#oooff this got a but long sorry
So I know this post is pretty overdue and a bit superfluous by this point maybe, but since I am now back home and finally have time to sit down and write down my thoughts about the last few days, I thought I'd still do a recap post of my experience of the Dublin shows (and a bit about my trip to Dublin in general). Just for anyone who might be interested or even just for me to remember everything by!
Having said that though, I don’t actually know how to even begin putting into words what this trip meant to me 🥺 I’ve said this before, but after seeing them in June and thinking that was it for the foreseeable future, getting to see them again so soon, twice, and it being the very last two shows of the tour as well, felt like an incredible opportunity and huge gift and I could not be more grateful for it ❤️
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Recap of Dublin shows 3 & 4 and some more pics below the cut!
I flew in from Amsterdam on Tuesday morning with a Dutch friend, and we met up with another friend of mine who flew in from London at the same time (my London friend went with me to Tuesday's gig, and my Amsterdam friend to Thursday's gig)
London friend and I then headed to the 3Arena to queue up outside and it was fucking freezing lmao. But we played ‘guess the Arctic Monkeys song from the intro’ and had a chance to catch up so all in all it wasn’t too bad, and it’s always so much fun being surrounded by fellow arctic monkeys fans who love them enough to queue up for hours in the cold <3
Once we were inside, we legged it to the stage and then spent another two hours trying to defend our (pretty good, very central) spots and trying not to think about the fact that we had to pee, as you do. We happened to be standing next to a group of Dutch speaking girls, and it turned out one of them had also met Miles in Amsterdam recently, at the same signing I’d been at! Such a small world. But they were really lovely so the two hours flew past, and then it was Miles time!!!!! 🥰
And my god, he literally blew everyone away, he was just insanely good as always. My friend was not really a Miles fan before the gig, and then while he was playing, she kept going “holy shit minnie he’s so good??” and I was like “TOLD YOU”, so now she’s a big fan as well, which is honestly very satisfying 😌 There were so many amazing moments during his set, but the one that stayed with me most I’ve already talked about in this post. It was honestly just…. very intense and really hard to explain in a non-shippy way? Even my non-shipper friend was like… hmm ok yes, that seems very significant 🤔
But anyway, Miles rocked the house, and then it was only a short wait until the main show. And while most of it is a blur because I just lose my mind when I see my boys play, I did make sure to really absorb some special moments and things I really wanted to remember. Being able to clearly see Alex’s intense, goofy and beautiful facial expressions, his HANDS, the cute little interactions he had with the rest of the band (giggles with Matt and smiley asides with Jamie and Nick), the moment where Alex made grabby hands at the plushie and then laughed some more when he couldn’t have it, Jamie being an absolute rockstar as always, Nick looking like a total snack (my friend has a giant crush on Nick, understandably so), Matt being a literal drum god (I love seeing him play SO much). Just... incredible 🙌🏻💘
I really wasn’t expecting Miles to join them during that show, so when Alex gave him a shoutout I knew it was just that, but my friend didn’t, so she started hitting me like “he’s coming back!” and I was like “no he’s not”, and he wasn’t unfortunately lmao. The Dutch and Belgian girls next to me were extremely disappointed (they were Milex shippers as well, of course), but I know at least one of them was there on Thursday as well so I love that for her. Other memorable moments were Alex singing the “remember when you used to be a rascal” line followed by “do you remember? I remember” after which I yelled at my friend “Miles used to be a rascal!!!” and then later I found out Miles was actually on that side of the stage 😭😭 Even though I didn’t find out about that until later, I definitely noticed that Alex kept gesturing towards that side of the stage (the Star Treatment intermezzo was wild, I was like, “WHO is he pointing at for the dolls like you and me thing??” And then it turned out to be Miles 🫠
Another thing I noticed was that the average age of the crowd was way lower than I’m used to it being, which my friend explained may have something to do with tiktok? Lmao idk, hut the the standing crowd did mostly consist of younger, shorter girls for some reason lol, so there wasn’t as much jumping as I’d have liked there to be. My friend and I just went for it regardless, even if we were some of the only people going crazy. But you just have to, you know what I mean? Anyway, it was such an incredible show and after it ended, we were just on cloud nine, singing Fluorescent Adolescent with everyone on the Luas going back to town, which is always just such a blast. And then we ended up in Temple Bar where there was more live music as well as about 500 other Arctic Monkeys fans, so that was great fun too 💫
The next day, the three of us went to a tattoo shop where I’d booked an appointment and I got my tattoo which I am EXTREMELY happy with. The tattoo artist was a girl from Brazil and when she asked me about the meaning of my tattoo (I’ll post a pic later) I told her it was an Arctic Monkeys song and the just yelled across the shop to a few other artists and it turned out they’d been at the concert too, so we all geeked out about them while I got my tattoo done lmao, so much fun 😂
Then my London friend unfortunately had to fly back home later that day, so my Amsterdam friend and I ended up in the pub again because that’s what we do. It was just a very average pub with two very average men playing amazing folk music, and when we walked in, I was like “huh that guy looks like Zackery Michael, that’s funny.” And then later I was stood next to him at the bar and heard he was American, so I was like hmmm, and decided to just ask him if he was in fact Zackery Michael. He was like “that is me!” lol (thank god, would’ve been embarrassing if it hadn’t been) so we had a little chat about the fact that we were both in town for Arctic Monkeys but in slightly different capacities lol, and he was just super nice and was happy to take a photo with me, and then I let him get back to his conversation with the three extremely pretty girls he was with 😅
Anyways, so then on Thursday after breakfast we bought some souvenirs and I bought some great Arctic Monkeys mini posters and some other stuff at this lovely little comic book/record store which was playing Humbug, the owner of which told us he also went to see Arctic Monkeys on Tuesday and loved them, so that was another amazing chance meeting 💜 And then it was after 12pm so it was time for whiskey, and then the meeting with the fellow TLSP/Arctic Monkeys/Miles Kane fan bartender happened which I posted about here, which was so lovely and also secretly made me want to believe it was a sign for the show that night 🙈
But I still couldn’t let myself hope or believe TOO much, so I just kept telling my friend “they’re not going to do it and that’s okay” and she was like “sure, whatever you say” 😂 We had seated tickets for this gig, so we were unfortunately much further away than I had been on Tuesday. And also I just don’t like being seated at concerts, let alone an Arctic Monkeys one, but to be honest, the seats were pretty good. Miles once again gave his absolute all and converted not just my Dutch friend as well, but also a lot of the people around us who we overheard saying things like “did you know he was this good??” and checking Miles’s Wikipedia page, which was great to see. And from up on the balcony we could clearly see that the people in the crowd were really singing along and having an amazing time during Miles’s set (COTT was extremely emotional, all the lights were so lovely ✨️) and I just felt so proud of him and happy for him that it was such a roaring success 🥹💖
The roaring success continued for Arctic Monkeys of course, although it was really weird to see so many people go mental for Snap Out Of It and Arabella etc. 😅 But yeah, the people do love AM it seems, which is why the first part of the setlist was pretty much the same as it had been on Tuesday. Hello You was amazing though!! And then after There’d Better Be a Mirrorball, I knew that it was 505 time, and Alex did say ‘Let’s hear it for Miles Kane’. But because it was the same thing he’d said before, I was still convinced Miles wouldn’t come on. AND THEN HE DID 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I absolutely lost my shit, not even kidding. I just started screaming and threw my phone at my poor friend being like “FILM IT” which she did, bless her heart, and uhhh, yeah then I cried throughout the whole performance 😭 And then at the end, the lights went out and I saw their shadows (our shadow puppets <3) coming together so I was like did they hug??? And then I only found out later that evening when I checked tumblr that they in fact did hug and then my night was just completely made (lol, I say my night but I mean my life, obviously)
Do I Wanna Know was a total blur after that of course, but I was back for Body Paint which was absolutely incredible as always. And then they did Big Ideas as the encore and uuhhh yeah I sobbed 🙃 It was SO beautiful, and so special hearing it live with the strings, and SO fucking sad. And then once RU Mine? finished and the lights stayed off, I was like aaahhh we’re getting one more!! And then OF COURSE it was Perfect Sense because Alex is a dramatic bastard, and of course I cried some more. It was stunning and extremely emotional 💔
So then my friend and I went to drown my sorrows (and elation about the Milex reunion) in the pub and we actually had a great time with some fellow AM fans and live music again. I swear it was like all of Dublin was just there for Arctic Monkeys. Unfortunately, we were not in the pub where the boys apparently went ugh, but still, it was fun. And yesterday morning I woke up with a killer hangover so I swore I would not drink anymore, but it was raining so much, so we did end up in the pub again where we got talking to some really cool Irish guys who (surprise) also loved Arctic Monkeys, and they insisted on buying us drinks so obviously I couldn’t decline. So we just sat and drank with them until we had to catch our flight, and of course by that time I was tipsy and maudlin and the weather wasn’t helping so I cried all the way to the airport (especially since we passed the arena again) and then I cried some more in the airport like the drama queen I am 🥲
It’s just that I’m so sad it’s over, and so scared and worried about the future of the band, with how much this felt like a goodbye 😔 But I’m just going to assume that it’s just goodbye for now, and that they’ll take a well-deserved break, maybe do their own things for a while, and that in a few years’ time they’ll get back to making music together again. I really do think they have so much fun doing what they do together, and they’re basically like family, and Alex wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he couldn’t make music, so surely they’ll be back eventually. But please, just don’t be too long boys 🥺🙏🏻❤️
All in all, though, what has stayed with me most from this trip is a sense of gratefulness that I was lucky enough to experience all this, my 8th and 9th Arctic Monkeys gigs to date, the last dates of the tour, the Milex reunion (!!!!!!!) and to get to share it with two of my best friends in the world, a whole bunch of arctic monkeys loving strangers who I randomly met, and all of you guys I’ve met on here these past few months. The sense of connection and community I’ve found through this band means so much to me, more than I can say, actually, and I’m so grateful to them for that, in addition to the music they’ve given us. And although the tour is over, I am honestly looking forward to sharing the love we have for them with you all for a long time to come and for now, I am so excited about getting back to writing my silly little Milex stories (and insanely happy they finally gave us that little reunion we hope for, so that I’m still excited and hopeful about their relationship rather than heartbroken and resigned, which is what I probably would’ve been if they hadn’t performed together. So thank you for that, boys 💘)
So yes. Very, VERY long story short: Arctic Monkeys is and always will be my favourite band in the world, they ended the tour on an absolute high (and with Miles!) and this was an experience I will never, ever forget ❤️
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nerdasaurus1200 · 3 months
For the ask game, #3 and #8 for Cass and Eugene? (not romantic tho ahah)
I am so so so sorry this took so long, anon. I started this and life got in the ay and then the holidays came around. But I finally got around to finishing this! Consider it a late valentines day gift ^_^
3 and 8, "snuggle weather" and "warm soup"
To say Cassandra was exhausted was an understatement. Her ankle was still tender, but the royal medic insisted the cast had to come off today. She didn't see why it mattered, she would still be wheelchair bound for weeks to come. And even worse, there was a terrible storm brewing so she couldn't even spend the evening mapping like she had originally planned. Normally she liked storms; autumn storms were the best. The storms in Corona were freezing thanks to the coastal winds, which made it perfect to snuggle up in a blanket. And she always enjoyed watching the lightning split the sky. Something about it was soothing.
Unfortunately this storm was different. Both Rapunzel and her father were stuck out in it. According to the briefing she was coming back from, Rapunzel had decided evading her security was a good idea and her father had gone after her to make sure she came home safe. Thank goodness she'd put on a pot of lamb stew to simmer before the briefing; she was now far too tired to start cooking. As Cassandra entered her room, she heard Owl ruffle his feathers and give her a soft sleepy hoot in greeting.
"Hey. Go back to sleep for now." She whispered, giving him a boop, "But wake me when the stew's done." Her wheelchair rolled right beside her bed, Cassandra stood up and let herself fall onto the...body??
"Heyyyyy get oooff..." a man's voice whined and Cass jumped back. Instantly, Owl hissed at the intruder as he sat up.
"Fitzherbert." Cassandra snarled, "What the fiddlestick are you doing in my bed???"
"Calm down, Cass, I just woke up, gimme a second." Eugene mumbled tiredly, rubbing his face to wake himself up. After a stretch that was far too long to be real, Eugene finally spoke, "The girls are cleaning my room, and yours is comfier."
"Well they're probably done by now." Cassandra rolled her eyes, "So go nap in your own bed."
"I'd love to, but I'm too tired to walk all that way." Eugene shrugged. Owl snapped his beak at Eugene and puffed his feathers so he looked nearly twice as big. Even though the sight was clearly a display of aggression, Cassandra always found it so adorable.
"Easy, Owl." Cassandra carefully limped over to Owl and stroked his head, "Rapunzel's boyfriend needs his eyes for preening. He preens way more than you do, after all."
Eugene opened his mouth to make a retort back, but then he finally got a good whiff of what was on the fire.
"Ohhh no, Cass!" He scolded, "You know what happens when you cook!" He made a move to "save" the pot, but Cass yanked him back.
"It's lamb stew, Fitzherjerk. For your information it's the one thing I can actually cook. And it's almost done, so don't touch it." She snarked at him.
"Wait, something you can cook? This I gotta taste!" Before Cassandra could stop him, Eugene made a beeline for the pot again and eagerly tasted it.
"Holy moly, this is delicious!" Eugene marveled, "How'd you learn to make this? This is even better than when Mis Claire made it at the orphanage!"
Cassandra blinked in surprise and smiled at him. No one had ever asked about her stew before.
"It's an old family recipe...I think. The secret ingredient is Saporian black pepper." She answered. She leaned over the pot a bit and gave the stew a stir, carefully checking if it was ready.
"You think? What, are you and Cap a little fuzzy on family recipes?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow.
"I've been making this since before my Dad found me." She explained, "Mother...my mum...I think she taught me. I remember standing over the pot, with my hands on her wrists as she was stirring."
"That...that sounds nice..." Eugene mumbled.
"It was." Even though Cassandra wasn't looking at Eugene, he could tell that she was smiling sadly. Shoot, his plan was failing! Gotta think of something to avoid missing parents....
"What are you doing?" Cassandra asked when she noticed him rummaging through her shelves.
"Looking for a good book, but all I can find is maps and history stuff." He griped, "Oh my god, of course you're a Seven Dragons fan."
"Hey! That's the best book of all time!" Cassandra defended, giving him a playful glare.
"Oh come on, it's the worst book in the Flynn Rider series! He's barely in it!" He protested, "That's why I only read it once."
"That's because it's Ramona's story, not-" Cassandra began, but then cut herself off, "Wait....you only read it one time?! How long ago?!"
Eugene bit his lip to hide his smirk. He had her right where he wanted her.
"I dunno, like ten years ago, why?" He asked, maintaining the perfect air of nonchalance.
"Oh that's nonsense, we're reading it now. Get in the blanket. But don't get any stew on my bed." Cass instructed. Eugene finally let himself smirk once Cassandra turned her back towards him. She fell for it, hook line and sinker. Hopefully this would be enough to keep her from worrying about Rapunzel and the Captain until they came back.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
How is Ari going to respond to the Beau x Bunny situation? Unless it’s too spoilery. - 💫
Oooff...it takes Ari awhile to fully figure it out. But he's seen Beau, he knows that Beau is a good kid. Curtis on the other hand...but let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Bunny and Beau have to actually talk. Beau is STRUGGLING. Keep in mind, he was in love with Story. He got her only for a fleeting moment, and it hurt to find out she never cared for him in the way he did. He's been out of commission since Story. Bunny has been in California chasing the sun. But like she promised, she came back when she graduated.
A Rabbit
Summary:  Arleigh goes for a stroll
Pairings:  Beau Adler X Arleigh Everett-Levinson
Rating:  FLUFF
Warnings: none, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Beau Adler Masterlist
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Arleigh walks down the long dock alone.  Her sundress blowing in the wind, and she wished she would have brought a small coat.  But no matter.  She still walks past the boats to sit at the end of the dock.  Her sandals placed beside her while she swings her feet over the wood.  Arleigh’s eyes closed, as her head leans back towards the moon.  Soaking up the light from there like she would her sun.  
She takes a deep breath of the salty air, and letting the waves create the most calming sound around her.  There’s a part of her that will always miss the sunny California, but Boston in the summer is not something she realized she would love so much.  Whether driving her high school Bug, or the Van she purchased in Malibu, she finally feels at home and settled.
Beau begins to leave the cabin of his boat, and stops when he sees the sunny girl leaned back.  Looking nearly like a bronzed angel in the silvery light.  There’s a part of him that just wants to return to what he was doing but when he drops a tool ogling her, she spots him.  “Beau Adler?”
“Uh, yeah,” his eyes drift down to the boat floor.
“What cha doing?” her little legs go to push her up, and he looks away when the bending over causes her dress to shit.  Leaving her sandals she walks over to the boat, “This is yours?” her eyes beaming as her nose scrunches up in a smile.
“Sorta, it’s my dad’s,” unable to keep his gaze off of her, but also fearing if he looks too long she’ll be annoyed and leave.  “But, uh, he never uses it, so I’m remodeling it.  Like your...”
“Daddy told me it was you that re-did Lucky.  Thanks,” her head gestures to want to climb in the boat, so Beau holds up a hand to assist her in.  The scent of honeysuckles wafting through his nose, and he gives her a crooked smile.  
“You named your car?”
“Yeah, it was kinda a thing me and my friend said we were gonna do when we were little,” her fingers run over the old boat, making sure to lightly touch each surface before she turns back to face him, “The van is Big Bird,” another big smile, and another nose scrunch.  He’s beginning to see where the nickname came from.  “She has a pink car.”
“Say no more,” he grumbles starting to busy himself with whatever he was doing before.
“Did I say something wrong?” he just shakes his head no.  Determined to get the long legged boy to talk to her, she squats down by his seat peering up at him working.  “I said something.”
“Pink car?  I know who you’re talking about.  Listen, this is my place of serenity.  I clear my head out here.  I don’t want to talk.”
“Sorry,” Arleigh bites her lip, getting up to stand, and thinking about just leaving.  Instead she walks to the back of the boat.  Sitting down, and letting her feet sit in the water, not even caring that the water splashes up on her thin dress.  Just letting everything wash away.  Starting a soft hum of ‘Dreams’, she wishes she had her guitar with her.
Beau stops his work to look at her, clearly in a world of her own.  A dreamer much like the song she’s humming, “You’re gonna get cold,” he tells her, seeing those fucking nipples poke out a bit more.
“‘M fine.  I’ve got more clothes in the van.”
“What are you doing?”
She shrugs, “Watching the waves, watching the clouds cover the moon.”
“What do you see in the clouds?” he scoffs, starting to go back to working.
"I don’t see anything in the clouds.  I feel from nature.  I don’t have to force it to show me anything.  I like the way it feels when the waves wash the day off of me.  Like the way laying in the moon sets my skin on fire in a different way than the sun.  What do you see in the clouds?” her eyes drift back to look at him.
He only shrugs and says, ��A rabbit.”
“A rabbit?”
“That’s what I said.  A rabbit.  Now, little bunny, it’s getting late.  Shouldn’t you be hopping on home?” his body leans over the back of the boat looking at her, and he tries not to have his eyes drift all over her form, but she’s intoxicating.  Such a difference to the girl he thought he was in love with.  A dreamer in ways, but someone who lives each day, instead of chasing for a future fairytale ending.
She giggles up at him.  Her body bouncing around, but he sees the chill bumps on her wet body, “I sleep in the van sometimes.  My mom and dads don’t always expect me home.  They know I’m a free spirit.  I go where the sun leads me.”
“You’re in the moonlight.”
“The sun, the moon, the stars?  They all work together.  There’s no difference.”
“Yeah, but your a sun bunny.  You revel in the glow of summer.  I bet when the snow comes you’ll hop on out of here?” she shakes her head no.  She had promised that she was here to stay with her family.  Promised that she was done chasing the sun, and welcomed it leaving for a time, only to be greeted back each spring.  “Your cold.  Come in the cabin.  I’ll loan you some clothes, and you can warm up.”
“You talk more when you’re in the moonlight.  I like this.  I don’t have many friends here.”
“You’ve got the one,” he stands up, his hand scratching the back on his neck.  He’s unsure why he keeps steering the conversation back to her.  Already pushing Bunny away before he actually gets to know her.  Already feeling she’ll hurt him as well.
“Her journey is taking her in a different direction than mine.  You don’t seem to have friends?” he shakes his head no.  “Then, why can’t we be friends?  You work in the moonlight, I like watching the waves.”
“Your dads scare me.”
“We’re just friends, B.  Right?”
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floralseokjin · 4 years
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The (dick) massage
⇢ and beyond timeline
[saga index] [drabble index]
kim seokjin x reader // smut // 2,177 words  
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Beep, beep! Beep, beep! 
“Yes!” Seokjin cheered, immediately ending the massage he’d been giving you. He tapped your ass lightly as he got off you. “Okay, let’s pack it up. My turn.” 
You twisted your neck to catch a look at him from where you were lying braless and belly down on your bed. “What? That can’t have been fifteen minutes.” Although despite your complaints, you sat up, reaching for your t-shirt to throw back on. 
“You’re right. I think you extended the alarm an extra fifteen when I wasn’t looking.” Smartass. You hit his stomach with the back of your hand, he just exhaled dramatically. “Oooff.”
“Get on your stomach,” you rolled your eyes. 
He had his purple t-shirt off immediately, throwing it in your face playfully. You did not see the funny side, staring him daggers, but he didn’t seem to care, lying down and in turn giving you the perfect view of the never-ending expanse of his back and shoulders. He turned his head to look at you “Don’t get moody. Fair is fair.” 
He was right you supposed. Those wore the rules. He massages you, you massage him. Those fifteen minutes always seemed to go by so fast though… It was much better to be the receiver than the masseuse. But yes, fair was fair. 
You sat astride Seokjin’s ass, gripping his waist to roll playfully into him. “Stop being a pervert,” he groaned. 
“As if you don’t do it to me.” 
He had nothing to say back to that, you were right, so off you got to work, massaging the muscles of his back slowly and thoroughly, working your way up to his shoulders then back down, all the way to his waist, circling the flesh with your thumbs. And all the while trying really hard to ignore, what can only be described as, the most obnoxious sex noises you’d ever heard in your entire life. Not that they were new to you. He always did it. 
“Seokjinnn,” you whined. “This is why I don’t like massaging you.” 
He gasped, majorly affronted, and lifted his neck. “What am I doing?” 
“Um, you sound like you’re getting fucked in the ass.”
“Oh.” He paused, sounding smug when he continued. “I know what that sounds like.” 
“Shut up,” you clipped, pushing him. Boy was never going to stop bragging about how you’d let him do you in the ass – on multiple occasions now. 
You carried on massaging him, knowing the minutes were passing by. Just less than halfway now, this torture was nearly over. You kneaded the small of his back, eliciting yet another loud moan from him. “Seriously, you’re doing it on purpose now!” His laugh confirmed just that. “Jin, stop. My neighbours will complain.” 
He laughed harder but had the decency to sound apologetic when he spoke. “They would’ve long complained by now.” 
Thankfully, after that, he stopped teasing you, letting you finish the rest of the massage in peace. When your phone alarm finally went off, you reached for it, feeling him begin to turn under you. You shifted, raising yourself up as he rolled onto his back. You were checking your notifications by this point, distracted, so when you sat back down on him you were surprised at what you felt. 
“What the hell is that?” You questioned, bouncing from his erection in surprise. Where had it even come from? You dropped your phone to the bed to cross your arms, looking down at him judgingly. 
“I think I turned myself on.” At least he seemed vaguely confused. Only he could turn himself on by fake moaning. He looked at you, gaze, what, hopeful? You knew what was coming. “Wanna... massage something else?”
You kept your arms crossed. “What’s in it for me?” Two massages back to back was unheard of, even if one was his dick. 
He pretended to think, bringing a hand up to his chin. “Hm. The inner fulfilment of giving me an orgasm?” You rolled your eyes, reaching for your phone. That panicked him. “Wait, I was just jo–”
He shut up when he saw you click on the clock app, bringing up timer once more. You set the time, looking down at him before you hit start, trying to sound as disinterested as possible. Inside you really wanted to get your hands on him. “If you don’t cum in ten minutes, you don’t cum at all.” 
He cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, you’re making it competitive? That’s hot.” Of course he’d find that hot, it shouldn’t surprise you.   He grinned. “But also easy. Should’ve made it five.”
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow. Devious as ever, just like the smirk on your face. He caught on straight away. “No cheating,” he warned, point a finger your way. He wasn’t even distracted when you pulled his shorts down, boxers with them. “Seriously, no cheating.” 
You didn’t reply, smirk now a grin as you placed your phone next to him and settled your ass on his thighs, knees either side of him. “Ready, set, GO!”
You hit start, attention now on his cock, bobbing against his abs. Instead of making a beeline for it like he expected, you placed your hands on each thigh, giving them a quick squeeze before you started to trace your fingernails up and down the skin. 
He groaned loudly, already assuming you were cheating. “You’re wasting time!” The large vein in his neck looked mighty angry. 
“I’m making it better,” you insisted. “Making you more sensitive.” It was working too. Goosebumps has started to pop up and you could feel the slightest of trembling under your fingertips. Seokjin had always had sensitive thighs, especially when you mouth was on them – but it was strictly hand stuff right now. This was a massage after all. A dick massage. 
On cue, said dick twitched and he made a noise of indignation. “I’m already super sensitive when it comes to you. You’ve literally wasted a min–” 
He shut up instantly when he felt your left palm squeeze around the base of him, twitching once again. You wrapped your right hand around the shaft, closer to the head. This would be a two hand job. (Two hand-job – hah!) You brought them up, and then down, soon making a constant rhythm as you jerked him off. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, gaze practically burning a hole into his cock. His stomach clenched. He loved when you used two hands on him, loved how he still had a bunch of length left even with both your fists wrapped around him. 
“A little faster,” he prompted, hips riding up a little, hungry for pleasure. You obeyed, almost as if you couldn’t help it – you couldn’t, stopping the hand on his base to squeeze tight, letting your right hand get to work. You jerked him quickly, the new pace startling him, especially when you started gliding your fist over the head, gaining a rhythm that had him rocking his hips up into you. “Yeah, just like that,” he murmured, almost strained as he held his breath. 
Damn, no matter how hot this was, you weren’t going to let him cum this easily. You removed the hand at his base and slowed the movement of your right, still gliding over the sensitive flesh of his head, just leisurely now. 
“You’re evil.” He whined, voice heavy and thick. You just chuckled. 
He was itching for you to go faster, bucking into you every now and then, until he lost patience entirely. “That’s cheating,” you told him once he’d wrapped his hand around yours, guiding your motions and in turn speeding you up. 
“You’re slowing down on purpose.” Would he ever stop whining? Probably not. So you let him guide you – mainly because it was always so hot when he did. You couldn’t explain it. 
He instantly made your strokes faster, shorter, concentrating on just the tip as he glided your palm over him again and again. His breath was quickening, concentration locked in his eyes as he stared up at you, almost silently begging you not to mess around anymore. 
You traced the fingertips of your free hand along his thigh, feeling him tense up immediately as you leant forward. He felt your grip tighten around his cock and let out a groan, knowing you’d given into his motions. Slowly, still a little hesitant, he loosened his hold on your hand and dropped it to the bed, trusting you to carry on. 
You did. You jerked him quickly, firmly, listening to his quiet moans. He noticed your gaze travel to the phone by his head. “How long’s left?” 
You shrugged, not done teasing him yet as the smallest of smiles appeared on your face. “I don’t know.” 
You did know. He had just under five minutes – well, nearly four… Still unable to quit messing around your left hand stretched out, fingers pinching his nipple. “Get off,” he groaned, brushing you away. He sounded annoyed now. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you laughed. Didn’t sound very genuine. 
“Baby, please,” he murmured, linking your fingers together. He’d resorted to begging now, your grip loosening unintentionally with all that distraction. He brought your hand to his balls, directing you to massage them as he helped. “Make me cum.”
Now he was just playing dirty. You couldn’t not let him cum when he was speaking like that, looking at you like that. You were instantly a woman on a mission, knowing exactly what to do in order to make him lose it. His breathing quickened once again, ab muscles clenching with the pressure, thighs stiffening under your ass, balls tightening as you rolled over them with your palm. 
Not long after, he came with a grunt, a hand gripping you tight at the waist, and the annoying Beep, beep of your phone alarm. You ignored it of course, stroking him for all he was worth as he came across his stomach, body slowly relaxing as his dick followed suit, growing limp.
It was only then that you let go, leaning over for your phone to knock that annoying shrill off. When you looked Seokjin’s way he was smiling up at you, stroking the inside of your thigh with his thumb. Orgasms always turned him soft. However, playtime for you was not over. 
“You lost.” 
The smile fell from his face instantly. “What? I came before the alarm.” 
“You were halfway coming.”
“You didn’t mention anything about that. You can’t go making things up to suit you.” He was outraged. He hated losing. “Besides, you purposely slowed down towards the end. It wasn’t–” 
You couldn’t hold it in any longer, bursting out with laughter. He stopped abruptly, realising you were only joking around with him. He’d managed to succeed – by the skin of his teeth you may add, but it was still an accomplishment. 
“Mean,” he tutted, grabbing your hips. “You’re mean.” He pulled you down to meet his mouth, kissing you loudly. “Give the best hand jobs though.” 
You squealed all the way, trying to angle your body and clothing away from the cum puddle settled on his stomach. “Don’t get cum on me.” 
He pushed you back, looking baffled. “You did this.” 
In your hand, your phone started vibrating, kicking into tune. “Oh,” you looked over, seeing your best friend’s face. “Lina’s facetiming me.” 
“Ignore it.”
“No can do.” You caught the look on his face. “What? I haven’t seen her all week.” You weren’t being unreasonable, were you?
“Babe, I’m lying here practically naked.” You weren’t particularly listening, sitting back up to answer the call. “You can’t—
“Lina, hi,” you greeted, speaking quickly. “I’m going to mute myself, one sec, I’ll be back soon.” 
“Okay! Why? What are you doing?”
You didn’t reply, muting her and placing the phone face down on the mattress as Seokjin looked at you in mildly irritated disbelief. “You can’t just leave me like this!”
“Funny because I am,” you shrugged. “I’ll be on the couch. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she can’t see anything.” 
You started to move, climbing off him. “Don’t you dare.” He warned, looking at you with wide eyes. You didn’t listen. 
“Come say hi when you’re decent,” you grinned, stopping to dip your pinkie in a blob of his cum. You brought it to your mouth, swiping it clean with your tongue. “Byeee!” 
“Fuck!” He exclaimed, pushing his head back into the pillows in pure (melodramatic) despair. 
Grabbing your phone, you made sure to keep Seokjin hidden, holding it your chest until you were safely sat on your couch, perfect view of your boyfriend in all his shame-filled naked glory. 
You unmuted Lina, your face filling the camera. “Okay, I’m back!” 
“What were you doing?” She asked again, visibly confused and curious. 
“Nothing,” you dismissed, shaking your head as you grinned. 
She narrowed her eyes, knowing you all too well. “Why do you have that evil grin on your face?” 
From your bed, hidden from Lina, Seokjin shouted loudly. “BECAUSE SHE IS EVIL!”
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
we've seen childe with a mask (legacy papi huhuhu) but instead they have a signora-type mask and imagine the power they HOLD if the both of them had capes WITH their suits
i just want to waltz with childe and kaeya while they twirl me around and there's a live orchestra and their capes go whOOSH
yep, that’s my crappy two cents of the day
-brookie anon ☆
also i have no idea if my last ask was sent lolol
I'm sorry i know you said poly- but listen I've been onto like ch💙ya enemies to lovers type beat and they dance to Merry go Round of Life? LikE- and they- like lowkey fight a bit like kicking each other subtly or being snarky to each other--
Ok i got that out of the way uwu
You know Kaeya will absolutely rock the masquerade look and he- listen he can act so princely too the grace? Immaculate we stan. He also does very extravagant gestures when asking you to dance too, like a kiss to your knuckles, a deep bow 😩😩😩😩
Like i can also just see him being the best at any type of ballroom dancing? You prolly can't see his eyes v clearly under the mask but oooff are you falling even harder rn pls
Obv Childe wants a turn too and he's not as good at dancing like it'll take him a bit to find the right movements and beat, he's a lil less graceful but he tries his best uwu
Also i did get you previous ask! I just take a long while to answer requests because writing is hard [peace sign emoji]
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strafethesesinners · 4 years
💢 big sunshine cowboy hauls tiny rat man around like he's a suitcase, reports of furious shrieking heard as far as holland valley
Thank you so much for sending this in! So I uuuuh got really inspired and this turned into a really long thing so! Enjoy Cooper’s encounter with the feral cryptid/alien hunter of Hope County! (Tension/Symbol Ask Meme)
Deputy Joey Hudson slammed her phone back down on its receiver with a loud sigh, jerking Cooper out of a daydream about his bed.
“Not again,” she groaned.
“What’s up?” Deputy Staci Pratt asked from over by the coffee machine. It was 9am at the Hope County Sheriff’s Department, and had been an uneventful morning so far.
“Miss Mabel says Bart’s been creeping around her property again,” Joey replied.
“Ugh,” Staci scowled as he plopped down at his desk, “what is this, the third time this month?”
“At least,” Joey rubbed her eyes, “guess I better go pick him up.” She stood up, fishing her keys from her pocket.
“Hold on there, Hudson,” Staci said, a grin forming on his face, “don’t you think this would be a good training opportunity for our Rookie here?” 
“Huh?” said Cooper who was only half listening. His large, triple espresso iced coffee was just barely starting to break through the sleepy fog clouding his brain. After almost a decade of going to sleep and waking up pretty much whenever he pleased, Cooper was still getting used to his new sheriff’s deputy schedule.
“Yeah, actually that’s not a bad idea Staci,” Joey said with a smile, “you up for bagging a trespasser, McCoy?”
“Uh yeah, I guess?” Cooper shrugged, “sounds simple enough.”
“Oh yeah, totally,” Staci snickered.
“I’ll come along,” Joey said, “for...support.”
“I’m coming too,” Staci said, as he got to his feet, eyes sparkling with mischief, “I don’t wanna miss this.”
* * *
A half an hour later a mystified Cooper was poking around in the brush outside a place called “Miss Mabel’s Taxidermy” while Joey and Staci stayed back by the squad car, watching. Cooper was starting to feel like they were playing a prank on him, and there was no one here. It was mid July and although nowhere near as warm as Texas, Cooper was still sweating and uncomfortable in his too-small deputy’s uniform. 
“Sheriff’s Department!” Cooper called out to the trees, “someone here?”
Nobody responded but Cooper heard something move just behind him. He spun around to find a man, a very small man, crouched behind a large pine tree, peering out at Cooper with owlish brown eyes ringed with purple circles. When the other deputies had mentioned a “cryptid hunter” (Joey) and a “nutcase” (Staci), Cooper had pictured an old man, maybe with long white hair and a beard, but this man was young, younger than Cooper, although a bit sickly looking and very thin. The man had messy black hair and was wearing faded jeans and an old t-shirt paired with a tatty-looking vest covered in various pins, patches, and spikes. 
“Howdy,” Cooper said cheerfully, “you must be Bart.”
Bart didn’t acknowledge his name but he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, looking Cooper up and down. 
“I don’t know you,” he said, his voice accusatory. 
“Uh well, that’s cause I’m new here,” Cooper said with a smile. He knew he was supposed to be arresting him, but instinct told him to be gentle with this tiny man. “I’m Cooper. Cooper McCoy. Just moved up from Texas a couple weeks ago. Nice to meet you.”
He tipped his cowboy hat in greeting and waited. 
Bart frowned. He stood up straight and stepped out from behind the tree, although staying close to it. Even at his full height, Bart couldn’t be more than five feet tall, his head would barely come up to Cooper’s chest. 
“Texas?” he said, eyes still full of suspicion, “why are you here now?”
“I could ask you the same question, this here’s private property.”
Bart’s eyes moved toward the building down the slope from them.“She won’t let me look, I just want to look,” he muttered, almost to himself, “I know she has things in there. But she won’t let me see.”
“What things? Like a stuffed Bigfoot or something?” Cooper chuckled, “well maybe she does, tell you what, if there was Bigfoots anywhere out there they’d be here.”
“Yes exactly!” Bart started excitedly, then stopped, “you’re making fun of me,” he scowled. 
“No really I’m not,” Cooper said seriously, “they could be real. Let me know if you see one, I’ll help you take him down. Always kinda wanted to fight one.”
“I have seen one, I’ve seen several,” Bart scoffed, “and a sasquatch could rip your head off before you had a chance to scream.”
Cooper laughed.
“You are making fun of me!” Bart said hotly.
“No really I swear I’m not,” Cooper wheezed, attempting to control his laughter. 
“Any time today, Rookie!” Staci called from over by the squad car.
“Alright, man, guess it’s time to go,” said Cooper reluctantly, he was starting to like this small, strange man. 
“I think I’ll stay,” Bart said defiantly, leaning against the pine tree with his arms folded. 
“Come on, man, don’t make me arrest you,” Cooper took a step toward him.
“Catch me if you can, piggy!” Bart moved faster than Cooper had ever seen anyone move, darting past him before he could blink. 
“Hey!” Cooper spun around and just barely managed to grab the tail of Bart’s t shirt. Bart’s sneakers slipped on the pine needle covered dirt, and he fell, allowing Cooper to scoop him up, pinning his arms to his sides. Bart wriggled frantically as Cooper lifted him off the ground, kicking his skinny legs and screeching.
“Jesus, dude, calm down!” Cooper shouted, but Bart continued to squeal like a trapped possum. One of his flailing feet swung back and hit Cooper squarely in the balls. 
“Oooff” Cooper doubled over in pain, his grip loosening enough to allow Bart to slide through his arms. 
“Oooh that looks bad, Rook!” Joey called, she and Staci were howling with laughter.
“He’s getting away! Better catch him!” Staci yelled.
Gritting his teeth, Cooper took off after his tiny suspect. Bart was fast, weaving between the trees like a deer, but Cooper’s much longer legs caught him up quickly. He tackled Bart, all thoughts of trying to be gentle forgotten. They rolled down the small hill together, Bart shrieking the whole way down, landing hard in the dust of Miss Mabel’s driveway.  
“Let me go!” Bart screamed as a panting Cooper hauled him to his feet, his fellow deputies’ laughter ringing in his ears as they made no moves to help him. 
Cooper was trying to hang on to Bart with one hand while he fumbled for the handcuffs on his belt, when Bart twisted around and sunk his teeth into Cooper’s forearm. Hard. 
“Aaaaagh!” it was Cooper’s turn to scream, “what the fuck?!!”
Quickly he swapped to his uninjured arm, gripping both of Bart’s wrists in one hand. 
“Did you just bite me??” he stared at Bart, aghast. 
Bart grinned, his mouth covered in Cooper’s blood, his eyes feral. 
“You’re fucked, man.” Cooper said, shaking his head. And before Bart could make another move, Cooper picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.
“Put me down!” Bart demanded as Cooper strode toward the squad car, glaring at his colleagues. They were doubled over, breathless with mirth. Bart started his unholy screeching again, pounding at Cooper’s back with his fists, and continued even after the deputies finally had him cuffed and in the back of the squad car. 
“Very funny,” Cooper spat at the other two, “y’all send someone back for me, I am not getting in the car with him.” 
“Sorry, Rook,” Joey patted his arm sympathetically, “all part of the job here.”
“Better get something on that bite quick!” Staci cackled as he and Hudson got in the squad car and drove away, Bart’s muffled shrieking still loud enough to be heard until they were out of sight.
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a-whump-muffin · 4 years
The Darkest Minds, live blog of Chapters 28-31.
I finally went for it and finished! I’ll be writing an overall review of the book on my other account and reblog it here, so stay tuned.
Chapter 28:
I’m not such a generous person, haha. I would’ve left his ass, sorry.
It’s nice to know that some of the other kids were willing to help them get out though. But yeah, if you want something done right, do it yourself!
You tried so hard, Ruby. I’m proud of you. She’ll be so great with more practice though??
Oooh, so he took command over the army of Reds? Makes sense actually. If we take his earlier story, that he helped keep them sane or whatever, and that he is actually a gigantic asshole, it makes perfect sense that he’d influence them to someday turn them against his enemies, including his father.
Finally, some sign of adults having a brain?
Very short-sighted of him though, I don’t really believe that he could destroy the country with just that army of Reds. Well, the two factions of the government would have to collaborate probably but. Ah, the flawed thinking of youth.
Oh great, being a creep again.
Wow Clancy really is strong. Not only did he get thrown and smashed into a shelf, they’re way out of sight by now and she’s just starting to recover.
Ooof I really like this part with her escaping with Chubs. It’s good that Zu left already.
Chapter 29:
“He just threw them all to the wolves.”
Because he was one of the ‘wolves’ the whole time.
YES, Chubs had a really good speech here. And title drop!
The darkest minds tend to hide behind the most unlikely faces.
Aw, Chubs backstory with Jack.
Aw, Ruby got a little bit of closure with her family at least. She knows her grandmother is still alive, and that they’re all probably doing ok and that’s the best she can hope or wish for at this point.
Chapter 30:
“Yes, you are,” Chubs agreed. “But you’re our idiot, so be more careful next time.”
I love aggressive praise disguised as teasing in found families.
There’s something to be said about them constantly being or going back on the road in this book.
At first, ROADTRIP does not scream super exciting content for a book lol BUT this really reflects their lives so well? Always on the road, with no place to settle, nowhere to call home. It’s no wonder they never stay in one place. There’s nowhere they can call home.
Didn’t expect that.
But also it’s not really…too wild to think that someone would just shoot a kid in the doorway, it’s really not. Unfortunately.
Oh so was someone actually trying to help but calling 911 and keeping the dude in his motel room. How rare a concept.
Ahh, so Ruby finally gets to see Chubs’s thoughts!
Oooh, if they would’ve read Jack’s letter, they might have had a clue as to how his father would react…
OOH THE BUTTON. You should’ve tossed that thing long ago, but.
It might just save Chubs, so I understand the decision. The question is how the hell Cate got there at the speed of light lol.
It makes sense that the story is going in this direction actually. There’s only so much these three can do by themselves.
Chapter 31:
So the League are a bunch of domestic terrorists. Wonder what their end goal is.
Ha, at least she got the upper hand on Martin this time.
I do think mind control is useful, but idk telekinesis is also rather useful, especially if you get good at using it? It’s really not as useless a power as people keep making it out to be in this verse.
YES, Ruby. At least if you are going to be controlled by others, you can take back some of that and put it on your own terms.
Chubs hadn’t written anything because he didn’t think he had to. He thought he was going to be able to tell his parents everything he wanted to say in person. He believed he was going to get home.
Oooff and if that isn’t gut-wrenching I don’t know what is.
Liam is such a sappy romantic I’m dying.
How the heck is this going to play out in future novels??
I can’t wait to see where Ruby’s story takes her. She has undergone so much development in this book alone? From scared to stand up for herself to making the ultimate sacrifice to protect the people she loves.
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Oooff my poor heart! That valter ask. I mean he has a point though. May I request a continuation? Like them resolving it somehow?
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Here’s the original drabble (x)
Shouts to @madamaholmes and anon! Sorry for taking forever on this.
Unbearable tension choked you into submission. There was nothing you could say to Valter, at least nothing you thought might ease the imbalance. You simply had to wait for him to come to you. It was a waiting game now.
The evening stretched out long and tiresome. Valter didn’t come to bed until the first hours of the new day and fell asleep next to you in a minute while you lied awake, regretting what you did to earn his cold shoulder.
When you awoke, you slithered out of bed with care not to disturb him. The last thing you wanted was to rouse him from sleep. You stopped at the bedroom door to look back at the man facing the wall. The easy morning light trickled over his body, danced along the strands of blond hair you longed to brush. It left a burdensome weight in your gut thinking of how long it might take to earn his forgiveness, and turned away to begin your day with dread squeezing your throat.
Errands beckoned you from the house. With a lengthy list of groceries and several other stops to make, you nearly forgot about Valter’s disdain and went about your business ignoring the urge to text him an apology. 
When you got home, the main landing smelled of hot oil, and you found Valter in the kitchen flipping pancakes on the griddle. He wore a light grey t-shirt and loose jogging pants, hair several hues darker from a recent shower. On a regular day, such a sight would entice you to wrap your arms around his waist and smother your face into his clothing, but you knew better than to push your luck. 
Valter surprised you by turning around and motioning you forth.
“Come here,” he said.
“Oh. Well, let me get the rest of the groceries from the car—”
“Come. Here.”
You approached him, wary of what he might do once you planted yourself before him. Valter stared down at you with a neutral expression, then opened his arms for you to step into a much needed embrace.
“I’m not mad at you anymore,” he murmured, kissing the top of your head.
You tightened your arms around him and let out a day-old sigh. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I know you were just playing.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized again.
“It’s fine. Let’s just forget about it, all right? I hate being mad.”
His assurance spread a grin across your face, buried in the cotton of his shirt. “It’s okay if you’re still a little mad.”
Valter released you and turned back to the late morning breakfast sizzling on the stovetop. “Don’t worry. I’ll get my payback. You won’t know when or where, but I promise you, it will be much worse than what you did to me.”
You gulped. “I guess that’s fair.”
“Go on. Bring the rest of the stuff in. Breakfast is almost ready, babe.”
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 19 - Yiling Laozu mode activated & BAMF!Lan WangJi avenging his husband
Hiiii! It’s Saturday and I’m pumped! Sorry it’s been radio silence for the whole week, I tried to do this on Monday, but I’ve been going driving with my parents the whole week bc I finally got my own car (or rather, they got me a car) and ya girl hasn’t driven for the last six years, so I needed some practice. Also, I pouted at my mum to get me a bunch of music albums in physical format for said car... and turns out it doesn’t have a CD reader lol. In other news, gardening has the upside of giving me a healthy sun glow, instead of my usual Vulcan pallor (I’m quite light and olive, I’m pretty much green-ish) and before anyone freaks tf out about sun tanning and skin cancer: I have a sun allergy, I don’t go anywhere without SPF 50 and I don’t sunbathe.
Ok, two things: one, WWX is looking rough, I mean, expected after such major surgery. Two, thank god someone finally decided to disguise his clothes.
Aaaaaand it did fuck all for him. Cool cool cool.
JC’s dream/hallucination is fucking me up ok? Ok.
MY BB! 10/10 this is what he’d see if he looked in the Mirror of Erised, it’s breaking my heart.
He’s so happy! I know it’s a complicated issue but I’m also glad he had this moment of relief and happiness in all this mess.
Again WC missed the memo about how antagonistic WWX can be. His brother has a golden core again and his sister is safe, I’m pretty sure at this time he couldn’t give less of a fuck if he lives or dies and he’s reached peak pain tolerance with the core transfer so not even torture will work; exactly what leverage does WC think he has on WWX for the interrogation?
WC: I’ll ask WZL to crush his core first.
Me: *uncontrollable cackling*
Slow clap for our boy for activating YLLZ (I’m going to start shortening Yiling Patriarch to this) mode while really fucked up. I really love this creepy af side of WWX and considering this is pre-Burial Mounds I think it is safe to say he’s always had it in him, just you know, amped up to 11 after the Trauma and the demonic cultivation.
Anyway, go forth and mindfuck them all my child.
...that branding iron is not hot, why it is smoking?
JC: *wearing a hat and plain robes to hide*
Also JC: *Zidian and his very distinctive guan on full display*
Ok I don’t have any way to elaborate on it, but I’m pretty sure of two things:
1. The Burial Mounds is An Entity.
2. WWX is not fully alive anymore.
3. (This is a bonus, I don’t want to think what he ate for three months in a mountain full of corpses. Ok? Ok)
This is creepy creepy.
So when WWX starts hearing LWJ’s voice among all the screaming is this LWJ already playing Inquiry (if I remember he did play inquiry when he found out Lotus Pier had burned) or him just being WWX’s anchor to sanity?
Oh hey, that’s a rib cage.
And thus YLLZ was born.
This is one of my favourite scenes and I’m pumped. I’ve also seen it set to a Targaryen music theme and it is even more fucking epic. I kept expecting LWJ to go dracarys on their asses. Also, he’s literally a husband on a revenge mission right here, fucking fight me if you disagree (don’t fight me, I’m baby). Btw as always the cinematography *chef’s kiss* Just assume I’m screaming like a fan girl all throughout this.
Now he’s a widower on a revenge mission (or so he thinks)
PSA: don’t be like JiaoJiao, take your makeup off before going to sleep.
(Ok, tiiiiiny bit of pity for JiaoJiao here, she’s fucking terrified and WC is being an asshole about it. I mean, it’s what everyone expected but holy shit what a douchebag)
Ohhhh sad WuJi on a cello still breaking my heart.
Ok but let me delve into my own hc here. JC is being so very soft when talking to LWJ, it kind of makes me wonder how many sleepless nights these two ended up talking about WWX in their search and just trying to reassure each other that he was alive. There is absolutely no bitterness when he says he thought WWX had taken off to be with LWJ in LanLing too, so that, plus the fact that the Lan disciples give Suibian to LWJ really makes me think JC knows and is on board with LWJ’s feelings for WWX. There’s absolutely no way he’d let him touch his, afahk deceased, brother’s sword if he still thought LWJ hated WWX.
I just need these two sad beans to be friends ok?
Just imagine:
LWJ: Wei Ying is so... *longing look, Bichen grip*
JC: *lightbulb goes off* oooohhh. Ok, now I see, you want to marry the dumbass!
LWJ: *freaked out look*
JC: No, no. It’s fine, once we find the idiot he’s all yours.
That’s a lot of bodies. Also, of course Dumb Jin Cousin (I know he’s Jin ZiXun but shortening it sounds too much like Jin Zixuan, so no. Also the reason why I call Jin Zixuan Peacock all the time) doesn’t mind animals desecrating corpses.
I don’t know if I’ve said it but I so much prefer CQL!Peacock to MDZS!Peacock. Just look at the character development of him making his own people collect the corpses of their enemies and be respectful to them.
Also, oooff, Shijie saying that anywhere they travel the only thing to see is corpses covering the ground hit me hard.
Some of my Yunmeng sibs are together again and I’m smiling like an idiot (also, JC looks like he gives amazing hugs).
Nvm JC realising LWJ is into his baby brother, I’m pretty sure the Peacock thinks LWJ just became a widower.
Again, NMJ is a cool dude, but he needs to take a fucking chill pill before he bursts a blood vessel and ends up with a haemorrhagic stroke of out sheer anger- induced HBP.
But also, if he didn’t agree to give these two the Yiling assignment out of sheer big brother instinct I’ll eat one of my textbooks.
Look at him asking after his crush and getting all worried when he realises no one knows where he is.
These two, crying over their baby brother just break my heart. I just want to blanket and kittens them.
We are getting murdery in here!
Thanks for reading!
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espinosaurusrexex · 4 years
In which Ilya gets his heart broken by Y/N
warnings: angsty af
a/n: For the dearest user, who requested an imagine from my Drabble List. Thank you so much! I just finished sex education and I’m just in a mood. So I’m sorry if this is like the angstiest shit you have ever read from me, but I just oooff I needed this. I also choose Ilya beacuse I have a mad crush on him for some reason.
As always, I would love some feedback from you guys. Enjoy!
10. Why are you pushing me away?
word count: 1.2k
Ilya didn't know what had changed, but something surely did. When he stepped into his girlfriend’s apartment, he sensed it. An uneasy feeling. It was weird. Almost as if he had just invaded a strangers house, he inspected his surroundings intently. It didn't feel warm and welcoming like it used to. She had painted her walls a cool blue that made his eyes water from looking at the icy color for too long and the living room furniture had been moved and set into a bizarre arrangement of seats and cushions that didn't make sense to Ilya. He didn't like it. But that wasn't important right now.
“Y/N?!” He called out, walking farther down the narrow hallway.
-No wonder she had not responded to any of his messages.- Ilya scrunched his nose as he walked past her room and a strong smell of lavender crawled in his nostrils. Y/N hated lavender. More even, she despised it, starting from its color and ending at the odor it had. It was just strange and Ilya couldn't help but start to worry about the girl he adored so much. 
His feet took him to the kitchen, from which low jazz bounced into the hallway. Another thing she didn’t like: Jazz. -What was going on?- And there she was. Humming to the melody of the song swinging from the radio and swaying her body to the beat. She had her back facing him, concentrated on some paint brushes and the color that slowly washed away with the tap water. -Painting?-
A low chuckle escaped Ilya’s lips as he observed her. “Who are you and what have you done to my girlfriend?” He stepped into the kitchen in an attempt to sneak his arms around her, but Y/N spun smoothly in his arms and stepped back.
“Careful! You can’t wash this paint off clothes.” Her voice was soft and Ilya was hit by whiff of relieve since he had not heard it in a long time. 
“Y/N for real, since when do you care about that stuff?” He took a step closer to her. “And what's up with that lavender.” Ilya had confusion written all over his features as he attempted to find any sort of answer in her eyes, but all he got was a mischievous glimmer that vanished as fast as it had come.
Y/N leaned back as the next song started playing. “I love that song! You should check out this band.” A shuffling noise echoed through the kitchen as she spun through the room, her flowy skirt swinging with her.
“Are you high?” A serious question on Ilya’s end. He had never seen her like this and, to be honest, it made his stomach turn. Her usual bubbly and chaotic self would never jam to Jazz surrounded by lavender and art she painted herself. Y/N always thought art was for crazy people and apparently it was.
“You know… sometimes you need to change some things.” She smiled at him vaguely. “And sometimes you need to change everything.” She lifted her arms, motioning towards the room, which had overcome some drastic changes as well. Instead of the grey-ish green tiles, the wall was covered in paintings. The counter had various candles on it, all differently scented and colored. Apart from the dreadful smell they filled the air with, this room was quite pleasing to look at. 
“And that's why im changing everything. I'm getting rid of the things that make my life blunt… You know, there are so many things that can make you happier if you just… lose them.” Y/N stopped dancing and looked her boyfriend dead in the eyes. 
Being honest, Y/N did look as if she had no doubt in this world. And Ilya would have wished to be as happy as her right now, but he couldn't ignore the feeling this situation was giving him. Her hand slid on his cheek, caressing it with her thumb. “I love you so much.” The girl whispered and Ilya felt his heart skipping a beat. They had said it to each other before, but every time she told him, he felt all giddy and warm inside. The brunette was about to reciprocate her words, but Y/N cut him off.
‘“But I’m changing and changing means to lose you, too.” His heart skipped a beat again, but it wasn't even close to feeling the one before that contained. Maybe it was the lavender and Jazz, but Y/N was cruelly relaxed for the words she had just said to him. 
“W- what?”
Her eyes hung low on his face, her lips pursed. Ilya knew that his girlfriend was somewhere under this facade. This wasn’t normal. This had to be a dream. Preferably, a nightmare. 
“It’s alright, Ilya. we have to make sacrifices in life.”
That just hit him in the guts. Everything was spinning and Ilya felt like puking all over the scented candles next to him. Y/n stood there calm and… normal? No. 
“I thought the distance was something we could conquer. Remember? We wanted to prove them wrong? Why are you pushing me away now? What happened? We can fix this, please… I-”
Ilya trained his eyes on the floor and couldn't believe that this innocent face had called him ‘a thing that made her happier if she lost it’, because he ‘made her life blunt.’ He didn't know where this was coming from. Never in a million years would he have described his life as blant ever since she became part of it, and he had hoped that she had felt the same, but apparently, she didn't. This fact just made the whole situation burn through his conscious like lava. It just now dawned on him that she must have felt this way for longer than expected, given the hours she had put into changing her life around and Ilya wondered if anything was real anymore.
“No, listen… I just need this, okay?” A faint smile lingered on her lips as she rested her hand on his shoulder and gave it a weak squeeze.
He didn't know why, but for some reason it made sense to him. Hell, everything she said made sense to him sooner or later which was why he didn't question it. There was certainly one thing that didn't change. When Y/N had set her mind on something, she would do anything to get it. If this was what made her happy, even if it was just for the moment, he would do it. Because he loved her. He loved her so much that it hurt, but that was something he had known a long time ago.
“Okay…” His shoulders slumped and he didn't dare to look in her eyes once more. He knew that would shatter the last bit of hope he had in him. And that was something he wanted to hold on to for as long as possible. So he didn't. Instead he turned around and headed to the door.
The thought of Y/N eating on his heart, Ilya pushed himself through the doorway and stole away one last glance at the ‘familiar’ walls that seemed to mock him now. He wasn't quite sure how a mixture of cement and metal could do that, but he felt it. He got to the door of the now cold hallway, in which he had pursued his walk of shame in, seconds prior. As the cool air hit him, it took reality with it and a hint of lavender lingered on his mind as he trotted down the driveway.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
The tale of Nokdu: final thoughts
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I really fell in love with this drama for a variety of reasons. But I would say the main one is the two leads. Nokdu and Dongjoo. Separately and together. Man, did I had it bad for these two. I fell hard for Nokdu in the first episode, without any sort of resistence. He just gets to you instantly. And while Dongjoo was a bit of a question mark in the beggining, by the end of episode 7 she finally made her way into my heart and is now one of my favorite female leads of all time. She was just such a badass. 
If I had to choose one thing this drama did perfectly, it has to be the way it treated her female characters. There was not one woman on this drama that wasn’t brave, empowering and confident. Oh, jeez. How I loved that. We had our fantastic heroine, but also female warriors, brave widows who wanted a better life and defended their right of getting just that, a wonderful queen and mother, and a little sassy girl who wasn’t afraid of anyone and always spoke her mind. It was such a blessing and a fresh breath of air amid the typical patriarchy we see often in kdramas (or tv shows in general).
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The parental drama (and a crazy man’s battle for power)
I’m not one to cry while watching... anything, really. It’s not easy to move me to the point of tears. For instance, I don’t cry for romance (I love it, don’t get me wrong. Almost every story I consume has at least, a bit of it). I cry for definitive and sad goodbyes, for the deaths of loving parents or siblings and for injustice. But with the story of Nokdu, and his desire to find out who he was, who were his biological parents and finding out exactly why he had been parted from them... oooff. It always made me teary eyed. And I have to thank, not only the writer, the script and the director, but also Jang Dongyoon for such performance.
That relationship Nokdu had with the King, his biological father, started out normal, when they met for the first time. Although neither had any idea of who the other was, they created a sort of friendship anyway. And it was so heartbreakingly warming, and the King seemed so human that for a couple of episodes I deluded myself into believing that maybe they could be father and son for real, once they knew their true identities. But yeah, I was so wrong. The King was so crazy, corrupted by power and the throne. And for a moment, Nokdu hated him for being blinded by that. But he was better than his father and he wanted to protect him and the mother effing throne in the end! He fought a whole day inside the palace because of that. And yet, the King believed he just wanted to kill him and take his place. Disgusting.
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I enjoyed so much that last scene of the King when he finally realized that the shaman was right, but she was not talking about his own son. And when Yul Mu told him the prophecy was about him. Wow. The years he wasted, the life he could of have and the people he killed and how he was never able to trust anyone, all because of his greed for power and for a throne that wasn’t even rightfully his. What a bitch. I was so glad to see him go down with tears in his eyes.
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In the finale, when Nokdu learns that he was indeed dethroned and killed, he say he wants to cry but at the same time he doesn’t want to. And his father, the real one, who raised him with love and kindness, tells him it’s okay to do whatever he choses to. So Nokdu ends up crying in his dad’s arms.
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And then we have his mom. His first encounter with the queen, knowing exactly who she was to him, but her not knowing she was right in front of his son (who she believed was dead for 20 years) was heartbreaking. The relationship between these two characters was pure love, the kind only a mother and son can have, and you don’t know how happy I was in the end, when the queen and Nokdu finally saw each other after 9 long years and were now free to be together and be the family they always wanted to be. Especially the queen, who had to lose him as soon as he got him. And then, 20 years later, after finding out he was alive and finally being able to embrace him, lost him again without knowing if she would see him again. All to save him.
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(This scene was so hard to watch...)
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The blood-thirsty and child murderer second lead
Let’s talk now about a certain second lead who served as a villain too, imo, the best one, hahahaha. Yul Mu. I knew when I started this drama that the sweet and caring persona he presented in the first episodes was just a facade, because I did saw spoilers while it was being aired and the whole drama community lost its chill and went bananas when that plot twist happened. I never shipped him with Dongjoo, thank God, but I did not hate his character. He was crazy and hungry for power in a way that fascinated me and and greatly entertained me. I guess you can say that I loved him as a villain and when it came to pick a side between him and the King, I rooted for Yul Mu. 
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The actor was just great. Specially with those crazy eyes. And he made me believe that the vulnerability he had when he was with Dongjoo was real. Even if he is true self was a bastard, I think he was really in love.
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The romance was delightful. I did not go crazy for their chemistry (sorry!) but I did love their relationship. In the end, they saved each other because they were in love. Thanks to Nokdu, Dongjoo  realized she could have another chance at being happy and that there was more to life than her revenge. After all, that’s why her mom saved her when she was little. She wanted her lo live. And what better way to feel alive than being loved and find meaning again?
And because of Dongjoo’s love, Nokdu’s life was saved more than once in the drama. Seriously, I think in the last two episodes she saved him at least 3 or 4 times, be it with words or with actions. How refreshing is it that the female lead gets to save his man time and time again?
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Their happy ending was so well deserved and it truly felt like clousure. Well done, drama!
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I’m really not a fan of saeguks (I have watched quite a few, though) but this one gave me everything I wanted and I adored it when it went the dark route, something that actually made me enjoy less these kind of dramas in the past. I think it was because Nokdu and Dongjoo, but if I’m being honest, mostly because of our main lead. He was not perfect but he made you feel with him and yearn for his happiness because he really was an innocent in all these games and battles for power. He was a genuinely good young man who just wanted to know who he was and where he came from.
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I loved this one. And I think I did it as much because I binged it. I finished it in just a few days and it was just the right way for me, to see it.
Definitely a favorite of the year and a close second to another drama that took my heart away this year. Thanks for the memories, Nokdu-ah! Now be happy forever with your wife Dongjoo and the rest of your family at the island, you deserve it.
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So today I went on twitter and I saw the thread of the radical feminist that was interviewed by a teenage TRA long story short they got mad and deleted her interview lol
Anyways I want to comment on the pure projection on some these responses like this one :
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Really, dude ?? Terfs are the one brainwashing people and exploit them ?? Dude you’re the ones who lie to sick people INCLUDING CHILDREN telling them if they want to change their sex they can and its as easy as changing ones underwear
You’re the ones feeding off of vulnerable women and men AND CHILDREN with dysphoria and making sure to tell them that medical transition should be their first and only choice “oh no don’t you ever try to find the root of your dysphoria because we want as many people in our ranks as possible and we want the lie that dysphoria is only ever caused by actually being the other sex but in the wrong body to stay alive.
We don’t want women and girls to find out their dysphoria is caused by misogyny and or homophobia, we don’t want men to find out the root of their dysphoria is either homophobia or a fetish that will hurt the cause!!!!”
And when they find out the real cause of their dysphoria after they mutilated their bodies and became a life long patients forever you blame them telling them they were never trans and should’ve known better, how could they know better if the moment they feel slight discomfort with their bodies the moment they feel like something that MIGHT resemble dysphoria they are told by everyone and their mother that they’re trans and should quickly slice up their body and take drugs they don’t need.
You are the ones doing the “literal exploitation!!!!!”
And y’all go along with it because some of you are genuinely sick and really want a fast solution. and the rest goes along with it because its cool and the other group that dominate and control the “movement” are just straight men that want to further live their fetish more.
Op is right about “most terfs do not change” because the GC ideology is based on science and reality and you’re never going to be able to debunk that.
And this comment right here hit too close to home :
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Oooff man as a dysphoric female this just got me right in the feels.
At least she have it way better than me. at least she’s able to identify however she likes because she lives in the USA or a western country i assume. try being a dysphoric female in the center of misogyny of the world, the Middle East. I can’t even look the way I want to look let alone identify as a man.
My only outlet is people assuming I’m a man on the internet. I don’t tell them “my pronouns” or “my gender identity” I just let them assume that I’m a male.
I can’t link the thread because I’m on my phone sorry
Edit : 
here’s the link :
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cherokeegal1975 · 1 year
This can't die! I worked too hard on it for it to go ignored.
This is the excerpt from chapter one:
Johnny ignored the screams as they burned and he fled deeper and deeper into the desert. He stayed in the scant scrub and rocky places where the gaurds' vehicles couldn't go as easily as he did. The guards knew that so they continued to chase him on foot, but they couldn't keep up for long. For all their special training, compared to him, they were soft and a little out of shape.
"We got him men!" shouted their leader from some distance behind as they tracked him with their flashlights. "There's a cliff and he's got nowhere to go!"
"Goldie?" he panted as he pointed at the cliff's edge.
"Okay go," she squeaked as she guessed his plan. Then she was gone, vanished into thin air.
At just above six feet tall, Johnny knew that his lean frame was too much weight for Little Girl to carry. However, she was strong enough to slow his fall. Trusting she would see him and having total confidence in her, he raced even faster.
"HEY! He's going to jump!" someone shouted.
A bullet whizzed past his shoulder in a greenish flash of light. What the hell was that?
Little Girl hit the marksman in the chest with a fireball and he fell screaming and rolling in the dirt, trying to put it out.
"He's warded!" another guard shouted. "SHIT!"
Bang-Bang! "Where's that fire coming from?" "Watch out!" "Hurry up! Don't let the prisoner get away!"
The shouts of the guards barely registered in Johnny's mind. Heart leaping into his throat, he gathered his courage and jumped.
Little Girl screamed in horrified protest as he fell with his arms spread wide. She dove after him and at the same moment a small dark mass fell past Johnny. She'd been carrying something.
Smooth scaled forelegs wrapped around his upper torso just under his arms, her hot breath gusting in desperate pants just above his head, Little Girl's feathered wings beat frantically to slow his decent to the rocky ground below.
Johnny remained calm, trying not to appear as terrified as he felt. If he panicked, so would she, which could lead to a fatal mistake. Below, it was almost pitch black at the base of the cliff and he couldn't see how fast they were descending.
The small dragon exhaled in distressed whistling noises as her wings beat harder, faster--straining to slow them down. Her heartbeat slammed frantically between Johnny's shoulder blades where her chest was firmly pressed up against him.
The controlled fall seemed to last forever and Johnny began to worry that they might night make it. Then, finally he saw the dark patch of ground a few yards below his dangling feet. It was coming fast--a little too fast. Gritting his teeth, he braced for impact.
"OOOFF!" The wind was knocked out of him as he hit the ground and tumbled sideways, neatly slamming into a thorn bush. Fortunately, the item Little Girl had dropped had been a satchel and it served to stop his roll before he wound up in a rather prickly situation.
He sat up, breathless, looking around to see if Little Girl was alright. She had landed a few feet away to his left with her eagle wings and elongated triangular head drooping tiredly. Tongue lolling, her mouth hung agape as he panted hard to catch her breath, causing her flanks to heave with every inhale and exhale.
her yellow-gold eyes flashed dimly in the starlight, glaring daggers at him as he lifted her head. Her tail lashed back and forth like an angry cat. Then, with her jaw still gaping open, she bared her fangs and emitted a short growl.
"Sorry sweetie," Johnny apologized with complete sincerity as he tried to catch his own breath. "You were amazing. I'll make up to you, alright?"
Little Girl barked angerly, hopped on her forelegs, kicking up small puffs of dust. Before she could make any further comment, her attention was suddenly diverted by a sound Johnny didn't catch at first. The shadowy form of her head had whipped up to the right and upward and she snarled viciously.
Then he heard it as Goldie finally came out of hiding and curled up in his lap. Engine noises from the guards' trucks. There was a way to drive down from there and it would only be a matter of time before they found it.
He turned to Little Girls and asked, "Can you fly?"
Little Girl lifted her wings experimentally and then chuffed an affirmative.
"Good." Johnny grabbed the satchel with its unknown contents. Untying the sheathe from Goldie's back, he replaced the knife he had somehow managed to hang on to, placed both in the sack and gently tossed it to Little Girl. She caught it deftly in her forepaws as Johnny stood up with Goldie in his arms and placed her on Little Girl's withers.
Goldie clung tightly to the dragon's feather-mane with all four feet, readying for takeoff. Little Girl launched herself up into the air with Johnny running beneath her.
They went like this all night, stopping only briefly to catch their breaths. Luckily, Johnny's attacks were not frequent and he managed to recover quickly enough not to slow them down too much.
Link to the book on Amazon: Unexpected Cargo: Smith, Meriah: 9781537355238: Amazon.com: Books
Johnathan was a family man and cargo runner and had no interest in getting entangled in royal affairs. So, when a deposed and fleeing princess arranges a meeting to give him a package to keep safe, he was reluctant to take it. But she convinced him to hide the royal seal until she needed it back despite himself. Unknown to him, she had also ticked him into carrying another precious cargo. When Johnathan learns of the trick, he’s furious. When he confronts the princess about it, he learns it’ll be impossible to return it before it’s appointed time. Then she tells him of an unbreakable bond between them and ends a long search for someone he had lost as a boy. So, instead of revenge, he does what he can to help her. He must also avoid capture; the King would execute Johnathan if he ever found out about his secret cargo.
Check out the audiobook! Buy the book. It's a little weird, but that's because I was inspired by an online dumpster dive and decided to give myself a writing challenge to test my skills. I wanted to see if I could turn what usually is a plot stinker into a good story.
I also created a rat in this book that's actually very lovely. Thought it would be nice to place an animal in a positive role that normally doesn't get one.
It's also set in a fake middle east with deliberate mistakes. Never intended to be real world culturally accurate for this book. I did do a little bit of research for the clothes, the names of certain articles of clothing, one species of bird that lives in that area and a little bit of medical stuff. The rest was all in my head, so I didn't have to do much research. I was polite though. Even made up an interesting mode of transportation for my main characters. A sand ship called The Dune Lady and this ship is part hover craft, part RV and part cargo train. There's roads to follow in this world, but not always. A hover ship of this type is the best way to get over rough terrain quickly and easily. It even can disguise itself to look like a barely functioning wreck no one wants to look at because of a "don't register I'm here" spell, or a bunch of rocks or a long sand dune.
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morska-trava · 4 years
14., 30., 40., 48. for the writer's ask? :3
Hello Nonnie, thank you for the asks! 
14. How do you deal with self-doubts?  
I absolutely do not. More often than not I let them consume me entirely, which means that I rarely really finish anything and even if I do, there’s a high chance that I will just save it and put it away instead of publishing it anywhere or letting anyone read it . However - and I really don’t want this to sound like a patronising self-help book, I am slowly coming to realise that this type of behaviour is not only self-destructive but also incredibly dumb on my part and certainly not doing me any favours, because, at the end of the day, I do not have any huge aspirations of becoming a renown author or anything like that, so it doesn’t really matter whether my writing is objectively speaking very good or not, so I just try to have as much fun with it as I can and hope that I at least somewhat like the final product. Whenever I do post something, I know that it is most probably not going to reach many people, and while that may seem discouraging to some, it’s actually somewhat of a comfort to me, because I know that there will not be a huge audience judging my every mistake and it also solidifies my wish to just write for writing’s sake or for my own. That being said, I am also very lucky to have a few people that I know will cheer me on no matter what, so my primary concern when writing is then both to make something that at least partially manages to convey what I wanted it to, as well as something that my limited audience will hopefully enjoy, and I don’t think there’s really anything else than I could be doing or telling myself. 
(This got a bit long, I am very sorry aaaaaa)
30. Favorite idea you haven’t started on yet.  
Already answered, but I can share another! It’s a story partially inspired by the Elsewhere University blog and partially with my childhood (and teenage) obsession with the fae. It is mainly based on the question of what happens when a fae gets your “true name”, except the main protagonist was nonbinary and constantly switching their names because they couldn't settle on one, and the name that the fae learns is their deadname, so not really their “true name” anymore. I hope I’ll manage to work on it soon because it has been sitting in the WIPs folder for a while, but I’m also having a slight moral dilemma over whether that is my story to tell or not.
40. Share some backstory for one of your characters  
One of my recent favourites is Ezra from the second The Crane Wives inspired Nanowrimo short story. In the story, he is 22 and just came home for the summer before the next uni semester starts. He studies archaeology because he had a Greek phase in his childhood that he never really got over it, but his primary interest currently lies in the eggshell pottery of the Longshan neolithic culture from China. He was always a quiet kid and was mostly alone until Astrid decided to befriend him, and they have been inseparable ever since. He likes to let her info dump about her new interests because he knows she appreciates it that someone listens to her rant about them, and it also allows for him to discover new interests and hobbies over her (like the drawing course for example). His mother was an absent parent and while they get on well, they don’t really speak all that often, especially not now that he’s off to college. He also started working part-time in a bar near his dorms and is quite popular with the guests and coworkers alike because of his good looks and calming demeanour. I intended to write him as aro-ace, even though I don’t think he would have found the words for that yet in the current storyline, but I definitely hope I managed to convey it.
48. What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written. 
Oooff. I think there are little bits and pieces of me in every character and story I’ve ever written. Especially with the characters, I think that a lot of times I give them either some of the qualities that I like to think I have or the ones that I would like to grow to have or that I admire in others. That being said, my most self-insert characters so far are probably Orla (the mc from the fae story), Ezra (through whom I basically wanted to explore what being ace meant to me) and my d&d character Vega (on whom I am basically just projecting all my past trauma because that’s what d&d’s for), and the most self-insert scene is probably a breakup scene from one of my other short stories that I never really finished, through which I basically wrote about my first breakup, except the characters got the resolution that I wanted to get in real life, but I know I probably never will.  
Thank you again for the asks and I am really sorry that everything got so long ;-;
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blackdahlia-parker · 5 years
What you reading love?- Tom Holland x female reader part 3
Summary: you were meant to be studying for an exam that you had the next day, but instead of returning home so your boyfriend could help you, you decide to head to the library and got too interested in a particular book. What happens when Tom catches you flustered while thinking about him in a public library?
Warnings!: Smut! 👀 throughout, Please don’t read if you are uncomfortable.
Please Read part 1 and part 2 if you haven’t already 🙃 this is the last part for this fic, and it’s by far my favourite part so enjoy 💓-
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“Now, now love….We need to teach you how to behave in public don't we? Hmmm?” You decided on a teasingly bold reply. “But i am behaving daddy. And I can get what i want!!”….Oooohhh….you were really playing his patience now. “…..LATER!!…” he snarled.  “Now where were we?” he questioned (partly to himself).
He had now rested the book that had been tossed to the ground, back on the shelf as he decided to do his own thing with you for a change, and not what the book states or what you want, (but in all truth, you’d let Tom do anything to you aaahh). He now sat back down beside you , (you sitting too). Both of you still in the corner of a book aisle as you leaned your backs against a shelf. His strong, sexy hands grazed up your thighs again and with very tittle warning he was up your skirt for the third time. He just couldn't resist. His fingers ran all along inside your folds . You could plainly feel it and gasped because it felt so good. “Tommm— M-mmm Babyyyyy…..”  You could of died right there and then. You must say his hands being there surprised you. “ahaa, you c-cheeky bo-boy” you told him as he began to massage your clit good,  moving his thick, rough finger up and down the small area and your whole body shuddered and jaulted when he twisted it gently within the process. “You like that love?” “Ohh- mmm, Y-yes. You know I do Tom.” “good girl” ; he praises you and with that you made a sound. You relished it when when he called you such words, this was definitely a kink of yours.
Four words; You felt so horny….aahh!! He retracted his hand from your centre and spoke; “Lay down for me again darling. C’mon, one last time then we can go home. See this wasn't bad was it? Nobody caught us, now c’mon love, I’m gonna make you come this time, hard.” You were going to object, but after his last sentence, who gave you the right to? You just gazed deeply into his gorgeous chocolate-coffee eyes, as his long pitch black eyelashes fluttered over them with graceful beauty. You were just falling all over again.
You laid back down on the floor, not particularly taking an interest that it wasn't comfortable. You were comfortable with him, and that’s all you needed to be. You tried to mentally prepare yourself for what was coming next. You rose your legs as leant over you (practically sitting on you) in the same position as before. He went down on you for one last time. Going for it good and so did you. He rode you and you furiously grinded his hips down into your body, your hips grinding with his as best as the could. You ached for more, more and more of him. “Ohhh- P-Please” you begged him. He had his eyes squinted shut in pleasure but opened then and looked down at you as you spoke. “What was that my l-love?” He replied. He had the cheekiest grin residing on his face as the pair of you felt full blown body indulgence and extreme gratification. Mmm. “More, m-more Tom p-please.” He raised his eyebrows sexily. “You want me to k-keep going darling?” “Yes, oh YESSS To-Tommy, g-give it t-to meeee!.” He gulped growing more lustful by the second and laughed; “ahh so you do love my cock after all hmm?” You felt your heart pace quicken and he winced as you gave the most honest reply this time. “For g-god sake, yes Tommm, God I love it. Im sorry that i told yo di— o-ohhhh yeah!—I’m sorry that i told you d-different.…that was a lie. And Im sorry if this sounds r-really dirty but you— look— in-incredible right now b-baby. aaahhha yeahh. I love seeing the sight of your juicy cockkk t-travelingg in—in and out….s-so h-hottt!!!” He began to swear at your words. Shit hearing him swear was like music to your ears. Your words about his cock had led him to groan loudly and he pounded and pounded you over again. His gorgeous curls on the top of his head were bouncing too, with every movement. God— unholy the sight of it, had your mouth dribbling. You hope nobody could hear the good time you were having because you were coming and you knew it. No turning back. You didn't have to tell your boy, he could feel it, but you decided to anyway, to show him how good he had made you feel.
“T-Tom… this is the best i’ve f-felt in agesss. I think I'm gonna ohhh I'm gonna mmm aha I’m C-“ You couldn't finish your sentence. You were feeling so much pleasure at this moment in time, that your vision blurred. You arched your back as far as it could. But you didn't quite release yet. You moved your arm. No clue where you were moving it to as you could barely see anything, but all you knew is that it hit something. *BANG*, and a book fell on your head. “OwW” you slightly screeched. Tom laughed a little, still inside you, and he rubbed your head better. You were so scared that someone would catch you at that point.
You couldn't see as you were in euphoria, vision bearly there, sights all but a ghost around you so Tom looked around, but no one was there or had seen the both of you. He assured you that nobody was around as you took a big sigh of relief. But you felt no relief inside, as he went deeper and deeper. This time it was it.
“Ahaa * ohhh * TOMMM, it’s Cominggg”, you tried to stay quiet but failed horribly. “That’s okay beautiful…do it. I want you to come for me now. Y-Yourr S-stunning—ahhh, do you know that?” You felt like crying at his words…he was sooo adoring. You knew your boyfriend only spoke the truth to you. He never lied. His words were so beautiful and his accent so endearing. You loved him so much. The pleasure continued to wash through you, as he spoke again; “C’mon darling, I’ve got you” he held on. “Please come for me, you can t-trust me….I’ll hold on… w-won’t let youu go…” You were done. “ahhaaa—mmmm, ahhhaa”. All of the moaning finally came to an end when you released. Thick white juice just continued to pour out of your centre. The beautiful sight of this made Tom come too. He just whimpered continuously, “ohhh Y/Nnnn darlinggg….I-I love you so much….princess—oooohhh— its cominggg!”. “Ahhh” he sighed after it was over. His cum filled the condom to the brim. And it was Hot (just as you’d expected…), you could feel the cozy warmth of his cum against your insides and it felt amazing, it heated you up. (Not that you weren’t warm enough already;) )
He pulled it of you. Both of you were panting heavily, as you both collapsed on a beanbag , among the bookshelves. He slid the sticky condom off and rolled it back up and put it back in the packaging for the time being, as he lifted his sexy tight underwear back up his lush ass and his jeans too and put the packet in his jean pocket to throw later. You were about to fetch a wipe from your bag beside you to wipe yourself clean of all the mess between your thighs. But being the gentleman that he is, Tom took your hand away from the bags zipper as he leaned down between you and attached his tongue to your core,to lick the cum away. Leaving you spotless as he slid your undies back on. You gasped at this. He was so good. “Geeezz,Thank God you remembered to put a condom on, or we’d have children running around the place here” you said with a slight giggle. “wouldn’t really have minded that” Tom winked and you looked at him with wide eyes and shook your head laughing. Oh god. Only he would say that.
After everything seemed not-so-dirty any more, while you both slumped down together on the comfy library beanbag amongst the books, Tom leaned over to you and gave you a quick peck on the lips. Then stared into your E/C eyes. You stared back. You both immediately gave in. You closed the gap between you once again, but this time you two snogged. He got on top of you, straddling your hips. You slowly licked across his bottom lip and you both straightened up your bodies, onto your knees as bodies both rose up and down with each breath and you moaned into your make-our session together, whilst feeling each other all over. Arms wrapped around each other tightly. He brushed your beautiful hair back from your face and smoothed your head, two faces connected.
You opened your eyes slightly and tilted your  head up a bit and glanced at one of his curls draping down off his head, between both of your faces. Everything about his face was mesmerising. The details and flaws to it were insane. Your eyes watered. You loved him. He was so cute.....but as you tilted your head further to look at the sealing, the both of your lips broke apart and he accessed you neck....lightly suckling on the very front area delicatly before adding more roughness to his suck and turning a patch of it red. Shit!, you thought to yourself. And this time, you tumbled back down on him, on the beanbag and he proceeded to kiss your neck hungrily.  Just then, that woman you’d seen from earlier walked passed the aisle that you were in and saw you both acting wild, sprawled out across the library’s beanbag. She glared at you both, shook her head and tutted. Then she diverted her look disgustingly and walked away. Oooff, if only she’d seen what you two were up to earlier. To be fair you were still shocked that no one had—
Still sitting down, you spoke, “so i guess your not mad at me for having dirty thoughts about you? And reading that book, to think about you?” “No, of course not love, but when you kept not turning up so I could help you study I was really worried and I just had to know what had been going on and i’d knew where you'd be. Honestly seeing you like that, shivering and wanting me so bad was so hot. Please don’t ever hide away from me darling, I've really missed you. And you know you can tell me anything right? Your thoughts are my thoughts. Please don't be embarrassed to tell me what you want. because the chances are that i want it as bad as you.” He paused as i stared at him with loving, warm eyes and he continued to speak; “I love you baby, now please tell me, did i fulfil your naughty little book fantasies darling? hmm?”
It was at that moment that you snogged him yet again. like full on. Your mouthes becoming one. Tongues sloppily moving against each other in a mouth that’s not your own. Not a care if you did pass tomorrows exam or not (although you’d still try your best. “Te amo Tommy” you whispered in his ear, causing him to be the one shivering for a change.
Just then something happened…. “Spider-mannnnn!!!” a young boy came crying with delight around the corner. Shit. You both shoved each other apart from the lustful kiss as quick as you could, ad the boy (clearly a fan of Tom’s,) approached you and Tom and he grinned, happy to see his idol. “Hey there” Tom spoke in an American accent to impersonate his Peter Parker character as he smiled at the boy. “wowww, so cool’’ beamed the boy. The child then realised that he saw spider-man on the floor with a girl on a beanbag. He spoke again; “did you save the girl from falling to the library floor spider-man?’’, Tom glared at you with a cheeky grin. He was about to burst out laughing at the thought of what you’d actually been doing on the floor. But he kept it in and returned his look to the boy, giving him a smile back and spoke in the accent once more. “Yes i sure did save her, i caught her just in time before she fell.” The boy then gazed at Tom with loving eyes and without warning the kid ran up closer to hug him. “your great Spider-man!” he said. The man flinched a little at the surprising action, but felt proud that he was loved by many. You were internally giggling and cringing that he found you and Tom on the floor, but you adored the sight and how Tom hugged him back. He was so great with kids. You honesty wanted to have them with him one day. As much kids as he wanted to have. After the hug, the boy pulled away and reached in his pocket and pulled out a mini disposable camera made for children. “Please could i get a selfie?” the kid asked politely as Tom nodded, and smiled to the camera as the kid took a shot of them both. “How’s that?” he asked the young one. “it’s soo coooll, Thank you, thank you, thank youuuu spider-man!’’ he screeched as he ran off and shouted across the library and said some more; “now hurry up and go and save the world!!” “will do” Tom chuckled to himself.
When you and Tom were alone once again you hugged while still sitting. God how you loved having his strong body flush against yours, and his arms around your waist. His large hands felt incredible when they were pressed flush to your back. You spoke and began to laugh, “phhhaa, well you did kind of save me Tom…. or i would've been stuck here all night in the library, reading and fantasising about you. I’d be in even more of a mess then will no release from the pressure inside me.’’, he replied “ohh, i’m very glad darling, yes you were a bit of a mess when i first saw you weren't you? Legs trembling, begging for daddy.” ……And there go your juices again….oh my word… how many times has he already done this to you today? You just moaned into the hug “mmmhhhhmm”. “Now, now you dirty little girl… you've already had me twice today’’ he responded to your profanities, and then leaned in close to your ear to whisper something nice…. “but i tell you what” he began ‘’….we can borrow that book can’t we?, let’s see what other actions make you weak in the knees tonight shall we?” with that he opened his mouth, poked his tongue out lightly and licked the top of your right ear and then nibbled it with a quick nip, his lips were so juicy and wet. You loved it. Loved the small things he did to you. The side of you face shuddered as you flushed a shade of red and tingles were sent down to your lower area. “Ohhaa” you groaned, eyes shutting as you melted into him, feeling to weak to stand and you breathed out a curse word.
You were still red and he put on a side grin. “Can i admit something to you Tom?” You asked him. “Of course yo can love, you know you can tell me anything, like i said….go ahead…” You were glad, but started to tremble a bit, not knowing what his reaction would be or how he would take it. “A-are you sure….I-it’s d-dirty?” You stuttered. “oooff dirty? well i think we can handle that… I love it when my princess talks dirty to me….hit me with it love. C’mon.” he coaxed. “Well you know you did that lip sync battle?”  “yes, and….?” . You breathed and just continued. “well….um….I w-watch it Q-quite often actually.” He laughed; “that’s not very rude is it dear?”…. “N-no” you stuttered again, “but this is…..” You cleared your throat and took a massive gulp *ahemm* “okay s-so when i watch it…it’s become quite a habit watching it over and over again…..and i cant help it….i’ve always wanted to tell you this but y-you know grab the umbrella and—and—‘’ You can’t continue, your whole body is heaving…your sweating buckets, thinking about the image of him grinding on it in your head. Your eyes well up, thinking about how hot he looked while doing so, not being able to contain your sensually contained emotions. “Come on Y/N darling, just say…it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” You just took a few moments  to calm your thoughts and body’s reaction down and you then told him everything. “When you take the u-umbrella and— and— ggg-g—grind on it, I-I cant help m-myself. I-I— I have to change my panties e-each time.
…….I-I soak through them….’’ You looked immediately away from him, feeling guilty. “I-I-I’m a m-mess every time i see it T-Tom….W-when you p-put it right up between for legs and start grinding, I almost pass out each t-time. Oh Godd!!!” you started to whimper thinking about it again, as you continued to speak, “A-and the way your hot ass wiggles on the umbrella, your ass cheeks b-bulging over either side. A-and the way your dressed always makes me cummm. That maid play-suit clinging to your ass, all in black patent, those fishnet tights on you legs which are so shapefull, your good looking shoes on your large feet and you with make up and that wig look damn fine! And you knew it too! I mean can you see my heart eyes?” You turned at him showing him your eyes, you were really nervous to look after you blurted all of that out. That’s all he could reply was “wowww, is that really how you feel? Fuck darling!” …..you replied shamefully; “yes Tom, i’m sorry but it is…”. He instantly noticed the shame that you had in your voice and spoke, preventing you from feeling ashamed. He smiled at you “No, no love, there’s absolutely no need to be ashamed of feeling like this about me at all. I never thought any girl would ever say anything like that about me. You make me feel so sexy darling. Your incredibly gorgeous and i’m not gonna lie, sometimes the way you move your booty gets me going too. Oooff” he starts to smile and pretended to fan himself down. You smiled too and giggled at his funny action, he was was so nice and accepting of you. He spoke again and smirked; “so thats why you got me gringing on you earlier?” you blushed like a tomato,“y-yeah”.  “umm—Y/N, you know you said that you umm s-soak through your panties when you watch me g-grind on the t-telly”, “y-yeah….” you nervously spoke. “Well we watch lip sync battle all the t-time at my house a-and you never get w-wet then do you?”
You paused then gave in…. “I—I do T-Tom….I said i get W-wet all of the t-time watching it…”. He swallowed. “what so you just s-sit there….d-dripping next to me on the s-sofa?” , “y-yes” you replied. He had a very sly face on. “F-ing hell Y/N…..If only i’d have known…. i would have had you stripped in seconds and fucked you so good, would have had you begging for me, like the good girl you are, begging me to grind like in the dance. You would’ve liked that yeah?” “Oh my God Tom! Y-yes, do that next time please! Punish me for all the times I’ve soaked through and ruined my panties!!!” He was fulled to the brim with lust. He had to restrain himself from touching you sexually again while you were here. “Naughty, naughty. Your really horny tonight aren’t you love?” “Shut up Tom, no I’m not!” You replied. “Oh but I think you areee” he teased while nudging. You gave in and continued to turn a darker colour on your cheeks. You knew he was saying the truth. “Don’t worry darling, once we watch me on lip sync later, I’ll turn you around and give you a good old spanking for not confessing to me sooner and for being so filthy in a public place. That’ll teach you some respect won’t it love?”Oooff you couldn't wait to go over Tom’s house to watch lip sync battle tonight. “mmmm T-Tommm” you quietly moaned. He blushed for a change, and spoke again. “but on a more serious note Y/N….do you really just sit there and cope with the d-dampness for all that time when your in my house?” You giggle at his question at his slight innocence…. “Oh my gosh Tom!, do you really think that?….Your so naive…” He just laughed as he wrapped his arms around you, still perched up on the library’s beanbag. “Well what do you do then?….You never move from your seat….clearly too occupied”,  “Oh Tom very funny words at the end there. haha” you mocked and spoke again; “what do you think I do Tom when i go to the toilet?”…..”What?!” he replied at your unexpected words. “Don’t you understand? I always tell you that ‘I’m going for a toilet break’, but that’s clearly not what I do. Tom, I have a pile of panties in my bag that i bring to yours….and once I've changed, all fresh and clean…..I return to you, all innocent and grinning as if nothing had happened— And- and then return to the couch, sit by you and i get ready for round two, if you get what i mean…..”,  and with that you gave him a cheeky wink. “shit” was all he could say. Then, “I can’t F-ing wait ‘till tonight Y/N’’ he growled like a lion as he smothered you with arms.You squealed; “eeekkk” God, he really did drive you horny. Tonight come quicker you begged.
It was getting quite late already so you and Tom both got up off of the beanbag and hugged when you both stood. You were facing each other, bodies close and he then lightly grinded into you as you hugged. You could feel his cock through all the materials hitting your privates and gasped at the suddenness of his action. “ohhh—-aha— what a tease” you said and you looked at him slyly while squinting your eyes at him. You hastily turned him around, his ass flush to your pussy and grinded at full force back on him. You loved his plump ass . He spoke; “oooff, as much as i like that darling and i know you do, It’s getting late and we’ll need all night for tonight’s plans.” he turned back around, pinched your nipple through your t-shirt and then grabbed you hand as you bit your seductively lip at what he was making you feel. He grabbed the book that you and him had been reading earlier and said; “Come on, let’s go. we are 100% borrowing this book now, so we can get you shaking learn some new kinks of yours!’’ He bit his lip at this point too. And here you am saying it again, “Cheeky boy” as you shook my head at him, and you both just burst out laughing.
As you and him began to walk to he counter to register the book you borrowing, he slapped your ass causing you to squeal “ooee’’ ….. “what was that for?” you asked looking around the vast space to see if anyone had saw. He whispered in your ear one again and you could tell there was a smirk plastered on his face. “oh you know, just to warm you up again ready for tonight love” You tried to keep a straight face as the woman on the counter smiled and you handed the book to her, but you couldn't stop yourself from blushing, you remembered the mark on your neck and tried to cover it. “Thank you” you spoke as the lady scanned the book and passed it back to you. “That’s okay, thanks for visiting, hope you got everything you needed and have a good evening” she waved with a smile. As you turned towards the big double glass doors to exit Tom replied to the woman; “yes we thoroughly enjoyed and we got EXacTly what we WanTed, thank you. Oh and we will” Tom winked “you have a good evening too.” Knowing his word intentions, it wasn’t just you that was in for it tonight, he was too! The woman could've figured it out.; “Tommm!! The woman couuld’ve—“ you squealed as you slapped his arm playfully walking out from an eventful evening in the London public library, that was only about to escalate as soon as you walked through the doors at home. ;)   
A/n- thank you so much for all the love and reading. More fanfics coming soon 👍🏽🥰 send any suggestions if you wish.
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shedreamsofstars · 5 years
Subtlety, Thy Name Is Sonic
“Sorry I’m late Ames,” Sonic said guiltily as he dropped onto the couch beside her. “I got a little caught up with some bots and stuff on the way over. You know how it is.”
“I do, and it’s fine. I’m just glad you made it,” Amy replied, offering up a kind smile.
“Did I miss much?” Sonic said, nodding towards the movie that was currently playing across the screen. He squinted at it as he tried to place what was going on. “What are we watching again?”
“It’s some old silent movie about dancing I think. I’m not too sure but the dances are really good. You haven’t missed too much.”
“Alright, sounds cool,” Sonic said, shuffling on the couch to get more comfortable as he turned to flash her a smile. Amy responded in kind but that look on his face was so magnetic that she couldn’t tear her gaze away. Not until she’d taken a good look at him.
Forget the movie.
With Sonic’s windswept quills and bold green eyes, Amy could have dreamily stared at him all night. Perhaps she would she thought, biting her lip as the hint of a sigh escaped her. The sound was loud enough for the boy to pick up and he turned to look at her.
It didn’t take him long to realise that she wasn’t paying much attention to the movie. Then again neither was he as his eyes roamed her face, slow and languorous. Her heart skipped a beat as his gaze drifted down to her lips before flicking away quickly.
He did it once more before training his eyes on hers, an endless collision of greens, but it wasn’t until Amy arched a brow at him questioningly that he seemed to notice just what he was doing. Or how close she actually was. Close enough to study every minute movement of his face as he chuckled nervously at the attention.
“You mind if I … uh,” he said, scratching at the back of his head as he spoke.
Amy hummed in response, waiting for him to finish the rest of his sentence but the boy was silent. Her brows dipped into a frown as his gaze drifted down again and she followed suit, staring at the bowl of snacks sitting on her lap.
“Oh, did you want some popcorn?” she asked brightly, holding the bowl out towards him. “Here, help yourself.”
Sonic glanced between her lips and the bowl, mouth ajar as if caught in an objection but the only word that escaped was a simple thanks. His lips were pursed tightly as he reached out and gingerly plucked off the topmost piece of popped corn. The blew hero let it fall carelessly into his mouth, crunching on it loudly.
“It’s sweet,” he remarked offhandedly, releasing a sigh so deep that Amy could see the rise and fall of his chest. She bit back a smirk, humming in response as she turned back towards the movie.
The pictures flashed across the screen, but Amy wasn’t seeing any of them. Her mind was stuck on the boy beside her. She knew perfectly well that Sonic wasn’t after popcorn, but she also wasn’t going to indulge his avoidance of his own feelings.
She had fallen for his ploys time after time, but not this time. No. If he wanted a kiss form her, then he was going to have to suck it up and ask her for it. This time she’d play him for the fool until he had no choice but to speak his mind.
A strong arm draped over her shoulder and pulled her a little bit closer to the boy. There was still a significant amount of space between them, but the act alone was enough to send her cheeks blazing. His fingers dug gently into her upper arm, sending searing sparks up and down her body.
She was struggling to focus on the movie when the fingers moved to her shoulder, rapping against it insistently. Amy glanced to the side to see Sonic looking terribly confused. “I think I have something on my lip. Would you mind checking for me?”
Amy was close enough to see that there was quite clearly nothing on his lip - nothing but a clear-cut lie that was. “Sure,” she said with a casual shrug. She leaned in towards him, so close that if she had wanted to, she could have given him exactly what he had really been after.
If she had wanted to that was, which right now she didn’t. That would be too easy. but it didn’t means he couldn’t be a tease about it.
Slowly, the girl lifted a thumb to the edge of his mouth. She let it graze over his skin in a gentle stroke, noticing just how soft Sonic’s lips truly were. She resisted the urge to just give in and drop a quick peck onto them, but Amy kept herself under control.
Sonic on the other hand didn’t seem to hold the same reservations. He drifted towards her touch with desire in his eyes, but before he could turn the moment into something else Amy pulled back abruptly.
“Huh, that’s strange. I can’t see anything on your lip,” she said coolly. “It must just be a trick of the air or something.” With that she turned back to the dancers twirling across the screen, savouring the thrill of being chased for something for a change.
Beside her, Amy felt the other hedgehog flop against the back of the sofa in irritation. He’d come so close, and yet somehow, he had still failed. His hand landed on the couch beside hers and his fingers began drumming against the fabric as he no doubt pondered his next move.
It wasn’t long before the drumming stopped, and the boy cleared his throat with purpose. It started with a simple cough, but it only took moments before it devolved into hacking so loud that Amy was forced to pull her eyes away from the movie to make sure the boy wasn’t losing a lung.
“Sonic, are you okay?” she asked.
The blue hero toned down the coughs enough for him to shake his head and wheeze a simple “I’m fine, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure about that?” she asked when he forced another cough. “You look like you could do with some water …” Amy trailed off. Chaos knew his thirsty ass needed it.
“Actually, I think some chocolate might help,” Sonic said, a curious glint in the forests of his eyes. “It’s supposed to be good for tickly throats,” he added, cough miraculously vanishing.
Amy bit her lip as she wondered where Sonic was going with this. “Yeah, it is. I have some in the kitchen,” she said, deciding to play along for the time being.
“Some Hershey’s would be great if you have them,” Sonic said pointedly.
Hershey’s kisses. Of course. Amy mentally facepalmed herself for not catching on to his cryptic clue sooner. The boy seemed to be getting bolder and bolder, although she still hadn’t actually heard him utter the word ‘kiss’ itself.
“I’m not sure I have and but let’s go check,” she said, standing and leading the way to the kitchen down the hall. The boy followed after, a barely concealed pout gracing his lips as she pretended to scour the pantry for chocolates she knew weren’t there.
“I’m sorry Sonic, it seems like I’m all out of … Hershey’s,” Amy said eventually, mustering an air of disappointment as she closed the wooden door. “It looks like you’re just going to have to settle for gargling some good old-fashioned ginger infused salt water.”
Sonic’s face dropped instantly. He took an involuntary step away from her with his hands up in defence. “Don’t worry about it Ames, I’m sure it’s nothing anyway,” he stammered, regret flashing through his eyes faster than he could run.
“Are you scared of a little medicine hedgehog?” Amy teased, pointing at him accusingly.
Sonic lowered his hands, straightening his posture. “Of course not,” he scoffed, puffing out his chest with a grumble Amy couldn’t quite make out. “I don’t need that garbage water to make myself feel better.”
“Oh, yeah? Don’t tell me you’re just going to miraculously fix yourself with positivity.”
Or in this particularly case, by doing absolutely nothing. There was nothing wrong with his throat, but Amy was curious just how far he’d go to avoid having to take some herbal concoction he couldn’t stand.
“Well the chocolate was just a bonus, it’s really the sugar that soothes,” Sonic drawled, making sure to get his point across. It wasn’t hard to tell that he was starting to lose his patience.
Just a little more.
“Oh. I used up the last of the cane sugar making the popcorn.”
“Any type of sugar will do,” Sonic countered.
“Really? Because I think icing sugar will just irritate your throat even more,” Amy said matter-of-factly, placing a thoughtful finger on her cheek.
“That’s … not the kind I meant,” Sonic grumbled.
“Did you want … honey?”
A frustrated growl escaped the blue hedgehog. “God Amy, why won’t you just kiss me!?” The boy scrunched his face up in annoyance, pointing around himself like a madman before deflating with a sigh.
Laughter bubbled out of Amy as she rushed towards Sonic, circling her hands around his neck even as he scowled down his nose at her. She bumped her nose with his affectionately and his frown loosened a fraction.
“You wanted a kiss? Gosh, I had no idea. Well, if that was all you wanted hedgehog, then you should have just said so sooner,” she said with a smile. The boy’s gaze turned sheepish and she felt him shrug against her.
“I … tried?” he offered, letting his forehead rest against hers as he wrapped his arms around her in a gentle embrace. Amy smiled brightly up at him.
“Try again,” she said quietly, closing her eyes as she waited for him to say the words she needed. A moment passed with nothing but the sound of soft breathing between them, but then Sonic shifted. One hand came up under her chin, lifting her face up so their lips were barely touching.
“Kiss me,” he whispered, voice nothing but an echo on the wind as it brushed up against her. But that echo was all she needed.
... xxx ...
Oooff, I have been editing this for weeks (literally) and I’m *finally* happy with it! (curse you lack of motivation) I originally posted an drabble version of this on the sonamy discord but I really wanted to develop it a little more so lo and behold the above.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to let me know your thoughts if you have the time. Until next time lovelies, chao :)
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