#yes AI this is what a normal cat looks like oooh you wanna make normal cats so bad
strange-aeons · 2 months
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See him face :)
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 14: well, hell
@ my kid please stop being sick both bc I don't want you to be sick and also so I can watch this episode
skilsldshare #ithasbegin
oh no. oh sam.
sam you made the ai fcg
as travis dies to death in the corner
"oh, it's fun to tease me about my problems"
"pretty white" travis
yeah liam wants to wear essek
I have not watched them yet, see above re: child
"D- is still a passing grade"
YOU agreed it was a fistfight
"he's going to die"
nobody wins in a headbutt
"I AM rollies"
hey ashton
hey ashton what the fuck is up with your brain
singe? singe rock? excuse?
taliesin looks so excited lmao
"now kith"
man just pulled a whole mortal kombat finisher
ashton has two speeds and both of them are engaged rn
oooh nice
love the image of him just swandiving backwards
marisha: "I want them to kiss so bad"
"let me check my notes - yes, he's hot"
fcg gets knocked out from ashton's fight
"are you still up?" "kinda!"
"grinds you across the stone" oh does he now
"this is not how I wanna spend my weekend" taliesin do you not have a backup character
fantasy influencers
"I am on cameo"
"the littles are all here" liam, please, phrasing
every time they say "jiana hexum" I hear "jonah hex"
"how many fingers am I holding  up?" ".....how many fingers do you HAVE?"
fantasy station wagon
"nobody's gonna make eye contact with you"
fearne my beloved
I also make confused cat noises when I realize people can perceive me
"I'm Southern all of a sudden" I can see chetney's accent easily trending southernish
I am familiar with the way taliesin is massaging his face, I hope his toothache resolves soon
"FUCK SANTA okay I'm back in it"
"are there holes in the bathrooms" laura
goddammit robbie I was drinking
oh no
laura. laura you don't need to use all the words. LAURA REMEMBER YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE ALL THE WORDS
"paying his debts? in the bathroom? sounds like a lot of work"
the shortened url for skillshare in the corner is how matt pronounced it at the beginning
ashton immediately tries to steal it off fearne
oh I'm so old
"are you talking to fearne or ashley"
"I'm the...unspoken sibling" "I can't imagine why"
"you guys need dice with numbers"
"cannot hide forever, bear. mikhail will find you."
("nochi not every russian brawler type is mikhail from psychonauts" you can't prove that)
lmao all of top table
"this city is not so large" "it goes deep"
"now I'm gonna get my ass kicked in like a month"
"dorian's brother is here" "fuckin idiot" ashton is me
multi-sneezer solidarity
fearne: I am going to be helpful and courteous fcg: who the fuck are you
"she's talking too fast, you should go"
the hair flip
"I'm gonna go bleed next to laudna"
I got distracted by laura and ashley being distracted
oh god it's the pinkertons
"you haven't been drinking at all?!" "not really!" "that's just wasting an opportunity"
roll for potty dance
I feel seen
"potty" and "tummy" just embed themselves in your vocabulary once you have children, I don't make the rules
travis' hug of solidarity
tell me why I heard "short rotund" and IMMEDIATELY pictured a volus
mental associations strong tonight
pre-recorded means I can ask chatbot when the break is and I appreciate that a lot
"no scary holes just normal holes"
shadow creeper go chomp
"it all hinges on your good judgement" oh no
sad pate tap-dance
"you did it yourself!"
rip fcg
thanks I hate it
hair-up ashley!!
"emotional support?" "oh no, who do I have to punch"
"let's go see if everybody's dead"
"no response. he's dead."
liam is one cardigan and one pair of glasses away from peak farmer's market hot
ashley's face is my face
someone reference the ring so I can watch travis try to shake his head off his neck
"I challenge lucien to rollies!"
I Hate It
"it leapt OVER me?" "it's not that hard"
no hitty make angy
laura ships it
"don't NAME it"
"it's in my uerethra!"
"I'm just poking everybody"
"he's a bard 🤷‍"
is he, y'know, [mimes sticking it in her pulling it out of her and sticking it in the other guy] a bard?
"things are about to get weird. don't hit me."
fey-touched?? laura??? laura explain??
"I don't have an INVITATION MINI" "why not??"
sacred flamethrower
"I will attack with a dagger" ofc
lovm has absolutely spoiled me, I want everything animated
"there's a thing underneath the bookcase. I'm going to end it."
matt: give me a name or you're all going to prison
Representatives Of The Late Bertrand Bell is a fantastic group name
"Do Not pick a name right now, got it"
oh I just had a cursed thought
dorian leaves/dies and the group calls themselves The Storm in his honor
oh I take it back orym's gonna die
dorian is gonna have to throw his name around to stop this isn't he
"what do you think you're doing" "I DON'T KNOW"
I am Experiencing Stress
orc grandpa said take a nap
they rolled shit for two weeks straight to save up for this moment
ashton: I need a fucking cigarette
you know what MOOD
excuse u sir that is lorelei de rolo
"no shit you stupid son of a bitch"
mala: they need a child leash for Cyrus
oh. uhoh.
"ashton, tell him no!" "nooo"
this is how robbie leaves
okay okay okay but: this way he can come back
he's not a bertrand
go dump his ass with dariax and opal, come back, and pretend not to know anything about it when emon burns down within a week
god ashley's face
liam's face
chetney's utter disregard for cyrus
"I toss it to orym" thanks I'm already crying
"and we killed bertrand"
"I'm not holding a cup" "you are a cup"
fuck cyrus, all my homies hate cyrus
I was mostly joking but uh. I think I was correct.
imagine dorian calls orym and opal just screams NANCY over the line
oyrm: you are required by law to call me
"one less spoon" cries
make him roll one more failed performance check
"are you going to sing it?" "no!" COWARD
I try not to be this person but KISS HIM
lays in the floor
fearne I don't need this
that is NOT what I meant
I mean it's still very nice and it made my heart hurt but a l s o
I am liam
two parts is INSUFFICIENT but I'll take it
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