#party games for groups
aroundtable · 2 months
Questa settimana scopriremo assieme un piccolo grande gioco da tavolo di cui vi ho parlato nelle ultime edizioni del TG Table e che è arrivato proprio nel momento adatto nei negozi, sto parlando di Card VS Gravity party game perfetto da portare in giro e che dovrete assolutamente portare con voi durante la scampagnata di pasquetta!
Se devo essere onesto quando ho visto la scatola di Cards VS Gravity, sugli scaffali degli amici di Hirtemis, non ero sicurissimo di volerlo prendere, ma dopo averlo provato in negozio non ho potuto fare a meno di comprarlo: Cards VS Gravity è un boardgame di destrezza in cui dovremo mettere in equilibrio 20 carte colorate su di un disco colorato, appoggiato su una bottiglia, le uniche regole sono collegare le carte dello stesso colore, non appoggiare una carta su più carte e chi fa cadere le carte paga pegno ed il pegno lo decideranno tutti i giocatori Around The table! Destrezza, la giusta dose di cattiveria sono gli ingredienti per un ottimo gioco da zainetto che porterete con voi ovunque per ritagliarvi un paio di partite ad un board game per tutti: durante un pic-nic, dopo il pranzo di Pasqua, durante la scampagnata di Pasquetta insomma ovunque e in un qualsiasi momento è il momento giusto per Cards VS Gravity! Inoltre Cards VS Gravity vi verrà in aiuto quando dovrete decidere chi butta la spazzatura, chi lava i piatti, chi paga l'aperitivo… in somma chi perde farà tutte queste cose!
Cards VS Gravity è un party game per tutti, senza limiti di giocatori al tavolo, senza limiti di età e tempo… chiunque, ovunque, per il tempo che volete, edito da Giochi Uniti!
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essektheylyss · 8 months
The other thing about living vicariously through people blogging about their playthroughs of bg3 is that it really does make the game sound like a dating sim. The most important thing I know about this game is that no matter who you're playing, everyone at the forgotten realms tadpole brain worm party desires you carnally.
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moeblob · 9 months
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I spent way too much time on this for it to be mostly beans.
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skelodian · 6 months
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briannaboho · 2 months
i just realized how insane watching the newest games video must seem to someone who knows nothing about smosh
like yeah i'm watching four people in suit costumes talk in bad english accents and play mario party bad on purpose. and yes one of them is wearing a dog cone
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Hm like. The fact that the core companions in bg3, all of their arcs are about leaving a severely unbalanced and/or outright abusive relationship dynamic. They're all learning to be people again. How to be autonomous. Who they are beyond the person who controlled or manipulated them or set them on a very deterministic path.
And it's so interesting the variety we get? A goddess lover, a lich queen, a warlock patron, a goddess 'saviour', a vampire master, an archdevil.
Larian really wrote 6 fully fleshed out completely different companions and also said, actually everyone gets a recovery arc, everyone gets to learn freedom in their own way, the mechanism of learning to inhabit and be oneself ironically comes from being possessed by a mind flayer tadpole.
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angelmush · 5 months
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spent most of the day yesterday working on a shimmery starry blue wool sweater and then made a dinner of lemony roast chicken with caramelized charred cabbage and roasted potatoes and crispy oyster mushrooms over a pillowy smear of whipped feta and topped w herbs and lemon and kalamata olives and then we went to our friends party to welcome in the new year w singing and dancing and kissing and bubbly drinks and a delicate dusting of snow and a very silly auld lang syne party remix
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possumkingluca · 9 months
this is the exact expression i feel every time my no charisma having ass party fucks up an important charisma roll despite my maxed charisma eloquence bard ass being right here
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karamell-sweetz · 3 months
this is suuuch a stretch but now that the wonderland sekai has a confirmed ocean and islands i ALMOST want them to accidentally sail into the empty sekai’s body of water and freak out.
if that’s even possible in the lore. idk i haven’t read a good portion of the vsinger events where they talk about the lore soooo
but like… think about it. after they finish the first round of world link events for all the units i have NO idea what they’re going to do with that event type. coincidentally the vsinger wl (estimated for august) is in line with the 4th anni, and it sort of makes sense that the sekais could potentially connect and lots of stuff happens before 5th anni (usually a good milestone if i’m going off bandori). the only good scenario i have in mind is yk… GROUP SHUFFLES! SEKAI COLLISIONS OR SOME SHIT!! MULTI GROUP COVERS which i know they said they weren’t going to do unless for special occasions but like??
and also im aware that pjsk as it is is actually doing pretty well without doing group shuffle covers and stuff like bandori (by this i mean like the general election special songs like catastrophe banquet) and each of the groups don’t actually NEED that connection with the other groups… but come on. it’d be neat.
*noclips through the floor*
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bacchuschucklefuck · 1 month
assorted thoughts 1/when sklonda mentioned getting drinks with sandra lynn now and then I straight up cheered I was so scared for her social life being so overworked 2/straight up have no judgement on the whole ratgrinder situation on account of being a whole grown man. Im not getting into beef with fictional teenagers let them sort that out among themselves 3/sprak levefre
#not art#my oldest daughter with a grown sibling ass going I hope sklonda makes time to chill#she should be at the club. for free. they should pay her to be at the club#honestly its kind of a thing with riz too but thats more like. ok the thing is riz just fr loves mysteries#so tbh its more like if u yknow. love drawing and u draw for fun#and now u also draw for job. like I feel like thats the thing thats going on with riz#dude who playtests as a job and then goes home and plays more games. but with mysteries#but with sklonda it really feels like. its something shes Good at bc shes diligent and careful and has a moral spine#rather than something she actively enjoys. like her job is solidly her Job#so she immediately hits that alarm trigger in my brain seeing moms going about like#!!!⚠️⚠️STOP⚠️⚠️!! DO YOU HAVE A HOBBY ARE YOU CULTIVATING YOUR SOCIAL LIFE#and with her it fucking Got me too bc she just! doesnt seem to have the time to build that for herself#and the fact that she (Like Riz) is Living While Goblin in elmville and the isolation that probably entailed#like the empty nesting down the line would hit her like a baseball bat it would be Brutal#so genuinely knowing that she is casually hanging out with sandra lynn (and probably other parents in the group as well)#thats a whole piece of anxiety off my mind watching this show lmao. moms!#anyways sprak lefevre my beloved. actually I retract my vow of neutrality sprak's party better really like him and treat him right#or else.#he is prrrrrobably an artificer but personally itd be so funny if he isnt. what if hes a bard
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quntress · 9 months
Y’all I literally just met the Game Grumps at a bowling alley in Vancouver. They were extremely nice! I’m delighted to report.
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dexlxst · 9 months
I loved the new SMii7Y video related to Party Animals! So i doodled this!
I sure do hope i got the 2 other youtubers right..
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There is an extra version with them being cropped, so you can get the full view on them! You might as well use them as a pfp match but please do credit me if you do so!!
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bloomingsalma · 3 months
i think one of the most disappointing things is to see that your childhood friends have grown up to represent the kind of people you're disappointed in
#had a friendship break up w like one of my entire friend groups of six ppl?#found out that one of the girls in our friend group had sent screenshots of our private conversation about smth I was hurt over#to a gc with our other friends (but not me ofc)#and they all proceeded to talk shit about me :// I swear the way my stomach dropped when the friend I was having the convo w#sent me screenshots of what our mutual friends were saying about me#she knew how much it would hurt me but still did it just to prove a point (though I'm certain she misrepresented our conversation + my word#to them considering she blocked out what she had initially said to them lol)#my stomach hasn't dropped like that since high school#which is exactly where I thought we left this kind of deceitful behaviour. like how are you guys twenty one and still sending screenshots#and talking bad behind only one (1) friend's back when you know she can't defend herself in that space#I immediately texted our collective gc to explain a text she had sent but failed to give context for#then told them if I'm as selfish as they say I will leave this friend group. and then I left that gc#I also texted two friends who I knew were talking shit and I sent them the screenshots that first “friend” sent and pointed out how#she blocked out what she said so I'm suspicious that she skewed our conversation so they (the two other “friends”) should be wary#I told them I understood it was fair game to stoop. this low considering neither of them tried to reach out to me to hear my side#or defend me + my privacy#for context: the original argument was me voicing out that I was upset bc that first “friend” had invited and planned with with our friend#group an event that landed on my birthday without checking in with me if I was planning to spend time with them that day#and she kept defending herself and saying she didn't know I'd plan smth (probably bc my bday is two months away lmao) and she said#the event they'd be attending is just as important and necessary as being there for my birthday?? it's literally just a party her brother#(who none of us are close to lol) is DJing at. and I brought up how I'm their close friend (not her brother) and it's not fair to call#it equally necessary. but I suspect she skewed what I said greatly considering all of our friends started calling me selfish and unfair#but yeah v v crazy and hurtful and just astonishing#salmaspeaks
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moonpaw · 11 months
ohh ohhhh... luffy's dream is having a massive party
it's both so very luffy but also childish and easy for someone to laugh at
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wickedlvst · 4 months
open to: m/f/nb connection: anything is possible. bf/gf, inc*st/stepc*st, bf/gf, bf/gf's brother/sister, parent's best friend, sibling's bf/gf, sibling's best friend - go wild. based on (x). a 'you're not going out without any panties if they're shoved inside your p*ssy' vibe. read the tags for more info if interested. alternative muses: izabel or laurie.
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"nooo, you can't actually expect me to go out without any panties on", the blonde whines, doe eyes giving their best attempt at puppy dog eyes as she squirms on their lap, "the skirt is so short, anybody will see i'm not wearing any." despite the whining note to her voice, they know all too well at this point that she's more complaining for the sake of complaining rather than because she's actually upset, secretly thrilled by the prospect. "isn't it enough that i'm already going without a bra? what is everyone going to think?"
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ovytia-art · 8 months
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I am cringe but I am free *draws myself and my cats again*
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