#pap screening
ganitsoni · 1 month
Understanding Breast Cancer Treatment: Exploring Surgeries and Therapies
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Breast cancer is a serious illness that requires careful treatment. There are different ways to treat breast cancer, including surgeries and therapies. In this article, we'll look at the types of surgeries and therapies used to treat breast cancer. We'll explain what they are, how they work, and why they're important.
Types of Surgeries:
Lumpectomy: A lumpectomy is a surgery where doctors remove the tumor and a small amount of surrounding healthy tissue from the breast. It's often used for early-stage breast cancer to help keep as much of the breast as possible.
Mastectomy: Mastectomy is when doctors remove the whole breast to treat breast cancer. There are different types of mastectomy, depending on how much tissue is removed.
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: This surgery helps doctors see if the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes. Doctors find and remove a few lymph nodes to check for cancer cells.
Types of Therapies:
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses special beams to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It's often used after surgery to make sure any leftover cancer cells are gone.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is when patients take special drugs to kill cancer cells or stop them from growing. It's used before or after surgery to help get rid of cancer cells and prevent them from coming back.
Hormone Therapy: Hormone therapy blocks hormones that can make breast cancer grow. It's used for hormone-sensitive breast cancer to stop cancer cells from growing.
Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy attacks specific parts of cancer cells to stop them from growing. It's a newer type of treatment that can be very effective for certain types of breast cancer. Combination Therapies:
Neoadjuvant Therapy: This therapy is given before surgery to shrink tumors and make them easier to remove. It helps make surgery more successful.
Adjuvant Therapy: Adjuvant therapy is given after surgery to help lower the risk of cancer coming back. It can include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or targeted therapy.
Conclusion: Breast cancer treatment is complex, but there are many ways to fight it. Surgeries and therapies play a big role in helping people beat breast cancer. By understanding the different types of surgeries and therapies available, patients and their doctors can work together to come up with the best treatment plan for each person. With the right treatment, many people with breast cancer can go on to live long, healthy lives.
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ganitsoni9951 · 2 months
Understanding Cervical Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad
Cervical cancer is a significant health issue for women in Hyderabad, India. However, with advancements in medical science, there are more treatment options available. Dr. Chinnababu, a renowned oncologist, is leading the way in providing effective treatments for cervical cancer patients in Hyderabad.
What is Cervical Cancer?
Cervical cancer starts in the cells of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus. It is usually caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), but other factors like smoking and weakened immune systems can also contribute. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment.
In Hyderabad, doctors use various tests to diagnose cervical cancer. These include Pap smears, HPV testing, colposcopy, and biopsy. These tests help doctors determine the stage and severity of the cancer, which guides treatment decisions.
Treatment Options
Treatment for cervical cancer depends on the stage of the disease and the patient's overall health. In Hyderabad, patients have access to several treatment options:
Surgery: Surgery may be recommended for early-stage cervical cancer. It can involve removing the cancerous tissue or the entire uterus. Dr. Chinnababu specializes in minimally invasive surgeries, which have shorter recovery times and fewer complications.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. It can be delivered externally or internally through brachytherapy. Hyderabad has advanced radiation therapy equipment to deliver precise treatment.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. It can be given alone or in combination with other treatments. Dr. Chinnababu designs personalized chemotherapy plans for each patient.
Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy targets specific molecules involved in cancer growth. It can be used for advanced or recurrent cervical cancer. Immunotherapy is a type of targeted therapy that boosts the body's immune system to fight cancer cells.
Cervical cancer treatment in Hyderabad offers hope for patients. Dr. Chinnababu and his team are dedicated to providing the best care possible. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with cervical cancer, don't hesitate to seek medical advice and explore treatment options available in Hyderabad. Early detection and personalized treatment plans can improve outcomes and quality of life for cervical cancer patients.
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thetriumphantpanda · 3 months
This is a PSA for anyone with a cervix (tw: medical, smear tests, gynaecology)
If you’re old enough to have a cervical screening… please do it. Mine recently came back with some nasty looking cells. I’ve had a follow up biopsy which, whilst unpleasant, was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be, and thankfully it looks like I’ll be okay… but just… please go if you can - the short amount of time you spend being uncomfortable is worth it to catch things early if there’s anything wrong
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'The sun is shining on me'
A quick messy silver drawing 'based' on Ferry's 'The world is shining on me', which is suchhh a good song----
(alt(?) vers under read more)
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I messed with the hues, and these were ones I thought looked fun------! which is your favourite >_>?
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bitchfitch · 8 months
my mother is entering my cat and mule in a charity pet costume contest benefitting a doctor's without borders style group of nurses. The mule is going to be dressed up as Jesus, and the cat a cardiologist bc his name is Cardio-Vascular-Health and I think that would be funny
this is he:
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the competition is primarily going to be voted on by nursing students and faculty. so folk who will not be wigged out by an anatomically correct heart, but who still might fall into a more normy aesthetic preference group.
The heart will be done in crochet either way bc I can't be fucked to spend more than 30 minutes on it.
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spiderinthecupboard · 2 years
Differences in cervical cancer screening guidelines around the world
When looking for information about cervical screening* I noticed that the guidelines differ from country to country, and that even supposedly reliable sources offer rather inconsistent and often contradictory information. The point of this ‘survey’ is to find out more about the cervical cancer screening recommendations (and gynecological care in general) around the world, and to start an open discussion about this. The questions and more info are under the cut.
Reblogs are welcome but I realize this is a sensitive topic. If you don't want to publish this post and your answers on your blog, answering the questions in the comments is more than enough. If you want to respond anonymously, you can put the answers in my ask box.
1. Where do you live?
2. What is the recommended age for starting cervical cancer screening (also called pap smear, smear test, or cervical cytology) in your country?
3. Is cervical cancer screening in your country recommended for people who have never had any kind of sexual contact? Is it recommended for people who have never had penetrative vaginal intercourse?
4. What information about hymens** have you been taught in sex-ed class, biology class, or told by healthcare professionals? Do doctors in your country try to avoid tearing the hymen during exams if the patient has a small hymenal opening (for example using smaller instruments)?
5. Have you ever been pressured into a gynecological exam or procedure that you didn't want or didn't think you needed?
6. Have you ever been discouraged or prevented from getting a gynecological exam or procedure that you thought you needed?
Feel free to share any opinions or experiences relevant to this topic.
* Cervical cancer screening, pap smear, smear test, or cervical cytology is a medical test that examines a sample of cells from the cervix (a part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina) and often helps detect pre-cancerous or cancerous changes early enough to treat. A speculum or a similar instrument is used to visualize the cervix; and a brush, a cotton swab, or a similar instrument is used to collect cells from the ectocervix and the external cervical os.
** The hymen (also called the hymenal ring or the vaginal corona) is a thin piece of mucosal tissue that surrounds or partially covers the vaginal opening. In the past it was often assumed that hymenal tissue always tears and bleeds during the first intercourse, which is of course an inaccurate and heteronormative overgeneralization. The thickness and elasticity of the tissue, and the size and shape of the opening (or sometimes multiple openings) are extremely diverse. Some hymens are fragile enough to tear during completely non-sexual activities, such as sports, some can gradually stretch out or wear down with tampon use, some can accommodate even penile penetration without tearing. Some people with vaginas are born without any hymenal tissue at all, and on the other side of the spectrum there are hymens that can't even let menstrual fluid out of the vagina so a surgery is necessary to create a sufficient opening. Some people don`t experience any discomfort when the hymenal tissue stretches or tears, while others feel significant pain.
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yoiku · 9 months
first pumpkin soup of the season has been devoured. I think I will also treat myself to the spiced latte on my way home today.
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ilikebeesandflowers · 4 months
Finally got treatment for my perimenopause, in the form of an IUD. While it was being implanted, the dr took a biopsy- routine, nbd. Turns out, it’s not just perimenopause. I mean, def have that too, but it’s not just perimenopause. Nor is it the endometriosis I suspected. Close: it’s atypical endometrial hyperplasia, the one that will likely turn into cancer. And it’s worrying enough to my dr that she immediately contacted me so she could get me a referral “sometime in the next four weeks,” and THEN the other dr called two days later, AND my appointment is in 6 days. So. I think I’m getting a hysterectomy y’all. I do not believe my uterus is gonna make it to 45 with me.
Funny story, the IUD dr was briefly in our book club, so when she couldn’t get me on the phone (No caller id? No answer!), she texted my partner. Who flipped out. Insisted I call immediately. Which is how she knows, whoops
Anywho, too afraid to tell anyone irl besides my spouse, so I’m telling the internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hdmiports · 10 months
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clover 🍀
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funeral-clown · 2 years
shout out to the phlebotomist who, when my doc asked if i would suck a trans girls’ dick (ya), and heard me respond yes, plus it’d be rude to get hung up on gender when i’m about to go on T, paused in momentary consideration, put the superhero band-aid back on the shelf, and pulled out a bugs bunny one
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adityamantri · 1 year
Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. It is the fourth most common cancer in women worldwide and  can affect women of all ages. However, it is most often diagnosed in women between  35 and years of age.
 Causes of cervical cancer:
 The main cause of cervical cancer is infection with  human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted virus. There are more than 100 different types of HPV, and some types can cause cervical cancer. Other factors that can increase the risk of  cervical cancer include smoking,  a weakened immune system,  a family history of cervical cancer, and  multiple sexual partners. 
 Symptoms of cervical cancer:
 Cervical cancer does not necessarily cause symptoms in its early stages. As the cancer progresses, symptoms may include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or discomfort, pain during intercourse, and unusual vaginal discharge. It is important to note that these symptoms can be caused by other diseases, so it is important to consult a doctor to get a proper diagnosis. 
 Prevention and early detection of cervical cancer:
 The most effective way to prevent cervical cancer is  the HPV vaccine. The HPV vaccine protects against the types of HPV that cause most cases of cervical cancer, as well as against other types of HPV that can cause other types of cancer. The vaccine is recommended for  males and females between  9 and 26 years of age.
 Regular cervical cancer screening is also important for early detection. A Pap test is a test that checks for abnormal cells on the cervix. It is recommended that women start regular Pap tests from the age of 21. In addition, the new  HPV test can also detect the presence of the virus that causes cervical cancer. Women should discuss with their healthcare provider which exams are right for them. 
 Treatment of cervical cancer:
 Treatment of cervical cancer depends on the stage of the cancer and other factors such as the woman's age and general health. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments.
  In summary, cervical cancer is a common female cancer  that can be prevented by vaccination and detected early by regular screening. Women should consult with their health care provider to determine  appropriate screening and vaccination. If cervical cancer is diagnosed, early treatment can lead to a better outcome.
For more information Visit: www.oncorelief.in
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releaseholiday · 1 year
Nope. Not watching it either. In fact I can’t imagine how hard it will be for Louis to sit in a theater with his friends and family while he plays fake dad on the screen - no matter how long it is. That has to be mortifying. And then how do you pretend for all the people that don’t know it’s a lie? Possibly even some extended family? What a weird place to be in.
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
Per the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, women should start cervical cancer screening at 21 years old, regardless of sexual history. They should continue screening every 3 years until age 29. After that, they can be screened every 3 years with a Pap smear or be screened every 5 years with a Pap smear and HPV testing.
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stemroses · 1 year
Putting out good vibes
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mistmoose · 1 year
This is very random but I just wanted to say your banner = ❤️❤️
(Also late congrats on the house of course!!)
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Thank you! We're really looking forward to moving in, hopefully by the end of the month. (There is so much to DO and file and have inspected and and and !!!!!!!!!!!) Also, thank you x2! I really enjoyed making it. I had a theme in mind - USMC Cadence is a lot of fun - and spent a stupid amount of time framing everything then jammin' through about twelve layers of effects to make it into something nice. Or, well, nice to me because I'll admit it's a bit dark because I wanted the dust particles (which was two layers on its own) to really highlight the flashlight beam...
snd;dkgn Also just gonna throw out (again) that I love EVERYTHING you do and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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killa-trav · 5 days
quite scary how invasive tayvis fans are fucking freaks i stg
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