#oofuri x reader
duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Houston, i’m sad as fuck. Can I please have an emergency request?? I noticed you haven’t written any for Big Windup yet, and I would feel so honored to be the first. Can I request Mihashi and Tajima comforting their best friend who’s hopelessly in love with someone? Thank you 😭😭 (also why is the safari formatting for this so strange??)
Hi Anon!!
First of all, I felt you with the safari formatting. It’s so funky for no reason 💀💀
I hope you’re feeling a little better now!! If not, I’m here to help :)
I know all about being hopelessly in love, so I hope this can be comforting for you!!
I added a little of my own twist at the end. I hope it will still suffice!
Please let me know if you need anything!
CW UNDER THE CUT: reader is attracted to males in Tajima’s scenario.
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𝑅𝑒𝑛 𝑀𝑖ℎ𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖
You and Mihashi had became friends in your first year of middle school.
You’d always felt a strong connection with him. He just seemed like the kind of support system you’d appreciate having in your life.
Once high school arrived, love lives arrived for the two of you. You both made a set of rules. Rule one, you wouldn’t fall for each other. Rule two, you’d be there for each other during heartbreaks.
While Mihashi didn’t seem to have any crushes, since he was so focused on baseball, you had found yourself infatuated with someone in your class.
You hadn’t talked to your best friend in a couple days, since he had a big tournament coming up. So, you asked to take him out for ramen and told him you had to tell him about someone.
While not thrilled to have such an important secret on his shoulders, Mihashi agreed so he could spend time with you again.
“Ren they’re just amazing! Their eyes are so pretty, and they play (sport/instrument) isn’t that just something?!”
“Y-yeah! Totally!” He beamed in reply, completely uninterested.
“And they’re really funny. They care about people above all, plus they’re super respectful. I’ve liked them for so long. They always check in on me every day and- agh Ren I think I’m in love!” You whined, dramatically throwing your wrist onto your forehead.
You and your friend burst into giggles, ready to dive into your dinners.
“Just um… J-just make sure you’re careful! I-I would hate to you up-upset over them.” Mihashi said with as much firmness as he could muster.
“No worries, Ren. I think they’re the one I was destined to be with.” You chirped in reply before you picked up your chopsticks.
Dinner went without a hitch! You were happy to catch up with your best friend, and even more happy to learn all about him and Abe becoming closer.
Over the next few weeks, your pining for (Crush’s name) didn’t stop. If anything, it only got worse. You decided that it was time to take your chances.
One fateful day after school, you wrote a small note explaining your feelings. Now, you just had to wait for the right moment to give it to them.
The right moment presented itself to you during third period. They had dropped their notebook out of their backpack! Score! You picked it up and tucked the note inside it.
“Um, (C/N)?” You asked, tapping their shoulder.
“Mm?” They turned to face you.
“You dropped this. I wanted to make sure you had it, in case it was important!” You chirped, handing them the book.
“Ah, thank you!” They beamed in reply.
After school ended, you frantically texted back and forth with Mihashi about your confession. Eventually, you just decided to pop into his house to hang out with him.
“You n-need to get your mind off of this.” Mihashi said sternly, turning on your favorite movie and making popcorn. “L-let’s watch our favorite movie, and have a whole bunch of popcorn!”
You didn’t need much more reasoning to comply. You cuddled up right next to Mihashi and all of your worries melted away.
The next day, you were walking in with Mihashi and were met with (C/N) standing by your locker. “Good morning, (Y/N)! I got your note.” They said with a patient smile.
“I-I’ll leave you to it.” Your best friend said before turning around to catch up with some teammates.
“I’m sorry to have to say this, but I just don’t return your feelings…” (C/N) said a bit sadly, “Don’t get me wrong! You’re an absolutely incredible person, and whoever does get the honor to date you will be the luckiest person in the world, but I just can’t see you in that way. I’m sorry.”
Fighting back tears you smiled patiently, “There’s no worry to be had. Thank you for being honest with me. And likewise to you, the right person will be very lucky to have you.” With a slight bow, you turned around to find someplace to be alone.
When you arrived at your usual solitude spot, you immediately burst into tears. You texted Mihashi to simply say “no go.”
Within minutes, the door to the empty room you were in opened, and arms enveloped around you. “I-it’ll be okay.” a voice whispered.
“R-Ren-“ you whimpered, “Why does this a-always hap-pen?”
“I’m not sure.” He replied, running his fingers through your hair, “The g-gods always have some weird stuff planned.”
“Maybe it’s just me… I’m probably the problem., you know maybe it’s j-”
“Stop right there.”
Mihashi seemed to have lost all of his usual sheepishness in that moment. “You are not the problem. I don’t know what they may have said to you, but you’re not the one at fault here. Just because someone doesn’t return your feelings, doesn’t mean that you are the issue.”
“You’re an honest catch. The person who ends up sweeping you off your feet will be someone very lucky to say the least. You’re an incredible support system for anyone you meet, and you continue to grow and amaze me every day.”
“You, (Y/N), are an amazing human being. And anyone who doesn’t see that, I swear I’ll-“
He was cut off by you diving onto him and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you, Ren. I’m so happy you’re my friend.” You whispered.
Mihashi happily returned your hug, holding you close and smiling. “I do have to tell you something…”
You looked up, immediately concerned. “What’s wrong?”
In a mousy voice, Mihashi avoided your gaze and said: “I broke rule number one.”
Your heart suddenly leaped in your chest, had it seen something you hadn’t before? “Yeah?”
“Maybe I’ll need to break that rule myself”.
(C/N) was long forgotten that day, given that you had found the one who would be by your side forever.
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𝑌𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑢 𝑇𝑎𝑗𝑖𝑚𝑎
Sweet boy Tajima had been your best friend since diapers. Your moms were childhood friends, so they were quick to introduce the two of you.
When high school came around, the brunette had grown into an incredible young man. You knew that there were bound to be people fawning over him.
“Oye, Yuu’. We have to set some rules about relationships.” You said in a firm tone, “I don’t want you getting a partner and leaving me.”
The pinch hitter smiled, “Don’t worry. We’ll start with two.”
“Go ahead.”
“Rule number one! We can’t fall in love with each other.” Tajima said with a deadly serious face, “I know I’m dashingly handsome, and hard to resist, but you must!”
Giggling, you nodded, “Rule number two?”
“Rule number two! You can’t fall in love with any of my teammates.” He said with a cocked eyebrow, “I know, I know, we’re all just incredibly attractive, but you have to have some self control! I can’t have my best friend dating my teammates! I wouldn’t want to have to kill any of them for breaking your heart!”
You saluted him with a goofy look on your face. “Understood, sir!”
The two of you burst into uncontrollable laughter, barely able to keep your composure at your antics.
Overtime, you had begun to attend all of Tajima’s games. You wanted to be the best support system that you could be for him. And through those games, you met Azusa Hanai.
You found yourself falling hard for Hanai. You adored everything about him and your crush grew stronger and stronger every day.
One night, you called Tajima to just shoot the breeze with him.
“Yuu’, you won’t believe it, but I have such a big fat crush on someone it’s so bizarre.”
“Yeah?” He asked, putting his phone on speaker and scribbling down math problems in his notebook. “Tell me about them.”
“It’s a boy. He is super sweet and always checks up on me. He seems really intimidating, but he’s actually so dorky and kinda timid? I’ve liked him for about two months now, and I think I’ve fallen in love.”
“Sounds pretty serious.” He replied.
“I think… I think I’m gonna ask him out tomorrow.”
“Go for it. But... just be careful now. I don’t have enough of your favorite snacks on hand. Plus you know how much it hurts me to see you cry.”
“I know, Yuu’. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
After that, the two of you stayed on the phone talking about anything and everything. Among that everything was your plan to ask out your crush. The two of you decided on giving him a flower and telling him face to face.
The morning came and you rushed to purchase a small rose. You found Hanai after school and approached him anxiously.
“Uh, Hanai?” You said, tapping his shoulder.
The boy turned around, smiling upon seeing your face. “Heya, (Y/N)! What can I do for you!”
You toyed with the leaves of the rose with your thumb and forefinger. “I uh-“ you squeezed your eyes shut and sighed, “Ireallylikeyoualotandiwantedtoknowifyoudbemyboyfriend-“
“Woah woah, wait show it down.” The captain said with an amused smile.
“I really like you a lot, and I’d like to ask you to be my boyfriend.” You said, giving him the rose.
Hanai took it with a shocked look on his face, “I- oh. I am so very flattered, (Y/N). I just don’t return your feelings at this moment. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh! That’s okay!” You chirped, “I am happy you were honest with me. Please, keep the rose.” You said with a bow and a smile.
“Once again im so sorry-“
“It’s not a problem, Hanai. When you find someone who you love, they will be truly lucky.” After that comment you smiled and turned away from him.
You retreated to the rooftop, your usual favored spot to be alone. Your tears started flowing harshly and you couldn’t help the whimpers that ripped from your throat.
Meanwhile, Tajima spotted Hanai in the dugout. He said his usual hello to his teammate and prepared for practice. He noticed the look on his friend’s face. “Everything okay, Hanai? You look troubled.”
“Yeah I just had to reject one of my classmates’ confessions.” He replied, picking up the rose, “and they gave me such a pretty flower too.”
“Flower…?” Tajima asked absentmindedly. Suddenly it dawned on him. “No-“
“No no no!” The cleanup hitter almost fell over from the speed in which he took off from the dugout.
Tajima sprinted to the rooftop, knowing exactly where you’d be. “(Y/N)!” He cried out breathlessly, upon seeing your sobbing figure.
Your best friend immediately pulled you into a pretty forceful hug, still running in 3x speed. “I’m so sorry. I’ve got you, you’re gonna be okay.”
You hugged him back as you stained his white jersey with salty tears. “G-God im such an idiot… I never should’ve-“
���You’re not an idiot. You’re in love.” He replied in a whisper, taking hold of your hand.
“Yes I am! He doesn’t even like me and it’s my fault. Maybe I was just too forward. Maybe he just isn’t attracted to me because I’m not pretty or my personality is weird or-“ you blubbered, breaking out of the hug.
Tajima physically covered your mouth with his hand. “Stop. I won’t let you talk about my best friend like that. You made the right decision. You are the most beautiful and talented person I know. You have the most lovely smile and laugh and you shine brighter than the sun. Anyone who isn’t in love with you is in denial.” He stated firmly.
You released a watery chuckle, “Heh, Thanks Yuu’. I just wish I listened to those stupid rules you gave me. If I didn’t break rule number two, things would’ve been fine.”
“To hell with the rules!” He yelled absentmindedly, grabbing both of your shoulders gently. “I break rule number one every day and it hasn’t ruined any-“
Tajima broke out of his ramble with wide eyes and a blush that spread to his ears. You stared at him, lips parted and eyes hopeful.
“Um. You can forget I said th-“
“No!” You yelped, “I mean-“
The two of you stood on the rooftop, stuttering out answers back and forth for a good half hour. When the deal was sealed, you returned to the field with Tajima, hand in hand.
He’d have to kill Hanai for making you cry, but for now Tajima was content with knowing you were finally with the person who would love you for who you are.
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Frightful October ’21 🎃 #13 ~ Cyanide & Sugar (Izumi Kousuke)
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Genre: Fluff, Crime, Comedy
Word Count: 3,833
Pairing: Reader x Izumi
World: Ookiku Furikabutte
Table of Contents
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You waited until you heard the bathroom door close and the shower turn on before you snuck down the hall into your brother’s bedroom. Since he worked long hours as a cop and usually came home exhausted, the room was a complete mess. Dirty clothes were thrown everywhere, snack wrappers and empty chip bags were overflowing from the trash bin and his bed was littered with files, paperwork, and photographs.
You glanced out into the hall, hearing your brother singing off-key over the sound of the running water before you pulled the door to and rushed over to the bed. Rumors had been going around lately about some teenage boy being poisoned after ingesting some candy, but the police only said that they were investigating the issue and had no more comments. You knew it was more than just a rumor. Right after the story broke, your brother started going in earlier and coming home later, clearly dedicating his time to this case.
Now, you intended to find proof. What you were going to do with this information, you didn’t know, but you needed to know. Ever since you were a child, you had always sought out mysteries even where there were none, wanting to follow in the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes and Detective Conan. This often led you into more trouble than anything and your brother had warned you about trying to be a sleuth, not that you were any less determined to do so.
You settled down on the bed, flipping through the various manila folders to find any information that may be related to the poisoning. The file in question was on the very bottom of the pile, holding the least amount of information of them all. That wasn’t too surprising since the story only broke a week prior.
Your eyes quickly scanned the information and you learned that the victim was a third year in high school, a boy named Tatsuka who died from ingesting cyanide. It was believed that Halloween candy was the source, but they had no evidence to prove this.
You frowned, leaning back against the headboard. Most kids knew about the tall tales told each Halloween describing poisoned candy, some tainted with razors embedded deep within the sugary treats. Parents feared the possibility of this being true, warning their children and wanting to inspect the candy before their kids ate any. Their kids, on the other hand, didn’t believe in such stories and just wanted their sugary high.
Was this just a coincidence? Or was this the beginning of a series of candy-related murders?
You heard the shower turn off and cursed, quickly tossing the file back on the bottom of the pile and rushing for the door. You only just barely made it into your room before you heard the bathroom door creak open and your brother humming as he passed by.
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You knocked on the front door of the Mihashi’s home, waiting patiently for your aunt or cousin to open the door. You had spent the better part of the hour attempting to distract your brother so you could check his files again, but he wasn’t having it and eventually just told you to go visit your cousin down the block before he either committed murder or handcuffed you in the closet. Neither option seemed appealing, so you decided to honor his request.
Naoe Mihashi pulled open the door and a bright smile spread across her face before she pulled you into a tight hug. “Y/N, you should have told me you were stopping by! Come in out of the cold, I’ll make you some hot chocolate.”
“I was hoping you’d say that, oba-chan.” You grinned, following the older woman into the home. “No one makes hot chocolate like you do.”
“If you’re trying to flatter me, it’s working!” She laughed, putting her hand on her cheek.
“Is Ren home?”
“Yes. He’s in his room studying with his friends.”
“Oh?” You leaned back to see the staircase through the kitchen archway. “Which ones?”
“Tajima-kun and Izumi-kun.”
You perked up at the mention of Izumi, feeling your heart flutter in your chest. She seemed to notice how you brightened up and she smiled.
“Why don’t you go say hi? I’ll call for you once the hot chocolate once it’s ready.”
“Okay,” you grinned, not wasting a moment before you rushed up the stairs, coming to a stop in front of your cousin’s bedroom door, your knuckles rapping against the wood.
“Come in!”
You pushed the door open and smiled. “Hey, Ren.”
Ren’s face lit up when he saw you and he jumped up to greet you but he wasn’t fast enough. Tajima shot across the room like a rocket, his arms tight around your waist and his face buried in your chest. “Y/N~! I missed you so much.”
You tched, attempting to pry the boy off of you but he wouldn’t budge. Had he glued his hands together behind you? “You saw me yesterday at school, now let go.”
He pouted up at you. “I never get to see you because you’re a third year, it’s not fair.”
“That honestly sounds like a you problem.” You put both hands on his forehead and shoved as hard as you could, taking him by surprise but he recovered quickly, slipping out of your grip so he could tighten his arms.
Izumi sighed, standing up to try and assist you. “Will you let go? This is why Y/N never visits us.”
You met his dark blue eyes and smiled, biting your lip to stop yourself from doing to him what Tajima was currently doing to you. You figured that would be a bit hypocritical. “Thanks.”
“Of course,” he smiled back, grabbing the back of Tajima’s shirt and tugging him back, finally managing to pry him away from you.
Ren stood up slowly, playing with his hands as he glanced at you before looking away only to look back at you and then look away again, waiting for you to give him the okay before he moved closer to you. You chuckled at his demeanor, opening your eyes out to him. His eyes sparkled with happiness as he rushed forward to wrap his arms around you.
You hugged him softly, patting the top of his soft brown locks. “How are you doing?”
He pulled away, smiling softly as he motioned toward the table where the other two boys sat. “We’re studying for a test on Monday. Do you… want to help?”
“Uh…” You rubbed the back of your neck, giving him a sheepish smile. “I’m not much smarter than you guys, but I can certainly try.” You settled down at one of the four corners of the square table, sliding your legs beneath the blanket to keep warm.
While you did your best to help them with their studying, you kept finding yourself getting distracted. How could you not, when Izumi was sitting across from you looking so damn adorable? He’d try and solve the problem, biting his lip as he read it over and over again before running his hand through his hair, making it look messier than usual. Ah, if only he wasn’t your cousin’s friend, you’d totally be asking him out.
Tajima exhaled dramatically, sprawling across the small table and disrupting the other two boys. “Y/N, are you gonna go trick or treating with us?”
Izumi tugged his workbook from beneath the boy’s arm, sending him a pointed look. “Of course not. Y/N is too old for that.”
“You make me sound ancient.” You frowned, crossing your arms over your chest. You didn’t know which worried you more – the fact that he thought you were old or the fact that they were planning on going trick or treating when there was a poisoner running wild. “Maybe you guys should just, I don’t know, throw a party or something instead.”
Tajima’s eyes lit up. “That’s a great idea! We can host it at the school!”
You doubted the staff would sign off on that, but you were just satisfied that you had dissuaded them from their previous plans. “It doesn’t hurt to try. Hell, you can even start a petition, get everyone to sign.”
“You can’t be serious.” Izumi looked between the two of you wearily, trying to figure out what was going through your head. “No one is going to want to spend Halloween at the school when they can go trick or treating.”
You frowned, leaning forward to rest your arms on the table. “There will be unlimited candy without the effort. Who wouldn’t love that?”
Naoe appeared in the doorway. “The hot chocolate is ready and the cookies will be ready in a few minutes.”
“Sweet!” Tajima jumped up, rushing out of the room with an excited Ren close behind.
Izumi waited until she followed the boys downstairs before he leaned toward you. “Why are you pushing this so hard?”
You looked into his eyes, wondering if you should tell him the truth. You didn’t want to freak him out, though. “I just… want you guys to be safe.”
“Why wouldn’t we be safe?”
“The world is a crazy place, you never know what -” You stopped yourself and offered him a smile. “Come on, before the drinks get cold.”
Before you could stand, he reached over and rested his hand over yours, making your body freeze up and your mind short circuit. “Are you worried about those rumors?”
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his hand, swallowing hard before answering. “Um… maybe.”
“They’re just rumors,” he replied confidently. “We’ll be fine, so stop worrying so much.” And just like that, he removed his hand before leaving the room.
You rested your hand over your racing heart, cursing yourself for being so weak around him. More importantly, you were worried that he still intended to go trick or treating. The thought of him eating poisoned candy had your heart racing for an entirely different reason.
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Knowing that Izumi refused to be swayed by the rumors, you decided to try a different tactic. If you solved the case before Halloween, he and your cousin would be safe because the culprit would be behind bars. With this in mind, you entered sleuth mode and everyone was a suspect. You started following people around, taking note of their movements and their purchases, their meetings, even their daily meals – no information was safe from you and your determination.
You pushed your sunglasses up when they started to slip down your nose, the baseball cap pulled down to shade your eyes, and a mask covering the lower half of your nose. Since it was cold, you also wore your black hoodie, the hood half on your head. No matter who looked at you, they thought you were suspicious as hell, especially when they realized you were watching a young girl, jotting down notes every few minutes.
The girl, a second-year named Mika, entered the candy store which, to you, seemed highly suspicious. If she was the poisoner, she would need candy! Determined to catch her in the act, you started toward the candy store only for a hand to grab your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks. With a scowl, you whipped around.
“What the hell, ma – oh, hello officer.”
The officer quirked a brow, giving you a once over. “We had several calls of a suspicious person stalking a young girl. I don’t suppose you know anything about that?”
“No, I don’t. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m busy.” You tried to continue on your way but his hand was still firmly on your shoulder, keeping you in place.
“I’m going to have to ask you to come with me.”
Before you could reply, your brother came walking up, holding a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. “Did you find the creep?”
You scowled. “I am no creep!”
“Y/N?” Your brother’s brow shot up in surprise and he reached forward to remove your glasses. “You’re the creep?”
“I just said I’m not a creep, man.”
The first officer looked at his partner wearily. “You know this creep?”
“I swear to god -“
“Yeah, that creep is my sibling.”
“Son of a – I’m not a creep!”
“Y/N, is that you?”
Your body tensed at the new voice coming from behind you, one so familiar that you’d recognize it anywhere. You sent your brother an SOS look but he just sipped his coffee, earning a glare from you before you slowly turned to face Izumi, a sheepish smile on your face. “H-Hey, Izumi…”
“Why are you dressed like a creep?”
Your brother snorted, spilling coffee onto the ground. You glared at him but he just smirked, looking at his partner. “Come on, let’s get back to our patrol.”
“Yeah, sure.” The first officer sent you a look, shook his head, and then followed your brother away.
You cleared your throat as you turned back to Izumi. “So… what brings you here?”
He nodded his head toward the candy store. “My mom asked me to buy candy to hand out for Halloween. What about you?”
Your eyes flickered to the store, wondering if you had lost the girl in the commotion. “Um… I was just walking by.”
He smiled. “Do you want to join me?”
“Yes,” you replied without much thought, following the boy into the store. You looked around for your suspect but she was gone, making you curse. “Izumi… are you still going to go trick or treating?”
He hummed, picking up a bag of assorted candies. “You’re not still worried about it, are you?”
You didn’t reply as you looked around the store. When you were satisfied that no one was within earshot, you leaned closer to him, lowering your voice. “Look, I didn’t want to say anything until I had proof, but I looked through my brother’s files.”
Izumi gave you a pointed look. “He’s going to kill you if he finds out.”
You waved him off. “That’s beside the point. There’s an ongoing investigation, the rumors are true – some teenager was poisoned after ingesting candy laced with cyanide.”
His eyes widened as they turned to you and he nearly dropped the bag he was holding. “Are you… you’re serious about this?”
“Unfortunately. I know I have no right to ask you, but…” You reached for his hand, looking deep into his eyes. “Please… don’t eat any candy until this is solved. I swear I will catch the culprit.”
He shifted his hand so he could link his fingers through yours. “It’s too dangerous for you to chase after a killer. You have to leave it to the police.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve totally got this.”
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“I don’t got this,” you breathed out heavily, your heart pounding against your chest. Your back was pressed against the barn wall, hidden behind a stack of wheat that had been compacted into rectangles. The killer was nearby, hunting for you so he could stop you before you blew the whistle on his plans.
How had it come to this?
Well, you had been following the English teacher to see what he was up to when you received a text message from an unknown number. The message was fairly simple, claiming to have information that could lead you to the poisoner in question, but they said they were scared for their life and refused to meet in public. They wanted to meet at the old barn at the edge of town.
Now, every fiber of your being said this was a bad idea. You knew it was, but… if their information was legit, they could lead you to the killer and if you caught the killer, you would be the hero that saved Halloween. Izumi would look at you with admiration and maybe even love. How could you possibly pass up that opportunity?
Simple. You couldn’t.
How were you supposed to know that it was the killer trying to lure you out to your doom? That kind of thing is only supposed to happen in the movies!
You took a deep breath to try and calm your nerves. ‘Keep it together, Y/N. You are strong and awesome. So what if this guy has already killed someone and possibly hid a corpse in the woods? He’s got nothing on you!’ You winced at the thought. Okay, maybe not the best way to hype yourself up.
The doors of the barn slowly creaked open, moonlight spilling into the darkness. In his hand was a syringe filled with cyanide, his weapon of choice for your murder. His dark eyes scanned the empty barn, looking for any sign of disturbances that could point him in the direction you had gone.
You swallowed hard, taking small breaths so he wouldn’t hear you. What were you going to do? First, you had to figure out how to get that syringe away from him. You pictured all those action movies you’ve watched, where they did these fancy kicks to get the gun away from the criminal. You could certainly give it a try, but flexibility was not on your side and neither was martial arts. That left you with only one thing – the element of surprise and your strong will.
‘Wait, that’s two things. Plus, he probably has a strong will to murder me and a strong will to not get caught… but I have a stronger will, powered by love! So let’s do this, you bastard.’ Your eyes fell on a rusted pitchfork that sat a foot away from you, stabbed into a mess of hay. That could work well in your favor since it kept you far enough away to avoid the syringe but still gave you room to attack. You slowly edged your way along the wall, reaching for the tool. You gripped the handle so tightly that your knuckles hurt, but that was the least of your worries. ‘It’s time to be a hero and win over Izumi’s heart!’
With a battle cry, you darted from around the stack of hay, brandishing the pitchfork in front of you like a battering ram.
“Freeze! Put the weapon down or we’ll shoot!”
You froze in place at the demand, a flashlight being shone in your face as several men wearing bulletproof vests aimed their guns at you. The killer was on his knees, hands in the air as one of the officers moved to handcuff him. The syringe of cyanide was laying a few feet away, the needle stuck in the wooden floorboard.
“Drop the weapon!” the officer barked again.
Though you needed to be told twice, you dropped the pitchfork before he finished his sentence, your hands shooting up into the air. This is so not how you pictured this night coming to an end. The cops were going to take credit for your hard work!
“Don’t shoot! That’s my sibling!” Your brother pushed through the crowd of officers, his expression panicked as he rushed over to you, pulling you into a tight hug. This was especially jarring because he had never been the hugging type. “What the hell were you thinking, you idiot?”
You frowned over his shoulder, watching the man be whisked away by a group of cops. ‘There goes my chance to be the hero…’
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You lay on your bed, staring up at the ceiling as you tossed up a baseball, catching it in your hand before tossing it up again. Your brother had grounded you for the next six years, which meant you weren’t allowed to leave the house and you weren’t allowed to enjoy Halloween. On the bright side, the killer was now behind bars, the poisoned candy was confiscated, and your friends were safe to enjoy as much sugar as they wanted. As part of your punishment, your brother refused to allow your name to be added to the news story and they just ended up thanking an ‘unnamed student that helped police in the capture.’
Even if you wanted to tell people that you were the unnamed student, you doubted they would believe you. They’d probably just say you were grabbing for attention, which didn’t really bother you, but you worried about if Izumi would feel the same way.
“Knock, knock.”
You glanced over at the door. “Izumi!” You forgot about the ball and it fell down onto your head, making you wince.
The corner of his lips twitched up in amusement as he walked farther into the room. “How are you? Mihashi said you were grounded.”
“Yeah… I’m fine all things considered.” You shifted so your back was against the headboard and you picked up the baseball, fidgeting with it.
“What did you do?” He settled down at your desk, looking at you curiously.
“It was the files. He found out about them.”
Izumi hummed. “Really?”
“I assumed it was because you nearly died after confronting the killer.”
Your eyes widened, snapping over to him. “How…”
“Mihashi told me. He started crying when he found out.”
“Oh…” Guilt filled you at the thought of your cousin curled into himself, tears flowing from his eyes as he pictured your lifeless body.
“What you did was really stupid.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“Do you have any idea how scared I was when he told me what you did? I thought…” He bit his lip as you turned your head to meet his eyes. “I thought I had lost you.”
“You’ll never lose me,” you mumbled.
“Why did you do it?” he questioned softly. “Why are you so obsessed with being the hero?”
“For you.”
“I wanted to impress you,” you frowned, leaning your head back to look up at the ceiling. “I thought if I became the hero and saved Halloween, I could finally confess to you and actually have a chance.”
“You don’t have to be a hero to get my attention,” he replied, a soft blush on his cheeks. “You’ve had my attention since day one.”
You met his eyes, looking for any sign that he was joking or messing with you, but you found only sincerity. “I really like you, Izumi Kousuke.”
He smiled, standing up so he could settle down on the side of your bed. “I really like you, too, Y/N,” he told you softly, leaning forward to capture your lips. You smiled into the kiss, gripping his shirt and tilting your head. It was just as amazing as you had always dreamed it would be.
Frantic clapping filled the room, making the two of you break apart and look toward the door where Mihashi stood, looking as happy as a child on Christmas. “I-I’m so happy for you, Y/N-chan! You finally confessed to him!”
You chuckled, giving him a thumbs up. Izumi shook his head but he couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face as he reached for your hand.
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OK so I was talking to my friend and she sent me this and I quote
"Loki and Hela may be tops, but Thor is an absolute power bottom."
I'm crying
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
10 Year Retrospective, Month #2: Throwback to February 2011
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As we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Beneath the Tangles, we want to take some time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate our ten years, but also to see where we were and how far we’ve come as a site and collectively as anime fans. For most months this year, we’ll do that by looking back at a particular year and at the month corresponding to that year. For instance, last month we started this off by looking at January 2010. Today we throw back to February 2011.
We’ll dive into anime a bit, but I want to us to look at what else was happening at this time in 2011. Here are the most popular songs, movies, and series on this very day nine years ago:
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Top Selling Album: NOW 37, Various artists [Amazon]
Number One Song: “Born this Way,” Lady Gaga [Amazon]
Top Movie: Hall Pass ($13.5 mil) [Amazon]
Most Watched TV Show: 83rd Academy Awards
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Here’s what was happening in the world nine years ago this month…
There is significant unrest in countries around the world, continuing massive governmental shifts in the Middle East and North Africa, as Bahrain begins to experience instability and Libya moves closer to Civil War.
President Obama determined that the Defense of Marriage Act, which prevents federal recognition of same-sex marriage, is unconstitutional.
The most powerful solar flare in four years erupted, disrupting communications in China.
In the most-watched television show in history, the Green Bay Packers defeat the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XLV, 31-25.
Inception, The Social Network, and The King’s Speech are the big winners at the 83rd Academy Awards, with the latter winning best motion picture. Colin Firth takes home best actor for the same film and Natalie Portman wins best actress for Perfect Blue Black Swan.
It’s hard to believe that Steins;gate is now nine years old. It burst onto the scene in April of 2011, gathering steam (and admirers) each week and eventually hurtling toward a celebrated conclusion. But it wasn’t the only would-be classic released in 2011. We also saw Puella Magi Madoka Magica come out that year, along with Nichijou and Fate/zero. It truly was the year of Gen Urobuchi, as he slayed our emotions as the writer of two of those works: PMMM and Fate/zero. Those franchises, of course, remain strongly integrated in the anime fandom, with Fate/Grand Order series coming out each season recently and Madoka getting a side story anime this year.
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art by 白祈QSR (reprinted w/permission)
Other critical darlings of 2011 included Usagi Drop, Level E, Mawaru Penguindrum, and Hourou Musuko. We also joke about how long it took this show to get a third season (and unexpected delight for sure), but to give you a frame of reference, it was in 2011 that Chihayafuru originally premiered. A number of series that have retained popularity since then also made their debuts: Anohana, Blue Exorcist, Deadman Wonderland, No. 6, and the reboot of Hunter x Hunter.
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Dozens of anime movies were released in Japanese theaters, including Shinkai’s most obviously Ghibli-influenced work, Children Who Chase Lost Voices, and Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos. And tons and tons of other anime series were released—see any favorites of yours among this smattering of shows?
Hanasaku Iroha
Infinite Stratos
Kamisama Dolls
Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Sing
Tiger & Bunny
2011 was probably singularly most important year for Beneath the Tangles. Up until around that time, I had always characterized myself as a “quitter.” When things got tough, I got going. I always just assumed it would be the same with blogging—that I even made it from the site’s launch in summer 2010 into the near year was a surprise, but that we were still going through 2011, the first full year of the blog, was astounding to me. It was truly the grace of God, him wanting to use this blog for something and to change me for his purposes. And as he accomplished his work, four key things fell into place in 2011:
I was joined by our first staff writers. R86, who is still blogging away, was the first to join. His initial article as a staff writer wasn’t about his favorite baseball anime, Oofuri, but about another classic one: Major. He was joined later that year on staff by Goldy and then Lynna. It was a wonderful team, and one that expanded our reach and put out terrific content, helping me grow so much as a writer as they challenged me with their excellent thoughts on a variety of shows, as well as by their friendship.
A number of foundational posts went up, those that consistently drew readers into our blog and continued to do so for years. Article like my review of Endo’s Silence, the Finding the Invisible God series, and my elementary (and now, I’ve concluded, wrong) analysis of Gilles de Rais boosted our readership, bringing in devoted subscribers and providing a source of encouragement.
If my first few months of blogging was primarily about building relationships with other anibloggers, 2011 was about cultivating those new ties. I did this through conventional means, but also through the Aniblogger Testimony series, where I invited other anibloggers to talk about their own spiritual journeys. It was a vital component to our blog and a building block of our mission to create bridges in the otaku community. It all started with a survey I sent out to every aniblogger I could find, one that was helped along by Lauren Orsini, who was kind enough to create graphical representations for me. A lot of bloggers stood up and took notice of what we were doing as something unique and maybe helpful; a couple went the opposite direction and angrily denounced me (publicly). It was a wild time.
We started doing what we do best for the first time. In 2011, I started covering currently airing series, particularly shows like Hourou Musuko, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Usagi Drop, and Mawaru Penguindrum. Now, most of our anime coverage is about what’s airing right now. We also started featuring article types that are now consistently part of our coverage: interviews (here’s one with singer Cait Plage and another with academic Jolyon Thomas), reviews, first impression posts, and our first Rez Week posts, where we focus on one topic all week long (the first was one Nicholas D. Wolfwood). I also started developing relationships with anime and manga production companies, and actually got in over my head, such as when I told one company I would do episodic posts for Angel Beats: I soon found my fervor for the series was completely gone and I couldn’t deliver as promised.
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I was working it so hard, and so excited about the relationships I was building (most of which have, unfortunately, withered away) that I spent way too many of my work hours doing my hobby. My bosses noticed. But God works even (and especially) through our weaknesses, and I found better balance in future years and, strangely enough, work with some of those same managers today in different capacities, with some now serving under me!
I hope enjoyed this look into the recent past, both on a bigger, societal level and at Beneath the Tangles. We’ll keep up this throughout 2020. Come join us again next month, as we tackle March 2012.
Featured art by つーはん (reprinted w/permission)
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ADMIN USE ONLY These questions only need yes or no answers. They’re not commitments if you say yes, simply organizational tools. Are you interested in finding critique groups/partners?  yes Are you interested in being a beta-reader?  yes Are you open to being tagged in writing questionnaires/asks/games?  yes Are you open to being messaged to talk about writing?  yes Are you open to being tagged to participate in writing discussions?   yes Would you like to participate in Writeblr by Region?  yes Would you like to participate in the Translation Corner?  no       If so, which languages would you like to be listed under?
Short Profile: Preferred Nickname:  Cam Country/Region:  US/North America Languages:  English Preferred Writing Type:  fiction; novels, short stories, occasionally fanfiction and poems and songs Preferred Genre(s) to Write:  meta, realistic fiction, literary fiction, fantasy, young adult, lgbtqa+ fiction Preferred Genre(s) to Read:  literary fiction, fantasy, young adult fiction, lgbtqa+ fiction Favorite Book(s) and Author(s):  The Infernal Devices (Cassandra Clare), Gregor the Overlander, (Suzanne Collins) Cat’s Cradle (Kurt Vonnegut), Never Let Me Go (Kazuo Ishiguro), Milk and Honey (Rupi Kaur), Everyday (David Levithan), The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Mitch Albom), The Phantom Tollbooth (Norton Juster), Slaughterhouse Five (Vonnegut), A Mango Shaped Space (Wendy Mass), Tuesdays with Morrie (Albom), Eragon (Christopher Paolini), Every Soul a Star (Mass), Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life (Mass) Let the Great World Spin (Colum McCann), The Night Circus (Erin Morgenstern), Fangirl (Rainbow Rowell), The Darkest Minds (Alexandra Bracken), Howl's Moving Castle (Diana Wynne Jones), The Giver (Lois Lowry), Gossamer (Lowry), The Outsiders (S.E. Hinton) Favorite Music Genre(s)/Artists(s):  Passion Pit, John Mayer, Ed Sheeran, Bon Iver, Paul Simon, Simon and Garfunkel, Modest Mouse, Alt-J, The Way Down Wanderers, Passenger, James Taylor, Fun., Lee DeWyze, Sara Bareilles, ODESZA, Daughter, I Fight Dragons Favorite Fandom(s):     Movies:  Kubo and the Two Strings, The Little Prince, The Polar Express, Inside Out, Inception     TV Shows:  Shadowhunters, Criminal Minds, Riverdale     Anime:  Anohana, Durarara, Yuri!!! on Ice, Kodocha, Bleach, Barakamon, Kimi ni Todoke, 07-Ghost, Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Lovely Complex, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Magi, Haikyuu!!, Oofuri, Chihayafuru, Days     Comics:  Snailed It, Nightmare Factory, This is Not Fiction, King’s Folly, Toxic for You, Humor Me, Green & Gold, Spaceboy, George and Johnny, Ultramarine Weather, Flowerpot, A Matter of Life and Death, Sheep + Wolf, Yellow Hearts, Kingdom of Rejects, Cat & Pickle, A Mirror’s Tale, Maggot Boy, The Lonely Moon, Ghostblade, 1111 Comics, Kind of Confidential, Fisheye Placebo, Cheese in the Trap, Super Secret, UnTouchable     Video Games:  Lumino City Hobbies/interests other than writing:  rock climbing, playing guitar
Extended Profile: Personality Zodiac Sign:  Sagittarius —Does it match your personality?  I don’t know enough about it to say, MBTI Type: INFP —Does it match your personality well?  Yes, but I have also gotten INTP and INTJ, and those match as well Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert
Writing Habits Number/Names of WIPs:  Clearly, Don’t Listen Favorite book about writing:  Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott) Planner, Pantser or Plantser?  Plantser Favorite Outlining Method:  Notecards or Scrivener’s outlining tool Do you write on a schedule or sporadically?  Sporadically, theoretically daily, though Any creativity rituals that you use:  I give all of my writing documents titles that are something along the lines of “The Worst Piece of Writing Ever” to counteract my perfectionist side.  For the same reason, I often type without any caps and turn off grammar/spellcheck.
Your Writing Community Tumblr:  it’s okay they’re just words Current writing/creative communities you participate in:  NaNoWriMo Community Name (if applicable):  Campion41 Wattpad Community Name (if applicable):  CampionStar fanfiction.net or AO3 Community Name (if applicable):  n/a DeviantArt Community Name (if applicable):  n/a Patreon Community Name (if applicable):  n/a
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Me, who’s blog is stuffed to the brim with drafts and emergency requests: I wanna write big windup x reader :)
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Hey followers!
Just a reminder that Demon Slayer and Big Windup have been added to my emergency requests!
I will be making a guide post soon.
Do not be afraid to request! I have a good handful of some still to be written, but you are seen, appreciated and loved.
Anything to make you feel better I will take the chance and run with it!!
(Also like I want to write for some of these characters soooo)
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