#please;; ; i don't have the money for this i am begging you to spare me...
autistic-shaiapouf · 10 months
Got an email from bath and bodyworks dealing their seasonal products for fall and Halloween and I am in DANGER
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edensrose · 2 months
my life is in danger ( just kill me at this point )
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Fuck every time I come here it's like I'm crying about something ain't it? I'm so sorry. I don't have much to say, only that I need serious help. A more personal matter however. I'll jump straight to the chase.
My mum and my family are being threatened due to borrowing money from loansharks ( something I was not aware of and my mother just came to me in tears of ). My family has been doing poorly financially ( my dad lost his job and with my own and my mother's numerous medical conditions we've had to sacrifice a lot. along with my brother's school fees )
I don't know when they want the money. She refuses to tell me. But I am beyond stressed out. They need R9800 ( $522 ) to leave her alone completely or they are threatening to come to our doorstep.
She doesn't wish to get the police involved because she does not want it to blow out in some way. ( for context, the reason our family is suffering so badly financially is because of a court case involving my dad )
If we can raise any amount to satisfy them it would be great.
Please, if there's anything I've had to beg for it's this. If you want compensation ( such as written pieces like requests or commissions ) I'm willing to do that too
Any amount helps. Even if it's just spare change, if we can accumulate it to the desired amount everything will be okay. Please also share this post.
My Ko-Fi Link ( ko-fi covers all conversions and you don't need an account. you can pay from any bank account or a paypal/stripe)
Writing Commission Prices:
1k - 2k words — $20
2k - 3k words — $32
3k - 4k words — $44
4k - 5k words — $56
5k - 6k words — $70
Commission Info
Anything helps. . . god I feel like I'm begging but I am. Thank you for your time.
Progress Bar
( $522 / $522 )
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thattouceyboy · 7 months
This is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do for my pride, and I know that it is a long shot. I am taking the biggest shot in the dark that I have ever done, and I hopefully will never again in my life need to do this.
My name is Severin. I am going to be homeless soon if I cannot find some way to gain money, and I am making this post to beg on my hands and knees to find help.
You can message me for the links to help, as I have no follower base and I'm afraid this post will disappear entirely if I try to out in a link or tag it in any way. If you'd like a tarot reading, I can do those. If you'd like a piece of writing, I can do that. I'll edit your school paper. You do not need to send me anything for nothing, if you want something in return I will do what I can. But I need help. What I need in the long run is $2,550— what I am asking for is $500, even $100 cumulatively from anyone, anywhere around this site who has anything to spare.
I know this is a long shot. I know this is the site of disabled queer folk who have nothing for themselves. But I am hoping against hope that if I swallow my pride and put this out there, I will be able to scrape by without ending up homeless.
Please reblog if you can... I know most of us don't have money. I'm just trying to not be out in the literal cold for a Canadian December.
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slvt4lanadelrey · 1 year
Flirty Stranger | Wednesday Addams
Warnings: swearing, Tyler
Wednesday x Galpin!fem
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"That'll be 3.99 please, sir." You smiled polity at the taller man infront of you, he sniffled a smile; slamming a five dollar bill into your hand. You gritted your teeth, Lucas was always an ass.
You pressed down on the till, it slamming open; the coins and loss change jiggling when it did. You received his change, handing it to him with a smile.
"Have a nice day." It was a rule at the coffee store: be polite, smile and just be an averagely good person.
Lucas smiled back, placing the money onto the edge of the tip jar.
"Do you want my chaple change, Galpin?" Your nose flared, fingers wrapping around the counter of the table. This was a repeating game with the boy; he had some sick pleasure from you begging for his money. Today though, you honesly couldn't care if he got you fired. You'd burnt the tip of your finger in boiling water, an absolute fiend demanded that you got their order wrong, four times. Your older brother, Tyler, had stormed into the store late for his shift which somehow led to your dad shouting at you for not waking your brother up in time. Fair to say your day was horrible, and all you wanted to was dive head first into a book.
"I don't want, nor do I need your spare money, Lucas." His smiled dropped, eyes casting into a dark gaze.
"I think you miss spoke? Did you mean, Yes sir?" You could have sworn by the amount of times you'd gritted your teeth you wouldn't have any by the end of the shift.
"No. I did not miss speak."
He coughed, the coins teasing the tip jar.
"You know that job is a privilege, not a right." Another person entered the coffee shop, walking into the line that only consisted of Lucas.
"Are you being rude again?" The women asked, pressing her cold finger into Lucas' back. Lucas shrugged the finger off, face drifting into fear at the sight of the girl infront of him.
"No. No Wednesday, we- she was only.." he stuttered out, his fingers finally releasing the money into the jaw. He collected his coffee, sprinting out of the store without a second look.
"Evening. May I have a coffee?" You stared at the girl, her eyes cold and hooded when they looked at you. She was dressed in Nevermore uniform, which meant she had some sort of power.
"Obviously, this is a cafe?" You retorted, eyes tired. Your shoulders were sagged, aching from your bad posture, your eyes were dry and begging for a finger to run into the wisk lids.
"Black. No sugar, no cream."
You hummed, pouring the rich beads of bean's into the crusher. Within moments the coffee was done, steaming in the air. You cupped the lid, pressing it down onto the cup. You slid it onto the counter, telling the girl infont of you the price. She handed you the money, precisely.
"Here." She slipped a hundred dollor bill into the cup, nodding solemnly. You groaned, rolling your eyes. Your fingers dipped into the cup, pressing the bill into her chest.
"I'm not a charity case." She frowned deeper, hand holding the bill.
"I did not imply such a thing. I am measly complamenting your abilities of making an admirable coffee. Is that a crime?" The girl infront of you asked, speaking in such a formality you almost cringed.
"Look, it's nice and all but I'd rather you go on with your day. Makes my life easier." The girl carried on to frown, placing the bill once again into the jaw. The same action played out; you pulled the bill out, she placed it back in.
"Why are you so stubborn?"
"Why are you so stuborn?" You mocked, rolling your eyes.
"This surely isn't allowed as a worker, your being deliciously rude." The girl commented, standing slightly less tall; almost like you had drained the energy out of her.
Your eyes drooped, sighing out in frustration.
"I'm a barista, I'm literally serving coffee to pay my phone bill. I don't owe you anything, I'm not a slave, I shouldn't have to beg you to give me a tip- I don't want a tip. You've payed your bill, so leave."
Wednesday shifted on her feet, her tongue rolling over her teeth.
"Fine." You sighed out, thankful that she finally gave you the space. Then, her fingers wrapped around your belt loop; tugging you forward. She slid the note into your pant pocket, turning around before you could object.
You stared at the open space she once took up. Another customer taking up the empty space within momemts.
"Hi, Ma'am, how may I help you?"
Days went by, Lucas didn't harass you. Atleast not at work, at school was a different topic. You eventually learnt the ravens name; Wednesday Addams.
The door bell rang, in walking someone dressed all in black. Instead of coming straight to the till they went to table three. The smaller girl slid into open row, placing her hands on the table and locking them together.
You sigh, Wednesday sitting tall on the chair. You picked up your note book, walking towards the argumentative girl.
"What can I get you today?" You asked, smile plastered on your face. Your pen etched into the paper below it, awaiting the girls answer.
"Mm. My usual." She tucked herself further into the seat, glaring up at you.
You groaned, placing the book down on the table, resting your hand on it.
"Do you really think I can remember that?" Wednesday looked at you, fantom smile dancing on her lips.
"I bet you've remembered every detail of my face." She stated proudly, daring you with a smirk.
"Is that so?" You leaned down, your body tumbling over hers. She nodded, her finger tracking up your arm.
"I've remembered yours."
You hum into the air, smiling like you just won the lottery. You pulled back, your frame casting a shadow over Wednesday's small one.
"What's your name again?"
The question knocked the air out of Wednesday, sucking all of her confidence out.
"Uh. Wednesday Addams."
Your tongue rolled over your top teeth, then sucked your bottom lip into your mouth. Humming to fill the deafening silence.
"Wednesday? That's new. Do you still want that black coffee?" Wednesday clenched her jaw, moving her wandering hand away from you.
"Maybe your number would suffice." She muttered, her eyes still undressing you. You nodded, writing something down on your notepad.
You slid it over, not missing the way her eyes sparked and she almost groaned when the piece of paper was in her hands.
Nice try :) I'm not that easy <3
"That coffee will do, I guess." She groaned, staring at the paper in defeat. Her posture deflated, falling into a soulless sight.
Your shift dragged like always, your day seemingly never ending. The Raven haired girl that sent a nerve down your spine stayed, all day.
"Miss Addams, this cafe is closing." You mumbled out from under the counter, your hands cleaning up the beans you spilled earlier that day. Wednesday shuffled towards you, feet stopping when they came face to face with yours.
"May I walk you home?" She asked, standing taller with the suggestion. You was on your knees infront of her, staring through messy hair.
"Why?" You stood back up, placing the beans into the trash, wiping your hands free of the dust that built up on your open palm.
"Its dark, we never know what monster that lurkers outside the door." She said it in such a way that made you guess for what creep would be waiting for you. You nibbled on your bottom lip, staring at the girl who was similar height.
"I think that if any creep tried to have me they'd have to put up a fight. Plus, your the stranger." You noted, walking through the store with a cloth in your hand; wiping down the tables.
Wednesday followed closely after, following you like a lap dog.
"I don't have to be. If only you'd tell me your number. I've been told that I am a gracious date planner." She nodded, proud of her words; rethinking her previous conversations with someone.
"You've been on a date?" You laughed, mocking the implication. She shuffled on her feet, her fringe slightly frazzled at the tiresome day.
"Well no. But- but I assume I would be, I'm a bit of a perfectionist." You stared blankly at her, knowing she was eventually going to tire you down.
She blinked, her fist clenching around her skirt hem.
"And why not?" She all but whined, sounding like a toddler who wasn't allowed ice-cream, she may have well stomped her feet and screamed.
"Because I don't have time." You mumbled, pushing your lose hair out of your face. You brushed past her, not missing the way her fingers touched yours in a hope to grab your attention; when it didn't work she groaned.
"You can't possibly be that busy? Granted, you have school, maybe an after school activity? Then homework, coming here for- well awhile, then your free to spend your day." Wednesday thought, labeling your whole day.
You hummed, leaning over the counter. It was just like the first time you met, her standing infront of the counter, staring at you through dark eyes.
"I wake up at six, get dressed, plan my outfit and leave for school, I end school at three. I have rugby practise after school for two hours, then I have to come here. I leave her at eight, sometimes nine. After work I have to clean my whole house, cook for my dad and older brother, by then it's about eleven. Sometimes I can fit in my homework, other times i just do it in my breaks. After eleven, I have my shower, then I sleep and repeat my day." Wednesday placed her hand onto the counter, her face riddled with thought.
"Well. Give me your homework, so your break will be free and I can take you on a date, sound adequate?" You laughed, smiling at the girl who was dead serious.
"Why are you laughing? I did not state a joke." Wednesday muttered, pressing herself more into the counter. Your faces were inches away from each other, a daring smile still on yours.
"Uh huh. Your cute, Wednesday." Your finger brushed her fringe, making sure it was in the right place. You hummed seeing the same face that you saw a week previously.
"I'm not a cheat thought, nice try." You leaned forward, kissing her cheek before pulling away. She was left stuck, lost in the mist of your fruitfully perfume and flawless actions of physical touch.
"Care to leave now? I really need to get home before my dad does." You slipped out of the apron, pushing all of your lose hair out of your face; dragging the back of your wrist across your forehead, wiping away the steamed sweat.
"I'll be back." You didnt doubt her in anyway, automatically assuming Wednesday hadn't been told no often in her life. She stormed out of the store. Finally after a while you was left to breath, sighing into the dead silent cafe. The bell rang, Tyler barging through the door.
"Was that Wednesday Addams?"
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chaoticreation · 7 months
This area is a death sentence without transportation. I'm running out of food, I can't get my prescriptions, can't flee in an emergency, and me and Syd have been freezing for like, a month, aside from the past two days because it's been surprisingly warm out for October. But November is around the corner, and it's gonna get cold. Fast.
I don't have the funds to repair my van, or the furnace.
Eventually, I'm gonna go homeless if the taxes aren't paid, but the van and furnace are extremely pressing matters right now.
If you can afford to donate, I'd appreciate anything you can spare. If you can't, that's okay. You can still help by sharing this campaign! Please don't donate if you can't afford to, but please SHARE no matter what!
Gfm requires at least $5 donation, so if you can't swing that, you can send less to:
ven.mo: https://account.venmo.com/u/rroche90 pay.pal: [email protected]
Edit, 11/7/23: And we also don't have hot water now either. When the plumber came to give me an estimate on the furnace, he found that the hot water heater had a bad leak, so that was turned off to reduce damage.
Edit, 11/12/23: Septic problems now, too. Sinks are backing up. Woo! Still no heat, btw. It's been a month without heat and it's getting colder. Friend bought Syd a bigger hospital cage, but it hasn't arrived yet, so poor girl has to continue to suffer. Still no transportation, either. HEAP has said they'll pay half the furnace bill if I'm on the deed, which I can't and won't do until the taxes are paid off. I'm not about to inherit that debt.
@sydthetiel is being kept in a tiny hospital cage in my office with a space heater. Not ideal, but it's keeping her warm at least.
We're really not okay.
Edit, 11/16/23: Still no heat or hot water. Plumber isn't even actually getting back to us lmao. Mechanic got back to us, though, and they've found that the brake lines are rusted and need to be replaced. They want an extra $3500 for that. So it'd be roughly $6,000 to get my van repaired. Or I can just fix what I can fix at $2,000 and take my chances with rusted brake lines, and be an accident waiting to happen because I'm desperate to not be trapped in a freezing house with no meds or food or water lmao. Or I just don't get to have transportation back. Or I have to buy a new used vehicle, for like, $15,000+. So... mostly there's just no hope left for me. I'm ready to just give up. It's too much to fix, and my odds of survival are at 0 anyway. I won't last the winter here, and I can't even leave.
Edit, 11/22/23: That plumber ghosted us. We got a new plumber. He came out yesterday and got the furnace rigged to work, just in time. As he pulled into the driveway, it started sleeting and snowing. Throughout the night. The problem is, the furnace isn't fixed, so it could crap out at any moment. The water heater is off, but still leaking, so it's time sensitive to have it replaced. But he's pointed out another problem with that; Rex's hoarding. We need to be able to get rid of enough of her crap to get the equipment in and out. He can do it, but it's gonna cost. Additionally, the chimney isn't in great shape so we have to do something about that, or it's going to defeat the purpose of these replacements. Waiting for the quotes on everything.
As for my van, it's ready to be picked up, without the brake lines being finished. We found a new place that said they'd charge between $700-$1000 to replace the brake lines. A lot better than $3,500, but still not money I have. So until I can do that, it's a risk driving it, but I really don't have a choice. I can't stay living like this, trapped in the middle of nowhere. It's defeating me mentally and physically. But there's another problem too, that won't be covered under warranty. A knock sensor. No idea how much it'll cost yet, but it needs to be replaced in order for the van to pass inspection in December.
I'm feeling incredibly hopeless. I can't even run, because I have Syd, and I'm not going to abandon her. She's my kiddo. She's in a bigger cage now, happily. But I'm at such a loss of what to do. We're not going to survive the winter here without these repairs, and fleeing is going to be really difficult, and I may not have a home to come back to in Spring if I did manage to leave for the winter with Syd.
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hrts4hanniehae · 5 months
clutch || nine
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
a/n: sorry this is short.... i rewrote this 3 times and i keep forgetting what i wrote. fml. genuinely omfg.
warnings: fat-shaming, insults, violence
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if you thought that this was the end of Chae-young's antics... you were very wrong.
"wonwoo-oppa~" x100
wonwoo had never been this annoyed in his life. during the whole event, he stuck by yn's side the whole time but chae-young wouldn't stop trying to approach him. finally...
"please leave me alone."
"sorry? wonwoo-oppa please speak up!"
"I said, leave me alone. please! it's very irritating to have you follow yn and i everywhere! leave us alone please!"
chae-young lost it.
heads turned towards them as chae-young's husband tried to pull her away.
"I have the face of a model. and i am one. why is it her? yn is fat and ugly! she was overweight at one point you know? do you really want to be with a slut like her?"
"oh so i'm a slut?" it was wonwoo's turn to hold yn back. "what about you huh? trying to seduce my boyfriend while you have a HUSBAND?"
"how else did you get people to buy your ugly paintings and "art"? i wouldn't be caught dead with those crappy paintings in my house!"
yn broke free of wonwoo's grasp and slapped chae-young in the face. (much to the delight of a lot of her relatives)
"HOW DARE YOU!" chae-young of course retaliated and scratched yn across the face with her nails, drawing blood in lines across her face. she then used her heel to stomp at yn's arms.
"CHAE-YOUNG! THAT'S ENOUGH!" her husband's sudden outburst shocked everyone. "please. stop embarrassing yourself. stop embarrassing me. i think i've had enough. every day you put people around you down because you want to look better. you abuse your position as my wife and you treat me like shit. i think... i think i've had enough. you're ungrateful to everything and just spoiled."
"this isn't about you, Jaeho. this is about m-"
"it's never not about you. let's get a divorce. maybe then you'll get the attention you yearn for."
after that, yn's parents and Chae-young left, begging Jaeho to reconsider. Soon after, the rest of the family began to wrap up the event, sending congratulations to yn and wonwoo.
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"does it still hurt?"
"not much... i'm sorry about her."
"don't apologise. it isn't your fault."
"sorry for dragging you there with me. i should have just went alone."
"it's okay. stop saying sorry."
dino burst into yn's room.
"yn... there was a parcel for you. but..."
"there was blood leaking out from it. so i opened it..."
"what was it?"
"someone sent you a box full of dead rats. there was a note."
"what? what did it say?"
"I know you're here. yn ln. you're next."
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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main masterlist
smau socials
previous I next
tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees @hamji-hae @hyuckxtagram
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transmortifried · 1 year
(posted on her behalf)
Hello Internet! I am once again begging you for money.
my name is Molly, formerly on Tumblr at @umblrgumblr and @horse-piss. I'm a mentally ill trans woman with an unstable housing situation. I recently spent all of my money (plus a significant amount of a few other peoples' money) on a van, so that I will have a guaranteed place to sleep this summer and a way to get to my new job. unfortunately, my job won't start for another week, and I won't see any money from it for a few weeks after that. in the meantime I am broke and don't have enough money to pay to get my van registered or buy gas for it. or, like, feed myself or whatever. if you can spare any money, please consider helping me out.
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youboredright · 8 months
Fate Cannot Be Changed
What happens if the strongest mafia known to be the coldest man alive gets arranged married with a sweet hearted woman? Can the innocent Yn change Gojo Satoru, biggest mafia in Yakuta? Maybe or maybe not..-
Mafia Gojo Satoru X Yn
(Chapter 1)
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Guns. Blood. Dead bodies. Begging. Crying. Asking for forgiveness.
Gojo Satoru has seen all of these before it's nothing new.
Love. Family. Home. Comforting. Affection. Peace. Resting.
These were never Gojo Satoru's way of living.
Right now it is midnight and he is seeing the same thing. Dead bodies..Gojo shots the last person ignoring his last begging to spare his life. "Please let me live I have a son." Bang. To a mafia, to Gojo it's nothing and specifically when he is angry. When Gojo Satoru is angry no one can stop him. People doubt if he has the emotion sympathy or not. Gojo Satoru is angry. "Satoru you have to calm down. You cannot just simply kill anyone in front of you just because you are angry." Geto tried to stop Gojo. Geto being Gojo only close friend there are moments when Gojo does listens to him. But right now.."Fuck off, Suguru do you know how it feels to be arranged married to someone. And then you get to know that you are getting married just the day before your own wedding. All this time my parents arranged me in this wedding that I didn't know. What else do I need? I am rich, strong, successful and I did everything my parents asked for. But no, now they had to marry me to this weakling that I don't even know. All women are the same." There was pure pain, angrier and traces of betrayal in Gojo's eyes. All Geto could do is sigh. "But please do calm down and take some rest". Gojo was angry because he was arranged married.
Wedding Morning
Gojo didn't get a proper sleep that night. But looking at his soon-to-be wife, Yn, he saw, Yn was excited."Why are you happy? Do you even know me?" Gojo thought looking at Yn. Yn on the other side felt sharp stare towards her. Turning she saw Gojo is looking at her, lost in something. He looks confused..? Slowly Yn approached Gojo. "Um- hey you must be Gojo Satoru, right?" Yn tried to start a conversation. "Yeah. And you are..Yn?" Gojo was unexpectedly soft. But to Yn he was rough. "Yeah. It's nice to meet you" Yn smiles. "Whatever. Remember maybe we would be married but don't expect me to treat you like a princess. You do what I ask you to. If I ask you to kill people, you will kill people." Gojo completely changed, he was more cold. Yn flinched. "'Kill' and "dying"were strong words, why would Gojo use it like that. Well is that what I have to expect from my future husband just because he is a the strongest mafia" Yn thought. Yn just nodded and left Gojo alone.
After wedding, Yn's dad hugged her. "Dad are you happy after forcing me to marry a mafia, who likes to kill?" Yn voice cracked. "Oh shut it Yn. You are married already to Gojo. Oh you don't know how damn rich is he..." "Dad why do you only care about money?! Personality also matters. It's my wedding, you could have asked me before making a vital decision. And you made me marry a mafia, the strongest mafia. Who is always dealing with blood hurting others and worst killing people." Yn slightly raises her voice. "Sorry to interrupt, but Yn we have to go because I have business to deal with. So rather than wasting my time, stop being childish." Gojo interrupts without any emotion in his voice. Yn gets hurt 'childish, huh?'. Yn didn't even want to bid the last goodbye to her dad. So she just simply left with Gojo without sparing her dad, one last look.
The drive to Gojo's mansion was quite. "Gojo is it very normal for you to use the word 'kill'..?" "It is easier to kill than to say." Gojo said emotionlessly. Gojo's mansion is hug like literally huge.. "You- do you live here alone..?" Yn asked, as it was hard to believe he own the place all by himself. "Yeah. You coming or do you want to be outside tonight." Gojo said walking past Yn.
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"Your room is that one in the left. Don't make noise because I am a sensitive sleeper." Gojo says and leaves Yn in middle of the hallway.
Next morning (Yn's POV)
I don't know how I will live with..gojo. We have nothing in common. Well he likes no, love killing. But I hate when someone is hurted. Why is he being to cold. Cannot he just be a little bit more softer?-. But anyway waking up, first thing I need is a morning coffee. And mom said I gotta be the best wife to be accepted by Gojo. So everyday at 7 I have to wake up make breakfast. That's a hassle. But if it makes relationship between us better I do rather do that. I almost got lost searching for the kitchen. Like how can a person not get lost. After making a coffee I went to the back yard. It's so pretty, the way the grass were cutten . The pool was quite big too. Did Gojo even get time to swim or relax? It felt nice the morning breeze was a bit cold but felt soothing. Going out, the cold breeze pass through me. As I took my second gulp, there was a loud siren sound. And soon three men with guns in their hands came up to me. "Who are you. Hands in air, right now." One of them shouted. I hate loud sound, so as fast I heard them shout I was too scared and I dropped my glass. Raised my hands I was shaking in fear. One of the broken glass piece made a scratch on my leg but I could not care less. If the situation continued just a few seconds more I would start tearing up. Just in time Gojo came and shouted "what is going on here? She is my wife, why are you all pointing gun at her?" Hearing that they putted their gun down quickly. They became quite, maybe embarrassed? I dropped my arms and saw three of them.. Well looking at my nipples that got erected because of the cold wind. Thanks to me for not wearing a bra today. As a covered my chest Gojo seemed to notice it, "All of you go. NOW! And I don't want this kind of accidents ever again." Gojo said. Did he mean the gun accident or them looking at my nipples? But the fact is, did Gojo Satoru, the mafia leader of Yakuta just stand up for me?
As I was cleaning my wound, Gojo came up to me and said "Yn I forgot to mention yesterday. We are the happy loving couple outside but inside we are strangers. Do you understand? And I don't want to hear my wife suddenly got pregnant with another man." That's the second time Gojo said something like this to me. So this is my life from now onwards... I just nodded and hardly whispered a 'yes'. Did he not see the blood coming from my wound. Maybe he is just used to seeing blood. Why did I even expect him to comfort me. What did I expect, The Gojo Satoru might be a kind person deep inside? I am proved wrong for the second time. So this is how .y is going to be, huh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To be continued...
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galpalaven · 2 years
the struggle continues
hello everyone i hate to do this but am back again with a begging for money post. i went to the dentist last week and, because i have been not going for the past like 5 years bc no money + covid, i am staring down about $5k worth of dental work. on top of that, i am short on rent and am not getting paid until this Friday.
i anticipate that my paycheck will be at least 300, but that will leave me another 300 short.
am also mysteriously in the red on my bank account but i don't actually remember how that happened because I don't remember making any purchases with this card? dunno bUT ;w; its just one more thing to add to the list
if you can spare anything at all, please consider buying me a ko-fi
please only donate if you are over 18 and are not struggling yourself TwT
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stylesandnicks · 9 months
Without further ado. Here is a sneak peak of my latest writing: Fool’s Gold! This is a Pirate!Harry story and I hope this makes up for my terrible procrastination skills.
Y/N gasps out at the loud noise, falling onto the ground. That sounded like a canon, were they under attack? Was the crew finally deciding on anarchy on the ship?
Another loud noise, she could hear yelling and running around...this wasn't good. She quickly got up and rushed out onto the deck, finding Smithins already holding the journal he always carried around tight to his chest. He looked as if he was about to faint.
"What's going on?" She whispered to him. She could feel her panic brewing, this was the first time she had seen him so frightened.
"I don't know...I think we are being raided.
"Raided? By who?"
"Oh god!"
She turned to see the captain in sheer hysteria, running from his cabin with his hands over his mouth.
"He's found me, oh he's found me I'm done for! I'm ruined!"
"Who Captain?" one of the crew members asks.
"Scary Harry, I'm a dead man! You might as well slap the black spot on me!"
The captain wailed and screamed in fear and agony, he was already dramatic enough but this was far worse.
"Who is Scary Harry?" She asked Smithins. She saw how he reacted strongly to the announcement. His eyes widened, clinging the book closer while muttering to himself.
"The Sea Wolf..." he finally rasped out.
Her heart stopped at that moment, she had heard from other crew members about the pirate known as The Sea Wolf. He was nortorious being the most bloodthirsty pirate that ever sailed the seas. Smithins even told her himself that The Sea Wolf was the enforcer of the pirate code. Any pirate who broke the code would be hunted down by him, and be made a gross example of.
"I need you to listen to me," Smithins whispered to her. "I want you to just lay low, do not draw attention to yourself. We are probably going to be transferred to his crew."
"What about you?"
"I'm staying right here by you dove. We just have to do what we are told."
That's when she saw it, a huge black ship inching closer to them. A flag of a wolf's head raised high for all to see. This was it, she was about to get a taste of actual pirates. Gruesome pirates at that.
The crew got on the ship so fast, causing all of them to huddle together. She kept true to Smithins' instructions, making sure her head hung low so she blended in.
She could hear heavy footsteps of boots, from what little she saw this had to the The Sea Wolf. She also could hear the panting of a dog that wasn't far behind, grey and wired-haired. From her knowledge of dog breeds it had to be an Irish Wolfhound he kept as a pet.
The captain was on his knees, whimpering and being a blumbering idiot. A sigh of defeat left her, who would have thought her little adventure would end this way.
"George Humpfres," she heard a deep, smooth voice speak to the captain. "You broke the code."
"I am so, so sorry Harry-"
"Harold." The tone was sharp, it sent chills down her spine.
"Harold, sorry...yes I-I know that I...went a little far."
"A bit? Section 3 of the Pirate Code clearly states that none shall game with money either by dice or cards. But you went past that, didn't you? Caused some people to be quite disgruntled by you."
"Please...Sir, I beg of you...I have a problem, yes but I-I can change!"
"You are a joke, a disgrace to the name of the pirate. You would rather have your men starve for your selfishness. You reacting this way only proves you know the fate you are about to face. Luckily I’ll spare your life…however, you are going to have to go to the island."
"The-The island?! Oh Sir please, please do not send me there! Cut my fingers, throw me to the sharks but not the island!"
The island? Was he going to have the captain be marooned? Being marooned on an island is often the fate of a pirate that breaks rules. There were islands everywhere however, what was so frightening about that place?
"Begging is very unbecoming for you George. The very least you can do is fight for your life. White Pirate, more like yellow belly. No matter, Mitch?"
She heard more footsteps.
"Please be sure to have him locked up with nothing but the basics, whatever he had on this eyesore now belongs to us as collateral. I'm sure your team will appreciate the structure they are about to receive George."
"Remember," she heard Smithins whisper. "Stay low, keep close to me yeah?"
She nodded, feeling herself being moved. She stayed close behind him, looking down at his feet the whole time. Just then she heard a noise from the dog, but it wasn't a growl or anything threatening. It was more like...happy panting. She could even see the dog trying to lick her fingers. This dog was going to draw attention to her and she would be found out! Her father always told her dogs were loyal but stupid.
"Stop...stop it," she whispered. Trying to shoo the dog away but it wouldn't let up. Following alongside her.
What she didn't know, as she was walking down the plank, a man stood nearby watching the whole thing. His head slowly turned with her movement. She couldn't see his sharp green eyes looking at her or the small tapping of his ringed fingers on the holder of his pistol. She didn’t even hear the small “hm” he made.
Meanwhile, her curiosity was getting the better of her when they came to a stop. She had to know what was happening, at least see where she was. Slowly she raised her head a bit to get a look. They were all still huddled together, but she could at least see two men dressed in black holding the captain in shackles.
The captain was still blubbering and crying. His white suit was covered in dirt, from being manhandled she was sure of it. Then came the footsteps again, slow and heavy.
A sort of broadening man wearing a long tattered trench coat walked toward the three men at an agonizing pace. From the little detail she could see, he had long, wavy hair and a rather large-looking captain hat that rested on his head. This was certainly The Sea Wolf, or Scary Harry, whatever he was called.
“George,” he spoke. Leaning close to the captain’s face. “Now I want you to be honest with me. Because now your life truly depends on it. Have any of your men sneaked a woman on board?”
Oh shit.
Her eyes widened, looking up at Smithins. She couldn’t see his reaction, but she noticed a small breath inhaled sharply out of him.
The captain looked at the man in question in pure shock, followed by a high-pitched laugh.
“A woman?! Sir, I do believe you are gravely mistaken! I-I may have broken some laws but certainly not that!”
“How curious,” the man’s voice didn’t sound angry, far too calm for even her taste. “Pearl!”
That’s when she saw the dog prancing over to him. By that point, he turned around facing them. The hat was so wide in the brim that she still couldn’t see his face. But she could see the rings on his hands and the many pistols around his waist as he scratched the dog’s head.
“Females can smell other females,” he stated. “And little Pearl here can smell a woman from a mile away. Are you calling my pet a liar?”
“Wha-no! Of course not Harry, I mean Harold! I'm just saying…that I make sure to count the crew every month and I can swear to you on the Bible that I have exactly four-“
Suddenly the captain stopped, he looked as if he was counting the huddled crew. His eyes grew wide, mouthing numbers only to start hyperventilating.
“There’s supposed to be 14,” he rasped. “14 is above 13…they are supposed to be above 13!”
The crew around her grumbled in annoyance. It seemed the captain was so wrapped up in his gambling he didn’t even notice the additional member.
“The number of men is the least of your problems. Now I’m going to ask you again. Did one of your men, sneak a woman on board in disguise? Which, may I remind you per Section 6 of the code is a violation resulting in death.”
As he talked she could see him coming towards the crew causing her to jerk her head back down. Stupid mutt gave her away just by smelling her! She heard the footsteps get louder with each slow step. Her heart was racing, and for a brief moment, she began to regret running away from home.
She wanted to see her father again, to hug him and cry on his shoulder. Tell him how sorry she was, that she would marry Liam if that made him happy. She should have escaped on the first port they landed! She should have stayed with the original plan, but no. She with her social butterfly tendencies got caught up with the crew and now she was going to be killed!
The footsteps stopped right beside her, she couldn’t help but notice he smelled sort of…nice. Then again being around smelly men and washed in sea marsh changes your sense of smell. But that was beside the point, she had to keep her head down…maybe, just maybe in some crazy way, he would look past her and be none the wiser.
“All the mud and ocean mist can’t cover up the scent of a pretty girl.”
Suddenly she felt fingertips on her chin, not by force, but he was firm in making her look up at him. Her curiosity got the best of her, for while she wanted to see what he looked like she didn’t want him to see him this close.
The first thing she noticed was his eyes. Sharp and green, like emeralds. A long beard that had some trinkets wrapped in it. His face was rough and yet…sort of handsome. She found her potential killer handsome, the heat must be getting to her.
“All the treasure in the world and the prettiest one just fell on my lap.”
He then looked down at his dog with a small laugh.
“Might have to get you a fine steak for this Pearly.”
The high-pitched cry from the captain broke the tension. Causing everyone to look as he fell onto his knees.
“A woman on my ship?! Oh, Sir, please! I didn’t not know! I didn’t know she was on board please don’t kill me!”
The Sea Wolf didn’t seem all that phased, whistling at some men and jerking his head toward something.
“Take her to the main chamber.”
She saw the men walk over, grabbing both ends of her causing her to scream out. Suddenly The Sea Wolf pulled out one of his pistols at one of them. His face hardened with a small growl coming from the dog.
“Learn your fucking manners,” his voice dark and raspy. “You treat delicates with care!”
The men muttered a “yes captain” before taking her away. The closer they got to the door the more her panic was rising. Then the last thing she remembered happening, was how she screamed for her father before her world went black.
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apricotbuncakes · 1 month
Before we get into everything below this:
Donate Here
If you can, please donate to my GoFundMe. I'm so fucking desperate in a way I can barely explain but I'm going to do my best below.
I can't explain how desperate I am without alienating people who have sensitivities to certain topics, so I'll say this instead. I have to go out of fucking pocket, which I can't really fucking afford, which means I'm begging friends, family, and strangers on the Internet to send me money for the costs of the surgery, aftercare supplies, and monthly expenses (among other fucking things) so that I can just live a normal fucking life for a bit.
I feel fucking pathetic. Because I can't do what I want to (fix the problem myself, no help) because it's either a horrible and deadly idea or costs thousands of dollars that I do not fucking have right now. I'm stuck in this cycle of "I can't do this anymore" and "I don't have a fucking choice but to survive".
Because I truly can't keep doing this. I need top surgery. I needed top surgery at 14 years old, and I need it now even fucking more at 20. I can't keep fucking waiting, but saying the darker side of this on a "help me raise money for top surgery" post will just make me feel like I'm manipulating people. I don't want to make people feel forced to help. I also don't know how to show people how desperate I am for this, so I'm getting over myself and being as raw and honest as possible without crossing into major triggering discussions.
I'm getting to the point where I'm tempted to start mailing random celebrities in an attempt to get some money for top surgery, because it wouldn't be the first time that someone famous has sent gifts to random people they've never met, and I'm very limited on my options. I can only set aside so much each month, and if I set aside every fucking penny not for monthly expenses or paying someone back for covering a purchase for me I would have nothing left.
I know other people are suffering. I know I'm not the only one. But I'm tired of forcing myself to be soft and gentle about asking for help in case someone else needs help too because I'm fucking exhausted. I'm tired of pretending like "It's fine! I can wait don't worry!" It's not. I can't. I'm not fine. I needed top surgery six years ago and I still fucking need it, and my desperation for it is only getting worse. If you can spare anything to help, please.
I can't describe my desperation any better than this.
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switch · 1 year
Man, these days it feels like F/GO is always just a few steps away from shitting the bed completely. They seem to be doing away with Event Reruns and new Main Interludes entirely, and the ability to acquire old Event Welfare Servants through the Evocation Leaf Exchange feels like a blatant band-aid solution. Then you have the whole mess with the Servant Skill tree being a complete mess geared towards encouraging you to SPEND SPEND SPEND all your SQ on every single new SR and SSR Servant ad nauseum. Not to mention there's the whole mess with F/GO NA getting timegated on the rest of Avalon Le Fae even though Nasu said we'd be getting the whole thing right away.
It could always be worse, though. You could always play PSO2 New Genesis with its absolutely glacial release schedule and crippling lack of content. (Please don't do this. As a PSO2 player I am BEGGING YOU to spare yourself the headache.)
yeah i mean it always could be worse but it’s almost hard to even imagine how the game could realistically get to a worse state at this point
but it’s not really “shitting the bed” per say, it’s very deliberate and beneficial to lasengle for the game to be in this state. fgo’s player base has proved consoomer brainrotted loyal enough that lasengle really doesn’t have to do much more than the bare minimum to keep people spending and positively promoting it. so if anything it’s better for them to invest only the bare minimum while also increasing the presence of psychologically hostile tactics like FOMO via removing reruns and adding these atrocious skill trees. now that they have committed to this model they will never go back because it would make less money.
all they have to do is release one new servant every other month that makes people’s dicks hard, or latches onto their brains in such a way that they decide it’s uncontrollably their new blorbo comfort character husband wife son daughter whatever of this half of the year, or just… has a busted kit, and then one story chapter per year. that’s it. they can do whatever they want inbetween and none of it matters.
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death will be our only relief now.
… oh yeah, i almost tried that game once but the download size stopped me.
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80pairsofcrocs · 5 months
Good day, I'm so sorry I'm in your ask and I don't know you personally, I'm a single mother who got a divorce after I came out as transmasc, things got really though afterwards(details in the link below), I tried to get help even on here but I got non cause I didn't want to enter people's ask and be tagged scam, but now I have to,cause it's not just about me, I have a 3 years old daughter and this was her first Christmas and new year without her dad and It wasn't close to anything she experiences when we were all together which made her so sad as i couldn't afford many things she's use to getting easily and it broke my heart seeing how sad she was, Her birthday is coming up and i wish to make it up to her, But I need money to sort that and other overwhelming situations without having to crawl back to her dad who hasn't even called to check on her since we got divorced, please help me, I've been blamed enough by family and friends for my current state. I can deal with that but I can't deal with my daughter being sad during the days that used to be one of her happiest days of the year because of my decision, that is getting to me so please help me. Feel free to check for proof on my page, But please help me I beg you, I'm desperate for my daughter's happiness.The previous story is in the link for better knowledge of my situation, And you can confirm how long I posted it by scrolling down my profile
listen, i try to keep this kind of stuff away from my page for many reasons. one being i have no idea if this is actual spam or not, and if this is a real person that is struggling then i am so sorry. i personally can’t even keep up with my own bills, and i don’t have extra money to spare.
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ravenwitch45 · 11 months
Hi there, happy pride! I'm a victim of abuse from my grandmother and dad, I don't want to go too much into detail, as it's highly triggering, i worked on getting some evidence to press charge agaist them(going well so far) but i need to move out of the house of my abusers as soon as possible. I need all the help i can get (please see my pinned post for my frequently updated "beg-post"). I beseech(beg of) you to donate towards my moving if you can. Also, if you can, please consider boosting my pinned post (a detailed beg-post)(if you have already seen my post somehow before now, there's been a recent development/progress)- that will help reach more potential helpers. please don't ignore me, please!. I'm open to suggestions/corrections, you can send an inbox/ direct message if you have concerns/questions, and i will answer in no time. Thank you for hearing me out. Enjoy the rest of your pride month.
Okay, this is kinda the first real ask I've gotten like this so new to this whole thing. Unfortunately my family lives from paycheck to paycheck mostly so I don't have any money myself to spare, but I will post this and try my best to spread, sorry I got to this so late, my inbox was backed up.
I want you to get help Mariam, I checked your blog and posts and man the stuff that has been done to you are awful and your dad and grandma belong in jail, You deserve safety so anyone who sees this, please consider donating if you can, any amount helps in these situations. Go to her blog and help if you can, Please.
I may not be able to offer any myself but I am praying to whoever will listen you get the help you need, and escape those awful monsters. You have my prayers, trust me.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Tin Hat/Halo Storytime by u/WalmartWallis
Tin Hat/Halo Storytime I almost filed this under Divorce Watch but then I cracked open a bottle of fizz and thought 'nah, this is more tinhat, less divorce. Hear me out:We've all speculated that MM is setting Harold up to look paranoid and unhinged, drunk and drugged, angry etc because she's fattening him up for divorce. But what if...The car chase, the pap paranoia, litigation, H the delusional messiah of free press avenger, isolated, no friends, does drugs and rants and raves all day, doesn't have a job, the useless, bitter Spare, an outcast to his family, etc and so on...Just WHAT IF WE'VE GOT IT ALL WRONG? What if she's not setting him up for divorce (yet) but setting him up as a battering ram she can use on KC3 (because we all know she thinks he's weak, and he has decidedly not acted in a very decisive manner historically when it comes to his darling boy, his technique is avoidance, but I digress)? What if MM is playing the biggest role of her life?"H is unhinged, violent, paranoid, drug addicted, he catastrophized the car chase and is determined to end the first amendment, he's losing his hair plugs! I fear he'll harm me, the children, himself... Saintly me has tried and tried to help him, begged him to get help, look at me, I am wasting away, he could snap me like a twig!"He's terrorized the staff, the nannies all quit, the children locked themselves in the safe room a week ago with nothing but H's stash of vodka and Twinkies and I've never known the combination, I'm terrified they'll find the cocaine..."He's blown through his inheritance and all our savings, I've had sell my last Dior and if you don't help I'll be down to selling my wedding ring. Oh and there are RUSSIANS calling my private number making threats about some debts or something, I can't work, h has ostracized himself and us and anyway I'm far too worried to leave him Oh pa, I'm scared for my life I mean, his life!"Oh pa, pleeeeease send security and money so I can keep myself I mean H safe and get him the help he so desperately needs I know I and only I am the one who can save him so please direct everything to the account I'm texting you now oh and here's the routing number! "Where is he? Well I'm not home ATM but I'm sure in one of the bathrooms, or the guesthouse, the chicken coop? My mother is looking for him now, he can't have gotten far, Diana's hair is still in the shrine, and his favorite bong is still here. Please please hurry!"Or something like that. Thank you for indulging my fizz-fueled tinhattery, you fabulous Sinners! 😇 post link: https://ift.tt/xwSOuV1 author: WalmartWallis submitted: June 21, 2023 at 01:38AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
0 notes
Maybe there's still hope—. '
"Now.. Start from the very beginning."
'A small chance perhaps. '
"Tell me... exactly how you ended up and breathing— "
"—Uzumaki Boruto. "
6: Broken Destiny
"You're wrong."
As soon as the words left my mouth, I saw his expression change.
"I'm not the Hokage's son-"
I leaned closer to him as I spoke.
His attempts to keep a straight face were failing.
"-I'm not the one you're assuming me to be. "
His expression changed a bewildered to a dissapointed one.
And I..couldn't be more satisfied.
I wasn't lying . He could tell.
And I actually wasn't.
This... Wasn't my world.
Wherever this was.
I knew that from the very moment I opened my eyes.
It was far too peaceful to be the place I belonged to.
No destruction. No war. No smoke. No cries.
No shinobi coming after my life.
Or trying to abduct me for money.
I... Am a missing nin.
And I have a destiny.. A duty to fulfill.
A shinobi who attacked his people and tried to kill the Kage of his very own village.
Cause in my was also my father.
And ever since then...I've been running away.
Running from my life. Though not from my destiny.
It had been utter shit from the very beginning anyway. Nothing has changed. So it doesn't matter either way.
Being sucked into the pool of eternal darkness.
And to top it off, hated by my own people.
What did I ever gained from walking the right path?
Just pure darkness was what I deserved. And that is what I received.
Chasing after them. Him.. All this time.
Only to end up being shoved away to my near death.
I never expected things to change this drastically.
Whom he barely knew.
It actually makes me laugh whenever I think about it.
He chose him over his own son.
Didn't even looked back. Funny.
As if I wasn't if I wasn't alive.
As if.. I didn't mattered.
They'll be relieved if I'm dead.
He and the remaining five kages. The elders, the council members,my friends, my family.
Everyone. They think I'm a threat.
I don't blame them though.
Still..It hurts.
I don't know why.
I've left behind my emotions long ago.
Unfortunately for them. For him-
I didn't die. I survived. Yet again.
Though even now I wished I would've died back then.
Its been years. Yet the pain is still the same.
Yet all I can do is run. Run and hide. Hide and run.
Its an endless cycle.
Sometimes I just want to give up. Sometimes I wish to end it all and be done with it.
But I couldn't.
I couldn't because the promise I made to my master, my shisho, holds me back.
Who... died because of me. Funny.
Another reason I deserved it. The hateful gazes. I didn't cared about anybody else though.
Atleast my friends understand me.
Heck, Mitsuki considered me his sun. He'll never leave me alone.
My team. They'll always support me.
But one look at her and it all crashed down.
Mitsuki was nowhere to be found. I didn't knew what was even happening.
That day.. I wished I would've died as well.
She came to console me. Right after that dreadful day.
A lot happened. I couldn't even recall much of it.
Words of encouragement and care left her mouth. She was smiling.
But her eyes...They were the opposite.
They reflected the whole truth. Everything.
She hated me.
More than anyone. I could see it. I could tell.
And I felt like my heart was crumbling. Breaking into thousand pieces.
One week later, Mitsuki returned. I was still in the hospital.
Though my injuries were far better, it was a way to keep continuous surveillance at me.
He didn't even spared a glance at me. Completely ignored me like air.
I didn't had the courage in me to call out to him.
I didn't had the courage to join the friendly reunions.
They were all gathered, embracing each other.
While I could do nothing but look through the window.
Look at them. Just like old times.
Though this time I didn't mattered. Funny.
I couldn't stand it.
I wanted to cry. I wanted to beg for her forgiveness. I would do anything. Just please.
Not you too.
Forgive me.
Though the words never left.
How could they. It was all my fault. I was ashamed of myself.
I couldn't endure it anymore and I was scared. Scared that they all hated me now.
That they all had the intent to kill me.. Hidden right behind their sad smiles.
Mitsuki. Shikadai. Inojin. Nii-chan.
Tou-san.. My dad.
No. He couldn't hate me.
My heart would never lie. He would come to me. For sure. He'll never leave me behind.
But why.. would he..?
I heard how Kawaki was finally a part of the official team 7.
Me on the other hand... Was robbed off my shinobi status whatsoever.
But. I wasn't angry. I wasn't sad.
It was... for everyone's sake. For my sake.
Sarada lost her father. Sakura-san lost her husband. My father lost her wife and daughter.
And many.. Many more deaths.
I let it happen.
But I digress.
I couldn't help but feel insecure. Feel scared.
That any second and I would be stabbed right through by someone I loved. Someone I cared about.
To taint their pure hands with my dirty blood. To have them regret it all their lives.
Because I knew they would. I couldn't talk to anyone. I didn't deserved their attention.
Hence, I left. And never looked back.
A year passed.
I was fine though. Even if I had to hide. Change my appearance.
The blonde hair I was so proud of. Though I couldn't do anything about my eyes.
They reminded me of dad. Of Himawari.
Even though I had to sleep to my empty stomach.
Which always reminds me of mom. She would always make sure I had eaten enough.
She would've never let anyone hurt me. She.. was always there.
For me. For Himawari.
They were the only one's I had.
The only one's who'd never hate me no matter what I did.
Though now.. I was alone.
The ones sent to capture me always took more pleasure in hurting me, than taking me back.
And since every single hospital and medic shop was both out of my limits and budget.
I just had to endure the pain of whatever injury they left me with.
Luckily I always seem to find a way to escape. Which pisses them off more and more.
Hence their brutality increases everytime we meet again.
Dad.. knew everything. He was aware. He knew.
I always hoped he would come.
I waited for him.
I missed him. So much.
I just wanted to meet.. No.
At least see his face.
More than anything. Even if it had nothing but dissapointment written all over.
Cause I was a disgrace.
For a whole damn year, I waited for him.
He never came. To take me home.
Not to kill me. But to save me. To take me to that weird ramen store he loved so much.
To hug me tightly. And never let go.
But he never came.
Instead, sent his pesky little shinobis to catch me. To hurt me.
But I knew. He would've never wanted this. He would never let anyone hurt me.
He surely wouldn't allow anyone to hurt me let alone kill me.
He...Loved me. Didn't he?
Then why.. Why doesn't he come?
Yet, I didn't let my hopes die. I was his son afterall.
I waited .
Waited and waited.
Waited untill one day...it all snapped.
'Missing Nin-Boruto Uzumaki...
Shr ("eueu$ "'$$...-"
I couldn't recall.
What else was written in that notice pasted on the walls of almost every village.
-Dead or alive. "
My heart crumbled once again.
For the last time.
My eyes couldn't believe it at first.
'sanctioned by- Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto'
My body went mad. I lost all the sanity I was left with.
I didn't knew. How it happened. I couldn't remember.
One moment I was in the land of waves.
And the other..I was outside the gates of that dreaded village.
My mind was dizzy. My memory was a blur.
My head hurt. My body hurt.
Though what pained me the most..was my heart.
The vague memory I could recall only including stuff like destroying the Hokage building.
I had never experienced such immense power from my Karma before.
I didn't knew how it was happening .
Did somebody just say my name or something?
I don't know. I didn't care.
Next, everything went black again.
When my vision cleared again, I was walking over several bodies.
'Why...why.. WHY?!WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! '
I couldn't understand what they were saying .
Though I felt good. So very good.
Having the Hokage's throat in my hold.
"I.. "
And those were the last words I ever said to my father.
"I.. Hate you. -"
"-Hokage. "
My tears won't stop. I was happy. They were tears of happiness.
My hand pierced his chest. He didn't say anything though.
He didn't had the tailed beast's chakra anymore. Hence he couldn't attack me.
But he didn't even tried to defend himself.
As if... As if he accepted this.
Why else would he smile at me like that? He knew he was screwed.
The same smile he always showed me. Ever since I was young.
I felt my anger burning my body.
His eyes.
I couldn't see the fear I was yearning for.
He smiled and smiled. Untill the light finally left them.
The next moment. All my senses were coming back.
First my vision cleared. I registered everything around me.
My work here was done.
Next... Came my hearing.
I turned back. My eyes still adjusting to the immense lightbin front of me.
Before I felt something drop inside me.
All of them. My friends. Every single one.
They stood in front of me. Their eyes held nothing but hate.
That was hate. Damn I was right from the very beginning.
She came forward.
Her face drenching with tears. Her sharingan had changed.
Though I didn't cared.
Kawaki held her back. I felt something drop inside me again.
What are you going to do? What CAN you do anymore?
Before they shared a look. I didn't knew what was going on between them all.
She turned to me again. I didn't said a word .
Before she smiled. Her eyes closing as more tears fell from them.
"Thank you... For everything."
I could feel the sarcasm dripping from her voice.
Thanking me for all that I've done to her.
Cause I.. Gave her nothing but pain.
Gave them nothing but trouble.
So many of them. Began playing in my head.
'I'll be your right hand man and guard you well dattebasa! '
Why...was I remembering that now of all times.. ?
'I want to become a shinobi like Sasuke-san!'
My eyes became moist.
More memories started flowing through me.
The first time we met.
'My name is Uzumaki Boruto.. Go ahead. Ask me anything dattebasa! '
My friends.
The days at the academy. When all we cared about were catching the ghosts of the village.
Shikadai bickering that it was all a drag. Mitsuki saying weird stuff.
Chocho munching and Inojin with his sharp tongue.
Sarada and me were always irritated. Couldn't even stand each others's presence.
Yet.. We cared. I knew she did.
But now that I realize.
It was only one sided.
I thought they all cared.
That they were always right beside me.
Like a rock. Unwavering and strong.
Why not now..? What changed it all?
What changed you all?
She waved some signs I knew too well.
I felt my body heating up suddenly.
" I...
...would never forgive you. "
Ahh. Finally. What I wanted to hear.
The truth.
"I hate Boruto. "
She said. As if all those memories meant nothing.
As if those things never happened.
Before I could even move, my body was suddenly covered in black flames.
My gaze landed on Mitsuki.
He was silent. So very silent. Not the usual calm one.
But a deadly hateful one. A dissapointed one.
And at that moment I'd realized.
Nothing can be fixed anymore. The deed has been done.
Those days would never return. I lost it. I lost them.
It was too late now.
"Amaterasu. "
Her cold voice sent shivers down my spine.
I was sure I'd never see her again.
See them again.
Tears streamed down my face again.
I looked at everyone's faces as my screams muffled under my sobs.
Though no sound came out if my mouth.
Finally I was back to my senses completely.
But it was too late now. Too late.
Our eyes met.
Just for a second.
Before the realisation hit me.
"No.. "
Things finally came back to me.
Of what I had done.
'No. I didn't-I could never. NO NO NO NO! '
This time. Yet again.
I couldn't say it.
'Please... I - forgive m-'
Before my vision left me.
It was over. Everything was.. Over now.
I opened my eyes and didn't took me long to realize it.
I had somehow learned the infamous teleportation technique using my jougan.
I didn't moved from my spot.
For 5 straight days. I just stared at the sky. Doing nothing. Eating nothing. Drinking nothing.
Sleep never came to me. And I didn't cared anymore.
It was when the 6th day arrived. That I decided to forget it all.
I would never let another otsutsuki attack the shinobi world.
I would fight them till death.
I remembered my promise. It was the only thing that kept me going.
The only thing driving me to live.
And that's how I spent the next four years of my life.
Completely alone. I lived in the remote areas.
On the very outskirts of farthest lands of all the 5 great nations.
Where no one comes. No news from the outside world. Nothing.
If any Otsutsuki were to invade the planet. I would sense it with my jougan.
Hence not knowing anything didn't bothered me.
Whatever was happening in the village right now. In the 5 great nations right now.
I didn't knew anything. Neither do I care.
They think I'm dead. Atleast they're happy now that I'm gone.
Finally. I could live peacefully.
Though I spoke too soon.
Things changed. Yet again.
The night before I landed here. In this mysterious world.
Blinding light. So very bright. Not to my taste.
And before I could realize, it completely engulfed me.
Leaving no escape. Leaving no trace.
"And when I opened my eyes ,I was at the scientific ninja tool headquarters. That.. was a few days ago. "
Yeah. I needed atleast that much time to collect my thoughts.
I recited the whole tale to the sanin.
It was already dawn. The sun would rise in a matter of minutes.
"I spent some time gathering as much intel as I can . Though at last I found it wiser to visit you instead. "
I didn't tell him everything ofcourse.
The amaterasu...was changed to a fire blast I was somehow trapped in.
I completely removed the part of me killing-anyway.
I too came to know a lot about this place.
Most of them were the same. Just like in my world.
Though few were absolutely different. Infact.. The opposite.
Though the most interesting thing?
I was already dead here.
Apparently, killed by some rogues exactly 5 years ago.
How lucky.
I wish I would've born in this world instead.
There's no sign of Otsutsuki or Kara or Ishiki.
Not even Kawaki.
This world... Was peaceful.
Devoid of any potential threats.
This was heaven.
However, I didn't deserved this heaven.
I can't stay here. I needed to go back to the despair where I belonged to.
I needed to keep my promise till my last breath.
Yes. I needed to find a way. To get answers.
Before anyone could even find the trace of my existence here.
He took in the information I gave him before beginning with his weird talk.
Things like how interesting my story was to him.
How he could've never thought two worlds could collide this way.
His nonsense didn't stopped. I was getting impatient.
"Seems like you don't have anything to tell me afterall. "
He shot a look at me before turning to a drawer of his wierd lab.
"I would've minded my tone if I were you Kid. You're at my place. Completely alone ...and weak. "
I felt something snap in me. My hand automatically drawing out my sword.
"Just tell me if you know how to... How to fix rather you prefer to die? "
A sudden silence filled the room before he turned to me.
His eyes landed on my sword.
"The phenomenon that occurred to you is rather unheard of. "
And they shined. With nothing but interest.
Before he smirked again.
He's the same old weird freak, like he was in my world.
"Although.. " He began yet again.
"I've surely heard about some experiment the scientist were carrying out. It was rather top secret." He emphasised on the last word.
Top secret huh.
Though nothing is ever hidden from you is it?
"I would prefer you to investigate -"
" The explosion destroyed the whole area. I found nothing. "
I interrupted before he shot me an impressed, sly look.
"Well done I already assumed that. "
He took out a pen and began scribbling something on the paper.
" you might consider dealing with Katasuke instead. He was the incharge. The only one who had all the intel. "
"Uh uh. Can't do that either. " I replied before his eyes landed on me again.
That old freak was the first person who betrayed me during the chunnin exams.
The moment I saw him. I made sure he never sees anything again.
Then again I was weak. Very weak.
I did knocked him out to near death.
Might as well be a coma.
Hence, it wasn't possible.
"Tell me another way. Quick. "
And he began to laugh. Like he expected everything that left my mouth.
Just how what is he?
"Very well. " Before I could reply, he stretched out the paper to me.
"Removing the above two options. The only people you could turn to-"
My eyes landed on the neat writing.
It was still far enough for me to not be able to read anything.
"-are them. "
Before I could even touch the other end. The lights flickered.
On and off. On and off.
And something inside me was yelling for me to run away.
"OI Listen! -We're on a mission here! -what the-!"
Voices. Very familiar ones.
One belonged to Karin hence I didn't cared.
But the other one-
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Did they.. Sensed me?
I made sure my chakra was completely hidden.
Meddling with the people of this world would be the last thing on my list.
Sounds of hurried footsteps coming straight to our direction had me freeze at my spot.
I opened my mouth as the words automatically left.
"I should leav—"
"I said wait-you! -MITSUKI! "
And before I could even blink-
-the damned door was slammed open.
7: A cursed night
...A full moon night it was...
One he could never forget.
The first memory of his life wasn't anything pleasant.
Ever since then he'd always despised the full moon.
A dark room. A broken glass tube.
Something wet... Not like water, a little denser.
Though it felt weird...and gross.
Wires spread like vicious snakes all around his fragile body.
Though the first thing his sunny eyes landed on.
Made him shiver.
Dark Orbs.
A deadly predator looking at his prey.
Ready to eat him alive. Anytime.
Dark and hideous.
His heartbeat went faster. He wished it to be a nightmare.
He wished to wake up right at that moment.
Wake up to what?
What was his reality?
His life? His family?
Who... Was he?
"No need to be scared...Mistuki"
He'd flinched at that cold voice.
This was.. His name?
Was this person... The one who abducted him?
"My name is Orochimaru..."
The man had said to him like the most normal thing ever.
Though what came next made the boy almost cry in denial.
"And I'm your parent."
His eyes widened in fear. His heart clenched in fury.
No... He-
-This cannot be his parent.
It was a lie.
He can't have anything to do with this person. With this place.
This cannot be his life. No way.
He was lying.
It wasn't his reality. It couldn't be.
But then again... Who the hell was he anyway?.
How can he deny such a possibility if he wasn't even aware of his actual identity?
He didn't knew. He didn't knew anything.
And since that moment.
The memory stretched. Hours became days. And days became weeks.
He kept hoping for it all to be a lie. Though nothing changed.
He didn't had anything else on him. No memory. No sign.
No trace.
He had to admit it. No matter how much he hated it.
This was his life.
Not like those kids he dreamed of. Playing happily.
Out in the sunny days. Their parents laughing and giggling together .
Not trapped in a dark, damp lab with no life except him and the man claiming to be his parent.
Where he was always experimented.
Where no one would listen to his painful cries.
Where no one would save him.
Thus, at last. He accepted it.
No argument. No questions.
Whatever task left the older man's lips.
He did it without a second thought.
Untill one day.. It changed.
...A full moon night yet again...
A mysterious power surging deep within.
A mission gone wrong.
Two adults facing each other. Both of them equally suspicious.
He didn't knew what side to choose. He only had two options on him.
He tried and tried and tried.
Until his gaze landed on the very reason behind this quarrel.
And he snapped.
Hands automatically moved. Snatching the box from the hands of his own 'older' figure.
As if it contained something precious. Very precious.
Though he didn't knew where he got that idea from. Just a gut feeling maybe.
Which again... Was rare for the boy. Cause he never thinks.
Not for himself atleast.
And far he ran.
His sudden powers increasing his durability to unknown levels.
Untill he finally stopped under the full moon sky.
The cold light showering upon him in dark.
Where he'd opened the box and found the picture .
His picture.
His eyes widened as the corner of his lips stretched.
That... Was the first time he ever smiled.
Because now he knew. He knew absolutely well.
That this very moment.
This very second.
His destiny has been decided .
By his own hands. No less.
He finally found his sun.
"I am Uzumaki Boruto. Go ahead and ask me anything -ttebasa! "
If you ever ask Mitsuki.
His first impression of his sun.
The boy won't say he expected exactly this.
Cause it was nowhere near what he'd imagined.
A young lad desperate for his father's attention.
Tends to take shortcuts and takes everything for granted.
It wasn't that Mitsuki had any doubts.
He just... found the boy way more interesting than he'd comprehended.
The blonde's proudful tone had him thinking deeply.
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