chenziee · 2 months
I don't usually post these here but!!
Look who just arrived!!
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Everything is so pink and cute and precious, I'm actually in tears 🥺😭🌸🌸
Look at the first and last page I cannot
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Front, back, and inside cover just—
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And my little contribution 🌸 with @sweatyhanded adorable spot art 🙏🤍🤍
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Everyone did such a wonderful job and the quality of everything is amazing too! I'm so happy and honoured to have been able to take part in this wonderful, adorable, pretty pretty @opchopperzine !! I'm gonna be over the moon for days just looking at everything 🌸🌸🌸
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avenoirn · 27 days
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crew nap time 💤
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sunclown · 1 month
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Chopper and Zoro’s cool earrings 🌸💖
My piece for @opchopperzine !! Had a lot of fun working on it, leftovers are currently open!!
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michelmims · 25 days
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CAROUSEL/ AMUSEMENT PARK Chopper for @opchopperzine 🍭🍬
[ This piece was so fun to me!! (´◡`) ]
Shares are appreciated 💖
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hellosunnycore · 29 days
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🌸🩷 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚛𝚞𝚖 𝙸𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍 🩷🌸
illustration for steilum's beautiful story "5 Bonds of Friendship (of Family)" (I cried!), which was written for the @opchopperzine! 💗 BUY IT HERE!
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kerolina · 1 month
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Winter Cherry Blossom🌸💫
My piece for @opchopperzine I loved being part of this zine, if you love Chopper make sure to check it out🥹💖
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episodeofdee · 11 months
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the print I created for @opchopperzine 🌸 preorders are now open!!! — check the zine blog for more info! ✨
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ayat-chan · 11 months
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My merch pieces for the @opchopperzine 💕
It was a honor to be a part of this lovely project as a merch artist. Thank you for the opportunity!! 🥹🩷
Preorders open until August 1st.
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fallensnowfan · 2 months
A wonderful package arrived from @opchopperzine !
Everything looks great for the smol doctor with a big heart, Choppa! I'm looking forward to reading through the zine!
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opchopperzine · 3 months
🌸 Shipping Address Updates 🌸
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If you purchased a physical bundle and need to update/confirm your address on file, please email us at [email protected]!
Address updates are due March 16th at 11:59 PM PST!
All buyers will also receive an email with this info.
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chenziee · 1 month
Written for the incredible (and absolutely adorable) @opchopperzine !! 🌸🌸
Aftersales are open right now and we're nearly out of stock so don't wait to grab your very own tanuki reindeer boy!
When he had first landed on the small, remote island in the South Blue, Chopper had no idea what to do. Completely lost and alone, with no clue as to where he even was—much less how to get back to Sabaody Archipelago—he was almost falling into despair. Would have, really, if he didn't manage to get accidentally caught in the middle of the silly war between the giant birds and humans.
Honestly… The whole issue could have been dealt with in five minutes if they all just stopped and talked about it but no. It almost felt like he was back on the Sunny and watching Zoro and Sanji fight over the smallest things.
And then he’d have to deal with the damage they put on each other, treating small burns and cuts.
Chopper sighed as he wrapped a bandage around one of the adult bird’s legs; just like home.
“Chirp?” the baby chick asked, nudging Chopper gently.
“I’m fine!” Chopper assured with a small laugh. “Just remembered something.”
The chick chirped again, this time much lighter and with something of a smile on his face, and Chopper didn’t hesitate to reach out and rub his head. What a sweet kid he was.
“No matter how many times I see it, it always amazes me that you can talk to animals, Tanukicchi,” Shanba said, impressed.
“It—it won’t make me happy if you keep complimenting me like that, you jerk!” Chopper defended himself immediately as he waved his arms in front of himself as if he could physically shove the words away. After all, he couldn’t just accept compliments from a human!
“Still can’t hide your emotions at all, can you, Takukicchi?”
Chopper froze in place. “Shut up, stupid human,” he mumbled, turning away defiantly to continue the treatment while pointedly ignoring Shanba and the birds’ giggling.
“But really, Tanukicchi, you’re amazing. We only showed you these plants earlier today and you can already make use of them so well,” Shanba said, picking up the jar of freshly made ointment that stood next to Chopper.
The reindeer laughed. “That’s nothing. I’m sure Doctorine, who taught me medicine, could make something much better…”
Shanba hummed, “I’m not so sure about that. But could she make us understand each other too?”
“No”—Chopper shook his head—“but she would probably just hold you all at knifepoint until you stopped.”
Dead silence followed his words as everyone seemingly froze, not moving a muscle.
“Huh?” Chopper tilted his head to the side, looking in confusion at Shanba, then at the birds, all of which were staring right back at him with wide eyes full of fear.
“I’m glad you were the one who came here, Tanukicchi…”
“Chirp! Chirp!!” the chick nodded several times in agreement, going so far as to huddle close to Chopper, rubbing his face against the reindeer’s fur.
Chopper blinked, unsure what had made them react like this… but he supposed it didn’t matter. With a small laugh, Chopper shook his head; after all was said and done, he was also glad he had made it here. Except—
“I’m not a tanuki!!”
From the moment he was born, Chopper was alone.
It took him years to understand why—why his parents had rejected him, why no one talked to him, why he was forced to always hang out at the very fringes of the herd. As a child, he simply didn’t understand he was strange, that his blue nose was a deviation that didn’t belong on a true, proud reindeer.
He didn’t understand… and that was why it hurt so bad.
And when he found that odd fruit—one that tasted so terrible, like mud and sand and bile—it only got worse.
He wasn’t a reindeer anymore. He wasn’t just a shameful deviation. Now, he was an abomination; something that didn’t belong in this world, much less a small reindeer herd living peacefully in the snowy forests of Drum Island.
He wasn’t a reindeer… but he could become a human now, right?
“It’s the Abominable Snowman! Shoot it!”
“Kill it! Kill it before it kills us!!”
He was naive. Young and innocent and oh-so-very naive.
How could a reindeer become a human? How could a human become a reindeer?
It was simply impossible; he was nothing but a monster now, doomed to be alone for the rest of his life.
“I’d never shoot you! My name is Hiriluk—I’m a doctor!”
Those were the words that changed Chopper’s life. Words that gave him a name and a purpose; a reason to live and hope for better days ahead. The first kind words he had heard in his life.
But did that change the fact that he didn’t belong? Did finding one person who accepted him change who he was? What he was? People still screamed at the sight of him. Reindeers still avoided him.
He was still nothing but a monster.
Even after meeting Doctorine and learning medicine under her tutelage, after beating Wapol with Luffy, after leaving the island to see the world with his own eyes… he was nothing more than that.
“Tanukicchi, are you there?” a woman’s voice called from somewhere towards the entrance to the village library.
Snapping back to reality, Chopped slapped his cheeks to make himself focus. He had a purpose here, he couldn’t just get distracted by reminiscing. 
“I’m in the back!” Chopper finally responded, pushing the heavy book in front of him away to instead turn around to face the approaching person.
Soon, one of the village ladies appeared around the corner, a large tray in her hands. She smiled widely when she finally noticed Chopper; her steps became faster as she hurried over to the little study area Chopper had made for himself.
“Tanukicchi, here. I brought you a snack,” she said happily before placing the tray carefully on the spacious desk. Chopper could already smell the amazing aroma of green tea, his mouth watering at the sight of carefully made sandwiches and apple slices styled into little bunnies.
The reindeer smiled, the action so natural that it almost surprised him. “Thank you, I appreciate it!” 
“You work so hard every day, you deserve a little break.” She almost sounded like she was scolding him as she said that, shooting Chopper a look.
Sticking out his tongue and scratching at his head sheepishly, Chopper quickly apologised before pausing. “Oh! How’s your son doing? Did the treatment help?”
“He’s doing great!” The lady smiled happily. “The medicine you gave him helped a lot, I’m sure he’ll be causing trouble all over the island again in no time.”
Chopper sighed in relief. “That’s great. I’m going to go see him later to check if he needs anything else.”
“You’re so dutiful even though you said you needed to study. Thank you, Tanukicchi,” she said gratefully, bowing a little.
“I’m not a tanuki,” Chopper snapped but then immediately relaxed again. “You thanking me doesn’t make me happy at all! But I’m glad everyone stopped fighting now and all the sick are recovering.”
“All thanks to you helping us understand each other.” She smiled warmly at Chopper before turning around. “I’ll leave you to your studies now. Don’t forget to eat, Tanukicchi!”
“Thank you!” Chopper called after her.
A smile still on his face, the little reindeer poured himself a cup of tea before turning back to his book. Even weeks after he had landed in Torino Kingdom, it still surprised him how advanced the civilisation here was. This library was full of books on medical procedures that even Doctorine never taught him, plans for equipment for better distillation and extracting healing components from herbs, and most importantly, a large collection of encyclopaedias with detailed information on the healing—and dangerous—properties of the plants growing all over this island and beyond.
Chopper wanted to know all of it. He was going to learn about every single herb and plant and advance his medical skills as much as he could in the limited time he had. As the doctor of the future Pirate King, he had to do at least that. And if his gut feeling wasn’t wrong…
He could do even more here.
When he created the Rumble Ball, Doctorine scolded him for being reckless and experimenting with things he didn’t understand. But regardless of what she said, it had served him well! He drew Wapol out of the country for good thanks to the power the drug gave him and he was able to help Luffy and the friends he had finally, finally found.
Doctorine, I’m not going to stop, Chopper thought to himself, flipping through his book with new-found resolve.
It had to be here. Something had to be here. Something to help him make greater use of his devil fruit, the fruit that had given him nothing but pain—making him neither an animal nor a human, turning him into a creature that shouldn’t exist.
The Rumble Ball gave him the power to turn into an actual monster; seven forms, seven boosts for seven different purposes… One of them had always terrified him but he knew, he knew it didn’t have to be like that. He only needed one more push, something that could help him stay in control while he became a real abomination.
And while at it, he would also make the most of the other forms. What he had now, a Rumble Ball made from the few plants growing on a winter island and medicine from Doctorine’s private stock couldn’t be the end of the drug. There was more; there had to be more.
Did he even have to rely on the Rumble Ball every time? There was still so much he didn’t know.
When he got Luffy’s message in the newspaper, he knew this was what he was meant to do during the two years granted to him. To become stronger, to turn into someone worthy of calling himself a crew member of the Pirate King.
And if that meant turning into a true monster, one that didn’t resemble either a reindeer or a human at all anymore, that was perfectly fine with him.
After all, he had finally found his home. He had friends now, people who didn’t care what he looked like, who accepted him as he was without question. He had found what he had been looking for all his life and he would be damned if he let them all down.
Luffy had made his decision and Chopper had made his own.
“Wait for me, Luffy. I’ll become a monster who can be of help to you.”
Determination coursing through his veins, Chopper blindly reached over to the tray to grab a snack—after all, one can’t learn properly on an empty stomach—but he paused when his hoofed hand touched paper. He frowned, tearing his eyes away from his book to instead glance at the note, grabbing an apple slice and biting into it absent-mindedly as he read.
Help yourself to the sandwiches. There's ham and cheese, vegetable, and two of the egg ones you liked! But the one in the middle has my mom’s special chocolate spread, I hope you like it!
Don’t forget to take care of yourself! 
P.S.: I’ll bring you more apples if you want, tanukis like them, right?
Chopper clicked his tongue, shoving the rest of the apple slice into his mouth as he chewed angrily, glaring at the little tanuki doodle in the corner of the note.
He had decided to become a monster for Luffy’s sake… But if becoming one would stop everyone from calling him a tanuki, well…
All the more reason to try his best.
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sunclown · 11 months
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💡🌸 Preview of my comic for @opchopperzine, PO are open till august 1st
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hellosunnycore · 11 months
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do you like this little guy? 🌸 check out @opchopperzine! 💗
➡️ preorders are open!
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