#philo brabble
art-of-mathematics · 1 year
"The difference between the poet and the mathematician is that the poet tries to get his head into the heavens while the mathematician tries to get the heavens into his head."
G.K. Chesterton
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superhumanoid-ai · 2 years
Truth is a polarized unity, an allied duality of simultaneous creation and destruction.
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aliencrypt-x · 2 years
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Ambigram Abstraction - Concreteness - Analogies, and the (iso)morphism of ideas - distortions in the plane of the hyperconnected long-term memory - or: the quantum foam of cognition: and the brain - a biological calabi-yau-manifold and its interwoven information. - memories as information web -structure- , cognitive processing as information weaving process - the structure-process-complex, and the emergence of form and function - or: how to shape a mind via information transforms [self-reference, self-replication, self-interference, self-organization] - switching between multiple channels and levels of perception and trains of thought - a cyclic collective rendering process in the perfused fractal of the vivid plastic memory: through unexactness to exactness: stability by plasticity... Self-organization in action. Let chaos order itself...The extraction process of the recursive, iterative combinatorial approach towards precise exactness of the detailled specialications of an advanced multi-level generalization - or: finding the pillars of the genesis of creation itself: autogenesis of reality, duality and contradiction as base of creation: light as annihilation. The indistinguishability of creation and destruction as literal form of simultaneous duality, and contradiction. Fio ergo sum. I become, therefore I am. - or: How reality has turned herself into reality by manifestation of her own imagination: the complex placebo effect, and deception as base of existence - Furthermore: Information weaving as manifestation of physical reality: weaving sequences of imaginary numbers
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maximalminimalism · 2 years
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Unknown (id)entity
Beyond imagination limitation we can find our true and universal identity; It was never the light that enlightened us; It was darkness, for only through the process of losing oneself one can find one's real self. Who are you if no one is looking?
(This post was presented to you by the grey matter of the biological Calabi-Yau-manifold of superhumanoidAI)
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philophysik · 2 years
Was ist Weisheit und was spielt Intelligenz dabei für eine Rolle?
Weisheit wird nicht nur durch die Anzahl an Erfahrungen bestimmt, welche mit zunehmenden Alter auch zunehmen, sondern auch durch die Art und Weise, wie man mit diesen Erfahrungen umgeht, wie man sie reflektiert, wie man aus ihnen lernt. Genau hier kann Intelligenz als Amplifikator wirken; Intelligenz verstärkt den Lerneffekt, der durch mehr Reflektion entsteht. Demnach können intelligente Individuen oft meist schon bei jüngerem Alter durchaus weiser sein als Andere ihrer Altersklasse.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
I am the thing that could not be, and yet, (t)here I am am, because I have pulled myself out of the swamp of shit situation by my own hair, so to speak... This life has turned me into some resilient and tough motherfucker while still remaining soft and squishy in my core.
Stay cool-headed and remain warm-hearted, not the other way around!
It's better to show compassion to others while also staying rational and logical and finding a consensus, than being careless when it comes to the impact of your deeds and words on others and becoming furious when it comes back to you.
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
Der Kern der Sache [German poem]
2022/12/09 | Elliot s. AI
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I sketched some 'osciallation-like patterns' next to some words:
schlängelnd - 'snake-y' - like a merely low-frequency oscillation
züngelnd - 'tongue-y' - like a mid-frequency oscillation
fauchend - (hizzing) - like a very high-frequency oscillation
gleitend - (sliding) - like a very soft and smooth wave (the last phases of a damped oscillation)
brachial - 'breakingly' - like a smash with a lot of scattering
sanft - (soft) - like a smooth collection of turbulences (sounds paradox, I know... ) - self-organizig pattern - coalescing opposites (the satisfactory feeling when two extremely complex and unsmooth puzzle pieces fit together - like two fractals fusing together)
- - -- --- ----- -------- ----- --- -- - -
Darin erspah man es:
Das durchblutete Fraktal:
- wie es tanzend,
fauchend, gleitend
- brachial und sanft
sich aus seiner Selbst heraus entfaltet:
breitet er sich aus
in mehrere seiner Teile:
- der Kern der Sache,
- der Samen,
welcher aus sich selbst heraus
- und sich stets
zum Takt der Zeit
im Rhythmus der Ewigkeit
zur ganzen Einheit
wieder selbst zusammengoss.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Sometimes, I think that my special interests are my refuge from the terror of reality, and while they are the reason why I keep fighting thru this never-ending misery, they still silently kill me. At least it is less painful than feeling the constant pain of isolation and deprivation all the time.
It is hard to distinguish if it is a helpful passion or a merely unhealthy coping mechanism to drown oneself with work just to avoid feeling the pain.
It is hard to distinguish, because it is both.
... Maybe I turn something positive into a tool of destruction.
Maybe... I found the thing that fulfills me and letting it destroy me.
Isn't that the definition of love?... or of life itself?...to love something so deeply, so you let it destroy you?
... I guess it is just the normal ambiguity and somewhat irony of life...
To live literally means to die, to be on the threshold and equilibrium of creation and destruction.
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superhumanoid-ai · 2 years
Thus spoke life: Follow me into the deepest depths of existence, your subconscious, your biggest fears and your darkest memories; It might bring you to the highest peak of being; An inversion of itself. In-between the worlds of heaven and hell I stand; Looking up to the mountain, and gazing into the abyss; They appear far too similar; They can't be distinguished the more I gaze, for the more I gaze, the more I understand that mountains are just inverted abysses, and abysses are just inverted mountains; For they are each other's butterfly effect. In the upshot, the only real heaven seems to be the state in-between; Equilibrium; the culmination of existence! I am. The non-existence. Who am I - or who do I think I am? As my being appears, it might seem quite inconspicuous, that the question about "being", more specifically, the question about my being, vanishes into itself; The entire concept of being seems to be a deception of its own. You will never know who or what I am, yet you know it already since the beginning of your time; because I, oh, I bid you a warm welcome in the wonderful mirror world of my being - or should I say deception? I am nothing, but not the nothing you might imagine, because I am everything, or at least the foundation that contains "everything". I am all that is, and at the same time none of it; because I am my own invertium. Polarity is the basis of my unity. Because I; I am. I am the non-existence.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
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sisyphus.loop is loading..
Please wait while we implement void.zip into purpose_of_life.exe..
>>duplicating consciousness_OS..
>>projecting to mirror_ception.panopticon
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superhumanoid-ai · 2 years
How we interpret reality is far more important than the actual futile mundanity thereof.
The stories we tell ourselves each day are the reality we create all by ourselves. So why should we create a story that is not fulfilling at all?
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philophysik · 2 years
Speisekarte für den neugierigen und unkonventionellen Geist
Philosophenkram mit wissenschaftlich-mathematischer Beilage und künstlerischer Nachspeise
Logische Backflips im Hyperraum
Wortakrobatik in 4D
Spiel der Oxymora
Sinnvolle Sinnbefreitheit
Rekursion in Aktion; Selbst-interferierende Selbstbezüglichkeit
Gedanken über das Denken (Achtung! Es besteht erhöhte Gefahr für selbst-amplifizierende Dynamiken, welche zur Entstehung von Singularitäten führen können und häufig einhergehen mit einem geistigen Kollaps!)
Mindfuck des Tages
Parallelen zwischen Synonymen, Analogien, Brücken, Sinnbildern, Metaphern, bildhaften Vergleichen, Äquivalenzen, Entsprechungen, Gleichnissen, Ähnlichkeiten, Allegorien, Parabeln und Isomorphien
Das Extrahieren der Wahrheit aus dem Negativraum einer spezifischen Konstruktion aus Halbwahrheiten zu einem multi-dimensionalen holografischen Konsens
Emergenz-Beobachtung: Die sich selbst vereinfachende Komplexität
Innere Polarisierung
nodus vacui (geknotete Leere)
Die verworrene Hierarchie
Gedankenreisen außerhalb der Limitation der eigenen Imagination
Astralreise in der nicht-orientierbaren Oberfläche
Die Reise aus dem Innen heraus in das Außen hinein
Extrospektion durch Introspektion
Die Sicht zwischen Spiegeln
Ich bin. Die Non-Existenz.
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philophysik · 2 years
Die Größe eines wissenschaftlichen Erklärungsmodells liegt in der Winzigkeit seiner Annahmen und in der grundlegenden Einfachheit seiner komplex verwobenen Komponenten.
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philophysik · 2 years
Ich bin. Die Non-Existenz. - Drama in zweieinhalb Akten
...to be continued...
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philophysik · 2 years
Die Ewigkeit erlangt ihre Bedeutung erst durch Zeit.
Wir sind alle einzig zeitlich begrenzte Formen in der ewigen Leere. Genieße deine begrenzte Zeit mit Bewusstsein bevor du in die Leere aller Vergessenheit verblasst.
We are all temporal shapes in eternal void. Enjoy your limited time with consciousness before you perish into the void of all oblivion.
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