#panel guillermo
tapiocats · 2 years
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You construct intricate rituals which allow you to touch the skin of other men
part 2-ish
- part 3
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indashadows · 1 year
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Their chemistry in and outside the show is what makes it great!
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anney-baker · 17 days
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I just want them to be happy🥹
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lovelyreprisethirteen · 10 months
“But, you know, the one I actually love the most is Nandor….”
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harveyguillensource · 3 months
GalaxyCon Columbus shared Harvey's full Q&A panel from December 2023.
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sparklyslug · 3 months
Overall a Fine Oscars. The picks of my heart were largely not the winners haha but I can’t be too mad at any of the actual results either. A net neutral, which is fine, since really all the top films were deserving
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cartoon-goon02 · 2 years
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i upload in the middle of the night
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thegeekyartist · 2 years
Forever sitting on Nadja fanart that will hopefully someday be posted but WHO KNOWS
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I've realised that the thing I love most about the new popular queer media (and for this I'll use as an example wwdits, good omens and ofmd), is the fact that the difficulties these characters are dealing with aren't connected to their sexuality. The problems don't stem from their queer sexuality. They are not being punished for being queer.
Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship isn't forbidden because they aren't a cishet couple. It's forbidden because they are both victims of an opressive and unjust system (heaven) who's afraid of their combined power which is a direct result of their love for one another.
Guillermo and Nandor's relationship is so nuanced and complicated. There's lots of things to unpack that have been piled up for more than a decade, but again their queer sexualities aren't the problem. Same goes for the rest of the vampires, who are also queer.
Sure, in Stede's case he has to deal with queer trauma, toxic masculinity and the realisation that he's gay, and therefore doesn't conform to the ideal archetype of the straight, masculine man with the heterosexual family. But after realising that and coming out to Mary, the show isn't really about ‘oh, look how difficult it is to be queer, poor guys'. Like Con O'Neil said in a panel, the obstacle here isn't that we have two men who are in love. The difficult thing is to let yourself be in love and become vulnerable.
Both Stede and Ed are dealing with their own trauma, which has affected how they see themselves and by extension their relationships with other people. They are dealing with self doubt, even self loathing, and the belief that they aren't good enough or that they don't deserve love. However, none of that is because they are queer. Being queer sure isn't easy (especially then) but it's not the source of their pain and I fucking love that.
I'm all about the exploration of sexuality, dealing with internalised homophobia and transphobia, coming out etc, and that's why we have series like Heartstopper. But it's still so fucking refreshing to see queerness not being depicted as a ‘big deal’, but rather one of the many aspects of one's self.
That being said, I love being queer and fucking love my insane little queer characters.
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beansprean · 7 months
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Shut up paul lmao
(I drew this Thee Day of that panel but kept forgetting to write the ID so I hope we are still being very funny about this)
Support me on Patreon or send a tip on Kofi!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: colored sketches of Nandor and Guillermo kissing. 1. Guillermo tucked close to Nandor’s chest as Nandor bears down, his hand on Guillermo’s back and Guillermo’s hands crushed between them. 2. Guillermo standing between Nandor’s legs as he sits, kissing with his hands resting on Nandor’s arms. Nandor is cupping Guillermo’s elbow with one hand and his cheek with the other. 3. Guillermo pushing up into a kiss, one hand threaded in Nandor’s hair and Nandor’s hand on his elbow. 4. Nandor pushing into the kiss desperately, one hand cupping Guillermo’s cheek. They are both splattered with blood and Guillermo has a stake clutched in his gloved hand, braced against Nandor’s shoulder. /end ID
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irlmagicalart · 1 month
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finally getting around to posting my not-quite-finished nandermo x handmaiden bathtub scene comic that I made a little over two years ago. I don't think I'll be finishing it in full anytime soon, so I decided to just post what I did finish because I still really like the art style I ended up using :) my sketch for what would be the next panel and a page of warm up sketches for nandor and guillermo are below the cut.
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murfeelee · 7 months
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This upload is inspired by one of my favorite vampire tv shows, What We Do in the Shadows. (It was supposed to be my Simblreen gift this year, but I'm hella late cuz IRL suuuuuucks...blood. 😅)
The DL folder includes 4 zip files:
My WWDITS INSP CC Set, including 37 wives items.
The WWDITS INSP Vampire Residence Lot to go in your Sims 3 > Library folder (in-game it'll be in the empty lots bin in Edit Mode)
A MERGED CC file of allllll the other CC I used on the lot (brace yourselves 💀) to go in your Sims 3 > Mods > Packages folder
Granthe's OMSP from MTS, cuz I wasn't sure if I could merge it or not and decided to play it safe.
WARNING: The lot uses a ton of CC. I have all of the EPs, and a lot of the Store CC too, so if you don't have EA's crap & items are missing, that might be why. But if you're not seeing any of the the 3rd party UGC, then I done goofed, sorry--it's been YEARS since I've shared my lots.
🦇 Enjoy! 🦇
Download folders (package files) : Mediafire | SimFileShare
Descriptions & preview pics under the cut:
Vampire Residence
IIRC, this is a 50x50 fully furnished lot.
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The Library
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The Fancy Room
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Guillermo's "Closet"
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Nandor's Coffin Room
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Laszlo & Nadja's Coffin Room
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Music Room
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Other Rooms
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Colin's Robinson's Bedroom (Basement)
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This set includes 37 fully recolorable items:
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EA Handy Jar REDONE as Candy (ARSIL Bag of Chips Mod REQUIRED) V2 (misc appliances)
Wall Rack with Decor Slots (SN EP) (misc surfaces)
Horn Rack Frankenmesh (wall art)
Tile Pattern (found under Tiles, duh)
Colin Robinson Roomies Portrait (Surfaces -- the Walls version's included in Nadja & Laszlo Painting (Ruffs))
TS4 to TS3 TheJim07 Versailles Stool as Dining Chair
EA Aurora Skies Spiral Stairs FLIPPED as DECOR (misc decor)
Oval Bucolic Flowers in Glass (Pets EP) (wall art)
Octagon Bucolic Flowers in Glass (Pets EP) (wall art)
Column Round Skinny (columns, duh)
WWDITS-IWTV INSP Vampire Themed Newspaper Clippings (wall art)
EA Farm Fresh Folk Desk REDONE for 1 Tile
TSM Bear Rug as Sofa Throw (misc decor)
Nandermo Glitter Portrait (misc decor)
Goth Posters (UNI EP)
Primitive Hunt by Piero di Cosimo Wallpapers (found under Paneling)
EA DV Celtic Wallpaper REDONE PLAIN (found under Misc IIRC)
Spiral Stairs Tasselled Drapes as Decor (curtains)
EA Boudoir Feathers RECOLORABLE (plants IIRC)
RD's Giant Plumes Decor RECOLORABLE (plants IIRC)
3 Display Cases as Wall Lights with Slots (Reg | Smaller | Taller)
TS2 to TS3 Beck's Doll Dressed as Teddy Bear V2
Nandor's 37 Wives Painting (Walls | Surfaces)
ATS3_object_funeralparlor_coffin3_open_sims4to3 RETEXURED (misc decor)
ATS3 Coffin Table REDONE WIDER as SN EP Altar (beds)
Framed Hook Swords (misc decor)
Vampire Residence Portraits
EA TS2 to TS3 Apartment Life Table Lamp (Shorter | Taller)
Annev Animal Skin Rug REDONE as Wall Art ( + FLIPPED)
Hanging Knives (misc decor)
EA Topiary Pattern V2 (found under IDER)
Most of the items are self explanatory; there's nothing crazy going on, really.
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And that's that!
🦇 Enjoy! 🦇
Download folders (package files) : Mediafire | SimFileShare
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imdayyydreaming · 1 year
harvey said him and kayvan filmed a "devastating" scene between them in s5 at the panel
nandor is feeling guillermo slipping away
it's the most emotional season harvey has had to film, and he's never cried so much whilst filming
there's gonna be "hardship and heartbreak"
the dots are connecting, and the picture they're forming is terrifying
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kyrilu · 7 months
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Vulture held a What We Do in the Shadows panel with the writers as part of Vulture Festival, and I went because @phasmama nudged me.
Random things:
Season 6 will film in January, so the air date will be around the summer.
S6 will address the question of what does Guillermo want now, since S5 ended with him getting what he wanted and realizing he didn't want it after all.
S6 will feature a new kind of hypnotism, which will probably be in an episode co-written by Zach Dunn, or he came up with the idea (going by a teasing jab of Paul Simms').
A plot that was tossed around in the writers' room was about Nadja trying to fit in and joining a human book club and realizing that it was an excuse to drink wine and nobody actually read the book.
Jeremy Levick and Rajat Suresh originally scripted a lot of options for the hybrid creatures. One that was nixed was a curly-haired mouse that originated from Guillermo's pubic hair.
They talked about Nandermo. I've transcribed that specific part here.
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harveyguillensource · 2 years
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Harvey Guillén at the EW Brave Warriors panel at SDCC 2022.
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brokehorrorfan · 9 months
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Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio will be released on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD on December 12 via The Criterion Channel. James Jean designed the cover art for Netflix's 2022 stop motion animated adapation of Carlo Collodi's 1883 novel.
Guillermo del Toro co-directs with Mark Gustafson from a script by del Toro and Patrick McHale (Over the Garden Wall). Ewan McGregor, David Bradley, Gregory Mann, Burn Gorman, Ron Perlman, John Turturro, Finn Wolfhard, Cate Blanchett, Tim Blake Nelson, Christoph Waltz, and Tilda Swinton star.
Pinocchio has been digitally mastered in 4K, supervised by del Toro and Gustafson, with Dolby Atmos sound. It's presented in 4K with Dolby Vision HDR.
Special features are listed below, where you can also see the full packaging.
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Special features:
Handcarved Cinema - Making-of documentary with co-directors Guillermo del Toro and Mark Gustafson and cast and crew (new)
Directing Stop-Motion - Featurette with Guillermo del Toro and Mark Gustafson (new)
Interview with Guillermo del Toro by film critic Farran Smith Nehme (new)
Interview with curator Ron Magliozzi on The Museum of Modern Art’s exhibition devoted to the film (new)
Featurette on the 8 rules of animation that informed the production (new)
Panel discussion with Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson, production designer Guy Davis, composer Alexandre Desplat, and sound designer Scott Martin Gershin, moderated by filmmaker James Cameron
Conversation with Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson, and author Neil Gaiman
Booklet with essays by film critic Matt Zoller Seitz and author Cornelia Funke
A classic tale is reborn through the inspired imagination of cinematic dream-weaver Guillermo del Toro, directing alongside Mark Gustafson. Realized through boundary-pushing, breathtakingly intricate stop-motion animation, this dark rendering of the fable of the puppet boy and his maker daringly transfers the story to Fascist Italy, where the irrepressible Pinocchio gradually learns what it means to be human through his experiences of war, death, and sacrifice. This Pinocchio imbues the oft-told tale with a bold new resonance about living with courage and compassion.
Pre-order Pinocchio.
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