#cervical cancer causes
ganitsoni · 11 days
Understanding Breast Cancer Treatment: Exploring Surgeries and Therapies
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Breast cancer is a serious illness that requires careful treatment. There are different ways to treat breast cancer, including surgeries and therapies. In this article, we'll look at the types of surgeries and therapies used to treat breast cancer. We'll explain what they are, how they work, and why they're important.
Types of Surgeries:
Lumpectomy: A lumpectomy is a surgery where doctors remove the tumor and a small amount of surrounding healthy tissue from the breast. It's often used for early-stage breast cancer to help keep as much of the breast as possible.
Mastectomy: Mastectomy is when doctors remove the whole breast to treat breast cancer. There are different types of mastectomy, depending on how much tissue is removed.
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: This surgery helps doctors see if the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes. Doctors find and remove a few lymph nodes to check for cancer cells.
Types of Therapies:
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses special beams to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It's often used after surgery to make sure any leftover cancer cells are gone.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is when patients take special drugs to kill cancer cells or stop them from growing. It's used before or after surgery to help get rid of cancer cells and prevent them from coming back.
Hormone Therapy: Hormone therapy blocks hormones that can make breast cancer grow. It's used for hormone-sensitive breast cancer to stop cancer cells from growing.
Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy attacks specific parts of cancer cells to stop them from growing. It's a newer type of treatment that can be very effective for certain types of breast cancer. Combination Therapies:
Neoadjuvant Therapy: This therapy is given before surgery to shrink tumors and make them easier to remove. It helps make surgery more successful.
Adjuvant Therapy: Adjuvant therapy is given after surgery to help lower the risk of cancer coming back. It can include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or targeted therapy.
Conclusion: Breast cancer treatment is complex, but there are many ways to fight it. Surgeries and therapies play a big role in helping people beat breast cancer. By understanding the different types of surgeries and therapies available, patients and their doctors can work together to come up with the best treatment plan for each person. With the right treatment, many people with breast cancer can go on to live long, healthy lives.
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ganitsoni9951 · 24 days
Understanding Cervical Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad
Cervical cancer is a significant health issue for women in Hyderabad, India. However, with advancements in medical science, there are more treatment options available. Dr. Chinnababu, a renowned oncologist, is leading the way in providing effective treatments for cervical cancer patients in Hyderabad.
What is Cervical Cancer?
Cervical cancer starts in the cells of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus. It is usually caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), but other factors like smoking and weakened immune systems can also contribute. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment.
In Hyderabad, doctors use various tests to diagnose cervical cancer. These include Pap smears, HPV testing, colposcopy, and biopsy. These tests help doctors determine the stage and severity of the cancer, which guides treatment decisions.
Treatment Options
Treatment for cervical cancer depends on the stage of the disease and the patient's overall health. In Hyderabad, patients have access to several treatment options:
Surgery: Surgery may be recommended for early-stage cervical cancer. It can involve removing the cancerous tissue or the entire uterus. Dr. Chinnababu specializes in minimally invasive surgeries, which have shorter recovery times and fewer complications.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. It can be delivered externally or internally through brachytherapy. Hyderabad has advanced radiation therapy equipment to deliver precise treatment.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. It can be given alone or in combination with other treatments. Dr. Chinnababu designs personalized chemotherapy plans for each patient.
Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy targets specific molecules involved in cancer growth. It can be used for advanced or recurrent cervical cancer. Immunotherapy is a type of targeted therapy that boosts the body's immune system to fight cancer cells.
Cervical cancer treatment in Hyderabad offers hope for patients. Dr. Chinnababu and his team are dedicated to providing the best care possible. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with cervical cancer, don't hesitate to seek medical advice and explore treatment options available in Hyderabad. Early detection and personalized treatment plans can improve outcomes and quality of life for cervical cancer patients.
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surinderbhalla · 2 months
Cervical Cancer: 5 Early Warning Signs!
Cervical cancer is a highly preventable disease when identified and treated early. This article is titled: Cervical Cancer: 5 Early Warning Signs! empowers women with knowledge about five key warning signs to watch for, explores the causes of cervical cancer, and provides actionable prevention tips, all backed by scientific evidence. Cervical Cancer: 5 Early Warning Signs! What is Cervical…
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miracleshealthcare · 3 months
Cervical Cancer Awareness: Screening, Prevention and Treatment - Miracles Apollo Cradle 
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Cervical cancer is a global health concern affecting women. Despite medical advancements, it continues to be a leading cause of distress and mortality. Knowing the symptoms, screening tests, causes, risk factors, treatments, and preventive measures can help protect you from this life-threatening disease. 
Miracles Apollo Cradle is recognized as one of Gurgaon's top cervical cancer screening centers. We are committed to raising awareness, providing education, and offering expert assistance. Our experienced team of the best cervical cancer doctors in Gurgaon is here for you. In this fight, you are not alone. If at risk of cervical cancer, consult our best gynaecology experts for guidance. Timely diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer can save lives.
Read more at - https://www.miracleshealth.com/blog/cervical-cancer-awareness-screening-prevention-and-treatment
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worldnewsforus11 · 3 months
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alisamart · 4 months
Cervical Cancer Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for Women
Hey there, wonderful readers! Today, we’re delving into a topic that affects the lives of many incredible women around the world: cervical cancer. While it may not be the most pleasant topic, knowledge is power, and being informed about cervical cancer can make a significant difference in prevention, early detection, and treatment. So, let’s embark on a journey to explore the ins and outs of this…
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The exact cause of cervical cancer is unknown. However, over the years, a few factors that can increase the risk of cervical cancer have been identified. Know the detailed causes of cervical cancer for more clarity at - Cervical cancer causes
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mahimavarun · 11 months
Cervical Cancer Causes | Cervical Cancer Treatment
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Certain genetic and lifestyle factors may increase a woman’s risk for contracting HPV, which can lead to cervical cancer. Looking for the best cervical Cancer treatment We offer the latest and most effective treatment options for cervical cancer Contact us today! Contact+91 7970 108 108
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newsallbd · 2 years
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hpv-treatment · 2 years
There are over 100 types of HPV. Know more about High risk and low risk HPV, causes and symptoms of HPV. Visit our website to know more. Stay safe!
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thecowboykatsuki-anon · 5 months
Shout out to my mom for passing on the genetic health problems to me but the big tit gene to my younger sister and then dying before I could ask for history on said genetic health issues. Real cash money of her
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713-4th-ward-g · 7 months
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emmaameliamiaava · 4 months
Cervical Cancer - Essential Information You Should Have
Explore crucial insights on cervical cancer, including its signs, causes, and treatment options. Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to proactively safeguard your cervical health
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khulkarjiyo · 8 months
How do you get hpv throat cancer? | HPV in throat symptoms
Hpv throat cancer symptoms hpv cancer throat Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can infect the throat, it is very important to be aware of its symptoms and danger. An HPV infection can lead to oral cancer. A throat problem may be related to Common throat pain: if you feel pain or irritation in your throat, After despite common treatments like throat lozenges or over-the-counter medications it could…
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afeelgoodblog · 5 months
The Best News of Last Year - 2023 Edition
Welcome to our special edition newsletter recapping the best news from the past year. I've picked one highlight from each month to give you a snapshot of 2023. No frills, just straightforward news that mattered. Let's relive the good stuff that made our year shine.
January - London: Girl with incurable cancer recovers after pioneering treatment
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A girl’s incurable cancer has been cleared from her body after what scientists have described as the most sophisticated cell engineering to date.
2. February - Utah legislature unanimously passes ban on LGBTQ conversion therapy
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The Utah State Legislature has unanimously approved a bill that enshrines into law a ban on LGBTQ conversion therapy.
3. March - First vaccine for honeybees could save billions
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The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved the world’s first-ever vaccine intended to address the global decline of honeybees. It will help protect honeybees from American foulbrood, a contagious bacterial disease which can destroy entire colonies.
4. April - Fungi discovered that can eat plastic in just 140 days
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Australian scientists have successfully used backyard mould to break down one of the world's most stubborn plastics — a discovery they hope could ease the burden of the global recycling crisis within years. 
5. May - Ocean Cleanup removes 200,000th kilogram of plastic from the Pacific Ocean
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The Dutch offshore restoration project, Ocean Cleanup, says it has reached a milestone. The organization's plastic catching efforts have now fished more than 200,000 kilograms of plastic out of the Pacific Ocean, Ocean Cleanup said on Twitter.
6. June - U.S. judge blocks Florida ban on care for trans minors in narrow ruling, says ‘gender identity is real’
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A federal judge temporarily blocked portions of a new Florida law that bans transgender minors from receiving puberty blockers, ruling Tuesday that the state has no rational basis for denying patients treatment.
7. July - World’s largest Phosphate deposit discovered in Norway
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A massive underground deposit of high-grade phosphate rock in Norway, pitched as the world’s largest, is big enough to satisfy world demand for fertilisers, solar panels and electric car batteries over the next 50 years, according to the company exploiting the resource.
8. August - Successful room temperature ambient-pressure magnetic levitation of LK-99
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If the claim by Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim of South Korea’s Quantum Energy Research Centre holds up, the material could usher in all sorts of technological marvels, such as levitating vehicles and perfectly efficient electrical grids.
9. September - World’s 1st drug to regrow teeth enters clinical trials
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The ability to regrow your own teeth could be just around the corner. A team of scientists, led by a Japanese pharmaceutical startup, are getting set to start human trials on a new drug that has successfully grown new teeth in animal test subjects.
10. October - Nobel Prize goes to scientists behind mRNA Covid vaccines
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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to a pair of scientists who developed the technology that led to the mRNA Covid vaccines. Professors Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman will share the prize.
11. November - No cases of cancer caused by HPV in Norwegian 25-year olds, the first cohort to be mass vaccinated for HPV.
Last year there were zero cases of cervical cancer in the group that was vaccinated in 2009 against the HPV virus, which can cause the cancer in women.
12. December - President Biden announces he’s pardoning all convictions of federal marijuana possession
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President Joe Biden announced Friday he's issuing a federal pardon to every American who has used marijuana in the past, including those who were never arrested or prosecuted.
And there you have it – a year's worth of uplifting news! I hope these positive stories brought a bit of joy to your inbox. As I wrap up this special edition, I want to thank all my supporters!
Buy me a coffee ❤️
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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healthcare-industry · 11 months
Cervical Cancer Treatment in India
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Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects the cervix, the lower part of the uterus. Treatment options for cervical cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. Surgery may involve removing the cancerous tissue or the entire uterus. Radiation therapy uses high-energy beams to kill cancer cells, while chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. Targeted therapy targets specific molecules in cancer cells to inhibit their growth.
Symptoms of cervical cancer may include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, and unusual vaginal discharge. Diagnosis typically involves a pelvic examination, Pap smear, HPV testing, colposcopy, and biopsy. These tests help detect abnormal cells and determine the extent of the cancer.
Treatment for cervical cancer carries certain risks and complications. Surgery can lead to bleeding, infection, and damage to nearby organs. Radiation therapy may cause fatigue, skin changes, and bladder and bowel problems. Chemotherapy can result in nausea, hair loss, and increased infection risk.
The primary cause of cervical cancer is infection with high-risk types of HPV, particularly HPV types 16 and 18. Other risk factors include a weakened immune system, smoking, long-term use of oral contraceptives, and multiple sexual partners.
The treatment procedure and recovery period depend on the chosen treatment modality. Surgery may require hospitalization and a few weeks of recovery. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are typically administered over several weeks or months. Recovery may involve managing side effects and attending follow-up appointments.
Treatment preparation involves discussions with the healthcare team to understand the treatment options, potential risks, and benefits. This includes determining the most suitable treatment plan based on the cancer stage and characteristics. Additional tests or evaluations may be necessary before starting treatment.
Clinical trials play a crucial role in advancing cervical cancer treatment. They investigate new therapies and treatments to improve patient outcomes. Participation in clinical trials may provide access to innovative treatments and contribute to future advancements.
The cost of cervical cancer treatment in India can vary based on factors such as cancer stage, treatment type, hospital charges, and individualized care plans. It is advisable to consult healthcare providers for accurate cost estimates and explore insurance coverage options.
Side effects of cervical cancer treatment include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, changes in appetite, and increased infection susceptibility. The healthcare team provides supportive care to manage these side effects and improve patient well-being.
The success rate of cervical cancer treatment depends on various factors, including the stage and extent of the cancer, treatment response, and overall health. Early detection and appropriate treatment significantly improve the chances of successful outcomes.
While there is no specific diet to treat cervical cancer, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is important for overall well-being. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can support the immune system and aid in recovery. It is recommended to consult with a registered dietitian for personalized dietary guidance during treatment.
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