#p5 salt
sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
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This is a fucking threat that is directly aimed at me. TT0TT
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easyaesthetics · 7 months
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Happy 4 year anniversary, Persona 5 Royal!
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totally-gogo-salt · 6 months
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Happy Tactica day
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princekirijo · 11 months
Actually one last remake post I promise but I was reading the persona 5 royal cut dialog content last night specifically the comments characters make about the outfits they wear in the metaverse and I thought of something. In the dialogue they say that Gekkoukan High is in Odaiba in Tokyo but in P3 itself it's not mentioned where it is and it's sorta implied to be in a different city entirely. I wonder if in the remake they'll end up saying its in Tokyo after all?
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arcsin27 · 1 year
Shuake brainrot so severe that for a brief moment I thought hellfire - yeah THAT hellfire - would be a good song for them
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I remember getting super into Maruki/Joker back when Royal first came out because of how beautiful their final battle was, the music, the voice acting etc, and I thought it could be a really interesting pairing. I'm still honestly super bitter the literal only content for it seems to be from the kind of people who only ever latch onto a pairing for the edge value and just want to write the same two caricatures molesting and abusing each other across every fandom. I'm not against darkfic conceptually and I like to think I'm not a purist, it's not these fics existing that's the real issue, it's that I wish another kind was able to exist. No one wants to write like... actual ship content for this ship, lol. They just see the words 'age gap' and that's all they need. A character focused piece would be nice...
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hikarinokusari · 2 years
FFXIV Writes 2022 - #5 Cutting corners
[Masterlist] — [About FFXIV Writes]
ENTRY #005 - “CUTTING CORNERS” - 954 mots
Inspiration : “Cutting corners” ou “Faire rapidement aux dépens de la qualité”. Inspiré de bien des combats où j'ai vu des classes à distance être des nazes puis être toxiques envers leur heal de manière totalement injustifiée. Dédiés à la majorité des joueurs de PF qui en plus d'être des boulets veulent se faire carry.
Résumé : Respectez vos coéquipiers. Chaîne de sorts et versoin ne remplaceront jamais les compétences d'un mage spécialisé. Ils vous le feront bien savoir si vous faites les marioles.
TW : Mort implicite.
Le Mage rouge à terre se demandait ce qu’il s’était passé pour que la situation s’envenime à ce point pour lui. Il avait pourtant lancé ses soins.  Encore et encore, sans jamais interrompre sa chaîne de sorts. 
Il n’avait besoin de personne, et ne cessait de le dire à qui voulait encore l’écouter. Il savait comment se défendre aussi bien à distance qu’au corps-à-corps.  Il savait se soigner. Il savait transférer son énergie pour restaurer la magie ou l’énergie des autres. Et il savait le faire, souvent plus vite que les autres. Un soin, une réanimation, une attaque. Tout s’enchaînait sans fausse note : il maîtrisait son éther et son arme comme personne. Façonner la magie n’avait pas de secret pour lui. Miracle, brasier,  soin, vie, terre, vent, foudre. Il savait tout recréer, et il ne se refusait rien. Il frappait et agissait plus vite que ceux qui avaient passé des années à perfectionner leur art.  
Pourtant, malgré tout son arsenal et sa suffisance, il serait mort sans l’aide de ses compagnons dont il méprisait la lenteur d’apprentissage et l’étroitesse de leur domaine de compétences. - “ Recule, tu ne survivras pas à ses morsures !” lui avait ordonné la guerrière qui menait leur petite expédition lorsqu’il s’était rapproché de la bête pour l’accabler de sa rapière.
Il avait dédaigné le conseil et avait poursuivi son assaut, indifférent à la cohésion du groupe et à la stratégie qu’ils avaient établis en amont du combat. Les crocs acérés avaient entamé une partie de sa protection mais la guerrière avait su braver le reste de l’attaque et rediriger l’attention de la créature hostile sur elle.  - " Au nom des Douze, recule imbécile ! "
Jusqu’à présent, lorsque son inconscience le faisait prendre des risques plus que nécessaire, il glissait un soin ou deux ça et là entre deux sorts. Cela suffisait à résorber ses plaies et il se vantait de son efficacité à diminuer ses plaies à une vitesse difficilement égalée par les mages spécialisés dans la magie curative. 
Pourtant il gisait au sol, près d’une flaque de poison exhalant une odeur fétide, intoxiqué par le venin de la bête qui l’avait mordu précédemment. 
La guerrière était robuste et par les arts anciens de la voie qu’elle avait choisi, arrivait à contenir les dégats du poison en attendant l’aide de ses équipiers. 
Lui, mage rouge de son état, pensait qu’un soin résolvait tous les soucis. S’il perdait en vigueur ? Versoin. Si cela ne suffisait pas, il lui superposait un autre sort curatif.
Peu avant la fin du combat, il avait éprouvé les limites de sa magie pour la première fois. Versoin n’avait pas suffi. Les plaies à peine refermées par le sort basique qu’il avait emprunté aux mages blancs étaient trop profondes. 
Le saignement avait repris, la coupure s’était rouverte et la douleur l’avait surpris violemment. Le poison qu’il respirait sans se soucier des dégâts à longs terme qu’il ne savait pas soigner continuait de ronger ses poumons. Accablé par la douleur et les effets nocifs de la toxine, il eut du mal à concentrer sa magie pour s’entêter à lancer ses soins, si efficaces d’ordinaire. Il s’aperçut pour la première fois qu’il n’appliquait qu’un pansement sur une fuite d’eau. 
Pensant tout braver seul, il avait toujours pris un malin plaisir à s’éloigner le plus possible de la portée des meilleurs sorts des  soigneurs et poursuivre ses assauts là où il lui plaisait. Devant les créatures menaçantes que contrôlaient les guerriers et les chevaliers les plus téméraires. Il s’amusait à passer entre les pattes aux griffes destructrices des monstres, et s’il se blessait, tant pis. Il savait se débrouiller et il le faisait toujours comprendre aux soigneurs dédiés. 
Pourquoi rester à portée de leur magie curative ? Il savait faire pareil et plus vite, tout en frappant et se déplaçant sur le champ de bataille à une vitesse inégalée. 
Il leur répétait assez souvent. Leur faisait comprendre assez souvent.  - “ On compte sur toi Talinn, tu nous le remets sur pied cet imbécile ? ” dit la guerrière au mage blanc resté en retrait avant de s’éloigner avec le reste de son équipée.  - “ Je vais faire ce que je peux, je ne promets rien.” 
Le regard fiévreux du mage rouge se perdit sur le groupe qui partait en les laissant sur place, lui  affaibli et mortellement intoxiqué sur le sol humide de l’arène, et le mage blanc, sourire désolé aux lèvres.
Son sourire s’évanouit aussitôt le dos de leurs compagnons tournés et, le regard empli de mépris pour son compagnon à terre, le mage toucha du bout de sa botte la masse blessée qui avait besoin de ses compétences.  - "Tu serais resté pres de moi lors de ses attaques, tu ne serais pas dans cet état Leo."  -"Et tu aurais fait ton travail, je ne serai pas dans cet état, cracha le mage rouge ingrat. C’est à toi de venir nous soigner pas le contraire. Si tu étais efficace, je ne devrai pas  me soigner seul à chaque fois, ça n’a rien de sorcier de lancer des sorts non ?  “ - "Eh bien, si ça n’a rien de sorcier et que tu maîtrises le sujet … Je t’en prie. Soigne-toi., moi je n’arriverai jamais à égaler ton efficacité.  ” -" Soigne-moi, c’est ton putain de rôle non ?!" le mage rouge commença à paniquer. - "Je n’ai rien promis Leo", lui rappela l’autre.
Talinn adressa un dernier sourire à son compagnon avant de tourner les talons et de laisser le sort décider du destin de l'imbécile qui pensait savoir faire mieux que tout le monde.
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waywardsalt · 7 months
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munv · 6 months
𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗜𝘁𝗼𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗲𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗷𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂? 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗴𝗼𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗼?
The birds were chirping, the sun peaked out from the kitchen window and poured into your connected living room, and peace drifted through the air with grace..yet..you groaned. Now, you weren't an all-time rounded apathetic person, unlike your younger brother you actually learned to show interest but it's not like you wore your heart on your sleeve either. 
However, in the face of school, you couldn't help but show discontent. Grumbling as you ate the eggs from your plate that you cooked earlier somewhere in the corner of your eye your little brother looked more than ready to pounce on you. Don't get it wrong. You knew exactly why..you just refused to acknowledge his apparent irritation,
"you said you'd play soccer with me." He stabbed his fork right into the omelet and watched whatever was in it run out. You sweatdropped at this revelation and kept silent. 'he probably got that glare from mom' you shivered from the thought. Entering grade 4 was one thing. Facing the kids there was another, and you couldn't say you were particularly happy to wait for what kind of asshole Sae would transform into when he gets to that stage. Scratch grade 4–teenager sae would give you paralysis demons for eons. 
"Now sae, your nee-san has to get an education in order to take care of you when we can't." No matter how much your father tried to sugarcoat it, he always had something to say. "nee-san is smart enough, the only thing that's needed for that dry persona of hers is manners." he calmly chewed his food before taking a sip of salted kombucha tea. 
Somehow this reminded you of your grandpa scolding you all those years ago..surely sae couldn't have been a reincarnation of him as well? you frowned at the thought and quickly dismissed it. 
"I don't want to hear that from a brat with a soccer ball for a brain." you sassed back. "If anything, there's isn't an ounce of knowledge in that 4-year-old noggin of yours. I say if we pop it, only air would come out. Enough to supply astronauts actually." 
"oh? And I thought you were smart enough to be the bigger person and not meddle in whatever "foolishness" a 4-year-old has to offer. nee-san"
"To think I wouldn't be doing this if you didn't need any discipline. Brat"
Your father chuckled a bit at the sparks flying around the room. This had become the usual banter you and Sae had ever since he could talk. What a bundle of joy you both were when you couldn't speak at all. "[name] we're gonna be late if you two keep this up. I'll see you in the car" he got his keys which jingled and clacked along with the movement before making his way outside. 
Hurrying to finish breakfast, you put the plate in the sink before grabbing your bag by the door. but, you stopped and turned around to quickly embrace sae and give him a small pat before truly leaving. "see you when I get home sae!" The door closed by the time the younger boy turned to face you and a small blush decorated his cheeks. "stupid nee-san.." he murmured before getting back to work on the plate in front of him. Maybe he'd practice until you could get home and show you some new moves? right! he'd definitely win this match if he practiced. 
You entered the school gates as your skirt and tie swished a bit in the wind, before you got here you got what was supposed to be a schedule for your class which was class 1-B. Too focused on your schedule, what you failed to notice was the looks you were getting. 
"who's that?"
"you don't know? It's Itoshi-san from Samuyoko!"
"no way..she's from that school? wasn't the entry rate like..3.2% or something"
"oh my go–TOMI-CHAN FAINTED!!"
"an angel? cool" "I thought she was here last year?" 
You quirked your brow after finally realizing the commotion around you, looking around only to realize all eyes were on you. 'what the fuck..'  These kids made you feel like your nerves were in a literal jumble, and you weren't having a fun time with all this attention. 
With the help of your schedule, you hurriedly made your way to your classroom just in time before the bell could ring. Finding the inner strength within you managed to walk into the classroom after taking a small breath to yourself 'Everything is fine..she won't be here- hopefully.' 
By the time you reached your seat, her voice echoed through the halls. "[N/N] WHERE ARE YOU??" 
ok..maybe you jinxed it. A bob of short light pink hair that pairs with blue eyes had already run into the classroom. "Kagami..nice to see you too." Opening your arms you braced for your impending doom that was soon to crush you one way or another. "gah! you're cuter than last time I saw you! oh oh right, let me tell you about my summer but you tell me about yours first alright?" She jumped into your arms and she was already rambling. 
"right. Class is about to start you know." the taller girl pouted in response "Such a killjoy you are, but that always adds to your charm!" She stretched your cheeks out with the brightest smile ever. "we have 12 minutes until science so it can wait" 
The thing about her was that you met in your first year when you were still enrolled in Samuyoko Primary. The school was a bit far from home, but considering you were in college back before being reincarnated it was easy as pie passing the entry exam. Kagami was a social butterfly which just so happened to be a complete contrast to your personality. The minute she saw you. Both of you stuck together like glue (she kept on bothering you.) In the end the friendship worked out though so it was fine. 
"and I was like "how'd she manage to grab the whole collection before me?" so then"
Ah. yes. She was still rambling like usual, this was definitely your best friend. 
                                             ITOSHI OMAKE
"[n/n] you shouldn't be so gloomy all the time! here I am so graciously eating lunch with you and yet you still are as silent as ever!" she whined. It was lunchtime and considering how you weren't so keen on being stalked and stared at during this time you somehow managed to convince kagami to eat out in the garden with you. 
"I don't think I'd have the time to speak with the way you've been talking for the last few minutes." still not looking at her, you proceeded to open up your bento and the small piece of cake you brought with you as well. 
"didn't you mention that you had a little brother? you don't really talk about him." you paused from the piece of shortcake you were about to devour and took a minute to give it some thought "him? Sae's so much of a brat I'd rather not talk about him." 
"Sometimes you act like an old man [name]!" she giggled. "it's better than fighting over pocky flavors with a 5-year-old." 
The girl across from you gasped dramatically "Didn't you fight with your brother over STEAK? are you perhaps a hypocrite [name]-chan? even so, you're still cute doing it!"
You pointed your chopsticks are her accusingly "it's different when it's not a random kid Kagami"
"it's so not!"
"it so is"
This was the usual banter you both would have, it was fun. You missed this type of thing whenever it came to her. Maybe..just maybe this life would be better? 
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silentreigns · 9 months
Dutch GP 2023 Reflection
I don't know who Mercedes's strategists were for this race but they need to reevaluate EVERYTHING. I knew they were on some bs when the race started Lewis was on mediums and 19 other drivers were on softs? Like don't piss off!
The only reason why Mercedes were able to finish with some points is because of Lewis's skill. Going from 13th to 6th is something is commendable. But we know Lewis rarely complains and I doubt that he's going to say anything about the team that could be seen as negative
I don't think anybody predicted that Pierre would get a podium since he started 12th. But Alpine got the strategy right. Considering everything Alpine has gone through, they definitely needed this podium. Pierre celebrations are always great.
I feel bad for Zhou because he was 2nd at the beginning of the race. Was in the points for a long time. Then he DNF'ed because they didn't bring out the red flag sooner so he aqua-planed. If he for real loses his seat after this season imma be salty. Someone should lose their seat in that team and it ain't him 🤥
Ferrari just keeps making Charles look dumb. Charles called for Inters at the best time. The pit wall wanted him to stay out (idiots). Charles goes into the pits anyway, and the Inters weren't ready. If Ferrari pit him at the right time, he definitely would have been in the top 5 for a while. Then they kept rubbing salt on our wounds having him stay out when he was being overtaken by everyone. When I saw George on hards overtake him I knew it was a wrap
Speaking of George, what the FUCK was Mercedes doing putting him on hards? Hards aren't suited for this track, and he was like the only driver on the grid who went on them. He also had a snap with his car and was driving on the grass for like 2 seconds. Don't know how he survived that at all. And that moment also made me nervous because Lewis was directly behind him on that turn. Then he DNF'ed on like the last couple of laps in a points scoring position. What a disaster 😭
Yuki started p17 due to impeding Lewis in quali. So i wasn't expecting much. But then he ran P5-P8 for a significant part of the race. He managed to keep Lando behind all those laps. But then AlphaTauri didn't pit him sooner, and he was on old softs for a long time. But when he was aggressively defending I was very proud. But then he got a 5 second penalty for (???) and finished last. Yuki and Charles are the most unluckiest drivers on the grid
Lando went from P2 to P7. It really doesn't matter what happens in a race, he finds a way to finish P7. I don't know whether to laugh or cry for him.
I'm so happy Alex finished in the points. That makes Williams P7 in the constructors which is HUGE. I feel like Williams can cook at Monza too so I am excited to see how the next race goes
Sad for Logan, he got lapped after 8 laps then crashed into a wall. You made us Americans proud though like compared to where he started in the beginning he has grown a lot. Even though on paper it doesn't look that way🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Lance had 7 pitstops and somehow ended exactly where he started in P11. I am not a conspiracy theorist but why is Lance always on a drastically different strategy than Fernando? I don't get it all, and I don't think the team is deliberately sabotaging him either.
Alonso is back to looking like how he was at the beginning of the season. But I need Aston Martin to make bigger gains because he looks like the only person who has a chance at stopping RedBull this season
Overall, this is like my second favorite race this season. Silverstone is still my favorite, and I don't see that race getting dethroned this season
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eradicatetehnormal · 29 days
I've seen a lot of people say that P5's story and themes of emancipation are weak, and IDK if I agree. Most of the people I've seen say the stances are too vague are people from the US or Western countries. I always feel as though I have to take western commentaries on Japanese culture with a grain of salt even if someone says "Oh, I live/lived in Japan" because shit might not affect them in the same way.
I've seen some of LadyVirgillia's videos giving context for P5's story, though I've never seen her give a full-on critique of the game (if she has, link me the video). It's popular over there, so I'm assuming SOMETHING about the message really hit close to home. A lot of the time people will bring up P5's themes of listening to and respecting the youth and Japan has a society where the middle-aged and elderly outnumber the youth and how things are slanted against their favor. So perhaps the "Kids Rule, Adults Drool" stance is super radical over there. I'm not sure.
What were some of the Japanese critiques of the game's themes?
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 months
LOLLLLLLLLLL look what fell into my fucking lap
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Are you SURE about that buddy?
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Jesus fucking christ. The game Mako literally says herself she had an idea but chose not to do it. Anne had a right to question Mako's intent, because it would've implicated Mako in turning a blind eye to Kamo's crime (aka where Anne and her friend are a victim).
Anne as the victim has a right to confront Mako, who at the moment is ALSO stalking her (and committing a crime while doing it TT0TT). Mako is 10000% out of line. 1) Mako swung first with "putting rumors before the person" herself (her first intro with Anne/Ryu/MC, tho tbf I didn't check and see if that person addressed that introduction, but it still stands), 2) Considering it'd mean Mako played a role in Anne's suffering I think Anne deserves the right to confront her, 3) Mako is stalking them, 4) turns out....THE FUCKING RUMORS HAD SOME FUCKING TRUTH TO THEM!!!!!
Also get off your high horse about Shiho. Anne literally states she didn't know about Shiho's suffering. Which is that she misinterpreted what was bothering Shiho, not that she didn't see Shiho was having a hard time. Which was, she thought Shiho was worried about a spot on the team. And you know what ANNE DID DO???? Was pressured into baiting herself with Kamo so her friend wouldn't get screwed over. She DID try to help in a horrifically tragic sense.
But yes, Anne giving a "VERY SERIOUS" accusation is SO MUCH WORSE! Oh woe as Mako. DX> Whatever shall she do? :( Oh she may have to run into the arms of a yakuza at this rate! She can't think straight under this kind of criticism! Oh....wait I'm trying to be cunty and belittle her but I'm literally describing the plot of dungeon 3.....whoops! 8U
And this is all because you want to brag about some bs ship of Mako with Jker? You fucking serious? How does this related? (to their cred I didn't read the whole thing, maybe they do swing it back around, but this feels like such an out there/unrelated tangent and I would know, I do them all the time! :'D)
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megaderping · 11 months
Late night SALT activated...
Disclaimer: This post is mainly about really aggressive/hostile fans. Disliking stuff is totally valid and curating one’s online experience is important, but... I’m very strongly convinced that the majority of people who vehemently hate Goro Akechi or Shuake to a really hostile degree either haven’t played Royal, haven’t moved on from base game, haven’t maxed his confidant, or really lack reading comprehension. ‘cause disliking a ship or a character? Super valid! Everyone has their preferences and comfort zones. I would never shame someone who genuinely just... doesn’t vibe with it, finds it uncomfortable, and wishes to avoid content or posts w/ the character or pairing. I also completely understand the frustration of wanting Goro content that isn’t ship-focused, since sometimes fandoms can make a pairing consume a character in fanworks (though I’d argue you can have the pair and still give him agency outside of it, at the end of the day, there will always be people who just don’t want it). But when I see factually incorrect arguments like, “Joker and Akechi hate each other,” I just go... “Did we play the same game?” The game where Joker’s greatest wish was to see Akechi again. The game where Morgana outright states that Akechi doesn’t really hate Joker and Akechi himself laments that they didn’t meet years earlier, and if they had, how they could’ve been friends. A game where it’s made very clear that despite the stupidity of going with the revenge plan with Shido and the lives taken along the way, there was still a disgusting power imbalance with Shido, a grown man in politics, effectively molding a broken teenager into being a hitman... And even the betrayal toward the PT- I feel like Akechi’s offer to have Joker join him was genuine as a sort of last ditch effort to get him out of that situation. The SIU director notes how the plan is way too callous even for Akechi, and after it happens, Akechi tries to downplay the dangers of the PT to Shido, suggesting a part of him, even if only a small one, does feel some remorse.
There’s this messy complexity to Akechi and his relationship with Joker and the PT... and people try to strip it of all of its complexities to make it a bland, black and white matter, and it sucks. It feels like those kinds of people want to turn Akechi into a hatesink when Shido is literally right there. And Kamoshida, and Okumura, and many other awful adults in P5. It’s weird how little flak they get by comparison? And I’m biased- Akechi was a character I developed an attachment to as I reached third sem and his character just came together for me. But it’s so freaking annoying to try and search up art of the character or ship on sites like twitter only to find the worst takes possible. Folks gotta separate their personal feelings from the feelings of the characters. The actual canon interactions and relationships are infinitely more compelling than “Joker/the Phantom Thieves all hate Akechi.” I much prefer what the game presents us- with characters like Haru and Futaba not forgiving him, but still sympathizing with his situation and (perhaps reluctantly) being willing to work with him when it’s absolutely necessary. The friction is just so compelling, because even if he’s a tragic person, his actions still robbed them of loved ones. ...but also, President Okumura requested many shutdowns himself and was an awful person, which also adds to the messy complexity for poor Haru.
Anyway, this is just a late night ramble because I went to find fanart and found annoying tweets. Argh.
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vashtijoy · 1 year
Today I want to rant at length about highlight a plot-relevant but otherwise rather dry line from Shido's Palace, simply because it's been living rent-free in my head for days and I'll die if I don't.
And up front I want to say: this is not intended as translator bashing, shit like this is rarely on the translator, though I will possibly get a little aerated at times. More about that at the end.
This is really long, and probably very boring. So to summarise quickly:
Ooe's "diplomat" and "president of some company" are the Minister for Transport and the railway company president from the 4/10 cinematic with Sae and the SIU director;
Shido wasn't "specially appointed", he's the Minister of State for Special Missions, likely with oversight for either the PTs or the psychotic breakdowns;
being a pro translator sucks;
something about a well.
my least favourite line so far
Shadow Politician 春先に地下鉄事故があっただろう?狙ったのは、あの運転士だからな。 harusaki ni chikatetsu jiko ga atta darou? neratta no wa, ano untenshu da kara na Do you recall the subway accident early last spring? The one I had targeted was that engineer.
nb—this "engineer" is the train driver. I didn't get this at all, but apparently train drivers are called engineers in the US? This is a good example of how something you think is a mistranslation may not be.
There is an occasion where the guy is referred to as a "driver", but this is actually 車掌 shashou—in Japanese, a conductor in the British sense, the member of staff who is not the driver, but walks up and down checking tickets. This is meant to hint to us, I suspect, that the NPC saying this may not be a reliable source—he's making some spooky claims, after all. Yet again, in America, the conductor can be the driver of the train...? IDK, confusion abounds.
But on to the important bit:
Shadow Politician 目障りな国交大臣と、現政権派の社長のクビを取るためだった。mezawarina kokkou daijin to, genseiken-ha no shachou no kubi o toru tame datta It was to take out the president of some company and a diplomat who sided with current government.
Full disclosure: I have never liked this line. It screamed of being mistranslated. "The president of some company"? Ooe had this guy destroyed, and he can't be specific? And "a diplomat"? This has come from nowhere—I can't think of another diplomat in P5. It just all seems so random. And it is random. Because this was meant to close up a background plot element from the start of the game, and it just... doesn't any more.
So, for this one, I'm just going to break out the big red DENIED stamp again:
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The hell of it all is that I can see what they did here, so I'm going to go through it at excessive length, as like... an object lesson in what not to do. Not just for you, but for me.
And I need to be clear up front that I'm not an authoritative source on the Japanese language. I'm not fluent, my Japanese is barely passable (which is why asks, comments and discussion on my language posts are all always super welcome, btw, just like for everything else I post). I'm just a weeb on the Internet, who constantly posts assertions and theories that future me will hate. Bring your salt shaker.
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Quick glimpse behind the curtain: this is from my Google doc for Shido's Palace. You have the textbox code, the speaker, then the text in Japanese, romaji and the localisation. Usually these days I don't add the romaji (it's not good for your reading), but lines that go into posts get it temporarily.
Words I don't know, or had to verify (like shachou, where I wanted to know if it was always a company president or if it could be a role within a political faction), or lore/grammar notes, all get comments, which are highlighted in yellow.
the peril of dictionaries
I'm bilingual English/Welsh-speaking; until I was fifteen, I was educated through the medium of Welsh. So I got taught very early on about the correct use of dictionaries. The exact example I remember is that a past pupil (probably apocryphal) wanted to put "Well, Dad was angry!" into Welsh. And they had looked up "well"....
ffynnon, roedd Dad yn grac! Well, Dad was angry!
This is a ffynnon:
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It's a funny story. The point is that you should always flip to the other half of the dictionary to verify the meaning you found. Or these days, with the Internet and all, we get to check multiple dictionaries, corpuses and sources! And a riotously good time it is.
part one: who was that mysterious diplomat
The main phrase I want to focus on is 国交大臣 kokkou daijin. This is what has been rendered "a diplomat" in the localisation. On first glance, that's a string of kanji I don't know: country, the right-hand side of the second half of 学校 gakkou (school), something about a big man... is that read daijin?...
Maybe it's a yojijukugo—a fixed four-kanji phrase with an often-idiomatic meaning? Let's put the whole thing into Jisho and see what we get.
(Incidentally, I bash Jisho constantly, but it's still my first stop because it's fast and often good enough. You just shouldn't rely on it for anything critical; trust, but verify.)
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Well, there's no yojijukugo. But one glance at that tells us that Ooe's "diplomat" is not a diplomat at all. Ooe's "diplomat" is the Minister for Transport who was brought down as a result of this subway crash in April. You might have thought Shido had this guy taken out, but no. He did it for Ooe. He crashed a subway train, injuring 80 people, as nothing but a favour to Ooe.
But why is it using kokkou, "diplomatic relations"? Well, Jisho gives us a convenient "see also" link. Let's take a look:
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You see what they did there? The full phrase is 国土交通相 kokudo koutsuu-shou, "Minister for (National) Land and Transport". But nobody wants to say that. So you strike out some of the kanji. The word becomes kokkoushou—but everyone still knows who you mean.
Let's do a bit of that verification I mentioned. Here's Wikipedia:
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HmmMM. Notice how the Minister and the Ministry are read the same; only the last kanji changes. But we're still on track.
Let's click over to Japanese Wikipedia. What do they have to say?
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And there it is again, highlighted: our old friend 国交 kokkou, "diplomatic relations". "In Japanese, this is commonly abbreviated as kokkoushou".
How about 大臣 daijin? It looks like it just means "big man" or "important man", but what does it actually mean? Again, let's start with Jisho:
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... B|
Jisho offers us a bunch of "further reference" links, so I'm going to go straight to Japanese Wikipedia for this one—which sends you to an old revision of the page, by the way; be sure to go to the latest one:
大臣(だいじん)は、本来は皇帝や国王などを輔弼して国政を司る重要官職だが、今日では一般的に君主制か共和制かにかかわらず、政府を構成し、各行政部門の長に位置する官職を指す。閣僚ともいう。 Historically, 大臣 daijin referred to the high position of those responsible for matters of state, who advised emperors and kings on those matters. However, today it generally refers, regardless of whether the government in question is a monarchy or republic, to an official who leads a division of government.
... ... B|
In other words, a cabinet minister. Seems to sum it up pretty well, but let's just look at the invaluable ALC corpus on this:
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So we have it. A daijin is unquestionably a cabinet minister. And Ooe is unquestionably talking about the Minister for Transport.
last-minute edit: I actually wrote this entire post, preened for completing it, then closed it in my drafts and forgot all about it. Until I opened my grammar text to a random page and found this:
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Actual grammar books are a bit obsolete in 2023, but that is a great one if you're in the market. Just don't get the Kindle edition, it's illegible on Kindle which is probably not what you want.
Incidentally, yes, a Diet member is sensei—you can often hear people refer to Shido that way.
but we can also backreference this one
Another cool thing we can do is get context-relevant examples. That is, we can search the P5 script itself to see how it uses daijin and kokkou daijin.
Two lines use kokkou daijin. One is this line of Ooe's. The other is a news story, which gets it right:
Newscaster 国交大臣の辞任に伴い、与党への批判が高まっており⋯ kokkou daijin no jinin ni tomanai, yotou e no hihan ga takamatte ori... Criticism of the ruling party has surged, following the resignation of the Minister of Transport.
But people talk about the Minister quite a bit. What phrases do they use? Well, sometimes he's simply the daijin—"the Minister"; this usually becomes "Minister of Transport" for context. Sometimes he's the kokkoushou, as we discussed above. And often, on the news, he gets his full title—he's the kokudo koutsuu daijin.
Usually, daijin by itself in P5 is part of 総理大臣 souri daijin—the prime minister.
meanwhile in shidoland
In passing, the MoT is not the only one who gets translated out of the script. You might remember from the calling card cinematic that Shido is the "Minister of State for Special Missions".
Makoto tries to tell us this at one point:
Makoto 特命担当大臣現職の閣僚よ tokumei tantou daijin genshoku no kanryou yo He was specially appointed to the position. That's his current title. He's the current Minister of State for Special Missions.
(What is that, exactly? I'm not gonna do a huge research effort on this one right now, this post is already longer than the Nile and dry as sand, but they appear to be appointed to deal with things that are a big deal—the link gives you examples of some of the issues they've been appointed for. It's not inconceivable that Shido was appointed to the Cabinet to deal with the national crisis of psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns that he started. Either that, or the PTs themselves—he does talk about them an awful lot.)
and that's not all
There is, of course, a real Japanese Minister for Transport. We can put kokkou daijin into Google (with a little は on the end to filter Chinese-language sites), and what do we get back? The first hit is the Wikipedia page for the Minister for Transport.
My guess would be that the translator knew the word kokkou, but they didn't have an encyclopaedic knowledge of Japanese politics. So they read kokkou daijin as some kind of important diplomat.
part two: in which we invent time travel
And that was only the first of the two things that made me hate my life about that textbox. Let's bring the line back:
Shadow Politician 目障りな国交大臣と、現政権派の社長のクビを取るためだった。mezawarina kokkou daijin to, genseiken-ha no shachou no kubi o toru tame datta It was to take out the president of some company and a diplomat who sided with current government.
The second thing that got under my skin was this:
現政権派の社長 genseiken-ha no shachou
This means, in the terms of the localisation, "a company president who sided with current government". But... what is even going on here?
In Japanese, modifiers go before the things they modify, right? Like ... always. I'm going to cite the slightly-tongue-in-cheek but also inestimable Jay Rubin (probably best known as Haruki Murakami's English translator) on this:
... by about the middle of the seventh century, the Emperor, who still wielded actual power then, made a rule, maybe the one rule that really works in the language and never gets broken: “From this day forward, subjects will always come before their verbs. And, just to keep things neat, modifiers will always come before what they modify.” Never in all these centuries have there been any exceptions—at least not in normal syntax....
Shōmetsu shita zō is “The elephant that vanished”—a fragment, just a noun with a modifier in front of it. By putting it before the zō, we’ve changed the shōmetsu shita into a modifier. I’m going to go way out on a limb here and call anything that modifies a noun an adjective. Shōmetsu shita zō (literally, “vanished elephant”) works exactly the same way as utsukushii zō (“beautiful elephant”).
(That's from the book "Making Sense of Japanese", by the way, which y'all should totally read if you can find a copy. It's one of Kodansha's little books, which are all worth at least a glance; they published tons of them, with titles like "All About Particles" and "How To Sound Intelligent In Japanese" and etc etc etc.)
back to our sentence
So how is this translation breaking that rule? Let's look at it again, with the problematic parts bolded:
目障りな国交大臣と、現政権派の社長のクビを取るためだった。mezawarina kokkou daijin to, genseiken-ha no shachou no kubi o toru tame datta It was to take out the president of some company and a diplomat who sided with current government.
現政権派 genseiken-ha is the current government; the current administration. No problems there. It's just in the wrong place.
kokkou daijin, we established, is the localisation's "diplomat". genseiken-ha no translates as "aligned with the current government". But genseiken-ha is after kokkou daijin. It cannot be modifying it. It can't have been taken for a relative clause—what Jay Rubin framed as an adjective in the quote up there—because we still have the two people the sentence describes, the "diplomat" and the businessman; the sentence has not been read as talking about a diplomat who is also a government-boosting company president.
We should have, literally, "an eyesore of a minister for transport" and "a company president who sides with current government". But we just... don't.
Is it possible it doesn't make sense that a company president would be aligned with the government? Has the sentence been rearranged for that reason? But this is essentially what Okumura does: he's a company boss aligned with a powerful politician. So are the TV and IT Execs whose shadows we meet, for that matter. They are not in politics themselves, but they network with politicians. Big business and politics are always hand-in-hand.
All of this gives us the following working version of the translation:
It was to take down that intolerable Minister of Transport and a company president who supported the government.
And on that note....
who is that mysterious company president
"the president of some company", the localisation says. This seems a bit vagued up. Are there any company presidents we should be aware of here?
The answer is yes:
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On 4/10, in the cinematic after the crash, the SIU Director talks at length about how this is the fault of "the company and the government". Of course he does—he knows very well what's happened, and he knows where the blame is to be assigned:
SIU Director: It's less of an operating accident and more of a crime of the company and the government. SIU Director: Site inspectors apparently reported all of this six months ago—the deterioration of the tracks and the ATC.
And the last two lines in full, since they diverge:
SIU Director それを会社が隠ぺい…国交省も故意に見逃したフツがある。 sore o kaisha ga inpei... kokkoushou mo koi ni minogashita futsu ga aru Seems the railway company and the Ministry of Transport both turned a blind eye to the truth. So the railway company covered it up... and the Ministry of Transport did what they do best: they turned a blind eye to it..
This is just a slight difference in emphasis: the railway company allegedly performed a deliberate coverup, and it was the Ministry that did their normal thing, and chose to overlook that coverup....
But note that "railway company" here is just 会社 kaisha, "company". Originally, it was obvious from context; the localisation clarifies it. But when Ooe later mentions a 社交 shachou, a "company president", in the same obvious-from-context way, it has not been picked up on—our very personal railway company president has become "the president of some company". Who was important enough for Ooe to personally destroy, but not important enough for him to remember where he worked.
SIU Director 隠し通せんよ。大臣の進退まで行くだろう。 kakushitoosen yo. daijin no shintai made iku darou There's no way they can hide. This will go all the way to the top. They can't keep this hushed up forever. By the end of this, the transport minister's job will be on the line.
... but here's the first real appearance of the Minister for Transport, with the SIU Director—who, again let's not forget, knows this crash was engineered in part to get that minister—not just saying this incident will "go all the way to the top", but that it will specifically end with them coming for the minister's job.
where did we come from, where did we go
Where does that leave us with the sentence?
It was to take out the president of some company and a diplomat who sided with current government. It was to take down that intolerable Minister of Transport, and the president of the railway company. He supported the government, after all.
We've broken that little genseiken-ha out into its own little explaining sentence, since it's hard to phrase as one sentence in natural English. And now you know.
btw, leave the translators alone
Look, this is far from the best translation I've ever seen. We should be mad about this, right? Well... no.
As a hobbyist, I have the luxury of focusing on a single fandom, spending hours, days, or weeks thinking about single scenes, researching context, language and concepts, confirming I've understood things to the best of my ability. Your average animanga/JRPG translator is not being paid well enough, or given nearly enough time, to do this. They cannot be expected to do this.
This is not, not, NOT on the translator. Read that ten times. We are supposed to go from our second language to our native tongue; that's how translation works best. So there will always be areas of confusion like this, things that need clarification and research. Japanese media translation requires a vast knowledge of differently arcane terms depending on the work; nobody will know them all.
Who is this on? It's on Atlus, for skimping on and rushing not only the translation but the editing; they did the English localisation of a massive property on the cheap. Something like this should have been caught by the editor, but honestly P5's editing (including the way things are finalised in English, and the overall polishing of the script) tends to come in for more criticism than the translation per se.
tl;dr: blame the company, not the poor translator who was most likely just one of us trying to make a shitty living with something they love, and a skill they worked their ass off for.
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No no please write the essay I love to see people’s takes on Satanael
So it only took 14 months for me to get to this, but here we go.
Please take this with a grain of salt, I’m getting a lot of info from a Gnosticism explanation website which might not be all correct. And it’s also being written at midnight.
In the tags I left on your post, I mentioned that the biggest reason for Satanael being Joker’s ultimate persona is because Satanael is the child of Yaldaboath.
According to Gnosticism, Yaldaboath is the demiurge created by the heavenly being Sophia (which might be where Sophia, the AI from Strikers, got her name, but that’s another thought for another essay), who is basically the Gnostic equivalent of an angel (they’re refered to as aeons, divine entities descended from God the Father, and most were born from male-female pairs, along with the blessing of god). Yaldaboath was cast from the heavens into a realm below so early into his existence that he was convinced that he was the first “living” existence. It is explained that Sophia gave birth to a son that was the product of the rebellious and profane desire that had arisen within her, and due to being birthed only from Sophia and without the blessing of God, he was “a misshapen, belligerent creature that was utterly unlike the other heavenly beings.”
Because of this ignorance, foolishness, and malevolence, he created the material world, also trapping sparks of divinity in Adam and Eve. That last bit isn’t too important right now, but it’s clear that Yaldaboath didn’t make the world out of the good in him. There’s a lot of other stuff that happened that also proved that he’s not a good entity, such as creating the old ten commandments and then completely ignoring them, gaslighting those that he created into thinking that he was the one true god, and telling Adam and Eve that the fruit of the tree of knowledge would kill them if it was consumed, among other heinous acts.
As much as I’d like to back up my original claim, I can’t find anything that states similarly or differently, and whenever I do try to google it, lots of persona 5 and megaten (as well as other mythos based games and stories) come up and clutter the results, so there isn’t much. But if I’m understanding this correctly, Satanael was created by Yaldaboath to serve him, along with Yaldaboath’s other “higher” creations.
After some time, Satanael rebels against Yaldaboath, for some reason or another (again, can’t find reason, but one source did mention that Satanael rebelled with a heavenly light rivaling Yaldaboath’s). This leads me to believe that Satanael either found out about the true nature of Yaldaboath being an unjust demiurge, and that he was the bastard son of Sophia, one of the Aeons of Pleroma (greek for Fullness, literally the Gnostic name for Heaven) who atoned for her sin of rebellion and profane desire to conceive without the involvement of her own partner or the consent of God, OR he pitied humanity, OR he simply did not like Yaldaboath’s game of ruin.
In short, Satanael rebelled for the greater good of humanity, where Sophia’s rebellion caused grief and anguish, and Yaldaboath’s own rebellion from the true God put his creation of material on the path to ruin. In a way, Sophia’s rebellion created Yaldaboath, Yaldaboath’s rebellion created Satanael, who then rebelled against Yaldaboath (making Satanael basically a fallen angel), allowing for humanity to continue on in its own path of rebellion.
How does this relate to Joker? Well, we see that Joker’s story in P5 starts with him rebelling against who we think is the big bad – Shido. In most places, you wouldn’t directly rebel against an adult as a child/minor, as you’re unlikely to win. Joker’s rebellion in this part of the story is what kicks off his “fall” as a phantom thief. Shido is the one who created the phantom thieves, if you think about it, that rebel against him towards the end of the story (yes I know they fight Yaldy I’m getting there). While for a time, Yaldaboath is the player’s guide, eventually, Joker does rebel against him, in a direct parallel to Satanael. Yaldaboath created Satanael/chose Joker as the wildcard, and then Satanael/Joker saw the truth of Yaldaboath, and rebelled against him.
Personally, I would think that Satanael would be empathetic towards Joker, in that both were “created”” by Yaldaboath, and then both saw the truth of Yaldaboath, making both rebel against their creator. Kindness isn’t always a driving factor – Joker didn’t save the world for his love of the world, he saved the world because he didn’t want to live in a world where he would be punished for doing the right thing. It’s why he stood up to Shido both times, why he stood up against all of the phantom thief targets. All of them had an influential power that they used for their own gain/devices, just like Yaldaboath. And like Satanael, Joker couldn’t sit by idly. Sure, the way Joker went about his justice wasn’t correct, but correct isn’t always right, nor just.
Joker and Satanael both rebelled for what was right, even if it caused their downfalls, they were both held aloft in the end. In one text, it’s said that Satanael was brought up to Heaven, and Joker parallels this in the fact that he’s found innocent of his initial false crimes of assaulting Shido.
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arcsin27 · 1 year
Post canon shuake reunion but it’s a couple years later because if akechi is gonna recover it could help to distance himself from everything that made him so angry and hurt such as the phantom thieves (im not a psychiatrist that may be inaccurate it’s a fanfic sorry) and when he and ren bump into each other ren is pissed because “how could you not tell me you asshole”
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