#papi paprika
paprikadotmp4 · 25 days
bruised and bloodied by paprikadotmp4
!! NSFW + dead dove do not eat !!
TAGS: batman, deathstroke, sladejay, romanjay, noncon, canon divergence, referenced forced underage prostitution, pseudo-incest, dissociation, daddy issues, jason todd-centric, bamf jason todd, slade wilson trains jason todd, wayne gala, sparring, what happens when jason steals the batmobile tires and sells them to the wrong person?
"I could be yours instead," Jason calls out, voice ringing in the empty room. Wilson stops. Jason doesn't. "Is that what you want to hear? That I'll be yours instead of his, Slade?" "You don't know what you're asking for, boy," Wilson says.
Jason Todd is 12 when he steals the tires off the Batmobile and gets away with it. He's 12 years old with rotten luck, because the buyer happens to be one of Sionis' crew—and Roman himself says he has no plans of letting such potential go to waste.
Jason Sionis is 13 when he finally realizes that what it actually means is that Roman is never letting him go at all. He's 14 when Roman first touches him, and 15 when other men get permission to do it, too. He's 16 when he stops fighting back.
Angry and spiteful and bruised and bloodied, Jason is 18 years old when he meets Slade Wilson.
written for @37nightwalker 💗
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Palmer station AU
Ava: Lilith, Paprika is on the loose! Again!
Lilith: I told you she would get through the deadbolt.
Ava: Less proud papa, more helping, please. I have somewhere to be later.
Lilith: Beatrice knows no human engineering can cage Paprika…
Camila: Hey guys, look who I found in the galley eating all the shrimp!
Lilith: You’ll spoil your dinner, Pap.
lilith is such a (not-so-secret) softie about her little scientific aquarium. she leaves nightlights on for some of the tanks and on one occasion slaps ava’s phone right out of her hand because ‘the nautilus likes it dark!’
ava’s phone screen cracks and she whines about it all summer, ‘dude, i keep getting glass cuts from playing fruit ninja!’
cam: ava that game is so outdated
so yeah lilith is the cephalopod-mom of all time. she’s basically this video & keeps finding her pet octopus in the drawer of her desk and then (thinking herself alone) saying in a horrendous baby-talk voice ‘oooo who has the most task-oriented muscular hydrostats? who is my best bilaterally symmetrical boy? oh yes that is the exact pigment of my skin… but who are you hiding from?’
5 seconds later: ‘oh, hello beatrice. i, ah, didn’t see you there.’
bea, trying to stay professional: ‘it looks like paprika did though.’ she notices lil turning red and walks over to let pap stick out one of his little arms to wrap it around her fingers, chancing a glance at lilith before launching into a similar spiel of, ‘who’s the best boy papi?’ making little cooing noises at him until she feels lilith relax and lean her shoulder into beatrice’s.
‘what for?’
‘you know.’
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bluemoonbitties · 2 years
This post is bound to change
Available to adopt:
Sans Bitties
Sansy by @fucken-crybaby
Punny by @fucken-crybaby
Edgy by @fucken-crybaby
Baby Blue by @fucken-crybaby
Runt/Cherry by @fucken-crybaby
Soft Bones by @fucken-crybaby
Bittybone Chillby by @chillysansy
Papy Bitties
Papy by @bittybones-au
Boss by @bittybones-au
Meek by @bittybones-au
Lil' Bro by @bittybones-au
. Poppy by @bittybones-au
Teacup by @bittybones-au
Pamyrus by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Paprika by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Coral by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Papilly by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Cupcake by @ad-sd-chibigirl
Fluffy Fluff by @nazo677
Original Bitties
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ladykailolu · 1 year
Godot making dinner for his boyfriends Jake and Gyro, and it's chicken quesadillas on the menu! Well, Maggie was really adamant for having these chicken quesadillas and wanted the ones that Godot makes because "Papi [Godot] makes them the best!!"
So Godot gets to work. He takes out four flat breads and sets them on cookie trays lined with tin foil. Then he sets the oven to 350°F and takes out the cheese. He's wearing an apron while preparing all this, by the wall. It's a nice one that has coffee mugs and beans printed all over it!
Anyway, Godot takes out the shredded mozzarella cheese and shredded cheddar cheese and sprinkles a generous amount of both onto each of the flat breads. Then he takes out several spices from the cabinets above the stove: cayenne pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, garlic powder, and smoked paprika. Godot loves it spicy and takes no mercy on his boyfriends, but he takes it a little easy on the kids and doesn't sprinkle as much spice onto theirs.
Then comes the chicken. Godot takes out pre-cooked chicken and sprinkles it onto each flatbread. And when finished, the oven is ready, and so he pops each tray in and waits.
Well, the kids are chomping at the bit to eat!!! And Godot holds them back long enough until the quesadillas are done, which takes about 15 minutes. And when they're done, Godot folds each quesadilla up, cuts it into small squares with a stainless steel pizza roller Gyro bought, then takes out a bottle of hot salsa and dumps a big pile of it in the middle of the quesadilla. He then passes the plate onto the waiting child with a few dollops of sour cream if they asked. And it's onto the next child!
God fucking damn, it's spicy!!!! But it's good 😊
Gyro, Jake, and Godot chow down with a glass of red wine each while the girls have water. But Paxe, being raised briefly in Naples, Italy, expects having a little bit of wine, so she asks and works on Gyro's nerves to have a little sip until he caves in and lets her drink just a bit from his glass. Red wine is....not as tasty.
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sketch-armstrong · 5 years
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“Serenity is sick today, so I, magical Ender, Papi Mint, shall serve you in her stead.”
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fuckin-bees · 7 years
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eagehaunting · 3 years
Mystery March 2021 day 21: One of Us
Everyone thank @vonraptor for giving me ideas Bc this is for u broooo
“One of us, one of us.” For the past hour or so, Arthur had his headphones on tight, keeping his eyes glued on his assignments and scribbling away at the answers frantically. Anyone who didn’t know him would assume he’s cramming for finals, or for a deadline that suddenly jumped to that night.
No. That was far from the case. Arthur was rushing before his line of concentration broke at the chorus of voices behind him.
”One of us! One of us! Arthur~ it’s time to lay down! It’s nap time.”
“Pap will you please just shut up?”
The half formed equations that he barely got a hold of disintegrated like ash. Ignoring the heaviness of his eyes, he unhooks his headphones and looks back.
On Lewis’s bed, the giant man was sprawled out with several plushies and sisters tucked in his arms and laying across them. His eyes were shut and breathing slow, along with Belles, who was curled similar to a cat against the wall, only connected to Lewis by his large fingers still half tangled in her hair. The one chanting one of us was Paprika in her poka-dotted onesie and with her stuffed rabbit in her arms. She was bouncing on Lewis’s knee, like she was ready to hop on Lewis’s stomach whenever, but more focused on an argument with Cayenne.
Cayenne, who’s swatting at Paprika, was half- nestled against Lewis’s chest. Tucked in a blanket and content to simply nap next to her brother.
Paprika gasps when she turns away from Cayenne and her meanness back to him.
“You’re ready?” She beams at him, and Arthur can only manage a slow blink before shaking his head.
“Not yet, Papi. I gotta finish this assignment.”
She slumps and sinks against Lewis’s leg. “How much is left?” She asks, eyes wide in a puppy dog stare. Arthur swallows and looks away, not wanting to be compelled by her again. Nope! No way. He’s got work to do and no amount of begging will stop him.
“Just a bit more, then I’ll join you-“
Little feet- more like a small body- hit the floor with a thud.
Arthur flinches, spins around, and finds that Paprika was no longer on top of Lewis. In fact- Lewis’s eyes were open and he was leaning up, scanning the room hurriedly. Shit she woke him up?
Little hands touch his knee, and Arthur snaps down to see the girl’s puppy dog eyes boring into his. “Can’t you join now?” She asks, pouting.
Fuck. Fuck. God dammit. God dammit why do I have to like you kids? I would punt you into the sun if you weren’t so precious to me-
Cayenne moans in disappointment, snapping Arthur out of his thoughts and letting him see the large form hunching down to scoop Paprika up. Lewis cradles her against his chest, rubbing his eye.
“Sorry about that, A-“ he covers his mouth, yawning, “Arthur. I didn’t realize I fell asleep. Do you want to move to the computer room? I’m sure papa won’t mind as long as you don’t touch the computer.”
Arthur stares back up at him, before glancing as his assignment.
Five more problems, with six sub sections for each.... not due for another two days....
Since when did his eyes get so tired?
Pushing aside the building regret made up of bullshit rationale, Arthur closes the book and stands up, cracking his back before shutting off the small lamp on Lewis’s desk.
“Nah, it’s fine. Better make room on the bed though.”
Paprika beams at him, and is returned with a ruffle of her hair.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
SNEAK PEEK At the Upcoming Multi-Chapter MSA Fanfic, Back To Life.
Before the cave, before one of their friends had their life stolen by a green envious monster, before Japanese Audrey 2 tracked down our favorite glasses-wearing dog, they were just your average nerdy young-adults. See how the gang Mystery Skulls came together and what led to the events in the cave in Back To Life.
Below is a sneak peek at the first chapter! I have no idea when I will post the full first chapter, but you can believe that each chapter will be filled with references and even codes for readers to crack. I hope you all will enjoy this and I’m so excited to dive into my newest big project!
If you want to read other works from me, you can find my AO3 account here! Without another word, the preview!
What if I could bring you back to life? What if I could be your guiding light? I would be your pathway, I won't let your spirit die, It’s forever, you and I...
Vivi walked a little closer to the dead grass and a little farther from the passing truck playing a loud radio, just in case the side mirror were to graze her blue sweater or the truck would swerve. A bit unnecessary, but it was huge and could squash a woman who was hardly five foot. Her dog’s collar jingled as he picked up the pace and walked closer to her, ensuring Vivi was safe, and that earned him a scratch behind the ear.
Looking down the street in the tiny town she called home, the blue nerd smiled at the brightly-painted building with a hot pepper on top, with English, Spanish, and Latin translations of the restaurant title. It was three o’clock, so most people were done with lunch, promising a quiet place to eat and read a new book.
With no No Dogs Allowed sign to be seen, Vivi took her chances that she and her pet would be welcomed and she walked in, greeted by a happy bell and childish bickering. Vivi turned her head to a far booth to find two girls fighting over a box of crayons, sisters guessing on how similar they looked. Vivi smiled and allowed the slightly jealous feeling to leave her; she had always wanted a sibling to fight with and help make life exciting.
A sign written in chalk by the door read “Please Seat Yourself,” “Tome Asiento, Por Favor,” and “Placet Discumbere,” so Vivi picked a small booth on the opposite side of the room to enjoy a bright window, placing her purse by her side and pulling a chair close for Mystery to sit in. He hopped on quietly and smiled as Vivi pulled out her new comic book and happily opened it, breathing in that crisp smell of new paper and untouched ink.
“Lost Legends.” Vivi sighed. “Can’t believe Alex practically hired fan artists to put this together, and it’s canon! Bet it’s filled with new codes.” And without another word she happily dove into the book and began reading, able to comfortably tone out the sisters fighting.
Mystery yawned and sat more comfortably in his chair, circling and sitting on all four legs with his front paws crossed, observing the near-empty restaurant curiously. He also took some delight in watching the sisters bicker over the wax art supplies; he may not have missed Vivi pulling on his ears, but he did miss having children around to play with. Mystery’s ears perked up and he watched with amusement as a young man in a damp black apron and white chef’s coat with tints of pinkurple emerged from the back and quickly shed the damp apron and hung it up to better hurry to the girls.
“Paprika, Cayenne, stop it!” And he quickly swiped up the box of crayons and ignored the girls’ whines to address the issue. “What happened?”
The slightly smaller of the two, who wore a yellow dress and had her pink and blonde hair in a high-ponytail, pointed to the slightly bigger sister with her red hair hiding her eyes, and said, “Cayenne stole my crayons!”
“Sharing is caring!”
“What if I don’t care?”
The young man snorted with bottled-up laughter and pinched his nose. “Cayenne, you’re not supposed to be coloring, you’re supposed to do your homework.”
Cayenne pouted with her arms crossed over her red-shirt-covered chest and lowered her head. “It’s stupid. It’s too hard.”
“Tell you what, let me greet this table, and I’ll help you.” The young man ruffled her red hair affectionately.
“Can I least do it in crayon?”
“I don’t see why not. Work is work, no matter what color. So Paprika, let your sister use your crayons.��
Now it was Paprika’s turn to pout, but she muttered, “Sí, hermano,” and quickly snatched up the yellow so she could finish her sun before her sister could steal what she needed.
The young man shook his head and chuckled, then went to the hostess’ booth to grab a menu, napkins, and a roll of silverware. Mystery looked at Vivi to find her eyes had averted from her comic book to the scene at some point and she closed it to give her waiter her full attention.
“Hi, sorry for the wait, señora.” He greeted and handed her the menu and placed her eating utensil on the table. “I’m Lewis, what can I get you to drink?”
Vivi swallowed as he smiled down at her genuinely and she couldn’t help but return the smile. “Hi, two waters, please.”
“Sure,” Lewis averted his eyes to the dog sitting like a good boy in a chair and asked, “Should I put one in a bowl?”
“Not necessary, thanks.” Mystery answered plainly, used to the assumption and appreciating it but he could use a straw just fine.
Lewis stared, a bit taken back to have an animal talking back, but he had watched enough anime to accept it easy enough, so he smiled and dipped his head. “Got it. Un momento, por favor.”
“Why does that always freak people out?” Mystery asked rhetorically with a roll of his eyes, enjoying the warm sunlight bathing him in the chair.
“You are of few words.” Vivi teased. “It’s always scary to hear you talk.”
Mystery snorted with a smile and looked over the menu with Vivi, both who had not eaten since breakfast so they were starving. Vivi giggled and pointed to one picture of a dish on the tacos page. “Spaghetti tacos?”
“Oh yeah,” Lewis chuckled as he walked back with the two waters, unable to help but notice the customer’s grabbed attention. “Papi invented them. Every time he makes them he sings this little song.”
“Yeah?” Vivi chuckled back.
“Yeah it goes…” Lewis took a minute to remember the words and muster up the courage to sing it, then quietly sang, “I’m cooking, I’m cooking things, cooking things that people will eat. I’m cooking, I’m cooking things…”
“Things that people will chew!” Cayenne and Paprika sang along with their brother loudly, making his cheeks turn pink.
Vivi and Mystery both laughed and the woman said, “I’ll try them, then, please!”
“And I’ll have a bowl of pozole, please.” Mystery requested.
“Spaghetti tacos and pozole, good choices.” Lewis commented as he wrote the order down on a notepad and took the menu. “Gracias, un momento, por favor.”
“Gracias.” Vivi replied and watched him put the menu in the hostess’ booth and disappear into the back to place the order.
Mystery noticed the closed book and smiled cheekily at Vivi, who was too busy in La La Land to notice.
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paprikadotmp4 · 3 months
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got my batgoodies from the wonderful @chunnyii (shop / twt) !!
the four stickers in the upper right corner were freebies hehehe. amazing merch, A+ 5☆ 10/10 would recommend ♡
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themenof--freeridge · 4 years
What Once Was
Pairing: Oscar Diaz x Reader  
Requested?: Yes- jeyramarie - Oscar and reader being high school lovers (never stopped loving each other) and the reader comes back home and she sees Oscar again just to find that he has someone and is gonna be a dad.
Warnings: Angst (sort of)  
It had been years since you’d last been to your family’s home in Freeridge. You finally managed to get the approval for your vacation from your company in the city and you were eagerly awaiting stepping into your childhood home.
Your younger brother kept you updated on all the town’s happenings. He let you know when the Prophets were dismantled, when a new gang arose from nowhere and when the Santos took charge to improve the safety of the streets. You always looked out for his updates on Oscar Diaz. Every time Oscar was brought up by your brother, you kept waiting to see how his life was developing.  
The last thing your brother told you about the Diaz brothers was that Oscar had departed from the Santos and Cesar had taken up his throne.  
When you taxi stopped in front of your house, your mother and brother were waiting in the foyer, ecstatic smiles spread across their faces.  
The reunion was quick as your brother was dragged into the kitchen with your mother to finish up making a lunch spread of all of your homemade favorites. When you mother refused your help in the kitchen, she shooed you off to the living room.
Rather than lay around doing nothing, you decided to head off to the nearby 24-hour convenience store. You were suddenly craving their low-quality chicken paste sandwiches.
Once you announced your departure, your brother rattled off a list of snacks to get until you were out the door.
The walk to the store felt all-too familiar, except now the streets were busier with children and teenagers enjoying their lives and not caring about who was watching them. There definitely was a decrease in the number of Santos and questionable characters on the streets.
When you opened the door to the store, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke and fresh bread engulfed you. You strutted in and immediately headed to the refrigerated food section, eager to complete your quest for that sandwich.
You were leaning over the shelf inspecting the products as you heard a voice that only lived in your mind for the past few years away from home.  
“Make sure we get paprika and garlic powder,” his voice boomed through the aisle.
You straightened up slowly, turning to face the direction of his voice. When you found him, you gasped quietly; he looked so different from when you last saw him.
Your teenage love, arguable the love of your life, Oscar Diaz, was standing a mere few feet in front of you. His hair had grown out, so long for the shaved head. He wore a proper shirt instead of the wife-beaters that once decorated his closet.  
Your feet moved on their own, taking you closer to him. As you stood at the entrance of one aisle, he stood on the opposite end with his back to you. In front of him, too close to be a friend, stood an attractive woman with soft, curly auburn hair. When she shifted to the side, you noticed a prominent baby bump. You watched as Oscar moved to place a hand around her center, cradling the bump. In that moment, you realized how differently your lives turned out. While you were away working on making a name for yourself, Oscar had freed himself from the Santos and managed to settle down with someone who was soon to make a father out of him.
What hit you was that he was settled down with someone that wasn’t you.
Suddenly, the couple turned, heading towards you. The moment Oscar met your eyes, he came to a halt. The girl with him didn’t seem to notice; she moved around you, heading to the next aisle.  
Slowly, Oscar moved to stand in front of you. “Hey, Y/N.”
Just hearing your name in his voice was enough to take you back to your younger days. “Hey, Oscar.”
“When did you get back?” he asked, glancing at his baby mama.
“A couple of hours ago.”
He nodded and smiled shyly. He was just as awkward as you felt. You couldn’t deny it, he still made you feel like a teenage girl.
You needed to ease the tension a little. You gestured to where his girl was and asked, “So, you’re gonna be a dad, huh?”
His smile grew proudly as he nodded in confirmation.
“Congrats. You’ll make a great dad to any kid.”
He nodded again and replied, “Thanks. I’m planning on it.”
You pointed to his hair and asked, “You left the Santos?”
“Oh, yeah. A lot has happened since you left.”
“Papi?” his girl swiveled around the aisle to spot the two of you chatting. She offered you a kind smile as she waited for him to respond.  
Before he could leave, you hurried up by saying, “I should get going anyway. Maybe I'll see you around?”
“Yeah, of course. Hey, we’re having a barbecue at the house later if you wanna stop by with your brother.”
“The Santos house?”
His girl piped in again, “No, we moved out of that house a while ago. Maybe Oscar can text you the address.”
“Y-Yeah, sure,” you managed. You smiled at them one last time before turning away and returning to the refrigerated section.  
You thought about what she said. “‘We’ moved out”? That meant that she and Oscar were already living together while he was a Santo. You closed your eyes, trying to take in all the information. The boy you watched turn into a man found happiness with another woman. She was beautiful and the pregnancy glow worked in her favor. She was giving him all he ever wanted: stability, love and a future.
You stayed in the store, staring blankly at the sandwiches; you stayed until you heard them leave.  
When you snapped back to reality, you felt a tear slide down your cheek. You quickly wiped it away and took a deep breath. You told yourself that this is how things go. People grow when apart and even though your feelings for him remained, you had no right to act on them. He was settled now with a baby on the way. Whatever residual feelings you two had for each other needed to be locked away.
Reality was coming down on you and you were trying to adapt as quickly as possible. When you left for the big city, you were saying goodbye to everyone you once knew. Being away from a certain lifestyle forced you to make a life of your own.
Just because you were back home didn’t mean that everything fell back into place as you wanted.  
For the foreseeable future, Oscar was off-limits. Despite how naturally your body moved towards him, like magnets stuck for life, you needed to stay away from him and give him space to build his own future.  
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germcore · 4 years
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papi paprika
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sketch-armstrong · 6 years
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“Hey, somebody has to do Serenity’s job, around here.”
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substitute-witches · 6 years
Hi, we’re three friends who are learning about witchcraft.
As our title and description suggests, we are broke and own very little actual witchcraft tools. However, we enjoy doing spells, substituting things for what we have around us, and the spells have still worked well!
We thought that we’d document what we do!
Paprika (Papi)
Nutmeg (Nut)
Cinnamon (Sin)
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fuckin-bees · 7 years
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Sweetest mare
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kaleiyasims · 6 years
Compte-rendu 101
Vous venez d’apprendre que votre série favorite a été annulée faute d’audience ? Bienvenue sur SimsTV dans notre Apocalypse ! Dern-
- Cher journal, j’ai trouvé les notes de grand-papy et c’est très intéressant. Vivement que je puisse attaquer le journalisme et déterrer tout ce que les voisins cachent !
... Ils sont mal barrés les voisins là...
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- Non Wasabi ! Ca ne se mange pas !
- Ah bah ?
Elle a tenté de manger quoi au juste ? Les crayons de couleurs ?
- Les cendres dans l’urne !
... Wasabi, toi pas manger cendres ! Ca c’est caca !
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Pendant que Salt veille au grain, Persil reconstruit sa fusée. Espérons que c’était son dernier crash car ça coûte cher en temps et en argent ce truc...
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- Bon, t’as bientôt plus besoin de moi on dirait. Tu te motives tout seul.
Vrai que Persil est... Oh ? Niveau 8 du Fitness ! Hé ben...
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- Anis, je te jure que si ce truc explose, tu vas m’entendre !
- Oui tatie...
... On aimerait d’ailleurs que vous ne vous en serviez pas pour mettre le feu car vous nous avez déjà fait de belles flambées dans cette famille...
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- Cher journal, j’ai entendu l’autre débile de Clément se foutre de ma tronche dans la rue. Demain, on va voir s’il aime se prendre une des couches pleine de Wasabi en pleine face...
... J’espère pour Menthe que seul lui a accès à tout cela car ça pourrait servir de preuve contre lui un jour...
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- Un peu de gris...
Whaou ! Ca me rappelle que Pepper a deux graines de Plante Vache dans son inventaire... quoique c’est fait pour être dehors ça donc tant qu’on peut rien faire du jardin, ce sera niet.
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Mais c’est que ça roucoule par ici... 
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- Ca va Pepper ?
- Bof. J’ai reçu un message me disant que mon heure était proche. J’ai vachement envie de claquer avant d’avoir cassé la gueule à l’autre folle...
Pepper étant sportive, avec du pot, elle aura un petit sursis mais bon, vu que Cannelle a prit la place de Paprika au grill et qu’aucun gosse n’est prévu avant un moment, Pepper est un peu inutile excepté pour nettoyer... et encore, Persil répare tout à sa place.
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Ca revient avec des bonnes notes... et une boule puante qui a raté.
- Mais pourquoi il avait une raquette ?!
- Ca faisait déjà six fois que tu lui jouais des tours aussi.
Ah ben oui... Au bout d’un moment, y a un risque de tomber sur quelqu’un qui sait se défendre.
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- Cher journal, ce débile de Clément m’a eu cette fois mais je l’aurais demain ! MOUA HA HA HA HA !
... Vivement que Menthe ait fini le lycée car ça doit être invivable là-bas...
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- Oh c’est pas... MENTHE !!!
Sale petit... Il a cassé un des ordis quand celui-ci n’a pas voulu faire ce qu’il voulait. 
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- Tiens ? T’as changé de coiffure ?
- J’avais envie.
- C’est pour convaincre Persil de faire un autre gosse ?
- Mais... Non !
En même temps, je peux comprendre que Cannelle veuille que sa fille reste enfant unique...
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Sur c... Heu Salt ?
- Je ne compte pas m’y endormir.
Pfiou ! On va quand même revenir dans un quart d’heure pour vérifier hein...
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A bientôt pour un prochain épisode !
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ifoundkylo · 7 years
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Back for a hot-hot minute mateys I cooked dinner for the fam, chicken with peppers (two veggie cubes, salt, peppers, shit loads of paprika, garlic powder, fajita and enchilada seasoning) with brown rice! All from scratch, no instructions. It had a bit of a kick believe it or not lmao What do you guys think? @papi-chulo-bucky @crazinessgraveyardsandcartoons @lionheartwithnoking @thatawkwardtinyperson @mermanbuckybarnes @beebossinner
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