#plush anon
plushanon · 1 month
can't breathe
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unlucky-dragonite · 4 months
Hey there! Are there any plushies you'd like to receive? I'd be happy to do a custom request!!
Um... I don't really know. Maybe a Pikachu, or a Dedenne or Togedemaru? I don't really have a solitary place that I stay at, so would I be able to pick it up somewhere?
Also, I hope they're not to pricey. I only have a little money left after I get food.
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devourable · 7 months
plushy welcome back!! youve been missed 🫶 the same thing happened to me but im too deranged to not post on tumblr so. lolz
im doing way better than before but ive been stuck in the mountains for days so im more insane than usual
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val-victory · 3 months
Swanna mail! Some handmade Swadloon silk. It is around 6' (Feet) worth of silk.
Have some silk :)
The Scientists immediately came into my Room and took it like their Life depends on it. I think they'll be having a lot of Fun with this. Expect your Blockers in an Hour or so.
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poorlydrawneridan · 7 months
Hello Eridan!! Plush shark be upon ye!!
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battle-subway-ghost · 5 months
//Maybe I should start clarifying that " means inches...
Or I could start making plushies that are 6 feet tall for the bit
-Plush Anon
// do whatever your heart tells you, but all I'll say is that people randomly receiving 6 foot tall plushies is classic rotumblr chaos. Gotta love it
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chomperblue · 2 months
Swanna mail! A handmade Garchomp plush. It is around 6" (inches) tall.
Have a new friend :)
The winds have changed and the ash is starting to clear! I think your Swanna must have been caught in the storms. Arceus, Hoenn's weather really isn't it. :/
This garchomp is so cute! I'm going to put it in my window. <3
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thearoaceditto · 5 months
Swanna mail! A poorly crafted Mesprit plush. It's life sized.
I am 100% for forgiveness and making friends...
But go ham on this one >:)
-Plush anon
Thank you plush anon, but I don't seek violence against Mesprit anymore, I probably shouldn't have been in that cave in the middle of that lake all those years ago anyways...
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egophiliac · 8 months
On EN server, I cant believe I actually believed you when you said nothing bad happens ever OH MY GOD- QAQ
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waywardstation · 5 months
I got a Phione Plushie for Christmas and I love to gently hold it or carry it around in the hood of my hoodie and a part of me is imagining all the little scenarios that Ingo goes through when he becomes Phione-Akari’s personal human sized jungle gym.
I also have this mental image of her after she spent forever making him successfully connect the dots that she’s Akari to him she’s pretty much exhausted and falls asleep on him and on his way home/back to Jubilife he is extra careful not to wake her and make her feel comfortable. She feels like a wet rag but he’s still just happy having found her. Makes you wonder if he is gonna miss having a "wet rag" on him all the time once the whole heartswap mess is over and dealt with.
OH YOU GOT A PHIONE PLUSH!! Awesome!! I have one too that I carry around sometimes, I love it! (In fact I took it with me to a convention last week where I met with some amazing submas-fandom friends, they got to see it peeking out of my backpack haha)
Yes he is reduced to her personal jungle gym sometimes lol. It’s rather annoying when he doesn’t understand it’s Akari just trying to get his attention, but also the behavior calms down a lot when he does eventually learn and she doesn’t have to nag at him all the time anymore. (And yes, it does feel like he has a wet rag on him all the time haha)
I’m looking forward to posting my collection of Phione Akari AU stories tonight, as there are a few scenarios that kind of go through this! Not one that takes place right after Ingo finds out Akari is this clingy Phione yet, but I’ll get to it as I do want to write that. Your concept of him trying to make her comfortable on the way back is so sweet though ;w;
But for now, take this doodle of Akari taking out her frustrations. Ingo is so tired.
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plushanon · 3 months
Hey, I saw the post about your workbench breaking and I'd like to offer to make you a new one. I have a history of furniture making with my carpentry and you seem like such a nice person, I know how infuriating it is to have things like that happen while working on a project.
If you have any requests for specific features it should have, just let me know.
I'm Juniper from @sinnohstruggles btw.
;-; Thank you so so so much friend...
I would really love that! Thank you!
The main thing is that it has to be really big! A big surface area is important for maximizing productivity!
And um... I would appreciate it if it could be made extra reinforced. I don't want it breaking again, and it seems like I'm only going to get more clumsy and strong from here on out...
Thank you again friend!!
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spirit-lanterns · 16 days
I just had a BIG thot. Casino au girls gamble for a once in a year, really chonky plush (bunny or nonbunny) of us. Different types and games are included to give some of the girl failures a chance.
(This is a 2nd send because the Wi-Fi was being funky. So ignore this one if the other one got through.)
You actually sent the first ask to my PTN blog, but thankfully you sent it again to my HSR one (the correct one) 😅
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This but in your preferred bunny fur color, ofc. DUDE THE HSR WOMEN WOULD GO ALL IN FOR THIS CHONKY PLUSH. I kid you not, this is probably a limited edition Chonk Bun plush, so it’s definitely worth a ton of credits within the HSR universe 😭😭
Asta is about to drop her entire bank account for this plush. Kafka might steal it, Constance might commit atrocities, it’s all going to be so chaotic.
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dailypokemoncrochet · 4 months
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kandidandi · 1 year
I'm curious, how is Y/N after the hospital? How are Sun and Moon doing? Is Sun torn, knowing it was the Glitch's fault or is he angry at Moon for not stopping himself?
At first sun was PISSED OFF at moon for not controlling himself and almost destroyed moon and himself out of rage
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Of course after the incident they were marked for scrapping but locked themselves in a supply closet chasing a hopeless fantasy where y/n would come back and save them, however, after the first few months they lost all sense of hope
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Moon feels extremely guilty for what happened, even though sun knows it was the virus and not moon but moon still feels like he shouldn't be forgiven no matter how desperately he craves it
As for y/n... well they're doing way better but they still miss a certain someone
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stuffeddeer · 6 months
y!dazai buying plushies and clothes for you :) but since he’s a massive douchebag he ended making you cry about it (probably didn’t feel bad either bleh)
he feels like he need to coddle you every single minute of the day or else he’ll go batshit crazy
anon i thought this said MAKING clothes for u i was about to cheer imagine dazai with his precise and nimble fingers hand sewing clothing for himself during the two years he spent underground, patching holes in his jacket and such ouughhh.. his darling gifts him a sewing machine after seeing his dodgy sewing set up utilizing a single bent needle and a lot of patience that he doesn’t normally have… ARE YOU ALL SEEING THIS TOO…… tbh tho he’d prick himself one (1) time with the needle and never pick one up again he’s such a baby or he’d swallow one
Kidnapper!Dazai who drones on and on about how hard he works to provide for the two of you, the least you can do is cuddle the plushies he got you if not him. That’s money that could have gone towards the betterment of your forcibly shared apartment, rather than some childish plushies just to keep you placated. Stop crying, that’s why he got them for you, remember?
wait hold on
He tries and be all sweet and doting, dropping the plush on top of some cozy pajamas he’d purchased for you that day. With a delusional smile he’d pull you into a hug, tugging at the hem of your pants claiming he wants a fashion show. At least the pajamas are modest — long pant legs and sleeves that at least cover your shoulders. The worst offender has a low neckline, but he’s sure you’ll appreciate that he didn’t go for anything too crazy. You’ll gently push him away, picking up the stuffed plush from the thick paper bags instead: It looks just like the one you had as a child. Dazai knows this, of course, like he knows everything else about you. He sits back with a smug grin, watching as you gently push it from one hand to the other.
The difference between this plush and the one sitting in storage at your parents’ home is the life brought into it: fur that is no longer matted from love and eyes that aren’t scuffed and scraped from kicking it off your bed at night… Wow, you missed those days. You missed your mom. A frown crosses your face as you turn towards your shared bedroom, deciding to spend sometime on your own. Before you can enact these plans, however, Dazai plucks the stuffie from your gentle grip, holding him high above your head. Your eyes widen and your face immediately drops. Hadn’t he already taken so much from you? Tears begin falling before you can even register it, too caught up in the sudden fear that you’d lose another part of yourself. Your parents, your friends, your life before this: it was all imprinted onto that stupid stuffed toy Dazai had gotten as an afterthought.
Yet, he continued to dangle it over your head. “You’ll get this little fella back when you answer me. Don’t you wanna make me as happy as I’ve made you?”
Happy? You couldn’t help but feel sick. With how long you’ve been in Dazai’s home, you knew expressing that wouldn’t get you the plushie back. The sleeve of your current outfit helps to wipe the tears off of your cheeks. “Fa-fashion show, right? Okay, okay,” you mutter while dropping to your knees, digging through the bag of clothing for the first set.
This is not your prompt but Dazai who bought a cam stuffie. Unbeknownst to you, the eye of the cute little teddy your dear friend gifted you fed video straight to his laptop at all hours of the day. He spends his nights watching you sleep peacefully; the rise and fall of your chest soothing him and giving him something to focus on other than the negative thoughts on his mind. Something about the way you’d pat the little bear on the head every morning had him swooning, as though you were doing the action to him. Weirdly enough, you always seemed to turn the little teddy away before changing… Oh well — Dazai would have plenty of time to see everything he wants to once you’re finally together: something he envisions happening soon.
this is not proofread bc i have soo much due rn... classes are kicking my ass!!! hope you like it anon :)
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pianokantzart · 7 months
Who’s ur fav character and why is it Luigi (only correct answer wink wink)
Okay listen, LISTEN... I love underdogs, but not just regular underdogs, I want true underdogs! I want the ones who are considered last choice amongst a large cast of underdogs. Socially awkward? Check!
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Often pigeonholed as "dumb" or "goofy"? Check!
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A tendency to latch onto someone else due to a lack of trust in themselves? Check!
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A heart of gold despite it all? A natural tendency to prioritize the needs/desires of loved ones above their own? Double check!
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Add on top of this the crippling anxiety! Luigi knows where he stands in the grand scheme of things, he knows that at the end of the day he's a just a simple plumber who is not meant to fight giant fire-breathing turtle monsters and ghost kings! 99% of the time he just wants a hot cup of tea, a good book and a nap!
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But doggone it, he fastens his overalls and does the right thing when the chips are down! With every bone in his body trembling and every braincell in his head screaming "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS" he pulls himself together and does it out of love! Luigi's the reluctant hero who is eternally reluctant, but that just makes him all the more lovable! Everything is working against him, even his own instincts. Nothing comes easy for him, and yet every step of the way he's trying his very hardest to do well by those he cares about!
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It's just... aaaahhh it's so GOOD man.
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