#oooh! I LIKE THAT!
critter-of-habit · 9 months
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Live action Ahsoka is growing on me but the short lekku are not 😌
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ohitslen · 11 months
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Kiss gun!
Based on this tweet!
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strange-aeons · 3 months
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See him face :)
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plangentia · 11 months
(leave your country in the tags lololol)
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introspectivememories · 4 months
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death-limes · 8 days
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she has like... lovehandles! and she's still not skinny even from the side! (that's my big beef with a lot of "plus size" fashion dolls) and aside from the joints being a little stiffer than the other dolls (which could just be bc she's new) she seems to have just as much articulation as everyone else
crying...... thank you monster high...........
(my only complaint is that her neck looks a bit long proportionally to the rest of her body but that's not a huge deal)
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obsessedwithstarwars · 8 months
Jazz is murdered in her Gotham apartment.
Red Hood is chasing the assailant and some bats come to help. Despite their best efforts, the assailant gets away. The bats have him cornered when he runs into the wall. Literally. He doesn’t come out the other side. They search everywhere but the assailant vanished without a trace.
Some weird government guys dressed in all white come and assess the scene. They are very official. Practically interrogating the officers on the scene and insisting on talking to the vigilantes who chased the assailant. After gathering all of the information they can, they tell their chief “The woman is dead. No, Phantom is not here. He was never here. No, she doesn’t appear to have become one of them.” They leave a card with GCPD to call in case anything changes. (Hood refers to them as “cryptic fuckers” or “dementor wannabes” from here on out)
Hood is pissed that the murderer got away, that secret government officials encroached on his territory, and that this woman seems to not be getting the justice she deserved. He knows how that feels. Not on his watch.
After Hood knows the autopsy has been completed, (he’s dealt with enough murder cases to gauge when it will be complete) he breaks into the morgue to take a look for himself. He opens the door to her slab, rolls her out and gets scared half to death when she thanks him for letting her out. She goes on to say she hasn’t figured out how to go intangible yet but Danny figured it out quick so it’s gotta be somewhat easy. Hood is trying his darnedest to not have a heart attack because she scared the crap outta him.
Meanwhile Danny’s wondering why he hasn’t heard from his sister in a few days.
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blackbackedjackal · 2 months
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Generational Trauma (wip)
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onejellyfishplease · 9 months
Part 16
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Also I love drawing unmutated Donnie so much, with each update he gets more and more scrunkly
I had to physically restrain myself from drawing his nose any longer.
Also Leo is a menace, and no matter when happens, as a brother he is contractually obligated to make fun of Donnie. It’s just instinctual.
(Don’t mind me, just dropping in some lore… or well, dropping it on Donnie)
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reapersynth · 2 months
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Men are not a new sensation // I've done pretty well I think // But this half-pint imitation put me on the blink // I'm wild again, beguiled again // A simpering, whimpering child again // Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered am I
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irrfahrer · 2 years
Wookiepedia on Norris Root !
Read the original Texts Here, Here and Here!
Norris Root The Norris root was rare and beautiful plant native to the world of Almar. A reddish dye could be made from the root which was naturally resistant to energy from blaster bolts or lightsabers. During the days of the Jedi Civil War, a methodology existed for producing naturally energy-resistant Jedi and Sith robes, by deliberately staining them with pigments with the dye of the Norris root.
Norris Robe Norris robes were made from the roots of the Norris plant found on the tropical planet of Almar, supplies of which were generally limited. Ancient Jedi took the roots and made a reddish orange dye from them. The dye made their robes both beautiful, but also energy resistant. This made the Norris robes unique and valuable across the galaxy.
Almar Almar was a tropical planet located in the Elrood sector's Almaran system with beaches, marmaw-inhabited oceans, rain forests, and wide plains of orange grasses. The planet was dedicated to the tourist trade and its surface was called Almar Downside. The planet was orbited by a space station known as Almar Upside, which was considered Almar's capital.
Almar was built up as a tourist attraction; Almar Upside was established with docking bays, hotels, bars and shops in the hope that wealthy residents of Elrood sector would patronize it as a play to relax, play, and spend money. The Elrood sector never flourished as hoped, and Almar became known as a "second-class" planet in the sector due to the fact that it was not on the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route and therefore saw less traffic.
When the Galactic Empire invaded and occupied Derilyn, the corporation that established Almar Upside disappeared and the computer banks recording the official ownership of Almar Upside were wiped. Over the course of several years, the Alliance to Restore the Republic took control of the station, running it as a seemingly independent space station while secretly using it as a surveillance and listening post directed towards Imperial Interdicted Space.
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soni-dragon · 2 months
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ive seen a couple pokemon character color wheels around so i tried one with some of my favorites!
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zlo-sovs-lifeboat · 5 months
I have been busy
With comissions
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starpawedart · 6 months
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fuck it up Memo
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wren-kitchens · 4 months
anyway so this is how i started the day
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haunted-xander · 10 months
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She's so cringefail girlboss
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