#please amazon renew them for season 3
kat2tyart · 10 months
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the sillies are helping me through a style crisis
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saltpepperbeard · 5 months
Be a Lighthouse - Fight For OFMD Season 3
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Hi everyone. The news of our cancellation is both incredibly devastating, and quite shocking considering the trajectory of the show and its fanbase. Everything looked like it was lining up in a positive fashion...only for the rug to get yanked out from under us.
I cried. I went numb. I stared at the wall for a while.
But then, something sparked. Like Ed who was resolved to his fate in S1Ep4 only to rocket back upwards, I was struck with a realization: we need to be a lighthouse!
Fanbases have campaigned before, and have gotten results. Sense8 was able to get a two hour finale to properly wrap everything up. Lucifer was able to get picked up by Netflix after being cancelled by Fox. Brooklyn 99 was able to get picked up by NBC after being cancelled by Fox. And many more examples.
Be it a proper renewal, a finale wrap that entails Ed and Stede's wedding, or the attention from another network, I say we fight that good fight. So, here are some ways we can be heard; if you think of any additional points, please feel free to add them!
If you don't cancel your Max Subscription, continue watching the show and leaving feedback on Max's online feedback form. I had a kneejerk reaction when cancellation was announced and pulled the plug...only to sit back and reconsider. I want them to still get my metrics. I want them to still see the show means something to me. And whether that's through words or statistics, I feel like that's something.
2. Follow @renewasacrew and keep up with their resources/campaigns. They're very active and passionate, and have already come up with different ways to fight for our show.
3. Sign the petition to give us just that little bit more of a chance to have our voices heard.
4. Stay active on social media, and stay positive. Continue sharing how much this show means to us. Continue creating. Continue loving. Use hashtags like-
or anything equivalent on any and all OFMD-related posts. Keep the buzz about it going on social media. Comment on posts, keep spreading the word, and get the light burning.
5. Renewasacrew has given us another outlet; an official HBO email address. Write an email detailing your personal experience with this show, and how significant a third season would be.
6. Tweet/email other platforms to pique their interest. Be it Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, or whoever else, let's see if we can't catch someone else's attention. A romcom with iconic LGBT representation seems pretty enticing if you ask me!
This show means the world to me. Y'all mean the world to me. So let's show them why. Let's show them why, and get the proper ending we, the cast and crew, and the characters all deserve.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
01/20/2024 Crew Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins Message on IG; How you can help; Contacting Netflix, Prime, AppleTV; General Guidelines for Wooing Networks; New Hashtags; UK Crew Updates; Petition/Fundraiser Status; Articles; Extras; Rhys' Stiddy
=== Chaos Dad's Message ===
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David Jenkins messaged us FRIENDS and gave us a new heading to steer the ship for the crew. Truly an amazing and sweet message, and helping give @renewasacrew a good place to start on new networks.
== How you can help ==
So based on Chaos Dad's tweet, what the folks over at @renewasacrew have recommended is we focus our efforts on Netflix, AmazonStudios, and Apple TV. We'll be polite menacing but also doing some more specific wooing this time so please see below for more information.
= Reach out to Netflix =
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You can reach out to Netflix Here.
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= Reach out to Apple TV =
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You can reach out to apple tv by going here.
= Amazon Prime: Thank you @mermaid-stede for this write up: =
1) if you have an Amazon account, go to My Stuff > Settings > Help & Feedback > Provide Feedback
2) If you don't, write here
3) might as well try their customer service 888 280-4331, using the same strategy from above (though you might need an Amazon account)
4) and here's an email! [email protected]
Amazon.com: AIV Website Feedback Form
You can see more of their write ups here
=New Hashtags=
#AdoptOurCrew #RenewAsACrew #SaveOFMD
Things to remember:
Only Message 1 of the 3 networks at once. We are wooing them, they want to be enticed, not included in a crowd. If you are reaching out to one, make sure to reach out to all three (just separately)
Be Polite, this is a bit of a different strategy from max, we WANT these people to pick us up, we're not grumpy at them.
Yes you can use season 3 and beyond, use the same terminology David Jenkins did.
More specific info from folks regarding the things to remember:
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=== UK Crew ===
Great job everyone! Your efforts made a difference! Thanks for the update @lamentus1!
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Something else to mention for our UK and International Friends that are reaching out via social networks or email/phone:
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=Daily Engagement Reminder!=
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Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page
Google Search for Our Flag Means Death
Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death
Our Flag Means Death IMDB
=== Petition / Fundraiser Status ===
Petition: ALMOST at 75K!
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Renew as a Crew - Benefiting Rainbow Youth is fully funded at $17K!
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OFFP Care for Gaza - HITS $10K!!!! Great job all!
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=== New Articles ===
Fans Declare War Against Warner Bros., Light Up Times Square for Beloved Show
Our Flag Means Death’s Renewal Campaign Lands Times Square Billboard
=== Other Stuff ===
Some BTS from Vico's IG reels
=Wanna help out our fellow cancelees?=
Sign the Petition for Rap Sh!t!
So Dad's message kind of blew everything else out of the water today, there were some sightings of various crew on the web but most of them were reactions to David's reel so I figured it probably wasn't worth adding today. Thank you as usual to the @renewasacrew team, and @TheCozyPirate for all their steering and insight and helping make these pivots possible each day!
Side note: I saw a lot of really great stuff today-- people focused more on action with the renewal and starting to discuss fun things more and more, less dealing with trolls. I hope that means you all are getting some rest and avoiding some of the crazy shit going on.
Seriously, you're doing amazing. David sees it, the cast sees it, the crew sees it, we all see it. You should all feel super proud of yourself for all the hard work you're doing, whether it's just enjoying the show, being active in the renewal efforts, or just being you.
Please continue to make art, and fics, and goofy memes, and silly videos, and everything. Your creativity is so inspiring and fun and it keeps us all sane! (Also please share them with me I love them.)
On that note, here's Rhys grabbing one of those Stiddies.
Gif courtesy of ofmd-ann's post here
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crazykuroneko · 25 days
Next in IWTV: S2E02 "Do you know what it means to be loved by death?"
Firstly, a couple of news:
IWTV took a plummet in its cable live viewing ratings, like more than -50%. But TV rating has been declining and it's only one of all the factors they judge for renewal.
Apparently, AMC+ rejects non US credit card after the 7-day trial
The good news is, according to Flixtor, for the past four days, IWTV has been in top 3 for TV shows on iTunes in USA, top 10 worldwide, it also appears in Canada. IWTV is also top 2 TV show on Amazon (non Amazon Prime) and number 1 worldwide. It still tops AMC+ own rank as well.
Now, reminders:
The new episode will be dropped at 3 a.m. ET on AMC+ and broadcast at 9 p.m. on AMC channel. If you use Amazon, you may get it earlier based on your timezone. Do not forget to use #iwtv spoilers and add that to your muted words. Tweet about the episode with #InterviewwithTheVampire.
If you have cable, please put IWTV on your TV while it's on AMC channel. Or get your DVR ready. they record that number as well.
IWTV S2 is also available in UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Greece, Germany, MENA on various platforms. Check them here.
For anyone who has a non-American credit card and wants to help with the numbers, please wait until the season ends so you can get 7-days trial and binge watch on AMC+ 🙏 *whisper* or you can do this email trick
After watching the episode, please rate it on TV ratings platforms, such as IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes etc. This series tends to get a lot of haters; from book purists, homophobes, racists, you name it. S1 got review bombed.
Okay, that's it. Enjoy the new episode whenever you get it!
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casualminerva · 9 months
"I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of eternity with somebody, you want the rest of eternity to start as soon as possible."*
Why GO3 needs to end with a holiday episode
This post starts, as it will end, with Neil Gaiman. Neil, allegedly, has said that Good Omens is a rom-com. Maybe his exact words were “love story,” but let’s not quibble. This piqued my interest because face it, rom-coms are few and far between right now (except for K-dramas, where they are plentiful and quite wonderful, if a bit draggy at 16 episodes). And in my mind the world would be a lot better right now if the Western media giants would stop greenlighting every stabby, bloody, nihilistic cop power fantasy that emerges from the sad resentful minds of perpetually adolescent cishet male producers, and run with romantic comedies by the bucketful, especially ones that will right the wrongs of the ‘90s rom-com golden era. 
Good Omens is one of those, definitely. Our lovers are non-human, gender fluid, older. But the rules of rom-coms are still in place. Season 1 had the meet cute, the clash of opposing life views that gradually softens, our couple being forced to work together with comic results, a brief traumatic separation, and a reuniting in mutual appreciation, if not love. 
Season 2 was the deepening of everything, the camera documenting their faces caressing each other, the mutual rescuing, the “our side won’t like that” restraints dropping, and all of a sudden they’re touching each other out of both affection and habit, until a shitty choice arises to end it all, with a climactic kiss punctuating a truly wrenching moment of, I don’t know yet if you can call it noble idiocy, but it was a wrecking ball moment that told us they’re gonna be separated, with their hearts and ours broken, for a good long time.
Now to S3 (please please Amazon, renew). Season 3 can go so many wild directions since we’re in Second Coming territory, but for our lovers, it’s going to be dreadful to watch them separated. Our hearts are going to be in our throats every time they’re potentially in the same scene together. We’re going to see them alone, doing their own thing a lot, as once again they try to save the world, this time without each other, perhaps on opposite sides.
So what is it that finally breaks impasses and brings rom-com lovers back into each other’s arms? It’s not sudden rain showers or cotillion balls, obviously. It’s the HOLIDAYS. Christmas and Hanukkah and the grandest of them all, New Year’s Eve. It's hard to think of a rom-com that doesn’t have a confession, reunion or long overdue kiss against the backdrop of tipsy NYE celebrants or the sight of snow through glowing windows. It's the ultimate serotonin release mechanism, it conquers worry, it heals heartache, it just -- works.
I can imagine Neil and John Finnemore having a wonderful time playing with, twisting and subverting the holiday trope, all the while using that same trope to delicately land the plane of Aziraphale and Crowley’s fraught relationship.
We already know that the subject of Christmas lights is a sticky wicket for the Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeepers Association. A possible incentive to get Aziraphale back in the bookshop? We also can guess the effect Auld Lang Syne, the most shamelessly sentimental song in any film in all of recorded history, would have on a certain Scottish-leaning demon who has watched his share of Richard Curtis movies. I hope the Bentley will play it for the two of them (not the bebop version though) because, well, vavoom. We will all be piles of sobbing goo.
There’s so much material. The birth of Jesus as a minisode (welcome back, Gabriel!), other biblical and religious stuff, carolers (demons or angels or both?), Dickens references, parties, dancing. Finally, a gentle snow transforming Whickber Street into a dreamland, as our two tired but eternally hopeful ineffable lovers reunite once again, worse for wear but a little wiser, put aside their differences for good, and seal the deal with a really, really fucking GOOD, LONG, KISS. 
So … anyway. I started writing this post as kind of a joke, but accidentally made myself a believer. Oh, and I said the post ends with Neil Gaiman, because it does. Every New Year, Neil writes a tender and beautiful message of love, hope, and new beginnings to his readers. Here’s trusting he does the same for Good Omens 3, and that God, wherever She is, blesses us, every one.
*Title quote pays homage to When Harry Met Sally, the greatest of all rom-coms (fight me).
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otsanda · 11 months
Good Omens fans! Here is a (super unofficial) checklist of ways to put pressure on the studios to renew Good Omens for a season 3 and (hopefully) to help convince them come back to the table for ending strikes asap. Note: US streaming referenced, but replace Amazon w your *official* local streaming if relevant.
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Watch Season 2 ALL the way through (multiple times if possible) ESPECIALLY within the next week and a half. Keep it playing in the background (muted should be fine, but if you’re unsure, mute it on your device-side instead of in the app). Play it on multiple devices and on multiple accounts. Do NOT pirate it if at ALL possible in this period of time. Every view counts!
If you have friends who have Amazon Prime, ask them to stream it all the way through (in the next week and a half!), too. If they haven’t seen Season 1, watching S1 helps too! They don’t have to even actually watch it, just let it play through. Call in those outstanding favors! Offer to help them out w something else later in exchange.
If you have friends who have *never* had Amazon Prime, have them sign up for the free trial and have the FIRST thing they stream be both Season 1-2 of Good Omens. New viewers like this are worth extra in Prime’s eyes bc they see them as a potential new source of income! Now is the time to help your technologically challenged aunt set up streaming for the first time!
If you want merch, buy official merch! Idk how much this impacts their decisions, but it can’t hurt to show them there’s demand for it.
Make an IMDb account (you can link w gmail or other accounts so there’s no new password to remember) and rate the show! Make sure you verify your account (there are simple instructions online), rate Good Omens S1 and S2 as a whole *and* rate each of the episodes individually! If possible, leave a glowingly positive review! Also, go through and rate/review a handful of other things so it doesn’t look like you ONLY did it for this one show (might I suggest OFMD and other positive queer media?). If you can’t leave a review of your own, skim through the most recent reviews left by other people and up-vote the positive ones/down-vote the negative ones (‘this review was/was not helpful’).
Thanks and good luck!!
Disclaimer: I am NOT an expert, so forgive me for mistakes, but if I have significantly misrepresented/misunderstood something, please let me know and I’ll try to address it.
Feel free to add to this list or distribute it elsewhere, if you think it could be helpful! I know there are petitions and trending initiatives planned as well, so keep an eye out for those too. ❤️ Let’s get that Season 3!!!
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simplemente-myself · 10 months
Good Omens Manifesto - 2
(this was written on 11 /08/2023)
The scene when Crowley finally decides to sincerely speak his mind is so touching, painful and beautiful that I can't get rid of it, it got stuck in my mind and it's been crushing my heart for days. I know that Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett have thought this story way beyond the book and the great finale has been already decided for them both and Neil is not going to change it whether we like it or not. Now, we all depend on Amazon Prime’s decision to renew the show and give us the honour of witnessing season 3, the actors are ready to embody their roles again, Neil is ready to write the script, and I'm sure Douglas Mackinnon is willing to direct again this marvellous fantasy, and we the audience are screaming and crying for more, so please, don't dare you to private us from Good Omens Season 3!
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starianights · 3 years
1. Sign and share the petition.
    This is super important. If you have more than one email make sure you sign it with all of them. Tell your friends, your family. Anyone. They don't have to watch the show. All they need is an email address. And make sure you confirm your email address otherwise your signature won't count.
Link: http://chng.it/gKVGnghBWd
 2. If you have twitter, tweet using #SaveMacGyver
   Use only this hashtag and only once in your tweets. Tag @/CBS @/CBSTVStudios and other networks occasionally so they can see that we're here and we're not giving up. You can also tag the writers and the cast a few times, asking them to use our hashtag or share the petition.
Don’t just retweet. Quote tweet with our hashtag and add a few words if you want.
 3. If you have any social media account spam the posts from CBS with our hashtag.
   You can also comment on edits and MacGyver related posts, tagging CBS and other networks using our hashtag.
 4. Send feedback to CBS.
   Select Drama and MacGyver as categories and tell them we want one more season so we can have a proper ending. Be polite!
Link: https://www.cbs.com/showfeedback/
 5. Ask Netflix to pick up the show.
   Go to the following link and request MacGyver (2016) as a title. You can add our hashtag.
Link: https://help.netflix.com/en/titlerequest
 6. You can send emails to these addresses.
   Ask them to renew our show and if you want, explain them why. What it means to you. How the cast and crew, the fans deserve one final season.
You can send your emails daily. We need to fill their inbox.
Again BE POLITE. Simply ask them to reconsider and if you want, tell them about our petition and that our hashtag was trending on Twitter with over 30K tweets.
 7. Send paperclips or duct tape to CBS HQ.
   You can order them through Amazon and ship them to the following address using a gift note if you want. Write our hashtag and a small message like: "Renew MacGyver for one last season," or 'We want our show back."
 CBS Studios Address:
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA. 90036
Phone Number:
 Please be respectful when you tag official accounts on social media, when you send out emails or leaving feedback.
Let's show them our power and that we can't accept this. They need to realise that we won't stop until we get a renewal. It's what we deserve. It's what the cast and crew deserve.
 Remember that this might take a while but we won't give up. We'll keep fighting for our favorite show and we'll make sure they know we won't stop asking them to renew it.
 Always remember our hashtag: #SaveMacGyver
 Mac quoted Davinci and so will I:
"Knowing isn't enough; we must apply. Being willing isn't enough; we must do."
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shirbertshitposts · 4 years
Things you can do to help Anne With An E be Renewed
There are so many different ways big and small you can help in the fight to get Anne With an E renewed. I’ll do my best to compile all the ways you can contribute.
1) One of the easiest ways to let networks know there is a demand for more Anne With an E is to request it on their help page. Request Anne with an E season 4 so they know you want the show to continue. There is also no limit to the number of times you submit requests.
For Disney+ click “Give Feedback” then “Request a film or show” then you can type in Anne with an E season 4
2) Watch Anne with an E on Netflix. Just constantly stream it in the lead up to the season 3 premiere. When the show premieres Jan 3rd make sure you stream the new season that day and in the days after. Not only do we want Netflix to know that the new season has a big audience, but we also want as many people watching at the same time for the show to make it to the “Popular on Netflix” category. New people may be attracted to the show if they see it is popular on Netflix.
3) Write emails to Networks. Netflix and CBC are not the only options when it comes to Networks that could renew Anne with an E, since it seems that the rights to the show are currently owned by Northwood Entertainment the production company behind Anne with an E. Many other fans have done the hard work of compiling lists of emails of network executives. I will provide links to various tweets I have seen with important emails. (of note, most will probably not check their work emails again until after the holidays, so you can draft emails now and send them out after Jan 1st) Also below is a google doc that includes emails of many network executives.
Template for writing emails and email addresses to send emails to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nkEu-ZyIiBkCABleKRBLU21T8lRSwRxwWXuVDZ7cxeo/mobilebasic
4) Write emails to magazines, newspapers, websites, etc. Any form of Press about Anne with an E will draw attention to the show from people who may not have heard of it before. You could write emails to ask them to cover the news of the show's cancellation, to review the new season, to discuss certain topics the show addresses that set it aside from other shows and more. Anything that you could dream up that could be an article that could be written about Anne With an E you could pitch the idea to someone to write about. 
5) Appealing to other fandoms with similar interests. Two big movies that are about to drop that have an audience that may be interested in a show like Anne With An E, would be Little Women and P.S. I Still Love You (To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before sequel). Little Women is also a period piece with a feminist heroine, so you could point out the similarities in the stories’ themes to appeal to fans of that film (which premieres Dec. 26th). For P.S. I Still Love You, the big connection is that in the third book of the To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy, Forever and Always, Lara Jean,  Lara Jean states that Gilbert Blythe is her ideal man. Screenshots of this quote have been going around all over tumblr and twitter since the P.S. I Still Love You trailer dropped. The selling point could be that if you enjoy the films and relate to Lara Jean then you should check out the stories and adaptions of those stories that Lara Jean considers peak romance. ( It also helps that the premise of the films relies on love letters and AWAE season 3 features love letters as well). When entering into other fandoms tags to recommend Anne With An E make sure you are always being RESPECTFUL and don’t just spam the tags with Anne promotion. You could always create side by side edits of the two programs to demonstrate how similar they are. Basically, make sure your posts in their tag don’t seem like a blatant promotion for AWAE.
6) Rate Anne with an E on IMDb. (Note: It is listed as Anne(2017) on IMDb). Right now Anne is listed in Top 250 TV Shows, but it is toward the bottom of the list at #248, with an average show rating of 8.4 stars. If enough fans rate it, the show could move up on the list, which may attract new people to watch the show. You can rate the show overall, and rate each episode individually. Plus you can leave a review. 
7) Watch the Anne With An E Netflix trailer and share it with others. The more views on the trailer the better. The trailer is available on Youtube and Instagram. On twitter, people are organizing trailer boosting parties for Dec 23rd - Dec 30th. 
This calendar shows when trailer boosting parties have been planned detailed descriptions of what those events include with links to tweets and posters
8) Sign the petition for the show to be renewed and get anyone you know who likes the show as well to sign it as well.
9) Recommend the show everywhere. On twitter search “What to watch on Netflix” or “tv show recommendation” and reply to any of these tweets with Anne With An E and maybe a reason why you recommend the show. If someone has already recommended Anne With An E don’t recommend it again, we don’t want to spam or annoy strangers. This can also be done on reddit search “What to watch” , “Netflix recommendations” , “Period Piece” and comment on any of the relevant results with Anne With An E.
10) Tell EVERYONE you know to watch Anne With an E. A great way to spread the popularity of the show is by word of mouth. People trust the opinions of people they know, so your friends and family are more likely to listen to your recommendations than strangers on the internet (but there is no harm in trying #9 anyway). 
11) Continue to be your amazing creative selves. Gif sets, fanart, video edits, memes, etc. All of these can help attract new fans to the show, so continue to create and post things related to Anne With An E.
12) Make bookmarks or small promotional posters and leave them in public places. I have seen a trend of this on twitter and it's not a bad idea. One amazing fan even took it to the next level and made tiny posters that have QR codes on it that when scanned takes people to the Anne with an E trailer or the show on Netflix. Below is a link to tweets showing what those looked like and how they dispersed them.
Here is a tweet thread with templates for the posters if you want to print them out yourself:
13) Buy official merchandise for the show and wear it around. You could be a walking advertisement for the show if you want (and can afford to). There is different merch available on the official Anne With An E shop website and on Amazon.  Also sales of the merch may be considered by networks when they consider whether to renew the show. 
14) Join the r/Anne community on reddit. There has been some encouragement to grow the size of the community on this thread because it shows a static number of how many people are apart of it. This number could be used to approximate how much interest there is in the show. It currently only has 2.5K members. Even if you’re not very active on reddit, joining the subreddit would be helpful.
15) Donate to the campaign to have a billboard to promote the show. Details can be found on the gofundme page.
16) Donate to campaign to run instagram ads for Anne With An E. More details on the gofundme page below.
17) Let’s Make Some Noise Campaign. Some fans are encouraging people to write messages on white rags, like the ones the avonlea students use during their protest, and sending them to various streaming networks or Northwood Entertainment, the production company behind the show. Details can be found in the tweet below.
18) Rate and review Anne With An E on Rotten Tomatoes. You can do this for each season. Currently there are a fair amount of negative reviews so it would be incredibly helpful to explain why you love the show. Good reviews would attract new potential fans to start watching.
19) Vote Anne With An E up on Ranker.com lists. This might attract new get people interested in the show if it consistently ranks high on lists of best shows.
20) Take care of yourself. THIS ONE IS MOST IMPORTANT. Don’t sacrifice your health in your efforts to get the show renewed. If you need to take a break please do. Also don’t feel guilty if you need to step away or you can only do one or two things on this list. Every effort counts and is greatly appreciated.
I’ll try to update this as more stuff comes up. Good luck with all your efforts Kindred Spirits!
Remember “Dreamers change the world”
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prettylittlelyres · 3 years
2020: My Year in Reading
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- Part 6 -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-
I also re-read “Midnight” by Jacqueline Wilson, which was even better than I remembered. My sister and I have been re-reading a lot of Jacqueline Wilson’s books recently, and, in doing so, have found that all our hang-ups about them were actually… just a bit twitty. They’re great stories, they keep you turning the pages, and the pure sass of some of the characters just goes right through the roof. “Midnight” however, is a story I’ve always loved – no silly hang-ups could ever touch it – in part, I guess, because Violet just feels so Sapphic-coded, and also because she had a room full of fairy dolls that she’d made out of love for her favourite series of books, “The Flower Fairies” (sadly fictional, but I would quite frankly die of happiness if Jacqueline Wilson wrote and published even one as a novelty!). That might seem an odd reason to love a book, but, when I was at primary school, I was obsessed with the “Rainbow Magic” books by Daisy Meadows (by several ghost-writers, actually, but I digress) when I first read it, and had my very own “India the Moonstone Fairy” doll, which my mother had helped me to sew! As far as I was concerned, I was Violet, minus the horrid (misunderstood) big brother, and plus a lovely (the best, actually) big sister. Didn’t hurt that I was a baby gay, either, and that I had a close friend who played dolls with me (and with whom I might have been a bit in love). I’m seriously considering writing to Jacqueline Wilson to tell her how much I adore “Midnight”, even at 22. (I’m just not sure how to do that without coming across as a sycophant.)
Somehow, I’d managed to forget how heart-breaking “Vicky Angel” and “My Sister Jodie” were (also Jacqueline Wilson), but re-reading them at the beginning of December brought all the Big Tears flooding back. I managed not to cry outwardly, but these books hit me hard! I loved the Gothic atmosphere of “My Sister Jodie”, though – it was quite a bit like “Midnight” – and all the references it had to “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett (which I need to read, actually; I’ve only ever read the Ladybird version). The descriptions of Melchester College as the family sees it for the first time, and then looks around their living quarters, are great, such a strong contrast between this beautiful vista and the drab dreariness of life-behind-the-scenes.
I took December to make my way through my small (but growing!) library of writer’s craft books, with “Writing Deep Point of View” and “Fiction Pacing” by Rayne Hall, and “Writing Your Story’s Theme” passing a few hours on a rainy afternoon by reinforcing all I learned at A’ Level and teaching even more, and “Ghost Stories and How to Write Them” by Kathleen McGurl giving me a much clearer idea of how to craft something spooky, as well as how to market it. I don’t really write many short stories, but that’s something I want to change, so I thought it would be a good idea to start with some craft revision! Further to wanting to write more spooky stories, I also took December to finish “The Turn of the Screw” by Henry James (more popularly known since the brilliant Netflix series as “The Haunting of Bly Manor”!), and the novel we were set in our French class, “Et si c’était vrai” by Marc Levy (the basis for the film “Just Like Heaven”, which I adore).
I’ve been trying to get into more subgenres of Alternate History and Fantasy, as I’m really enjoying “Kushiel’s Dart” by Jacqueline Carey, but I’m painfully aware that it’s Eurocentric in the extreme. I’m so glad I made an effort to push my reading horizons further this year, because I loved reading “Daughters of Nri” by Reni K. Amayo, and I’m looking forward to reading “Children of Blood and Bone” and its sequels by Tomi Adeyemi. I tried to read the first one two years ago, but my brain was mashed potato at the time, and I couldn’t concentrate on it at all. I’m doing much better now, so it’s on my reading list for 2021!
I also finally read “Alone: A Love Story” by Michelle Parise, which is the novel-version of a podcast with the same name. It helped me through a horrible time a few years ago and is just so beautifully written that – despite it being attached to some nasty memories – I really love it, and still listen to it to go to sleep. Obviously, I knew exactly what was going to happen, because it follows the same “storyline” as the podcast, but the book is just as excellent. They are both the author’s memoir, focussing on how she’s learned to enjoy living alone, being single, and carving out an independent life for herself. Suffice to say, it was the first step on my ladder to “feeling OK”. Steps 2, 3, 4… 10, 15… 86, etc. were spontaneous day trips to Winchester, where I would proceed to hole up in a coffee shop with a ball of yarn and a crochet hook, sipping tea while I worked, and tried not to think about what was making me sad. Those steps were not as good as the first one, and if I’m going to recommend you pick just one, I’d say, “Pick Step 1, and read or listen to “Alone: A Love Story” by Michelle Parise.”
For far too long, I’ve had “On Beauty” by Zadie Smith, and “The Returnees” by Elizabeth Okoh on my Kindle app (I don’t like Amazon, so I’m looking for alternatives!), and hadn’t read either one of them through to the end. I’d picked them both up on occasion, but only on short bus journeys, or while I was passing time, waiting for tea to cool; it made it hard to get into them, but I decided I’d sit down and read them both from the beginning, and not stop until I reached the end, and they’re both fabulous. I love Elizabeth Okoh’s painting of life in Nigeria, and as a British-Nigerian, and Zadie Smith’s lavish descriptions of everything are just wonderful. I can’t wait to see what Elizabeth Okoh does next (“The Returnees” is her debut novel), and I’m looking for my next read from Zadie Smith.
More speculative fiction finished off my reading in December! “Gone” by Michael Grant is perfect for fans of “The Society” (Netflix – please renew it! I would so love to see further seasons!), and “Q” by Christina Dalcher was deeply upsetting, but a gripping read. At last, I also finished “The Left/Right Game” from the r/NoSleep subreddit. I stayed up late, late, late, and then woke up early, early, early, to read the last chapters, on the morning of New Year’s Eve.
So, there you have it; a condensed overview of books I read in 2020. Condensed? Yes! Condensed quite a bit! This article is over 6,000 words long as it is, so I think I shall split it up into several posts, and queue them to be published, one per day.
I hope that I’ve helped you find something to read, or that I’ve reminded you of a favourite book you now want to re-read! Happy New Year to everyone, and may 2021 be much better!
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incarnateirony · 5 years
The Boys
If you haven’t checked out Kripke’s new work, I highly suggest it, with a few disclaimers.
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I'm sure some people will complain about the fridging and the sexual content but that sort of grit is part of the driving force of the comics so I'm going to just append that as a vague handwave content warning to those it may bother.  It's not for people set off by sexual content, and I definitely advise people pay attention to the warning labels for content when the episode launches. But I'm actually sort of pleasantly surprised Starlight's story wasn't nerfed?
This IS sourced on a comic series that already exists. And that stuff was in it. Whether that stuff is for you or not is up to you, so please take self care into consideration first, and heed warnings, rather than joining and seeing dark content that you aren’t ready for. I wouldn’t say it’s like GoT-level fixated on it but it’s definitely there.
While The Boys is sourced from older content material, brought to life as-such it's little surprise Kripke is part of the project. Dark, gritty, humans-vs-the-supers, I kinda feel like this is insight onto what SPN might have been if launched in the digital age. Now, that's not to say The Boys is any kind of direct content parallel, just that I see why Kripke invested so much heart into this project. We know he loves his grit, and I can only imagine if he’d had the liberty of pitching something like Supernatural at a digital vendor like Amazon 15 years ago rather than a teen-centric network like the WB, we’d have ended up with a base vibe similar to The Boys. This isn’t PG-13. It’s heavy-end R. 
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Also I’m not saying I wish SPN was even grittier or anything -- I’m quite happy with how it’s evolved -- but just saying from a creative lens, and Kripke’s flavor on things, it’s the vibe I get.
Hughie is loveably awkward, Billy Butcher is like porn morpheus and john winchester's love child in the best gritty ways. The Seven are douchebags with one exception. The entire world scenario is like a statement on corporate america and bullshit global affairs masked through superhero marketing. 
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In any other franchise, the characters you follow would be framed as villains to be thwarted by the supes, but by power of protagonist narrative and framework, instead we venture into the potential powerplay problematicness of that kind of world setting and humans-vs-supes rebelling against creatures thinking they’re above judgment, sound familiar? Or I dunno, the one supe showered in sparks and glowing eyes that doesn’t feel right in the corrupt corporate framework of the other superthings around them. 
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The production quality is great. The first episode is directed by Dan Trachtenberg. For the Supernatural fans, episode 3 is directed by Sgriccia. 
More than once the wife and I broke out laughing hysterically. The second matrix joke had us rolling and that’s all I’ll say to that.
Too long, didn’t read, I’m having a great time. It came out at midnight so I just finished episode 2, so I’m looking forward to seeing Sgriccia’s directing tomorrow morning.
Also Kripke’s apparently been projected, by Amazon, of having struck gold. The Boys was renewed for Season 2 before it ever aired tonight, so you don’t have to worry about it being prematurely cancelled on you.
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canaryatlaw · 4 years
okay, well today was fine, kinda boring but that’s okay. I was supposed to be prepped to call a client when we were opening at 8:30 but I think I tried to reset my alarm for like 15 minutes later but accidentally set it for an hour and 15 minutes later because next thing I knew it was like 9:30 and I had an email about a call to make, so I scrambled getting some things good to go and was calling like 10 minutes later. it was basically the same deal as what our volunteers do (what I did when I was a volunteer) and we generally check over the papers before they’re submitted to the court so I was very familiar with the documents and such, we were keeping the affidavits shorter than we usually would because we didn’t want to have them on the phone with us for like 3 hours, but once I got the info I knew would seal the deal I was satisfied with that. the forms were the easy part though, figuring out this process for legit the first time was confusing to say the least, and we had to wait like, at least an hour for the clerk to call us back and there was a lot of like, questions thrown around to which I was like....I’m not the right person to answer this question please call my boss because I do not know the answer, lol. but eventually we got the video chat up and working and like 10 seconds later we were on with the judge, at which point I scrambled to at least put a cardigan on and move to the living room so it’s not super obvious that I’ve been doing this sitting on my bed in my pajamas. we had some audio issues at first but got them figured out, and the actual hearing was a breeze because we got a good judge who knows what she’s doing (unfortunately she’s a criminal judge not a civil one, so we only get her every so often when they’re rotating the civil cases) and basically just confirmed the affidavit with the client and read it into the record and that was that. there was some confusion after that about how she was going to get the documents, but we settled that the clerk would email them to me and I would email them to the client, so I left off with the client that I would forward them to her as soon as I got them. the only problem here is they did not in fact email me anything, so I sent an email to the client saying as much and that I’d talk to them in the morning to make sure she gets them. so yeah, it was our first successful venture into doing remote hearings, and I think the first for the courthouse itself, so that’s really good being that we know domestic violence has been spiking with everyone trapped indoors, and in many cases trapped with their abusers, so being able to at least do some of our work was definitely important. somewhere in the middle of everything I spoke to my mom, she said my dad’s blood pressure had dropped somewhat during the night but they were able to get it back up and weren’t too concerned about that, and they were able to cut his sedation meds in half, so that was good. the whole thing is just so damn frustrating, and I’m sure it’s worse for my family because they’re right there but still can’t see him, and like just the idea that he’s been totally alone since walking into the hospital and is now not able to communicate on his own at all and the whole thing is just really upsetting, but I’m trying not to think about it too much because since they moved him to the ICU the news has been mostly positive, so I’m trying to focus on that. I’m just kind of terrified that at some point I’m gonna pick up a call from my mom and she’d say he took a bad turn and was gone....just every phone call has that possibility right now and I hate that. but my mom did also say they had the ventilator at 60% when it was previously higher so that’s good at least. sigh. anyway. once I was done with work stuff for the day I put on Hunters from amazon prime video and ended up finishing the season, and HOT DAMN this show is just so wild and so freaking well done on so many levels and THAT FUCKING PLOT TWIST at the end that I did not at all see coming and I’m like highkey annoyed about it because it’s actually really similar to a final plot twist in a Jodi Picoult book that’s also based in the Holocaust concentration camps. but damn, the show is so fucking good. not for the faint of heart for sure, but really good, gripping drama and it set itself up for another season EXTREMELY well (like holy shit, I won’t spoil it, but the final tease of what is to come is fucking bonkers on so many levels) so I’m very much hoping it gets renewed. You can really tell the actors were putting so much of themselves into the roles, especially with Carol Kane who had such a ridiculously good performance and it kind of threw me at first because the thing I mostly associated her with prior to this was from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt where her character is written to be ridiculous and comedic, and then to see her in something like this knowing that this role must’ve meant so much to her as a Jewish woman, it’s like really gripping stuff. I hope the show gets a shit ton of Emmy nominations (Logan Lerman and Al Pacino should both get nominated for best leading actor in a drama, and several others should get noms for featured actors). so that took up a lot of the rest of my day, but once it was done I turned on a few episodes of Grace and Frankie before showering and starting to get ready for bed, and now I’m here and ready to go to bed because I’m set to be on call again in the morning so I definitely need some sleep. Goodnight peeps. Hope you had a decent Monday.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
Daily OFMD - Outside US Renewal Tasks
Updated 01/31/2024
Hey all! I'll keep this updated every day so feel free to reference back here and I'll link to this inside the Recaps. If you have any recommendations to add for various countries please reach out to me!
==Things to remember==
Keep it positive! We are wooing them!
Only address one platform at a time!
Make it personal! Tell them why you want to be on that platform (inclusivity, diversity, other shows that are similar, etc)
“It’s okay to reuse some content with new tags but try to space the posts out a couple hours so they dont stack up on top of each other in hashtag very obviously.” -Jac
==Today's Hashtags==
==Platforms to Reach Out to==
If you reach out on the social medias, you can cater to individual mission statements per platform.
===UK Focuses ==
@lamentus1 has provided us with a lot of great information for UK folks, please check out the following:
The fact that there’s a huge audience for this show that hasn’t even been able to watch the 2nd season yet - to illustrate the fact that there’s a huge untapped market because more than third can’t watch it season 2 yet (we can use the Tumblr poll, and there’s that map as well, both good for illustrating the point).
Focusing on the UK talent in the show inc: Ewen Bremner, Joel Fry, Samson Kayo, Nathan Foad, Kristian Nairn & Con O’Neill. Minnie Driver too. They or shows they have been in may have their own fandoms we can tap into.
It's also apparently a good idea to mention you're British in your tweets if you're reaching out to @netflixuk Thanks! @libbyroseitm
Other helpful information:
Cheat Sheet Below provided by @aproperpirate on Twitter
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If you wanna talk about the shows creativity, feel free to reference Ra Vincent's site, he was the Production Designer for OFMD. Great inspiration and pictures to use to show off to the networks.
It's also helpful for Amazon to show them the international reach
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== Vote in the QUEERTIES ==
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You can vote once a day!
Best TV Comedy
Best TV Performance
== Outside US Social Media For Each Platform ==
Netflix @netflix UK: @netflixuk CA: @netflixCA
@primevideo UK: @primevideouk CA: @primevideoca
Apple TV @appletv
Netflix @netflix UK: @netflixuk
@primevideo UK: @primevideoUK CA: @primevideoCA
Netflix @netflix UK: @NetflixUK DE: @NetflixDE
@primevideo UK: @primevideouk CA: @PrimeVideoCA
Apple TV @AppleTV
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @primevideo
Apple TV @appletv
==Daily Helpful Tasks:==
1. Push That Petition
2. Fill out Feedback forms:
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Make sure to request Our Flag Means Death on all the platforms, and indicate why you like the show (if that's an option) and keep it positive. Source: @Lcmwriter100 on Twitter
AppleTV - looking for an example letter? Check out @saltpepperbeard’s post
For Amazon Prime - Courtesy of @yougotofast over on twitter.
Existing Prime subscribers, you can access a Suggestions/Feedback form on the Prime Video app in the Settings > Help & Feedback section. The form is automatically tied to your Prime account, not sure if that makes any difference compared to anonymous feedback.
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3. Platform/Article Engagement
A lot of countries don't have HBO max, but if you do and you can already watch Our Flag Means Death on them, please still go ahead and stream Our Flag Means Death, it keeps up engagement and numbers.
Search Our Flag Means Death on Netflix
If you have Netflix, after your search, stream the first title that comes up for a few minutes.
Article Engagement - Source: @candiedsilkmoth on twitter
@itsmfgames Has been kind enough to be keeping up a running list of Articles about the campaigns -- so if you have the time and want to go catch up on some articles, please checkout the guide below and visit this google doc for the list!
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I'm probably gonna add a "running article list" somewhere, I'll update when I do.
Other Streaming Service or Purchase options:
Obviously don't feel like you have to purchase anything for the campaign, this is just in case you're looking for sources to watch. Amazon DE (Germany) Apple DE (Germany)
== RADIO! ==
While this suggestion is for NPR there are plenty of local radio stations across your own country, these are some tips. If you have good submission recommendations, please let me know i'll get them added!
Some awesome new suggestions from @AdoptACrew Check out the thread here. Link to the NPR suggestion site: Here
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== Stats ==
Some Cool Stats you can use:
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4. Daily Link Clicks to keep up engagement
Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page
Google Search for Our Flag Means Death
Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death
Our Flag Means Death IMDB
Current @renewasacrew Daily Links:
==Media Resources (Pics, Gifs, Vids)==
Gifs, Pics, and Videos to use: show clips to use Src: @havethisonelife
Our lovely @kiwistede made some great custom gifs you can use to tweet and message the platforms with. Check out their tumblr here
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UK Resources:
Thank you for these great pictures @LibbyRoseITM!
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Some folks like infographics instead of text so here's some stuff for you! Courtesy of @edandstede on Twitter
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==Other ideas for engagement:==
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As you may have seen, shows are getting cancelled and renewed left right and centre and still Hannibal is missing from the table. I think we need to be louder, more upfront about what we want and we need participation to get it...
So, I am proposing a Summer of Love, basically an Ode to Hannibal!
There are lots of things going on, please take part in what you can and posting about your taking part with #Hannibal and #SaveHannibal in some of what’s below:
This one you should already know about, Fannibals exchanging gifts, culminating in a mass posting about them on the 29th of August 2018, The Wrath of the Lamb’s birthday. (Sign ups are closed I’m afraid!)
A thunderclap is a pre-organised social media mass posting service. Basically you sign up and the app posts a specific post for you at a specific time, on a specific day. Mass posting out of nowhere on a specific subject is the best way to get you noticed on social media. Unfortunately, the site will no longer let you put hashtags in your post. But please use #SaveHannibal when talking about the project or SIGNAL BOOSTING the link! We’ll need 500 signs up MINIMUM, and it’s a big ask, I could have gone lower but I think we can get 500 easy. If we don’t get 500, the Thunderclap doesn’t happen.
All you need to do is sign up and sit back. The THUNDER reigns down at 7:00pm (EDT) on the 29th of August 2018, The Wrath of the Lamb’s birthday. (Are you sensing a theme?) JOIN THE THUNDER HERE!
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Although tumblr is fab for certain things, twitter is the powerhouse in terms of getting noticed! Retweeting THIS TWEET will enter you into a prize draw for a It’s Beautiful #SaveHannibal flag (1mx0.5m) (T&C’s apply, see twitter for details.)
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So, every show gets a bad review, and so I thought, rather than question it, lets just post our own reviews. So between now and the 29th of August 2018, I’ll be posting an in depth review of every episode of Hannibal.
You don’t have to do individual episodes if you don’t want too, they can be seasonal reviews or a review of the show as a whole, a review of the DVD’s/BluRays etc. 
Please use the hashtag when posting, please feel free to have some fun with the format, and the best will get a little pack of free badges sent to them. You can post on twitter or tumblr! Please feel free to tag me, and use #HannibalSummerOfLove so I can find them! 
Every year since the first airing of the Wrath of the Lamb, on the 23rd of August we’ve celebrated Fannibals! Use this day to send individual fannibals some love, it’s a day to celebrate US! This year personalise your thanks, feel free to post across twitter or tumblr! 
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#FANNIBALSCHATNETFLIX - 1000 Chat Challenge!
WE POSE A CHALLENGE FOR YOU! We’d like to chat with netflix over 1000 times before the Wrath of the Lamb anniversary, have a bit of a chat, request Hannibal, take a cheeky photo/screenshot, POST WITH THE TAG! And we’ll tally them up and see if we can break the 1000 wall!
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Send Netflix, Hulu and Amazon a little #SaveHannibal business card, sometimes a physical representation of what we’re about works wonders! See the post for full information of exactly how to do this, but feel free to add your own spin on it! 
There’s a petition that has been running since the show was cancelled 3 years ago, and it needs a TON more signatures! Please sign and signal boost! Lets get it to 100k!
CHECK OUT MY #SAVEHANNIBAL PAGE FOR THIS STUFF AND MORE YOU CAN DO! I will also make individual posts for the events, and links to these bite size posts will be on the page.
Any Q’s?
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Affiliate Bots Review: The New 17 Automated Software Package That Generates PROVEN Profits - My 2019 Review After Purchase
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Today I will be presenting what I believe to be one of the most powerful affiliate marketing resources to be released in the last year. I will be reviewing the phenomenon appropriately titled, "Affiliate Bots”. If you are an internet marketer trying your hardest to get sales online with no results. This is the internet marketing software package for you. Or if you are simply someone wanting to get started making money online but don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on complicated software, this is Absolutely for you! Also be sure to check out my full review of Wealthy Affiliate University, the 1# Online Business University. It teaches people around the globe how to build a profitable online business around what they're passionate about! Affiliate Bots Video  How This Software Package Will Help Your Business I predict that after you’ve gotten your hands on this software bundle, and started to use it, you will never look at online marketing the same.
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I’ve been an internet marketer for years and this has given me renewed hope that there really is “an easier way” to get the job done! If you follow Chris' instructions, watch his tutorials (which are very short and understandable), you will have tools that can convert your business from a time hog, into a money-making cash machine! The process is very simple: 1. Pick a product (The software makes this easy, and displays options from numerous product marketplaces with analytical data) 2. Use the script creator, then the "Rapid Video Creator" to make professional videos in 60 seconds. (Tapping into YouTube and Google rankings you previously would never have!) You don't even have to have a website to do this! 3. Decide on the keyword you want to rank, and upload. 4. Rinse and repeat! That’s it! This can be repeated thousands of times since there is virtually no end to the number of affiliate products out there How Affiliate Bots Has Solved My Automating Problems! I first came across this affiliate marketing resource as I was researching the best-selling and most popular affiliate products. This is one of the best-selling on the top affiliate networks currently, and it’s not hard to see why.
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The creator(s) claim that they make over $900 dollars a day using only the tools provided within this package. After I watched his presentation, I became convinced that this was the automation I needed for my business! Along with an appealing 17 “software Auto Bots” included in this package, there was a plethora of “bonuses” included. Some of these included access to even more premium resources and guides on how to use everything. These make it a breeze to start incorporating your new “autobots” into your business safely and effectively. I have tested nearly every one of these software bots and find them incredibly worthwhile! Automating key aspects of my online business has never been easier!
Affiliate Bots Review – What’s Included?
My Rating: 4.8/5 Stars
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Price: $97 $47 $17.00 (One Time Fee) Link To Buy: Here 100% Money Back Guarantee: Yes - 60 Days Included Available in: Worldwide Number of Items Included: 17 + Bonuses & Guides Primary Categories: Affiliate Marketing, Software, Business, Research Creator: Chris & Ken (The Affiliate Bots) Released: November, 2018 Bonuses Included: Yes* Training Included: Yes – In Depth This package includes 17+ software bots. Each of them can be utilized for different purposes. The price on this is very affordable, and after you read my review, I think you will come to the same conclusion as me: “It should cost more”. For about $1 dollar a piece, affiliates around the world have been using these tools to revamp their online businesses for maximum profits. My research indicates that unlike many “gurus” and affiliate products, this package provides genuine worth. I will be including a short summary of what each of these “Bots’ do, below each listing for your convenience. I will also be discussing the bonuses that were included after I purchased! For details on every software bot, and on everything that is included, be sure to click one of the buttons or links provided. Chris does an excellent job of outlining some key points on why you need this software.
Review Of The "Automated Software Bots" Included:
• “ChristmasAffiliate Bot” This bot predicts the most popular items for the holiday/Christmas season. Which can help when choosing which products to market as an affiliate.
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This is very nifty for any affiliate marketer. Sales go through the roof for many businesses during the Holiday/ Christmas season and having predictions on the hottest items can have a huge impact on your bottom line. Most people understand, “Supply and demand”, but I think many people aren’t aware of, “what they demand”. Again, this has excellent value off the bat. • “HostingAffiliate Bot” This bot shows the top affiliate programs that provide website hosting.
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Many people today understand that the standard for being “’successful” in life changed decades ago. We no longer have the option to rely on employers for retirement or even reliable income for that matter. Indeed, today entrepreneurs are popping up worldwide every day. More and more people want to start online businesses, and they need website hosting! That’s where this bot comes in. Finding the best affiliate programs that offer online hosting has become a snap. You can now refer potential buyers to popular hosting sites and get paid while doing it! I personally love this bot. It’s genius. • ”IMAffiliate Bot” Frankly, I find it amazing that anyone would ever offer something like this in the first place. Chris & Ken provide you with a bot that displays the highest converting “affiliate product promotions” for the last 6 months!
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Maybe I should phrase that differently, they literally show you what is top grossing in the affiliate marketing niche and converting online. They go even further to provide statistics and compare all of them so you see the best of the bunch. • “Affiliate Ads” This bot can instantly find and create banner ads for thousands of ClickBank affiliate programs. Gone are the days when you had to manually search up and find affiliate programs that provided banners for your site. An Alexa rank is also shown (if available) for every program listed. I think the worth of this bot is apparent for anyone who has ever used Clickbank before. Or at least for anyone who’s become frustrated with the lack of intuitive tools they provide affiliates. • “Warrior250” This bot pulls up the top 250+ affiliate programs on WarriorPlus (a digital product marketplace) and updates itself daily!
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I don’t know if I can stress the implications of this bot enough. This makes product research, comparison, and execution (inclusion into one’s business) almost none existent. The only thing left for me to do is decide which one I like, and request to advertise that particular product. The vendor links are included making these requests a synch. Naturally a WarriorPlus account is needed, but they are free and very easy to set up. Just remember to fill in your billing info so you get paid for any referrals! • “King Of The Zon” This bot updates itself daily with the top 200 Amazon products. Research has never been easier with a bot like this!
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Many people get into Amazon because of it’s reputation and buyer base. Naturally, the primary use for this item lies in being able to advertise products based on their popularity. If you are a marketer of popular items on Amazon, this will become an essential part of your product research. • “Launch Pulse” Want to see the latest and greatest JVZoo, ClickBank & WarriorPlus launched in the next 30 days? Never fear, “Launch Pulse” is here! You are basically getting inside knowledge about a product launch, its ratings, popularity, and payout all in one place without actually conducting any research of your own! Amazing to say the least. • “CB 250” The creater of this software says that this bot, “shows you the top 250 ClickBank affiliate programs, making seven figures a month in sales”. I don’t know about you, but this is one of the most incredible pieces of internet marketing software I have ever seen.
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Clickbank remains an affiliate’s go-to for digital products. It is very easy to make money with products that payout so well. The research is what kills most though. Sure you can do it, but it takes valuable time. This bot turns what would be hours of headaches into minutes of picking and choosing. Only from the best-selling products, mind you. • “King of the Zoo” Ever heard of, JVZoo? Maybe, maybe not. That’s why this bot is essential to any growing marketer… just like JVZoo! Similar to Clickbank, JVZoo is an online marketplace full of digital products that affiliates like you and me can promote.
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“King of the Zoo” is wonderfully configured to present the top grossing products on this platform, and enables the user to cut hours of research into mere moments of analysis. This alone is worth the cost of the package, and it also introduced me to a killer marketplace for products! • “1 Click Affiliate” This bot is very helpful. I was pleased to find that this bot made copy writing very simple and formulaic. It is Not perfect, and any copywriter will no doubt find several flaws. However, for the cost this is a brilliant way for anyone to automate a sales letter and or learn how to write good copy. • “1 Click Video Pages” This bot is exceptional for creating video sales/landing pages for products. You simply customize the kind of page you want, upload it to your website, and attach a video or image for a professional looking page. I myself think this is genius and absolutely love it. • “Rapid Video Creator” A very simple but effective tool that does what it says. And that is to make a “high conversion” sales video with simple text slides. You can customize it with music, images, text, coloring, slide speed, and a few other options.
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It is simple and saves a ton of time if you were going to make a visual text presentation. It was a bit difficult to use since the image features since they weren’t all that intuitive. However, after inserting text, and customizing it with pre-included music and background images, I found it very useful. • “Resell Database software” This database is easily worth hundreds of dollars. It compiles a list of the top sites that offer affiliates hundreds if not thousands of digital products for resell. It also displays useful data and links making it a breeze to analyze and implement any of the listed sites. Many of these sites have been around for years and have a plethora of choices and products that you can start making money off of today! • “AutoMail software” This “AutoMail software” is very simple and easy to use. However, it isn’t an autoresponder or pre-programed software that will send out emails on a list.
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It is basically a broadcasting software that you can use to build an email list on your site and send out unlimited emails. Pretty cool, though I’m sure many would argue that there are better alternatives. Very useful, though a bit old-fashioned if you ask me. • “Domainaveli” This software is pretty incredible if you ask me. I would have killed for a software like this when I was first deciding on my first website name. That being said, I think many people will find this tool a good alternative to standard keyword tools which I think most people use to decide on their website URL’s. Initially, I was skeptical about its worth, but it really has grown on me! I like it. • “Flip DB” The “Affiliate Bots” said that this is, “a database of 360 websites making up to $26,000 per month - from the auction site Flippa”. This software is truly amazing. It analyzes and lists hundreds of websites listed on Flippa.com (an auction site for selling/buying websites) and shows whatever information it could pull up automatically. Utilitarian isn’t a suitable term for a software like this. It really makes buying websites as easy as 1,2,3.
Bonuses Included:
You actually get more than 17 software bots with "Affiliate Bots". I received bonuses for Wordpress, guides to social media, and plugins. Really cool stuff.
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I also received access to the "T Shirt Titan". This was designed as a way to launch your own T-shirt designs and products. As part of the "Titan" series, it is a premium system similar to Affiliate Bots with its own resources, software, guides, and tutorials. It is easily worth hundreds of dollars and he throws it in absolutely free! I have gone though all of it, and I still can't wrap my head around how someone like Chris could be so generous with his software.
About The Creator/Company
The creators of this program are “Chris & Ken (The Affiliate Bots)”. I don’t know a whole lot more than that. This is a recent launch that just came out in November 2018. Not a whole lot is known about the “Bots” brand. However, they are “Clickbank Certified”, and anyone who has ever heard of them knows how secure they are.
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Also, so far, my customer service experience with them has been very positive. The Good: PRO #1: This software is ridiculously cheap. The amount of value you get with Affiliate Bots is astounding. I myself absolutely love the software and information that came with my purchase. I still can’t believe how much comes with it. PRO #2: The guides, video tutorials and customer support has been excellent so far. I am very pleased with how well I’m treated as a consumer with them, even when I needed help with something simple. PRO #3: There are numerous packages and bonuses that come with your purchase. Naturally there is also the option to join his premium memberships or get his elite software packages that specialize in specific tasks. (E.g. Video makers, niche research, slide animations, WordPress themes, etc) The Bad: CON #1: Sometimes software can be strenuous on your PC or be difficult to work with. Note: Contacting support has been very useful here. They have fixed every issue I’ve had so far. CON #2: The layout for some of their software is rather linear and a bit difficult to navigate unless you are in their premium “club” hub. I’m getting used to the navigation now, but I thought it was worth noting. It does make it easier to rinse and repeat the process of using the software provided though. Simply start at the top and work your way down. Let me know what you thought of this review, and what you think of Affiliate Bots in the comments below. Feel free to like, and share as well! Best regards, Jacob Highley [email protected] Read the full article
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Solar chargers imply you are able to maintain your USB devices chock-full liquid, without needing to count on a mains power source, or maybe a battery - while utilizing a renewable supply of energy. A new trend of battery chargers has arrived onto the market. Some are ultra portable, pocket sized choices, while others are bigger, more powerful set ups you are able to undertake camping trips or perhaps anyplace where mains electrical energy is difficult to come by.
When you are searching for the best solar charger, think about what you are charging with it. An iPhone is able to charge two times the pace as being a Samsung Galaxy, for instance, therefore those who own the latter would wish to check out a charger with a greater, quicker Wh paper. Probably the most simple method to evaluate them is a ratio of strength to smartphone electric battery way of life, or maybe Wh output. Around 10Wh is adequate for a reduced charge (for instance, one hour is taken by 12 watts and also fifty minutes to impose an iPhone six), while 100 200Wh is a super quick power up.
Along with these solar chargers, genuine sunshine is needed. Though it does not matter much whether it is overcast - it is the UV rays giving the chargers life.
1. Travel Solar Charger: £24.95, Mobile Solar Chargers
travel-solar-charger.jpg A touch of the one-time on/off button and you are out with this person. It is a pocket sized dual power bank along with solar charger. We would suggest charging via USB and utilizing sun as a second technique with this particular person. With the utilization of 2 USB ports, you are able to charge simultaneously, while retaining an eye on the electric battery while using design's 4 battery indicating lights. Store the power of yours for a later period or maybe power up immediately when subjected to UV rays. One complete charge, taking 5 hours via USB mains or maybe twenty five working hours of UV rays, provides enough for around 3 smartphone charges.
2. Little Sun Charge: £79.64, Celery
little-sun-charger.jpg The ultra portable Little Sun Charge was a crowd funded idea that came to fruition previous season. With its moderate result (12.5Wh), it is about the dimensions of a DVD situation. The one USB output provides instant charge from sunlight, and also with this particular product 5 hours in the sunshine is 2 full-power's really worth for an Android or iPhone. While it is not really impressive, it is perfect for one day trip from mains power.
3. Voltaic Amp Solar Charger: £102.35, Amazon
voltaic-amp-s.jpg In the opinion of ours, this's among the most visually pleasing power banks solar energy panel USB chargers. A lightweight, purse sized gadget, you can escape with strapping it to the belt of yours. With a compact layout along with a three-to-one ratio of Android/iPhone ask for to time totally exposed outdoors, it is an effective bit of kit. It is additionally waterproof as well as urethane coated for an extra level of security. Includes V15 USB battery along with micro USB cable.
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