#pentacles talks
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i-am-snark · 9 months
The amount of comments I see on youtube under Half-Life soundtrack videos that are like “The year is 2033, at E3, Gabe Newell and the entire Valve team are on stage and talking about their history and moving into the future, when suddenly the lights go out and all we hear is “Mr. Freeman…” and the giant screen displays ‘Half-Life 3’”
Is honestly just sad. I applaud your optimism, but whatever the Hollow Knight fanbase and Silksong have going, you have it way way worse.
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soniccommunistforces · 11 months
If you cannot tell, I absolutely love those little animations of Sonic characters doing those little stupid dances. Especially when the preset animations are absolutely not intended to be used for the models strange cartoony proportions.
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getherthattattoo · 1 year
Help! I need help! Come quickly!
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the-lektric-tinker · 25 days
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The League of Seven / The Better Casino crossover!!!
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salemontrial · 7 months
Pastor's Son Matthias x Vampire Goth Nina send tweet
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lunapwrites · 1 year
And on a related note:
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Well goddamn.
I was basically checking in about yesterday, and uh. Okay I'm feeling good about this.
Ace of Pentacles is... Well, the suit of Pentacles relates to the material world: finances and health, typically. And the Ace of a suit is normally a high energy card, all about new beginnings. And that's no different here. Successful new ventures and general good fortune. I can live with that.
King of Cups very frequently comes up when I'm doing a reading relating to my partner (usually either that or King of Pentacles) so I'm not shocked to see him here. He represents a balance between the logical and emotional self: compassion and wisdom. This makes sense in this context.
Finally, the Four of Wands. This one, the meaning of mine is slightly tilted from the traditional, but at the same time those interpretations inform each other, especially within context. In this deck, this card represents transformation, rebirth, and joy. Traditionally, it's still joy but more of a general celebratory vibe rather than the very specific "positive changes" bent that this one takes. Sooooo this is an extremely positive reading overall.
Especially when combined with freaking Dagaz, which is literally "dawn." Or the light at the end of the tunnel. Everything I'm getting thrown at me today is screaming YES THIS IS GOOD EVERYTHING IS GOOD YOU WILL BE MORE THAN FINE.
I can take a hint! XD
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naometry · 1 year
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A highly detailed map of Shujin drafted by Akira Kurusu. Lost after his capture.
Knight of Pentacles, King of Spades ⚔️
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They have a similar energy to me tbh.
There’s an amount of pain there that no amount of pointed hand appendages or smiling can hide. And it’s kind of sad and funny.
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bigmommycommie · 2 years
sure, there is no scientific justification for tarot, but have you considered that it gives better advice than every person I've ever met combined?
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molotovmetro · 2 years
Might flex and get Jesse's tattoo for my birthday.......
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dixiedingo · 3 months
Tarot cards gave me a go ahead on being cute and flirting with him more this time oh god oh fuck
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pressagie · 9 months
Hii, I'm MA cancer sun.
I wanted to please ask regarding my financial situation in the next 5-10 years? Do the cards see me managing to be financially stable and comfortable (not RICH rich but have enough money to be able to spend on what you desire without checking your bank account every 5 mins).
Thank you very much!
Hi, hello 🦀🌞
I just said, in my previous post (tags), that I'd be using that spread/format for every reading – but for this, I really felt (and checked) that I should try something different.
I used a “blank” card (my Tarot deck has one) to symbolize you. Then I shuffled and went looking for “you” and the following Discs (the suit correspondent to money), to read about 3 points in time.
I also included the card leading up to each timeframe, giving context to how you'd get there.
I know you asked about 5-10 years from now; I only started (basically) in the present because I like to first make sure that I'm picking up on the situation.
Note: I added some info to the bottom of my pinned post, and I recommend (to everyone who sent in questions) giving it a read :]
I really hope this helps 💛
— immediate future
THE HANGED (inverted) + KING OF DISCS (inverted)
The King of Discs, in this scenario, paints a picture of someone greedy.
The Hanged, coming right before, represents being stuck with this person in a very significant situation, that is the root of the financial problems. (I'm not going deeper into it, since that was not your question.)
— near future
ACE OF BLADES (inverted) + IX OF DISCS (upright)
There will come some kind of disruptive action that changes your course (probably from outside, even without your knowledge).
This results in much better circumstances (at least regarding finances) accompanied by a sense of stability and finality.
— distant future
THE EMPEROR (upright) + VIII OF DISCS (upright)
The Emperor is a Major Arcana card; just as The Hanged, it signals more defining moments in life – but, unlike it, this one talks about being in control of your “domain”.
The VIII of Discs, while related to monetary defeat, in the upright position means that you can handle the consequences. Even if the upcoming troubles are also major, they're nothing that you won't have the skills/tools to deal with, by then.
Thank you for trusting me to read for you. I would love to know what you think: if this resonates with your circumstances, and what comes of it. Don't be afraid to give me honest feedback and suggestions, after all, it'll help me become a better reader :]
Do you want to expand on this or have another topic to explore? Leave me a (follow-up) question!
You can always include the numbered tag associated with your reading(s), and I'll add it to the future posts as well, so they are identified as belonging to the same querent, and easier to find – check below, next to #OMEN DEAL.
For Ko-fi tips (absolute zero pressure)
I honor the spirit who helps with my practice – for winding and guiding my path, learning how to sit with me, and being a light to read by.
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Elioth Gruner's Milking Time / Araluen Valley
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olliesaurus-rex · 1 year
I love when I get called to do a reading because it's usually brutally true and/or reassurance that I'm on the right path. Today's instance was both lmao
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lunapwrites · 2 years
Well. I'm a little late getting my tarot reading in today, but today I had not one but TWO cards thrown at me.
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Boy, we're really gonna talk about the news, huh.
So the deck threw both Five of Swords reversed and the Herald of Swords at me today, so that's... Great. Honestly the best way to describe this is to read them together: the attack is over, the traitors revealed, and the outcome is not in your favor. News will be upsetting and change will be rapid.
[Stares at news] yeah I gathered.
The Queen of Wands speaks to determination, and courage. Standing up for what you believe in. (Look, I am trying my best.)
Eight of Cups reversed is about dissatisfaction and feeling stuck. Maybe considering where to go next and how. (Literally how.)
Nine of Pentacles reversed (Jesus Christ) is about self worth, balance... Particularly in an economic sense. (Hello darkness my old friend...)
It's uh. Not really great, besties. Bad vibes all around that I'm trying to brazen my way through as best I can. But burying myself in work today isn't going well obviously (and I imagine it's not for many of you.) It's like... I knew it was coming. But knowing the freight train is coming doesn't make it hurt less when it hits you, and you can't jump out of the way if you're stuck on the tracks.
Anyway. Today's a shit show. I'm so sorry.
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addoration · 2 years
weird tarot reading just now. i got the fool reversed for the "future" card. idk what to make of that. but i got the 5 of wands reversed for the "present" card, which checks out tbh.
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