#otp: i was wrong about you
jerimovich · 8 months
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
do you ever think about Garak waking up and seeing Julian in that chair, uncomfortably crammed in and slumped over asleep, and wonder how he must've felt when he realized Julian wasn't going to leave
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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guinevereslancelot · 2 years
babe would you still love me if we were superheroes and you were in danger and i went absolutely bonkers and crossed every moral boundary imaginable to protect you at literally any cost?
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anghraine · 1 year
So, in the post about Elizabeth accepting Wickham's tale, I mentioned Elizabeth's remarkable degree of confidence in her judgment of others.
Elizabeth will listen to Charlotte outline her entire unsentimental philosophy of marriage and say, "You know it is not sound, and that you would never act in this way yourself."
Or she'll listen to Bingley talking about how he's not planning on leaving Netherfield, but if he did, it would be very sudden because he makes all his decisions suddenly. They haven't known each other long at that point, but she responds, "That is exactly what I should have supposed of you" and adds, "I understand you perfectly."
Several weeks later, Charlotte has carried out her philosophy in her engagement to Mr Collins, and Bingley has abruptly left Netherfield.
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But! Elizabeth and Darcy both say and think these kinds of overconfident things with zero self-consciousness.
Like, here's Darcy:
"But it has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses which often expose a strong understanding to ridicule." "Such as vanity and pride." "Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed. But pride—where there is a real superiority of mind—pride will be always under good regulation."
Uh huh.
That I was desirous of believing her [Jane] indifferent is certain; but I will venture to say that my investigations and decisions are not usually influenced by my hopes or fears. I did not believe her to be indifferent because I wished it; I believed it on impartial conviction
Sure, Jan.
There are plenty more examples on both sides, but honestly, I find it deeply endearing as well as funny. There are ways in which they're right to be sure of themselves, and I respect them for those and for being rooted in their convictions there, but sometimes it's just ... aww, you're so very wrong and so sure you are right. <3
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dylanconrique · 7 days
believe me, i am fully aware that we're nowhere near getting polin babies, there literally has been no inclination of that ever being a thing (at least this season), but i can't help but cackle at the thought of colin and pen being quick to get pregnant with their first child, but their first is a girl (like in the books) and, "of course, we love our daughter to death, she's our little princess. but we still gotta secure that featherington heir, so round two this time!" and the next time we see them visiting bridgerton house, colin is sporting an adorable mini pen on his arm, while penelope's heavily brewing with their second child that could come at any day now.
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busterswritehand · 2 months
You're Timeless To Me
Roughly 180 years after the events of ACOSF, Lucien looks up to find that he is surrounded by strangers. Meanwhile, Nesta realizes she has stayed still while the world around her keeps moving. Misery loves company, but these two can hardly make small talk.
Part 1
Strangers. Lucien Vanserra was completely and utterly surrounded by strangers. He sat at the council table created by him and his friends. His family. A small band of exiles that dared to dream - to want more for themselves and others below the wall. He had always known that he would outlive them. Mourn them. That he would be responsible for keeping their memory alive. He never considered, however, that everything he had built with Jurian and Vassa would outgrow him.
Lucien looked around at a council of human nations and territories. Some leaders were human or half-fae, some represented monarchies or democracies, but they all ignored him. He led the first generation of leaders alongside his friends, the second generation revered him as a sage, but this lot treated him like an ancient relic. They often bickered over each other as they were doing now. If they weren't arguing, they were scheming and schmoozing. In that way, they reminded him of the courts above the wall.
He wasn't sure why or how it had not hit him sooner, but Lucien missed his home. Not the Autumn or Spring Court or even Velaris - but Prythian. He had not returned since Elain's wedding, where her viper of a sister nearly bit his head off. Lucien couldn't believe it, but in that moment he missed Nesta too.
He missed familiarity - some sense of stagnation. Humans changed quicker than the seasons and developed new technologies too fast for him to keep up these days. Hell, with more readily available access to magic the human territories started to see an industrial boom. Lucien hated the isolation and unfamiliarity that plagued his everyday life. Once again he was without a true home.
He fidgeted with the crisp paper in his hands, his thumbs stroking over the creases left by his back pocket.
Dear Lucien,
I hope the human territories have continued to treat you well. I apologize for not reaching out sooner or more frequently.
Starfall is coming up. Maybe you would consider visiting us back in Velaris. The Night Court misses its old emissary, and I miss my friend.
Lucien smiled faintly at the letter before looking back up at the dysfunctional group in front of him. When had everything devolved so much? They swore like sailors and acted like petulant children.
He sighed. Maybe it was time to return to Prythian.
Lucien knocked on the door of Feyre and Rhysand's river house in Velaris. He stood at the front steps, shifting in his clothes. As he waited, he peered back over his shoulders to look at the town.
Velaris beamed with the same technologies that thrived in the human world. Factories were being constructed on the outskirts near the edge of the mountain valley. The wealthier citizens drove around in their brightly colored automobiles on the cliffside roads bordering the city. He watched as tints of blue, red, and purple flashed past and around the city. They were accompanied by shrill honks and deep revving of engines as fae raced by.
Lucien's attention was swiftly ripped away from the city by the front door swinging open. Nesta stood past the threshold, staring down at Lucien. He took a step on the next stair and opened his mouth to speak. The door slammed shut - inches from his nose.
Lucien blinked, utterly baffled. He knocked again.
"Nesta," he said, "could you let me in?"
Silence. He knocked again. Stubbornness and pride kept him planted on those steps. He'd wait there all night if he had to. After all, he was invited to be their guest.
With his fae hearing he could make out the sound of shuffling footsteps then two female voices bickering. He listened closer. A satisfied smile peeked out from Lucien. It sounded like Feyra was chastising Nesta.
Sure enough, Feyra opened the door a moment later. A strained smile plastered her face. Nesta stood behind her in the shadows, glaring at the two of them.
Feyra's expression softened as she pulled Lucien into a welcoming hug.
"Sorry about her," Feyra said.
Lucien chuckled, "It's good to see that she hasn't changed a bit."
He watched the sour female silently scoff and walk toward the sitting room. Feyra leaned back, planting firm friendly hands on his shoulders.
"It seems like you haven't either."
As they studied each other, Lucien realized she had cut her hair into a short bob. The front pieces of her hair were braided towards the back. He contorted his face into comical shock.
"Has empty nest syndrome gotten to you that badly?"
Feyra rolled her eyes, shoving him playfully.
"Can a lady not change her hair once in a while?"
They laughed as Feyre welcomed him into her home.
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mylittleredgirl · 1 month
after spending 29 hours thinking about a canon-ship scale for that poll, i decided i might as well spend another few hours looking through my old livejournal icons folder to rank the collection of ships i have written/am writing (for better or worse)...
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we lost so much when we stopped making those 100x100 pixel icons. where are the pretty tiny photos of artfully cropped couples with even tinier text on them. all we know now is the wasteland of youtube thumbnails on google image search. we used to be a society
decryption key:
same canon, never met on-screen: clone!sam/jack (sg-1) (i'm rounding up from 0.5 here since she's an open-source fanon OC, but you get me)
they interact on-screen: jack o'neill/elizabeth weir (sg-1/sga), b'elanna/kes (st: voy)
some charged interactions: daniel/fraiser (sg-1), troi/ro (st: tng), margaret/trapper (mash), hawkeye/trapper/margaret (mash)
important intimate relationship (not labeled romantic): sheppard/weir (sga), hawkeye/trapper (mash)
one-sided feelings in the text: janeway/chakotay (st: voy) (i will hang for this take i know), miles/keiko/kira (st: ds9), talia/garibaldi (b5) (not necessarily proud of this one but i filled sooooo many five-subject notebooks about them when i was a teenager)
they kiss but it doesn't count: hoshi/travis (st: ent), julian/jadzia (st: ds9), riker/ro (st: tng)
mutual feelings in the text (unresolved): doggett/reyes (x-files), picard/crusher (st: tng - 24th century edition only)
unresolved on-screen, word of god confirmed: sam/jack (sg-1), jake/diane (jake 2.0)
they get together on-screen: trip/t'pol (st: ent), julian/ezri (st: ds9), frank/margaret (mash)
they stay together (endgame): mulder/scully (x-files), riker/troi (st: tng), miles/keiko (st: ds9), berena (holby city - somehow??? i hear we won in the end?), chidi/eleanor (the good place), jason/janet (the good place)
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theflyingfeeling · 5 months
#not-very-seriously contemplating making a fitalk sideblog#just so i could ramble on about my fic ideas like the lunatic i am without bothering anyone#because istg i come up with at least 3 new ideas a day and more if necessary#but i'm too self-conscious to do that on my main blog too often because i always manage to convince myself no one actually cares#and that the only few people who do seem to care only care because they want to be supportive#and/or think it's cute i'm so passionate about the fics/pairing or whatever#and there's nothing wrong with that and i'm thankful of course!#but it sort of makes me feel like a child being praised by adults ya know? 😭#and idk maybe i just feel like this because i used to share a hyperfixation OTP with a friend#and i'd come up with new fic ideas/headcanons for our OTP on a daily basis#until the friend admitted they weren't even that into the pairing#they just found it adorable to see how enthusiastic i was thinking of stories of them :)#which made me feel like such an idiot lol silly me thought they were as into it as i was#like. i get the need to infodump about hyperfixations to a friend even if the friend is not into the hyperfixation#especially if you don't know anyone else to whom you could talk about it#but i don't need that personally. i'd rather talk about my hyperfixations to someone who actually wants to hear it#and not just because they think i'm being adorable or they want to support me#i can very well keep it all to myself or just idk talk to myself?? lol#so yeahhhh i kinda don't want to make myself feel like a clown like that again 🤡#i do realise i think about fic ideas an unhealthy amount probably lol#but then again isn't that what actual published authors do all the flipping time?! the only difference is that i'm not getting paid for it😤#this wasn't supposed to become a rant lol the words just started flooding#anywayyyyy who wants to hear about my royalty!aleksi / ballet dancer!olli fic idea with side roommates-with-benefits olli/joonas?#additional tags include 'helping the other put on make-up' and 'anal fingering'. if you even care#(pls don't actually ask it's ridiculous)
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musical-chick-13 · 20 days
I feel like everything I write for this ship is either "Gotta unpack their deep-seated psychological issues" or "Area guy is just really obsessed with his wife."
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
Since Tholomyes is described as becoming a lawyer/a "severe juryman" after he abandons Fantine--- I'm surprised I haven't seen fanfics where Les Amis/Valjean/etc have to face Tholomyes in court. XD
We can even fudge it a little--maybe Tholomyes is a lawyer for the prosecution, maybe he's on the jury, maybe he's the judge, and I feel like that'd all be true to the general Spirit of his ending (which is just, the implication that he's now going to have the power of life and death over many more people just like Fantine.)
I now have a Plot Bunny for a fic where Marius is tried for the crime of supporting a rebel group, Cosette shows up at court to support her fiancee... but the judge is a man named Felix Tholomyes, and Cosette feels like she recognizes him but doesn't know why.
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teaandinanity · 4 months
I'm gonna wind up learning CSS entirely against my will because my fucking 'send this shit to the shadow realm I don't want it' skin is NOT blocking a thing I need to kill
my kingdom for a native site blocklist that did not involve learning to code I am too stupid for this
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adanseydivorce · 30 days
me: I’m fine
me, 10 seconds later: the Greywaren mind meld was sooo stupid and the worst part of it is that device Could have been implemented without it feeling like a total cop out if it was say, characters having an actual argument/conflict in some type of dream space, alternate version of reality each others memories etc. if we were actually tracking them through all that and not just “they were wanted…” as the resolution … the actuality of it was just lazy.
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curly-cottage-girl · 1 month
I've never seen X files, is it good?
If you like a bit of spooky, a bit of silly, plenty of 90’s nostalgia, and a male-female partnership based on mutual respect and trust despite differences, then heck yeah it’s good 👍 also this was back when people actually made good shows that sometimes had filler episodes/monster of the week episodes (complimentary) because they weren’t trying to cram plot as tightly as possible into one season before they got canceled by Netflix
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sergeantsporks · 10 months
I definitely prefer the idea Eda that used some form of asexual reproduction to have a biological child, opposed to her falling in love with someone else and doing things, uh "conventionally". The idea of Eda being together with anyone that isn't Raine is just... a big fat no in my book. (That being said, I'm not opposed to Eda/Camila, as long as it's part of a threesome with Raine as the third party, lol.) If Raine can't be with Eda, then them getting together with Ada is the next best thing.
Bestie, she is canonically a player with a string of partners, so I've got bad news for you.
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dylanconrique · 4 months
now i'm crying cause i'm thinking about how lucy threw herself at tim like "that was really scary" 🥺 after being shot at while she was undercover, and how scared she'll be and the emotions that will be running through her this second time around knowing she's not getting out of whatever predicament she's in unscathed —or possibly alive.
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