#otherwise it may not get done hahaha
lovelysheree · 6 months
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More of my modern AU! I have the first chapter written and another 3 kinda mapped out. So… we’ll see if it turns into anything.
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danieyells · 11 days
hi there,
thank you so much for all the voicelines you post !! if it’s okay, can i request subaru’s ?
thank you again !
You're welcome! At some point I might go back and put in the ones I leave out because they don't appeal to me as much lol but since i always end up posting 99% of them anyway I think it's enough for most people hahaha.
I WAS GONNA OMIT ONE OR TWO BECAUSE OF SPOILERS but eh i'll just warm for like. extra spoilers. since after doing more code peeking it wasn't the spoiler i thought it was. SUBARU IS A SWEETIE THOUGH. I also read Subaru's chats which were put in the code recently and. Man this guy needs anxiety meds. I have a small guess as to what his stigma is, but we'll learn in a few days anyway.
You've Got Mail:
"It looks like there's a notice for you. I'd be happy to go pick it up for you if you've got your hands full. Oh, forgive me if I'm overstepping."
oh no he's anxious about helping--
Default(no affinity):
"I really am so lucky to be surrounded by so many kind people like you."
"I never thought I'd get the chance to enjoy the lifestyle of a student until I came to Darkwick. Every day truly is fulfilling here."
it feels like subaru is like. . .the only one who actually enjoys school life here. . .or who really enjoys being here period lmao. . . .
"You think I'm always smiling? Ha ha, I hear that a lot. It just happens when I'm around all of you."
"I may be the captain, but it's just in name. I think Haku is much better suited for the job than me."
"I've been working since I was four, so people often said I was mature for my age. But the truth is, I've still got a lot to learn."
that makes two characters whose parents have essentially been keeping them from normal life and normal childhood for work reasons since they were four year olds. . . .
Affinity 1:
"I tend to just have hot water for breakfast. I know it would be better for me to eat a proper meal, but it's just so much effort."
Affinity 2:
"I'm sorry I'm so late. The campus is so crowded I can never manage to walk in a straight line, so it always takes me longer than I think. Silly, isn't it?"
baby you're hardly the first person i've met with anxiety about crowds. you're fine.
Affinity 3:
"What would I do without Haku's help? Hotarubi would be a mess without him."
Affinity 6:
"Ever since I was a child, the performing arts were my only focus. Maybe that's why people always say my mannerisms are so peculiar. It bothers you too, doesn't it?"
poor boy doesn't know how to act if he isn't acting. . .he doesn't know how to exist off-script. . .no wonder he made a deal with a demon. it's probably the first thing he's ever done for himself.
Affinity 7:
"I'd like to go to the cafeteria, but the line is always so long. I feel bad taking time to choose while people are waiting behind me. The bar of entry feels a little high."
i am once again suggesting subaru get anxiety meds. hell go to sinnostra and get some weed, i bet they sell that. i hear it can help.
Affinity 8:
"I'm just about to go and meet a friend. I hate to inconvenience you like this, but if it's something urgent, could you speak to Haku about it instead?"
Affinity 9:
"What am I going to do? We're supposed to be meeting up in an hour... If I cancel now, they'll hate me..."
Affinity 10:
"Whew... I'll walk you back to your house, FirstName. Oh, it's no problem at all, I assure you! I wanted some fresh air anyway."
Affinity 11:
"I have an Anomalous Ecology test coming up. It's such a fascinating subject, I couldn't help but stay up all night studying. Now I'm a little sleep-deprived."
Affinity 12:
"I'm going to stretch my legs a little. I might not have a show to practice for right now, but I need to keep putting myself through my paces. I'll get rusty otherwise."
Affinity 13:
"I'm sorry my phone's been making so much noise. I recently downloaded an app by mistake, and it won't stop sending me notifications..."
awww he's also technologically incompetent. . .poor guy was probably raised with such a heavy focus on his career he just. never needed a smartphone. anyone he needed to contact or who needed to contact him was probably always very close by. it sounds like he didn't even properly go to school before going to Darkwick. Somebody please take this boy on a walk. like anywhere. take him to a library. buy him a churro. can sho make churros? this is somebody who's never had any sort of normal social experience and sees how different he is and wishes it weren't the case, unlike Ritsu who assumes everyone else is like him, i think he'd like to have some more Experiences.
Affinity 14:
"... ...Oh! Hello, FirstName—I didn't even notice you there. My mind was somewhere else."
Affinity 15:
"Good morning! Sorry? My hair's messy? You're right, it's sticking right up at the front... That's embarrassing. I'll fix it right away."
Affinity 16:
"I usually have lunch in the dormitory. I do eat on the terrace with Lyca every now and then, but he seems so busy these days..."
Lyca is one of the members of Obscuary, btw! Seems like he and Subaru are friends.
Affinity 17:
"I didn't take you for a night owl, FirstName. Since you're here, I suppose I'll stay up a little longer. You're sure you're okay? You're not sleepy?"
Affinity 18:
"Do you visit Sinostra very often, {PC}? I see... Oh, no reason. I was just making conversation. Ha ha."
why do you ask that. . .a certain mafioso captain wouldn't happen to be suspicious of you would he. . .or maybe you owe them money. . .or maybe you used to be part of Sinostra and moved to Hotarubi. . . .
Affinity 20:
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to come all the way to my room to wake me up—I'd feel terrible. I do very much appreciate the thought, though."
it's okay buddy jin already makes them do it, one more pit stop won't hurt.
Affinity 22:
"Lyca has seen my message, so why hasn't he responded to it? I hope nothing bad has happened to him..."
Affinity 23:
"Lyca will adapt well to human society, I'm sure of it. I'm so relieved that Darkwick chose to trust him. I can't thank you enough for your help."
he really likes Lyca huh? that is his dog.
Affinity 24:
"You can't sleep? Then let me tell you some stories. Legend has it that evil spirits appear once you've told a hundred. Now, what number was I up to..."
Affinity 25(max):
"I don't want to seem like I'm testing you, I just... I get really anxious sometimes... I'm sorry. I'm being weird, aren't I?"
he's the type to ask 'are you sure you love me? are you sure you wanna be with me?' after you get married and move in together and own a house and have two kids with another on the way. he's the hyper anxious 'i'm sorry we disagreed about our favorite colors do you hate me?' friend(affectionate)
"There is no time like spring. Everyone seems more relaxed this time of year. It's reassuring to see."
"They have no control over whether they bloom, and yet they get made a spectacle of nonetheless... Oh, sorry—I was talking about the cherry blossoms."
"There are many different flowers growing in Hotarubi, but I think the wisteria are my favorites. This is the best time to see them, so you should take a walk around."
"Hot today, isn't it? It's always raining in Hotarubi, so it does provide a little escape from the blazing summer sun, but... Ha ha. It is very humid, isn't it?"
"Summer makes me think of the ghost story Yotsuya Kaidan. The scene where Oiwa becomes hysterical, having realized her her face has been disfigured— incredible."
Yotsuya Kaidan is one of the best known japanese ghost stories! It's extremely violent, so read the summary at your discretion. The scene in question has Oiwa shown her reflection by her sister's boss to see that the cream she was given by a woman who was in love with her husband was actually some sort of poison that instantly scarred her face. She grabs a sword and goes to kill her, only for her to accidentally slit her own throat.
"Hotarubi House holds regular festivals during the summer months. If you need a yukata to wear, I'd be happy to pick one out for you."
"I don't mind scary stories, but when that biwa in the tea room started playing by itself, it did make me jump a little..."
slight spoiler, although you can probably figure it out from this but. . .Zenji is a ghost. Subaru currently can't actually see him or hear his voice. . .only Haku, the pc, and, perhaps not so oddly, Towa can afair. All of his youtube content doesn't have him or his voice in it because he can't be recorded by cameras. So Subaru doesn't realize that the biwa playing on its own is actually Zenji playing the biwa.
"The air has gotten crisper, and the leaves are changing color. I know it's only natural for the seasons to shift, so why does it make my heart ache so much?"
"Oh, these? They're some chestnuts I found. I know—I should give them to Sho. I'm sure he'll be able to make something delicious with them."
"That's another kuchikiri tea ceremony under my belt. It's an annual tradition where one cuts open a tea jar to reveal the tea that was preserved from the first harvest."
"...Oh, FirstName. Good morning... I had a hard time getting up today. It must be the cold... Ha ha. Not very captain-like, is it?"
"Today, I'm going to order ingredients from one of my favorite stores so we can all make negima—tuna and scallion—hot pot together. Please, do join us."
"People say winter makes you want to snuggle up with someone, but I find that a good blanket does a much better job."
i agree that blankets are much easier to manage than people lol. probably warmer too.
His birthday:
"A present? For me? Thank you... I didn't expect you to do anything for my birthday, so I'm a little caught off guard. I really appreciate it."
New Years:
"Happy New Year. I hope I can depend on your guidance and support again this year."
Valentine's Day:
"Chocolate? Oh, It's Valentine's Day, isn't it? Does that mean these are for me...?"
nah i just wanted you to look at them. YES THEY ARE FOR YOU BBY. why would you be showing him chocolate if it wasn't for him! On any day, not just valentine's day!!
White Day:
"These are for you, FirstName. I put in a special order for monaka from my favorite confectioner in Ginza. They're wafers filled with bean jam—I hope you like them."
April Fool's Day:
"Earlier, Haku told me he was switching houses. It gave me a real shock— I'm very relieved that it wasn't true..."
i bet subaru made the most scared kicked puppy face and started apologizing for being such an awful captain and blamed himself for that haku would go to a different house and haku had to quickly explain it was just a prank for fear that subaru might burst into tears.
"Happy Halloween. I know it's nothing special, but I've prepared some treats for the occasion. Oh... But you're more than welcome to play a trick instead."
please don't trick him. april fool's day was hard enough for him.
"Merry Christmas. We already have our New Year decorations up in Hotarubi, so it has a real east-meets-west atmosphere now. I hope everyone is okay with it..."
"Everyone seems busy at the moment. Maybe I should use this opportunity to tidy the garden..."
"{PC}? Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just worried because you were so quiet..."
"You're back... I'm so relieved. I was worried I'd done something to make you feel uncomfortable..."
this man shakes like a chihuahua 24/7. like you can taste the anxiety coming off of him. i love him. he's so pathetic(affectionate). i wanna squeeze his hand reassuringly and tell him everything's gonna be okay. i wanna hug him and pat his head. i wanna take him places so he learns more about the world outside of working. i wanna watch him do schoolwork excitedly because he's never really gone to school before and it's a new and exciting experience. i want him to experience the most mundane aspects of life with wonder.
good boy. yeah. get him anxiety meds /nodnod
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rui-drawsbox · 3 months
halo halo this might be out of blue but may i ask how’d you fall in love w Baxter? I wanna hear the story of like how you started to like him if you don’t mind sharing . tysm!!and i love all your artworks!!!!
AGHHHHHHH i was about to go to sleep but healty schedules are overrated. Take a sit cuz this is gonna be LONG bc i dont know how to get to the point (jump right to the end to get the 3 lines resume lmao)
if you ask me why i like right now: he's a dramatic loser. But that was when i finally understood his character! you wouldn't be surprised if tell you that i'm an idiot right? i'm super slow to read between lines and understand people, that applies to fictional characters too lmao (+add that english isn't my first language) So! at first i didn't actually understood what was going on with -well- anything :D.
Took me a few playthroughs to actually understand the game in general, i started to play before step 4 was out so all i could do was play and replay different ways to fall in love with Cove (starting to crush at step3 was my fav) but tbh he was never my *type*, Derek was interesting but just bc he like us by default. Even after playing his dlc i felt like he was just a really good friend (which was kinda weird bc to this point i've just played his romantic route). So, what's different with Baxter?
To begin with! he's... he's....... huhh my first impression wasn't actually strong tbh, i was like "huh new guy to date yay". I didn't actually understood his character the first few playthroughs ngl. I started in fond ofc to get into the dlc but *I* was pretty indifferent, probably in Drinks where we finally see Morning Baxter was that i said "oh shit he's cute" and cuteness+gapmoe is enough to make me fall for any character tbh.
But! that was not enough to provoke a brainrot like this right? i'm the "Oh i love this *forgets about in a week*" type. What sealed the deal (badum tss) was probably bc of the fandom? Once i was done replaying the dlc 5 times in a row i went straight to tumblr to feed of headcanons, fanarts and fanfics. My favorite way to understand a character is thru the fandom tbh, my favs are the long aa essays talking about a character personality.
Long story short, he was dramatic troubled flirty gap-moe guy (my fictional type, coincidentally) with an excellent storyline. I still wasn't 100% into him but he was top1 romatic choice for me (sorry Cove and Derek, love ya but platonically), so i made 2 fanarts for his dlc in may and let the hype die... only for 6 months otherwise we wouldn't be here, would we?
AH-HA-HEM the day 28th of november, beginnings of summer, i went out in the morning to do some errands with my mom, we stopped to buy vegetables in our way home and she bought a small watermelon bc i love them. That same afternoon i was eating it and thought "watermelons are finally here, summer it's officially here!" and got struck with Olba memories like a sleeper agent. (made a minicomic abt that, that's why i have the exact date lol) SO i replayed the game again, reading everything again, and oh boy i finally understood so many things, one of those things was Baxter himself!
A lot of stuff made sense once i actually took the time to comprehend his character with the information i gained out of the game (mainly all the asks ppl sent to gb). Add the way that i always played like *me* on my first playthroughs of anything and then you'll notice why he hit me so hard, it felt like i wasn't giving him enough credit before dasjkfas.
Tbh his dlc is my fav bc it has such a strong storyline, you get to know him and his insecurities thru all step 3, and have a lot of sweet moments too! (and that night goodbye?? omg it hits me so hard bc it's right after the ending song) and because step 4 it's right after you go with all the fresh memories of your summer together and seeing him so cold towards you it's so painful but also so funny because HA I CAN SEE THRU YOUR FACADE YOU STILL LIKE ME HAHAHA and i finally knew the perfect word for him: loser.
Anyways i also did a deep dive in the Olba and Baxter Ward tag here in tumblr and eat pretty much everything, also helped me to get a better grasp for all the little details i didn't noticed before bc haha i told you im an idiot?
sO yeah i made a few drawings of my Mc interacting with the characters, surprisingly it got a lot of attention from the fandom so i made a few more and when i noticed i was deep into the brainrot and i wasn't able to draw anything besides my Ruri and Baxter being cute lmao
Funfact. Ruri is a variation of Rui (duh) that i used in games when i didn't feel like i wanted to be called my name directly, now that she expropriated me of that name i use Ruru, i'm so creative right?
Long story short: it was mix of the game itself, fandom content and people actually liking my oc content. The fandom is super welcoming with everyone's oc's i love that akjdlfhask
ajksdfhasjk WOAH THAT IS SO LONG i def went over the top didnt i? I tried to explain my train of thought and fill the spaces where my memory is blurry with stuff i think i would've thought at the moment, it's also 3am so im- not entirely here tbh hjadfhkj
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Not done a writeblr intro in a while, and i’ve changed up the style a lot.
I am a most delectable scribbler, known to the moots as Scribbly. I have been known by many names before, and i’m committing to the classic.
I write things. Sometimes. I got exams and hobbies so time is sparse between sit-downs to write specifically. I can draw, too. Not well.
Other things that may need to be known:
1- If it sounds mean, please know i’m saying it and lookin’ like this:
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2- jinx is a precious scrunkly and you cannot tell me otherwise.
My wips have intros already, go find them if you wanna read ‘em, i’ll put links and tags:
Steel Horses and Hot Irons: #sthi
Beast of Burden: i swear to god i have tried to find the link and the tag but i can’t for the life of me. I’ll do another intro later for it. Wish i could pin multiple posts to my dash.
And THESE are the moots!
@squarebracket-trick <—shit a brick but i luv ya to death so don’t. We’ve been doing this bit for 6 months now.
@silverslipstream <—doesn’t exist. Just gone.
@tea-and-mercury <—serotonin.
@leisoree <—serotonin 2: electric boogaloo
@forg-plushie looks like this scrubgus little thing
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@stesierra <— actually writes good
@harleyacoincidence <- you get a cool arrow because you’re cool
@etherealatheling <- truly a connoisseur of the “finer arts” hahaha naw i’m just teasing you’re grand luv ya.
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diabolik-art-blog · 8 months
Memories of that spring
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AO3: chapter 02
Finfiction.net: chapter 02
Summary: Remember that you shouldn't show the book to anyone, not even your father. And don't tell anyone that you sneaked into the ruined castle.
As autumn passes, the people of the village endure one of the hardest winters. The weather is getting colder than the previous day and many people in the village are sick because of the cold weather and have no energy to work.
Little Yui and his best friend are playing in the snow outside the hut, and old Tenjin is sitting on his armchair next to the warm fireplace, watching the children play from behind the window and smiling.
Every time Yuma throws snow at Yui, Yui shivers with a sweet smile and tries to catch Yuma with her small size and throw snow at him. Yuma, who is taller and stronger than her, runs away from Yui very easily, but after a few moments, he pretends to be tired and can't continue running. At this moment, Yui hugs Yuma from behind and pushes him into the snow, and the two children start laughing.
The old man smiles softly while seeing his daughter's happiness from behind the window and wishes to see her always so happy. He wishes that Yuma would always be by her side so that he could always make her laugh.
Two children sit on the snow to rest after playing in the snow. Yuma sits next to Yui and tries to clean the snow from her hair and clothes so that she doesn't catch a cold. When he is done, he caresses Yui's cheek gently.
Yuma: Yui, we better go back inside the hut. Otherwise, you may catch a cold.
Yui was not happy with Yuma's words and puffed her cheeks to show that she disagreed.
Yui: I don't want to. I like to play in the snow more.
Yuma: But the weather is very cold. You forgot how you got sick before. Do you want to get sick again because of carelessness?
Yui looked at Yuma with innocent eyes and Yuma realized that Yui was upset at the thought of getting sick again.
Yuma: Ahhhhhhhhh Yui. You are very stubborn. Well then, let's do this instead.
Yuma takes off his coat and scarf and dresses Yui so that Yui will be warmer and not sick due to the cold weather.
Yui: But... in this way you get sick, Yuma.
Yuma: No. I don't get sick at all. I am very big and strong.
Yui: Yuma, you are only two years older than me.
Yuma: Well, I'm older. So why don't you listen to me like a good girl? Besides, I am a boy and I am much stronger than you.
Yui got upset again and puffed her cheeks and frowned at Yuma.
Yui: No... I'm stronger... I'll show you now.
Yui hugged Yuma and pushed him hard and Yuma fell on the snow and Yui started snowing on Yuma until Yuma started shivering from the cold.
Yuma: Oi... Yui... you idiot, what are you doing?
Yui: Fufu... did you see that I am stronger?
Yuma: Ahhhh..... I'll show you now.
Yui quickly ran away from Yuma and Yuma ran after her. They ran until Yuma finally caught up to Yui and hugged her tightly and started tickling Yui to force her to apologize.
Yui: Fufu... Hahaha... Yuma... Haha... Enough... Hahaha... Please stop...
Yuma: No, I won't stop. I will continue as long as you admit that I'm stronger.
Yui: Hahaha... ok ok... you are stronger Yuma.
Yuma stopped tickling Yui and smiled at her.
Yuma: Don't worry, Yui. Because I am strong, I promise to always take care of you.
Hearing Yuma's words, Yui smiled innocently and opened the scarf and wrapped it around Yuma's neck. Now they both use a common scarf and can feel each other's warm breath.
Yui's action made Yuma's face red as a tomato. Yui kissed Yuma's cheek and snuggled into Yuma's arms. She could feel the warmth in Yuma's arms and smiled sweetly.
Yui: Thank you, Yuma... I promise to take care of you. Even if I am not as strong as you, I will still take care of you.
Hearing Yui's words, he smiled warmly. He was so happy that Yui was so innocently trying to take care of him. Even though Yui was physically weak, she had a strong will and a kind spirit that made her stronger than anyone else.
While the two children were immersed in their innocent world, the old man calls them and asks them to go inside the hut. It looks like the weather is getting colder and it looks like a big blizzard is coming.
Yuma immediately stood up and took Yui's small and delicate hands and led her towards the hut. They both entered the hut and went near the fireplace to warm themselves. After sitting by the fireplace for a while, the old man brought some warm milk for the two children and they both started drinking the milk.
After warming his body by the fireplace, Yuma realized that it was getting darker and he should return home early to avoid being caught in a blizzard.
Yuma: Yui, I have to go. Would you like to play together again tomorrow?
Yui frowned and puffed her cheeks when she realized that Yuma wanted to go home. She didn't want Yuma to come home so soon and wanted to stay with him more.
Yui: Don't go Yuma. There is still a lot left until the evening. Please stay with me more.
Yui's childish and innocent tone and her puppy look made Yuma unable to resist and decided to stay with her a little longer. Yui always knew that this was Yuma's weak point, and if she looked at him with puppy eyes, Yuma couldn't resist.
Yui: Can you read me a book?
Yuma: Of course I do. But what book?
Yui grabbed Yuma's hand and pulled him along. They climbed the stairs to the attic and Yui went to her straw bed and pulled out an old book from under it, the cover scratched from the rain and the leaking roof.
Yui: Read this book to me. It is about vampires.
Yuma was surprised and took the book from Yui. He frowned looking at the scary pictures and pages and looked at Yui in surprise and wondered where Yui found this book.
Yuma: Yui, this book is not good at all. Where did you get it from?
Yui: I... I found it.
Yuma: From where?
Yui: I can't say.
Yuma: Why can't you say?
Yui: It's possible... both you and my father will be angry with me.
Yuma noticed that Yui was scared and took a deep breath and stroked her head to calm her down a bit and to understand where Yui got this book from.
Yuma: Yui, you must always tell me everything. If you hide something from me, how can I take care of you?
Hearing Yuma's words, Yui calmed down a bit and decided to tell Yuma the truth, hoping that he wouldn't get angry.
Yui: I found this book... in the ruined castle of the former king.
Hearing Yui's words, the book fell from Yuma's hand and his eyes widened. He couldn't control his emotions any more, and anger was building up in him, and his eyebrows were broken, which showed how angry he was.
The ruined castle is a forbidden zone, and the great king Karlheinz has ordered that anyone who goes there will be terribly punished. Realizing the fact that Yui had done such a dangerous thing that she sneaked into that castle and a forbidden area, Yuma became very angry and grabbed Yui's shoulders and was ready to scold her.
Yuma: What does that mean, Yui? You're stupid? You are really a real idiot. Why did you go there? You know what would happen to you if one of the nobles saw you there. Don't you know what king said? Do you want to be punished with a whip?
Without pausing to scold Yui for doing such a dangerous job, Yuma realized that Yui was upset and might cry at any moment. A tear fell from Yui's eyes and Yui quickly wiped it away with her sleeve.
Yui: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't want to make you angry. Yuma, I don't want them to whip me...... *sob*.....
Realizing how scared Yui was, Yuma tried to keep calm and not blame Yui anymore. He patted Yui's head gently to calm her down a bit.
Yuma: It's okay, Yui. Don’t Cry. It's good that no one noticed.
Yui: *Sniff*... *sob*...
Yuma: Why did you go there?
Yui: Someone was calling me and telling me to follow her.
Yuma, who was confused by Yui's words, raised his face as a question.
Yuma: Who calls you?
Yui: I don't know. She was like a ghost.
????: Yuma.... my son, are you here?
Hearing his father's voice, Yuma realized how late he was and that he should hurry home. He quickly pushed the book under the bed so no one would see it and wears his coat to get out of the attic, but before that, he warned Yui.
Yuma: Yui, remember that you shouldn't show the book to anyone, not even your father. And don't tell anyone that you sneaked into the ruined castle.
Yui: But why?
Yuma: I'll tell you later. Now I have to go back quickly. My father is waiting for me. Promise me you won't tell anyone.
Yui held Yuma's little finger with her own and gave Yuma a sweet smile.
Yui: I promise Yuma.
Yuma: Fufu.... well done good girl.
Yuma quickly said goodbye to Yui and went down the stairs and left the old man's hut. Yui watched him from the window as he and his father moved towards their house and went further and further away.
Right now, while Yuma was walking with his father in the snow, he was thinking about Yui's words. It was a little strange to hear someone calling her. A ghost and asking her to accompany her to the ruined castle.
Yuma had heard rumors about that castle before, which caused Karlheinz to declare the area as a forbidden area and even set a very heavy punishment for those who go there, but no one had ever said that the castle had a ghost.
However, Yuma knew very well that Yui is not a lying girl and she doesn't even fantasize, so he was sure that Yui really saw a ghost there. Yuma really wanted to go to that castle to see what was on Yui's mind so much, but is he brave enough to go to that castle?
A huge blizzard had engulfed the village. It was dark and the windows were shaking because of the storm. The sound of the wind could easily be heard and the snowstorm was everywhere, mercilessly making the air colder.
The young prince was practicing the violin in the castle. Playing the violin was the only thing that made him distance himself from his disgusting life and feel free for a moment. The beautiful melody of the violin takes him to a sweet dream.
He was so engrossed in his music that he could hear his little brother crying from behind his room door. Just when he thought he had found peace, the screams and cries of his little and spoiled brother ruined everything.
Shu, who could no longer bear this noise, angrily put the violin on the table and went to the door and opened it angrily.
Shu: Can't you cry in another place Kanato? The sound of your crying is very annoying. It is bothering my ears. I can't concentrate like this.
Kanato: Shut up. It's not my fault, it was Ayato's fault.
Shu looked away from his little brother to find Ayato. He noticed that Ayato was hiding behind the pillar in the corridor and was laughing. Shu went a little further and noticed that Ayato was teasing Kanato with a spider.
Shu: Ayato, if you want to bother Kanato, go somewhere far from my room. I can't stand the annoying noise of you two.
Kanato: Shut up.... I'm not annoying.
Ayato: Stop it. We are just playing. Why don't you join us?
Shu: For a very simple reason. You two are annoying and stupid. You are even more annoying than Reiji.
Shu, who couldn't stand Ayato and Kanato, left the corridor without another word and went to the ballroom. The ballroom was completely dark and empty. The sound of blizzard could be heard from the windows and Shu went to the middle of the hall.
A few days ago, a big celebration was held on the occasion of his birthday this year. That party was noisy and annoying like his brothers and everyone was happy that the young prince had become a year older but no one cared about what makes him happy.
Shu walked a little in the middle of the hall and reviewed the memories of that night in his mind. When his father entered the hall, everyone bowed in respect to him and no one had the right to stand up and speak without his permission. This was not a sign of people's respect for Karlheinz. It was mostly a sign of their fear of their king. Does this mean that Shu will suffer the same fate? That everyone should be afraid of him and treat him in such an unfriendly way? This was never his wish. He never wanted such a fate.
Shu remembers the moment he played the violin. As everyone looked at him with a smile and admired him. Shu wished that someone would actually look at him and smile with such a loving smile and not ask him to play the role of a king. He wished to have a loving family and a normal life rather than this chaotic and luxurious life.
He remembered the moments when his mother scolded him for not studying and did not give him a motherly and loving smile even once. All this made his sadness grow bigger and bigger and he hated his family and this palace more.
Shu was lost in his thoughts and didn't even notice that he was crying. until his brother's voice drew his attention to himself.
Reiji: It's really disgusting. The eldest son of the great king is crying like a child.
Shu, who had just noticed Reiji's presence, was surprised by his words and touched his face and realized that his eyes were filled with tears. He gently tried to hide his tears with his fingertips.
Shu: Why are you here?
Reiji: Mother is looking for you. She asked me to look for you after she found out that you had given up violin practice and were looking for some playfulness. Honestly, I'm surprised that you're really going to be the future king of this land when you can't handle even the smallest responsibility.
Shu: You... Reiji, you're really annoying. Please leave me alone
Reiji: Annoying.. that's probably the only word you know.
Shu: Reiji, please leave me alone.
Reiji: Hmmm... ok, I'll go. Because I have no interest in being with a loser like you. You are the most disgusting person I know.
Shu: Hahaha, so I have bad news for you. Because this disgusting person is going to be better and higher than you forever. And when I become king, I want to see you still have the courage to call me disgusting.
Shu's words pierced Reiji's heart like an arrow. All he could see now was blood, and he felt as if his anger was all over him, and he could attack Shu at any moment and strangle him. But he considered himself a polite person, so he tried not to lose control.
After he took a deep breath and calmed down, he went to the door and left the room. He was moving along the corridor with anger and hatred for his brother grew more and more in his heart.
Reiji: (Shu, I hate you. I hate you. One day I will take revenge on you. I will bring a terrible disaster on you so that you come to my feet and apologize for all the insults you have done to me.)
Still remaining in the ballroom, the young prince found himself crying even more than before. He tried to wipe his tears with his sleeve. The fact that his little brother never tried to have a good relationship with him made him think that he was very lonely.
Shu: I hate this family.
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sleepyeri · 10 months
Based off a roleplay I had hihi.. decided to dump it here as well bc oh well
you both already have an established friendship here btw
cw: minor swearing
wc: idk i dont count words lmao
diluc x gn!reader
major word vomit the og plan was for me to speedrun diluc recognizing me as his lover but it ended up with me having to earn his trust and this happened HAHAHA
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Swirling the drink in your hand, you hum and turn to face the bar. A small smile plastered to your face when you see tonight's bartender walk toward you. He huffs a bit before crossing his arms infront of you.
"You know, even if we are friends you still need to pay. Don't be like that bard who 'pays with songs'." He rolls his eyes and hands you over the bill, which wasn't too expensive but it definitely still irked him. You chuckle a bit at him.
"Don't worry~.. I'll pay when I'm done, red." You smile and Diluc sighs. You motion for him to take a seat infront of you. Seeing that there was no one else to serve, Diluc reluctantly sat across you. He leans back a bit and raises his brow.
"I saw something today..."
"Really now... what was it?"
"Something beautiful." You sigh and take a small sip of the drink you ordered. You feel your face grow hot as Diluc leans forward, curious of what was so beautiful you just had to tell him.
"May I know what it is?"
"Look at a mirror."
Silence fell before you two before Diluc tilts his head and stares at you with confusion.
"I don't see as to what's so beautiful and interesting about a mirror... sure, others may have intricate designs that certainly make them unique but..."
"I mean the reflection, Diluc..."
Another moment of silence. Diluc sighs. He gets up from the table and you raise your brow. He walks back to the bar and after a bit, you stand up and sit infront of him. Diluc seems to be in deeo thought, ignoring your calls.
Archons forbid you notice how he's struggling to compose himself after your attempt in complimenting him. The compliment left him overthinking as to what you meant.
Oh Barbatos was that a confession? Usually we both 'compliment each other' with passive aggressive terms - i mean... best they told me was that i look like a hairy grumpy fairy-
You poke his arm and he snaps out of his thoughts.
"Hey, why'd you walk off like that-"
"It's nothing. I just remembered that I needed to clean the glasses."
Silence. The door opens and closes. The tavern is now deserted, with only the two of you inside. Diluc focuses a little too much on said glass he's trying to clean and realization sinks in.
"Holy shit..."
"What? Did you finally realize how bad that compliment was?"
"Yes but- wait did you just insult my skills?"
"You may be strong and intelligent in other fields but expressing your emotions poetically is not your forte."
A dramatic gasp from you makes Diluc smile. He finally turns to face you, cheeks dusted pink. You cross your arms and huff, leading him to laugh.
"But I'll take that compliment. You're not too shabby yourself."
"Excuse you-"
"Otherwise I wouldn't have grown an attraction to yoo-ooohhhh shit."
Silence. Your bickering comes to an end and Diluc's face reddens. He just blurted it out didn't he?
"Uhm... forget... I said anything."
You process his words for a bit, before a big smile appears on your face.
"You... like me...?"
"I said I was attracted to.. uhm..- ugh- yes. Yes I do."
Your smile grows wider and it doesn't even take a second before you're taking his hand that's covering his face.
"I like you too dumbass."
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idk i dont write much so egrhegee
feel free to request anything in the comments while i set up a master list
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landofzero-archive · 5 months
Battle on the Sugoroku Board - The Die Has Been Cast 4
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(Location: “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” program set)
(A few days later. “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” recording day)
Tsumugi: So this is the set for “Battle on the Sugoroku Board?”~ It’s a wonderful set, isn’t it. It’s a real spectacle!
Don’t you think so, Natsume-kun?
Natsume: ………
Tsumugi: Huh, what’s wrong Natsume-kun? O~i?
Natsume: I can’t even begin to express my disgUST.
I told you the other day, you should rest at Starmony DoRMS. Didn’t you hear what I saID?
I mean. Why is Senpai wearing the “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” costUME?
You’re not planning on making an appearance, are yOU……?
Tsumugi: Ahaha. It looked like they had spare costumes, so I picked it up out of habit……
Don’t worry. I won’t be on the show.
Today’s my day off, so I thought I’d come see “Battle on the Sugoroku Board”♪
Seeing everyone working hard also filled me with energy.
Natsume: ………
Ibara: Well well, isn’t this wonderful, Natsume-kun!
Even if workaholics are ordered to stay at home, they’ll end up doing paperwork that can be done from home. So it may be less of a burden to just relax outside.
I’m in the same category so, yes, I understand.
Tsumugi: That’s right, isn’t it~♪ You understand!
Arashi: They’re fellow workaholics, huh.
Natsume: They’ll both work themselves to deATH.
Tsumugi: Please stop saying stuff like that~
I think I have a good balance, don’t I? I just have a bigger workload than other people, but I still have a good work-life balance.
I just came here today as a fan to watch everyone compete in “Battle on the Sugoroku Board,” so don’t worry.
Natsume: I can’t not worRY.
HoweVER, actually being here made me realize, this place is very spacioUS—
There are quite a few participants besides NewDi and CosPro. At first glance, it looks like ten or so agencies are participating.
Arashi: It was limited to three people per agency— I think. Now that I think about it, it looks like a whole class of idols have gathered together.
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Ibara: Indeed. It’s very difficult to survive in this situation.
If it’s a performance contest for idols, then the ES agencies have an advantage. But if it’s a variety show showdown, any team may have a chance of winning.
We too must take heed.
Otherwise, you’ll be subject to the punishment game that’ll be announced soon.
Madara: That won’t matter if we win the war, Ibara-san.
It looks like some other CosPro guys are arguing with each other over there, but is it fine to just leave things be? Things seem to be going downhill before the game even starts.
Ibara: What……? Ah, yes that’s fine. It seems to be business as usual, so…
Yuuta: Get away, don’t get familiar with me!
Rinne: Gyahaha♪ Don’t be so grumpy♪
Hina wasn’t able to come, so let’s get along well♪ C’mon, Yuta!
Yuuta: Uwah, don’t come closer! You’re gonna infect me, you gambler……!
Vice prez, please do something about this guy!
Ibara: Fufu. It was a great misfortune, wasn’t it. I didn’t expect that a healthy child like Hinata-kun would be absent due to a sudden cold.
Yuuta: It really is troublesome…… In the past it was the same when I caught a cold, and that was a pain. But I didn’t think it would cause problems in such a place……
And then, I never thought I’d be teamed up with Rinne-senpai! If he comes within a 5 meter radius, I’ll kick him!
Rinne: Nice, a rebellious streak! You can’t stand me but can’t help but love me☆
Yuuta: That’s why I’m telling you to stay away……!
Madara: Hahaha. It’s great that you’re such good friendsss♪
…… Oh– while I was rambling on, it looks like the staff finished preparing.
The production director is on stage, but what’ll happen next?
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Natsume: It looks like we’re going to go over the rules again and explain the punishment gaME.
The punishment game is “extremely bitter healthy mixed juiCE?”
Tsumugi: Heeh. It’s a drink made from the juice of nutritious vegetables like nalta jute and bitter gourd?
It tastes bitter but can be healthy……. Huh? May I try some?
Natsume: Are you seriOUS?
Tsumugi: Yes. Natsume-kun also said so, right? It’s bad if all I do is work.
It might be a good idea to pay attention to my health and try a drink like this once in a while♪
Gulp, gulp…… Fuahh♪
Yep, it tastes healthy and delicious!
Natsume: “DeliciOUS?” That doesn’t seem like a punishment gAME……
Ibara: Hmm. That’s strange, I didn’t plan on that.
Tsumugi: Ahaha. Isn’t that the kind of TV-like reaction people are looking for?
You see, a typical hot water bath doesn’t actually have really boiling water in it, it just has slightly warmer water—
If you’re interested, you might want to try drinking a bit. How is it?
Natsume: This stenCH…… ACK, COUGH!
That feeling of discomfort from getting in its vicinity…… It’s terrifyING. Wouldn’t it be better to have someone who looks unhealthy drink IT……!?
Ibara: In that case, I believe Rinne Amagi-shi is the right person!
Rinne: Why me!?
Ibara: Now, now, you want to have a good role on the show, don’t you? Then maybe Crazy:B could have its own show! Come on, drink up!
Rinne: Wait– gimme gimme! Ugh, it tastes disgusting……!
Tsumugi: What? I thought it was really delicious……!
Natsume: I didn’t expect Senpai’s insensitivity to reach this leVEL.
Arashi: Mama. Avoid the punishment game at all costs.
Madara: Yeah. No matter how many variety shows you can appear on, it’s not worth it.
Yuuta: I don’t want to drink something that suspicious either……
Ibara: Fufu, everyone now understands how scary the “extremely bitter healthy mixed juice” is! Thanks to you, it looks like the battle will be desperate!
Now, it’s time for the game to begin.
“Battle on the Sugoroku Board”—ready… START!
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lorei-writes · 10 months
Hi, Lorei!! 2, 23 and 39 for the get to know your fic writer game?
Hope you're having an amazing weekend, my dear! 💕
Hello, hi!
It's doing fairly okay, although the heat is (oddly enough) killing me, hahaha. But, but, all is fine. I got a decent chunk of work done yesterday, so I can just rest the heat off. How's yours?
Thanks for dropping in!
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
I generally have a rough idea of what point I want to get to, but how I get there is something to figure out while writing. There may be certain elements I want to include in a scene or at a given point, but it's never planned down to a letter.
I tend to get a lot of ideas as I write, so it'd be a shame not to use them ^^"
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
"Best" is a very strong word. Hmm... Probably to have enough arrogance not to take any words of advice too close to heart, but also to have enough humility to constantly self-evaluate.
I would not say this will directly make anybody's writing effective, beautiful or otherwise appealing (whatever that may mean). But I also don't think it needs to be the point.
Arrogance can come with the freedom of blind courage. Humility is what allows one to look back and (hopefully, objectively) weigh the attempts. It is one thing to be informed that something doesn't work, and another to directly experience why it doesn't work from the reader's perspective, while also knowing why the writer thought that it would.
It may also help tame the failure.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
Ahh, can it be NSFW? Hmm... Okay, let's share one SFW fragment and one NSFW. (The latest fic I've been working on is smut with a comedic bonus part, upsieee.)
Clavis stormed inside the room, rather unaware of the space itself, his sole focus the lump of his terribly-stubborn-genius-grumpy older brother. “Oh Chev, your adorable little brother has come to wake you up!” he exclaimed, loudly enough to rouse the dead. “If you don’t, I may have to set your books on – on – on –” It was not a lump, but two lumps – an insufferable one, and one he’d lovingly call his assistant.
NSFW content below the cut - viewer discretion is advised.
“Please,” Esther gasped as soon as he released her, hips searching his. Please, as if she needed to beg. He pulled back, just by a little bit, just by how much he had to. Please, as if he didn’t want to take her. “Stay still.” Please, as if he didn’t want to give himself over to her. The tip of his shaft pressed into her. As if he wasn’t merely trying not to hurt her.
Ask game
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freedthedark · 10 months
I'd like to think that Freed's reputation within the Magic Council or its Rune Knights particularly has been increased with his feat during the Alvarez war at the latest but there's still... a grain of salt?
Freed's mastery in Rune magic/Jutsu Shiki is unmatched. Makarov had already been impressed by the barrier he'd set up around the guild hall so no people over the age of 80 could get out and even back then he'd already done much more than that. Set up traps, encaged the whole town and still fought on the offense in multiple fights (one of them against Mirajane no less).
Then, in the Alvarez Arc, he set up a barrier around the entire city again. He didn't have much time for it and he kept it up even while bombarded by the Spriggan's ships.
We don't need to discuss how much raw magic power Freed has at his disposal.
He's able to cast high-rank Jutsu Shiki (during which he cannot move), 'normal' Jutsu Shiki (e.g. the traps during Fantasia) and he's also able to use short hand Jutsu Shiki which is rarely seen (or not been seen until he proved otherwise??) - because something else Makarov has stated is that Jutsu Shiki is useless in spontaneous battle because it takes some time to write up.
Freed, though? Freed can write up shit fast, he has canonly mastered this magic to the point of defeating the 'useless in spontaneous battle' aspect to a large degree which is supposed to be Jutsu Shiki's major weakness.
This turned into a small magic ramble that I didn't initially wanted to go on but oh well haha. Point being, there is nobody out there who comes close to this level regarding this magic.
For the longest time he's kept his magics a secret or rarely talked about it at least, especially concerning his secondary magic.
When it comes to aid or control of defense, I could imagine the Rune Knights recruiting Freed for that purpose because he is without doubt a force of high value.
For the offense, however? Since Freed does mainly use his Dark Écriture when fighting with magic it becomes a little trickier. Magic such as his is likely not very well received. It's rather gruesome in nature. He can use it without it becoming too terrible but if he wants to go all out with it then it's going to result in something ugly (I also headcanon that this, among a second reason, is part of why he would not have been able/allowed to or would not have wanted to participate in the Grand Magic Games because it's clear it definitely wasn't his power level that kept him from entering; that goes for all three of the Raijinshuu).
It's a little complicated. He's indispensable when it comes to matters of defense but once learning that Dark Écriture is inherent in him it becomes a little, hmmm, more difficult.
That, and for a lighter side note, I imagine Freed won't hold his tongue when he deems one of their rules bullshit and the authorities certainly won't be all too amused about him walking in there and being like 'this is absolutely stupid'.
One would assume he gets along perfectly well with them, and most of the time he does, but in truth they have probably clashed on more than one occasion. Authorities and Freed, who makes his own rules and leads by his own patterns? Tension. He's fine following along if it makes sense to him but if it's a rule or something they state that he believes is foolish or doesn't suit his preferred way of doing things then he's not having it hahaha.
The one or other individual may also be familiar with parts of his backstory - which would make the entire situation even more complicated. Then again, all the wizards and authorities seem to be very forgiving in such matters so ultimately it's probably nothing to worry about.
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blackbloodteeth · 8 months
Soul variant index (2023)
[List incomplete; I don't think I have the energy to continue it, but wouldn't hurt to share the trivia bits I did manage to do. I can always answer questions about variants anytime, and this list is already starting to lag when I type anyway hahaha]
Here's a list of all the Soul variants I've created this year (sorted earliest to latest). I'll be updating this as I draw more, and if it's wanted enough I'll make more of these lists for other years in the future. --- Long list below! ---
A Soul of many hands: Body is connected by many different hands and dark patchy skin. Written work has yet to be finished.
Walking Chair: Skeletal species that assists humans with tasks such as ferrying people and carrying groceries. Intelligent, only wears saddle when not on work break.
The Cult Slayer: Previously just a goat before an attempted ritual sacrifice went wrong and gave him immense power instead. Very social and loves storytelling. Lawful Good.
A good little boy: A living doll that rarely speaks and is highly obedient, only serving the witch who currently owns him. May have been human once.
String Wyrm: Fluffy dragon with multiple sets of stubby legs (not usually visible under his fur), though can move across the ground quite quickly. Constantly searches for food to steal and often sounds like he's chuckling. Will squirm around if picked up.
Lesser Crest Bird: A species that often stands around like a statue, with different poses theorized to convey different meanings. Can be approached and seemingly unbothered by humans but will retaliate if attempted to be moved. Intelligence questionable, seems to have preferences for certain standing spots.
Aquatic Maned Dragon: Shy but playful. Travels to different bodies of water via rivers, and mainly feeds on fish and small marine animals (seems to leave birds alone even after watching them for a while). Will take interest in any human belongings that have ended up in the water.
Turtleback Seahorns: A seaside-dwelling race that values family and branching alliances with surrounding groups. Exceptionally loyal and honourable even when not exchanging favours, and when a life oath is sworn the two partners will gift each other's crests to wear upon their other horns.
The Divinely Punished [Body Horror]: Assigned guardian to one of Lord Death's sacred temples after having received divine judgement. While he was initially chained to his post, something appears to have caused it to break loose and consequently free him.
Creature Centaur: A strange centaur made up of an unidentifiable creature. The eye he holds can often be seen floating between his horns, and the right side of his face has always remained obscured, most likely for the better. A fairly normal dude otherwise.
Mantis Centaur: Half person, half mantis. Unintentionally condensed Maka into a ball of silk when his instincts took over, and he seeks to repent with a way to undo what he's done.
Centaur Train: A spirit guide that helps souls and sometimes other entities safely travel through different parts of the afterliving. Is extremely enthusiastic about trains to an almost obsessive degree, but his passion can make him easier to get along with.
Mewtwo Centaur: One of the several results of a dubious cloning experiment. He was a collaborative effort of the "permanent Mega Evolution" and "human-Pokemon hybrid" departments, though he was also the first to escape when he quickly grew too alert to be contained. Currently resides in solitude while seeking the original human he was cloned after out of existential curiosity.
You can't just call a Naga a Snake Centaur: Part Demon Weapon, part couch nuisance. He can shift into a more human-looking form with legs but often prefers to stay in his natural appearance, especially when eating or sleeping. Maybe I'll give his Weapon form art someday.
An Incomplete Centaur [Mild Body Horror]: Despite his horrifying appearance he's actually quite lonely. He's taken to living in the woods or outskirts of towns as while he wishes to befriend someone, he keeps getting footage of him uploaded to the internet as an infamous cryptid/creepypasta legend.
Reverse Centaur: Lives in a world where animals combined with human bodies are the norm, as well as having to go to school way too early in the morning when he could be sleeping in. Will eat insects and small creatures whole on frequent occasions.
Steel Bird Centaur Part of a well-known family that prides in its Skarmory and Corviknight heritage, having ended up a high-ranking guard for his strategical skills despite appearing heavier than should be able to fly. Wears an Aggron based armour that he was gifted after besting one of the mountain people in combat and leading to their alliance.
The Luthier Apprentice: Dropped out of DWMA suddenly despite being so close to finally becoming a Death Scythe. Not even his friends know the reason behind it, especially as he dropped all contact too and decided to work under the music shop that's close with his family. It's been years since then but he's finally smiling again, at least for now.
A Soul with Glasses: He wears glasses. Left to interpretation.
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kit-the-dreamer · 2 years
Do you have any hc for vex?? How is he like in you're au??
Woah, two questions in one? It seems like you folks do like my long answers, hahaha.
Well, to be fair, in my Au some of Vex's characteristics are based on headcanons of mine, but there's a line I cross were my Au's Vex is no longer SABA's Vex, so I'll leave a short bullet point thing that will warn if the idea is a headcanon (SABA), my Au (Au) or both (SABA/Au).
Enjoy scrolling down •.°♡  :)
(Btw, I managed to recover your first ask and the writing that was done, but thanks for asking it again anyways ^^. You saved me from going trough a bad time thinking I had messed it up forever ;w;)
(Btw, some phrases are color coded for better understanding of repeated ideas ♤)
• (SABA/Au) First things first: Vex is from Carnivalia and no one can convince me otherwise. And I swear I don't even know if more people had this idea before the post from lacking-hydration that I've been seeing around, but at the time I had the idea it was completely original for me because it sparked in my head some months ago when I was playing LBPpsvita and saw this:
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⬆️ Vex and the platform's color palette & pattern ⬆️
[These are screenshots from other people's gameplays]
And since then, it has been enough of a proof for me ùwú
(Obviously, the thematic of carnivals and jesters being related is something that boosted this headcanon and was taking in consideration when thinking about this.)
• (SABA/Au) Contrary to some ideas I've seen around, I don't quite beleive Vex is the reason of the lack of knitted knights. I just feel this isn't something he would do, because if he gets rid of ALL of them, how can HE have any FUN? Without anyone around to play with, his life would be very boring. I think this is clearly stated in his personality and way to be.
• (SABA/Au) In SABA, I felt like Vex never showed his true potential, he's just fooling around to play a bit with us. I don't even think he takes Sackboy seriously at all! Like, even when we are fighting him, he never really gets angry until he is given physical damage, but even so, his voice tone doesn't get agrier as we are closer to defeat him. It's like if he knows he can't actually be defeated, he knows he'll just be given a ''time out''. This is why he even bothers to fake his defeat in the ''final level'', if you know what I mean. He wants to mock us, laugh in our faces the fact that he is technically inmortal, and the evidence of this statement relies on his final phrase, "As long as there are dreams, there will be nightmares", something I firmly beleive it's objectively true, not only due to the 'universe balance/ying-yan' thingy but also because nightmares ARE dreams, and since the Imagisphere can't exist without these and he's the personification of such, well... you get the point :P. Actually, this ''true potential'' thingy is one of the plot points of the development of my SABA Au's story.
• (Au) I want his redemption, but I don't think I should beleive on it since I don't see any reason (in SABA) why Vex would have a redemption arc. He enjoys being the way he is. HOWEVER, my heart still desires said event to happen u-u , and this feeling was actually boosted by one of Scarlet's dialogues in the menu of "The Knitted Knight trials", wich goes something like "(...) Yeah, it inculcated terror on every creature that dared to attack Craftworld, although almost none had a heart." (I can't really remember the exact quote rn, but u get the idea ;w;). The word ''almost '' gives away the chance of 3 possible things to happen:
1. There is a redempted villain living in Craftworld or somewhere else at the moment. We may or not have met them already.
2. Scarlet KNOWS about a certain villain that just 'acts tough' on the outside but is soft on the inside (aka. ''has a heart''). This said villain COULD be Vex, since both of them have already met before, so they have more chances of 'knowing the real other' (but I kinda doubt it)
3. Vex WAS good before some kind of 'villain making' event happened and was friends/pals with Scarlet, or at least she knew something about him, so she knows Vex ''had a heart'' at some point in his life.
However, I highly doubt that she is referring to Vex, I see the option 1 the most possible one tbh, but I think 2 and/or 3 would be pretty neat. This is kinda the limit line between the headcanon and my Au honestly.
• (SABA/Au) Is Vex related to the Uproar Dragons?
This is a question that could be given two similar answers: 'yes' and 'kinda'. The first one consists of Vex actually being the creator of said creatures, since he is ''The master/god of the Uproar", and it could also be a way to even mock further the Knitted Knights, since it would represent the typical 'knights vs. dragons' fairytale stereotype thing, so it would be a 'fun show' to watch for him when he is in this ''time out'' or just doesn't bother to come to Craftworld in person. This 'fun show' idea is based on the feeling that the Uproar Dragons don't sound much of a threat compared to Vex, since we are told that Scarlet could manage to defeat a WHOLE PACK of them, so Vex would only send them to Craftworld for the sake of sole amusement and not real will to cause true damage. He can do that himself after all. On the other hand, the second answer to this question, 'kinda', consists of Vex being related to the Uproar Dragons but not being his creator. Basing myself on what I stated before, the existence of the Uproar is not an external force(? to The Imagisphere, therefore, it is meant to exist in the universe. Due to this, the Uproar can also create stuff and beings out of their own, such as Dreams and Imagination can (the two energies that every Imagisphere's creature owes its life to), so it would be coherent if it (the Uproar) created Vex AND the Uproar Dragons, so it would mean that these two are related due to their origins, but may not be related in terms of having any kind of relationship (friendship, partners in crime, pals, etc.). Maybe they just know each other, but I don't believe they would partner up to attack Craftworld since I don't believe they would have the same purposes or objectives for doing so, but I lack of information to sustain this last part :/
• (SABA/Au) Vex KNOWS he is nessesary in The Imagisphere, and loves rubbing it on our faces. He knows we want to get rid of him, but also knows we can't, because his phylosophy is the correct one.
This also made me beleive that Vex isn't ''''completely evil'''', even if it's true that he enjoys what he's doing, he stands for what he thinks is ''correct''. He doesn't care about balance, but he KNOWS that the Uproar is necessary for life to have SENSE. He's just proving his point to everyone by providing this feeling of ''terror and exitement'' to Sackboy and other creatures, since it's objectively true that without him the events that occurred in SABA wouldn't exist, meaning there would be not a story to tell nor a ''brand new adventure'' at all! And do creators/dreamers enjoy imagining a monotonous happy life of 'x' character? No, I don't think so. We desire action. And he knows it, and a plus would be that he's actually enjoying 'his job' or role a liiittle way too much...
• (Au) His own perspective on the consequences of the Topsy Turver and the Uproar affected Sackboy:
This one is TOTALLY my Au. I highly doubt that in SABA Sackboy would ''''miss'''' Vex by any means, but in my Au, Vex changed Sackboy's perspective on life since he (Vex) got ''defeated''. Vex presented the Uproar as something exciting and fun, and he isn't lying about that IF you see it from this perspective: compare the Uproar with a rollercoaster. It is scary, true, and has lots of screams in between, true, but the fun and excitement can't be denied (unless you have some kind or phobia or smth). Due to this, Vex made ''realize'' Sackboy that the Uproar (and the God of Chaos himself) is nessesary in Craftworld's existence, specially since without 'big adventures' (provided by Vex) Sackboy's life would be monotonous and with no purpose. Damn, without Vex Sackboy wouldn't have been named a Knitted Knight nor know about Scarlet and The Knitted Knight's existence themselves! I believe that realizing this sort of things could give him (Sackboy) all sorts of internal crisis (existential and moral) that would open up doors for further manipulation that'll benefit Vex in any way.
And this would be it! ^^
For now ;w;
I don't know if I have more stuff back in my mind, but if I do come up with new ideas I guess I'll just randomly share them xd
I hope my answer satisfies your expectations ;w; . I really enjoyed writing this, so real thanks for the ask! ♡
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purplesurveys · 4 months
1. Who was the last person you forgave? How long did it take you to forgive them? I haven't had to forgive someone in a while; I don't get in much conflict anymore.
2. Is going mushroom hunting in the woods something that would interest you? No. Don't mushrooms like, run the risk of being super deadly? I don't have nearly enough knowledge about them to identify which ones would be safe to touch and such.
3. What is your favorite junk food? How about your favorite health food? Mozzarella sticks, arancini, pork isaw, French fries. Favorite health food...uhhhhh idk do salad wraps count? Haha they're my favorite thing to get these days! Saladstop has this Caesar wrap that I have probably at least once a week at this point.
4. Are you listening to anything right now? Do you normally listen to music while you take surveys? No, I prefer it to be quiet now. Sometimes I do but most of the time I find it really distracting and I end up taking like, double, triple the time I'd otherwise normally take doing surveys.
5. What were you doing the last time you hung out with a friend? It was well over a month ago but I saw my closest friends for a Christmas gift exchanging + dinner. We were supposed to head to a café after to continue talking, but while walking we saw this vapery(?) - idk what to call it, but it's a coffee shop that also sells vapes and allows you to do so inside - and went there instead and chatted it up with the owners since we were the only customers there.
Reena had to leave after an hour and the vapery was closing soon too, so Angela, Hans, and I went to Anj's house so we could TALK SOME MORE. Hahaha. We only see each other, like, quarterly now, so we're usually stuffed to the brim with stories when we have the time to see each other.
6. Is there anything about you that might cause others to dislike you? I tend to choose who I want to talk to, so those I might not approach may find me aloof and uninterested. It's because I am tbh, lol.
7. Is there anything you’re really particular or specific about, anything that has to be done a certain way every time? I'm very particular at work. I like things presented or explained a certain way; and I have the tendency to either overhaul a Powerpoint if I think it's lacking in how it's been made, or chime in for someone if I think they explain something in a way that I think is poorly.
8. Are there any chores you need to get done today? Just get rid of the mug and glass that's been sitting in my room and wash them.
9. Where was the last place you went shopping and what did you buy? I went to Landmark to buy a pastel gown + heels for the 18th birthday party of a family friend that I'm going to later this evening.
10. What was the last big change you made to your physical appearance? Dyeing my hair back to purple a couple of months ago.
11. Are you more likely to shut people out of your life or try to fix things no matter what? I will cut people off.
12. Where was the last place you went out to eat? Is going out something you enjoy or would you rather cook at home? To Red Keep last weekend just for some little me time. I had a spamsilog and a white mocha, which I had while filling in my journal and reading my book.
I like eating out because I can't cook, but I limit it because doing that everyday for every meal is super unsustainable. Plus with me resigning and not having an immediate job replacement, I'm gonna be a bit of a hardass on myself not to spend much until I can find a new source of income.
13. If you have any pets, do they seem to notice when you’re sick or sad? Not really, but it's okay with me. Kimi though is a different story; he liked keeping to himself but he would walk towards me if he can sense that I'm stressed or close to tears.
15. Is anything you’ve done lately going to matter in a year?  Yeah, absolutely.
16. What was the subject of your last phone call? It was a guy dropping off something at the office and needing to be guided STEP BY FUCKING STEP to get there. I don't have problems helping out people with directions, but I've also just never dealt with someone who needed to be told every turn, every stop, every move... and especially over the phone where I wouldn't be able to see where he was standing haha.
17. Are your hobbies something you’d rather do alone or with others? On my own. I don't like going to museums with someone else just cos it makes me super self conscious? Like I can stay 3-4 hours in one museum alone and I'm also not a big talker when I'm immersed, so I might just end up boring a companion to death.
18. Is there anything about yourself that you’re trying to improve? Trying to be gentler towards my teammates as I know everyone is overwhelmed and tired as it is.
19. What are you doing today? I went to the dentist and had a horrible experience because they were 1 hour late to our appointment; got a big order of flavored fries and corndogs to cheer myself up after the grueling wait; took a nap; and now I'm just killing time before I'd need to get up and prep for the debut I'm attending tonight.
20. What did you dream about last night? I can't remember. But in my nap an hour ago I dreamt that we went to Japan, but it was an overnight stay LOL so I spent more time at the airport than I did in the country.
21. When was the last time you visited relatives? Do you see extended family often? It was during the whole Christmas/New Year timeline when we drove out to see different sides of extended family. I'd say these things happen pretty much only during the holidays, but occasionally in the middle of the year when things end up being planned we'd also visit family then.
22. What was the last relaxing thing you did? Last weekend was a major Chef's Kiss weekend. I'm amazed at how peaceful it felt and the calming effect it had on me. Saturday I went to Red Keep where I dined al fresco, wrote in my journal, and read my book until the sun set and I couldn't read anymore. Sunday I spent the afternoon in UP where I sat under a tree and alternated between people-watching and finishing my book as the afternoon rolled on.
23. Will this weekend be better than last weekend? Nothing will top the past weekend, I'm afraid.
24. When was the last time you were there for a friend? Just the last couple of weeks. Angela's morale has been down what with the pressure of studying for the architecture boards, and I've been there to listen but also give advice if she needs it.
25. Do you have any jewelry you almost never take off? At one point it was the necklace Reena gave me, but it started to itch so I've removed it for now.
26. What are some of your favorite words? Poignant, eloquent, vivacious...and indicted and viscount just because I'm fascinated with how they're both pronounced nothing like they're spelled lol.
27. Do you have any journals from when you were younger? If so, do you ever go back and read them? No I think I got rid of them years ago because they were all pretty embarrassing to me and it's not really something I'd want to keep.
28. Are there any holidays you used to celebrate, but no longer do? I no longer observe Christmas for the Christian reason. I'm just here for the food.
29. What was the last occasion for which you dressed up? A family friend's daughter's 18th birthday party, from which I just came home actually.
30. Is there anything you wish you could say to anyone? I wish you could trust me more because today was very telling of how much you don't, and that kind of stung.
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not again.
Harlan Westerly
Twisted from: Herbert West Dorm: Terrovania (@terrovaniadorm) Year: 1st Birthday: October 19th Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Relationship Status: …Hahaha, no. Age: 16 Height: 159cm Dominant Hand: Right Origin: Queendom of Roses Club: Uninterested. Likes: The dead, biology, morbid jokes only he would get Dislikes: Plagiarists, blatant lies (not when he does it [hypocrite]), extroverts, loud noises Favorite Food: Abomination Energy Drink (Glowstick Green) Disliked Food: Yogurt Special Skill: Absolute dedication to any kind of work
Harlan Westerly is an interesting boy. He doesn't like to emote much. He has his own way of expressing his emotions. Almost nothing can faze him. He's not the type of person to willingly go out and skate or whatever the kids are doing these days. Instead, he's got work. Homework. All kinds of work. The guy hasn't had sleep in months. He's extremely fascinated with the idea of "restarting" things. There must be some reason as to why he's obsessed…
In short, he's like a fusion between Vil and Idia, except Idia is the major factor in this fusion, and the word "gamer" has been surgically removed, and in its place the phrase "MORE SCIENCE" was placed in the empty, gaping hole.
Unique Magic:
"Re-Animation" Quickly "restarts" a physically broken object back to its original unbroken state. But there's a few caveats…
Harlan has to witness the object being broken in the first place.
He needs to know how exactly it's comprised of.
The pieces still have to be nearby the object in question. Otherwise, it's just going to wing it, whether the pieces go there perfectly or not. It works on pieces of technology and other simple solid objects, even if it leaves small neon green seams on the broken edges. (They do fade out eventually, though.)
He can also use it on himself in regards to wounds, injuries, and other major accidents that really should leave him dead, but it requires a lot of energy. The green scars also remain.
Organic objects that aren't himself, such as dismembered limbs and the dead, however… They always end up in an odd state. Once used on a dismembered limb, it comes to life by itself. All traces of blood have been replaced with the same shade of glowing neon green.
It'll also try to relentlessly kill Harlan, and Harlan alone.
If interrupted in its pursuit of its "re-starter", it'll try to attack the aggravator until they're done for, and continue on its original goal. The only way to stop it for good is through burning it with fire. The effects are much, MUCH worse if done on a dead body of a mage. Walt knows what happens if he tried it on unrelated parts very close to each other…
…And he's willing to find ways to make it work properly without endangering himself.
With all that, he keeps its true power a secret. Everyone just knows the more mundane aspects of it.
Dusty - The pair-up you'd least expect. They actually are fine with each other! Although Harlan is a bit too clingy sometimes…
Samuel - …An interesting boy. Harlan tolerates him.
Agnar - Cold. Very, very cold. Do not put these two together.
Tiny Tidbits:
Harlan is actually a cousin of Vil from his mother's side. He doesn't show up to family reunions that much.
His hair color may be a very dark brown, but it's actually dyed. His actual hair color is blonde.
He's surprisingly very clingy to those he takes an interest in, but he'll quickly drop them depending on how dire the situation is. Once it blows over, he'll resume the relationship like nothing happened, for better or worse. He'll always come up with a reason as to why.
Only seems to find joy in the things he's already into. It's difficult for him to get into hobbies suggested by other people. Give him some time. He's even willing to ramble about his interests to anyone.
Harlan's parents were scientists. He aspires to be like them someday, having inherited all of their research ever since that tragic accident that took their lives. Or so everyone thinks…
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kabukibun · 11 months
Can you please tell me how can you use janitor ai?? Because the nsfw option doesn't work at all and the koblod api url isn't valid 😭
i honestly can't help if you're using kobold ai (T⌓T) i use openai and i find that it works best because of simplicity + better bot responses (i think)
so i can only offer a tutorial for openai:
go to platform.openai.com and sign up
go to the menu bar -> personal -> view api keys
create new secret key. naming this key is optional, but make sure to copy the api key
go to api setting on janitor ai after opening a chat with a bot, scroll to openai key and paste your key (make sure you're pasting it to the openai api, otherwise it won't work)
you can select a preset if you like, i generally go with segs preset because sex hahaha
you should be good to go!
now, as i mentioned before, janitor is having problems because open ai is banning users for nsfw content. janitor is working on creating their own api but this may take weeks/months. if openai bans your account, your janitor account will not be affected (other than not being able to chat) easiest fix right now is creating another open ai account until you get banned again (which i have now done lol)
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2022 Year in Review
 Tagged by @kitausuret hiiiii kita <3
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 8, 2 of which are in-progress
2. Word count this year: 81,374
3. Fandoms I wrote for: MCU, Spider-Man (comics, Webb, Raimi), Spider-Gwen
4. Pairings: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker/Michelle Jones, Michelle Jones/Gwen Stacy, Jian Mei/Peter Parker
5. Stories with the most...  Kudos: Long Road Home - 24 Bookmarks: Long Road Home - 3 Comment Threads: Long Road Home - 15 Complicate Me, Elevate Me (Symbiot3) - 8 Word Count: Long Road Home - 38,375
6. Work I'm most proud of... Amazing Jian Mei, hands down, no contest. I have never seen any take on a Chinese MJ Watson, or an Asian MJ Watson outside of Meera Jain, who hasn’t had a lot of page time and has had zero screen time (a travesty). So, I rolled up my sleeves and tackled it myself, and I’m doing my absolute best to represent Chinese and Asian culture and traditions and everything and still make her MJ Watson, and y’know what? I kinda like what I’ve done. And her story is just beginning! Please please please I am begging you please read it and comment and recomm to others; I really really really want more people to understand appreciate Chinese culture outside of the usual food
7. Work I'm least proud of: Probably Unfamiliar & Unknown, but only because I’m stuck tbh hahaha
8. A favorite review I received: Honestly, anytime I see a comment on Amazing Jian Mei I die of love, but if I had to pick a few (no way can I just pick one):
@weoffendedshadows ‘s comment on Chapter 1:
As promised - there is something amazing about seeing a character whom I have built up an image in my mind, of how they look, act, and just generally exist, and then is challenged so thoroughly and deeply that i can't help but look and see the same character in a new light. This is MJ, the same one I've been reading for years now, and I am loving how that same personality shows up here.
I also love the importance of culture within this story, how MJ struggles with the new world she finds herself in, while holding onto what is herself. I'm looking forward to seeing Peter here.
- Honestly after I had posted the first chapter I was so petrified that people would hate the idea of a Chinese MJ Watson, and to see this comment gave me so much encouragement and justified my decision to put this out. Because writing AJM isn’t pulled out from nowhere; I’m ethnically Chinese myself, and almost everything culture-specific is something I either experienced myself or something that I personally know has.
Em jeet ‘s comment on Chapter 6:
Oooh MJ got a lil spicy in this chapter! I adore the way you write her btw. She’s so perfectly wonderfully in character while also being Chinese. Idk, it’s just nice to see you let her be both, because some people can only manage one or the other.
Good lord, but the tension building (in her head) between her and Peter is fantastic. I hope to get a confession— Spider-Man or otherwise— at some point
- Em has been one of my more consistent commentators, but if I had to pick one this is it. The balance between being Chinese and being recognizably MJ Watson is, well, something I had dearly hoped I hit, and to see someone recognize my efforts? No words
@kitausuret ‘s comment on Chapter 7:
WHEW finally I made it to the last of the updates!
Oh! I forgot to mention earlier I think it's interesting that Liz is a journalist in your universe! I wonder if she's ever worked with Betty, or Robbie, or anyone kind of adjacent to the Bugle fam like Ben Urich. Fascinating stuff!
I like the conversation between May and Mei, it's so good. May knowing Peter's secret identity is also kind of a neat development here, but at least it sounds like here she didn't discover her nephew was Spider-Man because he was collapsed half-dead in her home. Little things~!
Aaaaaand of course, gotta love that little bit of tension between Peter and Mei. It's fate. ;)
Oh, one more thing: what inspired you to have Mei pursue medicine, out of curiosity? I really liked in 616 how MJ started pursuing a psychology degree so that's what I immediately thought of, but I love learning where people pull inspiration from. 💖
- @kitausuret is completely unhinged because of Mei, but this comment dug deeply to me, because she picked up something so important - the medicine thing, which is an important cultural discussion. I am so, so, so glad she picked up on how important this was to me <3
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: It generally is hard because I think the fandom is dry right now, but two periods in particular tested me: the first is right now with regard specifically to Unfamiliar and Unknown, simply because I find writing a Far From Home adaptation Very Hard. The second was when I was writing that certain scene in Chapter 3 of Amazing Jian Mei - you’ll understand what scene I refer to if/when you read it (although I will not judge you if you wish to skip it), but I literally cried while writing it and was crying myself to sleep that night.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Hmm not sure. I’ll have to think about this one.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: I’m not sure I can call it my absolute favorite, but this scene from Chapter 1 of Amazing Jian Mei is definitely up there:
Mei blinked and focused on the screen, where, truth be told, she had the fewest requests from Rainbow’s list of models. Part of it was undoubtedly because she was new, but… “I do not understand what that has to do with my name.”
Andy grimaced, looking visibly uncomfortable. “Mei, in my years working, I’ve noticed that models with more, uh, Western names, tend to get more bookings. It’s why I changed my stage name myself; my real surname is Karim. I’m an American citizen, was born and raised here, and Andrew Joseph are my real given names, but for a while it was difficult for me to find bookings with an Arabic surname, so I picked O’Conner from a phone book. In the same way, Jian Mei is an obviously Chinese name, so…” he spread his hands helplessly. “I don’t like it either, Mei, but it’s an option I recommend.”
Mei nodded. “Dawn told me something similar, but she only said it was because she was tired of people mispronouncing her name.”
Andy nodded. “She chose Dawn from her surname.”
Mei raised both eyebrows. The surname 萧 had absolutely nothing to do with the word “dawn”, but thinking about it, she realized that the almost identically-pronounced 晓 (minus the vastly different intonation, which any Chinese speaker would immediately pinpoint, but which most non-speakers would probably hardly notice) translated to Dawn. So… “What if I make a stage name similar to mine?”
Andy nodded. “Most non-speakers would butcher your name into Jane May, which is a start.”
Mei thought about it. “Is that a good name?”
Andy rubbed his chin in thought. “It’s just, they’re both first names, and they’re not so catchy.”
“How about May first? It is the correct pronunciation of my real name anyway.”
“Hmm,” Andy was visibly perking up, and looking intensely at Mei (which gaze, however, she didn’t mind; unlike the other gazes she was used to, Andy’s was pure thought and focus and creativity). “May Jane, May Jane. It’s still a little softer than I’m used to, but-ah!” A snap of the fingers. “How do you feel about Mary?”
Mei thought about it. “Mary Jane is not so far from May Jane.”
“Mary Jane, Mary Jane, yes, I can see it.” Then she saw Andy realize something, as his shoulders slumped and his eyes defocused. “But that can’t be just it, because Mary Jane can also be slang for marijuana, and we don’t want your stage name to be immediately associated with, well, that.”
Mei sat back and pursed her lips. “How about if we add something to Mary Jane?”
Andy’s eyes refocused on her face. “Like a third name? Something Western? Yes, yes, that could work. Do you like anything?”
Mei slumped. This was hard; she didn’t know that many Western surnames that she liked. Chewing her lip, she looked around Andy’s office for inspiration, and finding none, thought about the contents of her bag-ah.
Mei smiled, and Andy immediately noticed.
“What is it?”
She reached into her bag, pulled out the book she had bought the previous week, and showed it to Andy, who tilted his head to one side in puzzlement. “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes? Mary Jane Holmes?”
Still smiling, Mei shook her head. “I was actually thinking of Dr. Watson.”
Andy’s eyes lit up in excitement. “Yes, yes, yes, it’s excellent. Excellent! A good addition to our team.” Rapidly, Andy snatched back his laptop and started typing furiously, then hit the enter key and leaned back. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the newest model of Rainbow International, miss Mary Jane Watson.”
Letting a grin spread across her face to match the one on Andy’s, and feeling a surge of confidence and adventurousness, Mei stood up and reached a hand across the table. “You can also call me MJ.”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: I started writing. I have never written anything before, except for the usual creative writing classes way back in high school and college, which were all more than a decade in the past.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: If I can continue bringing Mei to the page that’ll be the greatest thing ever.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year: Too many to mention. Uhh. @seek--rest of course, @promiseofthepremise, @jenniboo311, @pepperminttegan @kitausuret @dyde21 @evil-pony @mysterycyclone @anarchyduck @inkpenparker @weezly14 @demigod-of-the-agni GOD I AM FORGETTING SOMEONE I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY PLEASE LMK I WILL ADD YOU HERE I’M SORRY
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: Like I said. Everything culture-specific in Amazing Jian Mei either came from my personal experience, or from something experienced by someone I personally know
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Just write. I know how scary it is. But I promise you, there will be that one person who reads it and loves it and tells you that they love it, and you’ll fall in love.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I’m looking forward to continuing Amazing Jian Mei (not sure so much about finishing, but definitely continuing). Plus another couple ideas marinating.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: I think everyone I tagged has already answered this but again if I forgot to tag you as a positive influence please don’t pitchfork me I am sorry again
And before I forget:
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
september writing goals
Forgot to post this on the first, but better late than never!
I think my writing goals for September are to (finally) finish the Sneacher smut chapter 3, and to get some more solid work done on the witch Clayton au. OFMD wise, I'd really like to finish another chapter of i call myself knife, my h/c Jim collection. Otherwise I just hope to get some more done on the long fic, and we'll see from there!
I am feeling the urge to post some of the things I've been working on even if they're not all the way done, so I may post a first chapter of a longer OFMD fic and just... know that it won't update for a while hahaha. We'll see though!
Fic round up!
- sex worker Olu/Jim: 12.3K - cowboy Olu/Jim: 16.3K - i like to call myself wound: entire document is at 27K. Current WIP for it is at almost 3K. - Jim/Ed modern au: 20.6K - long sad Jim/Ed with sniobhan totality: ~85K in totality. - polyam hanahaki fic: 1.8K
- every bit as feral ch 8 - not started. - the jaws that bite ch 3: 7.3K - nemesis au: 90K - witch clayton au: 50K
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