good practice to create and familiarize yourself with umbrella terms for niche subsets. Using the states of matter has proven practical for broader descriptions; solid, liquid, gas, and plasma, similar to the four elements. Often times you will need to combine energies to get your desired effect.
At first thought, solid energy is comparable with the sturdiness of the earth, but solids are more about physicality and less durability.
Liquid energy is more than just water; it's versatility and adaptability. Poisons and venoms from flora and fauna count as liquid energy too.
Gas energy is the closest to its elemental counterpart, air. It's stealth and the intangible.
Plasma is the most volatile of all the stages. Chaotic and powerful are just two words that describe this energy type.
Fields and Signatures
An energetic field consists of layers in which the amount will vary from person to person. The layers are often seen as either colors or objects. To read someone's energy signature, you first have to dissect their energetic field. In my experience, age can sometimes influence the number of layers someone has. Usually, the innermost layer is the first made at birth, a sign of new life, and gives the person their first guiding energy. Layers get added, changed, and removed as you experience life. Workings can be added as layers to give boosts or protection. Layers can hold trauma, desires, memories, and more; they're an autobiography. Your field can also become damaged by yourself or an external force; try to do routine checkups on yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually to prevent this.
Useful Skills
Beneficial energy skills inside and outside of spirituality are centering and grounding. Both are recognized to help with anxiety and other disorders. You center when you feel scattered and all over. Useful for when you want to call your energy back. You ground when you feel elevated. Great for after divination or astral projection to bring you back down. Grounding can also prove practical when you desire to release excess energy.
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texasobserver · 3 months
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”Insects All Around Us” by Digital Edital Editor Kit O'Connell, originally published in the January/February 2024 issue of Texas Observer magazine:
Photography and additional reporting by Fall 2023 Reporting Fellow Paula Levihn-Coon.
The prey is already dying when the hunters arrive. 
The sky is dark gray, the air thick with the threat of rain. But that hasn’t stopped over a dozen from gathering. They’re mostly, but not exclusively, older folks—frequently retirees with the ability to take a weekday morning off—and they’re armed with Digital SLR cameras and macro lenses.
Valerie Bugh crouches down over the squirming spots on the stone of the shady courtyard entrance to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, prodding at the poisoned insects. Bugh, a gray-haired local naturalist, isn’t responsible for the state of these southern yellowjackets (Vespula squamosa), but she’ll take advantage of it for a photo opportunity. Someone on staff at the center discovered their nest and sprayed them just before the bug hunters arrived, and the entire hive is trickling out from their hidden home in a low rock wall. Bugh warns me to keep my distance from the females, who have fatter-looking bodies with stingers compared to the longer, thinner males, which normally only leave the nest for mating purposes. As I take a step back, she fearlessly kneels by their wriggling bodies, picking the males up and focusing her camera on each in turn. 
“I’m trying to find one that doesn’t look dead,” she said. Soon, she’d even manage to document the hive’s queen as it haplessly tried to flee the toxins—a rare catch, though a grim beginning for a weekly ritual that largely focuses on the living. 
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Katherine Daniels and David Cook, volunteers, take insect photos.
Bugh is the author of 10 short fold-out pamphlets with color photos, with titles like Spiders of Texas: A Guide to Common and Notable Species and Unusual Insects of Texas: Caddisflies, Mantides, Lacewings, Walking Sticks, & More. That’s just one of her jobs: She’s also second clarinet in the Austin Opera. She’s modest about these accomplishments when asked—Bugh is too busy searching for bugs to brag about herself. 
Every Thursday morning from February through mid-December, Bugh and her team of volunteers in the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Fauna Project explore a winding path, gradually aiming to cover the entire grounds over the course of a year, in order to inspect more than 650 species of native plants in the gardens and the 50-plus species of oaks in the Texas Arboretum for their occupants. 
With this diversity of native plants comes a diversity in insect population too. Allowing for a few pandemic-imposed breaks and schedule changes, Bugh has otherwise been doing this consistently since 2010, during which time she’s identified almost 3,000 species of insect including over 50 bees, 345 flies, and over 500 different beetles. It’s not unusual to find a new species to add to the garden’s known tiny inhabitant list every week. 
As Bugh gets moving, other bug hunters follow her in a pack. One by one and in pairs they break off from documenting spiders and beetles found clinging to the brick walls around the entrance and offices of the center. A few volunteer birders are also on-site, but for the most part, they work independently and seem invisible compared to the cheerful, chattering bug hunters. The group also documents signs of larger animals, from mammals to amphibians, but their main focus is on these tiny crawling creatures, since bugs are the most plentiful fauna present both in this garden and worldwide. 
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Every Thursday from 2010 to the present, Valerie Bugh leads the Fauna Project at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas.
The bug hunters move in a little cluster, calling out when they find something new for Bugh to examine. The salt marsh moth (Estigmene acrea) caterpillars are everywhere.
“If it’s a salt marsh, I don’t want to know about it,” declares Bugh dismissively, though with good humor. Their hairy bodies remind me of an asp, the caterpillar with a nasty sting. But they’re actually harmless to the touch. Bugh is just frustrated because there are too many of them. Unlike other caterpillars, the salt marsh moths will eat almost any plant, building its hairy cocoons all over. 
“Every single plant is their host,” Bugh said. 
By contrast, the Gulf fritillary (Agraulis vanillae), another caterpillar present in the day’s fauna count, subsists almost entirely on passion flower vines. 
Bugh’s disdain for the salt marsh moth doesn’t stop her from plucking one from the greenery and posing for a photo with it. She’s happy to show off and talk about her fauna friends, even the overly common ones. As she moves around, her tone becomes more of a graduate lecture in entomology, no doubt similar to the insect walks she sometimes leads around Austin. Her volunteers are here to hone their skills at macro photography, to learn from a preeminent local expert, and to expand their naturalist knowledge. Many are members of the Texas Master Naturalist program.
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Valerie Bugh holds a salt marsh moth caterpillar (Estigmene acrea) in her hand.
But it’s a social occasion as much as anything, and the bug hunters talk among themselves around me, catching up on their lives. Two have just returned from African vacations and are excited to dish about all the great wildlife photos they got there, documenting large predatory wild beasts. But they seem just as eager to capture the living world’s small inhabitants in their lenses, too. 
“It’s an insect safari,” said volunteer Katherine Baker, who told me she relished the challenge of macro photography after over a decade of experience in more general nature photography. She’s been helping count the fauna for about four years now, and always feels among kindred spirits here. But they all orbit around Valerie, returning to her for advice or an ID after wandering off.
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Every Thursday for 13 years, naturalist and author Valerie Bugh, far left, has led volunteers in counting and photographing animals at the wildflower center.
“Her knowledge surpasses everyone … she’s just amazing,” Baker said of Bugh. 
The gray morning clouds are starting to burn off. As it warms up, the butterflies and others will begin to emerge from the foliage where they’re resting during the rainy, humid part of the day. 
“Aha, here’s where the bumblebees are,” Bugh declares with delight as some are pointed out to her. “These are workers and look how docile they are, they’re barely moving.”
Even before the sun appears, I become aware of how the plants around us are full of life, more than first appears to the untuned eye. As I start looking at one insect, like the predatory leafhopper assassin bug (Zelus renardii), a leggy, long-bodied, hungry thing with a venomous proboscis, I spot another, smaller bug crawling along the same bit of wild grass. We allow ourselves to forget in our day-to-day lives, but insects are all over, constantly surrounding and outnumbering us. 
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Valerie Bugh shines a small LED light on an insect.
On the day we visited, the team spotted seven different kinds of grasshoppers, two types of katydids and one cricket. Hunters often spot the American bumblebee, Bombus pensylvanicus, which is thriving in Central Texas even as its numbers dwindle elsewhere. But lately, its Sonoran cousin (Bombus sonorus) has been showing up more and more in the bug counts. 
“That doesn’t bode well for desertification,” Bugh told me. “We’ve had a lot of Western species moving in, birds too, which means the habitat is great for them and a little drier than we’re used to for everyone else.”
The naturalist bug hunters are strongly aware of the harm climate change has brought on our region, and there’s a bittersweet feeling to parts of the morning, a subtle sense that someday soon could be the last day one of these fauna appear in a count. 
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“The ecosystems are moving east, including tornado alley. It’s not great for the people in the way, and not great for us on the edge of deserts. Think of Austin without any trees. I really like trees,” Bugh says wistfully.
But most insects still spark joy when she spots them. As sure as falling leaves, the appearance of the scorpion flies (which are neither scorpions nor flies) represents the start of true Texas autumn, and they were just putting in their first appearances that Thursday in November. 
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Bugh can identify a great number of creatures on sight, but sometimes enlists help from collaborative internet forums and apps, or even, in one case, a book of Central American insects published in 1900. 
Later, when I come home from the center, I pore over her very detailed homepage, which features a searchable spreadsheet of every creature identified by her team since 2010. I email Bugh to ask what changes she’s noticed over time. 
“It is very hard to compare the past to the present since it is short term in geological time but very long term for humans,” she writes back. “Who can say what they’ve learned in over a decade? I bet it is a lot.”
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cathy-plus-e · 7 months
Spring Full Of Pain
From one problem to the other Pain coming from fauna and flora With hummingbird, bee and flower Trapped in the box of Pandora
Oh, dangerous red rose A poison that everybody knows Oh, how many times have I cry, staring at those cold eyes?
I hate you so much spring! With so many problems I can't live Now I can't do more than writing A way to stop us from fighting
Small and fragile hummingbird That always avoids to see me I'm trying so hard to be kind But I guess you don't care enough
I hate you so much spring! With so many problems I can't live Now I can't do more than writing A way to stop us from fighting
The story continues with the bee That is following in my path Hurting me as much as the flower Stealing my desire to have a good time
I hate you so much spring! With so many problems I can't live Now I can't do more than writing Because all you make me do is crying
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mask131 · 2 years
About youth fantasy or fantasy for children: it is quite easy to know when a fantasy work for children or preteens works. Just read it again when you are older and see if it is still strong. 
I’ll take two series to illustrate this.
First series: Deltora Quest. It was one of my favorite book series as a child, one of my first introductions to literary fantasy, and I adored it. I read it as a young adult, and the series was just as good - if not better.
I originally read it for the magic, the monsters, the adventures, the... well, the fantasy. I once jokingly called Deltora Quest “The Lord of the Rings for kids and in Australia”, but it is true that A) Deltora Quest reuses all the classical elements of the “traditional” fantasy genre, mostly high fantasy/epic fantasy (a group of heroes on a secret mission, an evil sorcerous overlord invading the country, a lost heir to the crown must be found, various tribes must be united to fight the villain, there’s monsters and witches at every corner...) ; but B) It does so in a simple, easy, flowing way that makes it a good and enjoyable read for kids (even though it isn’t an oversimplification - there’s still twists and turns and reveals, keeping up the mystery and the tension). 
However when I read it again with more maturity (and more knowledge of the fantasy genre), I found something entirely new. More than just fascinating visuals, gripping descriptions and epic adventures, I found beneath it solid messages and adult themes. I found in it a setting that contrasts from traditional “European fantasies” due the novel being written by an Australian and thus the fictional country of Deltora being inspired by Australia ; I found serious themes about things such as dealing with grief or fighting depression ; I found a balanced trio of heroes covering various ages and genders (with quite a handful of strong, powerful or heroic female figures across the story) ; I found books that get better upon re-read, and that are more adult than they seem, and that works to be quite unique in the general fantasy landscape. A good exemple of the brilliantness of Deltora Quest is how for example they handle their ecological message: because, walking in Tolkien’s path, in this series the evil is manifested through factories, urban nightmare, demented chemistry, pollution, eugenics and other mad science, while goodness equals a fertile land, a bright landscape, a peaceful nature, healthy beasts... BUT as I said before, Deltora Quest is an Australian work and given Australians know quite well how flora and fauna can be deadly, the nature of Deltora is not all bright and happy and colorful : it has numerous lethal, hurtful, evil and ugly things in it (that in fact, the villains often turn onto the Deltorans themselves). But here is the important message: these things are still part of Deltora, they are part of nature, while the forces of pollution and destruction the heroes face are unnatural. By accepting nature, you accept both its good and bad, what can heal and kill you - but it is better to have that than just a poisonous and filfthy wasteland. A nuanced, interesting take on the ecological message - again, in a series primarily aimed at kids and pre-teens! 
That was the good example.
Now the bad.
Amos Daragon. I don’t know if English-speakers have heard of this book series because it comes from French Canada - it was a big success there, which led to it coming to France and it had its hour of glory there. I bought Amos Daragon after having read the Deltora Quest books because they both had these ultra-cool 3D covers that were so unique at the time. And I remember that, as a kid, when I read it, I loved it a lot. It was the story of one boy who had to collect masks controlling the four elements to help the world, in grip between a battle of good and evil gods, and all the while he had adventures in various countries with various creatures inspired by all sorts of folklores and mythologies.
So when MANY years later I found back my collection, I decided to read them again to refresh my memory. I was bored, I cringed, I wanted to barf sometimes. This series not only did not age well, but also could not resist the maturity and knowledge I had gained with time. It was filled with SO many problems. For example, the Amos Daragon world is filled with gods forming a vast and rich pantheon : in fact these gods are the same as real-world gods, the various mythologies of our world mixed together in one big fantasy world. I didn’t mind as a kid because I was a fan of mythology and had never seen such “mixing-of-mythologies” work before. But as an adult, I realized how... bad it was done. The gods in the stories were basically cliche and stereotypes of themselves, sometimes completely reinterpreted or reinvented, notably because as I said there are GOOD and EVIL gods and so each god had to be sorted in one or another category... Which leads to massive reinterpretations of course. Similarly, the world of Amos Daragon has LOTS of creatures coming from all mythologies coexisting together, and a lot of fictional populations that correspond to real-life cultures (your typical medieval England countries, your fantasy-Arabia stand-in, your fictional China empire, etc...). Or at least I REMEMBERED these fictional people being expies. What a surprise I had upon finding out these populations had the same name as our real-life people : they were for example the “Vikings” and the “Dogons”. All existing alongside fictional countries in a clearly fictional world that had no relationship to our own. It was massively confusing as it was unclear whether this was supposed to be an alternate version of our world or a purely fictional one. And oh boy, let me tell you the depiction of the Dogons (who are basically all of your African people thrown in one nationality) does not age well... And the Asian martial-artist elderly “wise trickster” mentor? Well let’s say it is a type of character that would fit in 80s America but not today. It seems almost that the author was just very lazy and did a hasty patchwork without thinking much of the consequences (but apparently it is just a standard way of things when it comes to French-Canadian media? I’ll come back to it one of those days).
Okay, this is a setting problem, but what about the story then? Is it any good? Well... To be fair, there are good ideas and good elements in Amos Daragon. There’s a reason I liked this series in the first place. There are fascinating concepts and plot points. There are good elements sure, and the author clearly knows his folktales, fairytales and legends well enough to weave on traditional themes - and some reinterpretations of the mythological beings are interesting, don’t get me wrong! But that’s not enough to make a good story, far from it. The knowledge the author has in folklore comes to bite him back as if you know your basic stories and legends, a lot of the outcomes are predictable, a lot of the enigmas easy to solve. The story has all sorts of cliche of fantasy and youth stories - and not in a good way. It can please and entertain a kid who hasn’t read much or who doesn’t know much - but as soon as you know better, the story loses its charm. 
The biggest offense however, the problem that immediately jumped to my eyes upon reading, beyond the insensitive (borderline racist) depictions and the use of mythologies and cultures as building blocks to play with randomly (in many ways Amos Daragon is a sort of anti-Avatar The Last Airbender), a good part of what made the story not so enjoyable as an adult and what swallowed up the good elements... The main protagonist, Amos Daragon, is a Mary Sue. One of the purest and most unfiltered examples of a Mary Sue I ever saw. I am not kidding. As a kid, of course I didn’t know what a Mary Sue was - I didn’t even had Internet. But now I can claim it: Amos Daragon is the example of a successful Mary Sue in children literature. He is beautiful, strong, talented, clever, cunning, virtuous, always purer and better than anyone else. He always manages to defeat his ennemies, he is adored by all his friends, he can find the solution of everything (even when the deduction or solutions are just... so bizarre and unlogical) - and of course, as he gathers the masks of powers, he becomes a super-hero that saves everyone and is one of the most powerful beings in the world... Come on. Even when (spoilers) at the end of the series he meets four other mask-wearers such as him, supposed to be his equal in everything... He still manages to be the cleverest, most talented and ressourceful of them all, making the other three look like losers. 
So yeah. BAD re-read.
  This experience however proves what I said. Good fantasy for children (and in general, good works for children) can be read again as an adult and still somehow enjoyed. Because bad fantasy for children (and maybe by extension bad literature for children) doesn’t resist the power of maturity, knowledge or experience - all the illusions pierced, all the tricks dispelled, all the laziness, shortcuts or lack of care revealed into light ; while good works will be works written by adults, for future adults, written with the knowledge that children aren’t stupid, and that reading is also a matter of discovering, learning and maturing. 
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slashaer · 28 days
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the crossing of paths has not yet left either of the entities in harm or destruction, and omen would opt to keep it that way. he had no reason to provoke verna, nor had she any reason to do the same to him. their was a mutual respect between the beings, something the witch was grateful for. inside of his apothecary, omen bottles several mixes of herbs and plants, wearing black gloves as not to touch certain poisonous fauna, when the bell above the door alerts him to a visitor. the scent death, nearly sweet, meets his nose, and the witch inhales quietly, never looking up from his task. 'i didn't realize i would be visited by a friend, tonight,' lip quirks just so, omen corking one of the small bottles and setting it aside before he finally looks up at verna. 'this is a friendly visit, isn't it?' @waested.
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banefolk · 7 months
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Found a little northern crab spider hiding in my peach foxgloves waiting to pounce on some bees with its venomous bite.
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hyacinthdoll1315 · 5 months
The Future
The Harbinger watched from above the earth's exosphere, studying the beings below. The ways they interacted, moved, and conversed. The beings might say it was like ants.
Of course, ants are a very different type of species to the majority groups below, with a very different cellular structure, evolutionary path and genetic makeup, not to mention size; Though, from where it was, it would be a matter of perspective.
The Harbinger looked on as the different individuals built groups, shared pleasantries, shared hostilities, shared poisons, and continued on in their cycles. They seemed so carefree.
It surprised the harbinger, and it experienced what other creatures would call pity, or sadness. In less than 5 minutes, tragedy would strike, and none of them would be prepared.
The Harbinger focused its gaze on the one called "Sophia", an adolescent of one of the creatures that called this world home. It enjoyed seeing what would happen in their life, seeing how they experienced the world. How they fought with the one called "Dad", how they would forgive each other, how Sophia would interact with others its age, looking at the small blocks and fauna-made archives with humour and wonder.
In 10 years' time, they would have made many more archives. Said archives would then be duplicated and shared with the masses, and many would have praised her. Sophia would not have 10 years.
In 3 minutes, The End would come. The Harbinger would be unable to stop this, only able to give a warning, one that would be far too late, and far too futile. The species' below do not have the power, knowledge or skills to stop this and by the time the knowledge would spread, The End will have occurred.
The Harbinger knew this would happen, it always did. Everywhere it had gone, it had seen this would play out. and as with every time, it would be helpless to stop. And so the Harbinger watched, making its peace.
In 1 minute, the end would arrive. and so the Harbinger made its peace. A goodbye to Sophia, an acceptance to those who lived on earth, and the warning it gave before, and would continue to give, before tragedy.
in 1 second, The End-
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coinofsilver · 6 months
[ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
the sudden yank did little to set his wrist free from the thick layer of vines currently constricting dent's arm . the gun had four bullets left but was just out of reach , now laying on a bright and moist flowerbed ㅤ( ㅤpassion flowers , harvey thought , surprised that he'd remember such a thingㅤ )ㅤ . the density of the jungle air made the disgraced district attorney sick . his tirade against the filth of gotham had been cut short simply because ivy's precious greenhouse might have been yet another random casualty . now he was trapped by the flora and fauna of pamela's domain . the scent of gunpowder and gasoline , THAT was what they truly ached for ㅤㅤ---ㅤㅤ he ached for .
she's here . somewhere amidst the foliage , watching with that bright stare dent had once been so enthralled by . a shade of bright red emerges from the green but harvey chooses to claw at the vines keeping him captive instead of greeting his host ㅤ... ㅤhe knows what sort of fate awaits men who fall victim to poison ivy's spell ; HARVEY HAD LEARNED HIS LESSON . scarred fingers manage to rip off some of the lateral shoots but , no matter how much he grits his teeth or yanks , all harvey manages is to nearly dislocate his shoulder .
ㅤㅤhe looks terrible ; like a trapped animal , already scarred from some previous hunt . and yet , when she touches him she's gentle . slender fingers guide his chin and dent can feel humidity touch his exposed teethㅤㅤ --- ㅤㅤwould pamela cringe at the sight of his lumpy pink flesh ? would she wince at the twisted paths covering his left cheek ? SHE SHOULD ; specially looking the way she didㅤ ( had she become more beautiful ? was that possible ? ) ㅤ. when their eyes meet , pamela looks otherworldly . half of harvey had to fight the urge to kiss her . the other half fought the urge to bite a chunk out of her .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤdent exhaled through his nose , realising he had been holding his breath this whole time . " that's close enough , isley . " he said , still sounding like himself .
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wispwhispers · 8 months
Cooking up a Multiplayer Game: Plot and Setting
Creating a game... Remember James Cameron's "Avatar"? Well, picture that vibe, but in a magical realm! Imagine untouched nature, magic, and indigenous monsters all blended together. We're here surviving, evolving, even crafting our own village! A magical concoction, right? Ready to dive deeper?
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Yoniversia is a magical journey into a world of nature's cycles and magic. You can immerse yourself solo or share it with friends. The ultimate goal? Unravel the world's secrets, learn to thrive in harmony with the environment, or bend it to your will, embracing the path of destruction.
World Archives
Setting - Enchanted Ecosystem
Welcome to the magical realm of untamed nature, where human footprints have never tread before. At first glance, it's a magnificent place, but many inhabitants of the local flora and fauna are quite dangerous and capable of defending themselves. Danger lurks from every corner: thorns, poison, explosions, elements, bites, sharp fangs—everything around aims to seize and nibble on an unsuspecting traveler. Much of this is due to the fact that in this world, every stone, even every grain of sand, carries magic within, eager to manifest in various forms.
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Here roam the Quibz (clever beings that sometimes resemble upright animals), many of whom can communicate and even form friendly relationships. Almost all wild animals can be tamed and bred on your farm, extracting valuable resources from them and even using them as faithful companions.
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And special attention is drawn to the Wigglynx (diverse nature spirits), which can serve as reliable assistants in daily tasks, as well as a source of unpredictable challenges that demand your attention and resolution.
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Chronicles of Nature
The girls awaken inside a colossal floral bud. Perhaps these flowers possess incredible power, yet the nature of this power remains a mystery for the future.
As they open their eyes, it's unclear where they are, what tasks lie ahead, and even who they are (when choosing their character, players must define an aspect linked to the essence of a specific animal, granting them unique abilities and bonuses to attributes).
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Hunger and thirst become increasingly palpable. Unexpectedly, a little creature named Eric crosses their path. After a brief introduction, he shares the tale of Blossom Hollow. In the past, these magical flowers adorned the entire valley, but now their last sanctuary remains within the crater of an extinct volcano. Giant Wiggly Weeds are to blame for this plight. The Scout League has taken on the mission to exterminate these prickly pests, and now the girls must join them to help preserve this unique corner of nature.
Upon completing all introductory tasks, players earn their first reward badge and venture into the settlement of Shimpick. Here, the Shrine of Show-Offs is erected, allowing players to proudly display their badges for public admiration. In this place, colossal Quibz maintain order, while others trade treasures, all under the reign of the pint-sized Sam.
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And finally, the pivotal moment in each girl's destiny arrives. They confront a choice that will determine their gameplay style: the path of harmony with nature or the path of destruction.
In each biome, several points of interest are present, entwined with captivating stories. The main plot guides players through all locations, yet an open approach is possible, allowing exploration in sandbox mode.
The game features three main antagonists: untamed wilderness, unbridled magic, and the player themselves. They constantly clash in conflict. Moreover, there are no boys in the game, their whereabouts and fate remaining a mystery for now.
In the next topic, I'll delve into gameplay, game mechanics, and balance.
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lyrabythelake · 2 years
Lost prince au: I’m so curious now, what were the boys relationships with each of their parents like?
Oooh good question! I've put the answer under the cut. Take into consideration that a lot of the younger ones wouldn't be able to remember their mother, and after she died their father was king so his focus was more on the kingdom than any of them.
Time - He was always very close to their mother, and I can't reveal too much because it includes spoilers, but she shared a lot of information regarding her rule with him that she didn't even tell her husband. Her relationship with Time was wholly based on preparing him to one day be king and he both loves and resents her for that. She put a lot of responsibility on his shoulders from a young age, not without guilt, because she believed it was a necessary evil. -He loved their father as family, but did not believe he was a good king. If anything, his reign paved a path Time avoids at all costs. Despite that, and despite knowing his father was rather foolish in his position of power, he has accepted he will never be as good a man as he was.
Warriors - It probably comes as no surprise that Warriors had an innate need to please his parents when they were alive. They loved him, of course, but he was never either of their “favourite”. He was constantly striving for their attention and approval, and somehow always fell short. 
Sky - I think Sky would have been a very empathetic child and mature beyond his years. He would see his parents struggling and try in his own way to help. He did a lot of small acts of kindness for their benefit, most of which they looked over due to their higher responsibilities. Unlike most of his brothers, he holds no resentment for them, because he could see how stressful their lives and jobs were, and forgave them for not putting their children before the many lives of the kingdom.
Legend - He had a close relationship with their mother and the others will often joke he was her favourite child. She always said he was going to do great things and he often feels she would be disappointed in him and where he has ended up. The sad thing is, she might well have been. Before but especially after her death he was a pretty rebellious child and did some things to make his father's life difficult, like befriending a not-so-law abiding merchant from the rough side of town. Not exactly great for their family's reputation.
Wild - Nightmare child. Their father had to assign Wild his own personal nanny to make sure he wasn't climbing trees or eating poisonous fauna from the garden. He was four when his mother died, so we are entering into the period when the boys had very little interaction with their father throughout their childhood.
Four - LP Four is a level-headed character, but as a child his emotions were very volatile. He could definitely have benefited from a more nurturing father, but had to learn to find inner peace on his own. He would never admit it, but when their father died, Four was shocked to find he felt very little in the way of sadness, and mourned him as a king alongside his subjects rather than as a father beside his brothers.
Hyrule - He was always very independent from a young age, and kind of fell through the cracks of his parents' attention. He sustained and entertained himself and was quite quiet, so he was mostly trusted to do his own thing. The outcome of this is Hyrule lacks any kind of discipline and does whatever the hell he wants.
Wind - This might be part of some Wind angst later on, but he blames himself for their mothers' death because she died giving birth to him. He has actually had more parental supervision than Four or Hyrule, because some of his brothers took on the roll of guardian. He finds their nagging to be very hypocritical and skips classes and family dinners whenever he can. They have kind of come to accept he'll do his own thing no matter what.
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