#pein imagines
cherubfae · 4 months
|| love rival || Akatsuki x reader
They're now realizing what a mistake it was to introduce you to the group, now they have competition with their own teammate.
tags: former ninja!reader, gn! civilian reader, established relationships, threats, violence, protective!akatsuki, slightly suggestive in Sasori's || MDNI
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He knows that Konan is harmless and she's not the sort of disrespectful person to go sniffing about where she doesn't belong, especially where he and his partner are concerned. Pain, however, cannot tolerate the lingering touches Konan gives you as she passes by. Her hand brushing yours, guiding you with an arm around your shoulders, and blushing at you. He feels a warning is warranted.
"You are my dear friend, Konan, I have known you many years, but this simply won't do. You are better than how you are acting. Be respectful and leave them alone, and I won't need to inflict pain upon you."
Oh, well isn't this troublesome. Konan isn't the type to make idle threats, but Pain is her commander and leader. That would not be a wise decision on her part, but she does trust her long-time friend to be somewhat respectful and not place you in any situation where you would be uncomfortable. She's not above putting her foot down if she really must.
"Sir, with all due respect, my partner isn't interested and we would both appreciate you to mind your manners."
You are his everything. He would destroy the entire world for you. Level mountains, tame seas, there isn't anything he wouldn't do as long as it's within his power. He's pretty surprised that Zetsu even took a liking to you, as he's not one that's expressed interest in most anything other than his eating habits.
"Surely Zetsu is mistaken. My partner isn't a corpse for you to munch on you, nor are they yours for the taking. Keep your distance and I won't have to bloody you up too much."
As with anything, both sides of him are at a near constant quarrel with each other. His light side trying to reassure his darker side that Tobi is harmless and doesn't mean anything malicious by taking interest in you.
"Tobi is a good boy, he means no harm." "His harm is his unwarranted interest in our beloved partner. Fool! You have no sense, do you?"
Honestly he could laugh so hard he may undo the stitches in his neck. That old fucker wants his partner?? Is he actually serious?
"Haha! That's fucking rich! You've gotta be at least one-hundred by now, huh? Fuck off, geezer! They're not yours!"
Clearly decapitating Hidan over and over doesn't make him talk any less. Neither does stabbing him-- but it sure does take the edge off. Kakuzu would rather not deal with the younger man's insufferable stubbornness. You are his lover, his alone, and Hidan had no chance in whatever the fuck kind of afterlife his mighty lord Jashin provides. None. Fuck off, Hidan.
"As if they'd want someone as lowly as you. You don't even pay for your own shit. Remember your place or I won't hesitate to remove you from this world permanently. One swipe and your head will be freed from your miserable shoulders. I'm sure all sorts of insects would love to burrow inside of that hollow space."
For a moment he's reminded of Sasuke's little schoolboy crush on you, except Kisame isn't Sasuke. He is a grown adult capable of getting in the way of Itachi's livelihood. Threatening the sanctity of his relationship. He's unlikely to do much other than step in if he crosses any boundaries or makes you uncomfortable. So until something is said, it's just this weird, heavy atmosphere. Kisame starts to speak but Itachi cuts him off immediately.
"Keep their name out of your mouth, Kisame. I won't warn you again."
Oftentimes he wonders how lonely Itachi is. He annihilated his entire clan save for his younger brother in a single night. He took away everything he loved and for what? He can appreciate Itachi's past but Kisame doesn't take too kindly to the eldest Uchiha brother being a bit too welcoming and protective of his partner.
"Itachi, a word of advice. Don't shit where you eat. And keep your nose out of other's relationships. You're a good, respectable man and I appreciate your concern in my partner's well-being. Let me handle it from here."
There's still the age-old artistic view difference between the two: eternal art vs shortlived art. One could argue both have their merits, but even after all these years it was a sore subject between the blonde and redhead duo. And now you were thrown into the mix.
"If you truly think you're so superior to me, Deidara, then perhaps you'd be more open to what a waste your art truly is. My partner prefers eternal, long-lasting, but there's nothing long nor lasting about, is there?"
This was great. Jusssst great. Sasori had been hanging around his area of the hideout more and for what, Deidara wasn't sure. Until he recalled that you had been given special permission to visit from Pain himself. You'd forsaken your village long ago and clearly had no interest in reporting them, so it was allowed. Sasori had begun skulking about ever since and the blonde could guess why he might be drawn to you.
"If you even think about turning my partner into a fuckin' puppet, I won't hesitate to kill you, Sasori. No matter which way I go about it, you'll end up in splinters. So, I repeat. Stay the fuck away from them, hmm."
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cosmic-glow · 1 month
Request: "May I request soft akatsuki headcannons for a reader who loves to bake and cook? It's a passion of mine, and a great stress reliever! There's nothing I won't try and try to make!"
Notes: First of all, I'm sorry it took me so long to respond 😭 I also like cooking and I completely agree with you! I hope you like what I wrote, good reading!
"Are you hungry, love?"- Akatsuki
Warnings: no pronouns; no use of "y/n"; pure cuteness. Gender: Soft Headcanons. Characters: Itachi; Kisame; Deidara; Sasori; Kakuzu; Hidan; Zetsu; Tobi/Obito; Pein; Konan.
Itachi Uchiha
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He always offers you help in the kitchen.
He is very picky when cooking for someone but is easily satisfied with whatever you cook for him.
He feels obligated to return the favor by cooking for you too. That's why he took charge of breakfast, always waking up before you to prepare what you like.
Likes hot foods and pasta. Loves handmade sweets.
He prefers traditional foods, but accepts trying new flavors when he's with you.
He loves going out to buy new ingredients with you, he knows a lot about the subject and would be of great help.
Kisame Hoshigaki
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You know that popular saying that the best way to conquer a man is through his stomach? It applies very well to this man.
He likes to be spoiled with food and will be grateful for it so.. please cook for him.
His heart feels warm when he comes home and smells something delicious you are preparing.
He likes foods with a sweet and sour taste, and he loves meat. He also loves sweets, so it's not hard to please Kisame.
He loves trying new flavors with you. If you want, he'll even help you in the kitchen, but he's not very good (he's a bit clumsy).
He'll find a way to say thank you, whether it's washing the dishes, giving gifts, taking you out to eat, all of the above, whatever you prefer.
He's the kind of guy who would eat what you prepared even if it was completely burnt if he knew you put effort into it.
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He likes fast food, but is very happy when you cook for him.
Thanks to you, he's starting to eat more healthily, because he has a childish palate and is very resistant to exploring new flavors.
He likes spicy foods because are like an explosion in the mouth.
"I have to say, honey, your cooking is an art!" - he says with his mouth full when he really likes it.
One of his favorite moments of the day is when you're eating something you've prepared or he's bought, watching a movie and talking about anything.
It's something very simple, but if you make a cake just for him on his birthday, he'll feel so loved that he might even cry a little.
(Sometimes he brags to the other members about having such a skilled s/o in the kitchen).
But please keep this boy the hell away from the kitchen! When I say he's a complete chaos cooking, it's because the kitchen almost always explodes! Literally!
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He often forgets that he still needs to eat due to his puppet body, so he's grateful that you remind him. He still needs to eat a little every now and then to ensure a bit of vital energy or something.
And yes, that was the lie he invented to not disappoint you. And regardless of whether you believed it or not, he always eats your food, even though he knows how much work it will take to clean his insides afterwards (don't worry, he'll probably come up with something to solve this).
Understand, he lied because he knows how important cooking is to you, he sees how much you work at it, but had the misfortune of being with a guy who doesn't need to eat… but he couldn't risk hurting you for something that's his fault.
Sasori only eats your food and no one else's, no matter how much they insist.
He likes foods with strong spices, he no longer feels flavors in the same way as when he was a human.
At the end of every meal, he politely thanks you for the delicious food and offers to help with the dishes.
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He likes hot, very hot, and traditional foods. Doesn't like sweets.
He's great in the kitchen and sometimes cooks for you too, as a thank you. Kakuzu has many years of experience in the kitchen, take the opportunity to ask questions and get some tips, he may not show it but he really likes to help you.
Maybe you don't know, but Kakuzu practically never eats out, he knows that some people want him dead and could easily poison his food. So for him to eat everything you prepare without hesitation is really a great show of trust.
He is very silent while eating, but he doesn't mind if you want to talk about your day, he will be listening to every part.
He really appreciates your food, getting involved and asking about the spices you used, how you prepared it, he really likes it when you test a new recipe.
Always at the end of every meal he thanks you for the food and gets up before you to clear the table and wash the dishes, a silent way of thanking you.
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Spicy and crunchy foods and sour desserts, it's true heaven for him...
As incredible as it may seem, Hidan is very picky about his food, it's unbearable to go out to eat with him, it seems like he always makes a point of finding some flaw.
But it's the total opposite with you, he eats everything you prepare without complaining too much, just teasing you a little as always. Except if he is angry with you for some reason, then he will be impossible, no matter what you prepared, he will not eat it.
Hidan has a very annoying childhood palate, so don't force him to eat something he doesn't really like, like vegetables for example.
You'll probably have some arguments about him drink any kind of blood but not wanting to eat the soup you made (for example), but it won't change anything.
Whenever you enter the kitchen, Hidan follows right behind to find out what you're going to prepare and also because he loves to annoy you while you're cooking. He tickles you, bites you, hugs you, kisses you and even steals some utensils to disturb you before you kick him out of the kitchen.
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He likes meat a lot, in fact you thought it was the only thing he could eat.
He is very impatient and even hugs you trying to convince you to let him eat before you finish.
"I don't care that it's not ready yet and it's raw, I'm hungry, love. Let me eat it just the way it is."
Not a very good critic of your recipes, he will eat literally anything you put in front of him and thank you for it.
You are the one who teaches him to have a more refined palate and he loves trying new flavors with you.
Zetsu grows a vegetable garden just for you, with everything you need fresh and tasty for your recipes.
Tobi/Obito Uchiha
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Tobi >loves< sweets, make sweets for him and you'll have him curled up in the palm of your hand.
Both Tobi and Obito don't like spicy food.
He feels so loved when you cook for him <3 (a tip: prepare ramen for him when he's sad, it'll make him feel better).
Whenever he comes home early he brings you some sweets he bought at the bakery as a treat.
This is another man who is very easy to win over with his stomach. He'll feel very special if you tell him you've prepared something just for him. Make him your guinea pig for new recipes, he really doesn't mind and always gives you great feedback.
He always offers you the first bite out of respect, he is as happy to see you eating and talking about how tasty it is as he is to eat something you prepared.
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Pein went through long periods of starvation as a child, so as much as it may seem, he isn't very picky about what he eats.
Likes hot and spicy foods. Hate sweets.
He is a great fan of your food, even if you've accidentally burnt it or overdone the seasoning, he'll be happy to eat something you've lovingly prepared.
Due to his work as leader of Akatsuki, he often forgets to eat properly. It's you who show up at his office and remind him to eat, with something you've prepared in hand, he's really grateful for your care.
He is always attentive to your needs. Did you like a cuter utensil kit than the ones you have? Are your. Wanting new seasonings? Suddenly they appear in your pantry. Everything you need.
Pein always makes it clear how he likes you to cook but that he doesn't want you to be overwhelmed with it, so he does everything to make this task easier for you, including ordering something from restaurants for you to eat and enjoy your free time together.
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He likes mild sweets and, ironically, spicy foods. (Please make sweets for Konan, she likes a lot).
She will always feel like she is bothering or burdening you when you cook for her.
Konan isn't that good in the kitchen, so she's grateful to have a s/o who cooks so well. Sometimes she watches you cook to try to learn something, in an attempt to return the favor one day.
Buy a lot of sweets for you and make a point of always keeping your pantry well stocked so you don't have to worry about buying ingredients.
As I said, Konan doesn't like to burden you, so very often she takes you on restaurant dates.
Konan loves the culinary tours you plan, she could listen to you talk for hours about techniques, recipes and ideas. She loves seeing how excited you get talking about it.
Sorry for any typos;
Buy me a coffee?
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iambilliejeanok · 1 year
can you please write headcanons on how the Akatsuki eat out their fem s/o? Thank you.
Yes I can, you’re welcome🌸
🌸How the Akastuki members eat out fem reader🌸
Feature: Pein||Kakuzu||Hidan||Sasori||Itachi||Kisame
Warnings: 🔞, NSFW, content might be unsuitable for some viewers, contains taboo/explicit scenes that some might find disturbing, darcyphillia, female cunnilingus, UNEDITED, the whole thing is about pussy eating, all consensual scenarios.
No artwork presented here belongs to me
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We love Pein we really do, but dear lawd, he knows how to torture you. Pein is such a dirty tease. He’s so bad, you might even end up crying, the remainder of the session.
With his mouth literally watering, this is tough on him too, spit casually sliding off of his tongue and onto your vulva, while he’s softly biting and sucking the skin surrounding your genitalia, leaving small hickies behind and NEVER touching your clit.
If you’re strong willed enough, screaming at him and tugging on his dry orange hair might direct his attention to your suffering, but that also really annoys him, and now a lingering kiss is all he leaves you with, your hips would’ve shot up if he wasn’t holding them down, but your poor clit is way too sensitive that just the contact of his soft lips against your clit nearly took you out.
“Pein! Baby I can’t stand this! Please!!!”, you desperately beg him, unashamedly attempting to shove your clit in his mouth but you can’t even get close, he’s freakishly strong. He’s eyebrows now lower and he’s purely disappointed. “If I give you want you want you’re still going to bother me. Why can’t you give in to me?”, he asks, and lawd knows you couldn’t give a flying fuck right now, he needs to get serious.
But this is his little game, to see how much he can torture you, purple eyes refocusing on your pussy. Here’s a good reason as to why he admires edging you so much, you’re so incredibly wet, and when he separates your folds to get a good look at you, it’s all goey and sticky, and he absentmindedly starts licking a trail up and down every inch of your exposed vulva, every lick setting your entire body ablaze, Pein shoving his tongue as deep as it can go inside of you as he continues licking up, but he stops just below your clit his eyes blissfully shut and his head in another world as he takes his sweet time to taste every inch of you.
There’s no level of horny greater than this for you and Pein is hard enough to break something with his erection. He’s definitely not sorry for putting you through this and for a matter of fact, he had you right where he needs you. He’s managed to reduce you to a desperate mess, your pussy is dripping with your arousal and he’s looking right back at your hole, watching it contract and expand as though it’s begging him too. He knows it’s begging him. Now he can mess with you.
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First of all, Kakuzu towers over you, his impressive frame and bulky size means he can easily manhandle you regardless of your size, and we know this grumpy piece of sexyness takes advantage of that too.
He’s so serious though, but he loves your personality, whatever it is. He doesn’t typically make any sounds outside of heavy breathing when the two of you have sex, and you’re always the one reaching the high notes.
Kakuzus approach to eating you out is definitely different from Peins, because Kakuzu doesn’t have the time of day to edge you. He’s a dangerous assassin and only enjoys making money the easiest way he knows how, so he always needs to stay alert and be on guard, even in the comfort of your own bedroom while his head is buried between you legs.
He’s very intentional and to the point, he wants you to start crying out his name with ragged screams RIGHT NOW😭This man has no general idea of how to initiate anything sexual so he just scoops you up, throwing you over his shoulder wherever you are. He places you down anywhere comfortable enough for you lay down, and he’s immediately pushing your thighs up and spreading your legs. He also ALWAYS just moves your panties to the side because he doesn’t have time to get all romantic with you, but he also really wants to make you feel good🥺 he really tries his best to make you feel good, if only it didn’t have to be so spontaneous and intense all the time
The pad of his thumb is already rubbing your clit in circles. Now you know he’s insanely good at this, so the minute he throws you over his shoulder, your pussy is already growing moist with every passing second. He’s not a fan of dirty talk but sometimes he’ll comment on how you’re already creamed up at this point. If only he understood his own power😭😭
With his focus on your beautiful face, he spits right onto your clit and you can’t help but moan at the sensation of the cold spit landing on clit, but he’s massaging your clit again with his thumb, his free hand working in ripping your top in half so he can free your titties. Kakuzu gets so horny when you let him play with you, because it’s not like he can just do this whenever he wants. Biting your lip to stifle a moan at the contact of his open palm kneading your boob would work if the speed of his thumb in your clit didn’t increase, and you’re moaning loudly now, his focused facial expression relaxing with a smirk pulling at his lips before he buries his head between your thighs, tongue fucking you to an orgasm, and you’re already throwing your head back, overwhelmed with Kazuzu’s intensity and aggressiveness as he licks and sucks on your clit, your screams like a beautiful play that he gets to orchestrate, knowing what to do to get what kind of reaction.
Your orgasm are always so long and intense because he’s constantly stimulating something. If he’s sucking your soul out of your clit he’s also tongue fucking you, his fingers helping out to stimulate your gspot while he’s free hand keeps you spread just enough to lick every inch of you. HE LOVES EATING YOUR WHOLE ASS OUT OKAY. He’s so strong it’s left you with a little bit of an obsession towards his touch. He lifts your ass up easily enough with how he pushes your thighs open and by the time he’s getting around to lapping the crack of your ass and circling your anus you’re a complete mess. You’re squirting, screaming and shaking but it’s barely been three minutes…he has the time to go a little longer. 5 minutes, maybe 6 since he’s feeling extra relaxed at this point.
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He’s so sick and evil please😭😭 why does getting your pussy ate out have to be so intense and overwhelming. And you might need to endure a little bit of pain to experience those orgasms that make you feel like you’re turning into another creature. He loves to study you and your body, how certain things will drive you crazy and how other things you can handle better.
Sasori is surprisingly a loyal pleaser, he always strives to send you over the moon and he now understands that the more pleasure you experience the easier it is for you to handle penetration. He loves penetrating you while eating you out, yes with his fingers and they feel so good you can literally envision the way he makes you feel, but he also gets a kick out of seeing the toys he meticulously designed fit inside of you, one inside your anus and one inside your vagina. The one inside your vagina just vibrates, starting from a low buzz and gradually growing more intense, that you’ll eventually have orgasms that could last the whole session, while the you that goes inside your vagina is the one he plays around with, fucking you with it while he devours your clit. Sometimes he will pull the toy inside your vagina out to replace it with his own tongue and slurp up the mess you’re making. 😭🙈
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Hidan loves spanking yes, but not he’s not about your ass. When you’re enjoying an intense orgasm, crying, or fussing enough to annoy him, especially while he’s in the zone, spreading your lips apart to directly stimulate your exposed bean, but gentle licks is enough to send you into spasms. When it gets difficult to keep you in one position, he straightens up and smacks your titties, loves to slap both of them, until your promise him you’ll sit still. You know the drill.
But the reality is you’re not going to be able to stay in one position with how he’s not giving your a break, constantly licking your vulva, unintentionally stimulating your g spot every time his tongue slips inside of you, taking his sweet time, his eyes shut to really taste you. So he opens his eyes and frowns, sitting upright to start smacking your breasts again.
He makes you cry when he does this because it’s really not fair, and damn you because your years will tug at his heart enough to convince him you deserve a break. He’s actually kinda sweet though, because when you begin to really cry and beg him to wait, he will find something else to do until you’re ready for round two, massaging your boob in one hand while he’s warm mouth is suckling the other, and your beautiful skin is always covered in dark patches from the millions of of hickies he leaves all over you, especially your chest and neck area when he’s giving you a break.
In between kisses he checks on you. “Hey”, he whispers as to not startle you, your eyes fluttering as they open up to see him. You should answer him when he’s done planting soft kisses against your softer lips. “hey”, you respond in the softest voice, he immediately has the urge to wrap his arms around you, squeezing you tight. “Intense right.. babyy, are you okay?”, he whispers in your ear. “Yes I’m okay, thank you”. “May I continue?”, he asks placing a kiss against your temple, already leaving a trail of kiss as he repositions himself between your legs.
This time around he’s a little meaner, praising you for constantly squirting on him while he’s devouring you, your orgasms so intense it doesn’t take too long for you to start throwing another tantrum. He’s so good at handling you🥺
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Itachi🥺 he loves talking to you during foreplay. He’s also constantly flirting with you, that probably explains why you’re always horny. He knows what he’s doing because Itachi LOVES pleasuring you with his mouth. Whether it’s verbally or physically, he never fails to make you feel so so good.
Itachi will eat you until a whiny mess and he talks you through all of it. “Tachi!’ I can’t take it uhhhh!!!!”, you whine, Itachi not stopping the stroke of his tongue against your clit until you have this orgasm. He doesn’t like ruining your orgasms, so he’s rather just make you nut and give you a break after, no matter how intense the orgasm is. You’re going to have it until you calm yourself. “There you go sweet girl”, he pants, mesmerized by the way you’re squirting and the noises you’re making, screaming while he’s literally just watching you cum. “Baby”, he smiles, “I love watching my pretty girl squirt like this. Thank you baby”. “I- o-okay—“, you try and speak but that orgasm was rather overwhelming.
Your inability to get yourself together always amuses him, he loves doing this to you. “My pretty girl”, he says, leaning forward to finally kiss you, his fingers slowly separating your folds, the pad of his middle finger rubbing your clit in left to right strokes, the speed increasing, quickly leaving you unable to kiss him in return. He smiles again, amused. Your clit is so sensitive and you’re so sweet and responsive, the demon inside of him wants to come out and play. Now even though you’re screaming from such simple actions, he still wants to see you have another orgasm, despite the intensity.
But he’s loving and sweet with how he handles the situation you don’t realize he’s the reason why you find yourself able to make it to orgasm number 4 in just one round😫
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Like Kakuzu, Kisame is also really tall and bulky, and uses that to his advantage whenever he can, even when he’s trying to pleasure his precious lover😞
He loves him some foreplay and loves using his fingers before he finishes you off with his mouth. He loves you between his thighs with you back resting against his chest, and with his free hand leading your boobs, his other hand is rapidly flicking at your clitoris, bringing you to multiple orgasms while you squirm and convulsive between his legs, yet he easily holds you snug against him. He might even place his own legs over yours and bring you to another orgasm. You’re guaranteed to squirt when he bullies you like this. Sometimes he would make you sit on his dick while he does this to your poor clit, but let’s get into that some other time…
He loves for you to sit on his face, sit on his face and ride him. Don’t stop though because that might aggravate him😭 and slowly make him feel like he has to be a little more aggressive. “Cmon baby, what’s the matter?”, he frowns, smacking your ass hard before sitting you right back on his mouth, the grip of his hands on your hips is so strong you don’t even try and escape, succumbing to your fate of back breaking orgasms. Tomorrow your back will certainly remind you of this moment right here with how often you arch. But you’re grateful for your morning yoga sessions because those help a lot with any body aches you might have, unless Kisame walks in on you in that downward dog position, then he suddenly wants to do some yoga with you. You both know why he’s really here and it’s going to end with his head between your thighs.
But if it’s not for face riding please let him eat you out on all fours. Lawd he’s so aggressive and might make you wanna tap out from the overstimulation. And in this position you’re so exposed, he buries his face nose between your ass cheeks, might enjoy sniffing your anus while he’s devouring you, his tongue lapping at your clit while he shakes his head, making all kinds of grunt and groaning sounds to show you how much he’s enjoying this. And while you’re pushing his head band begging him to stop he makes more sounds while casually smacking your hands out the way.
He can and will tongue fuck you to tears carefully observing your face while he shoves it inside of you with force, making you crumble and cum right then and there.
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Naruto Love Languages (Akatsuki)
Pein/Nagato - Physical Touch
Nagato struggles with his public image and personal image. When he is around others he is a god, a highly power who will bring peace. He is held to such a high standard and that comes with a lot of pressure. Inside he feels like just another person, but knows he has to keep up the persona to execute his plan. When you join him in public he boosts you up as his equal, an equal god to rule with him. But when you two get away from others and back into solitude, Nagato just collapses into your arms and wants to stay there all day. Sure he was tons of paperwork to do, but god dammit have you see the state his body is in? He deserves ONE day off. Loves it when you let him lay down on your lap and you play with his hair. While he is definitely more touchy in private, you do notice that in public he will quietly snake his hand into yours and not let go the whole meeting
Konan - Gift Giving
Konan is stoic but very sweet. She's been hurt quite a bit and is afraid to reach out again. Even when dating you for awhile she occasionally catches herself getting comfortable and retreats a bit. You know she means well and understand her struggles, but it does get sad sometimes. Something that doesn't go away though is her gifts to you. Konan loves to make origami for you, and larger paper creations as well. Your favorite animals, your favorite anime characters, she even makes statues of you two together. Seeing your smile when you recieve these makes her heart soar. Giving you gifts is her one way to confidently express her love, and will bring out the most genuine smiles she ever gives
Itachi Uchiha - Acts of Service
Itachi has some issues showing his emotions more directly. He's a man of few words. But what he doesn't say in words he says in actions. He adores taking care of you. He misses taking care of a younger sibling, or just family in general, it makes him feel important. So caring for you feels just as good, even better since you guys get to kiss and cuddle and stuff. Itachi will always be cooking meals for you and picking up around the house. If you ever get sick this man will be at your side the whole time, I'm talking fresh soup and blankets. Sure he may be a full time Akatsuki member, but with you he's like a housewife. And he wouldn't have it any other way!
Kisame Hoshigaki - Quality Time
Kisame is the definition of loyalty. He is already loyal to his friends and teammates, but to you he is unwavering. He'll never lie to you, sell you out, cheat on you, nothing. You're the only one for him. You're so special and are so interesting to him. Spending time with you is bliss for him, even when you just sit around and casually chat. Kisame could listen to your voice and stare at your beautiful face for hours on end. You'll often find him just staring at you smiling sweetly (much to your embarrassment). He'll back off if you tell him to, but will be back at it the next day
Sasori - Quality Time
Sasori values eternity over everything, that's why he turned himself into a puppet. The passage of time won't affect him, and he doesn't want it to affect your relationship either. He's not big on talking or touching, it's more just existing with you that makes him happy. Whenever he works on his puppets he likes to have you in his studio doing your own thing (with the occasional small talk if you catch him on a good day). Sasori thinks in the long term as well, not worrying if you guys just spend a day doing nothing. You have years and years ahead of you, you can spend a day just doing nothing and relaxing. Just be aware he will consistantly try to convince you to become a puppet so you guys can really live for eternity forever
Deidara - Gift Giving
When you and Deidara started dating, he definitely was showing off awkwardly. I'm talking bragging about his achievements, hyping up his fighting skills, stuff like that. He's lucky he's cute cause he could kinda be insufferable lol. But once he got comfortable around you he mellowed out a lot. More genuine conversations, wider range of emotions and vulnerability, and more confident touches as well. Now he can hold your hand without freaking out. Deidara adores giving you gifts most of all though. His art is obviously the best, and you're the best, so you are worthy of it! His gifts range from tiny little birds that tweet your favorite song before poofing into smoke, or a whole giant dragon doing a show and exploding into colorful fireworks. All of Deidara's creations have tons of time and effort put into them to make sure they are the highest quality for you. Everytime there is a new surprise in his clay, and you look forward to it every day
Hidan - Physical Touch
...Are you surprised? Come on let's be real here. Hidan appreciates the more sinful things in life, and that includes your body. He's kind of a douchebag and you each piss each other off alot, but he DOES care for you. He wouldn't want any other partner, you're his favorite little shit and he couldn't dream of losing you. Not to mention this man worships your body. Everything about you is just perfectly carved by Jashin just for him. Pretty much anything you do will turn him on, you're just that sexy to him. Hidan has no shame and will actively start making out and feeling you up in public. Why should he have to wait to get home to ravish you, you look so good right here right now! And he isn't ashamed to show the world how much he loves you, fuck them all. If you manage to hold him off till you get home, the moment you walk in the door he is throwing you over his shoulder and parading to the bedroom
Kakuzu - Quality Time
Kakuzu isn't the most... romantic person in the world. He's a bit difficult to deal with, even in a relationship. Sometimes you wonder why you fell for this guy in the first place. But then he'll ask you to stay with him while he counts money and talk. The whole time he is attentive and engaged, surprising you with his sincerity. He likes to have you around him a lot and will sometimes drag you into the same room as him with no words. Just sit next to him and he's satisfied. Kakuzu is also protective of you more than anyone in his life. Most people he gives no shits about, just ask his previous teammates. But you don't annoy him as much and he found himself genuinely caring for you. So in return he will kill anyone who dares to threaten or hurt you. News flash though, you will always play second fiddle to money
Tobi/Obito - Words of Affirmation
Either persona he chooses uses words to show his affection, just in drastically different ways. As Tobi, he is waaaaaaay more open and extravagent about it. He is gushing about you all the time in front of everyone, constantly bragging about you during meetings, he will not shut the fuck up. The world will KNOW how cool and funny and hot you are. But when he is back to regular Obito, he definitely calms down. He is still very affectionate and vocal, but in a more private way. He saves this sincerity for alone time and very rare outings. These times he feels open to be vulnerable with you and enjoys telling you all the things he holds inside. So no matter what side of Obito you have, you are gonna be treated like a national treasure (Oh but uh, another problem with Tobi is that uh... nothing you guys do will be private. Everything is gonna be broadcasted to the rest of the Akatsuki, so get used to the group knowing what color panties you were wearing)
Konoha 12 + Sand Siblings | Shinobi & Founders | Akatsuki
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thottyimagines · 2 months
Heyy, i really love ur akatsuki headcanons, like every one of them is so believable lmaoo.
Could u do akatsuki headcanons where their s/o asks them to hold their peepee while they pee? I swear there was one exact ask on tumblr but it cant find it
Thanks and i hope its not a weird question but they r weirdos anyways so
Thank you!
I've gotten a variation of this ask several times which is telling me the people (or just one tenacious anon) really want to know, so...god, here goes nothing:
Pein is...weirdly complicated, given the real body in the basement/paths for his bidding situation, but I'd say the only way he'd allow it is if it's absolutely necessary because his actual bod is too weak to even help himself. I imagine he just diapers the poor thing and gives Konan the honor of cleaning him up, though, so he doesn't really need an s/o to aid in that venture.
Konan, should she have one for her s/o to hold, would be kind of confused by the request, but not put off. I don't think she'd really get it, but sure, knock yourself out, s/o.
Itachi would get flustered and embarrassed, should his s/o ask to do the holding for him. He'd reassure them that he is more than capable of performing his own bathroom duties, from ablutions to urination, and their concern is...well, kind, if unwarranted. He'd probably wonder if his s/o is noticing his deteriorating eyesight and then frets that he can no longer aim, and everyone has felt too awkward to tell him. He starts using the bathroom with his Sharingan always on and the door locked tight so he can make sure he cleans up properly.
Kisame would probably be amused and go for it. He'd somehow find a way to be flirtatious and horny about it, but hey, his s/o was the one to be a freak and ask in the first place so as far as he's concerned it's all fair game.
Hidan would only accept if he could be flirtatious and horny about it. He'd probably just assume his s/o developed a piss kink or something, I'll be real with you.
Kakuzu initially shuts that down with a firm "no." If his s/o is persistent, he'd relent, but he'd be annoyed and brusque about it. If their finger gets caught in the zipper when he's done, well, that'll show them to stop impeding his business.
Deidara gets very embarrassed and flustered, like Itachi, but in a weirdly flattered, excited way. He's young and horny and will gleefully embrace any opportunity to have someone touching his dick, even for something as mundane as him peeing.
Sasori probably didn't give his puppet twink bod any genitalia, as he needs to neither pee nor fuck in this form. He'd be sure to let his s/o know that.
Tobi would get embarrassed and deflect and probably accuse his s/o of being a pervert (fair), but forgive them because they're just too cute. They're still not giving the assist, though. He's self-conscious about how it looks soft.
Zetsu also doesn't seem to have the anatomy required for this scenario, given he's running around in the buff all day long and no one has ever commented about his bits hanging out and about.
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aceopmari · 2 years
Hello👋 I'm New In here in your Blog and I actually really liked your writing so Can you write me a Headcanon for all akatsuki Members when their fem s/o has the Powers of Wanda Maximoff from Avengers?? Thank you so Much💙💙
A/N: Oooh I’m tingling with excitement from the request! I remember discovering this character back when she was on X Men Evolution. And now Wanda is super popular in the Marvel Universe! I’ll be honest I don’t know too much about her aside from seeing her in Civil War, so I did some research, watched some videos from the movies and Wanda Vision too. I hope you enjoy this HC babe!
The Akatsuki w/an s/o Who Has Scarlet Witches Powers
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Taglist: @ppg-artss @lovelygeniegirl1012 @mercymccann @kakeisumire @aoi-ajisai @mechmoucha @barbellina @nightingaleflow @bonchin @awhore4uchiha @havrlie
TW: Death, toxic reader, toxic relationship, some grotesque and gory details, and dark themes ahead.
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🩸Fucking Jashin! Where have you been all his life?! If you were a gift from his lord, he sure was fucking blessed.
🩸In addition to those sexy red outfits you always wore, Hidan loved your powers.
🩸The way your hands glowed red when you used your powers to crack Asuma’s neck in all directions made Hidan fall in love with you.
🩸The two of you raised hell together everywhere you went.
🩸You would fly up in the air, unleashing a deadly barrage of your red chaos magic jutsu on your enemies and allow Hidan to go in for the kill.
🩸Hidan loves watching you torture Kakuzu with your mind control jutsus.
🩸”Put your money where your mouth is…” you say darkly. With glowing red eyes and a wave of your hands, you possessed Kakuzu and forced him to shove a stack of ryo deep down his throat while making his red green eyes roll back behind his head.
🩸Hidan howled in laughter as Kakuzu choked. “HAHAHAHAHA! HOT DAMN! YOU ARE ONE CRAZY BITCH!”
🩸Shikamaru was shitting himself. Especially when you went ahead and used your powers to possess Kurenai into killing herself and her unborn child, purely out of spite.
🩸He deemed you and Hidan too dangerous. He had to get a hold of you and finish you himself. To do that, he had to capture Hidan and lure you to him.
🩸He sure as hell got what he wanted when you arrived flying down to meet him and a captured Hidan in Nara Clan Forest. His eyes widened in fear as the sky above you turned a smokey bloody red. Hidan was shook too.
🩸With a raise of your red hand, Nara Clan Forest decomposed completely. Trees were reduced to broken branches, the deer became corpses, the paper tags on Hidan had completely disappeared.
🩸You uses your telekinetic jutsu to raise Shikamaru up in the sky before proceeding to manipulate the reality of his body and stretching his limbs into ribbons.
🩸You smiled evilly as Shikamaru shook in terror. “What ARE you?!” He shrieked. “Y/N: The Scarlet Ninja,” you say darkly. That was when you raised your hand and used your powers to crack Shikamaru’s neck before tossing his body to the deep hole that was meant for Hidan. You sealed him inside the hole and left him to rot.
🩸You flew down and met up with Hidan who was laughing evilly and he held you close. He then pulls you into a kiss. He then pulls away before taking off his necklace and putting it around your neck. “MARRY ME, YOU SCARLET BITCH!” He says with a crazed smile.
🩸You smirk evilly at that. “Not here…” You then use your powers to open up a portal to another dimension. You and Hidan then walk inside hand in hand to have your wedding with no interruptions.
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🎭Sasori of the Red Sand and Y/N the Scarlet Ninja. The two of you looked aesthetically pleasing as a couple. At least that’s what Deidara thought.
🎭True art was eternal beauty and you were the epitome of that.
🎭To say Sasori was intrigued and fascinated by your powers was an understatement. He loved the way your hands moved and glowed when you used your jutsus. The way your eyes would glow as you killed someone was icing on the cake.
🎭Sasori would sometimes request for you to use your powers to enhance his puppets whenever they got damaged or whenever he had new ideas for some upgrades.
🎭He had many questions. Like how you were able to manipulate realities and possess peoples bodies almost like how he does with his puppets.
🎭”Y/N my Scarlet Doll…” Sasori said to you fondly with a dreamy gaze after you used your jutsu to turn the Hidden Sand into the ‘Hidden Glass’. You had used your magic to generate enough heat to turn the sand into glass and kill everyone in the village, but not before beating Deidara to the punch by capturing Gaara.
🎭The Hidden Leaf came for revenge. ‘How cute’ you thought. You and Sasori faced off against Sakura and Chiyo.
🎭Using your telepathy, you were able to catch wind of their plans. You immediately told Sasori. Sakura widened her eyes. “What?! But how do you know?!”
🎭Sasori snickered, triumphant that he can now easily counter her and Chiyo’s plans. That was when you teleported behind Sakura and Chiyo and used your telekinesis to take the antidotes out of their pockets before hurling it to the side, causing it to crack. Lady Chiyo was shooked. “NO!”
🎭Before either of them could do anything, you used your telekinesis again to lift both Sakura and Chiyo up. “How is she doing that?!” Sakura cried. You smirked before hurling them towards Sasori. You nodded to him to give him the signal. He smiled at you evilly before using his poison barbs to smoke them out and kill them.
🎭Afterwards, you given Sasori the thing he never knew he wanted after all these years.
🎭You used your magic on the mother and father puppets and gave them life. Although they weren’t entirely the same, they still maintained the same memories and love they had for Sasori.
🎭His parents hugged him and for the first time in over 20 years, Sasori learned to cry. He was beyond grateful to you and your artistic gifts.
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🐦Can you say underworld power couple? Because that was exactly what you two were.
🐦Itachi of the Sharingan and you Y/N the Scarlet Ninja. With your respective powers, the entire shinobi world was shooked to the core.
🐦The two of you were dubbed by the entire world as “The Worlds Most Dangerous Couple.”
🐦The two of you certainlymade a deadly pair. Itachi would use his Sharigan on his enemies and then you would put the icing on the cake by pulling the enemies into a darker reality so that they could feel everything they saw in Itachi’s genjutsu.
🐦Itachi didn’t lie. He found some of your methods of dealing with enemies to be too ruthless, but if using your chaos magic jutsu or telekinesis to tear someone’s body from the inside out was necessary, then so be it.
🐦Itachi had questions about your abilities. If you weren’t comfortable sharing then he’d be respectful and not pry too much. Though he would get curious and try to read and learn about it in books (not that he’d be able to find anything).
🐦You tended to go overboard with your abilities. Itachi would be the one to keep you in check and lecture you to be more responsible with your powers. That’s one of the reason why leader made you both partners.
🐦Your powers came in handy, like how you would use them to teleport you and Itachi away. Itachi thought it was useful especially when you both were at risk for being tracked.
🐦Poor Sasuke was shitting himself. It was almost if that with you by Itachi’s side, Itachi was stronger than he was. Sasuke just had to get rid of you before killing his brother.
🐦He confronted you by pulling you into his Sharingan. You easily countered it by changing reality itself. You tore out Sasuke’s eye making him let out an ear splitting scream.
🐦He shook in terror as your hands and eyes glowed beautifully as you smiled evilly. “What ARE you?!” He asked in terror.
🐦You took out his other eye and then hurled him with a blast so hard against a wall that his neck snapped.
🐦 You then use your magic to implant the Sharingan into your own eyes and dubbed yourself the “Scarlet Eyed Ninja.”
🐦”Do you like them?” You purred darkly as you presented Itachi your new eyes. He gave you a glare. Although he thought the Sharingan further completed your scarlet aesthetic, he was still very upset that you killed his brother. “It wasn’t your place to do that…” he told you.
🐦You wrap your arms around his neck and hugged him close. “I did this for you, my love. No one will come after us anymore.”
🐦You brought him into a kiss. Itachi was hesitant but accepted the kiss as you got deeper. (Of course a little mind control on your man couldn’t hurt.)
🐦Itachi did nothing to stop you. He felt as though your toxic love was the perfect punishment for him allowing his own brother to die at your hands.
🐦That aside, the world now feared the Scarlet Eyed Ninja. Even some Akatsuki members like Deidara were shitting themselves when you were around.
🐦You’d torture him with your magic whenever he badmouthed Itachi and his Sharingan.
🐦Even though Itachi still loved you, he couldn’t help but feel as though he created a monster…
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💥Everyone would run away in terror as you started using your powers. Not Deidara though!
💥You’d fly up in the air. Your hands glowing red as a dark red smoke surrounded you. You unleashed hell on the Hidden Stone Village, using your chaos magic jutsu to shatter and destroy everything in your path.
💥Deidara was on his clay bird watching with tears in his eyes as you turned the village inside out into a completely different reality.
💥The red colors, the mesmerizing movements of your hands, the glowing aesthetic, the improbable outcomes of the things you created and destroyed was all beautiful. Your “art” was unlike anything he had ever seen.
💥Deidara’s favorite aspect about your powers was your ability to make things come to life in a similar way that he did with his own clay.
💥You’d use your magic to give life to hundreds of explosive tags. You would then enlarge them to be big enough to cover an entire village.
💥Several villages exploded simultaneously, killing millions. Deidara’s heart nearly exploded as well. Boy was in love with his Scarlet Ninja.
💥Deidara thought highly about you and would brag about your sophisticated art style. (Mainly to Sasori who was jealous of your abilities.)
💥In your spare time, you both would make art together. Deidara would make a clay bird and would have it fly up. You would then use your telekinesis to turn it into different animals in mid air.
💥Deidara would finish the job by making it explode. Sometimes you helped make it explode into red balls of electricity with your magic.
💥You saw how Deidara had a “Sasuke problem”. You were happy to help eliminate him.
💥You and Deidara had Sasuke in a bind when you fought in the forest. You used your magic to summon Manda that was in Sasuke’s possession and hypnotized the snake into swallowing Sasuke whole. You knew that he was alive inside though.
💥”Cry your heart out, because my art…” Deidara then tossed C2 into Manda’s mouth. You then raise up your glowing red hands and threw Manda in the sky.
💥”IS AN EXPLOSION!!!” Deidara activates his hands seal and made the snake explode. You smiled happily at the sight of raining snake skin and Sasuke’s body parts that fell from the sky.
💥Deidara cheered as you floated down. He couldn’t believe that both of your perfect arts was able to destroy Sasuke. He was determined to show the world the collaborative art you both made.
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🦈Kisame saw you as his equal as he was highly impressed with your abilities.
🦈You two trusted each other in battle as you had each other’s backs. Was an enemy attempting to sneak up on you? Kisame would introduce them to Samehada. Was someone trying to stab Kisame? You would easily blast a read beam of electricity through their hearts.
🦈Samehada LOVED you too much. That energy was so delicious and powerful. You had fun with Kisame’s sword.
🦈You used your magic to enhance Samehada by enlarging it to be 3 times the size. Not only that but it took form of a red, flesh eating, mutated shark creature that shot out beams of red electricity from his mouth.
🦈Kisame howled in laughter as he devoured his enemies with his “scarlet sword.” He just loved his new toy! Capturing tailed beasts suddenly became easier.
🦈One day you both came across Team Hebi. The white haired boy, Suigetsu challenged Kisame to duel for the sword.
🦈Kisame smirked. “If you want to challenge me then you’ll have to go through my girl.” You stepped up. Suigetsu gave you an unimpressed look. “What? Who’s this lady?”
🦈”Suigetsu that’s the Scarlet Ninja! You can’t beat her!” Karin said. Suigetsu smirked as he held up his sword, now determined to take you down and defend his pride. “Watch me!”
🦈Kisame snickered as he stepped back. He watched flew up in the air as your hands glowed. He was in for a good show…
🦈…And a show he got!
🦈Suigetsu was lying down on the ground battered, bruised and in tears. He was covered in a mixture of “red watery jelly”. His severed blade was stabbed deep into his legs. His sharp teeth was rearranged. Jugo and Karin stared in completely horror at Suigetsu.
🦈”MY GOD WHO IS THIS CHICK?!” Suigetsu shrieked painfully as more blood leaked from the holes where his teeth once were.
🦈Kisame’s booming laughter echoed outside. He loved it when you’d go all out. Your powers always made everything exciting.
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🔮A god and goddess duo. You two were a match made in Hell.
🔮Pain thought you were perfect in every way. Your deadly, magical abilities were beyond impressive and would serve as the Akatsuki’s trump card.
🔮You made things easier for the organization. Especially when you would use your magic to seal tailed beasts in a matter of minutes rather than a few days.
🔮Pain made you his right hand woman. You did anything he asked.
🔮You didn’t hesitate when Pain ordered you to kill Orochimaru for betraying the Akatsuki. You tracked him down and used your magic to force the snakes out of his body before proceeding to possess the snakes by forcing them to feed Orochimaru.
🔮Pain made you feel so special after that by calling you his powerful goddess. The more he praised you, the more eager you were to raise hell.
🔮You and Pain had prepared for war. You had used your magic to enhance all the Six Paths by giving them the same abilities as you.
🔮You, Pain and the Paths invaded the Hidden Leaf. The village people were losing it. They had never seen a jutsu like this before. Could they even call it a jutsu?!
🔮Pain watched proudly as you used mind control on all the jonin, forcing them to kill each other.
🔮Asuma had stabbed Kurenai before killing himself. Kakashi and Guy had destroyed each other by tearing off each other’s limbs before dying of blood loss. Tsunade and Jiraiya were already nothing more than dead slugs and toads lying on the road.
🔮The Paths made use of their new abilities and used their chaos magic to blast the shinobi into oblivion. Pain finished off with his classic Almighty Push.
🔮It wasn’t long until everyone was dead, save for Naruto who was lying on a pile of rubble, glaring up at you and Pain. “YOU BASTARDS! YOU KILLED ALL MY FRIENDS!”
🔮Pain gave you the signal. With glowing eyes and a maniac smile, you raised your hands and summoned a large body of ramen that extended several yards across the lands. You used your telekinesis and shoved the ramen down Naruto’s throat, causing him to gag.
🔮His stomach gave out and exploded as Pain launched an Almighty Push. Naruto’s corpse scattered in all different directions of Konoha. Some of the blood splattered on your face. You smiled as it matched your scarlet aesthetic.
🔮You and Pain flew up in the air with joined hands, marveling at the destruction as the skies and clouds above became a menacing scarlet. You both turned to each other.
🔮”The world shall know our scarlet pain,” he said to you fondly. You smiled evilly as you placed a hand on your cheek. “Yes they shall…”
🔮You two kisses as the Paths continues to swarm other nations to raise hell by unleashing “scarlet pain.”
🔮Side note: Scarlet Pain would be such a great ship name.
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sleepysnk · 2 years
a/n: wow, okay, so this was crazy and i’m shocked that i wrote this much? and for an underrated king? 😭 i hope this does not flop. i also hope you guys enjoy! 🤍
pairings: pain x fem!reader
warnings: modern au, nsfw, smut, twitter porn star!pain, mentions of f+m! masturbation, oral sex m!receiving, praising, slight degradation, cum swallowing, very light throat fucking, mentions of spit, brief fluff.
Tender is the Flesh ft. Pain
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Not safe for work Twitter.
One could call that side of Twitter the PornHub of social media. The content inside of the hashtag is nothing but clean, and many people find themselves indulging in the many pictures or videos inside of it. Some people have chosen to use the platform to promote OnlyFans, which allows them to be paid for their adult content.
While it can be used for promotion, some people use it for more of their own desires. 
Anything could be found inside of the tag ‘nsfwtwt.’ Whether it be videos of women fingering themselves to the idea of being filled by a nice cock, or guys posting videos of themselves jerking off; the place was an absolute gold mine of different content. People often made accounts to post about their many fantasies, or kinks they desired to try out. 
With these accounts being made, the attention came along with it. It didn’t matter if you were a female or a male, people gave out attention like it was money. Sometimes, people went as far as paying for personalized photos of the creator playing with their sweet cunt or a picture of a guy cumming on his stomach to the thought of fucking the follower. For some, that was their full time job. There wasn’t any judgment in any context. 
It didn’t matter if your kink was dark or hardcore. There were people out in the world that found anything to be erotic. It was comforting, but the space often had many weirdos. 
Some people never understood the concept of crossing boundaries. Just because someone shared photos of themselves nude on the internet didn’t mean that the person on the other side had the right to send dick pictures or nudes of themselves. It was a common issue expressed by many accounts, whether the creator was big or small. The person behind those weird accounts were usually some old pervert who had nothing better to do with his time.
Another thing that went into the porn accounts was anonymity. There were a few creators that showed their faces, but many chose to keep their identities private. This was due to the possibility of someone seeing this person in real life, and there was that chance that person could be harmed by someone else. They also bore the risk of someone they know finding out about the account. It was dangerous, so being anonymous was the best option.
In short, there were only a handful of content creators that actually showed their identities. 
One of those creators was a young man. 
He went by the name of Pain, and he was one of the popular creators. He wasn’t big compared to some people, but he had a very decent following of about twenty-five thousand. Pain grew quicker than he imagined, but he wasn’t complaining at all. People followed who they liked, and he was glad to be one of them.
Pain was almost every person’s fantasy. He fit the edgy, emo boy everyone adored. He had hair the color of apricots, a well toned and fit body, and these eyes that could make anyone’s knees weak. His style kept people drawn to him. He had these piercings in both his ears and on his face that people always talked about. Jewelry was something he was definitely a fan of, and there were even a handful of his followers that went out to get similar piercings. 
Not only were his looks a plus, but his cock was magnificent. 
Recently, Pain has received a lot of his attention for what he did to his dick. He ended up revealing that he pierced the base of his shaft. Many people were shocked, and the reactions were mixed. Some thought it was an absolutely daring and exciting idea, while some said he was weird and clowned him for doing what he did. Though, he didn’t care at all. He did it for himself, and he didn’t need anybody else’s approval.
Pain had a lot of fans. It wasn’t exactly a secret. He interacted with plenty of people on Twitter. It didn’t matter if they were a nsfw account or not, he would retweet anything he thought to be attractive onto his account. The fan love didn’t just start at the retweets. There were also his direct messages which were filled with conversations he shared with his followers.
Whether he was rating some girl and her tits, or simply accepting a compliment, he had tons of direct messages. They were all full of love, or, occasionally, he’d have that one hater that would tell him he was ugly or weird. Pain would usually respond with something cocky. Usually along the lines of “you’re just mad your girl wants to suck me off,” or “ok? you still stalk me tho.”
He had many fans, and you were one of them.
You first discovered Pain’s account just a month after you made your Twitter. You actually saw one of your mutuals retweet his video, and, ever since, you were obsessed with the orange-haired man. 
You were very attracted to his vibe. He gave off this aura that was mysterious and intimidating. You also liked his piercings and his sense of fashion. You never saw a guy like him before, and he honestly gave you butterflies. Almost instantly, you followed his account. You practically went through his entire page to see what other content he had, and you weren’t disappointed in the slightest.
Pain had many videos which included him shirtless, leaning back against his chair with his cock in his hand. He made sure the audio was on, and his voice is what made your cheeks burn. It was so deep, it made your core light on fire from how erotic he sounded. 
There were many nights where you buried your fingers inside of your cunt to the sound of his voice. You imagined Pain was on top, shoving his pierced cock into your hole to stretch you to your limit. You often reached your orgasm when he whispered how much of a good little slut you were for taking his cock so well. He had no idea that he made you feel that way, and he probably never would.
You often interacted with his posts as much as you could. Though, you were aware of limits, and you made sure to not come off as some weirdo who pleaded for his attention. You sometimes retweeted his videos, or hearted his tweets whenever he posted. You supported him in small ways that made you feel good.
Pain rarely followed many people back. Out of his twenty-five thousand followers, he only followed about thirty accounts. You couldn’t necessarily blame him. Following random people could bring in the wrong energy, and you didn’t always know the faces behind the screens. For all he knew, there could have been a weird old man stalking his account. 
On several occasions, you found yourself daydreaming on what it’d be like to have Pain follow you back. Would he message you? Did he make bonds with his fans? So many questions, but you never had a resolve for any of them.
Him following you was just a dream that you knew would never become a reality.
Your body was awoken to the sound of your phone buzzing against the table beside your bed. It had to be somewhat early, but you didn’t mind it at all one bit. You honestly had many things to take care of throughout the day, so getting an early start would really help you in getting all of those tasks done.
Peeling your eyes open, you reached forward to grab your cell phone off of the table. Your phone screen lit up instantly, the time displaying that it was ten thirty in the morning. You hadn’t gone to bed super late the night before, but you honestly wanted to sleep longer realizing the time.
Though, you had many responsibilities, and not getting them done would pile on even more things you needed to do. 
You let out a sigh, beginning to scroll through the few notifications you had received throughout the night. Some of them were messages from your friends, and others were from the apps you used which reminded you to always have some positive vibes floating around you. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. You were used to it at this point. 
Pressing on your Twitter notifications, you noticed you had a few tweets that had gotten likes. It didn’t seem unusual until your eyes landed on one message that made you look twice.
@pxinxx liked your tweet!
@pxinxx started following you.
Your heart began to thump vigorously against your chest when you saw the words on your screen. Instantly, you sat up in your bed to check your Twitter. You weren’t expecting it, but Pain had actually followed you back. He actually liked one of your tweets. You honestly felt a huge rush of emotions. What were you supposed to feel? You honestly didn’t have a single damn clue about it.
For several minutes, you refreshed your Twitter feed to see if this was possibly a dream. You didn’t think he’d ever follow you back. It made you wonder what made him take interest in you. Pain was a guy that was unknown. His emotions and intentions were never that clear, so this move made you question a lot of things. Did he think you were attractive? Was he annoyed by your random likes? It was itching at your brain to figure out what it was.
Deep down, you hoped that maybe he’d send you a message. However, that possibility seemed really low. What would be the chance of Pain of all people sending you a direct message? He probably had tons of people in his inbox wanting his attention. You were just some fan he followed.
You brushed the thought aside, and decided to continue on with what you needed to do.
Sitting up in your bed, you removed your blankets off of your lower half. The sun from the outside was peeking through the beige curtains that hung over your window. You could tell the day was beautiful. The birds were even chirping louder than usual, so that was a great sign that the weather was great.
You turned your body to place your feet on the carpeting below you. You stood up, cracking and stretching a few joints that needed to be fixed up. It was very satisfying to you. 
You placed your cell phone inside of the pocket in your pajama shorts. You then walked towards the bathroom that was connected to your bedroom. You figured you’d fix up your hair and find a decent outfit before you left to do your errands for the day. There was a side of you that wanted to do some light makeup, but it would take such a long time. The afternoon was already nearing, and you really didn’t want to spend the entire day out and about.
Shutting the door to the bathroom, you started your basic morning routine. Brushing your teeth, washing your face, fixing your hair the best you could, etc. You also made sure to do your business as per usual. It didn’t take you very long to do anyway. 
As you finished washing your hands, you placed your phone on the bathroom counter to check your notifications. What you saw was extremely unexpected, and you almost dropped the towel in your hands. Being honest, you practically almost fell to the floor when your eyes scanned over the message.
@pxinxx: hey :)
There was no way, there was no fucking way.
You practically shoved the baby blue towel back onto the counter the second your hands were dry. You didn’t know what to feel, but you were very nervous. Pain actually sent you a message. What the fuck were the odds that this would happen to you? You felt really lucky, but you also felt freaked out because you didn’t know what to respond with.
He was intimidating, my god, he was so intimidating. In some aspects, Pain looked extremely difficult to approach. After all, you had seen his face multiple times, and, not to mention, his kink list was enough to make you cower in your shorts. Pain was a guy who kept himself very serious, and his humor was hard to laugh at sometimes.
You stared at the message for so long that you didn’t even realize how much time had gone by. You had been standing there like a complete mess for almost ten minutes. You didn’t want to ignore his message, but you were scared with a response. What if Pain thought you were weird? What if he didn’t like how you talked to him? What if he blocks you? Fuck! This was so difficult to deal with. How come he had to message you now?
You decided to send something quick back. It was simple, and it wasn’t weird. Well.. hopefully it wasn’t weird to Pain.
You: hi! <3
Your hands were trembling and you honestly couldn’t think about anything else. There was still a side of you that believed this was all a dream, and, somehow, you’d wake up and the messages would have disappeared. However, that didn’t seem like the case. It would have been an amazing dream though.
Two minutes..
Five Minutes..
Almost ten minutes went by since you responded. You were honestly losing your mind as you paced around your apartment. Every couple of seconds you checked his profile to see if he was still following you, and he was. You didn’t want to make a move or anything until he replied to you. This was practically eating you up inside. 
It wasn’t the fact that Pain was this big guy, but it was the whole reality that he was this scary guy on the internet. Sure, he often came off as nice, but you didn’t know who he was in private. What if he was some weird asshole who was fooling everyone? Appearances could be deceiving and he was no different. 
The sound of your phone going off practically sent you into a frenzy while you reached for it on your bed. Your eyes lit up once you saw that it was a Twitter notification. Pain had replied to you, and your heart practically stopped once you realized that it was him. 
Pain: what’s up? what are you up to? 
Honestly, you didn’t know what to say to him. What were you supposed to say? You were waiting for a reply from him? He’d definitely call you a weirdo after that. Plus, what if you responded too fast? Pain would surely catch on to the idea that you were sitting by the phone for his text message. The last thing you’d want is to imply that you were in need of his attention. He would for sure block you if that were the case. 
God, this was so stressful.
You had to come up with something. If you didn’t respond eventually, Pain could get the vibe that you weren’t interested in talking with him. Being truthful, you did want to speak to Pain. You just didn’t know how to, and that was the difficult part. 
Taking a deep breath, you began to type a reply back to Pain. You kept the message short and sweet. 
You: not much, just laying down. how about you?
Just as you were about to turn your phone off and toss it away to scream into your pillow, you noticed that Pain had already begun typing on the other end. That meant he had read your message as soon as you replied. It barely sent seconds prior, so that fact took you by major surprise. He never seemed like the type of guy that’d respond to someone that quick. However, you didn’t mind that at all. Fast replies were honestly the way to please you. 
He took a little while as he typed his response. The chat bubble disappeared and reappeared many times. It honestly gave you some serious anxiety. It made you wonder what he’d tell you. Oh god, what if Pain asked you for nudes? No, no, you couldn’t think he was like that. You two barely connected just a few minutes ago. There was no possible way he’d be that much of a weirdo with some random person. If he was, you’d have some major issues. Pain would also possibly lose one of his mutuals/fans. Deep down you were praying he wasn’t going to say something weird. After all, you were one of his biggest fans. 
The bubble was suddenly gone, and his message was revealed. As you read it, you were relieved to see that the text wasn’t weird or oddly freaky as you might have imagined. It put you at ease for the moment. 
Pain: same, same, i feel you on that.
You were about to think of another response, but that thought was quickly interrupted by your eyes landing on the familiar typing bubble. He was sending you another message. The thought alone made your heart jump inside of your ribcage, and you honestly didn’t know what to do. Was he going to ask you something? You hoped you’d be able to answer the question in the smoothest way possible.
Pain: sorry if this is too much to ask, but where do you live? i’m just curious because i went through some of your pics and you’re really attractive.
Your jaw immediately dropped when you read the last few words. Pain actually went through your photos and thought you were.. attractive? This had to be some kind of joke. He was so hot, and you didn’t imagine Pain of all people would think you were cute. You figured guys like him would have such high standards. Did you fit what he wanted or something? God, you were losing it at the moment.
You wanted to be as cautious as possible.
While it was nice that Pain was saying these things to you, he was still someone you only knew off of the internet. You couldn’t exactly say fuck it and go off of what he was saying. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him, but you couldn’t necessarily ease into him so easily. Just because you were a huge fan didn’t mean that you could believe everything Pain was telling you. For all you knew, he could just be messing around with you. This whole conversation could be a huge joke. You had to play this safely, and with as much caution as possible.
He was asking for your location too. You were very secretive online about where you lived. There was a constant fear that ran through your head that someone you knew would find out the account you ran was yours, or a random person could approach you in public and act like a total creep.  
You needed to keep calm and be confident in yourself. Sure, Pain was very intimidating to the point where he was scary, but you couldn’t let that get in the way of keeping your ground with him.
Now, you needed to think of a good response. You didn’t want to be mean or anything, but you weren’t going to be so easy going with him. Being too aggressive might cause an argument to possibly erupt, or there was the chance that Pain could be upset with you. Maybe behind the screen his intentions weren’t bad, but you didn’t know that. You hoped this would all go well, because, if not, you would have a serious breakdown over it later on. You’ve never seen Pain serious before other than online, so one on one might be hectic. 
Taking a deep breath, you pressed on your keyboard to send a message to him. You brushed away those anxious thoughts for a brief moment so you could regain the confidence to send the reply.
You: thank you! but i don’t know if i’m that comfortable sharing my location with you. you’re attractive and all, but you’re a stranger to me. 
Clicking your phone off, you tossed it onto the other side of your bed. You honestly felt like you were going to throw up from how nervous you were. Your stomach was tied in knots, and your heart was beating at almost a million beats per minute. Your brain was buzzing with the thoughts of what Pain might say to you. You hoped it wouldn’t be too bad.
For several minutes, there was nothing coming from your phone. It honestly felt like you were waiting for the biggest news of your life or something, and you didn’t want to wait any longer. 
You wondered what you should do to pass the time. Maybe you could clean the apartment you lived in? You did have some errands to run, but you didn’t want to seem like a total idiot inside of Target because Pain was messaging you. Fuck! He was such an asshole for making you feel this way. This is what you got for being so into him for the last six months. Your dreams finally came true and you forgot how to act. 
You decided to distract yourself for the time being. If you focused too much on the situation in front of you, you’d probably destroy your entire good mood. It was just Pain, what’s the worst that could happen? He didn’t know where you lived, and you were some person he had met on the internet. If he really went as far as clowning you for it, then so be it. You could care less about some stupid interent trolls.
This would be over soon, and you knew that.
Your entire day had gone by within the blink of an eye. 
You ended up running a majority of your errands that you needed to take care of, and you even tidied up your apartment. All of that stuff ended up draining your energy, and you were currently laying on your bed again. This time it was later in the night. It was almost midnight in fact.
Throughout the day, you’d periodically check your phone to see if Pain had replied to you. However, you hadn’t received a single thing all day. Many hours had passed and you wondered if he had possibly left you on read. Though, there was no way you could tell of that. It was honestly bugging you, but sometimes silence was better than replying. You’ve learned that fact many times. 
Maybe your message had scared him off. Maybe his intentions weren’t the best and he took your response as a way of saying fuck off. If that were the case, you weren’t going to complain about it. You’d prefer to avoid any conflicts that may arise. 
Your eyes felt heavy, and you were honestly feeling really drowsy. You usually didn’t fall asleep that early, but you did a lot throughout the day. It wasn’t much of a surprise that you were feeling tired. All you knew was that the sleep you’d get tonight would be great, and you would probably feel really rested tomorrow morning.
You sat up in your bed, pulling the sheets over your body to feel some warmth. You reached downward to grab your phone charger off of the ground. Once you placed the charger in your phone, you’d head to bed. You were too tired to even keep your eyes open. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say you’d be knocked out once your head hit the pillow. 
Plugging your phone in, you let out a sigh. You couldn’t wait to fall asleep already. You wanted to put what happened today behind you, and you just wanted to go and play inside of your dreams for the night.
Just as you were about to place your phone down, the vibration that came from it caused your blood to freeze. 
Almost instantly, you brought your phone back towards your face. To your surprise, you had received the message you weren’t too excited to see. You could feel your throat go dry, and your heart beginning to race from the anxiety.
Pain had finally responded to you after many hours of silence.
Pain: forgive me for being too forward. you’re right, we’re merely strangers, and it’s wrong of me to ask such personal questions. if you want me to stop speaking with you, i understand. once again, i apologize for being inconsiderate. 
You were honestly taken back by his sudden apology. Being honest, that was the last thing you were expecting. Now, you weren’t upset with that response, but it was very shocking. However, you weren’t going to press the issue anymore. 
You were going to be nice. 
You: no worries! thank you for taking in my feelings, pain, i really appreciate that :) also, we can keep talking!!
Being truthful, you didn’t want to stop talking to Pain. Just because he did one thing didn’t mean your perception of him was going to change. People made mistakes, and he owned up to his which was sweet. There weren’t many guys like him out there anymore, so it was nice to know he was aware of when he was wrong.
Within seconds, Pain started typing once again. You shifted around in your bed so you could get more comfortable. You were interested to see what the rest of the conversation would look like.
Your attention snapped towards the new messages that appeared on your screen.
Pain: i’m very relieved to hear that, and i apologize again for messaging you so late. work kept me later than usual. you’re probably tired lol
Pain: if you’d like, i could message you tomorrow morning
Your cheeks burned from his texts. He sounded like such a gentleman. This was something you weren’t expecting at all. 
Now, you only knew Pain on the surface. He was just some guy you had met through Twitter, and, from what you had seen, he didn’t seem like he was the nicest guy to encounter. You knew Pain as the intimidating dominant that’d cum inside any pussy he could get his hands on. He was mean, a tease, and, most of all, the most intimidating guy you had ever laid your eyes upon. For fucks sake, he had piercings on his cock. There weren’t many guys who had the balls to do that.
You decided to keep the conversation going. If you were being truthful with yourself, you didn’t want to end it right there. You wanted to see where this would go. 
You: we don’t have to stop here! being honest, i don’t have anything to do tomorrow so we can keep talking if you’d like :)
Once again, Pain started typing almost immediately. You were already being drawn to his energy from how quick he was responding. It honestly excited you, and the anticipation was already bubbling in your belly. You hadn’t felt something like that in a long time. 
Pain: oh fr? bet, i’m off tomorrow so we can talk as long as you’d like. tbh, it’d be great to have someone to talk for the evening. it can get boring when everyone else is asleep. 
Your eyebrows raised almost instantly. He was actually interested in a conversation with you? Holy fuck you were losing it. You were certain now that your sleep schedule was going to be ruined after tonight.
You: bet! i’m open to talking
Your conversations with Pain didn’t stop that night, and you were so glad they didn’t.
From midnight to almost five in the morning, you and Pain messaged with each other. You actually learned a lot about him and he learned some things about you too. He actually kept the conversation going, and he wasn’t dry at all. You learned very quickly that he was a very funny guy, and it attracted you even more to him. 
You actually learned that Pain resided only fifteen minutes away from where you lived. When he mentioned that, you almost lost it. It honestly surprised you that you hadn’t run into him prior, but you never traveled that far outside of your town unless it was to see your parents.
Pain was delighted to hear that you weren’t very far away. He made jokes on how if he ever saw you to not be surprised if he threw a bag of chips at you randomly. 
Besides all of that, Pain was very respectful with you. 
That night you talked turned into many more days and plenty more nights. Your conversations seemed never ending, and there was always something new for you two to talk about. There was never a dull moment between the two of you, and you felt very connected to the young man. You had similar interests, the same ideals on things, hell, you two even liked the same fast food restaurants.
You spent practically every waking second talking to Pain, and you had zero regrets. He’d even like a few of your tweets while you were away to let you know he was still there. He did small things that made your cheeks warm, or butterflies to swarm around your stomach.
He had a hold over you, but you weren’t complaining at all.
So, here you were now, standing below the apartment building Pain lived in.
The decision to finally meet up came quite quickly, but you knew it was what you wanted too. You knew Pain was real. He had sent you several photos of himself, and you two even exchanged your personal social medias with each other. Plus, you were prepared if something were to go wrong. You’d just stab him in the eye and that would be it!
Deep down, you were hoping you didn’t have to do that, but, if you did, you were completely on guard.
Pain was the one who suggested the meet up. He had the weekend off, so he wanted to take the open opportunity to spend time with you. You couldn’t lie and say you weren’t a bit hesitant. This was Pain you were talking about. He was your goddamn Twitter crush, and you hadn’t ever imagined you would get to see him in person. The things he said to you made you feel like a school girl giggling over her crush. 
You hoped the hang out would be worth it.
Looking down at your phone, you sent him a message to let him know you were outside of the complex. You could feel everything inside of your stomach swirling around, making you feel queasy. The moment you’d see Pain was just minutes away. It was a moment you’ve always yearned for, but, in reality, you had no idea how to act. This would also be his first time seeing you too, so you hoped you wouldn’t say the wrong thing or come off as an idiot.
God, if this was a dream, you were wishing you weren’t about to wake up.
You felt your phone vibrate in your hand. You looked downward almost instantly to see that Pain had sent you a reply. Your heart quickened inside of your chest when you realized this was real, and you weren’t in a dream.
Pain: cool, i’m nervous as shit right now, but come up to the second floor. i’m in apartment 5
Swallowing thickly, you began to walk towards the front entrance. There were a few people that entered the apartment building, while some made their way out. You honestly felt super dizzy, and the whole scene before you didn’t feel real. Honestly, if you thought too much, you’d probably throw up your breakfast.
You pulled open the front door, feeling the cool air from the inside wrapping around your warm body. Despite the day being cloudy, the humidity was very high. You were practically sweating once you walked outside of your apartment. 
Once fully inside, you looked around the empty corridors. It was super quiet in the complex, and it seemed really nice. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that it was better looking than yours.
Turning the corner, you found the elevator. You pressed the small button to the right of it, and itn illuminated almost instantly. You briefly heard the sound of the elevator moving downward towards where you were. You kept frequently checking your phone to make sure Pain hadn’t sent you anymore messages. Your phone had no other notifications, so you knew you were good to keep heading up there. 
The sudden ding from the elevator made all of your thoughts disappear for a second. The metal door opened, revealing an empty elevator. You quickly stepped inside, placing your phone back into your pocket. Your eyes searched the list of buttons that were against the wall of the elevator. You saw the number two displayed, so you reached forward to press it. Once you did so, the door to the elevator closed. 
You played with the skin around your nails as the elevator brought you up to the second floor. Every couple of seconds, it’d shake or make a small noise, but you were used to that. However, you weren’t paying much attention to the space around you. All your brain could think about was what you were going to do when you met Pain. Hell, what were you going to say?
You practically jolted out of your skin when you heard the ding of the elevator. The door slowly opened, showing you the empty hallway before you. 
Fuck, you couldn’t believe this was actually happening. 
You stepped forward so you could exit the elevator. The hallway you entered was pretty quiet. There were apartments going from the left to the right side. You honestly didn’t know what side to look at, but you knew that the numbers were going to start on the left. 
Turning down the hall, you began to scan your eyes along the wooden doors. The numbers were hung clearly against the center, so you could see it right away. 
Every hair on your body stood up once you realized you were standing before Pain’s apartment. You contemplated running away at that very moment. Maybe you could come up with some great excuse that would seem reasonable. Though, you drove all the way here to meet him. If you backed out, you might never have an opportunity like this again. You also had many opportunities to go home and leave. 
This was your chance, you couldn’t let this slide.
You reached into your pocket to take out your phone. You went to send Pain the text that you were outside of the door. 
You didn’t realize how nervous you were until now. Your thumbs were shaking as you typed out the message to him. With one swift tap, you sent the text. It delivered instantly, and your nerves spiked almost instantly.
You: i’m here!
You quickly shoved your phone away and fixed yourself up while you still had the chance. You wore some ripped baby blue mom jeans with a black crop top that had white letters plastered on the center of the fabric. God, you were really hoping you didn’t look like absolute shit at the moment.
The sound of shuffling coming from behind the door made you pause in your movements. Your heart was beating so fast you could practically hear it in your ears. He was just a few feet away from you. 
You heard the click of the door unlocking, and, before you could even react, the door was being pulled open. Fuck! You felt like you were going to faint. 
Your eyes shot up almost instantly when you saw him standing there. He was real, Pain was now standing before you. You couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw him. The man you had longed to actually meet for months was now here, and you didn’t know what the hell to do. It was almost as if you were lost in him. He looked even more attractive in person. Everything you had seen in pictures and videos was now directly in front of you.
Pain wore a casual outfit. He had on some black sweatpants with a gray crewneck on top. He had his piercings in, and, from what you could see, he seemed to be playing with one of them with his tongue. You could also smell the aroma of his cologne flowing off of him. It was enough to almost intoxicate you.
“Hey.. it’s nice to finally meet you,” his voice was smooth and deep. It sounded just like the audio clips he’d post to Twitter.
Realizing that he actually spoke to you, you shifted around so you could pay better attention to him. “Hi..” you felt so shy in his presence, “It’s nice to meet you too, Pain,”
He stepped beside the door. “Come in,” he motioned for you to step inside. You honestly felt like you were going to throw up, but you had to repress that thought as much as you could. Puking up your bagel didn’t sound like such a great first impression.
You smiled softly, choosing to walk forward into his apartment. It seemed like such a cozy place if you were being honest. The interior was well kept, and there wasn’t a single speck of dust in sight. It also faintly smelled like vanilla, which was calming to you. At least he kept his place nice and tidy. 
“You look very nice, I love your outfit,” he gave you a small smile. 
You lifted your eyes to look at him. He was so gorgeous to look at. You weren’t sure what it was, but it was difficult to pull your eyes away from him. “Thank you! You look nice too,” you rocked on your heels, feeling nervous. You honestly didn’t know what to do nor say. 
Pain eyed you before playing with the strands of his hair. “My bad, I’m so awkward right now because you’re just.. very pretty,” he laughed, “Do you want me to make you something to eat? I might not be the perfect chef, but I can try,”
Your face began to burn again. Pain actually thought you were pretty? You couldn’t believe he was actually saying these things to you. He also offered to cook you something? You never knew that he knew how to cook. Sure, he mentioned eating before, but you always assumed he was eating something that wasn't actual food. 
If you were hungry, you’d probably say yes, but your stomach was still in knots. If you ate, you’d most likely get too queasy. 
Though, Pain’s actions were making your core heat up. You weren’t sure if it was because of the way he was speaking to you, or if it was because of his gentle acts of kindness. You couldn’t make it too obvious though, because your intention wasn’t to try and do something with him that wasn’t the most appropriate. You didn’t want to give off the idea that you were here for something like that. He was a real person after all.
“I’m okay! I’ll probably eat something later,” you replied, “And don’t worry, I feel pretty awkward sometimes too. I understand,”
Pain chuckled, he honestly felt a bit better knowing that you understood him. He hated how shy he could get sometimes, especially with you. It took him so long to gain the courage to send you that message. He was shocked as hell to find out you were single.
He knew you’d be hard to talk to, but it seemed a lot easier than he imagined. He thought he’d be sitting in silence with you, but you kept everything enthusiastic. Pain really appreciated that energy from you.
“Alright, cool, I’ll make sure you have something to eat before you leave then,” he shoved his hands into his pockets, “Do you want to come and chill in my room? We could watch a movie or something,”
You nodded your head almost instantly. “Sure, I’m down for that,” you turned to remove your shoes before you stepped any further into his apartment. You were super curious to see what his bedroom looked like. You had only seen a portion of it in the videos he posted, and, from what you saw, it was a nice space.
Turning around, you began to follow Pain down the hallway. As you walked, you passed by a couple of doors. There was a bathroom at the very end of the hall, and a closet on the right side which was shut.
You trailed behind Pain as he stepped into his bedroom. It was a very large room. It had to be even bigger than yours. 
His bed was queen sized. His sheets were black, and there was a table beside his bed with a lamp sitting atop of it. There were many posters scattered along his walls which included some of his favorite artists, or TV shows. The walls around you were painted with a dark shade of navy blue, which somewhat matched his bed sheets. On the ceiling, he had LED lights lining the corners. There were also vines hanging near almost every inch of the roof. Finally, there was a ceiling fan which was switched off. His room had such a vibe, and it matched who he was as a person.
He had miniscule items too. There was a dresser up against the wall near the window, and he had a small desk in the corner of the room. It was so well organized. You hadn’t seen a guy with a room that nice in such a long time. 
“Your room is so nice,” you walked around the space to look at some of the random items he had placed on top of his dresser. There were pictures of him and some of his friends, and even some cute Funko Pops. 
Pain plopped down on his bed. He watched you walk around his room like you were a child on a field trip with their class. He thought it was kind of amusing to see how curious you were. Pain also found that behavior to be kind of cute.
“Do you see something you like?” he nodded his head as your fingers glided over the many objects around his room.
You turned around so you were now facing him. You felt your cheeks warm with embarrassment. “You just have a lot of cool things. Sorry if I’m being intrusive on your space,” you rubbed the back of your neck as you spoke to him. 
He smiled at you, shaking his head. You were so damn cute to him. He never knew you had such a sweet personality. When he first met you, he thought you were the most intimidating person he ever encountered. Yet, you had such a gentle side. It drew Pain to you almost immediately. He adored every little thing you did. He almost couldn’t get enough of your beauty and who you were as a person. This, this was different, and he could feel it deep down within him. 
He shifted around on his mattress. “Don’t apologize, I don’t mind it one bit. I think curiosity is kind of cute,” he laughed through his nose. 
You giggled, rolling your eyes playfully. You couldn’t help but look at Pain who was sitting before you on his bed. He was right near the edge so his feet were on the floor. You couldn’t lie, he looked very hot sitting like that. His legs were slightly parted open, and he looked so nonchalant with his wrists against his knees like that. Your mouth practically watered at the sight of him.
There was something deep inside of your gut that was telling you that you should make some kind of move. You could feel the heat pooling inside of your panties, and the pure thought of just sitting on his lap was driving you up the wall. You just weren’t sure how Pain would react to that action. 
You stepped towards him slowly so you were now standing directly in front of him. Pain noticed your movements, so he lifted his gaze to meet you staring down at him. He could read your body language so well, and he knew there was something you wanted to do. He couldn’t read minds, but he wanted the same exact thing you did. His cock practically ached inside of his boxers for you. He wanted you more than anything, but he didn’t want to do something that would make you uncomfortable. Fuck, you were so hard to resist.
There was a thick bubble of tension that surrounded the two of you. Pain could feel it, and so could you. Both of you were hesitant to make moves on each other. The pure need you were both feeling was boiling inside of you like a pot on a stove. It was eventually going to pour over, and neither of you knew when that was going to happen. 
“Pain..” you broke the silence that was circling around the room. 
Once he heard your sweet voice, he looked up at you instantly. He was having a hard time trying to hold back. 
“Can I touch you..?” he sounded almost desperate as the words rolled off of his tongue. He felt his cock twitch from the mere thought of being able to place his fingers on you. Pain often wondered how smooth your skin was.
You let out a shaky breath. “Y-Yes.. please, touch me, Pain,” you were almost as needy as he was, but you could care less. You couldn’t deny those feelings anymore.
Pain reached forward so he could place his hands on your hips. He then brought you forward so you could sit on his lap. The warmth from his body caused goosebumps to erupt onto your skin, and, almost instinctively, you put your own hands onto his shoulders. 
Pain’s hands trailed along your waist and your hips. He would occasionally squeeze at the plush around them. The feeling was making you feel even more needy for him. You found yourself unable to pull away. All you craved was Pain and his touch. There was a side of you that wanted to touch him too. You were dying to see how his muscles looked in person. You were always so turned on by how gorgeous his body looked in photos, and the image of it made your body feel as if it was on fire.
Your hands went to cup his cheeks. His skin felt like smooth silk beneath your fingertips. The eye contact between the two of you was intense, and your faces were just inches apart from one another. Your thumbs went to brush against the apples of his cheeks, and Pain could feel his stomach doing flips.
Before you were able to process it, Pain had pressed his lips against yours. 
The feeling of his lips were satisfactory to you. You could faintly taste a hint of fruit that lingered on his tongue. It only made you want to kiss him more. 
Desperately, you wrapped your arms around his neck. Pain’s grip on your body tightened as your soft kisses turned into a more aggressive makeout. His teeth would occasionally nibble on your bottom lip to get some more access to your mouth. He couldn’t get enough of how delicious you were. Your lips were so smooth and soft. He didn’t want to ever stop kissing them.
Your mouth fell slightly agape when you felt the tip of his hard cock brush up against your clit. The friction sent bolts of electricity along your belly, and you could practically feel your panties being soaked from his actions. Pain then took the open opportunity to stick his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss you guys were sharing together. The things he was feeling were driving him insane. He hadn’t felt such euphoria before. He used his right hand to tightly squeeze the plush of your ass. He rested that same palm against your hip so he could slowly grind you against his aching cock. 
A gasp escaped your throat from the touch your clit was receiving. It felt so good, your brain felt as if it was melting from the pleasure. 
What you felt next inside of your mouth shocked you. As Pain’s tongue explored your mouth, you felt the cool metal of a tongue piercing touching your gums. You couldn’t believe he actually had one. Pain had many crazy piercings, so you weren’t exactly the most surprised. However, you didn’t expect to feel it like that, nor did you ever see it when you were talking with him. 
Reaching downward, you pressed your hand against the bulge that formed in his sweatpants. Pain let out a groan once he felt you palming his cock. He couldn’t lie, the strain he felt inside of his boxers was hard to handle. He was a very patient man, but, when it came to you, it was becoming incredibly difficult to do so. 
Pain pulled away, breaking the kiss between you two. The both of you were panting, and your lips were now swollen and puffy. There were seductive looks written on both of your faces. You knew what you both wanted, and it was as clear as day.
“You’re intoxicating.. you know that?” he placed his hand around the base of your throat, giving it a firm hold so you couldn’t pull away from him. Your body shivered as the chilly metal of his rings made contact with your pulse.
You swallowed thickly, looking into Pain’s eyes. “Speak for yourself..” you let out several pants as your body began to heat up even more, “Please.. let me make you feel good, Pain..”
His eyes slightly widened at the sound of your plea. In his mind, he wanted to make you feel good. Pain was always about the other person and their pleasure, so he rarely ever made a move to put his first. However, he wasn’t going to deny your request. 
That meant next time he’d have to repay you for what you did for him.
“Go for it.. I’m not going to stop you,” he used the pad of his thumb to rub your lips.
Those words rang inside of your head, causing you to become very excited. You couldn’t actually believe you were going to go down on Pain. Hell, you imagined this moment many times inside of your head, and you weren’t going to let this chance slip away. You wanted to do your best for him. He deserved to feel something good, and you couldn’t wait to see his cock in front of you.
You quickly maneuvered yourself off of Pain’s lap to place your knees on the floor. You reached forward while Pain leaned back to watch you untie the knot that held his sweatpants around his hips. His breathing was quite heavy and uneven. You had seen him like that plenty of times on his account, and it was always such a turn on for you.
Lifting his hips, you were able to pull his sweatpants down along with his boxers. His cock sprang out instantly. Your eyes landed on the pink tip that leaked with pre-cum. The sight of it made your clit throb with need, and your mouth watered from how nice it looked. He was freshly shaved, and you could see the two metal piercings that sat inside of the base of his cock. It looked much bigger than it did in his videos.
You reached forward with your right hand to wrap your fingers around the shaft of his dick. It was very hot, almost feverish. You slowly began to stroke him. Your eyes frequently flashed upward to look for any signs of discomfort, but you didn’t see any of that. Pain kept licking his lips and playing with the piercing on his tongue. 
You moved yourself forward so your head was now closer to his cock. You stuck your tongue out so you could lick the pre-cum off of the tip. Pain sucked in a harsh breath once he felt your warm, hot tongue against his dick. Your small kitten licks turned into drags against the base, and, finally, you wrapped your pretty mouth around his cock. 
Pain let out a groan once he felt your mouth around him. He couldn’t help but entangle his fingers into your hair as you slowly took him deeper into you. The cold piercings touched the top of your mouth, causing you to shiver. You never thought those kinds of piercings were that hot, but you started to wonder what it’d be like to have them inside of you. The lewd thought made you wet. You’d have to come and see him again to find out what that was like.
“Fuck.. like that, baby, suck my fucking dick..” his left hand trailed along your cheek. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch. It was oddly comforting to feel him touching you. 
Your tongue swirled around the tip of his cock, earning a tight tug on your hair from Pain. You’d occasionally look up at him so you could see his face, because seeing him like that made you so turned on. He had the most handsome looking face when he was feeling pleasure. The soft groans that fell from his lips, or the way his mouth was parted open. All of it was so attractive.
You pulled your head back, causing a “pop” noise to come from your mouth. You continued to jerk Pain with your hand. You looked up at him as you did so, batting your eyelashes to receive some kind of reaction from him. Pain thought you looked so damn sexy like that. Your innocent eyes made his cock twitch in your hand, and it was hard fighting the urge to absolutely fuck the shit out of your throat. You were already taking him very well, so he wondered what else you were capable of.
You let some of your saliva drip onto his cock. You then wrapped your mouth around him again, which, in turn, caused Pain to grunt. He placed his hand behind your head so he could start bobbing you against his cock. Since he had a hold of your head, he started to pick up the pace. He started to make you go faster, but not too fast to where it was unbearable. The noises he let out were so erotic, and it was almost like music to your ears. 
Pain dug his nails into your scalp. You were better than he ever imagined. “Yeah.. you’re so fucking good at this,” he bobbed your head slower this time, “Gonna fill your throat with my c-cum..”
You placed your hands against Pain’s thighs as he started to take more control of your head. Your core was on fire from how hot he sounded. You could feel the way his thigh muscles clenched and flexed beneath your fingers from how often he moved them. 
Slowly, Pain started moving your head deeper down his cock. You could feel his girth slowly inching itself closer to the back of your throat, and his dick piercings were following along with it. You could feel tears brimming on your lash line as the tip of his cock poked near the start of your throat. Saliva pooled around it, causing some drool to slip out of the corners of your mouth. Your eyes lifted to meet Pain's, which were staring down at you with a smirk. 
He then let your head go, causing you to gasp for air while you held onto the base of his cock. There was spit covering your chin, and your throat felt kind of raspy. Though, you didn’t mind how you looked. You knew Pain would think you were sexy regardless.
He moved a piece of hair away from your face as you panted heavily. “Such a good little slut.. you take me as if your throat was made for me..” he stroked your cheek with his palm, eyeing you as if you were candy.
You smiled, slowly stroking Pain in your fist. You wanted to go all out again, because you wanted to please him more than anything. The idea of Pain reaching his orgasm because of you was only encouraging you to make sure he cums. You honestly felt cocky thinking it, but you actually sucked off Pain of all people. He was complimenting how you were sucking him off, and it made you feel so good.
Leaning forward, you took Pain into your mouth again. He groaned instantly once your warm mouth surrounded him again. Your tongue swirled around the tip, causing his hips to buck forward. 
“Fuck! Keep doing that.. you’re so good for me,” he grabbed at your head as you kept taking him in. In a way, you found something you could use to make him feel good. You made sure to keep note of that. 
Pain started to thrust his hips upwards as the pleasure took over him. You let out a small gagging noise as his tip kissed the back of your throat. Your nails dug into the skin of his thighs from the feeling, but you were able to take it. You didn’t want to disappoint Pain in any aspect, so you took him as much as you could.
As his cock went towards the back of your throat, you hummed against the tip so he could feel some pleasure. The sensation sent waves of euphoria along his abdomen. You were truly good at what you did. He couldn’t believe you were hidden amongst his fans. 
You were in fact the best fan he’s ever had.
Pain suddenly grabbed your head aggressively backward. The release caused you to gasp, and it allowed air to finally enter through your lungs. He was staring down at you with these serious eyes that made you shiver. He had a similar expression you had seen numerous times in the videos he posted. Those heavy eyes that could scare anyone, and a stare that made blood turn cold. You knew it all too well. 
He tilted your head backward so you could look up at him. “When I cum, I want you to swallow every last drop,” his voice caused your thighs to press together, “Got it?”
Your head nodded almost instantly. Pain cumming down your throat made you all the more eager to finish him off. The way he sounded was driving your mind crazy. You hadn’t been in a situation this erotic before, and you had zero regrets.
Pain released your head, leaving you to start sucking him off again. This time, you paid more attention to the tip of his cock. Your tongue danced along the top, swirling around and teasing the small hole where his release would come out of. He seemed to really enjoy that, because he let out several deep groans every time you did it. You also made sure to maintain eye contact.
“Such nice eyes.. shit, I’d love to see those eyes looking at me when I fuck you..” he gripped at the blanket beneath his bottom.
The knot inside of his belly was growing tighter as you kept teasing the tip of his cock. He felt his release threatening to come at any moment, and he knew it was going to be intense. The idea of your sweet little throat being filled with his cum was driving him mad. You’d look so sexy with his seed in your mouth. Only he belonged inside of you like that. He should be the only one ruining your pretty throat.
You felt his cock twitching inside of your mouth. You watched Pain grit his teeth as you kept going. “F-Fuck, ‘gonna cum..” his voice was pretty much breathless as he spoke to you.
There was suddenly a thick, white, sticky liquid that filled your mouth. It was warm, and it coated your throat almost instantly. Pain held your head in place as he reached his orgasm. Several curses fell from his lips, your name included. He didn’t want a single drop to escape. You needed to swallow every bit of it.
After a few seconds, Pain let your head go. You instantly swallowed his cum which was inside of your mouth. The taste was as expected of him. 
“Open,” he ordered.
Parting your mouth wide enough, you stuck your tongue out to prove that all of his cum was gone and down your throat. Pain smirked at how hot you looked like that. He hadn’t gotten head like that in a long time, so he considered you a special one. He knew deep down this wasn’t going to be the last time he saw you. He wanted to see you again, and not just one or two times.
Your lips were swollen, your eyes were slightly glassy, and your once well-kept hair was now somewhat messy. Saliva had collected onto the corners of your mouth, but Pain didn’t give two fucks. To him, you were the most attractive person he’s ever laid his eyes upon.
Pain shifted himself around so he could pull his pants back up. He was kind of exhausted after all of the fun the two of you had. He could also tell that you were worn out from it too.
As he stood up, Pain reached his hand out towards you so you could get yourself onto your feet. He didn’t want the night to end, nor did you. 
“So, how about that dinner I promised you?”
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exurgedomine · 8 days
What about Yahiko? Did you love him? If he was alive, would you marry him?
" I ... "
He draws a breath, " I do love him. I doubt there will be a moment where I won't, despite his absence. "
" The condition of his living status introduces too many variables to properly gauge. If I had to base it on existing knowledge, it seems he only held eyes for Konan and it would be in my best interest not to interfere. Out of respect as a friend. "
" In other words: no. "
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thebloodredraven · 2 years
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🕷 The Akatsuki (Naruto/Naruto Shippuden) 🕷
Who I write for:  ━ All of the original Akatsuki in the iteration from the image above except Zetsu (note: I am still in the middle of watching Shippuden and have not met Tobi as Obito yet) FLUFF - 🌸 || SUGGESTIVE - 🍷 || SMUT - 🔞 || ANGST - 🌧
━ coming soon!
Akatsuki ━ Insecurities || bonus: kisame
━ Secret Kinks     part one || part two
━ Watching Happy Tree Friends
Itachi ━ coming soon!
Kakuzu ━ coming soon!
Konan ━ coming soon!
Nagato/Pein ━ coming soon!
Itachi ━ Back in Black (drabble)  🌧
━ coming soon!
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🕷 Blood Plus (anime) 🕷
Who I write for: ━ Haji ━ Saya Otonashi ━ Diva ━ Solomon Goldsmith ━ Amshel Goldsmith ━ Kai Miyagusuku (peri-hibernation only for nsfw) ━ George Miyagusuku ━ Nathan Mahler ━ Karl Fei-Ong ━ David ━ Julia ━ Min (sfw only) ━ Mui (sfw only)
FLUFF - 🌸 || SUGGESTIVE - 🍷 || SMUT - 🔞 || ANGST - 🌧
━ coming soon!
Haji ━ NSFW Alphabet (WIP)  🔞
- Headcanons (hypothetical fic)
━ unavailable for now
━ coming soon!
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Notes: ━ i work full time and do not have the attention or ability to be able to write long fics at the moment. that may change over time but for now, i’m sticking to short form work. ━ any and all iterations of the characters I write for are assumed to be 20+ for nsfw work  ━ sfw + nsfw, minors dni (will soft block anyone that doesn’t have their age visible) ━ hard limits: scat/golden showers, spit kink, a/b/o, large age gap (human muses), vomit kink, incest ━ i am uncomfortable writing male!reader for nsfw, but everything else is fine. please specify gender when requesting ━ as i add onto this list, all characters will be categorized in alphabetical order ━ please bother me about blood plus, this fandom is on its last legs and the same guy that did itachi’s english dub is haji. haji is an aggressively romantic and pouty possessive vampire that plays the cello. do with that what you will. ━ black af. take your racism elsewhere.
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tsukinobherzhoka12 · 1 year
Pein and Tobirama had the same Japanese VA…
Imagine Out of Nowhere Tobirama out of a sudden do Shinra Tensei lmao.
Imagine in a Behind the Scenes Actors AU, Pain’s actor switch into Tobirama in the war arc lmao
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thebusylilbee · 1 year
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PTDRR y a encore des gens qui croient que bac+5 c'est 45k garantis ?! I WISH BRO I WISH
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every-jiraiya · 9 hours
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uchihaxitachi · 11 months
|| Coincidences | He comes to you after battle, struck with a Yandere Ninjutsu ||
-> A/N: I am a whore for yandere and I wanted to incorporate a whole ass big writing plot for this one. I softened up :( but I had sm fun!
Itachi had decided not to bring up the topic of you and him kissing each other, after noticing that you had already forgotten about it the next day. You were so high and drunk, it was to be expected. Right now? He had only one thing in his mind, getting over this mission to capture a group of Shinobis who were supposedly plotting against the Akatsuki. It’s not their plotting that was the problem, the Akatsuki also had matters with currency which solely depended on the members and their strength. Any contract whatsoever would cause issues if the image of the 12 dangerous S-Ranked criminals was to be hampered. Something which this thug gang, as Pein called them; was triffling around with.
Itachi out of all people? Why? Itachi’s senses played back the conversation that happened in the recent gathering.
Kisame: I really don’t know where Itachi has been these days, almost disappeared.
Itachi: I do not think I must keep you informed of my whereabouts, or the Akatsuki.
Hidan: Right? I totally agree, imagine me fucking a woman and then writing and updating about it to the leader.
Sasori: Can you shut up?
Pein: Silence! I am not here to interfere with anything. We can might as well leave them be. I just don’t want any nuisance that’s all. If anyone wants to willingly take care of this, they can. Else I will.
Itachi: I will.
Why? Because it was simple, taking care of them would prove that he gave a fuck about the organization, granting him more freedom to operate freely and less annoyance on his whereabouts and what he does otherwise.
Itachi just wanted to protect you, a civilian who’s life revolved around the most normalcy he has seen in his life years so far as a Shinobi.
The fight? Pretty easy. Struck them with his genjutsu and tortured them in the Tsukuyomi for what felt like an eternity. It was the very last member, someone who remained hidden while Itachi’s jutsu took focus, and attacked him with a poisoned potion laced knife. Itachi— had been taking various types of poisons everyday, little by little amounts. The evasion from the attack was easy, what was not easy was the scorching pain it landed him in.
After teaching them a lesson, making them traumatized for life as if it meant nothing, Itachi dragged himself out. All he had was some pain, he knew he couldn’t die from this. This was just— a scratch.
What would you have been doing right now?
A scratch that might- make him see hallucinations?
What if you needed him?
Still, just a scratch.
What if you missed Itachi so much?
Nothing too big, he will take care of it.
What if you remembered the kiss?
Pouring rain came onto Itachi, drenched in two things— love and sickness for you. A longing for you he couldn’t seem to satiate no matter how hard he could try. An uncanny and bizzare appeal to protect you burning.
Itachi had never acted out of place once, in the times you’ve interacted with him. Hell he was your safe space for the sake of it. Today? Itachi had knocked your door at 2 am. You weren’t asleep because you sleep late, but a pang of anxiety curled in your stomach as you mumbled, “Who’s there?”
“It’s me.” The quiet, sublime voice of the Uchiha greeted you.
“Itachi? You—” you rushed outside, immediately pulling the door open and glancing at him, drenched in the thunderstorm and eyes glinting happiness when he saw you. This time, Itachi initiated a hug. For the first time ever, the Uchiha’s hands snaked around your waist, catching you off-guard as he tugged you close, letting you collide against his chest. A soft gasp escaped you, unknown to his behavior, you looked up, smiling and bursting into a giggle. “Great, now we’re both fuckin’ drenched.”
Itachi smiled back, kissing your forehead as you widened your eyes, trying to register what in the actual fuck was happening before he let himself inside, taking his cloak off. You had seen Itachi naked, you had nursed him back to health— but still, the clothing stuck against his skin made you feel, weird in the best day.
“I’m going to take a shower, Y/N.” Itachi humbly spoke, paving his way to your bathroom. “Y-yeah.” You blinked, still getting used to what was happening. “Yeah- sure.”
You went into your bedroom to change as well, coming back to cook some soup and some ramen, filled with veggies. You were unsure if Itachi had properly eaten after all. “I can smell the aroma.” Itachi walked out, using the towel to dry his long hair, eyes darting towards your form in a carnal way. Itachi liked making eye contact but never— ever, this intense.
“Yes, wasn’t sure if you had eaten, Uchiha.” You smiled, tapping the wooden surface of the table to usher him closer. Itachi took the hint and sat beside you, breaking the chopsticks and digging into the first bite. “No wonder your business runs so well, my dear.”
My dear.
Itachi— was warm, dangerously warm with his tone. You had never heard him talk like this. “Thank you.” A flush ran through the apples of your cheek.
“How has it been for you? It’s been quite a while.” Itachi asked the next question.
“Uh, you know? The usual. Nothing much, no trouble as such.”
You were vague, as always. This time, Itachi pressed harder. “So nothing significant, huh?”
“Nope, oh yeah- there was this friend I met after a long time. The one crushin’ over me since High School.”
Nope- nope- nope- should not have shared this.
“A friend? Do I happen to have heard his name?” Itachi raised a brow, sounding ever so natural. “Ah nope, you don’t know him actually. It was good though, we spent some time. Reminiscing over old memories.”
What did you mean memories? What was so memorable about someone liking you? Does the man have a death wish?
“I see, happy that the person you met. Unknown to me, and you still haven’t told me the name of— made you feel better.”
You looked at Itachi and blinked, “Well his name is Kyosuke.” You rolled your eyes, “Don’t have to be so petty, Itachi.”
Itachi wasn’t being petty. Itachi was being careful. He didn’t want you to feel scared of him. Didn’t want to burden or scar you. Part of him, the hyper self aware part of him knew that something is wrong with him right now. “Good night.” Itachi got up, leaving half of the food and walking away.
“Itachi it’s still pouring outside, stay in.” Of course he will. He just wanted you to want him to do so.
“I know, I will sleep outside. Please feel free to go inside Y/N.” He smiled, flicking your forehead and making sure you don’t suspect a thing.
How could you really? He was not the master of deception for nothing. Worse bit of it all? When the next day you heard the terrible news of Kyosuke dying via suicide. How naive— if only you understood the depth of Itachi’s abilities to understand the carefully orchestrated murder he did. Why else would a normal guy commit suicide by gauging his eyes out, the same eyes through which he saw you as a potential partner?
Itachi is happy to hug you. Let you sob and cry in his arms while he tells you it’s going to be alright. Maybe even feel guilt enough when the jutsu fades… but then again, Itachi was never someone to shy away from murdering people. Maybe the jutsu brought the real, carnal, dangerous self on the surface, something that had been long dormant.
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watermelonsloth · 15 days
Things the Naruto Fandom Don’t Talk About Nearly Enough Part 5: Itachi and Kisame’s Visit to Konoha
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So, there are layers to this.
At first, this just seems like a simple mission to stop by Konoha and snatch Naruto off the streets, but we learn two things about this later on that makes this very funny to me: Itachi’s actual intention was to remind Danzo that he’s still alive so he wouldn’t use Hiruzen’s absence as an opening to use Sasuke and the Akatsuki wouldn’t be in a position to extract the nine tails for another two years.
Some of you may see where this is going.
Pein wouldn’t have ordered them to get Kurama two years early, it would’ve just brought unnecessary attention to them and reveal the Akatsuki’s motives (or at least methods). So, if they aren’t following orders, why is Kisame going along with this? Did Itachi say “early bird gets the worm” and Kisame was like “fuck it, I don’t have anything better to do”?
If Kisame is under the impression they’re capturing the nine tails, why did he offer they stop for tea? Itachi wanting to waste time and risk drawing attention would make sense, but not Kisame. Right? Does Kisame make them stop for tea and dessert on missions? Does Kisame make them stop so regularly that Itachi was counting on it for his plan?
Speaking of Itachi’s plan, did he actually account for the village response to two very known criminals being in the village? Like, nothing would’ve stopped Danzo from just sending all of anbu after them. Did Itachi think he and Kisame could take all of Konoha’s shinobi force? Or maybe he thought they could get away before that became a problem?
What would Itachi have done if they did capture Naruto? He, presumably, didn’t know that Jiraiya was in Konoha and it’s not like Naruto had any bodyguards. I can’t imagine he would’ve dropped the act. Would he have just pretended to have another spike in psychopathy and shanked Kisame? Would he have tried to talk Kisame into leaving Naruto? Would they have brought him back with them?
If they brought Naruto with them, what would that conversation look like? ‘Cause Pein probably wouldn’t have let them go to Konoha, so it’s not like he’d know they were going to get Naruto in the first place. “Hey boss, we’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is we got that jinchuriki you wanted! We know it’s a little early, but we just couldn’t help ourselves. The bad news is all of the Land of Fire is after us.”
Last question, did the rest of the Akatsuki find out about this? If so, can we please have a novel about their reactions?
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lisaalmeida · 5 months
Les passantes d'Antoine Pol
Je dédie cette chanson
à chaque femme pensée comme de l'amour
en un instant de liberté
à celle connue à peine
Pas le temps et ça valait le coup
de perdre un siècle de plus
À celle presque à imaginer
Tellement pressé, tu l'as vue passer
Du balcon à un secret plus loin
et tu aimes en rappeler le sourire
qui ne t'a pas fait
et que tu lui as décidé
dans un vide de bonheur
À la compagne de voyage
ses yeux le plus beau paysage
Fans paraître plus court sur le chemin
et peut-être que tu es le seul à la comprendre
et tu la fais descendre sans la suivre
sans avoir touché sa main
À celles qui sont déjà prises
et que je vis des heures déçues
Avec un homme trop changé
Ils t'ont quitté, folie inutile
voir le fond de la mélancolie
d'un avenir désespéré
Des images chères quelques instants
Vous serez bientôt une foule distante
Surmontées d'un souvenir plus proche
pour peu que le bonheur revienne
c'est très rare que l'on se souvienne
des épisodes du chemin
Mais si la vie cesse de t'aider
c'est plus dur de t'oublier
de ces interviews de bonheur
Des baisers qu'on n'a pas osé donner
des occasions laissées pour attendre
des yeux plus jamais revus
Alors dans les moments de solitude
quand le regret devient l'habitude,
une façon de vivre ensemble,
on pleure les lèvres absentes
de toutes les belles passantes
que nous n'avons pas pu retenir
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thottyimagines · 11 months
Akatsuki 5 year plan? Like where they would see themselves in five years lol
Pein would likely imagine himself ruling over a peaceful land as its god-king, if he's being optimistic about how long his plans would take to come to fruition.
Konan gets to be the god-king's hot best friend/second-in-command. I suppose she'd like some more down time to pursue her hobbies, though.
Itachi hopes to be rotting in the ground long before five years come to pass, and ideally his sweet baby brother is the one to put him there.
Kisame would like to be working toward some sort of "greater good," probably, but maybe with less living on the lam involved.
Hidan imagines himself as some sort of Mormon missionary for Jashinism, except for instead of using humanitarian efforts as a way to proselytize, Hidan is just murdering people he thinks may be burdening the community and expecting converts in return. It doesn't work, not because terrified villages won't put sacrifices forward, but because their hearts aren't quite in it so Jashin does not grant immortality.
Kakuzu would like to be living in a world where he can murder as he pleases and also generate a massive passive income. Maybe he'll start investing in real estate and go from there, unless life under god-king Pein ushers in a new golden age with stock markets.
Deidara plans to be going out in a blaze of glory around then, ideally in some sort of awesome mass murder/suicide situation with all of his very best works of art involved.
Sasori would like to keep up the sweet deal he has going that allows him to mostly skulk in a dark room turning human bodies into terrifying weapons of puppetry for him to use.
Tobi is not letting Pein become god-king, except for in his own fantasies. He's throwing the world into that mass genjutsu, baby.
Zetsu is helping Tobi with that whole world hallucination thing.
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