#plurality is a spectrum y'all
theconstellarium · 2 years
Just had an anti-endo reblog from us...I went & checked out their blog (which is how I found out they're anti-endo), & they said they didn't have time or energy to debate so they didn't really participate in syscourse - which is fair.
However, they evidently DO have the time & energy to make posts about what they felt was impossible within others' systems. Which is just baffling to me lol.
A huge part of why we're pro-endo is because we just don't have the audacity to think we know everything - especially about anyone else's subjective internal experiences. We don't have any sort of degree in psychology or spirituality or anything else plurality can fall under. Let alone a degree in anyone's experiences other than our own.
(Spoiler: no one has any sort of expertise on anyone else's subjective internal experience. Period.)
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honoratacarnage · 1 year
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Heya! so this is a introduction to the cause of my brainworms since last semester. Everyone, i want y'all to meet the Pallace!
The Pallace are the apex sentient species of their homeworld. Before evolving society and such, their ancestors occupied the same role there as pigs do on Earth. As you can see, evolution kinda folded them like a pretzel, putting their hind limbs up like that, apparently their even older ancestors developed this trait before even becoming fully terrestrial.
Very social creatures, they live and die inside in their herds, finding strength and peace of mind in numbers. The reason their name isn't pluralized is that every individual is a key piece to the greater good of the herd, just like every little brick is necessary to form a splendorous pallace.
Inside the Pallace race, there's two (2) main types of Pallace, the Tiles and the Pillars. The Tiles are the most numerous and therefore, the average Pallace, 75% of the population being a Tile. They are divided into male and female (and all the intersex in between).
The Pillars are a curious hormonal phenomena that happens on the Pallace and their genetic cousins inside their genus. The Pillars present themselves as average Tiles until they are stimulated by sources of immense stress, which then makes a secondary set of hormones different from fhe sexual hormones that "prepares" the Pillar to deal with the stress that affects them and their herd. These hormones cause chages in the musculature, in their height, and in the length of their scales. They also happen in male, female and intersex. The Pillars are actually a spectrum, where different Pallace develop different sets of characteristics, these identities will be addressed in another post.
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They live in various parts of their planets, from deserts to swamps to taigas, although they will always prefer warmer places over cold ones. Their diets differ vased in where they live, although plant matter is always prefered i any location.
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Pallace have a wide array of colors and have a few morphs, making them a true confetti bowl! The diagram below shows different morphs, how their coloring works and their array of eue colors.
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Pallace herds are very active and are o the mo e year round. This affects the design and infrastructure of their cities, in where certain areas are separated by districts that are occupied by the citizens one season at the time. Not every single Pallace moves during seasonal heard migrations, as some have to stay behind and ensure that their part of the city is running smoothly for when the herd comes back.
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and there you have it! an introduction to my lovely pretzel aliens! i will be giving more info on the go and my ask box is always open if you have a question about them or suggestion for world-building!
tell me what y'all think!
tagging my friends @darkmoon-dolt @givemeuniversalcrossovers @morningmask27 because i know y'all like this stuff
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tarabyte3 · 1 year
Fun fact! Until I was THIRTY YEARS OLD, I would say, "I'm straight except for Gillian Anderson." And then one day I was watching season 6 of Orange is the New Black and prison mommy Carol Denning came on screen, scowling and bossing people around, and I had a moment of, "Oh shit. Maybe...maybe I'm NOT straight?"
Pro-tip: if you say "I'm straight except for...." NO THE FUCK YOU ARE NOT.
Y'all I had POSTERS PLURAL of Gillian on my walls in highschool and college (I still have them lol). "Oh, The X-Files is just my favorite show and Scully is really important to me" 😩🤦🏻‍♀️ The bi denial is REAL (plus being on the ace spectrum. That always makes things way more difficult than they should be).
I also said "I'm straight except for Kate Mulgrew as Captain Janeway/Gwendoline Christie" as well. YEAH. I KNOW. There were so many signs, but my dumbass was like
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Anyway the moral of this story is that Gillian Anderson is one of my ace brain exceptions, this video called me out, and I'm an idiot.
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declanlikesmusic · 11 months
Declan Likes Music. How About You?
Hello! My name is Declan, I am a music nerd from down under in my relatively early 20s, I'm non-binary (they/he) and I'm on the spectrum
I've been a Twitter refugee for a couple of months now but I'm finally starting to settle in here and make blog posts more often now. You'll see me talking about music, most especially about vaporwave in particular but also other sorts of music, I may bring up other minor things such as movies, little games and other small bits and pieces of my life.
I have a small community Discord server dedicated to talking about music and generally having a good time with friends. We're heavily supportive and welcoming of LGBT+, plural, otherkin and BIPOC communities, so if you're looking for new peeps to chat extensively about music with, if you wanna join the LikesMusic Discord server out of curiosity, here's the invite code: gDCHrfK9Ry
EDIT [2023/11/07]: I've very recently introduced a subsidiary of the LikesMusic server, dubbed LikesVapor! It's equal to the original in many ways, except much more focused towards vaporwave and lovers of vaporwave! The invite code is as follows: Dcz7u7UZ8T
You'll find me on other socials of course!
You'll most likely see me appear on Cohost just as often as Tumblr: https://cohost.org/DeclanLikesMusic
You're even more certain to see me on RateYourMusic most days: https://rateyourmusic.com/~DeclanLikesMusic
I have a Letterboxd which I finally changed the name of just now: https://letterboxd.com/HiThisIsDeclan/
Finally, my Discord & Telegram usernames are both DeclanLikesMusic
So yes, that's me in a nutshell! I'm so excited to be talking on here and I can't wait to get to meet y'all.
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anendoandfriendo · 1 year
Hey there! Y'all are out as plural at your work right? Would you be willing/able to share how you did that? Everytime we consider being openly ourselves outside of our close friend group, we kinda seize up, unsure of really how to broach the situation.
Honestly, we have a more "fuck it, fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything," attitude to most things when it somes to social norms and that's probably not something most people can pull off considering our body's parents' first concerns when we first started university were:
Please don't get stabbed.
Please don't get arrested at a protest.
We didn't do either of those things (aww, that's unfortunate) but basically the reason that happened is we asked the mother for some advice once way back when. She told us that at some point, she had also heard the words "just screw it and do it," from someone. So we took that to an extreme they probably were not expecting given the above.
Anxious? Screw it and do it. Scared? Screw it! Just do the thing already! Think that the worst could happen? Fuck this, there is already some bad shit happening and you don't need to hurt yourself even further.
While retail was our main job literally filed an ethics report against the boss of our boss...of maybe our boss??? but walmart is weird. We were told we would be notified when the case closes and still haven't gotten any notification so we're absolutely convince this man will not have a job within the next six months, but we've also gotten a yellow warning for trying to talk to them about another employee's Qanon ideologies.
What we mean when we tell you all of this is that YMMV. We are extremely stubborn and bullheaded and annoying as FUCK and will drag just about anyone through the mud who has the audacity to tell us we cannot/do not exist in public. Like. Not everyone is like that. We're mostly just using our worst natures and turning them into something a bit less harmful and more hopeful.
We also make heavy use of the weaponizing our supposed respectability, which we vaguely discussed here but only vaguely. Jade Leech 1.0 does this quite a lot even compared to the majority of us, and on the other side of that spectrum 🏖 has tried it once and failed miserably. We think if you have seen us talk about Jade 1.0 or you have met Jade 1.0 you will know what we mean, and we believe you have at least heard us describe his antics.
Edit: we found the article! We would take a look at this if you'd like to get an idea of what we mean.
Unfortunately, the more humanizing side of us is a little less refined than the monstrous side of our system, which means we don't think we're quite there yet but what's described in that article is something that makes sense to us and we strive to be more hopeful than "nice" when it comes to making the world better, if that makes sense.
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kipandkandicore · 2 years
[CS] re tags about "some systems were created later and non thru trauma" really good point! I hadn't actually really picked until that submit that i was making that non-inherent distinction between Experience and Way Of Being, so definitely hadn't thought it all through super well but it seems like a really interesting thing to further muse on, especially with what you/y'all mentioned! Even like, how to define the two, how they play into each other, etc. I'm legit excited to think on this haha!
hell yea!! and it’s exciting to see where research is heading wrt plurality that isn’t formed from trauma! the more we learn about plurality the more diverse the spectrum becomes, and it’s amazing to see all sorts of plurals getting recognized in professional contexts along with the context of online plural spaces. it’s interesting to see how plurality may be linked to distress in certain cases - which may not be bad enough to be trauma but is certainly enough for someone to form a system.
thank you so much for sharing! :)
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benito-flakes · 2 years
Shoutout to the systems who love being plural, you're great for enjoying your experience and being comfortable with who you truly are!
Shoutout to the systems who dislike their plurality, or who struggle in their day to day life as a result of their plurality; y'all are so strong, I know it can be difficult at times, but you can do it!
Feeling either way about multiplicity is valid!Plurality is a spectrum of different experiences; just because you feel one way about being plural doesn't mean everybody does! The beautiful part about this community is that all of us are different. We need to come together as a community, past origin discourse and past sysmedicalism to fully provide the support and inclusivity that this community is all about!
- Ben L., M&M
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hyper-cryptic · 3 years
Hello there!
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ᓚᘏᗢ My name is Void, can all me Lyro or Reko (it / its , agender). 19 years old ( 26/12 ). I am mexican and have ADHD , dyslexia and I am most likely on the autistic spectrum! I'm also the host of a plural system :3
↳ I post drawings and deranged ramblings. I also reblog art/funny posts some times, tho I like to keep this blog clean...as much as I can. ↳ This blog is MULTIFANDOM !! It is a mess! and I tend to have phases on staying on one fandom for a year most of the time, LMFAO. ↳ My askbox is always open, I think? I love interacting with y'all so feel free to ask about whatever.
@voids-cave is my "primary" blog! So all replies/comments and asks come from there! And I am also the mod on @journalistsobssession (inactive at the moment tho)
↳ Last updated: 10th of May. 2024_
⁖ More info + tip jars!
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⁖ Other socials ( fairly active on most of them )
🏠 ToyHouse ¦ 🎶 Spotify ¦ 🏛️ Pinterest
🌠 Media interests ( in order of which interests me the most atm ): Resident Evil , Sonic The Hedgehog , Trigun , Dead By Daylight , Overwatch , Akudama Drive, Warrior Cats , Fallout 4, FNAF.
🌺 Favorite characters ( in order of who I am hyperfixiated on the most atm ): Leon S. Kennedy , Sonic The Hedgehog, Vash The Stampede, Shadow The Hedgehog , Claire Redfield , Ghostface (DBD), John Hancock (FO4), Nick Valentine , Lúcio Correia Dos Santos.
You enjoy my art?
I find myself in a difficult situation IRL and I need to get my pets health care, ADHD meds and other stuff to support my family.
Consider supporting me on Ko-fi:
And commissioning me/adopting!
Once you've read it all the way through, DM me on your preferred social media. Thank you for reading!
You can also find my adopts here!
DNI , Warnings and Tag system below !!
🛑 Don't follow...or interact for that matter
If you are:
🚫 If you are a MAP/pedo , a zoophile or an anti-anti / pro-ship/ support incest.
🚫 LGBTphobic, exclusionist, Radfem/TERF.
🚫 Racist, xenophobic, anti-BLM, Blue/All Lives Matter, etc etc.
🚫NFT / crypto / AI art bro.
🚫 Generally just an asshole, makes fun of people for interests and identities that don't harm anyone at all. ---------------------------------------
🎫 Tag system:
↪ #my art (self-explanatory!)
↪ #hyper ramblings (my rants and dumb stuff I say!)
↪ #hyper drabbles (if i ever write anything, lmao)
↪ #not my art (self-explanatory, reblogs/submissions of somebody else's art)
↪ #not my post (reblog, probably text!)
↪ #my oc
↪ #heart of chaos au (my sonic au that is the only thing i draw about LMFAO /exaggeration)
🎃 Cws / tws (in order of more abundant to less), stay safe!
↪ loud text / all caps, bolds , italics, swearing.
↪ No ID / Image descriptions (I am horrible at describing I'm so sorry)
↪ staring / eye contact
↪ eye strain , bright colors
↪ cartoon violence, major/mild scars, blood / gore
↪ knives / sharp objects , guns.
↪ suggestive stuff, not straight up nsfw tho!
↪ fictional toxic relationships (mostly dbd ships, I do not support toxic relationships. its mostly for the narrative and all that psychology gizmo I rlly like.)
↪ fictional death (includes animals), body horror.
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browzerhistory · 3 years
big ol update
uh haven't shown y'all my artwork in a long time so here !
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doodled them in spanish class then digitalized it :)
also, i've discovered that we're a median system! i'm sort of smack dab in the middle of the spectrum as far as plurality goes - although we are definitely /not/ one person, i'm not separate either. at our core, i'm still always BlueTape (current name for full system). it's like how ENA's behavior and appearance changes, but they're still always ENA, yk? anyways, some of the different facets (is that the right word? wdk) do have names atm, so we'll list them:
Albedo Winterbite - around most of the time, it/its, he/him and they/them, tag will be 🐉 or -Al if it remembers
∃GO - sort of an ENA fictive?? th3y/th3m, glitch/glitches, and 💾/💾s, if it's just glitch the tag will be 🎭
Maggie - social one, she/he/they, tag is ✨ or ❤
[[HYPERLINK BLOCKED]] - (only recently got a name! thanks deltarune ch 2) trauma/memory holder (we think), it/its, bug/bugs, will probably write the vent posts and tag is 👁
Bones - not their official name yet but bug hasn't decided so,,, ye. possibly a little? unsure, they/them, bug/bugs, and 💚/💚, tag will probably also be 💚 or -bones
there's more but we don't have the energy to write them all down lol, i hope y'all have a wonderful day and feel free to ask questions! :0 i'll probably draw pictures of us but that's it for now!
-al and bones
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thelunastusco · 5 years
So, we don't know if y'all have seen our submission for the recent plural conference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzpyPKQSxlU If you don't wanna or can't watch, it's about our background with plurality and our creation of the endogenic/traumagenic labels. Fun stuff, they say sarcastically. But one thing we didn't really say is that unfortunately, within all this syscourse garbage, we've become unfond of the terms. We're happy that others like them or find them useful, but looking back, we wish we would have done better. Tried harder. As we've said elsewhere, they were a bandaid. Something we threw together and tossed out there, not expecting them to go anywhere. Now that they have, and now that we're hearing feedback regarding "traumagenic" especially? It might be time for an update.
DISCLAIMER: This is a work in progress. There will be edits.
Last edited 4/5/19.
More under the cut. <3
For "traumagenic", we wanted to create a term that was inclusive of systems that were created from trauma of all sorts, neglect, and other life stressors. However, it was brought to our attention that... frankly, most -genic terms are going to be a bit lacking. Not just because it’s hard to pin down actual words that are flexible and inclusive of a wide variety of experiences, but because they can be difficult to understand for new systems. We think quoigenic (created by Solipsistful iirc) is wonderful, but with regard to the traumagenic/endogenic debate, it’s just an unsettling feeling that we (as a community) could do more. We could do better. Some systems feel it pushes trauma in their face, and as others point out, there are systems who don’t feel their experiences were “bad enough”, aren’t ready to call their experiences trauma, or went through abusive situations like neglect . Additionally, there are other situations one may go through that some may or may not consider traumatic, like neglect, that still have a psychological and physiological impact on the human brain. We were busy trying to put together a few alternatives along the -genic labeling scheme, when Emmengard brought to us their concerns and a suggestion we absolutely love. Because many in the community have been calling for labels that are more flexible, more inclusive, we're happy to support their new set of proposed terms. - Adaptive. This would be inclusive of systems who formed due to traumatic, neglectful, and/or other adverse environments. Adaptive systems, or adaptive plurality, is an unintentional process. - Spontaneous. Spontaneous systems, or spontaneous plurality, is when a system forms on it's own with no known traumatic event to cause it. - Created. Systems that are intentionally or unintentionally created, including soulbonders and tulpamancers, would fall under this term. All reasons are accepted for created systems, or created plurality, including as a response to trauma or adverse environments. - Unknown. For systems who don't know their origins yet, and for systems who don't know and don't care to find out. - Mixed. A term already in use, mixed systems are systems where there may be more than one origin, complex origins that fit more than one term, or system members with various origins. (Please note two things: we have not brought up spiritual, physiological, or psychological causes, nor have we brought up DID/OSDD. Many systems of all kinds attribute their plurality to a wide variety of causes, and many systems of all kinds are and are not diagnosed with DID/OSDD. Individual system beliefs and diagnostic status should be considered separate from system origins.) We have grown to love these terms very fast. They are short, straightforward, and easy to explain. It's easy to combine them. They are extremely inclusive. In addition, "adaptive" avoids some of the arguments we've seen made against "traumagenic". It would still be completely possible to use -genic terminology; for example, it could be said that spontaneous and created plurality both exist along the endogenic spectrum. But it shifts away from -genic terms in general, which in our opinion is a positive thing overall. For us, saying that we are a spontaneous/adaptive system is much easier than saying "we're an endogenic system that experienced trauma growing up which impacted our system". Does anyone really NEED that information? No. Should it be enough to say we're plural/a system? Definitely. But does it sometimes help us, when the subject arises or those details are important to a narrative? Yes. We acknowledge that introducing new terminology can be complicated. And unfortunately, sometimes, it can be divisive. We feel that if these terms are approached with inclusion in mind, and backed by a community push for that inclusiveness, we can hopefully avoid the divisiveness that befell the -genic terminology. Maybe it seems more divisive at first glance, but we believe that's not the case. These five terms give a name to all the ways to be plural, give them equal weight, and make it easier for systems to customize a phrase that better fits their experience. There is also, in our opinion, a sense of pride to them. The ability to adapt, create, to embrace the unknown, to just exist, are traits to be celebrated. We are all natural. We all are here because it's within the capability of the human mind, body, and spirit for us to be here. That, to us, is beautiful. To us, it creates a vibrant, thriving image in our mind of the community, where plural folks of all sort are openly and plainly welcomed. Of course, people are free to use whatever terminology they feel works best for them. We aren't advocating a complete removal of -genic terminology from the community, or anything like that. We simply wish to showcase and promote the alternatives that Emmengard have created, and support them as an viable option for those who like using terms to describe themselves and their experiences. As a bonus, these five terms lend wonderfully to the symbol of plurality-- four interlocking rings, with a mix between them. Emmengard created a wonderful version of the symbol, with each ring representing a term in bright rainbow colors, blending together in the middle. Here’s a link to their twitter post, and the longer explanation on dreamwidth. Thank you for taking the time to read this. We welcome comments and questions, and hope that we can also get your support.
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aruviwrote · 6 years
Speaking a little from where I used to be - which is on the absolute other side of this spectrum.
I think that finding the identity of 'tambrahm' trendy is casteist, yes, subtly, but it is more importantly ignorant. I'll get to how it is casteist in a minute, but how it's ignorant is way more important.
It is ignorant because it is ahistoric. The way caste proliferates itself in urban settings is by an erasure of history. It is ignorant because it is limited in scope. The way caste proliferates itself is by making itself a bad, taboo term, and in settings such as caste-homogeneous gated communities -- or really, the bungalows of Alwarpet -- is by being invisible. A small section of the upper castes have used their privilege to build microcosms of society where caste does not need to exist, where it has no relevance anymore, where as long as you're fortunate enough to be born within this microcosm, caste doesn't matter. And true to the intended aim of creating a casteless society, this microcosm has distanced itself from caste as much as it can, and true to the utopia that it envisions, children in this microcosm are brought up casteless, turning noses up at casteist practices their grandfathers used to follow.
This microcosm is bound to come into contact with the outside world, of course, and the places it comes into contact are colleges, government offices, and the like, where reservation is a reality. And when your entire metaphysical framework, your entire sphere of knowledge, what your parents taught you, what your schools taught you, is that caste is dead and we left those dark days long back, here is a government office that is trying to "pretend" that caste exists. When you erase the entire history of caste, then it looks to an innocent observer as though a very small portion of the population, some of them economically poor, are being scapegoated as oppressors in a long-forgotten system.
This is where the idea of neo-tambrahm-pride is born. When the world is seemingly out to get you, trying to suppress your merit by reservations, then it seems natural to go back to your community and take pride in it. On the surface of it, tambrahms seem very cultured. Highly culturally nuanced (look how mathematically sound carnatic music is! wow!), rational, english-speaking, progressive (at least until the rise of Hindutva lol where's the community's progressive values now huh), deserving of a very funny sporting moniker that Chepauk Stadium has garnered over the ages, that of a "knowledgeable cricket crowd" that applauds a good cover drive even when Pakistani players score it (?). In this ahistoric vaccuum, these are all things to be proud of, even more so since all these reservations are trying to push us away.
That's why there's such a massive push-back to the "smash brahminical patriarchy."* God, I used to be one of them because this ahistoric gated community is very very VERY self-sufficient. Like one of those OMR ready-to-occupy retirement homes with every amenity existing within its boundaries. It is possible to live, love, procreate, work, die, all within this ahistoric vacuum.
So, what gives?
What gives, of course, is that none of this is true and all of this is constructed. constructed specifically at the expense of lower caste and avarna peoples. All the things that tambrahms are proud about is not unique to tambrahms through merit, but through exclusion.
The "normal" is ideological. The "apolitical" is deeply political. The false calm in the eye of the storm is deliberately politically constructed so as to induct those with enough privilege for caste not to matter, into its popular falsehood that caste indeed doesn't matter. It is a framework that tells you not to think too hard about these things.
You "don't see caste" until you do. Caste is everywhere. It is in the food you eat, in the toilet that someone else cleans for you. It is in the place you die and the people who cremate you, and the things that are said when you are cremated.
Wake up from the vacuum. Ask "where can I learn about caste?" instead of buying wholesale the readymade convenient excuses.
*there's also another reason why: most people who emigrate to the united states are brahmins (guess why! is the answer 'merit'? because I've got a doozy for y'all), there's literally no plurality of voices in this whole fiasco. The ones who reacted to it are brahmins and the news channels, of course, want to focus on those.
After writing this, I came across this article that expounds further upon this idea of “general category” and castelessness, and it is worth a hundred reads: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R61dlAMm8300oIY1JIaOeW56hwfREo71/view?fbclid=IwAR0OYZbkw_qFDHXmf1v1C0zOAYcQmvuJ14sTr3LtkhK8oJvzi18EiAaubaU
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