#pink eraser stamps
paperw0rmz · 9 months
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calops-does-art · 5 months
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is steven universe still relevant? I don't care. pink diamond eraser stamp. like and subscribe
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ceilingfan5 · 1 month
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one more!!
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zeenovosdrawings · 4 months
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I did this yesterday but eyyyy check it out! My first time trying something like this, after I got lots of inspo from The Pink Eraser Project and then watching Eric Small Things carve a stamp (which was not on an eraser but still). The tree got a tiny bit lost in the carving, but the end result is still nice. 💛
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nerdygaymormon · 2 years
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Berlin had become the “gay capital of the world,” a city with a booming queer nightlife scene and the center of new academic ideas calling for greater acceptance of homosexuality and gender non-conformity.
To the Nazis, homosexuality represented a “threat” to the “Aryan” race’s survival that needed to be stamped out. Although male homosexual activity had been technically illegal in Germany since the 19th century, it was generally tolerated and even celebrated prior to Adolf Hitler’s ascension to power in 1933.
The Nazis began their anti-queer purges by targeting clubs, societies and Magnus Hirschfield’s renowned sexology research institute, burning the books in its library. Decades of pioneering work and community life had been erased.
By 1935, Paragraph 175 of the German penal code was revised to include a harsher sentence and criminalize virtually any kind of male same-sex intimacy.
Between 1933 and 1945, an estimated 100,000 men were arrested for violating Nazi Germany’s law against homosexuality, and of these, approximately 50,000 were sentenced to prison. An estimated 5,000 to 15,000 men were sent to concentration camps on similar charges.
In the concentration camps, they were subjected to barbaric tortures, including sexual abuse, castration and medical experiments. The other prisoners also ostracized them. Overall prospects for gay prisoners were poor: an estimated 65% died, and an unknown, albeit likely disproportionate number committed suicide.
As the Allies swept through Europe to victory over the Nazi regime in early 1945, hundreds of thousands of concentration camp prisoners were liberated. The Allied Military Government of Germany repealed countless laws and decrees, but left unchanged the 1935 Nazi revision of Paragraph 175.
For the queer survivors of Nazi oppression, 1945 did not bring about any kind of liberation; rather, it marked the beginning of a systematic process of persecution and willful suppression—one that would result in their erasure from the pages of popular history.
Under the Allied occupation, homosexual concentration camp survivors were forced to serve out their terms of imprisonment regardless of time served in the concentration camps. They were easy to identify because in the concentration camps they had an upside-down pink triangle sewn to their clothes.
After the war, Jews, children, and political prisoners could apply for financial and moral support from the new German governments (a.k.a. reparations), homosexual men could not. Similarly, gay survivors were not allowed to collect a pension for the time they spent working in the concentration camps while other survivors could.
The Nazi version of Paragraph 175 remained on the books of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) until the law was revised in 1969 to decriminalize homosexual relations between men over the age of 21. This resulted in the arrest of around 100,000 gay men between 1945 and 1969. Paragraph 175 itself would only be entirely removed from the penal code in 1994, following Germany’s reunification.
Advocacy groups successfully rallied for the creation of memorials, and the German Bundestag finally voted to pardon and compensate the victims of Paragraph 175 in 2017, a meager and all-too-late offer of justice as most of the victims were long dead.
The Nazi-era oppression of queer women and intersex individuals has been overshadowed due to a combination of homophobia and sexism. Lesbian women, for instance, may not have been systematically persecuted under the Third Reich, as Paragraph 175 only targeted gay men, but that did not deter the Nazis from shutting down their clubs or arresting them for “anti-sociality,” deeming them “morally unsound,” labeling them as “lesbisch” (lesbian) political dissidents and sending them to concentration camps.
For years, LGBTQ organizations were ignored and even shunned from Holocaust commemorations. The gathering of their stories was not considered important. The suppression of the Holocaust’s queer voices remains a stain that lingers on to this day.
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dognonsense · 14 days
Had another studio day today. Did more vocal doubling for my folkpunk album. Just one more song to go tomorrow for doubling. Did some screaming over drone noises so eric can have something to play to open his sets on his upcoming asia tour.
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Ive been making him patches for his asia tour. This is the linocut ive been using to make it, my biggest size yet, half a piece of paper sized. I use speedball fabric ink which is waterproof.
This is the first batch of 24 patches. 2 days of work. Managed to sell two patches at the art show i sang with new age doom at. The yellow orange red gradient patch, and the silver and pink fade patch were the ones that sold. I sold these for $10 instead of $5 as their bigger and need more ink to make. I also need to stand one them in order for the ink to transfer so it takes me more time.
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This is the second batch of 13 patches. 2 days of work.
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went to the art store today got three more wooden back linocut blocks smaller than the one i used for erics stamp. Got a big mixed media sketchbook, orange, green & blue paint, and a pen knife. Then i went to the dollar store and got two small canvases, metal organiser for pens and brushes, erasers for carving, and blues clues stickers. I spend too much money on art supplies, good things its going to be my job forever and everything is an investment into things i will use for a long time.
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jasperthehatchet · 5 months
Image dump time!! Here's a collection of little things I have been working on. Those black boots I painted/embroidered was the last project I was working on before I got covid :(
But I had the opportunity to work on a few smaller things while I was recovering! I am doing better now, I am quarantining for a little longer just to be careful 💚
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[Image ID: The first image is of a little fishbone stamp I made out of an old eraser. It's a little messy looking and I used red ink to stamp it onto paper.
The next two images are of a rectangular white cotton patch, with a red vertical line on the side and about 15 blue horizontal lines throughout it with a blank gap at the top, mimicking notebook paper. This project is unfinished currently.
The next three images are of a headband with foam antlers I painted to look as realistic as I could, and both antlers are wrapped with leaf ribbon and wire-stemmed pink and white flowers. There's a little fake bird glued to the top of the right antler.
The last two images are of a flowery pillowcase that I mended using little squares of scrap cotton fabric underneath, with visible stitching throughout it to secure the entire patch onto the pillowcase. The hole I mended was about the size of a penny I think. End ID]
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ccieatchildren · 3 months
TW: Branding Iron
Whumpee squeezed her eyes shut, already regretting her decision as she felt the heat from the prod warm her skin. Maybe her hand wasn’t the best candidate for the guild mark. Sure, joining them was like a dream come true, and the idea of proudly marking her as a member seemed cool at first, but now, when actually faced with the burning hot iron centimeters from her hand, she felt less inclined. God, it’s going to hurt so much isn’t it. She couldn’t do this. Whumpee snatched her hand away from on the table, cradling it to her chest.
“It’s okay sweetie, I promise it only hurts for a minute.”
Whumpee cracked her eyes open to stare at the person, the beauty, in front of her, the one who held her fate. She smiled at her. “I was scared too when I first got my mark,” the woman pulled up the left side of her dress, showing off her thigh. There, marked in white, was the guild’s emblem. “It hurt, but we have a few nice healing wizards to help subdue some of the pain and make sure it heals correctly.”
She dropped her skirt back down before coaxing Whumpee to put her hand back on the table. “We’ve all gone through it, and no one regrets it, I promise it will be okay.” 
Whumpee hesitated, looking into the woman’s eyes, only to find kindness and warmth. She was sure then that the woman wouldn’t do anything to willingly make her experience worse.
“… Okay… Thanks.”
She clapped her hands together and turned behind her to grab a tray filled with various different colored powders. “Now, what color would you like?”
The young mage stared at the plethora of shades in front of her, mulling over her choice while trying to ignore the way the temperature seemed to increase around her. 
“Good choice! It’ll look so pretty on your skin, I just know it!”
Whumpee nodded absentmindedly, the fear crawling up her throat once again despite the woman’s reassurances. 
She watched as the barmaid cleaned and disinfected her skin, slathering a thick gel over the surface in preparation. Powder was dusted thoroughly onto the back of her right hand, the color reminding her of her favorite eraser. Whumpee let the reminder of her writing cloud her thoughts, focussing on what the plot of the next chapter of her novel would be rather than the imminent pain in front of her.
“Okay, ready!” She patted Whumpee’s shoulder, “It’ll be fine”
“Now, I’m going to stamp it in three… two… one-”
A short scream escaped her. All she could feel was searing hot pain on her hand, and her instincts tried to pull it away from whatever was hurting her, but another arm kept it in place. She could faintly smell the scent of her own burning skin, her body dry heaving in response.
It hurts so much, make it stop!
However, before she could start full-on sobbing, a warmth spread throughout her whole body, centering on her hand. The pain ebbed away, leaving only a numb tingly feeling in its wake. Her fear and agony replaced with bubbly elation. 
The stamp was taken away from her skin, and the woman across from her brushed off the remaining pink powder, leaving only the, now prominent, pink guild mark.
“There! Now you’re an official member of the guild!”
The barmaid brushed off the few remaining tears on her cheeks, “see it was only for a few short moments. You’re feeling all better already!” She pushed a strawberry milkshake towards her, when she had the time to make it, Whumpee wasn’t sure. “Here, on the house, for being such a good sport and as a welcome to the guild!”
She looked down at the mark, a permanent reminder of her new family. One that would have her back always, one that wouldn’t abandon her this time. Whumpee couldn’t help the smile that spread on her face and her squeal.
“Thank you!”
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roseserpentpress · 10 months
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Rose Serpent Press: behind the name and design
I've been meaning to talk about the name of my bindery and the design I've chosen for it, but hadn't gotten around to it until today... I had originally meant to talk about it during binderary when it would be thematically appropriate and then proceeded to not do that... Anyhow, here's it now.
Rose- both to call to mind the colour and the flower.
The flower obviously represent the romance genre, which most fanfiction tends to revolve around. In fact the design of a rose has been used as an emblem by some publishing companies to specifically denote on the spine that it's a romance novel, which I partly got the idea from. The flower in the centre of the design is actually a wild rose which, of course, has its own significance with this being a non-professional bindery which is part of Renegade bindery, binding unconventional works. Also, wild roses like these grow in the area that I'm from, so it's also a nod to the geographical location I bind from.
The second part of rose which implies the colour pink, is to actually note the content as queer. Pink has been correlated with queerness since Nazi's forced those who they deemed gay to wear a pink triangle, and the colour and signia has since then been reclaimed by community. In this way I wanted to recognize that the work I'm binding is queer, especially emphasizing the history of oppression and censorship that comes with it, as well as present day issues of oppression and censorship around queer media. This is especially so as part of the books that were sought out and burned in Nazi Germany where queer books, and so I find this allusion quite apt. Part of the reason I bind fics, other than the enjoyment of the process, is recognizing both the incredibleness and the fragility of what we have on ao3; we have a huge sea of queer (erotic and platonic!) work and expression at our fingertips, like never before, but it's also not necessarily permanent, as the recent attack on ao3 reminds us. So to be able to bind these stories made with so much love, and to be able to preserve it, while also giving more love back to these communities with my own creations is a way to fight back against queer censorship and erasement (if I may be so bold and sappy...)
Serpent- yeah actually that's it for poetic stuff. This is more that I love snakes and been obsessed with oroborous' since I watched the Secret of Kells as a kid, and my previous stamp for the first few books included an oroborous on it. However, if you wanted to be poetic, it can be the recognition of the infinite queer persistence; we will and have always been here, even when oppressed. That and rose serpent could be flowery language for... Well I'm sure you can guess hehehe. Thematically appropriate for gay erotica ;D
For the design I heavily based it off of a design from a Latin and french emblem book called Imagination poetique and seeing the elements of the design and recognizing what could be implied, I immediately wanted to use it for my binderary design. I then tweaked the design until I liked it; I can't find the photo of all the original drawings I did playing with the design... I'll find it and add it later. I did the carving of the stone seals myself.
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paperw0rmz · 8 months
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I made a beetle pink eraser stamp : D!
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amandaroos · 3 months
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168/1000 - Panda Stamp Hand Carved on an Eraser
Panda 168 of my 1000 Pandas art project.
I used a carving tool from Amazon and some pink erasers I got at the dollar store. Very fun!
For ink, I used regular Crayola markers. As you can see, I had fun with all the different colors. :D
YouTube video: https://youtube.com/shorts/FUqrHFzalKU?feature=share
Blog post: https://amandaroos.blogspot.com/2024/02/1681000-panda-stamp-hand-carved-on.html
Prints, stickers, and more are available in my shops: http://www.AmandaRoos.com/zazzle http://www.AmandaRoos.com/redbubble http://www.AmandaRoos.com/Etsy
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koihanwrites · 1 year
Hello Koii, i heard your requests are open so i thought i can slip an anonymous requests for you heheh... but to the topic again.
Can i requests a tori x reader where tori confessed to them after school on the garden space? (you can search it on google if u dont know here the garden space is) please make the reader gender-neutral if its ok! its fluff btw
pls take ur time on making this request koi, love from anon <3 <3
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Prologue: After school you found a suspicious letter in your locker, it said that someone wants to meet you in the garden space by the name of "H.T"... ☄. *. ⋆:
Important: The poem I made in the confession part is made by me, so please do not use it without my permission.
Tori x reader ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Gender-neutral reader 𓆩♡𓆪
Fluff + confession 𓆩♡𓆪
Requested? by anon ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Words: 978 𓆩♡𓆪
Warnings? : None!
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Hello anon! Koi here, thank you so much for requesting! I really really love the idea of Tori confessing to the reader. I tried my best to make it as specific and heart-warming as possible so I'm really sorry if it's not to your liking ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა I had so much fun writing this!
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My Heart Has Always Belonged To You..
You hastily copied the last sentence of the assignment on the blackboard before the professor erased it, you sigh in relief that class is finally finished, you can finally meet up with your friends after class.
"Class is dismissed, you all may leave the classroom now" the professor said in a monotone as he picked up all of his paper works on his desk. You quickly put all of your belongings in your bag, "My notebooks..pencils..ruler..my pen..ok all here" you smile to yourself as you rose from your seat and wore your bag.
You leave the classroom and go to your locker to get a few books. The hallway is filled with students talking and walking with each other which made the atmosphere light and comfortable. You walk past all of them, whilst greeting others that you're familiar with.
You finally arrived at your locker and you carefully unlocked it, as you were opening your locker a letter fell right on your shoes. You look down and curiously pick it up, examining it carefully. The letter has a rose pink colour with a heart stamp on it, it almost looks like a love letter rather than a normal letter.
You cautiously take off the stamp and carefully pull the letter out of the packaging, as soon as you touch the paper you can feel someone watching you. You take a glance behind only to find other students opening their lockers, you look back at the rose pink colored paper and read it in a slow pace.
"Meet me in the garden space after school, I have something to tell you" - From your cute H.T ♡
You slowly whisper the last word under your breath, the heart at the end of the sentence seems fairly familiar. You brush your fingers against the paper, staring at the suspicious "H.T" word. "Who could that be..?" you thought to yourself as you put the paper back inside the letter. You grab all of the books you need for your upcoming assignment and put them inside your bag, you then close the locker carelessly.
You open the backdoor of the school where the garden space is located. Once you step upon the grass of the garden space you can feel the wind blowing against your hair, the scent of the flowers around you makes you feel like you're in Wonderland. You grip onto the letter tightly and continue walking ahead. You continued to walk around the garden for a few minutes, you stopped on your tracks when you found someone with a short boy near a gazebo, he looked like he was waiting for someone.
You walk towards the boy with much curiosity. Your eyes met with his, "T-tori!?" you blurted out with surprisement, you didn't expect one of your best friends to be here. His cheeks were dusted with a colour of rose pink like the colour of the letter you found in your locker. "(name)-sama!- H-hello!" he replied with his hands on his chest to keep them from beating so fast.
He noticed that you have the letter that he sneakingly slipped on your locker, "so you have the letter huh.." he silently whispered to himself but it was crystal clear for you. "Are you the one who invited me here, Tori?" his cheeks turn more of a darker shade of pink upon hearing his name. "I-i did! I have something to tell you.." he gently holds your hands with his as he took a deep breath and looks at you with eyes that spoke honestly.
"If my feelings are true then you shall too. Guide our hearts till the end of night, as they hold each other's arms as tight. In a world where we belong, our hearts shall get along. Slowly pressing our fingers together, intertwining them like the constellations above the sky. If we fall into an eternity on the abyss, then I'll make sure that you fall into a never-ending bliss. (Name)..when my eyes first laid on yours, I felt a spark in my heart, that spark changed the way I viewed the world because of you. (Name), my heart has always belonged to you since the first day we met, and I hope your heart feels the same way.."
"I hope your heart feels the same way.." those words echoed into your mind, each sentence he spoke was laced with honey as his emerald eyes stared deep into your eyes. Your cheeks immediately turned red after he finished his sentence,"how come someone who is in the biggest 3 must be attracted to me?? and how did he know that I have feelings for him??-" your head starts to fill with endless questions that no one can ever answer at once.
Your mind stops functioning when you feel a soft hand touch your cheek, you open your eyes to see Tori's face so close to you. "Y-your answer (Name)" Tori said as he childishly gave you a pouty face. You burst into laughter because of how cute he is, Tori just looks at you dumbfounded, his cheeks becoming redder as well as the tip of his ears.
"My heart--feels the same way, It's a yes.."
His eyes widened at your response, his heart skipped a bit as well. "Y-you do?! Uhmm of course y-you do!! ♪ '' you happily giggle at his childish behaviour. You were about to tease him but you were taken back when his lips pressed onto yours, it was surprisingly soft and gentle. Your stomach filled with butterflies at the sudden kiss yet you want this to last long. You and Tori's lips parted for a while leaving you both in a blushing mess.
"I love you! (name)" he giggles and pressed a kiss on your cheek.
"I love you too, Tori" you smiled at him as you lace your fingers with his.
A/n: Wataru was the one who helped Tori with his confession WHAHAHAH. When Tori finally have the confidence to say that you and him are a thing now to the other fine members, Yuzuru kinda cried because of happiness since Tori had been talking about you 24/7 and the poor butler had to listen to all of them. Eichi will be very proud and happy for Tori that he finally told you his feelings, Eichi will be the one who will stop Yuzuru from crying HUSAHDAD. I can imagine Wataru being so proud for himself for helping Tori with his confession lol, he will tease you and Tori non-stop so be careful when you saw him dear reader..
The end..... ✩
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youjustwaitsunshine · 10 months
Soo, to make the lino types, what kind of eraser did you use? Just the normal rubber kind? And what's the most convenient way to cut them? And what kind of ink to use, a stamp pad or do you dip them?
i bought a 100 pack of standard pink classroom erasers for like 15€, the brand is called Artellius i think. I used lino tools for cutting but it totally also works with a scalpel/craft knife with a sharp blade, the rubber material is way softer than linoleum. For the printing I used linoprint paint applied with a little paint roller but stamp pad ink works just as well, like it did with this little print and a gold stamp pad
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the erasers can be carved double sided and these ones have a usable area of ~5x2.5cm
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marywoodartdept · 2 months
Eraser Linocut Stamps
Becca, our #printmaking blogger, shares a fun DIY for creating lino cut rubber stamps from a regular big pink eraser. All you need is an eraser, a big scissors, and an linoleum carving tool. Read on to find out how to do it yourself #MarywoodArt
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pelipper mail !!
you have received a gift basket , stuffed with glittery tissue paper to protect the contents inside !
one of the most notable items from the gift basket was a tupperware filled with glazed cherry turnovers , which were slightly burned at the edges . the pastries were covered in tin foil wrapping as well , most likely to preserve warmth during the trip .
along with the turnovers , there was a watercolor set with a decent amount of variety in its color palette , tied together with pink ribbon to a paper pad made entirely out of cotton . . one of the more good quality brands , it seemed .
tucked near the corner , there was a somewhat small box that contained lavender - scented stationery paper with gothita and hatenna detailing on the sides , various rolls of washi tape with all sorts of designs for variety , silly novelty erasers that were mainly in the shape of espurr and solosis , and a set of wood - block stamps that were mostly of psychic or fairy - type pokémon , other than there being a few outliers . last but not least , there were also numerous decorative , calligraphy pens in different ink colors and pen strokes . . though , it seemed that being in hues of purples and pinks was a common theme for the stationery .
at the bottom of the gift basket , there was a pink . . rock ?? which , oh wait — no , upon further inspection , that's actually just a whole diamond . . yeah , okay !
there was also a note stuffed inside the tissue paper , almost being easily missable had it not been for the writing in bright red ink that made it stand out .
the note reads . . !
" Hello, Bede!! It's your birthday today, right? Your Gothit— A little birdie had mentioned it. Even though I wasn't really sure what to get you in particular, I felt it'd be appropriate to get you a gift at the very least, even if this a bit last minute. She also mentioned things that you would possibly like, so there's that too :]
I do hope I got the date right, or else this would be very embarrassing for me.
P.S I left the receipts with it too, incase you wanted to return any of the items and get something else ^_^!!
- Diwata "
Hello, Diwata.
I hope you're aware that this much fanfare for a measly birthday is far from a necessity. There isn't any sort of competition as to who can give me the most extravagant gift, either, for the record. Surely you realize there was no need for this many trinkets.
But, seeing as they're already here... Thank you. Very much. This was very considerate of you.
I'm sure Ms. Opal will love to have these turnovers with our "birthday tea", whatever that means. She's refused to give me the details, regardless of how much I press her. I'm sure this stationary will be perfect for adding some levity to the thank-you letters that old gran is always having me write... I have just the drawer for it all, too...
I find it an interesting coincidence that both you and Allister realized that I was in the market for a new pen. Or... pen set, I suppose.
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ectonurites · 2 years
how do you make a stamp??? Where do you get the materials for this???
gdfhgf OKAY so it is actually not the most complicated process in the world and you can make a simple stamp with some pretty basic craft supplies! like the actual carving bit can be a little tricky/is something you kinda just gotta practice to get the hang of- but nothing terribly fancy materials-wise is involved.
The Robin one I made (which I imagine is what prompted this ask lmao) was made with the following supplies:
half a pink eraser (like. this is the exact one i had used)
an x-acto knife
a stack of post-it notes (regular paper is probably preferable, i just have a ton of post-its on hand LMAO)
a pencil
a marker (i tried a few different ones i had on hand and was having the most luck with my tombows but other markers would def work too, or alternatively an actual ink pad)
i will make another one to show u the process with these exact materials (also the Robin one is here too just as an example of the finished thing)
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(tho pls ignore that that is a used eraser i sanded down a little bit… i didnt have anymore new ones fjdjdh i would in general recommend only doing this with a new one)
the basic steps are:
1. cut eraser down to the size you actually need it (if the design you want to make is already nearly the size of the whole eraser then you don’t need to do this, this is more when doing something smaller)
2. trace around your eraser on a piece of paper, so you know exactly how much space you have to work with
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3. draw your design in pencil! don’t worry about it being flipped or anything, just draw it how you want it to appear. if this is your first time doing this, i’d highly recommend sticking to very simple shapes. another thing i’d recommend is to color in darkly the areas you want printed, and leave blank what you’re gonna cut away (or mark with X’s in the blank space, i do that as a reminder personally), to give you an idea of how it’ll actually look
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4. line up your eraser with the outline you made earlier, flip the whole thing over, and just scribble on it a ton- making sure you go over all the lines you had drawn on your design. (I folded the paper around the eraser to keep it in place)
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5. Take the paper off, and your design should be visible on the eraser flipped from how you originally made it (realizing now my example is mostly symmetrical- but it is flipped)! If it’s too light/not super visible, darken the lines with your pencil on the actual eraser so that it’s clearer as a guide for cutting. (if it’s not visible at all, you can try tracing over your original design again on the unflipped paper while pressing harder/getting more graphite on it, and then repeat the previous step). If your design is symmetrical (or you feel confident in your ability to draw things flipped from how you want them to end up) then you also could just draw directly on the eraser to start with.
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6. X-acto time! please please please be careful- especially if you haven’t got much practice using one of these. But basically just cut away all the parts you don’t want to have print- aka what was left blank on your design! (this is the most time-intensive part imo).
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7. Once you’re done with that, if you have an ink pad then you’re all set to use your stamp with that! but if you don’t (i didn’t have one with me lmao) then you can just go over your stamp with a marker and then stamp it on stuff! you may need to experiment with pressure while stamping/how much you go over it with the marker/etc before you find what you think looks best, but ya!
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woohoo crafts!
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