#or is our apathy a self-fulfilling prophecy
imaginesomethingrand · 7 months
In the place of empathy, there was selfishness.
In the place of reason, there was blindly following talking heads that sold you just what you wanted to hear.
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branded-perceptions · 2 months
"the dead" in Game of Thrones can be seen as metaphor of
A) mass psychosis
B) inherited behaviourism of groups' repressions
C) how our mind and culture is full of symbols and constructs made by our ancestors which many of us tend to blindly follow like a zombie without questioning it or feeling pain of its (self)destructivity.
As example pattern of mishandling of corona pandemic resembles what leads to "judgement day" of Abrahamic religions:
look around how many people anticipate and look out for all sorts of fantasies due to these pattern having been triggered, which then sooner or later becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as whenever new events happen that match these stories a huge part of the population goes along according to culturally shared inherited symbolic triggers in our minds
which similar like the bra(i)nde(a)d stories and customs of our time can be both
A) dangerous if people do not consciously introspect about it
B) helpful to serve as collective metaphors if put into educational context to better understand, discuss and ponder about group-dynamics that otherwise without shared metaphors are hard to grasp / too unconscious but still happen.
This is where our modern entertainment industries play a vital role
as they have many fans of both "opposing" spectrum of US democrats and republicans
as well as all "diverse" national identities
that can find common ground by pondering and analysing the morality and psychological group dynamics of the TV show while putting it in a contemporary context:
Many individuums of conflicting groups may be familiar with and fond of certain movies like Game of Thrones
and by analysing and discussing the morality of most famous scenes people from conflicting parties will find common ground because we all are humans and in general have quite similar moral core values
(common sense which can serve as globally shared safety boundaries)
which gets distorted by in-group dynamics
that one can look behind by discussing such dynamics via impersonal movies as oneself is not part of the groups in the fantasy movie and thus naturally has a more objective view on it
whose shared lessons then transfer into real life.
Furthermore, the exaggerated narratives, violent scenes and plot twists make people more cautious regarding the thereby naturally in everyone emerging core insight of "Puhh, I am so lucky to be sitting on a comfortable couch instead of being caught up in such mad insanity" ... which frighteningly resembles common behavioural pattern and group dynamics of our economy and politics that embody it in less exaggerated and more subtle "normal" ways which we can playfully incentivise each other to more introspect about and playfully via humour of character metaphors discuss its otherwise undiscussed moral implications that otherwise drown in apathy towards consequenes💉☠️💉 of our collective unconscious behaviourism.
Essentially, such shared impersonal fantasy metaphors help to publicly discuss and make conscious the dynamics that otherwise due to our unconsciousness about and lack of vocabulary to debate them would become dangerous.
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chrrypckd · 8 months
Love villains/antagonists who's backstory isn't used to redeem their actions but add context and nuance.
Characters who suffered and bled and worked to be strong, who were pushed back and fought against and beat for daring to dream higher than their station but reached up with bloodied hands and took it anyways.
Love characters who should never have been put into positions of power, not because they didn't deserve them, but because they were so deeply traumatised by their past that being put in these positions twists them so irredeemably that they can't come back from it.
People who clawed their way up from the muck and placed themselves on pedestals, not because they should, but because they could.
Who started out the lowest of the low and made something if themselves but had to change from the hero of their own story to the villain of someone else's.
Someone who, from someone else's perspective, is a two dimensional, evil person but from an outside perspective was a self fulfilling prophecy.
Someone who was put down by the kind of person they bled to become, who looked at those better off than them and was jealous and became the kind of person they would have despised as a child.
Villains who are evil, who's actions can't be forgiven, who doesn't even want to be forgiven, who killed the part of themselves that would deserve forgiveness.
Who's backstory tells you exactly why they are like this, that strips them of their apathy and hate and exposes every sensitive nerve they have and says, 'This child, this poor beaten child, this is who hurt so many, this is who died to give you your villain, who had to kill every good part of themselves to make your antagonist.'
Who, by all rights, could have been our hero, is a reflection of the hero in all ways that matter, but were corrupted by their experience rather than strengthened by them.
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allgoodquotesblog · 2 years
How to Overcome Failure
It's normal to feel disappointed and upset after failing to reach a goal, no matter how big or small, but it's not helpful to keep thinking about the past. Today, too many people put too much effort into avoiding failure, which only makes their life more challenging. You mistake, experience setback, or you just fall short. It's boring. But unless you refrain from doing anything at all, you can't prevent it either. It is therefore necessary to respond to such circumstances in a wise and self-kind manner rather than allowing them to trigger savage self-punishment and pull you down into negativity for the day or the month.
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How to Overcome Failure Today, we'll go over nine of the best strategies for getting over failure's pain so you can turn your attention to going on with your life.
1. Simply accept your feelings at first.
It will probably hurt when you just failed. An occasional little. occasionally a lot. Processing what has happened will go more quickly and ultimately be less painful if you let it in and accept it. If you suppress your feelings, later on they will reappear at inconvenient moments and may make you moody, pessimistic, angry, or sad.
2. Keep in mind: simply because you experienced a setback, you are not a failure.
It's simple to begin believing that YOU are a failure. Avoid falling to such a damaging and occasionally alluring self-fulfilling prophecy. The secret to maintaining a positive outlook and moving forward in life is to see what's bad as a passing occurrence rather than as something permanent.
3. Use this experience to your advantage and grow.
Consider it less as a major setback and more as helpful criticism that you may use to advance. Starting to view the problem from this angle and taking positive action are more crucial than remaining trapped in negativity, denial, or apathy.
4. Analyze yourself.
Many people experience discouragement after failing, but many others use failures as a chance to better themselves. Do you fit anywhere? What errors have you committed? What do you need to improve? You can use the knowledge you receive from exploring yourself and learning about yourself to succeed by using your setbacks as opportunities to learn important life lessons.
5. Allow it to be exposed to light.
By discussing the topic with someone else, you can see it from their point of view and through their eyes. This person can inspire you, help you get back on solid ground, and maybe even show you how to move forward.
6. Draw strength and inspiration from your surroundings.
Talking to someone close to you might be quite beneficial. You can also take advice from people who have already travelled in the direction you desire to go. In books, on blogs, or in online forums, read about how they managed obstacles and low periods prior to or during their accomplishment.
7. Continue to Look Forward
Avoid spending too much time dwelling on what went wrong. It won't help you to keep thinking about the same thing over and over. While reviewing previous mistakes is vital, making plans for the future and moving on are even more crucial.
8. Draw Strength from Mistakes that Lead to Success
There are several examples in history of men and women who, despite having failed at some point in their life, went on to achieve great success in their respective fields. These individuals all shared the trait of not letting failures deter them from exploring and trying out novel things. It can be quite motivating to learn about these people's prior setbacks and how they overcame them in order to inspire you to overcome your own limitations.
9. Raise your self-esteem.
Self-esteem is a crucial foundation for many things, including our self-worth, sense of self-confidence, and how we view ourselves in relation to others. Over time, low self-esteem might set in, but you can raise it again by altering your negative self-talk and self-perception. Read the full article
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theauthorstreehouse · 2 years
Creative types are notoriously difficult to keep motivated. there’s so much that goes into it, whether you’re a writer, an artist, a crafter, and it often feels like you’re constantly stuck balancing all these bars so that you can be productive in your creativity. Even when doing this is something you love, hell something you couldn’t imagine living without, the transition from wanting to do the thing into actively doing the thing can be difficult to achieve.  It’s different for everyone one, I suspect. Some people need a specific environment, others need to be void of distractions. Some of us are good at setting aside a time during which they can maintain their productivity, while others are more sporadic and can only do it when the mood hits. Every one of us is different in our needs but sooner or later we usually figure out what works and what doesn’t.  For many of us, our motivation is tied up with our engagement. If we make something and put it out there, seeing other people enjoy it spurs us on and helps drive us to create more. Putting in the time and effort to let something grow is a little easier to do when you have someone else appreciating what you’ve done. Maybe it’s that need for approval that everyone is subject to on some level, maybe it’s the fact that we’ve all grown up seeing Likes/Follows as a source of validation. For better or worse, it’s now another bar on a long list that we feel the need to keep full. So when that engagement drops, it shouldn’t come as any surprise when the motivation to keep going on a W.I.P follows. 
Not everything you make can be successful. It just isn’t a reasonable expectation. Success and failure are unpredictable elements and frequently you find yourself surprised by what people attach themselves to and what results in apathy. Still, it can hurt a lot to put a lot of time, effort, and labor into something only to see people ignore it. You watch your Patreon drop, which you try not to let effect you but on some level we still attribute success with financial gain. You see websites crack down on the kind of content you create and your ability to promote yourself becomes severely limited. Real life interferes and sometimes you end up putting something away for months because you simply don’t have the time or energy to devote to anything else right now. Yet for some reason, you keep hanging onto it. Why? Because you made it. Because you’ve put years into it already. Because you still love it and want to watch it grow and thrive.  Because you want, maybe even need other people to love it as much as you do. But none of that makes motivation come any easier. As days go by and you just can’t find the time or inspiration to continue, it starts to eat away at your belief in yourself. You doubt your capabilities, your skill, your dedication. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy of reoccurring deprecation where every time you don’t work on it is time where you failed yourself and others as a creator. It can even make you feel resentful of the project as a whole, just because of the guilt you now associate with it. All of this can grossly effect your motivation to continue, even when you want to.  So now we come to the part of this rant where I tell you this is me and I explain that this is where I am now and I have absolutely no idea how to get myself out of it. I’ve tried working on other things. I’ve taken time off to pursue hobbies and interests. I’ve let myself shorten my expectations for the sake of completing a chapter. And yet here I am, still finding myself lacking the motivation and energy to keep working on the thing I love with any real, consistent dedication. I find myself looking back at all the work I’ve put into it and thinking “I just wanted to write. Why can’t I just write?” I don’t know what to do. I care about this too much to put it down or let go of it. I have stories I want to tell, stories I need to tell. So how to I get back to telling them?
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ibringyouasong89 · 3 years
Self-Awareness Time, Part One:
So I’m reading this article one day, (see article here: https://psych2go.net/6-signs-youll-be-single-forever/), and realize how some of this is true, but also some of it is bullshit. Spoiler Alert: I haven’t had a boyfriend since I was 18.  Is it because I haven’t wanted to be with someone, or be in a relationship, since that one ended? Quite the contrary, actually. I have dreamed, since I was a small child, of a perfect soulmate for me, and that it would be a Disney-movie-ending come true for the rest of my life. Having my first (and since then, only) boyfriend break up with me (so he could go out with my ex-best friend, who in turn, dumped her boyfriend of three years - who was my childhood friend from elementary school - in order to be with him; it was dramatic, stupid, and messy, i.e. we were teenagers who thought they knew themselves but didn’t have a clue) did not, in fact, deter those dreams at all. The problem is that I didn’t learn to love myself. I learned to move on, which is always wonderful, but I didn’t hold myself in any higher esteem than I had before, and while I was with him. It wasn’t a reflection on being with him, but more or less, a reflection of myself and how I saw myself, based on my childhood and certain experiences. Fast forward a couple of years later: my parents are divorced, my father is dead, my childhood friends have disappeared out of my life for the most part, I live with my mother and grandfather (who was close to dying himself), and I am now living in a different state, faraway from everything I know and love and hate everything about this new place. I hated (and still do, for many of these points) the polluted environment, I hated the lack of nature (I moved to a metropolitan-region within the realm of a major city), I hated how crowded it is, I hated how everyone lives on top of one another; I hate the noise, the traffic, and most of all, I hated how alien and out of place I feel. I knew I didn’t belong, but because of finances, and having an ineffective bachelor’s degree (that didn’t come with a lifetime guarantee of having a career, as promised by my parents and elder generations. Though it did come with the nice guarantee of student loans), I was unable to move anywhere else. I was unable to be independent, financially or otherwise, and could do nothing to make my dreams a reality or to improve my life. In short, I was stuck. And hating every minute of it, along with myself. To be fair, I wasn’t an emotionally healthy person to start off with - but I mean, who is by the time they’re 23, 24 years old, and a culminating reflection of time, pressure, past abuse, parental issues, trust issues, abandonment issues, lack of socializing/being ostracized for being different, and self-worth and self-love issues? No one, and I mean, NO ONE, is taught how to love themselves, completely, as a child. I don’t care who raised you or where you grew up. This is a fundamental truth and fact. But I met someone. Lo and behold, there came this divine gift, one day, of someone who was just like me! He didn’t have the same issues as I, but he understood in a general sense (as any individual who has a certain degree of sympathy and empathy can do), and made me feel seen (even if I hated it at times). Someone who, in all honesty, has fundamentally changed me forever. And to think I met him at my job! (i.e. retail). This person...well, I thought he might’ve been THE ONE. I was really, REALLY in love with him. More so than I ever thought I could be with someone.  Our connection was real and based on emotional, mental, and spiritual intimacy (there was none of the physical, which was probably for the best, in the end), and I had never loved anybody before, in the entire history of being connected to family and friends, the way I had loved him. I thought he was truly something special - a gift from the universe that not only allowed to experience this once-in-a-lifetime kind of love, but also because of how OBVIOUS it was that we were meant for each other. (I was so arrogant back then and admit it heartily now). Well, suffice to say, it didn’t end in rainbows-and-sunshine-for-years-to-come. He had already been entering a relationship when I met him, while also having his heart broken by another girl. As the saying goes: wrong place and time. While I was busy pining over him and fantasizing about us being together romantically (after building this incredible connection and deep friendship), he was happily living his life and enjoying his relationship...even though, for a time, he went out of his way to spend time with me and deepen our emotional intimacy further. He told me things about himself, and his life, that he swore he had never told another human being before in his life. But it all came to a grinding halt one day - out of the blue - when he severed our connection with all of the swiftness and severity of a well-placed swing from a sharpened blade. Later he would confess that it wasn’t intentional - it was because he was busy cutting other people out of his life and I got caught up in the “crossfires” of it all via social media and the like *insert eyeroll here* - but that he had also been conscious of my burgeoning feelings for him, and felt “flattered” that I had come to regard him so greatly. He promised to re-open the lines of communication between us again and to be a better friend. Spoiler Alert Part Two: None of these promises were fulfilled. Now, some of you (or whoever reads this long-ass personal post) might say “Well, maybe in knowing about your feelings, THAT was why he didn’t bother talking to you anymore. It made him uncomfortable, especially since he was in a relationship with someone else. He just wanted to make a clean break.” To be completely honest, I was aware of that possibility from the get-go. The problem is that he claimed (during this period of seeking me out and spending quality time with me) his relationship with his girlfriend was “casual.” That he was more than aware that he was her first boyfriend, but that he knew it wouldn’t last. In knowing that, he still pursued a relationship with that girl (though his self-prophecy did come to pass...three years later). Now, there were never any promises made about entering a relationship with ME, as some of you may point out as well. I agree. There are, and never will be, any guarantees when it comes to the heart. Someone who learns to love another is quite capable of also learning how to un-love that same individual, at any time. And hatred, as many know, is not the opposite of love; apathy is its true counterpart.
No, what was truly hurtful was that he knew that truth, honesty, compassion, consideration, and genuineness were core values of mine. Values that I thought he shared...but turned out to be lies when he revealed his regard, or lack-there-of, for me in the end. When he did not confront me over my feelings for him and instead played ignorant for the sake of his own happiness. When he promised that this did not interfere with his ability to be my friend, even after confessing said romantic intentions to him, and probably lying about it all the same. He knew of my past, my issues, and had probably guessed at my level of loneliness and knew about my lack of friends since moving away from my hometown...and didn’t think twice of ditching me, nor of how his sudden “ignorance” about our bond would effect my feelings. That being “one of the guys” was my true status - despite the fact that I have breasts, a vagina, lack a penis, and had never acted in a “masculine way” around him (aside from being intelligent, having common sense, being interested in comic books, music, and movies, having a deep appreciation for classic muscle cars, and a biting sense of sarcasm); i.e. no hanging out in bars with him and his male friends, no doing stupid shit for giggles, no running around in the middle of the night to each other’s houses to smoke pot and drink in the basement, not being into sports and wrestling, recalling the same stupid stories from high school and retelling them, over and over again, along with the same stupid jokes, etc...And I’m not judging any female (or person) who does DO this, or enjoy these things! I’m just simply describing how he, and his friends, acted and what their similar interests are. I was “friend-zoned” (which is a ridiculous phrase, but I can’t think of anything else to describe it as), but was NOT treated like a friend any longer. I was treated like a stranger or an acquaintance that you remember vaguely seeing in the hallways and cafeteria when you attend your high school reunion (that guy who makes you go “Oh, *Insert Name Here*! Omg! How are you?! Wow, it’s been a while! Great to see you lost all that weight! So uh...how’s things?”). In short: I was being gas-lit. For anyone who has experienced this, you have my deepest sympathies and my ear and shoulder, whenever you would like. Of course part of the blame falls on me too: for treating romantic love like a drug I couldn’t live without, for depending on someone too much for my happiness, and for allowing myself to be treated as someone who is less than worthy of real love, respect, consideration, kindness, compassion, and honest, open communication.
So, not only did this guy break my heart, but he also threw me, and our friendship, away like it all meant nothing. It became obvious then that I, and our bond, had never mattered to him at all.  The worst part is that he continued to flirt with me, stringing me along (unknowingly or not), while also maintaining this enforced distance! (Which is also COMPLETELY WRONG TO DO TO ANYONE!) In truth, I think he’s an unaware narcissist who doesn’t realize, on an unconscious level, how manipulative he can really be. It’s sad. But I know, without wishing for it or egging the universe on, that there is a lesson waiting for him in the wings of the cosmos that will enable him to truly understand the lows, and highs, of true personal awareness (if it should come to pass - anything is possible, in any way, shape, or form). But back to the point: In conclusion, my soul was shattered. My heart was a destroyed. I fell into a depression based, not only on this heartbreak, but also my heart being broken by ME. I was so unhappy with everything going on, and not, in my life and it all felt so hopeless and pointless. I could see no path forward, no future for myself, that didn’t result either in me being unhappy or being unstuck. (Hell, even writing about all of this is allowing the phantom pains to rise from their graves in my heart, which makes me realize how much healing, and self-love, I still have to gain). This, however, was the beginning of my awakening for me.
It dawned on me like the rising sun within me that I really SHOULDN’T put stock into having people depended upon so much to MAKE me happy. I should be making MYSELF happy. But then the deepest question, out of the pit of darkness within my soul, arose: Why WASN’T I happy with myself?
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mindwideopen · 4 years
Dolly Parton, donated a million dollars to the research of a covid vaccination. One company that she helped, has a promising vaccine they’re working on. Dolly Parton, is love.
The people we are, is determined by our actions. Our feelings start the chain, and then beliefs, and our intentions around those beliefs, then our thoughts come in almost simultaneously to those, then boom! Action, or in action, depending on our motivation to do. So that’s the explanation of how we live life daily. Dolly Parton, moved straight from feelings to action. Love does that sometimes. Love has no hesitation. But you, as a person have to choose. Act, or not. Love, or not.
“But my intentions are good. I mean, I want to help, but people have more money than I do, or other people are on it already, or she’s famous so people who are famous should be doing that kind of thing as an example to those who aren’t, and I’m busy, and my moneys tied up now, and my time is limited, and the issues are being tended to by the powers that be that aren’t me, and I’m tired, and no ones helping me, so why should i help...” and love? Well... not very apparent.
Being a person who aids to the whole is not always about money. Money, isn’t people. Money, is a by product of energy. It’s not an energy alone, unless you make it one. “That person with money... a douche. They’re rich because they don’t share. Selfish, and doesn’t give to the causes I believe in, so pinchy and tight and mean, and...” well, that’s one way to view money. Another is this, “that rich person, shouldn’t be defined as a “rich” person. They are a person, like me, who does things to help society as a whole. Probably a lot of things that I personally don’t know about, because I’m not open to hearing about the rich people who do good things. Maybe I’m sour applesauce, cause I want to do good things on a greater scale too. Maybe, I can follow their lead, and do what I can do to help from the position I’m in, and maybe, I don’t have to judge all rich people, as bad.” Another, more peaceful and fair way to approach life.
Our choices about our beliefs can either help or hinder us. Some beliefs we hold are lighter, and some super heavy, so we need help holding them.... “jeez, look at her! Pft! Rich! Whatever... isn’t it repulsive? All that money? And her, with that money? Please...”
Another person who holds a similar belief: yeah! Who does she think she is? She’s rich, so she thinks a, b, AND c even though I have no clue what she believes, or anything about her personally. Also, I’ve heard, and read that she is a lover of other people with money only. That is not me, so she’s terrible, and a hater.
1st person: that’s it. I’m done with rich people altogether. They can all stay in their offices and look down at me and judge. Screw them and their businesses.
2nd person: yeahhh...
And so on, and so forth. Maybe, instead of finding like minded people who focus on, and believe in the lack in me, like I do, I can find people who are willing to see the money and the money people, as decent human beings, also like me. Or better yet, instead of finding new people to talk to, introduce the option of inclusion into your daily conversation instead of how it went down above. Inclusion in belief, helps change the social dynamic of the whole, of yourself, and others. It changes your energy, to happier, more peaceful. Holding judgements, is not comfortable. And the only person really in control of your load, is you. (Pun intended)
The same is on the flip side. “Those people are soooo needy. Jeez! Get a job already! How do you think I got where I am today?! I worked my ass off! And I give, and it’s still not enough. And they’re bitter, cause they feel like I don’t give enough. Well what are they doing for themselves?! Please... I’m also afraid that they’re going to take... a lot, and I’m not into it. So let them be them, I do what I can. I’m busy, and I can only do so much... besides, they’re lazy, and different, and not of our social standing. I don’t know them, so they must be... wrong...” The same rules apply as above. Those people find others that believe the same thing as they do:
Person 2: yes! Pure jealousy, that’s all it is. We are workers, and doers, and they are not. They don’t deserve what we have, cause we are the people who bust our ass so we can have the American dream. It’s available to everyone, why don’t they do the same?!
Person 1: yeahhhh.
Maybe, instead of apathy, a little more inclusion can be helpful. But our beliefs dictate who we resonate with, and who we surround ourselves with on a daily basis. I think it’s telling, that I basically have only a handful of people that I associate with anymore. I am tired, of exclusivity, on both sides of the coin. But I’m doing the same exact thing I accuse everyone else of, I’m excluding myself from people I feel have hurt me.
For years I have been apathetic about my energy. I have made excuses about why I don’t fit in with anyone, and have essentially made it a self fulfilling prophecy. I tried a number of times to attempt to get myself out of the socioeconomic tier that I’m in, for the betterment of me and my family, but my underlying beliefs (energy) have always been a factor in my efforts. So what you feel, and think, and subsequently do, affects everyone and everything. And the same applies for how you feel, and think about yourself. All of your decisions are based on how you feel. So, check in. How do you feel, about you?
Right now? Honestly? I don’t feel so hot. I just reactivated some shit energy as examples above, and now I yelled at my son for trying to be goofy, and get my attention even though I’ve told him over and over I am trying to concentrate on writing. Shit flows downhill, as the saying goes. What did he do? Your thoughts, affect the whole, whether you realize it or not. By the by, I apologized. It’s not his fault his mom... is a failure in her career. Another belief I’m trying to overcome. And I’m not having the best time of it, truth be told.
The feeling of lack, can only be rectified from within ourselves. No one can convince me otherwise, until I convince myself, by focusing on positive examples of myself not lacking. But I have to look for it first, recognize it, and acknowledge it. If I believe I’m a failure, then I’m going to find situations and people who support that belief.
Honesty, with love, helps bridge the gap between anger (hate) and love. The love of self, is something I’ve been struggling with for years now. And I’m starting to recognize that my self talk, influences that. Honesty without love, is harsh. It may be true, but shit! That shit hurts! I’ve been honest both in and out of love, to a lot of people, due to my own hurt that lies not so latently inside of me. Lately, I’ve been erupting like a frickin volcano. I’m ok, I’m ok, I’m ok, I’m ok... BOOM! Where the HELL did THAT come from?!? Well, I didn’t share my feelings about how I feel like I’ve been treated for awhile that I haven’t been ok with, and/or, you didn’t listen if I did, so I’m out. I do that. I’m a jet plane. I leave, like Daniel in the song Daniel by Elton John. Daniel, left. He left his brother, to wonder why. We do that a lot, by holding on to our hurt and grief from past experiences. Sometimes enough is enough, and entertaining old energy isn’t an option for me anymore. My point is, working on relationships prior to the point of eruption by being open and honest about things, can yield a better outcome, and a better chance of keeping a relationship for a long time.
But I’m waaayyyyy off topic.. Dolly Parton, is a goddess! She is an example of what we should all do, to contribute and include us all in the equation. My husband told me something very valuable the other day, that I preach but barely practice. Instead of focusing on the people who are not into me, or interested in me, or who aren’t like minded, how about focusing on people who I can look up to? People I want to emulate, and maybe then more of those people and opportunities will present themselves to me. Absolutely. If all I see is closed doors, then all I will entertain, is that reality that I myself chose, whether I realize it or not.
So I’m starting to realize that good people come in all shapes and sizes. And Dolly Parton, is Smokey mountain hot! So in her honor, I’m going to wear those jeans posted above, and close this piece with a punny, because that’s one thing that makes me happy. Puns. Laughing. Joy. Not necessarily at others expense, but more situational, cause we’re all human. So let me say this: Dolly Parton, embodies love. I mean.... really embodies it, to the hilt! I mean, comin and goin, she is an ample amount of love! And she shows her love, through her kindness, her actions, and her... huuuuuuuuuuuuuge.... heart, as we all should. ❤️😉
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overwhelmsion · 4 years
The thought of losing the rose garden made him sick. Griffin’s dad had summoned his children over to Joel’s house in a cryptic way and Griffin had felt sick to his stomach ever since. Jacob had always been detached, sneering almost towards the house. But since he was Joel’s only living relative, the house had passed down to Jacob after his death 10 years ago. Surely he would want to sell this house and land that meant nothing but resentment for him.
So nervous was Griffin that he arrived 20 minutes early, and he itched to go to his roses, as if he could protect them from his father’s apathy, shield them from reality somehow. Just as he went around the corner to make a beeline towards them, an eerie voice called.
“Hello Griffin.”
His heart froze. Time was up. He faced his father and replied, “Hello father.” Neither man smiled. But since Griffin was the son, he felt the pull of duty to go to him. “How are you doing?”
Jacob didn’t look him in the face, surveying instead the extensive grounds of the house. “It really is impressive, isn’t it?”
“Is this the first time you’ve taken a proper gander?”
Jacob side eyed him and huffed. “Sure, cause I’ve been the proprietor of this house for X years and this is the first time I’ve set foot in it.” The biting sarcasm burned Griffin’s skin. Why did his dad have to communicate in such a cruel way?
“No, no, I come here often, actually,” Jacob’s voice softened then. “Trying to decipher what Joel meant by leaving his estate to me. It feels like a last laugh, a last joke at my expense.”
That the relationship between the Blackwood brothers was complex had been clear to Griffin since early childhood. Jacob seemed to both crave Joel’s attention and approval while at the same time despising his presence. Joel spoke nothing but good things about Jacob but the detachment was clear; there had never been a loving bond between the two brothers. Perhaps it was due to their age difference. Joel had been fifteen years older than Griffin’s dad, which to young Griff’s mind made him almost a grandfatherly figure. There was an ease in their own relationship, as natural as a grandfather and grandson. But whenever Griffin would return from spending time with Joel, Jacob always made sure to ask if he had enjoyed his time with his uncle in a sardonic way.
“Why would he play games with you?” Griffin couldn't stop himself from defending his beloved uncle.
“You didn’t see it, did you, in all the time you spent with him.” A rhetorical question. “No, I suppose he didn’t do it out of malice, he never did, did he? Good old Joel. But riddle me this then: why would he ignore his little brother all throughout his childhood only to turn around and dedicate all his free time to his nephew? To take the time to play with him, laugh with him, teach him things. He practically snatched you from my arms,” the tears in his eyes were clear, and Griffin felt so confused. “I was going to be damned if I would let him do it to me again, so I made sure to keep Zach away from him. As much as I could though.”
“You,” his father turned to face him, “How could you resist Joel’s charm? You fell in love with the man. He took you away from me, I never had a chance.” Griffin wanted to reassure his dad, to comfort him, but he didn’t know how. What his father was saying was true, he had loved Joel more as a father than him. But Jacob had pulled away too, he hadn’t fought for his son’s attention. That’s how it had felt to Griffin anyways. 
He saw it now, how each play date had been a stake through his father’s heart, a betrayal. And to see his own son admire and love someone else---
“Hey dad!” Zach burst into the scene and undid their heart to heart. Each one of the men retreated their (extended?) vulnerability as Jacob embraced his younger son. “Hi Griff!” his brother turned to him now, and the weight of their fathers’ words collided into him as he held Zach tighter. Brothers… age differences… unfair? Grudges… the tears were starting to form and he felt tempted to keep his brother longer. But Jacob was looking on. So he let go and hid his almost tears away as best he could.
“I see everyone’s here,” Katherine’s feminine voice broke the tension, which felt like a respite. Griffin always felt so much more at ease with her present. “Is mom not coming?”
“No, she told me I had to take care of this on my own,” Jacob said, with a hint of bitterness. “Let’s get inside, it’s getting cold or whatever.”
The spacious interior was cold in the spring evening, set up the scene.
“So now that Zachary is going to become an adult, I’ve been doing some thinking… As you all know, this house and estate was the property of my brother, Joel. At the time of his death he was unmarried and had no living children so, as his sole living close relative, this property became mine. I have no use for it, and clearly some-- or all--” he said begrudgingly, “of you have some form of attachment to it. So it’s yours. If you want it.”
The room was silent as each sibling processed what they had heard. Jacob’s detached tone of voice hurt Griffin, and he had been bracing for the worst so the meaning of his father’s words took longer to register, 
Katherine was the first to speak. “What do you mean, it’s ours?”
“I’m passing it on to you, now.”
“But, why? How? How is that possible?” Zach chimed in.
“It’s called a living inheritance,” Jacob explained. “I don’t have any use for this house and although selling it would be beneficial economically to us, something tells me that the three of you would protest.”
“Something?” Katherine teased him, always on the edge with him.
Jacob slumped. “Your events company could surely use it, and I don’t think Griffin would much appreciate all his hard work with the roses to go to someone else. Or Zach.” Jacob put a fatherly hand on Zachary’s shoulder and the young man smiled at him, which seemed to prompt a more honest confession.
“Katherine, Griffin,” Jacob looked at each of them, “it has come to my attention that perhaps--what.”
Zach had jabbed him. Jacob gave a resigned sigh coupled with a meaningful look at his youngest son, then resumed his speech. “I know that I was a lackluster father to both of you, a source of contempt rather than comfort. I am sorry about that. This is a way to hopefully start making it up to you, your ruined childhoods--”
“Ruined childhoods? Aren’t we being a bit dramatic?” Katherine's eyebrow shot up. She could always go toe to toe with their father.
Another exasperated sigh from Jacob changed her sardonic smile. “Ruined, bungled, misshapen, lacking… you know what I mean Katherine.”
“We do,” Griffin injected.
Jacob’s eyes rested on him, something like regret swimming in the pools of his irises. “I know.” Or pain. “The fact is, I was not fair to my eldest children and even if it might be too late I realize the error of my ways now. How I held you to impossible standards, Katherine, and held misogynistic beliefs that shaped my expectations and interactions with you. I--- there’s no excuse for it. There simply isn’t. You were always such a wonderful child, a loving daughter, and I took you for granted, took advantage of you even, of your innocence and forgiving nature. Until that nature, naturally, wilted. Being fed toxic poison and not being given the nurturing love you deserved. You deserved it, and I withheld it from you, because of antiquated beliefs that I shudder to think of now. Can… can you ever forgive me?”
Kat’s face was all astonishment. She certainly hadn’t been expecting to be hearing those words from their father, and neither had Griffin. This was literally unprecedented.
“I--um--hm--” Kat mumbled a bit, her eyebrows knitting a tapestry of confusion on her face. “I guess. Yes?” her voice was dry, her body language uncomfortable. So used was she to the cold detachment of Jacob’s parenting style that the sincere apology left her apoplectic. Griffin squirmed at the thought of having to deal with that sort of attention from him. He gave Kat a reassuring, shoulder-shrugging smile and tried to silently comfort her. 
“Thank you, I will continue to work on it” or whatever Jacob would say.
Calmer, Kat seemed to accept their father’s words and let his vulnerability wash over her. 
“Griffin.” A knot immediately materialized in his throat as Jacob said his name. He would not look at his father-- could not-- make eye contact with this changeling sent to torment him. “I must apologize to you too. It pains me to think of all the time I spent resenting you over your love for your uncle. I wish I had been a better man, a better person, because it was due to my own unresolved issues with him that I gave up on you. I left you alone. Jesus Christ, I was so jealous of an innocent child that had nothing to do with what we had going on. And I--- I was stricter with you, I let you think that I didn’t care about you, I let myself fall on the trap of the self fulfilling prophecy and actively drove you away as you got closer to Joel. Like a petulant man child. I regret not making you feel loved. Oh, Griffin, you were so loved”
He would not cry in front of his father--it wasn’t safe! Rein yourself in, Griffin, control it! It was hard to believe the words he was hearing, so to check that it was indeed his father who was saying them, he looked up towards him. Confronted him.
But there was no confrontation there. 
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aplaceforthesoul · 4 years
my sister has suicidal thoughts & she's been idealizing suicide for a while. she's been dealing with extreme apathy and doesn't think she's valid because she doesn't have a diagnosis of any mental illness. she won't let me tell anyone & our parents think mental illness doesn't exist (the type to tell someone with depression to "just be happy"). i want to help her but i don't know how to.
gently keep regularly encouraging her and persuading her to talk about this to others (or to at least let you tell others on her behalf) is a good thing. let her know that talking is healthy for us! talking and communication is your friend, even if sometimes it feels hard and intimidating to put into practice. 
mental illnesses are vicious, she’s creating a self-fulfilling prophecy for herself at the moment. she feels like her thoughts + feelings aren’t valid because she doesn’t have a diagnosis (a very common feeling to have), but she won’t talk about it or let professionals know so that they can diagnose her )-: so because she’s not talking to a professional, she can’t get a proper mental health diagnosis so then she’s going to keep feeling a sense of invalidation which is likely to deepen the suicidal thoughts...and the cycle goes on. it’s an awful way to feel, and the only way to break the chain is to get her to speak up. 
your sister can be the one to speak up herself, sometimes that can help give her a sense of control over things? or maybe you can let others know on her behalf and help her to get professional support, sometimes it can be more helpful and less of a burden for her if you tell others what’s going on. 
little things you can do to help her? talk to her lots, ask her how she’s going, spend quality time together and make sure she knows that you love her lots and care about her. above all though, keep on encouraging her to reach out for help -- if she’s not yet 18 then your parents may end up finding out? but that doesn’t mean that they have to be the main source of support. it would be nice if they were for sure, but your sister can absolutely find help and support and care from other adults and professionals. if you feel like her life is at risk in any way? tell people and tell your parents -- your sister might be angry with you for a while, but honestly at least your sister will be alive to be angry at you. good luck <3
- tash
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The Demonic Legion Of The Kingdom Of Shadows
Here we concentrate upon the Demonic Legion of the Kingdom of Shadows ~ Satan, Lilith and the Demonic Beings that reside in Hell. The Spirits Of Hell are given with their Gender M(Male), F (Female) and A (Androgynous) and beneath each is given information on the areas of influence they have power over. This information is important as it is useful when deciding on which Demon’s power to Conjure to aid the obtaining of certain objectives or in completing work for Our Lord Satan. SATAN (M) Occult Knowledge, Success, Possession, Desire, Lust, Wisdom, Eliminating Enemies, Protection, Seduction, Magickal Power, Black Magick, Witchcraft, Bravery, Power. LILITH(F) Seduction, Stillbirths, Infertility, Miscarriages, Lust, Wrath, Psychic Power, Destroying The Pious, Avenger Against Misogyny, Female Power, Seership, Bloodshed, Menstruation. BEELZEBUB (M) Warfare, Power, Bravery, Authority, Rulership, Leadership, Influence, Controlling Those In Power, Conflict, Military Tactics, Victory, Defeat Of Enemies, Destruction.   ABADDON (M) Misery, Torment, Torture, Isolation, Depression, Madness, Terror, Desolation, Misanthropy, Binding Another’s Magick, Hexing, Cursing, Death, Loss. AGALIAREPT (M) Seership, Teaching, Guidance, Wisdom, Knowledge, Gateways, Scrying, Divination, Black Magick, Doorways, Portals, Realms, Prophecy, Tarot, The Black Mirror, Initiation. ASMODEUS (M) Seducing Women, Carnal Pleasure, Sexual Prowess, Ouija Boards, Desire, Lust, Seducing The Religious, Protection, Protection Against Magickal Attack, Fornication, Wanton Behaviour.   NAAMAH (F) Fornication, Lust, Seduction, Fertility, Fertility Of Land, Sexuality, Sexual Excess, Nymphomania, Blasphemy, Wrath, Adultery, Seduction Of Men, Beauty, Female Power. BELPHEGOR (A) Invention, Creativity, Love, Friendship, Ideas, Science, Attracting Love, Crafts, Alliances. LUCIFUGE (M) Prosperity, Wealth, Money, Inheritance, Good Fortune, Fate, Success, Business Deals. ARIOCH (M) Revenge, Justice, Retribution, Wrath, Death, Anger, Rage, Vengeance, Persecution Of Enemies, Karma, Pain, Punishment, Destruction, Cursing. ALASTOR (M) Violence, Death, Destruction Of Enemies, Inciting Homicide, Destroying Others, Assassination, Wrath, Bloodlust, Bloodshed, Pain, Hatred. RIMMON (M) Healing, Health, Healing The Self, Medicines, Diagnosis, Healing Others, Medical Knowledge, Science, Recovery. MEPHISTO (M) Pacts, Death, Revenge, Trades, Deals, Commerce, Liberation, Success, Extravagance, Pride, Demonic Pacts, Contracts, Sexual Liberation, Communication. ADRAMALECH (M) Destruction, Hate, Blood Sacrifice, Death Of Children, Sacrifices, War, Death, Plague, Disease, Pandemic, Desolation, Wrath. UNSERE (F) Healing, Fertility, Childbirth, Protection Of Children, Healing Of Children, Pregnancy, Herbal Healing, Safe Birth, Beginnings, Initiation, Female Beauty. BEHEMOTH (A) Greed, Sloth, Sin, Debauchery, Gluttony, Obesity, Blasphemy, Avarice, Indulgence, Possessive Behaviour, Laziness, Lewdness, Inciting Gluttony, Inflicting Obesity. RIBESAL (A) Storms, Violence, Seership, Dangerous Conditions, Bad Weather, Lightning, Sadness, Destruction Of Property, Rage, Wrath. SONNEILLON (F) Hate, Wrath, Conflict, Dividing Lovers, Causing Divorce, Dividing Friends, Ending Partnerships, Revenge, Grudges, Mental Torture, Disagreements, Discord, Torture. FRUCISSIERE (A) Necromancy, Passing Of The Dead, Paranormal, Ghosts, Ouija, Mediumship, Dark Arts, Paranormal Research, Psychic Phenomena. EURYNOME (A) Misery, Depression, Inciting Suicide, Inciting Self-Harm, Loneliness, Isolation, Loss, Apathy, Pacts, Death, Melancholy, Futility, Hate. LEONARD (M) Voodoo, Sorcery, Tatrism, Hexes, Spellcraft, Curses, The Occult, Witchcraft, Black Magick. DELEPITORAE (F) Lust, Glamour, Sex, Seduction, Beauty, Enchanting Men, Captivation, Obsession, Desire, Sex Magick, Seduction Spells. BALBERITH (A) Deals, Wisdom, Knowledge, Contracts, Success, Authority, Influencing Those In Authority, Allegiances, Alliances, Pacts, Power. AGRAMON (A) Terror, Nightmares, Paranoia, Fear, Insecurity, Trepidation, Uncertainty, Inciting Fear In Others, Insanity, Conspiracies. HUICTIIGARA (A) Dreams, Nightmaes, Insomnia, Rest, Dream Prophecy, Dream Travel, Astral Travel, Meditation, Peaceful Sleep, Convalescence. LUITHIAN (M) Learning, Knowledge, Study, Teaching, Literary Excellence, Understanding, Aiding Study, Aiding The Learning Process, Writing, Literature, Poetry, Wisdom. NYBASS (A) Luxury, Harmony, Prosperity, Festivals, Entertainment, Desire, Satisfaction. BECHARD (A) Tempests, Rains, Floods, Drowning By Flood, Winds, Tornadoes, Natural Disasters, Accidents, Weather Magick, Elemental Destructive Power. SURGAT (A) Opening Locks, Solving Problems, Entrance, Other Realms, Theft, Entry Into Forbidden Places, Revelation, Opening Magickal Gates. BALBAN (F) Apparitions, Mirages, Illusions, Hauntings, Fear, Nightmares, Paranoia, Insanity, Mental Imbalance, Delusions, Uncertainty, Depression. PYTHIUS (A) Deceit, Cunning, Commerce, Manipulation, Compulsion, Untruth, Concealment, Injustice. AGRAT (F) Harlotry, Inciting Women Commit Adultery, Seduction, Nymphomania, Prostitution, Seducing Men, Lust, Desire, Sexual Promiscuity, Harming The Pious. BALTAZO (M) Punishment, Misery, Boredom, Inciting Boredom, Inciting Apathy, Inciting Addition, Pain, Mental Anguish, Schizophrenia, Mental Diseases, Starvation. MELCHOM (A) Money, Promotion, Inheritance, Legacies, Financial Success, Business Success, Wealth. XAPHAN (A) Pyromancy, Protection From Fire, Divination By Ashes, Defeating Fire, Commanding Fire. VERDELET (A) Witchcraft, Pathworkings, Visualization, Illusions, Paranormal Activity, Elegance, Tact, Astral Travel, Dreamwork. CLISTHERT (A) Apparitions, Mirages, Psychic Ability, Disturbances, Astral Storms, Illusions, Fear, Terror, Astral Attack, Psychic Attack, The Paranormal GULAND (A) Disease, Inflicting Malady On Another, Causing Wounds To Putrefy, Accidents, Plague. FRIMOST (M) Seduction Of Other Men’s Wives, Lust, Desire, Seduction Of Virgins, Seduction Of Younger Women, Passion, Fornication, Sexual Virility. EISHETH (F) Seducing Other Women’s Husbands, Infidelity, Adultery, Seducing Pious Men, Destroying Pious Men’s Reputations, Exhibitionism, Fetishes, Sexual Obsession. CRESSIL (A) Sin, Libertine Behaviour, Lust, Desire, Lewdness, Greed, Obsession, Fascination, Material Obsessions, Decadence, Inciting Libertine Behaviour. BALAN (A) Diplomacy, Politics, Tact, Understanding, Charm, Wit, Communication, Popularity, Passion, Manipulation, Empowerment, Influence Over Others, Oratory Skills. UKOBACH (A) Fire, Destruction By Fire, Death By Fire, Causing People To Burn, Pyromancy, Immunity From Fire, Spreading Fire. KOBAL (A) Intellect, Perception, Learning, Study, Communication, Friendships, Diplomacy, Creativity, Understanding, Comprehension, Eagerness. SIRCHADE (F) Communicating With Animals, Commanding Animals, Magickally Aiding Animals, Languages, Nature, Protection, Linguistics, Empathy. ARDAT (F) Succubi, Draining Men Of Their Sexual Energy, Possesion, Causing Infertility In Men, Lust, Wrath, Causing Pain, Destruction Of Hope. MULLIN (M) Magickal Knowledge, Occult Wisdom, Ritual Magick, Divination, Tarot, Hermetics, Alchemy, History, Black Magick, Hexing. ARPHAXAT (F) Possession, Obsession, Fixation, Blasphemy, Desecration, Enchantment, Spells, Hexes, Manipulation, Sexual Manipulation, Witchcraft. ANNEBERG (A) Accidents, Suffocation, Wounds, Death, Mining, Excavation, Injury, Tragedy, Injustice, Disaster, Natural Disaster, Mass Death. CLAUNECK (A) Wealth, Employment, Promotion, Influence At Work, Success, Prosperity, Financial Acumen, Victory, Financial Stability, Investment. SATANACHIA (F) Protection, Safe Travel, Astral Travel, Magickal Protection, Seduction, Sexual Captivation. AYPEROS (F) Spellcraft, Image Magick, Synchronicity, Sorcery, Sympathetic Magick, Witchcraft, Charms. VERRIER (F) Healing, Herbal Healing, Natural Remedies, Healing Others, Curing Disease. BIFFANT (M) Possession, Obsession, Cruelty, Blasphemy, Fornication, Inversion, Debauchery. SHABIRI (F) Causes Blindness, Causes Deafness, Disfigurement, Birth Defects, Paralysis, Destruction Of Mental Health, Hearing Loss, Illness. RAHOVART (A) Punishment, Revenge, Hatred, Vengeance, Grudges Fulfilled, Karma, Justice, Death. MELCHIRESA (F) Terror, Nightmares, Fear, Madness, Mental Breakdown, Coma, Death, Fright, Phobias. ALDINACH (A) Earthquakes, Natural Disasters, Tsunamis, Flooding, Devastation, Destruction, Death. PHILOTANUS (M) Wisdom, Knowledge, Learning, Protection, Bravery, Insight, Intellect, Power. MOLOCH (M) Power, Authority, Knowledge, Sacrifice, Endeavour, Fortitude, Blood Sacrifice. HIEPACTH (A) Finding Those Who Are Missing, Finding Missing Items, Revealing Of Truth, Justice, Insight. MINOSON (A) Gambling, Fortune, Winning, Luck, Fate, Games Of Chance, Money. KHIL (M) Earthquakes, Disasters, Disturbances, Storms, Floods, Astral Storms, Turmoil. BRULEFER (F) Love, Alliances, Attracting Love, Peace, Reconciliation, Marriage, Engagements, Matrimony, Friendship, Partnerships, Binding Friendships. HUMOTS (A) Literary Knowledge, Discovering Books, Lost Manuscripts, Libraries, Archives, Study, Knowledge, History. SEGAL (F) Hauntings, Apparitions, Causing Hauntings, Contacting The Dead, Automatic Writing, Phantoms, Illusions, Paranormal Phenomena. SERGUTHY (M) Influencing Women, Enticing Women, Seduction, Lust, Desire, Deviant Practices, Fornication, Adultery. ELELOGAP (A) Death By Drowning, Storms At Sea, Shipwrecks, Tidal Waves, Bodies Of Water. CARREAU (A) Strength, Bravery, Power, Fortitude, Strength Of Will, Determination, Perseverance. ANSITIF (A) Desecration, Decadence, Sin, Lust, Adultery, Desire, Blasphemy, Indulgence, Wrath. ASAFOETIDA (F) Bind Friendships, Bind Lovers, Bind Spouses, Reconciliation, Marriage, Partnerships, Tact, Understanding, Instilling Compassion, Love. VERRINE (F) Healing, Health, Medicinal Knowledge, Fertility, Witchcraft, Healing The Aged. MULCIBER (M) Creativity, Architecture, Scholarship, Imagination, Invention, Craftsmanship, Structures, Mathematics, Buildings, Longevity. ELMEK (M) Knives, Swords Bladed Weapons, Battle, Death, Death By Blade, Violence, Battle Fever. BAALZEPHON (M) Wisdom, Creative Thought, Liberation, Free Will, Resistance, Strength, Learning. VETIS (M) Revenge, Evil, Blasphemy, Desecration, Destruction, Hatred, Death, Inflicting Pain, Inflicting Loss, Poverty, Illness. SVENGALI (M) Revenge, Retribution, Bloody Nightmares, Terrifying Visions, Hallucinations, Hate, Anger, Wrath, Defeat Of Enemies. PICOLLUS (A) Nightmares, Sacrifice, Storms, Tempests, Disruption, Chaos, Death, Necromancy. TEZRIAN (F) Conflicts, Warfare, Capturing The Souls Of The Dead, Battles, Courage, Mass Death, Betrayal, Battlefields, Omens, Augury, Victory In Warfare. RASHOON (F) Compulsion, Compelling Another Against Their Will, Seduction, Lust, Enchantment. MORAIL (A) Invisibility, Remaining Unseen, Hiding, Concealment, Deviousness, Avoiding Discover, Disguise, Independence, Survival. BLISARGON (A) Cursing, Bindings, Hexing, Black Magick, Obstruction, Delays, Injury, Pain, Loss. ROSIER (A) Love,  Marriage, Courtship, Etiquette, Inciting Love In Another, Binding Love. JEZEBETH (F) Deceit, Lies, Illusion, Cunning, Seduction,  Manipulation, Fabrication, Stealth, Secrets. MERSILDE (A) Entering Other Realms Of Being, Astral Projection, The Inner Sight, Seership, Prophecy, Protection On Journeys, Protection. SUCCORBENOTH (M) Gateways, Portals, Mirror Magick, Scrying, Jealousy, Deceit Envy, Openings, Knowledge. MUSISN (A) Influence Over Those In Power, Authority, Control, Mastery, Compulsion, Hauntings. CARNIVEAN (A) Debauchery, Adultery, Excess, Exhibitionism, Sexuality, Possessiveness, Hate, Envy. NYSROGH (M) Provides Servitors, Protection, Provides Familiars, Influences The Decisions Of Others. (c)copyright2018 Montespan.
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arianaguru · 6 years
Millennials: Vote or Die
Millennials have been called everything from entitled to sensitive to narcissistic snowflakes that still live at their parent’s house. We are safe space fanatics that need participation ribbons to feel good about ourselves. One reporter even referred to Generation Y as, “Wild, politically disengaged suckers who will fall for any weird fad.” As a generation, society and media has lead us to believe that, in short: we ain’t shit. It’s never a good feeling to find out your generation’s only claim to fame is that you killed Facebook and don’t like to vote but maybe this is just a self fulfilling prophecy. Maybe our apathy towards voting stems from society constantly making millennials believe that we’re lazy, politically disengaged pansies. To reference one of the greatest films of our time, “I don’t hate you because you’re fat, you’re fat because I hate you.” We’re getting Mean Girl’d by our own government into thinking we’re nothing more than cry baby, vegan, non-voters when actually we have the potential to spark some real change, here’s why.
Millennials Are Growing into the Largest Living Adult Generation
In the 2016 presidential election, Baby Boomers made up about 30% of the eligible voting class in America. “Baby Boomer” refers to babies born after WWII where there was spike in birth rate in America. This generation is now made up of people between the ages of 52-70. It is expected that by next year Millennials will make up the largest living adult generation in the U.S., which could drastically shift the political shit storm that we’ve become so accustomed to enduring as of late. Yes, sunny days and blue skies could be on the horizon if we realize how much voting power we actually have generationally.
The Millennial Vote Could Swing Elections
Right now, young people turn out at a rate of 1 in 5. If we could rip ourselves away from watching Queer Eye long enough to change that turn out to 2 in 5, we have the power to swing any election we vote in. Millennials are notorious for taking part in this thing called “hashtag activism”, or “slacktivism”. Basically, this is when we support a social or political cause on social media but takes little to no actual involvement other than hitting “#”. This form of activism is completely valid when coupled with action. The midterm elections are coming up soon (November 6th!) so, we have to get out to the polls and put our avocado toast money where our whiny little mouths are.
Look, I’m not trying to be all preachy but the fact of the matter is; politicians do their best to meet the needs of voters. Since millennials are opting out of this process altogether, we are telling our representatives that our needs don’t matter. Notoriously, our grandparents and parents are the ones who turn up to elections and make decisions that will affect our future quality of life, while they have one foot in the grave. We can no longer allow politics to be something that happens to us, something we have no control over. It’s time to pass the symbolic torch of voting to a generation that will not stand by and watch another sexual predator hold a seat in the highest office in the country. Our time is now, let’s show them what the millennial vote can really do.
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sagebodisattva · 5 years
Fatalism in the Modern World
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So let's talk a little about Fatalism, a philosophical position that suggests the subservience of all activities and happenings to fate. Fatalism generally refers to any of the following ideas: The view that we are powerless to do anything other than what we actually do. Included in this is that man has no power to influence the future, or indeed, his own actions. An attitude of resignation in the face of some future event or events which are thought to be inevitable. That acceptance is appropriate, rather than resistance against inevitability. So these ideas are closely related to determinism and defeatism, which are mindsets that are associated with pessimism and cynicism, which are indicative of grounded positions rooted in the dark spectrum of ill psychologies.
So, right out the box, we can see why these presuppositions appeal to the average, sardonic man. It relieves him of all responsibility, makes him feel less emasculated by his own disempowered disposition, enables the pathos of his hapless condition, and helps him feel less guilty about his own inaction, apathy and any possible immoral behaviors; assuming that he has a shred of conscience that causes self reflection and recapitulation. It's not safe to assume that. This is a very degenerative state of existence for a human being to resign himself to. It's basically throwing in the towel and giving up. It is often a position that develops as a result of a long journey into the depths of the external, which will always, without exception, conclude with disappointment and failure to assuage the common anxieties that plague the modern man. Indeed, so many of us are like hungry ghosts, wandering around in vain, searching longingly for something to fulfill our desperation... and we can just imagine how the hungry ghost's search will turn out, for there is nothing found externally that will ever bring it lasting peace.
But, in a way, the fatalist is right: with this mindset and attitude, and the refusal to investigate and probe deeper into the introspective source, fate will command your path. For those that are content to hit the cruise control and ride their existential agency out on auto pilot, your course will be ruled by destiny, no question about it. But. for those who have done a little deeper experimentation and investigation into the source of awareness, the only factor that cannot be disputed due to the discernible empirical first hand self evidence of such, these suggestions are utter nonsense, and irresponsible dereliction.
"We are powerless to do anything other than what we actually do."
What is that? Does this actually mean anything, or is this just a hungry ghost moaning about his bleak plight? What else would you hope to do, other then what you can actually do? Maybe you are getting caught up on the inference of the concept of 'actuality', of which, is comparable to defining one's limits and possibilities to a shackle around one's ankle. What is actual is that you are aware of an experience of a reality; beyond that, anything else proposed will either contribute to weighing you down, or will serve to facilitate your freedom from self imposed limitations. It's as simple as that.
So much of how everything is assembled is arranged so to fortify your disempowerment, and at the core of this marginalization is the dictating narrator, the constant chatter of the thinking mind, which reinforces the disempowerment by continually sustaining it through stubborn attachment to dogmatic narrative; external verification substantiated by way of reflective aspects and validation via confirmation bias. All of this gives the impression that the restricting parameters are not the result of self imposed limitations, but are, in fact, the unbendable laws that one has no choice but to abide. And of course, this assumed set up fits well with most people's predilection, so it's a self fulfilling prophecy and a cycle that eventually reinforces itself with little or no provocation. The notion that you are powerless to do anything other then what you can actually do, in itself, is self defeatism, for it helps to revert the awareness into conformity to the idea of powerlessness as the accepted normative condition, while promoting the idea of the severe limitation of the existential agency; casting a cloud of weakness, and hence distrust and disdain, to the very aspect that is most sure, most immediate, and most self evident.
With this as a mindset, which we can liken to a harnessed horse with blinders, what kind of conclusion about reality will be realized that isn't in deference to some sort of external phenomena? This is the conditioning that must be unlearned in order to take responsibility and command of your reality. Things are not as solid, fixed and rigid as we fancy them to be. Anything and everything, in your idea of an outer space contextualization, was originally sourced from a superpositional potentiality. There is no such thing as actual phenomenal content; for, anything manifested, whether it be an object, a force, a law, or a material phenomena, is empty unsubstantial transient and impermanent. Increased lucidity reveals the hidden designs of these projections as sourced from pure potential, which is the foundation of physics and the source of all manifestations. And pure potential doesn't follow any rules; it produces rules. Pure potential isn't bound to anything as limited and contextual as determinism. If determinism does have any role as a factor in a produced reality, then it is only as a supportive role, conditional to, and framed within, a manifestation with borders; of which, is rooted in pure potential, which is limitless, undefinable, immeasurable and ineffable.
We can become powerful when we position ourselves to be unbounded by actuality. This requires meta awareness and detachment from the identification with the persona; which, cannot influence the future or even it's own actions, due to being immersed in disempowerment. Indeed, only those whose mind's are untethered from the rigid confines of the worldly ego can influence the conditions of the present moment; which is all there really is, in truth; the ideas of past and future being only illusory concepts, with no basis in reality, which is the false premise upon which the idea of determinism, is constructed.
And, of course, the untethered awareness can also influence the actions of the persona, which is afforded to those who are not slaves to the impulses, desires, and visceral demands of the physicality. Without this, it's understandable why an ego would resign itself to the idea of an inevitable future, for it is powerless in this state of being, and with this program as it's conditioning, resignation does seem like the appropriate response, because mere thoughts and actions performed by a world based persona are not going to make any difference. Yet, on a sort of side note, if we consider pure potentiality, in a sense, the fundamental essence could be said to be both eternally always so in superposition, yet deterministic, for the oneness of all that is, while non-committed and free of all qualities, is always as such, determinedly so. And the cosmic Maya of time, change, development, condition, and circumstance, while of illusion, are, at the same time, as illusion, equally forever present, never created nor destroyed, perpetually happening instantly and simultaneously.
But this is a bit tangential to the specific matter of a persona in delusion, struggling with paradoxical absurdity. But it does highlight that illusion does have both the qualities of determinism and free will, but much of it will depend on whether the mind is over the matter, or if the matter is above the mind. When the matter is over the mind, the persona will be at the mercy of fate, as it is identifying with illusion instead of knowing itself as the source of awareness; and as such, will be subject to conditions, which are bound to a cause; and causes, under these conditions, are tied up in dependent origination. Brining the mind over matter is to break these rules, much as a hacker can compromise a program, and this leads to the wisdom of knowing that, as lucidity reveals, illusion is a production of the mind, and as such, ironically, there is nothing to change, nothing to command, nothing to gain, and nothing to fix; for what good does it do to tinker with an illusion if one is already awake and aware that it is the source of these illusions, which only beg to be changed, commanded, gained or fixed, when one is in delusion? But, if you are not of the mind to take responsibility for reality, and are resigned to let illusion steer the fate of your ego, then also in this case, there is nothing for you to do about it; and while this buries one deeper in illusion and makes it much harder to self recognize, perhaps it can reveal the flaw in the fatalistic reasoning.
It's called the "Idle argument", which states that if something is fated, then it would be pointless or futile to make any effort to bring it about, so why not just be idle instead? The points of the argument are stated as follows:
If it is fated for you to recover from an illness, then you will recover whether you call a doctor or not. Likewise, if you are fated not to recover, you will not do so whether you call a doctor or not. But either it is fated that you will recover from this illness, or it is fated that you will not recover. Therefore, it is futile to consult a doctor.
Indeed, if you are resigned to fatalism and a deterministic belief system, then really, there is no reason for you to do anything at all, for whatever it is that you do, or don't do, is already determined, and since it's already determined, there isn't a choice to make, a casual action to perform, an effect to influence, nor any conditions to change; unto yourself, others, or to the world. So you might as well stay in bed all day; and don't worry, if you do, it was already determined to be that way by fate. So does this really seem like a sound philosophy? Or just an elaborate device designed as an excuse to not do anything; or if one does something, to not take any responsibility for doing it, or not doing it, as the case may be.
But what about logical fatalism and the argument from bivalence? Well these are very antiquated arguments, and not that difficult to pick apart due to being based on weak limited tools of reasoning. Logic does have it’s application, but it is hardly an all encompassing be all and end all, believe it or not. The key idea of logical fatalism is that there is a body of true propositions (statements) about what is going to happen, and these are true regardless of when they are made.
So, for example, if it is true today that tomorrow there will be a baseball game, then there cannot fail to be a baseball game tomorrow, since otherwise it would not be true today that such a baseball game will take place tomorrow. What if the baseball game gets rained out? Then what? Then what was true today fails to be true tomorrow due to an unforeseen factor. Furthermore, to suppose that there is a body of predetermined true propositions fails, due to indefiniteness and the lack of identification of the agency where these propositions are given context of truth, outside of the subject that is asserting such presuppositions. Through logic, one may assign a truth value to a proposition before something is shown to be true or not, but one cannot assign a definite one. How could that be justified?
I hate to say it, but much of these notions of predetermination, destiny, and absolute truth value, stink of theological concepts. Logical fatalism assumes a perennial set of all propositions, which exist without being proposed by anyone in particular, and for that reason alone, are incompatible with logic. Where are these predetermined definite predictions assembled? Predetermined by what? By whom? Where are they located? When were they made? How were they determined? Why are they predicted as such? If you want to assert the pre-existence of truth in the future then you need some basis to substantiate it, and so, on what are you substantiating it upon? Pre-existence of truth in regards to what? What is it pre-existing exactly? Relative to what? Pre-existing to the subject that makes all this shit up? Yeah, of course. That's always the underlying motive, isn't it? If there really is pre-existing truth out there, independent of the ones who define it, then this begs for explanation. By explaining that it is the objective configuration of a material universe doesn't explain one damn thing, since you cannot substantiate the context and origination of this so called universe. We assume a universe exists because we experience it? Ah well, then it sounds like the only thing you can be really sure of at the very least is that you have an awareness of appearances. Beyond that, you don't really know jack shit. You are just telling stories about appearances, not much different then theology.
So pre-determined truths exist independently of the very thing that provides you with the ability to determine a truth? Fascinating. And I suppose the universe has it's own story independent of the one who is telling the story about it? This universe does seem like a great mythology, but if you wanna push the truth of its independent existence, then authenticate that it's independent please. Oh right, you can't do that. So then this whole idea ceases to be logical determinism because it is depending on fallacious arguments; and what good is logic if it is only a tool of an inconsequential subject that is a byproduct of something that exists independently of it? Doesn't really sound like all that great of a tool at all. I'd prefer a tool that exists independently of me. I think it might be somehow more reliable since it's a tool that's not crafted by my own bias. Sounds handy!
Then there is the so called “principle of bivalence”; the idea that propositions, that it to say, statements of opinion or value judgment, can only either be true or false, absolutely, with no in between; which is a silly proposition in itself.
Here are some statements that can be either true or false:
Pepperoni pizza is the best type of pizza when seasoned with garlic.
Irishmen that own lawnmowers don't drink alcohol.
Dogs with leather collars chase squirrels.
It is not certain whether or not a healthy diet will result in weight loss.
Should I continue? This principle is just another tired presupposition of objectivity and absolutism, which is attempting establish these theories as default axioms. If demonstrating how it's not accurate to say that a proposition can only either be true or false, due to ambiguity, uncertain variables and the indeterminate nature of a future truth, is in discord with classical logic, then logic really is a weak tool with very limited application.
I will further deconstruct logic in the future, but for now, I'll wrap this up by pointing out that so much of the motives behind fatalism, as is also the case with most philosophies, ideologies, theologies and mythologies out there, involve the usual attempt to dismiss the interconnectivity of reality with the mind, and to keep the externalized monkey in the mirror syndrome conditioning intact. It's rarely ever just said outright, for they don't even wanna draw attention to it by even mentioning it, but instead, it is indirectly implied through various elaborate philosophical confections, complex mathematical equations, intriguing scientific postulations, cloak and dagger conspiracy theories and fantastical theological allegorical parables. Yes, there are many different fashions of distractions and diversions, but all of them share in common the aim to misdirect the attention away from itself and to fixate on the perceptibles, all of which serve to reinforce the conditioning of the disempowered mind that is in self imposed submission to matter. Will you take the necessary steps to examine this condition, discover it's secrets and free yourself? Or will you simply become a modern day fatalist, resigned to a destiny that is out of your hands, living a life of a hungry ghost, stuck in a medium of predetermined stifled helpless desperation?
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branded-perceptions · 2 months
"the dead" in Game of Thrones can be seen as metaphor of
A) mass psychosis
B) inherited behaviourism of groups' repressions
C) how our mind and culture is full of symbols and constructs made by our ancestors which many of us tend to blindly follow like a zombie without questioning it or feeling pain of its (self)destructivity.
As example pattern of mishandling of corona pandemic resembles what leads to "judgement day" of Abrahamic religions:
look around how many people anticipate and look out for all sorts of fantasies due to these pattern having been triggered, which then sooner or later becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as whenever new events happen that match these stories a huge part of the population goes along according to culturally shared inherited symbolic triggers in our minds
which similar like the bra(i)nde(a)d stories and customs of our time can be both
A) dangerous if people do not consciously introspect about it
B) helpful to serve as collective metaphors if put into educational context to better understand, discuss and ponder about group-dynamics that otherwise without shared metaphors are hard to grasp / too unconscious but still happen.
This is where our modern entertainment industries play a vital role
as they have many fans of both "opposing" spectrum of US democrats and republicans
as well as all "diverse" national identities
that can find common ground by pondering and analysing the morality and psychological group dynamics of the TV show while putting it in a contemporary context:
Many individuums of conflicting groups may be familiar with and fond of certain movies like Game of Thrones
and by analysing and discussing the morality of most famous scenes people from conflicting parties will find common ground because we all are humans and in general have quite similar moral core values
(common sense which can serve as globally shared safety boundaries)
which gets distorted by in-group dynamics
that one can look behind by discussing such dynamics via impersonal movies as oneself is not part of the groups in the fantasy movie and thus naturally has a more objective view on it
whose shared lessons then transfer into real life.
Furthermore, the exaggerated narratives, violent scenes and plot twists make people more cautious regarding the thereby naturally in everyone emerging core insight of "Puhh, I am so lucky to be sitting on a comfortable couch instead of being caught up in such mad insanity" ... which frighteningly resembles common behavioural pattern and group dynamics of our economy and politics that embody it in less exaggerated and more subtle "normal" ways which we can playfully incentivise each other to more introspect about and playfully via humour of character metaphors discuss its otherwise undiscussed moral implications that otherwise drown in apathy towards consequenes💉☠️💉 of our collective unconscious behaviourism.
Essentially, such shared impersonal fantasy metaphors help to publicly discuss and make conscious the dynamics that otherwise due to our unconsciousness about and lack of vocabulary to debate them would become dangerous.
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evolutioncounseling · 6 years
On Tuesday we have the chance to send a clear message to oppressors everywhere. “We are coming for you. Where you wield fear and disinformation to maintain power we choose love and hope. We will tear down your walls!”
If your heart remains unmoved after two years of malicious attacks upon the most vulnerable members of our society, upon our future, upon our democracy, upon the very fabric of our nation, nothing we write here will make an iota of difference to you. But if you are one of the countless people in whom despair and apathy have taken root and found fertile soil, now is the time to stand up, now is the time to fight back.
Oppressors always and everywhere, whether we’re talking about abusive leaders in a nuclear family or abusive leaders at the highest levels of government, know that the instillation of apathy is their most potent weapon in the war to maintain power.
When apathy sets in we come to believe that we’re powerless, we come to believe that while the situation is a mess there’s nothing we an do to change anything. It’s the ultimate self-fulfilling prophecy. Since we’re unaware of our power we do become powerless, we allow the unwanted situation to continue under the rationalized belief that the situation has to continue unchanged.
On Tuesday you have the opportunity to shrug off that apathy, to exercise your power, to vote out those who seek to oppress the most vulnerable amongst us for their own selfish gain. You have the chance to vote out those who have chosen money and power over love and justice, who prefer a Divided States of America. Do not let fear, despair, and apathy convince you to sit this one out. Exercise your power, exercise your vote. Your vote might only be a drop of water but enough drops of water taken together make a tidal wave. No drops of water make a barren desert. Now is your chance to be the change you want to see in the world. No more complaining, no more apathy, no more despair, only action!
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(via Devotionals)
Third Angel
, January 12
After these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. Revelation 18:1. Mar 20.1 The angel who unites in the proclamation of the third angel’s message is to lighten the whole earth with his glory. A work of world-wide extent and unwonted power is here foretold. The advent movement of 1840-44 was a glorious manifestation of the power of God; the first angel’s message was carried to every missionary station in the world, and in some countries there was the greatest religious interest which has been witnessed in any land since the Reformation of the sixteenth century; but these are to be exceeded by the mighty movement under the last warning of the third angel.... Mar 20.2 The great work of the gospel is not to close with less manifestation of the power of God than marked its opening. The prophecies which were fulfilled in the outpouring of the former rain at the opening of the gospel are again to be fulfilled in the latter rain at its close.... Mar 20.3 Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will be given. Miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and signs and wonders will follow the believers. Satan also works with lying wonders, even bringing down fire from heaven in the sight of men. Revelation 13:13. Thus the inhabitants of the earth will be brought to take their stand.... Mar 20.4 The publications distributed by missionary workers have exerted their influence, yet many whose minds were impressed have been prevented from fully comprehending the truth or from yielding obedience. Now the rays of light penetrate everywhere, the truth is seen in its clearness, and the honest children of God sever the bands which have held them. Family connections, church relations, are powerless to stay them now. Truth is more precious than all besides. Notwithstanding the agencies combined against the truth, a large number take their stand upon the Lord’s side. Mar 20.5
He shall Reign Forever,
January 13
The seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Revelation 11:15. Mar 21.1 The coming of Christ to usher in the reign of righteousness has inspired the most sublime ... utterances of the sacred writers.... The psalmist sang of the power and majesty of Israel’s King: ... “Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad ... before the Lord: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.” Psalm 96:11-13. Mar 21.2 Said the prophet Isaiah:... “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth; for the Lord hath spoken it....” Isaiah 25:8.... Mar 21.3 When the Saviour was about to be separated from His disciples, He comforted them in their sorrow with the assurance that He would come again: “Let not your heart be troubled....In my Father’s house are many mansions....I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself.” John 14:1-3.... Mar 21.4 The angels who lingered upon Olivet after Christ’s ascension repeated to the disciples the promise of His return: “This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11. And the apostle Paul, speaking by the Spirit of Inspiration, testified: “The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Says the prophet of Patmos: “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him.” Revelation 1:7. Mar 21.5 About His coming cluster the glories of that “restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.” Acts 3:21. Then the long-continued rule of evil shall be broken; “the kingdoms of this world” will become “the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Revelation 11:15. Mar 21.6
Elijah Prophecy,
January 14
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Malachi 4:5, 6. Mar 22.1 Those who are to prepare the way for the second coming of Christ are represented by faithful Elijah, as John came in the spirit of Elijah to prepare the way for Christ’s first advent. Mar 22.2 The work of John the Baptist, and the work of those who in the last days go forth in the spirit and power of Elijah to arouse the people from their apathy, are in many respects the same. His work is a type of the work that must be done in this age. Christ is to come the second time to judge the world in righteousness. Mar 22.3 John separated himself from friends and from the luxuries of life. The simplicity of his dress, a garment woven of camel’s hair, was a standing rebuke to the extravagance and display of the Jewish priests, and of the people generally. His diet, purely vegetable, of locusts and wild honey, was a rebuke to the indulgence of appetite and the gluttony that everywhere prevailed. ... The great subject of reform is to be agitated, and the public mind is to be stirred. Temperance in all things is to be connected with the message, to turn the people of God from their idolatry, their gluttony, and their extravagance in dress and other things. Mar 22.4 The self-denial, humility, and temperance required of the righteous, whom God especially leads and blesses, is to be presented to the people in contrast to the extravagant, health-destroying habits of those who live in this degenerate age. God has shown that health reform is as closely connected with the third angel’s message as the hand is with the body. Mar 22.5 As John the Baptist ... called their attention to the Ten Commandments, so we are to give, with no uncertain sound, the message: “Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come.” With the earnestness that characterized Elijah the prophet and John the Baptist, we are to strive to prepare the way for Christ’s second advent. Mar 22.6
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itsmrsomesh · 4 years
Blog no - 42 Date - 24/09/20 Time - 7:30 (Evening)
If your fears scream loudly daily, you will not be able to hear the softer whispers of your higher angels of bravery, creativity, prosperity and impact. You’re meant to shine. To have a meeting with greatness. And to reveal the most excellent version of the grandest vision of yourself to the world.
[In the way that feels most honest to you].
As human beings, I do not believe that the primary purpose of being here on the planet is to watch mindless television, play violent videos games or follow the trainwreck lives of certain celebrities on social media. We are not born into limitation. We are taught to doubt, educated to make excuses and trained to fear.
Through the messages of our earliest teachers we are schooled strictly on how the world works, the ways we must operate to fit in with the group and the manner in which we must think in order to stay safe.
And via the hurts that we all collect as we advance through life, our brains actually lose their capability to express our natural genius [trauma repressed creates the mental blocks that restrain our access to the advanced perception all great masters inhabit].
The suffering that is part of a life richly lived causes our once wide open hearts to close—limiting not only our joy and wonder but also the passion that drives elite productivity and heroic performance.
So what’s the workaround to turn limitation into freedom and tiny thinking into boundless belief in your potential, your talents and the fantastic future that destiny has in store for you? It’s to rescript your current identity—via morning meditation, visualization, affirmation and contemplation—so you become the kind of person that has the power to carry your highest reality.
Part of this mindset transformation work involves defeating
The 5 Devils of Psychological Sabotage.
Devil #1: Excuses
Your excuses are liars, your doubts are thieves. The more times in a day that you rationalize why you can’t become all that you wish to be or handcraft the life that your best self wants, the more you’ll hardwire the neural circuit of that belief into your brain.
And that which you keep practicing is that which you’ll become a pro at. We become amazing at the things we repeat.
If you keep excusing away your power to do remarkable things, grow stronger amid adversity, and live the life of your ideals, you won’t do the work required to realize these feats.
So your very mental habit will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. And actually limit the glory of your potentially awesome reality.
Devil #2: Blame
Blaming others is giving your primal power to the people and conditions that you blame.
We reinforce our psychological victim stories and procrastination patterns to the point where they actually become our identity the more we blame. You begin to take back your power to be the creator of your bravest life and the generator of your wildest dreams once you stop blaming that which is outside of you for the things you are currently experiencing.
recommended resource
Devil #3: Gossip
Speaking about people who are not present amplifies what you speak of within your own thinking.
Talk of someone else's misdeeds, weaknesses or blindspots and you’ll be cementing these within your own mentality. And your daily behavior will always reveal these deepest [mostly unconscious] beliefs.
Devil #4: Complaint
Complaining is a meek form of anger.The more you grumble about what’s not working for you, the more you’ll be training your brain to look for those things in your environment.
Human cognition is built in such a way—through a system called The Reticular Activating System—that we actually only see the things outside of us that fit with the story we’ve sold ourselves.
Complain about how little money you have and all you’ll see is more scarcity of prosperity.
Complain of how mean people are and you’ll notice more mean people.
Complain of the lack of opportunities and you’ll witness more closed doors.
Devil #5: Apathy
Your brain requires novelty to become fully engaged. Without a mighty mission to give your days over to, high value targets that electrify your enthusiasm and meaningful pursuits that fuel your joy, you’ll grow bored. And apathetic.
Scared people generally complain about how bored they are, by the way.They are so terrified of living their genius and honoring their original gifts that they’ve suppressed their ambitions. And have no energetically imagined future that gets them out of bed before the sun comes up and inspires them to present their finest creativity to a most welcoming society.
Please consider these 5 devils that sabotage a pristine mindset—especially in challenging times. And then stay committed to doing the morning mastery work to ensure that they never affect the heavens of potential that your life is meant to materialize.
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