#orion masters
icedghostlatte-art · 4 months
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The tiny husband is angry.
Ori threw a rock at a bully and Vlad supported it.
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brsdshaw · 1 year
If cliff has 100,000 fans, I'm one of them. If cliff has 10,000 fans, I'm one of them. If cliff has 1,000 fans, I'm one of them. If cliff has 1 fan, I'm that 1 fan. If the world is against cliff I'm against the world, if cliff has 0 fans IM DEAD 😵.
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exhaustedcatte · 6 months
Regulus Arcturus Black was named after one of the brightest stars of the Leo constellation.
He wasn’t the brightest star in the sky though, that was Sirius.
He was, as many people often liked to point out, the absolute opposite of his older brother. Cold, detached, obedient, formal. He was all the synonyms of aloof and vicious that one could associate with the Heir of the Black family, once Sirius had been properly cut off, of course, because till then Regulus was simply the stony, unrelenting Spare.
(He was all of those things until–)
Now, the Leo constellation was obviously a Lion.
Regulus never understood why his parents would choose something so Gryffindor for him. A house they prejudiced against even before Sirius’ sorting. He wondered if he was simply just that unimportant to them.
His first time properly breaking the rules gave him a weird thrill.
Regulus could see the appeal of it for his brother and his little posse, who loved concocting mischief in their free time. He understood now that it was the unbridled freedom to do as you pleased in the wake of the moon as everyone slept, unaware.
He stared down at the pale white shadows of the ghosts and promptly ignored it.
He looked, instead, at his murky reflection in the dark waters and imagined his hair to be bit longer, glossier and eyes a bit brighter, wiser.
I hope I can make you a little bit proud. Even if it’s too late now.
Regulus powered through, and stepped into the light of his name, of his constellation, at the lake, where the inferi haunted the waters.
Regulus was brave.
He knew exactly what needed to be done. He knew what this meant for him as a Death Eater turned defector. He knew that he’d leapt into this recklessly (much like someone else he knew) but he also knew that he had to do it.
Knowledge was power, but knowledge could also be a burden.
Regulus was not about to let it weigh on his conscience when he could just as well do something about it.
So he did something about it.
It was also his last time breaking the rules.
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retrocgads · 7 months
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USA 1997
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metalloverr · 4 months
Today Cliff Burton could have turned 62.💔
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gorogues · 11 months
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Metallica - Orion
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silentartcave · 6 months
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Necovember bonus (3/4)
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m3t4llica-4-l1fe · 5 months
𝓽𝔀𝓸 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓼.
warnings: angst, band members crying, cliff's death.
a/n: it had been a couple weeks since cliff had passed away, and you were doing everything you could to take care of the band.
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It's been two weeks. Two long, insufferable, painful weeks. Not only for you, but for the other three as well.
Two weeks.
Two weeks since you had lost your best friend who was like a brother to you, but more importantly, the band lost their bassist. Their bassist who was their best friend too.
The guys were absolutely distraught, and it hurt you to see them all like this. If you were given the opportunity to take away all of their pain, you'd do it in a heartbeat. Yeah, the crash may have been so called "accidental", but all of you were almost madder at the situation than anything.
There wasn't a thing you could do to heal the hearts of you, the other band members, and staff members as well. But, despite your own suffering, you were determined to help everyone through it before you helped yourself.
You weren't a part of their staff or anything, but you were close with every single person.
You walk into the studio to be met with James, Kirk, and Lars all sitting around, scattered about in silence. Kirk's hands were shaking lightly, eyes wide and pooled with tears. Poor baby.
James, who's sitting there staring blankly at the wall across the room from him, has the exact same expression as Kirk. Lars, of course, tries not to show his sadness, in hopes it'll make himself feel better somehow.
But, despite his best efforts, he failed miserably. He failed every time he tried to hold it back. Every. Single. Time.
The poor guys were traumatized. And in all honesty, you were too.
You were on the tour bus with them, you guys had to see your best friend underneath the bus. That stupid bus. The bus that didn't work right in the first place, but you all gave it a chance anyway.
You didn't know whether or not you should be mad at the bus driver, mad because he wasn't careful enough. He said he didn't mean to, that there was "black ice." Pfft. Black ice. There was no black ice, you walked down the road with James for miles without seeing a single trace of slick, slippery roads. What black ice?
You stay quiet for a second, giving yourself a moment to regain some level of composure. "You guys need anything to eat? Drink??" You ask after a second, your voice soft, warm, and soothing.
The silence in the room was uneasy, but could you blame them? You didn't expect anyone to talk after what had happened, but you were still there for them and offering them stuff just in case. Usually they'd answer with a small nod, shrug, or a shake of their head, but today was different. Today was the day where reality set in for everyone.
Nobody says a word, until the silence is suddenly broken.
"Why'd he have to go..?" James murmurs, his voice breaking as a single tear rolls down his cheek.
You sit next to him on the couch, bringing your hand up to rub gentle, soothing circles on his back, "It was his time, James.. no one knew this would happen,"
Shaking his head lightly, Kirk speaks up, "We need him though, y/n..!!" He cries out, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I know, Kirk, I know... and I'm so sorry you guys have to go through this," You whisper softly, trying your best to comfort the trembling man beside of you. It took everything inside of you not to break down as well, you were here for them. You didn't wanna make everything about you and you certainly didn't wanna panic them anymore than they already were.
You were their only source of comfort right now, also giving the fact that you were pretty much the only person they trusted and relied on. It's been that way for years. You had been James's best friend for lord knows how long, and you've done nothing but help them and encourage them as they started a band and started getting popular.
But you weren't entirely sure on what to say or do at this point, comforting three guys simultaneously wasn't the easiest thing ever.
"I shouldn't have let him use my bed, this is all my fault, this is all my fault," He repeats himself like a broken record, breaking down once again.
You shake your head instantly, pointing an assertive finger his way. "Kirk, this was not your fault. It was nobody's fault. Don't blame yourself for any of this, you didn't know.. nobody knew. And trust me; all of us, including Cliff, know you would've put your life on the line to save him if you knew that bus was gonna crash. So don't put yourself to blame, alright?" You raise your eyebrows, Kirk nodding instantly. You could tell he was feeling slightly better from your reassurance with the way he stopped crying and relaxed in his seat a little. Obviously everyone was still on edge, but they just needed reassurance. They wanted reassurance.
"..But you've gotta keep going, okay? You can't give up, you guys know full well Cliff would scold y'all if you did." You say as you look around at the three men sympathetically.
The mere thought of Cliff griping at them made Kirk smile a little, but his eyes were still filled with hurt.
"Everything's gonna be okay. I promise." You say, your voice gentle yet firm. Fixing your eyes on James's shaking form next to you, you step over to the couch again and kneel down in front of him, gently brushing some blonde, tear-damp hair from his face.
His gaze locks onto yours, and you give him a tiny yet reassuring smile, your hands cupping his jaw as your thumbs wipe his tears. He stays still, almost relaxing completely from your touch and how calm you seemed to be.
But he knew. He knew that deep down, you weren't calm at all. He knew how close you and Cliff were, but he wasn't about to call you out for your fake actions. He knew you were doing it for the sake of their own sanity.
His tremors die down, his tears drying on his cheeks as he looks into your comforting eyes. The way you'd brush his hair from his face, wipe his tears, and tell him everything was gonna be okay, was the ONE thing that never failed to have it's way of calming him down ever since you guys were babies.
Looking around the room again, arms now resting on the blondes knees, your gaze fixes on the dane who's sitting in the floor curled in a ball, knees to his chest. He wasn't crying, though he looked like he wanted to.
You knew none of this was gonna be easy, the guys have done nothing but drink and drown themselves in more and more pain ever since Cliffs passing. They've done better though, you helped them find better ways to cope other than drink any type of alcohol they could get their hands on whenever they got the chance.
You always told them, "Don't think about it, think happy thoughts," but even you knew talk is cheap.
"I promise," You repeat softly, nodding a little at all of them.
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omnificent-orion · 11 months
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Thank yoooouuuuu!!! Thank you all!!!
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sinestrosmind · 13 days
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them <333
@thescribblings' Future Leo, Orion, & @so-called-yokai's gayass alien birb, Eshra, havin a night out w/Chief and oops Ori went to the fuckin moon
he havin an off night it's okay
don't let him see any shiny lights tho
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icedghostlatte-art · 9 months
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Crystal Core Anyone?
OG below
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samueldays · 2 months
I am once again recommending Master of Orion (1993).
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It's thirty years old, it originally came on floppy discs, and it's really good. The interface is crisp. The ship design system is neat. The technology research system is not your standard tech tree. It has helpful hotkeys like "Indicate next world that has enemy fleet inbound". It has antifeatures like "not doing a Cinematic Camera Pan for several seconds". It has detail while avoiding micromanagement by giving you mostly high-level control, and automatic reassignment of overflow when something like factory construction fills up.
I say it again because of discourse from a mutual's post.
hello gamer. you claim to want "shorter games with worse graphics that are made by people who are paid more to do less". in front of you is itch dot io, which has a "pay what you want" feature,
that… feels like an unfair take?
I don't want the claim as stated, I strongly suspect it's something said because it's catchy more than it's accurate, and I want to dissect its relation to things I do want, like MOO1.
shorter games
No, I want games with less padding.
I want fewer cinematic camera pans, and fewer cutscenes, and less of the dev team showing off their fancy tech demo, and fewer animations in the interface because the interface should have sub-second response time, and less loading time because the game should be smaller, and less grinding unless you're an idle game in which case it should be automated, and I want more automation and macros for things that are a waste of my attention as well as my time. Give me autoresolve for battles with weak enemies. Give me minions that can be sent to do things for me. Give me "repeat until" orders. Give me a dialogue meta-option that says "I've played this before, give me the TL;DR". Give me speed-up and skip buttons.
itch.io games have some of these, but also have less gameplay.
worse graphics
I'm close to agreeing with this, but IMO it's less about the graphics themselves and more about the 50GB graphics package and rendering engine that contemporary games like to include for little to no gameplay improvement, and then that enables lazy devs to think "another 3GB isn't a problem when we're already past 50GB" and the game bloats to 150GB as each dev includes a whole-ass library for one function, and then there's 10GB updates to download repeatedly.
I don't know if this is literally what happened behind the scenes, but a recent game like Baldur's Gate 3 did hit 150GB. Which also brings me to,
people who are paid more
I want developer studios to fire the movie team and redistribute their salary to the rest of the devs, with movie team describing the Thing that 'graphics department' has grown into.
A game like Age of Mythology doing in-engine cutscenes was cool when the engine was primarily a game engine and hands had eight polygons; these days it seems like AAA games also want to be movies and that means turning the game engine into a movie-maker, and hiring an entire movie team to render the 3D model of each character's armpit hair and the physics of how it moves in the wind when the character raises his arm.
Since budget is limited, that movie team comes at the expense of every other aspect of the game, like gameplay, writing, bugtesting, et cetera, and it still won't be as good a movie as an actual movie.
do less
See above. Less padding, less cinema.
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sabindark · 1 month
TFP Oc’s Maximus & Olimp Pax (( son of Megatron & son of Optimus prime )
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retrocgads · 7 months
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USA 1997
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driver270 · 2 months
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It looks like Pax & D-16 were breast friends in the TF: One continuity. 🤣
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