#physicality is so important to character acting and animation and shit
hollyrogerbay · 1 year
one thing i love about portal 2 is the distinct difference in physicality between wheatley and glados. in the core transfer scene, glados, as she does, moves fluently, smoothly; seductively is a good word to describe it. you know how she is. then after wheatley takes over, despite using the same body, noticeably shifts from "I suggest you take a deep breath. And hold it." to "HARR HARR HARR I'M BLOODY FOCKEN MASSIVE INNIT" and i just love that so much. glados smoothly rotates around like a serpent and wheatley starts spinning circles and bouncing up and down it's just great
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[ID: Reply from user clareironbrook that reads: "Credit where it's due to Karen Prell - best known for her work with the Muppets, lead animator for Wheatley. /End ID]
i had NO idea! credit where it is ABSOLUTELY due, i didn't even mention Wheatley's facial animation as well but it is beautifully done. all he has is a rotating eye, eyelids, a pupil that can expand or contract and some little handles at the top and bottom of his face, but his animation is still impressively emotive. it's really half of the charm of his dialogue honestly, puppeteering is already such a cool skill and it's even more impressive to do it digitally on this little fuck
ADDITIONAL addition: @meow-moment you're a PART of this post now you are FUCKING Correct
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[ID: Reblog from @meow-moment that reads "i love in the scene where he tells you you have "a very minor case of serious brain damage" when his eye pops out a little and his handles flare out and it somehow looks like he's adjusting his glasses nervously]
there are a good few additions to this post I'd love to add to it but this one is like. NECESSARY. that is PRECISELY what that conveys and it's fucking magic how well it works. hats OFF karen prell
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renthony · 4 months
Animation (specifically 2D animation) is my preferred TV/film medium. A piece of live-action has to go above and beyond to get over my personal bias of, "most things would be better if they were animated," but it's taken me a long time to figure out what, exactly, makes a piece of live-action really do it for me.
I think what it really comes down to, for me, is the little details. If your live-action doesn't have some level of nuanced physical acting, intense detailing in costuming and set design, a strong sense of visual storytelling, or kickass practical effects, I'm pretty much always going to come away thinking, "I'd like it better as a cartoon."
I think some of this is due to my issues with face blindness--I need characters to have distinct silhouette and costuming, or they will all blur together in my head. Animation tends to stress the importance of silhouette, so I have an easier time telling everyone apart and following who's who. That's not to say that this problem doesn't happen in animation, or that it always happens in live action, but I do think it contributes to my personal preferences.
Anyway, just for fun, a random shortlist of some live-action that I think uses its medium well:
Child's Play/Chucky. Half the appeal of Chucky (IMHO) is the incredible showcase of practical effects and animatronics. Each incarnation of the Chucky doll incorporates incredible advances in animatronic and puppeteering technology. I have on multiple occasions compared the Chucky puppeteer team to Muppet performers. That shit is its own art form, and it's incredible. The current Chucky show makes some use of CGI, but it's all to enhance the practical effects, and the puppeteers are all given the spotlight in the show's credits. I love that.
Killjoys. The incredible nuance to the actors' body and facial acting is mind-blowing. The set design and costuming are gorgeous, and there's a lot of very good detail worked into the visual space that would be hard to animate. They use their CGI well when they do use it, but a significant amount of the show seems to be practical effects and props. Additionally, Hannah John-Kamen's ability to flawlessly portray multiple characters is so good it's uncanny and makes you forget they're literally being played by the same woman. She changes her entire body language, and it's phenomenal.
Jordan Peele's entire body of horror. His films pack in so much symbolism and subtlety that I could probably watch them all a million times and still find new details. The nuance in the acting, the sheer detail packed into the costuming and set design, the use of color...god. It's unreal.
Crimson Peak, because the set design for that film...holy fuck. The costuming and set design in that film are pure gold. The acting is also phenomenal, but I could probably talk about the set design for hours. The house is a character in its own right.
Galavant and Our Flag Means Death, both for the same reason: both shows feel like I'm hanging out at a ren faire being goofy with my friends. They feel like I'm watching a LARP. They feel like they could easily exist in the same setting as Muppet Treasure Island, and at any second Kermit is going to show up and start singing, and it wouldn't be out of place at all. I think I'd also include Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves in this category, along with The Princess Bride and Labyrinth--all of which also include kickass practical effects, choreography, and costuming.
This isn't some sort of objective truth or anything. I just like that I've finally been able to nail down some reasons why I prefer animation, beyond just, "idk, cartoons are fun."
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lamet00wn · 1 year
Sumeru characters taking care of you when you’re sick scenarios
Characters: Al’haitham, tighnari, cyno, Candace, Dehya
Tags: GN!Reader, fluff, Sfw, comfort, bathing together, cuddling, teeth rotting sweet, nesting
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He’s seated at his desk in your shared room, you are laying on the bed. You were taking a nap that was a lot longer than your usual naps. Al’haitham noticed and used the time to work on some important documents. He was too focused on his work to notice you stir. The hot atmosphere and the blanket caused you to whine. You could feel the fever aching your entire body
Though he feels bad about it, he can admit your noises caused a noticeable annoyance. He groaned to himself when your tossing and turning didn’t stop. “Is something wrong?” He reluctantly spewed, eyes not leaving his paper. Only when he heard a pitiful little “help..” did he turn to you, rushing to your side after he noticed your distress. He sat down next to you. His hand went to your forehead. The frown he always wore grew worse and worry filled his face. He couldn’t help but pull you to him and cradle you. “I’m so sorry, darling. Are you okay?” He softened his voice to accommodate for his rough exterior, not just his physical exterior.
“Don’t.. feel good..” you shivered out, taking a lot of your energy to talk. He nodded and picked you up in his arms. He carried you to the couch, silently, and placed you down. He followed up by wrapping you in a blanket, getting a fan to put in front of you, giving you the TV remote. “I’m going to make you some soup” he gave the top of your head a kiss. He quietly went to the kitchen to focus on heating up your favorite type of soup. You scrolled through the different selection before choosing the show you guys have been watching together. He returned to your side after around 8 minutes, he wrapped his arm around you. he leaned in to give you a kiss on the cheek. You leaned away and pressed a hand to his chest. “I don’t.. wanna get you sick” he looked down to you before softly chuckling which made you melt. “Then you’ll just have to take care of me when I get sick” he compromised before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
He could sense your sickness arising before you even felt the symptoms. You were sitting on the bed, playing on your switch when you started to feel extremely uncomfortable. You had ignored it for too long now and decided to lay down. Your head was spinning. Before you could even confirm you were sick, Tighnari was back from the store. He went straight to your guy’s bedroom and came in. You started to sit up. He firmly hand on your chest to keep you down. It was comforting though. “ ‘Nari-“ you were met with his smile and a hushed “shhh. It’s okay. Just relax. I’ve got everything you need. I got you snacks, some gatorade, medicine, and a new buddy” he handed you a cute little green fox plushie which you immediately hugged in your arms
Tighnari strongly suggested having comfort items like stuffed animals or blankets. They help with stress and mental struggles. He usually gets you an item, which is usually a stuffed animal, every time he goes out or can. He already had the remote in his hand, giving it to you. He started to put pillows and blankets all around you, creating some sort of nest. He tucked blankets and pillows under you. You couldn’t help but giggle at his touch, okay maybe he intentionally tickled you just to see you smile. He stayed focused though and acted as though he wasn’t even bothering you. After he was all done, he started opening food and your drink for you. After your medicine, you guys cuddled until you eventually succumbed to slumber, smiling of course.
You were a whimpering mess (pause) from the discomfort of your sickness. Even though cyno doesn’t show it to anyone, and hardly shows it to you, he babies the shit out of you. It takes a lot to break down the walls around his heart but he’s really a big ol’ teddy bear, secretly of course. He came back into the room and held up your personalized water bottle he got for you. He glared at you, bottle in one hand and a bag of goodies to help you in the other.
“I didn’t spend 60 bucks to get you your own water bottle, for you to not drink any damn water” he set the bottle down next to you. He took out some food for you to eat so you could take your medicine. While you ate and watched some let’s plays he cleaned up all your gross tissues, silently. He didn’t make a face even when he touched a slimy part. Once you were all cleaned up he got a cold, damn rag to gently pat your face with to cool you down. “Stop being sick.” He tried to be comforting which you indeed felt comforted. He nuzzled into your neck after you had both settled down to take a nap. Once you had fallen asleep, cyno kissed your heated cheek and sighed. “I love you, snotty” he whispered. You smiled in your sleep
Candace held you close to her. The back of her hand was on your forehead. She shook her head in disappointment “didn’t I tell you to stay inside when it was storming. Now look at you, all pitiful” she teased with a pout pursing her lips. “This won’t do.” Was all she said before lifting you in her arms. She carried you across the hallway of your guy’s apartment and into the bathroom. She sat you on the toilet, you shivering. She couldn’t help but giggle at you. You looked so sad and hopeless. Good thing she was there to help.
She turned on the faucet to the tub, checking the warmth before adjusting the knob. “Is this okay, love?” She asked softly. You leaned over to feel the water. You nodded when it was the right temperature. She very carefully undressed you and kissed all around your body as she did to try and comfort you. She very carefully listed you once more once undressed and lowered you into the warm water. The warm water surrounded your cold body, earning a hum from your lips. She kissed your head before going to walk out. You reached and grabbed her wrist. She turned to you, cocking an eyebrow in confusion. “Stay..”you pleaded. Your sad, sick little face melted her heart. She quickly undressed. She tied her hair back before slipping in right behind you. She smiled brightly, wrapping her arms around your waist, just loving being with you.
Dehya was actually on patrol when she got a message from you that you were sick. She got a fellow friend to cover for her. She basically ran home after getting medicine. She kicked down the door due to all the stuff in her hands. You were already on the couch, basically upside down from hanging off the couch. She dropped all the snacks that weren’t even good for you and the medicine. She pulled your hair back and kissed your forehead “awww. You poor thing. I brought you candy! And buttered chicken!” She smiled.
You smiled softly. “Did you get the soup?” You asked. She sighed and shook her head “they were out. But! I got some stuff to make it! Don’t you worry, babe. I’ll make it even better” she said, determined. She helped you get comfortable on the couch and got to cooking. She kept coming back to let you taste everything to make sure it was good. Every single time she gave you a kiss too. Once she was finished you both ate some soup and cuddled up while watching a scary movie. She says it’ll ‘scare the sickness away’. She let you cuddle into her no matter that it was getting sweaty. She loved to see you happy even in your worst times.
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s0ftb1tch12 · 7 months
i may not be able to write out actual fanfic but i can put out ideas that scratch my brain and make me scream into the void
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being hazel callahan’s passenger princess and going on night drives when you both can’t sleep
going to zoos and aquariums where she rambles out fun facts on her favourite animals
staring at the chains around her neck so often she notices and buys you matching ones (same thing with rings, even better if they’re from brittany’s jewelry business)
movie marathon dates under a blanket fort complete with fairy lights, fluffy blankets, and snacks
fidgeting with each other’s hands while having long talks about whatever
i’m a FIRM believer in cocky!hazel after a few months of dating. once she knows you’ll stick with her for the long run, she’s not as nervous and acts more flirty (lingering touches, cheesier words, etc)
she may not be able to cook but she’ll surely try and learn your favorite foods (i think she’s more of a baker since baking is kinda like chemistry and we all know how she feels about explosive reactions)
on that note, i do believe she’s top of her class in chemistry or physics (thinking about her tutoring you in those subjects but those study dates eventually lead to makeout sessions)
that kiss scene towards the end of the movie and the fact that she wears rings really inspired me,,, y’all know where this is going probably (i NEED someone to write this desperately because i ain’t seen it anywhere and i’m down BAD)
literally any member of band!gf x loser!gf (i’m talking bassists, guitarists, drummers, lead singers)
those fics with cheerleader gf x loser gf !!! smth i haven’t seen with this trope yet is cheerleader gf surprising her with her strength, carrying her princess style
goth!gf x nerd!gf: her letting you do her eyeliner like yours, sitting in her lap as she lies down (like this 😩)
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bimbo!gf x loser!gf: your average oblivious hyperfem with her awkward masc relationship, even better if bimbo!gf wears heels often so she’s taller than hazel who is at perfect height for forehead kisses (usually leaving lipstick marks that she doesn’t notice until pj basically screams and points at it)
hazel carrying a bunch of chapstick or hair ties in her backpack in case her gf forgets hers
thrifting dates because slow fashion is important
as a sanrio girlie, i think hazel would love pompompurin and his little hat
hazel acts kinda like a little golden retriever so she would definitely get along will with dogs but i like to think she’s a cat person, cats fucking LOVE her and she is always feeding the strays on her block
hazel is a tea girlie and yes she does have fun facts about them (chamomile became v important after her parents divorce)
hazel likes simulation games like stardew valley and role playing games like baldur’s gate (she spends hours making her character) (yes this is self indulgent because i love bg3)
she loves handmade gifts; make this baby a mug, crochet her a sweater, paint her a picture and she will melt
soooooo many trinkets on her shelves (god i wish we saw her room in the movie)
she def has a less common pet (reptiles, bugs, rodents [like ferrets])
a bird would be nice for hazel if i’m being honest, she talks to it everyday but especially after a bad day (like when pj dismisses whatever cool thing she wants to talk about at lunch and changes the topic by talking over her)
idk what else to say rn but best believe that my brain will rot again because the gay shit will not be going away any time soon
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 11 months
Can I ask for a quick run down on what damage ark has done?
ark: survival evolved has countless prehistoric creatures inside of it that are not particularly well known. when people search for information on said critters, ark results are often the first to come up. the way the animals are portrayed in the game, in terms of physical appearance, are extremely inaccurate. designs from the game have been replicated and used by many people, including professionals (such as documentary makers), for their own designs, perpetuating that inaccurate idea. Heck, the Stephen Fry documentary has Ark dinos.
the inaccuracies aren't trivial, when we're depicting prehistoric animals people do not have a frame of reference to compare them to to understand what they were like. If you draw an elephant wrong, people can look up what an elephant looks like, or see one at the zoo. we don't have that for the dead.
Instead, you look up an image, and you see what's on google, which is often yet more inaccurate images. And suddenly, someone has a very skewed and incorrect view of prehistoric life
then on top of that, because the critters ark has aren't well known, sometimes ALL the results on google are just inaccurate depictions from ark
this has real consequences. as a docent, I had just as many people become extremely disappointed when I told them that ARK had it wrong as I did Jurassic World.
why does reality and accuracy matter? well
reality isn't going away, and we have to acknowledge that. you can't just create a new one. we have the one and only reality and its consequences to deal with. see: global warming happening literally right now
the idea that reality can be whatever you want it to be or that opinions matter when it comes to facts is exactly how politicians and other people who desire control manipulate people. see the "fake news" phenomenon
people ignoring reality and how it functions leads to a variety of extremely bad things, including cults, hate groups, and - once again - global fucking warming
as such, anything that makes it seem like reality is more murky than we know - such as filling a google images result section with inaccurate portrayals - makes people question the fact that reality is, actually, unmoveable
in this case, birds being living dinosaurs and dinosaurs being portrayed accurately is extremely important for people to know because it demonstrates that humans are not actually the "main character" of planet earth, and we have to stop acting like it (there is no main character)
why do we have to stop acting like it? well, for one, the extreme amounts of destruction we've caused on this planet. for two, because we can go extinct, we operate under the same rules as all life (one such rule is more diversity = more chances for survival), and we have to stop clowning around and arguing about shit that doesn't matter and actually focus on repairing the harm that we have done to the planet and to each other
so yeah. that's why accuracy in paleomedia matters.
because reality matters.
and reality isn't up for debate.
p. s. I don't care that it's a fictional game that says its fictional, if people are coming to me with misconceptions from a thing and thinking they're real, then that thing has fucked up. end of story. and I had *so many* ark fans come to me at the Field Museum. so many.
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cyrusclouds · 1 month
dsaf headcanons!!,!
i know literally nobody asked and no one cares, but i'm going to be putting my dayshift at freddy's headcanons here for the soul. this'll definitely get edited fairly frequently sooo!! anywayz here we go :3 (angst warning for some of these??)
jack has frequent sleep paralysis!! the kicker to this is that he THINKS he has a sleep paralysis demon, but really, dave just breaks into his house through his bedroom window every night and stares at him while he's asleep. he refuses to break character whenever he wakes up because "maybe he won't see me" (he definitely sees you, dave)
while henry was alive, dave picked up the habit of shutting up and shutting down whenever henry got too annoyed. problem with that is that jack playfully presents as annoyed all the time to mess around, and dave takes it very seriously, so they get into a bad cycle of jack acting annoyed and dave shutting down for no reason *constantly* (dysfunctional doomed yaoi core!!!)
henry is a tea drinker, not a coffee drinker. he specifically drinks black tea without any add-ins (basically the same as drinking straight black coffee for my coffee drinkers out there) (also dave eats the fucking tea leaves when henry is done with the bags)
harry still gets war flashbacks fairly frequently and is set off decently easily. when this does happen, rebecca is literally always there to comfort him and stays with him until he's calm again (straight couple goals)
whenever henry was seeping into jack's mind (legacy jack core), dave could very distinctly tell. one of the worst instances of this would have been a time where jack slipped up and called dave 'william', which would have caused a very quick panic that confused the *shit* out of jack (homeboy does not know what he did)
!!!NOT MY HEADCANON!!!! belongs to orcatstra :]!!! but dave and jack totally got drunk as shit in vegas one time and got married. no if's and's or but's, it happened, canon, i was the fly on directdogman's wall when he made dsaf.
jack reminds dave a lot of henry (unfortunately), which has caused dave to be very easily set off by things that henry used to do or say to him if jack does or says something similar. jack has no idea why every single time it happens, but he always comforts him until he calms down anyways :)
henry has a habit of spinning things like pens and pencils in his fingers while he writes, but sometimes this expands to wrenches and actual tools while he's working on his creations. yes i think henry is strong as a bitch, how else is he carrying those literal hunks of metal
henry would be the type to hate basically every animal, but he would (begrudgingly) feed stray cats from time to time if nobody was around (god forbid he ever look weak in front of people)
henry had a god awful sleep schedule. he would stay up until around 2-3am every morning at the least working on his creations, sometimes taking it as far as full days if he was focused enough. it was very concerning to dave (who does not sleep), and he would loom outside of his office a lot listening in case he fell asleep. it wasn't terribly common, but sometimes he would, in which case dave would break in and move him to the little chair he had in there
henry was definitely the kind of guy to straight up call people an idiot or dumbass, and then go on a long ramble about exactly what they were wrong about and how wrong they were. expanding on this headcanon, i think henry would have been a major rambler about things he was passionate about, especially towards dave (since that's like the only person he was around in his later life)
henry was never the kind to take breaks. no matter what, he always kept working. but, he did allow himself one once because his physical health was severely deteriorating, and he spent most of the day reading anyways LMFAO, just in a more comfortable environment. he would have loved reading, dead convinced.
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lackablazeical · 6 months
💣💥Mikey Hamato💥💣
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Specific trigger warnings -
Underage drinking/usage of drugs, murder, violence, usage of queer slurs (both in reclaiming and hurtful ways), slut-shaming, victim blaming, animal abuse, overdosing, gaslighting, manipulation, addiction
Specific boundaries w/ this character -
Do not give him a label for his sexuality or gender. Mikey is an unlabeled character, and should stay that way.
General info -
Mikey's birthday is December 7th. He is a Sagittarius ♐️
Mikey's love language changes the closer he is with someone. It goes Acts of Service➡️ Gifts➡️ Words of Affirmation.
Mikey is unlabeled.
Mikey has BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder).
Mikey has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder).
Personality traits -
Mikey is brash, rude, impatient, ambitious, creative, violent, snarky, egotistical, aggressive, erratic, jealous, self-centered, and hypocritical.
Mikey is the definition of a troll. He likes saying hurtful and offensive things to get attention from people, or hurt others. He actually rarely morally agrees with what he says, though.
Mikey is quick to violence, and would absolutely rather throw a punch then waste his time getting annoyed by someone.
Mikey tends to throw his weight around a lot, as he knows he is able to win any fight he gets into. Physical intimidation is his favorite past time.
Mikey only shows a nicer side of himself with his family and, rarely, Kenichi. He's more playful, and loves giving his brothers shit and teasing them.
Mikey is an extremely jealous person, and will absolutely maim anyone who dare even look at His People. He likes being the center of his loved one's attention.
Mikey is a hypocrite, as almost any opinion, moral standing, or action he takes, is often contradictory. As example, he is a compulsive liar, but also hates liars.
Mikey loves art and drawing, and has a very creative mind. He is a fast learner with it too, and can pick up on many different mediums and styles quickly.
Important details -
His Collar -
His collar was originally put on at 13.
Mikey's collar is made of a mystic metal that was provided and forged by Draxum.
The collar has magical properties, such as growing alongside Mikey. This prevents him from being choked by it as he grows. It also does not chafe his neck, even though it fits snuggly, so there is no scarring.
The collar has a mystic oath bound to it. This oath is bound to Big Mama. When this oath is activated, it makes Mikey unable to fight back, and he will be a puppet to listen to Big Mama. It is not activated often, as it burns up Mikey's ninpo.
Mikey is able to partially resist the control, but the best course of action is to knock him out until the oath fizzles out.
The collar cannot be taken off unless Draxum specifically removes it. It does not scratch, tarnish, dent, or rust.
His relationship with Big Mama -
He is a Mama's boy. He adores his mother, and spends a lot of time with her.
He listens to nearly everything BM says, and is often compared to an obedient puppy by his brothers.
Mikey may tend to get frustrated with BM occasionally, but he still loves her and will often forget about it quickly.
BM is the one who provides most of the drugs/alcohol Mikey consumes.
Mikey has free rein of BM's bank account, and loves spending her money.
Mikey is often 'in the know' about BM's darker business practices, as he's directly involved in them or interacts with the people involved in them.
His drug use -
Mikey has been using drugs/drinking since about 9 years of age.
He first began using hard drugs at the age of 13, as a 'celebration' of getting his collar and officially joining the Nexus.
He has an extremely high tolerance, and often needs to consume extreme amounts of any substance to feel a buzz.
Mikey's first drink was at BM's hotel bar, after being pressured by patrons there.
Mikey overdoses somewhat often. Because of Donnie's advanced tech, and Mikey's own ninpo, Mikey is always able to bounce back/revive.
All of Mikey's brothers dislike his excessive use of substances, but know they wouldn't be able to stop him. Leo attempts to, but it has never worked out.
When Mikey is fully drunk/high, he often tends to swing between extremely affectionate to extremely violent on a dime. He also will likely be more emotional, and is known to cry a lot.
His mystic powers -
Mikey has an extreme amount of mystic energy. The flame on his mask is mystic, and is a way to vent out excess energy so it doesn't build and become a ticking time bomb.
If his mask is not avaliable, typically an object near Mikey will combust within around 10-20 minutes of being near him.
Mikey can control the fire, including heat, brightness, and whether it spreads or not. If he is emotional, this control lessens, and the fire is at risk of burning someone or something.
Mikey's collar also doubles as a way to control and harness the mystic energy.
Mikey isn't exactly aware of his mystic powers. Well, he is, he just doesn't really care, and hasn't attempted to learn more about them.
His relationship with Kenichi -
Mikey and Kenichi are close friends.
They originally bonded over their mutual hatred of Usagi and Leo being together.
Mikey likes that Kenichi is honest, and is one of the few people who are willing to stand up to him and tell him like it is.
The two often play-fight. Mikey goes easy on Kenichi, but Kenichi is still always proud of himself if he manages to get a good hit in.
Mikey helps Kenichi in the kitchen, if the heat from the stove/oven starts to make Kenichi anxious. Kenichi is very thankful for this.
The two often argue about their views of Usagi. Kenichi dislikes Mikey's harassment, and Mikey excuses it as 'just a joke.'
Mikey is an asshole to Kenichi, but Kenichi is aware that that is just how Mikey acts, and doesn't take his words personally.
Mikey calls Kenichi 'leftie', 'breeder', 'fluff', 'fatass', and more.
His hatred of Usagi -
Mikey hates Usagi because he believes Usagi is manipulating Leo and stealing all his time and attention.
Mikey slut-shames Usagi constantly. This is mainly based in the stereotypes that rabbits constantly breed, and Mikey figured out that it bothered Usagi.
Mikey would kill Usagi without hesitation if Leo gave the word.
Mikey bullies and harassed Usagi constantly. This often comes in the form of drawing provocative, crude, and offensive art of Usagi for Usagi to find. He'll also scream at, berate, and attempt to harm Usagi. Leo doesn't let Mikey harm Usagi, but that doesn't stop Mikey from trying.
Mikey refuses to touch Usagi, citing the reason that he 'doesn't want to catch a disease.'
His fame -
Mikey is considered famous in the Hidden City, and within the modern yokai world. He's mostly akin to an athlete/actor/influencer.
Mikey doesn't like taking photos or giving out his signature, and will only do so if forced by Big Mama, or if he's drunk enough. Any other time, he may shove the fan away, or break the camera/writing utensil being used.
Mikey posts often on yokai social media's, but is still extremely private about where he is located or who he is with.
Mikey has extremely vocal haters, as well as extremely vocal fans. He enjoys sending his fans on witch-hunts or harassing people who don't like him.
Mikey doesn't do sponsorships unless forced to by Big Mama. Even then, he doesn't ever care about what he is endorsing.
Mikey hates things like edits/fanfictions/art/threads being made on him, but thinks they're funny to laugh at and insult. He will absolutely call any content made for him shitty.
His role in the Battle Nexus -
Mikey mostly preforms as a rodeo clown/jester of sorts in fights. He entertains the crowd, through jokes and skits. He rarely gets involved in actual fights, unless it's to anger either competitor or get them fighting eachother.
Mikey may also actually fight, when needing to defend his role as champion. These fights are huge for publicity, and are City-wide events.
He's also often involved in interviews and PR about the Battle Nexus. He doesn't enjoy this, but BM forces him to do it.
He is not involved in off-shoots of the Battle Nexus, such as the Street Brawl.
Mikey may also do acrobatic half-time or opening shows, which act somewhat like a circus. He does stunts, tricks, and more in this time.
Fun facts -
Mikey's favorite food is Korean hot pot, and his favorite drink is either apple bourbon or any type of juice.
Mikey hates liars, but is known to lie often himself.
Mikey hates being late to things he cares about, and is always punctual to his Nexus battles. If he's late to something, you know he doesn't want to go.
Mikey prefers traditional art, and his favorite medium is marker/ink.
Mikey loves wearing clothes, but refuses to wear shirts or shoes.
Mikey is extremely good at crying on cue, and uses this to manipulate Splinter and BM to get what he wants. Mikey's siblings have learned when he is fake crying, so they don't take him seriously.
Mikey has a habit of rubbing/wiping at his nose with his hand. He's used to his nose running/bleeding because of cocaine use, and it became a stim of his.
Mikey's right molars and premolars are golden. His original teeth got pulled out after a dare-gone-wrong, and Donnie replaced them with gold-coated lead.
Voice claim - [XXXTENTACION]
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 440 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
Wooooo weeeeee, another chapter this week! LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!! Also, I'm so sorry for worrying y'all for my absence these past few days but after this review is posted, Imma disappear again. 😭 At this point, my chapter reviews might not be posted on time and will be late to post frequently now. Also, don't mind me changing the color of the title every 10 chapters... *Ahem* Anyways-
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Ughhh... God, the fan service here. Thanks PTJ, you the man. 😩✋🏽 Also, the way Jibeom just acted like nothing happened by saying, "SORRY!" UH HA HA HA HA HA HA... 🧍🏽‍♀️💢 Nah, we allies now. Gotta forgive, right? And Jihan too... 🧍🏽‍♀️💢💢 Man, y'all just got your asses beat for no reason. This reminds me of those anime with the MC's fighting the enemies, and then they end up becoming allies with the "power of friendship". Behold, the power of friendship everyone.
Ok, but Imma be honest. Every time I see Hudson now, I squeal like a fangirl at a BTS concert. And suddenly seeing him... NAKED? RIGHT OFF THE BAT? My loyalty for Gun is REALLY being tested. Wtf man. Also, the snakes though? That's wild. 😭
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Yeah, that panel really wrecked me. Physically and emotionally.
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Oh, of course. Also, debt? Huh? 🤔
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Yeah man, we need to know!!! WE'VE BEEN DYING TO KNOWWWWWWWW. Whenever I hear "Young Master", it reminds me of a butler saying that. As if Daniel is being treated by a butler. 💀
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"At least eat before you go." That's so nice of them. Also, "At this rate he'll live here." KSSLDJLFSDHFSLFHDSFH JIHAN PLSSSSS- 💀💀💀💀💀
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Oh? Daniel coming up with a big brain plan...? 👀
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Daniel being acknowledged by, not only the man who ended the era of the First Generation, but also, the STRONGEST FIRST GENERATION KING???? Oh god, I love his growth and character development so much. He'll always have my heart forever. 💖 ALSO, THIS WHOLESOME MOMENT WITH JICHANG??? THIS IS TOO CUTE. MY HEART- 😩💗 I WAS SOBBING AT THIS BECAUSE THIS WAS TOO CUTE TO WITNESS. LIKE, LOOK AT HIM PETTING DANIEL'S HEAD, LOOKING LIKE A PROUD UNCLE.
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Literally, one of the cutest things I've ever seen in a long time in Lookism.
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YUUUSSSSSS, JICHANG IS GONNA HELP HIM EVENTUALLY. 😭😭👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I hope they actually do make it to the First Affiliate though. But, if the Elder knew where he was, then does that mean that he knows that Jinyoung is not in his right mind? And does he know that he has people held captive in his little basement? 👀 *coughs* Daniel *coughs* Johan *coughs* Samuel... Sorry guys, I might be getting a cold. Idk what's going on with me.
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Ohhhhhh shiiiii... Pls tell me we gonna see Jake here...
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AHHHHHHHH I KNEW IT, JAKE!!! BABY BOY IS BACK!!!! 😭💙 Oh shit, I wOnDeR who THAT could be...
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Tbh I'm not surprised that he said it was James Lee lol. It has been emphasized by Eugene before when he said in Ch. 432, that he was aware of the murder case that caught the attention of a lot of people. And he also mentioned how Charles Choi had been using blackmail on James Lee to control him in exchange of covering James's part of the murder. Also, earlier in that chapter, I was wondering why Charles would even bother to help in covering up a murder for James if that person that James murdered wasn't so important in the first place. If it was just a "nobody", then he would've just thrown that person somewhere, buried him, or burnt his body and converted it into ashes. Clearly, it all makes sense now. (Also, the red picture gave it away. lmao) AND JAKE, WITH THE TYPICAL "death stare" EXPRESSION WHEN HE FOUND OUT WHO THE MURDERER FOR HIS FATHER'S DEATH WAS??? Is he going to get revenge or something? 😭
But oh boy, James is really gonna get it eventually. Both him and Charles Choi. Actually, DEFINITELY Charles Choi. The guy is literally walking scum in the first place.
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You see, Charles Choi is a clown... 😀 *end of argument*
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I hope he does. Because if Charles Choi intercepts their operation, I'm going to sue. 😡
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Ughhhh, bro... Don't make me cry again, please. 💀💀💀💀
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Wait, an "unknown car"? He MUST have a driver with him. Please tell me that his driver is none other than Gun/Goo... Ik this is wishful thinking, but I want to see them again. 😳
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By choking...? 💀 I mean, I've seen a big ass snake devour a huge animal before, so it's possible Charles. Don't doubt Jichang's abilities, because you might be surprised at how he could MURDER YOU ON SIGHT. 😡😡😡 (And oh god, looking at Elite's face still reminds me of my professor. 😭 *sobbing* But also, with a twist of Manager Kim too.)
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I just want his ass to be wiped off the face of the Earth. Both him, and Eugene. But, wait... If Eugene and James Lee are conspiring AGAINST Charles Choi, and everyone else are conspiring against Charles Choi too, then... WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST UNITE AND BEAT CHARLES??? They all have a similar goal, yet they decided to do things their own way? Well, I get that they have ulterior motives/goals for them to take down Charles Choi, but at least make it easier for yourselves instead of just handling the crap on your own, right? Fight later, unite now. 🧍🏽‍♀️
Man, idk anymore. Just do whatever tf you guys want at this point. 😭
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skaruresonic · 1 month
Your latest post about Sonic reminded me that apparently Pariah has joined the "Sonic has always been inconsistent" crowd, and he used this clip: https://www.tumblr.com/randomthefox/749471225809666048
But... What is the logic here? So the Classics were more lighthearted (except CD I guess) and the Adventure games were comparatively edgier, with their anime style and more serious stories. That is a change in direction, for sure. Let's even say they are two different "artistic perspectives". But to the point where you'd call them two different Sonics, the same way Boom Sonic is different from Modern Sonic?
I think "Sonic has always been inconsistent" has completely lost its meaning. The series has evolved in tone to match the times (Sonic was far from being the only videogame series who got more serious in the 2000s), but that doesn't mean Sonic became a different character in every game he starred in.
To be quite honest, I don't think it ever really meant anything to begin with. When you drill down to the bedrock of the sentiment, you'll find more often than not that it's just another thought-terminating cliché people trot out when they have no other way of elaborating themselves, because they always act like the claim is self-evident and not subject to scrutiny. Like how "Shadow mandates" are used to explain any and all poor Shadow portrayals. It's not a claim anyone can say has substance because all folks seem to use it for is to say "Sonic games bad."
They don't really provide examples of inconsistency because those examples don't exist on a diegetic level, just on an artistic or a marketing one, at most. Can't say I've ever seen a Sonic game where Sonic turns into a gun nut, lol.
But... What is the logic here? So the Classics were more lighthearted (except CD I guess) and the Adventure games were comparatively edgier, with their anime style and more serious stories. That is a change in direction, for sure. Let's even say they are two different "artistic perspectives".
I wouldn't even say that. SA1 takes heavy influence from the Classics. The divide between Adventure and Classic is not as deeply drawn as folks seem to think.
I feel like if you really zoomed out and tried to obtain the most holistic picture of the franchise possible, you'd see the series, for all of its ups and downs and all arounds... Really isn't that inconsistent.
The Adventure era is touted as serious business, but folks forget that some of those games could get goofy as shit, and Heroes is not an outlier in this regard. Even uber-serious '06 can get silly at times, what with missions to rescue beloved dogs being placed alongside "save the princess" as equally important objectives, and janky physics that make me want to hurl my controller across the room.
Likewise, the Classic era had moments of serious storytelling not in spite of its cartoonish aesthetic, but because of the power of its environmental storytelling.
Besides, if most of the confusion re. the series' "inconsistencies" can easily be cleared up by disregarding spinoff material (which includes the comics), can it really be said that it's the games made by ST that are inconsistent? Or would it be more accurate to say it's the external understanding of Sonic which fluctuates over time?
To be clear, I'm not trying to turning this into yet another JP vs. Western Sonic debate, because frankly, that doesn't matter. Not when the folks looking from the outside in refuse to see what's plainly there.
Also, think about it this way: if Sonic has always been inconsistent, then you're saying Sonic never had a coherent identity to begin with. Which means the argument rests on a self-contradiction. Either:
A.) you (general you) have to acknowledge that consistency once existed in the series in order to allow yourself enough berth to argue for a change in direction of the era of your choice... thus disproving the entire premise of "Sonic was always inconsistent,"
or B.) you need to apply the "inconsistent" label to every era, including the ones you prefer, thus rendering every "Sonic needs to go back to [XYZ] era" argument nonsensical. Because Sonic might as well build a new identity instead of appropriating old ones that, according to the argument, failed.
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I can't stop thinking about Damon not wanting you to have to kill while you're little so he puts blood into a bottle and makes sure you get your fill 🥺❤
Pairing: CG!Damon Salvatore x little!reader
Contains: established relationship, Ageregression, Littlespace, CG/L dynamics, canon typical gore, mentions of blood, cursing, mentions of death, vampirism, turning
**Ageregression and Littlespace will never be sexualized on this blog**
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Damon had only recently realized the implications of you being turned and a little, at the time he was so concerned with not letting you die, not loosing you, not letting himself loose another person so close that he acted impulsively.
That being said he didn’t regret it. He couldn’t regret it because he had saved you and you were okay.
You and Damon had grown close, him becoming your caregiver made your relationship even more intimate, he had never truly thought of turning you before this,
Now he has to face the consequences of his actions.
In the form of a crying little currently curled in a ball and whimpering, he did his best to find out what you wanted, you had your stuffed animals you were dressed in your comfiest clothes, your Paci was currently acrossed the room from where you threw it, he sat there petting your hair as you sobbed into his chest unable to form words from going no verbal due to stress, and it was then as he held you close and let you cry he had the realization that you were hungry,
You needed to feed
Damon stared at you feeling the numbing sensation washing over him, it was pure dread, he couldn’t let you feed, not yet, you were too weak and too vulnerable. He signed and thought for a moment, then it hit him, he walked into the basement of his house and opened the freezer of blood,
It was empty
He cursed and slammed the lid shut a little too hard, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed the first number her found and got increasingly more angry each second that passed without them answering
“Stefan, shit, can you do me a favor?”
“Hmm I don’t know brother, if you’ve gotten yourself in trouble I trust you can get yourself out of it.”
“I wouldn’t be calling you unless it was important, brother.”
“What is it.”
“I need blood bags, (y/n) needs blood but they’re too weak to feed, please Stefan.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
Stefan hung up and Damon tossed his phone into his pocket and went back upstairs, he approached the crying little on his bed and resumed the rocking and petting and tried to preoccupy them the best he could, eventually they cried themselves catatonic, unable to do anything but sniffle and shake every minute or so, when Damon finally heard the door open and his brother run to his room he physically untensed.
“Thank you, Stefan.”
“Hmm, they must be very important to you. There’s a cup in the bag for them, hopefully they like it.”
Damon pulled out a bottle with your favorite cartoon characters on it, you immediately perked up a bit the second he opened the blood pack, it was human, he would really owe Stefan for this, once he drained it all into the bottle he gently approached you and carefully helped you guide it to your lips, as soon as the blood coated your tongue you calmed instantly and finally eased your tense body, you begin to feel calm wash over you as you cuddled up to Damon, letting him hold you and cuddle you as you adjusted to this new way of life.
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thephloxbayou · 3 months
It's really wild having read the books, watched the Tencent adaption, and now watching the netflix adapation.
Im only working through episode 2 right now but thoughts so far:
If you want to get into Three Body Problem, the netflix adaption isnt it. Tencent did a really good adaption if you need the visual media before reading the books or just to have a good idea of what's up in the books (tencent only covers the first). Netflix is, from what I heard and what I'm seeing, taking all 3 (or 2 of the 3) and cramming it, mixing what is supposed to be thousands of years in timeline between different characters and instead placing them all at the same point in time. It's running at breakneck speed, and each concept is barely getting time to sink in. In fact, none: they throw it at you and it happens then we're on to the next thing.
But what I DO like, if I'm viewing this as a little bonus add on rather than an honest recap, which is really what I'm doing (also a teeny but hate watch but mostly what I'm about to say lol), is seeing how the higher budget is used for particular scenes. Dehydration was gnarly as shit and great. Tencent got the concept, but didn't have the budget. (Tencent NAILED the boat scene tho imo, but I haven't seen in here yet either). I also like that we are getting it more established that the game immerses you physically. That wasn't covered in Tencent. Now, Tencent went with what we can ACTUALLY do which included the headsets and the omnidirectional treadmill, which is rad. In the book, you are physically immersed via a headset and a suit. Conceptual, but reasonable enough to reality. Netflix jumps past reality, but does bring in the immersion part. It's just a headset (likely alien tech, I believe), but when you put it on, they have a bunch of good visual cues/actions from the actors to show they can feel/taste/ etc the environment. I felt that was important to show, because then the stakes of figuring out the stable eras become higher: you don't want to feel like you're fucking burning up or freezing to death. (One character... lets say doesn't seem too concerned but it was hilarious lol )
Something that is interesting but I don't feel is objectively a point for or against either show is the acting. It's really cool to see the differences between Eastern and Western methods! This is especially apparent in the scenes based in China as they are the most similar between the book and the shows. I'm an animator so this is also something I'm always processing, consciously or not. At different points I find myself preferring one or the other. Overall, the more subtle acting of Tencent (Eastern), although there were times it felt wooden to me. At a few points, Netflix (Western), but it's lead to some hilarious over-reacting at some points, that I don't think I would have recognized (as an American raised on Western media) if I didn't have the Tencent comparison. Specifically, Ye Wenjie doing hard labor and THROWING herself dramatically to look at the sky for relief, which made me laugh out loud. Or her reading the book under the covers, eyes getting EXTRA wide and biting her lip to show "oh wow I am reading interesting forbidden media!" Less hilarious and more groan inducing is her and the reporter having to have sex in the netflix version as a shortcut to show "oh an now when he betrays her that's showing you just how bad it is!" when I think they had done a good quick job of showing their mutual disdain and desperation and the destruction of the planet and the closeness of having that "outside" view and the secrecy of it brings them from the way they showed that and a simple hand holding scene they did. If they kept with that, dropped the sex, and then when the betrayal happens have him go in on her viciously like he does in the book (and recreated in Tencent), it would have worked fine and taken the exact same amount of time (instead he just stands quietly in a corner during that scene looking ashamed). All in all, I know I prefer more subtle acting per my animation preferences, but regardless it's just a really fun thing to see.
TLDR: Don't watch the show to learn about 3 Body. If you already KNOW 3 body, my recommendation at the moment is watch if you just want to see some scenes done with a better budget, I do find it really fun to see how some of these things (between both Netflix and Tencent and just for books to visual in general) are adapted and if they match up with my mind's visual of the events :)
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hymn-of-muse · 9 months
deepest, DEEPEST apologies, i should've consulted to your pinned first and foremost, i will blame my excitement on this one. once again, apologies love.
i came from your star rail matchup post! and let me tell you, you're amazing at your choice of words and skilled at invoking giddy, blushy feelings 🤭 i would love to request a honkai star rail matchup! now, i don't exactly know what information you seek, but i hope mine is acceptable and not too long for you
either call me grace, or chiyo, & i'm nineteen
— unfortunately, short (5'2 - 5'3) pear shaped physique, basically small tits, and plump lower body (gotta have something else for my lack of chest, so i worked out very hard 🥹)
— i have a neutral colored skintone, more on the lighter side, himecut hairstyle currently, i dress professionally, vintage like, wardrobe consists of black, red and white, silver/golden accessories of rings, a variety of earrings etc. this is when i'm outside anyways to formal events or just my plain aesthetic. i dont try to wear makeup, but when i do, its usually the dark feminine kind
— i'm an ambivert, but i'm not afraid to talk when its necessary or important, but i'm overall eerily quiet, observant, terrifyingly analytical that it threatens my feminity at times (quoted by my mom) i listen, and listen well. too well.
— my... demeanor and aesthetic is very contrasting to how i act around heavily attractive men. i flinch, i hide, i avoid their gazes, i stutter, my resolve fails. i falter — blush visibly in their compelling, appealing gaze. i'm a duality and i don't know if i should be proud or shameful about it.
— however, when i get past my shyness, i'm a tease, an open, affectionate flirt, but i don't flirt to hurt, i flirt to invoke, positive feelings, to make them feel wanted. but when i'm serious about them, it's the opposite, i'm silent, but overly, overly so observant of them, i spectate from afar, i blush from afar, and i seethe from afar when i get jealous, and its visible on my face as well, i'm posessive (and not in a jealous way, i just know what's mine, and mine only)
— and when they're mine. i'm an overly physically touch starved person, so i will shower them with endless touches of love and words any chance i get. i reaffirm their worries automatically, i will take care of them, love them with all my heart, that is of course... if its the same with them. and i dont mind showing love, my vulnerability and patience at all.
— i have a deep affinity for reading, playing games, fictional men (cough) art of all kinds, all kinds of music, anime, italian food, all kinds of desserts, and i love silence, dim lighting, elegant surroundings, and martial arts
— oh and i love when men call me mean nicknames such as "dumbass." "idiot." anything like that toned with affection, you can probably guess one of my main type already just by this info. right continuing, my type of man is so... flexible? it ranges from literal ruthless morally bad characters like blade, scaramouche, to people like welt, nanami, LYNEY. i'm so confusing.
but traumatized, immortal, older men, mature + mean, vulgar little shits? scrumptious, delectable.
— i heavily dislike misunderstandings, so i do my best to inform, and i try even harder to inform when i'm upset, i try my best to avoid conflict, to be silent. as for my case... conflicts usually arise because i'm too analytical, too obsevant, and that isn't a great pair with my severe anxiety and overthinking at all.
once again, sincerest apologies. i assumed you would be able to read with small font, and i fear i made this too long, hell, the one with small fonts had more details- so i toned it down here a bit! but i'm still kind of overthinking that this was too long for you, so if you decide to take on my request — thank you, for taking your precious time for me.
love, hiraeth
ah no worries!
darling youre a sweetheart thank you <3
i skimmed over what i could and at first himeko and kafka came to mind but youre specifying men so i think they'd just be your good friends, like someone you hang out with that matches your vibe to a t.
if youre on the trailblazer side, i say welt. he'd try and hide it through small mannerisms like adjusting his glasses or how he's holding his cane, clearing his throat and changing the conversation topic, but you know exactly how to really make him flustered. he's the type to try and be smooth and formal with his flirting but never expects the comebacks you retaliate with so hes always caught off guard and flustered by you.
he'd be down for some playful banter here and there too.
welt would certainly enjoy spending time in the lounge of the train with you, reading, having tea, maybe occasionally having a cup of himeko's coffee, and generally discussing topics of interest. he's more than happy to listen to you talk and answer any questions you might have.
he's also very quick to act if youre in danger and will affectionately scold you afterwards whether you were being cautious or not in the first place. he'll call you an idiot for running into danger then gently kiss your hand or forehead and tell you he's glad youre alright.
however, if youre on the side of the stelleron hunters, i'd say blade is your fit. i'm quite behind and dont know blade as well as most players now adays but he's absolutely your type.
constant banter, affectionate bullying, pet names that sound like harsh name calling but really are just him not being able to express himself better. that and he's too stubborn to admit how soft he can be for a person.
unlike how welt would be outwardly soft with you, blade is blunt and monotonous, straight forward and acts more like your shadow to make sure you dont end up in trouble or hurt.
he's the kind of person to tease back when youre flirting but also the kind to get jealous quick. he's not normally a pda person but he is one when hes jealous and never really minds you being close or clingy so long as there isnt a fight or something going on.
he's a bit indiferent on how he spends his time, but he does prefer quiet and calm activities.
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hey-sherry · 2 years
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A Tiny Q&A With Phillipe Bosher - Mycroft Holmes
On the last day of August, I started an impromptu Q&A with Phillipe Bosher - the voice of Mycroft Holmes in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - on the Frogwares Discord server. It was spontaneous and fun, lots of other people joined in - a big thank-you goes to Phillipe for answering all of the burning questions and giving permission to post the chat log publicly.
Voice acting secrets! How did Mycroft get that scar? Who is his favourite Croft? Let’s find out! :D
Important note: this was a simple chat with a lot of participants and has been edited down a little for better readability. You can read the whole conversation on the server, of course.
August 31st 2022, 17:27 CEST #🔎-sherlock-holmes @ Frogwares Discord
Tiny: @pabosher If I may be so bold, would you be able to answer a few silly questions when you're around? 😄
pabosher: You can ask! Whether or not I can answer is reliant on a couple of things - NDAs and personal choice, really - but go for it! 🙂
Tiny: Oh no, there go my NDA-breaking questions!
Nah, I understand of course, if you can't answer for whatever the reason, it's alright. So, silly question #1:
Fav Mycroft line in SHCO?
pabosher: Ooooh - I don’t know! “It’s my house, actually!” is a line I do love, but also I love the break of the facade in “I saved my brother, he will never forgive me.” (I forget the exact wording). I love the whole writing of the final scene in the garden, it’s such a beautifully written bit, and I love the variations based on your choices!
Xiney: That line was really well delivered ! Like there was this tinge of sadness at the never forgive me part that sounded really heartbreaking
Tiny: That was my first ending and that line stayed with me as well!
(I know we meme the "my house" line a lot lol, but I love it because these two super smart men throw all logic out the window and it's just two siblings bickering for a few moments... it makes it super fun!)
Silly question #2: When you see Alex irl, how do you tell him "No shit, Sherlock"? If not, why?
pabosher: Hahaha good question pabosher: Haha! I’m really glad that came across in your hearing of it - I definitely felt that in the script, so really wanted it to sound petty and brotherly pabosher: In recording booths it can be really useful to get the physicality of the character in place, to help the lines pabosher: So for most of the session I stood very straight with my hands behind my back pabosher: And at that moment I completely broke that and it felt great haha
Tiny: The animation economy with Mycroft 😩👌
pabosher: And when I see Alex, we mostly talk about things other than Sherlock!! One day he’ll say something obvious and I’ll DEFINITELY throw him a “no shit, Sherlock” line, but we talk about workouts and other video games, so SO FAR it hasn’t come up yet pabosher: But one day…
Tiny: If he groans and gives you the look, you have my permission to show him this conversation and blame it on Tiny 👍
Creepy OURCROFT: Throwing the no shit Sherlock to anyone who did Sherlock must be a golden opportunity
Tiny: Ok one more, it's more serious but I'm very curious! This is speaking just in general with voice acting - but do the casting directors (or whoever D: ) require you to be able to pronounce foreign words/sounds? I'm not sure if I'm phrasing this correctly, so please bear with me, lol.
This brought you by
hearing mispronunciations of so many words just generally
having a heart attack after hearing Watson (from one of the older games) pronounce the most flawless ć I have ever heard, and Sherlock was pretty close as well.
Err, I guess I'm asking if it's something that people care about at all.
Or how is it for you to be asked to pronounce sounds you may not be even able to hear, if that ever happened? (I don't recall anything like that in the Mycroft role specifically, so this is just generally speaking)
Tiny: (That's a bit messy, sorry, I'm struggling with phrasing my question :V)
pabosher: That’s a bigger question and one I think I’ll only be able to answer with regards to VA in general, nothing to do with Frogwares - But generally, pronunciations are something that’s locked early in a game. So if it’s a character name, the first person to say it is told by the director or studio how to say it, and then every other actor in the game will be played a voice file of that pronunciation to help keep things in check. Sometimes it’s missed, but that’s usually what people want to know pabosher: And yeah, to answer your question, we do care! A lot pabosher: Our whole job is language and pronunciation and speech pabosher: For me personally, I grew up speaking multiple languages so I have a few more sounds in my bank than the usual English person pabosher: It can be very difficult sometimes for me - if there’s a word that I know from a different language, and I’m used to pronouncing it with that accent and in that tongue, then trying to anglicise it, as if were, can be tough pabosher: But that’s why you have amazing developers, directors, writers, producers, editors who can be a part of the process and can catch you when you slip
Tiny: Thank you, yeah it's a general VA question I've been curious about - your role as Mycroft didn't include any words/lines that would fit what I was asking, so 🤔 but hearing pronunciations in other FW games made me think about it, because they got it right so well. Tiny: What languages do you speak?
pabosher: Russian and English, and a very small smattering of the Romance languages
Tiny: That's very cool 😄
Creepy OURCROFT: Is it easy to do accents ')? @Tiny, i can't figure for the life of me how to do one correctly
pabosher: Accents can be really tough!! I can do a couple, but it’s a lot of work pabosher: Different people find it easier or harder pabosher: I know some who can just do it like THAT pabosher: But for me I usually have to listen to one a bunch and spend a lot of time practising pabosher: It does get easier pabosher: You can buy books and find websites that help pabosher: I personally use this website as a really good place to find accents to learn pabosher: https://www.dialectsarchive.com/ pabosher: Anyway 😅 pabosher: Any more Mycroft Qs? Ha
Creepy OURCROFT: Do you even work on the tone of your voice? Creepy OURCROFT: Get it low and high or is it optional?
Tiny: Yes actually! What's that about the scar - I heard through the tumblr grapevine it was based on a scar that you have? Any story on that?
pabosher: Yeah, Mycroft’s voice is a very slightly deeper version of my own, and again that’s something you can practice, playing in that range pabosher: I’m in a couple games coming out soon(ish) where I play different characters with wildly different vocal tones haha pabosher: Ahhhhh now THAT would be telling. I like the mystery!! I was bitten by a dog when I was younger, and had 37 stitches in my upper lip. How Mycroft got his? 👀
Tiny: New headcanon unlocked: Sherlock got Toby to annoy Mycroft with unpleasant memories
pabosher: Hahahah
Tiny: Thank you for answering the silly questions, it's much appreciated ♥ Over 20 years on the Nets and it will never not amaze me that I can just... reach out and talk to someone cool on the other side of the world
pabosher: Thank you for asking and caring!! To be a part of Chapter One was such an incredible surprise and honour - I grew up LOVING the SH stories, so to be a part of that world, even briefly, and to be a part of the Holmes family no less! was something I’ll forever be grateful to FW for
Tiny: That's insane and such a dream come true ♥ I'm happy you got to have this experience Tiny: Now how about that Cthulhu Myc--- gets muffled and dragged off stage never to be seen again
Xiney: Actually what was your reaction when you heard that you got cast as Mycroft?
pabosher: Probably something I’m not allowed to write here pabosher: But it was along the veins of YAY, but much more explicit pabosher: I think I called my girlfriend and said “guess who’s just been cast as Mycroft” pabosher: After a lot of very excited swearing to myself pabosher: I then texted my mum as she was the one who got me into the stories, and I knew she’d be excited
selyse: Thank you! Then, my question is: were there cases/case in which you liked to voiceacting the most? Like, I mean - was there a case which you liked the most to be a part?
pabosher: In chapter one, you mean?
selyse: In Chapter One and generally in SH games where you did voiceacting. ^^'' I hope I made my question understandable.
pabosher: You did for sure! pabosher: Unfortunately Mycroft isn’t in many of the cases in CO - but obviously he’s an important part of the main storyline, so I think my favourite scene in that game for me as an actor either has to be the scene with the doctor (I’m trying to be vague in case of spoilers!) as I loved the opportunity to show how much Mycroft cares about Sherlock, especially in their younger years, and again, that final scene just breaks my heart pabosher: So it’s got to be either of those 🙂 pabosher: And I’ve only been in Chapter One! Other non-SH games I’ve been a part of have been very fun but aren’t released yet, so I can’t talk about them!
selyse: Ooooh, thank you so much for explanation! It is so much exciting to think that there will be more projects with you. Thank you also for not spoilering things - I'm yet on my way to learn the story of SH Chapter One, so I will be even more excited to watch it before my studies start.
Creepy OURCROFT: Mycroft? OURCROFT...
pabosher: BRB putting this on my gravestone
Tiny: It took a lot of restraint not to ask a "favourite Croft" question as a Tomb Raider fan phillipedontlookatthis
pabosher: Lara, hands down
Tiny: I hope you get to be the new Lara
pabosher: Sorry Mycroft, but I never fancied YOU when I was a teenager pabosher: Sorry everyone, I’ve got to go now, but thanks for all your fun questions! Enjoy your evenings and days!
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satellitesoundwave · 1 year
Hi! Book-binding annon here! Hope you are out there living your best life and that you are getting better!
I just wanted to tell you that dont worry! If I end up making DwtD a physical book I will totally send you pictures! I have an Idea for the cover, I am hoping to sketch soon!
About the “look away” comments… I just don’t want you to think I am weird <- Is on tumblr how normal can he be.
But anyways, Annon allows me to send you love and recognition for your beautiful brain, without me feeling like I am bothering you. But I should prolly take off the annon mask if I want you to see the art. I am 99% sure you wont think I am annoying, we artist trive in seeing people go crazy about our stuff.
But is that I trully love this fanfic sooo much. The way you write Jazz in particular makes me so happy!
I know this is going to be a hot take but I don’t think most of the fandom gets Jazz. I blame TFA. Animated is a great show, and I love TFA Jazz but it sucks that this is the version most of the fandom takes to write their Jazz. Because TFA took his role as a deescalator and made it his main trait. In concequence to that (and classic downplaying of Black coded characters) I find that most people just have him as a reactive character, instead of a highly active one.
because that is the whole point, isn’t it? Jazz being the most deceptive Autobot.
He *pretends* to be laid back and non threatening, when in reality he is lowering peoples guards so that he can strike. To be like that recurries knowledge of character, profiling and so much control. But he is not calculative and meticulous, because he knows numbers don’t count in the field, actions do. He controls his actions, he gets the job done.
And I honestly sometimes just reread that fic to remind myself there’s people out there that get it. That Jazz is a character that makes his own decisions. Morally grey. Highly capable and competent.
Dear Rung in the Core, in chapter 3? When he makes the mistake and he is like “Stop, learn from the mistake. Get back up” Thats is so…. Bdjdjdkdj I want to yell and scream because OMGGGG In real time that was like, what? 3 seconds? It was enough, he was working behind enemy lines *with* an Enemy, and he just got back on track because that’s what he does!!
Also, just the fact that you didn’t butcher AAVE. I much rather people don’t use it than to just act like using “ah” instead of “I” is not disrespectful. Really, thanks for this, it is exhausting.
The entire lore with the Ravir is SO IMPORTANT TO ME!! The fact that you gave Jazz a Ravir Friend!??? Also, I love anthropology and sociology (I am studying sociology) And just… delicious I am putting them in my mouth for safe keeping.
I actually have to get back to take screenshots of the Ravir but they have been really fun to sketch in free time. I was not using reference for those, so If I want to draw the cover anytime soon I will need to check that and make sure I am following descriptions.
I love how enigmatic Soundwave is through the entire thing until we get to the “OH SHIT” Moment of “He is into you”
I haven’t reread it in like… a week, I need to do it again 😔 <- Is hyperfixiating, sorry.
Anyways, also, just I love chapter 3, k? I love reading it and mentally going “JAZZ NO!! JAZZ!! MIJO ESTAS CAYENDO EN LA TRAMPA!! JAZZ NOOOOOOO” My man got caught simping 😭
I can not express enough HOW MUCH I love every single fucking mention of Jazz’s knife through the fic. It all just… ties down so beautiful in the end, Dear Rung I just dbjddbdkdbdjdbdjdb [Grabs the entire fic and consumes it]
Anyways, is just… So good, and this is just another continuity for me.
If you are okey with it I can DM you the drawings. Have a great day, I trully do hope you are doing okey. You have given me something that gave me so much Joy and I just want to let you know through this silly annon messages.
I shall Go 😎
YO you’re drawing a cover?? That’s so cool
No need to worry about me finding you annoying! Like you said, I am way too busy thriving at seeing you enjoy DwtD for that. (totally get the concern tho, god knows I find interacting with people whose work I admire intimidating)
I can’t offer a lot of insight into how TFA influences how people characterise Jazz since I’ve only seen most of season 1 - though tbh while I do take inspiration IDW, really my angle on Jazz comes down more to an accident of taste, I think. Proactiveness and specific direction/goals are things I really like in protagonists, to the point that fics and books that are excellently written can sour a bit for me when they don’t have those, so I do tend to zero in on and emphasise those things. But that’s just my preference. I can’t really begrudge people focusing more on his easygoing side and Jazz being everyone's friend when that's what appeals to them, since those are as much a part of him as the stuff I gravitate towards
Though it could also… hm. Some of the more common shipping options for Jazz are ones where they’re already friends or have established amicability, and I kind of wonder if you’re gesturing at something I’ve run into a fair bit in friends to lovers fics. It’s that thing where a fic seems to be very interested in the interiority of Character A, and you keep waiting for Character B to get the same level of attention, except then it just never happens. It can feel a bit like the writer is more interested in how Character B can act as a vehicle for making Character A feel loved/comforted/etc, than in Character B as an actual character in their own right
Obviously not all (or even most) friends to lovers fic does this. And it’s not, like, an unforgivable crime or anything either, actually! Imo this can be a perfectly valid decision for a story - for instance, while it's not at all in friends to lovers territory, I did something similar in Your Own Hands. There's a lot of stuff in my plot outline about what Prowl’s thinking in each scene, details of the multiple factors being weighed in his decision making. But the reader ends up seeing basically none of it, because for all Tarantulas believes he understands Prowl as no one else does there are ways in which he understands him very poorly, and the narrative is so tightly bound up in Tarantulas' pov that his shortcomings prevent the reader from ever getting a clear read on Prowl. So I am definitely not saying this is automatically a bad thing. But at the same time, I also get how frustrating this can be when the sidelined half of the ship is the reason you clicked on the fic in the first place. Especially when you run into several fics doing this to the character you’re turning up for in a row, that has happened to me and I have felt petty resentment about it
Sorry for the little ramble haha, you just got me thinking about what made me drift away from the friends to lovers approach to ships a bit (this is something I’ve not really run into in enemies to lovers fic, I guess bc the narrative needs to have at least some investment in the interiority of both characters so them being in conflict has a foundation and makes sense. Tho maybe it does happen here too and I've just not seen it)
Please do dm me the drawings!! Thank you for this message :) It's very special that this little fanfic I made brought you so much happiness. My work’s been very understaffed recently and covering the gaps has been super tiring, so I've been reading and rereading this as I slowly pulled together the energy to reply bc it’s so nice and made me feel better ( ´∀`) I wanted to go into more depth in my reply (ahsjdjd I laughed so hard about how Jazz 'got caught simping' he did lmao, and I’m delighted you like the bits with Jazz’s knife bc I did go feral when I realised I could have that as a recurring bit :3c and oooooooh my god I am so stoked that you’re drawing the Ravir) but I’ve been so fatigued these past few weeks that if I don’t reply now then I’ve got no idea when I’d get the ball rolling again orz Besides that I am doing okay though. Things in my life now are better than they've ever been before, which I personally am pretty happy about :D
Thank you again for the kind words <3
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that-gay-jedi · 2 years
I've been saying "Not everything is that deep" to myself for like 10+ years but it actually is ALL that deep.
I like to sit in the woods because they're beautiful. I like the relative quiet, the ancientness and bigger-than-me-ness and aliveness of it all, but maybe I also grew to like the woods bc my parents were afraid of them and kiddie me was afraid of my parents. It's okay if the reason I associate the dark and monsters with safety is that they kept the people and things I had reason to fear away. It's okay if I celebrate this now by wearing all black and embracing various edgy and/or unsettling aesthetics and make it a big part of my personality. It's okay to become more and more of a faggot specifically because it upsets the kind of people who want me tamed and neatly put in a box. Like. Actually it's okay for responses to my living environment to be part of my identity. I can be a creature that lives in a place and has experiences.
I'm gradually figuring out the small things are allowed to be big things. It's okay if the only reason I don't like certain fictional characters is that past abusers liked them. I'm allowed (as long as I don't unfairly take it out on anyone) to get so viscerally angry every time my face itches bc my body remembers that one time a family member who noticed me scratching nose invaded my personal space and startled the fuck out of me based on some dumb superstition. It's okay if shallow things like liking Halloween or hating Christmas come from a collection of small, only moderately impactful personal experiences that gradually congealed into preferences over time and now I feel strongly about them because they span so many things at once.
Like maybe shit is allowed to all come back to one thing and maybe that one thing is my trauma and maybe that's okay and when people talk about not letting your trauma define you sometimes I think there's a fundamental disconnect bc all that stuff was inflicted on me with the intent of turning me into a particular kind of person, the whole reason it was trauma was BECAUSE it defined me, and maybe I should stop thinking it's negative or stupid (or self-centered or short-sighted or whatever other adjective of Do Not Want is applied) to acknowledge that and being told I'm never going to live a full, happy life unless I act in a specific way is probably just replicating my traumas and if acting in a way that's nost natural and freeing also involves a lifelong dialogue with my traumatized wounded animal self that probably just means I'm a living being with a biological brain that I can't alter by just deleting a few lines of code.
I really do feel like a lot of the messages we get about recovering and developing an identity outside of trauma have this unrealistic expectation that you should summon a concept of who you want to be out of thin air and embody it completely unbound from any prior experiences or states of being and that's just no more realistic or healthy than the idea that a physical body needs to have a thigh gap and perfectly flat photoshop stomach. They're both about shrinking yourself to achieve an impossible ideal that for most people is actively harmful if you do achieve it, and all just for the sake of being able to say you Did It Right and/or that anyone else is Doing It Wrong.
Yes, I do get to choose who I'm going to be, but I don't get to make that choice in a vacuum and neither do you and I don't think we should have to make it look like we did.
There were kids in my classes in high school who always got good grades and would vocally claim on a semi-regular basis that they never studied, that all they did was play video games and/or basketball/hockey, and that they never did anything intellectual for fun either. And it was never true. I always wondered why it was so important to them that people think they just magically knew all the material. Why would doing the work be shameful?
And I think I get it now. Nobody wants to be seen as real people who have to either do nerdy shit for fun or actively try in school in order to know stuff. Socially, we're rewarded for making everything seem so effortless and perfect and powerful and individualist that it it's actively unrealistic, you're supposed to be a cloud of mist. It applies as much as having a good relationship or a fulfilling life or a healthy lifestyle etc as it does to getting good grades. It's gouche to be a mere mortal.
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jeffbytes · 9 months
elaborating a bit more on Nick's importance to me, something i've only really recently felt more inclined to look back on and resurface in my mind given the..... nature... of this story 🥲 going back through my old facebook to find the images has definitely tightened my chest a lot as i'm writing this, but i think it's as good a time as any to share now i've done so.
trigger warning for domestic violence / physical assault. contains content made pre transition, identities and characters i no longer use, please respect this and do not use them
observing the bittersweet horrors below the cut
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the movie released in 2016. i was 19 / 20 yrs old at the time. i was still a furry, identifying with the label, with a "fursona" all that jazz (i still have animal sonas and interest in costuming as my sonas now, i just dont identify as a furry or interact with the community / go to the meet ups anymore). most importantly i was in a co habiting relationship with my then boyfriend, who we will refer to as L (bc he certainly didnt act like a W lol....)
we've got the trigger warning out of the way so i'll be frank - L was my abuser. i was a domestic violence victim to this man. he was unpredictable, attacked me in my own home several times a week, over mundane things like a chore needing doing or not smoking inside or needing to wake him up at 4pm. it's stuff that still haunts me to this very day (high intensity therapy finally happening, end of this year) that i wont elaborate much more on but it was BAD, ok. really really bad, shit you only see happening in movies. i was nearly DEAD, on the last occassion. i lived that horror for over a year whilst we lived together, and the knock on effect its had... i have not been able to work since, i lost my job due to needing to be sent to hospital on my shift a couple days after and fired for my "inconsistent appearence" at work. i lost everything to this man. i've only just started coming out of my shell in terms of holding a relationship in the last 2 years, largely in part given to the bravery that self shipping has brought me.
so here we mention Zootopia. Zootropolis over here w/e it's not important - Zootopia released in the same year 2016, after much hype from myself it was one of few things keeping me going at the time the awaited release of this movie, and i fell hard for Nick. how much i related to his character (even more so in recent times) how tender he seemed underneath everything and his turn around, everything about this character comforted me.
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and i started to selfship with him! i didnt know what selfshipping was at the time, it was just me drawing my at the time fursona with him romantically and had no idea the SS community existed until just a few years ago. i never really felt the need to ship with characters when i was in IRL relationships before - and the fact i started drawing myself with Nick was an eye opener for me that something wasn't right for me. that i was deep down seeking refuge in a fictional relationship bc i was starting to break down and come to terms with the fact my IRL relationship was not only unhealthy, but dangerous.
it was the comfort of shipping with Nick and that realisation it gave me that gave me the wake up call i needed. one morning L was on another of his hands on tyrades, and scared our poor elderly cat, seeing my baby scared and knowing i'd been putting my heart into new outlets, i ejected him from the property that day. sure, L was able to manipulate his way back into my life for another couple months later that year that ended the exact same way (for good this time, good riddance) but in that moment i knew i wanted better than what i had when i found that in Nick at the time.
while my self ship with him has been quite on and off since then, i'll never forget the part he played in essentially saving my life. aforementioned, L nearly KILLED ME one time, right towards the end of that second appearence i mentioned before. i'll spare the specifics, i'm lucky to be alive.
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i don't know where i would be without that wake up call. Nick and my sweet elderly cat Clawey rest in peace, they both saved my life in 2016 and i'm forever grateful for that ;___;
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