#please assume that I will be getting to our rps especially if it's listed in my thread tracker
muselexum · 2 years
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the-cosmos-withinus · 9 months
Is there a list of rules of what types of ask we can send? If there isn't, maybe you should make one.
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You know what, I'm just going to pin this answer. I've talked about it a few times, but I've never made a full list because there's very little I won't answer. The important thing to remember is that this blog is primarily an archive for artwork, lore and concepts for an AU Bragi and I are RPing on discord, but this is not an RP blog itself.
As a general rule, think of these asks as like a formal interview with actors and you should be fine.
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Do not:
Send asks directly interacting with Philip/Belos or Astrophel like the anon inviting Philip to dance;. NOTE: This is especially important in regards to the limited interactions, if your intent is to create a situation for them to react to, you are not part of that situation . (see below). You are not a character in our RP
Don't send us... meme-y stuff that makes no sense out of context. Best example I can give is that a while back someone dropped a ProZD quote in the askbox and neither Bragi nor I knew what to do with it so I just deleted it. On a similar note, don't be deliberately mean to them, I will read that as anon hate and delete it.
I don't expect everyone to know the history of everything, so if you're off by a few years about when something was invented, like the shampoo ask that's fine, but don't ask a 16th century man about his thoughts on modern luxuries and technologies (you could ask Emperor Belos, but I'll just let you know right now that most of his opinions are that he stopped caring forty something years ago)
Please do
Send flavorful asks to the characters about their (era appropriate) opinions, relationships, thoughts on other characters, or
Send me or Bragi asks about them, changes to other canon characters, world building, lore, OCs like the Archivists or the Grimwalkers previous to Hunter.
Wanna know what your other faves are up to in this AU? the answer might be, "Bragi and I haven't discussed that" but you're welcome to ask, and we may even talk about it and come up with something before I answer.
Basically anything, besides the points on the Do Not list. If it's something I'm not okay answering I will only publish it to say so if you're on anon. if you're signed in, I will answer privately and actually probably work with you on how to put your ask in a way that makes it something I can or am willing to respond to.
Limited interactions
Key word here is limited.
You're still not a character that can interact with them, but an ask like "-gives Astrophel a story book-" is fine, it'll be treated like just getting an anonymous present
or "-a freak Boiling Rain storm blows in-" basically an act of god
Put these boys in Situations. You're not participating in the Situations with them, but you can create the Situations
Please, if your intent is to create a situation don't be vague about what's going on, or godmod
Since this blog is for sharing art and lore for a Discord RP, I prioritize RP related content, meaning if I want to draw a scene or add a new lore post, or even draw something silly for myself, I will do that before I answer asks. If I have not answered an ask you sent within one to two weeks, you can assume I've deleted it, either because it violated one of the rules or because I just didn't know how to reply to it.
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puzzleemerald · 6 months
Welcome to my Blog!
I am not solely a roleplay blog. However, this is a Roleplay Master Post that I'll be pinning for anyone seeking roleplay with me, so if you're here just to check out posts and roleplay isn't your thing, feel free to skip this!
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(Canon Art of Souma Kanzaki from Ensemble Stars!!. You can find my RP blog for him specifically at KanzakiWisteria.)
This is a very literate, semi-selective, multi-OC, and multi-fandom blog. Romance (typically OCxCC) is my bread and butter but it's not all I can do—I love fluff, angst, trauma, comfort, character analysis, and a healthy dose of dark themes. Quality over quantity is my motto, planning instead of pantsing is my way of life, and Discord is my home base! Headcanons live in my brain rent-free 90% of the day.
Wanna overthink an animated show with fictional people and their fictional-but-painfully-realistic-and-relatable struggles? I've got 13+ years of experience!
I probably could've made independent blogs for each character or each fandom, but it felt easier to keep track of by making it a collective. I think I have a relatively small handful of characters compared to other OC creators, but don't quote me, lol.
However, many of the series I enjoy contain content others might find discomforting. Thus, I'll employ trigger warnings (typically tagged with "TW: insert trigger subject here") as I feel are needed in my posts. Also, this blog will likely contain spoilers about whatever series I post about, especially older ones like FullMetal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, and Yu-Gi-Oh!, which are all over 20-year-old Manga/Anime.
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(Art of my FullMetal Alchemist OC, Angel, by Antodonatella on Instagram & DeviantArt)
For the sake of our mobile-only friends, I've included a list of essential links below:
📝 About the Writer 📝
📑 Roleplay Rules 📑
Primary Muses
🎶 Ensemble Stars OCs — Coming soon!
⚡️ FullMetal Alchemist OCs — Coming soon!
🌺 Ouran High School Host Club OCs
Secondary Muses
☀️ Inuyasha OC
🌊 Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters OCs — Coming soon!
☀️🌑⛈️ Naruto OCs — Coming Soon!
🗡️🏹 Yona of the Dawn OCs — Coming Soon!
Tertiary Muses
🔥 Avatar the Last Airbender OC — Coming Soon!
🐍 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OC — Coming Soon!
Quaternary Muses
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(Art of my Inuyasha OC, Amaterasu, by ItsNattie on DeviantArt)
Thank you for your time. My OCs are my everything, and I hope as my OC links start going up, you'll be able to enjoy the fruits of my work and get to know the many dimensions of my brainchildren. Feel free to send a message if anyone interests you and you’d like to RP; just keep in mind I may not respond immediately! If you come seeking RP, I'll have also assumed you've read my roleplay rules beforehand.
I ask that you don't reblog this or any of my other posts with the "Please don't reblog" tag, please! Remember that all the art on my blog is also commissioned art, commissioned as in I paid an artist to draw my OC for me! I am not an artist, lol.
Thank you, again, for your interest in my humble blog. I hope you'll enjoy your time here! And remember, be respectful, be creative, have fun!
🧩 Puzzle Emerald 💎
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deviantartdramahub · 8 months
Alright, today I'm talking about this thread to talk about this unfortunate encounter with this Probium person.
First things first, they intruded the conversation I was having with this Patchi person, who was fortunately way more kinder and understanding than the person I'm mainly talking about. But anyways, Probium for whatever reason thought our conversation was his business now, and entered to bring out their hatred. Also going "I don't intend to attack Club" *he says as he's attacking Club and immediately trying to get me to unfriend him* After I tried reasoning with him about how untrustworthy Club's harassers are, he spams me with two replies at once for some reason, the first one saying "I'm autistic (doctor-diagnosed). I don't RP with anyone, especially not including diaper fetish" Uhh okay I didn't ask, what does that have to do with anything?? I never said YOU were the bigoted one, you moron, and you're also further slandering Club by saying it's a fetish, so "I don't intend to attack Club" my ass. Then the other thing they said was "Why don't you look through it and analyse for yourself, and how do you know these are bigoted trolls? If I told you I was one of those people exposing him, AND I'm autistic (he claims to be autistic too), how would you feel?" Look through and analyse for myself? HONEY PLEASE, I've been a victim of theirs myself! I know damn well what's going on with those fuckers. Maybe don't assume I don't know shit when I do. And if you told me that I would be like "Okay I don't know you and you're admitting to contributing to the harassment of my friend?? Lol okay then ig get blocked." You want to pretend you're special, but you just invaded a conversation. You were never a friend, I won't treat you any different than I treat the other DADramaNow trolls, dear. Also it's a shame your contributing to ableism when you yourself have autism, tsk tsk.
They then wanted me to define bigoted and list reasons why I knew DADramaNow was that. So I did. I gave them a good list. And I'll admit the things about Tam was a misunderstanding. Though rather than talking about my reasons like a normal person, they simply brushed off ALL my reasons with a "no". Then proceeded to rant about Club. "In fact, I have reasons to believe Club is bigoted. Transgender woman named Eden Knight committed suicide knowing that she was sent to Saudi Arabia to possibly be executed? "Oh no! Anyway..." also, constantly shunning other people's stories and struggles to make way for his own to vent about his love for diaper 5yos and make the AUTISM excuse." Yeah now I definitely know the whole thing about "nOt InTeNdInG tO aTtAcK cLuB" is bullshit to try and look innocent. I'm not dumb or blind, honey. And explain to me how the living Hell that woman committing suicide should be blamed on Club??
Of course I was having NONE of this bullshit anymore. It was clear all this person wanted to do was slander my friend and didn't want to listen to a thing I said, Ig a sad attempt of manipulating me to get away from him? But that whole thing was just immature as fuck. I then cut ties with him there and blocked him after giving the final blow, bc there was absolutely no reason to continue dealing with that headache of a "conversation". Why bother trying to talk to someone if they're just gonna tune you out and only worry about what THEY think and what THEY have to say??
I honestly shouldn't even TRY to reason with people like this, yet I tried anyways. And look where that got me -_-
DADramaNow and their supporters don't want reason, they just want mindless slander.
The saddest part is people misunderstand how trust is supposed to work, and that gets us in this kind of situation.
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
Laws of the Land
T h e   M o s t   I m p o r t a n t :
This is probably the rule that will make me sound mean, I promise I’m not. I’m going to be real with you all here. I am very, very old and tired of being used as people’s personal resource blog. I get it, you see something on your dash and you think ‘that’s awesome!’ and reblog it. Well, since rebooting my blog, I’ve made the unfortunate but necessary choice to become more firm on my stance here. So I ask that any content (be it photographs of FCs, aesthetics, musings, plot ideas, and especially ask memes) please be reblogged from the source wherever it is possible to do so. I completely understand that the source is not always available, so I’m not here to say “nEvEr ReBlOg FrOm Me!!”, But I always try to reblog content from the source myself, so that way the source is easily accessible to you all. I’m literally making life as easy for you as possible. I also use tags to remind people to reblog from the source on posts where I know for a fact that the source is available. If you do this despite how crystal clear this rule is, then you will be soft blocked.  The only exceptions to this rule are 1) if you are reblogging an ask meme that you have sent in to me, then I am 100% ok with you reblogging it directly from me and 2) if I have tagged you in the post. Like I say, I don’t want to implement this to sound like some asshole or whatever, it is just an accumulation of ten years in the tumblr RPC and a massive amount of that time being treated like a resource blog - mostly by people who don’t even have the time to interact with me or acknowledge my existence. So thank you for your understanding on this front, and now onto the general rules.
A s k s :
Anyone is welcome in the ask box, both RP and non-RP. If you are a non-RP blog, I ask that you do not send in memes/asks that will involve me ‘roleplaying’ with you as if you are a character.
If you wish to send memes, my meme tag is right here :) This link is not to be used for reblogging memes.
If you send a ask/meme, please feel free to specify which muse you are directing it at. If no one is listed, I will choose. 
Anon hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted.
F o r m a t t i n g :
I can do any kind of style - para, dialogue, icons, no icons. I don’t mind how you write, however I’m not personally a fan of excessive formatting. It just makes it difficult for me to read your replies and for me, the writing is way way more important than how the writing looks.
I generally tend to use small text (just the regular small) and medium sized gifs. Sometimes I use gif icons if that’s all that I can find for a FC. But you never have to match in your replies :)
If you don’t have access to resources of your muse, then I’m 100% ok to go without in a thread, I don’t mind not having any visual. I’m not really a fan of the big gifs found in the gif search or photos/gifs that don’t match the setting. It just really throws me off, that’s probably my only real no-no for this.
F o l l o w i n g   B a c k :
This blog is selective with follows; I will not follow everyone back. I also will often wait until we start writing before I follow people back too, so if you follow me and I don’t follow back straight away, don’t get the impression that I won’t ever follow you.
If I don’t follow back, please do not assume that lack of a follow means I will not write with you - I am NOT mutuals only. I merely wish to keep my dash from being cluttered. I will always make every effort to write with everyone if I can find a way for our muses to interact. 
Some other reasons why I may not follow back are things like: frequent and explicit nsfw content (I don’t mind reblogs of this stuff but excessive just gets a bit much), posting anon hate or callout posts, too many uncut posts that take up the entire dash. 
If you are mutuals only and I have not followed back, please don’t take it personally. And please don’t message me asking me to follow you. 
Please note that before interacting with anyone, I will always read your rules and about pages. If you have a rules password, I will 100% send it in to you should I initiate contact.
I n t e r a c t i o n s :
When it comes to the muses I have and their interactions, there’s no concept of ‘you must do X if you want Y’ here. We are all interested in the muses we’re interested in, some characters jump out to us more than others - we can’t force ourselves to be interested in a muse that just doesn’t click for us. So if you only want to write with male muses or only my female muses, I don’t mind. I’m just pleased that you want to write with me at the end of the day :) 
I don’t do ‘do not interact’ lists or anything, but if you are a blog that mainly/only writes smut and nothing else, or if you are a blog that exists for finding discord partners, then probably would advise against following me or liking my posts. Got nothing against either of those kinds of blog, 100% supportive of both, it’s literally just because I don’t write smut and I don’t rp on discord, so I unfortunately have nothing worthwhile to offer you. Saves both our time. 
L i m i t s / T r i g g e r s :
I have no ‘banned faceclaims’ (there are some actors/celebs who I’m not 100% comfortable with, however I don’t believe that the face you choose to represent a fictional character relates to anything that face might have said/done).
I will not RP with people writing as real life celebrities and I will not RP with people using faceclaims who have explicitly expressed that they do not wish to be used.
This might seem super specific, but if you have muses who are drastically different in age to their fc and resources, then I’m not really a fan. Like, if you have a muse who you state is 22, but you use a fc who is blatantly in their late thirties or older. Or the opposite, you say your muse is 40, but you use a fc who is 24. I’m just really not a fan of this, and I feel it perpetuates a lot of the issues I see around age in the rpc. 
If you have any triggers/fears that you wish to be tagged, please let me know - I want my followers to be comfortable on my blog. I generally try to tag the most common/logical things by default anyway, but if there’s something else I’m missing or if you have a less common thing you’d like to be flagged (such as a phobia or something), please let me know.
In turn, I kindly request that you tag the following content: rape/non-con/dub-con, suicide, self-harm, drowning, incest, mpreg, miscarriage/pregnancy difficulties. I will also never ever write this content under any circumstances - please do not try to get around this, as you will be blocked. If you have any of these things in your muse’s bios, I respectfully ask that it not be brought up in our threads (just ours, I'm not asking anyone to not write about it in other situations) as it makes me uncomfortable. 
I do not have an issue in writing some darker topics, but I will only do so if they are being treated respectfully and with care. I’m not here for romanticising awful things, so please respect that. 
M u n   A c t i v i t y :
My activity can be spotty due to work, however I will always endeavour to reply to messages and threads as soon as I can.
Majority of my replies run on the queue to help stop me from being overwhelmed (although it still happens somehow haha).
Please note that I do not RP on discord.
O p e n   S t a r t e r s :
My open starters are quite literally open to everyone! As long as your muse fits the bill for the plot, just go for it!
Please check who the open is aimed at. I specify things like gender, age, and other things relating to the connection I’m looking for. Please adhere to these, as they are specific for each muse and each set up. So if an open is aimed at males, please don’t respond with a female (and vice versa), or if there is a minimum age for any responding muses, please do not respond with muses younger. These are especially important if the open is directed towards a ship. 
Please avoid liking my opens, as I find that if there are notes on an open, people seem less likely to respond? If you’re saving for later, just go ahead and save to your drafts if you’d like to.
P l o t t i n g :
I love plotting. Give me all the plotting.
Plotting is a two-way street. Do not leave me to do all the work and I will do the same. This means no “I don’t mind, you decide” - I want input from you too.
R e b l o g s :
If you are not involved in a thread, please do not ever reblog it. If you do this, you will be warned once. If it happens again, you will be blocked.
As per the top of this page, please always reblog content (memes, aesthetic, fc pics, wishlist etc) from the source wherever it is available. 
S h i p p i n g / S m u t :
Even though I’m well over 18, I do not write smut. I will write some build up and then fade to black. I am absolutely not uncomfortable with that content, and I am happy to allude to things that have happened between characters in threads, and will happily discuss their intimacy in plotting if it comes up in conversation. 
I am also comfortable sending in nsfw ask memes for my partners if our muses are shipped, and I may even reblog the occasional meme that discusses nsfw aspects of my muses and on the rare occasion maybe drabble memes, but I won’t write out any sexual content in threads with other people. If I do reblog any kind of sexual meme, I will be VERY selective on who I accept asks from - generally only people who I have existing dynamics will and who I feel comfortable writing them for. If I do not respond to an ask from you, please don’t take it personally. 
That said, while I’m 100% comfortable with nsfw content, if you come to me in the IMs and your plot idea involves “can my muse fuck your muse”, we’re prob not going to be a good match. Power to you, but I’ve made it pretty clear in these rules and I keep getting people saying stuff like this to me. 
Shipping will vary from muse to muse - their information is available on their bios so please be sure to check them out. I have listed the minimum age of shipping partners for all muses who are open to ships - this can be found where their sexuality is listed on their bios. Some muses will be happy to date people who are quite a bit older than them, however they will never go below the listed age in their bios. I ask that you please respect that. If you have a query about an age gap, please don’t hesitate to check with me.
Please note that ALL of my male muses will only ever be shipped with male muses (even if they are listed as bisexual). I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I’ve had some godawful experiences shipping my males with females and it’s just much more comfortable for me to only write them in m/m ships. Please do not send m/f ship memes for my male muses, as they will be deleted. Platonic interactions with females are 100% wanted and encouraged though!
T h r e a d s :
If you request me to write you a starter and you never respond, the starter will be deleted. I will check your blog for activity first, because I understand you may be on hiatus. But if you have been frequently active and the starter goes unanswered, then it will be deleted/recycled for someone else.
I am a believer in ‘take your time’, however unfortunately my muse for threads can die out after a while. It’s sadly how it is for my writing muse, and I can’t force it. If you disappear for six months and then want to pick up a thread we had before, please don’t be surprised if I just don’t have the muse anymore. If I drop our thread due to lack of muse, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to write with you, so we can certainly start something else.
If I owe you and it has been a long while since I replied, feel free to gently and politely poke me about it - it will either be in my drafts or my queue, though there have been times where tumblr has not notified me of a reply.
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blackdaisies · 9 months
I would literally be drawing more art, but all of my free leisure time is now spent on playing Baldur's Gate 3.
I love this game so much and I want to keep going. It's so weird how a couple of months ago, this game was definitely not on my radar. Even after the previews I had zero interest in it. But then someone said "it was the closest video game experience to DnD" and only then was I intrigued.
It's been a month since this game came out and I still maybe in the middle of Act 3, so I have not yet finished the game. After all the spoilers that I've accidentally seen, this game is *still* surprising me . I'm posting some highlights below, so don't keep reading if you don't want to be spoiled.
Spoilery list of highlights so far below (you've been warned):
I started with playing a druid, but I fell in love with my Bard, and I can't imagine playing the game now without his vicious mockery insults. Randomly playing in synch with other bards you come across was a delight too.
All of the Shadow Cursed lands. Especially the Thorms. I took a lot of satisfaction out of talking my way out of most of the encounters. And holy crap, the Sisters in the House of Healing were beautiful. I cannot WAIT to see cosplay of them.
That intellect devourer you rescue at the beginning of the game, I had assumed was killed in the crash, but you get to rescue it again at the end of Act 2!!!
In Baldur's Gate (Act 3) after you meet a widow in an apothecary shop, outside there is a cat, that if you have speaks with animals on, you can convince to meet the shopkeeper and help her out
in exploring the lower city, I came across the graves of Karlach's parents, with Karlach in the group. It was such as sweet moment.
busting Duke Ravenguard out of that prison, holy jesus, that entire scenario was beautiful and amazing. I did two attempts to try to rescue all the prisoners (I didn't succeed, and even got my Tav killed because I tried to RP him waiting until everyone got back onto the sub). The rest of the group found Tav on a beach and rezzed him.
Wyll's proposal. Wow. I know some people say that Wyll's romance is boring, but I loved how wholesome and beautiful it was.
There were a few things that also surprised me in sort of negative way:
I wasn't keen on Halsin. I thought I'd love having him as part of the main crew, but he had old hippy professor energy that wasn't appealing to me at all. I was so happy that I was able to recruit Jaheira for all my druiding needs.
I figured out on my own that our Guardian was a mindflayer, but the Emperor went into flirt mode almost immediately. Actually, all the companions did, which I understand was a bug, but there was so much second hand embarassment watching everyone profess their deep desires even after no 'romantic' interactions from my bard. My Tav had to attempt to gently turn them down but cringing the hole time.
I spent so much time trying to rescue Minsc, but please dude, do more damage!! I get that he's a classic character, but it's so late in the game to introduce a ranger, why did it have to be so difficult to get him as a companion? And because it's so late in the game, I didn't have much gear for him, and I'm still trying to figure out how to play him so that he does useful damage.
0 notes
bukojuiice · 3 years
the wedding booth  — eren jaeger
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ೃ pairing: (eren jaeger x  fem! reader)
ೃ after being unwillingly dragged to plan and create a wedding booth for your first university festival, eren accompanies you to a bridal boutique. there, he contemplates about the future and all of the cheesy romantic stuff he wants to do with you.
ೃ genre and warnings: college au, lots and lots of fluff!
ೃ  my nav  →  my aot masterlist
ೃ 1k words
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My Big Fat Greek Wedding, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Wedding Planner, Wedding Crashers... hell, even Mamma Mia.
If having to be forced to watch these romantic comedies about weddings doesn't give you the sudden urge to get hitched and run away to some tropical island, then you don't know what will.
For your very first uni fair at Shigashina University, your friends had proposed a Marriage booth. To be more specific, three of your friends did. Jean, Sasha, and Connie are the masterminds behind this stupid idea and it's all because of three things:
1. Jean is pining over Mikasa so so bad. So many years have passed and yet he still hasn't found a way to confess. And so, due to his pompous ass binge-watching stupid rom-coms recently, he thinks that if "fake dating" can bring two people together, then having a fake wedding with his unrequited crush of 12 years could finally make her fall for him too. He wants the booth to be as iconic as a wedding straight out of Las Vegas. Problem is, he's never been to Las Vegas, and his terribly unrealistic basis for wanting it to be as iconic as a "Las Vegas Wedding" is that one scene from The Hangover and that episode from Friends.
He was delusional and yet, he wanted to push through with this proposal no matter what. Nothing was going to stop him... not unless it was one of the three seniors whom you would be proposing this project to in the first place.
2. Sasha's goals are much normal. A bit odd, but still normal and not as desperate as Jean's. All she wants is to get Ymir, the captain of the school's soccer team to confess to Historia, the freshman Bio-Chemistry student who works part-time as a library assistant (and whom everyone secretly fawns over for. she's just that damn cute.) However, the real reason as to why she helped [rp[pse this stupid marriage booth to get them to finally confess to each other is anyone's guess.
3. Connie thinks he's gonna get clout from this. Rise up the university hierarchy perhaps? He's treating the entire festival like it's high school all over again. He prays that the marriage booth will become the hottest thing in the festival, then he'll instantly become that cool and bad-ass freshie whom everyone wants to be friends with. Either way, if the booth is going to be a success or not, you know for a fact he's never going to be a part of the "cool kids" (good lord, can you believe people still use that term in college?) and he's gonna be stuck with you and your other friends for the rest of the years to come.
It didn't take long before they finally finished their elaborate PowerPoint Presentation (despite Connie insisting that Powerpoint is boring) that they were going to pitch to three of the principal members of the student council. Namely, Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, and Hange Zoe.
It was gonna be an automatic no for Levi, obviously. Nothing could ever get past that man. But if they can somehow convince Erwin and most especially Hange to get on board with their stupid scheme, then the booth was good to go.
Now, here you are, in a bridal boutique. Purchasing some simple wedding dresses that will serve as your rent-a-dress service for the Marriage booth.
It wasn't originally a part of the plan. Not at all.
However, Hange would only approve of the project IF the wedding booth was going to be made into something more elaborate and memorable. They didn't want something as simple as printing out fake marriage contracts, cheap tulle fabric wedding veils, fake plastic bouquets, and wedding pictures that came out of a polaroid camera.
Oh no no no. They wanted it to be extravagant. The cream of the crop. The absolute bomb. The best booth at the festival.
Hange saw potential in the idea and with an approved budget by the student council, you could make anyone's wedding dreams come true.
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 Fast forward to a week before the event, you are currently on a shopping spree with Armin, Mikasa, and your boyfriend, Eren (because Sasha insisted he had the right proportions for the rental groom outfits. She totally did not ask him to come along so that he can see you try on wedding gowns.) to buy supplies, props, decorations, and everything else needed.
"(Y/N), we'll meet you and Eren at the bridal boutique, okay?" Armin proclaims, looking at the time on his wristwatch and struggling to balance the shopping bags on his other hand.  Mikasa notices how much he's been struggling and offers to hold the bags for him.
"Sure! Don't forget about the list that Jean sent!" You shout back, turning to Eren as his fingers interlace with yours, making your merry way to the boutique whilst Armin and Mikasa go off the other direction.
"Don't get too excited." You joke, nudging Eren on the arm. "I'll just be trying on these dresses for the booth."
There's a particular glimmer in Eren's emerald eyes, chuckling at your quip. "Sheesh. Did you really have to remind me? Of course I know that. Besides, we're too young to even think about marriage right now. What's important is that I'm spending the best years of my life with you."
"Eren Grisha Jaeger, it is too damn early for you to make me a blushing pile of mess with your flirty comebacks." You deadpan, the heat rising up your cheeks as you try to hide your embarrassment from him.
The both of you laugh it off, shuffling into the store. The chiming bells of the shop door echo around the area as you look in awe at the luxurious dresses occupying every available space. The wafting smell of a vanilla pinecone scent and the soft sound of a sewing machine doing its work. There was a homey and rustic feel to this boutique that made you feel like you were sent back in time.
From great flouncy pieces adorned in layers of lace that rolled like ocean waves to more humble designs, albeit of the finest cloth.
This plethora of finery- reminds you strongly of the many genteel ladies depicted in those books and historic romances you used to read and watch. Like that of Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility.
Having the opportunity to enter a boutique such as this was a dream.
"Welcome! May I help you find anything?" A seamstress appears from the register. She looks at you from head to toe, as if trying to guess your measurements.
"W-we're looking for wedding dresses. Anything within the 200 to 300 dollar range? We don't need anything extra fancy, though! We'll just be needing them-"
Her eyes shift from you to Eren like she's suddenly a love coach, sizing the two of you up. "Yes, yes, young love! How sweet!" She chirps, breathing out a dreamy sigh. "Of course! For couples on a tight budget, we have-"
"We're looking for wedding dresses that can be used as costumes! Not too short and not too long either. W-we're not getting married or anything." You dismiss the seamstress with a wave of your hand. "I'm sorry if you thought of it that way..."
Although her shoulders visibly drop, the saleswoman still manages to smile. "Oh! I would like to apologize for assuming anything too!"
"Actually, mam, we do have plans sometime in the future." Eren grins cheekily, pulling you close to him. "Not today, of course, but we'll make sure to drop by in a few years!"
The saleslady's eyes lit up at Eren's vow. "Over here are some of our best-selling pieces! Ones that will certainly attract the eye of any groom!" She beckons you over to some mannequins lined up in the middle of the store, your gaze is drawn to the myriad of dresses on display as you walk throughout the space.
You turn back to Eren, studying him closely as he walks a few paces behind you, you thoughtfully wonder if the dresses you would pick out would match his taste.
She leads you to the back of the store to show the other garments and dresses embroidered with simplicity and yet elegance. You then pick two gowns up from their respective racks, satisfied with your purchase and making a beeline to the register to pay. However, the seamstress stops you from your tracks.
"How about this one, dear?"
You turn your attention to her, doe-eyed and curious as to what she was going to show you next.
"It is indeed a wedding dress, although not what you had asked for, the handsome young man did say something about your marriage plans. Perhaps this might help you visualize it? Give you an idea for the future, hm?" She hums wistfully, drawing your attention to the mannequin she placed in front of you. "It would be a shame if you left the boutique without trying anything on."
"(Y/N)?" You hear Eren's husky voice call out for you from the front of the store, "Armin just texted me. They can't find a specific prop in the crafts store so we might have to wait a bit longer for them."
"Okay! We can spare more time in the boutique, anyways." You answer back,  before turning your attention to the seamstress once more.
"Alright. I think I'll try it on then."
"Trying it on" turned out to be more than you had imagined. You thought you could just slip inside the dress and show it off. But nope. You needed a few adjustments to dress, adornments in your hair, and had to wear a wedding veil.
It was almost as if you were actually preparing to be wed.
"Good sir, your lovely missus is ready!" Yup, even the words of the seamstress made you feel like you were living in the 17th century right now. Did she really have to use such fancy words?
"Please, watch your step." The seamstress takes your hand and leads you out of the dressing room and right towards—
Eren who had been waiting in the shop proper.
"Doesn't she look beautiful?" She giggles, glancing at Eren for a response. "Well, I'll leave the two of you here first and bring the dresses you've chosen to the cash register first." In a wink, she's gone and had disappeared into the back almost before the words left her mouth.
The unfamiliar yet elegant garb makes you feel shy and the fact that Eren was gaping at you did not help at all. He was absolutely entranced by your beauty.
You unconsciously lower your head, tucking a strand of hair beneath your ear, unable to bear the thought.
"God, you're not just beautiful. Y-you look breathtaking."
He says in a barely audible whisper, pulling you to him once more.
Placing his hands on your waist, Eren plants a soft, tender kiss on your chest, the low-cut dress affording it easily. In a heartbeat, you feel your cheeks grow hot.
"Heh. Guess I got you again." He grins wolfishly, still admiring your beauty and tracing circles on the back of your hand. "I-I don't deserve you... I really don't."
"If you didn't deserve me, would you be here right now?" You say jokingly, raising your eyebrow.
"I mean it." He buries his face on the hem of your dress, his voice is muffled and soothing. "I can't believe you chose to love me." He looks up at you, eyes practically welling up with tears. "God, I honestly can't believe I'm crying right now, but, yeah... I am. That's how much I love you and how much I want to marry you right now."
You giggle at the expression your boyfriend has shown before you, stroking his hair and burying your fingers into his long brunette locks. "I love you too. But... why so sudden? You already told the saleswoman that we'll be back in a few years. She'd be surprised to hear you change your mind so easily."
"Well, if that's the case, then I better tell Jean to have us first on the list of the wedding booth then. We worked our asses off for this, might as well be the first to be blessed with the luck of that stupid booth."
You giggle once more as he continues to hold you so close. You feel his breath and his heartbeat. Each exhale and pulse brings you to the realization that Eren is the one. The man you want to be with for the rest of your life. The man who will help you through all your faults and mistakes, your burdens and troubles, through all the ups and downs... he will be there.
Just as you will be for him.
Guess those stupid movies centered around weddings weren’t so bad after all
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.taglist: @crapimahuman​
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ofmusingsxandmayhem · 2 years
Laws of the Land [updated Oct 2022)
T h e   M o s t   I m p o r t a n t :
This is probably the rule that will make me sound mean, I promise I’m not. I’m going to be real with you all here. I am very, very old and tired of being used as people’s personal resource blog. I get it, you see something on your dash and you think ‘that’s awesome!’ and reblog it. Well, since rebooting my blog, I’ve made the unfortunate but necessary choice to become more firm on my stance here. So I ask that any content (be it photographs of FCs, aesthetics, musings, plot ideas, and especially ask memes) please be reblogged from the source wherever it is possible to do so. I completely understand that the source is not always available, so I’m not here to say “nEvEr ReBlOg FrOm Me!!”, But I always try to reblog content from the source myself, so that way the source is easily accessible to you all. I’m literally making life as easy for you as possible. I also use tags to remind people to reblog from the source on posts where I know for a fact that the source is available. If you do this despite how crystal clear this rule is, then you will be soft blocked.  The only exceptions to this rule are 1) if you are reblogging an ask meme that you have sent in to me, then I am 100% ok with you reblogging it directly from me and 2) if I have tagged you in the post. Like I say, I don’t want to implement this to sound like some asshole or whatever, it is just an accumulation of ten years in the tumblr RPC and a massive amount of that time being treated like a resource blog - mostly by people who don’t even have the time to interact with me or acknowledge my existence. So thank you for your understanding on this front, and now onto the general rules.
A s k s :
Anyone is welcome in the ask box, both RP and non-RP. If you are a non-RP blog, I ask that you do not send in memes/asks that will involve me ‘roleplaying’ with you as if you are a character.
If you wish to send memes, my meme tag is right here :) This link is not to be used for reblogging memes.
If you send a ask/meme, please feel free to specify which muse you are directing it at. If no one is listed, I will choose. 
Anon hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted.
F o r m a t t i n g :
I can do any kind of style - para, dialogue, icons, no icons. I don’t mind how you write, however I’m not personally a fan of excessive formatting. It just makes it difficult for me to read your replies and for me, the writing is way way more important than how the writing looks.
I generally tend to use small text (just the regular small) and medium sized gifs. Sometimes I use gif icons if that’s all that I can find for a FC. But you never have to match in your replies :)
If you don’t have access to resources of your muse, then I’m 100% ok to go without in a thread, I don’t mind not having any visual. I’m not really a fan of the big gifs found in the gif search or photos/gifs that don’t match the setting. It just really throws me off, that’s probably my only real no-no for this.
F o l l o w i n g   B a c k :
This blog is selective with follows; I will not follow everyone back. I also will often wait until we start writing before I follow people back too, so if you follow me and I don’t follow back straight away, don’t get the impression that I won’t ever follow you.
If I don’t follow back, please do not assume that lack of a follow means I will not write with you - I am NOT mutuals only. I merely wish to keep my dash from being cluttered. I will always make every effort to write with everyone if I can find a way for our muses to interact. 
Some other reasons why I may not follow back are things like: frequent and explicit nsfw content (I don’t mind reblogs of this stuff but excessive just gets a bit much), posting anon hate or callout posts, too many uncut posts that take up the entire dash. 
If you are mutuals only and I have not followed back, please don’t take it personally. And please don’t message me asking me to follow you. 
Please note that before interacting with anyone, I will always read your rules and about pages. If you have a rules password, I will 100% send it in to you should I initiate contact.
I n t e r a c t i o n s :
When it comes to the muses I have and their interactions, there’s no concept of ‘you must do X if you want Y’ here. We are all interested in the muses we’re interested in, some characters jump out to us more than others - we can’t force ourselves to be interested in a muse that just doesn’t click for us. So if you only want to write with male muses or only my female muses, I don’t mind. I’m just pleased that you want to write with me at the end of the day :) 
I don’t do ‘do not interact’ lists or anything, but if you are a blog that mainly/only writes smut and nothing else, or if you are a blog that exists for finding discord partners, then probably would advise against following me or liking my posts. Got nothing against either of those kinds of blog, 100% supportive of both, it’s literally just because I don’t write smut and I don’t rp on discord, so I unfortunately have nothing worthwhile to offer you. Saves both our time. 
L i m i t s / T r i g g e r s :
I have no ‘banned faceclaims’ (there are some actors/celebs who I’m not 100% comfortable with, however I don’t believe that the face you choose to represent a fictional character relates to anything that face might have said/done).
I will not RP with people writing as real life celebrities and I will not RP with people using faceclaims who have explicitly expressed that they do not wish to be used.
This might seem super specific, but if you have muses who are drastically different in age to their fc and resources, then I’m not really a fan. Like, if you have a muse who you state is 22, but you use a fc who is blatantly in their late thirties or older. Or the opposite, you say your muse is 40, but you use a fc who is 24. I’m just really not a fan of this, and I feel it perpetuates a lot of the issues I see around age in the rpc. 
If you have any triggers/fears that you wish to be tagged, please let me know - I want my followers to be comfortable on my blog. I generally try to tag the most common/logical things by default anyway, but if there’s something else I’m missing or if you have a less common thing you’d like to be flagged (such as a phobia or something), please let me know.
In turn, I kindly request that you tag the following content: rape/non-con/dub-con, suicide, self-harm, drowning, incest, mpreg, miscarriage/pregnancy difficulties. I will also never ever write this content under any circumstances - please do not try to get around this, as you will be blocked. If you have any of these things in your muse’s bios, I respectfully ask that it not be brought up in threads as it makes me uncomfortable. 
I do not have an issue in writing some darker topics, but I will only do so if they are being treated respectfully and with care. I’m not here for romanticising awful things, so please respect that. 
M u n   A c t i v i t y :
My activity can be spotty due to work, however I will always endeavour to reply to messages and threads as soon as I can.
Majority of my replies run on the queue to help stop me from being overwhelmed (although it still happens somehow haha).
Please note that I do not RP on discord.
O p e n   S t a r t e r s :
My open starters are quite literally open to everyone! As long as your muse fits the bill for the plot, just go for it!
Please check who the open is aimed at. I specify things like gender, age, and other things relating to the connection I’m looking for. Please adhere to these, as they are specific for each muse and each set up. So if an open is aimed at males, please don’t respond with a female (and vice versa), or if there is a minimum age for any responding muses, please do not respond with muses younger. These are especially important if the open is directed towards a ship. 
Please avoid liking my opens, as I find that if there are notes on an open, people seem less likely to respond? If you’re saving for later, just go ahead and save to your drafts if you’d like to.
P l o t t i n g :
I love plotting. Give me all the plotting.
Plotting is a two-way street. Do not leave me to do all the work and I will do the same. This means no “I don’t mind, you decide” - I want input from you too.
R e b l o g s :
If you are not involved in a thread, please do not ever reblog it. If you do this, you will be warned once. If it happens again, you will be blocked.
As per the top of this page, please always reblog content (memes, aesthetic, fc pics, wishlist etc) from the source wherever it is available. 
S h i p p i n g / S m u t :
Even though I’m well over 18, I do not write smut. I will write some build up and then fade to black. I am absolutely not uncomfortable with that content, and I am happy to allude to things that have happened between characters in threads, and will happily discuss their intimacy in plotting if it comes up in conversation. 
I am also comfortable sending in nsfw ask memes for my partners if our muses are shipped, and I may even reblog the occasional meme that discusses nsfw aspects of my muses and on the rare occasion maybe drabble memes, but I won’t write out any sexual content in threads with other people. If I do reblog any kind of sexual meme, I will be VERY selective on who I accept asks from - generally only people who I have existing dynamics will and who I feel comfortable writing them for. If I do not respond to an ask from you, please don’t take it personally. 
That said, while I’m 100% comfortable with nsfw content, if you come to me in the IMs and your plot idea involves “can my muse fuck your muse”, we’re prob not going to be a good match. Power to you, but I’ve made it pretty clear in these rules and I keep getting people saying stuff like this to me. 
Shipping will vary from muse to muse - their information is available on their bios so please be sure to check them out. I have listed the minimum age of shipping partners for all muses who are open to ships - this can be found where their sexuality is listed on their bios. Some muses will be happy to date people who are quite a bit older than them, however they will never go below the listed age in their bios. I ask that you please respect that. If you have a query about an age gap, please don’t hesitate to check with me.
Please note that ALL of my male muses (with the exception of Jack, who is asexual/aromantic) will only ever be shipped with male muses (even if they are listed as bisexual). I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I’ve had some godawful experiences shipping my males with females and it’s just much more comfortable for me to only write them in m/m ships. Please do not send m/f ship memes for my male muses, as they will be deleted. Platonic interactions with females are 100% wanted and encouraged though!
T h r e a d s :
If you request me to write you a starter and you never respond, the starter will be deleted. I will check your blog for activity first, because I understand you may be on hiatus. But if you have been frequently active and the starter goes unanswered, then it will be deleted/recycled for someone else.
I am a believer in ‘take your time’, however unfortunately my muse for threads can die out after a while. It’s sadly how it is for my writing muse, and I can’t force it. If you disappear for six months and then want to pick up a thread we had before, please don’t be surprised if I just don’t have the muse anymore. If I drop our thread due to lack of muse, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to write with you, so we can certainly start something else.
If I owe you and it has been a long while since I replied, feel free to gently and politely poke me about it - it will either be in my drafts or my queue, though there have been times where tumblr has not notified me of a reply.
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starsmuserainbow · 3 years
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Hmm, okay uh, I have no idea what I’m doing here but I feel like everyone needs positivity and so here’s a post where I’ll try to give just that.
First off, happy holidays and a good end of the year to everyone who reads this, I am glad that you’re here watching my blog and perhaps even interacting with me! Thank you for everything, whether that is a simple follow or an occasional (perhaps anon) ask, or actual interactions!
Next, I want to say that everyone that I’m seeing on my dash is absolutely amazing and I admire so many of you and am happy whenever I see you around! I am most likely very happy to have you around, especially if we’re mutuals and interacting with one another. I would probably love to talk with each of you more, but I’m just really bad at smalltalk or anything like that so with most people, I simply default to only messaging them (= you) when there’s something as a reason to do so. Sorry for that!
This goes out to everyone reading this: You’re awesome, I’m honored to have you here and interested in my blog, and I hope that your days or weeks or months will be great because you surely deserve it!
And then, I’ll now follow with a kind-of list mentioning a few people that I want to say more to. Which might sound repetitive because I suck at words in these regards, but yeah. Under a cut for length.
If you see this post and weren’t tagged, please don’t be sad or think I don’t value you being around! I can’t tag everyone, and I don’t have the best mind for things like coming up with someone that I forgot in the moments of writing this.
To not start off with the same names all the time, I wrote down the URLs I wanted to include and randomized the order. So don’t think anything by if you’re first or 5th or last on this list! And once more, I’m bad at words, so I’m sorry if this isn’t sounding too great or like it’s similar for each one.
I told myself to not include anyone that isn’t active-ish at the moment, but I made some exceptions to that because I felt that said person needed to be on my list.
@rogueprinceconsort ~ (I read the post you did recently more or less saying you’re leaving, but I wrote this before that post and it would have felt wrong to erase it from here only because of you leaving!) I enjoy our interactions a lot! They feel like they actually develop a story, which I can’t say for ALL my interactions but definitely for each one that we have going! Which is really cool! You’re one of the only few people where I have the chance to play around with different verses too (well, or at least one different verse, since our other two ongoing interactions are in the mainverses of my muses, but still), and you’re one of the few giving one of my OC-sideblogs a chance as well, and, just, I really am so thankful for it and happy to have you as a mutual!
@untouchable-lightning ~ You aren’t here at the moment, so let me just start this by saying that I hope that things will get better for you again soon! It’s a lot of fun to interact with you and I think you’re a good writer and I’m very happy for our interactions! They are always fun! I did not often yet get the chance to do this other RP-style that I do (the ‘choose-your-option’ one) and you are one of those that allowed me to play through it, and you also interact/ed with my sideblogs too, so a big thank you for that! Our threads also often last nicely long, which is absolutely amazing since it’s a big rarity these days, too. You’re great, and I’m happy that we’re mutuals and interaction-partners!
@miasmarp ~ We’re more or less only starting out interacting and talking and anything basically, but I felt like I just absolutely had to include you because I HAVE A CHANCE TO PLAY ONE OF MY OTHER (non-blog-having, not even an info page or anything outside of one or two ooc posts about them) OCS with you and that’s just like the first time at all (not counting if I do include them as minor appearances in other things, though even there it has only happened one single time so far iirc), and that is just so much fun and just thank you! You’re really cool and I’m happy that we’re mutuals!
@karaoftomorrow (or @yourfavoritesidekick if you’d prefer I tag your main) ~ It’s so wonderful to write with you! It feels like we’re developing stuff in our things really well, and I really like to read what appears from you on my dash! Talking with you is very nice too, and I’m always really happy whenever I see you in my notifications or IMs or wherever! I’m very glad to have you as mutual and am really happy about any and all of our interactions!
@skymade / @siriseen or maybe I should tag one of your other blogs instead but those are the first two I usually think of and I don’t wanna tag more than two blogs for one person xD ~ Sooooooooo awesome! You have so many characters, which all are wonderful as far as I can tell, and I love our interactions so much! I’m always really looking forward to the next reply I get from one of our things, and talking to you is always a delight and I’m so so happy that we somehow found each other! Or well, I guess you found me because if I remember right you followed me first, but yes! Thank you for writing with pretty much all of my characters, you’re very cool, I absolutely love the connections our muses get (especially those where they know one another at a younger time and then ‘now’ meet again too - how cool is that?) and it’s always a joy to see you on my dash!
@azarathian ~ We haven’t really done or spoken that much together yet (or at least I assume we didn’t? There was your old blog but I don’t think we really spoke there, much less did threads or the likes? Sorry if I’m wrong though xD), but I’m so very glad we started! I admire your writing and the thoughts you put into Raven and I think you’re great! Our threads are incredibly entertaining and it’s so awesome to put more story into the situations of or between the episodes of the cartoon, and yes, I’m just very very thankful that we got together somehow and I’m excited for how our threads - and potential future ones - will develop!
@nvertoolate or if I should tag your currently more active sideblog @bloomingtalent ~ It is so absolutely amazing that one of my first mutuals, friends, or however I should call it, still is active on here as well! With most people on here, it’s sadly the case that they’re gone again sooner than later, so it’s especially great that we are still both here! I think I’ve said multiple times before that I don’t think I would even have stayed on tumblr if you hadn’t been around and interacting with me so I won’t go into detail about that yet again, but, yes, I absolutely love our interactions when we do them, and while I don’t know much about Naruto so we don’t really interact that much on your sideblog, I’m still so very happy to have you around and as my mutual! I’m so thankful for you and that we got to interact - and still do! Thank you!
@sewn-cutie ~ Our interactions are always so wonderfully adorable and cute! I love the connection between Starfire and Clementine, and it’s a lot of fun to write any of our things! I’m very happy when I hear from you in an OOC-y way too, like when you reply to one of my posts or in the IMs or whereever! I’m absolutely convinced that you are a great person, and I am delighted that we are mutuals and can interact so nicely!
@legaxies ~ I wasn’t sure if maybe I shouldn’t include you since from how much I can tell it seems you are at the moment more focused onto that theme-sideblog you have and I told myself to not include those that aren’t really active at the moment - but I felt like I had to! I wanted to say that I’m really happy for the things we started, and that I have a lot of fun talking to you when we do! I’m very much enjoying the potential relationships we have started on, and I look forward to hopefully continuing them in some way eventually! (This of course is not meant as pushing you to work on replies or whatever, please don’t understand me wrong here; I just mean this in a way of, if we do get to continue it - if not that’s totally fine too!) You’re doing great with any of your characters (as much as I can judge with not that much knowledge), and I’m happy that we’re mutuals! It’s a joy to interact with you, so, thank you!
@featherchan ~ You’re interacting with me, or did in the past, on pretty much all my muses (I think not on Starlight? But outside of that on all I think), and that means a lot to me! We have some really cool plots going, and you joined in on that event-au-thing I did all that time back too, so that’s very great, and I wanted to say thanks! Our interactions are always fun and I���m happy to write with and talk to you!
@thedoctornumber11 ~ Throughout my time being here, you’re pretty much the only one of the world of Doctor Who that I got interactions going with (I think there was someone on Wildfire once too, but not for very long iirc), and I really enjoy that! I wanted to include you here too because I wanted to say that I’m very very grateful for the nice words or explanations you sometimes throw onto my posts, and for the things you send in to me, and yes just for all of it! Thank you!
@flashgotthis ~ I love our things so much! All the interactions that we did so far were really really really cool, still are, and they often last really long too, and it’s just absolutely wonderful! You’re also one of those that aren’t only talented writers, but also really great artists, and I admire that skill so much! I’m delighted that we are mutuals and interaction-partners, and I look forward to what’s still to come! You’re amazing!
@graceful-cure-swan / @rosecoloredmuses (mostly tagging your sideblog as well to give it, like, some sort of indirect promoing here) ~ You are great! I feel so bad for all the many things you sent me whereas I barely ever send you (or anyone else, for that matter) anything at all, but, I’m also really grateful that you do it, so - thank you! I’m enjoying our interactions very much, I think that both Tsubasa and your other characters are done really well (even if I don’t know that much about each of them or can compare them to their canon versions much), and you’re a lot of fun to interact with! You also give my sideblogs and OCs a chance too, which means very much to me too, so yeah, I’m very grateful to have you as my mutual!
@eterniita ~ We’ve been interacting throughout a few of your blogs already, and I enjoy our interactions! I think you put a lot of love and thought into your characters, and they are great, and our threads are a lot of fun! I haven’t yet checked out your remade blog of your canons again, but I intend to and most likely follow you there again, too! I hope we will still get to more wonderful interactions!
@merveiilles​ ~ I’m so happy that we’re interacting! I love our threads a lot and I’m enjoying every reply that I get or write! You have a lot of characters and it’s really impressive that you do them (as far as I can tell/know them) so well! Your art, that you occasionally post, is also really really amazing and it’s very wonderful that you are so talented! I am very thankful for the nice words that you put onto my posts every now and then, and I am delighted by the threads and connections we are having between our muses!
@symbioteburnout​ ~ I don’t feel like I can say very much here (yet), but I wanted to include you too! I enjoy the things that we got going so far, and going from what I see from you about her I think Andi is a interesting character! It’s always wonderful to me, when people put the effort into characters who might not get as much time to shine in canon as others. Thanks for replying to my opens every now and then, and just in general for being my mutual and interacting with me!
@titansandothersrp​ / @robynrpmain (Now I’m getting frustrated at tumblr again for not letting me tag your main) ~ You are really cool! You’re a great artist, I love to see your work, and our threads are very entertaining! I feel like you’re doing very well in giving the characters you play as more story, more... I don’t know the right word here. Just, that you make them ‘more’, and that’s a really awesome thing. And yeah, like said, you also do art which I think looks really good, and I just absolutely admire people who can do art so well. Thanks for being mutuals and interacting with me!
So, and as a nice little bit of words at the end, I guess~ I’m very honored by anyone of you who’s actually interested in me and my writing, I’m thankful and glad to have you around, and I’m looking forward to more amazing things to come in the future with all of you!
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witchlyy · 3 years
Laws || About || Verses
Sup, I'm technolich (you can call me Mannie or Maris), I’m 28, and I like rping and hate this awful excuse for a website. Live in US Atlantic time. 
Blog is 18+, preferably 21+. I’m old and I like rping with people closer to my age.
Low activity! The easiest way to interact with me is through an ask (for random encounters) or dm (for plotting). I may not reply right away but I’ll get to it eventually!
I don’t send passwords
Please, if you’re going to use the reply feature, only use it once per interaction. I will make a new post for you, and I’d prefer if you reblog it from there.
I block personals that reblog my rps (I can usually tell if it’s an accident, especially if you have your rp sideblog listed somewhere on your blog).
I’ve made all my icons. Most of it is my own art, but credit for anything that isn’t can be found on his toyhouse.
I’m selective and private
Not strictly mutuals only, but like... mostly mutuals only. Non-mutuals can send asks if they want.
I highly prefer independent and non-fandom blogs and ocs.
If I’m unfamiliar with your fandom, I probably won’t follow back. Sometimes I’ll make exceptions for small fandoms, but I don’t want to get bombarded with blogs of characters who assume I know things about their world that I do not. So you’re aware, I’m unfamiliar with most fandoms, especially newer ones. 
Not really interested in Genshin Impact or Final Fantasy XIV, sorry.
I will not follow you if you don’t have a rules or about page (or if I can’t find either of those pages). Links to wiki pages do not count.
If I can’t find any rp content on your blog I won’t follow you.
I ship chemistry, and would prefer any muse romantically shipped with Dei be over 25, seeing as he’s in his 30′s. 
I’m cool with unrequited feelings. Dei tends to get crushes easily, so don’t worry about it if he gets a crush on your muse.
I’m always interested in plotting out pre-established relationships. DM me if you’re interested!
Don’t “correct” me on Deitrich’s sexuality.
My nsfw tags are “#spicy;” and “#kinda spicy;”
I have arachnophobia and am very squeamish, so please tag images of spiders, gore, and needles. Those are already pretty common things to tag so I doubt we’ll have an issue.
I’m also very unsettled by moles (the skin condition) so I’d appreciate not bringing those up in our threads. Includes beauty marks and the like.
I think that's it! Thanks!
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obscuremarvelmuses · 3 years
(I tried clicking your rules link for mobile and it just refreshed your blog. Is there a way to open it via mobile?)
Well fudgemuffins! Heya friend, this is the same mun as at sebastianshaw! So the rules are basically the same but here they are under the cut anyway.
- I am FRIENDLY! I cannot stress that enough. Never be afraid to drop into my asks or IMs or tag me in stuff! I promise I am uber chill and happy to see you! - Just basic stuff—no godmodding, no metagaming, don’t be rude, don’t send hate, all of that.  - We do not need to be mutuals to interact. You do not need to follow me for us to interact. I am also happy to interact with anons and personal/non-RP blogs. It’s all good.  - I always answer asks, typically as soon as I can. If I don’t answer, assume Tumblr ate it and feel free to send again.  - I’m non-exclusive. I will interact with multiple blogs of the same muse, and I’m a-okay with you interacting with other blogs that play the same muse(s) I do. Everyone’s portrayal is individual. - I love OCs as much as canons - My meme tag is creatively named “meme tag” Send any time to any muse. You don’t need to specify which muse it’s to if you don’t have a particular one in mind. But if you do, do specify or I shall pick! - I do not smut, but will write NSFW things, such as sex headcanons, very suggestive flirting or innuendo, etc. Therefore, please be 18+ if you follow.  - Some of the muses here are very sexual, some are not at all; in the case of the former, that is NOT me trying to force-ship, just trying to write them accurately to canon. That said, your comfort is more important than accuracy, so never hesitate to ask me to tone it down.  - Violence and other dark stuff will also happen here, as many of my muses are villains and behave as such. Heck, even some of the heroes are pretty violent. And plenty of them have terrible, terrible opinions. I hope it goes without saying that I don’t condone their actions or believes. Muse isn’t mun! - Anything you need tagged, I will tag. Just ask. If I don’t, it’s because I forgot, please please PLEASE remind me, I will not be mad, only apologetic.  - I ALWAYS read your rules. If I fuck something up, it’s not because I didn’t read them or don’t care, I just forgot. I’m only human and if I’m following a lot of people, I may get confused about who doesn’t like what. Please don’t hesitate to remind me. Just be nice please! - Please do not have any harm to animals mentioned in our threads. Please also let me know before you bring up sexual assault, suicide, or self-harm in a thread. I am ok with them being mentioned but will not write threads in which they occur, or threads focused around them - I do not write with characters who are Nazis, pedophiles, or rapists. I am also uncomfortable with the characters Victor “Sabretooth” Creed and Daken/Akihiro and do not wish to write with them. Please don’t try to convince me.  - While I do try to read everything most of my muses are in, I haven’t managed that for all of them, especially not ones with a very long career like, say, Penguin. If you want to send me recommendations for my read list, please do! That said, not everything from every variation of the character can or will be incorporated into my version. I’m sorry if you came looking for one version and mine’s not that one, but I won’t change my portrayals to fit the preferences of others.  - Almost all of my muses, be they Marvel or DC, are based on their comic book incarnations. Those that are not, are based on television series that are NOT connected to the Marvel or DC film universes. In other words, NONEof the muses here are from or based on the MCU, DCEU, or affiliated TV shows such as WandaVision, Agents of SHIELD, etc. I will still write with muses from those universes, just be aware that the canons are NOT the same. We can just do a crossover, or I can work with you to mesh our canons if need be. I don’t hate the films, I am not a comics elitist, I just strongly prefer the comics and never got into the films personally is all (though I liked the first Wonder Woman a lot!) - While I appreciate being warned if you think someone is genuinely dangerous, I also prefer not to get in drama. I won’t unfollow for call-outs or the like, but I’m also not going to reblog them unless I know for a fact it’s true.  - If you
need to unfollow me for any reason, I respect that. If I follow you again after being softblocked, it is NOT me trying to pursue interaction against your desires, it’s me thinking that Tumblr made me unfollow you, because it does that. It’s better just to hardblock me. If you want to discuss things, that’s also welcome! Whatever you’re comfortable with, basically.
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eligos-venator · 4 years
In regards to Villainy
I’ve been watching the villain post make its rounds and reblogged it earlier quietly with a small rant in the tags about personal concerns of my own. It’s shown up multiple times since then to where I feel some clarification is required on my part personally, as Eligos’s writer.
Communication and mutual agreement is required on all sides in RP, and nobody gets a free pass to do whatever they please because of some label that helps define their typical position in a roleplay. My gear gremlin was made for me as a player to enjoy watching him learn and grow as a person, and to provide minor inconveniences for other players should they wish him to get in their way as a way to help provide character growth for their muses. Not to be some big bad boss who gets their jollies by harming others. And I will not change him to suit anyone’s personal tastes but my own.
Read on if you want to see my whole take on this. Or not.
Let’s start with what the definition of villain actually means, given it’s a vaguer concept than most would like to think:
Definition of villain
1: a character in a story or play who opposes the hero 2: a deliberate scoundrel or criminal 3: one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty
These definitions are a rough guideline, but overall, all it takes to fall into the category of being a villain is a willingness to oppose a hero, regardless of reasoning or intent. Even in a clash of two heroes, you could call one the villain in that particular story for how they oppose the other. It’s a matter of perspective. One could be the villain of a story merely because they aim for the opposite goal of the hero of that tale, even if both end goals are suitably noble in the scheme of things. We often see in literary works that the villains of stories oft have either selfish or noble intentions, and in the case of the latter, what turns them into villains is how they view the world and how they may have let other important aspects fall to the wayside in their single-minded devotion to their goal.
Rarely is it that a good villain is written to be cruel and harsh for its own sake.  The villain’s view of the world may be twisted, but there’s always an element of logic and reason, the same as you might see in a heroic character. Even initially good motivations and desires can be twisted into something absolutely horrendous and monstrous with the right pulls of the string in a character’s history. Some can have their world views changed for the better with time, while others struggle in vain to understand to the bitter end. But that’s how the cookie crumbles. Not all endings are happy, and not every character deserves a happy ending in a story book, especially so when considering how many that they have made suffer through their actions. But by that consideration, heroes aren’t above similar karmic justice as well, simply because they wore the mantle of hero. Nor are they automatically entitled to their happy ending. Harming others, regardless of role one sees themselves in a story, inevitably begets wrath and a desire for similar harm upon the one who originally inflicted it. And while that may lead to interesting interactions, it doesn’t always unfold in a way where things work out where each party gets their just desserts as people believe they should. We watch what happens as a story unfolds, and the job of the mun in roleplay is to portray the character as their motivations, desires, and ethics would bid them do, be it for weal or woe.
But there are additional aspects to keep in mind when roleplaying, and it isn’t simply limited to keeping to the character. Communication ahead of time, and discussing what is acceptable, what isn’t, and what one expects to come of roleplay with another, must all be done in order to ensure things go in a manner both parties are ok with what may happen and are on the same page. There never should be any ‘well that’s what my character would do’ bullshit when it comes to discussing boundaries and hard limits on what one finds acceptable versus unacceptable in roleplay. If you feel your character would not be able to be played in a manner in which you prefer due to said boundaries or rules, it is best to find roleplay elsewhere. To push or pressure one into ignoring their own personal comforts and boundaries is unacceptable. Even when walking up to someone, there still is an expectation of some communication on an out of character level should you intend to harm their character. This isn’t reserved only for villains to do. That’s placing undue burden on one player type while relaxing standards for the rest. All players must heed this if communication is to be healthy, in order to avoid crossed wires. 
Which brings us to concerns people run across in roleplay. There indeed are players who play a character type due to the power fantasy, and do not properly communicate with their fellow players, nor keep in mind what they may face for their actions. Please note how I did not specify sides. In my time in roleplay, I have seen many players of heroes pull the same exact thing that they are so quick to accuse villain players of: ignoring what consequences they would logically face for misdeeds and attacking others in the street, as well as attempting to kill without communication or agreement on an OOC level, on top of trying to maim and cripple characters in permanent ways over small slights, such as spilling a beer on them, or harsh words exchanged. All of this, with not a single word of communication or planning ahead of time. One person falling into one side or the other between ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ does not give them a free pass for such behavior. It’s reprehensible behavior no matter who does it, and using the OOC information that someone happens to play as a character on the other side of what one considers good or evil as reasoning for a free license to do so is even moreso. Actions have consequences, no matter what side you are on. It is better and more interesting roleplay to roll with the consequences of a muse’s actions than it is to straight up ignore them. Talk shit, get hit. Hit someone, be hit in return. No party should expect a blanket immunity due to what they consider themselves. But neither should players feel they are given an automatic pass or ability to control the fate of another’s character. That’s still up to the writer of the character themselves, regardless of how much you may dislike the character being portrayed.
In particular, I’ve seen a disturbing number of individuals who feel it is within rights to execute player characters with zero communication out of character, and it’s mostly the players who play the ‘good’ characters saying this. If you feel you have an innate right to execute a character played by another, without any sort of communication ahead of time, you may be better off writing by yourself than with others. No player is allowed to force character death on another, regardless of the roles played. You may discuss and plan, and plot ways any encounter may go, but the moment one tries to bully or force another player into killing their character off, regardless of why, they have gone too far and should not be surprised if the player in question chooses to remove themselves from the roleplay or ignore it entirely.
In regards to the claims of that the guards would not allow such characters in, that is ignoring just how vast a city is and the limited number of troops that would be there to patrol, in comparison to the rest of the populace. What we see ingame doesn’t necessarily correlate to the actual size of each location, as areas have been limited in size both due to technical limitations of the game as well as to ensure a relative amount of convenience for the players.
Certainly, should a character with a bounty and known face get noticed for their deeds or a guard is called for, they should be prepared to potentially face consequences for their actions or try to escape. Actions have consequences. But one cannot simply whip up a dozen super-powered city guard NPCS to try to execute another player simply because they dislike that the player is not playing the type they want them to. Especially if the character in question may not even have a wanted poster or have done anything that would warrant the guard’s attention. That is gatekeeping roleplay at its finest, deciding who should be where based on personal preferences with little regard to others beyond personal feelings. By that sort of standard, any player who disliked someone else could do the same and merely claim that the face is close enough to a bounty that they should be killed on sight. Better to alert a player of a guard character and let them handle it, if you do want to have guards interfere, or plot with said character’s player to see how guards can be involved and then step in if they are agreeable to such. If not, drop it and either watch, or ignore. Whipping up random NPCs to do your bidding and to try to force someone out of roleplay without any discussion will not encourage people to do as you expect, and instead is more likely to earn you a spot on the block list.
Often times, a player character that falls on the villain side of the spectrum may not necessarily have a bounty because they have handled their personal situations or misdeeds in a way that keeps them under the radar, or they are skirting the line between legal and illegal. Assuming that all deeds are known and skipping straight to confrontation is poor form at the least and is considered metagaming. No player gets a free pass to do that. Many villain players have rules that one must adhere to when engaging their characters precisely because as players we’ve all seen people assume what our character would and wouldn’t be let known, or what they would say, and then run with it without even a word to us as the player of said villain. The rules we have are used to avoid such mischaracterization and help ensure that communication is healthy on all sides. Players of both sides get particularly upset when key details are left out and things they do not want nor did they agree ahead of time to are sprung on them.
Finally, a character does not represent the writer. A character may adore strawberries and peanuts, but the writer may be highly allergic to where they are sent into shock even on mild contact with either of them and thus loathes them. And what a character may think of said foods may also differ drastically between what the writer thinks of them as a result of those differences. This is the difference between in character and out of character. I explain it as such as I have seen the community grow progressively worse over time in understanding that what one’s character may do may not necessarily reflect the writer’s view in real life at all. Too many see a character that is morally questionable and believe that the writer behind them will behave in the exact same way as the character, and that how the character may see things is no different than how the player does. If you struggle to comprehend that a character does not necessarily represent the player, then you misunderstand what roleplaying is. It is not merely and only inserting yourself into a game setting down to the last detail. You may do that, but others have just as much right to write out something different, and approach a character not from a perspective of how they themselves feel, but from a point of analyzing of how someone who experienced the history forged for the character might behave and in doing so explore the resulting mindset.
Such history may scar a character or traumatize in a way that brings out behaviors that the player themselves would never consider till they sit down and consider just how the character may respond after all factors are taken into account. Just because one character hates something or someone does not mean that the writer does as well. Darker characters and villains often have traumas that skew their views to some degree, but just because the writer has taken the time to consider what that may result in does not mean they require therapy themselves as a person or that they share those same views or ideals. To say so and paint all players with such a broad brush and claim them to be mentally unwell is disgusting and indicates that, as a player, one cannot separate themselves from their character enough to comprehend that others are able to portray views other than their own personal set of beliefs held as a person. It also discourages dialogue, as it shows an innate, hostile bias, and there are not many that are willing to put up with such hostility and narrow-mindedness as it is being aimed at them as a person and attacking them as a person rather than disliking the character forged. You cannot expect someone to willingly listen and try to see your side when attacked on a personal level for little more than having made something you dislike seeing in your personal roleplay. If you dislike it, don’t interact or involve such a character in your plot line. If they ask for your view, you can always provide constructive criticism, but if you offer it unbidden you should not expect it to be listened to or taken. Especially if it is very clear from how you approach it that your problem is personally with the player and not the details or how they portrayed the character.
As a personal example, Eligos would be categorized as a villain. He works for whoever pays him the most as a minion, and while he mostly does perfectly legal work, he absolutely has done less-than-legal work and then carefully covered up his misdeeds after by pulling the strings of the people who owe him favors. He is considered a villain mainly as he will do whatever he is allowed to within his contract in order to succeed, and often times finds himself working for the wrong [losing] side because his messed-up priorities led him to see the extra money offered as indication of good faith in his abilities and also valuing him as an asset, and not being able to see why acting on behalf of someone he thinks valued him more is a bad thing. He will work with anyone if he’s given a good enough reason or money, or against them if someone else makes a better offer. He won’t kick puppies or harm kittens, or hurt anyone unnecessarily, and if it does boil down to combat, it’s something I absolutely discuss ahead of time to find out limitations and also what one desires to see happen, so that personal growth for the character he is facing off against or with has that opportunity to grow and learn as a person. If someone says they dislike something? That’s now off the table and no longer up for discussion, period. But by virtue of his poor life choices and habitually finding himself on the wrong side of conflict due to his values, he is a villain, through and through.
But playing a character like him isn’t a simple power fantasy made to flex virtual muscles. There’s easier and simpler options, and if I wanted to do that, I’d have just made a hero, as those characters tend to not be analyzed so hard for compliance as villains are. If Eligos had been made to be some stupid power fantasy and nothing more, he’d not be yeeted into a wall half as often as he has by both those around him and his own tools malfunctioning. Nor am I mentally unwell and think the same way he does, simply because I let him say and do the shit that he does. I personally dislike many of his life choices, but do find it amusing to watch him go, and then pile on karma later for all of his misdeeds so he regrets his actions later. He’s an arrogant little gear gremlin who exists to help further stories of others while providing entertaining moments. Just because one individual personally may not see the karma carried out or get to execute him simply as they dislike him doesn’t mean he gets away with no consequences for his actions. As the player, I decide how to punish him. Not others. Him being a villain does not strip me of that right and give it to you simply because you dislike seeing him around.
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urkingbby · 4 years
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Hey, lovelies. We wanted to make this admin note to let everyone know that we will be disabling the OOC discord server until Wednesday, October 7th. In the meantime, you are welcome to make occasional OOC posts using the hashtag #luxorooc to give group updates. We are going to ask that everyone please read this post thoroughly, as there are a lot of important things we want everyone to know.
To Start...
We have been running this RP for nearly 16 months and much like we said in our 1 year anniversary post, we are so grateful and excited to have had so many of you with us for so long. I have always taken an interest in groups with dynamic plots that actually progress as a real storyline and because of this, I have always felt so passionate about creating a fun space for everyone that has exciting plot drops, secret reveals and general plot progressions for you all to write and develop your characters within.
With that being said, within the past couple months, we have felt that there has been a shift in energy among the OOC interactions that we want to address. Please send an IM to the main saying, “completed ‘to start’” once you have completed this section.
Our Intention
We want this to be a safe space. We want everyone here to enjoy each other, each others characters, and we want everyone to feel involved and welcome. It is our responsibility to keep this group welcoming and safe. When issues are brought to us (off anon), it is up to us to resolve them and make sure that we can move forward better and happier than before.  Please send an IM to the main saying, “understand your intention” once you have completed this section.
Help Us Help You
At the same time, it is also up to our members (you guys) to make sure to let us know when you are unhappy with something so that we can try our best to get to the bottom of the issue and resolve it. When something is upsetting you, and it is causing you to feel negatively toward the RP or other members in the group, it is also upsetting to us. I, personally, take on way too much responsibility. I’m aware of this, and I’m trying to get better with that but what I don’t think will change is my desire to fix issues that arise.
If something is bothering you and you think it is going to effect the way you feel coming onto the dash every day or effect the way you treat other members, PLEASE bring it to us.
I feel so restless when I get hearsay messages from members about other people feeling uncomfortable but not wanting to tell us about it directly. I want to make sure every single one of you is happy and that you’re enjoying your time here. As a friend, I understand wanting to bring your friend’s concern to us but if they feel uncomfortable with us knowing, then there is nothing we can do. When something is brought to us (off anon), it is up to us to talk it out with everyone involved and make sure we’re all on the same page and can move on happily, but if we do not know about the issue or if we are being told through someone else as a result of the person involved not wanting to “make a thing out of it,” there is nothing we can do to fix that problem.
With that being said, you are more than welcome to keep your discomfort to yourself. What is your business is your business, but if you are deciding not to address and resolve something, you are also deciding that regardless of how it affects you moving forward, you will continue to act respectfully toward other members, as stated by our rules. Please send an IM to the main saying, “done ‘help us help you’” once you have completed this section.
The reason we are making this post
Within the past couple months, we think there has been a lack of respect amongst the members within this group, and it has been very upsetting to see unfold.
In order for this group to survive, in order for new members to feel welcome, older members to feel wanted and appreciated and for everyone to have a good time, we need everyone in this group to not only respect other's feelings, but also other's freedoms to express their opinions. We need everyone to remember that tone can be carried through text, and can sometimes be misunderstood, so please be cautious with your words, and please be slow to assume or find offense in things being said, as it isn’t always someone’s intention to upset others. 50% of online messages are misinterpreted [1][2][3]. And it’s important that if a message rubs you the wrong way or if something comes off as harsh to remember that it may not be meant in the way you are reading it.
Where I work, our management team has a system which is meant to create more understanding, safety, respect and encouragement among the employees. That system is the assumption that everyone who comes to work is trying their best and that everyone at work means well. So, when something arises, (not doing their job thoroughly, an argument arising between staff members, etc.) our managers assume that there might be something upsetting that staff member and extend empathy to them. They make sure that they’re okay, if they need time to step away, they ask what they, as management, can do to help them do their job, and most importantly, provide enough empathy to understand that these issues may very well have come up because there is something wrong that they are unaware of. I want everyone here to consider this with other members.
It isn’t anyone’s responsibility to uphold anyone else’s emotional, mental or physical wellbeing, other than their own, but it is everyone’s responsibility to extend empathy to one another and see everyone as a human being.
It’s dangerously easy to forget, when we’re upset with something, that the people behind the screens aren’t monsters, but multi-dimensional people. Please, please remember that.
With that being said, of course, this isn’t an excuse to fly under the radar, say whatever you want, however you want and expect that everyone just assume the best of you. 
It goes without saying that everyone is dealing with something. Things are especially stressful this year. Please remember that when speaking with one another. You truly have no idea how your words can effect someone.
RP is a means to escape our lives for a bit, to take a break from stress, a means to a creative outlet, and to find a way to be happy and have fun for a little while. It’s beautiful that every single one of you have chosen this group and have stayed with us for so long. We are all working together to create interesting and fun storylines with our characters, and we are all a part of each other’s escape. There is a reason each of us chose this group and are here together. Let’s ensure that we keep each other’s escape as easy as it should be, and extend that same empathy and respect back to each other, so that others can keep our escape easy as well. Please send an IM to the main saying, “I’ve read the ‘reason’” once you have completed this section.
The Admins
We also want to ask that when bringing issues up with the admin team, to please be respectful and patient with us. We all have family/friends, work and personal endeavors we have outside of this RP. Nora, Yo and I have made this RP a priority for over a year. That means that through all of the real life events that we have faced within the last 16 months, this RP has been in our mind and near the top of our to-do list. We have always tried our absolute best to meet event deadlines, quickly write up plot drops, working through our own stress from real life, and actively work together as a team to keep this RP thriving even at times when we don’t agree.
This is something that we decide to do. And with that comes the responsibility of having to resolve any issues that arise. For me, it is so important for people to have that space. It matters so much to me. But I will not deny that it is hard, and it does take a toll on each of us at times when our real lives are also hard, so please remember that yes, we are responsible for the group, but we are also people and sometimes we are going to need more time to resolve the issues that arise. Please send an IM to the main saying, “we see the admins’” once you have completed this section.
The Rules
The rules we have chosen for this group are ones we believe need to be maintained in order for the group’s long-lasting success.
We have recently added the rule that if you are uncomfortable with another member, to bring it to the admins to resolve it, as opposed to bringing it directly to that member. We implemented this rule in the hopes that if tension arises, the admins can act as a buffer to the tension, to prevent it from getting any worse. When we hear that matters are being handled between members without mention of the concerns with us, it brings us a lot of stress, worrying that the issue will escalate (as we have, of course, seen this happen far too many times).
Our intention in talking things out is to nip the problem in the bud right away and prevent it from progressing any further, and to hopefully make amends between people. We aren’t going to ask that you be friends with every other member, but everyone here is a mature adult and we expect that if you disagree with each other, that it can be overlooked for the sake of us, the admins, and for the sake of the group. Please send an IM to the main saying, “completed ‘the rules’” once you have completed this section.
If Any Tension or Concerns Arise
If you have any issues with other members, and think it will cause you to treat them poorly or be disgruntled coming onto the dash every day, we are going to ask that you bring it to us (off anon) so we can resolve it and bring us back to the safe RP we know and love. Please send an IM to the main saying, “I will do that if tension arises” once you have completed this section.
Going Forward
From now on, if OOC drama arises; if there is a general disrespect toward us or other members, we will no longer be lenient about this. We have given warnings for strikes before but from now on, we will be giving out strikes right away. Everyone is aware of the OOC rules. If you’re feeling frustrated, and feel the need to say something as a result of those feelings of frustration, and if those words would bring you some sort of relief from that frustration, we encourage you not to say them, especially directly to the people involved. Journal about it. 
If any OOC tension exists between you or another member that you have decided can never be resolved, that tension is to always be left at the door. It has no place in this group. Please send an IM to the main saying, “ready to go forward” once you have completed this section.
With all of this being said
For the next week, we are going to remove the group chat feature in hopes of everyone taking a deep breath and remembering the fun aspects and other benefits that come with a group chat.
In the meantime, we want everyone to remember that inclusivity is a rule in this group. Please remember to plot with other people, welcome every new member that we get (message them directly, offer to plot with them). 
When the group chat re-opens, we hope that we will be rejuvenated and feel relief in the new beginning.
Please remember that if you want this group to last, we have to maintain its foundation, which is the safety, respect and inclusivity among members. When you are disrespectful to each other, remember that you are in turn, being disrespectful to the admins.
Please remember that online RP is about creating fictional stories together, and that everyone involved is just trying to enjoy themselves. Please remember that we are all human, we will have foot in mouth moments, we will say things based on emotion and we will make mistakes. We’re really all here for a common purpose, guys. Not just in RP but in life. The more we can see people as being alike to us, the more empathy and understanding we can offer to people, even when they upset us, the better the world is. 
We love you guys. All we have ever wanted is to create a fun, dynamic group for everyone’s creative outlet.
I LOVE coming on to see your characters every single day. I am so freaking thankful that I have the pleasure of knowing them and seeing them navigate their lives. I want to keep them here so I can see them continue to develop and grow. 
They feel like friends to me. And maybe not everyone feels that way, but for me, I will still remember and recall them even long after this RP closes. 
I also think of all of you as friends. And I will continue to remember and recall all of you even long after this RP closes.
Please send an IM to the main saying, “completed the post” once you have completed this section.
I just want all of us to get along and be happy together. That’s really all I want.
-- Mimi, Nora, Yo.
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mthofferings2020 · 4 years
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See wynnesome’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Discord: wynnesome#4442 Dreamwidth: stargraven
Preferred organizations: - Amazon Conservation Association - Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) - St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - World Central Kitchen (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Angst wants: Dark characters/themes, unhealthy relationships, questionable power dynamics, shady morals/ethics, under-negotiated kink, dub-con, non-con, miscommunication trainwreck, physical and/or emotional torment, break-it, break-it-worse, ending leaves you bleeding out on the floor. Fluff wants: Banter, wordplay, crack, crack treated seriously, mutual pining, get-together, first-time, porn with feelings, emotionally cathartic sex/kink, aftercare, tooth-rotting-they're-so-married domesticity.
Will not create works that contain: Daddy kink, mpreg, scatplay, underage/de-aged, genderswap, Avengers: Endgame or post-Endgame.
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1239
Will create works for the following relationships: Stephen Strange/Victor von Doom - 616
Work Description: This auction is for a fic that will fall between 1k and 5k. To keep to the word length I'm comfortable committing to, the prompt or starting point needs to be concise. For me and the way I write, that usually means a prompt of no more than a few words to one sentence, defining a central theme or pivotal moment, and then the fic will take shape to bring that about. For general style of my writing, my AO3 has a range, and my Dreamwidth has a bunch of recent angst fics/ficlets. Here are links to two works I've written for Doom and Strange: - Doctor Doom crack/fluff - DoomStrange angst ficlet I haven't posted a lot of Doom or DoomStrange fic yet, but I am raring to go for this ship. I have taken part in many hours of brainstorming and RP for the pairing, and I have a brain full of headcanon and a folder full of ideas I'd like to write for these two. For a prompt that hits me in the right spot, I could also write DoomStrange/Tony Stark. I'd consider writing DoomStrange with a different third, but please ask me if you have something like that in mind. I love Battleworld DoomStrange: God-Emperor Doom and Sheriff Strange, and their canonical partnership. I do like to play with dark, problematic, and manipulative power dynamics in their relationship. If it seems soft, that's probably because somewhere behind it is a knife so sharp you won't feel it till the blood loss hits. But I can also write them in bantery, humorous, and outright ridiculous interactions. On that side, I love their "snipe and bicker but would sacrifice myself for you in a heartbeat" relationship a la Savage Avengers. When I write angst, I tend to focus on breaking it hard rather than fixing it, especially in a shorter fic. However, as long as I feel it's a prompt I can accomplish in under 5k, I'm open to the idea of hurt/comfort, of heavy angst with a positive resolution, or the kinds of lighter angst that come from mutual pining, misunderstandings that will get worked out, etc. Those situations where it hurts along the way, but everything is going to be ok. I write by letting my brain get a hook into a particular idea - or maybe more like, letting a particular idea get its hooks into my brain - to where it takes me over that threshold from "interesting concept" to "I have actual words insistently demanding to be let out now." With that in mind - if you have a very specific idea for a fic you'd like, please contact me before bidding, to make sure it's something I feel like I can hook and be hooked by. Otherwise, please be prepared to chat/brainstorm with me after the auction, so we can come up with an idea that we're both enthusiastic about. OR, I can also take a very small prompt as a starting point and just run with it. By "very small," I mean something like a word prompt or a kink or trope that might be found on a Bingo square. I'd take the prompt, and your preference for the general tone (humor, romance, angst, etc.), roll it around till I land on a compelling hook to get me started, and follow it from there. As far as my pile of "ideas I'd like to write," I'm open to discussing some of those that I think could be accomplished within a 5k fic. Time Frames: I'll be able to begin brainstorming/discussing prompts anytime after the auction week. I do have one pre-existing fic-writing commitment that I aim to finish by the end of 2020. So assuming we've worked out a prompt, I should potentially be available to start writing for this pretty early in 2021. Pinning down actual writing time is tricky, but once I've actually begun writing, a fic of this length usually takes me anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to complete. Please feel free to contact me to talk over any questions or ideas!
Ratings: Teen, Mature, Explicit
-- Beta Service --
Auction ID: 2091
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - MCU Stephen Strange/Victor von Doom - 616 Tony Stark/Victor von Doom - 616 Jean Grey/Logan/Scott Summers - 616 Tony Stark/Stephen Strange/Victor von Doom - 616
Work Description: This auction is for beta reading of one fic up to 10k words, or two fics totaling up to 10k words. For beta-reading, barring my DNW, I'm generally wide open for characters, ships, universes, genres, kinks, and tropes, and for gen fics. A fic doesn't have to be "my ship" or "my kink" for me to read with care and give well-considered feedback on your writing, including elements of plot, continuity, characterization, tone, and theme, as presented within the fic itself. That said, my "Wants" and my Relationships section for this auction touch upon characters, ships, and kinds of works I read, write, and engage with the most for my own personal enjoyment. So those are where I'll be able to give the most detailed feedback on more levels, such as character voice, canon storylines, and general fluency with those characters and their worlds. My first Marvel ship is Steve-Tony, and I'm happy to read for them in any universe. I've spent the most time with them in 616, MCU, and early Ults comics, with light knowledge of AvAc, Avengers Assemble, and EMH. DoomStrange is my newer ship that I'm loving a lot: Battleworld God-Emperor Doom/Sheriff Strange; Triumph and Torment; Savage Avengers. Plus other pairings for either character, or threesomes/moresomes with the pair of them involved. Another area I'm VERY much here for is any and all fics related to Jonathan Hickman's X-Men comics: HoXPoX; Dawn of X; X of Swords. I jumped on board with X-Men at HoXPox last year, and am up to date with reading all of the current X-Men titles. I have almost no knowledge of prior X-Men canon, so, as mentioned above, I'm still happily willing to beta for other X-Men works, but I won't have that same degree of connection to canon and characters. As a beta reader, I can work on several levels, ranging from simple SPaG/proofreading, to detailed suggestions for sentence structure, flow, and word choice. I can help advise in regard to (American) English-language phrasing and word usage. I also really enjoy delving into emotional dynamics and thematic development. In terms of personal areas of expertise, I'm a musician and recording engineer. So I can give a lot of "what it's like" and some light scientific "how it works" if you have a fic where someone is a musician, in a band, playing a gig or concert, recording in a studio, or a variety of other possible situations involving the music industry and/or audio and sound systems. I prefer to beta-read in Gdocs where possible, where I can leave a lot of suggestions and comments. My goal is always to help the author feel good about their work and about making it the best it can be. So I appreciate your guidance in ways to give you feedback and/or critique that will be helpful, positive, and constructive for you. If I haven't beta-read anything for you before, I'll want to talk with you before I begin, to get an idea of the kinds of feedback you're looking for. Then I'll probably work through a page or two and wait to go further until you've had the chance to take a look. From there, you can tell me if there's anything I could approach differently, address, or avoid, in order to be more helpful for you. Time Frames/Schedule: I have a couple of pre-existing fandom commitments that I'm aiming to complete before the end of 2020. I'd prefer to say "early 2021" as the soonest I'll most likely be available to fulfill this auction. I give a lot of attention during beta reading, and often work in short sections at a time, over a period of days. For a 10k-ish fic, I might take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to work through the entirety. Generally, once I've worked through the fic, I'm also happy to continue exchanging comments, or take a look to see how see how things are working after changes are made. For any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
The auction runs from October 18 (12 AM ET) to October 24 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
9 notes · View notes
trashmancan47 · 4 years
Angst. Harsh Angst
Hey so this is kind of random but like-
There is this RP I am doing with someone (Whom is amazing!), and it is Harry Potter, Soulmates (First words on wrist), and Sander Sides all in a bundle. It's super interesting, and full of angst, and fluff, I love it! It has Intrulogical, Prinxiety, and Moxceit in it, but still adorable as all get out! Anyway that's not the point- point is that this originates from my version of Remus, and their version of Roman, along with our version of their *Parents*. So yeah- 
So Remus, and Roman Prince are twin brothers that are 3 minutes apart, and unexpected. Now when I say unexpected, I mean Remus. Their parents (dont have names yet) never knew they were going to have two babies, the doctor hadn't been able to see the other. Their Mother was delighted, and loves both brothers, equally, she loves her babies, of course she does! She loves kids, and had wanted kids, key word being *kids*. The father only wanted one, and so when there was two he had only ever paid attention to the oldest, being Roman. As they got older Remus would be treated unfairly by their father, even though Remus would try his best, always tried to be better, to be as good as Roman. Their father would ignore him when he spoke, blame things on him, take advantage of him (not sexually), and basically used him as a verbal punching bag, treated him like he was nothing, and made sure he knew that. Roman could get anything he wanted, at any time that he wanted. Their mother was aware of this, and always was there for Remus, along with Roman. Believe it or not, Roman didn't fall into their father words -despite still having a huge ego- he was always there for Remus, and they were close. This was mainly because of their mother, she always made sure the two knew that there was nothing more important then sticking together, and being there for one another, and that to get through these types of things, is with one another. Remus doesn't know, or understand why his mother was still with their father. He always just assumed it was because his mother loved their father, and he saw that, and he loved her too, so he never complained, or brought it up. He wanted his mom to be happy, she deserved it, and she always did her best to make sure Remus was okay. Of course he said he was, and put on a smile that she saw through (Remus doesn't know that she actually see's how hurt he is) So she has always asked Roman to be there for Remus, and check on him for her. So Roman does, If you want a list of the things Remus hears, be warned it's not good, or gentle by any means. He hears the assortments of things from his father; 
" Worthless, unlovable, useless, pathetic. You'll never be anything, you're an extra! Unwanted, you're brother is twice the man you will ever be. In fact you're not even a man, not even close! You always cry, and share your emotions like a little baby!" 
"Pest, bother, extra, that's all you are, and ever be! You'll never get anywhere in life, why can't you be more like your brother, or even better not exist. I'm ashamed to even have you as a son, everything you do disgraces this family. There's no point in thinking about your soulmate, they'll hate you, no one could love a fuck up like you. You weren't even supposed to be here you know, we would have been better off."
Not only did he do this, when he would take advantage of Remus, he would fake it, and butter him, or use his mother against him. (This neither Roman, or his Mother know of. They know about buttering him up, but not using their mom about it.) He would have Remus do his bidding for him. Work for him, while he would still ignore him, and his physical needs, saying it would 'Make him stronger'. Examples ahead, not soft or wholesome by any means. 
"You want to make your mom proud? You want her to love you still, right? *Remus will nod, not allowed to speak to his father unless spoken to in times like this* (Never really talks to him anyway, he gets ignored, unless it's a family reunion) "Good then do as your told, and go do *Names any task or thing*"
"You know I care about you, you know I don't mean these words, I do love you. There /is/ some potential in you. So come on, maybe we can play a game, or spend some time once you're done. But you should do this first." 
Remus has dealt with this all his life, and he didn't always have Roman, maybe the hardest time in Remus's life. It was when they were far too young to understand pretty much anything, and their mother was still figuring out how to deal with the whole situation. Remus didn't let his brother help, (If Roman wanted to or not I am not aware for the lovely person who plays his role has not clarified, it hasn't been brought up yet. I will ask them when it comes up, and most likely make a new blog on it.) Remus shun his brother out, thinking that Roman wouldn't or couldn't care, because of what his father said. This phase only lasted Remus maybe a year or two. 
At some points before Hogwarts, or when he was at home he had trouble, that he didn't tell his mother, or his brother. This trouble would be caused by his father. There were long periods of time where Remus didn't sleep, or only slept for an hour if he was lucky, he wouldn't eat, only enough to keep himself alive, and thinking. He drank plenty of water, but only to make him seem okay, he would fake the smiles, and the laughs, and the energy. But he did this because he felt that he had to, or deserved it, sometimes it was simply out of habit, sometimes he did it because his father would work him without caring for his needs, and Remus would just go with it. He never told his mother, and brother this, even though over time his brother found out about his sleep schedule being messed up, he didn't find out about anything else. Remus had started to wear makeup, to hide his tired eyes, and his weariness, the makeup changed a lot, but finally settled on the pinkish colors (Exactly what he has on in DWIT). He wore it for that reason, but soon grew to like it, so he kept it like that for a while, even as he went to school he kept wearing it for a while. He took a couple years of having it off, not really a known reason why he did, he just did, he didn't have a need to wear it anyway, because since he got with Logan, he felt the need to protect him, and be there for him. He needed to be at his best, so his habits were fought off as best he could. (He does start again in the RP though, but it's not too thought on right now) 
Well that is most of it I believe, I'm not too sure, mainly because I fell asleep writing the last half of this. Whoops! But if you do have any questions please ask! I will try to answer then to the best of my ability, and anything that is missing here, I will add, or make a new blog. Again you can ask questions- but now I'm going to write something, a memory of Remus's when he was at home with his father. 
One more thing, really quick, The twin's mother isn't always present. She goes on trips for her work, and sometimes doesn't return home for quite a while, so that leaves Roman, and Remus alone with their father, and Roman hadn't normally gone anywhere without his brother when she wasn't absent. I had posted this before, but took it down. Here it is again. 
(Swearing, self-deprecation, degrading, resistance to self-care, fake emotions. I guess you could say self harm, but he doesn't actually harm himself, just his health. Mention of Abuse. Abuse. Use of regular pain medication. Crying.)
*Memory begins*
I was sitting sideways on the old, but yet soft light brown recliner that has been sitting in the same corner of the living room as long as we've lived here. It was still holding together well especially for how much I use it, and jump on the chair. I had my feet hanging off of the arm of the chair, and my head resting on the other arm of the chair, my hands folded on my chest that was slowly, and evenly rising, and deflating. I was looking up at the ceiling watching the shadow of the ceiling fan as it spun, an occasional sigh leaving me. I wasn't thinking, nor was I spacing out. I was simply just existing, taking the time I had to enjoy the silence, and the peace of my mother, and brother being away, and my father in his office typing away on his documents for his job. I guess it wasn't complete silence due to the ceiling fan would make a small squeak ever so often from being so old, and worn down, it has yet to be fixed. I started to bounce my foot, and closed my eyes listening to all the sounds around me, and soon enough I could hear the clicking of the keys on the keyboard as my father typed, only ever stopping occasionally to take a sip of his tea. It had a rhythm to it, so when the clicking stopped my breath became uneven, my stomach dropped, and yet felt like it tightened at the same time as I heard a sort of shuffling. 
"Worthless Brat! Turn off that fan now!" I heard my father's voice boom through the house. He was always so much more verbal when mom was gone, I jumped up, and nodded, my voice coming out in a bit of a squeak.
"Yes sir!" I heard a mumble, and the clicking fan off, and returned as I sighed my heart beating fast, my palms sweating, yes he did scare me that much. He had never hit me, well he had, but it only had been three times, and of course when my brother, and our mother weren't there. I couldn't say a thing for if I did my father had threatened that I would never see either of them again. That I wouldn't be a part of the equation anymore, so neither my brother nor mother knew. I rather have it that way as well, plus I deserved those hits I got. That's what got me so scared was I thought he was going to hit me again, we hadn't been alone like this in such a long time maybe a year or so. Mom doesn't like me being here alone with him. She doesn't fear him hitting me, she doesn't believe he would do that, she believes deep down that he loves me. I know that's not true. I hadn't realized it, but my father had called for me again, and I was still standing in the middle of the living room floor. His yelling for me indicated I hadn't 'listened' the first time.
"Brat! I said come here, NOW!" I hurried to his office, He had looked like a million dollars, as usual. He was wearing a gray, and white suit as usual, except his tie was loose, and his coat on the back of his chair. His blonde hair had been slicked back with what looked liked a whole jar of gel, his brown eyes, a dark brown that made his pupils look a part of his whole eye. His face was sharp, if that made sense, he looked young despite his actual age of 36, and he looked very stern, yet bright. He was a rather slim guy as well, but definitely strong, and well built, intimidating as well. 
He only glanced at me, starting to speak before stopping, and looking back to me.
"Go, and fetch me- What are you wearing?" I glanced down, and I felt myself shake a little. I was wearing regular black socks, and my usual blue ripped skinny jeans, along with.. oh thats why.. I was wearing the white, red, and goldish colored sweater that Roman had let me wear whenever I needed him, and he wasn't home. It happened a lot more often than you would think. Although I wasn't supposed to let father see me wear it, he doesn't think I'm good enough to even be near Roman, he doesn't want my filth on him. I fumbled with my own hands, and looked down stumbling a little as he began to talk- or more yell.
"I asked you a question. Now answer it." He growled, his hands on a fist on the desk "And look up when I speak to you rat." I looked up to him and was sure to speak as clear as I could. 
"Sorry sir. It's Roman's sweater, he let me borrow it and-" He cut me off, by standing and walking to me, he grabbed my arm a little harshly, and went close to my face, making me turn my head, and whimper a little. I didn't dare close my eyes or look away, my gaze still on him, but his head turned. He snarled as he spoke, his voice low.
"Why would Roman want to let /you/ wear anything of his? Your filth, nothing, but scum." His words came out like venom as he kept my arm, and I nodded. Though I didn't say anything I had learned that he wasn't done.
"Your not worth wearing something of his, now take it off, and put it to be washed. I'd  make you wash it, but I wouldn't want any of your disgusting worthlessness to get on him. You're nothing compared to him, remember that next time you even think of getting close to his stuff." I nodded. 
"Yes sir." I said quickly, and as I did he let go of my arm, but pushed me down in doing so, so that I was on the floor. He stood, fixing his tie, and smoothing his hair with his hand, starting to walk back to his desk he cleared his throat.
"Good, after you do that go, and get me more tea. Along with some tylenol, pest." He spit the name out with a glare, and I waited until he sat, and gave a nod to me before I got up, and left the room. I had only let fear, and an emotionless expression cross my face, anything else was unexpected, I most certainly wasn't allowed to cry in front of him. That made me weak, and gave him more dirt to throw on me. I took off the sweater, leaving me in my green long sleeved shirt. I turned the sweater right-side out, and put it in the laundry basket of Romans, and fathers clothes. Yes they were separated, I did my own laundry, and my mothers, father suggested to mother to let Roman wash it, but she insisted. He didn't want my filth on their clothes I supposed. I went to the kitchen to get him more tea, grabbing the container in the fridge, and the medicine from the cabinet above the stove.
It only took me a moment, as I turned around to walk out the door way, and into the hall. I glanced at the clock, the time was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon. 
"Three more hours" I mumbled out, carrying both items, the container containing still hot tea. I looked to my fathers door, and knocked lightly, him mumbling to come in. For a moment he looked to approve of the fact that I had changed, but as soon as the approval came, it went as well. I didn't let out a sigh, just stayed with an emotionless face as he signaled me to pour him more tea. I placed the medication on the area next to his cup, then poured the tea, careful because it was really hot, it could leave some bad 2nd degree burns. His face filled with disgust as I was close to him it seemed. His throat was cleared as he spoke again. 
"Stay here brat" I nodded, and replied with a quick "Yes Sir." I had to call him that unless Mother was near, and even then he ignored me, or pushed me aside. I watched as he took a sip, having put his ice from the previous cup in it, and gave it a moment. Fear washed over me as he pulled away, and spit the liquid back into his cup, with a 'Bleh!' He turned to me, seeming angry. I started to shake a little.
"YOU BRAT! You gave me the wrong tea, this is sweetened! WHY can't you do one thing right in your pathetic life!?" I knew I wasn't supposed to answer the question, and was about to get pain, whether physical or emotional I wasn't sure, he seemed to grin devilishly at my fear. 
"Hold out your hands, you useless child." He said plainly the bitterness on his tongue as plain as day. I held out his hand, and watched as father -if you could even call him that at this point- grabbed the container still holding the basically boiling tea, and poured it on my hands. I bit my tongue at first, but then screaming as the tea scolded my hands, but I didn't dare pull back, I just closed my eyes, and he growled, and grabbed my arm again once he put the now empty container on the floor.
"Look at me!" I did as told looking at him, my eyes full of tears, I was trembling, and biting my tongue. He pushed me back onto the ground again. 
"You fuck up- Go get me the right tea, clean this mess up, and then attend to your hands.  Don't tell anyone about this. Or you know what will happen-'' I nodded as I waited until he allowed me to stand, leaving with the container, and glass. My hands stung really bad, and I could already see the blisters form as I let tears fall once I got to the hall. I made it to the kitchen, still trembling, and careful not to break anything in fear of him doing worse. He wasn't my father, he was a monster! I turned on the cold water, it stinging more at the contact, but it also seemed to sooth it, or maybe that was just me feeling numb to the pain. My Fat- The monsters words didn't normally get to me right away, for I never thought of them, but once I did, it never was good. I knew I was unwanted, useless, an extra, but I was here. And stuck. I cleaned the container and got the unsweetened kind, pouring it in his cup, with some new ice cubes. I grabbed a towel, and some water with cleaner to clean the floor, every touch making more tears fall. I wiped them away, and held them back as I headed back to the office door. 
"Don't say or touch anything, just come in here, clean the mess, and leave. Do NOT bother me again you scum." I entered the room, "Oh, and don't look at me" I kept my eyes to the floor, getting to the mess on the carpet, and cleaning the tea up, after placing the new cup on the table. Once I cleaned up the mess I covered it with a towel so that he wouldn't step on anything wet, and I awaited him to tell me to leave, me holding my hands on my legs them throbbing, and in so much pain, it hurt so much worse than anything he'd ever had to go through before. Physically. 
"You may now leave, take care of your disgusting hands." he had said after ten minutes, I got up, head still to the floor as I left, closing the door. I left the bathroom to fix my hand up, applying burn ointment, and making sure to wrap them. I never let my mother or brother see my hands, for if they did I would have to explain, and go to the hospital for how bad they had gotten. I had left to my room, and sat down, staring at a picture of me, and Roman making a silly face the one time we went to a theme park, Mother had snuck this photo to me, and I treasured it. I cried in my room for a whole hour, cleaning myself up so Mother, and Roman wouldn't ask questions, and went about my normal day. That monster that I have to call my Father had ignored me for three entire days, not asking a thing of me. Not even speaking to me, those were the best times to be honest, free for just a while. Just until he went back to school. 
*Memory ends*
I was staring at my hands as the memory ran across my head while alone in the library of Hogwarts. It had been three years since that incident, and Father has hurt me since then, but wasn't that bad, only a bruise or two. I still had a couple of scars from the unproperly taken care of blisters, and overall burn, but I always blamed it on the many other stupid stunts that had gotten me hurt, just by my own stupidity. Like jumping out of the second story window, because I thought it would be fun. Yeah I'm not the brightest. I had some tears clouding my eyes, but I made then disappear as I heard an Angelic voice speak. Logan. My lover. We had found each other the same year my hand got scared, but I didn't think about that. I had my free period, which half Logan had a class, but the other half he had a free period as well. He joined me, and I'm glad he did, he always distracted me from these thoughts, these nightmares, just hearing his angelic voice, and his perfect persona. I love him. I really do. 
We are having our own troubles, but nothing I don't think can't be solved. He is my Flower, my precious flower. Even if he wasn't my soulmate, I would still only want him. I smiled softly as he sat next to me, asking if I was alright. 
"I am now." He was confused by the statement, but hadn't pushed it, just nodded as we fell into conversation. My hands, and the scars left on me were forgotten about, and I never spoke of any of this to Logan. He knew my Father treated me unfairly, but that was it. I don't want to burden him with it, he deserves better, and I won't put more on him, he already deals with me, and as Father says, I am a big baby. I'll never be Roman, or as good as him, but as long as I have Logan I'll be fine. All I need is him, my brother, and Mother, Logan's best friend, and my brother's soulmate Virgil as well. He has helped my precious Flower through so much, and I thank him everyday. I love them all really... I just hope that this fairy tale ends happy, and that I can enjoy my break with Logan, and one day live with him happily. Together, Undisturbed. It's far too good to be true, I know, but you have to dream, hope for something better. 
*End of this angsty boi party!!!*
//- I just thought that the RP was interesting, and I wanted to share more back story on Remus' life. I also control Virgil in this RP, so maybe I'll do a page on him, although his is a lot more wholesome, and less depressing. I count that as a blessing. If you have any questions feel free to ask, or if you have any suggestions please do leave them! -//
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kpop-bg-roleplay · 3 years
(I've decided to send all of our replies in one here for an overview so far! The rest of our rp is going through asks!)
Finding the same nine people you were joking around during the day, carrying weaponry and dealing with drugs in a dimly lit alley way was more than a shock to your system. The first to acknowledge your presence was Hyerin, and holy hell did her expression carry a complete 180' from how she looked that morning. Was this really the same person? "Elise, what are you doing snooping around? The night is a dangerous place."
"I was about to go home actually", I answered her while holding my grocery bag slightly tighter in my hands at the scene in front of me. "What did you do to those people?", I asked the whole as my body language showed tensed up shoulders, ragged breath, pupils widened and having an even more paled up face than usually. The scene in front of me could be out of a crime scene. Bodies on the ground and only the guys I've called my so called friends standing in the middle of it.
All she did was look at Hongjoong, who immediately caught onto what she was thinking about and ordered the others to get back in the group car. Joining his right-hand, Hongjoong rolled his eyes, "None of your business, unless you'd rather get scarred."
"Alright. I've never seen anything", I asked him as I morphed my face completely blank despite my stiff posture before looking behind me briefly and then making my way, passing the car while only shaking my head in dissappointment at Hyerin.
They had no other business that night, and returned to the car before Seonghwa drove back to the cafe. Sighing as they all walked inside, Yunho  needed very little incentive to gather intel on you; you had found them out - in a way - after all.
"I'm home", I called out and walking inside my house to sort my groceries inside the fridge. I didn't hear anything besides the Amazon Echo greeting me back. Walking inside the living room to turn the lights on, with a beer glass in my hand I then went ahead to recall the memories of what happened a few hours ago. The bodies on the ground, Hyerin and the others being completely different from how I know them and knowing now that they're somehow involved in something criminal, I've decided to stay away from them as good as possible.
Finding your location, then everything else about you was easy. Yunho scoffed as he made his way through your systems, who actually kept Echoes? Especially when they're such easy targets. Yeosang couldn't have agreed more as he rerouted through the smart devices in your home, the data falling in his lap like candy. Meanwhile, Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Hyerin were in the leader's office discussing what they would do with you. Leave you and possibly risk having you reveal them to the police, or keep you under watch.
"And... another night alone with no friends to help me finish my food from yesterday", I sighed softly to myself as I looked at the time and walking upstairs to the attic. I opened the door to reveal hundreds rolls of paintings I've been doing in the past. When you walk upstairs, you can smell the plastic mixed in with a white substance called C17H21NO4 or for the Day to Day person between us, Cocaine. I use that particular powder in my paintings, hidden in the pigments and the paper that can be used to smoke it as a cigarette or joint. I've had some encounters indirectly with the dealers from BigHit and Pledis but had managed to keep my name clean up until now. I've started early with selling it in the black market as dupes for certain museums. The actual thieves swapped them out with mine and I can still see one of the not caught paintings in the next Art museum. Nobody has to know that unless they start to actually burn the paintings that most of these are priceless. I always have them in big jars that are labeled as Sugar and Flour, one being more intense than the other but the results are mostly the same.
The thing is, I started at the age of 15. I was stupid and unknowingly sold them online to finance my living expenses for some pocket money after my escape from the organization. Then I found out about it through an unknown source that works for those people and...here I am. Not even Hyerin knows about it, because I always lock the attic and most people wouldn't be assuming that there are illegal drug paintings in there in the first place anyways. She never seemed to be interested in it and asked me questions.
Here I am, making sure that my newest painting gets sold online as the address is always changing in alphabetical order. It can't be the same route as it's another drug dealers territory and he's a scary bulky man that I ALMOST broke his nose when we were talking the first time I've put it in there. I got away with a few bruises anyways, no big deal.
A few days since then passed after the encounter that they're in the mafia and I kept my distance with each member of Hyerins friend group. I went the other way when I heard familiar steps, excuse myself from attending classes and turning in my assignments online, and I ignored Hyerins texts and calls as good as I can. But...the Mafia people are persistent more than the scam callers or mild inconveniences on the street to make you donate to a charity.
I heard my bell ring one night on a Saturday, while I was finishing my painting for the night. I kept the door to my attic open and walking downstairs with my mask on before opening up. Well, it wasn't for sure the neighbors that got my packages or the delivery guy I've been waiting on for 20 minutes. It's them. And I immediately tried to close the door shut.
A week's worth of research, intelligence gathering and hacking on part of Yunho and Yeosang had paid off. And they weren't in the mood to be patient. In silent agreement, Seonghwa and Mingi kicked the door down together, the group walking in with a beyond intimidating presence. "Gather everything of value, I want to see this place ransacked, understand?" Hongjoong ordered, no room in his tone for debate. Hyerin seemed to have taken an interest in the jars, and began to walk towards you, "Interested in the world of narcotics, are we? How fascinating." Her words weren't scary on their own, but with a handgun in her hand and the more than evident danger she carried with her, Hyerin could induce a nightmarish fear in even the most hardened individuals.
"Do whatever you want, but if you want to take something... you have to pay for it first", I began saying and being to list all of the prices at each item they're holding, "You". I pointed at Mingi first who's holding my lamp, "I got it from Ikea for 25,99€ plus the light switch. You". I pointed to Hyerin as she's taking an interest in my jars of cocaine, "That includes highly concentrated cocaine and because it's opened it's going to be released in the air around us that will get us addicted. It's also 3000€ worth per kilograms. You." I then pointed at Yunho and Yeosang, "Individual paintings are worth 5000€ each, customized fakes are 10.000€ and up worth. The the ones you're holding are for my customers that pay lots of it and if you want to snatch it it's 40 Million€ worth. You". I pointed at San and Wooyoung carrying out my pigments, "I made these myself and they're mixed with the cocaine. I would say 500.000 in total and You."  I pointed at Hongjoong and Seonghwa that is taking a sit on my couch, "390€ and 5.99€ each of the pillows. And lastly, you." I looked over Jongho with a tired sigh, "Please don't raid my fridge...". I sighed softly before doing the math in my head, "That'll be 4.518.421,98€, please. I take checks too". And despite being terrified of every member of the Mafia people, I managed to sit down on the couch to cross my arms over my chest. Until I got a gun against my temple, which made me raise an eyebrow. My forehead started to sweat, my hands got clammy and my throat dried up immensely but I took a deep breath to calm myself down. "What are you going to do with me once you took everything out of my house and killed me? I mean, I didn't tell anyone about your hidden secret,Hyerin. I've lived my life in peace and didn't meddle in on your business. Don't you think that I deserve a different death than a gun against my head?", I began to speak slowly and looking at her direction with a small smile despite her glaring that already killed me, "I want to be killed in a different way, not like that"
Maybe the three eldest of Ateez had a twisted sense of mercy, or maybe they were interested, but once Hongjoong had processed how much money you could possibly bring in, he was at Herin's side, whispering in her ear. With an amused smirk, Hyerin put the gun back in the holster and chuckled, "Since my friend here is so~ interested in your works, Hongjoong thinks I should let you go." Her laugh was dangerous, as she called for the the others to bring the artworks to the van. Walking to you, Hongjoong crossed his arms, "You'll make us quite a bit of profit, you'll be pretty useful with us. " He remarked, voice twinged with interest. How much could you make them? Well, that was for them to find out. And it would cost you absolute loyalty to the mafia, and Seonghwa was still unsure whether you'd be a good fit.
"I choose death please", I replied blankly and sighing softly as I immediately shake my head at their direction and pointing at Hyerins gun, "Please shoot me, or roll me over with your car or burn me alive. Anything to satisfy your twisted fake conceptions of sadism."
A dark, slightly seductive (well, to the others, with you, who knew?) chuckle fell from the other female in the room, as she ran her tongue over her lips. Fuck, that was hot. Sadism? That would her be middle name. "Oh, oh~ I haven't been in the Crimson ward in so long~ maybe I should give our little friend here a personal tour?" She taunted, flicking your chin with the tip of her nails. "I agree with Hongjoong, let's take this one with us."
"Careful, I bite", I played along with with her and holding her cheek gently to kiss her forehead lightly, "But I would rather go ahead and begin suicide than leaving my house in the middle of the night. I can't leave physically this place, unless you want me to paint ugly paintings that aren't worth lots of money? I wonder what would happen if I just killed myself now?"
Okay, you were a brave one. Amused, Hyerin pulled you to your feet by you collar and whispered, her breath fanning your neck, "From now on, your life is in my hands, understand that? And don't you worry about the quality, you'll have a much better studio for your art." She saw something in you, and she wanted to harness that. The other members had long since emptied the apartment of your artworks, and they were in the van. They'd definitely sell to the highest bidder, and my God there were crooked curators who'd kill to get hands on your art.
"Let me say goodbye before I go", I requested to her and gently taking her hands off my collar to take a few steps back. "Would you be kind and wait outside? I won't take long", I added with a small smile that seemed almost too forced but I refused to cry infront of anyone
"Very well. Make it quick, and don't you dare think about running." Hyerin replied simply, her arms folded at her chest. Reading emotions was no effort, and it was clear you had no intention of streaking your face with tears in their presence. Walking by the door, she gave you one last look before she stepped outside, silently ordering the soldiers in the other cars to surround the building. Trying to flee wouldn't be a good idea, nor would breaking the miniscule amount of trust Hyerin had granted you.
Walking to my room that I usually put in my clothes in my luggage, I somehow played it off with no suspicion whatsoever for now. Taking out a piece of paper to then start writing a note to people who are going to be searching for me, at least I hoped that someone would care about me in my friend group. I sighed softly as I kept it short and simple to write down a simple note of me being taken away to a remote place for awhile. Wiping my tears away from my eyes as I hide the note in between the broken cracks of the house, I walked out of my room to do a last room tour to then join the group again. "My luggage, here's also my ID... I don't think I need it anymore from now on", I mumbled and avoiding their eyes as good as I can while handing my belongings to them. Walking over to the trunk, I willingly climb in to avoid talking to anyone as good as possible.
By the  time you stepped inside the trunk, the others had all piled in and were more than just a little impatient to get back. Taking the wheel, Seonghwa pressed his foot on the gas and soon you found yourself on the way back to the...cafe? The Twilight Cafe was probably the most innocent looking cafe on the street, and that's where they were returning to?
Parking round the back, the members all filed out, entering the cafe and taking a seat. The three eldest remained, ordering the soldiers to bring your belongings into the main part of the building, and Hongjoong pulled you out of the trunk, a bored stare in his eyes.
"You'll be escorted to the living quarters. Don't cause any trouble; I'm not looking to get my gun out right now."
"Yes, Sir", I replied in a small whisper, following the people inside while keeping a straight face. I couldn't even hide my stiff posture, how I'm holding my hands behind my back as if I'm a prisoner and the bloodied underlip that I've bit on the whole time. It didn't help my situation at this point on how my stomach started to rumble loudly during the ride and how nauseated I'm feeling due to motion sickness.
I didn't look around the cafe at all, too scared to anger even more people and knowing that I'm not going to get my freedom back at all is the worst thing that could be happening to a human being. I know that I'm fucked at this point. Sometimes I wished to be not able to draw or paint, maybe then I'd be a normal person with a bright future.
'I want this nightmare to end already... please help me', I thought to myself almost desperately and started to pray in my head already. I'm thinking of ending my life at this point, ending the pain and start somewhere new. I think it's out of question right now and the pressure only pumped up my adrenaline rush in my system. My survival instincts are tingling and my heart beats even louder than a hammer against a wall.
The steps stopped ultimately, and I snapped out of my trance. It's a small room, enough to sleep in and change your clothes. Plus an attached bathroom, that didn't have security cameras. I'm slightly thankful for it at least, they give me the privacy to an extent. I didn't think much of what happened afterwards, nodding along the order for tomorrow and I was finally alone. Alone as I can get, at least.
So I quickly walked inside the bathroom to get everything out of my system and let my guard down. I cried in silence, hugging my knees and hiding behind my hands to muffle out my sobs. "I want to...go home", I whispered gently to myself and swallowing thickly, my body started to shake violently due to the pressure. I'm currently having a panic attack and I couldn't control it entirely. For some reason, I managed to pass out on the bed, shaking violently to the core and desperately trying to stay conscious to not cause even more problems.
Once you had been escorted from the initial cafe space, Hyerin immediately got up, getting her phone to discuss the latest findings with the financial heads at KQ -one of which she was a deputy to. There was much to discuss. And she'd definitely have to work overnight to draft up a reasonable report to KQ.
Among all the staff that walked around the complex, one stood out. Younger than Ateez's youngest, a high rank that almost rivalled Ateez themselves. With a tablet in hand, she walked through the dorms until she arrived at your rooms, a mutter of 'this wasn't used before...' coming from her.
She entered your room, making no announcement that she was entering. Maybe she had received similar training to the mafia members themselves, because her presence was palpable in the air. She tsked when she saw your condition, placing her tablet on the windowsill and walked over to you.
"Come to your senses, you've been brought here and you need to hurry up and accept it. Now what's you name? I have to provide KQ with accurate reports."
"Elise Liddell, Ma'am. I would appreciate it if I could use this night to eventually finish my mental break down until tomorrow morning", I answered her as quickly as possible, almost making it sound that I've rapped and my still shaking body leaning towards the cold wall. Wiping my tears away from my eyes, I avoided her gaze despite listening to her instructions intensely. "I'm just an ordinary artist, my paintings aren't real to be original.", I continued further, then quieting down as I don't want to spill out more information about myself and why I'm even doing my current profession as follows. 'Over my dead body, I'll be free in no time, even if I have to plot against them somehow', I thought, straightening my posture and eventually looking at the person nearby the windowsill. "What am I supposed to do tomorrow morning? I have to go to college and I don't want to be raising suspicion over my disappearence that soon", I asked her, coughing slightly as the crying made me thirsty, yet knowing that those bastards are going to love it to see me dying of dehydration soon.
The girl almost laughed. Almost. Scoffing, she tilted her head and gave you an overly sweet smile. But her eyes held something much, much more dangerous. "I'm not going to stop your precious little mental breakdown, go right ahead~."
The very idea that Ateez had someone as young as the girl in front of you working with them definitely seemed off.  Shouldn't she at least be in school? Reaching for her tablet, she was quiet for a moment before meeting your eyes.
"Ateez will take care of that. If you require something to drink I will put in a notice for the staff to provide a water dispenser."
"The absence of me entering college should be because I got either pregnant and have to leave due to my VISA or because I'm going back to Germany to fulfill one of the courses there. Any other reason isn't acceptable at all", I sighed softly and nodding slowly at the water dispenser for my casual use. "Anything else that I need to know?"
All she did was roll her eyes. It wasn't her problem, neither did she care. Whatever excuse they came up with would have to be the one you accepted. "You're not to enter Hongjoong, Seonghwa or Hyerin's office without letting either them or myself know beforehand." About to continue, her focus is drawn to someone calling her name.
"Minnie, you're needed in Seonghwa's office."
"Okay Kai, I'll be there."
At least you knew her name. Leaving the room and shutting the door behind her, you were left to your own devices, and thoughts, again.
'If she's going to tell them what excuse they should use in order to get me out of there, they also don't know who I'm close in contact too.', I thought to myself, drinking the water that Kai brought earlier to then walk to the bathroom and using some of the time to clean myself up as good as possible. The room had my luggage inside and instead of hyperventilating the whole time, I looked straight at the camera to flip off with my perfectly long nails to the person who watches me now. The ordering process of my stuff, made me calm down just a little bit, despite the shaky hands and the low blood pressure I'm feeling on my body the whole time. I sighed softly to myself, taking out my Notebook to write down the first informations about today.
Holy shit I forgot how long our responses were. Also I am practically gonna include eveny group I stan in this plot.
The rest of the complex was active, like a city that never slept. Throughout the night, footsteps rang through the building, staff - and some of Ateez themselves - working the night shift, keeping all operations stable. One location in particular that was lit up like daylight was the camera and intel rooms, where Yunho was asleep on a bed in the back, while Yeosang watched the moniters with his team, rolling his eyes as he checked the camera in your room. Thank God he’d only have to keep that camera installed for another few weeks. Watching new arrivals for their three month probation period was a pain, and more often than not he left the task to some unsuspecting staff. And that’s exactly what he did.
“Hey, Yang Jungwon, watch our new arrival, I need a smoke break.”
“Y-Yes Sir!”
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