#origami tsunami
can we get some cute raph?
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risequotes · 5 months
Daily Rise Quotes: DAY 260
Splinter: Do not worry. Someday, you will be great ninjas, with a little practice... is something I would say if I were a liar.
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(Season 1, Episode 2A - Origami Tsunami)
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ashe-alexysss · 4 months
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S1 Ep2a in a Nutshell - Raph with Cyno's Elemental Burst! --- Ko-fi
PREV -> S1Ep1
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Chaotic screenshots form The Fast and the Furriest/Origami Tsunami
Bonus… whatever this is:
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riseepshowdown · 1 year
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Origami Tsunami: Looking to be heroes, the turtles go after a couple of paper thieves. These paper thieves prove to be much more troublesome than expected though.
Repairin' the Baron: Convinced that Baron Draxum is redeemable, Mikey - with the help of a skeptical Raph - try and get him to like humans.
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ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: "leo, do you really think i would've let you make salami paper without putting a tracer in it? ... it's ok i put two."
please support rise of the tmnt by watching the show and movie over on netflix!! 🙏🧡
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I think the alleyway where the Turtles built their fake paper store in Origami Tsunami is the same alleyway where Donnie & Mikey built their fake shop in One Man’s Junk
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The Turtle’s having a specific alleyway for their little cardboard shops feels kind of cute
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lactoseintolerentswag · 8 months
The Spotlight Effect
Maybe someone else has pointed this out before but I'd still like to talk about it!! Something really interesting to me about Leo (rottmnt) as a character is his inherent charisma, and how he draws in people with grand and dramatic speeches. Visually this is shown by something I like to call the "spotlight effect".
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Season 1 Episode 2 "Origami Tsunami"
Originally the mentioned effect was used as a bit/gag. Here Leo is trying to hype up the boys to go on a junior-level "safe" hero adventure, and does succeed in getting them excited. Throughout the episode he's shown to drag them place to place, one inspirational speech after the other.
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Season 2 Episode 1 "Many Unhappy Returns"
In season 2 we see this effect return. In "Many Unhappy Returns", in which Leo is initially a figure of comedic relief to ease tension in the return of the Shredder. This backfires a little bit, as it mostly annoys his family despite good intentions (which are not clearly communicated). It's not until he proves that he's taking this situation seriously--and ramping the team up with another one of his on-point speeches about everyone's strength of character--that he becomes a point of inspiration. The scene above takes place after Raph questions Leo, who in turn responds with "trust me".
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Season 2 Episode 2 "Todd Scouts"
Again we see the "spotlight effect" used as a gag; however, there is still an interesting point here made in this scene. Leo calls himself something along the lines of the master at apologies, and something I believe that contributes to the effectiveness of such apologies is that charisma that draws people in. Which is shown visually for us via this effect!!
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Season 2 Episode 5 "Air Turtle"
Another apology of Leo's after his dismissive and competitive behavior when playing basketball with his brothers. It also serves as a motivation point in this episode, for them to go against the mysticly beefed up basketball players.
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Season 2 Episode 9 "Bad Hair Day"
I'm tentatively counting this as part of the phenomenon I've pointed out because while Leo is Put under the spotlight as a potential suspect to the thieving in this episode, Leo takes full advantage of it to wrap people around his finger. The hair doesn't not help either.
And now for one of the most Blatant and emotionally impacting examples.
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The Rise Movie, the moment when they think their brother is lost, and when Leo begins to finally start listening to his team.
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He unites them under his hope and confidence. I mentioned in this post that Raph is their center of responsibility, well in comparison Leo would be their center of inspiration. His competitiveness rubs off on his brothers (encouraging to put their all in the silliest of things), his playful encouragement keeps the baby of the team from being too babied, and his speeches tie everyone together to one goal. Hope is a ninja's greatest weapon, and while he may not realize it until Casey Jr. quotes that famous phrase, he's been using it this entire time.
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ilk-insolence · 8 months
Leo Analysis
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There’s a popular reading in the Rise fandom that Leo is the strategist of his brothers, but I’d like to propose a counter-theory that, while Leo can be strategic, his actual skillset is in deception, manipulation, and perception. In other words, Leo is good at things involving people.
(Hey, uh, this is pretty long)
In the show, Leo shows a preference to following others’ leads rather than strategize himself. In One Man’s Junk, Leo is the only brother that doesn’t actually think up a plan to find more mystic metal, instead picking sides on who’s plan he thinks is better. This is seen again in Late Fee, where Raph and Donnie being the ones who formulate a plan to return the DVD. Again, in the season 2 finale, E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (god that is long), Leo doesn’t come up with a plan to defeat the Shredder, he instead made everyone turn to Raph for one [2:15]. This all follows a pattern that Leo admits in Battle Nexus: New York, "And we'll do it with our special brand of teamwork: where my brothers do the work but we share equal credit" [1:10]. He’s very lazy (I mean this affectionately), and prefers to follow someone else’s lead. The final nail in the coffin is the movie, where Leo is very distinctly not the one who comes up with the plan to lock away the Kraang. While admittedly that moment is from him learning to build others up rather than try to do everything himself, Leo is clearly characterized to not tend to strategize.
However, there are episodes where he does plan. A notable example being Many Unhappy Returns, where Leo planned ahead around Big Mama to trick her into giving them the mystic collar. Another is The Hidden City Job, where Leo pretended to be a statue to get into Big Mama’s vault in her auction. There’s also Origami Tsunami, where Leo briefly took the leader position, and planned the fake paper shop to catch the paper thieves. Smaller examples include, Man Vs Sewer (two attempts of snapping Raph out of his savage state), Bug Busters (freeing his brothers), and the movie (teleporting Kraang Prime into the portal). However, one commonality in all those schemes is that they’re all deceptions (okay, except for Man Vs Sewer but I have a whole other reason for that). In Many Unhappy Returns, Leo isn’t so much as being strategic but manipulative, understanding who Big Mama is, foreseeing that she’ll shove him in the arena with his dad, and planning around that by appearing stupid. He tricked her into cutting a deal in his favor (allowing him to have a weapon in the arena [17:25]). In The Hidden City Job, Leo’s plan is basically tricking Big Mama again, pretending to be something valuable enough to belong in her vault (almost worked too well there). Origami Tsunami, Leo surmised that the bad guys would want more paper and created the fake paper store. All of those plans involved tricking the opponent based on what Leo understood of them, and they worked. Of course, planning moves around an opponent could be qualified as strategic, but these events highlighted Leo’s skill in reading and manipulating others, not as a tactician.
Again, I’m not saying Leo can’t be strategic. In Flushed But Never Forgotten, Leo’s plan to fighting Piebald is to camouflage himself with sewer sludge (gross). That’s strategic. In Bug Busters, Leo distracting the guards with an empty laundry bin to trip them into a portal he created behind them is strategic. Leo’s whole stunt with Kraang Prime and teleporting them both into the portal was sick as shit, and strategic. Hell, his whole power with the teleporting/portals requires Leo to think tactically. But, in comparison with his brothers, particularly Raph, Leo doesn’t seem that much better than them at strategizing.
What Leo is characterized to be, is manipulative. Two main examples are Air Turtle and the infamous Lair Games, where, in both, poor Donnie gets tricked by Leo to do something for Leo’s benefit. In both stunts, the emphasis was put on to Leo’s deceptive nature. In the Lair Games, Leo intentionally put his room up as a prize with the knowledge that his brothers wanted to take something important away from him, hiding the fact that that was exactly what he wanted [12:45]. In Air Turtle, he lied to Donnie’s face that he could make the last shot in order to get his own opening/spotlight [10:16, and 11:14]. Unlike with strategizing, these events are made out to be points of distinction for Leo. He’s also shown to be extremely perceptive, as @/our-happygirl500-fan user pointed out in their post of him realizing Splinter had some history with Big Mama. And being the only one to suspect Raph throwing his fight with Donnie in Sparring Partner [9:54]. This all lines up with Leo's role as a faceman, somebody who's good with people. Combined with his performance in Many Unhappy Returns, Leo is shown to be someone extremely skilled in deception, and reading others.
Tldr, I think Raph is the strategist of the group, closely followed by Donnie. And Leo’s actual strength lies in his ability with people, his perception and manipulation. He’s not a strategist, but a trickster. A lying liar who lies (I love him).
Of course, I could be extremely wrong so I would love any input or commentary, especially regarding Leo's strategist status, because I could be glaringly missing something. Thanks.
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dandylovesturtles · 10 months
one thing I noticed while rewatching Origami Tsunami is that all of Leo's leadership traits are already on display this early in the show. He gives two different rousing speeches to get his brothers to follow him, he clearly understands what best makes each of them tick, and he's the one who comes up with the idea of using the fake paper store as bait. And during the final fight he's the most observant; he's the one who notices that the destroyed paper ninjas just leave behind confetti, he's the one who correctly identifies that they can't keep fighting the origami soldiers and need to go after the source, and he's the one who has the idea to trip the fire sprinklers. All of this shows how Leo is good at using his words to motivate others, good at knowing how to direct their skills, and is observant enough to find a solution in a combat situation.
It also shows the flaws in Leo's leadership, though. Most notably, right after saying that they can't keep fighting the origami soldiers and need to go after the source, Leo jumps straight into the fight without waiting for his brothers or giving them any direction. He just tries to do it himself while leaving them behind for Raph to lead instead (sound familiar?). And as a result he gets captured. Meanwhile, Raph starts ordering Mikey and Donnie on what to do, commands they follow without question (they also get captured but what can you do?).
It's just good character writing that the flaws Leo would eventually have to overcome to be a true leader were on display in episode 2.
(as a side note, love how at the end they all get Leo in a celebratory dogpile)
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Hey there! You have that Leo-Donnie-dialoge where Leo asks Donnie, if Raph said "It's only paper."?
I guuuuess it was the paper-monster-episode ;D
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risequotes · 8 months
Daily Rise Quotes: DAY 181
Leo: We can still catch these lame old paper crooks and be heroes!
Donnie: Yeah, that’s gonna be hard. This was the last paper store in town.
Leo: Hmm... or was it?
Donnie: Yeah, I- I literally just said that.
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(Season 1, Episode 2A - Origami Tsunami)
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risestarkiss · 6 months
ive noticed, as well as many others, that leo shows capabilities to take on "leader" roles. this is prominent in the second episode when they're deciding on their very first mission in origami tsunami. I'm watching it rn and I just had a thought: leo shines as a leader when they're a team and there are no roles, but.. then they start doing nightly patrols, training, building a personable turtle buggie, making inventions and other things, and roles start to be opointed (even unconsciously).
not to say he doesn't still give his opinions on things, obviously, but naturally, the leader role is on raph, the one who is the biggest. and naturally, he gives it to him. not only because he believes in his brother's leadership, but because he starts to notice the responsibility of that role. it's too much, too serious, so he backs out.
ofc he still has his moments but I feel like he started to notice what was happening and let it happen, ya know what I mean?
Oh absolutely! And the cincher is that for almost the entire show he leans away from his natural tendencies as a leader instead of into them, even working to contradict his own instincts with his actions. He’s a born leader, for good (and for bad, as we see in a few eps) but the actions and positions he forces onto himself creates a cognitive dissonance that's almost palpable…but why does he do it? What within himself makes him not want to pick up that responsibility?
If you couldn’t tell, I already have a “Rise Ramblings” coming up on this very subject 😉. Stay tuned! 😬
Thanks for the ask! 💜 ○○○○ Edit: That "Rise Ramblings" is here.💙
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Action screenshots from The Fast and the Furriest/Origami Tsunami! Now including the Turtle Tank!
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fuzzysocksstuff · 1 year
Leo has been the leader since day one
Alright, I haven't seen this conversation yet, but I can't be the only one who's noticed this. This isn't my usual post- not that I post often- but art is WIP.
Leo has been the (back seat) leader of the Mad Dogs since day one.
Mobile users, RIP no seriously, you are digging your own grave
In the first two episodes he shows his potential, he thinks ahead, guides the team, makes astute observations, shows his knowledge of his team (including himself), and makes his own plans (even if Raph has made a plan, he almost always has his own).
I'll go through the first two episodes chronologically.
First is Mystic Mayhem.
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-This is a good example of understanding himself-
Leo: So . . . You guys from Jersey?
Mikey: Really Leo?
Leo: What? I can't make a joke in the middle of the craziest thing ever? That's how I cope.
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-Leo stops his brothers and forces them to think ahead-
Mikey: Should we just ask him for it?
Leo: And what do we say when he asks us why we want it? That we need to go after our best friend, who disappeared into a wall after our priceless weapons were destroyed by mystical jogger guys?
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-Not only is Leo showing how well he knows his dad, he executes his own plan when Raph's first plan fails, without asking his brothers first-
Raph: How'd you get that?
Leo: You know he always passes out after milk and cake.
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-Now, this example is a debatable one, yes it shows his understanding of Raph, but it may also just be to shown to establish relationships in general since this was the first episode-
Donnie: A few hours ago I would have called this foolish and impossible. Now I just call it foolish.
Mikey: Say what you want Donnie. Raph'll pull is off 'cause if he doesn't, we'll loose our best friend forever.
Leo: Mikey, don't say that. You know he chokes under pressure.
Donnie: Leo, he's even more self-conscious when you talk about it.
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-Here, while happy to see April again, he keeps the team on the task that got them in the hidden city in the first place. It can be argued if this was on purpose or not; but it still showcases his natural ability to lead-
Donnie: According to my calculations, we are in a tertiary-metaverse.
April: Actually, I've been doing some exploring, and we're in a hidden city deep under New York!
Leo: So where's the dog thingy?
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-There are even subtle moments where Leo takes the lead; after Donnie takes out Draxum's robot with his tech, Leo is the only one talking to Draxum directly for the team. This is another debatable example, you could say Leo is just being the face man here, but I'd like to include it-
Draxum: Accidently impressive. With a little bit of training you can be formidable as I hoped.
Leo: Okay, well, great, and since you're surrendering. . .
Draxum: Baron Draxum does not surrender.
Leo: Okay, well, when he gets here we'll deal with him. . . oh, ho, ho, I see. You're doing that whole "sinister talking in the third person" thing.
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-Here, he is the only one to once again question Raph's decision, and present his own idea instead-
Raph: We just defeated a boss villain. We're heroes. We deserve a name like Mad Dogs.
Leo: Mad dogs? You don't think something like Mutant Ninja Turtle Teens or. . .I don't know. Maybe - we'll keep brain storming.
The very next episode has soooo many parallels to the movie.
Origami Tsunami.
The dialog is long on this one and, despite the humor, throughout this scene Leo guides his brothers to the best mission for their skill level.
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Mikey: Yo, Leo, we're gonna be heroes!
Leo: Okay, what's the plan? Solve the city's rat problem?
Splinter: Hey now. I am standing right here.
Raph: Pfft, no way. We're crime fighters!
Donnie: Okay, check this out. The Spine Breaking Bandit!
Raph: Yeah. Go big or go home!
Leo: Yeah, go home in a stretcher. What else you got?
Donnie: Hmm, well this one's kind of lame. Someone stole paper from a delivery truck.
Leo: Not on my watch! This is exactly the kind of junior level mischief we can put an end to.
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-Leo then hypes his brothers up for this mission-
Raph: Really? That'll make us heroes? But it's only paper.
Leo: It's only paper. I'm so sorry. Donnie, what did he say? Did he say it's only paper?
Donnie: Yup.
Leo: Did he say it's only paper?
Donnie: Yes, he did.
Leo: Okay! That's what they all say. You think the road to hero town is paved in real crime? No! It's paved with the tears of the poor paper man. And who helps that guy? I'll tell you who; we are who!
Raph, Mikey, and Donnie: Yes!
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-When Raph's first plan fails, and he sees how discouraged his brothers get...-
Donnie: Uh, quick question. Did we seriously get schooled by paper thieves?
Raph: I didn't swoop like a boss. I swoop like a noob.
Mikey: Man, this seemed like a really cool idea until we didn't succeed at it.
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-...so, Leo gives a "hero" speech, like he does in the movie. Although this motiving speech needs some help, he still tries-
Leo: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Where'd my brothers go? Mikey, where's your. . .legendary optimism? Raph, where's your, ya know, your go-getter attitude? And Donnie, where's your. . . your thing, your - emotionless passion?
Donnie: Here.
Leo: We can still catch these lame old paper crooks and be heroes!
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-In continuing this scene, we see the Leo make and execute his own plan, now that Raph's impulsive plan has failed-
Donnie: Yeah, that's gonna be hard. This was the last paper store in town.
Leo: Hmm. . . or was it?
Donnie: Yeah, I. . .I literally just said that.
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-Again he takes the lead talking to the foot clan first (could just be that he's a face man here, but nonetheless)-
Leo: Okay twerp. . . and surprisingly big man. It's four against two. So what you say we just call it a day, right?
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-Leo uses his observations to guide the team, here when the foot are making their origami soldiers, Leo realizes taking out the paper ninjas isn't a solution-
Leo: We're getting no where fighting these guys. We gotta take out the source.
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-After Raph ~properly~ uses his ninpo for the first time, Leo again uses his surroundings to find a solution, in doing so he shows both guiding his team, and astute observations-
Leo: Hm. Mikey, the sprinklers!
-Even at the end of the second episode, they look to Leo for reassurance and support-
Mikey: So. . .does this count as a win?
Leo: Well, I don't know. Let's think about it. Did the bad guys get their big supply of paper? Uh, no. Did they build their army of soilders? No. No they didn't. Are they otherwise Thwarted, and we unscathed?
Raph, Donnie, and Mikey: Yes!
Leo: Hero mission accomplished, my friends!
First off, if you've made it this far, thanks for attending my not even close to life changing ted talk. I hope you have enjoyed my rant.
In conclusion,
Leo has the potential to lead, just prefers to do as little work as possible. He almost always passes resonsibility onto someone else, however when he has no other choice but to lead he does it well without realizing it. There are many other subtle examples sprinkled throughout season 1 and 2.
I have more thoughts on this, but this post is already the height of the empire state building.
Class Dismissed.
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ghostlypanda · 2 years
do you know if Donnie has any short speeches throughout the series that I could possibly use as an audition monologue? If not do you think Leo has any
truthfully, only two of donnie's came to mind, and so did one of leo's (the entire scene from turtle-dega nights has been uploaded in full on my blog)! if there are any i missed, i apologize, and will add them if requested.
but i included the three i thought might make good speeches for these two characters and hope they are useful. thank you for your ask! 💜
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