#plus why does a few brief moment of obliviousness make him an idiot and the entire series worth of genius means nothing???
dothwrites · 4 years
Cas using Enochian pick-up lines on oblivious Dean. Dean doesn't get them, Cas feels rejected each time, and Sammy is done with it all! Can I have that fic, pretty please?
ah, this has been sitting here for a WHILE, so i’m sorry that i’m trash 
lost in translation
It begins when Dean is pathetically trying to impress his crush. 
Or at least that would be Sam’s take, if Dean cared enough to ask him. 
Dean would rather say that it began with a simple misunderstanding, one which could happen to anyone. 
He doesn’t ask Cas’ opinion of the situation (and Cas would say that’s the whole crux of the problem). 
Whoever has the correct perspective, no one would argue about the beginning of the affair. It starts one afternoon when Dean is contemplating switching Sam’s creamer with buttermilk, just for a break in the monotony. Cas is with him in the library, his customary suit and coat exchanged for a hoodie and a comfortable looking pair of jeans which Dean suspects used to belong to him (there’s something vaguely familiar about that hole in the knee, and it wouldn’t be the first time Cas has pilfered his room for clothing; several of Dean’s shirts have ended up upon the angel’s body. Cas always seems perplexed when Dean calls him on his thievery, plucking at the shirt with faint confusion--Oh this? I found this down in the laundry room a few days ago and thought it looked familiar, do you want it back? And the question is phrased so forlornly that Dean can’t help but allow Cas to steal another article of clothing out from under his very nose.). Cas dresses down these days. And slouches. Right now, his chin is in danger of disappearing into his chest. The sight delights Dean. There for a while, he hadn’t been sure Cas was capable of relaxing.
It’s an overwhelmingly quiet afternoon. It’s nice, because Dean loves to spend time with Cas when there’s no imminent blood or monsters on their horizons, but it’s also boring. Dean sneaks a glance at Cas over the top of his book. Cas seems perfectly content to sit all day reading some godawful thick, leather bound tome. Dean finds himself less than content, but he doesn’t want to leave Cas. He sighs, shifting in his seat as he pretends to read. After a few more minutes, he sighs again, this time with a little more spite in the sound.
(Dean’s about three seconds away from kicking his feet and whining I’m bored, but Cas doesn’t need to know that.) 
Cas mutters under his breath. Dean recognizes the guttural syllables of Enochian, which is Cas’ go-to language for when he’s saying something hateful and he doesn’t want to get called out on it. Tough luck for him, though, because Dean’s heard one of those words enough to parse its meaning. 
“Did you just call me stupid?” he demands, slapping his book down on the arm of the chair. 
Castiel looks at him, his eyes wide with surprise. “You...understood that?” he asks. “You understand Enochian?”
Not in the slightest, is what Dean should say. He understands one word, and that’s only because Cas uses it enough as an insult that it managed to stick in his mind. But something that looks like fondness, and admiration, and other nice adjectives which Dean would like Cas to apply to him, shines at the edges of Cas’ eyes. So he rolls his eyes a little bit (the audacity of Cas! Asking him if he bothered to study something which was not strictly required!) and scoffs, “Uh, kind of hard not to at this point, you know, what with...” He waves his hand at Cas, hoping that the vagueness of the gesture will cover a multitude of sins. 
And really, he should come clean. If the past fifteen years have taught him anything, it’s that nothing good comes from lying to your nearest and dearest. But this is just a little white lie. Like when he was sixteen and he told Brandy Fletcher he could play a rocking drum solo, because he wanted to impress her and there was no way he would ever be called upon to perform such a task. This is just a little fib, made so that Cas doesn’t think he’s a fucking idiot. 
Plus, there’s something which looks horribly similar to gratitude shining in Cas’ eyes. The emotion brims over until those baby blues can hardly contain it, and Cas looks so goddamned happy. Dean’s not a monster. He’s not going to take that away from Cas just so he can come clean with a Gotcha! moment. 
Cas bites at his lower lip, looking uncommonly shy. Worry starts to stir in Dean’s gut, which is only compounded when Cas says something else in soft yet clear Enochian. As the new phrase doesn’t have the word stupid anywhere in it, Dean doesn’t have the slightest idea of what Cas is saying. The guilt squirming in his stomach gets worse when Cas looks at him, with gentle anticipation, as though he’s expecting a reply. Dean does what humans have been doing since the beginning of time when confronted with a language they don’t understand and smiles, wide and sunny, at Cas. Cas’ forehead creases but he returns the gesture. His eyes are still brimming over with emotion and the sight does something to Dean. 
Dean begins to suspect that he may have started something which he is not equipped to finish. 
After that, things get a little weird. Considering Dean’s general life, that’s saying something. 
Dean catches Cas looking at him more, like Cas is having a one-man staring contest with the side of his face. Cas staring at him is nothing to write home about, but his looks have gained new intensity. It makes Dean’s innards squirm with worry as well as something deeper. He’s not willing to examine that feeling any closer, though it is pleasant. 
As if the soulful looks weren’t bad enough, there’s also the thoughtful slant of Cas’ eyes to worry about. Every time he looks at Dean, he looks like he’s working himself up to something momentous. Since momentous decrees from Cas usually come hand in hand with world-ending events and revelations, Dean thinks he can forgiven for dodging Cas’ presence. 
It does him no good: the bunker, for all its space, is only so large in the end, and Cas was once a heavenly messenger who has the patience of millennia. Add that to the fact that Dean needs to eat at least twice a day, and the game of Cornering Dean becomes a game of cards, in which the deck is stacked firmly in Cas’ favor. 
Dean sneaks into the kitchen sometime between midnight and two am. If Sam caught him, then he would get a talking-to about the most appropriate times to eat, better digestive function, and the ravages of heartburn in a man his age, but it’s not his brother sitting at the table when Dean flicks on the light. 
It’s Cas, who blinks owlishly at him, before his face splits into his brightest smile. 
(Cas’ brightest smile is an awkward, crooked little thing. On a regular human being it would be considered unbecoming. On Cas, it’s a thing of glory.)
“Dean,” Cas greets him. Hearing his voice in that low, rough voice never fails to send a little shiver down his spine, and today is no different. “This is an odd time for a snack.” 
“Yeah,” Dean says, a little lamely. The shock of finding Cas in the kitchen has kind of killed his appetite, but it’s not like he can turn around and leave. “Just, you know, had a craving. Why were you here?” 
Cas looks around the kitchen, his mouth pursed. “I like it here. It’s peaceful.” 
Dean looks at him, waiting for the punchline. “You were sitting in the dark, dude.” 
“Oh. Well, I don’t need lights to see in the dark,” Cas says, as though the knowledge that his best friend has some freaky see in the dark cat eye nonsense going on with him isn’t the weirdest thing Dean’s heard all day. 
“Great.” Dean opens the fridge and pulls out a container at random. He spares one second to hope that Sam got rid of all the moldy food before he samples the contents. “Well, I think I’m going back to my room now.” 
He wants to get out of here, not so much because he doesn’t want to talk to Cas (he has no problem with late-night chats with Cas, it’s just that he would prefer such chats take place in his room, preferably in his bed, preferably while both participants were significantly less dressed), but because Cas is starting to get that look again, like he’s getting ready to drop an atomic bomb’s worth of shit on Dean in the middle of the kitchen. 
“Dean.” Cas stands up. He twists his fingers together before he realizes what he’s doing, and then places them flat against his thighs. He takes a deep breath. Before Dean can stop him, Cas opens his mouth. 
Low, rolling syllables flow through the kitchen, the harsh notations of Enochian softened by Cas’ voice. There’s a question in Cas’ eyes, and Dean would answer it, if he only knew what Cas was asking. 
The kitchen falls into silence. Dean gets the distinct impression that walking away is not the appropriate reaction. If only he knew what the appropriate reaction was. 
He settles for plastering a fake ass smile on his face and loosing a brittle laugh which threatens to shatter the lighting fixtures. The corners of his mouth hurt from the wideness of his smile, but not even the small twinge of pain can take away from the brief flash of hurt in Cas’ eyes. 
“Yeah. You bet.” Dean barely restrains himself from giving Cas a big thumbs up.
Cas’ face, if possible, turns even more disconsolate. Dean’s stomach twists at the sight. 
This would be the correct moment to confess. Cas, I don’t have the faintest idea what you said, but I’d really like it if you could say it again in English, so that I could maybe comment on it. Sorry I’m such a jackass. 
Dean does not confess. He reaches out and claps Cas on the shoulder, almost buckling Cas’ knees under the friendly contact. Dean almost stops, but he continues to his room, trying to erase the memory of Cas’ stricken face. 
It gets worse. 
Cas says something in Enochian to him the next morning, a tiny, hopeful smile darting across his face. Dean gives him a weak smile in return and tries not to focus on the longing, almost desperate tone of Cas’ voice. “Ok, Cas,” he says, when it becomes clear Cas is angling for something more than a smile that makes it look like he ate some bad tacos. 
Cas takes him by the wrist. This time the syllables which come out of his mouth are almost frantic. His eyes are wide and imploring, and his voice cracks on the last word. 
The truth, Dean. Tell him the truth. 
“Look, I’m sorry, Cas,” Dean says. Confronted by the weight of his failings and his inadequacies, he flees. All the while, he feels Cas’ eyes on his back. 
It gets worse. 
Cas continues to mutter Enochian at him, alternating between frustrated, hurt, mocking, and pleading inflections. Each time, Dean looks at him in a mixture of helplessness and shame. 
The last time Cas tries, there’s a faint snap and tingle of grace curling around the room. Dean can taste it in the air, ozone and electricity, before it makes the lamp closest to him spark and pop. “Great, now you’re killing the furniture,” comes out of his mouth before he can stop it. 
Cas recoils as though Dean reached out and slapped him. He says something else in Enochian, his voice small and defeated. He won’t even look at Dean. 
If Dean were a better person, he would come clean. He would apologize to Cas and beg his forgiveness. He would take Cas’ scorn and irritation and lump it in with the rest of the shit that’s gone wrong with his life, and they would move past this. 
Dean’s not a good person. Hell, he’s not even an okay person. He’s a piece of shit who got a hell of a lot luckier than he ever deserved, and Cas is just naive enough not to realize that. 
It gets worse. 
Sam walks into the library one afternoon with a dazed look on his face which means he’s just emerged from being caught deep in a book. He runs his hands through his hair and only then seems to realize that Dean and Cas are sitting at opposite ends of the library, deliberately ignoring each other. The tension in the room is thick enough to cut. 
“You guys okay?” he asks, glancing back and forth between them. 
“We’re good,” Dean says shortly, flipping a page of his book with unneeded aggression. 
Sam flicks his eyes towards Castiel. Cas looks over the top of his book, his eyebrows twisted in a scowl. He mutters something most definitely not English under his breath, staring at Dean. 
Sam chokes on nothing. 
“You all right there, Sammy?” Dean glances at Sam, only to see that his brother’s face is bright red. 
“Yeah, I’m great.” 
Castiel says something else in Enochian, sounding more forlorn than angry. Dean didn’t think it was possible for his brother’s eyes to get any wider. “Something you want to share with the rest of the class?” Dean asks. He keeps his eyes on Cas, but the question is meant for both of them. 
“I think you two should really talk,” Sam says, looking back and forth between him and Cas. “I think you’re both missing some information.” 
“What do you mean--” Dean pauses as the obvious answer comes to him. “Hold on. You can understand him?” 
“Don’t talk about me like I’m not in the room,” Castiel says, proving that he can speak English just damn fine when he wants to. Then, because Cas is an asshole whose main job is torturing Dean, he mutters something in Enochian. 
Sam snorts. 
If he didn’t know he would later regret it, Dean would put both of them in the ground. 
“Well, if you want someone to talk to you, then knock it off and speak English!” Dean snaps. “I’ve got no idea why you’re babbling on like that and looking like I kicked your puppy when I don’t answer.” 
Cas scowls, the full wrath of Heaven in his eyes. He starts what sounds like it will no doubt be a lengthy tirade (in Enochian of fucking course), before he’s interrupted by Sam. 
“Dean doesn’t understand Enochian, Cas!” he shouts. 
Two pairs of eyes snap to Sam. Dean’s are filled with furious betrayal, Cas’ with frustrated confusion. Sam ignores them both, rolling his own eyes to the ceiling. “Yeah, look, I’m sorry to cut in your drama or whatever, and I’m sure that you two could keep this up for another three weeks, but I value my sanity. Dean, nut up and tell Cas you don’t speak Enochian. Cas, stop running into a brick wall and tell him what you want. I mean, good God, it’s like I have to do everything around here myself!” 
Sam’s complaining never ceases as he peruses the shelves for the particular book he’s looking for. Both Dean and Cas are referred to multiple times as idiots, sometimes assholes, and once even idjits. Throughout his litany of abuse, Dean and Castiel refuse to look at each other, though Dean does feel a telltale prickling at the back of his neck several times. Every time he looks at Cas, however, the angel has his eyes firmly fixed on his book. 
Dean wonders if Cas would get more pissed if he told him his book was upside down. 
“You ever think about how much pain and agony you could save me if you two assholes would just talk to each other?” Sam finally snaps. Arms laden with books, he levels a fearsome glare at the both of them. “For homework, neither of you are coming out of this library until you’ve actually talked to each other like rational adults. And if you make any weird noises, I’m going to smother both of you in your sleep.” 
He stalks out of the library, leaving Cas and Dean alone once more. Cas looks up from his book, finally realizing it’s upside-down, while Dean puts down his own book. They stare at each other for a long moment, then speak at once. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t understand Enochian?” “What were you trying to say to me?” 
They stop. Dean swallows, gathers up all of his manly courage, and speaks. 
“So what were you trying to say to me? It must have been pretty exciting to get Sammy clutching his pearls.” 
Cas tilts his head. He considers Dean for a long moment before he crosses the space between them. Cas leans forward, putting his hands on the arms of Dean’s chair. The gesture boxes Dean in, a turn of events which Dean doesn’t struggle against. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t speak Enochian?” 
Pinned beneath Cas’ gaze, Dean squirms uncomfortably. Now that it’s just him and Cas, his deception seems childish. Would it really have been the end of the world if he’d told Cas he was too stupid and selfish to learn his language? It would have just been another disappointment in Cas’ life, but has it been worth these past few days of being at odds with Cas? 
Heat flushes along the bridge of Dean’s nose as he mutters, “I wanted you to think I was smart.” 
Damn super-angelic hearing. Cas doesn’t miss a beat, though his forehead creases. “You wanted...what? Dean, you are smart.” 
He says it so naturally, as though Dean doesn’t struggle over translations or speaking Latin or cross-referencing indexes or any of the thousand other things that seem to come naturally as breathing to Sam and Cas. “Yeah, sure, I’m a regular fucking genius,” Dean mumbles. 
“You’re capable of finding the problem with a faulty engine with a single look. You built your own EMF meter out of a spare Walkman. Despite your efforts to hide it, you’re very well-read, and you have an innate understanding of some fairly complicated mathematics. I’m not sure exactly what humans qualify as intelligent, but I feel as though all of those skills count.” 
Dean knows his whole face is red. Heat prickles along the tips of his ears and down his neck. “Jesus, Cas,” he mutters. Unable to withstand the force of those blue eyes, he darts his glance down towards the floor. “Most people don’t start sweet talking until the third date.” 
“Well, I’m an angel,” Castiel says, smugly, as though that solves every argument (not a bad strategy; that line’s worked for Cas for years. What else can you say after that?). 
“All right, I answered yours, now you answer mine. What were you trying to say to me?”
Amazingly, Cas’ cheeks color. 
“Come on, Cas,” Dean wheedles, when Cas doesn’t immediately answer. “I told you mine.” 
Cas looks off to the side. He actually shuffles his feet before he answers, “It was just a thought. I thought, maybe, we could...Never mind. It was stupid.” He looks back at Dean and rolls his eyes, showing how ridiculous he finds this whole trial. “I guess, roughly translated, it would amount of something like ‘If only he were as decisive as he is pretty, then there would be no problem’.” He forces a weak laugh. “I said it in the heat of the moment. I was frustrated.” 
Dean blinks in astonishment. Only one fact has managed to slip through the tangle of Cas’s words. “You think I’m pretty?” 
Castiel’s blush deepens. “Anyone who has eyes would think that,” he says, a little roughly. 
An automatic flush spreads across Dean’s cheeks, but he’s able to ignore that. He’s much more interested in what else Cas might have been telling him. “And what was something else you said?” 
Cas coughs. “’Your eyes are bright as the sunrise, yet they fail to see what is in front of them’,” he says. If possible, his already rough voice has deepened. 
Cas doesn’t pretend coyness. “’You had my heart from the first time I saw your soul’,” he says, in a near whisper. 
Dean can’t hold himself back. He snatches Cas’ hoodie in his hands and drags Cas down to his level. Cas lets out a surprised grunt before he gracefully collapses atop Dean. He’s barely managed to balance himself on Dean’s lap before Dean’s lip are on his. 
Despite Dean’s rushed actions, the kiss is sweet and almost chaste. Cas’ lips are warm and chapped and utterly wonderful. At first, they’re stiff, but only for a second. Then Cas relaxes into the kiss, sighing happily as his hand cups Dean’s cheek. Cas’ stubble scratches against his chin. He’s going to bear the marks of Cas’ affection later, and he couldn’t be more thrilled about it. 
Cas parts from him, but not far. In fact, he’s close enough to Dean that when whispers a phrase in Enochian, his lips brush against Dean’s. 
A shiver of delight runs down Dean’s spine. Now that he knows the gist of what Cas was trying to say to him, Enochian fills him with illicit glee. “What did that mean?” 
Cas kisses him again, adding a cunning sweep of his tongue across the seam of Dean’s lips. “’Of all the stars in the heavens, you shine the brightest’,” he translates, resting his forehead against Dean’s. 
Heat floods through Dean once more. It’s everything he ever dreamed of hearing. It seems impossible that he could have it. There should be a rule against it. Dean Winchester doesn’t get what he wants. 
Except, apparently, Dean Winchester does get what he wants, as evidenced by his lapful of angel murmuring Enochian endearments into his ear. “Hey Cas?” Dean tilts his head to catch Cas’ eye. “When I first saw you, sparks flew. How would you say that in Enochian?” 
Cas thinks for a second before a smile spreads across his face. “I’ll teach you,” he promises, before he pulls Dean’s face towards him once more. 
(Sam’s warning about making weird noises makes a lot more sense now.)
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bxcketbarnes · 4 years
Something More
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Pairing: Michael Clifford x Reader
Words: 3000+
Author's Note: I love this! It's real angsty at first but it turns out fluffy. I promise! Let me know what you thought. 🤗
Ashton and I were roaming around Target, the plastic cart I was pushing filled with Christmas decorations. I was a bit lost in my thoughts as we were looking at the fake trees, trying to decide which kind I wanted. It's my first Christmas not living with my parents as Michael, one of my best friends, and I got a place together in LA.
"Y/N?" Ash asks and I snap out of my thoughts, looking over at the black-haired man.
"What?" I mumble immediately, looking around as I heard Ashton chuckle. I furrow my eyebrows at him, his laughter died down almost immediately.
"Are you okay?" He mumbled and I swallow the lump in my throat before nodding my head. "Is this about Mike?"
A sigh leaves my lips as I pick with my fingers, leaning against the cart. "That obvious?" I question and Ash shrugs his shoulders in response.
"I happened to notice you mope around ever since he left with… what's her name again?"
I roll my eyes as I think about the girl Michael's been "seeing." She was a huge bitch to me and his friends, yet he chooses to have her stick around. I didn't get it.
"He's known her for two months. Two fucking months and he thinks she's the best person to take to Bali? Fucking bull," I spat while huffing dramatically.
Ashton leans a hand on the cart, looking into it before his hazel eyes danced back to mine. "Is this why you've bought all black decorations? Are you feeling angsty?" He asks and I glare at him for a few seconds before shaking my head.
"No, you idiot," I laugh and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "I read an article that black trees and decorations were in and it's my first Christmas where I officially live on my own so I wanted to try it. Plus, Mike's not gonna be here for Christmas so why not, right?"
"Yeah, I guess you're right. Do you want help setting things up? The boys and I can come over. So you're not alone," he mentions and a smile comes to my lips.
"That'd be great, Ash. If y'all want to by all means," I tell him and he nods, draping his arm over my shoulders before pulling me into his chest. A sigh leaves my lips as I wrap my arms around his waist.
"Alright! Let's find a tree and get out of here!"
I sit on my knees on the floor, cutting open the box for the Christmas tree as the music was playing through the speakers. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as I place the right limbs with their colored group.
The music from my phone is cut off as the ringtone I had for Michael begins to play through the speaker. My eyebrows furrowed together, wondering why he's calling me when he should be having a grand time in Bali.
I push myself up from the floor, huffing gently as I walk towards my phone which sits on the kitchen table. I turn off the Bluetooth before answering the phone, pressing the device against my ear.
"Hey, Mike," I mumble into the phone while heading back into the living room.
"Hey, Y/N/N," he sighs and the glare my eyes were sporting softened.
"What's going on?" I ask, hearing the disappointment in his voice. I sit on the floor, crossing my legs before leaning my hand against my chin.
Michael sighs and I can see him running his hands through his hair. "I just… I'm sorry. I made a mistake coming here with her. I-I should've brought you," he confesses and I frown.
"I mean, I could've told you that but you wouldn't exactly listen to me," I tell him and I can hear him sigh.
"I know. I'm sorry. I was a huge dick to you," Michael mumbles and a chuckle leaves my lips. "I still have a place to live, right? You're not gonna kick me out, are you?"
More of a laugh escapes my lips as I shake my head, knowing he can't see it. "Of course you still have a place to live. Michael, you're my best friend. I'm always gonna be here whether you make right or wrong choices. You're my rock, bub. Kinda stuck with me now," I explain to him as a smile graces my lips.
"You're amazing and I'm glad I'm stuck with you. I couldn't ask for someone better," he mentions and a knock on my door snaps me from my daze. I get up from the floor, strolling towards the front door before opening it. Cal, Ash, and Luke stand on the other side with bags of food in their hands and smiles on their lips.
"Hey, guys, come on in," I tell them quickly and Michael speaks up.
"Guys? Are the guys there?" He asks and I mumble a quick yeah as I shut the front door.
"Is that Mike?" Ashton asks and I nod my head, holding up a finger as I head down the hallway.
"Why are the guys there?" Michael asks me and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Is there a problem with them being here?" I question him and I tilt my head a bit, waiting for his answer.
"N-No, I'm just surprised is all…"
I glance to the floor, crossing one of my arms over my chest. "They're here to help me set up the Christmas decorations. Something I could be doing with you, but you decided to go to Bali instead," the anger comes back and Michael sighs into the phone.
"I'm sorry, Y/N/N. I just… I really liked her. Or at least I thought I did. I thought she did too," Mikey mumbles and I chew on my bottom lip.
"It's fine. Look, I gotta go, but text me alright?" I ask him in a soft voice, staring at the floor.
"Of cour- Mike! Baby! Come on!" I heard Lillian yell at him and I resist to roll my eyes, my heart clenched in pain a bit. "I miss you."
I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodding my head as I squeezed my eyes shut. "Miss you too."
I slide my phone into my back pocket before leaning my forehead against the wall, taking deep breaths. I can feel the tears building behind my closed eyes as I run a hand through my hair.
"You really love him, don't you?" Ashton's voice hits my ears and I jump slightly. I open my eyes, looking to my left to see Ash standing a foot away from me, a frown on his face.
"That obvious, huh?" I mumble to him and he chuckles a bit before stepping closer to me.
"Not that obvious, but I've seen it for a while. The other boys don't know a thing, including Michael," he tells me and I snort.
"Michael's known to be oblivious," I say before wrapping my arms around his waist. "What does she have that I don't?" I ask quietly as I rest my cheek against his chest.
Ashton wraps his arms around my shoulders, rubbing my back. "She's nothing compared to you. Michael will come around. I know it," he reassures me as I grip his shirt.
"Where are you guys?!" Cal's voice cuts our little moment short as Ash pulls away from me.
I look over his shoulder, seeing both him and Luke standing a couple feet from us. "Everything okay?" The curly blonde asks and I nod my head, putting on a smile.
The two glance at each other for a brief second before they rush over to me, pulling me into their bodies. A giggle comes from my lips as I wrap an arm around each of them.
"We should probably get decorating," I tell them and they pull away from me. The four of us walk back into the living room and I see the boys had started setting up the tree, half of it being done already. "You started without me?!" I ask, my lips parting open as I look over at the three boys.
"You were taking forever!" Luke exclaims with a laugh and I tilt my head back.
"It's fine, it's fine! Let's just finish it. I'm so excited to see how it looks," I tell them with a smile on my lips.
Calum and Luke were arguing with each other on how to hang some of the ornaments on the tree. I chuckle as I glance towards the two, seeing the blue-haired man slap Luke's hand. I hang the five stockings onto the mantle of the fireplace, smiling at the names of the boys that are written across the top.
"Cal- that looks like shit!" Luke says and Calum scoffs, playfully glaring at the blonde.
"Good thing it's not your tree," Cal sasses the younger man and I watch as Luke opens his mouth, then closes it, not responding to his friend.
"You guys are ridiculous," I laugh while walking over towards the couch, grabbing the black garland that's intertwined with white lights.
Ashton helps me pin the garland to the mantle, my eyes lighting up at how cute it looks. "Do you want to put it on the molding as well?" He asks while pointing towards the ceiling above the fireplace.
I glance up at it, humming a bit before nodding my head. "Yeah. That would look cute. Should we just do it there? Like an accent or around the entire living room?" I ask him while looking towards him.
His hazel eyes look around the room before he shrugs his shoulders. "Do we have enough garland for that?" He mumbles and glances back towards the couch.
I do the same, furrowing my eyebrows together. "I think so. It's not like our living room is that big," I mention and he snaps his fingers and looks at me.
"You're not wrong, sweetness," Ash grins and I chuckle, shaking my head.
My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out, glancing down at it to see Michael had texted me. It was a picture of him on a plane and my heart skips a beat.
I'm coming home. I'm really sorry. I understand if you're upset with me. I would be too. :(
My heart clenches as I frown, feeling Ashton's eyes on me. "He's coming home," I mumble out loud, gaining the attention of the others.
"That's good, right?" Luke asks and I look towards him before nodding my head.
"Yeah, yeah, of course," I tell him with a small smile. Ashton lays a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "He'll be home with us for Christmas instead of with her."
Michael's POV
I've been sitting on this plane for ten hours, only eight more hours remaining until I'm back in LA. I run a hand through my hair, sighing loudly as I can still hear Lillian yell at me for leaving her in Bali.
My phone vibrates and I look down at it, seeing Y/N had posted on Instagram. I licked my lips, tapping the notification and a picture of her and Ashton pop up. Their arms were wrapped around each other, large smiles on their faces as I feel my heart drop into my stomach.
wondefulhooman finished setting up the Christmas decorations. This guy demanded we take a picture in front of my new tree. He's a dork, but I love him. @ashtonirwin
I frown, liking the picture anyway but can't help but feel a tiny bit jealous. She loves him? Like… loves him, loves him? Or just like a friend? Wait why do I care? I look over her features in the picture, a smile coming to my lips at how her smile radiates such happiness. I haven't seen her smile that like in a while…
I exit out of the app, going to my text messages to see Y/N had sent me a couple pictures. She sent me pictures of our house decorated with black Christmas decorations. I type on the keyboard, smiling softly.
Look great, cutie. I kinda like the black look. It's chic.
I lock my phone, glancing out the window as my leg begins to bounce. I'm itching for this plane to move faster, for time to move faster.
Thanks! Our house looks cute. I'm proud. How far away are you?? And I'm not mad at you, jsyk. I love you too much.
My heart flutters in my chest at her words, feeling my mouth go dry as I reach for my water and takes a large gulp. I wipe my hand onto my pants before picking my phone back up, typing my reply.
I love you.
I scoff, shaking my head before deleting the message and starts over.
The plane lands in seven and a half hours. Not fast enough if you ask me, lmao.
I press send and lean my head against the seat, a huff leaving my lips.
I'll probably be asleep by the time you get home :(
A chuckle leaves my lips and I push my glasses up a bit before taking a quick picture of myself pouting. 
You can't stay up? For me?
I watch the screen as she reads it immediately, the bubbles coming up on the bottom of the screen.
I can try but no promises!
It was around one-thirty in the morning by the time the Uber dropped me off at my place. I haul my bag out of the trunk, thanking the driver before walking up to the front door.
I unlock the door, quietly heading inside and closes the door behind me. I slip my shoes off, walking into the living room and my green eyes widen, seeing the Christmas tree, the decorations that wrap around the ceiling, and on the mantle all lit up.
"Fuck, Y/N, way to make the house look fantastic," I whispered to myself before taking out my phone, taking a quick picture of it. I take a step towards the fireplace and see all five of our stockings hanging. "Cute."
After taking the room in, I begin to make my way towards my room. I toss my bag onto the bed and sheds my coat off. Footsteps were heard behind me and I glance over my shoulder, seeing Y/N standing in my doorway, wearing nothing but one of my baggy shirts.
"Welcome home," she smiles faintly and I give her a smile in return.
I step towards her, wrapping my arms around her before bringing her into my chest. "Fuck, I'm glad to be home," I whisper and she giggles.
Y/N's arms wrap around my waist, gripping my shirt in her hands. "Realized that we’re better than her?" She jokes and I chuckle softly, pulling away from her.
"Yeah, I definitely did. She was quite pissed that I left her behind in Bali," I mention and Y/N snorts, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Good. It's what happens when she tries to take you away from me," she casually states as her hands move under my shirt, her fingernails grazing my skin.
My heart beats faster in my chest as I look down at her, her eyes looking into mine. She wears a smug smirk on her pink lips… her kissable lips… I hook a finger under her chin, lifting it higher before leaning down to press my lips to hers.
Her nails dig into my skin as my hand moves up to her cheek, my thumb stroking her cheekbone. I tilt my head, deepening the kiss as she breathes out through her nose. The cool air hits my face as her lips move against mine.
I pulled away after a few moments, hearing her heavy breathing as I rest my forehead against hers. "M-Mikey…" she trails off and I hum, my hand gently moving down her arm. "I-I'm not dreaming am I?"
A chuckle leaves my lips as I press a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose, shaking my head. "No, you're not. It's funny. All it took was that picture you posted with Ash to realize how I felt," I confess and she looks up at me, her eyes wide.
"Really? You were jealous of Ash?" She asks and I blush a bit before nodding my head. Y/N giggles and bites her lip. "You've got nothing to worry about. I'm all yours."
A small moan comes from my lips, my hands gripping her hips as the words left her lips. Her arms wrap around my neck, her fingers toying with the tiny hairs. "Stay with me tonight?"
Y/N smiles and nods her head, pressing a short kiss to my lips. "I wanna do something first," she mentions before grabbing my hand and leads me into the living room.
She sets her phone up on the shelf that's embedded into the wall behind the couch, angling her camera just right before she quickly comes back to me. I stand sideways, my hands on her hips as hers grab a hold of my shirt. Y/N leans up to connect her lips with mine just as the flash goes off, her phone taking the picture.
A giggle leaves my lips as I bite her lip before she pulls away from me. My hand drags across her waist as she goes to grab her phone, a smile on my lips. I watch her look at the picture on her phone, a silly grin on her face before she shows me the photo.
The picture was really cute. Y/N stood in front of me, her foot lifted into the air as you see girls do in romantic movies, the hem of my shirt resting against the middle of her thighs, our lips pressed together, hands on each other, and the Christmas lights shining behind us.
"This is so cute," I mumble and look over at her. She nods her head, agreeing with me as she takes the phone back into her hands. "Now, c'mon."
I take her hand in mine, leading her back into my room. I shrug my shirt and pants off before Y/N and I climb into my queen-sized bed. She shuffles closer to me, our legs tangling with one another as my arm drapes over her waist.
"I'm sorry I didn't see this before," I whisper and move my hand between the two of us. She shakes her head, mumbling that it was alright before nuzzling her face into my neck.
"At least you're here now," she mumbled and I close my eyes, pressing a kiss to her forehead before pulling her closer to my body, a satisfied sigh exhaling through my nose.
New post from wonderfulhooman
wonderfulhooman finally got my Christmas wish 😍🖤
Taglist: @myloverboyash @h0tsos @ashtonsunshine @bumblebet-20 @thebookamongmen @asht0ns-world @maddz-world @gotta-try-something-new @twilightparker @ashs-cheergirl @dashlilymark @shower-me-with-roses @therainydays4 @thatcheekychic @lukeskisses @latemikedevil @fayesfairylights @marshmallowtraver @trashbin2 @whatmakesmehappyy @itjustkindahappenedreally @morningfears @sexgodashton @cashtonasfuck @easierforcalum @ghost0fy0u @calumamongmen @bloodmoonashton @talksopretty @irwinkitten @kindahoping4forever @pxrxmoore
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straykidsscribbles · 6 years
It All Started with Carrots
An Anne of Green Gables AU, for the person who has supported this blog since it was just a tiny idea in my head. Thank you for everything @strayboys and Happy Birthday! 
Summary: Han Jisung seemed like a terribly interesting person... Too bad he didn’t want anything to do with you. 
Or- where Han Jisung and Anne Shirley have quite a few traits in common...
Word Count: 2670, the first in my classic literature AUs series!
See my masterlist for other works! Also, I do believe this needs a sequel....
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You dropped your rather heavy bag onto the floor with a thump and flopped into your chair. First day of school, new year, new classes. And so, of course, you had all kinds of extra supplies in your bag, not knowing exactly what you’d need.
Luckily, you were right next to a window, and you could see the school lawn and duck pond outside. At least that would be something of a welcome distraction during Literature class. I hope this year goes well, after transferring over the summer I’m not entirely sure how this will work out. Why did I have to move so late in high school? You wondered as you pulled out a pen. Every single class, first we get a syllabus then we get the nice lengthy lecture about how “academic dishonesty will not be tolerated” I mean really you’d think people would understand that by now.
The boy sitting in front of you seemed to be far too occupied with the window as well. He kept staring outside and ignoring the pile of papers on his desk, which he was supposed to have passed back by now.  
He really was oblivious. No amount of tapping or whispering seemed to get his attention; he was well and truly lost in his own little world.
Finally, frustration spilled over.
“Psst! Carrots! Carrots!” you hissed, tugging a small lock of his hair lightly. It had been one of the first things you noticed about him, the outlandish color a spot of brightness.
He snapped out of his daze in a flash. “What the—” clearly stopping himself from cursing in class “You little brat! How dare you!”
Anger rose in his voice, and he scrunched up the syllabus he had just been given and threw it right at your head. It hit you right in the face, leaving you with a small paper cut on your upper cheek.
“Excuse me! What on earth is going on here?” barked your new teacher, clearly infuriated by this display. “Throwing projectiles is forbidden in my classroom. Does this look like some sort of gym? I will see you after class, to discuss your punishment young man.” Soft sniggers rose up around the room, and you felt your face grow hot.
It was my fault, I shouldn’t have pulled his hair… Biting down the retort, you slumped forward in your seat, happy daydreams vanishing into thin air. The stinging on your left cheek didn’t help either. I guess it was semi-deserved… I did provoke him. But really? Throwing paper?
Public humiliation on the first day of school? Check. He threw paper at your face after all. Your friends would never let you live this down.
Truly a fantastic start to the year.
After receiving a rather blistering warning from his new literature teacher and a threat of “detention if this happens again _____, and the only reason I’m letting you off is because it’s the first day” Jisung stomped outside towards his locker, annoyed. Well, annoyed was putting it a bit mildly.
He was seething.
“Hey _____, wait up!” came the voice of his best friend. Jisung slowed just a touch to let Jeongin catch up. I’m not taking my anger out on him, that’s unfair. “What happened? What did the teacher say?”
Pro of having your best friend in class with you: you got to chat over the homework and you always had a partner for group work.
Con: you’d never be able to hide your fights.
“I got out of detention since it’s the first day, but he was really mad. I was lucky,” he replied as  he opened his locker. Suddenly, he felt someone tapping his shoulder again.
“Ummm… Jisung?” you asked hesitantly. Why are you bothering me again JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YOU BLITHERING IDIOT. “I wanted to apologize for startling you and calling you Carrots, I just thought it was a cute nickname. I didn’t mean to offend you.”   
“Your apology is noted. Excuse me, I need to get home.” _____ is getting absolutely nowhere with me. No. Where. He turned on his heel and stormed angrily towards the hallway exit, leaving you gaping behind him.
Jeongin quickly caught up with Jisung. “Jisungie, I can’t believe you were so harsh! You do realize who that was right?”
“No, and I don’t care.”
“That was _____, half the school pines after them. I can’t believe you just left them like that!” The amazement in his voice only exacerbated your annoyance.
“Well if half the school pines after them then they can go and bother that half. I’m never going to acknowledge them again.”
He weren’t entirely right about that. _____ turned out to be a pretty hard person to ignore.
These kinds of parties are always nice. It’s fun to hang out outside of school. You thought to yourself as you chatted with a few of your classmates. Our of the corner of your eye, you spotted one of the more irritating girls in the school, Josie, trying to talk to Jisung.
After a brief discourse, the two came over to your little group, Jisung trudging after her. His expression was one of acute distaste, and you couldn’t help but smirk. Clearly he finds her as irritating as everyone else does.
As your little group  walked over to the fence, Josie clambered on top of it and slowly balanced her way across it. She jumped off at the end and looked right at Jisung. “I suppose you think that was oh so easy for anyone to do?”
What is her issue? Does she have to make everything a contest? Things are a lot more fun if it’s friendly competition, not the cutthroat fights she loves. That girl and her drama obsession.  Still, you stayed silent. Talking to her just gave her more ammunition after all.
Jisung rolled his eyes and turned to Jeongin. “I suppose some people think balancing on a fence is impressive. I saw a kid walk across the portables’ roof a few years ago, that was way more interesting.”
Josie looked almost apoplectic at his calm response. “Well, we have portables right there! Why don’t you walk across it then if you think walking on top of a chain fence is easy.”
Jisung’s somewhat legendary temper appeared to be making a reappearance. “Fine then. Watch me.”
“No, _____, you’ll get hurt!” you cried.
“I will be perfectly fine _____, thank you for your unnecessary concern. Excuse me for a moment.” He maneuvered himself up the adjacent fence and stood on the portable roof, about eleven feet in the air. That looks awfully high… I remember we tried to climb on the shed to set up a water bucket to drench the bio teacher last Sunday. We almost fell, and he really looks like he’s about to fall off. Plus that shed was half the height of the portable.
“Be careful!” called Jeongin from the middle of the crowd. Jisung slowly walked across the roof, trying to maintain his balance on the slippery tiles. Who knew it would be so slippery? No turning back now I suppose, he thought.
Just as he reached the end, where the others all stood waiting for him to get down, his foot slipped.
Jisung lost his footing.
And tumbled straight off the edge of the roof and onto the ground below.
“Jisung!” yelled Jeongin as he ran over to him. “Are you okay? Oh no you’re dead this is awful my best friend is dead.”
“No, I’m alive you idiot. I think I hurt my foot though.” Jisung tried to sit up, and immediately Jeongin and Felix came around to help him up.
You knelt and slowly pulled off Jisung’s sneaker, trying your best not to move it much. “I think you broke your ankle _____, I broke mine last year with soccer. Come on, we should get you to the nurse.” You reached over to help him up, but he batted your hand away.
“Thank you for your concern _____. Jeongin can help me over there and it’s already stopped hurting a lot.” Well. I was just trying to be nice. I mean, how long is he going to hold a grudge I literally just called him Carrots, it’s not like it’s something bad. He turned away and began limping towards the office, gingerly avoiding putting weight on his right ankle.
You stared after him, disappointed. I wish I hadn’t opened my big mouth. I wish we could be friends.
Too bad the day Han Jisung forgives me is the day hell freezes over.
“Come on Jisung, it’s a perfectly safe boat! You’ll be fine! Just paddle over and we’ll meet you on the other end of the river!” Jisung, Felix, and Jeongin were at the park in the middle of the town, and the two boys had had the utterly brilliant idea of teaching Jisung how to handle a small rental paddle boat.
Unfortunately, their concept of teaching was basically just telling him to let the current carry him and leave him to try it on his own.
Such excellent teaching, really.
Still, he gingerly stepped into the boat and settled in, oars in the oarlocks. “And I don’t need to row at all. I just let the current float me over there.”
“Yup! Easy!” chirped Felix as he untied the rope. “We’ll see you on that side!”
Easy my foot, he thought
Still, things seemed to be going alright. It was actually quite peaceful on the stream, and listening to the light rush of water was very soothing.
Rush of water?
Are my toes getting wet?
He stared down in horror at the small leak in the corner of the boat that was filling the space with water. And they said this was safe. Guess not.
Brain working at light speed, he stared around, wondering how on earth he’d get out of this predicament. Then, he spotted it.
The bicycle bridge over the stream. The support beam for the central arch was just close enough for him to grab it.
Here goes… Jisung reached over and jumped from the boat onto the pillar. Thankfully there was a small ledge that was just big enough for him to land on.
Okay. Soaking avoided. Now how do I get out of this without getting wet?
Just then, he heard the soft stroke of oars.
See, you’d discovered the little river close to your house soon after you arrived. And it was one of your favorite places to just take a boat and relax with a book.
So of course, you were enjoying the light breeze and soft splashing of the water, when you saw the bedraggled figure clinging to the bridge.
“Well well well. Jisung, how do you get into these scrapes?” You couldn’t hide the wry humor filling your voice. How the tables have tabled… look who needs my help now. Luckily for him, I don’t keep the kind of grudges he does.
“Magic.” Jisung replied flatly. “Do you mind giving me a ride to the other shore?”
“Oh wow, you’re asking for my help? Well, be my guest, your highness, step right in.” You gestured to the seat opposite you, holding out a hand to help him in. He batted it away, clearly not willing to take any more aid from you than he could help.
In silence, you headed down the small river until you reached the other landing, where you both stepped out onto the wood planking. Well, surprise surprise, he didn’t shove me into the water. Maybe he’ll listen to some sort of apology attempt?
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
There was a slight pause, as you steeled your nerves to say something. “I… I wanted to apologize for my stupid comments that first day. I shouldn’t have said that, especially to a stranger.”
He wavered for a moment. Please, just accept the apology. You can’t hate me forever. Just then, you heard a yell from Jeongin, who was standing at the water’s edge.
“Jisung!! You’re alright! We were so scared when we saw the boat disappear under the water!” He yelled.
“I have to go,” he muttered to you as he clambered over the coils of rope towards his friends.
“Wait, Jisung!” you called after him. I’m sorry. Your hair was the first thing that caught my attention and I love carrots it’s not even like I meant it as an insult. I was wrong to say it and I’ve been beating myself up over it ever since.
Still, you swallowed down the words.
After all, he didn’t look back.
“Here are your final exams. You all did extremely well, and I’m proud of you. Jisung, _____, you two especially, your essays were phenomenal.” Your teacher smiled as he handed out the corrected exam papers. “I’d like to see you both after class, alright? Don’t worry, neither of you is in trouble.”
“Of course,” you replied, pulling your paper towards you. I wonder what all of this is about… I hope it’s nothing bad.
As the rest of the class filed out, happy that the day was over, you and Jisung made your way over to the front of the class.
“As you two may know, I’m the head of the summer camp at the school. I needed a few students to help lead the project this year, and I was wondering if one of you would be interested.” Your eyes widened in excitement. A summer camp? Where I’d get to teach? This would be amazing.
“Of course I’m interested sir!” you replied, excitement filling  your voice.
“_____, I know you’ve been doing quite well in your science classes, especially biology. Perhaps you’d be able to hold little nature walks and talk about the different plants and bugs you see. And Jisung, your writing is amazing, you could do a lot of good teaching these kids how to express themselves through words.”
I mean, biology is one of my favorite things, and I was considering going into pre-med… this is a huge opportunity. I just don’t know how it will work with Jisung constantly angry with me.
Your teacher continued, “You see, the only problem is that I know you two absolutely do not get along. So I would like to ask if you two think you can put your differences aside.”
Jisung drew breath to reply, but you beat him to it. “If Jisung wants to work alone, I don’t mind. This whole thing started because of me anyways.” You looked down, embarrassed. “It’s up to you really. And for what it’s worth, I really am sorry. Can’t we be friends? Please?”
After this I’ll give up. At this point, nothing else seems to work.
“No, _____, I was wrong. I’d… I’d like to be friends too. Working with you this summer should be fun. Besides, Carrots isn’t a terrible nickname, I was just a little too sensitive about my hair.”
“Can I ask why?” It had been bothering you ever since he took offense to your comment. Why did it bug him so much?
“This was the first time my hair had been such an outlandish color at school, and I was sort of nervous about it and how it would be received… and then you teasing me about it just sort of made me snap.” I’d never have guessed it was something like this. He always seemed so confident.
“For what it’s worth, the orange looks great on you, Carrots!” You threw in an exaggerated wink for good measure, eliciting a laugh from the boy.
He has a cute giggle. He should laugh more.
Your teacher smiled knowingly in the background. “Well, I’m glad you two got this straightened out. You two will be unstoppable together.”
Smiling over at Jisung, you couldn’t help feeling like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
Now maybe things would be better.
A new beginning, a new season.
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blameblamebts · 7 years
He loves me, He loves me not Pt.1
Request: “...could I ask for a Jimin angst with a fluffy angst ending? One where Y/N goes to High School with BTS and they're all close to each other- a squad basically; but you have had a crush on Jimin that the other guys are aware of?”
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
A/N: After 600 years I’m finally posting this, quite a journey in planning the plot, plus school got in the way. I’m sorry for taking so long and enjoy :)
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gif cr.
It was his smile that she found the most captivating. The way his eyes would form dark crescents on his face as his lips curled into a smile, made her heart flutter. Yet, if he looked at her direction with that same smile, she would be quick to avert her gaze. Because ultimately all she could do is watch from afar, admire him in secret, the thought of ever getting caught was her worst nightmare.
She watched as one of his arms casually swung around the shoulder of the girl with the sleek, dark hair. Her smile radiating as she continued laughing at what one of their friend, Namjoon, had said.
She wasn’t the only one who found his smile captivating. Too bad she wasn’t as extroverted as the other girls in her class.
Feeling a small nudge of an elbow she looked to her right to find her friend, Taehyung, follow her gaze.
    “Y/N. You’re staring again.” He whispered, loud enough for only the two of them to hear.
She sighed, covering her face with the back of her hand, embarrassed at herself. He let out a chuckle, leaning his tall frame against her.
    “I can’t help it.” She whispered behind her fingers, while Taehyung rolled his eyes.
It was just a crush right? So why did it hurt so much? Why did she mentally sulk when he hugged another girl, even if they were just friends.
    “Jimin.” Taehyung called at the darker haired man who sat across.
Jimin looked up, his eyes meeting hers for a split second before looking at Taehyung.
    “Do you like anyone?” Taehyung asked immediately.
All eyes shot towards Taehyung, then at Jimin, while Y/N stared at Taehyung with wide eyes, his side profile to be exact. He waited for Jimin to reply with a playful smile on his lips.
Jimin broke into his own adorable smile, the girl under his arm waiting for an answer as well. But hesitates, quickly glancing over at Y/N before answering.
    “Ye—No, why?”
Taehyung hears the fragment of a broken ’yes’ and broke into his own grin, although he seemed to be the only one who heard it.
    “Just asking.” He shrugged, and Jimin stared at him in confusion.
Silence took over for a brief moment, and she could feel several pairs of eyes on her. Even if they tried to be subtle about it, she could feel Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok steal glances.
    “Anyways, I gotta head to the library.” Y/N cut in, gathering her books off the cafeteria table.
    “Why?” Taehyung raised a brow.
    “Homework.” She answered, taking a stand.
Taehyung shrugged again and turned to Jungkook, who was curious as to why Taehyung had asked Jimin what he asked. Everyone knew Y/N had a crush on Jimin, and she didn’t do a very good job in hiding it. She had a crush on him for 2 years now, but Jimin is just oblivious.
    “He’s an idiot, that’s what he is.” Yoongi, a childhood friend, commented with a frown.
Y/N shrugged, taking a seat in front of a computer in the library, Yoongi following into the next seat.
    “How is he so blind? You literally blush everytime he talks to you and you forget that you know how to talk—”
    “Thanks.” She cut in, seeing that he wasn’t helping.
It’s a few minutes of silence after that Yoongi began to nod at his thoughts, and Y/N can’t help but look at him in confusion.
    “What are you thinking about?” She questioned.
Yoongi broke into a sheepish grin.
    “I have an idea.” He said, watching as she logged into her school account.
    “I don’t like when you have ideas.” She mumbled.
Yoongi frowned, but sighed and smiled seconds after.
    “He won’t know he likes someone unless things...change.” She looked at him, confusion written all over her face. Yoongi sighed once again, leaning back into the chair.
    “You gotta start distancing yourself from him.” Y/N looked at him as if he was spewing nonsense and he couldn’t help but sigh exaggeratedly. Sure Jimin and her weren’t the best of friends, but they were close. They could spend hours with each other, laughing, doing homework, or even playing video games (though Y/N wished there was more to their hangouts), she couldn’t just distance herself, that’s impossible.
“It’s possible Y/N, he’ll start to wonder why and it’ll give you the perfect opportunity to tell him and the idiot will understand—shit I’m so smart.” The older man nods and pats at his own back, while Y/N ponders on. 
“Project get Y/N to confess to the oblivious Idiot”, or what Yoongi called it , was on.
The doorbell rang and double glancing at her appearance, Y/N rushed to get it. She had invited some friends over for a study night for an upcoming exam, and Jimin was among the group.
        “Hold it right there.”
She froze in front of the kitchen counter, Yoongi sat behind. She had invited him over as well, since it was part of his plan, which she thought was ridiculous.
    “I’ll get the door—” He looked around the table
    “—pretend to be busy or something.”
She frowned at his words, but obliged anyways.
    “This is ridiculous.” She muttered to herself.
He studied her for a second, she was dressed in a knee-high dress and even had some makeup on. Yoongi let out a chuckle at how desperate she could be, before walking towards the main door, the doorbell chiming through the house once again by the time he reached it and upon pulling it open he saw many familiar faces.
Everyone was there; Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, and one of Y/N’s girlfriends, Jia. The whole squad
    “Hey guys.” Yoongi waved, stepping aside so they all could enter.
They were confused as to why Yoongi was here, but none of them said anything. Everyone awkwardly greeted Yoongi back, slipping their shoes off.
Among the group only Y/N was close with Yoongi because he was her neighbor and her brother’s best friend.
        “Y/N!” Taehyung called out, rushing past the bodies of his friends.
And soon others followed after until only Jimin and Namjoon were left behind, the taller male struggling to take off his sneakers.
        “Why are you here? You’re a senior.” Jimin finally asked after a awkward moment of watching Namjoon try to untangle his laces, in silence, his eyes narrowed.
Yoongi was taken aback for a moment, but this was a sign that Jimin might be, jealous?
    “I was bored at home.” He replied with a smile.
Namjoon glanced over at Jimin quickly.
    “Great, maybe you could help us study for the bio exam, we know you had the same teacher last year.” He was polite.
    “Bio...my favorite.” Yoongi sighed, though his gaze never wavered from Jimin’s.
Namjoon sensed the tension, placing his sneakers in the shoe rack he glanced around.
    “No ones home?”
    “Well, Jin is at work and their parents went out I think.” Yoongi answered leaning against the wall.
    “Where’s Yeri noona” Jimin chimed in to which Yoongi shrugged.
    “Probably upstairs in her room.”
Y/N finally stepped out to the hallway of the main door from the living room, where the three males stood.
    “Why are you guys standing here?” She asked.
Yoongi was quick to flash a smile at Y/N and swing an arm around her shoulder.
    “We’re coming.” He smiled, basically, taking her back in.
Namjoon shared another awkward glance with Jimin before he cleared his throat and walked into the living room.
The living room was much livelier than the quiet hall they’d been in seconds ago. Taehyung was already lounging on the couch, Hoseok rummaging through his backpack, Jia talking to Jungkook.The room was organized, the table was clutter-free, good enough for them to spread out their books and notes.
    “I have snacks in the kitchen.” Y/N announced, walking back in, Yoongi almost stuck to her like glue.
    “Oh thank god, I’m starving.” Hoseok sighed, walking past into the kitchen,Taehyung eyeing the oldest in the room as Y/N throws a glare and Yoongi chuckles, tightening his arm around her shoulder. The brunette wondered if there was something going on between Yoongi and Y/N, but convinces himself against it since Y/N was head over heels for Jimin.
A few minutes after settling around the table, their books placed on the wood, paper and pens ready to be used, they’re ready to study. Jimin couldn’t help but glance up at Yoongi who sat behind Y/N on the couch, looking down at her textbook over her shoulder, murmuring something. He frowns but doesn’t say anything yet again, instead starts flipping pages.
        “It’s working.” Yoongi whispers.
    “What is?” She asks in return, still, confused.
He sighs, shaking his head.
    “You’re as much of an idiot as the oblivious one that keeps glancing over—don’t look.”
She realizes what he means and keeps her eyes glued to the page of words that seemed like foreign language to her.
    “So what chapter are we starting on?” Taehyung chimes up.
Only then does everyone begin to talk, the sudden silence disappearing from the atmosphere.
        “Yoongi hyung are you here for Jin hyung?” Jimin can’t help but finally ask.
Yoongi glances down at Y/N for a second before shaking his head.
    “He’s not home, so I thought why not be a good friend and help his sister and her friends.” He flashes a smile.
Jimin nods in understanding, but his expression says otherwise.
    “You okay?” Jia asked, a hand placing on top of Jimin's forearm that was propped up on the table.
This time Y/N can’t help but stare at the way Jia was touching.
    “You’re hopeless.” Yoongi sighs, grabbing her forearm and yanks up until she’s sitting at his side.
She can’t help but yelp at the sudden action, making all eyes look at her.
“Ha...ha.” She sheepishly grins.  
The whole evening is spent in chanting terms and numbers over and over again until it’s inscribed in their minds, yet none of them stuck to her. She sighs, glancing over at Jia, whose copying something off of Jimin’s notebook. It was like a game of tug of war, one way she was trying to get him jealous, instead he’s over there doing her task of jealousy.
And the evening ended just like that. As everyone was gathering their things and leaving one by one, Jimin happened to be the last one left behind, since no one was home for another half-an-hour and he had forgotten his keys. Yoongi eyed the quiet kid who sat on the couch glancing over at Y/N every now and then.
    “Y/N.” He calls her over.
The two younger one look up at Yoongi.
    “I’m going home.” He waves and is already walking out the door.
    “Bye Jimin.” He hums as the door closes behind him.
The awkward silence filled the setting once again after the door closed. Both Y/N and Jimin stole glances at one another.
    “So do you like Yoongi hyung?” Jimin asked
Her gaze shot towards him, wide in shock before her head vigorously shook in a negative.
    “Oh. It looks like you do.” He mumbles, his eyes falling.
She wanted to kill Yoongi for this dumb idea of his.
    “I don’t like him. I’m serious.” She clarified.
Jimin nods, glancing towards the stairs, remembering Y/N’s cousin, Yeri was upstairs.
Finally clearing his throat, the dark haired boy faces Y/N.
    “Do you want to go somewhere with me tomorrow?—” he asked, eyes gazing out nervously. “I have to tell you something.”
Biting back a smile she opted to nod her head because she might have said something stupid if she opened her mouth. He mentally sighed in relief and the awkward silence returned, except this time it was much warmer.
She stared at the words that popped up in its own bubble. A text from Jimin. She couldn’t help but grin wide, mind racking up many different ways he would confess, because why else would he ask to meet her? That too without anyone else knowing, alone.
She had met Yoongi that morning as she stepped out of the house. As usual, he looked ready for bed though it was only six in the morning and he had probably just rolled out of bed, but when he saw her waiting for Yeri, and Jin to come out and unlock the car doors, all sleep vanished from his eyes.
    “So, did loverboy confess yet? Or did that loser get too scared—he was jealous I know he was.” The older nodded at his own words, his body leaning against the car.
Y/N did her best to suppress a smile.
    “His mom came to pick him up right after you left.” She had lied and Yoongi groaned because his plan “failed” though it was stupid to begin with.
    “Jin give me a ride to school!” He sounded annoyed, muttering “What a waste of time” as he got into the car.
They had sat there, and Yoongi was already dozing off in the passenger seat, while she couldn’t help but wander back into the events from last night, her heart hammered in her chest.
    “Yah! Yeri.” Jin had yelled getting tired of waiting, and finally the dark haired girl ran out the house, combing through her bangs with her fingers.
    “Ah, sorry, I couldn’t find my shoes.” She smiled, getting into the car, the door slamming making Yoongi groan again.
Y/N wandered around until she found Jimin at the back of the school building, crouching down he was drawing on the dirt with a twig and even that sight made her heartbeat quicken. She was pathetically in love with him. But who wouldn't be, he was nice, caring, smart, he was part of the student council so he was responsible and even strong—
     “Y/N!” turning around Jimin was started to see her standing there but quickly recovered by clearing his throat.
    “Wh..why did you..wan..t. to meet?” She managed to say, though it came out broken.
He ruffled through his hair,  not knowing how to say it. Which was cute?
    “Ah, I don't know how to say this.” He broke into a shy chuckle and she bit her lower lip, fingers pushing back strands of hair behind her ear.
    “Just say it.” Her tone is low and her feet kick at the dirt, no care that her black mary janes were getting dirty.
    “I...Y/N..I like..”
Her heartbeat quickens and he doesn't know how to finish his sentence.
    “Ugh, how could I say this.” He mumbles ruffling through his hair again.
    “Say it Jimin.” She's growing impatient, she had waiting for this for a long time.
    “I guess I should if I need your help.”
His words confuse her and she wonders what help he needs from his girlfriend,  because obviously she's gonna say “yes” to him.
    “I like Yeri noona” He finally breathes out.
To be continued.
Check out the Masterlist!
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singingfirefliess · 7 years
I prompt 'breathtaking kiss' please 😊
pick a caryl prompt for me to write this week 
Thishad been a stupid idea. Ridiculous, really.
Buthe could never really say no to her and that’s why he’s sitting herenow. At the wedding reception of people he’s never met, pretending tobe Carol’s boyfriend.
Thingis: he wants to be her boyfriend. Husband. Whatever. And when theymet five years ago, they might have developed into more than justfriends. Had she not been married at the time. Her marriage had beenthe reason why their friendship had been a quiet one at the start,shy and chaste and more than a little awkward. Piece by piece heuncovered the truth of who she really was, of what she endured whenshe told him goodbye and went back home.
Butthat’s over now, the divorce long settled. She’s free. And from thatfreedom, something else than friendship might have developed. But hehadn’t wanted to push his luck then, pretty convinced that the lastthing she wanted was to dive right back into another relationship.
Thatwas three years ago, and they’re still no more than close friends.
Excepttoday. Today, they’re a couple.
She’dasked him about a month ago if he’d be willing to play along.Apparently, all her other male friends are either married, gay or‘completely not believable’ – whatever the hell she’d meantwith that. It had felt a little like he was her last resort and thatstung, but still he shrugged and told her yes when she asked him tobe her plus one at her cousin’s wedding.
Duringher marriage, she’d lost contact with most of her family – thanksto her asshole of a husband. And after the divorce, she struggled tofind a way back. Most of her relatives are apparently more than alittle conservative, disapproving of her getting divorced, of beingsingle, of not providing Sophia with a father figure. It’s allbullshit, he thinks. Carol’s doing a hell of a job raising thatlittle girl, and that’s all that matters.
Hedoesn’t get why it’s anyone’s business if she’s with someone andfrankly, he’s a bit angry about their disapproval of her divorce.She’d kept the real reason relatively private, not telling very manypeople about the abuse she suffered. Until this day, she struggles toput it into words – even to him, although she knows he suffered thesame fate.
Now,a month later, he’s sitting at a large table in a barn in Kentucky,decorated with fairy lights and weird flower bouquets, eating fancyfood that tastes like it cost a fortune.
Sofar, it’s been pretty easy. Most people didn’t pay any attention tothem, others curiously asked his name and about his job. Nothing thatmade him too uncomfortable. There hadn’t been any acting involvedreally. Carol had taken his hand a few times, and while that was morephysical contact with a woman than he’s had in years, he didn’t mindall that much.
Onlynow, it seems they are facing the one true challenge. Hergrandmother.
Ninetyyears old, walking with a cane, dressed like she kept all her clothesfrom the sixties, and with a death stare that makes Daryl shrink intothe hardwood floor, she’s the physical incarnation of theinquisition. He’s never been asked so many questions in his life.About himself, about where he’s from, how he grew up, what he doesfor a living, if he owns a house, if he can provide for Sophia, howhe thinks about children of his own, how he and Carol met, when hethinks it’s appropriate to make an honest woman out of her.
Occasionally,he stutters out an incoherent answer. Mostly, though, Carol takescharge. And she’s a damn good liar. Had to be for too many years andit’s a skill that comes in handy now. He’s a little mesmerized by howeasily she weaves a love story for them – although he doesn’t missthe fact that she barely lies at all, just embellishes the story oftheir friendship and omits the fact that they met when she was stillmarried to Ed.
Thatwould probably get him kicked out of the party.
She’sleaning into his side, hand curled around his, and she’s got a smileon her face that radiates and makes his stomach flutter a littlebecause God does he wish she’d smile at him like this all thetime.
Thetwenty minutes they talk to her grandmother are some of the worst ofhis life, and when Carol’s cousin calls their grandmother over, Darylfeels a weight lifting off his chest. With pursed lips, the old womanexcuses herself, slowly making her way over to the bride.
Eithershe massively disapproves of him or she didn’t buy a single wordCarol said.
Hecan still feel her sharp eyes on them even as she talks to her othergranddaughter, and he quickly looks away, afraid of appearing toosuspicious. The last thing he wants is to ruin this for Carol.
“Well,she ain’t easy to con-” he starts, but Carol quickly interruptshim, hissing beneath her breath.
“Quick,kiss me.”
He’sconfused and stares at her like an idiot, mouth open and eyes round,trying to comprehend her words when suddenly her hands frame hisface. “Wha-”
Herlips press against his not a second later, soft and warm and he cantaste the peach of her lip balm and the chocolate from her dessert.His heart pauses for a beat before his eyes flutter shut and his bodymelts, going from rigid to soft, his own hands finding a spot at herwaist and cheek. Maybe it’s too much, but he can’t stop himself frombrushing his thumb over her cheekbone, from pressing his fingers intoher waist just slightly – beneath the table where nobody can see.
Asoft sigh escapes her lips, and he has to stop himself from tracingher parted lips with the tip of his tongue.
Overwhelmedand breathing raggedly, he doesn’t fight her when she slowly pullsaway. But he doesn’t open his eyes just yet, keeps them closed for amoment longer. The warmth of her breath still dampens his skin and sohe knows she’s still close. Her hands haven’t moved from his cheeks,either, soft palms and fingers so tender and gentle.
Whenhe dares to open his eyes, the sight of her takes his breath away.Damp, rosy lips parted in a silent gasp, her eyes full of surpriseand curiosity, her pale cheeks tinted in the sweetest shade of red.They just look at each other for a moment, oblivious to everythingaround them.
“Sorry,”she whispers then, so quietly that nobody but him could possibleunderstand. Her curiosity is turning into shyness and insecurityright in front of his eyes and he hates it. “She was looking overhere and I thought-” It costs him all his bravery to lean in andpress another kiss to her lips. Brief and chaste, just a delicatebrush before he pulls away again, just enough to be able to look herin the eyes.
“Wantsome more of that chocolate stuff?” he asks, desperate not to makethis awkward. Carol’s lips curl into a smile and her hand slips downover his chest, finding the one still pressed against her waist.
“Yeah,”she breathes, entwining their fingers.
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beast-bae · 7 years
Sterek Fic Rec (last updated 21.2.17)
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it's getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there's only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.All Derek wants is Stiles's time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It's the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he's ever had, and he's more than happy to sign up.Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it's just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.Hey :) because I’m always searching for new sterek fanfics on tumblr and I love seeing Sterek Fic Recs  I decited to make a post with all of my favourite (can I get this word even bigger? bc I love those fics to death!) Sterek fanfics. 
I will continue updating it ;) and I would really appreciate it if you could send me links to your favourite Sterek ffs <3 
All of them are on Ao3! Also all of them are complete (except for Home by  TheTypewriterGirl but there is only one chapter missing )!!
Also there is no specific order!
Also I try to find the authors on tumblr so you can visit them <3
This is gonna be a LOOooOOoONG post
Have fun reading :)
Prince Among Wolves by  tylerfucklin (Deshonanana) | 101k, Explict | kid fic |
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable. 
Home by  TheTypewriterGirl  | 160k, not finished yet 17/18!! |  @stiles-and-the-sourwolf |
January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.
The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.
So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?
Move a Mountain by  ZainClaw | 69k, Explict | road trip/biker fic | @zainclaw |
Stiles goes camping with his friends in New Mexico after graduation where they befriend a biker gang led by Derek: a guy whom Stiles can’t decide if he will be either relieved or devastated to never see again once their week is up.
my wings a hurricane by  kellifer_fic | 20k | dracon fic | @kellifer-k |
Stiles had been like any other kid growing up in the era of dragons. He'd watched the cartoons, the news stories, had the lunch box. When his screening at Beacon Hills High had come up negative, he'd been disappointed but unsurprised. His positive results were returned three years too late for it to be in any way convenient or cool.
Or, the one where they ride dragons.
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill | 32k | time travel fic | @mirrorkill |
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Sweeter Than a Cherry Pie by  kitsunequeen | 5k | pretend relationship | @stilesbansheequeen |
When Cora asks Stiles to be her pretend boyfriend for a New Year's family dinner, he figures he can do a friend a favor. When he hooks up with an incredible guy, Derek, the night before, only to wake up alone in the morning, he supposes he can handle that too. But when he shows up at Cora's house and Derek turns out to be her brother, well... that's a bit of a bigger problem.
Hale of a time by  jamesm97 | 3k | halebait!stiles | 
Stiles knows that his werewolf family are acting weird around him, not that that's strange they are werewolves after all but they don't know that he knows they are. They seem to be getting progressively touchy feely as his 16th birthday approaches.
HALEBAIT! STILES STILINSKI - where all the Hales are attracted to Stiles, but only one of them is insanely in love & lust with him
Settle down by  wearing_tearing, whatthehale | 153k, Explict | mpreg!!| @hoechliniseverything ( whatthehale) @dylansneck (wearing_tearing) |
Stiles is a struggling author barely making ends meet.
Derek is a successful architect whose biological clock is ticking.
Enter a surrogacy agency, two packs, and a particularly sticky and toe curling heat week and you get a match made in heaven.
Stilinski’s Home for Wayward Wolves by  owlpostagain | 35k | 
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.” 

“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 

Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding: 

DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
I Was Present While You Were Unconscious by  CharWright5 | 19k, Mature | @kitstiles |
Stiles had often thought about how he'd meet his soul mate, the literal muscular man of his dreams. He just didn't ever imagine finding him on Facebook where a friend had shared a news article about a werewolf John Doe in a coma after a car wreck four hours out of town. And he also didn't expect to bond and fall in love with the guy's family before ever saying two words to him out loud.
But Not With Haste by  uraneia | 21k, Explict | x-man AU |
It's been years since Derek escaped from the hunters who killed his family and bound him in his human form. He travels solo, never staying in one place, keeping under the radar--until a skinny, smart-mouthed kid stows away in the back of his truck.
Four months ago Stiles's first kiss put his best friend in a coma. His dad gave him a couple hundred bucks and a hug and told him to run. By the time Stiles witnesses the cage fighter known as Wolverine take out a shotgun and its wielder with his bare hands, he's got a plan. He knows there's a school in New York for kids like him. All he has to do is get there.
OR, in which Derek is the werewolf version of Wolverine and Stiles is Rogue and the plot of X-Men progresses accordingly, with a few notable deviations.
Cornerstone by  Vendelin | 84k, Explict | @ljummen |
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
just to know your name by  bibliosexual | 3k | @bibliosexxual |
They're about fifteen minutes into the Skype call on Tuesday night when this guy wanders straight out of one of Derek’s wet dreams and into the frame, wearing nothing but black boxer briefs and a tight grey Guns N’ Roses tee. He’s lithely muscled, with a cute upturned nose and some of the most beautiful bone structure Derek has ever seen. Derek can see his nipples through his shirt. He feels all the blood in his body rushing to his dick.
“There should be a note about that on page nineteen,” Scott is saying, distantly, while Mystery Guy yawns adorably, nose scrunching, and runs a hand through his messy hair. He looks like he’s totally oblivious to Scott’s webcam, or to Scott. He looks like he just woke up. He looks like something out of an underwear ad, or softcore porn.
Mystery Guy bends down, thigh muscles flexing, and starts digging through Scott’s dresser drawers for a pair of sweatpants. Scott doesn’t ever turn around. He just keeps talking about… something. Something unimportant.
Mystery Guy has a mole high up on the back of his right thigh and Derek wants to lick it.
Bite Down Hard by  KuriKuri | 26k, Explict | @authorkurikuri
For a moment, Derek can’t breathe.Because moles aren’t the only thing marring the pale skin of Stiles’ neck. Oh no, that’s –– that’s a bond bite. A bond bite which Stiles definitely did not have yesterday, and which appears to have roughly the same dimensions as Derek’s own mouth.Shit.
(Or: In which Secret Service Agent Derek Hale accidentally gets bonded to First Son Stiles Stilinski. Oops.)
Tangled Up In You by  Morgana, Winchesterek | 105k, Explict | BDSM! | @sterekbros
Something is missing from Stiles’ sex life. Maybe it’s the fact that none of his partners share any of his kinks. While doing laundry over Thanksgiving break at Berkeley, Scott finds a flyer adverting, “WALK ON THE WILD SIDE! LET US TAKE YOU INTO THE DARKNESS AND BRING YOU SAFELY OUT AGAIN! EXPERIENCE PLEASURE AND PAIN AT THE HANDS OF ONE OF OUR EXPERIENCED, DISCREET PROFESSIONALS.” Stiles thinks it’s his kinda thing, but doesn’t have the money to pay for a session. Scott offers, only if Stiles refrains from telling him all about his kinky needs, so Stiles agrees. Enter Derek Hale, professional dominant. Stiles has his first session with Derek and can’t get enough (plus, Derek is HOT and Stiles just wants him all for himself).
It’s a Schlong Story by  floatingstark | 33k, Explict | ex-porn star Derek | 
"Do you like him?"
"Of course I do, he’s great!"
"Then what is the fucking problem?"
"My dick!"
Ex-Porn Star Derek Hale has a lot of issues but Ice Cream Parlor Owner Stiles Stilinski is not one of them.
I Might Be A Fool by  prettylittlementirosa | 35k, Explict| College AU |  @bisexualbcky
The thing about Stiles, though, is that for him, turned on and angry are not mutually exclusive feelings. He may be painfully hard but that doesn’t mean he’s not also ready to strangle Derek for having the audacity to act like this is something that’s happening to him, not something that is almost entirely his fault. So when Derek let’s out what must be his hundredth long-suffering sigh, Stiles snaps.
(or the one that was supposed to be a GRΣΣK AU but is mostly just a study in the gratuitous and inconsistent use of punctuation)
Expiration Dates by  KaliopeShipsIt | 227k, Mature | mpreg! | @kaliopeshipsit 
When 13-year old orphaned Derek Hale tests positive as a male carrier, his newly appointed guardian and uncle Peter uses his influence to make the test result go away, aware that in their deeply carrier-phobic society his nephew’s status could prove to be the downfall of the family company.
16 years later Derek is pressured into firing eight months-pregnant Danny Mahealani, creating a publicity scandal that, as the Equal Rights for Carriers movement gains more and more ground, results in an unprecedented media outrage targeted towards Hale & Argent Publishers.
A very reluctant Derek finds himself forced into defending his company’s prejudiced views on national television, facing off in heated debates against Stiles Stilinski, a guy he happened to have a one-night stand with months ago and has been pining over ever since. Stiles is a disgruntled former Hale & Argent employee, a staunch supporter of the ERC movement, he hates everything Derek stands for … and, courtesy of an expired condom, he’s also, unknowingly, the father of the child Derek wasn’t even aware he could carry in the first place.
Between Dusk and Dawn by  impalagirl, wilddragonflying | 19k, Mature| vampire fic | 
He's in the middle of a crowded bar when he smells it. For the first time in fifty years, Stiles Stilinski's mouth begins to water, and he's suddenly on high alert, twisting in his seat to scan the room with sharp eyes. Of course, it doesn't take long to spot him. He's as gorgeous as ever, tall and broad with dark hair and light eyes. He's wearing glasses this time, and damn, he looks good with a beard. Stiles had almost forgotten that; it's been so long since he's seen him with more than yesterday's stubble.
Marks and Mics by  DLanaDHZ | 70k, Mature | Soulmate AU | @dlanadhz
Hale siblings Derek and Laura have been hired to run security for Stiles Stilinski's music tour. Business as usual, except someone is trying really hard to prove they're incapable and hurt Stiles. Derek finds himself curious about Stiles' bitter attitude and a strange illness that plagues the singer. And on top of that, Derek's soulmate remains elusive.
I Hunt For You With Bloody Feet by CharWright5 | 200k, Explict | SoulmateAU Stillinski Twins | @kitstiles
“Mates don't always mean happy ever after.”
When twenty-year-old born omega werewolf Stiles Stilinski received that cryptic email from his twin brother—who'd been missing for two years exactly—in a language the two of them had made up, his drive to find Stuart is doubled. The search leads him to Oak Creek, the most secured and heavily fortified city in all of California, where he finds that not only is his brother dead, but also the literal alpha of his Dreams in Derek Hale—who just happens to be his twin's Mate and the main suspect in Stiles' eyes. Despite an agreement to fight mutual feelings, the two are still drawn to each other as they try to solve the case themselves, uncovering a plot that goes deeper than the murder of just one wolf.
Hidden Omega by  Akinasky | 107k, Explict | College fic | 
As Stiles leaves for college, he must hide who he really is and then he meets his roommate and likes him ... a lot only there is no chance for him to fill the needs that Stiles has as an Omega. Then he also finds his Alpha, Derek Hale (of course) and they all struggle to find their way and learning more about the special aspects of being an Omega and trying to have a unique relationship that will never be typical especially with Stiles, pushing and bossy Stiles as the Omega.
Fucked Up Like You by  damnfancyscotch | 38k | @damnfancyscotch
The boy was dirty. Very dirty. Most likely from the trap he’d been found in, the leg snare Derek figured, even though Peter hadn’t mentioned what type of trap it was. Mud dried and flaked off in patches on his left forearm, caked into the front of his sleeveless rough-hewn tunic and threadbare pants, up from his bare feet all the way to his knees, a dark streak painting the right side of his neck and continuing up into his clumsily cut brown hair - clearly he’d done it himself with a knife and perhaps no reflective surface, though judging by his appearance, a pond or puddle could have done just fine for him. Derek realized a lot of the spots he assumed to be mud were actually moles that dotted all along the boy’s skin.
Derek watched as the boy studied him back in silence, sitting with his arms wrapped tightly around himself. He stared hard at the crescent-shaped insignia picked out in silver and green sewn onto the dark gray fabric over Derek’s heart, a slight frown wrinkling his brow. The boy had to know about the Hales if he was part of the Argent pack.
“What’s your name?”
“St… Stiles.”
I Could Be Long Gone by  idratherwrite | 26k, Explict | A/B/O-Dynamics | @ashleighblogs
Humans alphas and betas are used to treating human omegas like objects. Stiles and his father have managed to hide for years the fact that Stiles is an omega. When Stiles arrives at Beacon Hills he meets one Scott McCall and his friends and family, who are hiding an even bigger secret.
It's almost everything that Stiles wants.
Baking My Way Into Your Heart by theSilence | 178k, Mature | College AU | @effinlemon |
Derek is an uptight college student, all work and no play. His carefully scheduled life is thrown kilter when his regular barista is replaced with someone new.
A Princely Claim by  kaistrex (weishen) | 40k, Explict | Royal Stiles | @kaistrex
In a world where werewolves die if they’re unable to Claim their mate and to refuse them is classed as murder, Alpha Derek Hale makes his very public Claim for Crown Prince Stiles of Beacon. The Royal Family are left with no choice but to accept, no matter the Prince’s imminent marriage to Princess Lydia of Kanima, to whom he’s been betrothed since birth. After having already faced the future of one loveless marriage, Prince Stiles is determined to make things with Derek work.
Kaleidoscope by  Vendelin | 54k, Explict | @ljummen
Stiles spends a year before college working at the all-night coffee shop in town. It's nice and quiet, until one dark and brooding Derek starts coming in every morning, ordering coffee so strong that it should not be fit for human consumption. Ever. Stiles tries not to be affected by the mystery guy, but it's not like anything else happens around here, so really, what did you expect? And when he's already in too deep, he realises he might even be in way over his head...
Play Crack the Sky by  WeAreTheCyclones | 122k, Mature | Rock Band AU | @wearethecyclones
Excerpt from “Hale Pulls the Plug on the Future of Rock,” Rolling Stone, Issue 1203 – Oct. 2014 “Fans and music industry vets alike are left reeling in the wake of bassist Derek Hale’s sudden departure from Smokes for Harris. At a time when the foursome from Beacon Hills, California seems to be on the cusp of rock superstardom after just one double platinum record, Smokes has everything to lose.”
Excerpt from “Smokes for Harris: Gladiator,” SPIN.com – Feb. 2015 “Smokes for Harris gives in a little to the pop punk of yesteryear in their sophomore effort, but rather than pandering to fans of a lost era they elevate the genre in a way that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Frontman Stiles Stilinski works double duty as singer and primary songwriter and proves that he can handle the task even without former bassist Derek Hale."
Grey Rainbow by  LoveActually_rps | 13k, Mature | @loveactually-rps
“Stiles?” Derek glanced at Stiles’ sleeping form. He didn’t even twitch. Derek continued. “If we…” his lips curved in a fond smile, fingers moving to smooth the creases of Stiles’ eyebrows, his voice coming as whisper. “... as in, you and me - If we get a chance someday… any day, to be together, y’know? I wouldn't mind you wooing me with flowers and all that cliched romantic shit. And you can even flirt with me. I approve.” He gazed at Stiles’ calm face for a long while before drifting off into quiet slumber with the sound of Stiles’ soft snoring in the background.
[aka, after pinning for his best friend for four years, Derek learns his teenage crush is easy, but his life isn’t]
Animal Instincts by BlueRunawayMoon | 262k, Explict | 2nd part is NOT FINISHED | @
Things are not going well for Stiles. Not only is he drifting from the pack, but he cant sleep and hardly eats, and its never been more clear to him that being a human leaves him at a major disadvantage. As if things weren't bad enough, he and Malia are on the rocks, and then there is the fact that Derek wants to kill him, of course. Derek, who he dreams about every night. Derek, who is losing control of his inner wolf, when said wolf seems to want Stiles dead.
But because Stiles is the universe's bitch, a new, terrifying and seemingly unbeatable monster arrives in Beacon Hills, and the pack have no idea how to stop it. When people start going crazy and attacking others, the Pack learn the creature is involved somehow. Now, with Stiles life in jeopardy, they must find a way to cure him before its too late.
Slow burn with lots of sexual tension and build up.
*There is a Stiles/Original Character pair up, but end game is Sterek. Pinky promise :) *
Strong Alpha, Strong Pups by  Snare | 7k, Explict | A/B/O -Dynamics | @4fuxake​
Omegas are weak. Stiles is an Omega, but Stiles has magic. Stiles is strong.
Stiles is strong, so Alpha needs to be stronger. Strong Alpha, strong pups.
Stripped & Polished by  Morgana, Winchesterek | 77k, Explict | 
Stiles is 17 and he’s sick of being a virgin. The last two and a half years of trying to get laid by every guy in the school (both straight and gay) haven’t worked out and the time he came onto his long time crush Jackson Whittemore blew up in his face. That was it. He was going to go out to a club and find someone to fuck him and they would be just as good as anyone else he was trying to have sex with. He goes to Jungle to scope out his prospects.
Just to See You Again by  MellytheHun | 15k, Explict | @loserchildhotpants​ 
A sterek college!AU where writing student Stiles specializes in love letters, runs a blog about it and can be commissioned to write love letters on behalf of lovers who are at a loss for words.
He makes some cash, he’s good at what he does (especially when he gets to be a little more explicit in his letters), it pays for his textbooks and that’s all he’s really looking for and life is fine. That is, until someone anonymously commissions him to write a love letter to mathematics student, Derek Hale.
Reach Out by  weathervaanes | 20k, Explict | @weathervaanes
Or, In Which Stiles Falls in Love Twice...With the Same Person
Stiles sees the flyer on his very last day at Beacon Hills High School. It’s hanging, unassuming, in the hall near the front entrance along with bulletins and other flyers, advertisements, posters for free student concerts, but the fact that the word “sex” is written in a font two times larger than the rest of the page catches his attention.
It’s an advice hotline for a whole range of things, from teenage angst to how to deal with your parents telling you you’re adopted and a whole mess in the middle. Stiles thinks it’s funny, though, that they offer advice on sexuality and sex education. It makes sense on the one hand, since high school sex ed does jack shit for actual learning, but anyone who really wants to know stuff has an infinite source of knowledge right on their phone—the internet.
So it starts off as a joke.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by  grimm | 118k, Explict | @coyotoqueens
There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
One life stand by  Vendelin | 84k, Explict | @ljummen
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it's getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there's only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.
All Derek wants is Stiles's time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It's the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he's ever had, and he's more than happy to sign up.
Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it's just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.
Can’t rely on me by  Littleredridinghunter | 116k | 
Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it's a lot worse than anyone knows.
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
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